Revan: Death and Salvation of the Galaxy. Read the online book The Old Republic: Revan Wookieepedia Revan


Revan's story goes back to the Knights of the Old Republic, and I want to thank my friends and colleagues at BioWare who contributed so much to this fantastic game. Also I am grateful to everyone at Obsidian who worked on "KOTOR-2"? and the staff at Austin BioWare. But most of all I would like to say thank you to all the Star Wars and Revan fans who have waited so many years for this story to continue. Without your tireless support, this novel would never have come to light.

Dedicated to my wife Jennifer

Drew Karpishin

Star Wars. The Old Republic. Revan


Bastila Shen

Canderous Ordo, mandalorian mercenary (male human)

Darth Nyriss, member of the Dark Council (female Sith)

Darth Zydrix, member of the Dark Council (male Sith)

Mitra Surik, Jedi Knight (female human)

Mertog, head of security (male)

Revan, Jedi Master (male human)

Scourge, Sith Lord (male Sith)

Sechel, counselor (male Sith)

T3-M4, astromech droid

A long time ago in a distant galaxy ...

Darkness reigns here forever. There is no sun, no dawn, only the darkness of an endless night. Light is given only by ragged flashes of lightning, fiercely cutting a path through the thunderclouds. And immediately after them thunder breaks the sky, and streams of cruel, cold rain fall to the ground.

A storm is coming from which there is no escape.

Revan's eyes widened. The primal rage of the nightmare tormented him with insomnia for the third night in a row.

He lay still and silent, turning inward to subdue the drumbeat of his heart, and mentally repeated the first line of the Jedi mantra:

"There are no emotions, there is peace."

Finally, calmness spilled over inside, washing away the irrational terror of sleep. However, Revan knew the dream too well to consider it irrelevant. The storm that haunted the Jedi whenever he closed his eyes was not just a nightmare. She came from the most distant nooks of memory and had some secret meaning. But no matter how hard Revan tried, he could not understand what exactly the subconscious was trying to tell him.

Carefully, trying not to wake his wife, he got out of bed and went to the bathroom to splash cold water on his face. Having caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he stopped and began to examine the reflection.

Even now, two years after discovering who he really is, Revan found it difficult to match the face in the mirror to the person he once was - before the Jedi Council brought him back to the light.

Revan: Jedi, hero, traitor, conqueror, villain, savior. All this and more. He was a living legend, a mythical figure, a person who transcended history. However, now an ordinary person was looking at him from the mirror, having not slept for three nights.

Fatigue took its toll. His angular features sharpened and stretched. The pallor of his skin accentuated the circles under his eyes, which gazed at him from deep hollows.

He rested both hands on the edges of the shell, dropped his head and took a deep, drawn-out sigh. His shoulder-length black hair fell over his face in a dark curtain. After a few seconds, he straightened and brushed his hair back with the fingers of both hands.

Moving noiselessly, Revan left the bathroom, crossed the small living room of his apartment and found himself on the balcony. There he paused, contemplating the endless urban landscape of Coruscant.

The traffic flow in the galactic capital did not stop for a minute. He heard a constant hum and saw blurred patches of ships rushing past. Revan leaned over the railing as far as his height, but his eyes could not pierce the darkness and make out the surface of the planet, from which he was separated by hundreds of floors.

- Do not jump. I don’t want to clean the street later.

She stood on the threshold of the balcony, wrapped in a sheet to protect herself from the cold of the night. Her long brown hair, usually tied in a lush knot at the top of her head and ending in a short ponytail that fell from the back of her head, was loose and disheveled after sleep. The city lights illuminated only part of Bastila's face, but he could still see her lips compressed into a nervous smile. Despite the jocular words, there was concern in her face.

- Sorry. He stepped away from the railing and turned to face her. “I didn't mean to wake you up. I was just trying to drive the thoughts away.

“What if you go to the Jedi Council? - suggested Bastila. - Perhaps they will help.

“Do you want me to turn to the Council for help?” He repeated. “You obviously went overboard with Corellian wine at dinner.

“They owe you,” Bastila insisted. “If it weren't for you, Darth Malak would have destroyed the Republic and the Council and wiped out the Jedi from the face of the galaxy. They owe everything to you.

Revan didn't answer. His wife didn’t bend her heart: he stopped Darth Malak and destroyed the Star Forge. But if only it were that simple. Malak was his student. Against the will of the Council, the two of them led an army of Jedi and Republican soldiers against the Mandalorian invaders who attacked the Outer Rim colonies ... Only they returned not as heroes, but as conquerors.

Revan and Malak both wanted to destroy the Republic. But Malak betrayed his teacher, and the Jedi Council captured Revan, barely alive: his body was wounded and his mind shattered. The Jedi saved his life, but at the same time erased all memories and turned into a weapon directed against Darth Malak and his followers.

"The council doesn't owe me anything," Revan whispered. - All the good things that I have done will not be able to counterbalance the old evil.

Bastila gently but firmly put her hand to his lips.

- Do not say that. They can't blame you for what happened. Not now. You are not who you were before. The Revan I know is a hero. Warrior of Light. Malak turned me to the dark side, and you helped me return.

Revan wrapped his fingers around her delicate hand that covered his mouth and gently pulled it aside.

“Just like you and the Council brought me back.

Bastila turned away, and Revan immediately regretted his words. He knew that she was ashamed of her participation in his capture and deprivation of memory.

- We were wrong. Then it seemed to me that we had no other choice, but if I had to go through all this again ...

“No,” Revan interrupted. - You don't need to change anything. If none of this had happened, I would never have found you.

She turned to him, and Revan saw the same pain and bitterness in her eyes.

“What the Council has done to you is wrong,” she repeated. - They took your memories! They stole your identity.

“My identity has returned,” Revan assured his wife, pulling her close and hugging her. “You don’t need to be angry.

Bastila did not resist the hug, although at first her body was unyielding. Then he felt the tension receding, and she rested her head on his shoulder.

“No emotion, there is peace,” she whispered, repeating the same words that Revan had sought comfort in a few minutes ago.

They stood in silence, embracing, until Revan felt his wife tremble.

Twenty minutes later, Bastila was already asleep, while Revan lay on the bed with his eyes open, staring at the ceiling.

He thought about what his beloved had said, that the Council had stolen his identity. As Revan's mind healed, many of the memories returned - as did the sense of self. But he knew that some fragments of his memory were gone, probably forever.

As a Jedi, he knew how important it was to give up anger and bitterness, but still thoughts of the lost did not want to leave his head.

Something happened to him and Malak outside the Outer Rim. They set out to defeat the Mandalorians and returned as followers of the teachings of the dark side. According to the official version, they were enslaved by the ancient power of the Star Forge, but Revan suspected that was not the case. And he knew the solution had something to do with his nightmares.

"A terrifying world of thunder and lightning, buried in eternal night."

He and Malak found something. He could not remember exactly what and where, but he was afraid of this at the deepest, primordial level. Somehow he knew this threat was far more terrifying than the Mandalorians or the Star Forge. And Revan was convinced that she was still out there somewhere.

"A storm is coming from which there is no escape."

Part one

As he disembarked from the shuttle, Lord Scourge pulled on his hood to protect himself from the wind and torrential rain. Storms were common on Dromund Kaas. Black clouds constantly covered the sun, blurring the line between day and night. Natural light was provided only by frequent flashes of lightning, arcing across the sky, but the lights of the spaceport and the nearby city of Kaas were enough to make out the road.

The violent electrical storms were a manifestation of the power of the dark side that engulfed the entire planet, a power that brought the Sith here millennia ago, when their very existence was threatened.

Following a crushing defeat in the Great Hyperspace War, the Emperor — one of the few surviving Sith Lords — led his followers in desperation to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Fleeing Republic soldiers and relentless Jedi retaliation, they settled far beyond the borders of the Republic, settling the long-lost world of their ancestors.

There, safely hiding from enemies, the Sith began to revive the Empire. Under the wise leadership of the Emperor - the immortal and omnipotent savior who ruled over them for a thousand years - they left behind the legacy of their barbarian ancestors who had an unhealthy craving for excesses.

They created an almost ideal society in which the imperial troops controlled almost every aspect of daily life. Farmers, engineers, teachers, cooks, cleaners - all were part of a gigantic military machine, where each "screw" performed its duties with the utmost discipline and efficiency. The Sith began to conquer and enslave worlds in the unexplored regions of the galaxy, and soon their power and influence reached the level of their glorified past.

Another flash of lightning split the sky, momentarily illuminating the gigantic citadel that loomed over Kaas. Erected by slaves and loyal subjects, the citadel was both a palace and an impregnable stronghold. It was here that the Dark Council sat - twelve Sith Lords, personally selected by the Emperor.

A decade ago, when Scourge first flew to Dromund Kaas as a young apprentice, he vowed that one day he would enter these halls of the citadel, closed to mere mortals. But during his years at the Sith Academy on the outskirts of Kaas, he was never honored with this honor. He was one of the best students - mentors celebrated his superior mastery of the Force and fanatical dedication to the cause. But novices were not allowed inside the citadel. Her secrets were known only to those who directly served the Emperor and the Dark Council.

The power of the dark side that the building emitted was immense. During his years as an acolyte, Scourge felt his raw, crackling energy every day. He drowned in her, concentrating his mind and spirit so that she flowed through his body and supported him during the most brutal training.

And today, after almost two years, lived away from the capital, he returned to Dromund Kaas. As he stood on the landing site, he again felt the dark side of the Force deep within him, its searing heat that more than covered the slight discomfort of rain and wind. But now he was no longer a simple student. Scourge returned to the heart of Imperial power as a full-fledged Sith overlord.

He knew that one day this day would come. After graduating from the Sith Academy, he hoped to stay on Dromund Kaas. But he was sent to the borders of the Empire to suppress several minor uprisings on the newly conquered planets. Scourge suspected this was some kind of punishment. One of the mentors probably envied the talented student's talent and recommended that he be sent to work as far from the center as possible in order to slow down his career growth.

Unfortunately, Scourge had no proof of this conjecture. But even exiled to barbarian worlds on the very outskirts of the Empire, he managed to make a name for himself. With his martial prowess and the ruthlessness with which he pursued the rebels, Scourge attracted the attention of several influential military commanders. And today, two years after graduating from the Academy, he returned to Dromund Kaas as a newly ordained Lord of the Sith. Moreover, he is here at the personal request of Darth Nyriss, one of the highest ranking figures in the Imperial Dark Council.

“Lord Scourge,” a man hurrying to meet him called, trying to shout down the wind. - My name is Sechel. Welcome to Dromund Kaas!

Sechel's hood was lowered, hiding it from the rain and hiding the features, but up close Scourge could see red skin and branches hanging from his cheeks, giving him a purebred Sith like himself. Only Scourge had an impressive appearance, was tall and broad-shouldered, and this individual was small and unsightly. Scourge sensed only a hint of the Force in him and grinned disagreeably.

Unlike the people who made up the majority of the Empire's population, all pureblood Sith were endowed with the power of the Force to varying degrees. This elevated them above the lower castes of Sith society, turning them into an elite. And they jealously guarded their heritage.

A purebred Sith, devoid of any connection to the Force, was a bastard. According to custom, they had to take his life, saving him from suffering. While attending the Academy, Scourge met several Sith who had little or no use of the Force. Disfigured from birth, thanks to the extensive connections of their high-ranking families, they received positions of assistants or minor employees at the Academy so that their defect was less conspicuous. Saved from the fate of the lower castes by the purity of their blood, they were, in Scourge's opinion, little better than slaves - though he reluctantly admitted that the more capable of them were of some benefit.

But never in his life had he met a kindred so deprived of the Power, as the creature that huddled at his feet. The thought that Darth Nyriss had sent such a worthless and pitiful servant to him was troubling. He expected a meeting more befitting of his position.

“Stand up,” he muttered, not trying to hide his disgust.

Sechel quickly got to his feet.

“Darth Nyriss apologizes for not being able to meet you in person,” he said hastily. “Her life has been assassinated several times, and she leaves the palace only in exceptional cases.

“I am well aware of her situation,” Scourge replied.

The storm only intensified - a clap of thunder almost drowned out Sechel's apology. The raging rain stung like a swarm of insects.

- Your mistress instructed to drown me in the downpour? Scourge asked.

“W-excuse me, my lord. Please follow me. The speeder will take you to the residence.

The path to the landing site was short. Air taxis took off and landed in an endless stream - the most popular form of transport among the lower classes, who could not afford a personal speeder. As was often the case in busy spaceports, the landing site was overcrowded. Those who had just arrived immediately took the line to hire a driver. In the queues, everyone behaved in a disciplined manner - this behavior determined all aspects of life in the Empire.

Of course, Lord Scourge did not have to queue. Someone cast sidelong glances at Sechel, who could hardly make his way through the flow of passengers, but the crowd immediately parted in front of the tall gentleman following him. Even with the hood to hide his face, Scourge's black cloak, spiked armor, red skin, and a lightsaber hanging from his belt made him look like a Sith master.

The crowd reacted differently to his appearance. Basically, there were slaves or servants who carried out the orders of the owners - they prudently lowered their eyes, avoiding meeting his gaze. Recruits - a category of citizens who underwent compulsory military service, immediately stood at attention, as if Scourge was going to inspect them.

The "Conquered" - a caste of visiting merchants, officials and guests from planets that had not yet received official status in the Empire, stared at him with a mixture of surprise and fear, hastily stepping aside. Many of them bowed in reverence. In their homeworlds, they may well have been rich and powerful, but here on Dromund Kaas, they knew perfectly well that their position was not much higher than slaves and servants.

The only exception was the human couple: a man and a woman. Scourge spotted them at the stairs to the landing site, and they were clearly not about to give way.

They wore expensive clothing — red trousers and shirts with white piping — and both had light armor visible under their clothing. A large-caliber assault rifle dangled from the man's shoulder, and blaster holsters strapped to the woman's thighs. However, the couple had nothing to do with the army - their clothes did not have the official emblem of the Empire or military insignia.

Mercenaries from among the "conquered" often visited Dromund Kaas. Some of them were chasing profit, providing services to those who offered the highest price. Others were delighted to serve the Empire, hoping to one day receive the rare privilege of full Imperial citizenship. But mercenaries usually behaved respectfully and obsequiously when they met someone of Scourge's level.

By law, Scourge could send them to prison or execute them for the slightest disrespect. Apparently, they were blissfully unaware of what threatened their defiant course of action.

When the crowd finally parted, the mercenaries stood still, gazing boldly at the approaching Scourge. The Sith Lord was enraged by this prolonged defiance. Apparently, Sechel felt it too, because he immediately rushed to the pair.

The Sith did not slow down, but did not try to catch up with the servant who had fled forward. At this distance, he could not hear the words drowned out by the rain and wind, but Sechel spoke with fierce gestures, while the people looked at him with cold contempt. The woman finally nodded and the couple slowly moved out of the way. Pleased with himself, Sechel turned to wait for Scourge.

“A thousand pardons, my lord,” he said as they climbed the steps. - Some "conquered" are not familiar with our customs.

“It wouldn't hurt to put them back in place,” Scourge growled dully.

“As you wish, lord,” the guide answered. “But I must remind you that Darth Nyriss is waiting.

Scourge decided not to pursue the topic. They climbed into the speeder waiting for them: Sechel sat in the pilot's seat, and Scourge settled himself in a comfortable seat, glad that the transport had a roof - most taxis lacked that luxury. The engines started working, the car climbed ten meters, picked up speed and left the spaceport behind.

In silence, they approached the colossal citadel in the heart of Kaas. But Scourge knew they had a different destination today. As a member of the Dark Council, Darth Nyriss was admitted to the Emperor's stronghold. But, mindful of the two recent assassination attempts, Scourge was sure that she would hide within the walls of her own fortress on the outskirts of Kaas, surrounded by the most devoted servants and guards.

Scourge didn't seem like cowardice - Nyriss was just practical. Like any high-ranking Sith, she has managed to make many enemies. Until she finds out who is behind the assassination attempts, appearing in public unnecessarily will be an unjustified risk for her.

But she should have thought about more than practicality. Your power must be backed up by force. If Nyriss shows herself weak or inept by not taking decisive action against those who wish her death, others will feel it. Her competitors in the Dark Council and beyond are using her vulnerability to rise. Darth Nyriss may lose his life, becoming far from the first victim of intrigue in the circle of the Emperor's entourage.

But if his mission was so important, he could not understand why Nyriss had not sent a guard of honor to accompany him through the city. Everyone should have known about his arrival. He is living proof that Nyriss is taking steps to solve her problem. And a warning to her other enemies, whom the latest assassination attempts might have inspired to their own exploits. There was no point in keeping his arrival a secret — at least Scourge had not seen him.

“We are in place, lord,” the servant said as the transport touched the ground.

They found themselves in a large courtyard. It was protected from the north and south by high stone walls; the east side faced the street, and to the west there was a building that was apparently the fortress of Darth Nyriss. It was in many ways reminiscent of the Emperor's citadel, only it was smaller in size. The architectural resemblance was not just a tribute to the Emperor: like the citadel, the building served as a dwelling and stronghold for Nyriss in times of danger. It was graceful yet imposing and could withstand any attack.

In the courtyard stood six statues, each a few meters at the base and twice the height of Scourge. The two largest depicted humanoids in Sith robes - a man and a woman. Their arms were slightly raised and palms up. The man's face was hidden by a hood - this is how the Emperor was usually portrayed. The woman's hood was pulled back, revealing her fierce features. If the sculptor worked in good faith, then Scourge could get a first idea of ​​what Darth Nyriss looks like.

The rest of the statues were abstract, although each bore the ancestral emblem of Nyriss — a four-pointed star within a wide circle. The ground was strewn with white gravel. A rare species of lichen that took root well in the gloomy Dromund Kaas, it covered the courtyard with decorative patterns and gave off a lavender glow. A smooth path of cut stone ran from the keep's massive double doors through the center of the courtyard to a small landing pad where their speeder had landed.

Sechel climbed out of the car and ran around it to open the passenger door. Scourge stepped out into the rain, which if it had weakened during the journey, it was not much.

“This way, sir,” Sechel called, seeding along the path.

Scourge followed, confident that the doors would open wide in front of him. To his surprise, they remained closed - but Sechel was not too puzzled by this. He walked over to a small holo-screen at the entrance and pressed the call button.

Sechel tried to speak, but only coughed and shook his head violently. Satisfied, Scourge released his grip. He fell with a sack from a meter height to the ground and, groaning in pain, with difficulty rose to his knees.

“Darth Nyriss didn’t want to hire you,” he explained, his voice husky with suffocation. “After the second assassination attempt, the Emperor felt that her subordinates might be involved. He recommended that she bring in someone from the outside.

Suddenly everything came together in one picture. The Emperor's desire is a law, and any of his "recommendations" could not be interpreted other than an order. Darth Nyriss invited Scourge as she had no other choice. He considered himself a guest of honor, but in fact he was brought under the monastery. His presence offended Nyriss's loyal servants, and she herself served as a reminder that the Emperor doubted her ability to settle the matter on her own. Hence the lukewarm reception and hostility from the head of security.

Scourge realized that he was in an unenviable position. While investigating, he will come across resistance and mistrust every now and then. Any mistakes, even not related to him, will be hung on him. One wrong step could be the end of his career, and possibly the end of his life.

Scourge was still pondering the thought when he heard the sound of an approaching speeder through the thunder of the storm. The sound was mundane, but all of the Sith's senses sharpened instantly. Heart beat faster, breathing quickened. The adrenaline rush twitched in her cheeks and muscles tensed.

Without taking his eyes from the sky, Scourge drew his lightsaber. At his feet, Sechel screamed and covered his face, mistakenly believing that the blow was intended for him. The Sith Lord ignored him.

In the gloom of the storm, he made out the silhouette of a speeder heading straight for them. Reaching out to the Force, Scourge probed the vehicle and its passengers. A flash of rage pierced his senses, and his worst suspicions were confirmed: those inside, intended to kill him.

Transformed into the galaxy-conquering Dark Lord of the Sith. The history of this character can be found by completing the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, but we'll tell you the background right here.

In a nutshell, during the Mandalorian Wars, the backstory of which was the "awakened" Vishate Emperor, who ordered the Mandalorians to attack the Republic, the Jedi Order took a wait-and-see attitude, and a number of Jedi disagreed with it. Chief among them was Revan - from the word Revanchist. He and his comrades led a third of the Republican fleet and, quickly learning Mandalorian tactics, began to beat enemies with their own weapons, becoming famous as the greatest strategist in the galaxy and the most brutal at that. He drove the Mandalorian fleet to Malachor 5, where he destroyed it, ordering his general, the Jedi Knight Mitra Surik (the heroine of the second KOTOR) to activate a superweapon - a gravitational shadow generator. The consequence of this was the destruction of almost the entire Mandalorian fleet, the death of most of the "not loyal" to Revan's fleet of the republic and the severing of communication with the Force at Mitra Surik - due to the death of a huge number of people, a cry burst into her consciousness, she temporarily became deaf and after the war returned to The Order, the only Jedi to go to war. As a result, she was sent into exile, having recouped her in full. But this is not about her.

There was a secret Sith academy on Malachor 5 - a place on the very outskirts of the ancient Sith Empire, and there was a strong dark side. Revan, having visited the academy, suddenly discovered information about Vishyte and decided to go to check if there was a threat to the Republic. After visiting Nafema and horrified by what happened to the planet, he reached Dromund Kaas, the coordinates of which he found in the abandoned city (Nafema was a forbidden planet, for visiting which you could get from Vishate in full). There he appeared before the Emperor, and it was there that Darth Revan was born.

It must be admitted, however, that Revan used the Dark Side of the Force not to crush the already kneeling Republic, but to unite and prevent collapse due to the weakness of the Jedi Order. In order to restore his reserves of weapons, Revan found the Rakat Star Forge and fired it up to full capacity, gaining the resources to fight the Emperor for his throne. But his aspirations were not destined to come true. The Jedi raided his flagship to capture Darth Revan, at the same time Darth Malak, who was a passionate orator and a kind man before his fall to the dark side, and with the fall (and the loss of his lower jaw) turned into a bloody maniac, decided to betray him and opened fire on his teacher's ship. Revan managed to evacuate, after which the Jedi brainwashed him and enlisted in the army as a simple soldier. Since then, he did not return to the dark side, but he destroyed the Star Forge, killed Malak, fell in love with Bastilla Shan (the arrogant Jedi) and went back to Wisheith, this time with the desire to drive him into the ground, and deeper. The consequence of this was the capture of Revan, and with a second attempt, the death of Mitra Surik.

Revan personally killed the Mandalorian war leader on his own ship, for which he was respected by all the other Mandalorians, for their leader was the most powerful warrior of all.

Translating to Russian language: Jedi Council Archivists Guild (

Work on the translation: Rami, Binary Sunset, Rebel Dream, Gilad, Raymus Icebridge, Raiden, Basilews, Darth Niemand

Artistic editing and proofreading: Basilews, Gilad, Hellica Ordo, zavron_lb, Darth Niemand

Responsible editor: Gilad

Cover design: Queller

Layout in fb2: $ TeR

Hungry Ewok Publishing,, 2012

The events of the book take place 3954-3950 years before "Episode IV: A New Hope"


Bastila Shen

Canderous Ordo, mandalorian mercenary (male human)

Darth Nyriss, member of the Dark Council (female Sith)

Darth Zydrix, member of the Dark Council (male Sith)

Mitra Surik, Jedi Knight (female human)

Mertog, head of security (male)

Revan, Jedi Master (male human)

Scourge, Sith Lord (male Sith)

Sechel, counselor (male sit)

T3-M4, astromech droid

Darkness reigns here forever. There is no sun, no dawn, only the darkness of an endless night. Light is given only by ragged flashes of lightning, fiercely cutting a path through the thunderclouds. And immediately after them thunder breaks the sky, and streams of cruel, cold rain fall to the ground.

A storm is coming from which there is no escape.

Revan's eyes widened. The primal rage of the nightmare tormented him with insomnia for the third night in a row.

He lay still and quiet, turning inward to calm the pounding heartbeat, and mentally repeated the first line of the Jedi mantra:

"There are no emotions, there is peace."

A calmness spread inside, washing away the irrational terror of sleep. However, he knew this dream too well to consider it irrelevant. The storm that haunted the Jedi whenever he closed his eyes was not just a nightmare. It arose from the most distant nooks of memory and had some secret meaning. But no matter how hard Revan tried, he could not understand what exactly the subconscious was trying to tell him.

This is a warning? A long forgotten memory? Vision of the future? Maybe all at once?

Carefully, trying not to wake his wife, he got out of bed and went to the bathroom to splash cold water on his face. Having caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he stopped and began to examine the reflection.

Even now, two years after discovering who he really is, Revan found it difficult to match the face in the mirror to the person he once was - before the Jedi Council brought him back to the light.

Revan: Jedi, hero, traitor, conqueror, villain, savior. All this and more. He was a living legend, a mythical figure, a person who transcended history. However, now an ordinary person was looking at him from the mirror, having not slept for three nights.

Fatigue took its toll. His angular features sharpened and stretched. The pallor of his skin accentuated the circles under his eyes, which gazed at him from deep hollows.

He rested both hands on the edges of the shell, dropped his head and took a deep, drawn-out sigh. His shoulder-length black hair fell over his face in a dark curtain. After a few seconds, he straightened and brushed his hair back with the fingers of both hands.

Moving noiselessly, Revan left the bathroom, crossed the small living room of his apartment and found himself on the balcony. There he paused, contemplating the endless urban landscape of Coruscant.

The traffic flow in the galactic capital did not stop for a minute. He heard a constant hum and saw blurred patches of ships rushing past. Revan leaned over the railing as far as his height, but his eyes could not pierce the darkness and make out the surface of the planet, from which he was separated by hundreds of floors.

- Do not jump. I don’t want to clean the street later.

She stood on the threshold of the balcony, wrapped in a sheet to protect herself from the cold of the night. Her long brown hair, usually tied in a lush knot at the top of her head and ending in a short ponytail that fell from the back of her head, was loose and disheveled after sleep. The city lights illuminated only part of Bastila's face, but he could still see her lips compressed into a nervous smile. Despite the jocular words, there was concern in her face.

- Sorry. He stepped away from the railing and turned to face her. “I didn't mean to wake you up. I was just trying to drive the thoughts away.

“What if you go to the Jedi Council? - suggested Bastila. - Perhaps they will help.

- Do you want me to turn to the Council for help? He repeated. “You obviously went overboard with Corellian wine at dinner.

“They owe you,” Bastila insisted. “If it weren't for you, Darth Malak would have destroyed the Republic and the Council, and wiped the Jedi off the face of the galaxy. They owe everything to you.

Revan didn't answer. His wife didn’t betray her soul: he stopped Darth Malak and destroyed the Star Forge. But if only it were that simple. Malak was his student. Against the will of the Council, the two of them led an army of Jedi and Republican soldiers against the Mandalorian invaders who attacked the Outer Rim colonies ... Only they returned not as heroes, but as conquerors.

Revan and Malak both wanted to destroy the Republic. But Malak betrayed his teacher, and the Jedi Council captured Revan, barely alive: his body was wounded and his mind shattered. The Jedi saved his life, but at the same time erased all his memories and turned him into a weapon aimed at Darth Malak and his followers.

"The council doesn't owe me anything," Revan whispered. - All the good things that I have done will not be able to counterbalance the old evil.

Bastila gently but firmly put her hand to his lips.

- Do not say that. They can't blame you for what happened. Not now. You are not who you were before. The Revan I know is a hero. Warrior of Light. Malak turned me to the dark side, and you helped me return.

Revan wrapped his fingers around her delicate hand that covered his mouth and gently pulled it aside.

“Just like you and the Council brought me back.

Bastila turned away, and Revan immediately regretted his words. He knew that she was ashamed of her participation in his capture and deprivation of memory.

- We did it wrong. Then it seemed to me that we had no other choice, but if I had to go through all this again ...

“No,” Revan interrupted. - You don't need to change anything. If none of this had happened, I would never have found you.

She turned to him, and Revan saw the same pain and bitterness in her eyes.

“What the Council has done to you is wrong,” she repeated. - They took your memories! They stole your identity.

“My identity has returned,” Revan assured his wife, pulling her to him and hugging her. “You don’t need to be angry.

Bastila did not resist the hug, although at first her body was unyielding. Then he felt the tension receding, and she rested her head on his shoulder.

“No emotion, there is peace,” she whispered, repeating the same words that Revan had sought comfort in a few minutes ago.

They stood in silence, embracing, until Revan felt his wife tremble.

“It's cold in here,” he said. - Let's go inside.

Twenty minutes later, Bastila was already asleep, while Revan lay on the bed with his eyes open, staring at the ceiling.

He thought about what his beloved had said — that the Council had stolen his identity. When the mind was healed, many memories returned - as did the sense of self. But Revan knew that some of the scraps of memory were probably gone forever.

As a Jedi, he knew how important it was to give up anger and bitterness, but still thoughts of the lost did not want to leave his head.

Revan and Bastila stop at Coruscant. Revan's philosophy of the Jedi way of life does not benefit from being among the council. Having refused, together with Bastila, the council's offer to begin their retraining (training), the savior of the Republic is persuaded at least to stop spreading his heresy among other Jedi. And yet, Bastila becomes Revan's wife, contrary to the behests of the guardians of the Republic.
But word of "The Redeemer" Revan was too valuable for the order. Therefore, Revan receives unofficial permission to serve on the council for certain concessions on his part. Yet relations with the heads of the order remained tense.

The visions disturb Revan. He sees views of the planet of endless rains. All this time, the hero of the galaxy was never able to fully restore his lost memory, but the desire to reveal the secrets of the past eventually prevailed. In one of the cantinas, he meets with Canderous Ordo, hiding among the common people. The old comrade agrees to help Revan and obtain the necessary information for him about the reasons for Mandalore the Ultimate's attack on the Republic. A wandering Mandalorian, who has not seen his own brothers for about five years, begins his investigation.

Meanwhile, Revan is looking for information on Mitra Surik. She was one of Revan's most loyal generals during the war with Mandalore. He knew only that she was expelled from the Council, and that about her future fate and whereabouts - darkness.

“In the Temple archives, Revan accessed Surik’s file and realized that it wasn’t enough to find her. Behind him he heard a voice, turning around, Revan saw Atris, the Jedi historian and ex-girlfriend of Surik. During the conversation, she said that Surik cut herself off from the Force, feeling guilty for his actions during the Mandalorian Wars, then Revan realized why he did not feel the presence of Surik: she was out of reach of the Force.

Although Revan felt responsible for Surik's fate, he did not show his emotions in front of Eitris. But as soon as she left, they covered him with his head. Most of Revan's memories of Surik are gone, leaving only scattered scraps. However, she was once one of his closest friends, and despite his inability to fully remember her, Revan still felt a strong emotional connection with her. "

Some time later, Revan again meets with Canderous in the same cantina. Ordo talks about a cluster of Mandalorian clans on one of the planets. It was rumored that Mandalore's mask was hidden there. The vision that came to the Jedi shows him accompanied by Malak on a snow-covered planet, where the two stand on top of a mountain. There were hidden doors forgotten for years, among the hills.

It was the planet of Rekkiad. Revan, Canderous, T3-M4 go in search of the mask.

As it turned out, Canderous was married to Vila Ordo - she was the head of their clan, which he left.

Revan finally met the Sith Emperor. And their battle began. The Jedi came close to defeating his captor, but at the last moment he threw his opponent away, clearly surpassing even a Master of the Force like Revan. The Emperor again tried to take possession of Revan's mind, submitting to his will, but failed. A blinding flash threw the Sith Lord aside while Revan remained on his feet. It was then that the Sith unleashed on the hero all the power of his own rage - purple lightning rushed towards the Jedi, and as he did not try to resist them - he felt his mask melting and sticking to his face.
Focused on Revan, the Emperor did not expect an attack from outside. T3-M4 shot him with a flamethrower. The Emperor wrapped himself in a shield of power, keeping himself safe. But the maneuver of the little droid distracted him, which was in the hands of its owner, although he was seriously wounded.

"He only managed to lift his head to see the Emperor unleash the power of the dark side on T3, shattering it into tiny pieces, many of which flew towards Revan."

Lord Scourge and the Exile had already rushed into the hall to help Revan. But if the first hesitated, disarmed by another vision that they would lose this battle, the second threw a lightsaber, knocking the Emperor's weapon out of his hands, preventing him from finishing off the Jedi.
Scourge realized that the Exile could have killed the Emperor if she hadn't tried to save Revan. Mitra Surik desperately defended his defeated friend from the Emperor, the forces were unequal. Having recovered, the three of them confronted the Emperor, but Revan's Sith companion was still hesitant in his actions, provoked by the exclamations of an angry Emperor that he would suffer the same fate as these two Jedi. The fate of the galaxy depended on Scourge's decision. In his visions, he saw that whoever killed the Emperor was not Revan or the Exile at all. An unknown Jedi he didn't know about yet.
In his confusion, he treacherously struck Mithra with his lightsaber. The Emperor unleashed the full power of his own Force lightning at Revan. Unprepared for such an outcome of events, the Jedi is defeated.

Scourge began to lie to his Emperor that all this time he was on his side, preventing the conspiracy. He was even ready to demonstrate his "loyalty" by striking Revan, seeing no more value in it. But the wave of his hand with the sword was stopped by his master. He believed him.

The Emperor once again puts Revan in custody, this time wanting to use him for his own purposes. Scourge was rewarded and took a special place beside the Sith Emperor.

The hero of the galaxy was placed in stasis, created with the help of Sith alchemy, for more than 300 years he did not feel the passage of time, the Emperor himself fed on his forces, while the ghost of the power of the Exile did his best to help Revan survive. Over the years, Revan himself learned to use this connection with the Emperor to his advantage - whispering to him in the Force about fears and doubts about an open attack on the Republic, restraining the intervention as much as he could.

Further destiny

And yet, the offensive was inevitable. A war broke out between the Empire and the Republic, and the Sith invaded its space.
It was then that the heroes of the new time united in a strike team to rescue Revan from captivity. And they succeeded.

“After his release, Revan was frightened, believing that now nothing would prevent the Emperor from carrying out his plans. However, Mithra came to him and said that the truce had been broken, after which Revan decided to go with the forces of the Republic. Arriving on Tython, he told the Jedi Council everything that knew about the Emperor and the Empire. ”Revan then traveled to the site known as the" Factory "and began building battle droids, led by NK-47, to destroy the Emperor and the Sith once and for all.

However, Darth Malgus knew that Revan was a threat and assembled a small strike team to take him out. This team arrived at the "Factory" and, destroying its defenses (including NK-47), reached Revan. He tried to convince the members of the strike team to fight the Emperor, but they did not listen and fought with him. Revan's might was great, but his opponents were stronger. Revan remembered Malak's last words, saying that he now understood how he felt on the Star Forge. He then disappeared in a flash of light and was supposed to merge with the Force. "

“And in the end, if the darkness takes me, then I am nothing. Now I know how you felt, old friend. "
- Revan speaking the last words of Darth Malak.

In Coronet, the capital of Corellia, a holographic statue of Revan has been erected along with the rest of the Ebony Hawk crew in the Holiday Gardens in Axis Park to commemorate their accomplishments.


Revan's legacy had a great impact on both the Republic and the Sith themselves, such was his personality - who was on the side of the Savior and the Betrayer, in the end, struggling to atone for his own mistakes in front of the galaxy. In many ways, he succeeded.

Many argue that he turned out to be the "ancestor" of Kylo Ren, from which the character of the 7th episode was made. I tend to agree.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. For more details, you can refer to the main Wookieepedia article on Revan, excerpts from which have been taken for a detailed description.

P.S Also, who plays SW-ToR! You are welcome to be friends! server - Progenitor.

Today is the defender of the fatherland day and I will take my cotton patriotic photo album from the dusty shelf.
This is how I looked in the fall of 1988, before being drafted into the slender ranks of the Soviet Army.

We, recruits, were invited to the military registration and enlistment office and instructed on how to appear at the conscription point. In particular, you need to be short, but not bald. Those who came bald like a billiard ball were threatened with a submarine fleet and three-year service. As a result, inspired by the instructions received, we, friends, got together and cut each other's hair, saving on the hairdresser's. And the funds thus freed were spent on beer.

Here's what happened and the result. By the way, behind my back you can observe the light switch I designed. It has a designer green backlight, by means of an indicator drawn from the factory and double switching on of one lamp - at full incandescence and at half strength, by means of a D226 diode and a smoothing capacitor.

And this is already in the army, he served more than a year. I am in the middle, left and right - my army colleagues. One from Siberia, the other from Western Ukraine.

As you can see, I was no stranger to culture either - when I was fired, I even went to the Oktyabrsky KZ. But I don’t remember at all what. The photo was taken on color slide film, which was a fucking luxury in those days.

The tendency to stay away from the authorities and closer to the place where food was prepared, or better - to lead this process, appeared in me back in those years. In this case, we secretly use a blowtorch with a special nozzle to cook a chicken stolen from the next part. A Ukrainian stole it, no one could have done it better than him - he had a lot of practice in the village of folding the heads of chickens. The recipe and cooking were already behind me. As I remember now, it was something like a chakhokhbili.

I also visited during the years of service in Boryspil and Fergana, but I have no scanned photos on my computer.

All men and women who wore and are wearing epaulettes for the glory of our Motherland - on the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland, hurray!

# it_was_so_long_that_and_remember_not_ sinful #congratulations_fanfix