Sunken eyes makeup. Sunken eyes. Makeup for sunken eyes

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Makeup for deep-set eyes

Bottomless, beautiful eyes are every woman's dream. Not everyone naturally has such data that one could be proud of without resorting to the help of cosmetics. Take deep-set eyes, for example, which appear to be depressed into the eye socket, making the upper eyelid look short and small. In fact, almost everyone has flaws in appearance, and the task of women is to learn how to present themselves in the best possible way.

How to properly paint deep-set eyes

Everyone's appearance is unique, and having studied the tricks of makeup, girls with deep-set eyes can look no less impressive than those with beautiful, large eyes and a standard eye position.

Use only light shadows. Cosmetics in pastel shades are best suited. This increases the distance between the upper eyelid and the eyebrow, and the gaze becomes more open.

Eyeshadow for deep-set eyes can be pearlescent. Glitter can be added to a girl with this type of eyes.

What to avoid in deep-set eyes?

Dark blue and black shades in makeup for deep-set eyes are contraindicated. It doesn't matter if you use eyeliner or pencil - gray and brown shades look softer and more delicate.

Owners of deep-set eyes in makeup should beware of purple or pink shadows - the look will seem tired and painful.

Do not use dark eyeliner on the lower eyelid or over-stain the lower eyelashes.

You cannot darken the movable fold of the upper eyelid.

Often the eyes are both deep and close-set at the same time, so familiarize yourself with makeup for close-set eyes.

Deep-set eye makeup technique

It is important not only to choose the right cosmetic products, but also to find out the rules for their application.

Shadows. First, a makeup base is applied to the eyelid. It is customary to choose the lightest shades as a base, such as cream, pale pink or white - they are distributed over the entire surface of the upper movable eyelid.

Shadows of a medium shade are applied slightly above the crease, from the outer corner to the inner corner.

Darker shadows lightly touch the outer corner of the eyes to emphasize a little. The borders of the shadows are shaded with a soft brush.

Eyeliner. Arrows with deep-set eyes draw thinly and come close to the eyelash growth line. The arrow may widen slightly towards the outer corner of the eye.

Mascara. Particular attention is paid to the upper eyelashes, painting them in 2-3 layers. Volumizing mascara is ideal. You can use false or eyelash extensions.

Brows. It is important to achieve the optimal shape that fits the shape of the face. Either way, deep-set eyebrows should be bushy. If in doubt about the choice of the shape, contact a specialist, and in the future, just keep the contour in order. It is important to make sure that the bottom edge is not too low. The shape of the eyebrow should have a smooth curve.

Makeup for deep-set eyes with drooping corners, as well as makeup for deep-set eyes with drooping eyelids, differs only in that here make-up artists do not advise using shadows, but draw the contour neatly with a pencil or brown or gray eyeliner.

How to choose a shade of eyeshadow?

The best option for choosing a shade is to determine the color type and select a palette.

"Spring" girls with brown and honey hair, green and blue eyes will suit natural, light pink and pale peach shades.

"Summer" girls (mostly blondes with light hair and light eyes) choose purple and bluish shades. A pearlescent texture is suitable for them, as well as a rich eyeliner.

"Autumn" (red-haired or "warm" blondes with gray or blue eyes) choose shades of peach, brown, green and even blue.

"Winter" ladies (mostly brunettes) pay attention to the red and blue shades.

Makeup for deep-set gray eyes

Makeup for deep-set green eyes

Makeup for deep-set brown eyes

Makeup for deep-set blue eyes

Other makeup options for eyes and hair of different colors can be found on our website in the makeup section.

Daytime makeup for deep-set eyes

Before applying cosmetics, the skin is thoroughly cleansed and degreased with a toner. If you neglect this procedure, then the shadows will fall into lumps and will be poorly shaded.

Step 1. Apply a moisturizer to cleansed skin. After that we distribute the foundation with an even thin layer. Lastly, you can lightly powder your face.

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Deep-set eyes are quite common. Among the star beauties, Kate Moss, Keira Knightley, Claudia Schiffer, Cate Blanchett and Eva Green have such eyes. With such a feature of the structure of the face, the eyes seem to be sunken, "depressed" inward, and the upper movable eyelid almost completely disappears from sight. Therefore, the main task when creating makeup for deep-set eyes is to bring them to the fore. Never add dark shades of eyeshadow to the crease of the eyelid, this will only aggravate the situation. Follow the basic shading pattern below.

Apply a light shade of shadows with a shimmer to the entire movable eyelid up to the outer corner of the eye, as well as to the area under the eyebrow. This will help to visually "push" the eyes a little (use the same technique for small eyes).

Shade the so-called intermediate shade in the area above the crease and along the orbital line.

Apply the darkest shade of the eyeshadow along the growth line of the upper lashes, as well as in the outer corner of the eye. You can also bring the mucous contour of the lower eyelid to open your eyes a little. And never darken your lower eyelid!

10 makeup rules for deep-set eyes

What should not be done when creating makeup for deep-set eyes, and without what actions the image, on the contrary, will not work? Remember these tips to always look your best.

Use an eyeshadow primer

Deep-set eyes always have an overhanging eyelid, therefore, everything that is relevant for such an eyelid shape should be observed by girls with deep-set eyes. The most important advice is to always use a primer that will prevent the eyeshadow and eyeliner from imprinting on the immovable eyelid. By the way, another thing follows from this rule: try to buy persistent eye make-up products.

Don't forget about concealer

"Bruises" or dark circles under the eyes can ruin any makeup, but in the case of deep-set eyes, the correction stage cannot be ignored in any case: such imperfections can "drown" the eyes even deeper.

Give preference to light shades

The easiest way to make deep-set eyes more prominent is to spread one lighter shade of eyeshadow all over the upper eyelid, capturing both parts of it, both moving and non-moving. Or just add a little eye shadow with a delicate shine to the inner corners of the eyes: this simple technique will help distract attention from the shape of the eye and draw it to their color.

Apply dark shades only to the outer corners

Of course, you are not prohibited from using dark shadows, but it is important to apply them to the correct area. Distribute them at the outer corners of the eyes, without going over the lower eyelid or touching the crease, and blend well. If you want to do smokey ice makeup, give up the charcoal or dark gray eyeshadow, it is better to create a softer version of the "haze".

Apply eye makeup with powder

Dab a little on your eyelids to keep the eyeliner and eyeshadow in place for as long as possible.

Choose the right eyebrow shape

First of all, when choosing a suitable eyebrow shape, you should focus on, but in your case, the shape of the eyes should also be taken into account. Eyebrows with a high arch ("raised in surprise") are not at all your option. Strive to keep the brow line as straight as possible and not set too low. Also, the eyebrows should be neither too thin nor too thick: in the latter case, you risk getting a frown.

Careful with the eyeliner

If you draw arrows, they should start from the middle of the eyelid, and not from the inner corner. Otherwise, the eyes will look smaller. But if you focus on the outer corners of the eyes, it will play into your hands. Also try to draw as thin lines as possible and as close to the lash line as possible.

Do not emphasize the crease of the eyelid

We already mentioned this rule in the first section of the article, but it will not be superfluous to remind you: dark shadows in the crease of the eyelid will make your eyes even more sunken, as well as added to the lower eyelid.

Don't forget about bright lipstick

The easiest way to distract attention from such a feature of the structure of the face is to make a neutral eye makeup and a brighter lip make-up.

Use mascara correctly

Mascara is your best friend. You can thickly dye your eyelashes in several layers, but more attention should be paid to the outer corners of the eyes, and not the inner ones. If your lower lashes are naturally long, you can also tint them slightly to make your eyes visually more voluminous. By the way, you are also highly recommended: long eyelashes perfectly "stretch" the eyes.

How to choose eyeshadow for deep-set eyes?

The choice of shadows is influenced primarily not by the shape of the eyes, but by their color. So focus on the shades that best suit brown, green, gray or blue eyes - we wrote more about this. Still, a few tips can be given especially for girls with deep-set eyes.

Shimmering eyeshadow helps to bulge the eyes, add shine and volume. But you can also use matte light shadows if you don't like glitter shadows.

Related materials:

Use purple and pink eyeshadows with care. Since in your case the eyes sit deeper, it is much easier to get it than usual: there is not enough space to separate the shadow of this color from the eye itself with eyeliner.

Makeup for deep-set eyes: step-by-step photo instructions

To get a beautiful eye makeup with arrows, follow this technique.

Shadows of a medium shade (for example, golden with a strong shimmer) outline the lower eyelid with a strip, starting from the middle towards the outer corner of the eyes and, as it were, continuing the line of the lower eyelid upwards.

Using the same shadows, draw a clear line towards the outer corner of the eye, without leading it far into the crease.

Paint over the resulting corner with dark shadows, blend well.

Add light shadows, starting from the inner corner of the eye to the border with dark shadows (blend the borders). Add the same shadows to the motionless eyelid.

With the help of a regular set of decorative cosmetics, you can easily correct certain nuances of your appearance and natural beauty. For example, you may have circles or bruises under your eyes, a pointed nose, or sunken eyes. Here we will look at how best to perform makeup for deep-set eyes, we will give recommendations of world famous stylists, makeup artists with solid experience.

Many popular movie stars have small or deep-set eyes (Kate Moss, Keira Knightley and others).

However, we do not notice this, even more than that - they are standards of beauty for us. And all thanks to skillful techniques.

Reasons for sunken eyes: how to fix it

Why can such an effect appear in people, sometimes complemented by dark circles around the eyes? It happens that the matter is in the disease.

People who smoke in large quantities sometimes notice changes in appearance of this kind. This consequence is explained by the fact that, due to nicotine, the vessels will constrict, which in turn leads to oxygen starvation. By the way, this also applies to passive smokers. Circles form around the eyes. In addition to such signs, there are others, for example, lacrimation, discomfort, specks, specks of dust, flies.

Of course, sometimes the reasons are not very serious. When you manage to remove those, you can again admire the great look of your face. For example, you get very tired, sleep restlessly, do not get enough rest, feel significant stress, anxiety.

What other reasons are there:

  • age-related changes - we age, and the saturation of certain tissues with oxygen will not be very complete, cavities are formed;
  • taking medications for a long time;
  • inflammation in the gallbladder;
  • diagnosed trachoma;
  • difficulties with the work of the kidneys, liver;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • hormonal problems;
  • significant load on strength;
  • different situations that caused dehydration.

Misses not to be allowed

Key Technique

First - the basic principles of applying shadows. The latter for the eyes, regardless of size, will be identical, but it is important to be able to combine colors. It is important that the shadows not only complement each other, but also look advantageous, you can achieve an amazing effect.

Makeup step by step

Select the eyelid. Apply base shadow to the eyelid, in a crease, which will help move your eyes forward a little. Use this shade for the inner corner of the lower lash line as well.

The main shadow. Apply shadows slightly above the crease, not in it. Start with the outer corner, brush across the eyelid to the inner corner just above the crease, and blend the paint towards the eyebrows. And now you need to take the main tone along the lower lash line, starting from the outer corner towards the inner one.

Contour shadow. We apply the contour from the outer corner of the upper lash line, slightly moving upward on the eyebrows, which helps to lighten the visually dark areas, and this, in turn, helps to increase the size of the eyes. Then we bring in the color of the contour under the lower line of the eyelashes, while starting from the outer corner, along the way, shading them to the line of the eyebrows, forehead.

This make-up is also suitable for close and deep eyes, but in this situation, the main focus should be on the inner corner of the eye. Shade it with light colors, you can even pearlescent (if your color type allows).

3 types of makeup

Arrows are a great technique that you can apply to different types of eyes. It is somewhat similar to the coloring of almond-shaped eyes with overhanging eyelids. Before applying makeup, you need to wash, degrease the skin, because the shadows otherwise will fall unevenly.

So, how to do a good daytime makeup:

  • apply a light powder on the eyelids, maybe even lighter than the skin tone;
  • apply a moisturizing cream, "foundation", blend, and then sprinkle with powder, which will also help to visually increase the volume of eyelashes;
  • close our eyes, stretch the upper eyelid, if you have no experience with eyeliner, you can take a pencil or use the Japanese technique of "arrows with a spoon";
  • paint over the upper line of cilia with a thin line, it must be brought from corner to corner, shading, if necessary;
  • we apply mascara, especially painting over the corner to the bridge of the nose well. If you want, you can bring the arrow to the bridge of the nose - in this case, the eye makeup in the oriental style will come out. This technique is suitable for round, diagonal cuts. You can use bright eyeshadows in the Arabian style, in this case, light daytime makeup turns into evening makeup.

On narrow eyes with a deep fit, the so-called. Chicago makeup:

  • over the entire area of ​​the eyes (upper and lower eyelids, half of the bridge of the nose to the eye, the area under the eyebrow), apply basic shadows;
  • Imagine a visual loop spanning the upper eyelid down to the bridge of the nose. This loop originates at the outer corner, then goes above the movable line of the eyelids. Here you need to apply dark shadows, which will enhance the charm of your eyes;
  • paint over the inner corner, and leave the outer corner a little freer. The secret here is how to blend the shadows;
  • then apply black mascara to the eyelashes. If you apply makeup in light shades, you will get an excellent image for a holiday or wedding.

Deep-set eyes are found in many women. It is easy to disguise such a lack of appearance, it is enough to make a make-up correctly. Thanks to the competent application of cosmetics, it will be possible to visually expand the eyes, make them expressive, and give openness to the look. Make-up for deep-set eyes involves the use of light shadows, and it is best to use pearlescent ones. The shape of the eyebrows and other features are also important.

Secrets of choosing and applying shadows

To make the right make-up, you should choose 3-4 shades of shadows that go well with each other. In this case, dark solutions - black, charcoal or blue - are contraindicated.

In this case, it is important to adhere to the rule of three tones. It consists in the fact that one shade should be light, the second should have an average saturation, and the third should be maximum. To choose a color scheme, you should take into account the color type of your own appearance. Of no small importance is the purpose of the make-up - it is evening or everyday.

So, in order to emphasize the eyes, you should follow these steps:

  1. Cover the entire eyelid with a base product. In this case, it is recommended to move from the bottom up and from the corner in the region of the bridge of the nose in the direction of the outer part.
  2. Carefully coat the inner part and fold with the base product. An even lighter tone is suitable for this purpose. Pearlescent shadows are a great option, especially if the skin is in good condition. If you have wrinkles or other imperfections, it is still better to use matte textures.
  3. The movable area of ​​the eyelid from the middle towards the outer edge is treated with shades of a saturated shade. In this case, all transitions should be well shaded. This will produce a more natural looking result.
  4. Highlight the outer area with shadows of the most saturated color. It can also be used to accentuate the lash line. They are also worth highlighting the lower eyelid.

Makeup for deep-set eyes - video

Secrets of applying eyeliner and mascara

To make your eyes more expressive, you need to carefully draw a thin line near the very roots of the eyelashes. It should be directed from the inside of the eye to the outside, rising slightly towards the eyebrows.

To determine the sequence of applying cosmetics, you should remember the purpose of the make-up:

Finally, it is recommended to apply mascara to the eyelashes. For those with deep-set eyes, it is better to use a thick product that has a creamy texture and helps to add volume. This will make your eyelashes appear thicker and your eyes look open.

As for the colors, the mascara should have a dark shade - black or brown. Colored options will look out of place in this situation.

To make a make-up for eyes with a drooping eyelid, do not use eyeshadow. Makeup artists advise you to carefully apply the contour using an eyeliner or pencil. In such a situation, gray or brown options are perfect.

Features of the eyebrow make-up

When implementing any make-up option, you need to pay attention to the eyebrows. This is especially important with deeply set eyes. In this case, it is necessary to choose the correct shape of the eyebrows and provide them with high-quality care.

The choice of shades depending on the color type of appearance

Of course, the choice of colors is of particular importance for making a harmonious make-up. Conventionally, all girls can be divided into several types: autumn, winter, spring, summer. However, in reality, there are much more of these species, because there are also mixed varieties. In any case, there are key rules that must be followed when choosing shades:

Spectacular types of makeup

Whichever type of make-up you choose, before starting to perform it, you must definitely wash and degrease your skin. This will ensure that the makeup is applied as evenly as possible. To make a beautiful daytime makeup, you should follow these steps:

If you want, you can bring the line to the very bridge of the nose. In this case, you will get a rich oriental make-up. This makeup technique is great for round and slanting eyes. If you apply eyeshadow in a bright color, you can get a rich evening look.

For those with narrow eyes set quite deep, a Chicago-style make-up is suitable. To complete it, it is recommended to do the following:

If you make a make-up completely in light colors, you will be able to get a wedding or festive composition.

Another spectacular and simple makeup that is easy to implement on your own is nude. In this case, the minimum number of shades is applied. Most often, makeup artists only use beige and brown tones that resemble skin tones without makeup. The technology for performing such a make-up step by step:

This type of makeup is great for a casual look. You can also use it to create a delicate wedding composition. However, in this case, it is still recommended to use glitter and pearlescent shadows.

Common mistakes

Owners of deep-seated eyes often make various mistakes that only exacerbate this feature of their appearance. Common flaws when doing makeup include the following.

When choosing makeup for deep-set eyes, it is important to take into account the features of the face, as well as the color and quality of makeup. If you do not adhere to the basic rules, you can break the proportions and lose their natural appeal.

Stylists and makeup artists share the secrets of creating a flawless look. Let's use them, but before that, let's find out which eyes are considered deep-set? Take a look at your profile. If the eyelid tapers towards the inner corner of the eye, then you are the owner of this type. Also, the upper eyelid should look small and short due to the fact that the eyeball is located deep in the hollows. Therefore, visually it looks as if the eyebrow line hangs over the eyelids so that they become invisible.

Choosing an eye shadow palette by eye color

The eyes are considered the mirror of the soul. With just one glance, we can make the other person understand our thoughts and fall in love with ourselves, or, conversely, push them away. Therefore, it is very important to be able to correctly emphasize the dignity of the shade. Let's consider which eyeshadow palette works best for deep-set eyes of different colors.

  • Girls with blue eyes light pink and peach shades of eyeshadow are suitable.
  • Owners of green eyes make-up artists recommend paying attention to cosmetics of nude natural shades.
  • Light eyes you need to highlight with bluish or purple shadows. Pearlescent texture combined with rich eyeliner is the perfect solution.
  • Blue and gray eyes harmonize perfectly with blue, green, brown and even peach shades of shadows.

Please note that following fashion trends when choosing eyeshadow is silly and illogical. If a shade doesn't suit you, it will look ridiculous, even if it's trending. The decisive role is played by the compatibility of eye color with decorative cosmetics.

Advice! Apply pink and purple eyeshadow gently. They can create the effect of sore eyes. Replace them with pastel shades.

Consider your color type

To hide the imperfections of deep-set eyes, it is not enough to choose the right eye shadow color. You need to take into account your color type of appearance. Let's consider the main recommendations.

  • Girls with a winter color type differ in the dark color of the hair (black or dark brown) and light skin. In this case, the smokey ice technique in neutral shades is appropriate. It is better to refuse blush. But the sponges can be distinguished both with a rich bright lipstick and with a transparent gloss.

  • Spring appearance characterized by honey-colored skin and light hair. Combine your natural qualities with shades of light gray, pale blue, soft peach, light green and trendy hazel. Nacre will help to visually enlarge the eyes. Highlight the lips with cosmetics of a natural color. If you have thin and graceful features, you can use red lipstick, but pink shades in makeup are taboo.
  • Girls have a summer color type cold shades of hair and eyes prevail. Light pastel shades work well for smoky makeup. To make your face look expressive, focus on the lips.

  • For the autumn type of appearance characteristic red and red shades of hair and bronze skin. Use a warm palette of eyeshadow without a reddish tint. Pale green, caramel, khaki and marsh greens are great. Highlight the cheekbones with peach blush, and brown, beige and orange tones are preferred for the lips. In this, stylists do not recommend the smokey ice technique.

As we can see, the color type of appearance plays a decisive role in the choice of decorative cosmetics. If shades of makeup are harmoniously combined not only with each other, but also with the skin, you can create an incredible look.

Advice! During the daytime make-up, you should not use thick lines to bring your eyes down. It is enough to focus on the outer corner.

Deep-set eyes makeup technique

So, we have decided which palette to choose to create flawless makeup for deep-set eyes. Now let's learn how to perform it technically correctly. We suggest following step-by-step instructions in order to avoid ridiculous mistakes.

  • To prolong the durability of the shadows and enhance the color, you need to apply a base adjustment layer. It is easy to apply cosmetics and lasts a long time. Plus, the surface of the skin is leveled.
  • Treat all eyelids with a basic shade of shadows, preferably gray or beige, which helps to visually enlarge the eyes. Guide the brush movement from the inner corner to the outer corner. Any subtle tones are also suitable, such as beige, pastels, ivory or mother-of-pearl.

  • From the center of the movable eyelid towards the outer corner, evenly distribute the dark shade. Make sure that all borders are carefully shaded, otherwise the makeup will look stupid and unnatural.
  • Apply the darkest tone along the upper lash line. To make it look harmonious, direct the brush from the middle of the upper eyelid to the corner that is outside.
  • Accentuate the outer part of the upper lash line as well as the outer corner with a brown or gray pencil. Choose a soft rod and try to make the line as thin as possible. To make your eyes look natural during the day, distribute the eyeliner under the shadows. Highlight the outer corner at the top. When treating the lower eyelid, draw a line from the middle so that it smoothly connects to the upper line. Don't use liquid eyeliner. For deep-set eyes, makeup artists do not recommend using it.

  • To make your lashes look lush and thick, treat them with translucent powder before applying mascara. Buy black and creamy carcasses. Don't go overboard with dyeing your lower lashes. Pass over them with a brush no more than once.

  • Adjust the shape of the eyebrows with a pencil. You may not use light shades of shadow under the eyebrow, as this area stands out well with a deep fit.
  • Curl the upper lashes towards the outer corner for a thick and natural appearance.
  • When choosing a gloss or lipstick, consider the color type of the appearance and the palette of shadows that you used.
  • Your flawless makeup is ready.

A step-by-step description of the technique of applying makeup for deep-set eyes helps to adjust their position as professional makeup artists do. If you do everything right, you will not need to visit expensive beauty salons.

Advice! Don't dye your lower lashes. Pay more attention to the top row, closer to the outer corner of the eye.

Do you have drooping eyelids? We'll fix it

Deep-set eyes need adjustment. Sagging eyelids aggravate the situation so that the glamor of the look disappears. Therefore, it is important to learn this technique as well. To hide imperfections, apply shadows three shades lighter. Apply the lightest shadows under the eyebrow and on the upper eyelid.

Please note that a not too thick raised eyebrow is distracting from the overhanging eyelid. To the outer corner of the eye, apply a deeper shade of shadows starting from the middle of the moving eyelid. Be sure to blend the color transitions with a soft brush. Place the darkest layer under the eyebrow so that it gradually expands at the outer part of the eye. With this tone also work the eyelid from below. Make sure that closer to the inner corner, the line remains invisible. Then use a pencil to point the arrows up at an angle of 30-40 degrees. Paint the upper eyelash line in 2-3 layers of mascara. It is enough to process the lower one once.

Accentuate your seductive lips with gloss or bright lipstick and your makeup will look amazing not only in photos, but also in real life.

Advice!Shade all lines thoroughly. Abrupt transitions make the look rough and less attractive.

Daily make-up lessons

Everyday makeup is somewhat different from evening makeup in that it should be discreet, but at the same time attractive. Let's study the application of the daily make-up step by step.

  • Thoroughly cleanse your skin with toner to keep the eyeshadow from rolling and blending easily.
  • Moisturize your skin and spread the foundation in a thin layer. After that, lightly powder your face.
  • Pull the upper eyelid slightly to the side and draw a neat, beautiful arrow from one corner to the other. To make your eyes more expressive, blend the eyeliner line.

It is impossible not to notice that daytime makeup for deep-set eyes differs little from evening makeup. Just replace the shadows of calm pastel shades with saturated ones and add a little eyeliner.

Correct narrow, deep-set eyes with makeup

For small and narrow eyes, which are also deep-set, make-up artists recommend doing makeup in the style of Chicago. He will attract attention with grace and beauty, hide flaws. Let's find out step by step how to do it yourself.

  • Apply a light powder to the surface of the eyelid. On top of it, distribute the shadows of the main shade so that they protrude beyond the crease.
  • In the area of ​​the movable fold, in the direction from the outer to the inner corner of the eye, treat the eyelid with a medium shade of shadows. Thus, the eyes protrude slightly and become more expressive.
  • Blend the shadows thoroughly from the inner corner to the middle of the eyelid.
  • Apply classic black mascara to your lashes.

Makeup like this is perfect for attending stylized parties. Choose the image of a prison tango girl, and you will definitely not be left without the attention of the opposite sex.

Advice! Apply just a few light strokes under the brow. A thick layer of shadow will visually make the eyes even deeper, and this should be avoided.

Naturalness and ease of nude makeup

In 2017, natural makeup is in vogue, which emphasizes the dignity of the face. Pastel shades are the best for this makeup. By the way, they flawlessly correct deep-set eyes. Consider the lessons of applying cosmetics in natural shades:

  • Distribute pastel shades on the eyelids;
  • circle along the contour of the eyelashes with a gray or light brown pencil;
  • on top of the base layer of shadows, apply a medium tone, while slightly lightening the inner and outer contours of the eyes;
  • carefully, but gently blend all the borders of the transition of shadows;
  • with volumizing or curling mascara, paint over the eyelashes.

As a result, you get a delicate natural makeup that masks facial imperfections, visually the eyes look smaller, and the eyelids are visible better. Feminine lightness and tenderness always attracts others.

Advice! Replace black eyeliner with chocolate, gray, or light brown.

Smoky deep-set eyes

The classic version of the popular smokey ice makeup is not suitable for girls with this type of eyes. However, you should not completely abandon the make-up. When used in combination with lighter eyeshadows, you get a superb natural look. Let's remember together how smoky makeup is done.

  • With a light brown or gray pencil, draw a wide line in the hair growth area.
  • Using a beveled brush, spread the pencil texture over the entire surface of the eyelid up to the crease.
  • Apply a lighter shade, such as gray, to the upper eyelid with a light hammering motion to fix the pencil line.
  • Apply pearlescent shadows to the inner corner of the eye, as well as the curl of the eyebrows. Pat on texture.
  • With a regular eyeshadow brush, blend all the edges with a silver color.