The best gift for a boy 5 years old. What gifts should you refrain from? Electronic, self-driving, interactive toys and robots

When the baby turns five years old, the choice of a gift becomes the main question for parents and grandparents. At this age, children are well aware of their desires, they can get carried away with certain toys and creativity, so parents should know their interests well. Finding out what to give a child for 5 years will help the understanding that yesterday's toddler is already a person who has his own personal preferences and his own opinion.

Parents and their acquaintances, invited to the fifth birthday of the baby, should pay attention to the age characteristics of the child, making sure that the things and toys they buy correspond to the level of his development, and, therefore, are interesting and useful.

Psychologists note that age leaves its imprint on the inclinations of children, so at the age of 5 they should give certain gifts:

  1. Boys continue to get involved in playing cars, but at the age of 5 they are advised not to buy souvenirs, but large and durable models with different functions - let such a car open the doors, the body, the wheels spin. A great option is a railway with a steam locomotive and a whole train of carriages.
  2. The creative abilities of children, their passion for music or drawing, are becoming more and more vivid. Such a hobby should be encouraged and stimulated. You can give your child for five years an electric organ, a guitar, a drum or other musical instrument that will contribute to the development of musical ear, rhythm, and also help him overcome shyness, speaking in front of the household.
  3. Educational games are necessary not only for the development of fine motor skills, but also for the manifestation of imagination, improvement of logical thinking, training memory and attention. First of all, these are constructors, table dominoes, bingo, games for luck - children's poker, dominoes, bingo, games in the genre of adventure games, logical arithmetic games.
  4. The intensive growth of the baby and his physical condition requires daily active games - roller skates, a bicycle, a sports home corner, a badminton set, a swimming circle will help.
  5. A book is one of the best gifts for a five year old. The letters in it should still be large, which will help the child learn to read faster. Illustrations should also be present - after all, this is additional visual information, thanks to which the baby learns the world around him, its living and inanimate objects.
  6. To some extent, computer games and educational activities are also needed, in addition, this is how children learn to operate this technique. But such a pastime should be dosed and controlled by adults.

Sets for role-playing games are especially relevant at this time. Simple manipulation, the study of the properties of objects, and even directorial games, in which the child was not a direct participant, remained far in the past. Now he wants to be one of the heroes himself, because for the games he needs certain accessories and attributes. In this capacity, there are toy furniture, sets of household appliances, sets of items that accompany people of different professions, special capes, hats and other details of clothing that make the game a costume performance.

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day regimen of a child at 5 years old

what a 5-year-old child should be able to do

Do not think that role-playing games are only for girls, boys at the age of 5 also love to transform into their favorite characters and need bright puppet heroes. It is important that they have dolls of both sexes, so that children can better know themselves, learn communication skills, and overcome their fears.

What to give a child for 5 years: educational toys

Any new games can arouse genuine interest in an older preschooler, and this must be taken advantage of. But today there are a huge number of such toys on sale and it is difficult to understand how to choose a gift for 5 years. Actually, the main condition is age-appropriateness and safe material from which the thing is made, since all games of this kind are educational and entertaining at the same time.

Apart from simple and interactive books, these games include:

  1. Constructors. This is a great simulator for a child, improving his logical abilities, memory and attention, creative imagination, the development of fine motor skills. For five-year-olds, the following games are suitable - Collapsible house (wooden), Radio-controlled all-terrain vehicle Leader, Alternative energy sources. At first, you can buy a baby construction kit First steps in electronics, it will be a great surprise for a boy. Magformers are special magnetic constructors with geometrical parts connected by means of magnets, which can also be chosen as a presentation. A father can give his son a special construction kit for assembling robots, but the kid can handle such a toy only under the guidance of a parent, but the gameplay will be extremely exciting and informative.
  2. Such a board game like puzzles, can be a great present for the 5th anniversary. Classes in assembling pictures from individual elements trains many important skills of the child, and develops in him a sense of purpose and perseverance. At the age of five, kids can be given such high-quality toys as a Tetris puzzle, a set of puzzle-erasers Sea animals, a double-sided wooden puzzle Kitty, plot puzzles Baba Yaga in a hut.
  3. Mosaic games, which are a set of small parts of various shapes, for creating your own paintings, as well as already invented images. They are different - floor-standing, table-top and differ only in the material and method of collection. Five-year-olds need more complex numbered kits. The plot of the game also matters - usually it is a marine theme, cartoon characters, fairy-tale characters, animals.
  4. Educational board games, replenishing the vocabulary of the baby, improving his memory, increasing the intelligence and outlook of the child. Some of the best - Activity, My first monopoly, In Search of Dory, Masha and the Bear, Rush Hour. Parking, Icy Heart.

If the birthday boy loves to tinker with cars, you don't have to worry about what to give your child for 5 years - hand him a set of Young Mechanic, a constructor or puzzles depicting a car, the kid will surely appreciate the attention of parents or guests to his hobby.

What to give a girl for 5 years: video

Creative presentations

Creativity is an integral part of a kid's life. With an uncontrollable curiosity and imagination, normal healthy children will never refuse to do something with their own hands.

In this regard, when choosing what to give a five-year-old child, he can be presented with the following gifts:

  • a children's drawing tablet, such as a Wacom model, is a rugged, easy-to-use device that is relatively inexpensive.
  • magnetic board for drawing with crayons with an additional set of magnets for learning counting or the alphabet;
  • a set of polymer clay for modeling;
  • mega-coloring in the form of Easter cakes, Christmas tree, heart, rocket;
  • book with creative tasks;
  • album of sheets for watercolors and a set of paints;
  • a set of multi-colored wax plasticine;
  • double-sided easel for drawing with felt-tip pens and crayons with a set of paints and brushes;
  • creative kits - origami, figures for painting, a set of lumigurumi for weaving from elastic bands using a crochet hook.

Many kids will be pleased with musical gifts:

  • an electric piano or small synthesizer with several functions and simple controls;
  • dance mat for the development of hearing and a sense of rhythm;
  • microphone for karaoke;
  • children's guitar with amplifier;
  • the boy can be pleased with a drum set equipped with sound control, if the parents agree with such a gift.

Children of both genders will love all kinds of creative kits - for needlework, making soap, candles, sand pictures, appliqués, and craft paper.

Gifts for sports and outdoor games

For a five-year-old baby, physical fitness is extremely important, normal physiological development allows the baby to actively learn various skills, improves his mental activity. Most children from an early age get used to spending time in front of a computer monitor, so it is important for them to give sports gifts that will make the baby more likely to be outdoors and move more.

Five-year-old children are usually given:

  • roller skates with elbow pads, knee pads and a helmet;
  • badminton accessories;
  • classic skates;
  • children's skis;
  • wall bars;
  • sports complex;
  • bike scooter with protective pads;
  • floor game Twister, including a special rug and roulette;
  • a set for playing Gorodki, consisting of a bat and wooden figures;
  • a two-wheeled bike that will appeal to both boys and girls.

For those kids who can't imagine their life without dancing, buy a dance rug or a CD with good rhythmic music.

What to give a boy for 5 years: video

Other gifts for 5 year olds

Many children often ask their parents to buy them a pet, and quite often they are refused. It is in vain that parents react so negatively to the appearance of a little friend of their son or daughter in the house, because the benefits of such communication are obvious.

If adults are limited in funds or the size of living space, it is not necessary to purchase a puppy or a kitten, you can choose a parrot, hamster, rat or an aquarium with fish. Taking care of a pet will have a beneficial effect on the character and attitude of the baby to living beings, in general - the child will learn empathy, kindness, responsibility, perhaps he will even show a talent for training animals.

Guests, in turn, can please the five-year-old with practical gifts, such as a beautiful dress for a girl and a day-out suit for a boy, a cap, hat or baseball cap with a photo print, a photo collage with photos of the birthday man, a microscope for children. It is perfectly acceptable for boys to give a personalized silver spoon, a gold cross, for girls - gold earrings.

In some cases, after discussion with the parents, the necessary household appliances, a projector with a set of filmstrips and other devices may become a gift. Any kid, like his parents, will be pleased if a trip to an amusement park, water park or dolphinarium turns out to be a gift.

What gifts to choose for girls and boys

On their fifth birthday, preschoolers are waiting for various gifts, but first of all, these are, of course, toys, unfamiliar gadgets, children's vehicles. Judging by the feedback from parents, there are gifts that children will definitely like.

As a gift for a boy you can buy:

  • hourglass or wristwatch;
  • a transforming robot;
  • spaceship;
  • board games with treasure hunt;
  • kaleidoscope;
  • globe, map of the world;
  • camera:
  • children's encyclopedia;
  • rollers, skis, bicycles;
  • radio-controlled cars;
  • children's bowling alley, darts and badminton;
  • thematic sets of Magician, hairdresser, Joiner, Automaster, Spy;
  • constructor (electronic, needle, magnetic, with parts in the form of gears, joints and pipes).

Finding out what to choose for the girl, it remains to admit that it is:

  • beautiful dolls, toy furniture, utensils, dishes;
  • toys - characters of your favorite cartoons
  • children's backpack on wheels;
  • tree house;
  • castle with fairy tale characters;
  • constructor of the corresponding subject;
  • a set for creating jewelry without stringing on a thread;
  • lamp Night sky;
  • soft children's sofa in bright colors;
  • cartoon slippers;
  • a set of soft plasticine, an easel, a set of paints;
  • creative kits for needlework;
  • themed kits for role-playing games;
  • figure skates, bicycle.

The significance of the question of what to give a child for 5 years is explained by child psychologists

quite simply - from 4 to 6 years old, the kid may already have a serious hobby, to which he is able to devote most of his adult life, therefore, a correct, useful gift plays an important role in the development of the talent and life goal of a young talent.

Birthday is one of the most favorite holidays for a child, especially at an early age, when they want to quickly become adults and independent. Children simply adore this holiday also for the simple reason, because on this day they are given a variety of gifts.

Often, the parents of a little birthday boy, relatives or friends, are faced with a difficult question - how to please the hero of the day. In order to choose a truly worthwhile, useful and interesting gift, you should take into account the age, preferences and hobbies and gender of the child.

A gift for a five-year-old boy should interest him and be useful. 5 years is a special age, because it is at this age that the child begins to actively develop responsibility, the desire for independence, games and activities become more difficult. Boys show a willingness to accept new information and knowledge that they draw from the world around them.

The age of five is the time when the development of the child's intellectual and emotional sphere takes place. New needs, qualities appear, knowledge about subjects becomes more extensive. Five-year-old boys become more independent, they have responsibility, desire and the ability to solve complex problems in communication and cognitive activity.

Boys at the age of five become interested in observing or participating in interesting experiments, participating in educational games, solving puzzles and solving problems and riddles. They show an active interest in creativity, they are carried away by the opportunity to make something with their own hands. If we take into account all the aspects inherent in this age, then the question of what to give a 5-year-old boy for his birthday will be solved easily and correctly.

Before finally deciding on a gift, it is worth asking the child's parents if there is anything that he plans to present to the birthday boy himself. The boy will hardly be happy if he is given a second soccer ball or a second pair of rollers for his birthday.

Five-year-old boys are restless tomboy, they are constantly in search of something interesting and previously unknown. Children have a well-developed imagination, they cannot sit quietly in one place, inventing more and more new fun. Therefore, a five-year-old boy will like gifts in the form of toy weapons - pistols, sabers, swords, robots, radio-controlled models of cars.

As a rule, all boys are fond of cars. Therefore, if there is a desire to instill a love for cars, in particular for collecting them, then it is quite possible to give the child the first model of the future collection.

Boys will be interested in sets for creativity, and "scientific research" where there is everything for children to show themselves in this or that kind of activity. For example, this can be burnout kits, origami kits, construction kits, Young Chemist kits, and much more. As gifts, thematic magazines, books with illustrations related to the hobby of the child, in which there are answers to questions of interest to the young researcher, will be welcomed.

Also, boys will be interested in children's encyclopedias, where stories are told and shown to knights, pirates or ancient animals.

If we continue the theme of adventure and chivalry, then a thematic constructor can be a good gift for five years. For example, it can be a castle with knights, a police station, a Star Wars town or a construction set based on one of the adventures of Indiana Jones, or a set of metal construction sets, from which you can use only real small keys and nuts to assemble models of cars, helicopters or aircraft. A five-year-old boy will definitely like such a gift, as a rule, at this age, most children are fond of this kind of toys.

Many boys at the age of five begin to take an interest in sports, attend sports sections, so a gift of a sports theme for such children will clearly appeal to them. The gift should be given based on what kind of sport the child is fond of. If it was decided to donate a sports uniform, equipment for sports, then you should ask the child's parents about the size, so as not to miscalculate with the present.

For leisure, you can donate games for a game console. If the child is fond of computer games and he already has a prefix, then it makes sense to present new discs as a gift. However, in this case, it is also necessary to give games, taking into account the preferences of the young "conqueror of giants".

For some boys, a music player can be a good gift, especially those who are fond of music will like this gift. And a modern, fashionable IPOD as a gift for a five-year anniversary will completely turn the donor into a best friend.

Older preschool children are very fond of board games. For example, walking games will offer children a wide variety of exciting stories with a variety of adventures. At the same time, the child will learn to communicate with his peers or adults, play by the rules, and be attentive. At the age of five, boys can be presented with a bingo, dominoes, tabletop "Sea Battle" or other interesting and entertaining games.

At the age of five, children are ready to have a real party for their birthday. Surely the boys already have their friends and girlfriends whom they would like to see at their celebration. Therefore, in addition to gifts, parents, relatives and friends should take care to create a truly festive and fun atmosphere. Multicolored balloons and a cake with candles should become an obligatory attribute of a children's birthday. This aspect should be given no less attention than the choice of the gifts themselves.

The first anniversary in your child's life! First important date! And it's no secret that now it is very difficult to surprise children with something. Often, by this age, the child in the apartment simply does not have enough space to store a variety of toys. A kid by the age of five already knows well what he needs, what he likes, what he wants. So the choice of what to give a boy for 5 years should be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. The child will already be able to evaluate your present and determine how important it is to him. Before deciding which one to choose for 5 years, you must first find out what he already has, go over his entire toy "arsenal", ask him about what he would like.

Should I give toys for 5 years to a boy?

At this age, a child can no longer be surprised with bright funny cars and constructors. However, if you nevertheless decide, when choosing, do not forget to inspect the toy from all sides, look at the manufacturer and lean towards domestic or well-established foreign brands. This will keep you and your baby safe while using it.

Now the choice of toys is so great that you can buy whatever you want. Boys at this age will be very interested in various robots. Do not take these toys negatively. Playing with such cars, helicopters or robots, your kid will learn to control the process, which will undoubtedly help to develop the child.

A serious gift - a bicycle

For 5 years? A good present from a functional point of view will be a children's two-wheeled bicycle, rollers, a scooter or skis. Do not forget to clarify what is more important and interesting for the baby at the moment. Perhaps he will be more interested in other sports equipment: balls, badminton, jump rope, or something else.

Instilling a love of creativity is real

Another idea is related to creativity. It's no secret that all children love to create something. By this age, they have enough patience and perseverance. For creative purposes, sets for stained glass painting, modeling, making panels, various mosaics, frescoes made of colored sand are well suited. This will help the child to be creative for a long time. After all, every time he will create something new! Again, do not forget about the interests of the baby. It is interesting to draw - offer murals, prints, Loves to sculpt - present a set for creating bas-reliefs from plaster or key chains. Thus, there are many options for what to give a boy for 5 years!

Is the constructor still relevant?

A gift such as a designer is especially suitable. An abundance of these toys is increasingly filling the shelves of children's stores. They can be of different shapes, colors, materials. And if you choose thematic constructors, then you can create not just houses, castles, but, for example, even animals. But if a child is interested in building castles, then the bricks in it can be similar to real ones, differing only in size from them. Or he will be able to assemble a miniature copy of a car or even an airplane, connecting the parts with nuts and screws. This will greatly surprise your baby and will capture his interest for a long time.

Board games! Why not?

Children of this age adore such games, and their variety is simply amazing now. Pick up some kind of game for your little one that suits him. Such "adventure games" will drag your child into unforgettable and mysterious adventures with many dangers! But this game is not just wasting time, but will also help the kid to communicate and adhere to the rules, as well as be attentive. Lotto, dominoes, "Scrabble" set, tic-tac-toe are also good for a gift.

Time to read

Numerous postcards for 5 years for a boy, toys and construction sets are, of course, good, but do not forget that a book is always a good gift. At the age of five, a child usually already knows the alphabet well and tries to read, so a beautiful and colorful edition can and should also be presented.

You can also present a difficult book. It will be about your child! There are many organizations and sites where you can personally order a book in which your baby will be the main character. The seal will, of course, be in a single copy. You will be offered options for creating a fairy tale about your child, and you can get it both in your hands and in your mail. Before that, you will be familiarized with the rules for creating the book itself and with the work of the organization as a whole.

Options are also possible with the inclusion of relatives, familiar to your child, characters in the fairy tale. It can be mom, dad, grandfather and grandmother. Bright and beautiful coloring illustrations are also possible in the book, which will also be appreciated by your child. Fairy tales are kind, but they will make adults think too. This gift is good at any age, and even more so for the first anniversary. In addition, it will be a memory for life, which is also very pleasant for both the child and the parents.

Computer genius

Well, if your child is already well acquainted with the computer, then here you know what to give the boy for 5 years. There are a lot of things in this area that will appeal to both you and your baby. Various audio encyclopedias, games for development, educational cartoons - all this is worthy of attention.


Of course, a gift such as a coloring book may seem standard. But at this age, children will cling to another such book with great interest, especially if it is with their favorite characters from a cartoon or fairy tale. Parents can choose coloring and educational. For example, counting, alphabet, etc.

Feast by the mountain

By the age of five, your child already has his first friends - this is his small circle of friends. Don't forget about them too. Your baby will be very pleased and happy if you allow to invite friends to his holiday. Organization of an unusual birthday will also be a great gift. In addition to balloons, colorful ribbons, beautiful outfits and congratulatory posters, you can order professionals. These can be clowns and animators. And if you present your made to a boy, he will be delighted!

On this day, you can not sit at home at all, but go, for example, to the dolphinarium or to the children's entertainment center, there are a lot of them now.

Children are always looking forward to what they will get for their birthday. When choosing a surprise for a five-year-old birthday boy, use your imagination and common sense. It is worth considering the child's hobbies and features of developmental psychology. Then it will not be difficult to please and surprise a baby at the age of five!

What to consider when choosing a surprise

Of course, in order to see joy and not disappointment in the eyes of the birthday man, you need to start by studying the characteristics of the age of five-year-olds.

Even a person far from interactive entertainment will say that any electronic gadget meets all five criteria: a mobile phone, a tablet, a computer. But psychologists do not recommend giving such gifts: after all, the baby has not yet formed a picture of the world, and any incorrectly submitted information can cause irreparable harm to the child. And what, what, and the extra knowledge devices provide unlimited.

What others will give

This is the very last condition that is taken into account when choosing a present for a child. The main thing is that you have an idea of ​​the interests of the birthday person, and for this it is best to ask the parents what their child is passionate about. Moms and dads in this sense are in more favorable conditions: they just need to listen to the wishes of their son or daughter.

Gift options for a five-year-old boy - video

What gifts are taboo

  • clothes, shoes. Yes, new clothes will significantly save the parents' budget, only a child is not interested in such a gift. True, if the hero of the occasion is a real fashionista, then a new dress or shoes for her will be very useful;
  • substitution. If you have promised the girl to give nail polish, then you should not give the cover from the kit for the doll. Believe me, the little lady will definitely see the substitution and be upset. It's the same with the boys: promised a soccer ball? Do not replace it with an inflatable one for entertainment at sea;
  • hygiene items. Again: if you give something from cosmetics to a girl, then it will be justified by her delight. But for a boy, shower gel is just as useless, in his opinion, as a hockey puck is for playing football;
  • stationery. These are gifts for parents, and for the little one you need something that you can try here and now;
  • dreams from the past. As a child, did you dream of a big teddy bear? Now there is no shortage of toys, so your longed-for soft gift may not cause a response.

In order not to get into a mess, it is worth talking with the child about what he would like to receive for his birthday.

Top five birthday gift ideas

Even if you plan to rely on the "verdict" of your parents, a kind of cheat sheet with interesting ideas will not be superfluous.


Such presentations are aimed at developing the logic, perseverance and attention of the baby:


Well, so what with the fact that in a year and a half to school? Toys are not superfluous even at this age. But for girls and boys, they will be different.

What toys can be purchased for girls and boys - table

A tent can be called a universal gift. Such a house can be placed in the room and taken out into the street. The little boy will be happy to play with his friends as polar geologists, and the girls will play as mothers and daughters.

The tent-house will serve a long service both now and in the future, when the baby goes on a hike with his parents

Both the girl and the boy will appreciate the electric car. One trip to the courtyard on such transport - and your little one will become a local celebrity.


At the age of 5, many kids are already seriously engaged in some kind of creative activity. For example, they are fond of music or drawing. So you can present as a gift:

  • easel with a set of paints, brushes;
  • album of watercolor sheets of A3 format;
  • children's guitar,
  • synthesizer with learning function, etc.
  • origami kits (you can choose them for a boy or a girl);
  • a set of multi-colored Play Doh plasticine will delight a child if he likes to create figures from plastic material, coming up with stories with the resulting characters (working with plasticine develops fine motor skills, as well as acting and directing skills);
  • kits for weaving from lumigurumi elastic bands, which boys and girls are fond of, etc.

Creative kit options - photo gallery

Folding origami, the child develops fine motor skills. Lumigurumi sets consist of a variety of multi-colored elastic bands, weaving patterns, filler, tools In addition to the plasticine mass, Play Doh art kits contain special tools that make the sculpting process more interesting.



Physical fitness for a toddler is no less important than for an adult. Moreover, children also fall under the gun of the most common cause of weight and health problems - spending a long time at the monitor. There are many options for sports gifts for five-year plans:

  • bike. Not a single boy will refuse such transport, and for sure 8 out of 10 girls will not mind driving in the yard;
  • rollers. This version of the surprise should definitely be supported by the purchase of special equipment: knee pads, elbow pads and a helmet. For your own and parental peace of mind;
  • skis, skates. A great option for a birthday boy born in winter;
  • twister. This fun can be safely included in the top of your favorite family games;
  • "Small towns" - a game that trains not only arms and legs, but also ingenuity;
  • badminton. If the baby was born in winter, it doesn't matter: you can train at home too.

For a child who loves to dance, an interactive dance mat will be a great gift.

Original souvenirs

Such souvenirs can be called "gifts for a child who has everything":


This gift requires a mandatory agreement with mom and dad, as well as with the rest of the family living with the child. But the benefits of communicating with a four-legged friend for the birthday person will be undoubted. It has been proven that children who were brought up in families with pets grow up more sensitive, empathic and kind. One caveat: the baby's patience for the constant care of the animal may not be enough, so when choosing, it is worth considering what kind of animals the parents of the hero of the occasion love. But for 5 years they usually buy.

The first mini-anniversary in the life of a boy requires particularly careful preparation. A lot of questions arise: where to celebrate, whom to invite, how to entertain guests, but the most important thing is what to present to the birthday boy. After all, by the age of 5, the baby has simply grown out of many fun. At the same time, the circle of his interests has fully taken place, and the toy kingdom has expanded to such a scale that it seems that there is simply nothing to surprise. So the choice of a gift for the 5th birthday of a little gentleman is a task of increased complexity, with an asterisk.

5 important conditions for choosing a gift for a five-year-old child

When purchasing a five-year gift, you need to clearly understand that an airplane, a car, a pistol are always desirable things for a little man, but these are not those surprises that will captivate for a long time - their maximum is 3-4 days. But you probably want the birthday person to receive a truly useful present. For this, first of all, it is worth taking into account the age-related characteristics of the development of the toddler.

Many parents, having familiarized themselves with the 5 factors of a successful presentation, may come to the conclusion that having bought an adult gadget, they will satisfy all these indicators. Not to say that this approach is categorically wrong (they still buy, albeit early!), But a tablet, laptop, mobile phone are very serious gifts that should serve as a helper for a child, and not a constant companion. And if relatives do not plan to regulate the relationship of the baby with the equipment, then you should not give it as a gift.

Who is giving: important or not

It doesn't matter who the birthday person is for you: a neighbor, godson, nephew or grandson. The only thing that matters is how close you are to the baby's family, you know his interests, hobbies. But even if the communication is not too close, this is not a reason to give a teddy bear or a mug with a name every year. The best option, if you yourself are lost in ideas, is to consult with the mother and father of the hero of the occasion. And the parent himself should listen to the wishes of the matured son.

What you don’t need to give

If you don’t want to see disappointment in the eyes of the hero of the day, don’t choose a gift that will be incomprehensible to the baby at the moment, in other words, the child will not know how to use a new thing here and now.

5th birthday gift options

The best way not to miss a gift is to delve into all the possible options for each category of gifts.

Educational games

These fun are designed to develop the logic, perseverance and attention of the baby.

What can you give a future student

Despite the fact that many consider the school theme of gifts for a five-year-old to be controversial, there are a number of things that no boy will refuse at any age.

If a boy shows interest in school disciplines, then it makes sense to give him a preschooler's folder. This set contains various thematic cards, brochures, manuals on arithmetic, writing - in general, everything that will help the little one to prepare for the first grade.

Creative souvenirs for a 5-year-old birthday boy

If the child is a creative person, then the gift must be selected corresponding to his hobbies.

Toys at the age of five have not lost their relevance. True, they get more complicated.

A game console for a modern boy is one of the most desirable gifts that can captivate a hero of the day for more than one month, or even a year. But you can give it only with the consent of the parents.

Gifts for active physical development at the age of five

Games and exercise equipment for sports are very important for a future man.

Birthday gifts

You can give positive emotions in different ways, including visiting a circus or a movie. At the age of 5, the boy already understands what an entertainment event is, has his own preferences in these entertainment. So it makes sense to consider giving tickets to:

Memorable gifts with your own hands

You need to be on the lookout with memorable gifts, that is, to understand that the birthday person will be able to appreciate them in ... eleven years. In the meantime, it will be a pleasant gift for parents. In this case, we are talking about:

  • collage of photographs;
  • a film about the hero of the occasion based on materials from the family archive;
  • photo frame, personally inlaid with shells, etc.