Questions for the questionnaire for girls 11 years old. Learning to make a questionnaire for girls from a regular notebook

4. Place of residence (city)

10. Favorite animal

19 favorite sport

40 Your Favorite Wise Thought

43 your best memories

45. I will never forgive.

46. ​​What do you want to return?

49. Sometimes during sleep I.

56. What your ideal man (woman) should look like

58. Do you believe in God?

60 I study at school.

61. My Favorite TV Show

66. For me it is unreal.

68. Are you a pisimist or an optimist?

71. Do you like chocolate?

76. Day or Night? Why?

77. In me, I do not like

87. Your Favorite Expression

88. What are you afraid of?

95. Do you write stories, poems, etc.?

A source:

4. Place of residence (city) 10. Favorite animal 14. Favorite direction in music 19. Favorite sport 38. your positive character traits 39. Your negative traits

Friends questionnaire 100 questions

2.Would work in a library suit you? Yes, I like to read books.

3.Do you easily wake up from noise? Yes, almost instantly.

5. Is your daily life filled with interesting events? Undoubtedly!

6.Do you often remember your dreams? Do they come true? Sometimes I remember and sometimes I don’t. But more often than not, they don't come true.

7. Do you like detective stories and mysterious stories? Yes.

8. Do you think bad thoughts about which you prefer to remain silent? No.

9. Are you satisfied with your sex life? Yes.

10. Do you have fits of uncontrollable laughter or tears? Yes, more often laughter than tears.

11. Would you like to be a singer? No.

12. When you are hurt, do you think you should pay back on principle? No.

13. Do you have nightmares? Sometimes.

14.Do you find it difficult to concentrate? No, easy enough.

15. Are you worried about your health? Follow him? Naturally!

16. Have you had any troubles with your sex life? Thank God no!

17. Did you commit petty thefts as a child? No.

18. Most of the time, would you rather sit and dream than do something else? No, I'm generally an active person.

19. Do you have restless sleep? It depends.

20. Do you often have headaches? It happens.

21. Do you always tell the truth? Yes.

22. Do you sometimes feel like you're dying? Only when I was very sick.

23. Do most people you know like you? Hope.

24. Is your mood improving in good weather? Yes.

25. Are you leading the right lifestyle? Yes.

26. Do you sometimes see things around you that others cannot see? No.

27. Are you attracted to people of the same sex? Only as friends.

28. Are you often irritable? No. I am peaceful.

29. Are you depressed most of the time? No.

31. Do you like poetry? Highly!

32. Would you like the work of a forester? Not good.

33. Is it easy to argue with you? No.

34. Would you like to be a florist? No.

35. Do you think life is worth living? Yes, 100%.

36. Do you need strong evidence to convince people of the truth? It depends on what kind of person.

37. Do you often put off until tomorrow what you can do today? Never.

38. Do you often quarrel with your family members? Sometimes even then only with my sister.

39. Do you feel the urge to do something shocking at times? No.

40. Do you believe that justice will prevail? Yes.

41. Do you always feel like a completely happy person? Yes!

42. Do people around you often have something against you? I do not know. Maybe.

43. Do you like risk? No.

44. Have you been called to the director for absenteeism? Never!

45. Are your manners at home not as good as when they are away? No, I always behave myself.

46. ​​Do you often think that someone is following you? No, but sometimes it feels like that.

47. Does the sight of blood scare you? Yes.

48. Do you often allow yourself unusual things in your sex life? What.

49. Do you like to cook? Yes.

50. Do you often feel useless? No.

51. Would you like to serve in the army? No.

52 Do you often feel like getting into a fight? No.

53. Do you love tourism? I love it very much!

54. Can't stand it when you are distracted from important matters? Yes.

55. Do you keep a regular journal? Yes.

56. Do you cry easily? No.

57. Do you rarely get tired? I get terribly tired after training.

58. Are you afraid of heights? No.

59. Are you afraid of dealing with money? No.

60. DO YOU love school, did you? I love.

61. Do you like all the people you know? Not all.

62. Do you often dream? Yes!

63. Are you a doomed person? No.

64 are you shy? It happens.

65. Do you like entertainment? Yes.

66. Do you like to flirt? Do not know.

67. Do you like to sleep during the day? No.

68. Would you like to gossip? No, I don't like gossip!

69. Do you like to talk about sexual topics? No.

70. Are you disappointed in love? No.

71. Are you independent and free? Yes.

72. Are your words and behavior misinterpreted by others? No.

73. Do you think it's safer not to trust anyone? No, I do not think so.

74. Is it easy for you to make people afraid of you? No.

75. Do you love children? Yes.

76. Do you like fairy tales with deep hidden meaning? Yes.

77. Were you in love? No.

78 Do you often feel like dying? No.

79. Are you forgetful? No.

80. Are you afraid of fire? Yes.

81. Do you tend to take everything to heart? No.

82. Do you sometimes feel good about being hurt by someone you love? No.

83. Do you feel lonely among people? No.

84. Do you like it when women smoke? NO!

85. Do people often disappoint you? Probably not.

86. Can you tell someone all about yourself? Yes.

87. Do you like to dance? I can't live without it.

88. Would you like to be a kid again? I am a child!

89. Do you think you deserve severe punishment for your actions? Sometimes yes.

90. Do you like to play cards? No.

91. Do you notice that you are squeamish? Yes.

92. Are you called to a great mission? Do not know.

93. Do you believe in miracles? Yes.

94. Are you a sincere and outspoken person? Yes.

95. Do you like adventure? Yes.

96. Did you see double? No.

97. Are you not trying to hide your contempt for the person? It depends.

98. Can't you do anything well? Can.

100. Do you enjoy movie love scenes? Not good.

A source:
Friends questionnaire 100 questions
1.Do you have a good appetite? Yes, I like to eat. 2.Would work in a library suit you? Yes, I like to read books. 3.Do you easily wake up from noise? Yes, almost instantly. 4. Do you like to read newspapers? Newspapers are not very good, but magazines - with pleasure! 5.Your ...

Prompt questions for the questionnaire, preferably 100 questions, the questionnaire is urgently needed

Prompt the questions for the questionnaire, preferably 100 questions, the questionnaire is urgently needed. Please.

3.Do you like your real name?

4. Have you ever had a desire to change it?

6.Do you often go online?

7.What's on your mouse pad?

8. Do you hang posters on the walls?

10. Ever wrote a song?

11.A song that makes you want to cry:

12. Are you a creative person?

14. Do you consider yourself better than others?

15. Are you annoyed by selfishness?

16. What color is your keyboard?

18. Do you have a sense of humor?

19. Do you consider yourself a cynic or a romantic?

20. Favorite pet:

21. Was there a desire to commit suicide?

22. Do you love your parents?

23. What is your computer for you?

26. What kind of shower gel do you have now?

28. Have you ever had a close relationship with the opposite sex?

29. What will you do if your love is not mutual?

30. Do you consider yourself glamorous?

31. Do other people admire you?

33. When was the last time you went to the cinema?

34. And what movie did you watch?

35. Do you listen to the radio? What radio stations?

36. You would never:

37. I always dreamed:

39. Are you considered a bore?

41. Why do you keep a diary?

42. What will you see when you look out the window now?

43. What was the last book you read?

44. What movie did you see?

45. The song you heard? -

46. ​​What do you choose, fire or water?

47. What days do you feel calm?

48. Last person you spoke to?

49. More often than not, you ...

50. Rarely do you ...

51. Who were you in your “past” life?

52. Who are you in this life?

53. Do people around you often smile?

54. How do you cry?

55. What do you like from what surrounds you now?

56. Friends of your friends to you ...

57. Who from the Internet would you like to meet?

58. When you walk more often you ...

59. Are you a good friend?

63. What song do you associate your best friends with?

65. When you are sad, you want to ...

66. And when it's fun ...

68. What could change your life?

69. Would you like to start over?

70. What in life does not suit you?

71. Are you afraid of death?

72. Whom did you dream of being in childhood?

74. A song that you associate with yourself?

75. Your best friend ...

76. Do you remember your friends' birthdays?

77. When you walk down the street you ...

78. What annoys you?

80. Who would you like to talk to now?

81. Is your mom's eye color?

82. And the color of your eyes?

83. Do you like to talk?

84. What is your greatest dream to see?

85. What season are you?

86. What disappointed you so much?

88. Could you have two of your friends quarreling?

89. Would you do that?

90. What city do you love besides your native one?

91. And where would you like to live, besides, again, your hometown?

92 What city would you like to visit?

93. Can you leave a poem here?

95. Aren't you tired of the questionnaire yet?

96. Is your mood now?

97. How long did you answer the questions?

98. Will you share this profile with anyone?

99. And finally, how old are you?

100. Did you like this profile?

4. Place of residence (city)

10. Favorite animal

14. Favorite direction in music

19 favorite sport

38. your positive personality traits

39 your negative personality traits

40 Your Favorite Wise Thought

43 your best memories

44. Character traits that you value in people

45. I will never forgive.

46. ​​What do you want to return?

49. Sometimes during sleep I.

50. It would be unfair if.

58. Do you believe in God?

59. What do you want to thank God for?

60 I study at school.

61. My Favorite TV Show

62. What do you know that other people cannot?

63. What would you like to learn?

64. Which guys do you prefer?

65. What is the first thing you look for when you meet a guy?

66. For me it is unreal.

67. Do you want to live in another country? In which?

68. Are you a pisimist or an optimist?

69. By the word "love" I understand.

70. In life I cannot do without.

71. Do you like chocolate?

72. The Best of Things Gifted to You

73. Which channel do you prefer?

74. Do you like to give compliments?

75. Your first purchased music CD

76. Day or Night? Why?

77. In me, I do not like

78. The most beautiful thing in life is this.

79. Three Things You Can Never Do

82. Three things that make you pissed off.

83. What do you want to see in the future?

84. Do you have piercings? If so, where?

86. Worst Day of Your Life

87. Your Favorite Expression

88. What are you afraid of?

89. Do you believe in true love?

90. What are you ready for for the sake of your loved one?

91. Do you keep a diary in which you write down every day you live?

92. Which sea do you prefer?

93. By the word "emo" I mean.

96. For me in the future, the ideal job is.

4. Place of residence (city)

10. Favorite animal

14. Favorite direction in music

19 favorite sport

38. your positive personality traits

39 your negative personality traits

40 Your Favorite Wise Thought

43 your best memories

44. Character traits that you value in people

45. I will never forgive.

46. ​​What do you want to return?

49. Sometimes during sleep I.

50. It would be unfair if.

56. What your ideal man (woman) should look like

58. Do you believe in God?

59. What do you want to thank God for?

60 I study at school.

61. My Favorite TV Show

62. What do you know that other people cannot?

63. What would you like to learn?

64. Which guys do you prefer?

65. What is the first thing you look for when you meet a guy?

66. For me it is unreal.

67. Do you want to live in another country? In which?

68. Are you a pisimist or an optimist?

69. By the word "love" I understand.

70. In life I cannot do without.

71. Do you like chocolate?

72. The Best of Things Gifted to You

73. Which channel do you prefer?

74. Do you like to give compliments?

75. Your first purchased music CD

76. Day or Night? Why?

77. In me, I do not like

78. The most beautiful thing in life is this.

79. Three Things You Can Never Do

82. Three things that make you pissed off.

83. What do you want to see in the future?

84. Do you have piercings? If so, where?

86. Worst Day of Your Life

87. Your Favorite Expression

88. What are you afraid of?

89. Do you believe in true love?

90. What are you ready for for the sake of your loved one?

91. Do you keep a diary in which you write down every day you live?

92. Which sea do you prefer?

93. By the word "emo" I mean.

95. Do you write stories, poems, etc.?

96. For me in the future, the ideal job is.

In Soviet times, many girls and boys created exercise books for friends. They were also called questionnaires. Such notebooks were painted in different colors, photos and pictures were pasted there, in general, they did everything possible to give them individuality. But the main highlight was the questions, which often had an ulterior motive.

Over the years, the need for questionnaire notebooks has disappeared, as easier ways to check your friends have appeared. Now a similar survey for friends can be created on your page on a social network or on your own blog. This not only facilitates the process itself, but also allows you to customize the questionnaire for a specific person.

Social network life

In the modern world, people can freely communicate with each other using the Internet. Therefore, the easiest way is to create a survey for friends on a social network. For example, using VKontakte, Facebook or the Odnoklassniki network.

The main plus is that you can easily notify your friends about the new survey. It is enough to attach it as news in the event feed, or send it to the right people in a private message. In addition, answers to such questions come fairly quickly, especially if the right person is online.

It should also be noted that there are social networks that specialize in just the same polls. In Russia, a striking example of such a service is a free resource called Ask.

Benefits of blogs and websites

But it is much more effective to create a survey for friends on the pages of your own blog or website. Although the process of filling out the questions here will take a little longer, there will still be benefits. For example:

  • Unlike social media pages, the blog platform is more flexible. This will allow you to create not only the profile, but also the surrounding background. That is, you can give the desired atmosphere, and if necessary, even insert pictures with meaning.
  • Another plus is the ability to create an interactive survey. So, after completing all the questions, a person can see his result or a pleasant message.
  • Also, many people like the fact that the blog can be sharpened for a specific task. That is, you can create your own service that will fully meet the requests of its author.

Poll for friends: the principle of creation

So, if everything is clear with the place where the survey was created, then you should proceed to the main part. After all, the usual list of questions will look rather boring and trite. Therefore, you need to come up with something brighter and more memorable, so that friends will continue to visit the created profile.

So what should a friend poll be made of? Fun activities and quirky questions are essential to a good survey. It is to them that the author of the questionnaire should pay attention first of all.

It should also be remembered that all questions must make sense. So that, after reading the answers of friends, the author could draw appropriate conclusions about them.

Friends survey: questions and tasks

In order to consolidate the above, we will give a small example of a cool survey that can clarify this topic.

1. How does love work?

  • knocks out the brain;
  • pushes on reckless acts;
  • makes a person better;
  • and what is it all about.

2. If you meet a Martian, then ...

  • stop drinking;
  • ask about life on another planet;
  • take a selfie;
  • throw yourself at him shouting "For the Airborne Forces".

3. How do you feel about me?

  • OK;
  • poorly;
  • but who the hell you are?
  • your answer.

4. If you could have superpower, what would it be?

  • hover above the ground;
  • become invisible;
  • look through clothes;
  • take out the brain to others.

5. How to divide a stick of sausage into 15 people?

  • equally;
  • take turns biting;
  • depending on which sausage;
  • using a pencil, a ruler, and precise math calculations.

    I wonder if the questionnaires for schoolchildren are fashionable now.

    It was just a hit in my childhood.

    Everybody had a questionnaire and everybody filled them out constantly.

    I have a questionnaire - a notebook of 48 sheets.

    The first couple of sheets were decorated by my older sister, drew beautiful drawings and we pasted stickers.

    Then there were questions:

    Name and stuff like that,

    There has always been a question of such a plan as a favorite animal, an actor, singers,

    There were also questions like Who do you like from the class? . Everyone took Secret or nobody .

    At the end of the questionnaire, I had a beautifully folded leaf and it was written This is my secret. Do not open.

    It is clear that everyone opened, and there it was written I can eat 100 candies ... Childish, but funny.

    At the end of the questionnaire there was a crossword puzzle and rebuses, each had to guess only one word.

    You can ask in the questionnaire What animal do you associate with? ... The answers are very interesting.

    Nostalgia straight.

    When I was little, I always had a profile. I let other girls fill it. In the early nineties, it was a fashionable hobby for little girls. And also Barbie and Cindy dolls.

    It is desirable that the notebook is not thin, but 96 sheets. Then the questionnaire will last for a long time.

    In my notebook-questionnaire there were both serious questions and humorous ones. I started filling out the questionnaire myself, then I gave it to others. In the questionnaires, we pasted various inserts from gum, drew pictures, made secrets. It was very interesting!

    Questions for such an amazing notebook can be viewed here. Let me quote a few questions:

    Time has stepped forward. Before we didn’t ask about nicknames, mailboxes, mobile phones. We just didn't have all of this, and our souls were cleaner ...

    Cool questions for the questionnaire is here.

    It is better to compose a questionnaire for girls-classmates-girlfriends in accordance with the interests and hobbies at a given age. In theory, the questions of such a questionnaire are aimed at getting to know each other a little better. It happens that in ordinary everyday conversation, it is difficult to find out some interesting details. And with the help of such a questionnaire with specific questions - no problem. In addition, such a questionnaire will help, for example, to choose the most suitable gift for a girlfriend.

    Therefore, questions can be about preferences in cinema and music, about your favorite colors and style of clothing, about your favorite hobbies, books, school subjects, friends, dreams and desires, and the like - you can include everything in the questionnaire that will help you get to know your friends better.

    An unusual questionnaire for girls can be drawn up personally, guided by the list of questions that are most interesting and relevant.

    Modern questionnaires can include columns indicating all the pages of social networks where he is registered.

    A very interesting and at the same time familiar from school question. I also loved to draw up questionnaires and exchange with girls, and sometimes we let the guys fill out. Here's what you can include in the items of such a questionnaire:

    1) The most important question is what is the name (name, surname);

    2) Where do you live? (house number, street, city);

    3) Where do you study and in what class?

    4) How old are you?

    5) When were you born (fully) and your zodiac sign?

    6) What is your hobby?

    7) What can you do best of all?

    8) What's your favorite movie?

    9) Favorite book?

    10) Who is your best friend?

    11) How do you feel about the owner of the questionnaire?

    12) What's your favorite food?

    13) Do you like animals? What is your favorite animal?

    14) What is your phone number?

    15) What's your favorite song?

    16) Favorite cartoon?

    17) Write a wish to the owner of the questionnaire.

    Recently, my eldest daughter approached me with the same question. And I myself, at her age, was fond of this occupation. Apparently, this does not cease to be fashionable at all times. The questions, of course, change a little (for example, we did not have questions about social networks in our questionnaires), but the essence remains the same. Now you can buy a ready-made questionnaire or make it yourself. For DIY production, you will need a thick notebook and colored pens. Previously, we wrote different sections of the questionnaire with different pens and decorated with drawings and clippings from magazines. There are standard survey questions at all times: What is your name? How old are you? Where do you live? Where do you study? What class? What are your parents' names? What are your friends' names? who do you hate? What are your pets? etc. You can include several original questions in the questionnaire: What is the one word you would call yourself? Can you fly with an umbrella?

    Take a larger notebook and write questions on the first page, bend the subsequent leaves. (They may contain the answers of those who will answer. Well, the questions are general at first, and then appropriate age and interest.

    What is your name? What's your social media nickname? Your mailbox? How old are you? Where do you study? What class? Do you like the place where you study? What is your favorite subject? What is the name of your favorite teacher? Who do you want to become in the future? Your height, who would you like to be alone with? Who is your favorite singer? Who is your favorite actor? Who do you love? Your favorite dish? Who do you like from the class? Do you have a pet (what is its name)? Where do you want to go on vacation? Where have you already been (cities, resorts, villages, etc.)? What are your parents' names? When's your birthday? Your phone number? Your best friend (friend)? What do you think about me?

    In addition to questions in the questionnaire, you can write and come up with surprises, for example, stick an envelope, in which everyone will put you a surprise, a wish, a personal message.

    Application form compiled for classmates will help children get to know each other better, but the second is the development of creativity in the child, and let him imagine himself as a reporter who interviews another person, this will be a cognitive experiment.

    And in any case, the obligatory questions should become such as:

    Your music preference

    Your preference for cinema

    Your favorite performer

    Your favorite band

    Your favorite movie

    Your favorite actor and actress

    What is your favorite color

    Your nickname

    Your favorite lesson

    Your favorite sweets

    Your deepest desire

    Who is your best friend

    Favorite school subject

Questionnaires for girls have been around for decades. The main thing is to come up with questions for the survey. For girls, this is usually a difficult task. After all, I want to come up with as many questions as possible in order to find out everything about a person. Basically, filling out the questionnaires takes place during training sessions. Some buy questionnaires with ready-made questions, and some write them themselves in a thick notebook.

Currently, an electronic profile for girls has become more relevant: 100 questions for which you can find out everything about your friends. Electronic is modern, simple and convenient, but a questionnaire in a notebook is already a relic of the past.

If you need a questionnaire for girls, the questions are easy to find and even come up with on your own. But not all of them are relevant and interesting. It can be quite difficult to compose questions for girls' questionnaires on your own. Therefore, here you will find some tips that may come in handy for your profile.

Questions for the questionnaire, for girls from 7 to 18 years old:

You can think of a thousand more questions in order to reveal the identity of a person, but in this case it may get bored with the one who will fill out this questionnaire. It is quite easy to compose questions for a questionnaire for girls, but it should be borne in mind that the main and most interesting topics, as a rule, are questions related to who is in love with whom, best friends and opinions about the creator of the questionnaire. Most of all girls are interested in these moments.

In modern society, you can add the question “Are you a virgin?” To the questionnaire, but it is designed for girls from 14 to 18 years old. This issue is related to the early sexual development of our youth. Although many people either do not want to answer this question, or lie, although a small percentage can answer honestly.

The more interesting the questions for the girls' questionnaire, the more interesting the answers can be. Girls also love to give it to boys for filling. Since the question of who a particular guy loves is of most interest to the creator, especially if she herself is in love with him.

Probably the most creepy and terrible thing for girls is when the questionnaire is found by the parents or taken by the teacher and read it. Sometimes you can find a lot of secrets and secrets there. At the same time, it is not necessary for adults to know about this. Therefore, advice to adults: do not delve too much into the child's personal life, if he wants, he will tell you everything himself.