Sleep in the mountains. Sleeping bag blanket. What is the comfort temperature and extreme temperature

Sleeping bag - an integral part of the equipment of any tourist. We recommend referring to the choice of a sleeping bag with special attention.

Temperature Sleeping Bag

Maximum, minimum and comfortable temperature - these are the main indicators. The lower chapel speaks of a permissible temperature, but not about any convenience and warmth, with this indicator, it is not worth talking. The same with the maximum temperature: you will not be hot, only if you are slightly told the sleeping bag. Therefore, the primary is an indicator of a comfortable temperature, as it reflects the real features of the sleeping bag. It is worth considering that the numbers shown on the sleeping bag do not guarantee you comfort 100%. This is due to the fact that the sleeping bag does not heat, but helps to keep the heat generated by the body. Therefore, if you have froze much during the day or badly filed, do not hope that the sleeping bag will warm you. Before lie down in a sleeping bag, PRESSED AND EACHING HOT AREA. This will allow the body to "warm up", and further depends on the correctly selected temperature regime.

Weight and sleeping bag size

Consider a total of several indicators: the sleeping bag should be sufficiently easy, but do not neglect the indicator of a comfortable temperature. Choose optimal by weight and with sufficient comfort temperatures for specific climatic conditions.


It is several types, and they are fundamentally different from each other. The most common is synthetic and natural. Synthetic fillers are cheaper than natural, not afraid of water and will dry faster during wetting. As a rule, they are bought for high-rise ascents, as the mountaineering is important and the warming properties of the sleeping bag. Pouchers are an order of magnitude more expensive than their synthetic "colleagues." When choosing a downstorm, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the ratio of fluff and feathers in the filler. Down mixes are different ratios, but the more fluff in such a composition, the warmer will sleep in it. Most of the serious manufacturers use the fluff in sleeping bags: at least 80% of the total mass. Everything else is replaced by small feathers. This ratio will make your sleeping bag warm, and sleep is comfortable.

How to pick a sleeping bag?

Choose the sleeping parameters that are suitable for you. But the increase is best added 15-20 cm for more comfortable sleep. For convenience, use that will allow you to more compactly fold the sleeping bag and save space in a backpack. But keep a sleeping bag follows in the deployment!

Form of sleeping bag

Form distinguish 2 types of sleeping bedrooms: blanket and cocoon. The sleeping bag is more comfortable for sleep, but often has a lot of weight. This type of sleeping fitness is suitable for family tourism or short trips. Cocoon has a comfortable hood and narrows in shape to the legs. Ideal for long trips and trekking. It will allow you to save it warm, but a little ships movement.


Sintepon and similar materials remained in the past. Now modern, lungs, warm synthetic materials are relevant: Hollofiber, thermo-moisture and others who quickly dry by the fire or with strong wind, as well as possess hippallergenic properties.

For ease of storage, we offer you attention, thanks to which the sleeping bag will be more compact. To dream to be more comfortable, we advise you to purchase, which can be ordered on our.

Guided by this information you can pick up an optimal sleeping bag for you and your campaign.

The compliance of the sleeping bag to the intended temperature range of its operation is the most important parameter when choosing.

The temperature regime of most of the sleeping bags sold today is determined on the testing database, the regulation of which is described in EN 13537: 2012. For tests, a thermo-mannequin is used, which simulates the heat generation of the "average" man (age 25 years old, height 173 cm, weight 70 kg) and "middle" woman (age 25 years old, height 160 cm, weight 60 kg). In accordance with the test method, it is assumed that sleeping uses a set of thermal power and socks. According to the regulations, the zipper of the test sleeping bag is completely fastened, and the hood will come and correctly tightened.

According to the test, the bedroom bag is assigned a temperature range consisting of 4 values:

    T, Max - The upper limit air temperature, in which the "medium" man is comfortable sleeping in a relaxed pose without feelings of cold and significant sweating. This value is not necessary to publish the manufacturer of the sleeping bag, because Does not affect the safety of human life and human health. During the definition of the parameter T, MAX sleeping bag during the test can be fastened not to the end. T, Comfort. - The temperature at which the "medium" user-woman is comfortable sleeping for at least 8 hours in a relaxed pose. This value is required to publish on the sleeping bag label. The range between T, Max and T, Comfort temperatures is conventionally called the "Women's Comfort Zone". T, Limit. or "Lower Comfort Limit" - The ambient temperature at which the "average" user-man is comfortable sleeping within at least 8 hours in a position that prevents the heat loss (curled and pursing his knees). This value is required to publish a bed bag manufacturer. If only one value from the entire temperature range of the EN 13537 is indicated in the directory, then it is T, Limit, because It characterizes the limiting operating conditions, in which a sleeping bag is able to provide a safe sleep. T, Extreme. - denotes the temperature limit at which there is a risk of hypothermia capable of incuring serious harm to the health of the sleeping. At this temperature, the "medium" user-a woman is able to sleep within 6 hours in a pose of preventing the loss of heat. At the same time, a shiver is not excluded, which increases the metabolism and the separation of heat. There is no question of a comfortable dream - at such a temperature there may be repeated awakening due to the sensations of the cold. The value of T, Extreme is required to publish on the labels of sleeping bags that have passed the EN 13537 test.

How to use en-test data when choosing a sleeping bag?

In order to sleep in a sleeping bag was really comfortable. Stick the following rules:

    When choosing, never focus on the Extreme temperature. It is provided by the test center to determine the maximum low boundary at which the sleeping bag provides any reasonable thermal insulation. The use of a bag at temperatures below this threshold is associated with a risk for life. In some situations, for example, to save the weight of the equipment, the sleeping bag can be used in the Extreme Zone. But this is the prerogative of hardened and well-trained athletes who sometimes use a sleeping bag in combination with the upper clothes, often for only 1-2 overnight. Sometimes the value of T, Limit is considered as the "recommended" manufacturer of the use temperature. In practice, it is really comfortable to sleep at such a temperature. there will be only enough experienced and physically tempered touristscapable of choosing the set of clothes for sleeping weather conditions. Inexperienced users using a sleeping bag on the border of the "lower limit of comfort" may feel discomfort due to cold. Also on T, Limit can be focused people with large physique . Focusing when choosing a sleeping bag to T, Comfort, if you wear a cold And it is easy to freeze, do not differ with a strong physique and do not have solid tourist experience.

Remember that laboratory testing does not take into account many factors from real hiking practice. It is carried out in a closed room, devoid of draft or wind. The test conditions suggest that sleeping is not wet, not hungry, do not experience hypothermia and overwork. Absolutely new sleeping bags are provided for the test, which did not lose their properties in the wear process. The realities of the campaign may challenge you with the listed problems, so think well before buying a sleeping bag, standing on the border of the intended temperature range you intended. Sometimes it is more expedient to purchase a sleeping bag with a small "reserve" on thermal insulation.

On how to choose a sleeping bag tells our expert Sergei Savelyev

Slide the boundaries of a comfortable temperature range can be applied, for example, a combination of two sleeping bags. So, experienced climbers sometimes use two sleeping bags in one expedition. The first is light and thin, activated at approaches, at small heights. The second is warm, used in intermediate camps when climbing. If the light sleeping bag is inserted inside the warm, it turns out to be a tandem that can withstand extremely cold conditions with which there is a risk of encounter at large altitudes. The fact is that an additional air layer arises between the inner and external sleeping bag, which significantly increases the overall thermal insulation.

If you go hiking not one, use two identical sleeping bags with a versatile lightning position that can be combined into one 2-seater sleeping bag. Sleep together in one bag will be much warmer than one by one in different.

For additional insulation, a sleeping bag can be used in conjunction with a warm liner. In addition to the heat insulation, the liner performs the hygienic function of bed linen - thanks to him, the sleeping bag itself will have to wash much less frequently. Some liner models are so warm that they can be used as an independent sleeping bag in warm weather - Sea-to-Summit Reactor Thermolite Extreme.

The values \u200b\u200bof the EN test do not give absolutely reliable values \u200b\u200band the temperature boundaries defined by them have errors. Therefore, if, according to the test, one of the sleeping bags "warmer" of a competitor at 2-4 ° C is not always manifested in real operating conditions.

The feeling of heat and cold is very individual for each person and can vary depending on the degree of acclimatization, psychological state and other factors. Therefore, en-test data should be considered when choosing as an approximate reference point.

The EN 13537 test test is an expensive procedure and wear a recommendation. For this reason, many manufacturers do not hold it. First of all, this concerns small "garage" brands, for example, known in the Z-Packs mining medium. But there are among them such large and authoritative manufacturers like Mammut and Therm-A-Rest. Despite the fact that the EN-test their sleeping bags do not pass, indicated on labels. Temperature values \u200b\u200bhave the same record form. They indicate the upper and lower limits of comfort and the "extreme zone". Manufacturers receive this information by conducting their own tests, as well as using calculations on the basis of those data, which is obtained for en-test similar bedrooms from competitors.

What sleeping bags are not required to undergo a test according to EN 13537?

    Sleeping bags for kids and young children. Test centers cannot simulate on the mannequin the heat dissipation of the sleeping child during sleep in a sleeping bag at low temperatures, because For ethical considerations of the test for the perception of the cold were not carried out on real children. Sleeping bags for militarybecause The requirements of the armed forces of different countries to the uniforms used and the rugs are much different and can differ significantly from those used by the Regulations of the EN13537 standard. Sleeping bags with a comfortable sleep temperature below -24 ° C. Extremely low temperatures may assume sleep in a sleeping bag in insulated clothes. Modeling such conditions within the standard test is not possible. The labels of sleeping bags intended for extremely low temperatures, the temperature of the lower limit of comfort is indicated. It is calculated by manufacturers independently on the basis of the heat capacity of the insulation and its mass, after which it is confirmed within the framework of the inventory tests. Non-standard sleeping bags. We are talking about 2-seater models, quilt and sleeping bags without a hood.

What insulation to choose a sleeping bag?

A lot of copies are broken on the field of disputes about what a heater in a sleeping bag is a synthetic or natural down.

In order for and you did not have to be immersed in the depths of these discussions and simplify the process of choice, we are an outdown zone of effective use of the Pooh and "Synthetics", which established in the last decade of development of the global industry of sleeping bags.

When should you give preference to a pokho bed bag?

Pooh is an unconditional leader in the "Weight / Heat" ratio, which is determined by the indicator Fill Power . High-quality fluff-feathers that give a real advantage in the sleeping bags in front of modern synthetic insulation with F.P. indicator. 750 or more. Thermal insulation provided by them with a low weight, predetermined the degree of fluff in the following conditions:

    In sleeping bags for extremely low temperatures with a comfortable sleep temperature close or below -24 ° CEnjoy the polar explorers, high-rise climbers, hunters, winter tourism lovers, etc. For so cold conditions, there are bags and synthetic insulation, but they are incomparably more in the packaging volume (sometimes 2-3 times) and an order of magnitude harder. In combination with thin tissues and concise design pooh is used in the production of sleeping bags of ultralite-class. It is no less important here is the high ability of a downhill insulation to compression. Compressed ultralite sleeping bag is very compact and occupies a volume of 2-3 liters. This property made superhigh down-down sleeping bags popular not only in the medium of mining, hiking and cycling tourists, but also among kayakers.

Manufacturers are constantly fighting with the main disadvantage of the fluff as the insulation - the fear of moisture. Today, it is increasingly treated with hydrophobic impregnation and use materials that do not absorb moisture as a fabric shell. They do not solve the problem 100%, however, so a flipping bag remains much longer dry in the campaign.

Central Tien Shan, ascent to the peak of Khan-Tengri. Intermediate camp 2, height 5,300 meters. Gorogovatteners dry sleeping bags sketching them on a tent © Michael Khomenyuk

To prevent any sleeping bag from wetting and dampness, use the fitness of the appropriate size. Some models, such as SEA-to-Summit Dry Compression Sack, are conveniently combined with the properties of "Herma" and a compression bag.

When is it worth choosing a sleeping bag with a synthetic insulation?

In essence - for all indescribed above situations. Manufacturers and users implies unpretentiousness and relatively low cost of synthetic insulation, especially against the background of global prices on the fluff. "Synthetics" is able to maintain most of its volume during moisture, almost without changing its heat insulating properties. In this case, such insulation will quickly dry - a very important positive property, because In the campaign and conditions for drying bag can almost not be. In recent years, many synthetic insulation appeared, which have a good "Weight / Heat" ratio and are compact in the package. All listed properties predetermined the domination of synthetic insulation in:

    Campground and budget tourist beds - For low cost. Tourist sleeping bags for 3-season operation - for resistance to moisture and general unpretentiousness. You can spend one night in the mining routes in the snow on the pass, and the next - already in the warm valley on the river bank. Conduct with such a drop of temperature and humidity of synthetic much easier than the fluff. In some models of winter sleeping bagswhich are used for serious temperature differences accompanied by high humidity. Such conditions may be frequent in mountaineering, as well as during hiking at the beginning of spring.

Sometimes manufacturers combine two types of insulation in one sleeping bag. So, for example, the bottom SIVERA SHUUSH -9 BEDGER NUT THE SYNTETIC CLIMASHIELD APEX insulation, which reduces heat loss from the back, because less satisfied. And its top and sides are insulated with high-quality down with F.P. 800+.

None of the insulation applicants are not eternal. Any sleeping bag over time is crushed, loses the volume and ceases to hold the air as efficiently as a new one. Therefore, the durability of the insulation actually depends on the active operation of the sleeping bag.

In this regard, the fluff is an order of magnitude higher than the existing synthetic insulation, but under one condition - a sleeping bag should not be subject to regular compression in the raw form. It is able to "kill" a fluff insulation literally for a couple of seasons. Alas, but never subject to compression in a wet state in real marching practice is impossible. Nevertheless, the downstairs in neat hands serve without loss of properties much longer than their counterparts with synthetic insulation.

Extend the life of the bedroom bag will help proper storage. Carefully dry the sleeping bag after a hike. Do not store it in a compressed form - in a compression bag or vacuum package. It is better to use a volume packaging bag for this, hang a sleeping bag on the hanger or gently fold it on the shelf or in the furniture niche.

Weight and Sleeping Bag

The low weight of the equipment always promises the tourist an important advantage - with a light backpack much easier to advance through its route. However, the weight of the sleeping bag cannot be estimated in the separation from its heat insulating properties, as well as forms and size. If the sleeping bag is much easier than its analogues, pay attention to what measures did the manufacturer go to achieve this and how will this affect the comfort of your sleep?

For example, developers can reduce the weight of the sleeping bag without losing heat-insulating properties. Having reducing the amount of insulation used on the back, where it is still crushed and the rug is responsible for the thermal insulation. However, this approach makes sleep on the side by uncomfortable - the user's back quickly cools, leading to awakening.

Comparison of the dimensions of packed sleeping bags - from a camping bedroom-blanket to a flip ultraight model ©

With the weight of the sleeping bag is closely connected and its volume, because the easier the sleeping bag, the more compact in the package. The small volume of the sleeping bag promises the user only pluses, because This item of equipment is the largest size of the entire belling equipment and "eats" a significant proportion of space in a backpack.

For overnight, a sleeping bag is simply indispensable. When choosing, you need to take care so that it comes to both your physical parameters and climatic conditions of the area. It is unacceptable to frozen or not to sleep due to the fact that the equipment turned out to be incorrectly selected. Some moments when choosing will not be obvious as the 1st view, all can be frozen in the bag at a temperature of -5 s, even if there is a marking of -15c. What to pay attention to when choosing?

Temperature index

The main indicator of the sleeping bag is the temperature threshold at which you will not be cold at night. This parameter is indicated on all sleeping bag models. As practice shows, it makes sense to take a sleeper "with a stock". If at night it will be hot, you can always open, but it will be much more difficult to warm up in the cold. Temperature index key parameter when choosing, but not the only and not absolute. Alone and the same temperature is felt in different ways. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the humidity, the temperature of the earth, the wind strength and even height above sea level. It is impossible to know in advance what nightwife conditions are, it is impossible, here's another argument to buy the warmest models.

Seasonality use

There is a clear classification for the time of using sleeping bag. 3 Seasonal sleeping bags usually have labeling -2 ... -5s. In principle, overnight in them in the open air or in a tent you can at any time of the year besides winter. Summer sleeping bags can only be used at the plus temperatures, but they are more compact and lungs. Winter models on the contrary, take more space in the backpack, but they can provide heat and comfort at temperatures to -15c. There are extreme models for winter overnight stays. In them, a person will not freeze even with large frosts to -25s.


All sleeping bags can be divided into 2 main types: cocoon and blanket. If you are going to hiking, it is best to prefer cocoon, such a model has a smaller weight and the best heat conservation indicators. If you remain in the tent, and the weight of the equipment will not have a decisive value, you can choose a bag - a blanket, sleep in such conditions will be more comfortable. In addition, a person of a large set will be very uncomfortable every time to climb into a narrow cocoon and get out of it. There are combined models. Such sleeping bags have a rectangular shape, but equipped with an anatomical hood.


From the point of view of growth, it is very easy to choose a sleeping bag: you need to add 25-30 cm to growth, such will be perfect length. The width is somewhat more complicated. It all depends on personal sensations. The bag should not be too narrow, but also too spacious, too, in this case you will freeze. There is a classification of sleeping bags in size: children's, teenage, standard, large, double sleeping bags. It is best to first decide on the category, and then select a suitable model for yourself.


One of the key points is the choice of material. It is the filler that determines how warm and comfortable will be a sleeping bag. Fillers are on sale. 3 types are found: syntheps (or polartek, as they refine a warmer option), fluff, synthetics. Each material has its own advantages.


Budget models of sleeping bags in most cases are made of syntheps or polyartek. This material is very difficult, in addition, a sleeping bag even in folded condition will be quite large. As for the warmth of the material, in the sleeping bags of polyartek, you can spend the night even in the open air, although there are more warm materials. Basic dignity - price. If you need a sleeping bag for rare overnight stays in nature and do not want to overpay, it is quite possible to stay on such a model.

Like a fluffwater, such a sleeping bag will be very warm and at the same time light: a huge number of aircrafts between individual rugs make material ideal from the point of view of heat conservation. Problems begin if the sleeping is inserts. In this form, the bag will not warm at all, but it will be quite problematic to dry it in hiking conditions. It is best to acquire down the downstairs for the night in cold conditions inside the tent or another room. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the type of filler used. The main parameter is the volume to which the compressed oz of the fluff is restored. A good fluff This parameter is at a minimum at the level of 600.

Synthetic fillers

Such bags will be a bit harder than dying, and the price of them is significantly higher. But professionals choose a sleeping bag exclusively from this material. Synthetic is not afraid of moisture, if necessary, a bag can be easily dried near the fire. The thermal characteristics of such sleeping bags are almost the same, regardless of the brand. Well-established models with hollow fillers have proven. These materials differ from the usual thickness of the fibers and the number of holes in each fiber. Experienced tourists prefer such sleeping bedrooms because of the ease of care and the ability to spend the night in raw materials.

Fille marks

Not only the material is not only the type of filler, but also its brand. Virtually every sleeping bag has an appropriate labeling, which can be judged by the operational properties of the bedroom, choosing an optimal model for itself.


Non-woven material from polyester. A separate fiber has one empty channel, and the material itself consists of a weaving fibers twisted into the spiral. Weaving from above is covered with silicone, which increases moisture resistance, in addition silicone makes a sleeping bag very soft, it can be comfortable to lie even on a rigid surface. This material perfectly holds heat, if necessary, it can be dried in hiking conditions.


Non-woven material from polyester, each fiber has 6 separate channels filled with air, which dramatically increases the body's ability to retain heat. The external coating of silicone allows filler not to absorb moisture. Operational characteristics are similar to HOLLOWFIBER-1, however, this material is considered better. In the packed form, the sleeping bag from this filler has a minimal mass and dimensions.


Non-woven material, different from the analogues in that the fibers do not contain emptiness, the overbinding of the fibers is also covered with silicone. A distinctive feature is the maximum elasticity. A sleeping bag with a filler Micro-Loft resembles a flipping bag, but is delivered from all associated shortcomings. For so low weight, thermal resistance indicators are the best.


Nonwoven material, separate fiber has 7 channels filled with air. This ensures maximum heat safety and moisture resistance. Bedrooms with filler from quallofil are available for extreme conditions, you can spend the night in the snow at minus temperatures. Among the shortcomings it is necessary to note the high price of the filler.

Outdoor Bedroom Material

Most manufacturers are used to finish the nylon modification bedroom. This material is perfectly suitable for almost all types of sleeping bags. But if you are going to prefer a model from the fluff, nylon is not suitable. In this case, you need to choose a coating of tissues capable of keeping down. PERTEX AND ULTREX materials have been proven well. In addition to the ability to hold down, they are distinguished by maximum moisture resistance, because the down sleeping bags are very vulnerable to moisture. Dear models are sometimes supplied with a special membrane that allows you to pass the air, but delaying moisture. Such covers are marked as DRY-LOFT.


When choosing a sleeping bag, most tourists do not pay attention to the packaging, and this is one of the main parameters. A good sleeping bag will take a little place in a backpack. It is best to choose models not traditional shape in the form of a roll. New models are equipped with special pips compressing them in length. As a result, the volume is significantly reduced, and the package is reduced.

Extra options

Anatomical hood

Some sleeping bags are equipped with a hood with a screed. Such a sleeping bag takes a little more place, but perfectly closes your head from frost, moisture and wind. A large volume creates a "depth", allowing the head is warm, and the screed around the edge will not get into the cold air. If you spend the night in winter conditions, you need to choose models equipped with cotton insert.

Warm collar

Additional section of the fluff near the neck will protect from the wind. It is well combined with an anatomical hood, making protection from external weather conditions more complete. A larger volume of the sleeping bag will be able to warm up faster, and during the night stay warm. The volume of the sleeping bag almost does not increase, but comfort will increase significantly.


Do not forget to carefully examine the fastener before buying. Ideally, if from the inside to the zipper, the tape is laid, which will prevent cloth snacking. The clasp will be easy to open and close even in complete darkness. The expensive model of the bedrooms are supplied with a protective valve located along the entire length of the zipper. He will protect you from the heat loss through the clasp. Useful trifles is the presence of a fastener "Velcro". It is a ribbon near the hood and is designed to ensure that lightning is not unclipped. spontaneously.

Trapezoidal sections

Choosing a flipping bag to pay attention to the shape of the sections. The fact is that manufacturers are trying to force any filler to lie to a flat layer so that there are no "weak" places through which heat will go. Pooh has a tendency to fall, which often occurs in ordinary models, the padding sections in which have a parallelogram form. Trapezidal sections allow you to avoid this trouble. Sections are very stable and do not change the form.

Several temperature modes

Dear bedroom models have a temperature labeling with 3 indicators. At T ° Max temperature, we will excellently feel even in the open tweeted bednging. T ° Comfort shows the temperature threshold at which inside will be warm enough without additional clothes. T ° Extrem shows the minimum temperature for overnight in a specific sleeping model. You will feel warm only if you have extra clothes and rug.

Bedroom equipment

Buying a cheap model, we get the set only a nylon bag. For long use, many little things will be unnecessary, which are in good models. A compression bag will give the opportunity to reduce the size of the sleeping bag several times. Many manufacturers are put and repair kit: pieces of filler, fabric, fasteners, lace with a retainer. In hiking conditions, it will be very by the way, if the sleeve is to damage the sleeping bag. It is very convenient to use cotton liners, which also includes a set of elite sleeping bags. They significantly increase thermal insulation.

We wish you a good choice!

Not enough. Even in the summer, closer to the morning, the temperature of the air is sensitively reduced and finding the tent will not save you from the cold.

In this material, we will tell you in detail how to choose a sleeping bag for a trip and what characteristics are guided to find the perfect bed.

Sleeping bag makes it possible to sleep comfortably and relax. It is comfortable in the campaign, it's easy, takes little space, it is warm and cozy in it. The design feature is such that it retains heat and provides thermal insulation. Not replaceable thing in nature for traveler or climbers.

3 Characteristics of the right bedroom bag

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the three main parameters:

Classification in design

Weight and volume are influenced by various factors (type of insulation, dimensions, materials and others), but the main thing is the design.

There are two types of design:

  1. A blanket.
  2. Cocoon.

A blanket

It has a rectangular shape and zipped, most often on the one hand. Designed for summer or warm autumn-spring time.

If the sleeping bag is completely unzipped, then the usual blanket will be. It is spacious inside and comfortable, but does not have the best thermal insulation indicators.

The blanket is suitable for the warm southern nights, can take with you to the sea or camping. For heavy trekking trips, when the air temperature can fall below zero, it is necessary to truly professional equipment to which the cocoon belongs.


The main difference is the presence of a hood for the head. Unlike a blanket, the cocoon is narrowed to the legs, and the lightning is not unclipped to the end. It is intended for use in low temperatures, because it retains the temperature well, and this effect is achieved due to a more dense fit of the body.

Manufacturers equip some models with warming placams and a special insulation for the neck. The advantage is small dimensions and weight. Very popular cocoon, like, in it, the baby will feel comfortable at night and will not open.

What insulation are sleeping bags?

Materials used in "Stuffing" - a huge set, but the main ones are natural fluff, wool or synthetic materials. All options have, both their advantages and cons.

Choosing a tourist sleeping bag from the fluff, you get the advantage in the ratio of heat / weight. They are pretty light, durable and breathing. A bag of fluff is more expensive, but it will last longer. Home "Pain" - moisture. If it wuresward, then drying will take a long time, and the transportation in the wet state will increase the weight. We recommend that they store them in a compression bag to ensure moisture protection.

Wool is another natural material. Used sheep or camel wool. Wool is warm and unlike synthetic materials does not collect condensate.

Synthetic is the most common material used for sleeping bags. The advantage of synthetics in drying speed, especially relevant in a rainy and wet climate.

Comfort and Temperature Parameters

Under this concept implies the temperature to which a sleeping bag is calculated. The comfort estimate is tied by the lowest temperature that it withstands. Evaluation is made according to EN 13537. It implies a series of dough on a mannequin, imitating an average person who is dressed in thermal underwear and lies in a fully fastened sleeping bag.

Manufacturers assign classes: summer, three-season (off-season), winter and extreme.

Information is applied to the sleeping bag, for what temperatures it is intended. Temperature range sets, with a difference of 10-12 degrees Celsius (T, Comfort)

For example, a winter sleeping bag can have indicators from -23 ° C to -12 ° C, one digit can be on an extreme instance - the limit to which it is designed (T, Extreme), and summer often go without any information.

What is an off-season sleeping bag? It is intended for a comfortable sleep in spring, summer and autumn. Not suitable for low temperatures.

Table with Temperature Tourist Sleeping Bag

But is this table right 100%? Not quite, as the level of metabolism for each person is different. Scientifically proven that women sleep colder than men. In any case, this table will help narrow the search range.

In addition to the sleeping bag, other tourist equipment can affect the temperature comfort:

  • Rug (foam): or so-called karent. He isolates the space between you and the soil, and also adds depreciation;
  • Tent: Creates an air layer;
  • Metabolism: all people have different metabolism, and someone feels cold in a dream more, and someone less;
  • Sexuality: Women carry cold worse men. Women consider this fact when choosing a sleeping bag and select temperature regime with a reserve;
  • Moisture: when wet weather, the cold is heavier;
  • Soil: Sleep comfort also depends on the soil on which you will sleep if it is grass or earth, it will sleep warmer than on the stony ground;
  • Clothing: Much will depend on the thermal electricity and what clothes will be dressed.

Selecting a sleeping bag for growth, it is worth adding 15-30 cm. To the growth of the owner. This size will be ideal for a pleasant sleep and comfortable maintenance of temperature.

Video about the choice of sleeping bag for tourist hiking

Popular models in the market

We have compiled a list of the 10 most interesting tourist beds on criteria for the price / quality, reviews and estimates on the portals. Amazon, Yandex Market,, Rei, Outdoorgearlab. Selecting a sleeping bag yourself, focus on these well-known brands.

  • Temperature range from -12 ° C to -7 ° C;
  • Weight 2.5 kg;
  • Form: Cocoon.

When it comes to the question of price and quality, then a better option than this cocoon with an insulating water repellent synthetic material, not found.

Alexika Iceland is great for hiking in the autumn-winter period, or at cool summer time. In the middle of Russia, the summer will be hot in it. The only minus is its volume. Due to the materials used for isolation, it is not sufficiently tight. The price is acceptable, good quality, and customer reviews too.

Cost from: 7100 rubles.

Trek Planet Norge.

  • Temperature range from -18 ° C to 2 ° C;
  • Insulation Type: Water-repellent synthetics;
  • Weight 2.6 kg;
  • Form: Cocoon.

Budget trekking model from Trek Planet. It is perfect for beginners who want to acquire their first sleeping bag.

Synthetic insulation material (Hollowfiber) with two layers, which will be superbly saved at low temperatures. The collar in the cocoon is additionally insulated.

Trek Planet has only 11 models of trekking bedrooms, in the price range from 2900 to 4100 rubles, Norge is the most expensive. If you do not have a budget of 8-15 thousand rubles, we advise you to pay attention to this particular manufacturer, quite popular, by the way, among tourists.

  • Withstand frost: -1.67 ° C / -9,44 ° C;
  • Type of insulation: goose down;
  • Weight: from 800 grams, depending on the size;
  • Form: Cocoon.

Insulation of a goose fluff, and the surface of ultra-light synthetic fibers. The sleeping bag is incredibly convenient, has excellent depreciation, in the hood there is an extra cushion for the head. Refers to a three-season category, and the lower limit of comfort -9.44 degrees.

The best aspect ratio and level of comfort. It is achieved at the expense of the vertical location of partitions, minimizing the number of fluff needed to keep you warm.

  • Temperature rating from 1 ° C to 6 ° C;
  • Insulation Type: Flannel and Synthetics;
  • Weight: 2600 grams;
  • Form: blanket.

Made of high-tech synthetic tissues, it is one of the most popular sleeping bags presented in the market. The main advantage is a water-repellent effect achieved through the innovative production of material using nylon.

It is suitable for summer campaigns and non-cool spring-autumn walks, you can consider it three-season. The design of the blanket, but the bag has a hood, as well as pockets and protection against zipper.

The inner tissue is made of flannel (Fabric of fully natural cotton), and external insulation of synthetic materials (polyester 190t and Ripstop PU 250).

Cost from 8650 rubles.

Alexika Canada.

  • Class - Extremal
  • Temperature rating: from -11 ° C to -5 ° C;
  • Insulation Type: Synthetic Drive;
  • Weight: 4.2 kg;
  • Form: blanket.

You will forget that sleep is not on the home bed, Alexika Canada has an increased level of comfort due to the rectangular shape and a large amount of insulating material, but, unfortunately, it affects its mass.

It is suitable for harsh climatic conditions, and probably this is the best model among the blankets, the most popular, so exactly. Although the bottom comfortable temperature is -11 ° C, but the extreme temperature may reach -25 ° C.

Many users complain about its size and weight, but it is worth it, because it is designed to preserve the temperature in harsh climatic conditions. For minus 10 sleeping at home under a simple blanket!

  • Temperature rating: -14.4 ° C / - 7.78 ° C;
  • Type of insulation: goose fluff;
  • Weight: 0.91 kg;
  • Form: Cocoon.

If you are going to the trekking campaign in winter, then you need to take a winter sleeping bag with you. Such is Marmot Lithium 0, designed for comfortable sleep at low temperatures. The insulating material used in the bag is a goose down, and the shell of water-mounted synthetic materials based on nylon.

The sleeping bag is quite lightweight, as for the winter sample. His weight is 0.9 - 1 kg, depending on the size. The bag is well folded and convenient during transportation. The pleasure is not cheap, but health and comfort in the campaign above all.

  • Temperature rating: -7 ° C;
  • Insulation Type: Synthetic;
  • Weight: 1.42 kg;
  • Form: Cocoon.

If you plan to go hiking with your children, then they will also need a good sleeping bag. This SlumberJack model is one of the best children's bedroom bags. A synthetic filler is used, thanks to which the bag can be used at low temperatures.

Special design prevents heat loss in the neck area and shoulder belt. The main drawback is a big weight!

Rei Igneo.

  • Temperature rating: -7.22 ° C;
  • Heater Type: Synthetic;
  • Weight: 0,512 grams;
  • Form: Cocoon.

The uniqueness of the sleeping bag is that Rei developed it together with Toyota. It has a water-repellent surface, low weight and withstands the temperature to -7 degrees Celsius.

Rei seeks to create products that differ in high quality and does not strongly press on the wallet.

  • Temperature rating: from 25 ° C;
  • Insulation Type: Synthetic;
  • Weight: 1 kg;
  • Form: blanket.

A bag with a filling of synthetic materials has a durable water repellent coating due to the high density of weaving tissues of the shell. Lining from a breathable material that does not allow to work the body.

The comfort level is the lowest, respectively, the price of this sleeping bag is low. The perfect option for summer holidays.

Alexika Mountain Compact.

  • Temperature rating: from -6 ° C to -1 ° C;
  • Type of insulation: synthetic, two-layer;
  • Weight: 1.7 kg;
  • Form: Cocoon.

Popular three-season model capable of withstanding the temperature in minus six degrees. The insulation material retains the heat of your body and provides a higher proportion of heat to weight than any synthetic insulating types.

Today we will talk about the important equipment of the hiking, about a sleeping bag. We will collect high-quality sleeping bags, we will analyze what the difference between the cocoon from the blanket and the fluff from the SingyDona.

After examining all the information presented below, you will finally answer the question:

So let's go ...

Sleeping bags are 3 types:

  1. Sleeping bag "Cocoon"
  2. Sleeping bag blanket
  3. Combined sleeping bags

We will analyze more types of bags of their pros and cons.

1 sleeping bag in the form of a cocoon

This type of sleeping bag has a cocoon shape, that is, it is escalating to the legs, this design of the sleeping bag is better in the body and therefore saves heat. Suppliers of this type are used in the campaigns of medium and heavy, however, can be used in the campaigns of the output day.

As a rule, the sleeping bag-cocoon has a hood (like a jacket), such a hood allows you to protect your head from heat loss (as you know 10 percent of heat goes through the head, and not 90, as some count \u003d)). This type of sleeping room is also equipped with a built-in insulation bar for neck (thermal gate). Also, such types of sleeping bags have a warming valve (thermoclap) that closes the lightning bag zipper, thus preventing the body cooling along the entire length of the zipper.


  1. Excellent heat saving quality, ergonomics
  2. Lower volume and weight compared to a blanket sleeping bag


  1. We need to get used to the bedrooms such as cocoon, it will be especially difficult for those who turn into their bed and does not sleep in one posture all night. Loud in the cocoon, not too comfortable).
  2. The space in the legs is very limited (etozh cocoon)

2 sleeping bag blanket

I think the name speaks for itself, such sleeping bags, nothing else like blankets folded in half and zipper is sewn to them (this is of course I exaggerate).

Similar sleeping bags have a number of advantages and of course flaws.


  1. Bedrooms like this type are usually spacious, they are comfortable
  2. Can be confused in one big sleeping bag (sparkle) like some cocoons, however
  3. Good for family holidays, excellent camping option


  1. As it is nothing more than an envelope, I don't have to talk about ergonomics, weighs more cocoon
  2. No hood protecting head from cold

3 Combined sleeping bag

Combined sleeping bag, is a sleeping bag with an arched hood and a thermal gate to protect the neck from the cold

Pros:All the same as the bedroom blankets, but also the presence of a hood, consequently the protection of the head from the cold

Minuses: Weight (although there are options and lungs)

What is the comfort temperature and extreme temperature

Comfort +5. _____________ Comfort Limit -1 _________ Extreme -10

Many newcomers come across a trick buying sleeping bags with a large extreme threshold of temperatures. This is a big mistake. Let's look at the same way that there is an extremal limit of the sleeping bag (extreme temperature). I need to choose a sleeping bag for tourism.

Now on sleeping bedrooms or on compression bags of the sleeping bag, usually there are 3 marks, so to speak information about sleeping bag.

  • Comfort temperature
  • Comfort point temperature
  • Extreme temperature
  1. Comfort temperature-This temperature range within which your body will feel great in sleep bag you will be warm and cozy
  2. comfort point temperature- This temperature outside which you already fall asleep exactly in the sleeping bag)))) (for example: the temperature of the comfort limit -1. That is up to -1 you will sleep perfectly, you will have to fell below)
  3. Extreme temperature- This temperature at which you will not sleep in the sleeping bag 100%, but from hypothermia (supercooling) do not affect.

Let's talk about insulation for sleeping bags of their pluses and minuses

Heaters for sleeping bedrooms are divided into 2 types.

  1. natural
  2. synthetic

Natural insulation can be attributed to:

  • Pooh goose (cheaper, but inferior to the Puhu Gagache)
  • Pooh Gaga (significantly warmer and very roads)

Pooh Gaga

The Gagachi Pooh is the fluff of the Arctic Gaga (Duck). Pushki Pooch Pooh Couple with each other. It allows you to longer to keep warm. Very long life when it is properly stored. Very well keeps the form and quickly restored from the compressed state. Easy. Holds huge temperatures below zero. . And their fluff is made by the polar shoes. You are just thinking about 1 kg of Icelandic Pooh Gaga costs 150,000 rubles.

Goose fluff

The goose down, a little inferior to the fluff of the arctic gaga. Do not fit with each other and therefore the temperature takes this down is not so high as a gagache. Sleep insulation for sleeping bags. It is such an expensive as the above. Ideal option for those who go to the mountains at low temperatures (below zero). In the correct operation of service life up to 15 years.

The main and most huge drawback of the downstream bedrooms, with them you need sooo acurately to contact, namely to take care of any moisture (important). The fact is that when the Pooh wets it loses all its properties (thermal), "falls out", becomes heavy. Very difficult to dry the fluff bag in wildlife conditions. In addition, it is advisable to use down soft bedrooms at low temperatures.

The prevailing number of climbers choose the downstream bedrooms due to their lightness and the large threshold temperature of the comfort.

Artificial heaters of sleeping bags


It is a light, cheaper and warm material. There is a bullish flaw, after several styrics, he loses its thermal insulation properties.


This material is similar to a synthetone, but it can withstand a lot of styrics. Excellent thermal insulation properties


Does not lose its thermal qualities even with multiple washers. It is worth the form and quickly restores the former volume


This material is made of ultra thin fibers, it is easy and durable. The insulation is withstanding the wind, does not prevent moisture to the body


Very high thermal properties in this insulation. Even when crude is dry. It will dry. Strong durable and durable. Potimal in the ratio of heat-weight .. Themight and pleasant to the touch

So how to choose a sleeping bag for tourism and travel, conclusions below ...

Let us summarize all of the above and draw conclusions:

If you go to an easy-to-go weekend or plan to travel by car, then a blanket is optimal for you. A blanket or a combined sleeping bag. It can be comfortable to sleep, it is sufficient to sufficiently (if it is not used), you can easily be unpaved in one big and spacious Sleeping bag, you can simply dress as a blanket. The forefront for family holidays.

Well, if you did not turn out to be a bedroom, you will not be superfluous to learn an article on the types of fires and how to breed them

If you go to a multi-day trip, and the entire gear "pull on yourself". That is the best for you will be a sleeping bag cocoon. Ergonomic, warm.

Based on the materials: go to the mountains or "plague" where the temperature is lower than zero and low humidity, it is desirable to use the fluff. We are in wet places with high humidity-synthetic materials.

I think I answered the question How to choose a sleeping bag and what nuances to take into account

How to choose a sleeping bag for a hike