Sunny tan and sunburn. Healthy bones and joints. It harms your eyes

Undoubtedly, every person, and especially the girls, dreams of a beautiful tan. Some regularly go to the solarium, others will gladly get tan in the sun. We have already disassembled the question. But how much useful to get ultraviolet radiation? Is the tan for our body and is it possible to get a tan without harm?

Know the measure!

Experts argue that the sun has a positive effect on the skin. Changing the color of the skin is like a protective reaction of the body. The melanin ejection in the skin and thus the body is protected from the burn. But notice if you stay in the sun very long, it can negatively affect your health. With a large dose of solar radiation, a sun burn appears.

For or against?

The question of how to sunbathe is in a solarium or in the sun, it is useful if it affects the body - positively or negatively, worries many. It should be noted that there are both the pros and cons of the effects of solar radiation. Due to the effects of ultraviolet, immunity rises. Cosmetologists argue that the rays spread the skin. And some scientists say that, a little accustomed to the sun, you will take care of depression and a bad mood.

But there is, unfortunately, the poor influence of the sun on the body. If you move to the tan, the result is not very pleased: skin cells are destroyed, its elasticity decreases. You can also get a sunnd. In addition, they say that the bust of the air reduces the duration of life. If you have a lot of moles and after the tan, their color, structure or size changed, be sure to consult a doctor. There is a risk of developing melanoma.


An unpleasant result after sunbathing may be a burn. Burns are varying degrees: when it is first there is a redness of the skin, with the second - blisters, at the third - the change in the structure of the layers of the skin, with the fourth - the skin is completely combusting. Depending on which the degree of burn, recommend different help. There are both folk remedies and various chemicals. With a slight burn, you can cope with him at home, if you have blisters and severe pain, it is better to consult a doctor.

Tan without harm. Is it possible?

  1. Try as possible to stay in the sun in the period from 11 hours to 15.
  2. Tanning in small doses, but regularly.
  3. Remember that the sun's rays affect each site of your body in different ways. There are places that are most susceptible to rays (for example, nose, belly, chest, forearm, etc.), and there are those where skin thicker and tan will be carried out longer.
  4. Sunscreen needs to be applied in accordance with the recommendations on the package. Do not rub, but applied with a thick layer. If the means is a non-color, then after each bathing you need to apply the means again.
  5. Before use, check the tanning tool on an allergic reaction.
  6. Before sunbathing should not be used by perfume. They make skin more susceptible, irritation or pigment spots may appear.
  7. If you are taking any medicines, then better consult your doctor about whether you can stay in the sun.
  8. After you have returned from the beach, wash everything under the shower and apply some calming or refreshing agent.
  9. Before the onset of summer, prepare the skin for the tan: Clean it, moisturize and vitaminize.
  10. To save the tan for a long time, use moisturizing creams always after receiving a bath or soul.

Tan topless: harm or benefit

To date, many girls prefer to sunbathe topless, that is naked. They want to get a uniform tan throughout the body. But some scientists argue that it can damage health, since ultraviolet has a negative effect on susceptible parts of the body. They advise sunbathing, thus, only up to 25 years. Otherwise, it is better to seek advice to the mammologist or oncologist.


For those who have no time or cannot be sunbathing, cosmetologists have come up with a very good tanning option at home. All that needs to be done is to choose the right tank of the tan in accordance with the color of the skin and evenly apply the cream on the body. After 3-4 hours, the cream is absorbed and the result is on the face.

This method is very convenient because it is available all year round. And besides, you do not have to spend money on an expensive ticket to the sea.

Tan in solarium: harm and benefit

Another way to get a tan without harm is the solarium. Solariums are different types: both horizontal, both vertical, and professional, domestic, etc.

Specialists argue that the natural tan is no different from the sun in the solarium. The effect is the same as it occurs the same protective reaction of the body.

Tanning in solarium, you need to take into account the following. It is not recommended to sunbathe more often than once a day. Before visiting a solarium, you can not take a shower, you only need to wash the cosmetics. It is necessary to protect when sunbathing the most vulnerable parts of the body: wear a hat, so that the hair does not swam, safety glasses in order not to damage the retina and eyelids, cover the nipples, moles and tattoos.

The tan, obtained in the solarium, is maintained for 2 weeks. To save the result, you need to repeat this procedure regularly.

Useful video about the solarium:

Opinion Elena Malysheva:

Therefore, the choice is always yours. If you are going to go to the sea, we take care of the sun, if you do not have such an opportunity, go, from time to time, to the solarium. More often, but not for long, go out in the sun.

Use creams, lotions and watch your skin. Do not overdo it and save the tanning!

The fact that the sun, air and water are our faithful friends, and the tan is health, we know from childhood. However, numerous studies conducted by scientists recently allow us to correctly understand these statements and not harm yourself. It turns out that excessive hobby increases the risk of oncological diseases. In 1996, the European Campaign "Europe Anti-Cancer" was held, one of the main slogans of which was: "I love the sun, but protect my skin."

Currently, doctors have more than 25 diseases caused directly by the Sun or amplifying under its rays. The sun is also the cause of premature skin aging.

Nevertheless, millions of people in all countries in the summer of whole days are "fried" in the sun, believing that the tan improves their appearance. Indeed, the tanned body seems more attractive, although before Coco Chanel introduced a tan in the fashion, he was not so attractive at all, because he testified about low origin and hard work in the open sky. By the way, according to specialists, the tan will soon come out of fashion for the reason that it is dangerous to health.

Make a reservation that the tan of Zagar is retrid. Easy, moderate tan is not harmful, but useful, for in the skin, enzymes and hormones are produced, increasing the immunity and the resistance of the body. But so we are accepted that we sunbathe as long as the body does not look like a head.

Consider some myths associated with the tan.

According to the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", not so long ago, British doctors Sam Schuster and Jonathan Rice announced - the difference in the occurrence of oncological tumors on the body at sunbathing and non-tanning people is practically absent. That is, the myth of the "sunny skin cancer" is fortiment leading cosmetic firms that need to sell their products. But is it?

Professor of the Moscow Research Oncology Institute Valery Starinsky gives convincing statistical data in Russia:
- in the 1st place as a whole - lung cancer;
- on the 2nd - stomach cancer;
- on the 3rd - skin cancer.

However, in the south, in the solar Stavropol, the Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov region, the malignant tumor of the skin is in second place, and in some way and on the first. It is also noted that in the cold north, skin cancer occurs 5 times less. Comment this data is probably not necessary.

Another common misconception is the conviction that sunscreens are protected from skin cancer.

In reality, creams are capable only to soften the effect of the sun. Head of the Laboratory for the Examination of Cosmetics Center for Cosmetology Correction of the Central CCD (Central Clinical Hospital) Lyudmila Gurochkin believes that from melanoma (skin cancer) cosmetics (including creams from the sun) will not save. In her opinion, the creams are really defended, but only on the burn, which is practically not connected with skin cancer.

With such statements in February 1998, American doctors, analyzing the results of several large research. It was a blow for American dermatologists recommended sunscreen to prevent skin cancer to their customers.

However, as noted by other scientists, studies conducted are not yet truth in the last instance and against the conclusions to which they led, there are serious arguments. On the other hand, the tan can lead not only to melanoma, but also to basal-linked and flat-stacked cancer, for the prevention of which sunscreen creams are still suitable. All the more effective they are for warning burns.

It is often possible to hear that sunscreens do not affect the intensity of the tan. Manufacturers themselves are sometimes written on the packaging of sunscreens that they do not affect the intensity of the tan. However, such information should be treated critically, since if the tool does not interfere with the tan, then it does not protect the skin, because the degree of bronzeness of the skin depends on the amount of sunlight on it.

It does not correspond to the reality and opinion that it is enough to smear once with a special cream so that the whole day fry in the sun. In fact, the cream must be applied after each bathing, as water, and then the towel completely destroy the protective film.

We note another misconception associated with the use of protective creams. It is believed that they need to use only on the beach. This is not quite so. The sun is still the same where you are, - on the beach or somewhere else. Therefore, if you spend a lot of time on the summer day, do not use special creams, it is better to wear light clothes and hats.

During his stay on the beach, it is often possible to hear from the mouth of the sunburning: "First turns, then turn painting ..." (In other words, it comes first the sun burn comes, and then a deep tan). But experts call similar judgments with dangerous delusion. It is not enough that sunburns are dangerous, in addition already tanned skin cells are prematurely die, and the skin begins to peel. And it turns out that it is more effectively sunbathing slowly and gradually.

Some people think that you can sunbathe until the skin is reddening and only then hide in the shadow. Like, the skin itself flashes when you need to stop sunbathing. In fact, at least a sunburn and is a kind of signaling, but it triggers five hours after "hacking". By this time, skin cells have long been damaged. And because hide in the shadow you need even before the skin turns.

There is an opinion that if you spend more time in water, then the sun burn is not dangerous. In fact, not so. As studies have shown, even at a depth of half the batcher, up to 60% of sun rays are overtaken. In addition, wet skin skips them better than dry.

So, maybe it is better not to sunbathe at all? Of course not. You can sunbathe, and it will only benefit if you follow the rules. A tanning should be avoided between 11 and 15 hours, during this period it is better to be in the shade, since the intensity of ultraviolet irradiation at noon is 10 times more than three hours earlier and three hours later.

Especially careful you need to be fair-haired people, red, with light skin, blue and gray eyes, as well as children - their skin is most sensitive.

Such people can be recommended the lace sun, that is, through the foliage, which gives a wonderful tan, and of course, do not use creams that not only do not protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight, but also can lead to dermatological reactions. The opinion is that as protective skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, it is possible to use yoke or cologne, does not correspond to reality.

These funds are good for the treatment of sunburn, but not to prevent them. For the same to protect the skin, special creams are needed. Interestingly, our ancestors were used by such creams. For example, Catherine II used cream made according to the following recipe: in whipped cream pour lemon juice and dilute with grape vodka. If you believe the historians, there were no problems with the skin of Catherine, which we wish you.

But the existent opinion that if there are carrots, you can fasterly tanned, does not correspond to reality. Carrots have no effect on the skin color (which, of course, does not mean that it is useless: Rich Beta-carotene, it is a great antioxidant and slows down the aging process).

Those who follow the recommendations of the "doctors", applying or a child on the skin with a SPF factor 15-25-50, every time he plays in the garden or on the beach, will definitely get Rahit. Sunscreen causes deficiency of vitamin D.Synthesized in the body in the sun. With a lack of vitamin, first of all, bones suffer. They soften. There are pains in the joints and bones. The pain is particularly acute at night. In addition, the lack of vitamin D is associated with multiple sclerosis

And, finally, several other myths associated with the effects of the sun per person.

It is believed that allergys the sun causes rash. However, in this case, the sun has nothing to do with it. Small acne or stains that appear at the beginning of summer on their hands, chest and shoulders are actually a skin disease.

With acne: It is not worth sharing the miraculous sun - it is not true that it dries acne (in fact the follicles are damaged, and the process is sharpened). To protect the skin, use protective equipment.

There is an opinion that the darker sunglasses, the better they are. However, this is quite the opposite. It is much more important that they do not delay ultraviolet. Dark glasses can even harm more, as they are even more ultraviolet rays through the extended pupils on the retina. The best thing Do not buy glasses and do not advise with a specialist in the selling store..

Summer is the perfect moment in order to go outside and enjoy warm weather. However, if you spend time in the sun without a sunscreen, you can seriously harm yourself. The tan does not always lead to a burn, nevertheless its consequences are not too pleasant in any case. The consequence of the effects of the Sun can be inflammatory processes, swelling, an allergic reaction. In short, you make a serious harm. Examine this list to find out in detail about all the possible consequences of the tan.

It destroys immunity

When the skin burns into the sun, the amount of so-called Langerhans cells decreases in the body. These cells are the first line of protection of the body from infections penetrating through the skin. Without them, the body turns out to be much more susceptible to the disease. Not only the burnt site suffers; According to studies, the immune response changes throughout the body. It is enough just to regularly apply sunscreen to prevent it.

This can lead to herpes appearance.

If you faced herpes, the time in the sun without a protective cream is not the best idea for you. According to statistics, the excessive exposure to sunlight weakens the immune system and leads to an aggravated manifestation of the virus. Scientists noted that out of 38 people with herpes 27 collided with the exacerbation of the problem after staying in the sun. If we are on the street with sunscreen, there will be no trace of herpes.

It can cause bloating

Burns can cause an inflammatory process due to which the body begins to delay the liquid. Sometimes the swelling is so strong that you can notice the weight gain by several kilograms!

It harms your eyes

Like any other bodies, the eyes are subject to negative impact of ultraviolet. The risk is especially high for them due to the fact that the traditional sunscreen cannot be protected. If you are not careful, you may encounter photo conjunctivitis. This is a reversible condition, but extremely painful - it makes every movement of the century unpleasant. High-quality sunglasses with a special filter on lenses will help protect against it.

As if pain from burn is not enough! According to experts, the impact of sunlight can lead to fever, chills, fatigue, nausea and vomit - all these symptoms are extremely similar to those that appear due to flu.

This causes the aggravation of the lupus

Volchanka is an autoimmune disease from which millions of people around the world suffer. With such a disease of the body cell attack themselves. The disease may occur in a hidden form, but the exacerbation can quickly appear - it is enough to spend time in the sun. The tan or burn will cause a rash characteristic of the lupus, and lead to the appearance of fatigue and joint pain.

It causes danger to pregnant women.

During pregnancy, a woman should exercise special caution to not harm the child. Of course, every woman knows that it is not worth smoking or drink alcohol during pregnancy. Nevertheless, even something is so simple as sunlight, may cause problems - the burn will become the potential cause of defects of development, premature contractions or even miscarriage.

This leads to dehydration

The skin damaged by ultraviolet swells, because of which the liquid leaves other parts of the body. Such a lack of fluid causes dehydration, and it, in turn, can lead to dizziness and fatigue in the muscles. Normal use of fluid will help to cope with such discomfort as soon as possible.

It can harm your feet

Not so long ago, the story of the Runcher was widespread, which was very burned. She had severe burns along the entire length of the legs, the recovery process was extremely painful. During the period of recovery, the pressure during walking or just staying was done by the pain unbearable. As a result, the woman was immobilized. Among other things, the wrong treatment could lead to the spread of infection, which made the situation even more dangerous.

This leads to the Harpivnice

People who take medicines like tetracycline or certain contraceptive, may notice that after the day on the beach they have a rash on the skin. This problem usually disappears during the day, nevertheless the rash is painful and looks nonethetically, which may be a problem in the summer when the clothing is open.

This causes acne aggravation

Excessive exposure to the Sun can strongly cut the skin. People with Acne will cause a serious aggravation of the problem. Even if acne is not chronic form, rashes can be very manifested because of the effects of sunlight, which increases the production of skin saline.

It affects fertility

It's hard to believe, but excessive stay in the sun reduces the chances of a woman to get pregnant. Studies demonstrate that ultraviolet affects the level of folic acid in the body, and its deficiency can lead to miscarriages and developmental defects.

It leads to shortness

The feeling of shortness of breath can seem like a productive training, but in the rest of the moments I want to breathe freely. Nevertheless, the sun can prevent this - one of the symptoms of the heat strike is superficial breathing. In this state, you should immediately access the doctor.

This may cause stroke

The heart is the most important body of the body, it should be protected by at any cost. Unfortunately, the excessive effect of ultraviolet means increasing the level of vitamin D, which can cause a stroke or a heart attack.

Your language can swollen

The skin on the lips can also burn. If the damage is strong, may be swollen the language, in addition, breathing is hampered.

It accelerates skin aging

Both women and men are ready for a long time to look for the perfect anti-aging agent. At the same time, many do not think that the main danger is the sun. The effects of ultraviolet destroys cells, and it accelerates the appearance of wrinkles.

It can cause itching

In rare cases, the effects of the Sun can lead to a strongest toide. It is almost impossible to cope with discomfort in such a state, even the cold shower only aggravates the pain. To transfer such a state is very hard.

This leads to the exacerbation of psoriasis

Millions of people around the world live with psoriasis, an autoimmune disease, which leads to the appearance of areas of irritated skin throughout the body. Doctors cannot explain what causes such a problem, nevertheless one of the reasons for exacerbation is sunburn.

This worsens a state with autoimmune diseases.

My sum is an autoimmune disease that weakens the muscles. According to research, women with mositis, which are under the influence of a high level of ultraviolet, are more prone to the development of severe form of the disease. It leads to the formation of painful rash in combination with the weakness of the muscles.

This leads to severe headaches.

If you suffer from headache or migraine, it should be understood that the impact of the Sun can cause exacerbation of discomfort. Even if you are not tormented by headaches too often, sunlight can be the cause of pain.

The number of tan fans in Russia is growing every year. However, doctors do not get tired to repel that the sun's rays are the cause of many serious diseases. What is the benefit and harm of the tan?

In the 80s of the XIX century in America and Europe, the tanned body was considered beautiful and desirable, which many people sought. This gave a scientist mass of reasons and materials for research. They found out that the skin changes, called age, for the most part depend on not on the number of years lived by a person, but from the harmful effects of ultraviolet, which is responsible for the appearance of the sun.

Thus, the theory of photorement was arose - premature fading of the skin under the influence of UV radiation. It is confirmed by the data that the skin of the inhabitants of the southern countries will grow faster than those who are not spoiled by the Sun. In addition, the open areas of the body, not protected by clothing, are faster than different changes.

Photostaria mechanism

Penetrating into the skin, UV rays are found with a natural ultraviolet filter - melanin, delaying more than 90% of ultraviolet radiation. Thus, the tan is nothing more than the skin reaction to the injuries of solar radiation. Now many people know that the prolonged impact of ultraviolet contributes to the development of melanoma, skin cancer, accelerates the aging and appearance of wrinkles.

Types of UV radiation

Types of sun rays
Ultraviolet radiation is divided into three components: rays A, B and C (Ufa, UVB-, UFS-rays, respectively). During the passage of sunlight through the earth's atmosphere, the most dangerous UFS rays and about 90% of UVB-rays of the middle range are absorbed by ozone, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Therefore, radiation that gives up to a person, to a greater degree contains Uhf ultraviolet and a small amount of UFA.

Than dangerous UFV rays
The UFV rays contribute to the formation of melanin, lead to photorestation of the skin, and also stimulate the development of most types of skin cancer, but they are blocked by protective substances contained in tanning creams.

Than dangerous ufa rays
Ufa rays are less active in stimulating the development of many types of skin cancer, rather than UFV, but they contribute to the formation of melanoma - the most dangerous variety of skin cancer. In addition, this radiation is not blocked by many solar filters, so the main protection from it is clothing.

Why ultraviolet is dangerous for a person:

  • it reduces the production of collagen - the protein of the body's connective tissue, due to the lack of which the skin loses elasticity and wrinkles appear on it;
  • it provokes overurbation and thickening of the horn layer of the skin, as a result of which it becomes dry, dim and rough;
  • it provokes vascular changes, impaired skin pigmentation, as well as the development of neoplasms.

About the benefits of the sun

A place under the sun
Despite the danger of ultraviolet radiation for the body, in small doses it can be useful. For this, just a few times a week to substitute the face or arms for 10-15 minutes a week.

Healing Ultraviolet:

  • under the influence of ultraviolet in the body, vitamin D is synthesized, which regulates calcium metabolism and serves as a building material for bone tissue;
  • sunlight activates the immune system, increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections;
  • the sun favorably affects the human nervous system, increasing the production of endorphins (hormone of joy) and thereby improving the mood;
  • in small doses, ultraviolet prevents the appearance of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis) and respiratory organs (bronchitis, rhinitis), dermatological diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema, etc.), brainwood failure.

How to sunbathe

You need to start sunbathing, in the morning and evening hours, spending on the sun from 10 to 15 minutes with breaks. Both dark-blooded people should be used to use sunscreens that correspond to their skin type and with a suitable protection factor. Applying them on the skin should be 20-30 minutes before the exit to the street.
Owners are particularly sensitive to the sunshine of the skin, it is necessary to be as often as possible in the shade and use the means with the highest SPF factor (Sun Protection Factor). Eyes and lips also need protection from the Sun, so you should use a sunscreen for the skin around the eyes, lip balm with SPF and wear sunglasses, going out.

Peelings are considered an effective elimination tool.
Symptoms of skin photo storage. They possess exfoliating
Action, and also return the skin tone and beauty.

Elena Kobzeva, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist:"Ultraviolet is the main factor of skin aging. With excessive solar irradiation, it provokes the so-called small-corneous type of aging. The skin becomes similar to a wrinkled baked apple covered with a network of small wrinkles. In addition, ultraviolet radiation provokes the formation of pigment stains. Especially this becomes noticeable over the age of 35. Therefore, in the summer it is necessary to constantly protect the skin with sunscreens with a high protection factor. "

Expert:Elena Kobzeva, dermatologist, cosmetologist
Katerina Kapustina

In the material used photos owned by

Some people believe that it is possible under sunlight for a long time, others suggest that these rays have a very negative effect on the human body. In order to make a choice, go to the beach for the portion of the sun or not, you should figure out the useful and harmful properties of the rays.

Bar use for the body

The sun rays are two types of radiation - infrared and ultraviolet. The second type of radiation is a wonderful bactericidal agent, as a variety of viruses, fungi and bacteria are destroyed, those that are able to have a negative impact on the human body are destroyed.

Also, the use of tan is to activate the processes of skin sharing. Due to the effects of sunlight, skin healing is accelerated. There are cases of getting rid of people with solar baths from such pathology as psoriasis.

Since the body is saturated near the vitamins under the influence of direct sunlight, the strength of its resistance to the occurrence of various diseases increases, mental activity increases. Vitamin gives the strength of bones and teeth. The reserves of this beneficial matter will help the body to prevent the development of such pathologies as Rahit and osteoporosis. Benefits also lies in the decrease in cholesterol in the blood, a decrease in its density.

Solar fasting for a long time negatively affects the health and well-being of a person. Explicit signs of tanning lack are:

· Muscular weakness;

· Permanent sense of drowsiness;

· Reduced level of immunity;

· The emergence of the state of depression.

In order to avoid similar consequences, there are various solariums.

Harm tanning for the body

Most often, there is too many times to negative consequences, during which a person is under the influence of sunlight due to ignorance about the possible harness of a tan or the desire to quickly get beautiful tanned skin.

The consequences of the following actions can be both small and very serious, dangerous to human health and life.

1. The most serious consequence can be such pathology like oncology of skin or melanoma. The accelerated development of this type of tumor contributes to the ambulance after the occurrence of metastasis. With a frequent case of melanoma is a deadly outcome.

2. It is often occurred by such a destructive human effect - photobores. Provided that this effect was earned by a person, the skin is deprived of elasticity. In addition, the number of cells of the horny epithelial layer begins to increase, due to which the skin becomes very coarse.

3. No less detrimental influence can have too long stay under the influence of sunlight and eye. Cataract can develop, conjunctivit. The most serious consequence can be a malignant tumor of the cornea.

4. Low immunity appears in most cases, which increases the chance of cancer tumors.

5. When repeated long-term intakes of solar bath, the unwanted effect accumulates, which may contribute to such harvest of the tan, as the development of the pathologies listed above.

There are also certain signs, if you have, a person should not sunbathe.

1. The presence of any tumors.

2. Reduced level of functioning of the immune system.

3. The most dangerous long sunbathing people having a blue eye color and light hair color.

4. The presence of chronic pathologies, as the tan can contribute to their exacerbation in the undesirable summer vacation period and vacation.

5. Availability among close relatives of those who had a cancer tumor - melanoma.

6. Skin diseases are also contraindicated to long-flowing under sunshine.

The following instructions and tips should be followed in order to the tan not harm for your body.

1. According to the WHO standards (World Health Organization), under the rays of the star, it is possible not more than 10 minutes during the start of the season and about 2/3 hours at its time.

2. should not be sunbathing provided that the person has any contraindications.

3. No need to abuse sunbathing.

4. It is important not to forget about the presence of a variety of sunscreen cosmetic products that can save from burning and sunburn.

5. After the beach, there should be a shower and take care of the skin with the help of specialized moisturizing creams.

6. It is important not to fall asleep on the beach, as it can cause serious health problems, in which only a qualified medical specialist can provide help.

7. Provided that there was a desire to get a smooth and beautiful tan throughout the body, it is worth doing this very carefully. A safe clock to obtain such a tan is the next day: from 8 to 11 am, from 4 to 9 pm. Do not lie on the beach during the aggressive sun - during lunch. The aggressive sun from 11 to 4 hours of the day most often contributes to bad well-being and the appearance of unwanted pathologies.

It should always be remembered that the tan is useful only under the condition of its proper receipt, and can also lead to detrimental consequences in case of violation of the rules for the use of solar baths.

Carefully and be careful about the condition of your body. If the first signs of poor well-being appeared after the arrival from the street after a long walk or from the beach on a hot clear day, you should contact a medical specialist. He will help his advice, and will also increase the chance of sufficiently rapid recovery when identifying any ailments, for example, solar strike.