Roses in paper packaging. Bouquet packaging: how to wrap a bouquet in a film? Packing options in various colors

Holidays are getting closer (it doesn't matter New Year, Birthday, Wedding Day, you never know holidays), gifts and menus are in place, but…. Flowers! It is quite difficult to find a beautiful and whole package now, and if it succeeds, then most often it is either very beautiful (then it’s a pity to throw it away) or expensive (especially on holidays this bag costs a fortune).

What about: shell out again and take the time or resort to good old advice from the "Do it yourself" category? Let's find out how to beautifully pack flowers! And do it yourself.

DIY beautiful flower gift

If flowers are an addition to the gift, and there are problems with the packaging (it does not look like it, it is crumpled, torn, its absence), you need to do it yourself.

So, in order to create the packaging that you like, you need to take:

  • flowers;
  • utility knife or scissors;
  • narrow tape;
  • small decorative elements;
  • packing material (perfect from a rice composition, wrapping will be a good option and the most popular is corrugated).

General rules for registration

Methods used by many florists:

  1. in order for the bouquet to delight the owner for a long time, it is better to cut the plants (or already take the morning party) and store in the cold;
  2. the stems, to give the flowers splendor, are tied with tape (you can do it more than once);
  3. paper must be selected not only in quality, but also in combination with the bouquet itself;
  4. accessories should add charm to the plants, but not “pull the blanket over yourself” (for example, sometimes one ribbon is enough).

How to beautifully pack flowers with your own hands?

Before the decorative part, a part of the stem is cut out of the flowers and placed in water, otherwise it will not take an hour - it will wither.

If the wrapping paper is corrugated, then you need to understand that such a package gives pomp to the bouquets (if it is lush by itself, it is better to refuse such material, otherwise it will be “heavy”).

If the packing decorator is rice- then the bag will acquire romance and tenderness (a great option for a wedding). The wrapping decorator is best used for formal meetings (“expensive and tasteful”), but alas, it deteriorates very quickly.

If the bouquet gift consists of a plant that is easily deformed (broken), then carefully wrapped in a bag - the stems are tied with a wire or a tourniquet (it can be “hidden” with an elegant ribbon or bow).

Packing options in various colors


  • definition with the components of the bouquet, the material is selected (for example, lilies will look good in a gift box);
  • so, it is worth remembering that the packing tapes are called raffia and that there are wavy lines, just holding part of the tape and one of the scissor blades - pull sharply along the entire length (children should not do this). So a beautiful bouquet holder is ready;
  • a square is cut out slightly larger than the bouquet component and folded in a kerchief way - the pattern and stems should be inside. Instead of a square, you can cut out two stripes and arrange them so that a halo is formed over the flowers. And beautiful and flowers will not harm;
  • you can tie it with two different ribbons and secure with a bow or a beautiful pebble.

If these are wildflowers

  • so that the bouquet is not too “eye-catching” and looks really cute - you need to give preference to small and simple plants;
  • fold the paper into a triangular shape;
  • we connect everything together (a thin festive fabric or lace will do) fastened with tape or a tourniquet, masked with raffia.

How to decorate a chamomile bag?

  • the base of the plant is rewound with small tape several times;
  • we make the packaging as a mesh, we place flowers there;
  • we fix the bag with tape.


  • we take the thinnest paper, for example, cigarette paper;
  • it develops in a triangular shape, hiding the stems;
  • we connect, along the way adding folds;
  • now thick fabric or festive paper is used and doing the same as in paragraph 1;
  • fix with a bow or tape, straighten the folds.

Now it's worth making a stand / background for a bouquet of roses

  • roses will look better on dark cardboard (but not on black!) or velvet paper;
  • a strip is cut slightly longer than the plant;
  • bend one part of the resulting strip into a loop;
  • close the bottom of the stand;
  • the resulting "pocket" is straightened and we insert a flower there. You can give!

For an exotic plant

If you are giving an orchid, gerbera, iris or a difficult plant, then:

  • a square or rectangular shape is cut out (you need to proceed from the volume of the bouquet) - it is better to take corrugated paper material;
  • in the center of the figure on transparent paper, place the bouquet and connect the even parts at the top;
  • the ends are tied with a bow or raffia, then straightened.

Flowers in a pot

There are such plants that without a family member they will not be able to survive home, what to do with them?

  • if the plant is without a pot, then a disposable cup is taken and a sheet of foil is placed in it;
  • with the same paper a glass or pot from the outside;
  • fix with tape / bow, folds are corrected.

More clearly and in detail can be found in the "Video Gallery".

Video gallery - how to beautifully pack flowers:

Here you can find all the master classes and tips for creating packaging, plant and gift parts of bouquets.

Some bouquets look gorgeous even without decoration. But more often than not, the right packaging decorates the flower arrangement and makes it special. To find out how to beautifully pack flowers with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the art of decorating them.

Fundamental rules

Before you start decorating flowers, you should familiarize yourself with the packaging rules.

When decorating a bouquet, the main emphasis should be on flowers. The packaging is a complementary element that enhances their beauty. And, if necessary, hides small defects.

Do not wrap flowers entirely in a bag or crepe paper. Decorating with synthetic ribbons is also out of fashion.

The packaging should not have too many eye-catching decorative elements. The flower arrangement should attract attention.

Naturalness is in trend, therefore natural materials are relevant. You can use felt, jute, mesh, sisal, or rice parchment packaging.


One of the common types of packaging material is wrapping film. It can be transparent, patterned, multi-colored or plain.

Using a bag made of film to decorate a bouquet, you will need tape and a stapler. To highlight each flower of the composition, their stems are laid at small angles. The base of the stems is wrapped with tape to add volume. The bouquet is wrapped in wrapping film. With the help of a stapler, folds are made. A beautiful and graceful bouquet is ready.

Packing net

Synthetic mesh is gaining more and more popularity. It comes with a striped or diamond pattern. It can also be with or without the addition of lurex.

Meshes made from natural materials look beautiful. They are made from non-woven fabric, jute, burlap, rattan and sisal.

The advantage of net packaging is its strength and flexibility. This allows you to transport the bouquet without fear of its safety.

The mesh also adds volume to floral arrangements. Green ornamental plants are perfectly combined with the floristic mesh.

Corrugated paper

The airiness of the flower arrangement will be added by corrugated paper packaging. But you need to work with it very carefully, as it breaks easily and quickly loses its appearance.

One of the design options is the hourglass-shaped packaging. For this:

  • corrugated paper must be assembled in the form of an accordion;
  • arrange the bouquet in the middle;
  • wrap flowers;
  • tie with a ribbon.

Rice paper

To exquisitely wrap a bouquet with rice paper, you need to collect the flowers so that their stems are close to each other. Pruning stems that are too long should be trimmed.

Flowers with small inflorescences should be placed around the perimeter of the composition. You can also add various decorative elements. But don't get carried away, as the bouquet shouldn't look overwhelmed.

Wrapping paper

You can simply and tastefully arrange a bouquet using ordinary wrapping paper. It is necessary to cut the paper to a suitable size, fold and wrap the flowers. You can tie it with a tourniquet or thick thread. A note with gentle words will add romance to the bouquet.

Kraft paper

Bouquets are similarly packed using kraft paper. A distinctive feature is the original drawing, which can be selected in accordance with the desired theme.

The vintage style of such paper attracts and disposes to itself.

Satin ribbon

You can arrange a flower arrangement without the use of special packaging materials using a wide satin ribbon.

You need to choose a ribbon of a suitable color and wrap the stems several times and tie a bow.

For small bouquets, you can wrap the stems to the bottom. For large compositions, you can leave the ends of the stems open.

Fresh flowers have long entered our life as a way to express our feelings or to decorate our everyday life. Agree that a chicly designed composition is pleasant to receive not only for a woman, but also for a man. To understand how to beautifully pack a bouquet of flowers, you need to remember some decorating rules.

Making bouquets of fresh flowers

If you are going to a friend's birthday or other celebration, then an unusual floral arrangement will be a great addition to a gift. Before packing the flowers, it is better to check with the hero of the occasion which of them he likes. With this approach, getting a sign of attention will be even more pleasant. Individual design will emphasize the fact that you tried to please and will delight the person even more. Before you pack a bouquet of flowers, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • The wrapper should be in harmony with its content. Make sure that the design emphasizes all the advantages and hides the disadvantages of the composition.
  • Use soft, natural tones to enhance the beauty of the flowers and the purity of your intentions. They go well with any flowers, add chic, nobility and wealth to them. If packaged too brightly, it will look silly and distract the attention of others from the main part of the bouquet.
  • Foil packaging, polyester tapes are out of fashion. In the modern world, presenting such would be considered the highest degree of bad taste.
  • Now at the peak of popularity are materials such as mesh, felt, corrugated paper. For fasteners, you can use ropes, ropes, unusual tapes.
  • If you are giving a small floral arrangement, then you should not decorate it with large decorative elements. A small bow is enough.
  • Dried flowers and green plants will help to diversify the composition. However, you should be careful: not all flowers tolerate being close to each other. For some, the combination can be disastrous and the bouquet will wither quickly.
  • To add volume to the composition, the stems are tightly tied with tape at the very base and only then they begin to decorate.

There are many different techniques and ways to create bouquets. Some of them are so complex that only an experienced florist can handle them. And yet, flowers can be packaged in an original way at home without any help. To do this, you need the following:

  • flowers;
  • scissors;
  • Scotch;
  • stapler;
  • decorative elements;
  • burlap, floral mesh, or other wrapping materials.

Packaging for bouquets

Various materials can be used to decorate the flowers. Now it has become fashionable to give bouquets in bright boxes made of cardboard or plastic. A few years ago, baskets remained at the peak of their popularity. The classic design option is a colored wrapper that adds festive gloss, brightness and chic to the compositions. The most demanded materials for decoration are:

  • kraft paper;
  • net;
  • sackcloth;
  • felt.

Kraft flower paper

Such wrapping material is at the peak of its popularity. It was once used to pack dishes, shop purchases. Due to its environmental friendliness, lightness and air permeability, it is perfect for decorating flowers. Kraft holds its shape well, therefore it is suitable for the most insane compositions. Flowers in paper packaging look very stylish and elegant. The natural color of the wrapping material is brown. A newspaper print is often applied to it, which adds its own flavor.

Packing bouquets with a net

If you don't know how to pack flowers, then pay attention to the floral net. It goes well with any plants, adds festivity and volume to the composition. To make the design successful, it is best to choose contrasting colors: a gold or green mesh is suitable for red roses, purple or yellow for white ones. Wrap the contents in the form of an open bag, tie it with a silk ribbon, and a chic addition to the main gift is ready.

How beautiful to pack flowers with your own hands

If you have a wrapping material, a stapler and scissors at home, you can collect and pack the bouquet yourself. There are many techniques for decorating a live composition. For some, it will be beautiful to tie the stems in three girths with a bright ribbon, while others prefer original options. Open and closed bags look good, a combination of several materials. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with how to pack flowers step by step.

How to wrap a bouquet in paper

To make a beautiful decoration from craft or rice paper, you need to cut off a neat sheet, which is slightly longer in size than the stems. We put the flowers in the middle, wrap them in the form of an open bag. The lower part can be hidden inside. To add brightness, you can tie a ribbon in the middle of the bag. If you want to add tenderness, you need to cut out a little lace and glue it to the top of the bag. In addition, craft is combined with sequins, rhinestones, twine and other elements used for decoration.

You should think about how to pack a bouquet of flowers when you decide to do it yourself. In order to effectively present flowers, even flawlessly selected ones, they must be properly wrapped in suitable paper. It is extremely important to maintain harmony in the design, large deviations from the norms of aesthetics are not allowed. And the exact knowledge of what kind of flowers a particular person likes, whether he is allergic to pollen, will help not to be mistaken and make the right choice.

You can resort to the help of store employees, or you can pack a bouquet of flowers with your own hands. The main thing in this case is a little practice. And for any action, each person has developed some kind of algorithm, that is, everything that is done is conditioned by some kind of instruction. To do something on your own, you need to be guided by something and develop the appropriate skills.

It is important to remember that before packing, from the whole variety of bouquets, you should choose the one that is most suitable for the given situation.

Packaging is needed not only as decoration, but sometimes as protection from bad weather. But in order to properly and beautifully pack flowers, you need to know some principles. The main assistant in this creative activity is fantasy.

Here are the main decorating rules to follow:

  1. The packaging is an add-on and shouldn't be a distraction. The person's gaze should be focused on the bouquet itself.
  2. The round way of packing will add density, the spiral one - will make the bouquet lush.
  3. Flowers completely wrapped in cellophane, polyester tape or foil should not be presented - this is considered bad form.
  4. Remember the main thing about decorative elements: they should not attract attention to themselves, should not play a major role. The decoration is secondary and only adds additional color and emphasizes the dignity. She also hides flaws.
  5. Currently, it is recommended to use packaging made from natural materials: rice paper, felt, sisal, corrugated paper, jute, etc.

Original design

Here we will describe step by step all the steps for drawing up a beautiful bouquet. Immediately prepare rice paper (or whatever else you like), scissors, scotch tape, decorative elements (various bows, ribbons, nets, etc.) and the bouquet itself. Next, tightly wrap the base of the bouquet with tape: this way the flowers will not disintegrate and you will get additional volume.

Take wrapping or corrugated paper. The latter has a minus: it loses its former appearance rather quickly. Wrapping paper will last much longer. But everyone has their own choice.

To beautifully pack a bouquet of flowers, you must act carefully. To do this, unfold the wrapping material and carefully fold it in half.

Flowers should be placed so that the stems remain open. Next, you need to carefully wrap the bouquet on both sides and tie it with a ribbon.

The bouquet itself can be decorated with decorative butterflies, bows, but in no case should you overload the resulting composition. Everything should be in moderation. The main thing in the question of how to beautifully pack a bouquet is to maintain harmony. That is, there should not be any variegation, even absurdity. The idea of ​​the bouquet should be clearly expressed and clearly visible.

It will be better and better to decorate the bouquets every time. And once again you will pack the flowers in such a way that you yourself will be pleasantly surprised: what a miracle happened!

You can also use crepe paper. It is strong enough and adapts well to any shape without losing its properties. There are many options for how to pack a bouquet of flowers.

The main thing is not to overdo it with the decoration, but for the rest: be creative and do not be afraid.

For a girl, a gift is not as important as attention. And a special sign of attention will be decorated with your own hands, because you put your soul into it, and show how important you are to the one to whom the flowers are intended. Flowers are the most beautiful and effective gift. It is not at all difficult to decorate flowers beautifully, the main thing is to know a few elementary rules, stock up on the necessary materials and a good mood. You will learn how to pack flowers with your own hands in this article.

Packing rules

To pack your flowers correctly, remember these simple rules:

  • Flower packaging should complement the bouquet, not be the main focus. She should emphasize all the beauty and elegance of flowers, and if necessary, then hide defects or imperfections.
  • Flowers should not be completely wrapped in cellophane, crepe paper, or wrapped entirely in synthetic tape. It has long been out of fashion and is considered a sign of bad taste.
  • Do not get carried away with decorative elements. They should only be a light addition, flowers should be the main focus.
  • Naturalness is in fashion, so use natural elements, jute, felt, various nets, sisal, and rice parchment as decor.
  • Below are examples of bouquets that are packaged by our florists. You can order any of the presented bouquets on our website.

Create a mood

It must be remembered that in order to give the bouquet a splendor, the packaging should be spiral, the round way of packing will make the bouquet denser. A vertical bouquet in a cascade design also looks interesting; such a bouquet will suit a man or a business partner.

To make the bouquet look neat, fold the stems at the base tightly one to one and cut. To increase the volume of the bouquet, you can rewind the bases with tape.

You can add different inflorescences, leaves, decorations, but be careful not to overload the composition. The classic way to decorate a bouquet is a wide satin ribbon that ties the flowers in three turns.

And if you pack the bouquet in corrugated paper, you will make it light and delicate, emphasize the stylish simplicity of flowers. You can also beautifully pack flowers in a net, it looks very unusual.

In order to choose exactly such a packaging option as you need, you can watch various videos with the participation of the florist and listen to his advice.

And we offer a small master class that will help you quickly and without any special skills to pack beautifully flowers in paper.

Present flowers that will last for more than one week

Another option to present a bouquet beautifully is to present a blooming flowerpot. A house plant in a pot will remind you of the person who gave it to you for a long time. But such flowers also need a beautiful decoration.

Nicely pack the pot in which you are giving flowers. This can be done using colored paper or cardboard. The pot can also be decorated with fleece, lace, decorative necklace. But the simplest and most effective way to decorate flowers in a pot is a thin transparent plastic wrap decorated with a colored bow.

If you want, visit the company stores or order the delivery of the bouquet via the Internet. Competent specialists with an impeccable sense of beauty will pick you up a bouquet that meets all your wishes.