Facial care in the fall: what to pay special attention to. Winter skin care

After the summer season, the skin of the face especially needs support. The consequences of sunburn and solar ultraviolet radiation, cold autumn winds, a sharp change in temperature - all this leaves traces on the face in the form of hyperpigmentation, redness, dryness, irritation and other troubles. In the publication, we will talk about what facial care should be in the fall, what procedures to pay special attention to, how to protect the skin from the effects of adverse weather factors.

Facial care in the fall

Facial care program always includes 4 main points:

  • cleansing;
  • moisturizing;
  • nutrition;
  • protection.

Cosmetics will saturate the skin with moisture from the outside. However, for full hydration, it is necessary to replenish the internal moisture reserves in the body. You should drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water daily. Tea, coffee and juices are not counted, but herbal teas can be included in the daily dose.

Sometimes during cold autumn winds the face begins. To avoid this problem, you need to consider the following care tips:

  • use only mild, gentle products for washing;
  • after washing, wipe your face with an alcohol-free tonic (purchased or;
  • once a week, apply a scrub to the skin, beforehand.

In the autumn, it is advisable to use oily cosmetics. This is especially true for lipstick, foundation and powder. It is advisable to give up long-lasting lipstick and give preference to lip balm.

Adequate sleep is the main factor for the health of the body. In the fall, be sure to sleep at least 8 hours.

For more information about the features of autumn facial skin care, see the video:

Care for oily, dry and normal skin in autumn

Each skin type requires specific care. Although the basic skin care program remains the same, products and masks should be used based on your skin type.

The most thorough care in the autumn period requires dry type skin. You can only wash your face with cool water. In the morning, you should use a gel for washing, and then apply a greasy cream. A good tonic for this type of skin is a decoction of chamomile or mint leaves. Cosmetologists advise to do a nourishing mask for dry face once a week. It contains citrus fruits, sea buckthorn and fat cream. The mask is applied for 40 minutes.

At normal type it is enough to wash your face in the morning and in the evening with warm water and apply a non-greasy nourishing cream. For washing, you can use a decoction of chamomile. Once every 2 weeks, a mask should be applied, which includes cabbage, apple, pear, grapes. The ingredients must be crushed to the state of gruel and mixed with cream (can be replaced with natural yogurt or fatty sour cream). Hold on face for 40 minutes and rinse.

To look after bold the skin should be treated with special antibacterial agents. Wash your face with cold water only and use moisturizers. For oily skin in the autumn, beauticians recommend making a mask based on a nourishing cream once a week. Put 10 drops of alcoholic tincture of mint into it and add grated cucumber. Keep the mixture on your face for 40 minutes.

In addition, in the fall, it is advisable to remove cosmetics not with the help of cosmetics, but to use oils: olive, almond or. After a couple of weeks of this application, peeling, redness of the skin will go away, strengthening the eyelashes will be a pleasant bonus.

Anti-aging care in autumn

Aging skin care is slightly different from standard procedures. After 40 years, regardless of the season, wrinkles, peeling and dryness begin to appear on the face. And with the arrival of cold weather, the epidermis begins to shrink especially noticeably.

The program for autumn facial care after 40 years includes:

  1. Cleansing and moisturizing... In the morning and in the evening, you need to wash yourself with boiled warm water or decoctions of herbs.
  2. Contrast compresses... Once a week, chamomile or calendula compresses should be applied to the face to strengthen the tissues.
  3. Self-massage with fat cream... Every morning and evening, for 5 minutes, you need to drive the nourishing cream into your face with your fingertips.
  4. Must do once a week peeling and nourishing mask.
  5. If possible, conduct hardware cosmetology course.

Nourishing anti-wrinkle cream can be done at home. To do this, you need to take 4 ml of apple juice, 1 lemon, 2 egg yolks, 10 ml of witch hazel and apricot oil. Mix all ingredients until smooth. The cream can be used in the morning and in the evening.

Of the purchased cosmetics in the fall, you should pay special attention to anti-age products, age-related ones will be especially useful in autumn care.

Skin protection in autumn

If autumn has just begun, and there are still enough sunny days, use a special sunscreen cosmetics... The protection level of your cream should be at least SPF 10-15.

When autumn begins to cause discomfort to the skin with severe frosts and prickly winds, make a choice in favor of protective and nourishing creams... Remember that the cream should not be moisturizing, only nutritious, preferably greasy. It is necessary to apply the product no later than 30 minutes before going outside so that the cream is completely absorbed and can provide the skin with reliable protection.


We tried to reveal the features of home skin care for the skin in the fall. In addition to the above procedures for the skin, do not forget to lead a healthy lifestyle: give up bad habits, adjust your sleep schedule, balance your diet and include sports and walking in the fresh air in your daily routine. And you will be beautiful at any time of the year!

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In the fall, you are so wrong that you don’t even believe it yourself. We will tell you today which cream to use, which products are better to hide and how many minutes to take a hot shower.

The need for a new skin care regimen comes every season and board-certified dermatologist and surgeon Denis Gross knows this firsthand. His advice will help you keep your skin flawless throughout the fall season.

Secret # 1: Don't use physical exfoliants

Exfoliants can be roughly divided into two main types - physical and chemical. The first, of course, include scrubs, implying a harsh effect on the skin and the complete removal of dead cells, and the second - peels that are specially designed to minimize irritation. So, instead of a scrub for exfoliation in the fall, it is wiser to choose peels and, as a professional advises, preferably with alpha and beta hydroxyl acids.

Secret # 2: Don't use a light moisturizer

Your favorite lightweight moisturizer has been your lifesaver all summer months, but it's time to say goodbye to it. Switch to intense facial moisturizers to help your skin look firmer and more elastic. A moisturizing cream containing hyaluronic acid will easily smoothen and revitalize the skin. We recommend Aquaphor Healing Ointment for dry skin and Cetaphil Dermacontrol Oil Moisturizer for oily skin. The optimal price and quality option for normal skin is Yves Rocher Hydra Vegetal.

Secret # 3: Use multifunctional products

Products that have only one purpose are definitely worse for your skin than multipurpose products. As a rule, due to the fact that it contains more preservatives in its composition, which may be harmful. Take a closer look at products with vitamins C and E, green tea extract or grape seed extract, because they will most effectively fight free radicals that destroy collagen.

Secret # 4: Use sunscreen

Sun damage is a year-round phenomenon. Snowy ground sometimes multiplies the chances of sun damage due to a reflective white background and this affects you even when you are indoors. If your windows are not protected from UV rays, then sitting near a window in a sun-drenched living room, driving a car or on an airplane, you risk getting premature wrinkles. Apply a drop of sunscreen to all exposed parts of your body (and especially your face) daily.

Secret # 5: Use a tonal moisturizer

You could opt for a full-spectrum makeup foundation, but good SPF BB creams will not only moisturize your face, provide the sun protection you need, but hide imperfections without weighing down your skin. It just doesn't make sense to use thick foundation in autumn.

Secret # 6: Don't take a bath or shower for too long

It sounds very nice, because it's not + 15 ° C outside for a long time, but high temperatures will not have a positive effect on your skin. If you are going to take a hot shower, then let it last no longer than 15 minutes.

Secret # 7: Don't Let Dry Air Dry Your Skin

Household heaters help keep warm during the cold fall and winter months, but they suck moisture out of the air so that your skin reacts instantly. The only way out is to buy a humidifier.

Secret # 8: Don't Overdo Acne Products

Acne treatments can irritate sensitive skin and cause it to redden and flake off. Dr. Gross recommends using steam baths for your face at least twice a week for 15 minutes to effectively counter this. Use more gentle products in the fall-winter period.

Secret # 9: Don't use alcohol-based products

Alcohol is one of the leading ingredients found in skin care products, but it tends to dry out the skin excessively. Dr. Gross recommends witch hazel tonics.

In the winter season the condition of the epidermis can deteriorate significantly due to constant winds and freezing temperatures.

To protect the skin from the negative external effects of frost, you need constant hydration and nutrition.

Replacement of usual care products

Water-based creams do a great job humidification, and to make the skin look well-groomed, it can feed vitamin creams.

The best option in this case would be the usual baby cream, it actively nourishes and moisturizes the skin and can be used as a make-up base.

Age features

How to protect mature skin from frost? To prevent signs of wilting skin, it is necessary to carry out a special anti-aging care behind the skin of the face. The use of vitamins and the use of an anti-aging cream in the daytime, and at night - the use of a serum with a moisturizing effect does not fit.

Pay attention when choosing a cream for its composition, there must be spelled out natural ingredients with minimal use of auxiliary additives.

It is easy to buy such a cream - just choose pharmacy brands cosmetics.

One of the best winter face care options is a cream based thermal waters.

How to choose?

How to choose the right quality winter face cream? When you come to a store or pharmacy, do not be lazy to spend a little more time and carefully examine the packaging... The composition of the cream should contain the following components:

  • vitamins A and C(by influencing the blood vessels, vitamins nourish and therefore rejuvenate the skin);
  • natural oils(),). They will relieve dehydration of the skin;
  • - the component that will soften dry skin as much as possible. And best of all, if panthenol, it will also help restore chapped skin;
  • extracts of medicinal plants(chamomile, green tea and calendula);
  • polymers(they form a film and protect against the negative effects of the external environment). Just remember that when you come home you need to wash yourself with warm water and apply a moisturizer;
  • hyaluronic acid(moisturizes the skin especially well in winter).


Which cream should you use in winter?


This winter cream perfectly protects the skin from frostbite and chapping by creating a barrier.

How is it created barrier?

It's very simple - the protective cream contains silicone which forms an invisible film on the face. Thanks to such a film, the skin does not give off moisture and does not become dehydrated.


Many girls are mistaken, believing that only dry skin needs a nourishing cream. This is not true, even for oily skin types requires adequate nutrition, especially in winter. In summer, everything is much simpler, the hydrolipid layer of the skin itself does an excellent job with the nutrition function, but in winter, the supply of lipids is depleted and depletion of even the most oily skin begins.


There is a lot of controversy among dermatologists about is it worth using a moisturizer in winter... Of course. At any time of the year, facial skin requires full-fledged care. But, there is one rule that must be adhered to.

Don't moisturize your skin before going outside, especially in freezing weather. Minimum hour and a half before leaving the house.


Creams manufacturing companies that you should pay attention to:


Despite the weather conditions, facial skin requires constant nutrition and hydration.

Please note that during the cold season, only a protective cream not enough.

Skin requires balanced care so nourishing and moisturizing face creams cannot be ruled out. Such a comprehensive care will help you to have young and healthy skin for many years.

4 months ago

Krem with hyaluronic acid, “care” that will replace four products at once, and anti-age in the 30+ category. BeautyHack editors - about new products and bestsellers this fall.

Face cream Water Fuse, Dr. Jart

Tested by the chief editor of BeautyHack Karina Andreeva

You know the state when you walk down the street for a long time in the heat, you are madly thirsty, but there is no water at hand, and, as luck would have it, you don't come across shops along the way? After the summer, my skin felt exactly like this: the sunburn was almost gone, the summer was over, the first flaking and dehydration appeared. I didn't want to overload the skin with too intense a cream - I dreamed of a product with a light texture, but with a good moisturizing ability.

Found a "dream" in one of the new products of the Korean brand Dr. Jart - Water Fuse moisturizing cream. The gel of light blue color with a sorbet texture worked as a cooling and refreshing waterfall for the skin - it coped with the task at "5+", saturated it with moisture and helped to cope with peeling in a couple of days of use. It contains an aquamineral complex of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, hyaluronic acid, adenosine, grapefruit oil, aloe extract and peptides. I often use the product in the morning and apply it to the skin around the eyes - it relieves puffiness thanks to a formula based on arnica and bromelain extract.

Price: 4 595 rub.

Cream Ultra-lifting Lift-Structure, Filorga

My story with anti-age drugs is reminiscent of my relationships with men - I am regularly in active search, but I am disappointed - most promise more than they can actually do. There was no disappointment with this cream. It's all about the brand - the Filorga laboratory has been offering women products based on research on small invasive procedures for 35 years. That is, this is the notorious "injection", only in the bank. This cream contains a "cocktail" of collagen, hyaluronic acid and cell growth factors. This means that the product can not only moisturize the skin (which is extremely important in the fight against wrinkles), but also tighten it by working with the oval of the face. The issue of elasticity has also been resolved - the composition contains plant components responsible for the "effect of baby's skin".

There is only one fly in the ointment in a huge barrel of honey: as in a good relationship, be patient. The wow effect can be seen only in two cases: a) you use the cream regularly; b) you use it for a long time. But the result will not disappoint - the skin will become moisturized, and postpone the injections until later.

Price: 5 100 rubles.

A rich cream for deep moisturizing of the skin Up-Lift 24 Cream, Egia

Tested by BeautyHack editor Daria Sizova

This year I celebrated 5 years of experience in beauty treatment - I looked at the huge collection and sighed bitterly. The more I try, the more difficult it is to find the basic, necessary funds. Moisturizer is one of them.
I love the products of the Italian brand Egia with tender love! The “trick” of the brand is not fantastic smells (although they are good too), a unique texture and other “dancing with a tambourine”, but compositions that are developed in a laboratory in Switzerland. In this case, the base of the cream - five fatty oils: avocado, jojoba, sweet almond, shea and nutmeg - moisturize and increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

The tool also claims an anti-age effect. Hexapeptide (a compound of amino acids) relaxes muscles, eliminating the main cause of expression lines. Without hesitation, I apply it every morning - the makeup does not roll off, and the skin is nourished for the whole day.

Price: 6 550 rub.

Universal cream for complex care Universal Cream, Filorga

Tested by BeautyHack editor Natalia Kapitsa

For some time now, one of the criteria for choosing cosmetics has become versatility. If with one cream it is possible "both in the feast and in the world" - this is my option. I have known Filorga cosmetics for a long time - it was advised by a beautician back in the days when I was gnawing the granite of science in the medical school and wore a white coat. My problem skin reacts to it perfectly - even color, absence of rashes and velvety. The all-in-one comprehensive care product is no exception. Universal Cream solves several tasks at once: moisturizes - thanks to hyaluronic acid, regenerates - peptides are responsible for this, neutralizes the negative effect environment- this function is performed by polysaccharides and, most importantly, does not provoke shine in the problem T-zone.

The product has a light consistency and a subtle smell. The cream is friendly with decorative cosmetics - it can easily replace the base. And it is also suitable for children - for mothers to note.

Price: 2 114 rub.

Ultra intensely moisturizing cream Ultraceuticals Ultra Rich Moisturiser Cream, Ultraceuticals

Among the brand's care products, I tried and praised Ultra Protective Daily Moisturiser SPF 30+ Mattifying, which is ideal for oily skin in the summer (more about it -). But Ultra Rich Moisturiser Cream turned out to be good too!

The cream is dense, spreads slowly on the skin and is not absorbed quickly. From this, by the way, he has a modest expense, although I apply it to the face, neck and décolleté area. The cream is intended for dry and sensitive skin, but I can safely recommend it to owners of a combination type: it gives four times deeper hydration than hyaluronic acid, maintains an optimal moisture level throughout the day and, thanks to shea butter, nourishes.

On a note - this is a lifesaver for skin restoration after any aggressive procedures. Perfect softening, flaking and moisturizing. And the last beauty hack from me: if your other half has irritated or inflamed skin after shaving, then Ultra Rich Moisturiser Cream will quickly restore the situation. But I advise you to turn to this advice in an emergency, because you get used to good things quickly - let your inner greedy beef control the situation).

Price: 6 500 rub.

Pink smoothing moisturizer, Weleda

Tested by BeautyHack SMM manager Alexandra Grishina

The main objective of the Weleda Mosquette Rose Series is to minimize the first wrinkles (category 30+). I am not yet 30, but I wanted to get acquainted with the brand's products for a long time, because everything that Weleda creates is absolutely natural!

This soft, well-absorbed day cream with a melting texture is actually suitable even for overnight use. Moreover, for both normal and oily skin.

I apply the cream to cleansed, damp skin: there are many oils in the composition, which better penetrate into the deeper layers precisely due to moisture. Thermal water can be used for these purposes.

One thing: I do not advise you to replace the makeup base with it - the consistency of the cream is dense, it is fully absorbed in 5-7 minutes. Make-up can not be done in a hurry. And as a separate daily tool on its own - quite!

Price: 1 380 rub.

Perfect Peony Cream, L "Occitane

It's nice when your favorite flowers are enclosed in a jar of cream from an equally favorite brand! Having tried the remedy, I found a real companion in the fight against autumn peeling of the skin. It moisturizes, evens out the complexion, and, which is important for me, tightens the pores. The product has a delicate, velvety texture, has an incredible smell and adapts to any skin type: it can be applied both in the morning and in the evening.

I use it in the morning: it qualitatively prepares the skin for applying makeup without the effect of a mask and oily sheen!

Price: 4 150 rubles.

Intensely Moisturizing Face & Body Cream, Himalaya

Tested by BeautyHack editorial assistant Arina Zarudko

The main association with Himalaya is the refreshing foam cleanser and lip balm with wheat germ oil. The means of the Indian brand have never disappointed me, and on the contrary, they encouraged me to try something new from the series. For autumn, I choose creams with a denser texture or even butters - intensive hydration is above all.

The main ingredients of the new cream are wheat germ and sweet almonds. Together they fight dryness, flaking and soften the skin well, protecting it from any external factors, be it temperature extremes and pollution! I also use it as an SOS remedy to get rid of peeling - be sure to apply it in the morning, an hour before leaving the house, so that the cream with a dense texture has time to absorb.

Price: 240 rub.

Day Cream "Absolute Moisture", Swiss Image

Tested by BeautyHack editorial assistant Arina Zarudko

Swiss Image brand products are made from natural biologically active ingredients, contain melt water from the Alpine glaciers, Swiss herbal extracts, vitamins and minerals.

The Absolute Moisturizing cream, which I had a chance to try, moisturizes the skin with dignity and serves as an excellent base for make-up. It saturates skin cells with oxygen and maintains optimal moisture levels for 24 hours. The cream does not contain parabens, but it contains SPF filters (UVA / UVB), panthenol and vitamin E, which is important for any product that starts the day.

Price: RUB 380

Moisturizer for dry to very dry skin of the face and body, CeraVe

For the first time I heard about the French brand CeraVe from Adel Miftakhova (read the interview with the blogger). With her light hand, I tried my first cream of the brand. Who will love this makeup? For those for whom the concept of "price" is important, who does not like odorants and does not chase super technologies, but is used to using a regular, but high-quality cream that will solve all the stated tasks. CeraVe has a relatively small line of cleansing and moisturizing products. The cream is stated for dry to very dry skin, but it worked great for my normal skin as well. Dense, but non-greasy, does not leave a shine and tightening film, has no smell. I mix it with a drop of foundation and apply it every day - the skin glows, and the visible moisturizing effect lasts until the evening. There are few active ingredients in the composition, but all are valuable: ceramides (they are found in all CeraVe products), hyaluronic acid, glycerin.

Price: 334 rub.

Light cream for intense hydration Botanical Kinetics Intense Hydrating Soft Crème, Aveda

Tested by BeautyHack editor Julia Kozoliy

The cream belongs to the basic series of the American organic brand. His portfolio includes Ecocert certification, which confirms that 90% of essential oils and 89% of raw ingredients in all Aveda products are of plant origin. And the basic series is the cleansing and moisturizing creams and lotions that the skin (of any type) needs every day.

Botanical Kinetics cream is light, like an emulsion (there is a slightly denser product for dry skin in the series). It is instantly absorbed (I apply it in the morning and in the evening), removes traces of fatigue and retains moisture for 24 hours - visually this is expressed in even skin in the morning (without shine in problem areas) and a healthy glow in the evening (when fatigue has swept away all traces of makeup from the face).

And for me, Aveda is a beauty therapy - it's about the most delicate textures that seem to soothe the skin, and herbal light aromas (slightly similar to each other, but special each time). Aromatherapists and perfumers of the brand are working on the latter!

Price: 4 440 rub.

Moisturizer with a radiant effect Top Secrets Moisture Glow, Yves Saint Laurent

Tested by BeautyHack Senior Editor Anastasia Speranskaya

Why do you think Yves Saint Laurent called Moisture Glow a "remedy" and not a "cream"? It's all to blame for its versatility - there are as many as four application options. Firstly, it is a moisturizer - it is unlikely to cope with serious peeling, but it will smooth normal skin well and prepare it for make-up. Secondly, this is a great shining primer: apply a thin layer all over your face and wait a couple of minutes - the product will be absorbed very quickly, and the foundation will lie perfectly even on top of it. Thirdly, Moisture Glow can be used as a highlighter, and if you add a drop to your thickest and most bulletproof foundation, the finish will be more natural. It contains a hydroactive complex that moisturizes the skin, and a special innovative powder that evens out the tone - and millions of microscopic reflective particles will give a delicate "glow from the inside". What you need in autumn is when the complexion turns gray, like a cloudy sky.

Price: 2 340 rub.

Bio-reinforcing anti-aging day face cream SPF15 Mezolux, Librederm

Tested by BeautyHack editor Julia Kozoliy

Mezolux is an anti-aging series of the Russian beauty giant. 15 products generously flavored with six active anti-aging skin concentrates (anti-aging, muscle relaxant, antistress, lymphatic drainage, detox and brightening) - all based on the Iroise seaweed microalgae. Despite the “anti-age” mark, the brand does not define a clear age limit, so I ventured to try it at the age of 29. The texture of the cream is loose. Plus, it is enclosed in a 30 ml bottle and you only need two or three clicks per application. That is, you will not be able to overdo it with it, the product does not lay down in a dense film. I distribute the cream with massage movements - it helps to cope with morning swelling and traces of fatigue. You know, when it seems that the phrase "floating contour" is not about you yet, but the skin already seems not so elastic. I like to use a cream when I need a reliable make-up base. On top, the foundation glides like butter!

Price: 2 009 rub.

Face cream Nutritic Intense Riche, La Roche Posay

Tested by BeautyHack project manager Anastasia Lyagushkina

The skin on my face constantly surprises me. Now it becomes greasy and shiny, then it turns red even from plain water, and sometimes it is so dry that it becomes "crusty". With the onset of cold weather, as a rule, it is the latter that happens. This fall I will act according to the established scheme and apply Nutritic Intense Riche cream from the beloved pharmacy brand. The product is thick and thus economical. The fragrance is fragrance-free, as natural as possible, but at the same time it can smell like that, for example, in a spa. Despite the dense texture, the cream is well distributed, as if it melts on the skin. It is absorbed quickly, does not roll off, the lipids in the composition immediately cope with peeling, but the skin is not greasy and does not shine.

Price: 1 803 rub.

Cream Regen Ceutic, Dermaceutic

Dermaceutic Laboratoire brand is originally from France. The company started with chemical peels, and now produces a line of professional and home care. All products are approved by thousands of dermatologists around the world!

Regen Ceutic cream contains two types of hyaluronic acid: low molecular weight molecules penetrate deep into the skin, and high molecular weight molecules provide moisture to the epidermis surface. Also among the components are stabilized vitamins C and E, which fight the first signs of aging and inflammation, and shea butter, which moisturizes the skin. I use the product to soothe my skin and moisturize it while I sleep. Absorbs quickly, leaves no oily sheen or sticky film in the morning.

Special thanks to the Dermaceutic team for the dispenser!

Price: 3 930 rub.

Cream for face, neck and skin around the eyes Multi-Active 3 in 1, Lundenilona

Tested by editorial assistant Anna Khobotova

The Russian brand Lundenilona is seven years old and named after its founder, Ilona Lunden. The brand began with one product - an elixir for hair and skin. Now the assortment has expanded to products for hair, skin and teeth, and there are Lundenilona representations in Belarus and Kazakhstan. I got a cream for the face, neck and skin around the eyes, which should perform three functions at once: moisturize, nourish and restore. For this, the manufacturer has created a "shock" composition: extracts of red algae, arnica flowers, rose, licorice root, chicory leaves, ash bark, hyaluronic acid - all for tone, freshness, radiance and protection from external influences. Vitamins E and B7 restore the integrity and density of the skin. The texture of the cream is very soft and delicate, lays on the skin evenly, without leaving an oily sheen. I use it in the morning as a make-up base and in the evening just to moisturize. During use, the skin became smoother, and dryness and peeling in the T-zone are gone. Bonus - SPF 10!

Price: 2 950 rub.

Cream Aqualia Thermal light moisturizing 24 h, Vichy

Tested by BeautyHack editorial assistant Anya Khobotova

Did you know that the French brand Vichy is 80 years old? Despite its advanced age, the company continues to develop and invent new recipes. The Aqualia Thermal line is created on the basis of an "isotonic cocktail" of thermal water, which is designed to restore the water-mineral balance of the skin. Simple effective results are hidden behind loud phrases: the skin looks saturated with moisture (the composition contains hyaluronic acid), and due to this, creases (which are more noticeable on dry skin) are smoothed.

The consistency of the product is light, almost gel-like, so it is easy and pleasant to distribute it - the skin greedily absorbs the morning portion of hydration!

Price: 1 456 rub.

Moisturizing day cream "Yuzu Sorbet", Erborian

My absolute favorite this fall with a magical consistency. Imagine a light, citrus-scented white sorbet with tiny yellow granules that dissolve on the skin when applied - it looks like someone has decided to extend the summer!

The main ingredient is Japanese yuzu lemon, which is rich in vitamin C and fights skin fatigue in cosmetics. Moisturizing sorbet is perfect for daily use, even for my oily skin: does not clog pores, moisturizes and gives a radiance!

Price: 3950 rub.

Face cream with hyaluronic acid and collagen, Roland

Tested by the special correspondent of Beautyhack Daria Mironova

Roland is one of the Japanese brands whose funds are available not only to the residents of the Land of the Rising Sun. Its advantages are: affordable price, large volumes of creams and lotions and pleasant formulations at the same time. For example, this cream contains hyaluronic acid, squalane and soluble collagen. It turns out that the product works simultaneously as milk, serum and cream - it nourishes the skin as much as possible and helps it retain moisture.

The product has a light consistency - it is absorbed without problems. No flavors, dyes or alcohol in the composition. My summary: a good cream for daily evening or morning care - in both cases, the remedy will work perfectly!

Price: 1160 rub.

Similar materials from the rubric

Moisturizing is one of the main stages of skin care, but in the fall, it should be taken especially carefully. Cosmetologists recommend adding a deeply moisturizing cream to your usual care, which will reduce discomfort in strong winds and other vagaries of the weather, keeping your skin soft and delicate. Here are the top ten moisturizers from the new collections.

Clinique Smart SPF 15 Cream is housed in a stylish metal-colored jar for targeted skin regeneration. Intense Moisture Extra Technology helps the skin absorb and retain moisture where it needs it most. Its second active action is to reduce various signs of aging, including wrinkles and folds, reduced elasticity and dull tone. The composition of the product contains plankton extract, Brazilian palm oil murumuru, glycerin, hyaluronic acid and caffeine.

Day Awakening Concentrate, Kiehl's

Kiehl's Day Awakening Concentrate is a product based on a complex of oils of 100% natural origin. Despite the fact that the main function of the concentrate is to charge the skin with vital energy, the oils in the composition perfectly moisturize the skin, and at the same time increase its protective barrier. The concentrate works especially effectively during the day, when the skin is most exposed to aggressive environmental factors. The product prevents the appearance of signs of fatigue and excessive loss of moisture, and is also very economical (2-3 drops of concentrate are enough for daily care).

Multi-active cream Visionnaire, Lancome

Lancome's Visionnaire Multi-Active Cream has three main functions: deeply moisturizes, brightens the skin and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. The product is based on the moisturizing complex LR2412 - Cx, due to which the cream is instantly absorbed and provides intense hydration throughout the day, leaving the skin feeling comfortable. Lancome experts emphasize that the first results are noticeable after the first application, and due to the absence of aggressive components in the composition, it is suitable even for sensitive skin.

Multifunctional oil, La Mer

La Mer Renewal Oil with a silky texture that gives on the skin is one of those products that you don't have to use every day, but must be on the shelf. However, in the fall, applying it may well become your daily beating ritual, because this oil contains a special Miracle Broth complex, consisting of nourishing eucalyptus and sesame oils. Combined with an algae formulation to help reduce wrinkles, this complex evens out the skin and keeps it hydrated throughout the day.

Cellular Performance Hydrachange Cream, Sensai

A delicate and weightless cream-gel with a high water content (hence the additive to the name - Hydrachange) saturates the skin with moisture and retains it throughout the day. Water, as the main component of the composition, restores skin elasticity, contributes to the smoothness and elasticity of tissues, and Koishimaru silk extract makes the application process especially comfortable. Sensai Cellular Performance Cream can be used in the morning or in the evening, but in order for it to work properly, it is recommended to do so after applying toner or lotion.

Moisturizing cream Multi-Hydratante, Clarins

Thanks to its light texture, Clarins Multi-Hydratante Moisturizer is suitable for all skin types - normal, dry or combination. The product provides deep hydration and a refreshing effect that will stay with you from morning to evening, while being instantly absorbed. Clarins experts say that this cream will work equally well as a regular moisturizer and as a make-up cream, which will see the unevenness and help the foundation to lie as flat as possible.

Rich cream Hydra Life, Dior

Dior Hydra Life Rich Moisturizer was developed by the French brand beauty experts specifically for dry and dehydrated skin. The product envelops it and intensively nourishes it, and thanks to the mango oil, the skin becomes truly velvety after use. It contains flower extracts from Dior gardens (Uzbek Jistenin for additional hydration, French Mallow for cell regeneration and Madagascar Santanella for skin elasticity).

Cream Sensitive Vegetal, Yves Rocher

Yves Rocher Sensitive Vegetal Moisturizer not only actively nourishes, but also soothes the skin. While working on the composition of the new cream, the researchers in the Yves Rocher laboratories chose Eastern Sigezbekia leaf extract as the central component for its soothing effect, and the rest of the ingredients were selected in such a way as to obtain the most natural composition. So, the formula of the cream contains about 89% of components of natural origin, and does not contain fragrances, alcohol, dyes, mineral oils and parabens.

Night cream Polar Night, Natura Siberica

Night moisturizer Polar Night from Natura Siberica is part of the new line of the Fresh Spa cosmetic brand. Due to the composition exclusively of natural bio-components, the face cream saturates the skin with nutrients as much as possible, which not only deeply moisturize the skin, but also fight the aging process during sleep. The main ingredient - reindeer antlers - contains 20 amino acids, 25 trace elements, mineral salts, complex organic compounds, enzymes and vitamins that activate cellular metabolism. In addition, the cream contains lipid-rich royal jelly and cedar nut oil with a high content of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3), E and A.

Silk Protein Cream, Tian-De

Moisturizing cream with silk proteins from the Russian brand Tian-De is suitable for all skin types and effectively strengthens the protective barrier of epidermal cells. The Asia Beauty product also contains hyaluronic acid, each molecule of which attracts 1000 water molecules, providing even more hydration every day. Additional sources of nutrition here are aloe vera extract and allantoin, which allow the product to saturate with moisture and useful components even skin with signs of dehydration.