The tailbone severely hurts during pregnancy what to do. The main causes of pain in this part of the body can be. Photo gallery: Remedial gymnastics on a gymnastic ball

Pregnant women often complain of various pains that bother them at different periods of time and in different places. But tailbone pain is one of the most common complaints. Of course, this does not mean that tailbone pain is completely normal.

The definition of "anococcygeal pain syndrome" is a broad concept that combines a number of manifestations (proctalgia, anal neuralgia, anorectal pain, coccygodynia), the main symptom of which is pain in the perineum, anus or coccyx.

Since this can be very dangerous, in case of pain that worries you, you should immediately contact your gynecologist and tell everything in detail. If necessary, the doctor will refer you to the appropriate specialist, who will first have to find out the cause of the pain.

Causes of pain in the tailbone during pregnancy:

  1. First of all, in this way, traumas of this zone in the past, even in the very distant past, and even if this has never bothered you before, can make themselves known in this way. If you rule out this reason, then you should look further.
  2. During pregnancy, the bones undergo significant changes, the woman's pelvis expands, and the tailbone itself deviates back so as not to interfere with the exit of the baby.
  3. In the second trimester, the growing uterus tightens the pelvic bones, sacrum, coccyx and their ligaments.
  4. Infringement of the nerve at the exit from the coccyx.
  5. Coccyx pain may be associated with the threat of premature termination of pregnancy.
  6. Magnesium and / or calcium deficiency.
  7. Inflammatory diseases in the lower abdomen (for example, adnexitis - inflammation of the appendages of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries).
  8. Salt deposition or inflammation in the joint between the sacrum and the coccyx.
  9. Disorders of the neuromuscular apparatus behind the anal space and the entire pelvic floor.
  10. Diseases of the spine with neurological symptoms.
  11. Diseases of the rectum, even with their cure (hemorrhoids, anal fissure, proctitis, sigmoiditis, etc.).
  12. Operations on the anus leading to cicatricial deformities of the anus.
  13. Descent of the perineum.
  14. Difficult childbirth, in which a large fetus extends the joint with an outward tear.
  15. The habit of sitting on the toilet for a long time.
  16. Constipation, diarrhea.
  17. Diseases of the genitourinary organs;
  18. Psychoemotional stress.
  19. What to do with coccyx pain during pregnancy?

    As we have already said, consultation with a doctor in this case is required. But if you did not find anything serious, pain in the tailbone in this case is a variant of the norm, and all medical recommendations boil down to what you need to endure, you can try some of the proposed ways to relieve pain:

    1. learn to relieve the load from the lower back and lower body with special exercises that are included in the gymnastics complex for pregnant women. A special gymnastic ball helps a lot. Classes must be regular;
    2. dry heat also soothes pain. For this, a bag of heated salt or a boiled egg is suitable, which must be applied to the coccyx area. Although many are afraid of any thermal procedures, so it is better to consult a doctor;
    3. some people benefit from acupuncture, but you should be very careful with this;
    4. if necessary, you can make a compress on the sacrum area: Traumel ointment + 5 drops of a mixture of articular essential oils.

    Remember that you cannot carry any weights right now (this even applies to a heavy handbag). In case of problems with the coccyx, it is not recommended to sit on a soft one, despite the fact that it is very difficult to sit on a hard one. Be sure to wear a special bandage for pregnant women - this is an excellent prevention of many complications, and it significantly relieves pain. And try not to sit for a long time - get up more often, walk, move.

A woman in a position is warned of all kinds of ailments. As a rule, most often they have a tailbone sore during pregnancy. This falls mainly in the third trimester. This symptom can inform about the presence of any disease in the body of the expectant mother. And if the tailbone hurts during pregnancy, then you should contact your doctor. It is he who will be able to make the correct diagnosis. In addition, he will refer you for examination to specialists of a narrow profile.

What is the source of the pain?

In this section of the article, we will talk about the disease, about its causes. The tailbone hurts during pregnancy, usually due to diseases.

These include anal neuralgia, proctalgia, or anorectal pain. Unpleasant sensations in the coccyx area can be manifestations of both a physiological and a pathological process. Further on each of them will be described in more detail.

About physiological reasons

One of the sources of this type is the spreading of the pelvic bones. The result is a deviation of the tailbone from behind. And this is explained by the facilitation of the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. Basically, in the second trimester during pregnancy, the tailbone hurts for the same reason. No special treatment is required. But how do you get rid of this pain? The answer to this question will be given in the next section of the article.

Why does the tailbone hurt during pregnancy? This can be due to the intense growth of the uterus. This period occurs at the end of pregnancy. Unpleasant sensations in the coccyx area are explained by the pressure of the uterus on the nerves and ligaments of the pelvis.

The next physiological cause of pain is a large baby. It can help pinch nerve endings.

And why does the tailbone hurt during early pregnancy? The main source of unpleasant sensations in this area is psychosomatic disorders. Also, hemorrhoids, which are formed due to frequent constipation, contributes to pain in the coccyx area.

About the sources of the pathological process

When the tailbone hurts during pregnancy, you should definitely consult a doctor. Since a threat is possible, and a woman may have a miscarriage.

Also, the echoes of old injuries are often the cause of discomfort.

Other sources of pain in the coccyx during pregnancy include inflammatory processes, a lack of magnesium and calcium salts, the formation and enlargement of a cyst on the coccyx, and rectal pathology.

About diagnostics

During pregnancy, the tailbone hurts, what should I do? First you need to contact your gynecologist. He will order all the diagnostic tests that are required. Thanks to them, it will be possible to find out the cause of the discomfort in the coccyx area.

Most of the girls in the position go to the doctor with this problem. The specialist can determine if pain is the source of a physiological or pathological process. If the discomfort is of the second type, then the gynecologist will send the woman to a specialist with a narrow profile.

On the nature of pain during pregnancy

Basically, girls in position complain of discomfort in the coccyx area. But the nature of the pain in each of them may be different. This is explained by the difference in mechanisms, the source of the onset of spasms. Before visiting a specialist, a woman should know exactly where the discomfort comes from. It is thanks to this that a highly qualified doctor will be able to indicate the cause of the disease without conducting an examination.

What pains can be?

When the tailbone hurts during pregnancy, the discomfort manifests itself in different ways. Some of the girls in the position complain of constant pain, while others of periodic pain. There may be a pronounced attack or aching character. In addition, you should pay attention to what these sensations are: cutting, stabbing or pressing.

Also, pain can be given to the lumbar region, anus or perineum.

Another discomfort in the coccyx in pregnant women occurs after a long sleep or when sitting in one place for a long time.

About treatment

If the tailbone hurts during pregnancy, in which case is it necessary to undergo a course of therapy? If we are talking about physiological reasons, then any drug treatment is not required.

But when a woman in a position has an inflammatory disease as a source of unpleasant sensations in the coccyx, then it is necessary to undergo a course of therapy. He is appointed by the attending physician.

What are the ways to relieve the condition?

Performing relaxing exercises by girls in position will help reduce muscle tone.

In order to soothe the aching discomfort, dry heat should be applied. A bag of salt is suitable for this. It must be preheated. But there are some diagnoses in which the heating of the coccyx and lower back area is strictly prohibited. Therefore, before doing this, you should consult with your gynecologist.

The acupuncture method can also be used. It is he who will allow to relieve spasm in the striated muscles. Thanks to this, there will be a decrease in discomfort.

Another way to relieve the condition is compresses with warming ointments. They should be applied to the sacrum area.

A woman in a position does not need to move a little, unless, of course, there is no indication for that from the attending physician.

As a rule, due to moderate physical activity, pregnant women not only do not gain excess weight, but also feel much better.

About prevention

Carrying a child is considered a great burden on a woman's body. Therefore, you need to maintain your health. In order for the risk of unpleasant sensations in the coccyx to be minimal, preventive measures should be taken. These in turn are aimed at maintaining the physical well-being of the body.

So, while sleeping, you should take a comfortable posture. To do this, you need to provide yourself with a comfortable stay. You can also purchase a special maternity pillow. Thanks to her, it is more comfortable for a woman to sleep in a position.

To avoid pain in the coccyx, it is also necessary to prevent constipation. The diet should include foods that are rich in coarse fiber. Also, do not sit in the same place for a long time. You should also do a set of exercises that are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor.

In addition, you need to create support for your growing belly. In this case, we are talking about the use of a bandage. It is prescribed from about the second trimester of pregnancy. Thanks to him, the woman in the position will have less back pain due to the load on the spine.

Do not forget about yourself during pregnancy. Do some gymnastic exercises yourself at home. You can also enroll in special courses for pregnant women.

It is very good for relieving stress from the spine; fitball helps from the coccygeal region. In addition, this ball will be useful to you after childbirth. Because with the help of it you can do special exercises with the baby. Also, mom can recover herself with the help of a fitball.


If your tailbone hurts during pregnancy, try not to lift heavy objects. Also, you should not sit in one place for a long time. A woman in position should change her body position as often as possible. A pregnant girl should take more walks in the fresh air and take walks.

Also, as mentioned above, it is necessary to do special exercises that are aimed at relieving tension from the muscles.

In addition, you can massage the sore spot. To do this, you will need to use the help of loved ones.

Remember, if your tailbone hurts during pregnancy, you should not immediately think about the bad, most likely, you have physiological reasons. Talk to your doctor and he will prescribe the right treatment for you if necessary.

The female body is truly unique - it can nurture and carry a little man in its womb and fully prepare him for an independent life. It is arranged by nature that all female organs adapt to the pregnancy process. Often, while carrying a child, the pain is localized here and there, but one of the common symptoms of pregnancy is pain in the tailbone. In this article, you will learn about the main causes of coccyx pain and how to deal with it.

Why does the tailbone hurt during pregnancy

Only a doctor can find the exact cause of the pain, but it is in your power to analyze the history. There are several factors that can cause tailbone pain.

  1. Preparing for childbirth. Most often, pain in the tailbone and pelvic areas can be felt at the end of pregnancy, closer to childbirth. This is a natural process - the body prepares for childbirth, the bones become more elastic, gradually open up to make it easier for the fetus to pass through the birth canal. In this case, painful sensations are provoked not only by the movement of bone tissues, but also by stretching of the ligaments.
  2. Injury. If the tailbone hurts in the early stages of pregnancy, most likely, a long-standing injury to the spine, coccyx, sacrum makes itself felt. Such injuries often occur after falling on the buttocks, after a parachute jump. These are professional injuries in such sports as skiing, cycling, acrobatics, gymnastics. If a woman has had a similar injury, it often manifests itself during pregnancy, even if it barely bothered before.
  3. Lack of trace elements. Very often, the body of a pregnant woman needs an increased amount of certain microelements, since the lion's share of vitamins obtained with nutrition is spent on the growth and development of the fetus in the womb. The tailbone can hurt if there is a calcium deficiency in the body. It can also manifest as cramps in the limbs. Bone and tailbone pain can also be due to a lack of magnesium. Its deficiency can be determined by symptoms such as irritability, nervousness, nausea even after the toxicosis has passed.
  4. Colon diseases. Colon diseases often appear for the first time or worsen during pregnancy. This includes hemorrhoids, proctitis, anal fissure and other pathologies. Moreover, very often the pain is localized not in the anus, but in the coccyx.
  5. Neuralgia. This is an inflammatory process of nerve endings that can hurt due to inflammation or pinching of the pelvic bones. Neuralgia is a very unpleasant disease that takes a long time to heal. In this case, the pain has its own characteristics - a woman feels a burning sensation, discomfort increases with movement.
  6. Inflammation. Some inflammatory processes in the pelvic area can also lead to painful sensations in the coccyx. Inflammation of the ovaries, appendages, organs of the genitourinary system can lead to similar symptoms. Due to the proximity to the fetus, such symptoms cannot be ignored, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.
  7. Miscarriage. Sometimes pain in the tailbone (especially in early pregnancy) indicates an upcoming termination of pregnancy. It is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible for acute pain in the tailbone to prevent miscarriage.
  8. Salt. In some women, salts can be deposited in the sacrum and coccyx area, which also lead to serious discomfort. Most often, this can be observed in overweight patients.

Frequent constipation and diarrhea, prolonged sitting on the toilet, excessive emotional overload can also lead to various pains in the tailbone. To find out the cause of the discomfort, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Only he can determine the risk of such pain and the possible danger to the fetus. Indeed, in some cases (inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes), immediate treatment is required, otherwise it is fraught with death for the baby. If the doctor has not found a serious cause for concern, you can get rid of the pain in the tailbone using the following tips.

  1. Consult your doctor and the possibility of warming the coccyx area. Remember, this cannot be done with inflammatory processes. But if the pain is caused by a sprain and a separation of bones, dry heat will be more useful than ever. Heat salt or sand in a skillet, pour into a piece of cloth and tie the corners. Attach the resulting bag to the tailbone. Since pregnancy does not allow lying on your stomach, you need to hold the "heating pad" with your hands or lean on the back of the sofa.
  2. You can't stay in one position for a long time. Do not walk for more than an hour in a row - you must definitely take breaks, sit down, rest. But you can't sit for a long time either. If you are forced to work in a sitting position, you need to periodically get up, walk, and do light exercise.
  3. If you drop something, try to sit down, but don't bend over. This will protect the tailbone from additional stress.
  4. The shoes should be stable, and don't use heels if you haven't already.
  5. In late pregnancy, a maternity brace can help reduce stress on the spine. It supports the weight of the abdomen and overloads the tailbone.
  6. If you have constipation, you need to solve this problem as soon as possible. Stagnation of feces in the intestines leads to the fact that they harden and begin to press on the tailbone from the inside. To get rid of constipation, you need to drink more water, eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and consume more fiber. Dried apricots, prunes, fresh kefir have a laxative effect. If constipation persists, be sure to see your doctor to treat the problem with medication.
  7. Medication can be used for severe pain. Take a pill of Paracetamol or Ibuprofen - they not only relieve pain, but also have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. However, these drugs can only be taken in the second and third trimester of pregnancy; in the early stages, they can be dangerous to the fetus.
  8. Be sure to do a variety of exercises to support your core muscles. Exercises on a fitball, standing on all fours, swimming will help reduce pain in the coccyx. They will reduce the pressure on the painful area and relieve the increased load at least for a while.

These are simple tips that will help you get rid of the discomfort in your coccyx during pregnancy.

Folk remedies for tailbone pain

There are many recipes to help you get rid of tailbone discomfort. You can rub the skin with fir oil. It relieves inflammation, warms up, reduces pain. Apply the oil in a circular motion in the morning and evening, and after a couple of days, the pain will be much less pronounced. You can also warm your tailbone with simple iodine. Lubricate painful areas with it and wrap yourself in a warm woolen shawl overnight.

A compress of white clay helps to cope with pain very well. But you need to mix it not with plain water, but with apple cider vinegar - then the effect of the procedure will be maximum. Dissolve white clay powder with heated vinegar to a dough consistency. The warm vinegar dough should be rolled out into a small cake and applied to the painful area of ​​the skin. In a few minutes, the pain will subside.

An alcohol valerian compress will help get rid of pain in the coccyx. In it, you need to moisten a small piece of clean bandage and apply to the painful area. From above, you need to cover the fabric with a piece of cling film or a bag so that the alcohol does not erode. Then you need to cover on top with a warm towel or handkerchief and leave the compress for a couple of hours.

Pregnancy is the time that you want to spend with pleasure and care for your future baby. However, this does not always work out. During pregnancy, various chronic diseases and past health problems make themselves felt. Moreover, there are many new problems that even an absolutely healthy woman may have. In any case, it is in our power to correct various painful and uncomfortable sensations. To do this, you need to lead a correct lifestyle. And then your own body and a small child in the womb will be grateful to you.

Video: lower back pain during pregnancy

Pain in the coccyx during pregnancy is one of the most common complaints of expectant mothers. In some cases, this problem with the spine is considered a sign of the development of pathology, in all others it is a common occurrence.

Pain and discomfort in the coccyx area may differ in the nature of its occurrence and proceed in a mild or acute form. Consider the reasons why the tailbone hurts during pregnancy, which are most common.


Already at an early stage of pregnancy, a woman begins to produce the hormone relaxin, the task of which is to soften the connective tissues in the joints and ligamentous apparatus. With an increase in this hormone, there will be a gradual deviation of the tailbone back, which can cause severe pain.

In the second trimester, the growing uterus leads to an increase in the sacro-uterine ligaments, tension in the bones of the pelvis and coccyx. This kind of hypertrophy creates protective mechanisms for bearing the fetus, but at the same time it can provoke pain in the coccyx. When there is a threat of spontaneous abortion, intense stabbing pain that radiates down the abdomen with a certain frequency and regularity.

During pregnancy, the tailbone may be disturbed due to a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements in the body, namely Mg and Ca.

In the last months of pregnancy, the pain can be especially intensified due to the fact that the fetal head presses on the coccyx; even her laughing or sneezing can become an inducement to unpleasant sensations in the coccyx.

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Coccyx injuries that happened throughout a woman's life. Even if the future woman in labor was struck in her youth, for example, when she fell from a swing, and at the time of the bruise, there was no particular pain - during pregnancy, the tailbone will "remember" the old bruise. After incurable fractures, dislocations and subluxations of the coccyx, the operations performed, the pain in the coccyx will be especially strong.

The tailbone hurts when a pregnant woman sits at a computer or other business for a long time, as well as when getting up from a sitting position.

Various diseases of the rectum, constipation or diarrhea, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system - the causes of possible pain in the coccyx in a pregnant woman, which can increase at the time of bowel movements. If there is a malignant tumor in the pelvic area, the tailbone will begin to hurt early in pregnancy.

Malfunctions of the neuromuscular apparatus of the pelvic floor and pinching of a nerve near the coccyx can give pain to it. In the second half of pregnancy, damage to the sciatic nerve is manifested in many women - coccygeal pains are especially intensified at night and with hypothermia.

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The nature of the pain

Depending on the causes and mechanism of the formation of pain syndrome, expectant mothers describe pain in the coccyx during pregnancy in different ways. They are dull and pulling, sharp, sharp and stabbing, paroxysmal and constant. Sometimes the pain in the tailbone occurs when you sit, start to get up or bend over, when walking or standing in one place for a long time.

In some women, pregnancy is very easy, and disease-causing symptoms are extremely rare, while in others, the coccyx aches constantly and unbearably. The pain can be given to the rectum, small pelvis, lower abdomen, pull to the perineum or lower extremities. For example, some patients generally complain about the inability to move due to the movement of pain from the coccyx to one or two legs at once.

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Pain relief

If nothing is seriously found during a visit to the doctor, pain in the coccyx during pregnancy can be considered a normal option. To relieve pain, follow these proven tips:

  • Exercise therapy, gymnastics and yoga for pregnant women are an excellent solution to get rid of unpleasant pain symptoms and improve your overall well-being. Regular implementation of a number of physical exercises will help a woman feel easily and confidently even in the last months of pregnancy, relieve pain in the lower back and tailbone.
  • Warm compresses and scented essential oil baths will relieve tension and relieve pain.
  • Professional massage and acupuncture at an appointment with a chiropractor or physiotherapist will give excellent results, the main thing is to get permission from the attending gynecologist.
  • When the first trimester is over, you can try wearing a special bandage for pregnant women - it reduces the load on the bones and muscles of the future woman in labor.
  • If there are problems with the stool, they must be resolved. To do this, adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and establish digestion; in cases of constipation, it is appropriate to take light laxatives, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.
  • For almost all 9 months, you need to forget about high-heeled shoes and boots - you need to give preference to comfortable and comfortable shoes with a flat sole or a small wedge heel.
  • Change your body position more often - long sitting without movement is prohibited. If a pregnant woman has office work, it is necessary to get up from the workplace every half hour and walk, warm up. If prolonged sitting is unavoidable, a woman should always have an inflatable ring or a small soft pillow with her.
  • It is necessary to sleep on a relatively hard and flat surface, soft featherbeds and pillows will only aggravate the situation. An orthopedic mattress would be an ideal option.

Most medications for pregnant women are prohibited, therefore, if you want to drink or apply an analgesic ointment, you must first consult with your gynecologist.


When our ancestors had a question “the tailbone hurts during pregnancy and what to do”, they immediately turned to non-traditional methods of treatment. Folk remedies have long proven their effectiveness, acting on the disturbing area of ​​the body as antispasmodics and analgesics. The mechanisms of operation of most of them, although effective, are not fully established, therefore, when deciding to use traditional medicine, you should definitely consult with a gynecologist or therapist.

If the tailbone hurts during pregnancy due to physiological changes, the condition will be alleviated:

  • Anesthetic compress. We apply fresh burdock leaves in 4-5 layers to the sore spot or a cooled decoction of 2 tbsp. l. geraniums. The procedure is repeated for 3 weeks, followed by a 10-day break and a second course.
  • Analgesic ointment. In equal proportions, mix the mummy with honey and rub it into the tailbone. There is also a variant of vinegar-honey ointment in a 1: 2 ratio. For tangible results, you need 7-10 procedures.
  • Soothing bath. Lying in hot water is contraindicated, but warm sitz baths with a decoction of geranium leaves in 15-20 minutes can relieve pain.

Pregnancy without tailbone pain

There are only a few of those who do not experience any discomfort when carrying a future baby. The rest suffer from toxicosis, low blood pressure and pain in the back. Sometimes the tailbone hurts so much that it gives it to the legs, pulls the back, it hurts to walk and sit, and the doctor does not find anything serious during examination - the pelvis expands and the body prepares for childbirth.

In this case, you just need to endure, in parallel trying to reduce the symptom with the above tips. Pregnancy and tailbone pain go hand in hand, and after childbirth, the exhausting and uncomfortable symptoms will disappear by themselves. And remember, in the event of a pain syndrome, you must immediately visit the office of the attending physician, it is he who will assess the condition of the future woman in labor and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Your feedback on the article

During the period of carrying a child, a woman may encounter such a problem as pain in the tailbone; during pregnancy, during the next visit to the gynecologist, one should report the discomfort that has arisen and describe the nature of the pain. They are sharp, dull, aching. Often women complain that it is difficult to clearly determine their localization. Unpleasant sensations are concentrated in the perineum, anus, lower back, coccyx.

Causes of discomfort

An examination allows you to understand the causes of the onset of pain. The gynecologist refers a woman to narrow specialists (surgeons, neurologists, proctologists) who can determine what triggers the appearance of anococcygeal pain syndrome.

The factors that provoke the appearance of discomfort are divided into pathological and physiological.

The reasons why the tailbone may hurt during pregnancy:

  • a history of trauma;
  • the threat of spontaneous abortion in the early stages;
  • tension of the ligaments between the sacral, pelvic bones in the later stages;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • operations in the anorectal region, after which cicatricial deformities of the anus remained;
  • deviation of the lower spine due to the gradual expansion of the thigh bones (begins in the second trimester of pregnancy);
  • spinal problems that cause neurological damage;
  • gynecological diseases: inflammation of the appendages, ovaries;
  • accumulation of salt deposits in the joints located between the coccyx and the sacrum;
  • lack of calcium or magnesium in the body, which arose during pregnancy;
  • entrapment of nerves in the lower spine (possibly if the fetus in the uterus is large);
  • proctological diseases: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, sigmoiditis, proctitis;
  • omission of the perineum;
  • psychoemotional disorders.

In women during pregnancy, unpleasant painful sensations increase with bowel movements, frequent bending or the need to stand for a long time.

Doctors are not always able to establish the exact cause of the onset of pain. If there are no health problems, the pain is physiological, then drug treatment is not prescribed.

Pain Relief Ways

When the first complaints from future women in childbirth appear about pain in the tailbone and lower back, gynecologists recommend starting to wear a support bandage. Also, doctors advise to give up soft chairs and armchairs in case of discomfort.

Doctors can recommend several ways to normalize the condition:

  • performing special exercises for pregnant women, they must be done regularly;
  • applying dry heat to the problem area: a boiled egg, a bag of salt will do;
  • a compress of warming ointments with essential oils on the coccyx area;
  • acupuncture.

But before using any of the pain relief methods, consultation with a gynecologist is required. Not everyone can use dry heat or apply compresses during pregnancy.


The tactics of therapy are selected after a comprehensive examination and installation of the cause of discomfort. In the early stages of pregnancy, the lumbar region, abdomen and tailbone may hurt due to the threat of miscarriage. A woman needs to observe complete rest. Prescribe drugs that relieve spasm of smooth muscles: No-shpa tablets, Papaverine suppositories. If the threat of termination of pregnancy is caused by a lack of progesterone, then Utrozhestan, Duphaston are prescribed.

If the cause is pinched nerve endings near the tailbone, then the doctor will recommend doing special exercises aimed at stretching the muscles. Some advise acupuncture. Rubbing and using dry heat can help you feel better.

The indicated methods of therapy do not always eliminate the pathology that provokes the onset of pain. In such situations, special anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications are selected.

Many drugs related to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen) are prohibited from using in the third trimester. In the first and second trimester, use is permissible on the recommendation of a doctor.

In cases where the tailbone hurts during pregnancy due to hemorrhoids or anal fissures, the treatment is selected by the proctologist. Suppositories and ointments are prescribed, which have an analgesic effect, promotes healing of the mucous membrane. Also, the doctor may recommend venotonic drugs that restore the tone of the veins, reduce vascular permeability. Most often, local medications are prescribed:

  • candles with sea buckthorn;
  • Neo-Anusole;
  • Hepatrombin G.

During pregnancy, attention is paid to the prevention of constipation. It is necessary to adjust the diet so that every day a woman consumed a sufficient amount of coarse vegetable fiber (vegetables, fruits, cereals) and dairy products.

If the cause of frequent complaints of painful sensations in the tailbone is its trauma in the past, then it will be difficult to normalize the condition during pregnancy. Manual therapy gives good results. But resorting to the help of a chiropractor is possible only after agreeing on such treatment with a gynecologist who observes a woman during pregnancy.


Anokopchikovy pain syndrome is not an independent disease, but a symptom of malfunctions in the body. You can prevent the occurrence of discomfort in the tailbone during pregnancy if you adhere to the following recommendations of doctors:

  • perform exercise therapy for pregnant women daily, exercises on a gymnastic ball give good results;
  • abandon the need to carry weights (weight over 5 kg is considered unacceptable);
  • normalize the diet to prevent constipation;
  • sit on hard surfaces;
  • avoid hypothermia, drafts;
  • do not linger in the toilet (it is undesirable to push for a long time with constipation);
  • wear maternity bandages (from 20-24 weeks of pregnancy).

Particular attention is paid to the position of the body during sleep, if necessary, you can use special pillows under the lower back.

The implementation of the recommendations allows you to prevent the development of some problems during pregnancy: excessive sprain, curvature of the spine, exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease. It is important to monitor your diet and stay active - this will prevent the occurrence of many complications of pregnancy.