Sedatives during pregnancy. What sedatives are not contraindicated during pregnancy

Often, there are insomnia or poor sleep, increased sensitivity, anxiety, sharp mood swings, an excited state during napping. These phenomena negatively affect her well-being and the state of the fetus. It is in such cases that the need for sedative (sedative) drugs arises.

Is it possible to drink anyone soothing

Surely all women are aware that the reception of any medicines at this time is extremely undesirable. If there is a need for such, then they are used in minimally effective doses and limited time. In particular, it concerns the woman on the first trimester, because in the first three months after conception, the main formation of the future child takes place. It is better to give preference to walks in the fresh air, the use of fastening herbal teas from chamomile, melissa, mint, lime color and hawthorn.

Modern pharmacology can offer a variety of herbs based on the listed herbs. Most often they include mint extract, melissa and hawthorn. But in no case, even such means cannot be applied without consulting the gynecologist. It is necessary that the doctor prescribes the dosage and the duration of the reception. Otherwise, the child will be harmful.

In the second and third trimester, nutrition and valerians are allowed in the form of tablets. Alcohol tinctures are under strict prohibition on any time. Alcohol, which is part of tinctures, harms the future child.

Sometimes nervousness and other unpleasant conditions are caused by the deficiency of Vitamin Vitamins V., respectively, it is necessary to diversify the ration of products containing these substances (liver, cottage cheese, kefir, milk, sour cream, nuts, beans). Posseably affects the body honey, fresh carrot and beet juice, red and green tea, raspberry and mint leaves.

What sedatives can be pregnant in the first trimester

The optimal option is to abandon any medicines. Well affect
Psycho-emotional state hiking, contrasting souls, aromatherapy.

You can use the plants listed above and prepare herbal teas from them. The most secure procedure is aromatherapy. But the flavors can act differently to the body, soothing some and irritating others. Most often as sedatives, oil sandalwood, Siberian pine and peppermint use.

From various drugs, homeopathic remedies can be taken from various drugs, as they also have a plant basis, but, again, only on the recommendation of a specialist who takes into account the condition of the patient. Soothing means must be applied only if necessary. Preparations of chemical origin are not recommended at this time, but sometimes there is a need for such (with severe states). Various herbs are also not safe if you do not comply with the dosage and duration of the reception.

What sedative herbs can be pregnant

If the situation allows, plant origin is prescribed. With proper use, they will have a positive effect on the body of a woman and baby.

Various herbs contain biologically active ingredients, gently affecting the body, so side effects, allergic reactions occur less frequently than after taking synthetic preparations.

  1. The most famous tool with a sedative effect is the root of Valerian.
    You can brew both its one and a mixture of herbs (chamomile, cumin, fennel). On a tablespoon of collection need 200 ml of boiling water. The mixture insists a short time, filter and drink twice a day at 1/2 cup;
  2. The second recipe for a sedative collection: 2 parts of Valerian root, crawling, melissa, chamomile, 1 pieces of hop and mint. Prepare infusion similar to the previous one, but leave for 2 hours. It is necessary to drink it 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day;
  3. A more efficient means is a dyeing. Prepare sedative of 3 tbsp. l. Herbs and 250 ml of boiling water (insist a quarter of an hour). But it is necessary to drink it according to 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals. You can also take advantage of a mixture of a dyeing with a beast, chamomile, mint and yarrow. But it must be remembered that the dyeing can not be taken in any form of people with reduced pressure and slow motion rhythm;
  4. Mint and Melissa are two plants with a soft sedative effect that future mothers can take advantage of. For making tea, you will need 1 tsp. Herbs and a cup of boiling water. You can add honey or lemon to a slightly cool tea (in the absence of contraindications). Mint tea can not be insteaded for a long time;
  5. Hop cones will help with breaks and irritability. Two bumps need for a glass of boiling water (insist 10 minutes). When tea cools, honey is added. To improve well-being enough 1 cup per day.

It is worth noting that not all herbs can be applied during the begging. For example, the soul is strictly contraindicated, the chamomile can only be added to the fees. Therefore, you need to consult with a specialist about the expediency of using any plants and in any form.

That from drug sedatives can be pregnant

Most often apply tools based on extracts of herbs and plants. Tablets based on valerian and dyeing are widely used. Alcohol tinctures are strictly prohibited.

To relax the body, removing psycho-emotional voltage, the doctor may write down "Novopalsit". This drug includes extracts of herbs and plants. It is produced in the form of tablets and syrup. A similar action has "perrsen", which is also quite often prescribed by pregnant women.

It includes the extract of melissa, valerian and peppermint. It is produced in the form of capsules and tablets. It stabilizes the nervous system, improves sleep quality, but worsens the reaction rate. "Persene" is contraindicated under reduced pressure.

These drugs, like their analogues, should be applied strictly to the appointment of the doctor. He will pick up the dosage and duration of the course of treatment. During pregnancy, it is forbidden to use sedatives, which include chemicals, as well as tranquilizers.

They have a very strong effect, therefore, the likelihood of damage is the nervous system of the future child, especially on the first trimester.

What sedative teas can be in pregnancy

Very often, women suffer from mood drops. Help in such a situation will help herbal tea, for example, cooked from peppermint leaves (3 parts), lingonberries and grass cuffs (2 parts), Valerian root, mothering herbs, viburnum berries (1 part). Plants need to mix and pour 1/2 liter boiling water. Drove it in a special way, adding 1 tsp in ordinary tea. infusion

The pregnancy itself is excited for every woman. But often the future mother is experiencing about whether everything is fine with her child, sometimes such nervous experiences become simply unbearable. In this regard, many are interested in what sedatives can be taken during pregnancy? We will talk about it.

Why are women nervous?

During the tooling of the child in the body of a woman, hormonal restructuring occurs. As a result, the future mother can become more nervous than usually and more often experiences negative emotions. She not only experiences for the baby, but also worries about whether she will be a good mother, will be able to make a child normally, whether he is healthy, especially if it is 1 trimester of pregnancy.

In addition, the woman tends to be often nervous due to a lack of vitamin B. If the symptoms indicate this, you can refer to the doctor who will write a special complex. It is important to fill its diet with products that use which will help to fill the lack of this substance in the body:

  1. Nuts.
  2. Dried fruits (raisins, prunes).
  3. Ceres.
  4. Green vegetables.
  5. Eggs.
  6. Milk and fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, ryazhenka).

In order to flow smoothly smoothly, without nerves and negative consequences, you can take sedative during pregnancy.


The modern pharmaceutical industry has made it possible to create relatively safe medicines for mother and fetus. So, what sedative can be drunk during pregnancy?

To date, there are several popular funds that are successfully applied to the treatment of women in the position:

  1. Persen - consists of natural ingredients: Melissa, mint and valerian. These are herbs that can be accepted in pure. Pans provides a light sedative effect and copes well with alarming states, excitability, helps to fall asleep during insomnia. Many are interested in the question: Is it possible for pregnancy? The decision should be taken only by the doctor, taking into account the symptoms, the term and state of the woman. Contraindications for use: a tendency to hypotension, individual intolerance.
  2. Glycine is an amino acid that helps protect neurons from harmful effects. Activating protective processes, glycine does not allow adrenaline to nerve cells, due to which the CNS braking occurs. Released in the form of subwitting tablets intended for resorption. Contraindications: Frequent blood pressure drops.
  3. The new passite is the drug, the composition of which is similar to Persen, however, the drug is complemented by hop extracts, a beast and passifloro. It has a sedative and antitrusive action. It is recommended solely by testimony. It is not necessary to take this sedative in pregnancy to patients with diseases of the stomach or intestines, intolerance to components and miastenia.
  4. Magnesium deficiency in the body is directly related to nervousness, repression, insomnia and low stress resistance threshold. That is why it is very often for calm during pregnancy, Magne B6 is prescribed. Its reception allows you to cope with increased irritability, sleep disorders, increased fatigue and rapid heartbeat. This drug is not allowed for receiving women with diabetes and fructose intolerance.
  5. Another means that is used to provide a soft sedative effect during pregnancy - sedssen. The medicine contains extracts of mint, Melissa and Valerians. Helps relieve tension, troubleshoot, improves mood and sleep. Contraindications for reception: hypersensitivity to components.
  6. Tenoten - a preparation containing antibodies to the brain-specific protein. Due to this, he positively affects the vegetative nervous system, and also helps to cope with anxiety and depression. Contraindicated to receiving persons under 18.
  7. Notta - homeopathic drops that are appointed by a doctor to provide a sedative effect. The composition of the drug is completely natural - oats, chamomile, caffeine, zinc valerianate. The remedy has the property of increasing the ability of opposition to emotional loads. In addition, Notta helps get rid of anxiety, insomnia and internal tension. Contraindications: Individual intolerance.

Remember: you can not independently, without prior consultation with your doctor, to take sedatives during pregnancy, so as not to harm yourself and the baby.

Pregnancy and sedative

Despite the fact that many may approve the opposite, the reception of sedatives, even made of natural components, during the nursing the child should be limited. It is especially important to comply with this recommendation in the first trimester of pregnancy.

It is at that time that the baby begins to actively form and cannot be predicted how the drug components will affect the child. Instead of drugs, you can brew tea from mint or melissa. Valerian will help well, it can be safely taken during pregnancy.

During pregnancy (especially in 1 trimester), it is important not to be nervous, as this may entail unpleasant consequences for a woman and the future child. Children in the womb sensely feel the mood of the mother, so it is necessary to try to stay calm.

Sometimes a vicious circle is obtained - the future mother is nervous, the baby feels and begins to grow restlessly. A woman from this is disturbing even more, since it is experiencing a child.

Calm without drugs

If the future mother tries to avoid receiving sedatives during pregnancy, with anxiety, you can cope with other funds:

  1. Hiking will become an excellent way to fight nervousness and poor mood. Even slow measured walking is a physical activity that contributes to the development of endorphin, it is this hormone that gives us a good mood.
  2. To achieve a larger effect, you can attend yoga classes for pregnant women. By performing asans and light exercises, you can achieve peace of mind and peace.
  3. A good helper will be laughter. Yes, it is he. Woman can watch favorite fun comedies, cartoons or read good books.
  4. Listening to classical music will not only perfectly calm the future motley during anxiety, but also will have a positive effect on the development of the kid.
  5. Aromatherapy will help to calm down during pregnancy. You can select essential oils that will raise the mood and at the same time reassure: mandarin, sandalwood, needles. However, it should be remembered that it should be used with extreme caution, since their effect on the fruit is not fully studied.

It is important to understand that in most cases the future mother is responsible for his mood. You need to try to avoid stressful situations, more rest (if you are taking too fast), arrange hiking in the park. In addition, you can engage in various hobbies that will have the same action as the sedative during pregnancy: embroidery, knitting, weaving Macrame.

The future mother is important to rest more, charged with positive emotions, communicate with friends and get rid of negative thoughts. And then no soothing drugs do not need. Health and tranquility to you, future moms.

Pregnancy is not only a happy period, but also very complicated. Care and excitement every month are different, and it is not always possible to cope with them yourself. A woman is experiencing for the health of the future child, thinks about his upbringing. Enhance the concerns and internal causes associated with natural changes originating from the moment of conception before the birth of a baby.

Why pregnant women often need soothing?

During pregnancy, all reserves of the body are sent to ensuring comfortable conditions for the growth of fertilized egg. Hormonal changes occurring during this period affect the emotional mood of the woman. Depression, anxiety, obsessive states are caused not only to concern about the upcoming births, but also physiological causes. The most difficult for the nervous system is the first trimester of pregnancy.

In addition to attack hormones, the woman's body has to cope with the lack of vitamins. Vitamins B are especially important in this period, in particular, vitamin B 12, which is responsible for the growth and normal operation of nerve fibers. His drawback causes irritability and unfortunate nervousness of a woman. To rely on your own power of will is not worth it, the future mother needs support for loved ones, as well as proper nutrition and reception of multivitamin drugs.

Rules for applying sedatives in 1 trimester

After fertilization and attachment of the egg, the formation of all organs and systems of the future baby begins, while the placental barrier has not yet been created, so the woman and the fetus in the early stages are especially vulnerable. Reduce the tension helps awareness of the fact that an increased tendency to fear and unrest is one of the options for the norm.

A woman should walk a lot, make brief and tireless journey. Natural charm and fresh air parks, embankments, squares not only pour blood oxygen, but also help to relax, distract. Soothing methods also include contrasting souls, swimming and occupations on aquaeerobics for pregnant women.

Soothing fees for pregnancy, such as teas, can be purchased at the pharmacy:

  • linden blossom;
  • mint and Melissa;
  • chamomile;
  • hawthorn.

Soothing in 2 trimester

In the second trimester, some work on the formation of the body of the future child has already been done, and doctors allow pregnant women to take such drugs like a mother-in-law and Valerian. Often there is no need for more active impact on the psyche, since the hormonal background after 17 weeks stabilizes and unreasonable fears disappear.

The child becomes larger, actively grows and it needs more nutrients. Many future mothers have a shortage of vitamins and minerals, which must be filled with a special diet. At this time, it costs to include in the daily diet:

  • dairy products;
  • beans;
  • nuts;
  • beef;
  • liver;
  • milk.

At the consultation of pregnant women can appoint a reception of vitamin complexes. Together with vitamins, it is allowed to drink herbal infusions or resort to aromatherapy. Pleasant odors will help improve sleep, increase the mood, but before using the method, it is worth consulting with a specialist, since not all essential oils have a relaxing effect. Traditional flavors for relaxation:

  • sandal;
  • rose flower;
  • mint;
  • linden;
  • jasmine.

In the third trimester

In the third trimester, the hormonal background and the emotional mood of the woman are quite stable, and if there are no disturbing symptoms, and pregnancy develops normally, then the need for sedative means does not occur. Turning the excitement for the future mother is quite natural, because childbirth is approaching.

In the late term, a woman who is very worried about the coming delivery, you can take advantage of folk recipes. For example, insomnia helps the infusion of hop cones (two bumps on a glass of boiling water, you insist hour, you can use for the night with the addition of honey).

Overview of popular drugs and folk remedies

Most sleeping pills that are released in a pharmacy without a recipe, doctors recommend taking as prevention. Some of them are enough safe and have additional advantages. In any case, it is worth notifying a doctor about its intention to use one or another tranquilizer.

Glycine during pregnancy

Glycine - sedative pills that help everyone from students to pensioners. Reception of the drug is allowed during pregnancy, including in early terms. The main active ingredient - the amino acid of glycine - in the normal state of health, is synthesized in the body naturally. Glycine in a complex with a number of preparations for cardiology reduces the likelihood of convulsion, stroke, improves the work of the brain vessels.

The effect of glycine is manifested through one and a half weeks of regular use (we recommend reading :). The reception scheme, as well as the duration of therapy, appoints a specialist. Indications for use:

  • stress;
  • depression;
  • mood swings;
  • scattered;
  • fatigue and insomnia.

New Passitis for Pregnant

A new-passite is a sedative plant on a vegetable basis, which is not recommended to be taken in the first trimester, and after the 17th week it is allowed. The tablets include the extracts of the root of Valerians, Hawthorn, Melissa, Hop, Hypericum, Emers and Passiflora. The drug gently relaxes, has a positive effect on the central nervous system, helps to overcome insomnia and normalizes sleep.

New Passitis is produced in the form of syrup and tablets. Pregnant pregnant is desirable to choose the last option, as the composition of the syrup includes two potentially hazardous substances - alcohol and sugar, which can be harmful to women with diabetes. Dosing medication must install a doctor.

Preparation Persen.

The line of herbs-based sedatives continues perrsen. In its composition - active substances of the mother-in-law, Valerian and mint. Take perrsen standing in cases when worried:

  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • in the first trimester - nausea and vomiting during toxicosis;
  • depression, fatigue;
  • by appointing a doctor in the threat of miscarriage in the composition of drug therapy.

The reception of Persene continues from 2 to 4 weeks, the dosage depends on the degree of expression of the disturbing signs and is established by the doctor. The maximum reception period is limited - no more than two months in a row, a break is then needed. Pregnant, suffering from the arterial hypotension (low pressure), the perrsen is not recommended.

Motherman for pregnant women

The traditional and very common means "from the nerves" - the nesting table - pregnant women should be taken with caution. The drug has a rather strong impact on the nervous system. The lattice is effective, but one of his actions is to reduce blood pressure, so after taking medication, it is not necessary to get behind the wheel of the car in the next 2 hours.

Pharmacy forms of the mother in the form of a alcohol tincture or tablets are not suitable for pregnant women. They should drink soothing tea or ragners of the herbs of the mother. With a long admission, this tool helps to cope with the consequences of stress, chronic fatigue, reduces the level of anxiety. It is prescribed with neuralgia and hypothyroidism.

Magne B6.

Vitamins of groups in assigned to a variety of indications. In particular, the complex with magnesium and vitamin B6 (Magne B6) effectively suppresses the increased nervous activity of pregnant women. Vitamin B6 contributes to the best absorption of magnesium, in which the body of the woman during pregnancy needs 2-3 times more than usual. This trace element is necessary to maintain normal metabolism and proper fetal development.

Take Magne B6 while eating 3 times a day. The duration of reception is not limited, but it is worth notifying the attending physician about which vitamins are taken pregnant.

Mint and Melissa

Means based on mint and Melissa are distinguished by a pleasant taste and aroma. Melissa has a pronounced lemon shade, mint - menthol. Teas and decoctions of these herbs have a soothing effect and practically do not have side effects. In addition to sedative action, these fragrant tracts help with problems with digestion, meteorism and headaches.

Valerian extract

It is customary to think that pregnancy is a huge happiness and joy. And for the most part it really is. What could be better than the expectation of a small miracle, the feeling that you are not alone, especially when this feeling is actively supported by the shoes of the baby inside the tummy? If all pregnant women felt like a similar attitude throughout the entire interesting period, the doctors would be easier at times. And Mama himself too.

The child's heating is accompanied by hormonal changes in the body of the future mother. It hits the nervous system, provoking a sharp change of mood, capriciousness, irritability. There is no "pastry" and the emotional component. The child is, first of all, responsibility, even when he is still peacefully developing in the tummy. Mom can not, it is impossible, it is possible, but very careful. You have to change the habits, from some at all refuse, revise the diet, etc. And the money? Mom in the maternity hospital so much is needed, the child needs so much, but from the state the help is small. Yes, and with her husband, not everything is as before (the responsibility for you two is lying on it, and even you have changed, he is also experiencing). And if you still remember that complications are possible, add toxicosis ... All this leads to a single possible reaction - a woman has stress.

In peaceful life, stress is low. And during pregnancy - and suppressed. Little little in my head appear thoughts on the topic that we need to take a sedative. But you are pregnant, it imposes restrictions on the reception of drugs that could really help you. What sedatives can be drunk during pregnancy? Will you help you, whether the crumb will not harm? And are they so necessary? About everything in order.

You encounter such a thing as stress is hardly every day. Lailed to the minibus, do not have time to do something, did not receive the expected result. Stress itself is the only and normal reaction of your body for unforeseen or unpleasant external circumstances. The mechanism is very simple and passes into three phases:

  1. Anxiety. Under the influence of an irritant factor, adrenaline and norepinephrine are allocated. They stimulate changes in muscles and vegetative organs, activate the cores of the hypothalamus. These kernels in turn stimulate the production of somatotropic and adenocorticotropic hormones. The latter stimulates the development of corticosteroids in adrenal glands. All these substances are needed for the next phase.
  2. Resistance. Hormones lead to functional rearrangements in the body, which increase its stability to the action of an irritant. For example, if the cause of stress is physical fatigue, muscle proteins will be synthesized, increasing physical endurance. If the stimulus disappears, the changes disappeared behind it.
  3. Exhaustion. If the stimulus is strong and acts for a long time, the organism's reserve capabilities are depleted, and the adaptation mechanism is destroyed. The general condition of the body deteriorates, and if you do nothing, then up to death.

Negative consequences of stress during pregnancy

Small stress is even useful to you and baby. This is the way of your body to adapt to new circumstances. And the hormones of stress circulating in the blood will prepare the body of the kid to the fact that they will also be produced, and since the childbirth.

The third phase of stress is really dangerous. And it "concern" many pregnant women - the body is loaded to the baby to be cut and cannot respond to any stress so wonderful and productive as described above.

The depletion phase occurs much earlier. And she threatens not only your bad mood and insomnia. There is a danger to the kid:

  • - vygosis of miscarriage- (with stress increases the tensions in the muscles, it concerns and increase);
  • increase (this is a false event itself);
  • early or rapid childbirth (if severe stress will find you in late terms);
  • in a newborn baby;
  • delays in the development of the nervous system of the fetus;
  • anxiety at the kid (already after the appearance of light);
  • loofing in mental development.

Therefore, if you have improved the excitability of the nervous system (it gives the team to the beginning of the response to an annoying factor), it makes sense to go to the doctor and choose a sedative tool for pregnant women, which will come on early, and in late terms (depending on your personally Situations).

The composition of the majority of soothing

The main mass of sedatives during pregnancy, which can be in 1, 2 and 3 trimesters, combine natural and synthetic components. Most often it is:

  • valerian root medicinal;
  • melissa extract;
  • extraction from the motherboard;
  • hawthorn extract;
  • mint extract;
  • maltodextrin;
  • sodium cyclamat;
  • monohydrates.

These are only common components, each drug has its own set of both biological and artificially created substances. And not all of them are safe at different times of gestation.

There are preparations allowed in a specific trimester, there are marked "data on application during pregnancy". It is important to consult with a specialist, and then also carefully re-read the instructions for the drug recommended to you.

Safe preparations of plant origin

What is created by nature harm is much smaller than helps. Therefore, most often women in a curious position are recommended by plants. Which of these sedatives can be pregnant in the first trimester, when the nervous tube of the fetus is formed? Yes, no!

Any pharmaceutical preparation with a sedative effect earlier than the second trimester is dangerous. Because your nerves will calm down, but also the development of the baby's nervous system will slow down.

In the first months, gestation will have to be saved exclusively by teas, having previously consulted with the doctor. In general, you can have tea from:

  • mint;
  • melissa;
  • motherboard;
  • chamomile;
  • lime color.

In the second trimester, the nerve crumb systems have already been formed, moreover, a placental barrier is actively formed, protecting the baby from those substances that he is completely nothing to do. Therefore, starting from this period, you (after prior consultation at the doctor) you can:

  • valerian or a dyeing in the form of tablets;
  • Novopalsit;
  • Neurosis;
  • Tenoten;
  • EDAS.

But it is worth remembering that in any case you need to re-read the instructions and strictly follow the dosages assigned to you.


In itself, this substance is produced in the body of any person.. This is an amino acid, which is a neurotransmitter. That is, it provides the passage of a nerve impulse from one nervous cell to another, dense information from the periphery to the brain centers. And vice versa.

Glycine, including regulates the intensity of the transmitted signals, due to which the nerves of the future mother leads to the proper condition. This drug is the safest of what can establish the nervous activity of a pregnant woman. In addition, it penetrates through a placental barrier, improving the activity of the baby's nervous system. One benefit and no harm. Glycine treats nerves and improves their work, and does not oppress the symptoms of the stressful state (but it makes the overwhelming majority of standard soothing).

The standard course of treatment consists of two weeks of receiving the drug on one tablet two or three times a day. But the duration of medication is determined by the doctor, based on the need and the current state of the woman. The tablet itself has a slightly sweet taste, sinking it under the tongue (according to the instructions) Mom will not feel any discomfort. Yes, and side effects and overdose from the use of glycine is practically not observed - its excess the body eliminates independently.

But in rare cases, allergic reactions are possible (minor leather reddening and itching), so you should not lose your vigilance.

How to get rid of stress without medicines

Any medicine (even the safest) is extremely undesirable during pregnancy. Therefore, for a start, try to overcome stress one of the natural paths:

  1. Eliminate the stimulus as much as possible. The screaming boss can be notified of your position, often it has its own effect in terms of its loyalty. From harmful work, you can go on the decret before, the mental balance is more expensive here. Domestic troubles can be solved or try to respond not so violently.
  2. Give the output of negative energy. In this question, the sport is perfect. Moreover, this concept for pregnant women includes everything - from special gymnastics to hiking.
  3. Organize day mode. In conditions of constancy (lifting and departure to sleep, eat food at the same time) The nervous system feels significantly more comfortable.
  4. Revise the diet. A diverse nutrition provides the body with vitamins, and they, in turn, regulate the correctness of the body in general and the nervous system in particular.
  5. Replace negative emotions positive. Listen to the music that you like, communicate with good people, attend pleasant places for you.
  6. Light meditation techniques or at least the base of respiratory gymnastics. This is also coming in handy during childbirth.

Many women with the onset of long-awaited pregnancy increase anxiety. The reason lies, above all, in changing the hormonal background of the future mother.

As a result of such hormonal changes? You can torment insomnia, irritability and frequent mood change.

If such a state gives you an unpleasant feeling, it is worth consulting a doctor who will pick up suitable drugs, because not all sedatives are permissible. So what drugs give preference?

Causes and dangers of anxiety

Immediately after conception in the body, colossal changes begin to occur. First of all, they are associated with a change in the hormonal background.

Now the activity of the endocrine system is aimed at ensuring and maintaining optimal conditions for the development of the kid.

This, in turn, can postpone a negative imprint on a psycho-emotional state of a woman.

To support the body, make an emphasis on proper nutrition, diverse.

Interesting! Many products, for example, such as nuts, dairy products, dried fruits, can affect your mood, improving it.

It is possible that if you adjust your meals, you will not need no soothing during pregnancy.

Of course the best thing is not to use any sedatives during pregnancy.

But if you feel that anxiety increases, and the condition of constant nervousness is already affected by the well-being and course of pregnancy, then yes, it is worth doing something.

Constant nervousness can lead to dangerous consequences:

  • birth of a baby with insufficient body weight;
  • pathological development of systems and fetal bodies (to know how this process is in normal, see the article on the development of the child in the womb of the mother \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  • premature childbirth and complications in the process of delivery;
  • development in pregnant diabetes;
  • lag in the development or development of autism in the infant;
  • violation of the development of the nervous system of the child;

Soothing in the early stages and in 1 trimester

The first weeks of pregnancy is a very responsible period, since it is now that all systems and organs of the future man now are being laid.

Therefore, sedatives during pregnancy in the early stages you need to choose especially carefully.

It is better to abandon pills, in favor of natural funds:

  1. During this period, you better spend more time in the fresh air, take a contrasting shower and communicate with friends and relatives;
  2. If anxiety still annoys a future mother, you can use lightweight decoctions based on medicinal herbs (mint, melissa, hawthorn or chamomile);

Important! But before you prepare such a means, you need to consult with your doctor, as even natural sedatives during pregnancy in the first trimester can have some contraindications.

Soothing for 2 trimester

Approximately 17-18 weeks, all the vital bodies of the baby are already formed, so the list of permissible sedatives during pregnancy in the second trimester is significantly expanding.

Soothing for 3 trimester

As a rule, to the last trimester, the psycho-emotional state of the woman stabilizes, so it is very rare to be sedative during pregnancy in the third trimester.

Know! If anxiety and irritability interfere with you to enjoy your condition, then you can use a decoction of hop cones or a special sedative.

It includes chamomile, crash bark, Valerian, Mint, Melissa and Hmiel cones.

And not to worry about the upcoming birth, go through the Internet training course light childbirth: how to give birth without breaking and protect the baby from generic injuries \u003e\u003e\u003e

Permissible pharmacy drugs

Of course, natural grain brands use during pregnancy preferable. However, not all women have time and the desire to cook them.

In this case, pharmacy preparations come to the rescue. In the pharmacy you are ready to offer a number of safe and efficient sedatives. These include:

  • Glycine;

Its use is aimed at suppressing the work of some sections of the brain, which are responsible for the formation of anxiety and anxiety. It is possible to notice his action after 1 week from the beginning of application.

  • New passion;

The drug is based on natural components and has a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Pregnant women should choose the drug in the form of tablets, as they do not have alcohol.

Take a new passitis of 1 tablet several per day.

  • Perrsen;

This is a sedative tool based on mint, mother-in-law and valerian. A suitable dosage determines the doctor depending on the severity of clinical manifestations.

  • Magne B6;

This is one of the most common drugs appointed by future mothers. It is based on vitamin B6 and magnesium, which suppress nervous activity. The drug is accepted according to the diagram recommended by doctors.

  • Tenoten;

Sedable tablets with antidepressant action that reduce anxiety.

According to the reviews of those who took tenoten, the medicine does not cause drowsiness or disruption of the concentration of attention, which may arise when using some other sedatives.

Take medicine needed a course, the duration of which can reach 3 months. The reception scheme will tell the doctor.

Prohibited for pregnant sedatives

For the entire period of pregnancy, future mothers should abandon the use of preparations based on barbituric acid and benzodiazepine.

Remember! Such means are able to cause a violation in the process of formation and development of the fetus, oppressively act on the nervous system of the mother and can lead to bleeding.

Now you are responsible not only for yourself, but for the kid, which develops inside you. Therefore, it is important in any situation to maintain peace of mind and optimism.

By the way, more attention to your psychological state and how to support it, we are considering five steps to successful childbirth \u003e\u003e\u003e

You will receive more than 5 ways to cope with the alarm without the use of sedatives.