Fall wedding: basic recommendations. Pros and cons of an autumn wedding Pleasant climate: pleasant coolness, but not cold yet

For many, the autumn season is associated with beautiful picturesque landscapes, so that a wedding celebration in the fall can even be compared with the summer one in terms of color, beauty and prevalence.

Benefits of an Autumn Wedding

Perfect details of this time of year for photos

A period of green, gold, burgundy, brown shades, even an ordinary city park will make a magical place, ideal for wedding photos. Considering the fact that the weather often changes in autumn, then you need to prepare for the fact that during the walk, cold wind, dampness and puddles are possible.

However, even such moments will be able to allow you to take quivering, beautiful and varied photos of the bride and groom: for example, when the newlyweds are hiding under one umbrella, or when the wind is blowing a veil, and so on.

Autumn wedding decor

A huge number of flowers for a girl's bouquet according to the season

The classic shades of autumn are full, flashy and warm tones, so that they can be safely combined with each other to assemble an unusual flower arrangement for, a boutonniere for her chosen one, and create extraordinary elements for a restaurant.

In addition to autumn flowers (gladioli, asters, dahlias), other flowers in autumn colors, fruits and berries, leaves, which will add sophistication and originality to the room, will fit for decoration.

Pleasant climate: pleasant coolness, but not cold yet

Without the scorching summer sun, newlyweds and their friends and relatives will be able to stay outside for a long time without feeling any inconvenience. In addition, in a pleasant autumn time, the groom can dress up in any suit, and his chosen one - in any dress.

Your guests will also have the opportunity to choose the clothes they want, from simple open robes to warm ones.

This is not wedding season - costs will be lower

By the fall, the peak of weddings gradually fades away, so you can use a reduction in prices for organizing the celebration.

And during this period, the registration at the registry office is not so complete, so it will be much easier to choose for the exact day you want.

Moreover, at this time there is a greater chance that absolutely all of your guests will be at the wedding, because the summer vacation season has already come to an end.

A huge number of options for where to go on a honeymoon trip

The celebration at the beginning of the autumn season gives a huge choice of places to go, because in most parts of the world during this period, the weather is quite good. On top of that, you can save quite a bit on your honeymoon as the hot season of travel is over.

Disadvantages of an Fall Wedding

Photos and a walk around the city

One cannot but take into account the fact that autumn is the time of rains, winds, cooling, and sometimes even snow. So you need to take care of backup options with a photo session and a walk in advance.

A restaurant

At this time of year, it is undesirable to organize an open-air banquet, or you need to at least make sure that there are awnings and heaters in the institution.

In this situation, it's best to have an indoor party if you don't want to worry about the weather.

Hall decoration for an autumn wedding


If you are planning an event in the fall season, be sure to think about how you can insulate your dress. You can either opt for a long-sleeved dress or complement your dress with a warm scarf or cape.

Also, think carefully about the plume: do you need one if there is a risk of slush on the street?

Final hints

Let us draw a conclusion from the above advantages and disadvantages of the celebration at this time of year: it is better to organize a wedding in early autumn, when it is not cold yet, you have more opportunities to take good photos, arrange a wonderful banquet both outdoors and indoors.

At the end of autumn, everything is not so simple: at this time there are usually heavy rains, almost all the trees are bare.

However, there is no need to be upset about this - just choose the right clothes, get beautiful umbrellas and carefully consider how to organize a banquet, photography and a walk.

However, regardless of the weather conditions, the picturesqueness and variety of colors of autumn is striking and can give your wedding charm and exclusivity.

What is Autumn? For some - bright colors and the charm of the harvest festival, for others - the whims of changeable weather and the need to dress warmer. However, the idea of ​​holding a wedding in the fall is very popular and constantly growing - in spite of any natural pranks. What attracts newlyweds at this particular time of year? And what should they be prepared for?

Five benefits of an fall wedding

1. Benefit One: Amazing Opportunities for Great Photo Shoots

Summer is a wonderful time of the year. Depressing in it is only one thing - it is monotonously green. But autumn days provide young people with a huge selection of a wide variety of background areas of any color and shade - from natural greenery and autumnal gold to the brightness of orange and stylish beauty of red. So for a wedding photo shoot, you can choose an entourage that suits your mood - from the charm of gentle romance to elegant glamor. Any city park in the fall will provide more opportunities for photography than all the surrounding forests in summer. Someone with skepticism will point out changes in the weather - but for a professional photographer this is only a plus! Because a gust of wind, raindrops, and a lead cloud can become a magnificent element that creates a unique mood of no less unique pictures - diversely emotional and impressively touching.

2. Benefit two: wonderful seasonal flowers for decor and wedding bouquet

Autumn is a bright and eventful time, and to match it - the beauty of warm and original autumn wedding bouquets, boutonnieres of grooms and elements of decoration of banquet halls. Indeed, they can most effectively combine classical approaches with successful seasonal opportunities, weaving into already known solutions those elements that are available only at this time of the year. You can successfully use autumn flowers such as dahlias, asters or gladioli, combine them with bright autumn leaves and dried flowers, juicy berries, and even add uniqueness with fruits or spikelets.

3. Benefit three: comfortable warm comfort without heat

Summer warmth is ideal only for the beach - but a wedding in the heat quickly loses its attractiveness and drive, especially if you have to stay outside the premises with good air conditioning for a long time. Unlike such an undesirable extreme, the autumn wedding will take place in the comfort zone: the cold weather is still far away, but the heat is gone. And you can enjoy all the seasonal benefits with pleasure - any dresses for the bride, any suits for the groom, comfortable clothes for guests, and long hassle-free time on the street - for everyone.

4. Benefit four: a good opportunity to save

A rational approach to spending is necessary from the very first minutes of life together. Therefore, it is useful to remember that the less intelligent and more traditional spouses preferred the lavish summer period for their own pocket, and with the fall, a recession comes to the wedding world. And you can take advantage of this by organizing a much more complete set of wedding services you prefer for much more modest money and on significantly more favorable terms. And the queues at the registry offices are smaller, and transport costs are not so ruinous, and there are good discounts for banquet halls. And the set of guests will be much more complete - after all, everyone has already returned safely from vacations and travels.

5. Benefit Five: Extensive Honeymoon Opportunities

Weddings in the fall have another very serious plus - even the most popular honeymoon destinations are becoming much more affordable, and their prices turn out to be more pleasant. So the honeymoon can be longer than the summer months, and you can afford a lot more pleasure during this time.

Are there any downsides to an fall wedding?

Inspired by the benefits of wedding identities during the fall season, it is helpful not to forget about the potential problems that come with them. True, there are only two serious difficulties.

1. Difficulty one: the weather can complicate walks, photo sessions and banquets

Any weather can be used to create a unique photo. But if a cold rain starts or the wind picks up, the enthusiasm will not be enough for a long time. And the mood to walk somehow immediately disappears. And the outdoor banquet will become entertainment only for extreme sportsmen.

2. Complexity two: we carefully select the wardrobe

Comfortable autumn warmth is a great time, but you also need to be prepared for the unexpected intervention of the cold. Therefore, for a dress, it is best to choose a long sleeve and thick fabric, and accompany a light dress with a shawl, cape or cape. It is better not to take risks with a train - the rain will quickly turn it into an unattractive rag, although a transforming dress with a detachable train can solve this problem.

How to take advantage of the pros and avoid the downsides?

Quite simply: you need to choose the beginning of autumn for the identity and enjoy the warmth, the possibilities of photography, and the benefits of organizing banquets. However, in late autumn, problems do not turn into obstacles - you just need to move the event to a restaurant and choose the appropriate outfit for the moment.

So, in any case, autumn is a great time to start a new life with style and taste!

A wedding is a romantic celebration, a celebration of the unity of the hearts of two people in love, which they want to share with their friends and loved ones. Each couple in love strives to make the holiday special, therefore they carefully choose the date of the wedding. No other time of the year is so popular among those wishing to have a wedding, as autumn, the golden time, when the sun still gives warm days, and the nature around is dressed in golden, red and green colors. What are the disadvantages and advantages of an autumn wedding?

Pros of a wedding in the fall

The most important benefit of a fall wedding is, of course, picturesque landscapes... There are no such amazing and unique colors in any season of the year. There is still green foliage, but the leaves of most trees are already turning yellow and red, creating incredible riot of colors... Separately, it should be said about the color of the sky, it is so beautiful and blue that it takes your breath away. Photos against the background of autumn nature are striking in their colorfulness.

The most ideal time to celebrate a wedding is mid-September and early October, when it is still warm and sunny, but not as hot as in summer, and not as rainy and damp as in November and December. The bride can wear a light cape over a long dress, and the groom can wear a handsome tuxedo. If it is already very cold, the romantic image of the bride will be emphasized by a fur cape or mink coat. In the summer, when getting ready for the wedding, you can buy this piece of clothing at a low price, since all stores have winter sales.

A wedding in the fall is also more advantageous in the sense that after the wedding boom in the summer, there are fewer people in the registry offices, so the newlyweds will be able to really feel that the chosen day of the celebration is only their day.

With the help of autumn colors, you can create unique and original decor as a hall, in which the celebration will take place, and the wedding bouquet. Orchids, dahlias, spikelets, gladioli and asters are colorful autumn flowers that are perfect for a bright bridal bouquet and decoration of a banquet hall in autumn style. If you turn to an experienced florist, he will create a combination that will delight guests with beauty and colorfulness.

When celebrating a wedding in the fall, you can very good to save, especially on food. Seasonal vegetables and fruits are inexpensive, so celebrating even in cafes and restaurants is not as expensive as in winter and summer, while the menu can really be made very varied and consists of fresh salads. You can also save on photos and videos, as the wedding season begins to decline and therefore photographers can significantly reduce the price of their services. Savings also apply to the honeymoon, since the holiday season is closed, therefore tour operators offer discounts on travel to any country in the world. In autumn, countries such as Tunisia, Cyprus and the United Arab Emirates are especially popular.

In the fall, you can gather all friends and relatives, since after taking a vacation in the summer, they will attend the celebration in a great mood and congratulate the bride and groom in love.

A wedding in the fall is considered not just a choice of the bride and groom, it is actually old tradition, since before always weddings were played after the harvest.


Autumn is famous for its changing weather, therefore, the bride and groom should be prepared for the fact that the wedding can take place on a rainy and gloomy day, when no beautiful nature will force them to go to the park to be photographed. Therefore, you should immediately agree with the photographer on a spare place for photographing - a theater, a house of culture, a botanical garden, where there are areas protected from rain. Also, good photos can be taken in the studio, which has all the necessary paraphernalia. If the middle of September and the beginning of October can still please with warm weather, then, starting from the end of October, rains and even frosts begin, therefore the date of the autumn wedding should be chosen very carefully.

It is also difficult to find a wardrobe for the day of the wedding celebration, since one autumn day can be sunny and warm, and another cold. That's why the bride should definitely prepare a warm and light cape as well as white shoes and ankle boots in case it's rainy day. You should not buy a dress with a long train, as in case of rainy weather it will become wet and dirty. It will not be superfluous for the bride to prepare an umbrella, it should be either transparent or to match the dress.

A light and cold rain can ruin an open-air banquet, so you should take care that in addition to the summer terrace, there is a banquet hall in the cafe, where you can quickly set tables for guests. If the fall is cold, you should also worry about heaters. It is best not to plan outgoing ceremonies, especially in November, they can still be held in early autumn, but you need to worry about having awnings in place, white umbrellas can save the day, and it will be a very beautiful wedding background.


Autumn is a wonderful and vibrant season, perfect for a wedding. Yellow and red leaves, blue sky - a wonderful background for capturing photos. The only thing that you need to be very careful is to choose the date of your wedding, as it is well known that it rains in early autumn and only the end of September and the beginning of October can please with good weather. It is very profitable to play a wedding in the fall, as prices for fruits and vegetables are low, and restaurants, photographers and videographers offer discounts on their services, since weddings are running out.

Autumn is associated with pictures of a colorful and beautiful time, so autumn weddings can well compete with summer celebrations in beauty, brightness, and popularity. What attracts newlyweds to the autumn period, and what difficulties can it bring? To answer these questions, it is worth putting on the shelves all the "pros" and "cons" of the fall wedding.

Pros of a wedding in the fall

1. Magnificent elements of the season for a photo shoot

It's time for greens, yellows, oranges, reds, and browns to turn even an ordinary boring city park into a fabulous place, perfect for a wedding photo shoot. Considering that the weather is changeable in autumn, you should be prepared for the fact that during a walk you can catch a cold wind, drizzle, slush. But even such “surprises” of the weather can make it possible to get touching, emotional, versatile photos of the newlyweds: when the bride and groom have to hide under one umbrella, or the wind will develop a veil in the wind, etc.

2. An abundance of beautiful seasonal flowers for the bride's bouquet and decor

Traditional autumn colors are rich, bright and warm, so they can be effectively used to create an original bridal bouquet, groom's boutonniere, and interesting decorative elements for a banquet hall. In addition to autumn flowers, such as gladioli, asters, dahlias, calla lilies, roses, orchids of autumn shades, fruits, berries, spikelets, dried flowers, leaves are also suitable for decoration, which will add sophistication and originality to the interior.

3. Comfortable atmosphere: no longer hot, but still warm

The absence of the sweltering summer heat will allow the bride and groom, as well as all guests, to be outdoors for a long time without feeling any discomfort. In addition, the warm autumn season is an opportunity for the groom to wear any suit, and the bride - any dress. Guests will also be able to choose clothes for every taste, from light revealing to warmer outfits.

4. The decline of the wedding season is an opportunity to save money

In the fall, the “hot” wedding season gradually diminishes, thanks to which you can take advantage of the reduction in the cost of wedding services. Also at this time the queues in the registry offices disappear, so it will be much easier to book the desired wedding day. In addition, during this period, there are more chances to see everyone who was invited at your celebration, because the summer holidays have already ended.

5. Honeymoon: a wide variety of honeymoon trips

A wedding in early autumn gives a large number of options for organizing a honeymoon, because in many countries it is quite warm at this time. At the same time, the tourist excitement during this period decreases somewhat, thanks to which you can also save some money on the cost of rest.

Cons of a fall wedding

1. Photoshoot and wedding walk

It should be borne in mind that, especially in the second half of autumn, prolonged rains, significant cooling, frosts and even snow are possible. Therefore, it is worthwhile to provide for backup options for a walk, especially for a photo session.

2. Banquet

You should not arrange an open-air banquet, or you need to worry in advance about the availability of reliable awnings over the tables and the ability to use the required number of heaters. The easiest way in this case is to prefer closed premises for the celebration, in which you will not have to worry about the weather.

3. Wardrobe

When planning a wedding for the fall, you should think about ways to warm your wardrobe: it can be either long-sleeved dresses made of thick fabric, or light wedding dresses, complemented by a cape, cape, shawl. If the dress is made with a long train, then in case of rainy weather this beautiful element of the outfit will turn into a piece of dirty fabric. In this case, a transforming dress with a detachable train can help out.

Drawing conclusions from all the above pros and cons of an autumn wedding, it can be noted that it is easier to organize a celebration in early autumn, when it is not very cold, there are more opportunities for photography, for organizing an excellent banquet both in nature and in a restaurant.

In late autumn, things are a little more complicated: the rains can "charge", the foliage is almost fallen. But you should not be very upset about this. To avoid trouble, you can take care of a suitable wedding dress, purchase beautiful umbrellas, and think over the place of a walk and a banquet.

But whatever the weather, in any case, the beauty and variety of the autumn palette has a special charm and can always add brightness and originality to your wedding celebration.

Wedding color palette

Choosing a color scheme is an important consideration when planning a wedding. Red-brown-gold tones are considered traditional for the autumn celebration. The play of contrasts looks quite original, stylish, and attracts attention. Therefore, for autumn weddings, they often choose crimson, golden, yellow tones, successfully diluting them with green, red, purple, chocolate shades.

If you want to decorate your wedding in calmer colors, then you can take any shade of green as a basis and carefully complement it with accents of various autumn tones. Also, so that the wedding decoration is not too bright, oversaturated, you can choose one muted color for the color palette, for example, coral, cream, beige, and complement it with two brighter ones, such as orange, gold, cherry, amber, emerald. Such combinations in wedding decoration can beautifully highlight the natural beauty of autumn and create a special mood.

Ideas for a photo shoot

Autumn wedding photos come out very warm and family-like. After all, the combination of warm colors of the season with the glowing love and tenderness of the newlyweds' faces create a special mood. Taking into account the peculiarities of autumn weather, it is worth planning a photo session both outdoors and indoors.

... Outside

A common and often used idea for photography is a walk in the woods or city park. A background for photography in the form of a small calm reservoir, paths with bright falling leaves - what could be better for capturing the enchanting beauty of a young couple. The shining faces of the bride and groom look charming in the rain. For such pictures, for example, a large tree is suitable, under the lush crown of which the newlyweds can hide from the weather. Fans of original ideas can make great photos of merrily running through puddles in rubber boots, in fields with haystacks, having an impromptu tea party in a forest clearing.

To effectively color the warm autumn palette, for photography, you can use objects of colors unusual for this time: purple, blue, lilac, etc. In this case, scarves, gloves, umbrellas, fans are suitable as objects. And then a cozy and calm photo session will be able to shine with new colors.

... In room

Places for a photo shoot can be very diverse: a country restaurant with a fireplace, a cafe with a beautiful terrace, an old abandoned mansion, a greenhouse. Various attributes can be used to create romantic pictures: a bouquet of autumn flowers or leaves, candles, books, a warm blanket, fur capes, wicker baskets with apples, amber beads, colored scarves, etc.

Ideas for decoration

Autumn provides an opportunity to create a beautiful and original flower decoration for the bride's bouquet, groom's boutonniere, wedding car, banquet hall.

Bridal bouquet

When choosing flowers for a bride's bouquet, you can follow both the yellow-red-brown range, and dilute it with bright, bold combinations. The composition does not have to consist only of autumn flowers, such as asters, chrysanthemums, dahlias. Combinations of these flowers with traditional wedding roses, calla lilies, orchids look very beautiful. The original miracle can be diluted with hops, autumn leaves, spikelets, sunflowers, marigolds.

Floral arrangements are, of course, a wide scope for creativity. If you want to experiment, you can replace or supplement the flowers with the fruits of viburnum, mountain ash, use dried flowers, cones.
Regardless of the constituent components of the bouquet, it is important to remember that it should complement the style of the bride and the entire wedding, and not become a foreign element. The same goes for the groom's boutonnieres. To make the newlyweds look harmonious, the boutonniere should be made in the form of a miniature copy of the bride's bouquet.

Car decoration
To make the autumn wedding procession different from traditional weddings, in addition to the usual burgundy, brown, orange, yellow ribbons, you can use compositions of viburnum, rowan, leaves, spikelets, autumn flowers, fruits.

. Banquet hall decoration
With the onset of autumn, wedding ceremonies are rarely organized outdoors. If you decide to arrange an off-site registration with a banquet on open verandas, in a tent, gazebo, then you should worry about comfort in case of bad weather. Outdoor areas should be covered, blankets for guests and heating gas burners should be prepared in advance.

In order not to depend on changeable weather, it is advisable to consider universal options and organize a banquet indoors: in an original, cozy cafe, a beautiful restaurant, in a hall with a fireplace. Velvet, candles, beautiful lanterns, and wooden furniture can add a special romance to the room. It is also important to determine where to set the accent of the decor.

Central decorative elements can be:

Foliage. The application of the leaf shape can be varied: for invitations, in creating a bridal bouquet and groom's boutonnieres, in the form of napkins on tables, instead of the usual rose petals, for table compositions with flowers or candles, etc.
The fruits of nature. Pumpkins, watermelons, melons, apples, grapes, mushrooms can be used both in the banquet menu and in decoration. Vases made of pumpkins, as well as beautiful wicker baskets filled with apples and grapes, become a worthy decoration of tables. In addition, the gifts of nature can be used as gifts for guests after competitions.
Acorns, chestnuts, cones, jars of honey and jam, sunflowers, ears of wheat, candles of various shapes, checkered blankets can also become details of the autumn banquet hall.

When drawing up the menu, it is worthwhile to provide for more hot dishes. You can make hot uzvars, warming mulled wine, hot chocolate. Since the main wealth of autumn is vegetables and fruits, the menu should include a wide variety of dishes from them.

Autumn weddings in different styles

... Rustic wedding

For the wedding venue, you can choose a natural surroundings of nature, a country estate, a restaurant with rustic decor, a log cottage, a large village house with a free outdoor area. In the open area it will be possible to hold an off-site wedding ceremony, photo session, and prepare the banquet indoors.

Natural tones become the palette of a rustic wedding: green, brown, beige, yellow, blue. The striking elements of the decorations are wooden cuts, hay cubes, flax, chintz, moss, burlap, an old wagon, wooden wheels.

... Orange orange wedding

Oranges, orange and white colors become the symbol of such an elegant and bright wedding. The bride can choose a traditional white dress, which will be complemented by orange details (belt, bow, shoes, jewelry, bouquet). The groom can complement his formal suit with an orange tie, pocket square, boutonniere.

Orange and white colors are used for decoration: orange slices, a decorative arch of flowers of appropriate tones, orange ribbons, white drapery (tablecloths, carpet, chair covers). The wedding menu can be supplemented with a chocolate fountain with orange milk chocolate, orange juice cocktails, fruit desserts.

... Halloween style

Choosing this style for a wedding may be suitable for newlyweds whose wedding is scheduled for the end of October. In this case, candles, pumpkins, a combination of bright autumn colors with black can become decorative elements. The bride's dress can be complemented with black elements. A traditional black suit is perfect for the groom. Such a wedding celebration can become quite extravagant and memorable.

An autumn wedding can be a bright event, leaving beautiful, unusual photos as a keepsake. Autumn is a great opportunity to save money on many wedding trifles, because nature gives you the most beautiful things. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, to show your imagination. And then your celebration will be held at the highest level.

A wedding is an important event for every young couple. Preparation for this celebration takes a lot of time and effort. After all, is it not true that you want everything to look perfect, not like everyone else. So that every, even the smallest, trifle was thought out. Feel free to ask family and friends for help. Many have already passed this event, perhaps they will be able to help you in some way. They will point out the missing points and the mistakes made during the preparation. You can also provide preparation for the celebration at any time to a group of specialists, consisting of wedding organizers and florists. Sometimes these two professions can be combined by one person.

The main thing is to keep your emotions in an iron fist and believe that your wedding will be the best in the whole world. Do not forget - you are the best and everything will be at the highest level for you. Indeed, it cannot be otherwise.

Autumn is a golden time. Picturesque nature. How wonderful it is in the fresh air. It's still warm outside. The trees are decorated with different colors. The perfect time for the greatest event, the birth of a new family. How many opportunities are open for the celebration. In the fall, you can make all desires come true that are impossible in any of the other seasons.

How many advantages of the autumn celebration can be noted.

1. Colors. You will not find such bright and colorful flowers in any season. Your photos will be decorated with bright, unobtrusive frames.
2. The ability to embody almost any fantasy.
3. The wedding season is declining, which means that you can choose the date of the wedding yourself, and you can save a lot in search

banquet hall, photo and video filming. After all, as you know, the most expensive weddings are summer ones.
4. Autumn is the harvest season. Do you have a summer cottage? This means you have one more plus.
5. You can choose any corner of the world for your honeymoon, as the holiday season is also almost closed.
6. The bride's bouquet will be original, in autumn colors.

What are the disadvantages of getting married in the fall?

1. Changeable weather. When preparing, you need to calculate different weather conditions. You must be prepared for anything.
2. Don't plan outdoor ceremonies. Even if forecasters report sunny weather without precipitation, it is better to play it safe and hold the wedding ceremony in the registry office. There you are not afraid of rain or wind. But if you still really want to sign in the open air, then it is better to organize such a painting near the venue of the banquet. In case the weather doesn't suit you, you can always hide.
Even if you add up all the minuses, then there are more pluses for a wedding in the autumn months.
An autumn wedding can be done on a variety of topics. And whichever preference you give, each will breathe romance. Since this is the brightest and most romantic time of the year.

The first thing to look for when preparing for a wedding is the location of the event. Pay attention to every little thing and do not forget that autumn itself gives you tips and advice on how you can make the decoration of the hall. Don't make a classic balloon design. Look around! Look around you. How many wonderful things are around. Remember your childhood, how you collect a herbarium or did something about autumn. You can, without spending money, just use your imagination to decorate the hall and the territory in front of the entrance to the banquet hall in a beautiful and non-standard way.

Make invitations to the celebration, too, according to the season, and you can also do it yourself. After all, this is your holiday and it should be remembered not only by you, but also by the guests present for its singularity and uniqueness.

The choice of outfit also needs to be approached responsibly. As already mentioned, autumn is an unpredictable time of the year and you need to be prepared for anything. Think over every little thing. Prepare everything for different occasions. Try to choose a dress in which you will feel as comfortable as possible. Don't forget to prepare a cape if it gets cold. Prepare an umbrella in case of rain, and it is best if it is transparent. Such an element will look best in the photo. The groom's clothes also need to be considered. It is not advisable to wear a light suit on him. Choose a slightly darker color. You can make a combined suit, this is now in trend. You can take the bottom of one color, the top of another. It is also not necessary to wear classic cut trousers. But remember, all the options for your wardrobe will directly depend on the theme of your wedding.

What can this day be like? It all depends on your desires and fantasies. After all, to make a dream come true, perhaps, it would only be a desire.

A wedding in retro style will look beautiful and romantic against the background of colorful leaves. If you maintain all the styles of the time that you have chosen, then it will turn out to be unforgettable and unique. Clothes of that time, a car ... Make the bride's bouquet with the fruits of autumn. Perhaps it will be autumn flowers with the addition of fallen leaves of different colors. All this will be difficult to implement, but imagine what the result will be. You can safely show your photos to friends and say that your wedding was the best, unique.

Can be held in a folk rustic style. Clothes are also chosen as close to the original as possible. Registration can also be done without any problems, at no cost. Rent a room, perhaps even a house or an estate, decorate with elements of rustic decor. It will be not only original, but also unique.

If you want not only the venue, but also your guests to look the same, then in the invitation indicate the theme of your wedding. If you want everything to work out as planned, do not be lazy, call all the invitees and check if everyone has correctly understood the theme of the holiday. And it will be, so that half understood you correctly, and the other part will come just in classic outfits. Explain to people how important this is to you.

If you want a simple, classic wedding with all the rituals, then go for classic outfits. But put the white dress aside for others. Take ivory or Champagne colors. They will perfectly match the temporary season. In order for the bride and groom to look organic, think over what colors the clothes should be in. You can collect the bouquet from the flowers of the autumn garden. Take the original boutonniere. It is not necessary to take some kind of flower, you can, for example, combine a rowan branch with some kind of leaves. It will look extraordinary. The choice of hairstyle is not the last. Instead of the old classic hair curls, choose something trendy, original. Braiding is in trend now.

Remember! Get your hair looking perfect two weeks before the celebration. Get your hair cut, but don't overdo it. Consider what your hairstyle will be. Update your hair color if needed.
It has become fashionable to insert various handmade elements into the hair. It always looks impressive in the photo.
Pay attention to how many scenic spots around. Consider a photo session. Share your wishes with your photographer and just trust the professional. There are so many different possibilities around us. You should have several options for conducting a photo shoot in reserve. If the weather is sunny, you can have a picnic. It's always beautiful in the fall. Take a photo shoot in the leaves, attract guests to a pleasant activity. At this time, the parks look stunning. The color scheme beckons for different possibilities. Get creative. Take as many bright photos as possible. So that over the years they could view and remember how bright your day was.

What can be the menu for your wedding? Yes, the most diverse. Autumn is a productive season. You can cook different extraordinary dishes from anything. It can be:
Hot appetizers. You can invite your guests to try cheese croquettes, rabbit fricassee, julienne in tartlets.
Fish snacks.
Hot dishes.
Vegetable kebab will look perfect on your festive table.
Vegetables and fruits will be not only a snack and an excellent table decoration.
Light and meat salads.
Various fish cuts. Just don’t choose fish, herring or mackerel, this is a century away. Supermarkets have a huge selection of fish. Take red fish, salmon roll, for example.
Meat cuts. Try to diversify them as much as possible, not only by the number of types, but also by the original presentation.
When approaching the choice of a wedding cake, think about how you can decorate in an autumn theme. Now, with the help of mastic, you can do everything that you have enough imagination for. If your celebration is in a certain style, do not deviate from the topic. Even make the cake as close as possible.
In addition to the cake, prepare a variety of sweet snacks. It can be cupcakes, muffins, macaroons. A good suggestion would be a classic and well-soaked honey cake.
The choice of drinks also needs to be treated with special care. Decide what alcoholic and soft drinks will be. During the sweet table, juices, fruit drinks, soda will be appropriate. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks can be served. A chocolate fountain in which you can dip fruits will look unusual. Make sure hot drinks are present. Don't be limited to coffee or tea. Offer guests cappuccino, hot chocolate.
Don't forget to decorate the table. It will look much more elegant if it is decorated with handmade fakes.

Do you know what the decorations on the wedding cake symbolize?

The cake at the wedding symbolizes the prosperity of family life. When the newlyweds cut the cake, they give their relatives a drop of prosperity and sweet life. Swans symbolize eternal love, devotion to each other. Pigeons - peace and prosperity, horseshoe - family happiness and prosperity. The wreath is a symbol of fertility.
Don't forget about another very important wedding symbol. Loaf is a symbol of prosperity and great love. In order for a young family to live in prosperity and love to soar in their house, you need to pinch off a little loaf, dip it in salt and feed each other.
There is such a belief that if during the wedding there was the sun and the rain began abruptly, then this family should live in abundance. Friday will be an auspicious day for the wedding. Under the influence of Venus, the young couple will have love, respect and understanding. Most marriages take place on Saturday. They can be for love, calculation, or just forced marriages. Most often, if a marriage is created without love, one of the partners will seek benefits in these relationships throughout the family life.
A September wedding will be perfect. Love, fidelity and mutual understanding will reign in the family.
The October wedding will not be perfect. The relationship in them will not be stable.
November is for those who want to live life in abundance.
If you have the opportunity to appoint yourself when to get married, compare all the moments and decide which month is more favorable for you.
If you have chosen a November wedding, pay attention to the signs. Our ancestors said that the wedding day is snowy, then life will be without worries, frost will hit, to be the first born boy.
Take the time to find the music for your celebration. After all, music is one of the keys to a successful wedding.

Consider all age categories and find music that will appeal to both the younger and older generations. It will not be very good if one part of the people you invite just gets bored. Consider an entertainment program. You can also use autumn themes. Wedding is fun. And what fun can be without entertainment. Consider the fact that there may be children at the celebration. And as you know, they do not particularly like feasts. Do something interesting for them too. Perhaps it will be some kind of children's animator who will entertain them while everyone is at the table.

Remember from how you design your wedding. As far as all the points are taken into account, there will be a guarantee of a successful event. From this, vivid and unforgettable impressions will remain in the memory of all those present.

Organization of a wedding