Wedding in April: folk omens and auspicious days. Wedding in April - the first warmth for your memorable date

You can remember a lot of signs and superstitions associated with weddings. After all, this is an extremely important event in a person’s life. There are also special signs for weddings in April.

April wedding tips

April is a turbulent month, so it is believed that the life of the bride and groom will be changeable, like the weather of the second month of spring. Most likely, marriage will bring a lot of worries and worries, but they will not necessarily be negative. On the other hand, according to signs, those who have entered into an alliance this month never lose their feelings for each other. Folk wisdom predicts that young people will live with honor and conscience, fairly, and as a result, they will find harmony among themselves. Our Slavic ancestors claimed that only those couples get married in April, where the spouses are completely sincere in love for each other.

Thunderstorms, storms and strong winds have always been considered bad omens for a wedding. If it rained, then the young were destined to live in abundance. In April, thunderstorms are extremely rare, but if this still happened, and even at a wedding, it is better to play it safe with some kind of amulet.

There is a belief that fate will constantly test those who get married in April, testing their love for each other, loyalty and stamina. Sometimes problems can turn out to be far-fetched. In any case, overcoming obstacles will strengthen the alliance and teach you to trust each other, acting together.

Signs for married life by months

January: the first month of the year, according to superstition, is not the most favorable for weddings. It was argued that the husband could subsequently be seriously ill, and the wife could remain a widow.

March: suitable for those who want to travel a lot, love movement and do not mind constant wanderings with a loved one.

April: the future husband and wife will know both joys and sorrows, everything will be in abundance and balance.

May: a lot of fuss and fuss is predicted, so superstition does not advise marriage in May.

June: it is believed that those who marry this month will be faithful to each other until the end of their days and love will be strong in their hearts all their lives.

July: according to superstition, the month is not very good for weddings. The couple may doubt their choice.

August: very suitable for a wedding, the marriage will be happy, long, and the husband and wife will be faithfully faithful to each other.

September: married this month can count on a quiet and peaceful family life.

October: The first years of life together can be difficult and bring many trials. But if you survive them, then family life will only please you.

November: superstitions claim that such a couple will be provided with material well-being. But feelings can be in the background.

December: this month is well suited for a wedding, as it promises many years of marriage together.

In the Slavic tradition, Krasnaya Gorka was considered the best day for a wedding. And in principle, with a loved one should be happy. love to you and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.03.2016 00:50

The fifteenth wedding anniversary is a serious date. For a long time, the couple became one, and now ...

The fourteenth wedding anniversary is named after a semi-precious stone that guards family happiness, gives wisdom and...

Spring is gaining strength, the sun has not only been shining for a long time, but also warming more and more. The ice melts, breaks off, the snow melts near the water, so it’s natural that it gets dirtier: melt water is crystal clear only in cartoons. On April 1, April Fool's Day (aka April Fool's Day) is celebrated with pleasure and excitement. And if environmental events are not alien to you, then you can join the celebration of International Bird Day, which is part of the UNESCO program and has been celebrated in our country since 1927.

Best for wedding

In the old days, on April 1, canvases began to be whitened, which acquired a pleasant softness from the frost, and a beautiful whiteness from the sun's rays.

They welcomed the first kites and the brownie who woke up after a long winter. By the way, the brownie is supposed to welcome the full program: bread and circuses. Milk and bread were left for him, and in the evening the disguised youth arranged a real holiday.

Since ancient times, people have come up with a way to determine on this particular day whether a good person is in front of them or not. If the clothes are dirty, then they are bad, because impure thoughts lead to the fact that the clothes get dirty. Anything, of course, can be, but such a causal relationship looks a little far-fetched. In any case, try not to get dirty - this is reflected in the reputation.


  • The weather on this day determines the weather on October 1st.
  • The more guys become the object of the girl's jokes, the easier it will be for her to find the groom and lead him by the nose herself.
  • If there are no stars in the sky at night, there will be warming.
  • Dung on the road - there will be a fruitful year.
  • Melt water is noisy, stormy - there will be a lot of grass. If the flood is surprisingly quiet, it will be difficult with fresh greenery.

Big, happy family, it's always a holiday in the house.

Many people ask why there should be many children in a family? Why is it necessary to register your relationship in the registry office? Everything is very simple. When a man and a woman live in a civil marriage and they have a child, this is of course wonderful, but the baby will initially grow up in an inferior family. What if there are two or three of them?

Of course, at first they will not understand that they grow up not in the institution of family and marriage, but in some kind of social education, where a man and a woman are not husband and wife. The hackneyed statement - the family, this cell of society in the modern world has acquired a special idealistic meaning. Against the backdrop of European tolerance, which is alien to us from the very beginning - excellent relations between a boy and a girl, a wedding, a happy family life, children, all these purely human values ​​should become unshakable postulates in a new way.

Our ancestors could not even think to live like this without signing, and even more so to have many children. Such an approach is contrary to morality and common sense. When there are three children in a family, this is wonderful, but the relationship must be formalized. And is there a girl on earth who does not dream of a beautiful, fabulous wedding, a reverent painting in the registry office. And children. Three kids should be the norm in every young family. This is important even because the state should preserve its gene pool, independence and sovereignty.

And it turned out to be April? Well, this is a great choice. April is the month that opens the wedding season, which gives certain advantages in preparing the wedding. Prices for dresses and other wedding accessories have not yet skyrocketed, so you can get by with the amount of small sizes. The choice of restaurants and cafes for the holiday will be more diverse. And the chances of finding a good photographer / videographer at an average price are much greater. At this time, they have a rather free schedule, in which, with a probability of 99%, there will be time for you as well..

Auspicious days for a wedding in April

Both the lunar and the church calendar agree that the first half of the month is unfavorable for marriage. The Church is categorical in its position, since at this time Great Lent is taking place before Easter. These days, not a single clergyman will conduct a wedding ceremony. Astrologers in this regard are more loyal. At the beginning of the month, the influence of the planets is unfavorable. But if you decide to get married at this time, it is better to choose Friday. She is ruled by the planet Venus, named after the goddess of love. The most suitable time for a wedding is considered to be the 22nd, 24th, 26th and 29th.

Special days for a wedding in April

There are two holidays that cannot be ignored when talking about wedding dates in April - Krasnaya Gorka and April Fool's Day.

Red hill

This is a spring youth holiday of the Slavs, designed to welcome the awakening of nature. Krasnaya Gorka is more considered a girls' holiday. Since they got married on this day, and there was an active matchmaking. Therefore, this day for a wedding in April is considered the most favorable. Krasnaya Gorka is celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. Getting married on this day was considered a lucky omen. Married on Krasnaya Gorka, a strong, lasting union awaits.

April Fool's Day

There is an opinion that the wedding on April 1 will be unsuccessful due to the frivolity of the holiday. But for non-superstitious people, this is an excellent occasion to arrange a bright and unforgettable celebration. The theme of laughter gives a lot of room for imagination. You can enter a dress code and define clown noses as the main element of the outfit. Arrange a humorous photo shoot, play guests. Find your chip and your April April Fool's Day wedding will be fun and memorable.

Whether or not to believe the signs about the wedding in April, whether to follow all the recommendations is up to you. The main thing is that this day was special for your couple.

April wedding ideas

Springtime is light and airy, so it is better to do a wedding in this style, without contradicting nature.

Colors and decorations

Colors are better to choose delicate pastel colors. Light blue or light pink are great as the main color of the wedding. If you want to create a warmer atmosphere, pay attention to calm sand colors. They will bring warmth to the atmosphere of celebration, which is still lacking in April days. And spring freshness will provide light green color. Bright colors are best avoided as they can create dissonance.

Helium balloons and satin ribbons will be an excellent decoration for a wedding banquet. And on the table you can put bouquets with different spring flowers. And, in general, the flower theme suggests itself in the spring. Feel free to experiment with it. If you take for a wedding in April for the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba "flower festival", you will not fail and give yourself and all your guests a wonderful day.

wedding dress

Here, as in the general color of the wedding, you should not choose rich bright colors. This is just the case when the white color of the dress will look perfect. But if the classic color categorically does not suit you, as an alternative, you can choose an ivory or ash rose dress. For the groom, it is better to choose a gray, brown or beige suit. A bright accent can be a tie in the color of the bride's bouquet.

In April, on the day of marriage, the weather can be different. Prepare just in case a bolero or a shawl, and it is better to choose shoes with closed toes.

Wedding photo session

The weather at this time is already warm and sunny enough for a beautiful photo shoot in the city or in nature, especially if the wedding is at the end of April. Trees with young green leaves create a beautiful backdrop. You can draw from various films or use your hobbies. An original photo shoot in the style of Agent 007 or a romantic one with horses. Choose what will be in the style of your couple.

April wedding- for someone it is a taboo, if it is up to Krasnaya Gorka, - for others - the ultimate dream, for others - a test. Today site will consider this topic from all sides and will try to answer almost all your questions.

Krasnaya Gorka is a popular wedding time, and in 2014 this holiday falls on the 27th. It's Sunday, not a classic wedding day at all. Therefore, if you decide to celebrate the birth of a new family at this particular time, Friday (25) and Saturday (26) will do.

Notes for April

For those who have a wedding in April, signs are closely related to the weather that our ancestors observed. Although this month is spring, nature is awakening, but there is no stability in the weather, especially if you take the beginning of the month. So family life, especially in the early years, will be difficult. True, this will be a test for a young family. And if difficulties unite the lovers, then in the future they will find almost perfect happiness. However, folk wisdom warns that it is important not to get bogged down in a routine here. She is dangerous for those who are getting married in April. You will need to try to make your life together bright, varied, interesting! By the way, you can practice this already at the celebration itself, but more on that below.

Wedding on April Fool's Day - breaking all the canons

A wedding on April 1 this year, that is, on Tuesday, is an extremely unusual phenomenon. But today you can negotiate with the employees of the registry office, arrange an outdoor ceremony - whatever you want. A special bonus for those who do not want to spend a fortune, but dream of a bright holiday - good prices. With this, choose from photographers, videographers, presenters easily! Yes, and you can book a restaurant without any problems!

Such a bold step is the choice of those who do not observe church holidays. True, a serious problem may arise here, even a conflict with close relatives. If this date means something to your couple, try to explain to your parents that you are arranging this holiday in order to break some foundations.

And here are the most bold wedding ideas for april. Attention! People without a sense of humor should not read!

  • The theme of the wedding is April Fool's Day. Photo sessions with cool accessories: mustache and beard, balloons, colorful sweets, cotton candy. The dress may not be white or ivory, but any bright shade. Or with colored accessories.
  • April 1 - just a marriage registration and a beautiful photo session, shooting a wedding film, but without a traditional banquet. In this case, you can spend more money on really good wedding specialists. Topics for a photo shoot - any: from romantic to funny and extreme. You can even arrange a creative photoset: decorate each other's outfits with paints. Get emotional pictures!

From innovation to classic. And now the site will pay a little attention to Krasnaya Gorka, but taking into account the latest trends of this year.

Or maybe get married on Krasnaya Gorka?

Getting married at the end of April is like buying a lottery ticket. Is it great sunny weather? Super! There will be a luxurious walk, and even from the photos, with skillful processing, spring itself will “breathe”! Plus, the guests are also satisfied - after all, it is the wedding season! And they won't freeze!

A wedding at the end of April can be beautiful - this is the beginning of flowering gardens!

At the same time, you can not win such chic "prizes". If you look at last year, for example, not everyone had a successful wedding in April - the weather, in particular, was not always pleasing. There were many overcast and cloudy days. With the skillful organization of everything, this is not a problem. A photo shoot in the rain gives more touching shots! And in order not to worry about a dirty skirt later in a restaurant, you can change into a second dress or unfasten your skirt. Now such models are very popular.

Wedding in April: reviews

  • My beloved and I met on April 4th! A year later, on this date, he proposed to me. Naturally, we decided that the wedding should be on that day. We did field registration in the Maldives, so we didn’t even think about the weather here. True, at first the parents were offended that we decided so, but then they saw the photographs and said that this was a real fairy tale! Larisa.
  • That year they celebrated on Krasnaya Gorka. It was very difficult to organize everything, even in six months. It was not possible to invite the host we wanted, but he gave us the contacts of another. It also turned out to be fun. In general, it went well, but the preparation turned out to be somewhat nervous. Marina.
  • Once I was a guest at a wedding in April. I got very cold, then I even got sick. The bride and groom did not expect that it would be cool, they hoped for the sun, so they did not even provide an alternative to their walk after the registry office. The guests were dissatisfied. Markova L.

So, you must understand that in our latitudes, a spring wedding is not always the same as from the best covers of glossy magazines. Get ready for everything, and fortune will smile at you! Then only pleasant memories for everyone will be left by your .

Eva Raduga - especially for the site

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With the advent of spring, everything around comes to life, enjoys the first sunny days. The gardens are blooming, the warm spring wind caresses the hair, the air is filled with the scents of herbs and flowers. Well, how not to choose such a wonderful time for the most solemn day? An April wedding is not uncommon, although it is believed that marriage is supposed to take place in the fall, during the harvest. But, if it is not possible to wait until autumn, then a wedding in April is a great option. It is important to decide on the date of the wedding, to choose a good day for yourself.

Wedding in April - signs

Folk omens are almost always associated with the weather. April is not stable - clear warm days alternate with rainy and gloomy ones. Therefore, the joint life of the newlyweds will be just as unstable, after the wedding they will be tested by life's difficulties. The white stripe will give way to black, and vice versa. It is difficult for the April couple to achieve mutual understanding and harmony.

As in early spring, after a warm, sunny day, the winter cold comes again, killing the ovary of fruits with sudden frosts, so in the family life of the newlyweds, the hot honeymoon is replaced by a cooling of relations, and for some couples they even break. If the marriage concluded in April is not supported by real, sincere feelings, it will not last long.

Summing up the wedding signs of April, we highlight the main ones:

  • Family life will proceed with varying degrees of success.
  • There is a possibility that happiness will not be long, at first the newlyweds will face many difficulties.

Favorable days for a wedding in April 2017

In general, April is not conducive to a happy family union, both from the point of view of the church and according to the predictions of astrologers. Especially unfortunate for weddings is the period from the beginning of the month to the 12th, that is, until Easter, while strict fasting lasts. At this time, the church categorically opposes marriages. But for people who do not believe this will not be a special obstacle.

Fridays - April 3, 10, 17, 24 and Saturday April 25 will be good days for a wedding. It is best to start celebrating a wedding on Friday, when the planet Venus, the patroness of lovers, is especially strong. Astrologers are inclined to believe that almost the entire second half of April is favorable for weddings - the 12th, 13th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 26-31st will bring good luck to the newlyweds.

Lucky days according to the Orthodox calendar

The Orthodox Church in April allows the marriage and wedding of the newlyweds only after a week after Easter. For young people who are not afraid of prejudice, two Sundays are suitable for a wedding - April 19 and 26, 2017. They will be able to play the wedding the day before on Friday or Saturday. According to the clergy, April 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29 are also good days for marriage.

The best day for a wedding

The most successful day for a wedding in April has always been considered the Krasnaya Gorka holiday, in 2017 it falls on April 19 - the Sunday after Easter. Therefore, it is better to plan a wedding for April 17, since there will be a new moon on the 18th, which is not very good for a wedding day. There is a belief that the holiday of Krasnaya Gorka, which has long been celebrated in Russia, is a kind of lucky ticket, and a young couple married on this day will enter into the most lasting and lasting union.

Ideas for an April wedding

Wedding decorations are done in delicate, pastel shades to create a unique, warm, romantic spring atmosphere for guests. As a symbol of awakening life, bouquets of flowers with unblown buds of soft pink, yellowish, blue, white color will decorate the wedding banquet hall, sprigs of fresh young greenery will please the eye. How to do it stylishly and beautifully, see the video.

A wedding photo session in a spring park, on a horse-drawn carriage, will give you unforgettable pictures. If there are no fresh flowers on the trees in April, decorate them with artificial garlands. A particularly memorable moment of the wedding will be a photo session against the backdrop of a blooming cherry orchard. And if cherry blossoms grow near you, you are incredibly lucky! Their flowering period falls just at the end of April, use this fabulous moment for wedding photos.

Arrange small transparent vases with seasonal flowers on the tables: lilies of the valley, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths. Their lovely appearance and sweet aroma will create a light, joyful mood. Let the colors of young greenery and light green prevail in the decor of the wedding hall. Decorate the room with cuts of light, transparent fabric with garlands of small lanterns, green twigs, satin ribbons.

What to wear to an April wedding

The wedding dress of the bride is associated with the first, delicate spring flower, so it is chosen either pure white, symbolizing purity and innocence, or among pastel shades of pink (the color of tenderness) or golden (wealth). Categorically unacceptable wedding dresses flashy tones - bright red, green. At an April wedding, the bride should not wear pearl jewelry.

It can be difficult to guess a warm, fine day in April for a wedding, so the bride should, just in case, stock up on a warm cape or bolero jacket. An umbrella of the right color will help you not get wet in a sudden rain. It will come in handy during your wedding photo shoot to create extraordinary, romantic shots. It is recommended to choose closed shoes - shoes or ankle boots, even light white boots will not interfere.

For an April wedding, the groom should choose a suit of light, pastel colors - gray, cream, smoky, white, brown. A well-chosen shirt and tie complete the look. Try to create the maximum color harmony in the wedding dresses of the newlyweds. Eccentric natures use a pink or red tie as a bright accent, if it goes well with the bride's bouquet.

Wedding in April: reviews

My sister got married on April 22nd. They knew in advance that the month was not very good for a wedding, relatives were against this date. But the young insisted, and nothing, they have been living together for 8 years. So do not be afraid to accept, rely only on yourself and trust your heart.

Our April wedding fell on such a rainy day that it was even scary to imagine. My long wedding dress was wet and dirty, and my shoes were wet too. We should pay tribute to the photographer, the pictures in the rain came out unique, I did not think that such beauty would turn out.

Although the day was sunny, you can’t call it warm. The piercing wind knocked down, mercilessly destroying our wedding hairstyles. The bride is well done, kept up to date. It was not easy for her, if not for a warm cape and boots, no one knows how it would all end. No, it is better to do a wedding in summer or autumn, when it is warm and the weather is more predictable.