Accelerated physical development of youth through education in biology lessons. Education of moral qualities of a person in biology lessons and in extracurricular activities Moral education in biology lessons

"Spiritual and moral education of students in biology lessons"

“Nature has given man into his hands a weapon - intellectual and moral strength, but he can use this weapon in the opposite direction; therefore, a person without moral foundations turns out to be the most wicked and savage creature, base in his sexual and gustatory instincts. " This is what Aristotle said. Time will pass and another philosopher - Hegel will formulate this thought as follows: “When a person commits one or another moral deed, then he is not yet virtuous; he is virtuous only if this mode of behavior is a permanent feature of his character. " Today high morality is a trait that is almost planting important for a person and society as a whole. A person, if he wants to be worthy of this title, cannot live without a high goal, without an ideal, without morality and ethics. These qualities are not innate, not the genetic code passes them on from generation to generation. There are many examples when children of very intelligent, highly educated, honest and decent parents became scum of society. Conversely, in dysfunctional families grew up bright personalities with pure thoughts, high civil courage, indefatigable passion for good deeds, modest and very strict with themselves.

A highly developed civic consciousness, the concept of duty and honor guide our feelings, attitudes, and actions. And nature is not primary here, but upbringing, those moral principles that were laid down in childhood itself, strengthened and developed subsequently. And here it is important for each of us to realize that children and youth are brought up not only by words, even the most correct ones. And not only the family, her lifestyle, her interests. Youth absorbs ideas about good and bad, about honest and vicious, about the ordinary and high from the whole multitude of phenomena that make up our life, the life of society. The older generation tends to see in the younger - and even somewhat exaggerate - the disadvantages of age. True, unfortunately, we sometimes say not without reason that our guys are not accustomed to work, do not take care of the good, which sometimes so hard for us to get. But who is to blame for this? Family, school, street? Yes! Each one individually and all together.

Teaching and educating has never been easy. Especially today. In our huge, very complex and contradictory social organism, no business exists in isolation, by itself.

At home and at school, we teach children to live honestly, to do the right thing. We teach them justice and thrift, and life sometimes teaches its lessons. At school we talk about love of nature, in the spring the children plant trees on the school grounds, and next to the school, day after day, year after year, fires from boxes and waste paper are burning. The very trees that need to be loved and protected are burning. Yes, need to educate in children the conviction that good will prevail. Yes, Need to learn them to fight for this - victory. Yes, it is necessary that they: not be afraid in the process of struggle - to get themselves bruises and bumps. But the most important thing is that we ourselves comply with these principles. Remember: our own and other people's children look at us, they judge the life they are entering by our actions. They will replace us tomorrow in the classroom, at the machines and drawing boards, at control panels, in fields and farms. But their foundations attitudes and habits are being laid today. And they learn the lessons of morality today. At home, at school, in particular in biology lessons. ".,. An enlightened mind ennobles moral feelings: the head must educate the heart," wrote F. Schiller. "Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his face," said Goethe. The course of biology with all its versatility, versatility of knowledge and their

applied meaning makes it possible for the approval of moral principles, understanding the essence of life, the physical beauty of a person, the importance of protecting the environment and increasing the wealth of nature ... All this must be taught daily, in specific situations. Our ideal is beautiful, great, humane, but also demanding. It is not enough just to be his adherent in words. It requires deeds, the exertion of all human forces, the bestowal of all our skills without a trace.

The Earth is the planet of animals and plants no less than the planet of people. And everything we do on Earth affects directly or indirectly the entire planetary system life. System for whose account we exist integral part... and of which we are the main enemy.

Biology is the science of life. Its study contributes to the awareness of schoolchildren that the preservation of the biosphere is an indispensable condition not only for the existence, but also for the development of mankind. Biological education should form an understanding of life as the greatest value in the younger generation. In this regard, the biologization and humanization of education as a whole acquires urgent importance, the main task of which is to educate students' morality, morality that determines human behavior in society, his spiritual and mental qualities, his attitude to nature, of which he himself is a part. This morality defines a moral of a new type: "What we have not created should not be destroyed by us." There is one aspect of our existence on this planet: the Earth is not only a submissive nurse, it is also a place for our resettlement, rest, a source of inspiration, education, knowledge of the world. Imagine a person who has never heard the murmur of streams, has not seen how the first sprout breaks through the crust of the earth, has not admired the beauty of a flower and has not died away, delighted with the setting sun that gilded the autumn forest. Neither a scientist, nor a poet, nor just a person will come out of such a person, for nature is the mother of surprise and curiosity, awakening creativity in us. It is, in the words of the poet, a cache universe, a storehouse of the unknown, a source of strength, soothing and heals our spirit.

Sukhomlinsky wrote: "Nature is a powerful means of influence, an excellent method of education, which we hardly use and which must be mastered." The most accessible and realistic basis for this is the integration of education based on interdisciplinary connections with subjects such as music, literature, visual arts, labor training, ethics, aesthetics, etc.

To be able to see nature is the first condition for education through nature. You need to learn by yourself and you need to teach the child to see everything around him. Not everything that is imprinted on the retina of the eye is perceived, but only what we focus on, what we think about. For years we can meet a person, talk to him every day and not know what color his eyes are. But the retina of our eye reflects this. Yes, the retina, not consciousness. Children should be taught to see. This means that it is necessary not only to show, but also to teach to describe what he saw in words, to lead the child to express his attitude to what he saw. Let's look at a few examples.

When studying a topic "Three states of water in nature" in the course "Natural history"(Grade V) you can read verses, and before starting the lesson write questions on the board:

1. In what states of aggregation does water occur in nature?

2. Where the poem talks about transitions water from one states in other?

3. How are snowflakes formed?

4. How do you understand the words "Snow ... covers the whole earth with a carpet" and what is the meaning of this cover?

5. How do you understand the words "above - a flock of pigeons", etc.

Degi listen to Vladimir Rybchin's poem "White Snow" performed by teachers:

White snow, like white birds, Sinking, hovering and spinning. And lies down easily and silently, Covering the whole earth with a carpet. He gives fur coats to the spruce grandmothers, Glitters with silver on the eyelashes.

I quietly print the first snow, and catch snowflakes with my glove,

And I watch how they melt in my palms,

And above - a flock of pigeons.

And then in the lesson, a frontal conversation is organized (based on these verses) about the three states of aggregation of water and the water cycle in nature, about the meaning of snow cover and the beauty of winter. We, busy with everyday chores, little notice the peculiarities and beauty of natural phenomena. Poems, on the other hand, help an adult to rise above the ordinary, and the highest aspirations awaken in the child's soul.

Consider another example of how a teacher can instill in children the ability to see the reality around him. During a spring excursion to nature (forest, meadow, grove, garden), in response to the child's attempt to catch a beautiful butterfly, the teacher attracts the attention of the guys to her, remembering the words of Aksakov about butterfly:“Of all the insects that inhabit God's world, of all the small creatures crawling, jumping and flying, the butterfly is the best, the most graceful of all; it is truly a fluttering flower, painted with wonderful, bright colors, shining with gold and patterns, no less beautiful and attractive; it is a sweet, clean creature that feeds on the sap of flowers. How joyful the first the appearance of butterflies in the spring! What a liveliness they are give nature, just waking up to life after a brutal and long winter. " And then follow the words of the teacher that this tiny creature overwintered and flew out to warm up. He invites the children to take a closer look at the butterfly, but already thinking about the words they have just heard, And the butterfly, as if ordered, “demonstrates” its divine outfit in front of them. Thus, the teacher at first gives the opportunity not only to look, but also to see a biological object, and then speaks about its purpose in nature (necessarily) and its significance in human life.

Literature plays the leading role in describing nature. Moreover, poems, prose passages with a description of nature are chosen so that they correspond to the topic or object studied directly in the lesson, and the surrounding landscape during the excursion, which will enhance the emotionality of perception.

In a biology lesson in grade VI on the topic "Types of roots, types of root systems", speaking about the meaning of the root, I bring to the attention of the class a few lines from a poem by V. Jacques: We have collected hot poppies in a bouquet, Many blue forget-me-nots. And then we felt sorry for the flowers. They put them in the ground again. Only nothing happens: They sway from any breeze! Why did they crumble and wither? They will not grow without roots.

These lines can be used to accomplish two tasks of the lesson at once: to find out the main meaning of the root as an organ that carries out mineral nutrition plants, as well as continue the formation of a respectful attitude towards nature in children.

Painting helps in teaching the vision of nature. Wonderful canvases reflect Russian nature. The picture has a huge impact on the soul of a child.

Lesson by topic "A plant is an integral organism, the relationship of cells, tissues and organs of a plant" (VI class) can be started as follows. On the blackboard, reproductions of paintings by Levitan "Golden Autumn" and "Birch Grove", Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived", Grabar "Prussian Blue" under the general title "Birch in the Works of Great Russian Artists" are posted. The teacher's words are heard: “Russian birch is a symbol of our state. How much grace and attractiveness there is in a young curly birch! How much beauty there is in the old, spreading white-bore birch! She is beautiful in any outfit. Who has not admired the young, light-emerald green of a blossoming birch (referring to the painting "Birch Grove")! Who has not admired the autumn outfit of birches, when, under the depleted late autumn sun, sometimes each leaf glitters with a gold piece over the silvery bark (referring to the painting "Golden Autumn")! And in winter, when, after a frosty fog, frost will sprinkle thousands of shiny crystals on the branches hanging down, which will sparkle in the sun like a diamond rain! What spectacle in splendor can compare with the spectacle that the luxurious weeping birch in such frosty decoration presents? (He refers to the painting "Prussian Blue".) As if you see a huge fountain in front of you, the spray of which suddenly froze over, hanging in the air. And there is a weeping birch all in diamond tears. And as a contrast - other "tears" of birch.

Have you heard when birch trees cry?

Have you seen when birches cry?

You know when birches cry-

Then mother earth groans with them. "

And then the teacher says that damage to one of the organs of the plant entails a disruption in the vital activity of the organism as a whole, which leads it to aging and premature death; reminds of the rules of conduct in the forest during the time of the upcoming collection of birch sap. From everyday experience, it is clear that a picture is more effective when it is associated with memories of a past season. So, in winter, when there is white snow outside the windows, you should consider bright autumn landscapes, and on hot days of early summer - winter ones. This contrast evokes strong emotions.

The teacher teaches children not only to see nature, but also to hear it. It is not without reason that they say that classical music originates in the music of nature.

We must make every effort to make schoolchildren understand the main thing: the biosphere is a holistic education, and we, with all our pride and rationality, are only a part of it. And, if we want to preserve humanity, to ensure its future, we must preserve the basis of our existence - the nature of the Earth. Let the sacred words "SAVE AND SAVE!" Become the motto in a person's life! Only this is not an appeal to the Lord God, but to everyone living today.

If we are destined to breathe the air alone,

Let us all unite forever.

Let's save our souls!

Then we on Earth will survive ourselves.

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teacher biology health education

Accelerated physical development of young people, their desire to enter the social world of adults as soon as possible are taking place against the background of increasing recognition of the rights of the younger generation, expanding opportunities for young people to participate in all spheres of society. With the liberalization of sexual morality, the weakening of the upbringing function of the family and educational institutions, with the actual absence of upbringing and educational programs on gender and sexual behavior, the sex-role socialization of children and adolescents has turned into a spontaneous process.

A serious problem is the negative impact of the media on the child in matters of gender and inter-sex relations, the commercialized mass youth culture, the weakness and underdevelopment of the entire social sphere of the country, including the education system. The increase in adolescents' sexually transmitted and gynecological diseases, disorders in sexual development, increased incidence of sexual promiscuity, sexual aggression, prostitution, as well as diseases of drug addiction and AIDS, closely associated with deviations in sexual life, has become especially dangerous in recent years. In addition, the relevance of the study is due to the growing process of population depopulation in Russia, which is increasing in connection with this concern in society. This brings to the fore the problem of psychological and moral preparation of young people, and especially girls, for a healthy lifestyle and for positive motherhood, for the realization and acceptance of the mother's mission and responsibility for the birth, life and upbringing of a child. An objective need arose for organizing sex education for schoolchildren.


The effectiveness of the manifestation of the most important pedagogical regularity in the educational process - the unity of teaching, upbringing and development of students - is determined by the teacher's ability to use the objective possibilities of the content of biological education and teaching methods.

In the process of mastering biology, students acquire educational knowledge, abilities and skills, which contributes to an increase in the level of their cognitive independence. The assimilation of the system of biological knowledge by students and the mastery of educational skills is a necessary condition for the formation of their worldview, atheistic views, hygienic, sexual, environmental, labor and moral education.

In the upbringing of students, the personality of the biology teacher is of great importance. He must be a biologically educated person and constantly improve his knowledge. A biology teacher is primarily a propagandist of biological knowledge and an educator, under whose leadership a person's personality is formed in all the diversity of its qualities: love for the Motherland, nature, work, understanding the value of life in all its manifestations, striving for constant self-education and self-education.

Success in the work of a teacher, in solving educational and upbringing tasks facing him, depends primarily on his understanding of the content of pedagogical activity, its main functions, the implementation of which ensures the effect of education and upbringing of the younger generation.

Along with and simultaneously with equipping students with knowledge and developing their thinking abilities, that is, with solving educational problems, the education of students is also carried out. It is associated with the development of scientifically correct relationships to nature, society, work, health. When relationships are developed and motives are formed, children are brought up.

This is the essence of parenting.

The educational tasks of a biology teacher include: arousing interest in the study of biology, the formation of skills and abilities to carry out professional orientation of schoolchildren, taking into account their inclinations and capabilities, to develop the correct attitude to nature, to carry out aesthetic and moral education of students, to translate knowledge into beliefs and to exert, the impact is not only on the mind, but also on the feelings.

Educational, developmental and educational tasks in teaching biology are aimed at achieving the main goal - the comprehensive development of the personality of students.

To achieve this goal, when teaching biology, the following educational tasks are solved:

1 the formation of a scientific and materialistic worldview,

2 moral education,

3 aesthetic education,

4 labor education,

5 environmental education,

6 hygiene and sex education,

7 fostering the correct attitude towards one's own health and the health of others.

All educational tasks are interconnected and addressed to the personality of the student. Their grouping is necessary for realizations and complex formulation of educational tasks by the teacher in the preparation and conduct of biology lessons. Educational and educational tasks are determined by the specifics of the educational material, the presence of worldview and practical aspects in it and should be specific and solvable within the framework of the lesson. Therefore, it is important to concretize the teaching and educational tasks associated with certain areas of education.

Of particular importance in biological education is the labor education of schoolchildren, their preparation for independent life and work.

Biology occupies one of the leading places in the labor education of schoolchildren. At the same time, a number of educational tasks are carried out:

1) polytechnic education on the basis of mastering the elementary scientific foundations of the biological industry, biotechnology, agriculture, health care;

2) assimilation of basic knowledge about physiology and occupational hygiene;

3) mastering tude skills and skills in growing plants and caring for animals, practical actions for the protection of nature;

4) fostering love for agricultural work, the need for active labor activity.

The methodological basis of the labor education of schoolchildren in the process of teaching biology is the doctrine of the role of labor in the emergence and development of human society, of the role of labor in the moral education of a person as an obligatory social condition for the all-round development of the individual.

Education of morality is one of the most important tasks of the school.

Moral education passes through all types of education of schoolchildren in the learning process.

"Nature has given man into his hands a weapon - intellectual and moral strength, but he can use this weapon in the opposite direction; therefore, a man without moral foundations turns out to be the most wicked and savage creature, base in his sexual and gustatory instincts."

This is what Aristotle said. Time will pass and another philosopher - Hegel will formulate this thought as follows: "When a person commits this or that moral deed, then he is not yet virtuous; he is virtuous only if this mode of behavior is a constant feature of his character." Today high morality is perhaps the most important trait for a person and society as a whole.

A person must be worthy of this title. He cannot live without a lofty goal, without an ideal, without morality and ethics. These qualities are not innate and are not passed on from generation to generation. There are many examples when children of very intelligent and decent parents became scum of society. And vice versa, in dysfunctional families, bright personalities grew up with pure thoughts, high civic courage, an indefatigable passion for good deeds, modest and strict towards themselves. But this is rather an exception to the rule. After all, it is the family that, with its attitude to life, its morality, lays the foundations for the moral upbringing of children.

At home and at school, we teach children to live honestly, to do the right thing. We teach them justice and thrift, and life sometimes teaches its lessons. At school we talk about love of nature; in the spring, children plant trees on the school grounds. And then the children learn that it is the fault of the people that the forests are burning, the very trees that need to be loved and protected are burning.

Every year the guys and I go out to an ecological cleanup to clean up the shore of the nearest lake. But we notice with horror that there is no less garbage. Every year it becomes more and more. It is not for nothing that there is an expression: "Clean, not where they clean up, but where they don't litter."

It is necessary to instill in children the conviction that good will prevail, to teach them to achieve this victory. But the most important thing is that we ourselves comply with these principles. Remember: our own and other people's children look at us, they judge the life they are entering by our actions. They will replace us tomorrow. But the foundations of their attitudes and habits are being laid today.

The course of biology with all its versatility, versatility of knowledge and their applied value makes it possible to establish moral principles, understanding the essence of life, the physical beauty of man and nature, the importance of environmental protection. A biology teacher helps a child to realize that a person is a small part of the world around him.

Biology education should take place under the motto: "Live in the world and be a worthy and full-fledged part of it."

I consider ecological education and enlightenment of students to be the most priority direction of my work.

All of humanity and every person is a part of nature. Nature constitutes the constant environment of man, this natural environment in which he lives and which leaves a significant imprint on his life.

Conservation of nature is one of the most important duties of every person. That is why it is important in the education of students to form a respectful attitude to nature, to instill in each student the correct ecological thinking.

It is necessary to foster an ecological culture among students, to form a new attitude towards nature, based on the inextricable connection between man and nature. Environmental education of schoolchildren in the broad sense of the word means education, development, upbringing.

The goal of environmental education: the formation of a responsible attitude to the environment, which is based on environmental awareness.

The scientific society "Young ecologist" has been working in our school for several years. There is a job for every student. Pupils of elementary grades and middle Even are attracted to participate in exhibitions and competitions.

They prepare handicrafts from natural materials, draw animals and plants. Older guys are much more busy. The main areas of environmental work can be identified:

Research: preparation of reports, messages, writing abstracts covering environmental problems of a global, regional and local nature.

The school traditionally hosts annual scientific and practical conferences for students. This year, a 11th grade student defends an essay on the topic: "Global environmental problems and ways to solve them."

Students take part in the work of the scientific society "Young Ecologist", whose work is carried out in close contact with the Kaliningrad Regional Children's Center for Environmental Education.

We take part in the Regional program "Nature keepers".

We work on the themes: "Live stream". "Toads on the Roads". "Let's Help Wintering Birds", "Footprints in the Snow", "The Book of Nature".

For the second year, we have been taking part in the Regional Reporting Conference of students with presentations of stands on these topics.

· Environmental protection: labor landing "Spring cleaning of the school territory", operation "Cleaning the coastal zone of the lake", located near the school.

Cognitive: poetry competition, phytodesign competition,

· Competition of posters and drawings "Ecology and us", "My favorite pet".

We took part in the Regional ecological competition "Drawing on the asphalt" on the topic: "No rubbish".


The competence-based approach in environmental education is a new direction of research in the theory and practice of pedagogy, reflecting the main ideas of the Concept of the modernization of Russian education. The difference between an environmentally competent student and an environmentally educated student is that the former has not only reached a certain level of environmental knowledge, skills, and abilities, but is also able to implement them in everyday life. The basis for the formation of the environmental competence of a student is environmental competence. In its most general form, environmental competencies mean the student's ability to understand the surrounding socio-natural environment and rationally interact with it.

It is possible to form schoolchildren's environmental competencies through preparing them for independent responsible action to solve environmental problems, carried out on the basis of ecologically valuable self-determination, and through active interaction with the surrounding socio-natural world, during which they learn to understand and change themselves and the world around them.

The educational process aimed at the formation of the environmental competencies of schoolchildren should be focused on creating situations and supporting actions that have practical meaning for students and can rely on life experience. At the same time, great attention is paid to organizing all kinds of workshops, developing and implementing student projects, holding events that support and develop students' communication abilities.

“We all act like a wasteful heir to wealthy parents, not knowing the constant price of health. We spend it without calculation, not caring about the future. sick ".

The health status of the younger generation is of great concern. An unreasonable lifestyle often leads to illness, disability and premature old age. Therefore, every person from childhood must monitor their health, unswervingly observe the regime of work, rest and nutrition.

Caring for the health of students seems to be a very urgent pedagogical task and is associated with the need to strengthen hygienic control and the introduction of a differentiated approach in teaching. This should make it easier for students to adapt to the modern conditions of the social environment, to the educational system, to understand the essence of a healthy lifestyle and readiness to manage their health.

Purpose: formation of a sense of responsibility for one's own health and the health of others.

· Upbringing of a person who is able to resist the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco smoking;

· Upbringing of a person who is able to create his own model of a healthy lifestyle.

Responsibility for the formation of a healthy lifestyle rests with the whole society, but mainly with the school, especially with such academic subjects as natural science and biology. Therefore, in the course of studying the school course in biology, I pay great attention to anti-alcohol education.

The section "Man", to a greater extent than other sections of biology, provides opportunities for anti-alcohol education of adolescents. When studying each topic, I include material on the harmful effects of alcohol on the human body.

After studying all the organ systems of the human body, it is advisable to conduct a generalizing lesson on the topic: "The harmful effects of alcohol on human health."

In the anti-alcohol activity of the teacher, a variety of forms and methods can be used. Each member of the teaching staff has no right to ignore any fact of alcohol consumption by adolescents and must resolutely contribute to the elimination of the evil of alcohol. All members of the teaching staff must take part in anti-alcohol work, regardless of the subject they teach - here for everyone there is a fairly extensive field of activity.

Fostering a responsible attitude to one's own health and the health of others occurs both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

1) Students write reports, messages on the harmful effects of smoking, drugs, alcohol on the human body.

2) Conversations in the classroom and classroom hours about the dangers of smoking are systematically held.

3) For the second year we have been taking part in the city competition of propaganda teams on the topic: "We choose a healthy lifestyle." Last year we were the winners of this competition. - 10-11 grades.

4) We are the winners of the city competition on the theme: "The choice is yours", which took place in the Regional Children's Library named after Gaidar. Grade 10.

5) During the subject week, exhibitions of drawings are held on the topic: "Mom, Dad, I am a healthy family." Children from the 1st to the 6th grade are participating.

6) Pupils of the 7th and 8th grades participate in the release of wall newspapers, the 9th grades write an essay on the topic: "Health is great!"

7) Children of the 10th and 11th grades participate in the release of wall newspapers and computer presentations on the topic: "Healthy lifestyle".


During school years, the foundation of human health is laid.

Particularly important is the period of puberty of the body, which is associated with adolescence. Therefore, the importance of the course "Man and his health" in the education and upbringing of schoolchildren is growing.

The assimilation of hygienic knowledge is a necessary element of preparing schoolchildren for independent life and work, for raising children in a family. The educational orientation of hygiene lessons determines their main teaching and educational tasks:

1) achieve the assimilation of the system of hygienic knowledge about the human body;

2) to form the students' skills to substantiate the hygienic rules with anatomical and physiological knowledge;

3) to promote the formation of hygienic skills and habits in the daily life of schoolchildren;

4) to educate moral motives of responsibility and duty, the observance of the rules of public and personal hygiene by schoolchildren.

The solution of this complex of teaching and educational tasks is possible subject to the specific principles of the methodology of hygiene lessons:

1) the connection between learning and life, with the study of the conditions of health protection and the rational organization of educational work of schoolchildren;

2) connection of lessons with extracurricular sanitary and educational activities of students;

3) the involvement of school health workers in conducting interviews with students;

4) reliance on intersubject connections.

The basics of hygiene and sex education should be carried out by parents. The school helps parents in raising their children.

1. At parent-teacher meetings, it is necessary to cover the topics of hygienic and sex education for children of different age groups.

2. Questions of hygienic education should be constantly discussed in the classroom and classroom hours.

3. In the 7th and 8th grades, it is advisable to conduct thematic classroom hours on sex education for boys and girls.

Spiritualmoralbrought upniepupilsonlessonsbiology

“Nature has given man into his hands a weapon - intellectual and moral strength, but he can use this weapon in the opposite direction; therefore, a person without moral foundations turns out to be the most wicked and savage creature, base in his sexual and gustatory instincts. " This is what Aristotle said. Time will pass and another philosopher - Hegel will formulate this thought as follows: “When a person commits one or another moral deed, then he is not yet virtuous; he is virtuous only if this mode of behavior is a permanent feature of his character. " Today high morality is a trait that is almost planting important for a person and society as a whole. A person, if he wants to be worthy of this title, cannot live without a high goal, without an ideal, without morality and ethics. These qualities are not innate, not the genetic code passes them on from generation to generation. There are many examples when children of very intelligent, highly educated, honest and decent parents became scum of society. And vice versa, in dysfunctional families, bright personalities grew up with pure thoughts, high civic courage, an indefatigable passion for good deeds, modest and very strict with themselves.

A highly developed civic consciousness, the concept of duty and honor guide our feelings, attitudes, and actions. And it is not nature that is primary here, but education, those moral principles that were laid down in childhood itself, were strengthened and developed later. And here it is important for each of us to realize that children and youth are brought up not only by words, even the most correct ones. And not only the family, her lifestyle, her interests. Youth absorbs ideas about good and bad, about honest and vicious, about the ordinary and high from the whole multitude of phenomena that make up our life, the life of society. The older generation tends to see in the younger - and even somewhat exaggerate - the disadvantages of age. True, unfortunately, we sometimes say not without reason that our guys are not accustomed to work, do not take care of the good, which sometimes so hard for us to get. But who is to blame for this? Family, school, street? Yes! Each one individually and all together.

Teaching and educating has never been easy. Especially today. In our huge, very complex and contradictory social organism, no business exists in isolation, by itself.

At home and at school, we teach children to live honestly, to do the right thing. We teach them justice and thrift, and life sometimes teaches its lessons. At school we talk about love of nature, in the spring the children plant trees on the school grounds, and next to the school, day after day, year after year, fires from boxes and waste paper are burning. The very trees that need to be loved and protected are burning. Yes, you need to instill in children the conviction that good will prevail. Yes, you need to teach them to fight for this - victory. Yes, it is necessary that they: not be afraid in the process of struggle - to get themselves bruises and bumps. But the most important thing is that we ourselves comply with these principles. Remember: our own and other people's children look at us, they judge the life they are entering by our actions. They will replace us tomorrow in the classroom, at the machines and drawing boards, at the control panels, in the fields and farms. But the foundations of their attitudes and habits are being laid today. And they learn the lessons of morality today. At home, at school, in particular in biology lessons. ".,. An enlightened mind ennobles moral feelings: the head must educate the heart," wrote F. Schiller. "Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his face," said Goethe. The course of biology with all its versatility, versatility of knowledge and their

applied meaning makes it possible for the approval of moral principles, understanding the essence of life, the physical beauty of a person, the importance of protecting the environment and increasing the wealth of nature ... All this must be taught daily, in specific situations. Our ideal is beautiful, great, humane, but also demanding. It is not enough just to be his adherent in words. It requires deeds, the exertion of all human forces, the bestowal of all our skills without a trace.

The Earth is the planet of animals and plants no less than the planet of people. And everything that we do on Earth affects directly or indirectly the entire planetary system of life. The system by which we exist, an integral part ... and of which we are the main enemy.

Biology is the science of life. Its study contributes to the awareness of schoolchildren that the preservation of the biosphere is an indispensable condition not only for the existence, but also for the development of mankind. Biological education should form an understanding of life as the greatest value in the younger generation. In this regard, the biologization and humanization of education as a whole acquires urgent importance, the main task of which is to educate students' morality, morality that determines human behavior in society, his spiritual and mental qualities, his attitude to nature, of which he himself is a part. This morality defines a moral of a new type: "What we have not created should not be destroyed by us." There is one aspect of our existence on this planet: the Earth is not only a submissive nurse, it is also a place for our resettlement, rest, a source of inspiration, education, knowledge of the world. Imagine a person who has never heard the murmur of streams, has not seen how the first sprout breaks through the crust of the earth, has not admired the beauty of a flower and has not died away, delighted with the setting sun that gilded the autumn forest. Neither a scientist, nor a poet, nor just a person will come out of such a person, for nature is the mother of surprise and curiosity, awakening creativity in us. She is, in the words of the poet, a secret place of the universe, a storehouse of the unknown, a source of strength that soothes and heals our spirit.

Sukhomlinsky wrote: "Nature is a powerful means of influence, an excellent method of education, which we hardly use and which must be mastered." The most accessible and realistic basis for this is the integration of education based on interdisciplinary connections with subjects such as music, literature, visual arts, labor training, ethics, aesthetics, etc.

To be able to see nature is the first condition for education through nature. You need to learn by yourself and you need to teach the child to see everything around him. Not everything that is imprinted on the retina of the eye is perceived, but only what we focus on, what we think about. For years we can meet a person, talk to him every day and not know what color his eyes are. But the retina of our eye reflects this. Yes, the retina, not consciousness. Children should be taught to see. This means that it is necessary not only to show, but also to teach to describe what he saw in words, to lead the child to express his attitude to what he saw. Let's look at a few examples.

When studying the topic "Three states of water in nature" in the course "Natural science" (Grade V), you can read verses, and before the lesson, write questions on the board:

1. In what states of aggregation does water occur in nature?

2. Where in the poem speaks about the transitions of water from one state to another?

3. How are snowflakes formed?

4. How do you understand the words "Snow ... covers the whole earth with a carpet" and what is the meaning of this cover?

5. How do you understand the words "above - a flock of pigeons", etc.

Degi listen to the poem "White Snow" by Vladimir Rybchin performed by the teacher:

White snow, like white birds, Sinking, hovering and spinning. And lays down easily and silently, Covering the whole earth with a carpet. He gives fur coats to the spruce grandmothers, Glitters with silver on the eyelashes.

I quietly print the first snow, and catch snowflakes with my glove,

And I watch how they melt in my palms,

And above - a flock of pigeons.

And then in the lesson, a frontal conversation is organized (based on these verses) about the three states of aggregation of water and the water cycle in nature, about the meaning of snow cover and the beauty of winter. We, busy with everyday chores, little notice the peculiarities and beauty of natural phenomena. Poems, on the other hand, help an adult to rise above the ordinary, and the highest aspirations awaken in the child's soul.

Consider another example of how a teacher can instill in children the ability to see the reality around him. During a spring excursion to nature (forest, meadow, grove, garden), in response to the child's attempt to catch a beautiful butterfly, the teacher draws the attention of the children to it, recalling Aksakov's words about the butterfly: “Of all the insects that inhabit God's world, of all the small creatures, crawling, jumping and flying - the butterfly is the best, the most graceful of all; it is truly a fluttering flower, painted with wonderful, bright colors, shining with gold and patterns, no less beautiful and attractive; it is a sweet, clean creature that feeds on the sap of flowers. How joyful the first appearance of butterflies in spring! What a revitalization they give to nature, just waking up to life after a brutal and long winter. " And then follow the words of the teacher that this tiny creature overwintered and flew out to warm up. He invites the children to take a closer look at the butterfly, but already thinking about the words they have just heard, And the butterfly, as if ordered, “demonstrates” its divine outfit in front of them. Thus, the teacher at first gives the opportunity not only to look, but also to see a biological object, and then speaks about its purpose in nature (necessarily) and its significance in human life.

Literature plays the leading role in describing nature. Moreover, poems, prose passages with a description of nature are chosen so that they correspond to the topic or object studied directly in the lesson, and the surrounding landscape during the excursion, which will enhance the emotionality of perception.

At a biology lesson in the 6th grade on the topic "Types of roots, types of root systems", speaking about the meaning of a root, I bring to the attention of the class a few lines from a poem by V. Jacques: We have collected hot poppies in a bouquet, Many blue forget-me-nots. And then we felt sorry for the flowers. They put them in the ground again. Only nothing happens: They sway from any breeze! Why did they crumble and wither? They will not grow without roots.

These lines can be used to accomplish two tasks of the lesson at once: to find out the main meaning of the root as an organ that provides mineral nutrition to the plant, and also to continue the formation of a respectful attitude towards nature in children.

Painting helps in teaching the vision of nature. Wonderful canvases reflect Russian nature. The picture has a huge impact on the soul of a child.

A lesson on the topic "Plant - an integral organism, the relationship of cells, tissues and organs of a plant" (VI grade) can be started as follows. On the blackboard, reproductions of paintings by Levitan "Golden Autumn" and "Birch Grove", Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived", Grabar "Prussian Blue" under the general title "Birch in the Works of Great Russian Artists" are posted. The teacher's words are heard: “Russian birch is a symbol of our state. How much grace and attractiveness there is in a young curly birch! How much beauty there is in the old, spreading white-bore birch! She is beautiful in any outfit. Who has not admired the young, light-emerald green of a blossoming birch (referring to the painting "Birch Grove")! Who has not admired the autumn outfit of birches, when, under the depleted late autumn sun, sometimes each leaf glitters with a gold piece over the silvery bark (referring to the painting "Golden Autumn")! And in winter, when, after a frosty fog, frost will sprinkle thousands of shiny crystals on the branches hanging down, which will sparkle in the sun like a diamond rain! What spectacle in splendor can compare with the spectacle that the luxurious weeping birch in such frosty decoration presents? (He refers to the painting "Prussian Blue".) As if you see a huge fountain in front of you, the spray of which suddenly froze over, hanging in the air. And there is a weeping birch all in diamond tears. And as a contrast - other "tears" of birch.

Have you heard when birch trees cry?

Have you seen when birches cry?

You know when birches cry--

Then mother earth groans with them. "

And then the teacher says that damage to one of the plant's organs entails a disruption in the vital activity of the organism as a whole, which leads it to aging and premature death; reminds of the rules of conduct in the forest during the upcoming collection of birch sap. From everyday experience, it is clear that a picture is more effective when it is associated with memories of a past season. So, in winter, when there is white snow outside the windows, you should consider bright autumn landscapes, and on hot days of early summer - winter ones. This contrast evokes strong emotions.

The teacher teaches children not only to see nature, but also to hear it. It is not without reason that they say that classical music originates in the music of nature.

We must make every effort to make schoolchildren understand the main thing: the biosphere is a holistic education, and we, with all our pride and rationality, are only a part of it. And, if we want to preserve humanity, to ensure its future, we must preserve the basis of our existence - the nature of the Earth. Let the sacred words "SAVE AND SAVE!" Become the motto in a person's life! Only this is not an appeal to the Lord God, but to everyone living today.

If we are destined to breathe the air alone,

Let us all unite forever.

Let's save our souls!

Then we on Earth will survive ourselves.


Forms of moral and sexual education of students



Ensure the implementation of training programs for conducting classes related to sex education, AIDS prevention, instilling hygiene rules, the basic principles of healthy lifestyle).

Teachers of all subjects


director, head teacher of the school

To practice the speeches of specialist doctors in classroom hours and biology lessons, life safety to instill in students the basic principles of healthy lifestyle


Kl.ruk, teachers

For class teachers, outline in the plans various forms of moral and sexual education of students


Head of the Ministry of Defense

The role of parents in organizing the leisure of a teenager. - Sanitary and hygienic training and physical education of students.

Age-sex and individual characteristics of the development of adolescents, taking them into account in upbringing.


In tech. of the year

Fatherlessness. Stories and stories. Reading and discussion

During the year

Teachers - linguists

The influence of alcoholism, tobacco addiction and drug addiction on offspring. Multimedia presentation

November December

Uch. Computer Science and Biology

Tili-tili, dough. Bride and groom. Conversation about marriage


Moral lessons:

* The valor of a boy, youth, man - in courageous kindness, and not in power, cruelty. Freedom is not about oppressing others

* Maiden charm is not in imitating the behavior of boys, but in modest dignity, gentle politeness, cleanliness and accuracy

Personal hygiene education for girls


About the relationship between boys and girls. Doctor consultation


"Victim of promiscuity" (for the prevention of early sexual intercourse and early pregnancy)


Conversations for boys:

* Friendship of boys and girls

* Respect for girls is the law for men.

* The need to help girls in performing physical work, not to use swear words and vulgar expressions.

In tech. of the year

conversations for girls:

* Friendship of girls and boys

* The need for a certain distance (hidden) when communicating with boys.

* Beneficial effects of good behavior of girls on boys.

Moral behavior in the game

In tech. of the year

Conversations for girls:

* The endurance of the girl's body to physical activity.

* About the development of a girl (girl).

* Physical disabilities.

* Body hygiene. * On the importance of specific hygiene for the health of a girl, girl, woman.

* Norm and deviation from the norm in puberty.

* The concept of puberty.

In tech. of the year

Conversations for boys:

* Development of a boy (youth),

* Body hygiene,

* Puberty, * The concept of instincts,

* Norm and deviation from the norm in puberty,

* The concept of puberty.

In tech. of the year

* At the threshold of independent life.

* The relationship of boys and girls

* How important it is to be protected.

* Ways to prevent AIDS

* Early sexual intercourse and their consequences.

* Venereal diseases.

* Features of the female and male body

In tech. of the year

Conversations for girls:

* Unwanted pregnancy.

* Sister and mom never tell you about it

will not tell.

* Without embarrassment, moralizing and falsehood.

* Prevention of gynecological diseases.

* General and specific hygiene,

* Alcohol and offspring, the negative effect of alcohol and other harmful substances on the fertility of a woman, the life of a girl.

In tech. of the year

Sex Education Biology Lesson

It's no secret that not only adults pay attention to issues related to love and sex. Of course, in the life of adolescents 13-17 (or even less) years, these phenomena also occupy a certain place. We will try to find out what exactly modern youth thinks about true love and whether they associate it with sex. The post-war change in morality, the sexual revolution of the 60s, the democratization of society, the rapid growth of the media - all this, to a certain extent, influenced the consciousness of the children of the 90s. In comparison with the previous generation, changes have occurred in the way of life, the perception of what is happening in general, values, attitudes towards many concepts, including sex. Of course, sex is discussed among adolescents, because for them it is primarily a novelty (and hiding under the mysterious veil of parental prohibitions), like much else at this age. I would like to learn, understand and try a lot, but, as it turns out, it is far from always good, which is confirmed by various forms of negative social deviations, such as smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction and other horrors of the street. This desire to experience unfamiliar and new experiences is the reason for the interest in the sexual sphere, and how can it not be when sex is literally everywhere: on television, in print media, the Internet.

When communicating with peers, adolescents devote enough time to sex. But practice shows that this topic is discussed to a greater extent when people have not yet entered into sexual activity, and to a lesser extent when it is. This fact is explained by the fact that many girls and boys at the age of 13-15 are eager to learn more about the new level of relationships, since they do not have much experience, they are afraid to do something wrong (or simply try to appear more mature). They do not dare to ask the elders, as this will cause, in their opinion, a wave of accusations and negative emotions, and will bring discord in the relationship. The situation in schools is also not very good. If you take my 8th - 9th grades as an example, then the biology lesson on sex education, not only fell on April 1, but also the teacher said that "you already know everything," and only told an anecdote. The result is wasted time. I don’t think it’s very different in other schools. Therefore, the only thing left for poor youth is to ask friends and googIn, so that all information is taken from the Internet.

Teens and sex

Teenagers are interested in sex as a whole process, "Kamasutra", masturbation, periodically watch porno films (mostly young men). In conversations flickering and traditional sex between a man and a woman, and lesbian; homosexuality is mostly laughed at. It is noteworthy that in the modern world there are enough examples of adolescents who deliberately stepped onto the path of a different orientation, while not even experimenting with the opposite sex. Such a choice is often justified by intolerance towards certain habits of men and by balancing the rights of the sexes, if we talk, for example, about lesbianism. Although sometimes the reasons are completely different, even somewhat strange: one lesbian friend says that she "does not like men because they have a penis."

Teenagers talk not only about sex as such, but also about contraception. The majority give preference to condoms, absolutely trusting them; also uses oral contraceptives and practices coitus interruptus, which is notorious for being unreliable. As a result, the acquired pregnancy is often interrupted by the well-known "Postinor" among young people, which, however, severely traumatizes the hormonal environment of the woman's body.

If a flight does occur, it usually turns into an abortion, which for some, unfortunately, is gradually becoming the norm; the risk is largely neglected, as young people have recently imitated Europeans in abandoning children. In turn, this, using the example of Germany, entails the aging of the nation. Very few decide to give birth, because a child in adolescence (when you yourself, in fact, a child) becomes more a burden than a joy. One couple decided to give birth because their "parents have been friends for many years, and this is only a plus for them," the other, because abortion, firstly, is immoral, and secondly, why injure the body once again when there are still so many years ahead ? However, with age, the head, as much as possible, becomes smarter, abortions decrease, and young people aged 16-17 are no longer particularly eager to share the details of their sexual life, because for most of them it becomes personal and intimate. True, the whole theory of 13 - 15 years goes into practice of 16 - 17, if she has not already done this ... So, in the end, these two age periods do not differ much.

At an older age, young people, as a rule, adhere to the position “if you’re curious, look on the Internet, but don’t meddle in my soul”, laugh it off (many will agree that sex is a great reason for jokes) or tell how someone caught by parents or friends. And sex itself is perceived not seriously, rather as a part of everyday life - you can strain yourself, or you can laugh if something suddenly "squelched" or "slammed". Oddly enough, this attitude towards sex often brings partners closer together, providing another reason for warm and cheerful memories. Of course, there are those who turn their personal lives inside out in front of friends and acquaintances, but often this is caused by poor (self) upbringing, not realizing that entering into sex life is an obligatory responsibility for oneself and a partner.

Representatives of the young generation

In my opinion, representatives of the younger generation can be divided into three groups. Some believe in love to the grave and argue that no sex and other intimacy are needed until marriage, at least; often they simply remain silent. “Mom says that no one will marry me as a virgin”, “sex is peculiar only to preoccupied savages”, in the end “they love not with their hearts, but with their souls ...” So why carnal pleasures when it’s so good with your beloved? This idea is often implanted in the brain by parents who adhere to a strict upbringing, do not tolerate objection. However, it is worth noting that almost all teenagers do not like it when their elders try to get into their personal life with their advice and guidance. What has already been done cannot be changed, and scandals and fights will only spoil the relationship between "fathers and children." In any case, 15 - 17 years old is no longer 5, and it is assumed that young people act consciously in taking this step. The older the children, the more they yearn to be independent and the less they want to report to someone and make excuses. With strong pressure on the child, there is always a risk: he can obey the harsh parent for the rest of his life, or he can break loose and go into the so-called revelry, as evidence of which there are a huge number of examples of such destinies.

In particular, one girl lived a rich and decent life, studied well, did not think about relationships at all. Suddenly, one day the age took its toll, she fell in love with a classmate and succumbed to his professional courtship. But as soon as the young man did the dark business, it turned out that he had bet on her. The result is a mentally broken person who, according to the assurances of his acquaintances, still cannot recover from the shock. A surprisingly trivial story, however, even this finds a place in the world. Conclusion - the path of instructions and prohibitions does not always justify itself.

Lies and AIDS

In any case, unfortunately, there is always such a magic word as "lie". An ignorant parent may well be unaware of the sexual campaigns of his child (one friend of mine is in full swing on the bed of his parents, who have not the slightest idea about it. According to him, this "makes sex spicy").

Returning to adolescents who refuse sex, many would agree that chastity and obedience have always been promoted at milestones in history, with innocence ascended as one of the highest values. At least adolescents who adhere to this position think that abstinence or sex after marriage will provide them with longevity, health and family happiness. Many believe that they are mistaken, since marriage does not hold on to one conversation, and spouses should feel each other not only spiritually, but also physically. And the newly minted spouse may be unpleasantly surprised by the lack of experience of the partner, which in turn will lead to certain consequences.

The next group believes that sex may well be without love (or thinks that it is love), the so-called "give" and "blow" is not a problem at all. But what a huge problem for society! Such people, as a rule, are raised either by the street or by the media environment, since they themselves are not able to realize the consequences of promiscuous sexual intercourse, including unwanted pregnancy at best, and AIDS at worst. One girl in the camp boasted about how she lost her virginity at 12 and a half years old, another young man told his friends how his ex flew in and he left her, the third proudly told how many times, with whom and how she had cheated on her boyfriend. The young man asks his friends: “is it okay that I only had 4 girls in a month?” the guy is less, the guy is more, it doesn't matter. " There are many such stories.

It is not surprising that after this, parents do not let their children go for a walk, because they think that cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and maniacs are waiting for them around every corner. But the victims themselves must have a head on their shoulders! Although it is possible that they themselves do not realize that they are going against the established norms of morality, and the level of culture in our country, unfortunately, is not so high. How to deal with such subjects is not very clear, perhaps, it would be worth paying more attention to such a subject as "sex education", in schools and on TV to show not porn video, but the same documentary about sex.

And as usual there is a golden mean, when people realize the responsibility entrusted to them, for them sex is not only entertainment, but also a manifestation of feelings, preparation for further life in the family. At least people know how babies are made.

"Sex for body and soul", "even though the mood will be good", "did not get up - the bainki laughed too" ... Yes, now young people have a tendency to start sex earlier, and if they decide to do this, then they should be aware of everything that might follow. It is important that sex in a relationship is not paramount, since feelings are necessary! Of course, everyone is free to choose their own path, which is closer and more necessary to him. One way or another, we can only hope that we, modern adolescents, will be smart enough not to rush headlong into sex and at least understand what we are going for.

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Spiritual and moral education in biology lessons.

Biology teacher.

Spirituality and morality are the most important, basic characteristics of a person. Moral education passes through all types of education of schoolchildren in the learning process. The components of spiritual and moral education in the study of biology are: the formation of a value attitude to nature (environmental education), to health and a healthy lifestyle, the upbringing of a value attitude to beauty.

Biology is a versatile, applied science. The assimilation of the system of biological knowledge by students and the mastery of educational skills is a necessary condition for the formation of their worldview, atheistic views, hygienic, sexual, environmental, labor and moral education. Knowledge in the field of biology is necessary to understand that life is the greatest value, and love for the surrounding nature is the most important moral quality. In biology lessons, students are asked about a healthy lifestyle, which makes them think about maintaining their health. In this regard, the biologization of education acquires urgent importance, the main task of which is to educate students' morality, morality, which determines the behavior of a person in society, his spiritual and mental qualities, his attitude to nature, of which he himself is a part.

For the formation of spiritual and moral education, the practical orientation of the lessons is important. For example, studying the topic "Immunity", much attention is paid to the issue of vaccination and diseases caused by human viruses (influenza, smallpox, HIV). Studying anatomy, practical work is carried out, with the help of which children learn more about their health (determination of the proper body weight, pulse, study of the skeleton, etc.). Preventive lessons are regularly held (prevention of smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction). In the lessons of natural history, much attention is paid to the influence of man on the flora and fauna, the children get acquainted with the Red Book, study the species exterminated by man. As a rule, students always feel sorry for extinct animals, which will undoubtedly affect their future behavior in the surrounding nature.

Particular attention should be paid to the formation of environmental education in biology lessons: discussion of environmental problems through human fault, environmental clean-ups, work on the school grounds, participation in environmental campaigns and competitions. The guys and I took part in the city action "Clean banks for the city rivers!" Conservation of nature is one of the most important duties of every person. That is why it is important in the education of students to form a respectful attitude to nature, to instill in each student the correct ecological thinking.

Preparation of the projects "Cellular - friend or foe of a schoolchild?", "Environmental monitoring", "Forest and man", "Preservation of biological education" allows children to look differently at the problem under study, to realize the unity of man and nature, to lead a healthy lifestyle.

As part of spiritual and moral education, the children took part in the action "White Flower of Life". The aim of the action is to draw attention to the high prevalence of tuberculosis.

Thus, the task of a biology teacher is to make every effort so that schoolchildren understand the main thing: the biosphere is a holistic education, and we, with all our pride and rationality, are only a part of it. And, if we want to preserve humanity, to ensure its future, we must preserve the basis of our existence - the nature of the Earth.

List of used literature

1. Danilyuk spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia / Danilyuk A. Ya.,. Kondakov A. M, - M.: "Education", 2009

2. Divnogortseva - moral education in the theory and experience of Orthodox pedagogical culture. - M .: Publishing house PSTGU, 2008 .-- 240 p., 2009.

Gubchuk Dmitry Petrovich, teacher of chemistry and biology, KGKOU "Evening (shift) secondary school No. 2", village Shipunovo, Altai Territory [email protected]

Spiritual and moral education in biology lessons

Annotation. The article is devoted to the problems of spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren in biology lessons. The author reveals aspects that include spiritual and moral education in biology lessons and analyzes the value aspects of modern biology that contribute to the education of a citizen and a humanist. an arsenal of means of spiritual and moral education, principles of spiritual and moral education

“In the conditions of modernization of school education, the primary task is the spiritual and moral development and education of students. In modern society, intellectually developed and spiritually moral citizens of Russia are in demand, who are able to solve non-standard problems in various fields and activities. A society is capable of setting and solving large-scale national tasks when it has a common system of moral guidelines. And there are these landmarks where they keep respect for the native language, the nature of the native land, for the original culture and cultural values, for the memory of their ancestors, for every page of our national history. ”Education plays a key role in the spiritual and moral cohesion of society. The Constitution of the Russian Federation, recognizing the highest value of a person, his rights and freedoms, proclaims as one of the inalienable rights of everyone to education, which corresponds to the principle set forth in the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child: “He should be given an education that would contribute to his general cultural development and , thanks to which he could, on the basis of equality of opportunity, develop his abilities and personal judgment, a sense of moral and social responsibility and become a member of society. ”“ In this regard, the educational process should be understood not only as a process of mastering a system of knowledge, skills and competencies, constituting the instrumental basis of the student's educational and cognitive activity, but also as a process of personality development, acceptance of spiritual, moral, social, family and other values. Upbringing should not be divorced from the educational process, but, on the contrary, organically complement it. ”“ A school-age child is most susceptible to spiritual and moral development and upbringing. The role of the school as a task is to develop not only the intellectual, but also the spiritual, cultural life of the student, since the shortcomings of this development and upbringing are difficult to fill in the following years. ”“ The main content of spiritual development, upbringing and socialization is basic national values. We keep these values ​​in cultural and family traditions, pass them on from generation to generation. Relying on these values ​​helps a person resist destructive influences. They are easily projected onto the material of any subject studied at school and provide personal, social, general cultural, intellectual and communicative development of the personality. " ; mastering knowledge about the structure, life, diversity and the environment-forming role of living organisms; mastering the methods of cognition of living nature and the ability to use them in practical activity; fostering a value attitude towards living nature. Personal health and the health of others, culture of behavior in the environment, i.e. hygienic, genetic and ecological literacy; mastering the ability to comply with hygienic norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle, assess the consequences of their activities in relation to the environment, the health of other people to their own body. ”“ Traditionally, biological education is primarily associated with schoolchildren getting a certain amount of relevant knowledge. Biological education will be developmental if you purposefully create conditions for the development of the creative abilities of a student, show the children the amazing possibilities of interaction between man and nature, include them in the creation and preservation of the beauty of Russian nature. "Biology is a science of life. Its study contributes to the awareness of schoolchildren that the preservation of the biosphere is an indispensable condition not only for the existence, but also for the development of mankind. Biological education should form in the younger generation an understanding of life as the greatest value, its relationship to nature, of which he himself is a part. This morality defines a new type of morality “What we have not created should not be destroyed by us.” Imagine a person who has never heard the murmur of streams, has not seen how the first sprout breaks through the crust of the earth, did not admire the beauty of a flower and did not freeze, admiring the setting sun that gilded the autumn forest. No scientist, no poet, or just a person will come out of such a person, for nature is the mother of surprise and curiosity that awakens creativity in us. Through the study of biology, I create conditions for the further development of the child's personality as a person who studies the world around him and his own (spiritual) world (see table 1). Table 1 Development of the child's personality as a person

studying the world around

˃ the student of the spiritual (inner world) a) develops the ability to set goals for activities, research.

˃a) develops the ability to set goals for self-development and self-change; b) develops the ability to plan, design activities; b) develop the ability to express oneself, one's feelings; c) develop the ability to independently implement the plan; taking responsibility for one's own destiny) d) develops the ability to control the process of advancing the goal and the result of the work performed ˃d) the opportunity for the development of will, responsibility, upbringing of an internally free person; e) develops the ability to assess the measure of progress towards the goal and as a result: Reflections, Understanding, and communicative skills. love for oneself and for the world, beauty, faith, hope.

“Spiritual and moral education in the classroom, biology includes the following aspects: Moral - involves not only seeing, understanding, feeling the beauty of nature, but also understanding the need for a reasonable use of the achievements of science and technology for the further development of human society and environmental protection. with an active life position, respecting the creators of science, providing the leading role of biology. Polytechnical - involves the polytechnic training of students, the use of the knowledge and skills gained to solve practical problems of everyday life, rational environmental management, as well as: fostering a culture of work, respect for work, feelings responsibility and duty, contributes to vocational guidance of students. The patriotic component involves the study of information about the small homeland, its wealth and cultural traditions, which promotes love for your city, village, township, brings up a citizen of your homeland. the runner - implies the formation of a healthy lifestyle, ensuring the safety of life of a person and society. " showing that many Russian scientists had remarkable qualities: devotion to the Motherland, the desire to develop the science of their Motherland, to raise its prestige to a higher level. Reflection of the colossal successes of our country in the field of various branches of biology, medicine, genetics, selection in the school biology course allows us to form students have a sense of pride in their homeland. The use of the cultural heritage of the Russian people (proverbs, sayings, signs, fairy tales and legends, epics, songs and poems) allows to form the ability to perceive, process and present information in verbal, figurative, symbolic forms, analyze and process the information obtained. Analysis of the value aspects of modern biology on the basis of modern and historical material (air pollution and the solution of environmental problems, ethical aspects of biotechnology, cloning, etc.) contributes to the education of a citizen and a humanist. The practical orientation of biology lessons forms the ability to use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in everyday life (everyday life, ecology, health care, first aid to the victim, etc.) The arsenal of means of spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren in biology lessons is unusually rich: cabinet design; portrait galleries of scientists; exhibitions and stands; the use of literary, historical examples in the lesson; the use of sound recordings of scientists' statements; video films; multimedia presentations; work with natural objects. One of the most optimal ways of spiritual and moral education; establishing a close connection between class and extracurricular activities and intersubject interaction. One of the most important principles of spiritual and moral education is the process of continuity - an interconnected process of training, education and development of a person throughout his life. Work on the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation should go on as a continuous process and be not episodic, but systemic.

References to sources 1. Vasilyeva Z.N. Moral education of students in educational activities / Z.N. Vasilyeva.M .: Education, 1978.389 p.2.Concept of federal state educational standards of general education: project / Russian Academy of Education; ed. A.M. Kondakova, A.A. Kuznetsova. 2nd ed. M.: Education, 2009. 3. Potapovskaya o.M. Pedagogical support of the family in matters of spiritual and moral education of children / O.M. Potapovskaya. M.: Publishing house "Planet 2000", 2002.52 p.4. Shchurkova N.Ye. New upbringing / N.E.Shchurkova.M .: Pedagogical society of Russia, 2000 130 p.5.Federal component of the state standard of general education // Bulletin of education of Russia2004, №№1213.

Personality education in biology lessons

Education is a social phenomenon. It arose together with humanity and went along with it a long path of development.

Educational, developmental and educational tasks in teaching biology are aimed at achieving the main goal - the comprehensive development of the personality of students.

To achieve this goal, when teaching biology, the following educational tasks are solved:

    the formation of a scientific - materialistic worldview,

    moral education,


    aesthetic education,

    labor education,

    environmental education,

    education of the correct attitude to one's own health and the health of others.

    hygiene and sex education,

Education of morality is one of the most important tasks of the school.

German teacherJohann Herbartwrote:"The single task of education can be fully expressed in just one word: morality." Appreciated moral education very highlyL.N. Tolstoy:"... of all the sciences that a person should know, the most important is the science of how to live, doing as little evil as possible and as much good as possible."

The philosopher Hegel formulated his thought as follows:

"When a person commits this or that moral deed, then he is not yet virtuous; he is virtuous only if this mode of behavior is a constant feature of his character."

Today high morality is perhaps the most important trait for a person and society as a whole.

A person must be worthy of this title. He cannot live without a lofty goal, without an ideal, without morality and ethics. These qualities are not innate and are not passed on from generation to generation.

At home and at school, we teach children to live honestly, to do the right thing. We teach them justice and thrift, and life sometimes teaches its lessons. At school we talk about love of nature; in the spring, children plant trees on the school grounds. And then the children learn that it is the fault of the people that the forests are burning, the very trees that need to be loved and protected are burning.

It is necessary to instill in children the conviction that good will prevail, to teach them to achieve this victory. But the most important thing is that we ourselves comply with these principles. Remember: our own and other people's children look at us, they judge the life they are entering by our actions. They will replace us tomorrow. But the foundations of their attitudes and habits are being laid today.

The course of biology with all its versatility, versatility of knowledge and their applied value makes it possible to establish moral principles, understanding the essence of life, the physical beauty of man and nature, the importance of environmental protection. A biology teacher helps a child to realize that a person is a small part of the world around him. Biology education should take place under the motto: "What we have not created should not be destroyed by us."

Patriotic education in biology lessons

Morality is not only certain norms of behavior, but also a sense of patriotism. Its distinguishing feature is love for the Fatherland, the ability to carefully preserve and pass on from generation to generation what makes a person truly beautiful, kind, sensitive, courageous.

So much has been written and said about patriotism that it seems there is nothing to add. Our Fatherland has changed. The past is being revised, the present is disturbing, the future is frightening with its uncertainty. History cannot be judged; it must be studied. We will not have another Fatherland and other history. Fostering a sense of patriotism is inextricably linked with a deep study of the history of our Motherland and other countries. In this regard, the biology course provides great opportunities.

Considering the topic"Plant breeding methods" , I inform the children that the work on the study of the centers of origin of cultivated plants is associated with various expeditions and research. The first such expeditions in our country were conducted under the leadership of Academician N.I. Vavilov, an outstanding geneticist and breeder, who organized scientific expeditions to different regions of the Earth to collect samples of cultivated plants, their wild ancestors and relatives. He also created the All-Union Institute of Plant Industry (VIR). The world collection of seeds of wild crops is kept here.

Continuing to study this topic, we note the work of another scientist-breeder Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin. He developed about 300 new varieties of fruit plants.

Studying hypotheses about the origin of life, we recall another Russian scientist A.I. Oparin, who put forward a hypothesis about the origin of life in the process of biochemical evolution of carbon compounds.

Another outstanding Russian scientist, Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, is one of the creators of the modern view of the biosphere. We remember him when studying the topic "Evolution of the biosphere".

When studying the topic "Fertilization", we study the process of double fertilization in plants and note that this process was discovered by the Russian botanist S. G. Navashin in 1898.

When studying the topic "Photosynthesis", we note that this process was discovered by Timiryaziev

The successes of science in the fight against infectious diseases are enormous. Many diseases are a thing of the past and are only of historical interest. The name of I.I. Mechnikov is inscribed in golden letters in the history of science. Domestic scientists and doctors have done a lot for the development of microbiology. Doctor N.K. Zavyalova in 1951 herself contracted the pneumonic form of plague. Deciding to test for herself how long the immunity lasts after recovery, she puts on a heroic experiment - again exposes herself to contact with a patient with pneumonic plague. This material is used in the lesson on the topic"Immunity" .

Another example is the names of two great scientists: Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov and Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, who studied higher nervous activity.

Aesthetic education

Aesthetic feelings and ideals are the product of systematic education. In the course of biology, the objects of aesthetic education are natural landscapes, natural and visual visual aids,visual, musical means and works of fiction.etc.

Aesthetic education is possible in the process of direct sensory perception of reality and works of art, which leaves a big mark on the mind.

For example, in the classroom I use riddles, excerpts from poems

For example:Grade 5, the theme "The kingdom of mushrooms."

And on the hill, and under the hill,

Under a birch and under a tree,

Round dances and in a row

The fellows are in the caps.(Mushrooms)


There are two categories of travel:

One - to start from a place into the distance,

The other is to sit still. Leafing through the old calendar ...

Here I am, leafing through the calendar, and outside the autumn days, I decided to go with you to the extraordinary Kingdom, where living beings live. Not far away from the distant lands, not far away from the seas, but very close, around us there is a special Kingdom. Most of them are land dwellers, but there are also aquatic ones. They settle on plant and animal remains, on living organisms, on food, on metal and rubber products, and even on plaster in an apartment. Who can answer me what kind of creatures they are? (these are mushrooms)

Grade 5, the topic of the lesson "The Kingdom of Nature"

excerpt from a poem "A Look at Nature" (by Yuri Schmidt)

Wild berry flavor.
Nightingale, sonorous trills,
The smell of ripe gardens
The spring is icy overflow.
Snow first crunch,
Primroses in early April,
Yellow leaf cover
And rain
unfamiliar motive.

The screen displays slides with pictures of nature

Grade 6, lesson topic "Flower"

An excerpt from a poemV. Soloukhina

Are you walking by a flower?

Lean over, look at the miracle

Which you could not see anywhere before.

He can do things that no one on earth can do.

From the same black earth

It is red, blue, lilac, gold!

Also, for aesthetic education, you can use excursions, during which schoolchildren perceive the harmony of colors, voices, the beauty of nature. It is important to note that the beauty of nature existed before man, but only he is able to fulfill the mission of her connoisseur and guardian.

Labor education

Labor education is of particular importance in biological education.

schoolchildren, their preparation for independent life and work.

The course of biology is organically connected with the agricultural labor of students at school educational and experimental sites for the cultivation of cultivated plants, therefore, in the process of various labor activities, such important moral qualities as hard work, the ability to work effectively in a team, mutual assistance and active participation in joint creative activities are formed in schoolchildren. ... Carrying out practical work in the classroom and after school hours at the training and experimental plots, schoolchildren master the skills of cultivating the soil, sowing seeds, planting, watering plants, and harvesting. The preparation of students for work continues in the process of studying general biology, when they master the knowledge of the theory of evolution, cytology, genetics, ecology, and selection.

Environmental education

I consider ecological education and education of students to be an important area of ​​work.

The goal of environmental education: the formation of a responsible attitude to the environment, which is based on environmental awareness.

All of humanity and every person is a part of nature. Nature constitutes the constant environment of man, this natural environment in which he lives and which leaves a significant imprint on his life.

Conservation of nature is one of the most important duties of every person. That is why it is important in the education of students to form a respectful attitude to nature, to instill in each student the correct ecological thinking.

In biology class atVIclass on the topic"Types of roots, types of root systems" speaking about the meaning of the root, I bring to the attention of the class a few lines from the poem by V. Jacques:

We have collected hot poppies in a bouquet,

Many blue forget-me-nots.

And then we felt sorry for the flowers.

They put them in the ground again.

Only nothing happens:

They sway from any breeze!

Why did they crumble and wither?

They will not grow without roots.

These lines can be used to accomplish two tasks of the lesson at once: to find out the main meaning of the root as an organ that carries out mineral nutritionplants, as well as continue the formation of a respectful attitude towards nature in children.

The school subject of biology takes a special place in the upbringing of the ecological culture of schoolchildren, because includes: a system of knowledge about the interaction of society and nature; value ecological orientations; a system of rules and regulations in relation to nature; skills and abilities for the study of nature and its protection.

The most important task of a biology teacher in the implementation of these aspects is to form a responsible and careful attitude towards nature in students. So in the classroom we talk about plants and animals listed in the Red Book and in need of protection, compose a memo "Rules of conduct in the forest" or recall the rules for collecting birch sap and read the following lines:

Have you heard when birch trees cry?

Have you seen when birches cry?

You know when birches cry -

Then mother earth groans with them. "

And to say that damage to one of the organs of the plant entails a disruption of the vital activity of the organism as a whole, which leads it toaging and premature death.

Practically in all sections of the biology program, environmental issues are raised: the relationship between the organism and the environment, the influence of various factors on the organism and its adaptation to certain living conditions. In biology lessons, I form the belief that nature is a holistic and self-regulating system. At the same time, it is important to give the most complete picture of the ecological laws and regularities of the existence and formation of biological systems at all levels.

For example, a biology lesson in grade 11 "Impact of pollution on living organisms"

In the 9th and 11th grade, in the lesson "Types of relationships between organisms", etc.

Health-preserving aspect in the education of schoolchildren

Target: formation of a sense of responsibility for one's own health and the health of others.

“We all act like a wasteful heir to wealthy parents, not knowing the constant price of health. We spend it without calculation, not caring about the future. sick ".

The health status of the younger generation is of great concern. An unreasonable lifestyle often leads to illness, disability and premature old age. Therefore, every person from childhood must monitor their health, unswervingly observe the regime of work, rest and nutrition.

Caring for the health of students seems to be a very urgent pedagogical task.

Responsibility for promoting healthy lifestyles rests with the whole society, but mainly with the school, especially in subjects such as biology. Therefore, in the course of studying the school course in biology, I pay great attention to the formation of the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

The section "Human", to a greater extent than other sections of biology, provides opportunities for educating adolescents with these rules. When studying each topic, I include material on the harmful effects of alcohol, nicotine and drugs on the human body.

To preserve the health of schoolchildren in everyday life, I draw their attention to the fact that there are poisonous mushrooms and plants, what harm they can cause to health and how to distinguish them from non-poisonous ones. And we also talk in the classroom that some animals can also cause harm to health. We name these animals, on the slides and pictures in the textbook we look at how they look and talk about measures to combat them or prevention so as not to harm our health.