Developing activities for children with a psychologist. Exercise "Relay of friendship". Graphics Exercises

Purpose: development of cognitive processes: attention, memory, thinking.


  • expand children's knowledge of wild animals,
  • develop perception, voluntary attention, memory, thinking, fine motor skills, voluntary behavior

Duration of the lesson: 30 min.

Equipment: laptop, presentation, bells recording, recording "Deer has a big house" , Su-Jok ball, workbook, pencil

1. "Bells" (slide 1)

Purpose: relieve muscle and emotional tension.

Do you like magic? Do you want to get into the forest? Bells will give us magic power to get into the forest. Close your eyes and listen to the chime. The more attentively you listen, the more power you will receive. Open your eyes, we are already in the forest.

2. Game "They live in the forest ..." (slide 2)

Purpose: development of memory, attention, classification operations

Course of the game: The adult begins the game with the words: “They live in the forest ... The child repeats after the leader and calls his own, etc.

3. Game "Count the animals in the forest" (slide 3)

Purpose: development of visual attention, thinking

The child is offered a picture with superimposed images of wild animals. It is necessary to name and count them.

4. Exercise "Logic series" (slide 4,5, 6, 7)

Purpose: Development of logical thinking, to consolidate the ability to identify patterns and justify your choice

Animals were playing in each clearing, only the third one did not come. Your task is to determine who is lost?

Squirrel, hare, hedgehog
Hare, hedgehog, squirrel
Hedgehog, squirrel ,?
Fox, wolf, bear
Bear, fox, wolf
Wolf, bear,?

5 / Exercises with a ball with a Su - Jok massager using a computer presentation / (slide 8)

Purpose: to influence biologically active points according to the Su-Jok system, to stimulate the speech zones of the cerebral cortex.

On a glade, on a lawn / roll a ball between palms /

Bunnies rode all day. / jump on a palm with a ball /

And rolled on the grass, / roll forward - backward /

From the tail to the head.

For a long time the hares jumped like that, / jump on the palm of the hand with a ball /

But they jumped, tired. / put the ball on your palm /

They crawled past the snake, / lead in the palm of your hand /

"Good morning!" - they were told.

I began to iron and caress

The mother hare will give birth to all of them. / stroke each finger with a ball /

6. Graphically dictation "Hare" (slide 9)

Purpose: Development of voluntary attention, orientation on a sheet of paper in a cage, spatial, auditory perception.

Step back 5 cells to the left, 2 cells from the top, put a dot and start drawing.

7. Game "Deer has a big house" (slide 10)

Purpose: to develop voluntary behavior, to coordinate words and actions.

For each phrase of the verse, its own movement is performed:

At the deer (hands up to head like deer antlers)

The house is big (hands above head "House" )

He looks out his window (with two hands, first vertically, then horizontally the window is depicted)

Hare (palms to head like hare ears)

running through the forest (clench hands in fists, bend elbows, imitate running)

Knocking on his door: (fist "Get confused" )

"Knock-knock, open the door (depict how the door opens)

Out there in the woods (show thumb back over shoulder)

the hunter is evil! " (portray a gun)

"Hare, hare, run in (again portray a hare)

Give me a paw! " (give your hand)

8. Game "The fourth extra" (slide 11, 12, 13, 14)

Purpose: to develop the ability to classify objects on an essential basis, to generalize

Squirrel, fox, wolf, cat

Squirrel, hare, hedgehog, fungus

9. Bells

Synopsis of a psychologist's lesson with children 4-6 years old during the period of adaptation to a preschool educational institution

Author: Baikova Olga Sergeevna, teacher-psychologist of the MBDOU OV "Zolotaya Rybka" with priority implementation of activities for the physical development of children, Lyantor.

Material description: The problem of a 4-6 year old child getting used to a preschool institution is complicated by the fact that the child finds himself in a formed children's collective, with its laws and rules. To ensure the psychological safety of the child during the period of adaptation to the preschool educational institution, I conduct classes with children with elements of training.
The main goal of the classes: to contribute to the creation of a positive mood, the cohesion of the group, to develop feelings of trust among the participants in each other, to form an atmosphere of mutual support in the group, the acceptance of each other by children, the formation of a sense of the value of others and self-worth, the development of verbal and non-verbal means of communication. I bring to your attention the first lesson.
When compiling the lessons, I used the following literature:
1. E.Kocheva Program to optimize communication in kindergarten.
2. Klaus Fopel "Hello, legs!"
3. SV Kryukova "Let's live together", "I'm surprised, angry, afraid, bragging and happy."
4. IL Artsishevskaya "Correctional classes of a psychologist with hyperactive children in kindergarten."

Lesson "Let's get to know each other!"

Tasks: contribute to the creation of a favorable emotional atmosphere in the group, the acceptance of each other by children, the formation of a sense of the value of others and self-worth, the development of verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

Course of the lesson
1. The ritual of greeting
Purpose: creating a positive mood in the group; develop the ability to use affectionate words in communication with each other, maintain a benevolent attitude of children towards each other throughout the day.
Psychologist: Good morning guys. I'm glad to see you Let's all join hands together, stand in a circle and sing:
“Morning begins, together we meet.
We are glad to each other.
(Child's name) here and… .here,… .here,… here,… here.
All here!
Let's enjoy the sun and the birds (children raise their hands in the air)
And also we will rejoice at smiling faces (smile at each other)
And to everyone who lives on this planet (shrug their shoulders)
"Good morning!" let's say all together. (hold hands)

2. Game "Those who change places ..."
Purpose: to relieve emotional stress, the formation of a sense of the value of others and self-worth, group cohesion.
Psychologist: “Let's play an interesting game with you. I will name the actions of people, their hobbies, and you have to listen carefully and if it suits you, then you get up and change places with someone who ...
- likes to run
- enjoys good weather
- has a younger sister, etc.
(This exercise can be carried out with the children in each lesson, changing or repeating the questions. Analysis of the exercise - after the answers, the children are asked which of them has a younger sister, and who likes to run, etc., who was the most attentive, and who opened from a new side).

3. The game "Walk in a circle"
Children, holding hands, form a circle. The driver becomes inside the circle. Moving slowly to the right or left in a circle, the players sing along to a song in which the name of the driver is mentioned:
We walk in circles, one after another.
Hey guys, don't yawn!
All that _the name of the child will show us.
We will repeat in unison!
The circle stops, and the driver shows any movements (jumping like a frog, taking a funny pose ...) All the guys must exactly repeat his movements. After that, the driver approaches one of the children in the circle and bows. The one who is worshiped becomes the leader.

4. The game “This is me. Get to know me! "
Purpose: development of the ability to sympathize, empathize with another person, tactile perception.
The psychologist invites the children to sit down as it is convenient for them: “Now the one who wants to be the first will step away, sit down and turn his back on the others. All the others in turn should come up, gently pat him on the shoulder with words of greeting. You need to know the one who is touching and give his name. "
5. Game exercise "Making a Miracle"
Purpose: rallying the group, developing the ability to provide positive signs of attention to peers.
Children take a "magic flashlight", walk towards each other, touch their shoulders and ask: "How can I help you? What can I do for you? " The answers can be situational: "smile", "dance", "sing" or promising - then the children agree on a place, time for the "Creation of a miracle" (build a house together, draw)
6. Relaxation. Create the sun in yourself
(the exercise can be done while lying on a carpet or asking the children to take a comfortable, relaxed position).
The psychologist says in a quiet calm voice: “There is the sun in nature. It shines and loves and warms everyone. Let's create the sun in ourselves. Close your eyes, imagine a little star in your heart. We mentally direct to her a ray that carries love. We feel the asterisk grow larger. We direct the ray with goodness, the asterisk has become even larger. I send rays to the star that bring health, joy, warmth, light, tenderness, affection. Now the star is getting big like the sun. It brings warmth to everyone, everyone, everyone (hands to the sides). "

7. Ritual of the end of the lesson "Let's say goodbye in different ways"
Each of our meetings will end in a circle, we will discuss our meeting, who liked what, what he would like to repeat, change. (for discussion, you can use a soft toy, a ball, etc.), when everyone has expressed their opinion, we will say goodbye to you in different ways, you can use your palms, elbows, knees, backs, etc. You can invite children to choose one of them, who comes up with one of them how to say goodbye after class ..

The program of developmental classes "World of Psychology" "fig. 1" contains: a description of the structure of the program; detailed script of lessons (by the number of working weeks per year); workbooks for children entering school and first graders "fig. 2", "fig. 3"; visual materials and a list of used literature.

The goals of the program are to develop cognitive abilities, creative abilities, some social skills of children, as well as in the development of group structures and processes, maintaining a favorable intragroup climate, rallying and developing the children's community, in disclosing children of their capabilities and abilities.

When conducting classes with toddlers(from 4 - 5 to 6 - 7 years) an additional goal is the development of arbitrariness.

For future first graders- preparing children for an interview when entering school.

For first graders and fifth graders- psychological and pedagogical support at the stage of adaptation of children in new school conditions for them.

For graduation classes- increasing self-awareness and self-determination.

Classes are based on modern psychological concepts of human nature, taking into account the characteristics of children of this age.

The extensive psychological diagnostics included in the program is a professional fulcrum in the implementation of the set goals.

Program objectives

Creation of conditions that provide children with free expression of emotional states.
Teaching the ways of group interaction.
Establishing good relationships in the group. Development of empathy.
Cohesion and development of the children's community.
Development of planning and forecasting ability.
Development of skills to use existing knowledge in new conditions.
Through playing roles and fairy-tale images, realize their own difficulties, their causes and find ways to overcome them. Give students the opportunity to believe in themselves.
Promote the development of cognitive processes.
Develop the necessary skills in difficult situations.
Understand and accept yourself “as I am”.

Organization of classes

Classes can be conducted both with a group of children and with the whole class.

Classes for toddlers built around a board game "fig. 4", where each step is a game on a given topic (this type of developmental lessons with a psychologist is designed for the entire academic year: 37 lessons, once a week; the duration of the lesson is 20 - 30 minutes)

Block of preparatory lessons for future first graders(designed for 7 weeks twice a week or for 14 weeks once a week; duration of the lesson 25 - 30 minutes)

Psychology lessons on first stage of education(Grade 1) for one academic year (31 lessons, one lesson per week; duration of lesson 40 - 45 minutes).

Classes in the first grades are accompanied by a journey through the magical world of psychology, using a map "fig. 5", which very well motivates children to work.

Additional exercises for grades 2-4 are attached, so this program can be used for all grades of primary school.

Psychology lessons on transition to middle link(Grade 5) (33 lessons, one lesson per week; lesson duration 40 - 45 min.)

Psychology lessons in high school(14 sessions, once every two weeks; session duration 45 - 60 min.)

Much attention in the program is paid to classes in the computer class. "fig. 6", "fig. 7".

Lesson structure

Before each lesson, the goal is prescribed, the materials used in the lesson.

Lesson structure: warm-up, conversation, work on the topic of the lesson (list of exercises), final exercise, feedback.

Toddler Activity Plan

Steps in the game: “Travel”, “Zoo”, “School”, “Fairy Tale”, “Cubes”, “Problem”, “Write and Draw”, “Imagination”, “Riddle”, “Rest”, “Competition”, "Music".

Children's age

Section I Emotional sphere

1. Introductory lesson (acquaintance, establishing contact)

1 lesson

1 lesson

1 lesson

2. Our emotions

4 lessons

4 lessons

4 lessons

3. Self-assessment

2 lessons

2 lessons

2 lessons

II section Cognitive abilities

1. Development of gross and fine motor skills

9 lessons

4 lessons

4 lessons

2. Perception

7 lessons

4 lessons

4 lessons

3. Attention

5 lessons

7 lessons

6 lessons

4. Memory

4 lessons

6 lessons

5. Thinking

6 lessons

8 lessons

7 lessons

III section Fairytale therapy

World around us

3 lessons

3 lessons

3 lessons

Preparatory lesson plan for future first graders

Section I Emotional sphere

Topic of the section: “Our feelings” (duration 5 lessons)

1. Introductory lesson (acquaintance, establishing contact) - 1 lesson.
2. Our emotions - 1 lesson.
3. Difficulties and rules at school - 2 lessons.
4. Self-assessment - 1 lesson.

II section Cognitive abilities

Topic of the section: “Our thoughts” (duration 9 lessons)

1. Diagnostics - 2 lessons.
2. Perception - 1 lesson.
3. Attention - 1 lesson.
4. Hand-eye coordination - 1 lesson.
5. Thinking - 2 lessons.
6. Memory - 2 lessons.

Psychology lesson plan in the first stage of education (grade 1)

Topic of the section: “Secrets of my soul” (duration 11 lessons).

“Hello, World of Psychology” - 1 lesson.
2. Diagnostics:
"What am I?" - 2 lessons.
3. Problems of children at school:
“Schoolchildren's Difficulties” - 1 lesson.
“Our school” - 1 lesson.
4. Emotions and feelings:
“Our Feelings” - 1 lesson.
“Anger” - 1 lesson.
“Joy” - 1 lesson.
5. Human qualities:
“Dark and Light in People” - 1 lesson.
6. Self-assessment:
“How good I am” - 2 lessons.

II section Fairytale therapy

Topic of the section: "The world of a fairy tale" (duration 5 lessons).

Positive psychological climate in the classroom:
“We are the most friendly” - 1 lesson.
Fairytale therapy:
"The world of a fairy tale" - 2 lessons.
“We have guests” - 1 lesson.
"Drawing a fairy tale" - 1 lesson.

Topic of the section: "How smart I am" (duration 13 lessons)

1. Perception:
“How we see the world” - 1 lesson.
2. Hand-eye coordination:
“We draw” - 1 lesson
3. Attention:
“How attentive we are” - 2 lessons.
4. Memory:
"Memory mechanism" - 1 lesson.
“How we remember” - 1 lesson.
“Memory of feelings” - 1 lesson.
5. Thinking:
“What is thinking” - 1 lesson.
“Competition of the knowledgeable and resourceful” - 1 lesson.
“How smart I am” - 1 lesson.
“Learning to think creatively” - 1 lesson.
6. Speech:
“How we can speak” - 1 lesson.
7. Imagination, creativity:
“We are fantasizing” - 1 lesson.

Section IV Social skills

Topic of the section: “Me and another” (duration 2 lessons)

1. Communication:
"Games of gnomes" - 1 lesson.
2. Training in safe behavior:
“Alone in the street” - 1 lesson.

Psychology lesson plan for the transition to middle school (grade 5)

Section I Introduction to Psychology

Topic of the section: "Who am I and my friends?" (duration 11 lessons).

1. Introductory lesson (acquaintance, establishing contact):
"Hello, world of psychology!" - 1 lesson.
2. Adaptation play:
“The Road to Fifth Grade” - 2 lessons.
3. Adaptation play:
“Our teachers” - 1 lesson.
4. Adaptation play:
"Correspondent marathon" - 2 lessons.
5. Self-esteem and assessment of others, the well-being of the child in the class:
“My place in the class” - 2 lessons.
6. Adaptation play:
"Knock, train, knock!" - 1 lesson.
7. Diagnostics of school motivation, receiving feedback:
"Guess who!" - 2 lessons.

Section II Creativity

Topic of the section: “The most original” (duration 5 lessons).

1. Diagnostics of creativity, elements of art therapy:
“We are fantasizing” - 3 lessons.
2. Origami elements:
“We craft without glue and scissors” - 2 lessons.

or(instead of 2 and 3) Computer drawing (PAINT BRUSH)

III section Development of cognitive abilities

Topic of the section: “How smart I am” (duration 13 lessons).

1. Perception, visual-verbal functions:
"What is perception?" - 2 lessons.
2. Attention:
"What is attention?" - 2 lessons.
3. Memory:
"What is memory?" - 2 lessons.
4. Diagnostics of intelligence:
"What is intelligence?" - 1 lesson.
5. Thinking:
"How do we think?" - 5 lessons.

Section IV Increasing self-knowledge, independence, self-development

Topic of the section: “Preparation and defense of creative projects” (three consultations and one open lesson).

Suggested themes for creative projects:

1. Our school.
2. Our teachers.
3. Our class.
4. Fascinating psychology.
5. What we know about ourselves.

High school psychology lesson plan

Section I Introduction to Psychology (duration 5 lessons and one additional).

1. Acquaintance, establishing contact - 2 lessons.
2. Research of interpersonal relations of senior pupils - 2 lessons.
3. Research of the personality of a senior pupil - 1 lesson.

Additional activity: Consideration of one of the theories in psychology, accompanied by psychological tests, according to these theories.

Suggested topics:

1) stages of development according to Z. Freud; hierarchy of needs according to A. Maslow; types of psychological defenses according to Z. Freud;
2) the psychology of love (E. From);
3) transactional analysis (E. Bern).

Section II Development of cognitive abilities (duration 2 lessons and one additional).

1. Perception, attention, memory - 1 lesson.
2. Thinking, creativity - 1 lesson.
Additional activity: Speaking and writing.

Section III Vocational guidance (computer testing) (duration 6 lessons and one additional).

  1. Intelligence diagnostics - 2 lessons.
  2. Psychological portrait - 2 lessons.
  3. Techniques for vocational guidance and aptitude - 1 lesson.
  4. Business testing - 1 lesson.

Additional lesson: Child-parent career guidance game "Entering the university"

Section IV Work in microgroups (personal training) (duration 2 lessons).

Choice of training topics:

1. Personal growth training;
2. Preparing for the exam;
3. Increased confidence;
4. Learning etiquette.

When compiling the program, the following works were used: Vachkova I.V., Abramova G., Anastazi A., Andreas, Steve and Faulkner, Charles, Bashaeva T.V., Bityanova M.R., Bolshakov V.Yu., Bryazgunova I., Kasatkina E., Venger A.L., Gutkina N., Dileo D., Katkhanova Yu.F., Liders A.G., Lichko A.E., Matveeva O.A., Ovcharovoy R.V., Bodaleva A A., Rudestam K., Friedman L.P., Chailey J. and other authors.

This program has been running for the second year and shows good results. "fig. 8"

The program of the individual psychocorrectional lesson "Removal of the state of mental discomfort, correction of anxiety"

Author-developer: Averina Lina Valerievna, teacher-psychologist, GOU SPO "Tula Regional Medical College", Tula
Material description: the program of individual psychocorrectional classes to reduce anxiety can be useful in the work of teachers and psychologists with adolescent children.

Anxiety- this is one of the typical problems faced by a psychologist. It attracts special attention because it acts as the clearest sign of an individual's maladjustment, negatively affecting all spheres of his life: communication, health, educational and professional activities and the general level of psychological well-being. Adolescent anxiety is an experience of emotional distress, a premonition of danger is an expression of dissatisfaction with significant age-related needs. For each age period, there are certain areas, objects of reality that cause heightened anxiety, regardless of the presence of a real threat or anxiety as a stable formation. These "age peaks" of anxiety are a reflection of the most significant sociogenic needs, the characteristics of the leading activity, the main mental neoplasms of the adolescent.
Target: overcoming personal anxiety by activating the adolescent's inner potential to solve his own problems
- removal of emotional stress, reduction of anxiety;
- training in the skills of RPS (psycho-self-regulation);
- emotional awareness of their behavior;
- development of self-confidence and consolidation of the positive effect of psycho-self-regulation;

1. Exercise "Mask - I"

The teenager is invited to draw a mask, what mood prevails in him at the moment. We draw attention to the drawing process and to the very nature of the image (how the eyes, mouth are depicted, which in some cases is a projective expression of anxiety or aggression). After the mask is ready, we try it on ourselves, we look at ourselves in the mirror. The psychologist may ask to show with the help of facial expressions the mood with which the teenager made the mask. When the mask is ready, I propose to come up with a name, give it character, what it loves, what it fears. In the course of summing up, the common features of the mask with its author are revealed, the positive qualities are emphasized. The qualities that cause discomfort are discussed during the conversation, the true causes of negative emotional manifestations are brought to the realization.

2. Exercise “Mental training. Driving to the point of absurdity "

The psychologist proposes to simulate a situation that causes anxiety. Everything is presented in advance in all the details, the difficult moments that cause her experiences, her own behavior is carefully thought out in detail. The psychologist helps the teenager, asking leading and clarifying questions, asks to describe his emotions during the exercise. Further, the psychologist asks to present the alarming situation in an overly exaggerated form (bring it to the point of absurdity). As a result of obvious exaggeration, the teenager realizes that the situation is not so frightening, hopeless and may well be under control.

3. Exercise "Breathing".

The psychologist talks about the importance of breathing in a stressful situation. Suggests ways to use breathing to relieve tension, explaining that the stressed person breathes faster, which can increase anxiety and reduce stress tolerance. It takes about 5 minutes to complete. The exercise is performed under the supervision of a psychologist and involves the sequential execution of the following instructions:
1. You sit down in a chair.
2. Place your hand on your stomach.
3. Breathe as you normally would, while observing the movement of your abdomen and chest as you breathe.
4. Try to breathe "belly" - so that the abdominal muscles participate in breathing, and the chest remains motionless.
5. Now try to inhale slowly through your nose, for a count of 5, and feel the hand resting on it gently push your stomach.
6. For the count of 5, hold your breath.
7. Exhale slowly through your nose for a count of 5, pressing gently on your stomach with your hand.
8. Breathe like this for 5 minutes.
9. If during the exercise you start to feel anxious - stop the exercise.
10. At first, you can do the exercise for a shorter period of time, gradually increasing it to 5 minutes. Remember to do it 2 times a day.
11. Soon you will be able to breathe like this without noticing it all day long.
12. When you learn this exercise - you can do it during anxiety and stress. You will feel relieved.
13. Don't be discouraged if you can't do this exercise right away. It takes time to learn how to do it.
14. Do not be afraid that it will provoke anxiety. If you feel uncomfortable, you can stop at any time.
When the exercise is completed, the psychologist invites the adolescent to analyze his condition and how it changed during the exercise, and also draws attention to that. That such techniques can be effective in a stressful situation or when a teenager has unexplained anxiety.

4. Exercise "Feelings of Confidence"

The psychologist invites the adolescent to turn to his memories of his past achievements, and then try to consciously evoke feelings of self-confidence that are associated with that event or accomplishment in his life. To do this, it is enough to remember and relive three situations in which you felt more confident than ever. As a rule, people say that in such cases they seem to grow wings behind their backs. It seems to a confident person that he suddenly grew up, that everyone around is his adherents. A rod appears inside, the person straightens his back, and, straightening his shoulders, looks directly into the eyes of others. The psychologist proposes to establish a kind of "psychological anchor" in the form of these positive emotions, which is worth resorting to in situations where a teenager is faced with anxiety and a feeling of his own powerlessness. This is followed by a summary of the lesson. The psychologist focuses on the positive achievements of the teenager, thereby stimulating him to maintain a similar attitude.

5. Conversation with parents and teachers.

Based on the results of the psychocorrectional lesson, it is recommended to consult with the appropriate recommendations for the parents of the teenager and teachers. Here, first of all, considerable attention is paid to explaining what influence anxiety as a stable personality trait can have on the development of a child, the success of his activities, and his future. Such an explanation is required because teachers often tend to view anxiety rather as a positive feature that provides the child with a sense of responsibility, receptivity, etc. The role of clear, consistent and fairly stable (predictable) requirements, specific feedback in the prevention and overcoming of anxiety is demonstrated ( of course, while observing the basic principle - general respect for the child as a person). Particular attention is paid to the formation of the correct attitude towards mistakes, the ability to use them for a better understanding of the material. It is known that it is precisely the “orientation toward error,” which is often reinforced by the attitude of teachers toward mistakes as an unacceptable, punishable phenomenon, that is one of the main forms of school anxiety.

Explanatory note

The period of preschool childhood is the most favorable for the formation of the necessary mental functions and socially significant personality traits. It was at this time that the foundations of the child's future educational activity were laid, and his cognitive capabilities were actively developed.

All this makes it especially important for a psychologist to participate in developing work with children. This set of classes is a holistic program with clearly defined goals and structure for building classes.

The proposed games and game tasks are aimed at developing certain mental functions, as well as determining personal qualities.

Forms of work with children - subgroup lessons (10-12 people, aged 6-7 years) lasting no more than 30 minutes, which corresponds to the age, psychological and physical capabilities of older preschool children.

The cycle of classes is designed for seven months if they are held once a week, or for three and a half months - if twice a week.

Purpose: creating conditions for the natural psychological development of the child.

1. Development of the intellectual sphere - the development of thinking skills, visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical, creative and critical thinking.

2. Development of cognitive and mental processes - perception, memory, attention, imagination.

3. Formation of positive motivation for learning.

Principles of conducting classes:

    Systematic presentation of material;

    Visibility of teaching;



    Developing and educational nature of the educational material.

Each lesson contains the following steps:

1. Organizational stage

    Creation of an emotional mood in the group;

    Exercises and games to attract the attention of children;

2.Motivational stage

    Finding out the initial level of knowledge of children on this topic;

3.Practical phase

    Submission of new information based on available data;

    Tasks for the development of cognitive processes (perception, memory, thinking, imagination) and creativity;

4. Reflexive stage

    Summing up the results of the lesson


Lesson number 1

Target: the development of self-reflection, the creation of a favorable atmosphere for classes, the development of stability and distribution of attention, the development of visual memory in children.

1. Game ritual "Say what you feel!"

Game progress:

Children throw a ball to each other and continue the phrase: "I am happy today because ..."

2. Attention game "Arms crossed"

Game progress:

The right hand is placed on the knees of the neighbor on the right, and the left hand is placed on the knees of the neighbor on the left. On command, the game begins, raising and clapping the knee in order of folded hands. It turns out "The Wave of Claps". The wave speed should increase during the game.

3. Game "Watchful eyes"

Game progress:

Two children sit with their backs to each other and they are asked questions about each other concerning color, appearance of small details of clothes, etc. Children alternately answer questions about each other, not looking at each other.

4. "Proof test"

Game progress:

Cross out or underline letters; 2 or 1 letter at a time.

5. Ritual of farewell "Wave of joy"

Lesson number 2

Target: development of visual memory, removal of psycho-emotional stress, relaxation and development of imagination.

2. The game "Who moved where"

Game progress:

Children sit on high chairs in a row. The driver is chosen, who turns away, and at this moment the two children change places. The driver must find out what has changed and who has moved.

3. Game "Hot potato"

Game progress:

Children in a circle pass the ball from hand to hand as quickly as possible.

4. Game "Remember by points"

5. Exercise "Quiet Lake"

Exercise description:

The psychologist plays calm, relaxing music and says, “Sit in a comfortable position. Relax. Close your eyes and listen to me.

Imagine a wonderful sunny morning. You are near a quiet, beautiful lake. Only your breath and the splash of water are heard. The sun is shining brightly and it makes you feel better and better. You can feel the sun's rays warm you up. You hear birds chirping and grasshoppers chirping. You are absolutely calm. The sun is shining, the air is clean and transparent. You feel the warmth of the sun with your whole body. You are calm and motionless, like this quiet morning. You feel calm and happy, you are too lazy to move. You are resting…

Now we open our eyes. We are in kindergarten again, we had a good rest, we are in a cheerful mood, and pleasant sensations do not leave us throughout the day. "

Lesson number 3

Target: development of logical thinking, speech; development of emotional and expressive movements.

1 .

2. Game "Regularities"

A ready-made handout is distributed, the children independently complete the task.

3. Game "Picture a phenomenon"

The psychologist and children list the signs of autumn: the wind is blowing, trees are swaying, leaves are falling, it is raining, puddles are forming. The psychologist shows movements that correspond to these phenomena:

"The wind is blowing" - blowing with stretched lips.

"Trees are swaying" - shakes outstretched arms.

"Leaves are falling" - perform smooth movements with the hands from top to bottom.

"It is raining" - perform small movements with the hands from top to bottom.

"Puddles appear" - they close their hands in a ring in front of them.

Children are encouraged to repeat and remember the shown movements.

4. Ritual of farewell "Wave of joy"

Alternate raising of hands in a circle.

Lesson number 4

Target: the formation of empathy and cohesion of the children's team; development of mental operations.

2. Game "Generalization"

Finished handouts, the children all complete the task together.

3. "Find out who is in front of you"

One of the children is blindfolded, and the rest of the children close a circle around him. At the command of the psychologist, the circle begins to move. The signal "Stop!" and the circle stops. The one who is blindfolded by touch should recognize the person who has stopped in front of him. An important condition is the silence of those in the circle.

4. Ritual of farewell. Speech

We are all friendly guys.

We are preschool children.

We do not offend anyone.

We know how to take care.

We will not leave anyone in trouble.

We will not take away, but ask.

Let everythnig will be alright,

It will be joyful, light!

Lesson number 5

Target: development of attention and ability to quickly respond to a psychologist's signal, development of hand-eye coordination, analytical-synthetic thinking, relaxation, development of imagination;

2 .Game "The fourth odd"

Game progress:

Children sit on high chairs, a psychologist reads 4 words to each child - you need to find one extra.

3.Exercises "Graphics"

The psychologist plays calm, relaxing music and says, “Lie comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine that you are now in a forest with many trees, shrubs and all kinds of flowers. In the thicket there is a white stone bench, let's sit on it.

Listen to the sounds. You can hear birds singing, rustling herbs. Feel the smells: wet earth smells, the wind brings the smell of pine trees. Remember your feelings, feelings, take them with you, returning from the trip. May they be with you all day. "

Lesson number 6

Target: expansion of memory, development of attention, logical thinking, emotional and expressive movements, imagination.

2. Game "Pick a pair picture" (2, 25)

Game progress:

It is necessary to combine the cards according to the functional component.

For example: motorcycle - wheel; bed - pillow, etc.

3. Assignment "Lay out the numbers as you just saw"

On the table in front of each child is a square piece of paper, divided into 4 cells, and a tray with four cards with numbers written on them. On the board, the same square is prepared in advance, only of a larger size. The children watch the psychologist place three demo cards with numbers in three boxes. Children are given 5-6 seconds to memorize. Then the cards with numbers are removed and the children from memory spread the same numbers on their sheets.

4. Game "Poses"

The psychologist invites children to depict 4 poses. For example: penguin, firefighter, singer, gnome.

Children move to cheerful music, when it stops, children should take the appropriate position. Then the game continues.

5.Exercise "Sunbeams"

Lesson number 7

Target: development of logical thinking and speech, visual-motor coordination, auditory attention, arbitrary behavior, fantasy.

2. Game "Say the other way around"

Game progress:

The psychologist throws the ball to the child, naming a word, and he must come up with a word with the opposite meaning and throw the ball back to the psychologist. A child who fails to come up with a word with the opposite meaning leaves the game or skips .

3. Game "Listen to the claps"

Equipment: (Tape recorder, fun music)

Game progress:

Children begin to move in a circle. For a certain number of claps, children perform certain movements.

1 cotton - sit down;

2 claps - wave your hands;

3 claps - blow with all your might;

4 claps - raise your hands.

4. Exercises "Graphics"

Development of hand-eye coordination.

5. Exercise "Butterfly flutter"

Lesson number 8

Purpose: development of attention and visual memory, numeracy skills, consolidation of knowledge of numbers, development of logical thinking, mathematical concepts;

1. Say a name greeting ritual

Each one in turn repeats his name first, the next his name and the name of the neighbor, the next three names and the last repeats all the names.

2. Game "Cheerful Counting"

Game progress:

Two children take part in the competition. At the signal of the psychologist, they begin to count from 1 to 10, pointing to the corresponding numbers with pencils. The winner is the one who completes the task faster and without errors.

4. Ritual of farewell. Speech

We are all friendly guys.

We are preschool children.

We do not offend anyone.

We know how to take care.

We will not leave anyone in trouble.

We will not take away, but ask.

Let everythnig will be alright,

It will be joyful, light!

Lesson number 9

Target: development of sensory perception, attention, visual memory, logical thinking and visual-motor coordination, prevention of psycho-emotional stress in children;

1. Attention game "Arms crossed"

Game progress:

The right hand is placed on the knees of the neighbor on the right, and the left hand is placed on the knees of the neighbor on the left. On command, the game begins, raising and clapping the knee in order of folded hands. It turns out "The Wave of Claps". The wave speed should increase during the game.

2. Game "Train"

Game progress:

In the game, the driver is chosen - the "train", the rest of the children - the "trailers". "Cars" stand one after another. The "locomotive" looks closely at the "trailers" and tries to remember their location. Then he turns away, and the psychologist asks: "Who is in second, third, fourth place?"

The "locomotive" answers, then he himself becomes a "wagon". A new driver is selected. The wagons are swapping places. Game continues.

Children holding hands in a circle sit down and then jump out sharply with the words "Hurray", "Salute", "Great";

Lesson number 10

Target: development of spatio-temporal orientation (right-left), visual-motor coordination, attention, logic, broadening one's horizons;

1. The ritual of greeting."Hello hand!"

Children greet each other while standing in a circle:

Right foot;

Left foot;

Right hand;

Left hand;

Right elbow;

Left elbow, etc.

2. Game "Professions"

Game progress:

The psychologist pronounces words, including the names of professions. After hearing the word for profession, players should clap their hands.

Sample word list: Bummer, lizard, sister, workaholic, parent,Cook , brother, grandfather, grandmother,driver , poor student,gardener, hairdresser , viewer, bear,teacher, listener, student, patient, schoolboy, child,doctor, conductor, pelican, hare, monkey,carpenter , passenger,conductor, artist, baker, slob, slacker, excellent student,pastry chef, salesman, daredevil, fat man,captain, Mother,policeman, Crow,janitor, carpenter, kettle, trainer, dump truck,builder, reader;

3.Game "Assemble"

4.Exercise "Journey to the magic forest"

Lesson number 11

Target: development of speech, spatial orientation, figurative thinking (the ability to distinguish parts of objects), hand-eye coordination, development of imagination, relaxation;

1. Greeting ritual "Magic ball".

Children take turns expressing wishes for each other, complements, etc.

2. Game "In the old closet"

Game progress:

The psychologist, together with the players, pronounces the following text:

In the old closet

Anya's grandmother

Where have I climbed-

Many miracles ...

For example:

Table without legs, kettle without spout, suitcase without handle, chair without back, dress without pocket, wardrobe without door, boots without soles, piano without keys, book without cover, coat without sleeves, a pan without a lid, a bicycle without pedals, a computer without a mouse, a pencil case without pencils, a painting without a frame, a telephone without a tube, a vacuum cleaner without a hose, a player without headphones, a samovar without a tap, etc.

Lesson number 12

Target: development of the integrity of perception, sensing, auditory attention, memory and logical thinking, the ability to coordinate words;

1. Greetings ritual "Let's say hello"

Children standing in a circle greet different parts of the body (knees, ears, fingers, palms, shoulders, etc.)

2. Game "Funny Painters"

Game progress:

The psychologist says the following text:

Today we have no time for the game. We are painters today.

We will paint, no doubt,

Everything is now green.

Any color can be chosen at the request of the psychologist. Further, he names nouns, alternating between masculine, feminine, neuter nouns, as well as plural nouns. Children should name adjectives for color, consistent with nouns. For example:

Trolleybus - green


Car - green

Coat - green

Hat - green

Mittens green

3.Writing assignments on A4 sheets

Lesson number 13

Target: development of attention, associative thinking, development of speech, removal of psycho-emotional stress.

2. Game "You are a flower, and I am a bee"(page 54)

Game progress:

One of the players comes up with any image and names it. For example: "I am a cloud." The second player should immediately be called an object that is somehow connected with the cloud. For example: "I am the sky." The next pair: "I am an airplane", "I am a passenger", etc.

3.Writing assignments on A4 sheets

4.Exercise "In a forest clearing"

The psychologist turns on calm, relaxing music and says: “Imagine a forest clearing on which a soft grass-ant is growing. Let's lie down on her like on a feather bed. Everything around is calm and quiet, you breathe evenly and easily. A field flower bows its head over you, you can hear the singing of birds, chirping of grasshoppers. You feel the gentle rays of the sun stroking your cheeks, forehead, touching your hands, stroking your body (stroking children passing from one to the other) Beams stroking ... (child's name), etc. You are well pleased. Now stretch out and on the count of three, open your eyes. You were wonderfully rested. "

Lesson number 14

Target: expansion of memory, development of attention, fine and hand-eye coordination.

1. Game ritual "Say what you feel!"

Game progress:

Children throw a ball to each other and continue the phrase: "I am happy today because ...".

2. Game "What letter is gone"

Game progress:

The psychologist randomly attaches 8 cards on which letters are written familiar to children. Time is given to memorize 10 seconds. The children are then encouraged to close their eyes. One card is removed. The guys open their eyes and determine which letter is gone.

3.Hatching job(Written assignments on A4 sheets)

Stretch your arms forward and connect them in the center of the circle. Stand quietly trying to feel like a warm sunbeam.

Lesson number 15


1. Greeting ritual "Ball of wishes"

Children sit on chairs or on a carpet in a circle. The psychologist passes a ball of thread to the child in a circle, he winds the thread around his finger while saying an affectionate word, or a good wish, or utters a magic polite word, etc. Then he passes the ball to the next child until it is the turn of the psychologist.

2. Assignment "Name three objects, white, blue and red"

For the completed task, the child receives a chip, who has the most chips and wins

3. Game "Puzzle"

Game progress:

4. Exercise "Unusual rainbow"

Lesson number 16

Target: stimulation of attention, development of the ability to quickly and accurately respond to a signal, improvement of expressive movements, development of logical thinking, mathematical representations (counting).

1. The ritual of greeting "Friendship begins with a smile"

Children sitting in a circle join hands, look their neighbors in the eyes and silently smile at each other.

2. The game "Be attentive"

Game progress:

The psychologist agrees with the children that at the command "Bunnies" they will jump, "Horses" - to jump, "Crayfish" - to move backward, "Birds" - to wave their hands, "Storks" - to stand on one leg. Then the music turns on, the children move in a circle or dance. When the command sounds, the children begin to act as agreed before the game. The game will continue.

3. Written assignments on A4 sheets

4. Exercise "Relay of friendship"

Join hands and pass a handshake like a baton. The psychologist begins: “I will pass on my friendship to you, and it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Sasha, etc. and comes back to me again. I feel that the friendship has grown, as each of you has added a piece of your friendship. Let it not leave you and warm you. Goodbye!"

Lesson number 17

Target: development of attention, logical thinking, speech, perception; development of hand-eye coordination, imagination, relaxation.

1. The Wave greeting ritual

2.Game "Pick up the items"

Game progress:

Each child is offered a large map showing three different materials. The psychologist shows a small card with an object depicted on it. The child must name this object, think about what material it is made of, and put it on the appropriate card.

3.Exercise to develop hand-eye coordination

(Written assignment on A4 sheets for each child)

4. Exercise "Butterfly flutter"

Close your eyes and listen to my voice. Breathe easily and calmly. Imagine that you are in a meadow on a beautiful summer day. In front of you, you see a gorgeous butterfly fluttering from flower to flower. Follow the movements of her wings. The movement of her wings is light and graceful. Now let everyone imagine that he is a butterfly, that he has big and beautiful wings. Feel your wings moving slowly and smoothly up and down. Now take a look at the colorful meadow you are flying over. Look how many bright colors it has. Find the most beautiful flower with your eyes and gradually begin to approach it. Now you can smell your flower. Slowly and smoothly, you sit down on the soft, fragrant center of the flower. Breathe in its scent again ... and open your eyes.

Lesson number 18

Target: development of sensing skills, fine motor skills, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, the formation of empathy and cohesion of the children's team.

1. "Ladoshka" greeting ritual

Children should alternately clap their hands with an increase in pace, who do not have time to clap out of the game.

2. Game "Find out who is in front of you"

Game progress:

One of the children is blindfolded, and the rest of the children close a circle around him. At the command of the psychologist, the circle begins to move. The stop signal sounds and the circle stops. The one who is blindfolded by touch must recognize the person who has stopped in front of him. An important condition for the game is the silence of those in the circle.

3. Written assignments on A4 sheets

4. Ritual of farewell "Fireworks"

Lesson number 19

Target: development of auditory attention, memory, logical thinking, coherent speech, mental operations (generalization, comparison, classification), hand-eye coordination.

1 . Greetings ritual "Relay of greetings"

Everyone hands a small ball to each other with a smile. Appeal: "I convey to you (Katya) my great greetings."

2. Game "The fourth extra"

Game progress:

The psychologist invites children to find on each card an object that does not fit the rest, explain why it is superfluous. Sample answer: "A bear is superfluous, because it is a forest animal, and a cat, dog and cow are domestic animals."

3. Draw and cross out game

Game progress:

On the table in front of each child is a sheet of paper and a simple pencil.

The psychologist offers children:

A) draw three triangles, one square, one circle and cross out the first figure;

B) draw two circles, two triangles, one oval and cross out the fourth figure;

C) draw one rectangle, two ovals, three squares and cross out the sixth shape.

4. Written assignments on A4 sheets

5. Exercise "Sunbeams"

Stretch your arms forward and connect them in the center of the circle. Stand quietly trying to feel like a warm sunbeam.

Lesson number 20

Target: development of auditory attention, the ability to volitional control of behavior, logical thinking, coherent speech, imagination; relaxation.

1. "Let's say hello" greeting ritual

Children standing in a circle greet different parts of the body (knees, ears, fingers, palms, shoulders, etc.)

2. Game "Listen to the claps"

Game progress:

The psychologist agrees with the children that for a certain number of claps they will perform a given movement. These movements can be invented by the children themselves, or by an adult. For example: one clap - sit down, two claps - wave your hands, three claps - blow with all your might, four claps - raise your hands. Then the music turns on, the children move in a circle and dance. When the music stops and a certain number of claps are heard, the children should quickly perform the specified movement. Game continues.

3 .Written assignments on A4 sheets

4.Exercise "Journey to the magic forest"

The psychologist plays calm, relaxing music and says, “Lie comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine that you are now in a forest with many trees, shrubs and all kinds of flowers. In the thicket there is a white stone bench, let's sit on it. Listen to the sounds. You can hear birds singing, rustling herbs. Feel the smells: wet earth smells, the wind brings the smell of pine trees. Remember your feelings, feelings, take them with you, returning from the trip. May they be with you all day. "

Lesson number 21

Target: development of perception and memory, activation of vocabulary, development of visual-motor coordination, visual analysis-synthesis, imagination.

1. The ritual of greeting "Kind animal"

Participants stand in a circle and join hands. The psychologist says in a low voice: “We are one big kind animal. Let's hear how it breathes! " Everyone listens to their own breathing, the breathing of neighbors "And now let's listen together!" Inhale - everyone takes a step forward, exhale - a step back. “Not only does the animal breathe like that, its big, kind heart also beats evenly.” A knock is a step forward, a knock is a step back, etc.

2. Game "Who will name more items"

Game progress:

The psychologist invites children to answer the questions: "What is green?", "What is white?", "What is red?" It is recommended to play the game in the form of a competition. For each correct answer, the child receives a token.

3. Game "Puzzle"

Game progress:

Each child receives a puzzle, which he must cope with independently, or with the help of a psychologist.

4. Exercise "Rest at sea"

The psychologist plays calm, relaxing music and says, “Lie down in a comfortable position, close your eyes and listen to my voice.

Imagine that you are in a wonderful location by the sea. A wonderful summer day. The sky is blue, the sun is warm. You feel completely calm and happy. Soft waves roll to your feet, and you feel the pleasant freshness of sea water. A pleasant sensation of freshness and vigor covers the face, neck, shoulders, back, stomach, arms and legs. You feel the body becomes light, strong and obedient. Breathes easily and freely. The mood becomes vigorous and cheerful, you want to get up and move.

We open our eyes. We are full of strength and energy. Try to keep this feeling all day long.


Lesson number 22

Target: development of logical thinking, coherent speech, development of attention and hand-eye coordination.

1. Greeting ritual "Ball of wishes"

Children sit on chairs or on a carpet in a circle. The psychologist passes a ball of thread to the child in a circle, he winds the thread around his finger while saying an affectionate word, or a good wish, or utters a magic polite word, etc. Then he passes the ball to the next child until it is the turn of the psychologist.

2. Game "Logic Chains"

Game progress:

The psychologist invites children to assemble chains of 4 cards, picking them up by meaning and arranging them in the right order. Then you need to compose a coherent story from the pictures. Each child collects his own chain.

3. Written assignments on A4 sheets

4. Ritual of farewell "Fireworks"

Children, holding hands in a circle, sit down, and then jump out sharply with the words "Hurray", "Salute", "Great";

Lesson number 23

Target: development of voluntary attention, auditory memory, imagination, hand-eye coordination. Relaxation.

1. "Ladoshka" greeting ritual

Children should alternately clap their hands with an increase in pace, who do not have time to clap out of the game.

2. Game "Write down the letters as you remember"

Game progress:

On the table in front of each child is a sheet of paper and a pencil. The psychologist invites children to memorize five letters that he will name and write them down in the correct sequence.

3. Written assignments on A4 sheets

4. Exercise "Unusual rainbow"

The psychologist turns on calm relaxing music and says: “Lie down comfortably, relax, breathe evenly and deeply. Close your eyes. Imagine that there is an unusual rainbow in front of your eyes.

The first color is blue. Blue can be soft and soothing, like flowing water. Blue pleasantly caresses the eye in the heat, it refreshes you like swimming in a lake. Feel this freshness.

The next color is yellow. Yellow brings us joy, it warms us like the sun, it reminds us of a tender fluffy chicken, and we smile. If we are sad and lonely, he cheers us up.

Green - the color of a soft lawn, leaves and warm summer. If we are uncomfortable, if we feel insecure, green will help us feel better.

Open your eyes. Take these sensations with you for the whole day.

Lesson number 24

Target: development of speech, attention, logic, broadening horizons, visual-motor coordination.

1. Greeting ritual "Ball of wishes"

Children sit on chairs or on a carpet in a circle. The psychologist passes a ball of thread to the child in a circle, he winds the thread around his finger while saying an affectionate word, or a good wish, or utters a magic polite word, etc. Then he passes the ball to the next child until it is the turn of the psychologist.

2. Game "Finish the sentence"

Game progress:

The psychologist takes turns throwing a ball to the children standing in a circle and says the beginning of a sentence. The child should finish the sentence and throw the ball back to the counselor. Sample proposals:

The fox has a long tail, and the hare ...

We look with our eyes, but we listen ...

A potato is a vegetable, and an apple is ...

Birds fly, and fish ...

Cats meow, and dogs ...

It's cold in winter, and in summer ...

It is light during the day, and at night ...

The orange is sweet and the lemon ...

The elephant is big, and the mouse ...

3.Game "Assemble"(Colored Kuisener counting sticks)

4. Exercise "Sunbeams"

Stretch your arms forward and connect them in the center of the circle. Stand quietly trying to feel like a warm sunbeam.

Lesson number 25

Target: development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, attention, observation, logical thinking, broadening of horizons.

1. The Wave greeting ritual

Sending a signal with a clap hand in hand with the word "Hello"

2. Game "Seasons"

Game progress:

The psychologist chooses any time of the year and calls it to the players. Then he begins to list the phenomena and objects associated with this time of year. From time to time he utters the "wrong" words. When they hear a word that has nothing to do with the chosen season, children should clap their hands.

Sample words for the seasons:

Winter: snow, frost, blizzard, butterflies, snowflakes, mosquitoes, New Year, tree, Santa Claus, heat, blizzard, snowman, ice, snowdrops, snowfall, mittens, Rainbow;

Summer: mushrooms, berries, flowers, rain, beach, heat, leaf fall, butterflies, bees, rainbow, snowdrops, sun, tan, fur coat, panama, swimsuit, Snow Maiden;

Spring: kidneys, leaf fall, snowdrops, New Year, drops, lilacs, birdhouses, strawberry, 8 March, starlings;

Autumn: harvest, leaf fall, Panama, school lilies of the valley, rain, September 1, snowman, umbrella, coat, shorts, asters, dandelions;

3. Written assignments on A4 sheets

4. Ritual of farewell. Speech

We are all friendly guys.

We are preschool children.

We do not offend anyone.

We know how to take care.

We will not leave anyone in trouble.

We will not take away, but ask.

Let everythnig will be alright,

It will be joyful, light!


1. Alyabyeva E.A. Correctional and developmental classes for children of senior preschool age: Methodological manual to help educators and psychologists of preschool institutions.- M .: TC Sphere, 2002.-96s.

2. Kataeva L.I. Correctional and developmental classes in the preparatory group: Summaries of classes.- M .: Knigolyub, 2004.-64s. (Psychological Service)

3. Danilina T.A., Zedgenidze V.Ya., Stepina N.M.

In the world of children's emotions: A guide for practitioners of the preschool educational institution. - M .: Airis-press, 2004.-160 pp. - (Library of educational psychologist)

4 ... Developing games.- M .: Strekoza, 2011.-64p., Ill.

5 ... Zhitko I.V. Petrikevich A.A. Educational games for preschoolers. The program of educational services for children of the sixth year of life.