Soviet women during the Great Patriotic War. Russian women are special

Many of our compatriots are thinking about marriages with foreigners. And they have every chance of this: no one will argue with the fact that most Russian women are beautiful, smart, well-groomed, know how to run a household and put family values ​​in the first place. But there is no such thing as a barrel of honey without a fly in the ointment. Interestingly, and what claims are representatives of other nationalities against Russian women?

They are not punctual

Western men, for example, are terribly outraged that Russian women are late for dates and do not even apologize. This is normal for us. Any self-respecting girl considers herself simply obligated for at least 15 minutes. Let her wait and be worried!

They pay extra attention to their appearance.

Western ladies do not take care of themselves too much, striving to be on an equal footing with men. And they are surprised that Russian women leave the house every time in full dress.

Dora Kiralikhidi, business director of the Hungarian agency LeoBurnett, comments: “Abroad, I can always identify a Russian woman - they diligently paint and dress up even to go to the beach. Naturalness and lack of cosmetics are not in vogue here. It is hard not to notice that Russian women use a lot of perfume with a very bright, strong sound and constantly update it throughout the day. You can feel it even from a distance! To my taste, too much. "

Well, about makeup and perfume, this is a matter of taste, but I must admit that well-groomed Russians outwardly often differ very favorably from Western ladies who like to walk around in jeans and with careless hairstyles, with the exception of some particularly special occasions.

They like to wash for a long time.

The habit of our women to stand under the shower of foreigners for half an hour is simply shocking. In Europe and the USA, it is customary, they even plug the sink during washing so that the water does not drain. And here is such waste!

They are fixated on marriage.

In Russia, it is customary to have a family by the age of 25, otherwise you will be considered an old maid and a failure. In the West, marriage is often postponed until the age of 30-35, and the birth of children is even up to 40: it is believed that first you need to firmly stand on your feet, make a career, and only then ... Therefore, Western men and women are surprised that Russian women are so worried about marriage and childbearing in the period when "life is just beginning"!

They are too mercantile

German designer Heinz Schulze, who has lived in Moscow for many years, talks about Russian women: “Of course, money plays a primary role for them. And they themselves are looking for a husband with an apartment, a car and a bank account. "

From childhood we are vaccinated: a man must support a family. Therefore, looking for a spouse, a woman hopes to be behind the "stone wall". On the whole, according to statistics, women in Russia earn less than men. What wonder if she is interested in the welfare of a potential life partner?

They are incapable of partnerships.

Our women have not yet been spoiled by feminism, so they believe that a man owes them something like the weaker sex: pay for dinner at a restaurant, serve a coat, bring a bag ... Residents of Western countries, where they are now trying in every possible way to minimize social differences between the sexes, this, of course, terribly outraged.

They aspire to be the head of the family

In Russia, as you know, most families live according to the principle: "The husband is the head, and the wife is the neck." Rarely in any family does a wife not seek to command her husband.

This behavior is especially puzzling for the representatives of the eastern peoples. In the East, after all, it is customary for a wife to treat her husband respectfully, to look after him and his relatives, to be submissive ... At the same time, among many peoples, a woman has no right to sit at the same table with men. And try to tell this to a Russian woman! According to the inhabitants of the East, Russian women are too impudent and self-confident, do not know their place in the house ... Eastern men admire Russian girls, but they are not always ready to marry them.

They don't like to plan.

In most Western countries, it is customary to live on a schedule. And the Russian woman is surprised when her betrothed informs them that after work he has a business meeting, then a trip to the gym, and he cannot find time for a spontaneous date with her ... In the same way, she does not understand why it is impossible to immediately purchase a new vacuum cleaner or dishwasher car.

They get married with the whole family.

A Russian woman considers it her duty to take care of her parents, and sometimes her siblings and their children. If in the West relations with relatives are usually limited to Sunday lunches, Russians constantly visit their relatives and often help them financially.

One foreigner answers the question why he does not want to marry a Russian:

“Frankly speaking, I am terribly frightened by the parents of a Russian girl. They live according to some special rules. They try to be in a very close relationship with their daughter and her chosen one. When you come to them, they constantly strive to sit at the table and feed until you fall under it. In addition, it is believed that the girl's father will test my drinking and political skills. And I am not strong in either one or the other. "

It is clear that it is difficult to change the mentality. But still, there are things that Russian women should seriously think about. Especially if you are going to connect your fate with a representative of another country or nationality.

After the regiment of applicants for the chair of the Russian president arrived, and besides Ksenia Sobchak another glamorous character announced his desire to run - Ekaterina Gordon, the time has come to speculate about the place of women in power, in the Russian power.

They are not the first

Indeed, the girls are not pioneers here. The history of the Russian state knows enough women who formally or actually ruled the country. Beginning with Princess Olga and ending Empress Catherine the Great... V Xviii century, women generally occupied the Russian throne for 66 years, surpassing men in both the quantity and quality of government ( Peter the Great put out of the brackets). But after 1796 year there was a pause with women in power.

At least an inferior minister

Russian autocracy since Paul I, on the power ambitions of women formally put an end to. You can talk about one or another influence that wives and mistresses had on the adoption of power decisions. But there were no women even next to the chair of the head of the ministerial department. It would seem that the Soviet government, with its slogan about a cook who runs the state, should have taken a giant step forward, but it also failed. Lenin's wife Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya rose only to the post of deputy people's commissar of education of the RSFSR. And the feminist symbol of the Soviet era has definitely become Ekaterina Alekseevna Furtseva, who served as Minister of Culture of the USSR for more than 14 years. And as I noticed Gennady Khazanov: "Furtseva could be the minister of anything." It is necessary to remember and Maria Dmitrievna Kovrigina, with 1950 to 1953 the years headed the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, and with 54th to 59th- the Ministry of Health of the entire Soviet Union.

Russia - women forward!

In modern Russia, according to the global trend, women are gradually beginning to occupy leading positions in the management apparatus. Number one in our hierarchy - Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko... Her Soviet and diplomatic career over time has consistently led Valentina Ivanovna to the post Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (1998-2003),Governor of St. Petersburg (2003-2011) and Chairman of the Federation Council (since 2011)... Incidentally, the third post in the country's leadership.

The Government of the Russian Federation at one time included Ella Pamfilova(now Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation), Tatiana Golikova(now Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation), Elena Skrynnik (Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in 2009-2012). The latter was involved as a witness in a fraud case involving employees of the Ministry of Agriculture and as a suspect by the Swiss prosecutor's office in a case of money laundering. The case was dropped. Now there is a post in the government Vice Chair takes Olga Golodets, Minister of Health - Veronica Skvortsova, Minister of Education and ScienceOlga Vasilieva.

Deserves special mention and Elvira Nabiullina occupying since 2013, the post of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation... Elvira Sakhipzadovna, who began her civil service from the position Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Reform of the Ministry of Economy of Russia, then from 2007 to 2012... headed this government structure. Considering the high appraisal of the President of the Russian Federation and the entire economic community for her work as head of the Central Bank, the record low inflation in the country and the recovery of the financial sector, it can be assumed that Nabiullina has good career prospects. There is talk about the possible leadership of the Government.

Frederic, 45 years old, France

We have the idea that women from Eastern Europe, and therefore Russians, are a little bit slaves. They obey their husband in everything, do not contradict him, jump up to clear the table, and so on. I don't know what about other countries, but the ladies from Russia are definitely different. Proud, self-willed, with character.

Your women are well versed in high technology, much better than French women. They are always in touch, actively use numerous applications, and masterfully search for information. And at the same time, they have completely archaic views on some things. I myself have heard young Russian girls (25-27 years old) reflecting on “female” and “non-female” professions, that the main thing in life is to marry successfully, be a good wife and follow a man everywhere. Moreover, they came to France on their own, developed a route on their own, easily booked and rebooked train tickets over a cup of coffee. They were superbly educated, well-read, traveled half the world ... Here you will not find such thoughts among the younger generation, this is typical of women over 70. And your ladies have the same attitude towards sex minorities ... The last century.

Russians bother a lot about looks. Very much. Someone builds eyelashes, and someone does not use cosmetics, but maniacally follows the combination of colors in clothes. We also have such ladies, but there are fewer of them. The dissonance is that from people who are so preoccupied with their image, you usually expect coldness, closeness, selfishness, narcissism. But in the case of Russians, every time you understand that you were wrong: they turn out to be sincere, warm and open. True, I think you are more anxious and less confident than French women. The very fact that it is so important for you to make a good impression bears witness to this.

With Russians, everything is not the same as with others: you never know what to expect from them. You are unpredictable. You seem to have "know limits". Thinking as if “anything is possible”, and it doesn't matter in what area: open a restaurant, go swimming in the lake at night, get ready for a trip in two hours, get a job outside of your specialty and make a career, write a book, make a film. You are always at a low start and are always ready to swing over the barrier. And yet, it seems to me, Russian women are less prudent than, say, French women. If they like food, they will eat more than they need; if they come to a party, they will easily exceed a reasonable portion of alcohol. It’s not clear to me what makes them do all this.

Slavs are credited with sadness and melancholy, but here I agree only partially. Yes, Russians are more worried, "where is he, what's wrong with him, why doesn't he call, and suddenly something happened." French women are calmer and do not spoil their own mood by what has not happened yet. But on the other hand, Russians are cheerful, sincerely show emotions, and know how to have fun. And in general, they are optimistic about the world.

I heard that the Russians are calculating and mercantile, they say, keep your eyes open, otherwise you will go around the world. I have never met such women. On the contrary, I talked with those for whom material values ​​are not the main thing. With those who, with great difficulty, agreed to me to pay the bill at the restaurant. Who preferred to give gifts and were embarrassed when receiving them. People are different, and you cannot judge everyone equally.

“I easily recognize Russians on the street, and it's not about blond hair. The main thing is the blush like your nesting dolls. This is a sign of health. "
Frederic, France

Australian opinion on Russian girls

Robert, 37, Australia

Women in Russia are very beautiful, and at first I fell in love two or three times for every subway ride. You definitely know how to look cool anytime, anywhere, but it doesn't come for free. And I'm not talking about the monetary side of the issue, although I understand that everything is not cheap. Once during a lesson (I am teaching English), we talked about the word "narcissism." The student asked what it meant. I explained that this is a negative concept, and a "narcissist" is a person who cannot calmly walk past a reflective surface and constantly checks how he looks. The girl looked at me, puzzled: "What's wrong with that?" My jaw dropped. I looked at the others - and everyone had the same question in their eyes.

One day I went on vacation with my Russian girlfriend, now an ex. Whenever I tried to draw her attention to something interesting, it turned out that she did not notice anything - she was correcting her hair, then her makeup (listen, young ladies, nothing happens to them so quickly, unless, of course, you fell under tropical downpour). Or posted a selfie on Instagram. It upset me: she missed everything that was happening to us and cared more about how she looks in the eyes of others, and not in mine. I appreciated her beauty, but the moments that we lived together were much more important.

With regard to sex, women here are more eager to fulfill their partner's desires. Almost every girl asked about my fantasies (I even had to invent new ones) in order to immediately realize them. Russians are confident in themselves and in their physical shape (of course, they spend so much time to maintain it). So games in front of a mirror or intimate selfies are no problem, rather, it is perceived as the highest form of praise. All in all, I have to admit, sex is wonderful and full of enthusiasm. But, unfortunately, you cannot build a relationship on it.

I was told that Russian women are very independent and know what they want. With the second part, I would agree, with the first - more difficult. In Australia, a relationship is regarded as a partnership. Both participants share the responsibilities equally. In Russia, judging from my experience, everything is more old-fashioned. One day after a party, I decided to help clear the table and wash the dishes. My then girlfriend and her friends looked at me in amazement: you shouldn't do this, you better sit and have a drink with other guys. Not that this is a problem for me, but you feel a little selfish and misogynist. In Australia, everyone, regardless of gender, is involved in household chores - just to quickly get even with them.

Once during the lesson, the conversation turned to gender roles. Surprisingly, most of the students fiercely defended the traditional patriarchal order. It was the girls who performed the loudest, and the men supported them. There were a few brave men who spoke out for equality, but they were quickly pecked at by the ladies wanting to keep the status quo from the 1950s. I have met in Russia independent beautiful feminists with a wild, untamed soul, who are unlike anyone else. But in general, I think the girls here are exactly as I described. Stereotypes are imposed on them from early childhood and affect their self-perception and self-presentation. Sometimes for good, sometimes not.

Russian women are frank and will tell you directly what they think - is it good or bad. I love that they are always ready to support you and help you with advice (and they are amazingly insightful). They are generous and caring. I have many female friends and I hope to keep our fellowship together when I leave.

American opinion about Russian girls

Jeff, 29, USA

Russian women are great, it's true. One morning in St. Petersburg, on the banks of the Neva, my American friend and I met two very smart girls - high heels, short bright dresses, flashy makeup. They looked like aliens. My companion, seeing them off, said: "They are dressed as if they are going to a nightclub, but this is just a morning walk!" In general, Russians dress beautifully more often than American women. On the one hand, it takes so long that I sympathize with them. On the other hand, they obviously enjoy themselves, so ... respect!

What struck me was the absolute indifference of your women to feminism. The mass of American women do not consider themselves feminists. But if you meet an educated girl from a big city, most likely she will support this belief system, or at least speak positively about it. Meanwhile, some liberal-minded, reasonable and strong Russian women think that feminism is some kind of stupidity and “not for them”. For me, this is a normal and obvious value system, so it's not easy.

It is difficult not to fall in love with Russian women for their kindness and attention to others. Whether it's a grandmother scolding you for not wearing a hat in the cold, or an official making an effort to help (albeit after a few requests), or friends making gifts and beautiful postcards for you by hand. And I want to say that they are not obliged to make all these wonderful things, but every time their heart melts. The women I associate with at work, at home, in stores always make me happier. I even feel like a bit of an energy vampire. But it's hard not to have sympathy for people who are really nice to you and heartbreakingly good-looking.

Your conservatism does not amuse me too much. I don't mind being a man at all, carrying heavy things and all that. But when a friend says something like “I'm a typical woman: I drive like an idiot” or “I'm just a stupid girl,” I want to take her by the shoulders, shake her and say: “Never say that, you're smart!” A couple of times I slept with a girl who called me "girl" because I washed the dishes after her own dinner.

In many ways, Russians are more straightforward than American women, and that's usually great. But when it comes to relationships and sex, you start talking in riddles. A girl can expose your words to excessive analysis or say something incomprehensible, and then expect miracles of deduction from you. Sometimes it seems to me that I found myself inside a Russian drama, where inviting a young lady to a party or helping with English suddenly means that I am in love with her and want children from her, although I just wanted to be a good friend. I made a lot of stupid mistakes, not understanding what the girl really wants from me.

Russian women are very generous when it comes to sex. But their conservative side is also evident here. Blowjob is included in the compulsory program of the night, but at the same time about half of the girls are extremely surprised (sometimes frightened) when I propose to do cunnilingus. I try to be considerate of my partner and make sure that she reaches orgasm. But with some, sex is more like a show for me alone. Once I asked a friend: "Do you want me to help you cum?" (after he did it himself, and she obviously did not, because she was too carried away by incredible acrobatics). She replied: "Stupid question." OK. I understood it as "No, but thanks."

“They hit the ground with their pins and fight for something that means a lot to them. This is a special Russian stubbornness. "
Jeff, USA

We also heard that ...

“... Russian girls are too fond of intimate haircuts. They shave everything off there. What for? It's completely unnatural. "
Cataldo, 39 years old, Italy

“... they are too worried about small things. I understand that the 1990s were a difficult time in Russia, but in England, for example, not at all, we had different childhoods, hence the problems. Let's say I'm a spender, and my Russian wife is extremely frugal, and sometimes we argue about this. But I really think it's time for you to stop worrying about everything. "
Jason, 31, UK

“... the average Russian woman is much more savvy in matters of fashion - including men, than an ordinary European. When it comes to sex, I personally have not noticed any major differences, although your girls are probably more passionate. Stereotypes? I've heard that there are two categories of Russian women. The first are rich spoiled sexy dolls who have not worked a day and are burning their parents' money. The second are cold as stone, ready to sweep away everything in their path, just to get what is required. So, I have not seen the first, but I really believe in the existence of the second. "
Lucas, 31, Switzerland

The topic of "women of easy virtue" during World War II is absolutely forbidden in Russian propaganda. There were, of course, such women, there were brothels - "Brothel houses", open to the occupiers, and there were simply accessible women. Incidentally, women made up three quarters of the population in the occupied territories.

Since prostitution flourished most massively in Crimea, it makes sense to refer to the testimonies of eyewitnesses who survived the occupation there. After the liberation of Simferopol from the Nazis on April 23, 1944, the Crimean Commission on the History of the Great Patriotic War was created. The members of the commission appealed to the population with a request to submit the documents of this period. Thanks to this, the diary of the Simferopol dentist Chrysanf Gavrilovich Lashkevich has been preserved in the State Archives of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. “Many Russian women, from the very first days of the arrival of the Germans, struck a vile relationship with them,” he testifies. - These were the most beautiful, groomed women from Simferopol. We saw them in the first days walking with the German officers. Then the women got in easier with the German soldiers, and then with the Romanians. "

“Why, in fact, are our women so accessible and openly given to the Germans? - the old Simferopol doctor wondered. - That love does not take place here is obvious: too hasty and massively ties are made, and in the overwhelming majority of cases, those entering into a relationship do not understand each other. Is the hypnosis of the winners at work here, do the Germans have a personal charm? Maybe our women are impressed by the bearing of the Germans, their white skin and the cleanliness of the body, which they watch so carefully? Perhaps the military uniform produces an irresistible influence, perhaps the Germans know how to treat women in some special way? Or maybe there is the influence of "fashion", news, curiosity, a desire to experience new unknown and unexpected sensations? Or is there ... a simple practical calculation - with the help of a lover to dress more beautifully, to furnish himself better, to flaunt in front of her friends, to have a sweeter meal? Undoubtedly, violent coercion also happens, but I think that this latter happens very rarely. "

Konstantin Simonov in his war diary quotes the words of one of the officers, said after the liberation of the city of Kerch in January 1942: “Here the Germans two weeks ago, by the New Year, opened an open recruitment to a brothel. They just offered to volunteer to sign up there. So here I have documents from the magistracy. There were women who applied there. ... The Germans did not manage to open the brothel - we interfered. And I have the statements. Well, what to do with these women now? Where did they come from? "

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Gulag Archipelago, vol. 3, part 5, ch. 1) also thought about those Russian women who “converged with the enemy not in battle, but in bed”: “Some girls fell in love, as we didn’t get tired for fifteen years shout that there is no homeland, that the fatherland is a reactionary invention. Others are bored with the puritanical blandness of our meetings, rallies, demonstrations, cinema without kissing, dancing without hugging. Still others were captivated by courtesy, gallantry, those trifles of a man's appearance and external signs of courting, which no one taught the guys of our five-year plans and the command staff of the Frunze army. Still others were simply hungry - yes, primitively hungry, that is, they had nothing to chew. And the fifth, perhaps, did not see any other way to save themselves or their relatives, not to part with them. "

Historian Boris Kovalev discovered in one of the archives an order from Berlin to the local occupation authorities, in which it was noted that the cohabitation of German soldiers with Russian women was acquiring catastrophic proportions, and therefore it was recommended during resettlement to place at least three German soldiers in one room so that they would keep an eye on "Moral character" of each other. However, breaking the ban was common.

True, if a child was born - another matter. Since March 1943, at the birth of a child from a German soldier, Russian mothers had the right to receive benefits. Of course, this right was framed with a whole bureaucratic procedure. “When registering children born out of wedlock who descend from German fathers, one must simultaneously submit evidence that confirms the paternity of the German soldier. ... The registry office official must take testimony from the mother who is the father (surname, name, rank or insignia, military unit) and what led to sexual intercourse (stay at the apartment, work of the mother in the military unit, etc.) and whether the soldier recognizes paternity. The volost foreman gives an opinion whether the testimony of the mother is trustworthy, interrogates any acquaintances who are still possible on the mother's side, takes all 10 fingerprints from the mother and, as soon as possible, sends the materials with his opinion to the district burgomaster. "

According to the order published in the "Voice of Crimea", "all children born to Russian women from German soldiers will be considered Germans, the German government will help such children with feeding and upbringing, while upbringing will be carried out in the German spirit." Nevertheless, according to Lashkevich's testimony, “the pregnant women flocked to the doctors for abortions in droves,” and it became clear that abortion was prohibited. “After all, Russian women, although not German, are still Aryans, therefore, the offspring from the Germans will bear all the signs of a“ superior race, ”- this is how the author of the diary answered the question why the Germans prohibit abortion. - Far-sighted people! It is only interesting to know who will be right: the Germans, expecting German offspring from Russian women, or me, expecting Russian offspring from German soldiers? "

Russian women. Beautiful, feminine, special. More often not very happy, but always unique. Why?

Russian women. Beautiful, feminine, special. More often not very happy, but always unique. Why? There are many myths and refutations about this. Western beauty contests indicate to us that in fact Venezuela is in the first place in the number of beauty queens, but "in one Moscow subway you can find more beauties than in the entire United States." This is recognized by all men who had the opportunity to make at least an external comparison between Russian women and foreign women.

Those who got acquainted with the peculiarities of the behavior of Russian women consider them mysterious and inexplicable. And why? Neither psychologists nor ethnologists have found an answer, dismissing this statement as empty and far-fetched. And in vain, this phenomenon is easily explained from the standpoint of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Whenthe hut does not burn, and the horse stands calmly in the stable,
the Russian woman feels a little uncomfortable.

The secret of the unbridled Russian disposition is in a special mental superstructure, peculiar only to our geographical and historical unique forest-steppe landscape. The mental superstructure is not innate, it is laid by the society in which a person grows up. So, born and raised in England, no matter what vector set it may be, will have a certain amount of skin pragmatism and practicality inherent in the Western skin mentality. Residents of any other European country and the United States acquire the same mental superstructure.

The mysterious Russian soul is determined by a completely different, special, urethral-muscular superstructure. In the mentality of the Russian people, providing it with a special worldview and perception, the steppe freemen and the unbridled temper of the nomads merged with urethral properties. This is what distinguishes Russians so sharply from representatives of other nationalities, and also provides them with a completely different path of development, different from others.

Many Russian women, with their urethral-muscular mental superstructure, demonstrate the same will, thirst for life, and the depth of moral search that any Russian person does.

"Women need help!", Or why Russian women don't ask for help

The urethral woman, possessing the property of bestowal by nature, is independent, able to stand up for herself and help others. These features were projected onto the carriers of the Russian mentality, sometimes causing certain contradictions. It is difficult for a Russian woman to ask for something, she secretly hopes that the man will guess, but she herself does not speak about her shortcomings. The people believe that this is the innate independence of "Russian women".

A lot of anecdotes through oral measure pronounces this question: a Russian woman does everything herself, while her husband is resting after work / sleeping / watching football / drinking beer / gaining strength before the "war" and so on. And the wife does not even think of initially sharing household responsibilities, defining responsibility for the husband in order to cope with family life together. No, a Russian woman works, looks after the children, leads her life and helps her husband to work alone. This is the "hard woman's lot."

Of course, for women of other mentalities, it is unbearable. And the Russian woman's huts are burning, the horses are running, and she unconsciously takes all this for granted, because according to the urethral task, you need to take care of the survival of the whole flock. She does not know how to be weak and therefore fearlessly takes on any load, without asking for help (after all, no one is standing behind the back of the urethral, ​​he is the latter responsible for the survival of the flock).

Of course, a woman needs support, but chieftains do not ask for help. Often, a Russian woman does not ask for help either. It's hard for her, it's also hard for a man. Instead of being a giver and responding to the desires of his woman, he is out of work, not understanding his role. Gradually, he moves away from all questions, turning his life into a series of unfilled everyday life and now taking any request with gravity. These same husbands complain that they do not hear gratitude from their women for what they have done, accomplished, etc. Of course, without a sufficient emotional connection between a man and a woman, it is quite difficult for a man to accept such an attitude. If you want to understand the reasons for the resentment and passive behavior of some men, then this is a separate topic ,.

Moreover, a Russian woman is, yes, able to cope without outside help. Unable to withstand sometimes life with her husband and divorcing him, a woman, despite all the hardships of life, lack of material support and great fatigue, does not give up, works and raises children alone ... making sure of her own independence, but not happiness. Skin women in the West are never so shortsighted: they use their position to shift financial responsibilities to their father.

Men must be protected, they are good

The urethral recoil property also manifests itself in special pity. In the urethral woman, this is pity for not very adapted men, who have a weak right to bite, because of which they cannot participate in the struggle for a female, but they experience a shortage, and it is to them that the urethral is attracted by shortages. In Russian women, this manifests itself in a slightly different way. The laws of attraction do not change, but behavior with a man: a woman treats her husband's failures with special warmth and tenderness. She seeks to support him, she is more likely to cope with his problems herself than to entrust it to him.

This is especially pronounced among Russian women - owners. Over-concern and over-pity (if there is also a visual vector) discourage a man's desire to go and get a piece of bread for the family. Relatively speaking, instead of pushing the man out of the apartment and watching from the window how quickly he will go to work, the woman strokes him on the head, regrets, hugs him and comforts him. Needless to say that no other woman in the world even has such tendencies?

The long-suffering of a Russian woman - a byword among other nations - is provided with a mental muscular superstructure. To endure a lifetime of jealousy, mistreatment, and alcoholism in a partner requires more than feeling. We strive to be "no worse than others", to be like everyone else, and for this we can be patient. The same superstructure gives a greater endurance and hard work in work and in caring for the sick, which is so successfully used by Western immigration services when selecting immigrants.

Russian women are the most beautiful in the world

Many people consider this a myth, because in all nations there are beautiful women and not very by the standards of some kind of standard (usually a skin-visual female). But it is about the Russians that they speak of them as bright and charming. And this is no coincidence. In terms of the number of women in heels, Russia has long overtaken even Italy, cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry, and so on - this is typical of Russian ladies in large quantities. Compared to the fair sex of Europe and America, our women always stand out for their beauty and grooming.

Such an unconscious approach to self-care is due to the fact that, through themselves understanding the value of the attractiveness of the skin-visual female for the urethral male, they feel what needs to be done to maintain interest in themselves as a sexual object. At the same time, there is a tendency for a woman to walk “fully armed” on the street (ie, on the external landscape), but at home, on the contrary, she does not feel the need for it. These switchings for a lady are fraught with a decrease in her constant partner's attraction to her, therefore, at home, you should also keep yourself in shape.

The global belief that Russian women are the most beautiful began with the observation by the foreign community of Russian skin-visual women traveling abroad. Women with this particular bundle easily change their place of residence and are the brightest among others. They easily master the unfamiliar landscape of other countries. Naturally, they found themselves among other, local skin-visual beauties, but even among their own kind they were distinguished by a special charm.

The exceptional charm and brightness of these women is ensured by a special level of development of the visual vector against the background of the Russian urethral superstructure: only the best, most sensual skin-visual beauty becomes a woman of the urethral leader, she received the highest right to bite and fell under the protection of the pack. That is why every Russian woman unconsciously strives for this model. In contrast: the skin West, on the contrary, building a horizontal system of equal opportunities, provides opportunities for survival for everyone, regardless of the level of development, thus creating mass culture and at the same time leveling the incentives for high development of vision.

The general opinion about Russian women was formed precisely thanks to the skin-visual beauties. But, of course, it's not just them. Russian women attract with their inner charm, just as the urethral female progenitor attracts. A man next to such a woman will feel a little more calm and confident, since unconsciously he will have the idea that he will be accepted as he is, showing mercy in advance.

Russian woman: special doom

I am standing at a restaurant, getting married is late - early to die.
Folk art

Anal values ​​are complementary, since these vectors are located in the same quarter. For the worldview of a Russian person, this means the presence of such values ​​as honesty, friendship, decency. For a Russian woman, this determines a special system of perception, where anal values ​​occupy one of the significant places. Thus, most of the fair sex in Russia are good housewives, caring mothers and wives, who have an idea of ​​marriage as an integral value for a woman.

And even with the accelerating tendency towards the destruction of the institution of marriage among representatives of different nationalities, it was Russian women who remained loyal to the idea of ​​marriage more than others. Not surprisingly, they are so popular with foreign suitors who cannot keep up with their “feminized” local women and are looking for a decent spouse.

Why are Russian women like that?

Russian women with their properties collectively personify mercy and the forgiveness of the urethral-muscular mentality. These are special, strong-minded women who were the first to show their role next to a man 100 years ago. For the first time in the world, it was Russian women who entered the workplace on a par with a man, sat down at a school desk, and even entered the military and revolutionary ranks.

While the French women demanded women's freedom in the right to determine from whom it would be better for them to receive benefits for the children of their no less free love, and American suffragettes had demanded suffrage for themselves in elections for 100 years, the Russian woman entered a new role for herself as an engine for the development of society, taking take responsibility for the fate of the country without gender exploitation and class oppression on an equal basis with men.

Without loud slogans and lawsuits, she began to fulfill her own task, and this determined her position in the new, emerging country. The first collectively educated woman who is not infringed on her rights and who consistently gets a job is a Soviet woman.

For all the complexity of the life of a Russian woman, it is she who today is growing and developing at an incredible pace. Accelerated female development for the alignment of men and women occurs throughout humanity, but with its characteristic urethral superstructure, it is the Russian woman who is taking a leap forward. And first of all it concerns the representatives of the sound vector. Their desires are enormous, they push them towards knowledge, conditioning their high intelligibility. The demands and expectations of such women towards men are enormous, primarily intellectually, and of course, in terms of social realization.

A man is a giver, a woman is a receiver. The growth of her desires and abilities is a request for a new level for a man, the incentive that pushes him to a new round of development. Inspired by the most beautiful and intelligent women, sonic men get the impetus for spiritual quest and greatest realizations.
