Rotation in the palms of the massage ball. Emotional and social development of the child

The child has already grown noticeably - he is 5 months old! An active and independent baby has changed a lot - it seems that yesterday he was lying in a stroller and was sleeping almost all the time, now he is constantly busy with important things: he examines, stretches somewhere, grabs things, throws it on the floor and listens with pleasure to the sound of a fall, observes. The most important thing is that he just needs to communicate with mom, dad, grandmothers, and other family members. He already perfectly recognizes those close to him. The baby's weight after birth has more than doubled, and although each little man develops in its own way, almost all babies by this time grow by 13-15 cm, increase their weight over the last month by an average of 650-700 grams.

Child development at 5 months (what should be able to)

The child's intellectual development has progressed noticeably - he is already pronouncing several vowels (a, e, s, and), some consonants (b, d, k, m). Looking in the mirror, he distinguishes his reflection, pulls any object into his mouth, squeaks, and even growls with pleasure. Looking around in the new room, the baby notes things that are interesting for himself and reaches for them, does not give away toys when trying to take them by force, starts whimpering or crying loudly.

The baby is distrustful of strangers, especially does not like women. Motor development also gives a result: the baby holds objects tightly in his hands, plays with rattles, squeaks, bites toes and easily turns from tummy to back, while holding his head well. At this age, some children are already trying to sit in pillows and in the arms of adults.

Baby care at 5 months

In the fifth month, the baby becomes very mobile, and irritation may appear on the skin in some places. Red spots on the back, head, legs, prickly heat are common phenomena, you should not worry. There is no need to wrap up the baby, put on a lot of clothes, and often keep them naked (if the temperature in the room allows). Make sure that the baby is not irritated by tight seams, on sheets and clothes, do not use a diaper for more than 3 hours. Wash your baby after each change of diapers, in extreme cases, wipe with napkins or a damp towel.

You need to bathe your baby daily, but use soap no more than 1-2 times a week. It is better to bathe before going to bed, but for hyper-active babies who only get a boost of energy from bathing, it is better to postpone the procedure until the first half of the day. Wash your face every morning, wipe your eyes. Clean the ears and nose as it gets dirty. Caring for the baby remains the same, but there are many more opportunities for his development. The baby has been awake between naps for 1-2 hours.

He is often naughty, and his behavior very often depends on the behavior of adults. Calm parents, talking with the baby without irritation, in a calm measured tone, the baby feels this perfectly and calms down much easier. Your little one doesn't like strangers yet, so try not to leave him alone with strangers. The baby can be taken with you in a kangaroo or sling, the presence of the mother nearby makes the baby courageous and allows him to look around. By observing their communication and behavior.

Nutrition for a child at 5 months

At 5 months, babies can still completely get by with mother's milk, as complementary foods - just a couple of spoons of applesauce and fruit or vegetable juice. If the baby is calm, sleeps well, it means that he has enough food, but when he began to gain weight poorly, to be capricious more often, this may be due to malnutrition. Gradually introduce more serious complementary foods - liquid cereals. Within a month, the baby will get used to the new food, and one feeding will be completely new. The first adult food is not only porridge, but also potatoes, cabbage, carrots, zucchini. Boiled vegetables are ground until mashed with broth to the consistency of kefir.

Give the baby a spoonful, gradually increasing the dose. Minerals and vitamins from complementary foods change intestinal motility. You need to closely monitor these changes, the stool and skin condition may change. For the introduction of complementary foods, strict rules must be followed - you cannot do this in the presence of any diseases. If there is not enough breast milk, it is better to feed the baby with milk formulas from a bottle with a nipple. After complete recovery, other foods can be given very carefully. It is better to give vegetable puree to a hungry baby. If he doesn't like the new food, don't insist. Better to wait. Let your baby play with napkins and spoons at the table.

Child's day regimen at 5 months

The fifth month in the baby's life brings a change in the schedule - he is awake almost half the time during the day, the active period lasts almost two hours. In the evening, it is better to reduce it to 1 hour. Morning sleep passes after breakfast, daytime sleep after lunch, two intervals, At night he sleeps for 10-11 hours, with short breaks, sleeps a good deep sleep. It is better to adapt to the baby's biorhythms and put him to sleep according to his well-being and his desire.

The temperature in the room during sleep should be 21 degrees - you should not raise it, it is better to ventilate the room, in the warm season the window can be left open. Do not neglect walks in the fresh air. For a baby, the optimal temperature is from +30 to - 10 degrees C. In summer, 2-2.5 hours are enough, and in winter 2 hours, 2 times a day. Caring for a child, he needs to pay maximum attention, talk to him, sing songs, talk about the world around him, plans for the day. Physical exercises, gymnastics, massage are also useful. The baby is trying to crawl - do not hinder or nudge him.

Activities with a child at 5 months (how to develop)

At five months old, a baby acquires an interesting habit - he happily throws toys on the floor. Some moms get annoyed, but there is a huge developmental element to it. Do not scold your baby, but bend over with him and invite him to pick up objects. The crumb will be interested - it will result in a kind of game. He acts like an adult! The child notes for himself - how quickly this object falls, sounds loud or muffled. In addition, it develops motor skills, coordination of movements.

The game "Come on, catch it!" Perfectly develops the kid! - with a ball or a toy - a squeaker. Call toys by name as your toddler pulls on the handles - try to move the item farther away. To stimulate the baby's vocabulary, show him large color pictures of animals or bright objects, talk about the components. Show your photo and tell me where the nose, mouth and so on. Enrich the knowledge of the crumbs about the world around you, describing actions - riding a bike, laughing, waving, and so on. Some kids are already sitting, trying to stand, but they do it clumsily.

Games and toys for babies at 5 months old (how to entertain)

When choosing toys, you need to think about what the baby likes. Will it be interesting to the child, and not to you. Toys are the best way to develop, and besides, they are a great distraction if the kid is naughty.
In addition, you can play with him such games:

"Grab and Pull"
Any part of the body - yours and yours - is a desirable toy for your baby. When they pull you on something, exclaim loudly "Ouch!" If the baby reaches for the bottle or grabs your hand, pull it. Try to take it from him, but then give it back - the baby will be happy. The awareness of their own achievements delights them.

At this age, cubes are considered the best toy for children. It is better if they are soft and without sharp corners, small, bright and contrasting. Environmentally friendly wooden toys are in fashion today.

Pillows of different shapes
Starting from 5 months, games with foam cushions of various shapes - cylindrical, wedge-shaped, triangular - are recommended. Keep them soft and bright - with a contrasting pattern, striped.
Place the baby on such a cylindrical pillow with his tummy and roll it, place him on top, and observe how he will behave. Place his chest on a curly pillow and let him go through the small toys in front of you.

Medical supervision at 5 months

At 5 months, the child needs a pediatrician examination. First, weight and height are measured, the physical and mental development process is assessed. In boys, if cryptorchidism (undescended testicles) is suspected, consultation with a urologist is required. Also, if a pathology of the hip joints is detected, it is necessary to consult a pediatric orthopedist-traumatologist. Some children may "shout" a hernia to themselves - at the slightest suspicion, a consultation with a pediatric surgeon is required. If there are no contraindications, routine vaccination is carried out. If your baby is outwardly healthy, but is constantly naughty, show him to a pediatric neurologist. Also, consult a pediatrician if the baby has been bitten by mosquitoes and irritated, the doctor will prescribe an anti-allergic drug, gel or ointment against itching.

Capricious child - what to do?

Each little one is capricious to varying degrees, and sometimes the mother "lacks any nerves." This is quite understandable - after all, babies cry for any reason, only they cry differently. This must be taken into account in order to calm the screamer. After all, the child does not yet know how to express his feelings in another way. It is imperative to calm the child down, and preferably, as soon as possible, despite some opinion that he should do it himself. To begin with, it is better to identify the reason - he may be hungry, freeze, or vice versa, sweating from the heat. Sometimes he is capricious just like that - for no reason - maybe he is just bored. In this case, toys by themselves will not help distract him - it is better for someone from the elders to play with him.

If the rash persists

If the baby has irritation from disposable diapers, and drops, ointments, powders do not help, he may have an allergy. Ask your doctor to prescribe special drugs for you, change the type of diapers, wear them only at night and for walks. Wash irritation with a solution of potassium permanganate, infusion of chamomile, string, oak bark. Cream with panthenol helps. Allergies are possible to some foods or dairy sweep - try to exclude from the diet that which raises the slightest doubt.


Time flies by quickly and 4 months after the birth of our baby is already behind us. Many problems - such as intestinal rabbits, bloating because of the accumulating gases, they are no longer as acute as in the first months of life of the crumbs. But the parents are faced with other equally pressing and important questions: how to teach a child to roll over and crawl what educational games are suitable for a five-month-old baby, how introduce complementary foods correctly and make up a daily menu, how to measure the temperature. We will consider these and other important questions in this article.

Five-month-old babies lie on their tummies with pleasure and can hold the body on the outstretched arms for a long time.

Many babies very dexterously roll over from tummy to back at this age, so you need to be very careful when they are on the bed without sides. By the end of the fifth month, some crumbs can crawl quickly and stand on your legs, holding on to the back of the chair or the bars of your crib.

Try to communicate with the child as often as possible - talk to him, tell fairy tales and rhymes, sing lullabies , demonstrate finger games. Now in the development of the child, articulatory and speaking skills are very actively laid. The baby hums with pleasure and demonstrates his emotions with facial expressions.

First teeth at 5 months?

Usually, babies' teeth erupt at 6 months from the moment of birth. But lately, the appearance of the first teeth at the age of five months is no longer a rarity.

The first signs of erupting teeth:

suddenly the baby has a runny nose and the temperature rises;

saliva is released very abundantly in the daytime, and at night the child often wakes up and is very capricious;

the crumbs' stool becomes very liquid;

if you run your finger along the gum, you can feel the seal or the already cut edge of the incisor.


At this age, the baby confidently raises the head and body, resting on the surface with the handles;

Knows how to change position, turning from the back to the side and belly. If the crumb has not yet turned over on its own from the abdomen to its back, then try to do exercises with it that strengthen the muscular system more often and do massage;

The grasping reflex and the eye are already sufficiently developed and the baby easily reaches for an interesting toy and grabs it with a pen;

If you show a five-month-old child bright pictures in a book, then for some time he focuses his gaze on the colorful illustrations. In addition, the baby should be able to concentrate on the action that interested him and follow the event with a glance;

5 month old baby knows how to gag and make sounds that resemble syllables;

Must instantly be able to distinguish "friends" from "strangers". When a stranger or unfamiliar person appears before the eyes of the crumbs, he can burst into tears and calms down when the stranger disappears from his field of vision;

Should be able to confidently turn the head to the sound heard nearby.


By 4-5 months, the body of a small child is ready to assimilate a denser consistency than breast milk. It's time to gradually introduce complementary foods into the diet of the crumbs ... Thanks to complementary foods, the developing child's body will additionally receive vitamins and minerals, and chewing ability will also develop. But mom's milk is still included in the diet of an infant, if, for one reason or another, the baby is not artificially fed.


In order for the child to have no problems swallowing food, make complementary foods with the most homogeneous consistency. Only after 3-4 weeks introduce more varied and thick foods into the diet;

Introduce complementary foods very gradually and offer each subsequent product only after the obvious adaptation of the child's body to the previous one;

Give juices and other drinks to your baby after breastfeeding. , and complementary foods - before feeding. It is enough for a 5 month old baby to give a little more than five grams of complementary foods, gradually increasing the volume to 130-140 grams over several weeks. If the consistency of the baby's stool does not deteriorate, then continue to increase the volume of food;

First, it is best to add mashed potatoes from one type of vegetables to the baby's diet with a gradual transition to a vegetable mixture (the least allergenic foods are zucchini, potatoes, beets). It is important to avoid increased gas formation in the intestines of the crumbs, which causes bloating;

Then you can add porridge to the diet. But choose gluten-free cereals for preparing complementary foods - corn flour, rice, buckwheat;

Spoon your baby with warm food. The kid should be in a sitting position.

An example of a menu for a 5 month old baby who is bottle fed:

1) 6 am - 200 grams of kefir;

2) 10 am - 150 grams of buckwheat porridge in milk and 4 tbsp. tablespoons of fruit puree;

14.00 - 200 grams of kefir and 6 spoons of fruit juice;

18.00 - 150 gr vegetable puree and half a chicken yolk;

22.00 - 200 gr of the mixture.

Sample menu for an infant 5 months old:

6 am - breastfeeding;

2) 10 am - 150g vegetable puree, half a yolk, a few tbsp. tablespoons of fruit puree;

3) 14.00 - breastfeeding, 5 spoons of juice;

18.00 - breast milk, 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese and 5 tablespoons of juice;

22.00 - breastfeeding.

Why does the child vomit profusely and often?

A five-month-old baby should spit up from time to time.

If you think that he spits up too often and too much , then pay attention to the following points:

The baby does not properly capture the nipple and swallows a lot of air with food;

Too long an interval between feedings forces a hungry baby to swallow food quickly and in large portions. The stomach is very overloaded and pushes everything back.


Below is an example of a daily routine for a toddler:

How many hours does a small child usually sleep at 5 months?A five-month-old baby sleeps on average about 16 hours a day. Sleep is divided into three short daytime sleep (several hours each) and one long nighttime sleep. At night, the baby sleeps 9-10 hours, but may wake up periodically, for example, if he is hungry or feels unwell.

How to organize the sleeping time of a small child:

If the child does not sleep well and falls asleep for a long time, give him a relaxing massage 15 minutes before bedtime;

Baths with chamomile added to warm water have a calming effect on the baby. If the baby sleeps badly and often wakes up, then make such a bath for him at night before going to bed;

Before bed, tell a story to your child or sing a lullaby ... After that, talk to him lovingly and with the same intonation. Always try to talk to the baby with the same intonation before going to bed - this way it will be psychologically easier for him to fall asleep;

It is not advisable for a 5 month old baby to give a toy to bed before going to bed ... He, most likely, will play with her, and not fall asleep, hugging his favorite teddy bear or doggie, as older children do;

The first walk is not advisable earlier than 2 hours after the crumbs wake up;

In the daytime, it is advisable to go out with the baby for a walk so that he sleeps in a stroller in the fresh air;

Even if the baby is naughty while laying down and will not fall asleep for a long time, do not take him in your arms;

Do not wrap your baby tightly before bed. You can even put it in a crib in stockings or panties, and cover it with a light blanket on top. The baby's movements in the crib (or in a stroller) before falling asleep should not be constrained;

Usually a baby at 4-5 months sleeps until feeding time. Try to help the baby fall asleep if he woke up long before feeding - pat him on the head, open a little if he is slightly sweating. If the baby wakes up 15-20 minutes before feeding, give him a toy , play with it. Do not start feeding earlier than the time you set in the daily routine.


The rate of growth and weight gain at five months slows down somewhat when compared with the indicators of these parameters in babies up to 4 months. During the fourth month from the moment of birth, the baby gains an additional 740-830 grams, another 2-3 cm is added to the growth, the chest circumference increases by about 20 mm, and the head circumference increases by 15-18 mm. Below is a table with indicators of the rate of weight, height and head circumference of a five-month-old baby:

◘ Weight ◘

How much does a child weigh at 5 months:
The average boy's weight ranges from 6.2 kg to 9.4 kg
Girls weight at this age - from 5.6 kg to 8.7 kg

◘ Height ◘

What is the average height of a child at this age:
The growth of a five-month-old boy is from 62 cm to 70.3 cm
Height of girls ranges from 59.4 cm to 68.6 cm


How can you measure the temperature of a small child and how to use antipyretics?

It is advisable to use a baby electronic thermometer to measure temperature. It is best to measure the temperature in the armpit of the crumbs during sleep. For more, take measurements several times. Permissible fluctuation limits - from 36.3 ° C to 37.1 ° C

If the increase in temperature is insignificant, then you can perform the following procedure to reduce it: completely undress the baby and rub with massage movements legs, tummy and back of the toddler with vodka (since even weakly concentrated alcohol can cause burns on the baby's skin). You can grind the baby with table vinegar, if you dilute it in a one-to-one ratio with water. After rubbing, let the baby lie on the diaper without clothes for 3-4 minutes.

If the temperature rise in a child is significant, then first of all it is necessary to find out the reason and immediately begin to eliminate this reason after consulting a pediatrician.

Only after the examination, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment for the disease and means to lower the temperature. For a child of 5 months, it is preferable to use rectal suppositories with paracetamol - the drug is rapidly absorbed by the rectal mucosa and quickly enters the bloodstream, providing an antipyretic effect. Rectal suppositories can be used even while the child is sleeping. You can also use suspensions with paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan), but a small child may spit it out or regurgitate.

Reasons and ways to eliminate cough in a child at 5 months:

A child's cough is a protective reaction of the body and a way to get rid of excess phlegm and microbes. Do not use products that relieve cough symptoms but do not correct the cause.

The reasons for the cough of a small child include allergies. To fix the problem, it is enough to identify the object with which the baby contacts and coughs after that.
Also, the reason for the cough of a five-month-old baby can be profuse saliva due to the eruption of the first teeth. ... It is advisable that the baby is more often on his tummy while playing on the floor, so that a large amount of saliva gets less into the larynx.
If the cause of the cough is a cold or flu, be sure to consult a doctor - self-medication is dangerous for a small 5 month old baby!

What to do if the baby falls and is badly hurt?

The reason for the deterioration in the well-being of a five-month-old baby may also be a fall from a sofa or crib. If the child falls and gets bruised, be sure to take him to the hospital or call an ambulance. Do not try to determine the extent of the bruise yourself by the symptoms. Brain contusions, concussion, fracture and other possible consequences of an injury should be determined only by a specialist!


Try to improve the physical abilities of your 5 month old baby and strengthen his musculoskeletal system every day. In this video lesson, you will be clearly shown how to perform massage and exercises that develop the muscles of the crumbs:

While playing with the child's coups, sentence rhythmically a Russian nursery rhyme, for example:

How to train balance in a 5 month old baby?

To master the turns of the body, and in the future to master crawling, it is very important to teach the baby to maintain balance. In order to train the child's balance, there are special exercises. Here are exercises from the book by Yu.A. Razenkova "Games with infants". I highly recommend this book to all mothers!

Option 1. Sit on the rug. Place your baby on your tummy along your leg. Place the bibabo doll on the toe. The kid will be interested in her. Rock the leg and baby from side to side, encouraging him to shift body weight. The kid will watch the swaying bibabo doll and at the same time try to keep the balance of the body.

Option 2. Do the same exercise by placing your baby on an inflatable log. While playing, read the nursery rhyme:


Vanya (child's name) is riding on a stick,

And Dunya is in the cart

Nut clicks. "

2. Second movement - crawling

At the age of 5 months, the child learns to pull up his body in his arms - this is called "crawling" (not yet crawling!). How to understand if the kid has mastered this skill? If the baby sees a bright toy in front of him, then he, lying on his stomach, rests on the arms and tries to pull himself closer to the toy. This is crawling towards a toy or other attractive object.

What needs to be done to develop crawling:

  • Provide free space so that the child can freely and without risk to life and health turn and move,
  • Roll up the roller out of the blanket (this will be a support for pushing) and attach to the baby's feet. There is no need to push the child forcibly! You just need to apply the roller to the feet and give support to the baby, pushing it forward a little, if the need arises.
  • Exercise 1. When the baby is lying on the back, show him a beautiful bright toy, ring her, attract the attention of the baby. Then show this toy a little from the side. The child will turn onto the side, and then onto the stomach and pull up to her. Then give the baby the opportunity to play with the toy and examine it.
  • Exercise 2. When the baby is lying on its stomach, place or lay in front of him an interesting toy (for example, a tumbler). It is necessary to place it at a distance slightly greater than the length of the baby's outstretched arm. The object can be placed not only directly in front of the baby, but also in different directions from the child, for example, slightly to the side. Jingle the toy or rock the tumbler to make sounds. The kid will become interested, pull himself up in his arms and crawl to the toy. If necessary, place your palms under the child's feet to create support. You can put a blanket roller under your feet.
  • Exercise 3. You can show your child a wind-up toy, and then move it to the desired distance to the baby (as in the previous exercise). The kid will pull himself up in his arms and crawl up to her. If necessary, place your palm under the baby's foot as a support.

3. The third movement - attempts to sit (attempts to master the seat)

A child, six months old, tries to sit down. But don't force him to sit down! This is harmful to the baby's fragile spine. The child will finally learn to sit confidently and for a long time on his own, by about 8-9 months, when his body is ready for this. And there is no need to rush forward here!

4. Fourth movement - development of hand-foot coordination

At the age of 5 months, it is important to develop the baby's ability to grip his legs. Pull your baby's leg to your chest and help him to grab it. You can put on a bracelet on the legs, tie a bell, ribbon, bow to arouse the baby's interest.

5. Development of the ability to stand evenly and steadily on a firm surface with support from the armpit

The exercises developed by Yu.A. Razenkova will greatly help in mastering this movement.

Place a large ball at your baby's feet. Bend its legs and support the ball with the child's legs. At the same time, say: "Jump-jump, jump-jump, the ceiling has collapsed!" Then take the child under the arms vertically and help him make movements that resemble jumping: "Jump-jump, jump-jump, the ceiling has collapsed!"

Development of actions with objects in a child at 5 months

A five-month-old baby can take an object in his hands from any position of the body (on his stomach, on his side, on his back). He examines every object and first of all pulls it into his mouth. And even if you don't like it, the child will still do it! Therefore, at the age of 5 months, care must be taken to ensure that the toys met the requirements.

Toys for a child 5 months: how to choose and what they should be

A) It is very important to only buy quality toys. It is necessary that in the manufacture of toys only environmentally friendly safe dyes! Any toy must have a quality certificate.

B) Toys must be clean, because a baby at 5 months always pulls them into his mouth. Therefore, you need to wash them regularly.

V) Toys for a child of 5 months should be at least 5-6 cm in size. Smaller toys or parts of toys should always be firmly attached to a large part or string. The child can play with smaller toys only in the presence of the mother.

D) A 5-month-old baby needs toys and rattles with a DIFFERENT shape of the handle for gripping (this is very important for the development of hand movements), different colors and shapes, from different materials. What is the difference with the previous month of the baby's life? If a four-month-old baby needed very comfortable handles for grabbing rattles (he was still learning this, mastered the first movements), then a five-month-old baby already needs a variety of handles of rattles - in the form of a stick, mace, loop, ring, dumbbell, parrot's tail or other character ... After all, he needs to learn how to make a wide variety of movements to grasp the toy and take into account its shape in his movements.

D) Be very careful when using buttons on textile toys. The kid can easily chew them off and swallow them. In the family of my friend, it was at this age that her baby managed to swallow 5 buttons from a developing textile toy made by her mother (fortunately, everything ended quite well and the eaten buttons just came out naturally). It is better to buy toys with painted details for five-month-old babies.

F) Toys should have moving parts that will surprise the baby and stimulate him to act with the toy. Such elements that are interesting for the child can be: a squeaker (the toy will beep when the baby clicks on a part of the toy), a different color of the ball on different sides of the rattle (it encourages the ball to rotate), a string for pulling up the part of the toy (if you pull on one part, another comes into play. detail) and others.

How to carry out an exercise with a moving toy with a 5 month old baby?

You will need a sounding toy (or a tambourine, a bell, a small tumbler).

  • Tie a colored ribbon 3 cm wide and about 80 cm long to the toy (wrap the ribbon around the toy several times). Sew on the other end of the colored tape to grip the toy.
  • Hang up the toy. (It is very convenient to hang toys on a special stand above the bed, made in the shape of the letter L).
  • Place the ring next to the baby's handle.
  • The kid will pull on the ring with the ribbon, and the toy will move and sound. The kid will learn to see the result of his actions. Such exercises are carried out only in the presence of the mother.
  • If the baby is not enough for the ring, then put the ring in its handle yourself and pull the ring (the baby's hand is in your hand). The kid will become interested in the toy, and in the future will begin to try to evoke the sound of the toy himself.

How to teach a child to grasp and intercept rattles with different handle shapes?

  • Place your baby on the back. Show the rattle (about 25 cm from the baby's eyes). Grab the rattle by the very edge so that there is room for it to grip the handle.
  • Rumble with the toy and let the baby intercept it. Let your baby play with this toy for 1-2 minutes.
  • Then show the rattle with the other handle (hold it in the same way as you held the first one, so that the baby has the opportunity to intercept it with his hand). Give your toddler a chance to grab the toy and play with it.
  • The next day, offer rattles with a different handle shape.

For each type of handle, the hand makes its own type of movement.- loop-like or sliding actions. They can be done with the child's hand (hand in hand) if the child has difficulty gripping a toy. This will teach your toddler how to grab objects according to their shape.

G) It is important that toys have different textures (rough and smooth, soft and hard). To do this, you need to make sure that the toys are made of different materials (rubber, plastic, fabric, knitted toys)

How to make a toy for a 5 month old baby with your own hands?

For playing with a child, you can use pillows made of fabric of different textures - silk and wool, linen and fleece, chintz and flannel, terry cloth and velvet.

How to play with your child with the tactile pad set?

  • Sew a set of double-sided fabric cushions (for example, flannel on one side, silk on the other). Pads should be of different colors and with different patterns (plain without a pattern, polka dots, striped, checkered, with painted flowers, etc.). You can make several pillows, and put on cases made of different fabrics on them and change them as needed.
  • Put the child on his tummy and show him the pillow, hold it in your hands, run your palm over the pillow.
  • Then turn the tactile pad over and let the other side be touched.

In the future, when the baby grows up a little, you can play more complex games with him - look for pairs of pillows - by texture, by color, by pattern on the fabric.

How to play with pieces of tissue to develop fine motor skills of your baby's hands?

It is not at all necessary to sew toys. A 5-month-old baby can be given not only pads for games, but also scraps of fabric of different textures (corduroy, broadcloth, chintz, silk, velvet, wool, knitwear). Give your baby a chance to grab a piece of cloth with their fingers. Once the baby has grabbed the piece, slowly pull on the other corner of the piece, encouraging the baby to hold the tissue firmly in his hand. This develops his handles.

How often to change toys for a 5 month old baby?

Toys are changed regularly 2-3 times a week for games and exercises with the child, as they quickly get bored with the baby, and he loses interest in them. Therefore, it is convenient to divide all home toys into 3-4 sets and offer them to the child in turn.

Why sometimes a baby at 5 months pulls his hand to the toy not in a straight line, but in a loop-like manner, with a deviation from the shortest path?

Grabbing- this is the movement that also needs to be learned, like speech or walking. The baby's movements at 5 months are still imperfect. And if you do not specifically deal with the child, then he will grab all objects in the same way - pressing his fingers to the palm of his hand. Therefore, in order for the baby to learn to confidently grip objects in different ways and hold them in his handle, he needs training.

Exercises for developing grasping begin to carry out from the age of 3.5-4 months (for more details, see the article). Up to 4-5 months, the baby hangs toys on colored ribbons that are convenient for gripping with different handles (it is convenient to attach toys to a stand in the shape of the letter L). The child will reach for the toy and practice grasping.

By the end of the month, it is important for your baby to learn how to grab the toy from any position of the body and hold it firmly in your hand. On the basis of grasping, other movements are subsequently formed (for example, walking with support for the support).

The development of the prerequisites of speech in a child at 5 months

At 5 months old, the baby makes us happy with different sounds. And closer to six months, clear syllables appear - vavava, mmmmaaaaa, buuuuu and others. This is babbling. Babbling- This is an exercise of the child's articulatory apparatus, which will help him to master speech in the future. Babbling are not individual sounds, but syllables (a consonant plus a vowel sound): ma-ma-ma, ba-ba-ba, pa-pa-pa, which the baby pronounces in a chain with different sound strength and pitch.

Babbling is observed when the baby is healthy, calm, in good health and ready to communicate. Babbling needs to be developed and encouraged. Such vocal activity is very necessary for the baby and testifies to his health and well-being. If a child at this age only hums and hums, but does not babble, then something is wrong in his communication with his mother and other close people. It is babbling more than all other pre-speech manifestations of the child that actively prepares him for mastering speech. And it is just babbling that is usually taught to a baby ... by an adult! Yes, yes, after all, it is an adult who pronounces rhythmic syllables in lullabies, jokes, nursery rhymes, pestushkas, which say to the baby: "Tri-ta-ta, doo-doo-doo" and others.

Tips for developing the prerequisites of speech in a child at 5 months - prevention of speech disorders

  • For speech to develop well, it is important all actions for caring for the baby should be accompanied by your own words, rhymes, songs. A collection of such poems and nursery rhymes for washing, feeding, dressing, putting to bed can be found in the article
  • Talk to your baby during everyday activities at a calm pace of speech, name at this time objects, their parts, actions, signs: “Now let’s wipe Sasha out. Let's take a towel. Our towel is big. What a towel! Warm! Fluffy! We'll wipe Sasha up. Wipe off the pens. Where are our pens? Here are the pens. Now let's wipe the legs. " It doesn't matter that the kid isn't talking yet. Such dialogues create a breeding ground for the further development of the child's speech and will justify your efforts expended on them with interest in a short time.
  • It is very important to use folk songs and nursery rhymes as often as possible, because they repeat many times those syllables that are in the babbling of a child! Moreover, these syllables (bu, ba, yes, that, ti and others), as a rule, are in nursery rhymes at the beginning or at the end of the phrase, that is, in a strong position, and therefore stand out well by the child from the stream of speech. This means that they develop the prerequisites for speech in the baby and contribute to the development of his babbling.
  • From 5-6 months, you can play with the baby with his hands in "Ladushki", "Magpie-crow", "Guli-doves" and other folk games for little ones, make him use the handles of the movement "That's how big I am" (pull your hands up) or "Bye-bye" (wave the handle).
  • Call your baby by name. Try one day to check how your little one reacts to his name. Move away from the baby so that he does not see you. And say any name (not the name of the child) twice. Then, after 10 seconds, say the child's name twice. Pause again. Then, after a pause, repeat another name. The kid, having learned his name, rejoices and turns to his mother.
  • Play the Where? Game. This game can be started around the age of six months. Place the toy in its permanent place in the room for the baby to remember. Several times a day ask: "Where is the tick-tock clock?" And show the clock. Then ask about another subject: "Where is pussy kitty-kitty?" Gradually, the baby will remember where everything is and will begin to turn in the right direction in response to your question.
  • Play roll calls with your child. This is a basic game of this age, which develops babbling, and therefore the organs of the articulatory apparatus and the baby's speech hearing. This game prevents many problems and is the prevention of speech disorders. It is very easy to play roll calls. You listen to the baby's babbling, to his repertoire of syllables. And you begin to speak those syllables and sounds that are already in your child's babbling. The kid starts to listen to you. And then he repeats your syllable - babbles. Then you say a new syllable, and the baby answers you. And now the kid babbled something himself, and you repeated his syllable after him. So in roll calls you develop the child's active babbling.
  1. It is possible and necessary to gradually introduce new syllables into roll calls, expanding the baby's “repertoire”.
  2. It is very important to pause during roll calls so that the baby has time to react.
  3. After the roll call, the child can babble for a long time. We must give him the opportunity to do this. You can repeat the roll call game again after a while, if after the first roll call the baby continues to babble actively.
  • It is very important that during speech communication, the baby sees your face. And so that in these moments nothing distracts him. Then he observes the facial expressions and lips of an adult, and gradually begins to imitate their movement. Remember - the so-called "educational videos for babies" with beautiful flashing pictures do not develop speech, but, on the contrary, inhibit its development in young children! Much more useful is verbal communication with the baby, in which he sees the mother's face, hears her voice, responds with sounds to her calm voice with pauses.
  • Look at objects and toys with your baby. At the same time, call them first with a common word, and then with a childish, lightweight word. For example: "Here's a clock - tick-tock" (BBC car, quack-quack duck)
  • Develop your child's attention to speech. Talk to him slowly, with pauses, highlight individual words with your voice. Pull vowel sounds in lullabies and nursery rhymes: "kitty is a gray catoooooooo, cat is a white bellyoooooooook." Read poems with different intonation and different facial expressions, changing your voice in pitch, strength, timbre. You can sing songs without words, just one familiar syllable like vocalise.

So the month of the child's life has ended. The kid grew up, got stronger, learned a lot. What can a five-month-old baby do by the end of the first half of his life, that is, by six months?

What a child can do - the main indicators by the end of the month (that is, by six months):

  • Rolls over from back to side, from back to stomach, from stomach to back.
  • Creeps forward, backward, sideways.
  • Lying on his stomach, he leans on outstretched arms with open palms. Lifts the torso and abdomen while maintaining balance.
  • When raising the bedding on which he is located, he moves the upper arm and leg to the side (balance reaction).
  • Sits with weak support, but easily loses balance.
  • Lying on your back, playing with your legs (coordination of movements: hand-leg)
  • It can take one to three to five minutes to work with a toy on its own.
  • Confidently takes a toy from any position.
  • He actively works with toys - shakes, knocks with a musical hammer or tambourine, pulls the bell by the ribbon, slaps, throws, squeezes rubber toys, and feels. When he picks up the second toy, he retains control of the first toy.
  • For a long time he follows the toy that his mother shows him, and then pulls the handle and tries to take it.
  • Reacts to the mood of the mother - frowns if he hears an irritated or angry voice, and smiles in response to the gentle voice.
  • She is happy with her mother and other close people. In unfamiliar surroundings, he behaves differently with strangers. She holds out her pens to my mother.
  • Joyfully responds to his name.
  • Listens to whispers and soft sounds.
  • He actively manipulates toys and objects, examining them. Shifts the toy from one hand to the other.
  • Looking for a toy (Where ...?), Making turns to the side.
  • Follows the falling toy with great pleasure and joy.
  • Stands evenly and steadily with support from the armpits. "Dancing" - springs on a hard surface with support from the body.
  • Begins to master the first self-service skills -
    • drink from a cup that mom is holding;
    • eat semi-liquid and thick food;
    • remove semi-thick or thick food from the spoon with your lips,
    • Keep a bottle of water.
  • Babble (actively repeats syllables at will).
  • Repeats after the adult in roll calls individual syllables and sounds already mastered by him.

I wish all the readers of this article the joy of communicating with their baby! You will learn about what a child can do at the next age stage in the continuation of our "Mom's School".

You can read about the child's further development, games and exercises with him in the article - Valasina Asya, candidate of pedagogical sciences, author of the site "Native Path"

A five-month-old baby is a little acrobat who has a good idea of ​​the capabilities of his body. He reacts more vividly to everything he sees and hears. Parents who have worked with a baby before are thinking about how to develop a child at 5 months so that he is smart and dexterous.

Any development should begin with the diagnosis of health status and abilities.

What a child should be able to do at 5 months

At the age of five months, the baby usually behaves as if there are no bones in his body at all: lying on his back, he pulls his legs to his face and takes his toes in his mouth. If you put him on his tummy, he can easily lift his chest up and bend his back down, taking the pose of a "seal". Pediatricians and educators have observed that 5-month-olds can demonstrate other skills as well.

5 month old baby skills chart

At this age, unconditioned reflexes disappear. All further actions in children occur consciously. There is an approximate table of what an infant should be able to do at the age of 5 months, with which parents are advised to compare the development of their baby.

Physical skills(gross motor skills)
  • rolls over from back to stomach;
  • confidently holding a rattle in his hands;
  • sits with a back support for a while;
  • holding on to mother's hands, stands for a few seconds.
Fine motor skills
  • the hand develops: the opposition of the thumb arises;
  • the ability to grab appears;
  • a child takes a toy from an adult's hands and holds it in his hand;
  • he feels everything with his fingers: his hand, face, clothes, toys.
Emotional skills
  • recognizes parents and loved ones;
  • in the presence of strangers behaves wary;
  • with the help of facial expressions, expresses various emotions;
  • screaming and crying trying to attract the attention of loved ones.
Hearing skills
  • recognizes familiar voices;
  • listens to new sounds;
  • turns his head to the source of the sound;
  • reacts differently to calm and cheerful music.
Visual skills
  • prefers brightly colored items;
  • knows how to concentrate his gaze on a certain object, including a moving one.
Speech skills
  • melodiously hums;
  • pronounces the first syllables;
  • repeats individual sounds.

What a 5-month-old baby should be able to do, according to the observations of Russian and WHO pediatricians, not all five-month-old babies can and can do. For example, many babies at this age are not yet able to roll over, confidently rest on their legs, holding the hands of an adult, and pronounce syllables. This lag is within the norm. The main thing is that the baby is outwardly healthy and cheerful.

Anastasia, mother of 10-month-old Sasha: “At the age of 5 months, my son was already turning on his side, he could rest on his stomach on the outstretched arms in his palm, but he could not turn over. But literally a month later, the son easily turned from the back to his stomach and back, and also sat confidently. Our baby also began to speak the first syllables later - at the end of the sixth month of life. "

For five-month-old children, an important indicator of physical health is their height and body weight.

Height and weight of the baby 5 months

Depending on gender, healthy five-month-old babies weigh from 4.8 to 10.4 kg. Height and weight norms for WHO are determined by the following table:

Standards for girls (WHO)

Legend of the table: P - growth; B - weight.

Very low Short Below the average Average Above the average High Very tall
Height (cm) Weight, kg)
Height The weight Height The weight Height The weight Height The weight Height The weight Height The weight
57,4 4,8
59,6 5,4
61,8 6,1 64,0 6,9
66,2 7,8
68,5 8,8
70,7 10,0

Boys Standards (WHO)

Very low Short Below the average Average Above the average High Very tall
Height (cm) Weight, kg)
Height The weight Height The weight Height The weight Height The weight Height The weight Height The weight
59,6 5,3
61,7 6,0
63,8 6,7 65,9 7,5
68,0 8,4
70,1 9,3
72,2 10,4

In Russia, weight and dew rates are determined by the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Surgery.

For five-month-old babies, they have the following meanings:

For all-round development, it is recommended to engage in developmental exercises and games with children every day. Indeed, up to a year, children assimilate information and master various skills faster than at any other period of their lives. It is very important not to waste time that can be spent with tremendous benefits for the health and intelligence of the younger generation.

How can you help your baby to develop fully?

A. Schopenhauer remarked: "The hour of the child is longer than the day of the old man."

It is enough for mom to study just one hour every day to make him more agile, skillful and intelligent. During this time, you can have time to do gymnastics, play and communicate. For useful leisure, you need to choose suitable activities.

Not every family has the opportunity to attend early childhood centers. It is somewhat more difficult to solve the problem of how to develop a child at 5 months at home. Home development has its positive aspects: mom and dad will be able to engage in a variety of activities with a crumb and conduct educational games together.

Physical development (gross motor skills)

The simplest means of physical development of a baby is a set of gymnastic exercises.

Strengthening the muscles of the back and neck

To strengthen the muscles of the back and neck, it is useful for a baby to exercise on a fitball.

  • having laid the child on the ball with her stomach down, the mother holds him by the legs and slightly rolls the ball forward;
  • holding the ball between her legs, mom holds the baby under her armpits, his legs rest against the ball. In this position, the mother allows the baby to "jump" on the soft surface;
  • the mother puts the child on the ball with his back and, holding him by the legs, allows him to bend over the surface of the ball;
  • Mom puts the baby on her tummy and, holding it by the legs, rolls the ball forward until the arms of the baby touch the floor. In the place where the baby's hands will approach the floor, several toys should be placed. This will allow you to simultaneously develop the reaction of the baby and his ability to grab objects with his hand.

Arm muscle workout

Pull-ups will help make your arms stronger. Mom sits down in front of the child lying on the back, takes his palms and gently pulls him up until he sits down. Allows the joyful baby to stay in this position for half a minute and puts him back on his back.

Strengthening the muscles of the legs

Riding an imaginary bike

Mom takes the baby's legs, clasping them at the ankles, and makes movements in turn, imitating riding a bicycle.


Mom sits on the sofa and puts the baby on her lap, holding him under her arms. The child himself will begin to push off from his mother's legs with his feet, jumping up and down.


At home, babies can even swim. To do this, you need to take water into the bath and, supporting the baby by the back or tummy, allow him to row with his arms and legs.

Development of fine motor skills

If the child's fingers are tightly clenched into a fist, before starting the game, they must be relaxed by making a massage of the handles:

  • Grasp the baby's arms by the elbow and shake them - this will relax the fingers.
  • Take the baby's handles by the wrists and shake them lightly. Stretch your wrists, then rub your palms.

Educational games at 5 months should be aimed at stimulating the gripping of objects with the palm of the hand with the opposed thumb and sorting out small objects. Finger games are mandatory at this age.

Rotation in the palms of the massage ball

Place the child on your lap with your back to you. Take a massage ball a little larger than a baby's palm and place it in your baby's hands. Wrap your palms around the palms of the child and begin rotational movements: in a circle, along the palm and across.

Do not push too hard on the baby's arms! This can injure joints or cause pain from bulges.

Take a bright children's sock and sew buttons, beads, bells to it. Place a sock on the left handle and watch your child's reactions. He should start feeling with his right hand a new toy, small objects. If this does not happen, show it how it should be: bring the handle of the crumbs to the toe and touch the bells with your finger.

"Bell ding ding"

You will need a bell and clothespin. Tie the bell tightly to the clothespin and attach the crumbs to the clothes: on the sleeve, on the pants, on the sock. The kid should reach for the ringing bell and try to remove the clothespin.

Make sure that the child does not pinch his finger, do not leave him alone with this toy!

Finger games

Take the baby's handle and stroke the palm of the other with the fingers of one hand. Convict the rhyme:

We will stroke our fingers
So, so and so!
We rub our fingers
So, so and so!

We squeeze our fingers into a fist and unclench them one at a time, reading a rhyme:

This finger wants to sleep
This finger - jumped into bed,
This finger nipped,
This finger has already fallen asleep.
Fingers stood up. Hooray!
It's time to go to kindergarten!

Emotional and social development of the child

Five-month-old babies know how to show joy and laugh. They react cautiously to a stranger. They distinguish between the intonation of the voice and may burst into tears if they hear a strict or overly demanding tone.

Everyday activities and activities play an important role in the development of emotions and relationships between a child and an adult. Show emotions while feeding, bathing, dressing and other activities, and soon your baby will begin to imitate you too.

While swimming

Bathing the baby, we soap the arms, legs, head and at the end of the tummy, depicting surprise:

Here the water is cold,
Here - lukewarm
Here is hot
And here - boiling water, boiling water!

We support the "revitalization complex"

Putting the crumbs on the back, shake and tickle him, smiling, say:

For a boy:

Oh you, my son,
Wheat spike,
Azure flower,
Sweet bite!

Oh you my girl
Golden squirrel
Sweet candy
Lilac twig!

Stimulating laughter

Lift the baby with outstretched arms, one supporting the baby's chest, the other supporting his pelvis. Rock it up and down while saying:

Top, top, stomp,
Food, food, the way is far.
Not walking, not running,
And riding on a stick!
(I. Mikhailova)

Development of vision

The kid is attracted by bright and colorful educational toys, so he plays with them with pleasure.

Watching a moving toy

Tie a ribbon to any new toy so that the child is not distracted by your hand. Put the baby on the back, show him the toy, shake it. Move it in a circle, make sure that the baby follows her gaze. If he pulls the arms towards the toy, let him grab it himself. Observing the movement of the toy, the baby learns to fix his gaze and follow its movement.


Now on sale there are not only classic tumblers-girls, but also animals - bunnies, bears, ducklings. While playing with a tumbler, the kid learns to put the toy into action and watch its melodious dance and swing to the sides.

Hide and seek

Hide-and-seek games with disappearing toys develop baby's curiosity and eyesight. Cover the toy with a handkerchief and ask: "Where is the bear hiding?" Then remove the handkerchief and say in a joyful voice: "Here comes the bear!" A little later, the child will happily begin to remove the handkerchief himself.

"There is a horned goat"

The kid already recognizes mom and dad. This game will teach you how to get to know other family members. Bring your child to grandparents. Let them play with the baby in "bodashki", reading him a rhyme:

There is a horned goat,
Goat is walking:
Legs - top-top!
Eyes - clap-clap!
Who does not eat porridge,
That gores, gores!

Developing hearing

Babies at 5 months are very fond of extracting sounds from a variety of objects. Even an elementary rattle for them is no longer just a bright rattling thing, but something like a primitive musical instrument. Often, playing with her, the baby even sings along.

With the help of games, the baby's auditory perception develops.

Where does the sound come from

Covering the included musical toy with a diaper, the adult asks: "Where does the sound come from?" The kid listens to the music, looks for the source of the sound with his gaze.


Sit on the floor with your baby on your knees with his back to you. Take a tambourine, shake it to the right of the child. The kid should turn his head towards the sound. Bring the tambourine closer to the child, let him knock on the toy. So he will learn to establish a relationship between his actions and outgoing sounds.

Learning to distinguish between melodies

Perhaps the child does not yet understand the difference between a calm and a danceable melody. Teach him how to respond to funny music. Take the baby on the pens and dance with it, singing a song to the melody "Is it in the garden":

On a green meadow
Moths fly
And from flower to flower
Have fun fluttering!

When it's time to sleep, sing a lullaby softly, rocking your baby in your arms:

Bayu-byu, byu-byu,
You are a dog, don't bark here,
Whitepaw do not whine
And (child's name) don't wake up.

We develop speech

Five-month-old crumbs willingly "talk". In order to develop the baby's speech, you need to constantly talk to him, commenting on everything that happens around the most simple phrases: "Mom is that-top", "water drip-drip", "ding-ding bell". Talk more often, positioning your baby so that he can clearly see your lips.

Singing songs from syllables

Sing simple syllable songs. The child will willingly repeat after the mother: "Ta-a-a-a, yes-a-a-a, ma-a-a-a, a-a-a-a".

"Who is shouting how?"

Animal sound imitation games amuse toddlers and encourage them to learn how to make the same sounds. For games, you can use toys: cats, dogs, birds. Hold the toy and say: “How does the kitty meow? Meow!"

Oksana, mother of two-year-old Dasha: “When Dasha was 5 months old, she began to put sounds into syllables. I invited her to talk: I pronounced melodiously the syllables "ma", "pa", "na", "la", "yes", "no". She repeated them as best she could. She liked that we develop speech together. Already at 7.5 months, my daughter began babbling the first simple words: "mom", "dad", "yes", "lyalya". Now she is 2 years old, she easily builds small sentences, pronounces almost all sounds. I think it was our "conversations" that influenced the development of her speech so much. "

Cognitive development of a child 5 months

Games, walks and communication with the baby contribute to the development of his intellect. Parents can play educational games for babies 5 months old:

Examining the face

Leaning over the child, give him the opportunity to examine with his palms first your face, and then his own. Do not forget to name the parts that the baby is touching.

Exploring causal relationships

Collect colored pyramids or turrets from several pieces. Build so that the kid sees how you do it, show how you can build elementary buildings from cubes. Bring your child to the pyramid. He will push her and most likely break her. Tell: "Boo! Fell "... Offer to build more.

Get to know objects and the world around you

Whatever you do and wherever you are, if the child is nearby, show him objects and name them: "This is a saucepan", "look, kitty."

Vika, Anyuta's mother, 1 year old: “When I was 5 months old, I actively showed my daughter objects in our apartment and on the street. Sofa, wardrobe, table, etc. called almost every day. At 6 months, she showed cards with the same objects. Surprisingly, at 8 months, Anyuta when asked "Where is the table?" pointed to the table with her finger. And if I laid out 5 cards in front of her and asked the same question, she would find a table on the card as well ”.

Toys play a huge role in the development of five-month-old babies.

Educational toys

With the help of toys, the baby learns the world around him.

Educational toys for babies 5 months:

  • It will be interesting and useful for a child to spend time on a developing rug on their own;
  • Musical toys will distract and calm a crying child;
  • A book for kids with soft pages will introduce you to its characters;
  • Hammers - knockers, whirligig, nesting dolls and tumblers will teach the kid to play independently.

Daily routine as an element of development

The crumb regime is an important factor in its development. It is on the correctness of the daily routine that his physical and cognitive activity, the ability to perceive information, depend.

In order for the baby to eat well, develop and rest, his daily routine must be clearly organized.

After waking up in the morning, there should be breakfast, exercise, hygiene procedures, time for play. When the baby gets tired, he needs to sleep for at least an hour. Then you can eat and go for a walk. Then again eating, rest, games, evening hygiene procedures, sleep.

Getting used to living in a certain rhythm, the baby becomes collected, organized, calm and attentive. And these are the most important foundations for its full development.


Parents should only remember that developing activities with babies at 5 months should be varied and short-lived so that the baby does not overwork. Then the result from these activities will not keep you waiting and will appear already by the year.

Scientists have found that children with whom they actively studied for up to a year grow up more curious, have a good memory and high intelligence.

The development of a five-month-old baby requires a lot of time and effort from parents. But classes with a baby bring so many positive emotions to adults and have such a beneficial effect on both children and mom and dad that they don’t feel sorry for the time for them.

Video: Development of the nervous system of a child at 5 months

  1. Dyukova E. Mother and child: from pregnancy to 3 years.
  2. Best practices for early development.
  3. L. Surkova. Being a mom is great! Pregnancy and the first year of a baby's life.
  4. N. Andreeva. Pregnancy, childbirth and the first year of a child's life.

Everything in its own way. One begins to sit at 5 months, and at 8 - is already trying to stand and even take the first steps around the perimeter of the crib, while the other at this age is just mastering the sitting position. There are children who seem to be not going to sit at all - they tend to crawl right away, because in this position they are most comfortable and safe.

About skills

If the child is ahead of calendar development, this causes pride and delight in the parents. And if he is even slightly behind his peers, mothers begin to sound the alarm and blame themselves for everything. Many are trying to help their little one learn new skills, and rightly so. With questions about how to teach a baby to crawl and whether it is worth doing it at all, they often turn to doctors.

Evgeny Komarovsky urges parents to abandon value judgments about their own child. The norms and terms of development for each baby are different, they can differ significantly from the average. Parents are especially worried about the physical development of toddlers - one child crawls at 5 months, the other does not sit and crawl at 7 months.

The best thing that parents can do for their child is to stop paying attention to neighbors and girlfriends who stubbornly instill uncertainty in the correct development of your child. If you create all the conditions for the normal development and growth of the child, and also regularly visit the pediatrician, and he does not have any questions or concerns about the physical development of your offspring, then there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

About crawling

There are children who do not crawl. At all. From a sitting position, they immediately begin to get up and take their first steps. The crawling stage, according to Evgeny Komarovsky, is very useful and necessary for the health of a person's back. That is why crawling should be encouraged and supported in every possible way. If the child begins to crawl on his own, it will be easier for the parents. If he categorically refuses to move on his bellies or on all fours, this is an occasion for parents to seriously think about whether they did everything right.

Often moms and dads, in an effort to see their little one erect as soon as possible, ignore crawling in principle. They put the child on his legs and lead him by the handle, buy him various devices that help the child to be in an upright position (walkers, jumpers, etc.), and could just crawl with him. There would be much more benefit from this.

Attempts to verticalize a fat, chubby child or an overweight toddler are especially dangerous. In such crumbs, crawling should be encouraged with double enthusiasm. And all the walkers and jumpers from him (and his parents) should be hidden as far as possible.

How to teach?

The ability to crawl is inherent in nature, parents should only slightly help the baby to "remember" it. Usually, the process of moving in space with the help of crawling begins at the age of 5-6 to 8-9 months. If the child is not older than sitting and crawling, it is worth consulting with a doctor to find out what the reason is - in the muscle weakness of the back and limbs or in the individual characteristics of the baby. Encouraging crawling is a necessary set of measures.

Preparatory stage

The preparatory stage is to stimulate, create motivation. If the child is not interested in crawling, he will not crawl. This means that you need to create a need for him to crawl. Put in front of him a beautiful bright toy or a very interesting object that the baby cannot reach without trying to move his body forward a little from a prone position. If the child is already sitting, this will make the task easier, if not yet, you should not force him to sit down, it is better to stimulate crawling.

The main stage of training includes a wellness massage to strengthen the muscles of the back, neck and abdomen, as well as the exercises themselves. Ideas about the best position to crawl in are just parental beliefs. Kids choose the most comfortable body position for themselves. Even if from the outside it seems that the child is crawling incorrectly, pushing off with only one leg (or crawling on his stomach, spreading his arms and legs and swinging them), there is no reason to interfere and try to change something.

Slow crawl

Quite often, children who were helped to get down on all fours "freeze" in this position for a long time. They can swing, as if checking if they are in balance, but they are in no hurry to move forward. Komarovsky recommends not to rush such "slow" toddlers anywhere. They go through an important stage, studying the vestibular capabilities of their own body.

Wise parents will help them with this - they will turn on rhythmic music or begin to recite poetry and counting rhymes to the beat of the movement.

The specialist recommends that parents not search the Internet for videos on how to teach a child to crawl at 5 months using the Komarovsky system (this is a very popular request). This video does not exist, since the age at which the child begins to crawl is different. Parents need active help to the little one when he himself is ready for a new way of moving, and this often happens much later than 5 months.

However, Evgeny Komarovsky still suggests a few tricks that will help teach the baby to crawl.

  • Personal example. From the outside it looks funny and sometimes even ridiculous, but the best way to teach a child something than a personal example has not yet been invented. If the child is lying on his stomach, crawl next to him on his bellies. If he is already on all fours, stand next to him and show how to move. Children who are afraid to move forward can be helped by supporting them with a palm under the tummy. If the whole family, including brothers and sisters, got on all fours for a couple of days, it would be perfect.
  • The mission must be achievable. If you put the toy too far from the child, trying to interest him in crawling, the baby will quickly understand that it is difficult, difficult or impossible to get to it at all. Then he will stop making attempts and resign himself to the inaccessibility of the desired object. Alternatively, he can start screaming heart-rendingly, demanding this toy. But if you put it next to it, and every day move it a little further, then the crawling process will occur naturally, with the mutual interest of the parties.
  • Movement training. It is worth adding new exercises to daily gymnastics or massage procedures that will simulate crawling and train muscle memory. You can put the child on the back and alternately bend and unbend the legs at the knees. This is not only a useful procedure, but also a fun game. You can put a soft roller under the child's tummy, take it by the legs and "roll" it a little with its stomach on the roller, while the baby should rest against the hard surface of the floor with its handles.

Another effective exercise resembles the movements of a frog - put the baby on a stomach on a hard surface, bend both legs alternately at the knees and slightly spread them to the sides (this will be similar to the manner of swimming frogs). After a while, in this position, you can substitute your palm so that the crumbs' feet rest against it, then the baby will learn to push off and make the first inertial forward movement.

Walking on your hands will help strengthen your arms and shoulder girdle. If the baby rests well on his hands while lying on his stomach, gently take his legs and lift them slightly, gently push the child forward so that he begins to “step over” with his hands. Do not do this too harshly, or the baby may bump his head hard.

It is enough to repeat these exercises 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes. If the parents carefully observe the time and regularity of the classes, then the child will master crawling in 4-6 weeks.

Where to crawl?

A cramped playpen or limited space in a crib does nothing to develop crawling skills in a baby. To make the process go faster, it is best to arrange for your baby to exercise on the floor. You should not do this on a cold floor, it is best to cover it with a warm, but not very thick blanket, and lay the diapers on top. You should not practice crawling on the couch or bed, otherwise you cannot avoid falling.


Doctor Komarovsky advises mothers to look at the world through the eyes of a child in order to better understand what he wants and what he is afraid of. To do this, he recommends that mothers lie on the floor, first on their backs, then on their stomachs, and take a good look around. It will immediately become obvious where and what is sticking out and lying badly, what attracts the child's attention. Wires, dangerous corners, alluring drawers of dressers - all this when looking from below will become obvious, and it will be easier for mom and dad to understand how to protect the child.

Some parents believe that it is enough to buy a playpen for the baby to ensure safety. Evgeny Komarovsky emphasizes that the playpen is a great way to create a safe space for the baby, but only for the time when the mother needs to be absent (to the kitchen, to the bathroom, to the toilet).

If the mother is free and is in the same room with the child, there is no need for the arena. While the mother is reading or working on the computer, it will be much more useful for the child to crawl on the floor.

If you have already decided to buy a playpen, then you can choose a multifunctional design that quickly transforms into a changing table, into a crib, into an electronic rocking chair with music and a night light. Many playpens have wheels on legs, with their help you can easily move the playpen with your child around the apartment. So the baby will be able to cook dinner with her mother in the kitchen or vacuum in the living room.

When do you need a doctor's consultation?

If the parents regularly do exercises, massage for a couple of months, but there are no noticeable results (besides, the child is already 9-10 months old, and he does not sit or crawl), this is a reason to visit doctors - an orthopedist and a neurologist. If no health problems are identified, parents will have to go to certain pedagogical "tricks".

Little tricks

  • All children are greedy. If you invite a friend to visit with a child who already crawls or even walks beautifully, and leave the children to play in the same space, the guest who is more mobile will quickly take possession of all the toys of your little lazy person. Usually, the sense of ownership takes over, and the child begins to make attempts to move to take back their property. Maybe this will not happen on the first visit of friends (and not on the second), but it will definitely happen.
  • All children love to play. If you make small reins out of a sheet, which are put under the child's armpits for support from above, and the surface is equipped according to the Glen method (an inclined surface on the main one), then such leisure will be perceived by the child as a game, and crawling will become the natural ending of this game.
  • Convenience. To crawl with pleasure, the child should not feel uncomfortable. Check how loose the clothes are on him, whether the seams, fly, zippers and button fasteners are getting in his way. In the summer, it is better to carry out these exercises in one diaper. In winter, the child should be dressed lighter than at rest, because vigorous movement will increase sweating.

You should start actively helping your child to master crawling only if the baby himself is "lazy" or is slightly behind in development. It is better not to interfere with the crumbs who have independently chosen a crawling manner and have already begun to carry out an individual development program, even if the child moves only with one leg or even does it backwards.

Pediatric practice shows that a child who has learned to crawl quickly will begin to walk later. Therefore, the transition from crawling to standing should also be timely, correct and smooth.

For more details, see below in a small video by Dr. Komarovsky.

  • When it starts to crawl
  • Doctor Komarovsky