Social indications for artificial childbirth. Method of small caesarean section. Rupture of the cervix

Unfortunately, not every pregnancy ends happily. Sometimes, for one reason or another, the pregnancy has to be terminated. Up to three months, termination of pregnancy is called an abortion, and starting from the 15th week, such a process is called artificial birth. Until this time, the fetus is fully formed, and in the womb it would only have to grow. Doctors carry out the artificial pregnancy procedure only in cases where there are no other options. This operation is performed only for medical reasons. Of course, before carrying out this procedure, a woman must undergo a complete medical examination. And if the terrible diagnosis is confirmed, in order to preserve the health of the woman, an artificial birth is called. Since in some cases, pregnancy may be incompatible with the health and even life of a woman.

Artificial childbirth is caused by the diagnosis:

  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • violation of the liver and kidneys;
  • CNS disorder;
  • acute preeclampsia;
  • with tuberculosis
  • syphilis;
  • rubella.
In addition to the above diseases, artificial childbirth is also caused for postterm children if the woman does not have natural childbirth after 41 weeks. This is a difficult choice that a woman must make - after all, artificial childbirth is caused only with the consent of the mother, if the pregnancy does not directly threaten her life and health.

Methods of carrying out artificial childbirth.

With this procedure, the fetus either survives, or it is born non-viable and dies.
Artificial labor is most often induced with the help of a prostaglandin drug that causes contractions in a woman. This drug is administered into the vagina, for each woman the dose of the drug is individual.

Another way to induce labor in a woman artificially is the introduction of oxytocin intravenously. This method is often used in late pregnancy. It is used in cases where they want to carry out childbirth without risk to the fetus. But even this method does not give a hundred percent guarantee of safe childbirth. There is a risk that the uterus will open too quickly and the child will suffer from hypoxia, in such cases it is necessary to slow down the opening of the uterus with the help of other drugs.

A puncture of the amniotic sac sometimes does not help to stimulate labor in a woman, therefore, in these cases, other methods are needed to induce labor.
A caesarean section can also be considered an artificial birth, an operation performed in the early stages of pregnancy is called a small caesarean section.
If doctors diagnose the non-viability of the fetus, then drugs are used that kill the child in the womb, and then an artificial birth is called.

Another way to induce labor is to expand the cervix with medical instruments, since this procedure is very traumatic for the mother, it is used very rarely.

The most terrible method of artificial birth is called saline, as a saline solution is introduced into the woman's uterus, which helps to remove the fetus from the womb. But this method is no longer used.

After the procedure of artificial childbirth, the woman's body requires a long recovery. If, nevertheless, a woman can become pregnant, then doctors recommend planning a pregnancy and undergoing a medical examination beforehand. And also throughout the pregnancy to be under the close supervision of doctors.

Artificial childbirth is the termination of pregnancy in the second trimester. As you know, at will, a woman can get rid of a child up to 12 weeks. Later, only if there are strong indications, they can be due to both severe health problems in the mother and (or) child, and social reasons. The latter is rape.

Antenatal fetal death and congenital malformations

Artificial childbirth has the most weighty indications when the fetus dies in utero. In this case, the procedure cannot be avoided. It should be noted that there are not so many reasons due to which fetal death occurs for a period of more than 13 weeks. These are severe genetic abnormalities in a child, damage to the fetal membranes by an infection, as a result of which the amniotic sac bursts and water begins to leak, antiphospholipid syndrome, thrombophilia. Artificial childbirth during a missed pregnancy is carried out in different ways, but doctors, of course, in this case, try to do everything as safely as possible for the mother. Fruit-destroying manipulations can be used. Doctors with the help of medicines provoke the opening of the cervix and in parts they take out the fetus from there. All this under anesthesia, of course.

There are cases when a child dies after an invasive diagnosis recommended by doctors in order to find out if the child has chromosomal abnormalities. It is usually prescribed in cases where prenatal screenings give a high risk of various abnormalities. A geneticist, before suggesting an invasive procedure to a patient, must carefully weigh the risks. Where the risks are higher - losing a child after an invasive procedure or giving birth to a baby with disabilities.

Often, children die due to a severe degree of fetoplacental insufficiency, when the blood flow in the umbilical cord-placenta is practically or completely absent. This pathology can be noticed by the woman herself. Fetal hypoxia, lack of oxygen, manifests itself in a sharp decrease in the number of movements of the child, their strength. It is for this reason that in order to determine the suffering of the fetus in time, a woman is advised to carefully monitor the movements of her child. If they are not present at all during the day, immediately consult a doctor.

The child's suffering can be assumed by the doctor when measuring the height of the fundus of the uterus, if it is below normal - this means a delay in the development of the child, and listening to his heartbeat with an obstetric stethoscope.

On the so-called doppler ultrasound, the doctor sees circulatory disorders in the mother-child system. And the baby has a developmental delay. Significant delay in development of more than 2 weeks.

At the hospital, they try to help the woman. They make droppers with drugs that improve blood circulation. But it doesn't always help.

About the method of abortion

Artificial childbirth is carried out for medical reasons using different methods, it all depends on the situation. If a woman has late preeclampsia, preeclampsia, then she performs an emergency caesarean section. And this is at any time.

Induction of artificial labor in the case when a child has multiple intrauterine malformations can be carried out using oxytocin, a drug that causes strong uterine contractions. But first, the cervix is ​​​​prepared for disclosure. For these purposes, prostaglandins are used in the form of a gel, tablets, suppositories. In addition, doctors carry out the so-called fetal termination by injecting potassium chloride or digoxin into the amniotic fluid. This must be done the day before artificial labor is induced. The first solution is injected into the fetal chest under ultrasound control. And the second drug - in the amniotic fluid. Digoxin has contraindications for use in women with severe cardiovascular disease, renal failure.

Numerous women's forums talk about how artificial birth is done in hospitals. It is very painful both psychologically and physically. Often, women with contractions suffer for more than a day.

Many doctors know the most modern and safest way how artificial childbirth takes place, but not everyone uses it. It is quite expensive, since the procedure requires the drug "Mifepristone". It's an antiprogesterone. Under its influence, changes occur in the uterus that are characteristic of those that occur before a miscarriage. Further, prostaglandins are given to the woman, and after that contractions begin. Termination of pregnancy in the later stages in this way passes quite quickly, especially if the period is short, up to 16-18 weeks. Since the fetus is small, a large opening of the cervix is ​​​​not necessary. A woman gives birth without difficulty. But after that, it is necessary to perform curettage of the uterine cavity under anesthesia, since the immature placenta cannot completely exfoliate from the uterus on its own. In general, curettage is a mandatory procedure for an induced miscarriage in the second trimester of pregnancy.

But although when an artificial birth is carried out for a rather large pregnancy, serious complications occur quite rarely. These include perforation of the cervix and body of the uterus, very severe blood loss requiring a blood transfusion, and an allergic reaction to the anesthesia administered. More often there are infectious consequences after artificial childbirth, if instruments were involved in the process of childbirth, after which adequate prophylactic antibiotic therapy was not carried out to avoid endometritis.

It is believed that an artificial birth at 20 weeks is safer than an abortion, for example, at the 14th. Therefore, for women who do not have urgent indications for termination of pregnancy, if it develops, but the fetus has proven severe malformations, doctors are trying to delay the timing until later.
Those who are interested in how much artificial childbirth costs and who to contact for their implementation need to know the following. The procedure is performed in conventional gynecological hospitals and maternity hospitals. But, we recall, not at the request of a woman, but according to strict indications! Therefore, you will never get an answer to the question of where you can have an artificial birth for money without the decision of the medical commission. This is a criminal offense for a doctor.


When does menstruation begin after artificial childbirth, in what period of time should critical days be expected? Doctors say that in this case everything happens similarly to urgent delivery without subsequent lactation, that is, menstruation comes after 6-8 weeks.

But you can get pregnant after an artificial birth even before the onset of the first menstruation. Therefore, you need to choose reliable contraception. Usually, barrier contraception is advised before the first menstruation, and then oral contraceptives for a period of at least 6 months. That is how long doctors advise not to allow pregnancy after artificial birth, the body needs time to recover. And if a chromosomal pathology has been detected, a consultation with a geneticist may be necessary.

When planning the next pregnancy, in this case, folic acid is prescribed in a large dosage - 5 mg per day, and you need to start taking it 3 months before conception. Although this will not give a full guarantee of the birth of a healthy child.

The most favorable outcome of any pregnancy is. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. There are many cases when a pregnancy is terminated for one reason or another at different times.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, this is called an abortion, and starting from the 15th week, it is called an artificial birth. By this time, the baby is already fully formed, he only has to grow ...

Indications for artificial childbirth

Let's say right away that according to human and state laws, artificial childbirth is prohibited only at the request of a woman! There must be strict medical indications for this, in rare cases - social reasons. And artificial childbirth should be carried out exclusively in a medical institution where there is an operating room and intensive care unit. Moreover, the woman must first undergo a complete examination.

An artificial birth may be performed in cases where the continuation of the pregnancy poses a greater risk to the mother and/or child than its termination. And one of these is the development of defects and anomalies in a child that are incompatible with life. Nature can be unfairly harsh, but, alas, we cannot influence this. And if numerous examinations confirm the terrible diagnosis, a woman can be forced to give birth artificially.

In some cases, pregnancy may be incompatible with the life or health of the mother. For example, if she develops serious cardiovascular diseases, with acute preeclampsia, impaired functioning of the kidneys or liver, severe disorders of the central nervous system, etc. In each individual case, based on the condition of the woman and medical indicators, the doctor may decide to interrupt pregnancy and.

Artificial labor is offered to women who become ill during pregnancy with syphilis or pulmonary tuberculosis. The likelihood of developing pathologies and deformities in a child against the background of these infections is extremely high.

Also, they resort to stimulation of labor activity when the pregnancy is overdue (after 41 weeks) or when departing, if after a day labor activity does not begin on its own. Such a decision can also be made if a woman has lost a child late in her pregnancy in the past.

And most importantly, every woman whose fate has prepared for her a difficult choice should know: artificial birth can be performed only with the consent of the mother, except for situations that threaten her life and require emergency intervention.

Artificial childbirth methods

Artificial childbirth can be performed by several methods, as a result of which the child either survives and needs care, or dies, sometimes for a long time and painfully. It all depends on the situation, indications and reasons.

Most often, artificial childbirth is caused with the help of prostaglandins, which soften and provoke contractions. For this, preparations containing prostaglandin (gels, suppositories, tablets) are injected deep into the vagina. It may take more than one injection of the drug to achieve the effect. It is also capable of stimulating labor activity, which is administered intravenously. Such methods are usually resorted to in late pregnancy, when it is necessary to carry out childbirth with the least risk to the baby. However, in this case, it is not reduced to zero: sometimes the opening of the cervix occurs very rapidly, because of which the child lacks oxygen, and he has to be “slowed down” with the help of other drugs.

The separation of the membranes and the puncture of the amniotic sac are not always highly effective and are associated with the development of complications, therefore, they are more often used as auxiliary methods of stimulating labor.

Cesarean section also refers to the methods of artificial childbirth. If it is performed for a short period (when the fetus is still not viable), then it is called a small caesarean section.

If the fate of the baby is predetermined, and he is not destined to live, then for artificial birth, drugs are used that kill the fetus in utero, after which labor activity is provoked to expel him. But such methods are not always effective: often a baby is born alive - and it is killed.

In some cases, doctors resort to expanding the cervix with medical instruments and hanging a load from it. But this method is quite traumatic and fraught with complications, so it is not so popular and is resorted to only in extreme cases.

There is another way to induce artificial labor, which is especially difficult to talk about. Doctors also call it salt or candy abortion. Saline, because a salt solution is used for its implementation, and candy, because the skin of the subsequently expelled fetus has a bright red color due to thinning (blood vessels protrude onto its surface). This method is especially inhumane: as a result of the introduction of sodium chloride into the amniotic fluid, the child dies a long painful death, while experiencing hellish pain. Fortunately, it has recently been resorted to less and less, especially since children with this method do not die in 100% of cases, subsequently remaining disabled for life.

Possible risks

Interference with the natural process certainly has its consequences. At the very least - a sharp violation of the hormonal background, requiring a long one. Also, in the process of artificial childbirth, a woman’s organs can undergo severe trauma, large blood loss and infection, blood poisoning and various inflammatory processes are possible. It is possible that in the future the woman will no longer be able to have children. However, in each individual situation, the risks are not the same.

If a woman has experienced an artificial birth, she will have a long recovery period. Then, if they want to get pregnant again, the couple must undergo a thorough medical examination.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

Is the birth of a child not a second life?

"He gave birth - he did not die," my friend, an Armenian from Uzbekistan, likes to repeat. She has two children, I have five. However, each of us had to go through a premature termination of pregnancy.

Three main types of interrupts:

  • Miscarriage(involuntary termination of pregnancy).
  • Abortion(intentional termination before the 12th week of pregnancy).
  • in the early stages - this is a deliberate termination of pregnancy in the period from 12 to 20-22 weeks, when the fetus is already fully formed and needs only growth, but has not yet matured to the stage of viability.
  • It should be distinguished from "artificially induced childbirth" in the later stages, when they stimulate the onset of childbirth of a baby that has already grown and is ready for independent life.

    Conditions for the operation

    In Russia, artificial childbirth is carried out strictly according to the conclusion of the commission:

  • the attending gynecologist;
  • chief physician of a medical institution;
  • a specialist in the disease for which the operation is necessary.

  • If the motive is a social factor, which we will discuss below, it is necessary to provide relevant documents from external authorities. The document requires the seal of the responsible medical institution - the place of pregnancy.

    Irina, 37 years old,

    “My fourth pregnancy (after the first abortion and two boys born 10 years apart) was for me and my husband at first happiness and pride, but after five months it turned into pain. It so happened that my six-month-old baby fell ill with the flu with severe bronchitis and immediately after - rubella. I got sick with something along with him, because there was a fever and weakness. Being in the fourth month, I had to inform the doctor IMMEDIATELY. But the condition of my son at that moment was so important that about the other baby, I forgot!

    I should add that I live in Lebanon. Medicine is expensive here; doctors are businessmen; and medical institutions monitor every minute of the patient's stay by counters. Therefore, it could happen that I did not visit the gynecologist for several weeks after the described case. Our Russian consultation carefully monitors the schedule of visits of a pregnant woman, we must pay tribute to Russian healthcare!

    Larisa, 30 years old:

    “The family began to notice that the stomach stopped growing, but I myself no longer experienced signs of toxicosis. In addition, there were slight traces of blood. Finally, I came for a consultation. The doctor, doing an ultrasound examination, turned white, and silently quickly double-checked the records of previous measurements. "Your baby is not growing, something is wrong, you need to listen to the heart." I'm usually so happy when the doctor lets me hear the sound of my baby's heartbeat! It just fills the space of the darkened office! And then - complete silence. - The baby died, - it seemed ", the doctor was ready to cry. She was so happy when she diagnosed my pregnancy three months earlier! I still have an ultrasound image that even shows my face! A look from eternity! After receiving the printout, I thought that I would be born unusually beautiful boy..."

    Evgenia, 22 years old,

    "The referral for artificial delivery was immediately assigned. In my case, the fetus stopped developing. A very dangerous thing, because inflammation can begin, and the life of the woman herself will be in danger. We must act immediately! God only knows how I avoided inflammation by wearing a dead child in me for several weeks! My friend from Uzbekistan had a similar story, however, ten years earlier and the case almost ended lethally.

    Indications for artificial childbirth

    Termination of intrauterine development is only one of the reasons for artificial termination of pregnancy. The following is a general list of medical indications for induced labor:

  • a threat to a woman's life(for example, severe chronic diseases in which it is physically impossible to bear a child);
  • significant malformations in development germ.

  • Natalie, 27 years old

    “My friend, who suffers from chronic kidney disease, was found to have hypertrophy of the same organs in the fetus. The child developed in utero, but with a similar defect was declared unviable after birth. Unfortunately, the anomaly was discovered already at a late date, about seven months. And what is most difficult, she soon decided on a second pregnancy, the result of which was the same and at the same time.

  • termination development of pregnancy;
  • Lyudmila, 30 years old,

    “The death of the baby occurred, most likely, as a result of an increase in my temperature. I did not take antipyretics then, I considered it dangerous for the fetus. But in fact, a high temperature is much more dangerous!”

  • fetal chromosomal abnormalities that can be detected by genetic testing. It happens that a woman postpones this procedure, carries it out too late and is shocked that, with a favorable pregnancy, doctors refer her to an artificial birth. Some disagree and keep the child.
  • suffered by a woman diseases in the first trimester of pregnancy, obviously dangerous for the development of the fetus.
  • Hope, 25 years old,

    “Rubella is one of the most severe of them. I later realized how merciful the Lord was to me and my baby, that he reposed him and did not force us to kill. After all, hope is almost always glimmering somewhere: “What if the cars are lying, and the baby will be born normal?

  • urgent need for patient admission powerful medicines, undergoing chemotherapy and radiation exposure (for cardiovascular or oncological diseases);
  • tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, etc.
  • Darina, 30 years old,

    “The nanny of my children for 15 years of marriage could not get pregnant. In addition, she has a severe form of diabetes, her eyesight is almost completely lost. It so happened that after we moved to another area and stopped her work with us, she and her husband missed my son so much that God sent them a boy and the whole pregnancy went just fine!I often see her near my mother-in-law's house, where we used to live, with a very serious son, already two years old. Of course, he is regularly tested for sugar, and so far, thank God, everything is in order! However, they discovered very poor vision, prescribed corrective glasses.

  • mental illness that may occur during pregnancy.
  • According to Russian legislation, the reasons of the social order are also taken into account, according to which the further bearing of the fetus is recognized as unfavorable and a decision is made to interrupt it. Among them:

    1. Incapacity of one of the spouses;
    2. young age of a woman (15-16 years);
    3. depriving a woman of parental rights to other children;
    4. pregnancy resulting from rape;
    5. the presence of a pregnant woman or her spouse in places of deprivation of liberty;
    6. the death of a husband during a woman's pregnancy;
    7. asocial lifestyle of spouses, alcohol and drug abuse;
    8. disability of one of the spouses.

    Personally, I do not know of cases when a woman at 20-22 weeks of pregnancy would decide on an artificial birth, for one of the indicated social reasons. Still, if you have to go for the procedure, they try to do it at least up to 12 weeks, in the form of an abortion. But I want to appeal to the reader. Unless, of course, you are healthy, do not suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction, and have not been raped! Under other circumstances, think many times, go to a psychologist, or to your religious mentor. Read the positive reviews of those who have kept the pregnancy. A child is the greatest gift you can receive in life. This is your own immortality!


    All contraindications are medical in nature and are similar to contraindications for abortion. It:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • purulent foci;
  • if 6 months have not elapsed since the previous interruption;
  • inflammation.
  • Verunchik, 32 years old,

    “My friend from Bukhara, got married and became pregnant at the age of 16. And in the third month they suspected a fetal developmental stop. time under observation. And two weeks later, they again heard a heartbeat! Doctors did not give permission for artificial interruption of my girlfriend for three weeks, despite the persuasion of her parents! But she began to have terrible toxicosis, vomiting without stopping, her temperature rose. Father threatened to turn in the higher authorities. In the end, artificial drug stimulation was prescribed. I think my friend was on the border between the first and third trimesters of pregnancy, and the doctors were also delaying in order to avoid an abortion and indispensable damage to internal organs. "

    How are they called?

    Used to give hormone prostaglandin, which stimulates the slow opening of the uterus. Its disadvantage lies in the duration and pain of the process. Therefore, now this drug is given in combination with Mifepreston. Also popular Mifegin.

    Larisa, 33 years old,

    “In the case of my friend, the uterus did not open for a long time, further waiting threatened her life, so she was given general anesthesia and had a curettage - an abortion. She told me that by that time the fetus had already begun to decompose - this was the cause of toxicosis - and the uterus was cleansed of its remnants.

    Vera, 28 years old,

    “My doctor also gave me some kind of prostaglandin analogue and sent me home. In Lebanon, even with normal childbirth, the husband takes his wife in labor to the hospital when the interval between contractions no longer exceeds 5 minutes, and the pain cannot be maintained in an upright position, you can endure "only bending over. I was instructed to take the medicine in the late afternoon and wait for about three hours. Then - as in childbirth, wait until it becomes impossible to endure, call the doctor and go to the hospital (thank God, the clinic is a 5-minute walk)".

    How are they going?

    After completing the necessary formalities at the reception, taking blood, I was escorted to the ward, where, after some time, the doctor and nurse also came. According to the stories of a Moscow friend, in Russian clinics, after taking a stimulant, the patient is in the ward and gives birth herself. They give her something like a "basin", and periodically check the condition. Then, of course, the uterus is examined and cleaned and disinfected.

    For many, the very fact that health workers are not present at the time of labor and delivery seems humiliating. Pain, perhaps not great: it happens that stomach colic makes you suffer more. But at such a moment, a woman simply needs psychological support!

    Mariam, 40 years old,

    “As for me, I don’t remember now whether the nurse and the doctor came all the time or only at the end, but it’s absolutely certain that they delivered. (In Lebanon, the doctor who leads the pregnancy also delivers.) But I will never forget when it was all over, I saw a small pale green figure, the size of a palm, similar to a man, but as if from another planet. My doctor then sadly exclaimed: “Holy God! It's a boy!" After all, we had not yet had time to see the sex of the child on the ultrasound."

    In Russia, apart from what has been described, some other ways to practice:

  • Separation of amniotic membranes and bladder puncture. This is not always effective, complications are possible, so they are usually resorted to as an auxiliary method of stimulation.
  • Small caesarean section. It passes in the same way as a conventional caesarean section, only in the early stages.
  • Sometimes doctors relax the cervix in a medical-mechanical way - by hanging a load from it. It is traumatic and dangerous complications.
  • Unfortunately, in Russia they also use the so-called "salt method". Reading or writing about him is simply painful. The amniotic sac is pierced and part of the amniotic fluid is sucked off. Then pour hypertonic sodium chloride solution. In this case, the fetus receives a chemical burn and cerebral hemorrhage due to a concentrated salt solution. Within a day, he dies painfully. After this, contractions may either start spontaneously or be induced with Prostaglandin.
  • If the baby is still alive?

    If the intrauterine development of the child is normal, or there are anomalies, but he is still alive, they try to kill with drugs before induction of labor. However, it happens that the baby is born alive - then a special drug stops his heart.

    What is done with the embryo in the early stages?

    According to the rules of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in the case of artificial birth for a period of 20-22 weeks, the child is considered unborn, that is, the fetus. His body is subject cremation within the hospital, and neither the woman nor the family take him away.

    Valentina, 30 years old,

    “In our case, my husband buried the boy in the family cemetery, next to his father’s grave. world religions, and I think it is worth reconsidering the post-natal fate of even such a tiny body. At a minimum, the family should be given the right to choose whether to leave it at the disposal of the hospital, or pick it up and bury it."

    Consequences for a woman

    There are many of them, and the list is almost the same as after an abortion:

  • Bleeding that can lead to dangerous blood loss.
  • Placental polyps.
  • If the cleaning of the uterus after the operation was not carried out carefully, the elements of the placenta may remain on the wall, which can cause prolonged bleeding and severe anemia.
  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. It can begin on the surface of the uterine cavity, and then spread to the ovaries and fallopian tubes. As a result, the uterine mucosa can be damaged, which is fraught with infertility.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • A change in the hormonal background of a woman, leading to a violation of the menstrual cycle, which also often becomes an obstacle to a new conception.
  • The risk of development due to inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes.
  • Abscesses- pustular diseases. They are formed in the uterus, but can also spread to the abdominal organs.
  • How to avoid consequences?

    My friend from Uzbekistan, as well as myself, happily escaped dangerous consequences, perhaps as a result of proper postpartum care. All women who have voluntarily or involuntarily gone through the procedure should already be thinking about their future and future possible pregnancies. It is necessary to properly "lie down" for the period that your doctor will indicate to you. The necessary drugs should be prescribed - antibiotics that prevent inflammation.

    You may be prescribed additional therapy for effective physical and mental recovery. Do not ignore the instructions of doctors! Arrive on time for your scheduled check-up after surgery.

    How to plan your next pregnancy?

    Usually doctors advise to protect yourself from the next conception within 6 months.

    Personally, I did just that, and ... exactly six months later I became pregnant with a girl. Pregnancy and childbirth (natural) proceeded unusually easily, it was my easiest childbirth of all! My daughter is almost seven years old. After her, I gave birth to two more boys, one and a half and then another three years later. Only the last birth took place through a caesarean section, because the stubborn son did not want to "stand on his head." My friend from Uzbekistan has two daughters, the same age as my children. Pregnancy and childbirth were also favorable.

    I am writing about this to support those women who are ready to despair, thinking that after an artificial birth they will not be able to become pregnant. Most importantly, follow your doctor's instructions and stay positive!

    In conclusion, once again I will address those who "stand at a crossroads" because of the so-called "social" reasons. If your baby has developed well so far, and doctors advise keeping it, use common sense. Consult a psychologist, guardianship authorities, human rights authorities, family, just talk to a good person. Do everything to keep the pregnancy, because the risk of remaining infertile is great. And some people who have the means to buy islands would give all their wealth just to have a naturally conceived baby so like themselves!

    In this article:

    Unfortunately, many women who aspire to realize themselves as mothers had to go through artificial childbirth. At present, the Ministry of Health clearly regulates the main reasons related to the state of health of patients, which can become indicators for termination of pregnancy in the later stages. Quite often there are cases in which malformations in the development of the fetus do not allow a woman to continue bearing it.

    Every doctor who sees pregnant women knows all the specific medical indications that are taken into account when referring a patient to an artificial birth for a period of 20 weeks.

    The main indications for artificial childbirth:

    • pregnancy, which threatens the life of a woman. Usually contraindications to pregnancy are women suffering from serious chronic diseases for which it is physically impossible to bear a fetus;
    • underdevelopment or malformations of the fetus, which are determined during ultrasound diagnostics and special laboratory tests;
    • frozen pregnancy;
    • chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, determined during a genetic study;
    • severe illnesses suffered by a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy, which can have a negative impact on the development of the fetus;
    • oncological and cardiovascular diseases, the treatment of which involves the mandatory intake of potent medications, the patient undergoing chemotherapy and radiation exposure;
    • detection of tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, etc. in a pregnant woman;
    • mental disorders that may occur during pregnancy;
    • the young age of the patient (pregnant girls under the age of 16), etc.

    But not only for medical reasons, artificial birth can be performed. Unfavorable social conditions can be a significant reason that influences a woman's fatal decision:

    • incapacity of one of the spouses;
    • depriving a woman of parental rights to other children;
    • pregnancy that occurred as a result of violent actions applied to a woman;
    • the presence of a pregnant woman or her spouse in places of deprivation of liberty;
    • the death of a spouse during a woman's pregnancy;
    • antisocial lifestyle of spouses;
    • alcohol and drug abuse;
    • disability of one of the spouses.

    What is an artificial birth really?

    Medical professionals who make decisions regarding the induced termination of a patient's pregnancy must consider each individual case with great care. For artificial childbirth for a period of 20 weeks, a pregnant woman can be sent by a commission, which includes:

    • a gynecologist who observed the patient from the first days of pregnancy;
    • chief physician of a medical institution;
    • highly qualified specialist of a narrow profile (in the field of medicine in which problems were identified in a pregnant woman).

    After the consultation, the patient will receive an official document certified by the signatures of all members of the commission and the seal of the medical institution. A woman who has been given a referral for an artificial birth is advised to consult a psychologist, since in this stressful situation the patient's nervous system may give an unexpected reaction.

    Recently, quite often there are situations in which women who have received a referral for artificial childbirth for serious medical reasons refuse this procedure, citing religious beliefs. The consequences of such a decision can be unpredictable:

    • newborn babies may have physical defects;
    • babies can die during the first weeks of life;
    • newborns may have severe chromosomal abnormalities, etc.

    For mothers, this can be a real blow, which some of them cannot cope without outside help.

    Deadlines for termination of pregnancy

    Modern medicine clearly defines the terms in which an abortion is performed, and in which an artificial birth is performed. From 12 to 22 weeks, the patient can perform this surgical procedure. The gestational age is confirmed during an ultrasound examination of the patient. In the event that the medical council has doubts about the timing of pregnancy, the woman is assigned an additional laboratory examination. Only after the conclusion of a commission consisting of highly qualified specialists in the field of gynecology and obstetrics, a pregnant woman can undergo an artificial birth for a period of 20 weeks.

    The price for artificial termination of pregnancy for a period of 20 weeks is set individually by each medical institution.

    Artificial childbirth methods

    Artificial childbirth is carried out in a hospital, due to which the pregnant woman is under the constant supervision of medical workers. Depending on the specific situation and the gestational age, the child may be born alive.

    With proper care and timely medical care, there is a very high probability that he will survive and be able to fully develop in the future. But, unfortunately, artificial induction of labor does not always go well for babies, many of whom die in agony for a long time. Artificial childbirth is usually carried out according to the following methods:

    • a pregnant woman is given special medications (prostaglandin, oxytocin, etc.) that stimulate the onset of labor. With rapid labor, the patient is given drugs that slow down labor;
    • in the absence of labor, the pregnant woman is given a caesarean section. During this surgical operation, the abdominal cavity is cut, and after the body of the uterus. The abdominal operation can be performed both under general anesthesia and using epidermal anesthesia;
    • if there are medical indications, a pregnant woman is given special drugs that interrupt the intrauterine development of the fetus. After that, stimulation is carried out, and artificial labor is induced. If after birth the child shows signs of life, then he is killed. This procedure is usually performed at short stages of pregnancy and is often accompanied by trauma to the woman's internal genital organs. Medical abortion is carried out according to the same principle;
    • The most inhumane method of artificial termination of pregnancy is salt (candy) abortion. When using this technique, the fetus in the womb dies, experiencing unbearable pain. In the event that a born child remains alive, he will remain disabled for life and will not be able to fully exist in society.

    Possible risks associated with abortion

    Every pregnant woman who is referred by the attending physician for an artificial birth for a period of 20 weeks should be informed of all possible consequences. Any termination of pregnancy is a strong stress for the female body, which can result in serious problems associated with the reproductive system. A negative impact can also be exerted on the endocrine system, which controls many vital processes in the body. The most common consequences caused by artificial childbirth are:

    • intrauterine bleeding, if it is not stopped in time, the patient may die;
    • growth, in which breakthrough bleeding is often observed;
    • inflammatory processes, very often observed during artificial termination of pregnancy;
    • infertility, which even after long-term therapy cannot be cured;
    • inflammation of the abdominal cavity;
    • purulent abscesses on the uterine cavity, etc.

    If the patient decides to terminate the pregnancy on social grounds, she should think very carefully and consult with her family and friends. If in the future a woman who has undergone an artificial birth wants to become pregnant, she will need a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

    Video on how to do abortions in late pregnancy