Wide swaddling is a great way to prevent and treat hip dysplasia. Swaddling methods, necessary equipment. We sew diapers ourselves. Wide swaddling: when shown how to properly hold and what devices to use

Hip dysplasia is a congenital condition in newborns. This malformation appears in children in the last weeks of intrauterine life. Hereditary factors are of great importance. Dysplasia is five times more common in girls than in boys. Joint dysplasia is often complicated by hip dislocation.

In the maternity hospital, this pathology often goes unnoticed, because it almost does not manifest itself. You should pay attention to the symmetry of the gluteal and inguinal folds in the baby. If differences are found, the local pediatrician should be informed about this.

The diagnosis is clarified by additional research methods: radiography and ultrasound of the hip joints. Early treatment leads to a complete recovery of the child.

Treatment does not present any difficulties, it is entirely functional. This wide swaddling with dysplasia, which has some features compared to traditional baby swaddling. Drug treatment is carried out according to the doctor's prescription, it is aimed at developing the cartilaginous surface of the joint and strengthening the ligamentous apparatus.

Each time you change a diaper, therapeutic exercises are performed with dilution and reduction of the hips. Useful general body massage with great attention to the gluteal and femoral muscles. The doctor of the pediatric consultation will tell and show how to make a wide swaddling for dysplasia, which must be done within three months, followed by an ultrasound examination of the hip joints.

A simple wide swaddling technique is available for every adult. An ordinary diaper is taken, folded like a spacer up to twenty centimeters wide. The edges of the diaper should capture the hips along the entire length, to the popliteal fossae. If the parents do not swaddle the child at all, then the diaper wraps the baby's legs over the diaper or sliders in exactly the same way, and is fastened with ties on the shoulders.

The therapeutic effect that swaddling has on dysplasia is the immobilization of the hip joints, which contributes to the rapid growth of the cartilaginous surface of the joint and prevents dislocation. The child is in the frog position, with the hip joints abducted at a right angle, due to which further development of the cartilage tissue of the femoral heads and cartilaginous acetabulum occurs.

In order to facilitate the task of wide swaddling, special devices have been developed, such as the wide swaddling cover and the Frejka pillow. They can be made at home. Detailed visual aids on how wide swaddling is done with dysplasia video, clips, showing clear, step-by-step instructions.

Wide swaddling - with dysplasia and not only

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of wide swaddling for the health of the child.

First of all, it is used for the prevention and treatment of hip dysplasia. This congenital pathology of the development of the musculoskeletal system is detected in about 30 out of 1000 children, and is more common in girls and children born in the breech presentation. If this disease is detected in the early stages, wide swaddling gives very good results, contributing to the proper formation of hip joint tissues, preventing dislocation and subluxation of the hip, reducing the risk of developing serious complications requiring surgical intervention. As a treatment for hip dysplasia, wide swaddling can be used from the first days of life until the age of six months (according to indications - up to a year).

Wide swaddling does not limit the motor activity of the newborn - he can see his hands, touch his face with them, suck his thumb, etc. At the same time, the presence of a diaper allows the baby to smoothly adapt to the world around him and gradually get acquainted with the capabilities of his body.

Giving the child an intrauterine position with the help of wide swaddling has a calming effect on the baby, his sleep improves. If at the same time the baby is also in the arms of the mother or in - he feels almost as comfortable as in the mother's womb.

Ways of wide swaddling in pictures

The essence of such swaddling is to fix the child's legs in a slightly bent and divorced position at a certain angle, which they naturally occupy when the child is undressed. Wide swaddling can be done in several ways. However, remember that self-treatment is not possible here - you need to use exactly the method that your doctor recommends.

Wide swaddling with diapers

It is very easy to do it with three ordinary thin diapers. The first diaper is folded in several layers into a rectangle 15-20 cm wide and placed between the child's legs, divorced to the sides. The corners of the second diaper, folded in a scarf, are wrapped around the child's hips and fix the legs at an angle of 90 degrees to the body. The lower part of the child's body is wrapped in the third diaper, while the arms remain free, and the legs are attracted by the bottom of the diaper upwards, preventing the baby from connecting the feet. You can swaddle a child by first putting on a diaper, which in itself is already an obstacle to the complete reduction of the legs, but if the child is prone to contact dermatitis, it is better to refrain from using a diaper.

Frejka pillow

There is a special device that is used for wide swaddling with dysplasia and greatly facilitates the task of parents in the daily changing of the baby. Frejka pillow can be used for children who have reached the age of 1 month and up to a year as prescribed by a doctor.

To make a Frejka pillow at home, you will need 2 rectangular pieces of soft material, the width of which should be equal to the distance from one to the other of the baby's popliteal cavity with legs apart, and the length should be twice the distance from the middle of the chest to the perineum. Between these rectangles of fabric, it is necessary to lay several layers of a more rigid material and sew the resulting “pillow” through 1-1.5 cm, leaving 10 cm of soft fabric on each side. The rigid part will fit between the child's legs, fixing them in a divorced position. A waist strap and buttons are sewn to the front of the resulting design, and shoulder straps are sewn to the back. The straps have loops with which they fix the "pillow" on the child.

Wide swaddling bag

You can sew a fabric cover that will fix the diaper laid between the child's thighs with the help of ties on the sides and shoulder straps with buttons. Such a cover is best made of light-colored cotton fabric so that it allows the skin to breathe and matches the color of the baby's clothes.

Both the Frejka pillow and the wide changing cover are worn over the diaper and sliders. The duration of wearing is determined by the doctor and is usually at least 12 hours a day.

If the child has the slightest signs of a violation of the formation of the hip joints and wide swaddling is shown to him, in no case neglect the doctor's recommendations. Of course, this procedure will require some effort from you, but given the effectiveness of this method, they will be justified a hundred times.

Hip dysplasia is a malformation of all or part of the elements of the hip joint: the acetabulum, the femoral head with the surrounding muscles, ligaments, capsule, which consists in the underdevelopment of their tissues. This congenital pathology of the musculoskeletal system is detected in newborns and infants (according to various sources, it occurs in 5-40 cases out of 1000). In girls, it occurs 5 times more often than in boys, and 10 times more often observed in children born in the breech presentation. Unilateral underdevelopment of the hip joint is observed 7 times more often than bilateral. According to the degree of severity, there are pre-dislocation, subluxation, dislocation of the hip (the most severe degree of dysplasia).

What is hip dysplasia?

So, what is the normal hip joint? Its main elements are the spherical head of the femur and the semicircular, covering the head from all sides of the acetabulum. They are united by an elastic, durable joint capsule, which, when moving in the joint, does not allow the femoral head to go beyond the cavity. The joint capsule is assisted in this by a powerful ligament of the femoral head, which connects the centers of the main elements of the joint.

In an underdeveloped joint, the process of ossification of the femoral head can be slowed down. The joint capsule, especially in the back and upper part, may still be too thin, and the acetabulum may not reach the desired size. Sometimes the shape of the acetabulum is flat, figuratively resembling a saucer, not a cup. Often the ligaments of the hip joint, including the ligaments of the head of the femur, are excessively relaxed. When moving, the femoral head begins to move towards the underdeveloped area of ​​the cavity and, without encountering sufficient resistance, eventually jumps out of it. This causes nearby muscles to stretch, increases the mutual pressure of the cartilaginous articular surfaces on each other, which impairs blood and lymph circulation, slows down metabolic processes, and hence the growth of the joint.

Over time, cartilage is destroyed, inflammation of the hip joint (or both joints) appears - dysplastic coxarthrosis. Movements in this disease are limited, they are accompanied by pain, lameness appears, fatigue when walking, gait changes, etc.

Why does such a pathology occur? The formation of hip dysplasia occurs in the last months of intrauterine life under the influence of adverse factors. Of the external factors, one should point out the close position of the fetus in the uterus, which happens with oligohydramnios, a large fetus (more often in primiparas) and with breech presentation. Hereditary predisposition is also of some importance: the presence in the family of patients with congenital dislocation of the hip, coxarthrosis. When examining families in which children with congenital hip dislocation are born, orthopedic pathology is revealed in the parents, brothers and sisters of the baby: excessive mobility in the joints of the upper and lower extremities, curvature of the spine, frequent sprains of the ankle joint, flattening of the arches of the feet. All this indicates the inheritance of weakness of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus.

It is possible to fix the baby's legs not only with the help of swaddling. You can make simple devices yourself, which in the future will help you save time and effort when dressing your child every day. They will be based on fixing the diaper laid between the legs not on the hips (as when swaddling), but on the shoulders. Such a fixation will not allow the diaper to slide down, and the baby, respectively, will bring the legs together and change the angle of their breeding.

Both of these devices are worn on sliders or overalls.


Diagnosis of hip dysplasia helps to examine the newborn by a doctor in the hospital. The doctor determines how well the baby's legs are bred in the supine position on a flat surface when they are bent at the knee and hip joints. Normally, the legs are bred by 180 °, i.e. actually lay on the surface.

At the slightest suspicion of a congenital pathology of the joints, the child is referred to an orthopedist, where a more accurate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is carried out. Currently, ultrasound of the hip joints is the most reliable and safest method for diagnosing hip joint pathology in newborns and children under 1 year of age and allows assessing the structure of not only the bone structures of the hip joint, but also the cartilaginous and soft tissue components of the joint. Ultrasound has a minimal radiation exposure and, unlike the X-ray method, allows it to be used for newborns and infants twice a month.

Scheduled examinations of infants by an orthopedist should be carried out at the age of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months. and 1 year, with obligatory ultrasound of the hip joints for all healthy children once, and in case of dysplasia - ultrasound and X-ray control in the dynamics of treatment.

Mom herself can suspect a pathology of the hip joints in her baby:

  • by limiting the abduction of the hip on the side of the lesion, which increases over time;
  • by the asymmetry of the gluteal folds (in the prone position, the gluteal-femoral and popliteal folds during dislocation and subluxation are located higher than on a healthy leg, sometimes an additional fold appears on the thigh);
  • on the shortening of the lower limb on the side of the lesion (although it is uncharacteristic for the first 2 months of a child's life and may be absent with bilateral dislocation) and external rotation (rotation) of the lower limb, especially during sleep.

In addition, when bending the legs in the knee and hip joints, an extraneous sound (click) can be heard, which normally should not be. All this should force the mother to show the baby to the orthopedist.

But there are cases of asymptomatic (“silent”) course of dysplasia, when even an experienced doctor cannot suspect the disease, based solely on external manifestations. It should also be noted that the symptoms of dysplasia are often vague, since at the initial stages the child almost does not respond to the presence of a dislocation.

Why do you need a wide swaddling?

Regardless of whether there is a suspicion of this pathology or you have already examined the child for the presence of the disease (and if it is confirmed, then even more so), you need to get acquainted with wide swaddling, in which the child maintains a natural position for him with slightly bent and retracted hips. This position is usually assumed by the newborn on its own when it is unfolded. Wide swaddling contributes to the normal formation of the hip joint and prevents the development of subluxation or dislocation of the hip. It is used as a treatment procedure for early detection of mild dysplasia from the first days and sometimes up to 5-6 months of age. Its main therapeutic task is to establish the correct ratio of the femoral head and the acetabulum as early as possible in order to prevent irreparable changes in the joint. For wide swaddling, special panties were invented, but it is quite possible to get by with ordinary diapers. On the changing table, spread a light diaper in length, put another large diaper on top, folding it diagonally in the form of a triangle (acute corners are directed to the sides, and straight - downwards). Put the baby in a disposable diaper on the diaper, bend his legs at the knee and hip joints and take him to 80-90 ° (perhaps the child himself will take a similar position). With the side ends of the diaper, alternately wrap one and then the other thigh (side, front, inside, back), and throw its lower corner up to the level of the navel. Lay another flannelette diaper between the legs, folded several times in length, 20 cm wide. Next, wrap one edge of the light diaper around the stomach, then the other so that the laid wide diaper is well fixed. The lower, free edge is straightened, freely folded up to the armpits, and fixed by fastening the free ends of the diaper to the upper edge. The child's legs should be fixed in relation to the body at an angle of 90 °. There are other ways of wide swaddling, but in any case, the principle is important: the legs should be spread out and half-bent at the knees, that is, the child in diapers should lie as he usually lies undressed. This posture creates the most favorable conditions for the development of the hip joint. The child quickly gets used to a wide swaddling, tolerates it well and, when swaddling, independently holds the legs in the desired position.

Often one wide swaddling is enough to treat dislocation and subluxation of the hip, because. in the first hours and days of a child's life, the femoral head is easily set into the cavity. Of course, such a procedure imposes some restrictions on the lifestyle of mother and baby, but all difficulties are easy to overcome. In this simple way, serious injury can be avoided, which occurs when the diagnosis is made too late, especially if the child has already begun to walk and the femoral head is truly dislocated. At this stage, serious medical measures and surgical intervention are already needed for a cure, and the percentage of favorable outcomes decreases.

In conclusion, I would like to note that if the baby has a risk of developing pathology or if for some reason you cannot consult an orthopedist and perform an ultrasound of the hip joints in the first month of life, then it is better to start swaddling the baby widely from the first days of life. The success of treatment for hip dysplasia depends on the timing of the start of treatment: the earlier the disease is diagnosed and treatment is started, the greater the chance of a successful outcome.

Pathology of the development of the hip joint will help wide swaddling with dysplasia. Used in the treatment and prevention of the development of the disease in children 6-12 months old. Equipment for such therapy can be purchased at pharmacies or in specialized stores, or you can sew it yourself. Covers, fabric diapers, as well as a special Frejka pillow for wide swaddling in order to get rid of dysplasia are popular. The duration of the course and the mode of wearing is determined exclusively by the doctor.

Types and methods of swaddling

Wrapping a newborn in a diaper is a long tradition around which a lot of talk is turned. Doctors do not agree on the benefits of this procedure for the baby. Some pediatricians claim that leaving the child freedom of movement, parents provoke a malfunction in the work of tactile perception zones, cause stress and sleep problems. Below is a table describing the main swaddling methods:

ViewBaby's conditionmaterialsPeculiarities
NaturalThe child is not constrained in actionsThe diaper is not used, but panties, diapers, sliders are put onThe practice of using a homemade diaper from a diaper
freeOnly the baby's legs are wrappedDiaper, blouseCovers the tummy and lower back
tightComplete immobilizationDiaperThis method is not recommended by pediatricians, as it negatively affects the child's psyche and disrupts normal blood circulation.
wideThey are fixed in the position of divorced legs, the angle of flexion is naturalDiaper, diaper pantiesFull immersion is possible, as well as only the legs

Wide swaddling is applicable to get rid of the pathologies of the development of the hip joints, correction and treatment. With its help, dysplasia is treated at any stage.

The benefits of wide swaddling

With this method, the joint can be avoided from popping out of the acetabulum.

The technique has already topped the list of useful and therapeutic procedures, especially for problems with the joints of the pelvis and hip. It helps to cure a congenital defect that occurs in every 5th child. Such therapy is more effective for children under 1 year old. Proper fixation in a wide swaddling of the head of the joint allows it to develop correctly, taking a natural position. At the same time, muscle ligaments gradually grow and strengthen, which prevent the joint from popping out or moving. In addition, muscle tone decreases, and in boys, the process of getting rid of dropsy of the testicles is accelerated. Such swaddling of healthy children prevents the occurrence of ailments associated with the functioning of the skeleton and joints.

What is needed to complete?

To properly swaddle a baby in a wide way, you will need:

  • case;
  • cloth diapers;
  • Freyka pillow.

In the advanced stage of dysplasia, the doctor prescribes special orthopedic swaddling equipment. The choice depends on the method and type of "wrapping" the baby in a diaper. The main thing - when swaddling itself, make sure that the baby is on a flat surface, without any humps, folds and other uncomfortable bulges. Swaddling materials should be exclusively from natural ingredients, hypoallergenic, absolutely clean and ironed on all sides. It is also important to ensure normal heat transfer without overdoing it with warming in terry sliders.

Wide swaddling bag

Mothers-needlewomen can sew a cover for such swaddling on their own.

It is purchased in special stores or on Internet sites. Needlewomen with minimal skills in working with a sewing machine are able to sew it on their own. This cover is an elongated rectangle. Ribbons are sewn to the waist to make it more convenient to fix the product on the child. It has no other devices in the design.

Cloth diapers

The so-called grandfather's method of wrapping a baby. For sewing such panties with a wide swaddling, take cotton fabric and wool. To fix them on the baby's waist, they have buttons, buttons, ribbons or Velcro on the sides. What is more convenient is chosen by each parent individually. They are easy to wash and can be safely worn with a diaper. There are several sizes of diapers, which depend on the distance of one popliteal hollow to another, in the expanded position of the toad. They are found on sale in pharmacies, children's stores and Internet sites.

Frejka pillow

This is a kind of orthopedic tire, which is designed for. Nothing like a standard sleeping pillow. The main part, made of polyurethane, fixes the lower limbs in the desired position. 2 ribbons are attached to it so that the Frejka pillow stays on the baby and does not fall off. Self-appointment is unacceptable, wear only on the recommendation of an orthopedist.

How many hours per day to swaddle?

For preventive purposes, the child is swaddled daily for three hours.

The course of treatment with a wide swaddling is set individually by a pediatrician or orthopedist. For this, the clinical picture of the baby and the stage of development of dysplasia are studied. For prevention, it is important to wear 3 hours / day every day for 60 days. The cover is worn longer - up to 12 hours a day. The line of wearing the Freyka pillow is determined solely by the orthopedist, who establishes the diagnosis for the patient. With subluxation, the duration is 12-20 hours a day.

An alternative to wide swaddling for dysplasia

For the treatment of dysplasia, a special diaper is used, which is fixed on the shoulders of the child, and is also installed between the lower extremities. For the manufacture, a flannelette fabric is used, stitched in the shape of a rectangle of the desired size. To improve the aesthetic appearance, special cases are also sewn, choosing a fabric of various colors and textures. For fixing, I sew on one side of the narrow edge of the strap, on the other - buttons.

Hip dysplasia is a congenital pathology characterized by dislocation or subluxation of the femoral head. In babies, there is asymmetry of skin folds, shortening of the leg, and limited mobility. For the treatment of pathology, special orthopedic devices are used, massage, physiotherapy are prescribed. Wide swaddling for hip dysplasia makes it possible to fix the child's legs in a bent and retracted position, thereby reducing the likelihood of complications.

Types of swaddling

Modern mothers and fathers prefer not to swaddle their babies, but there are several undeniable advantages to this procedure. Wrapping the baby in a diaper provides a more restful sleep, the baby is not afraid of his hands and does not wake up from involuntary shudders.


With this type of swaddling, the child is tightly wrapped so that movements are as limited as possible. Previously, it was believed that in a similar way it is possible to align the curvature of the legs, but scientists have refuted this statement. Doctors have proven that children who are constantly swaddled are more difficult to adapt to the environment, prone to prickly heat, intestinal colic.

With dysplasia, swaddling in a tight way is contraindicated, since the lower limbs are in a straightened unnatural position. The femoral head is displaced from the acetabulum, and the hip joint is formed incorrectly.

When the baby begins to walk independently, there is a complete dislocation of the hip joint, which threatens the development of severe complications.


Swaddling in this way differs from tight swaddling in that the child's legs and arms are fixed in a natural position, and not aligned. A soft flannel diaper is formed into a triangular diaper, which is wrapped in the form of panties. The lower limbs are left apart, and the upper limbs are in a bent position at the level of the chest.

Swaddling babies in a natural and wide way is possible with mild dysplasia, if there are no contraindications and the procedure is approved by the attending physician.


Swaddling a baby in a free way is wrapping the legs, hands remain free. The method is effective only in the first months of a baby's life, when he sleeps most of the time. As the baby grows older, he stays awake longer, begins to develop actively, the presence of a diaper will hinder movement.

With hip dysplasia, free swaddling is contraindicated, since the legs are in a forced position, contributing to increased subluxation of the femoral head.


A wide method of swaddling a newborn with dysplasia is used during the first year of life. This is an effective way of orthopedic correction of the joints, ensuring that the baby's legs are in the allotted state (frog pose). The constant stay of the synovial joints in this position gives time to strengthen the ligaments and muscle tissues, which in the future will securely hold the femoral head in the acetabulum.

Purpose of wide swaddling

The use of wide swaddling of newborns is recommended for the correction and prevention of hip dysplasia. The disease is diagnosed in 2-3% of infants, girls and children who were in the breech presentation are more likely to suffer.

This method of limb fixation contributes to the correct formation of immature joints, prevents subluxation and dislocation of the femoral head, and reduces the risk of irreversible complications. Apply wide swaddling from the first days of life up to 6-12 months. With this method, the child is not limited in mobility, he can freely move his arms and legs.

Due to the fact that the baby is in the usual position of the “embryo”, he feels much calmer and adapts to external conditions faster, sleeps more soundly, and suffers less from intestinal colic. The essence of the procedure is to fix the legs in a slightly bent and angled position. There are several ways to swaddle wide, you need to use only the method indicated by the doctor.

Required inventory

For the correct wrapping of the baby, the mother will need thin and flannel diapers, with the help of which the baby's legs are wrapped around the hips and lower back. For children older than 1 month, it is recommended to use the Frejka pillow for wide swaddling: the device is located between the hips and allows you to maintain the correct position of the legs.

For fixation, you can sew a special cover with side ties, shoulder straps and a tight tab.

Cloth diapers

For wide swaddling, several diapers made of soft natural fabric are used. Suitable cotton, chintz, flannel, bike, batiste. Before wrapping the baby, you can put on disposable diapers or make reusable cloth ones.

Panties are sewn from the cut; Velcro or fabric ties are needed to fix them. The necessary devices can be purchased in children's specialized stores, a pharmacy, and ready-made products are also sold there.


It can be made from flannel fabric folded in several layers. The design has an elongated rectangular shape with sewn-on ribbons, with which the product is fixed at the waist. The wide swaddling product itself is placed between the baby's legs.

Frejka pillow

This is a soft orthopedic device that holds the legs in the allotted position. It is recommended to use a bandage in the first 1-3 months, less often treatment is continued for up to a year. Pillows are sold in different sizes, which allows you to choose the right option for each child. When buying a product, one should take into account the distance between the popliteal fossae, which is formed when the limbs are fixed in the correct position. It is necessary to wear the device constantly, remove it only for the time of changing clothes, water procedures, massage.

Wide swaddling methods for dysplasia

Wrap your baby on a changing table or other hard, flat surface. The child is pre-dressed in a vest, you can wear disposable diapers, but they can cause additional discomfort. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to fabric panties made of soft chintz or cotton fabric folded in several layers. The material is used clean, ironed with a hot iron.

Wide swaddling is performed in several ways: you can wrap the baby in one, two, three diapers, practice an open or closed version. Which one to use, the attending physician explains, given the degree of disorders in the joints.

Wrapping with one diaper

You will need a rectangular thin fabric measuring 80–95 cm, it is spread on a table and folded into a triangle. The baby is placed on top so that the two long ends are on the sides, and the short tail is between the legs. Side parts wrap each thigh.

The limbs are bred to the sides at an angle of 90 °, the middle edge is lifted up - panties are obtained. To keep the structure well, you can fix it with adhesive tapes or additionally wrap the legs in a free way using a second diaper.

With two diapers

Wide wrapping is performed using two identical cuts 80–120 cm in size. One of them should be folded 2 times so that a rectangle is obtained. It is placed between the legs, like a diaper, the edge is wound under the back, the other reaches the tummy at chest level. The width of the structure should provide abduction of the limbs in the femoral joints by 90°.

With the second diaper, the baby's hands are alternately wrapped, leading a corner of the fabric under the ass from the opposite side. The free edge is lifted, divided into 2 parts and not tightly fixed around the legs.

This method of swaddling is used to treat congenital dysplasia. If the diagnosis is confirmed, therapy is continued for up to 1 year. If the doctor's recommendations are not followed, lameness develops in children with age, one limb is shortened.

With three diapers

For this method, you will need two small thin diapers and one large one of a denser material. The procedure for performing the changing process:

  1. Lay out the largest diaper in full length on the table.
  2. Fold the short material into a triangle and place it on top of the previous one in the central part.
  3. Roll up the third diaper and put it between the baby's legs in the form of a diaper.
  4. Fix the substrate: bring the lower corner of the triangle from below and lift it onto the tummy.
  5. Wrap the side edges alternately at the waist and fasten in the form of panties.
  6. Wrap the baby completely with a large diaper, the legs should be rolled up easily so that there is no strong squeezing and movement is not constrained.

Swaddling on a diaper

After carrying out hygiene procedures, the child is put on a disposable diaper. Panties are made from the diaper and the legs are wrapped using the method described above. From above, the limbs are wrapped with a large cloth. It is recommended to swaddle a newborn with dysplasia in a loose and wide way so that the joints are in the allotted position.

Closed and open swaddling

When the wide swaddling is closed, the child is wrapped together with arms and legs, the edges of the material are located at the level of the chin. This method should be used only in the first 2-3 months. Wrapping up helps the baby warm up faster and sleep more peacefully.

Open swaddling is done mainly at night. Wrap only the lower part of the body.

It is necessary to monitor the position of the joints in order to prevent the development of hip dislocation.

How to sew a wide swaddling diaper?

Making it at home is pretty easy. You will need a piece of flannel fabric, the size will depend on the proportions and age of the baby. With a centimeter tape, measure the interval between the hips when they are in the allotted position. A dense rectangular case is made of the material, its length should correspond to the distance from the lumbar back to the beginning of the chest. The width is equal to the measured space between the popliteal fossae. Your doctor will help you take the correct measurements.

The diaper is sewn from the sides and 4 wide ribbons are sewn on the sides, with which the device will be fixed. You can also use special Velcro, some parents find it more convenient to make a cover with shoulder straps. In such cases, buttons are sewn on the front side or buttons are placed.

How to do wide swaddling?

Step-by-step algorithm for wide swaddling of a child with hip dysplasia:

  1. Take 1 standard size cotton diaper.
  2. Fold it first along, then across to make a square.
  3. Raise the free edge of one layer and take it to the side. A triangle is formed.
  4. Take the top of the triangle with one hand, the opposite corner of the fabric with the other and turn it over to the other side.
  5. Roll the square edge several times in the form of a roller, it will remain in the middle of the diaper.
  6. Put the baby in the center of the triangle.
  7. Place the long end of the roller between the legs.
  8. Wrap the side corners alternately around the waist and fasten.

Wide swaddling of newborns is an effective method for the prevention and treatment of hip dysplasia in the early stages. Fixing the baby's legs in the correct position allows the ligaments and the muscular apparatus that holds the synovial joints to form, and the baby to grow healthy.