The script of the festive concert dedicated to the Day of the Medical Worker. Scenario for the day of a medical professional funny

On the third Sunday in June, we honor doctors and nurses, medical staff in hospitals, clinics and diagnostic centers. We offer a scenario for the event "Day of a medical worker" with a festive concert and an award ceremony.

Scenario of a festive event dedicated to the Day of the Medical Worker

general characteristics Props Organizing Committee

Event duration: 60 minutes

Age of participants: 18-70 years old

Number of participants: 50-80 people

For the event you need:

  • auditorium and stage
  • sound reinforcement equipment
  • a selection of scripted music
  • 1 dressing room for the concert participants
  • Certificates of honor and mementos for the awarded health workers

Participating in the event:

Presenter, sound engineer, singer and singer, dance group, primary school student, chief physician, head of the district, organizing committee.

Before the start of the event, lyric music is played in the hall.

Event starts: fanfare sounds

The Presenter appears on the stage.


Hello dear friends! Every third Sunday in June, our country celebrates the professional holiday of medical workers. There is no more honorable, more responsible profession in the world than a doctor; at all times, people who stood guard over health enjoyed special respect. The Day of the Medical Worker is celebrated not only by doctors and nurses, but also by all specialists, without whose help medical science could not have done: engineers and technologists inventing new equipment for the treatment and diagnosis of diseases, chemists, biologists, laboratory assistants, orderlies ... The work of medical workers is high service in the name and for the benefit of people: medical workers selflessly guard the greatest values ​​bestowed on a person - his life and health.

The festive event dedicated to the Day of the Medical Worker will be opened by a person who knows everything about the work of doctors, their joys and problems, because he is not only a doctor with extensive professional experience, but also the chief doctor in our area - ……………… …………… ( Full Name).



What can you wish for people who are guardians of human health, and therefore human happiness? Of course, to be healthy, prosperous, successful, strong, skillful, efficient! I would like to wish you success in work that requires mental strength and full dedication. Happy holiday, dear medical workers!

Our musical wish will be performed by the soloist of the pop orchestra ………………

SONG: "Musical wish to doctors"


Dear friends, it would be wrong to talk only about work on a holiday. It is known that doctors are the most active creators of tales and anecdotes, because they have an excellent sense of humor. It has been proven that doctors are the most responsible people, because life on planet Earth depends on them. We know that the most favorite phrase of doctors: "A handsome man is a healthy man!" Dear ones, be always healthy and beautiful!

For you, the participants of the ballroom dance studio are dancing: the Viennese waltz.

MUSIC SOUNDS: "Viennese Waltz" performed by a ballroom dance studio

Rewarding doctors with certificates of honor and mementos is carried out by …………………………………


It's no secret that a good doctor needs more than his own talent, knowledge and sensitivity. For success in this difficult field, support and understanding from colleagues is very important - what is called teamwork: cooperation, friendship, union, unity, unanimity, like-mindedness, harmony, camaraderie, community, interaction, mutual assistance, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, cohesion , coherence, teamwork, singing ( the presenter addresses the audience and asks the participants of the holiday to remember the concepts that ensure the well-coordinated work of the team).

Probably, an important quality for a healthcare professional is patience. And who we have to endure, we will now find out: for you sings ……………………………… ..



The next song is addressed, first of all, to the doctors of the neuropsychiatric dispensary. Only they will be able to make an accurate diagnosis for a man in yellow boots. Dear friends, the soloist of the pop orchestra sings for you ………………………… ..

A SONG SOUNDS: "Yellow Shoes"

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Traditionally, the third Sunday of June is celebrated in Russia as the Medic's Day. The scenario of a holiday in nature will surely receive the approval of the staff of a medical institution, be it a hospital, a polyclinic, or just a department. Not so often doctors, nurses, laboratory assistants, pharmacists, nurses all gather together, especially in an informal setting. So, if the weather permits, it makes sense to stock up on food in order to cook delicious drinks, meat for and go out of town, into the fresh air.

Comic scenario for the day of the medic in nature

For a fun picnic on the bank of a river or in a forest glade, the scenario "Medic's Day" will do, the solemn part of which will be held in a family-like, warm and relaxed manner. For example, like this.

Leading: Dear Colleagues! We ask each patient with sympathy: “How do you feel? What worries you?" And we rarely turn to each other with such questions. An urgent need to remedy the situation. We are starting an exit reception. Ivan Ivanovich (turns to the head physician), how are you feeling, how is your mood?

Chief physician(singing, raising his glass): Today I'm one hundred percent happy!

Leading: It's great when the leader's “soul sings”. We will gladly join him. Would you, dear doctor, remind you of the reason that brought us to this wonderful place?

Chief physician: "We have been for so long, we have not rested for so long."

Leading: And that's true. I wish you all a pleasant day in the company of colleagues and friends. (On the Day of the Medic, we advise you to dilute the scenario of a holiday in nature with funny contests of the corresponding topic). And I continue to undergo medical examination. Who is in favor, please stick out your tongues and say "ah-ah" together. Guess who did it the best. Of course, with our wonderful therapists (lists by name). They will cope with any disease, and if they cannot overcome it with their bare hands, they will call surgeons for help. They are experienced here, although at the beginning of their careers they heard from their mentors more than once: “Who taught you to cut? You scratched the whole table! " Admit it, (names, patronymics) happened?

Surgeons(in chorus): We also know how to embroider, and on a typewriter too ...

: Great guys, doctors from God. By the way, there is a specialist among us with an amazing gift: he sees people through and through. “The forearm is broken and two ribs are fractured. There is a crack in the tibia. Nothing, I'll paint in Photoshop. " Where is the master of photography here? Dear (full name), how do you like at our professional holiday party?

Radiologist: I was just confused by the general attention, I don't know what to say. Thoughts are confused ...

Leading: Or maybe you should go to a neurologist for a consultation or a psychiatrist? They will diagnose you in an instant. Really, dear (names)?

: Tell me, patient, does your inner voice tell you the name of the disease?

: He insistently whispers that it is high time to congratulate our irreplaceable assistants - sisters on the triumph. And infinitely patient, good workers - nurses.

Words of gratitude to the junior medical staff must be included in the “Medic's Day” scenario. The ceremonial part can also praise other health care workers, for example, accountants, cooks, plumbers, drivers.

Leading: Thanks for the timely tip.
Accept our
And assurances of love.
Good luck, happiness and smiles,
Who is worthy of them if not you.
Today, lovely ladies are so charming and attractive that men opened their mouths in amazement, as if in an armchair at our dentist (name, patronymic). Indeed, beauty, you can't take your eyes off. Anything you say, Tooth Fairy?

Dentist: Let those present have teeth like pearls!

Leading: Nice toast. Is everyone full? I think that the narcologist will not only allow us to take strong drinks, but also support us with pleasure. I hope, doctor, are you in favor?

Expert in narcology: I want the glasses to be filled with wine!

: Do you know why all tinctures and balms are made with alcohol? Because doctors used to test them on themselves. After all, the main principle of a doctor is to do no harm. We try to follow him throughout our life. What is life scientifically? A sexually transmitted disease, moreover, with a disappointing prognosis, inevitable death. Friends! Take care of yourself, your loved ones and patients who trust you with the most precious thing - their lives. Happy Holidays, dear!

On the Medic's Day, the scenario of a holiday in nature is also expanded with concert numbers, dance breaks and group games.

The stage is festively decorated.
slides are projected
The curtain is closed.
The leitmotif sounds. The voice of the hosts behind the scenes:

If all professions in the world
Suddenly lay down like a mountain on the planet

Then, probably, at its top
The word "Medicine" would flash

For almost from the stone age
There was no more honorable fate
Than to fight in the flames of struggle
For saving a person's life.

Fanfare sounds, the curtain opens. The presenters go out to the microphones.

Good afternoon, dear health workers.

Hello, our guardian angels.

Allow me from the bottom of my heart to congratulate you on your professional holiday - Medical Worker's Day!

Light knows a lot of professions
One is more important and more beautiful than the other.
But there is no older and no better
Professions more humane than yours.

In all ages and times
from antiquity to now
mankind needs you.
The science of life is medicine!

Dear friends, for congratulations we invite the head of the municipal district administration to the stage _____________________________________________
(speech by the head)

Your profession is the most humane in the world. You bring relief from suffering and heal from disease. For us, your patients, the most important thing is your understanding, sympathy and the warmth of ordinary human attention.
And it is not for nothing that all of you, qualified doctors, nurses, nurses, are equally inherent in perseverance, loyalty to duty, kindness and mercy. We congratulate you and give you a good mood as a gift.
(Musical numbers)
Video about "CRH"

Probably not every district, and even more so a city, can boast of such a modern hospital that there are highly qualified specialists in ______________, a variety of specializations, modern diagnostic equipment, a laboratory, a hospital ...
Sometimes it even seems that some patients are cunning, looking for non-existent ailments in order to get in touch with these benefits of modern medicine.
I think you are exaggerating after all. But even if this is so, it doesn't matter, our doctors are always in the foreground in the fight for human life and health. And sometimes it is surprising how they in our difficult time maintain self-control, patience, know how to listen to their patients and help them.
It's just that the profession of a medical worker does not know random people, because only the strong in spirit can be responsible for a person's life.
We invite to the stage _________________- chief physician _____________ CRH

(Performance, rewarding)

(musical numbers)

Perhaps not a single person on this planet can do without medical assistance. You are saving our lives and helping us to step back into recovery.
He: They write novels and make films about doctors. But the most deeply imbued with the essence of this difficult profession, when you personally observe the work of specialists in white coats: in a hospital ward, operating room, at complex diagnostic equipment. She:
And it is very pleasant when your work is appreciated, because you, like no one else, are worthy of gratitude and respect.
We invite to the stage _______________- the chief physician of the railway hospital (performance, rewarding) (musical numbers)
Today is a holiday for those who have linked their lives with the most humane, noble profession. This is a holiday for those whom you have cured, brought back to an active life, who have been given confidence in the future.
But you know, it seems to me that now it has become much more difficult to be treated than before.

Why do you think so? Look what modern equipment has appeared, how many drugs ...
That's it! How many drugs, but I do not understand anything about them.
And for this there are specialists who will always help, advise and even make the necessary medicine. These are pharmacists and pharmacists who work in pharmacies. For example, our pharmacy No. 35 is one of the few in the region where, in addition to trading, they are engaged in production, that is, they make dosage forms for individual orders.
And here, as in other things and in many other pharmacies of the region, they work with the privileged category of the population. The employees are always friendly and welcoming and can professionally answer any question of the patient. We invite the head of the pharmacy No. 35 to the stage ______________________


(musical numbers) She: Doctors can rightfully be called pioneers, sea captains. After all, no matter how many identical diagnoses, the people who have to be treated are unique. And with each of his patients, the doctor makes a new journey into the unknown.
He: But, probably, each of you will forever remember your first patient, just as your first professional educational institution will forever remain in your memory.
But today, Edward, I can rightfully congratulate you on the holiday too. Let me tell you a little secret. My co-host is just recently graduating from _________ medical school. I do not know if you will continue to choose the difficult path of a doctor, but I know for sure that most of today's practicing doctors, at one time, also graduated from a medical school, where they received their first professional skills.
We invite to the stage the director of the __________ medical school- _________
(musical numbers)
A medical worker comes into contact with pain and illness every day. It is not easy to let all this into the heart. Thank you for not hardening your hearts, thank you for fighting for the life and health of patients.
On this festive day, I would like to wish that your professionalism, knowledge, experience and sincere willingness to help return dozens, hundreds of grateful smiles of your patients. So that the prestige of your profession grows. I wish you and your families happiness. And most importantly, the health that you so generously give to all of us. Happy Holidays!

Each destiny is marked
major road milestones.
Do not part with your luck
and God help you!

To make illnesses severe
the world was not allowed to disappear,
be superbly healthy.
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays!

The presenter gives the participant of the competition a card on which any medical specialty is written. For example, an ophthalmologist, dentist, ENT, gynecologist, and so on. The participant must, with his gestures and facial expressions, explain to those present which doctor is indicated on his card. The one of the spectators who guesses first gets the next card with the task.


Participants compete in pairs. Each blindfolded couple must put on each other things that are in the bag provided by the host. There are two gowns, two pairs of shoe covers, two pairs of gloves and two medical caps. As soon as the "surgeons" are fully equipped, they shout: "Scalpel!" The winner is the pair of surgeons who "prepared for the operation" faster than the others.

Diagnosis by eye

The facilitator takes turns calling the symptoms of a particular disease. Which of the doctors with fewer list of the number of symptoms will be able to determine the diagnosis - he gets a prize. For example, fever, cough, runny nose, headache and joint pain - flu; fatigue, short-term sleep, complete lack of a sense of rest after sleep, difficulty falling asleep - insomnia; partial memory lapses, lack of control in the amount of alcohol drunk, severe hangover, binges - alcoholism, and so on.

Bint, bint, bint ...

Participants are divided into several teams of 2-3 people, one of which is a mummy that needs to be wrapped with a bandage. At the command "start" doctors must quickly, dexterously and efficiently wrap their mummy in bandages. Whose team will cope faster and who will have the best mummy, that team won.

Healing plaster

For this competition, several volunteers will be required, on which the host or person responsible for the holiday will use iodine or a felt-tip pen to draw wounds (in the same number and in the same places). Each participant receives their own volunteer and the same number of patches (small - disposable). At the command "start", doctors must find the wounds on their "patients" and seal all of them with medical plasters. Whoever copes with the task first will win.

Intuition stethoscope

Each of the physicians can take turns to test their intuition. The participant is blindfolded and presented with a stethoscope. All other guests stand in a row. The participant is taken in turn to each of the guests, whom he will have to listen to and determine whether it is a man or a woman, and maybe even guess who exactly is standing in front of him. The physician who can guess more guests by listening with a stethoscope will receive a prize.

The language of medicine

Doctors are divided into teams of 2-3 people. Each team receives sheets of paper with the same phrases, but written in Latin. The phrase can be absolutely any (compiled using a dictionary or online translator). The team that is the first to handle the translation and does it literally the rest will be the winner.

Medical report

Each medic receives a pie with any filling. At the “start” command, the participants with the help of a scalpel (small knife) must open their pie, recognize its filling and sew it up (with the help of a thread and a needle). Whoever copes faster will win. After the autopsy, everyone must voice their medical opinion and whoever gets it funnier will also receive a prize.

hit or miss

Each physician in turn pulls out a phantom from the medical cap, which will indicate any very interesting action, for example, draw a fly on the face with brilliant green or put on medical gloves and walk in them for an hour, rub your back with medical alcohol or drink a glucose solution, in general, all the most unusual. And then either do everything according to the phantom, or drink medical alcohol.