Tablets to increase lactation - a brief overview of drugs. Means to increase lactation. Personal experience

It is a responsible period for both mom and newborn. Sometimes young mothers face that, feeding in breast milk, the baby adds badly in weight, often capricious. This, most likely, indicates violations in the mother's diet, or the elementary disadvantage of milk. It was then before moms a problem arises, how to increase the lactation of breast milk so that the child has enough and did not need to register with various mixtures.

Lactation and nursing mother menu

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the diet of the products and the lifestyle of the nursing mother.

In the menu for the day must be included:

  • Meat (Bird, Fish);
  • Milk or fermented milk products (1 liter);
  • Cottage cheese (100 grams);
  • Cheese (30 grams);
  • Vegetables (500 grams);
  • Fruits (300 grams);
  • Butter creamy (20 grams);
  • Vegetable oil (25 grams).

Should be avoided:

  • A large number of products rich in carbohydrates (sugar, bread, confectionery);
  • Any alcoholic beverages;
  • Allergenic products: chocolate, coffee, nuts, caviar, citrus
  • Acute spices and additives (onions, garlic, pepper).

How to raise lactation by folk remedies

How to increase breast milk lactation with the help of various folk agents, many mothers will learn from their moms and grandmothers. There are several ways that can really help.

1. Increase the amount of liquid injubile Due to the use of vitamin beverages from various herbs. Lactation improvement promotes tsmin, Fennel, Anis, nettle and some others. We give several recipes that can be easily prepared.

For a beverage from cumin seeds (15 grams), one liter of water will be required, one lemon and one hundred grams of sugar. Seeds flooded with hot water, peeled and sliced \u200b\u200blemon, sugar are added to them. All this is boiled on a small heat for 5-10 minutes. Strain. Drink cool 3 times a day.

Anisa's infusion is preparing without adding other products. Seeds are poured boiling water for an hour. The resulting infusion is cooled. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. In the same way prepares infusion from dill seeds.

Mama on a notic!

Girls Hi) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, and I will write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I write here: how did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my way will help you ...

Tea with milk. It is better to drink before feeding, about half an hour.

Special teas for breastfeeding, which contains Fennel, Tsmin, Melissa, Anis give double benefits for stimulation and increasing lactation. (Cm and special)

2. Increasing the frequency of feeding and applying to the chest. Feed the child should be on demand without interruption at night. Feeding a child at night is a pledge of long-term and high-quality lactation for the entire feeding period. It is better to abandon strict feeding by the clock.

3. Breast massage. After feeding, try to spend your breast massage from which fed. Massage should be done within 5-10 minutes under the jet of warm water. Direction: Circular movements from the nipple to the periphery.

4. Video

Preparations for lactation increase

There are several ways to increase the lactation of tablets.

  1. Polyvitamins for nursing mothers. Usually, their reception appoints a doctor who watched a woman during pregnancy. The duration of reception of vitamins depends on the duration of breastfeeding period.
  2. Homeopathic agents. For example, mammall. The drug is produced in the form of granules that need to be taken 15 minutes before meals. It can be used throughout the entire feeding period.
  3. Badic. Tablets containing various vitamins and useful substances (uterine milk, lactogon herbs).
However, it is not necessary to abuse the pills and vitamins of industrial production. To increase the amount of milk, it is worth it more often to apply a child to the chest, eliminate extraneous stimuli during feeding, stress. And most importantly, not nervous and save a positive attitude.

Little milk or 13 ways to increase lactation

The production of milk with pectoral glands (lactation) is regulated by hormones (estrogen, progesterone, prolactin). Often in the first days after childbirth, the woman is disappointing and anxiety: the process is slowly and it seems that the child is undernourished.

In most cases, milk deficiency in the first steps of feeding is not an obstacle to breastfeeding and transition to artificial mixtures. The correct organization of GW and the use of various methods will contribute to lactation stimulation after delivery.

Methods of lactation stimulation

The most accessible and simple method is the frequent attachment of the baby to the chest. During feeding there is a natural stimulation of nipples, which causes the dairy glands to work more intensively. Night feedings are particularly useful, because in this watch the most actively produced hormone prolactin.

The pledge of normal lactation is feeding on demand, and not by the hour. It is also not necessary to limit the time of finding baby in the chest during this process.

In addition to natural stimulation, there are a number of additional ways. Possible drug stimulation of lactation, the use of breastsosos, regular plumbing, consumption of special teas.


Most often, the problem of the lack of milk occurs in the first days after delivery. Sometimes this problem is inflated or greatly exaggerated. Then she is solved by frequent attachment of the baby to the chest.

The deficit may occur after transferred or other infectious diseases. In this case, natural stimulation may not be enough. For the normalization of the feeding process, the following drugs can be recommended.


The advantage is the natural origin of the drug. It is based on beeteric milk, vitamins C, B1, B2, B12, folic acid, amino acids. Recommended dose - 1 tablet 3 times a day. The duration of reception is 10-15 days. It is not recommended to increase the dose.

Reception facilities contributes:

  • improving lactation;
  • rapid restoration of the body after childbirth;
  • improving immunity both mother and baby;
  • normalization of the psycho-emotional state of the mother.

At the same time, doctors note that there is no direct impact of the active substances of the drug to produce breast milk and on changes in the hormonal system of a woman. But the unforgettable and sedative effect of apilacs produce a positive effect, increasing the confidence of the mother in their capabilities.

Since the preparation is the product of beekeeping, there is a risk of rash in children inclined to the development of allergies.


This is a homeopathic preparation, which includes:

  • nettle - stimulates the production of milk, relieves the edema of the mammary glands, ensures normal blood circulation in the dairy ducts;
  • abrahamovo tree - has a soothing effect, stimulates the production of prolactin;
  • stretching meadow - eliminates stagnation in lactic glands, normalizes lactation.

It is also used to prevent mastitis and treatment of postpartum bleeding. Malko Granules need to take 5 pieces for 1 reception. They are put under the tongue to complete resorption. The best time for reception is half an hour before breakfast. If necessary, re-admission in the evening hours. The tool does not cause side effects and practically does not have contraindications. Some breastfeeding experts recommend alternating the reception of Malkian with apilat.


Biologically active additive based on carrot juice, nettle, souls, dill, uterine milk. It is enriched with potassium iodide and vitamin C.

Forms of release - tea and tablets. The means is effectively not only for milk generation, but also to normalize the work of the thyroid gland, eliminate colic in a newborn, improve its appetite, increase immunity. Tablets take 3-4 pieces per day during food. If a nursing mother prefers tea, you need to drink two glasses per day.

Lactogon is well tolerated, it does not cause side effects or allergies in infants. The only contraindication is the individual intolerance to the components.


Release form - dry mix. It is dissolved in water and take before eating. This food additive is used to improve the diet of a nursing mom. It includes natural cow's milk, corn, soy and coconut oil, vitamins, amino acids, minerals.

Themilak can be started to take even during pregnancy. The daily rate is 40 g (this is about 9 dimensional spoons). The mixture can be used to improve the taste of other dishes. It is added to tea, cocoa, dairy porridge. Fruit and berries can be added to the prepared mixture of the femilak.

It should be noted that the lactation preparations are not panacea and themselves do not guarantee the formation of milk. They are effective only with comprehensive use with other lactation increase techniques. In addition, some of them can cause allergic reactions in a child, the poet is to abuse them and significantly exceed the recommended dose should not be.

Lactation teas

Many mothers prefer to use tea to stimulate lactation. In this way, our grandmothers, who prepared such drinks based on herbs, were used. Today, teas that increase the production of milk can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Tea hipp.

Tea can be taken during when a child at the new stage of development requires a greater amount of food than it can provide the mother's body. Clinical studies have proven that regular use of the drug helps increase lactation several times.

The main advantage of tea is its composition in which there are no preservatives, flavors and chemical dyes. Structure:

  • anis - increases the amount of milk, relieves painful spasms;
  • fennel - improves the work of the child's digestion organs, has a soothing effect;
  • lemon Verbena - gives tea a pleasant fragrance;
  • cumin - Increases the tide of milk.

Babushkino Lukoshko

For nursing mothers, there are teas with two aromas: Anis and Rosehip. In addition, they also include other natural ingredients: Fennel and Tine fruits, nettle leaves and melissa.

Drinking teas "Babushkino Lukoshko" is necessary for course. Within 2-3 weeks, you need to drink a glass of tea 2-3 times a day for half an hour before the feeding of the child. Then a break for a few weeks, after which the course is repeated.


The composition is similar to the drink from Babushkino Lukoshko. It is a fennel, cumin, anise, nettle leaves. Lactavit cannot be taken during pregnancy. Tea is also known as lactafitol.

Using breasts and stirring

If a child for certain reasons cannot or does not want to take the breast, and the woman intends to continue GW, lactation stimulation with breastsosos. Although there is a small risk that the kid will get used to sucking from the bottle, it is better to feed it with a recreational milk than to switch to an artificial mixture. The use of breastsos is mandatory when mastitis. With it, it is possible to prevent stagnation in inflamed zones and strengthen the blood supply of the mammary glands.

There are mechanical and electric milk pumps. Electrical models are more perfect. They are easy to use at home. The lack of such models is a high cost, but it pays for itself under the condition of long-term use.

One of the most accessible ways is to stimulate. Stirling is especially effective in the first 2-3 weeks after childbirth. Usually, the infants eat still very little, and many with difficulty suck chest and fall asleep from efforts. In order to stimulate the mammary glands to intensive work, you need to decrease after each feeding. Nipples during the plot should be between the index and middle finger. Movements should be rhythmic.

When the feeding process is adjusted, it is not necessary to abuse induction. Excessive passion for this process can cause. For normal lactation, a sufficiently active sucking of a child.

Hormonal stimulation of lactation

There are methods that are able to cause milk developing women. They are needed by those mothers who raise the adoptive child. Since breast milk is produced at a hormonal level, artificial stimulation of lactation will contribute to its production.

Woman accepts a certain amount of hormones that stimulate lactation. Children squeezed by such milk develop no less fully than their peers.

Hormonal stimulation of lactation has its own side effects and contraindications, so it can be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

Measuring a nursing mother

High-quality balanced and calorie nutrition is also the key to successful lactation. Today, pediatricians no longer insist on compliance with a strict diet when feeding. It is enough to exclude or limit the reception of products that can cause allergies. These include citrus, chocolate, some sweets. Unwanted sweet carbonated water, sharp foods and fast food.

Lactation stimulation products:

  • meat of non-fat varieties (turkey, chicken, rabbit);
  • buckwheat or oatmeal cooked on milk or water;
  • nuts;
  • radish with honey;
  • carrots and carrot juice;
  • dried fruits (kuraga, figs, prunes, raisins);
  • black and red currant, gooseberry;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • sheet salad with olive oil.

Mandatory condition for normalizing milk production is the use of a large amount of fluid. Recommended drinks include:

  • ordinary or mineral water without gas;
  • goat milk;
  • fermented milk products (ipuhenka, kefir, natural yogurt);
  • green and girlish teas;
  • dried fruits compote;
  • natural juices.

It was previously believed that the cow's milk significantly improves the secretory function of the mammary glands. However, it is not true. It can be included in the diet of a nursing mother only subject to the absence of allergies to the baby on the cow protein. Natural juices better drink, diluing them with water.


Massage for lactation stimulation increases milk production and simultaneously serves as prevention of external damage and stretch marks. Before it is necessary to rinse the chest with warm water. Circular movements are rubbed by the dairy glands using castor and olive oil. Before feeding the remnants of oil you need to wash off!

The breast of the nursing mother should always be warm. Therefore, the massage efficiency increases if it is carried out during the taking of the shower. The water stream is directed to the chest iron from the side of the clavicle. Massage the chest is useful and after feeding.

Massage of the mammary glands for lactation stimulation

Comprehensive special exercises during massage provide the necessary tone of muscles, triggering blood circulation, protect the mammary glands from the occurrence of stoles.

Lactation stimulation after cesarean

Breastfeeding (GW) is one of the most important periods in the life of a woman. The full nutrition of the baby, the process of restoring the female organism after pregnancy and childbirth, the development of emotional contact between mother and child - all this is directly dependent on the successful and long-term breastfeeding.

Under natural or breastfeeding, most pediatricians understand the nutrition of a newborn during the first 6-9 months of life only with female milk, the number of detectors during this period should not exceed 20% of the daily diet. With this method of feeding, the baby in the first place often the problems of lactation in nursing.

Breastfeeding techniques

The amount of milk woman allocated for the day first of all depends not on any medicinal or folk drugs that stimulate lactation, but from the skills of breastfeeding in a young mother.

Immediately after the birth of the child, the guinea should begin stimulation of nerve endings in nipples and alveoli. For this, the newborn is applied to the chest for the first 15 minutes after delivery. At the same time, several goals are achieved:

  • stimulation of the production of the reflex of milk selection in the mother;
  • maximum replacement of the nosocomial flora in the baby gastrointestinal tract for lactic acid bacteria, which are on the nipples of a woman;
  • admission to the body of a newborn together with the first drops of maternal milk of secretory antibodies, important for the formation of a child's immune system;
  • the first contact of the mother's breastfeement contributes to a more powerful ejection into the body of a woman prolactin and oxytacin - hormones responsible for the lactation level in the manufacture.

It should be remembered that during the intrauterine development, the nutrients entered the body of the child without any activity from his part, so the baby is unfamiliar to the sense of hunger. During the first weeks after childbirth, the baby is in the state of the so-called postpartum braking, so feeding does not depend on time and is carried out on demand. However, it is necessary to strive to establish a clearer feed mode, the optimal frequency of which is one feed at 2-3 hours. In this case, by 25-27 days, the inhibitory effect of the child will pass, and the correct meal schedule will already work out.

There should not be frightening young mom and phenomena called lactation crises in the literature. This sharp decrease in milk production happens 2-3 times during breastfeeding period. It is connected with periodic hormonal exhaustion in a woman. The first one usually happens 1-1.5 months after the start of feeding. Most often, the problem does not require the use of drugs that stimulate lactation, as it happens on 2-3 days with normal power and satisfactory emotional state of the woman.

Some experts offer not to wait for mercy from nature and recommend women during a lactation crisis to stimulate the production of milk with the help of lactovit or vitamin-lactation tea No. 8. It should be recognized that some effect is still achieved when applying these funds, what the nursing mothers say. However, the addition of breast milk arises mainly due to the soothing and sedative effect on the nervous system of women, light tranquilizers of plant origin, which are part of these beverages.

No less important is the pressure procedure when feeding. During the GW, the woman first applies the child only to one breast to full emptying. If the baby is not enough, then the feeding of another breast gland continues.

In this case, milk usually remains. It is to prevent the occurrence of pathological processes in the chest.

Typically, the pressure process is needed to those women who have a decrease in lactation, which leads to insufficient feeding and weight loss in the kid. In addition, the pressure process itself stimulates the release of prolactin and oxytacine, as a result of which the flow of milk increases. Usually peak data generation of hormones falls on early morning. In addition to this time, the reserve can be requested the baby in the poverty on the release of milk the periods of day feeding.

In order to assess the adequacy of lactation and the volume of the child, it is constantly weighed. If the baby is gaining weight according to the recommendations of a pediatrician doctor, does not show expressed concern in the period between feeding, it clearly withstands the alternation of periods of wakefulness and sleep, then all this indicates a sufficient saturation of the growing organism. If the child has deviations from the norm, then it is necessary to carry out permanent accounting of milk allocated. To do this, stitches and check the ratio of the resulting volume to age requirements and norms. For 2-3 days, only harvested milk are given a child, which, in addition to controlling the volume of feeding, also allows you to stimulate lactation.


All means increasing lactation in women can be divided into several groups. The first usually includes various drugs that stimulate the production of milk. Recently, pharmaceutical companies offer enough funds created mainly on the basis of plant components:

  • Homeopathic granules to increase lactation. The drug was created on the basis of nettle and shot of meadow. A sufficiently powerful tool that gives an increase in milk release to 40%. The negative side is possible allergic reactions.
  • The famous drug is based on honey and bees milk. It has a high degree of lactation stimulation, can also cause allergies from a mother and baby.
  • Another famous drug to increase lactation is lactavit. The use of this tool is sufficiently common, however, its influence on the increase in the amount of milk in a woman is less than that of the previous two. In addition, the drug cannot be prescribed during pregnancy.

The second group of lactation stimulants can be attributed to various medicinal teas and herbal infusions. In wide sale, they are offered in large quantities. Most often, tea for nursing type-top, based on a mixture of anise herbs, nettle, melissa and dill. In addition to the stimulating impact on the production of breast milk, the drink has a beneficial effect on the baby gastrointestinal tract. By entering the body of a child through maternal milk, tea improves motility and reduces gas formation in the infant's intestine. But Moms know that a normal chair is an indicator of a satisfactory baby's nutrition.

Also available in the retail pharmacy network therapeutic teas represented by Dania and "". In its composition, they are almost identical, and if the nursing mother will drink 3-4 beverage per day, then the lactation increases 20% -25%.

All offered ways can be formed in such a list:

  • the use of special phytopreparations to increase lactation;
  • using up to 3 liters of fluid per day with mandatory additives of herbal decoctions, tea, milk, raisin;
  • before feeding a warm soul with a breast massage;
  • conducting therapeutic gymnastics for the upper half of the body in order to stimulate blood flow in lactic glands;
  • mandatory child feeding early in the morning, in the area of \u200b\u200b4-5 hours;
  • if for some reason the first meal of the kid did not occur, a thorough diminishing of both dairy glasses.

Reducing and increasing lactation in different periods of breastfeeding are most often quite physiological processes and stabilize in the presence of positive emotions, full nutrition, clear mode of day. If painful processes in the breast, edema and local or overall increase in temperature are added to the decrease in lactation, then the clinic has a decrease in the level of milk generated by the inflammatory process in the breast. In this case, the stimulation of lactation independently becomes simply dangerous. Such manifestations require immediate conversion for consultation to the doctor.

After the birth of a child, it is important to think about obtaining them all the necessary substances, which can only give full-fledged breastfeeding. You can stimulate lactation with the help of inclusion in the diet of special products: this will allow you to preserve "natural feeding" without a deccent point and give the baby a complete spectrum of vitamins and minerals.

Lactation menu limits

There are products that can and harm the formulation of milk in the body of a woman. They delay water in the tissues, so milk isolation can slow down. In the diet of the mother, such food should be absent and because of its harmfulness for the baby, because it's about:

  • Smoked (meat, fish), especially hot smoking products;
  • Saved food;
  • Sharp seasonings, spices;
  • Canned products;
  • Food additives (glutamate sodium, preservatives, etc.).

Among the seemingly harmless tea hazel and garden greenery, too, there are "violators" of milk generation. These include sage, mint, parsley, and their menu should not be at least in the first 2-4 months of lactation.

Best products for excellent lactation

There are products that can be periodically eating for optimal breast milk production, and the main of them are described below.

1.The tea tea

The easiest option is to drink green tea with honey (not strong) or weakly brewed black tea with milk. With the tendency of the baby or moms to allergies, honey is better not to abuse, and add milk to tea. If drinking a drink 30 minutes before feeding the child, milk production will increase accurately.

2. Cumin and bread with Tmin

You can chew cumin, or eat black bread with its seeds. You can also make yourself cooked a tmin drink: 1 t. A spoonful of cumin brew a glass of boiling milk and insist 2 hours. You need to take this drink in half a package 15 minutes before feeding.

3. Uzvar.

Ushmari is a compote from dried fruits (plums, pears, apples, apricots), some sugar, water. Take the Umbar recommended on a glass twice a day. And the lactation will strengthen and vitamins is rich.

4. Clean water

Suitable for increasing the production of milk and simple water, non-carbonated and clean. It should be drunk up to 2 liters per day, then with feeding there will be no problems. But immediately before feeding it is better to use a drink with a more pronounced lactogenic action (for example, a glass of milk or a cup of green tea).

5. Orekhi

The mass of useful components in nuts will not only allow the baby to better grow and strengthen health, but also feed on breast milk in sufficient quantities. Every day you need to eat 2-5 pieces of almond nuts (without salt and roast), but not abuse, because of the risk, the appearance of abdominal pain in the baby (causes gas formation in a child and can cause the strongest constipation.). Other nuts (walnuts, cedar, Brazilian) work in the same way, but they are rather fat. You can still cook a cedar cocktail: 1 table. A spoonful of cedar nuts pour the glass of water overnight, in the morning boil, add honey and drink.

6. Durce tea

Our grandmothers as a lactogenic agent used tea with dill. A spoon of dill seed brewing 200 ml of boiling water, insist night in the thermos. Drink twice a day on the floor of a glass. Replace the seeds of dill can be seeds with cumin, anise. Based on these plants, you can cook other herbal tea: for 20 g of Anisa and Ukropia seeds, 30 g of seeds of the Fenhelnika Sennic and Fenhel fruit and stir. 1 t. A spoonful of collecting a glass of boiling water, insist and take 2 times a day on a glass of infusion 15 minutes before feeding.

You can prepare a dill milk cocktail. For this, crushed seeds of dill mixes with kefir, leaving nutmeg, suggests, pollets and drinks before breakfast.

However, it is necessary to remember that the anise and dill can cause allergies.

7. Herbal tea

Plants that increase lactation can be purchased in any pharmacy. Among them are the popular oregano, nettle, melissa, dill, anise, hawthorn (berries). The fees should be made (combined in equal proportions), brew a spoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and take 100 ml three times a day. Consultation of the doctor before the consumption of any herbs is obligatory! They can cause a child with colic or allergies!

8. Walnut milk

Walnut milk is simply prepared. 50 g of walnut nuts need to grind, pour 250 ml of hot milk, cook to a small thickening. Add sugar to the drink to taste, take it from 70 ml. Before the next feeding (for 30 minutes).

9. Lactogenic products

There are products capable of strengthening the production of prolactin - hormone responsible for lactation and supporting it. Many of them animal origin, high-blooded, so in the menu they must be present under day norms for nursing women. Here is a list of products:

  • Non-fat meat soups, broths;
  • Fish and meat of non-fat variety;
  • Solid cheese, Adygei cheese, cheese;
  • Acid food.

From low-fat foods accelerate the products of the desired hormone of seeds, carrots, honey, as well as vegetables and fruits, in which there are many fiber.

10. Juka.

Fresh-sached juices. The juices cooked houses are much more useful than shopping, it is necessary to take them immediately, without standing in the refrigerator. Perfectly cope with an increase in milk carrot juice, currants, a frank berry. It is important that the juices were fresh, without preservatives diluted with water.

Mama on a notic!

Girls Hi) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, and I will write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I write here: how did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my way will help you ...

11. Barley decoction or barley coffee

Barley coffee is an excellent tea substitute. It is better to drink such drinks with honey, sugar and milk. These barley drinks can be bought in the store in the dietary dietary department.

12. Radish with honey

There is a drink that is not distinguished by a beautiful taste, but working no worse than juices. This is radish juice. Press juice, diluted with water, add a spoonful of honey to a glass of liquid. In case of diseases, the gastrointestinal tract cannot be taken.

13. Dandelions

The best effect for raising lactation made of herbs has a dandelion. It can be used in the following ways:

  1. Fresh young dandelion leaves are crushed in a meat grinder, press juice, salt, let it breed for 30 minutes, and drink 100 ml 2 times a day with small sips. To improve taste, you can add lemon juice, honey, sugar.
  2. Decoration from dandelions: for 1 t. Spoon of crushed roots and dandelion leaves add a glass of boiling water and insisted within an hour. Then strain and drink 50 ml 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.
  3. Milk cocktail from dandelions. Mix a glass of milk with 4 cups of kefir, add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of chopped dill leaves, dandelion petals, 10 g of walnut walnuts and a mixer bumps. Use half a cup for breakfast.

14. Ginger tea

The root of ginger is cleaned, cut, cook in a water liter of 3-5 minutes. Cool, drink 50 ml 4 times a day. If you wish, you can drink tea with honey, lemon.

15. Vitamin Massa

From dried fruits, you can cook not only compote, but also prepare a vitamin mass. For this, 100 g of Kuragi, figs, raisins, prunes are well rinsed, add as many walnut or cedar nuts, everything is crushed into a homogeneous mass. It is allowed to put honey in it to taste. You need to eat a vitamin "dish" in half an hour before feeding the baby, drinking with warm tea.

16. Hercules

If you eat for breakfast porridge, rich in fiber, it will be not only useful for the intestine of a young mother, but also increases the production of milk. Especially good for this purpose oatmeal. You can cook kaski on water or milk, to eat muesli, or pour oatmeal with water, leave overnight and consume with kefir. Kashi are perfectly combined with dried fruits and honey.

17. Gincache

Experts advise to rinse the Greycrick, then fry her in a pan and eat like seeds. This also favorably affects lactation.

18. Watermelon

Watermelons - a beautiful product for lactation - to acquire them only in the season of maturation (from August). You should not buy watermelons until August, they can be dangerous due to the large content of nitrates and pesticides.

19. Carrot and onions

Onions, carrots simply get it, and their ability to influence the production of milk is also high. Fresh and boiled, welded, carrots and onions positive affect lactation, so try to add them to all dishes.

20. Salad.

To increase lactation, it is useful to have any kind of leaf salad, which is seasoned with olive oil or sour cream.

Additional advice to young mothers during lactation:

  • Do not be nervous;
  • Comply with the day of the day, sleep;
  • More relax;
  • Prevent stress, overload;
  • Be sure to feed the baby at night. Mama on a notic!

    Girls hello! Today I will tell you how I managed to come into shape, lose weight by 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of complete people. I hope the information will be useful for you!

Breastfeeding is a natural process that is laid by nature. Not all women have a feeding period begins and passes without complications. Experts recommend using drugs that activate milk production processes, such include pills for improving lactation, filoma. Some foods activate the generation of milk, they must be included in the diet of a nursing mother.

Breastfeeding is the most common way to feed a newborn baby. It is necessary in order to provide a baby with the necessary substances, as well as adapt the sterile intestine to a new type of nutrition, inhabit it with bifidobacteriums.

In different periods of pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, breast glands produce colosure, after delivery, it becomes mature milk. Promotion of a good lactation level begins in the maternity hospital.

What are the requirements for:

  • applying the baby to the chest immediately after delivery;
  • calm benevolent atmosphere during feeding;
  • proper applying to the chest (the child must capture the breasts in a special way);
  • feeding on demand (this stimulates the influx of milk);
  • feeding not only during the day, but also at night;
  • selection of comfortable linen, clothes that do not have to shy breasts, deliver discomfort;
  • proper nutrition of the mother, the use of liquid.

Myths about drugs to improve lactation

There are many misconceptions about how the agents that are used to increase the volume of breast milk are used.

  1. It is customary to believe that drugs are safe. In fact, many of them can cause strong allergic reactions, as they contain active allergens.
  2. The arguments that the milk will be produced only under the influence of special drugs, erroneously. Breastfeeding is a process in which a baby and mother participate. With proper applied, feeding on demand, the absence of health problems, the arrival of the fluid must be absolutely natural.
  3. The safest facilities for lactation are herbal fees that can be bought on the market. It's a delusion. Homeopathic preparations are safe, but they must be certified, do not contain harmful substances.
  4. Many believe that it is possible to use lactation tools unlimited. But all drugs have a strict dosage. Pitchy, if it takes too much, can cause diarrhea and other symptoms of the stomach disorder.

How to increase the amount of breast milk

Before each young mom after childbirth, the question arises, is there enough milk to a child, does he eat? There are cases when milk is indeed being developed enough, the kid whimshes, crying, parents buy a mixture, and breastfeeding ceases at all.

Experts advise you to survive this period, it is better to improve the development of all possible ways at the very beginning, and then enjoy maternity.

To increase the amount of milk, it is necessary to take funds affecting the activation of prolactin and oxytocin. Experts recommend to use more fluid, abandon alcohol, fast food and medicines that brave the work of the nervous system.


These funds are considered the best among those who are able to influence the body of a woman and not harm him. Preparations of homeopathy have advantages over others in the fact that they do not carry side effects after use. The basis of funds - vegetable components. The list of the most common products includes those raw materials for which they are grown or collected in Russia.


Tablets based on the dried uterine milk, bees are supplemented with auxiliary components. Apilak is rich in the content of amino acids, micro and macroelements, vitamins, enzymes. These substances prevent the spread of microorganisms. Improving metabolic processes contributes to the activation of lactation. Tablets take the course, 10-15 days, 3 times a day. The tablet is under the tongue until complete dissolution. It is impossible to drink the last dose late in the evening, since, because of the toning effect, women feel the tide of the strength for some time after the reception, because of what they cannot fall asleep.

Tablets are not powered. They are contraindicated by those women who have allergies to one of the components of the drug, should not be taken by those who had previously observed an allergic response to honey. The peculiarity of the apilatment is that it can provoke allergies to the royal milk at the infant, while the mother will feel good.


To increase lactation, 2 types of funds are produced: tea and tablets. Active components are connected in the preparation: beta-carotene, uterine milk, oregano ordinary, ginger and nettle extracts, fennel seed extract, potassium iodide, oats, vitamin C. Many mothers prefer vitamin instead of tablets, as the warm liquid additionally stimulates lactation.

Tablets Lactogon take during meals, 3 or 4 times a day. The time interval between reception and feeding should be observed - 30 minutes. The reception rate is 30 days. The tea is brewed with a glass of boiling water, insist 10-15 minutes, drunk in the morning and in the evening for 10 days.


Homeopathic remedy, produced in the form of granules that are packed in packages. The composition of the drug is balanced, contains components that directly act on the activation of milk generation. Basic components are shot by meadow and extract of burning nettle. These herbs are known in folk medicine, as increasing lactation and recommended for use for nursing mothers.

Granules are convenient to use, they will quickly dissolve. They are taken in the morning, to increase day lactation, up to 5 pieces once.


The drug to enhance the influx of milk based on a grassy plant shot of meadow, it is often referred to as the "Herb". Granules take 5 pieces overnight. During the day, it is recommended to conduct a quiet way of life, refrain from unnecessary unrest.

Pulsatilla composyum

This medicine differs from the previous preparation of the form of release and composition. It is produced in ampoules, used for injections. Pricks are made 1 time in 3 days, the course of treatment is 2 weeks.


These are funds that are used as an additional source of biologically active components are added to food or accepted with it.

The nursing mom menu must contain products that have a lactagon effect. In a menu that helps recovery after childbirth and racket increases, include:

  • tea green, freshly harvested;
  • chicken meat broth;
  • dairy porridges from rice or bump liquid consistency;
  • walnuts, cashews, cedar nuts;
  • the first dishes from white marine and river fish.

Teas and herbal infusions

Folk remedies have long been used to stimulate influx of breast milk. With similar means, it is necessary to be careful, to take only if there is no doubt about their effectiveness. Infusions at home are prepared on the basis of well-known components, such as: Anis, Tmin, Fennel. They are known as means for adding breast milk.

How to use drugs to increase the amount of milk

The peculiarity of the use of drugs to increase the influx of milk is that not all of them are suitable for primary hypolactation. The shortage of milk, which is observed in the first weeks after childbirth, is called primary. During this period, it is recommended to use cooking and use products that stimulate the inflow.

With secondary hypolactation, that is, a few weeks or months after childbirth, use pills or injections.

Pros and disadvantages of various means

Receiving funds for improving lactation is better to start after consulting with breastfeeding specialist. All funds have pluses and cons. Advantages of vegetable-based drugs:

  • natural composition;
  • no side effects;
  • effectiveness;
  • ease of use.

Possible disadvantages:

  • strong allergic reactions to vegetable components;
  • the emergence of allergy in the baby;
  • development of sedative effect from reception.


Do not take the means of women who tend to allergic reactions. Specialists are not recommended to prolong the lactation upon the occurrence of a new pregnancy. Homeopathic supplements do not take those who suffered from thyroid disease before pregnancy or during it.