Gag reflex in infants during feeding. What can vomiting lead to? Infant poisoning

Gagging is a protective physiological mechanism that exists to evacuate the pathological contents of the gastrointestinal tract. The appearance of vomiting in a breastfed baby is often provoked by both organic and functional pathology of the body.

Very often, such symptoms occur due to intoxication of the child's body. If parents have noticed that their newborn baby has the urge to vomit during and after breastfeeding, then they should take the baby to a medical specialist to identify the cause of such symptoms.

Vomiting or spitting up

If we talk about such a physiological phenomenon as regurgitation, then this event is a variant of the norm. This physiological process exists to eliminate the portions of air that entered the stomach of a newborn baby during feeding. Young parents need to be able to, since the tactics of their further behavior depend on this.

In favor of vomiting, the following signs speak:

  • Before the onset of vomiting, the newborn looks restless, cries and is naughty;
  • During vomiting, the baby's digestive tract pushes out a large amount of gastric contents;
  • Gagging tends to be repeated;
  • Outgoing gastric contents often acquire a yellowish or greenish tint and contain an admixture of bile;
  • Vomiting may be accompanied by fever and pallor of the skin.


The following reasons can provoke the appearance of vomiting in a newborn child who is breastfed:

  • Entry of a foreign body into the esophagus. Young children tend to “taste” many objects, which increases the risk of a foreign body entering the lumen of the esophagus. This circumstance is the cause of the reflex spasm of the walls of the esophagus, followed by the formation of a gag reflex. In such a situation, parents should immediately call an ambulance, while monitoring the contents of the vomit. Alarming signs in this case are impurities of mucus and blood in the vomit, increased salivation in the child and signs of respiratory failure;
  • Acute appendicitis. Despite the fact that this surgical pathology is extremely rare in infancy, its occurrence cannot be excluded. A common symptom of inflammation of the appendix of the caecum is vomiting, which is accompanied by bloating, general weakness, disorders and fever. If the baby is disturbed by such symptoms, he becomes whiny, restless. Lying on its side or on its back, the baby tries to bend its legs to the stomach. With a light touch on the abdomen of a newborn, he develops tension in the anterior abdominal wall, which indicates an increase in pain;
  • Intestinal obstruction. In newborns, this pathology occurs due to previously transferred severe infectious diseases, as well as due to abnormalities in the structure of the intestine. In medical practice, it is customary to distinguish between partial and complete obstruction. In children with this diagnosis, vomiting is observed during and after feeding, while elements of bile or original feces are determined in the vomit. This condition threatens the life of the child, so if the parents suspect one of the listed symptoms in the baby, it must be taken to a medical specialist;

  • neurological pathologies. If during the period of intrauterine development a neurological failure occurred in the fetal body, vomiting during infancy is a characteristic manifestation of the pathology of nervous regulation. Asphyxia of the baby during labor and after it can serve as a factor in the development of neurological diseases. In such children, there is a systematic urge to vomit, which is accompanied by convulsive syndrome, tremor of the limbs and chin, increased lethargy or nervous excitability. Premature low birth weight infants are at particular risk of developing neurological disorders. Such babies are necessarily hospitalized in a hospital and treated under medical supervision;
  • Pylorospasm. Between the duodenum and the stomach is a kind of anatomical formation that provides a dosed promotion of food along the entire length of the digestive tube. If in the body of a newborn there is a contraction of the muscles of the so-called pylorus, then medical specialists diagnose pylorospasm. For newborn babies under the age of 4 months, this pathology is common, since the baby's body produces a large amount of gastrin. Under the influence of this biologically active substance, an increase in the tone of the pylorus muscles is observed. Gagging during and after feeding often indicates the development of pylorospasm;
  • Pyloric stenosis. This organic pathology belongs to the category of congenital diseases. Pyloric stenosis is characterized by a decrease in the clearance between the stomach and duodenum. With this disease, breast milk cannot move freely from the stomach cavity into the intestines. Against the background of such a failure, the baby has a pronounced gag reflex. If the baby suffers from pyloric stenosis, then the early symptoms of this disease make themselves felt within 1 month of life. The development of pyloric stenosis is also indicated by the nature of the vomit, which acquire a curdled consistency. Against the background of pyloric stenosis, the baby slowly gains or loses body weight, shows signs of hunger and thirst. To correct this disease, the baby is shown surgery;
  • Traumatic head injury. If on the eve of vomiting, a newborn child had a head injury associated with or a bruise, then vomiting indicates a concussion of the substance of the brain. If the baby is faced with a traumatic brain injury, then along with the gag reflex, he develops bradycardia, pallor of the skin and increased drowsiness. Such children are subject to immediate hospitalization.

anxiety symptoms

After parents have discovered the symptoms of a gag reflex in a newborn baby, it is important for them to monitor his condition in dynamics.

As alarming symptoms indicating the need to call an ambulance, there are:

  • Frequent crying, whims and refusal to breastfeed;
  • Signs of dehydration;
  • The appearance of various impurities in the vomit of the baby;
  • Weakness, increased drowsiness and pallor of the skin;
  • Increase in body temperature;
  • Visual signs of tension in the abdominal muscles in a child;
  • Change in the nature of the stool, as well as the appearance of impurities of mucus and blood in the feces.

Having recognized pathological symptoms, the primary task of young parents is to call an emergency team. Until the arrival of medical specialists, the baby is kept in an upright position, avoiding sudden movements.

Until the period of establishing the cause of the child's vomiting, it is strictly forbidden to apply to the chest, wash his stomach or engage in self-selection of medications. To avoid irritating effects of vomit, the skin around the baby's mouth must be gently wiped with a clean tissue or handkerchief.

After the relief of acute manifestations of malaise, the baby is assigned a consultation with a pediatrician and other narrow-profile medical specialists. During a comprehensive examination, the child will be prescribed an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, urine, blood and feces tests. If necessary, the doctor will expand the list of diagnostic measures.

The gag reflex is a protective function of the body, which allows ridding the gastrointestinal tract of pathological masses. If, after breastfeeding, the baby vomits with a fountain, this indicates dangerous pathologies of the child's body.

An infant performs a normal physiological phenomenon - regurgitation. Unlike vomiting, the process is completely natural and allows the baby to get rid of excess air trapped in the feeding process. Babies usually vomit after feeding breast milk or formula after 10-30 minutes. Provoking the ejection of food from the stomach into the esophagus may be associated with breaths of air, overeating, or as a result of strong arousal.

The physiological process of regurgitation is accompanied by the following signs:

  1. Belching does not cause vomiting.
  2. The rejected mass is small.
  3. The baby is doing well.
  4. There is a normal weight gain.
  5. The secreted liquid contains an admixture of milk and water.

Spitting up is temporary, does not require treatment, and resolves on its own as the child grows older.

It is important to distinguish between dangerous vomiting and regurgitation. The further condition of the newborn depends on the competence of the parents.

Call signs:

  1. The baby behaves restlessly, is naughty before vomiting. Crying and restlessness indicate discomfort.
  2. The baby experiences repeated urges.
  3. Gastric contents acquire a greenish or yellow tint.
  4. There is an admixture of bile.
  5. Accompanied by temperature.

Vomiting is a reflex regulated by the cerebral cortex. The muscles of the abdominal press and diaphragm are involved in the process. The baby tenses up, begins a copious secretion of saliva. An attack of nausea is accompanied by the child's pallor and rapid breathing. Vomiting exceeds the amount of food consumed - in addition to the food eaten, gastric juice is secreted.

Causes of vomiting in the baby

The appearance of symptoms in infants can be triggered by many factors, from teething to dangerous diseases.

It happens that a few episodes pass without suspicion: vomit without blood impurities, the baby is active and does not look sick. Such rare phenomena are caused by primary causes, the prerequisite for which are reflexes of the baby. It could be:

  1. Binge eating.
  2. An undeveloped vestibular apparatus, when the baby vomits at the slightest rise.
  3. Large food particles.
  4. Overexcitation.
  5. Entry of large amounts of air.

If attacks of vomiting cause discomfort and pain to the child, we are talking about secondary causes associated not only with the digestive organs. Symptomatic causes include:

  1. infectious diseases.
  2. Viruses.
  3. Head injuries, including concussion.
  4. Appendicitis.
  5. Hernia.

Establishing the cause of vomiting should be done by a qualified doctor.

After breastfeeding

When vomiting occurs in a baby after breastfeeding, and the number of masses exceeds what is eaten, this is an occasion to seek the help of a doctor. The reason may be overfeeding. In the first months of life, the baby does not know a sense of proportion, and overeating is a common occurrence. A full stomach does not have the ability to stretch, the contents press on the upper valve, which causes a gag reflex. In such a case, doctors advise to follow several feeding rules:

  • do not put the baby in a horizontal position, but wear it in your arms in an upright position for some time;
  • feed the baby while sitting;
  • limit active games immediately after feeding;
  • pump milk into a bottle, this will help to avoid overeating.

Compliance with the above rules prevents repeated vomiting, but the possibility of developing pathologies such as lactose intolerance cannot be ruled out. Intolerance to mother's milk is accompanied by vomiting and green diarrhea.

A small percentage of newborns are unable to absorb the components of mother's milk. Some enzymes cause rejection. Lactation is completed, and the baby is transferred to a suitable mixture that does not contain an allergen.

After the mixture

Vomiting in a newborn that occurs after formula feeding may be caused by intolerance to artificial food. It is necessary to reconsider the principles of nutrition. Most likely, you will need to switch to another type of mixture. It is important to exclude neurology.

Neurological pathologies originate in the period of intrauterine development. In violation of a neurological nature, urges have a regular appearance. At risk are premature and underweight children, infants with asphyxia.

Toddlers transfer vomiting with a fountain to milk and dairy-free mixtures. Sometimes the cause can be drugs that were administered to the baby orally. The reaction to the drugs is accompanied by a cough and a weak state.

If it is necessary to change the mixture, the process should be carried out gradually. The gastrointestinal tract of an infant is imperfect, with an unformed microflora. Unlike artificial babies, breastfed babies receive the necessary lactobacilli along with breastfeeding, which contribute to the absorption of food. Mixtures do not have such a privilege, you should be careful about the choice of food. Where possible, mixed feeding should be maintained.

It is difficult to observe the grave condition of the baby, but it is important to behave correctly before the ambulance arrives. It is necessary to constantly monitor the dynamics of the state of the baby. If parents are waiting for qualified assistance, the main actions will be:

  • hold the child in a “column”, in an upright position;
  • avoid sharp turns and shaking, the baby should be as comfortable as possible;
  • if the cause of vomiting is unknown, frequent breastfeeding despite the child's refusal is not recommended;
  • self-lavage of the stomach is prohibited, can lead to mechanical damage to the intestines;
  • you can not select medicines without the recommendation of a doctor.

Try to avoid all sorts of annoying factors. Elementary hygiene actions should be neat and gentle. The skin at the baby's mouth must be periodically wiped with a clean cloth, if particles of vomit remain on the surface, irritation may occur.

Dr. Komarovsky advises taking the following actions while waiting for the arrival of a doctor:

  • provide the child with peace, if possible, put him to bed;
  • during vomiting, seat the child and tilt the torso forward. This action will help protect the airways. If the child’s condition does not allow him to sit on his own, lay on his side after removing the pillow;
  • then rinse your baby's mouth. You can use a syringe with cooled boiled water;
  • give the child water with solutions that replenish the water-salt balance.

Until the doctor arrives, it is important to maintain the child's condition and avoid deterioration of the dynamics. Exicosis or dehydration is dangerous for the baby. The younger the child, the more difficult it is for him to endure the loss of fluid.

When to See a Doctor

If it vomits with a fountain with a small frequency, about 2 times per hour, a similar reaction of the body indicates possible pathological processes.

Vomiting in a newborn after feeding indicates a dangerous condition when symptoms are present:

  • rejection of the mother's breast;
  • the body shows signs of dehydration;
  • the child's vomit contains suspicious impurities;
  • the appearance of diarrhea or streaks of blood in the stool;
  • increase in local body temperature;
  • tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • weakness and pallor of the skin.

The above pathological symptoms should be a good reason to seek help from doctors. Its untimely provision is fraught with dire consequences. Especially if there are signs of dehydration, which at the age of one month is dangerous and can even lead to death. Young parents should not panic or self-medicate. The best option would be to call an ambulance team or a pediatrician at home. Qualified actions of a specialist reduce the risk of complications and increase the chance for a speedy recovery.

Regurgitation and vomiting often occur in children under the age of one year. These two phenomena are similar to each other, but denote different states. . Often, mothers are frightened and wonder why a newborn spit up a lot after feeding with breast milk or formula. They begin to suspect under this the presence of a hidden disease, they worry.

In particular, young mothers are shocked by the vomiting of a fountain in a baby after breastfeeding. In order not to torment yourself with negative thoughts, it is important to learn to recognize where is spitting up and where is vomiting.

Regurgitation is considered a natural process of physiology. Excess air swallowed by the baby during meals leaves the stomach. This happens immediately after feeding or within an hour after it, it is repeated no more than 2-3 times a day. An average of 30 ml of fluid is released. Usually it is water, milk, saliva. The color is white, there are no inclusions of bile. The child himself is cheerful and happy, does not cry. As the regurgitation grows, it disappears without a trace. Pediatricians consider their presence to be the norm for all babies.

Sometimes the baby spit up heavily after feeding breast milk or formula (more than 3-4 times a day and more than 30 ml) and looks healthy in all aspects. If this happens once, it's normal. If this is repeated constantly and the little one is in perfect order, then you should still go to the pediatrician. Mom needs to tell the doctor that the baby is spitting up a lot after feeding with breast milk or formula. The doctor will examine the newborn, prescribe the necessary tests.

The well-being of the child does not suffer from regurgitation. A completely different picture with vomiting: the baby feels bad, he cries, as if complaining. It is not water and milk that are excreted from the body, but masses of yellow, mustard flowers, a lot of bile.

Vomiting is not a disease, it is not dangerous if it happens once. But if it happens often, then this is a signal to conduct an examination of the child.

After all, its repetition can indicate the presence of an ailment in the body:

  • SARS;
  • lack of lactose;
  • flu;
  • poisoning;
  • trauma;
  • otitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • metabolic disorders and others.

For the crumbs, these diseases are especially dangerous, because they can cause irreparable damage to his health.

Main reasons

There are several main reasons:

  1. binge eating;
  2. active games and sudden movements after eating;
  3. the mixture is not suitable;
  4. allergy to the first complementary foods, incorrect introduction of new foods into the diet.

All of the above factors can become prerequisites for vomiting, single. If the newborn has vomited and is feeling well, all is well.

If the baby vomited a fountain after breastfeeding once, this is also not dangerous. And if this began to be systematically repeated, this is already a signal for a visit to a specialist and the start of an examination.

What to do to make spitting up go away

Before feeding

  1. The kid should be calm. No need to disturb him, shake him. It is better to do a relaxing massage with warm hands.
  2. You need to massage the tummy clockwise, in a circular motion, in no case do not press. Mom's touches have a calming effect on the children's nervous system.
  3. The mother herself also needs to be balanced and calm, because her psychological state is transmitted to the newborn. Babies are very sensitive, good for mom - good for the child. Mom is tense, nervous - the baby will behave the same way.

During feeding

  1. The newborn should eat his norm, do not overfeed, otherwise the excess will come out in the form of regurgitation.
  2. Plays a significant role. It should lie comfortably and correctly: the head is not thrown back, the spine is straight, the arms are free, not pressed down, the nose is clean and breathes well.
  3. It is important that the child, otherwise he will swallow excess air and then, after eating, he will spit it up, and with it the milk eaten. The baby should capture not only one nipple, but the entire areola. The mouth should be wide open, the lower lip turned outward. If the baby has not taken the entire areola, put your finger in his mouth, gently pull out the nipple and try again. Take the nipple with 2-3 fingers, squeeze it a little and put it in the baby's mouth. If the lip is not everted again, try sticking it out with your finger.
  4. Keep trying until the baby is latching on properly. This is significant, because then the peristalsis of the stomach begins to work as it should, the child sucks out all the milk, it is easy and tasty for him, and the mother does not hurt.
  5. If the newborn is formula-fed, use special slow-flow bottles. The nipples in these bottles are designed in such a way as to prevent the swallowing of excess air and the formation of colic. You can buy bottles in a pharmacy or in any specialized children's store.

After feeding

  1. It is necessary that the baby continues to lie down for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Then, very carefully and without sudden movements, lift vertically, lift slowly, not at once, otherwise regurgitation is guaranteed. Hold the child in this position for at least 2-5 minutes. Some people need more time, some less.
  3. After a specified period of time, the baby will burp out excess air that he swallowed while eating.
  4. After burping, it is better to put the little one in the crib.

If the mixture is not quite suitable for the baby, it can be replaced with another one. But perhaps this is only with the permission of the pediatrician. He will evaluate the condition of the baby and decide if it would be useful to switch to a new formula.

There is nothing pathological in the fact that the baby is sick of the introduced complementary foods. Again, you need to consult your doctor. He will tell you which products to introduce first, which ones to postpone for a while.

What threatens repetitive vomiting

Vomiting is dangerous because it can cause critical conditions for the baby:

  1. dehydration;
  2. weight loss;
  3. suffocation.

Dehydration occurs and develops in infants extremely quickly. This process is hard to see. Parents notice him late. Therein lies the great difficulty.

The signs of dehydration in a child are:

  • sunken eyes and fontanel;
  • the baby pees little, loses weight;
  • the skin becomes dry, inflamed, rough and very hot to the touch;
  • the newborn is lethargic, cries a lot and loudly, his movements are inhibited.

Attention! If a child has any of these signs, parents should immediately begin to give the infant the necessary amount of water and call the emergency team. This situation cannot be ignored. Severe dehydration is often fatal. The lower the weight of the baby, the sooner you need to call a doctor.

Weight loss is especially critical for premature babies and for those who are only a month old and a little more. Body weight is an indicator of health. It is by him that they judge whether the baby is developing and growing normally. Not without reason, at each visit to the pediatrician, children are weighed. Severe weight loss is fatal.

Asphyxiation is the result of vomit entering the respiratory tract. That is why, since ancient times, grandmothers have been taught to put the baby to sleep only on the side, because the little baby still does not know how to roll over.

If vomiting recurs

Vomiting in a newborn after feeding with breast milk, formula or complementary foods is repeated systematically, you should consult a doctor.

Attention! It is forbidden to treat children up to a year old with folk methods or on their own! It is necessary to call either a pediatrician or an ambulance team. Only the attending physician has the right to make decisions regarding the use of drugs after the tests.

When should you call the doctor immediately?

It is urgent to call an ambulance if the child:

  • Inhibited, as if unable to sleep, does not eat or drink;
  • She cries a lot, it is clear that something hurts a lot;
  • Does not go to the toilet, he is sick;
  • Fell, hit, lost consciousness, vomited;
  • Fell into a state of dehydration, very weak and lethargic;
  • After nausea, the temperature rose;
  • Diarrhea followed the vomiting;
  • Vomiting repeated more than 2 times;
  • There was a profuse vomiting fountain;
  • In the rejected masses, drops of blood are noticeable, the color of the mass is brown, black;

What should be done before the arrival of a doctor or an ambulance?

Adults should be close to the baby, monitor the slightest changes in his condition. Since dehydration sets in very quickly, it is important to give your child something to drink immediately after vomiting. Even if the baby vomited after eating.

  • Babies who are breastfed should be breastfed. Give water from time to time.
  • Offer formula to formula-fed babies. You can not change the mixture to another. Additionally, give the baby a drink with a solution (60-120 ml). This is the only drug allowed in this case. It is designed to avoid dehydration after vomiting.
  • Children who have been introduced to complementary foods can be offered applesauce, banana, rice from products. Give a solution of Regidron.

You can drink from a spoon or from a bottle. It is allowed to use a syringe without a needle. Draw a little solution into the syringe and slowly squeeze it into the baby's mouth. If the child wants to drink more, give more.

You can give rehydron. Instructions: take 1 liter of chilled boiled water and dilute 1 sachet in it. Give the baby in small portions. Store in refrigerator (2° to 8°C) for no more than 24 hours. Breastfeeding or formula feeding does not need to be interrupted. Regidron can be given before meals and after.

Note! It is forbidden to feed a newborn with honey, drink juice, tea, broth, cow's and goat's milk, various folk decoctions. They are not able to replenish the supply of lost electrolytes and will significantly harm an already weak baby.

You can’t give the baby pills for vomiting, remedies for diarrhea, bring down the temperature - you will only harm him.

Prevention after treatment

Depending on how well the prevention will go, the well-being of the baby subsequently depends.

She suggests:

  • Observance of hygiene of mother and baby;
  • Sterilization of bottles, nipples, spoons;
  • Using the recommendations described above to reduce the number of regurgitations;
  • Fulfillment of doctor's prescriptions regarding the daily routine of the baby, nutrition and other factors.

Regurgitation is a phenomenon of the physiology of a growing organism. They happen periodically, are considered the norm for babies, and eventually disappear without a trace. If the baby spit up a lot of milk after feeding with breast milk or formula, this is not a pathology.

Vigilance and attentiveness of adults help to recognize alarming signals in time and take urgent measures.

Vomiting in a baby after feeding with breast milk or formula is safe only in the situation when it happened once. If the baby experiences vomiting all the time, he vomits, you need to call an ambulance or invite a specialist from the clinic.

  • Causes
  • Clinical picture
  • First aid
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment
  • Complications
  • Prevention

Vomiting is the involuntary discharge of stomach contents out through the mouth. The diaphragm descends and the glottis closes. In the stomach, its upper section relaxes sharply, while a spasm occurs in the lower one. The muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen contract sharply, which causes the ejection of undigested products up the esophagus. At the same time, unpleasant sensations arise: sore throat due to a scratched trachea, a taste of bile or acid in the mouth, and a nasty smell.

This condition can be caused by a variety of reasons. So vomiting in a child can be observed at any age, and parents should be prepared for this.


  1. Eating poor quality food.
  2. Overeating, force-feeding a child, eating a large amount of very fatty foods - this is how vomiting after eating is explained.
  3. Drug poisoning.
  4. Aversion to food.


Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

  1. Dysentery, salmonellosis.
  2. Acute abdomen syndrome.
  3. In newborns: stenosis, diverticulum, achalasia, pylorospasm, hernia, pyloric stenosis.
  4. If a temperature of 38°C and vomiting are observed, it may be intestinal flu.
  5. Gastritis.
  6. Dysbacteriosis.

Craniocerebral pathologies

  1. Severe migraine.
  2. Frequent dizziness.
  3. Concussion.
  4. Meningitis.
  5. Bruns Syndrome.
  6. Head injury.
  7. Syndrome of the posterior cranial fossa.

Other health problems

  1. High fever is not only a concomitant symptom of vomiting, but most often it itself causes it.
  2. If a child usually vomits in the morning, the causes must be sought in serious diseases: infections, meningitis, brain tumors, acute appendicitis.
  3. Allergy.
  4. In infants, neurological pathologies, a foreign body in the stomach, and pyloric stenosis can become causes.
  5. Coughing.
  6. Vomiting with rotavirus is one of the main symptoms.
  7. Appendicitis.
  8. Metabolic disease.
  9. Anicteric hepatitis.
  10. Renal failure.
  11. Vomiting is often observed with SARS.
  12. Diabetes.
  13. Acute heart failure.
  14. Nose bleed.
  15. Epilepsy.
  16. Purulent otitis.

External factors

  1. Motion sickness in transport.
  2. Fear, anxiety, stress. A characteristic symptom is green vomit.
  3. Sunstroke.
  4. If vomiting occurs at night, provoking factors most often become not only stomach problems, poisoning, but also a strong fright (a nightmare), stuffy air and low humidity in the room.
  5. If a child has a fever after vomiting, it can be either a rotavirus infection or heat stroke (overheating).

Sometimes there is vomiting during teething, but there is no direct physiological connection between them. Rather, the first is a consequence of the second. The reasons in this case may be fever, force-feeding, swallowing a large amount of air when screaming and crying.

There are many reasons why children vomit. Only the most attentive parents will be able to accurately tell its cause, but medical diagnostics are better suited for this. Moreover, in medical practice there are different types of this protective mechanism.

Terminology. In medical sources, you can find the following concepts that are identical to vomiting: automesia, anabolic, blennemesis, gastrorrhea, hematomesis, hydremesis, hyperemesis, pyemesis.

Also pay special attention to children's cosmetics, namely shampoos and bathing products. Read the ingredients carefully. The most dangerous components are: Sodium lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Coco Sulfate, PEG, MEA, DEA, TEA, silicones, parabens.

We strongly recommend getting rid of cosmetic products that contain this chemistry, especially when it comes to children and newborns. Scientists and experts have repeatedly repeated how these substances affect the body. Of all the many cosmetic companies, it is very difficult to find completely safe products.

In the next testing of samples, our experts have noted the only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. Mulsan Cosmetic produces products for both adults and children, and is a multiple winner of natural cosmetics ratings.

The only disadvantage of such products is a much shorter shelf life - 10 months, but this is due to the absence of aggressive preservatives. For those who are looking for safe cosmetics, we recommend the official online store Take care of your health and carefully read the composition of not only food, but also cosmetics.


There are several classifications of children's vomiting. Depending on the concomitant diseases and the nature of the vomit in a child, the following types can be recognized.

  1. Cyclic ketonemic.
  2. Hepatogenic.
  3. Renal.
  4. Diabetic.
  5. Cardiac.
  6. Abdominal.
  7. Psychogenic.
  8. Bloody.
  9. Cerebral.

In children, acetonemic vomiting is often diagnosed - this is the name of the pathological condition with an increase in the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood plasma. It is manifested by stereotypical repetitive attacks that alternate with periods of satisfactory physical condition. There are primary (idiopathic) - a consequence of errors in the diet (hungry pauses, an abundance of fats) and secondary - developing against the background of infectious, somatic, endocrine diseases, CNS lesions.

Only a qualified doctor can correctly determine its type and make an accurate diagnosis. Although, before his consultation, parents should themselves observe what concomitant symptoms characterize the child's condition.

Educational program for parents. Children's acetonemic vomiting in medicine can also be referred to as non-diabetic ketoacidosis.

Clinical picture

Vomiting without symptoms is rare. Most often, it is accompanied by some deviations in the condition of the child. They will help to recognize the underlying disease that caused this trouble. Therefore, the primary task of parents before the doctor arrives is to observe what other characteristic manifestations accompany vomiting.

Vomiting without fever

Severe vomiting in a child without fever is not a separate disease that requires specific therapy directed against it. This is a symptom of one of the pathologies that struck a small organism. These include:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: vomiting with diarrhea and abdominal pain;
  • pathology of metabolic processes;
  • general intoxication: reaction to drugs or food poisoning - in such cases, the child usually vomits after eating or using a particular drug;
  • serious problems with the nervous system can manifest themselves in behavioral disorders: the child becomes capricious, uncontrollable, eats and sleeps poorly;

If there is frequent vomiting without fever in the morning, this is in most cases problems with the central nervous system, if in the evenings and at night - with the stomach.

Vomiting with fever

A much greater danger is vomiting and temperature in one tandem. This indicates the presence in a small body of an inflammatory reaction, an infectious infection. They need to be eliminated as soon as possible, until it comes to complications, which are not uncommon in such cases. Here it is necessary to call a doctor and follow all his instructions exactly. Treatment (sometimes even stationary) is indispensable here.

If vomiting in a child with a temperature, it is important to track the moment, how they correlate in time. If the fever started first, it could provoke nausea with all the ensuing consequences. If at the same time - it's an intestinal infection. If later, it can be either a harmless cold or a dangerous meningitis.

Other symptoms

  • The child has a stomach ache and vomiting - this is food poisoning or infection.
  • Bile vomiting is dangerous, which can be a symptom of cholecystitis, gallstone disease, viral hepatitis, intestinal infection.
  • Severe (especially in the morning) headache and vomiting are common signs of a concussion.
  • If it is vomiting with blood, it is necessary to exclude injuries of the esophagus, stomach, ulcer.
  • In infants, vomiting with mucus is often not a symptom of disease, while in older children it may be due to food poisoning.
  • With colds or prolonged fasting, vomiting of water is possible.
  • One of the most dangerous is foam vomiting, which requires immediate hospitalization of the child, as it can be the result of an acute intestinal infection, diabetes, meningitis, hepatitis, myocardial infarction, and cancer.
  • In infants, vomiting can be a fountain, the cause of which can lie both in banal overfeeding and in complex pathologies in development.

color of vomit

  1. Yellow: food poisoning, appendicitis, intestinal infection.
  2. Red: gastric bleeding, damage to the esophagus or gastrointestinal mucosa.
  3. Green: a large amount of greens in the diet or stress.
  4. Black: activated charcoal abuse, chemotherapy.

Sometimes there is vomiting without symptoms: if it is single, you should not worry. This is the reaction of a small stomach to some product or external factor. But if it is repeated several times a day, then, despite the absence of accompanying signs, you need to see a doctor. And before his arrival - to provide the patient with first aid, so as not to bring the matter to complications.

Keep in mind. There is no need to rejoice if the child’s vomiting is asymptomatic - you still need to see a doctor so that complications do not arise later.

First aid

Reasons for concern and reasons to call a doctor (Ambulance):

  1. Temperature increase.
  2. Unbearable pain in the abdomen, profuse diarrhea.
  3. Lethargy, loss of consciousness, cold sweat, pallor of the skin.
  4. The age of the child is up to 1 year.
  5. Repeated, incessant vomiting.

Parents should know what first aid is for vomiting in a child before a doctor examines him. In 90% of cases, it is she who helps to avoid unpleasant consequences, and also significantly alleviates the patient's condition.

  1. Lay in bed with your head turned to the side. Put a towel under your cheek and chin to vomit again.
  2. Place the baby in your arms horizontally on your side.
  3. Don't give anything to eat.
  4. Antipyretics (paracetamol) should be given only after the temperature rises to 38 ° C.
  5. During an attack - sit down, tilting the body slightly forward. This will prevent the vomit from entering the lungs.
  6. After each attack, rinse your mouth with clean, cool water, wash, change clothes.
  7. Do not scare the child with panic: do not scream, do not lament, do not discuss his illness with others, do not cry. Act decisively, calmly, quickly. Support the patient with strokes and words.
  8. Parents often ask what to give a child with vomiting before the doctor arrives. After the attack, allow him to take 2-3 sips of water.
  9. It can be replaced with glucose-salt solutions, which are purchased at a pharmacy. In such cases, Regidron, Citroglucosalan, Gastrolit, Oralit, etc. help well. Dilute strictly according to the prescription. Drink 1-2 teaspoons every 10 minutes. Infants - 2-3 drops.
  10. As for a specific remedy, parents who do not know how to stop vomiting in a child can be advised to Smect.
  11. After diarrhea, wash the child, change panties.
  12. Collect things for hospitalization (just in case).
  13. Leave vomit and feces for examination by a doctor.

But what if the child has vomiting without diarrhea and temperature without any impurities and other dangerous symptoms? Be alert: do the same according to the instructions and carefully observe his condition. At the first signs of deterioration or constantly recurring attacks, one cannot do without qualified medical assistance.

And keep in mind: it is undesirable to transport a small patient yourself, as he will be shaken even more in the car and he may become worse. A series of diagnostic tests will be waiting for you at the hospital.

It is forbidden! When vomiting, solutions of potassium permanganate and alcohol are strictly prohibited.


Usually, the diagnosis does not cause difficulties, since the cause is easily detected even before the arrival of doctors according to the accompanying symptoms. If it remains unclear, more thorough research is carried out.

Data Analysis

The doctor interviews the parents and finds out the following points:

  • when vomiting appeared;
  • seizure frequency;
  • does relief come after them;
  • Is there a relationship with food intake?
  • volume of vomit and feces;
  • the presence of impurities in them;
  • their character;
  • has the child been ill with something in the last 2 weeks;
  • what infections did you have?
  • whether there are abdominal operations and when they were performed;
  • whether the parents themselves suspect food poisoning;
  • weight changes in the last 2 weeks.


The doctor during the examination of a small patient determines:

  • temperature;
  • presence of signs of infection (rash, convulsions);
  • symptoms of poisoning;
  • general condition: pulse, pressure, respiratory rate, reflexes;
  • degree of dehydration (skin elasticity, weight change);
  • the presence of symptoms indicating diseases of the digestive system: changes in stool, tense abdominal wall, enlarged liver, bloating;
  • visual study of vomit and fecal mass for the presence of impurities.

Laboratory methods

Here you will need to pass the main tests:

  • blood test (most often general);
  • Analysis of urine.

Instrumental Methods

  • Ultrasound of the peritoneum determines the size of the liver, lymph nodes, spleen, allows you to identify problems with the digestive tract;
  • ultrasound of the brain;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy - a study using an endoscope of the stomach to diagnose diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • x-ray of the peritoneal organs with contrast, when a special substance is used, against which the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are clearly visible.

Depending on what disease doctors suspect, the child can be sent for additional consultations to various specialists (gastroenterologist, cardiologist, neurologist, urologist, endocrinologist, etc.). They will confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis. After that, treatment will already be prescribed.

Useful information for parents. If you were prescribed neurosonography at the hospital, don't be intimidated by the scary medical term. This is an ultrasound of the brain.


When vomiting in children, doctors prescribe treatment mainly in two directions. First, temporary symptomatic drugs to stop the unpleasant reflex and relieve accompanying symptoms. Secondly, the therapy of the underlying disease that caused this condition.

Medical treatment

  1. Glucose-salt solutions.
  2. Vomiting drugs allowed for children: Smecta (absorbent, stops intoxication, can be given to children from birth), Cerucal (blocks the vomiting reflex at the level of brain signals, allowed from 2 years old), Enterofuril (antimicrobial drug, prescribed for infectious vomiting, from 1 month) , Domperidone (from 5 years old), Motilium, No-spasm, Primadofilus.
  3. Homeopathy: Bryonia, Aetuza, Nux vomica, Antimonium krudum.
  4. To restore the normal functioning of the stomach: Hilak forte, Bifidumbacterin, Lineks, Laktofiltrum, Mezim, Pancreatin, Tsipol, Bifiform, Bifikol, Enterol, Colibacterin, Bifilin, Lactobacterin, bacteriophages and probiotics.
  5. Sorbents nullify intoxication: Polyphepan, Polysorb, Activated carbon, Neosmectin, Enterosgel.
  6. For diarrhea, the following are prescribed: Calcium carbonate, Bismuth, Diarol, Tanalbin, Imodium.
  7. If intestinal infections are detected, antibiotic therapy cannot be avoided: Ercefuril, Furazolidone, Nevigramon, Nergam, Gentamicin, Rifampicin, Tienam, Kanamycin, Meronem, Ciprofloxacin, Anamycin sulfate, Ceftazidime.
  8. Intramuscular or intravenous administration of antispasmodics (No-Shpy solution), m-anticholinergics (Atropine solution), metoclopramide (Reglan, Cerucal).
  9. If all of the above indicated therapy is ineffective, antipsychotics (Etaperazine) can be used against vomiting in children.
  10. In case of poisoning, detoxification and gastric lavage are carried out.
  11. When tumors, intestinal obstruction, pyloric stenosis are detected, a decision is made on surgical intervention.

If the child is not yet a year old, it is better to use preparations in the form of a suspension, syrup or suppositories. After a year, you can use pills for vomiting for children, but again only with the permission of a doctor.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine also did not bypass this problem. However, parents often abuse these funds too much. It is best to consult a doctor about what you can give your child from vomiting at home. After all, some recipes can only worsen the condition if there are any serious health problems. The following folk remedies have minimal harm and maximum effect.

  • Dill seeds

Prepare a decoction: pour 1 teaspoon with a glass (200 ml) of water (already hot), boil over medium heat for 5 minutes. Cool down. Give 20-50 ml every 2 hours.

  • Melissa tincture

Pour 20 grams of lemon balm with a liter of boiling water. Leave for 5 hours. Strain. Drink often, but little by little.

  • Decoction of ginger

Grind ginger on a grater, 2 tbsp. Spoons pour a glass of boiling water. Soar on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Strain. Give every 2 hours 50 ml.

  • Mint infusion

20 g of mint (it is better to take peppermint) pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour under a closed lid. Take 20 ml every 3 hours.

  • Milk yolk mixture

Whisk warm milk with yolk. Give frequently, 2 tablespoons at a time. Stops severe convulsive vomiting.

  • horsetail infusion

2 tbsp. tablespoons of horsetail pour 500 ml of boiling water. Strain after an hour. Give to drink often, but in small sips.

  • Fees

Mix 3 teaspoons of lemon balm, 4 - chamomile flowers, 3 - peppermint. Brew a glass of boiling water. Leave for an hour, strain. Give 50 ml every 3 hours.

  • Valerian root decoction

Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed valerian root with a glass of water. Boil on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Strain, cool, give 20 ml up to 5 times a day.

In addition to these effective folk recipes, stopping vomiting in a child at home will allow:

  • cool brewed green tea;
  • egg whites;
  • elecampane roots;
  • blackberry branches;
  • sagebrush;
  • tansy;
  • a mixture of honey and nettle seed;
  • mixture of honey and ivy leaf.

Antiemetics approved for children are very effective, but any delay can be dangerous. This protective process greatly exhausts the body, provokes depletion of vitality and dehydration. At stake is the health of the child, so you should not take risks by self-medicating. Another important aspect of therapy is a diet for vomiting, which helps to improve the patient's well-being and normalize digestion.

Therapeutic diet

Parents should be familiar with the basic principles of the diet, know how to feed the child after vomiting and during it.

  1. It is recommended to give food only 5 hours after the attack.
  2. The first dishes after this break should be liquid or crushed.
  3. Meals - in small portions, but often, approximately every 3 hours.
  4. Products should be fortified and light.
  5. You do not need to force the child to eat by force - this can provoke a second attack.
  6. Do not make a diet on your own - only with the permission of the pediatrician.
  7. Dietary fats in the first three days after the attacks should be reduced to a minimum. They make the stomach work harder.
  8. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your food. They contribute to the fermentation processes in the intestines.
  9. The main dish for children up to a year is breast milk. Older than a year - milk buckwheat and rice porridge, but the milk must be pasteurized. It is better to dilute it with water in equal proportions.

Allowed products:

  • sweet, strong tea;
  • white crackers;
  • veal meat soufflé;
  • buckwheat, rice porridge;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • vegetable broth;
  • zoological cookies;
  • low-fat kefir.

Prohibited products:

  • sparkling water;
  • instant vermicelli;
  • chips;
  • crackers;
  • fried, sour, salty foods;
  • whole cow's milk, cereals with it;
  • rye bread, crackers from it;
  • green vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • raw fruits;
  • grapes, juice from it;
  • muffin;
  • fish;
  • fat meat;
  • mushrooms;
  • beef, fish, mushroom broths.

So it is necessary to treat vomiting in a child in a complex way. Despite the biased attitude towards modern medicines, parents should not neglect medications and use folk remedies as little as possible without the permission of doctors.

Accurate adherence to the diet will give excellent results and will contribute to the speedy recovery of the little patient. If you wait until everything ends by itself, the irreparable can happen - complications that will later affect the fate of the child.

For reference. Smecta is a natural sorbent with flavors and sweeteners as additives. In the gastrointestinal tract, it forms a barrier film that prevents the absorption of toxins and bacteria.


If you do not stop vomiting in a child, this is fraught with serious complications. The most dangerous consequences for his health in this situation can be:

  • dehydration, which if left untreated can be fatal;
  • profuse and frequent vomiting can lead to injuries, wounds, ruptures of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, pharynx, stomach;
  • aspiration pneumonia when vomit enters the respiratory system;
  • caries, since gastric juice, entering the oral cavity, destroys tooth enamel (what to do if a child has a toothache can be found in our article).

If this is a one-time reflex that does not repeat often, you should not panic. But if there is profuse, persistent vomiting (several times a day or a week), this is a reason to see a doctor. Given the danger of the gag reflex for small children, it is necessary to deal with its prevention in a timely manner, which will reduce the risk of complications.

And further. Not only post-vomit dehydration of a small organism can lead to death. There were cases when the child choked on vomit. This happens if he is at home alone and cannot help himself.


Preventive measures to prevent frequent and profuse vomiting include:

  • prevention and treatment of any diseases, exclusion of complications and relapses;
  • quality nutrition, food processing, according to sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • prevention of poisoning with medicinal, household, industrial, chemical agents;
  • timely isolation of patients during an epidemic of infectious diseases;
  • immunoprophylaxis;
  • competent care of the child for the prevention of aspiration pneumonia;
  • observance of hygiene standards, especially hand washing before eating;
  • creation of a favorable psychological atmosphere;
  • Do not give your child medication without a doctor's prescription.

All parents in practice at least once, but faced with children's vomiting. If it is not accompanied by fever and other dangerous concomitant symptoms, is of a single nature and it is known for certain that a certain product provoked it, perhaps the danger can be avoided. But in all other cases, a visit to a doctor and complex therapy are required. Otherwise, home self-treatment may turn out to be too high a price.

Vomiting in a child is often accompanied by additional alarming symptoms in the form of fever, signs of general intoxication, skin rashes and other manifestations. It is important to know that nausea and vomiting in a child, even without external signs of anxiety, is an alarm that requires immediate medical attention for diagnosis. If vomiting stools are fixed systematically, are not accompanied by a strong deterioration in the child's well-being and gradually pass by themselves - this does not mean at all that we can talk about the absolute health of the baby. Vomiting in children during the neonatal period and in schoolchildren has fundamental differences: if in the first case there is a physiological feature, then in the second, vomiting can be a symptom of incipient functional disorders of the central nervous system or internal organs. What should parents do if sudden vomiting occurs? What can cause pathology?

Vomiting as a pathological condition

Vomiting is a spontaneous contractile act of the muscular muscles of the gastric cavity with a reverse ejection of its contents through the mouth. In medicine, the following identical terms are used: automesia, anabolia, blennemesis, gastrorrhea, hematomesis, hydremesis, hyperemesis, acute pyemesis. The condition can occur both as a result of severe intoxication with various pathogens, and as a result of pathological changes in the function of some organs and systems.

The gag reflex is considered a common occurrence in children of early and school age, when the final formation of immunity, the digestive organs, the determination of diet and other factors takes place. An important aspect is the growing up of the child.

It is known that at different periods of life - from newborn to school age, a child goes through certain stages of growing up associated with a certain psychological load (knowledge of the world, communication with peers, transition to a new kindergarten, divorce of parents, etc.). To a strong psycho-emotional load, regardless of its shade, the child may react with vomiting. If a single vomiting occurs under certain circumstances, it is enough for parents to observe the child's condition. In case of deterioration of the general condition, with frequent episodes of bowel movements, with the addition of temperature, diarrhea and other symptoms, it is necessary to seek medical help.

Development mechanisms

With the act of vomiting, there is a rapid emptying of the gastric cavity through the oral cavity. The vomiting center is localized in the medulla oblongata, excited by the slightest impulses from the stomach cavity, renal structures, liver, vestibular apparatus, uterus, appendages, with any irritation of the nerve centers. For example, many people experience a strong urge to vomit when smelling foul odors. Often, the excitation of the vomiting center can occur under the influence of medications, vitamins, and toxic drugs. Before the very act of vomiting, nausea rolls up in a person, breathing becomes rapid, superficial, salivation intensifies. The anatomical mechanism of vomiting looks like this:

  • diaphragm drop:
  • closure of the glottis (to prevent the contents of the stomach from entering the respiratory system);
  • spasm of the lower part of the gastric cavity;
  • relaxation of the upper stomach.

Due to the rapid contractile movements of the muscles of the peritoneum, all the contents from the stomach are thrown out through the mouth, producing an act of vomiting. Vomiting helps a person get rid of dangerous substances, accelerate the elimination of toxic compounds, and prevent poisoning. The urge to vomit is inherent in nature and performs a protective function for the whole organism.

Features of occurrence

Causes of vomiting in a child can be caused by a number of provoking factors.. Vomiting in children of different ages manifests itself in many ways. So, the parents of newborn children will react much more calmly to the next discharge after sucking breast milk than the parents of a child who goes to kindergarten or school.

The period of formation of digestive processes can be determined individually for each child, but clinicians tend to believe that the appearance of vomiting always means some kind of disorder in the body of a child of various origins.

Often, such conditions in children are transient in nature, and only in case of serious diseases of the internal organs can they accompany any exacerbation of pathologies.

Vomiting in newborns

Many people confuse newborn vomiting with regurgitation. In principle, there are no serious differences in both conditions due to the structure of the digestive tract in infants. The incoming liquid (breast milk, formula or water) passes unhindered to the stomach and tends to go back without being fixed by muscle sphincters. With the age of the child, regurgitation becomes less of the formation of the muscles of the intestines and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. That is why Many doctors recommend holding your baby upright after feeding to let out excess air. and the nourishing milk remains in the stomach. In healthy children, regurgitation passes very quickly, episodes of vomiting are not recorded. Among the main causes of vomiting in an infant are:

  • poor quality products;
  • severe motion sickness when trying to put to sleep;
  • malnutrition of a nursing mother;
  • overheating (usually, excessive wrapping);
  • overfeeding;
  • early feeding;
  • fatty mixtures (for example, based on goat's milk):
  • violation of the diet;
  • medications;
  • head injuries (for example, when a baby falls from a sofa, from changing tables);
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • increased blood pressure (for example, with renal or hepatic insufficiency);
  • vomiting during crying (long-term, as a result of drying out of the oral mucosa);
  • after excess water.

Often vomiting in a newborn baby is a symptom of a disease.. At birth, a child is carefully examined and observed for a year once a month. Pediatricians ask parents to take responsibility for such phenomena as vomiting, since in 80% of cases such episodes confirm the presence of certain diseases.

Causes of vomiting in children older than a year

If babies can vaguely perceive various negative influences, then older children react much brighter to unpleasant sensations, showing concern, fear, anxiety. The main causes of vomiting in children after a year include:

  • severe intoxication of any nature;
  • food poisoning during meals (fruits, dairy products, meat, fish);
  • concussion;
  • psychoneurological conditions;
  • overfeeding, age-inappropriate table;
  • acute inflammatory conditions;
  • various intestinal infections.

A child at the age of one year and older understands that something is going wrong in his body. Some babies can show where it hurts and what's bothering them. At this point, the child needs the attention of parents., their care and control of the general condition of the body.

Diseases of the digestive tract

  • salmonellosis, acute dysentery, with dysbacteriosis;
  • acute abdomen;
  • inguinal-scrotal or umbilical hernia;
  • stenosis;
  • intestinal flu;
  • gastritis or enterocolitis;
  • dysbacteriosis.

Vomiting of gastrointestinal genesis is often diagnosed in young children, when the only method of knowing the world is the mouth. Such Yeast-smelling vomit indicates intestinal infections. Primary school students are also not capable of excessive care in regard to hand hygiene. In addition, among the children in the class, there may simply be a carrier of a contagious disease. Children care little about the hygiene of their hands, and parents or caregivers are not always able to track this moment.

Pathologies of the skull and brain

Vomiting in craniocerebral diseases is an alarm, often signals serious damage to the brain and its cortex. Among the main reasons are:

  • frequent headaches;
  • concussion (for example, as a result of a fall, impact);
  • meningeal infections;
  • bruns syndrome;
  • head trauma as a result of the birth process;
  • posterior cranial fossa syndrome;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

The danger of the clinical picture lies in the indomitability of vomiting, the general severity of the patient's condition. Sometimes such patients are in a forced position, so children require constant care and rapid medical relief of vomiting stools.

Other diseases

Vomiting may be accompanied by high fever, but in some cases it is hyperthermia that causes vomiting. If vomiting occurs in the morning, doctors suspect infectious diseases, sepsis, meningeal pathologies, brain tumors, appendicitis. Parents need to determine the nature of vomiting in a child - when it occurs, which contributes to the condition. Some of the diseases that cause this condition include:

  • severe allergic reactions;
  • temperature;
  • purulent diseases:
  • acute appendicitis;
  • foreign body in the cavity of the stomach;
  • metabolic disorders (electrolyte disorders);
  • severe cough in diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • hepatitis without manifestations of jaundice;
  • chronic renal failure (including replacement therapy);
  • endocrine diseases;
  • acute heart failure (for example, secondary cardiomyopathy in chronic renal failure);
  • epileptic disorders;
  • purulent or catarrhal otitis.

For example, a child of 10 years old can vomit if he swallows water in the pool (many children feel sick after the pool from the chloride components in the water, when swimming on a full stomach). There are many reasons to vomit from a child. If the child is small and cannot talk about his feelings, it is better to trust a professional with extensive practical experience. Clinicians argue that vomiting is a reaction to aggression (even potential) from external or internal negative factors.

External causes

The impact of external factors can be attributed to specific, since the sensitivity of the vomiting center in each patient is individual. Someone from a short trip by car may experience an attack of nausea, and someone will not feel the sea roll. Of the main specific causes of possible vomiting, there are:

  • motion sickness in any form of transport;
  • stressful situations;
  • fear and strong excitement before the event;
  • heatstroke;
  • fright during sleep;
  • response to teething.

It is important to understand that even one-time episodes of vomiting without a visible deterioration in the child's well-being is a serious signal for a thorough examination of the body. Sometimes such a condition is the first symptom of a disease that can still be cured in the early stages of development.

Classification of vomiting

Vomiting can occur for a number of reasons in children at any age. With a burdened clinical history of the child, vomiting indicates an exacerbation of some chronic diseases. The nature of vomiting depends on the presence of a concomitant disease, which is an episodic trigger for vomiting.


Often recorded when serous, acute tuberculous meningitis is detected. If differential diagnosis allows you to quickly identify meningeal tuberculosis in the acute form, then in the serous form, the symptoms are often blurred, they develop much more slowly. Often it is vomiting that is the first bell in the development of a pathological condition in a child.


It develops during the course of viral hepatitis of the anicteric type. Hepatitis is accompanied by meningeal or encephalitic signs. In clinical practice, vomiting in pathologies of the hepatic structures was associated with secondary kidney diseases.


It develops in acute or chronic renal failure, as well as in inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract (pyelonephritis, acute nephritis, severe cystitis, etc.). Against the background of chronic renal failure, there is a gradual intoxication of the body. If the disease is at the pre-dialysis stage, then attacks of vomiting can signal an exacerbation of the disease. Another sign of vomiting in CRF is high blood pressure and hypertensive crises. Sharp jumps in blood pressure in children with CRF are secondary, closely associated with possible damage to the cardiovascular system.


Occurs against the background of acute heart failure, with various pathologies of the cardiac departments of various origins. Thus, vomiting can occur with myocarditis (inflammation of the myocardium), cardiomyopathies of any etiology, with a decrease in myocardial contractility. Cardiac vomiting is accompanied by a strong anxiety of the child, sometimes panic and fear, lack of appetite, pale and pasty skin, dry mucous membranes. With attacks of acute heart failure, involuntary emptying of the intestine occurs. Often, cardiac vomiting requires emergency resuscitation, which can save the child's life.


Bloody vomiting is a consequence of nosebleeds. This is due to the excessive ingestion of blood. Sometimes it can be a symptom of a stomach ulcer. If vomiting with an admixture of blood occurs in the morning, at night, or immediately after breakfast, then varicose veins of the esophagus are suggested.


The main manifestations may be strong emotional arousal, sweating of the palms, cooling of the extremities. Psychologists and pediatricians note the likelihood of demonstrative vomiting to attract the attention of adults to their personality. Psychogenic vomiting can occur in young children and infants as a result of forced feeding by their parents. Gag reflexes of this kind are classified as autonomic disorders and require control by neurologists and psychiatrists. Any episode must be controlled, fluids given, and emotional rest provided.

Acetonemic syndrome

The condition is otherwise called an acetone crisis, when a large amount of acetone or acetoacetic acid accumulates in the blood. Usually, such a syndrome is observed with serious pathologies of the kidneys, with other lesions of the internal organs. The condition is accompanied by strong excitement, soreness. The organic liquid (urine, vomit, feces) smells like acetone, the child may vomit with the smell of rotten eggs, with the smell of fermentation. These signs are a serious reason for contacting specialists. After vomiting with the smell of acetone, it is necessary to give more liquid, exclude food for up to 8 hours. As a drink, alkaline mineral water, a decoction of dried fruits are suitable. If you refuse to drink, the child must be injected with a special pipette or syringe without a needle. The norm of drinking during an acetone crisis is about 100 ml per kg of a child's body weight.

There are cyclic ketonemic, diabetic and abdominal vomiting. Each has its own characteristics. It is acetonemic vomiting that is most often diagnosed, the attacks of which usually alternate with the satisfactory condition of a small patient. Episodes of vomiting in children are classified according to the stages of occurrence:

  • primary (otherwise, idiopathic) may be from an improper diet: long hungry pauses, an abundance of fatty foods);
  • secondary, appearing against the background of pathologies of organs and systems.

Diagnosis and treatment of emetic bowel movements is the lot of physicians. Parents need to respond in time to changes in the child's condition, record each episode, examine the consistency and determine the visual composition of the vomit. So the doctor will save time on making a diagnosis, and the recovery of the child will be significantly accelerated. In some cases, the life of the child depends on the actions of the parents.

General symptoms

Vomiting in a baby that occurs without parallel symptoms is a rather rare clinical situation. Usually, vomiting is accompanied by depression of well-being, decreased activity, fever, diarrhea, redness of the skin and agitation. It is the accompanying pathologies that help to approach the source of the gag reflex as accurately as possible., identify a possible cause even before laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

Vomiting without fever

Temperatureless vomiting in children at any age, no matter at 4 years old, at 7 years old, 8 years old or 10 years old, is not considered a separate ailment. Sometimes there is severe nausea without vomiting. This is also considered an episode worthy of the attention of doctors. Therapy aimed at eliminating only vomiting will sooner or later lead to a resumption of the condition. Possible diseases that cause vomiting without hyperthermic manifestations include:

  • diseases of the epigastric organs (severe diarrhea, pain, belching);
  • severe metabolic disorders (no appetite, lethargy);
  • intoxication (food, drugs, persistent pathologies of internal organs):
  • diseases of the central nervous system (anxiety, vomiting in the morning, loss of appetite, uncontrollability, psychosomatic disorder);
  • head trauma of any nature.

Many parents are relieved when episodes of vomiting are not accompanied by fever, appear for no reason. The child appears to be in no danger. But those who are especially attentive understand that such an attack is not a normal reaction of the body against the background of the absolute health of the baby. In case of any suspicion of various diseases with vomiting, you should consult a doctor.

Vomiting at fever

The temperature is accompanied by the course of the inflammatory process, an infectious lesion of the body. Vomiting at a temperature requires immediate medical attention due to the high risk of complications (severe intoxication, generalized sepsis). Usually the treatment of such a pathology is carried out in a hospital. Simultaneous fever and vomiting may be associated with intestinal infections. If the temperature with fever began first, and vomiting after 1-2 days, then it is this condition that can provoke the release of vomit. If vomiting occurs long before the fever, for example, the day before the event, then this can be both a symptom of an ordinary acute respiratory disease and a sign of incipient meningitis.

The nature of vomiting

Parents should pay attention to the composition of vomit. For example, vomiting in a baby with fresh milk mass immediately after feeding without worsening the condition involves only observing the baby during the day. If nothing critical happens, everything is as usual, the episodes are no longer repeated, then you can tell the pediatrician about this at a routine examination of the child.

Such situations can occur with excessive swallowing of air when sucking on a breast or a bottle, with a sharp tossing of the baby immediately after eating, excessive activity of the parents when swaddling immediately after eating, etc. If the child’s condition noticeably worsens after vomiting, the episodes are repeated again and again, then this is a reason to call emergency help and deal with some of the features of vomiting, which are accompanied by discomfort:

  1. Soreness in the abdomen along with indomitable vomiting are symptoms of food poisoning.
  2. Bile impurities in vomit are a sign of cholecystitis, hepatitis, intestinal infections, and gallstone pathology.
  3. Morning vomiting with headaches is an important signal for a concussion or head injury.
  4. Vomiting with mucous fragments in infants can pass without a trace, and in older children this picture describes food poisoning.
  5. Vomiting of a watery consistency - vomiting of water in a child may appear with a prolonged feeling of hunger, with violations of the diet, with colds.
  6. Foamy discharge is a dangerous symptom in which meningitis, acute heart failure, heart attack, cancer, hepatitis, diabetes, acute intestinal infection are diagnosed. Such vomiting requires an immediate emergency call.
  7. Gushing vomiting in infants is a sign of overfeeding and activity after eating, as well as a signal for the development of dangerous pathologies. Vomiting a fountain in a child can signal severe intoxication.

Each case requires an individual approach. In addition to the nature of vomiting, it is necessary to pay attention to its color.

Shade of vomit

The color and coloration of the vomit may indicate the location of lesions, as well as a possible symptom of a particular disease. The color of vomiting in children at any age can be as follows:

  • Yellowish color - a symptom of acute appendicitis, intestinal infection, food poisoning, drugs.
  • Reddish blotches - internal bleeding, damage to the walls of the esophagus, trauma to the stomach cavity.
  • Greenish tint - stressful situations, a huge amount of greens in the daily diet.
  • Black or gray tint - the use of activated charcoal the day before, chemotherapy.

Single episodes of vomiting in a child without deterioration in the background of a healthy body should not cause serious concern. Usually this is the body's reaction to new foods in the diet, such vomiting does not affect the emotional and mental state of the child, his activity. In case of any accompanying depressing conditions, it is necessary to seek the help of a specialist. Vomiting is only a symptom, and the main cause of the disease can only be identified as a result of a professional examination.

Treatment tactics

Self-treatment of vomiting often leads only to complications. Without medical education and without practical skills, it is impossible to determine by eye the true causes that caused vomiting in a child.

Vomiting, even with a slight depression of the condition, is an alarm signal that requires complex diagnostics and treatment. Timely treatment and the right actions of parents are the key to maintaining the health of the child.

With a slight frequency of vomiting (about 3) without signs of dehydration, temperature, at the age of a child of about 2 years, it is enough to provide him with peace, drink fresh water or decoctions of dried fruits, and monitor the condition for about a day. If no changes followed, you can leave this episode in the past.

In many cases, vomiting is a defensive reaction of the body, so there is no point in stopping vomiting.

If the baby has an increase in vomiting and a general deterioration in the condition, then you need to seek help for appropriate treatment:

  1. Food poisoning (gastric lavage, restorative or detoxification therapy).
  2. Infectious diseases (detoxification, antibiotics).
  3. Acute conditions with infringement of a hernia, acute appendicitis - a surgical operation.
  4. Concussion or head injury - complete rest, being in bed, preventing swelling of the brain.
  5. Vomiting in mental disorders - adequate psychotherapy, treatment of neuropsychiatric orientation.

With a burdened clinical history of the child, additional consultation of specialists in a specific treatment profile may be required. Before waiting for an ambulance, the baby should be given some water (through a syringe, in a spoon) in order to avoid severe dehydration, which is life-threatening, try to get together for hospitalization with the child in the specialized department of the hospital.

Treatment of vomiting with alternative methods is unacceptable, since it is impossible to determine the root cause of vomiting at home. Prevention of vomiting in children of any age comes down to the timely treatment of provoking diseases, regular examinations by a pediatrician and specialized specialists.

It is important to understand that vomiting in many cases is the first symptom of any body disorders and sometimes can even save lives if you react to such signals from the human body in time. A small child actively reacts to any influences of the surrounding world, and the task of parents is to make this acquaintance softer and easier.

Today we will look at the main causes of vomiting in a child. First, let's define this unpleasant phenomenon. Vomiting in a newborn is a physiological action of the baby's body, aimed at removing food and other substances by reverse movement (antiperistalsis). It should be remembered that the manifestation of vomiting in children is a purely reflex act (unconscious action), although in some cases, thanks to volitional efforts, adults are able to cause similar gastric movements.

The first and most common cause of such a phenomenon as vomiting in a newborn is abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract, however, this is not always the case. For example, in newborn babies, the process of regurgitation of consumed food often occurs, which is by no means a gastric pathology. Such a manifestation may be associated with overeating, but most often it is simply a physiological feature. If the child spits up a little, then this is not a reason for medical intervention.

The next reason, which is in second place in terms of frequency, is intestinal diseases or an allergic reaction to certain food components (milk, complementary foods). If the process of vomiting in your child is accompanied by uncharacteristic rashes, you should immediately contact a pediatrician who will prescribe further treatment aimed at eliminating allergic manifestations.

If it concerns a gastric infection, then the necessary measures will depend entirely on the severity of the child's condition. Mild infection with no febrile manifestations can be pacified at home (under the supervision of the attending physician).

Urgent medical care is required if the vomiting cycles do not stop in any way, the body becomes even more dehydrated, the general condition of the baby worsens, and the body temperature rises. Often, with such problems, it is necessary to hospitalize the child. Advice to parents: do not resist such measures, because in most cases, the only way to replace the lost fluid is through a direct infusion through a vein (dropper). Antibacterial substances can also be injected in the same way to eliminate the infection.

By the way, vomiting in a newborn and a young child can also occur with ordinary acute respiratory viral infections, accompanied by high fever and general intoxication of the body.

Another common cause of vomiting in newborn babies may be pyloric stenosis, which occurs as a result of a malformation of the stomach (more precisely, its pyloric section). In this case, proper treatment is carried out only by a surgical method, which depends on the severity of the disease. But pyloric stenosis should not be confused with outwardly very similar pylorospasm. With pylorospasm, there are no violations of the patency of food.

Profuse vomiting in a newborn - a "fountain" - may be associated with immaturity or damage to the central nervous system that occurred during pregnancy or during unsuccessful birth. A neurologist must help to cope with this scourge.

Also, the cause of vomiting can be a disease (meningitis) or an injury. In this case, vomiting does not bring the desired relief (the child does not calm down after an attack), but only causes additional pain, since it is primarily associated with a disorder of the vomiting center.

Sometimes vomiting occurs in children under one year old, who are in good health and receive good nutrition. This happens due to the occurrence of which act directly on the child's brain (acetonemic vomiting). This may be a symptom of diabetes, but most often this vomiting occurs due to excess consumption of fat, which is why the pancreas is simply not able to digest them.

And the last reason for vomiting is neuropsychiatric disorders, which are often not so easy to deal with. The conditions for the occurrence of vomiting attacks can be completely different: for the smallest, this is a meeting with a stranger, the absence of parents; in older children - longing, unwillingness to do anything, fear. To help in this situation are called upon, and it will not be superfluous to consult a child psychotherapist.

Vomiting in a baby is a formidable symptom that cannot be ignored - be sure to consult a doctor to determine the cause and prescribe treatment! Self-medication is dangerous and can lead to sad consequences.

During vomiting, never (!) leave the baby alone, hold it upright and rinse your mouth with boiled water.