I have been ignoring the womanizer lately how he will react. If he is a collector

Most women at least once in their lives asked themselves the following question: why do men choose the lifestyle of "Lovelace" and "Casanova" as the standard of their behavior? What is the reason for the pathological desire to break the hearts of fragile girls, "switching" from one passion to another? Why is a man a womanizer with a psychology and whose features are not ashamed of his treacherous behavior, but, on the contrary, elevate him to the rank of personal achievement? Let's try to figure out who the womanizers are and how to deal with them.

The absolute heartthrob man is the sum of global disappointments in the weak field and the desire to repair the damage to his inner world is quite rare. With a much greater likelihood, ladies who position themselves as deceived and "abandoned" came across pathological liars and bankrupt men who imagine themselves to be Don Juan. So how

1. Signs of a man womanizer psychology

Womanizers are infantile, and this is a fact. It is difficult for such men to concentrate their attention on only one girl, they always need more. Like first-graders who cannot sit quietly at a desk for more than twenty minutes, they always crave a change of scenery, environment, a change of life partner. Womanizers do not see the point in their existence if they feel stagnation, life stagnation.

The main criterion for choosing a partner for a womanizer is far from a rich inner world. Womanizers do not build strong and lasting relationships, which means they do not need the emotional and spiritual integrity of the chosen one's personality. Much more important is external data. As a rule, having a high libido, men are womanizers whose psychology seeks to find the most attractive representative of the weaker sex, while not being particularly selective about a person’s character.

The favorite word of a womanizer is "I want." It is heard at all stages of a love story and as it develops, it only strengthens in the lexicon of a man. He is demanding of his partner, but, in turn, shows disregard for the desires of his chosen one, which complicates the relationship at the very beginning. Then the typical behavior of a womanizer is to declare that the other half does not try to satisfy his needs, that she is inattentive to others and, most importantly, to him, and then end the affair with a young lady who will oppose his selfishness and exactingness without dedication.

The psychology of a womanizer man loses control over his personality as soon as he enters into the confidence of a new chosen one. He is a successful seducer, but loses all interest in the second half, as soon as she begins to follow his lead. As soon as the womanizer receives reciprocity, he begins to behave indifferently, narcissistic, overly confident that he will not be abandoned.

It is not at all difficult to identify a womanizer at the beginning of an acquaintance, because such men easily give themselves away. Their manners are distinguished by gallantry, they love to shower the lady with compliments, as they say, they sing like nightingales. Their excessive care and absolute attention to the chosen one can even cause rejection. Especially clearly the behavior of a womanizer is manifested in tactile contacts. A womanizer very unobtrusively can hug a girl she barely knows, give a hand in case when his help was not entirely needed. A womanizer cannot simply communicate with a girl to whom his loving heart “lay down”, he definitely needs to touch a person. A womanizer and persistent in courtship, they rush things, thanks to their overly confident "presentation" of themselves, the womanizer's relationship develops quickly and rapidly.

2. How to fall in love with a womanizer for real?

To make a womanizer man fall in love with her, the psychology of a woman must “play by his rules”, this is guaranteed to shock a man and inspire more interest in him, and, sometimes, even change him. Best defense is attack! Remember that a womanizer seeks to manipulate you, answer him the same. Identify “vulnerabilities” in it and put pressure on them without pity, whether it is narcissism or selfishness.

Slow down the fast pace of your relationship. Play with the womanizer according to his rules: move him away from you as soon as you feel that he is trying to “pull” the initiative onto himself and quickly bring your romance with him to a “logical”, in his opinion, denouement.

Take the womanizer out of his comfort zone, don't let him slack off, and don't in any way fuel his ever-growing sense of self-importance. Arrogance will quickly come down from the heartthrob if you show him that you are in control of the situation. Remember that a womanizer is not capable of falling in love with a woman in love.

Show the womanizer the boundaries of your personal space. You should not allow such a man to break in to violate these boundaries, at first for sure. The feeling of permissiveness feeds the psychology of a womanizer man, points him to his imaginary power in front of the fairer sex. Deprive the womanizer of false confidence in this way.

3. How to teach a womanizer a lesson?

If it so happened that you were deceived and offended by a womanizer, it’s too early to despair, because you have the opportunity to repay him with the same bill. The psychology of relationships recommends teaching a man a womanizer a lesson according to the previously known principle - to play by his rules. Of course, the approach to such an easy "revenge" can be completely different, and it depends on the degree of your disappointment in the heartthrob.

Throw off the shackles of falling in love with a person who is not worthy of your feelings and does not want to repay you in return. Cold calculation and icy indifference will strike the womanizer on the spot. Such a man will wonder why you suddenly lost interest in him, this will hurt the womanizer to the core.

If you are still in a "fading" relationship with a womanizer, start light flirting with men who have been interested in you for a long time, who seem attractive and interesting to you. In this way, you will show the womanizer that there are people in the world who are better than him in many ways. Feeling yourself in your place, "your" ladies' man will feel uneasy. He will understand that he is "losing the crown" and will try by hook or by crook to get your attention.

4. How to fix a womanizer?

If your spiritual kindness and human understanding dictate to you to give the womanizer a second chance, first of all, evaluate your strengths and all the “gravity” of the case. For the most part, womanizers are representatives of the stronger sex, who were once also disappointed in women, were once offended by a real heartbreaker. If you understand that "your" womanizer is from the category of such men, prove to him that not all girls are as mean as his ex. Surround a man with care and warmth, and then he will understand that he is really good with you. Believe , a man womanizer whose psychology of relationships was once wounded by female egoism is operable! He will stop his eternal search if you convince him of a simple thought: "the world is not against you, not all women are so bad."

Penetrate the emotional world of a womanizer, but do not do it obsessively and overly persistently, this can cause irritation and “blocking” of trust on the part of a man. Be unobtrusively and sincerely interested in his problems and experiences, become a good friend for him and a subtle, sensitive psychologist.

Don't get hung up on talking to him. You must show the heartthrob that your interests are not limited to him alone. Be interested in everything around, constantly learn something new. Even if you fail to re-educate a womanizer, you will always remain an interesting person with a rich inner world, and not a person with a soul devastated by love experiences. Experiencing some lack of communication, the womanizer will feel affection for you, he himself will be looking forward to your call.

Help the womanizer say goodbye to the past. Grain by grain, collect information from him about past experiences, do it as carefully as possible so as not to violate his personal space. The psychology of a womanizer man is very vulnerable, and any pressure exerted on them by the female half is perceived by them very painfully. Once you learn more about your love interest's past, develop a "distraction" tactic and follow it. Love and a sincere desire to "save" a womanizer will help you on the way to his re-education!

Summing up, I would like to note that any woman should understand whether the game is worth the candle. Womanizers, as has already been proven, are completely different. Depending on the individuality of the womanizer, he needs a special approach. Adequately evaluate your own strengths and the degree of involvement of a man in this "Don Juan" game, draw the right conclusions and take care of your mental and physical strength!

Often, even very smart women fall for the bait of cute womanizers. The female gender at the subconscious level is drawn to confident and relaxed men.

However, in most cases, communication with the alpha male ends sadly for them. Broken heart, upside down life...

Many girls are interested in the question of how to recognize a womanizer man by his behavior. By what signs can you "bite" a typical Casanova?

Womanizers rarely think about the whole woman at once.

1. Bright appearance

A womanizer wears beautiful things, keeps up with fashion. Often his wardrobe is outrageous and defiant. Of course, looking stylish and neat is a normal human desire.

But a real man will not pay much attention to his appearance, while a pampered womanizer always shines in new clothes and decorates himself with expensive accessories in every possible way.

2. Demonstrative behavior

Casanova will not behave like a gray mouse. He needs to constantly be in the spotlight, entertain the audience, joke and be smart. He will not let any company get bored.

Often womanizers are real speakers, but if they are deprived of eloquence, they try to compensate for this with banal talkativeness.

3. Bold introduction

He meets women easily and quickly. He can come up and immediately offer a drink or immediately go to him. This is not love at first sight, but typical Casanova behavior.

A decent man does not immediately decide to get acquainted with the girl he likes. He looks around for a while, planning what he has to say. But all this to Lovelace is useless.

4. Lots of compliments

The fact that women love with their ears, womanizers use to the maximum. They just bombard the girls with compliments and sweet speeches.

And the womanizer, declaring his love, declares to his beloved that he is a womanizer:
“I have never seen such a beautiful woman as you. You are extraordinary!
Mikhail Efimovich Litvak

Usually their praises are not true, in other words, they are just flattering. You can often hear from them - " You are a goddess!», « You are the most beautiful in the world!»

5. Phrases with obscene allusions

Casanovas are very fond of conversations with a sexual bias. It can be jokes with subtext or quite serious conversations.

A delicate topic seeps into almost every sentence of a womanizer.

6. Intimate distance

There is the concept of a friendly distance (about 50 cm), which a decent man does not cross. But a typical womanizer tries to move as close as possible to the girl, and also touch her erogenous zones - neck, shoulders, hands, hips.

These signs indicate a desire to drag a woman into bed that same evening.

Types of womanizer

But do all womanizers behave the same way? Far from it. There are several types of womanizers and, knowing the characteristics of each of them, you can develop the correct tactics of behavior with them.

He admires beautiful women, sings of the fair sex in general. Such a man tries to surround himself with pleasant girls everywhere, he cannot live without female society.

He has many girlfriends whom he understands perfectly. This does not mean that he sleeps with everyone. The womanizer-esthete chooses his mistresses carefully, but he can simply be friends with the rest of the “muses”.

2. Womanizer-athlete

The goal of such a womanizer is only one - technical sex. He is little interested in the appearance of the lady and even her name. Often he "hunts" just on the street.

His actions are polished and fast, he does not need relationships, but only collecting defeated females. Such machos are called. They "hunt" in big cities, where the number of their victims can be endless.

3. Amorous womanizer

Most representatives of this type are creative individuals. Every time they fall in love, they feel like it's forever.

They suffer and suffer, write songs and poems. But their feelings are like a spring wind - they suddenly appear and just as quickly disappear. These handsome men do not want to offend anyone, but they need more and more new sources of inspiration.

4. Womanizer heartthrob

This species is the most dangerous. Such a Casanova not only wants to conquer women physically, but also to master their souls and destinies.

The heartthrob very skillfully rubs himself into the confidence of a woman, surrounds her with understanding and love, and then throws happiness from the seventh heaven onto the sinful earth. It seems that he is taking revenge on the entire female race for some offenses of youth.

To the question why if a man is lonely, then he is immediately a womanizer, psychology does not give an answer. Apparently, this stereotype about the image of a lonely man-Don Juan has developed among many women and is still reaching for the poor man through time...

5. Hidden womanizer

Sometimes there are very restrained womanizers who for some reason do not want publicity.

Usually they are officially single, but in secret they have romances one after another. In public, such a man shuns women, as if they are not at all interesting to him.

Thanks to secrecy and isolation, he forms a mysterious and attractive image. This makes it interesting for the weaker sex.

To fall in love with a womanizer is the victory of the best woman.

Video: How to understand on a first date that a man is a womanizer


As you can see, not all womanizers are as insidious and dangerous as it might seem at first glance.

It is even useful to communicate with some of them, because they charge you with positive energy and cheer you up.

The main thing is to keep your distance and not let such men get too close to you.

Let's try to start to decide who we call womanizers.

He likes women. Already meeting with one, he looks at the other and invites a third on a date. That is, this is a man who can disappear at any moment. It is unlikely that you dream of such a life partner! However, the thought constantly comes to mind: “What if he finally settles down with me?” Determining who a womanizer is - a man who is not able to stop in search of new love adventures, or a man who is looking for his other half and sorting through women like strawberries in a supermarket - is not always easy. The simplest thing is to test it empirically. If you are not amorous and adventurous, you can take a chance.

Why a womanizer?

Of course, it would be nice if every womanizer wore, say, a bright red T-shirt with the inscription "I love all the women in a row!". This would save your subtle, trusting nature from unnecessary suffering. However, sometimes it is not easy to identify a womanizer. Most of them are artists who can charm any woman. Do not give the guy a turn from the gate for his pleasant manners, which can be the fruit of a good upbringing!

Dating a womanizer is not burdensome and pleasant. As a rule, he is not stupid, outwardly interesting, easy to communicate with. He has a lot of sexual experience, so he is good in bed. In addition, he loves and knows how to flirt, he is not bored with him, he is sweet and caring. With such it is not a shame to appear in any society. He loves himself, so he takes care of your psyche too - he will never admit to a new passion that he likes all the women in the world. While the womanizer is passionate, he will carry his partner in his arms, and in every sense. Another question: how long will his passion last? And, finally, most womanizers know how to remain good friends with their former lovers after parting.

The main thing is that these relationships do not bring pain. So, from the very beginning you must understand what you are going for: this is a temporary, easy connection, pleasant for both. What if you want more? Or in the first month you thought that everything was fine with you, and then suddenly ... fell in love? Alas, it happens. Don't beat yourself up about it.

The root of the problem lies precisely in the fact that the womanizer knows the female nature well. And it turns out that this ideal man belongs not only to you! You break off relations with him, but ... Other men after him are completely uninteresting. Are you faced with a choice: find a more suitable partner or return your favorite reveler?

Objective reality

As cruel as it sounds, you must be aware that he intends to make all the women in the world happy, therefore, you will never know where your husband is. Or rather, even knowing that he is at work, you will become worried and jealous, realizing that even there he can easily find himself a sexual adventure. In a word, constant voltage is guaranteed. In any case, the result is deplorable. Here are the options: after a few years you go to a neurosis clinic or decide on a divorce, having exhausted all your vitality, and for a long time you cannot recover.

There is also such a way: you take care of yourself, develop internally in order to always be interesting to him. In the kitchen you are a cook, in bed

- a public girl, and in the living room

- the queen, according to the famous saying. Simply put, you are better than any woman he has ever dated or is about to date. Are you capable of a multi-year perfectionist marathon? Or maybe he will take care of you and you will never know that he has a mistress? In addition, you always have a chance to “rent it out” - now, they say, this type of income is common among the wives of reveler husbands.
So, do you still want to marry him? Then there is only one way out: to fall in love with him! Under this condition, you will even have the opportunity to maintain a good relationship and save the marriage.

Marriage with a womanizer

Most womanizers get married sooner or later. Such a man needs a safe haven: a family. Often they are wonderful family men. True, marriage for them is not a deterrent from going “to the left”. Therefore, if it seems to you that the main thing is to drag the reveler to the registry office, and then everything will work out by itself, you should know that you are gravely mistaken. Here you need to act wisely ...

With a charming and easy to communicate ladies' man an independent woman can get along, one that needs to be constantly pursued. She does not control her lover and does not allow him to control her. He does not lie, but does not speak. He does not know exactly where and with whom she was. The lady makes him jealous, but she does it so skillfully that the husband is sure that she did not give a reason. Or gave? In any case, he has neither strength nor desire for other women. After all, he could not subjugate his own wife!

Notorious neurotic will be able to trust only the one who will constantly admire him, raising male self-esteem. She must hourly inspire him that he is the best, the smartest, the most beautiful, the very best, and give him the opportunity for self-realization, imperceptibly directing his efforts in the right direction. Having rid a man of complexes, you will get an excellent husband and partner! Just keep in mind: all this will require patience, endurance and, it is possible, several years of life from you.

With sex maniac Casanova is much more complicated. He is not able to stop himself due to pathological sexual desire. Well, except that you are the same hot little thing, ready to stay in bed for days. If not, decide right away: either agree that you also have the right to take a walk on the side, or pretend that you have no idea about anything. But your lustful spouse will not leave you, because he only needs sex from his mistresses. Perhaps he himself is already tired of his sexual activity. In this case, treatment will give a good result - first with a psychologist, then with a sex therapist.

Pro false womanizers and it's not worth talking about. Scattering smiles and compliments left and right, he will not puzzle himself with the difficulties and troubles associated with adultery. So take it with humor. Your husband likes other women - well, great!

Offended by the whole world and feeling like a victim of circumstances, he will stop himself when he is finally convinced of your sincere love for him. Just be a fairy princess for him - kind, understanding, giving warmth.

And it's best not to get involved. Even if he suddenly stops, as they say, going to women, he will start doing something else, just as unpleasant. Maybe even you will think that his former passion was much more harmless. Stay away from romantic whiners!

March 2, 2011 3:26:10 PM

Many girls at least once in their lives suffered from a meeting with a womanizer. On the one hand, such experience is necessary, but on the other hand, the price may be too high. How to act if such a man appeared in life so as not to become another victim.

As you know, such heroes of our time can be distinguished by their behavior and actions. You need to get to know your chosen one better in order to find out who he really is. Attention should be paid mainly to the little things. if during a quarrel, a person behaves rudely, this does not mean that he is a womanizer. Excessive attention to the opposite sex characterizes such men well. Relationships can be long-term, but not as ideal as we would like. As soon as he begins to notice that they want something more from him than just evening walks, going to the movies and good sex, there are a million reasons to end this novel. The main thing for him is freedom in choice and actions. If a guy, while in a relationship, unceremoniously flirts with other girls, this is one of the first signs of a womanizer.

How to understand that a man is a womanizer 7 sure signs that will betray anyone

These signs will be enough to bring such a person to clean water. Even if he wants to carefully hide his behavior under the guise of romantic deeds or cute compliments, the result will not change.

How to understand that a man is a womanizer 7 sure signs that will betray anyone:

  1. When meeting another girl, a man behaves very relaxed. He is self-confident, relaxed and open to new relationships. At the first meeting, such behavior is not easy to notice, but with constant communication, when he puts himself one step higher, everything becomes clear.
  2. In his conversation, a huge number of compliments sound, often banal and memorized in advance. Everyone wants to hear that she is beautiful, attractive and very smart and this is what makes an unforgettable impression. The lines of Dostoevsky or Pushkin also play into the hands of a womanizer, making him a romantic gentleman.
  3. You don’t need to ask such guys for a long time, he will tell about himself. Such conversations give the feeling that he is a successful and purposeful guy, although there is nothing to brag about.
  4. Stylish clothes and fashion accessories speak of his impeccable style and good taste. It will not be a shame to go out with such a man, because he knows a lot about fashion trends.
  5. At the first meeting, he without remorse pays attention to other ladies.
  6. Praise and admiration for a companion, which makes the girls blush and be embarrassed. Boundless flattery will sound until he sees that you are in a cage.
  7. Evening dates. He is in no hurry to allocate time during the working day. All relationships are only after work and personal matters. Getting to know his circle of friends is also unrealistic to wait.

A man is a womanizer and behavior with him. Proper behavior with a womanizer

How to behave with such a person if you are sure that he is a womanizer. Such information will not stop many girls, but on the contrary, it will give an even greater impetus to winning their hearts and the chosen one.

Before starting such a relationship, you should think carefully about whether you can cope with difficulties and whether you are ready for the daily struggle for your feelings. The first thing to do in such a situation is to take control of the relationship into your own hands. Choose your own time and place of meeting, because when a man is interested in you, he will follow your rules. In this case, it is very important not to go too far, because if he sees your dominance and the desire to subdue him, all ties will break without even starting.

Desire and passion, that's what overcomes him all this time, it is advisable to treat this with caution. As long as possible debug the time of sexual intercourse. As soon as he sees that you agree to have sex after a week of relationship, his attitude towards you will change dramatically. Roughly speaking, sexual intercourse is the final stage in a short-term relationship, after which it is no longer interesting. Let yourself be conquered, because the taste of victory for a man is simply necessary. Prove that you do not agree to a relationship without obligations, but want something more, but in the future, this is very important.

Such males will not appreciate your borscht and daily expectations. He needs a girl with character who can resist a difficult character. Do not be afraid to express your dissatisfaction by showing an unwillingness to put up with his bad habits.

Sooner or later, such a man will want to start a family and live a quiet life, leaving everything in the past. Some realize it earlier, others later, and the rest will be in search of new sensations all their lives. At one point, the most inveterate womanizer will be able to fall in love. In this case, it will not be easy for a girl who will become the object of adoration for a womanizer. On the one hand, all the tenderness and love will go only to her. True, the actions will be very contradictory, because a man simply does not know how to attract and charm the one that is so much loved. It can be anything - ridiculous actions, compliments out of place, stupid smiles, in general, everything that he used to do without thinking, now it is so difficult for him. On the other hand, a girl should be sympathetic to his past and not try to radically change it. For your sake, he will change himself, only with time. At the behavior of a womanizer in love be patient and just wait.

How to distinguish a womanizer from a man in love

To distinguish a womanizer from a sincerely loving man, you need to carefully watch all the actions. In order not to hang a cliché on your partner, check him well. All men are flattered by the attention of girls, but this does not mean that they are womanizers. A person with sincere feelings may have flaws, but they should not be confused with a way of life. The womanizer does not offer to start a family, or at least move to a new stage in the relationship. How to distinguish a womanizer from a man in love, he will not give you flowers and will not call you in the morning. There can be no serious and stable relationship, this is the law for him. If the womanizer fell in love, then get ready for a double blow, very pleasant, but not easy.

Why a man becomes a womanizer psychology

The main question is why a man became a womanizer? What subjected him to such a decision, who is to blame and why should those around him suffer? For each person, this way of life was formed in different conditions. Someone initially does not want a relationship and is constantly forced to change women. Others simply do not know how to love, and be afraid to open their hearts to meet such amazing feelings. Sometimes the woman is to blame for this behavior. Maybe once a man did everything to be loved, but his hopes were not justified.

Simply put, you can say:

  • False,
  • betrayal
  • unrequited love.

These events in the past have had such a strong impact on the present and the future. Revenge on one girl, in the person of a female, is very often found precisely in the case of womanizers. The fear of opening up and the fear of being abandoned is what lies behind the appearance of a strong, self-confident man. From hopelessness, it remains only to break women's hearts and make the fair sex suffer. Why a man becomes a womanizer psychology such a person is hidden behind a special mask and is not available to everyone.

Each person is individual in his own way, and womanizers are no exception. Men with an exciting past and a fickle future. So that a naive girl does not suffer from the merciless torment of such a guy in the initial stages, one should look closely at the person and not rush to open her heart to him.

You love him and suddenly it turns out that he womanizer? How to be? How to get the maximum benefit from his love and neutralize his poison? Time to use the antidote!

If you follow these rules, you will win the following:
1. Great lover
2. Entering a new level of relationship
3. Hone Your Acting Skills And Gain Healthy Cynicism

With the least moral costs, this is obtained by women collectors. They know how to value their own independence, their sense of "belonging to someone" is atrophied. Not disdaining to cause jealousy, they easily warm up his quickly fading feelings.

But sometimes with women in whom a loving man notices clear signs of his type, he has a protective reflex. And then he starts fast-paced romances with "good" girls. The "naive" easily fall under the influence of the "knowing". He uses this and ... embarks on a search for the next freshman.

From this conclusion: Your naivety and openness should be manifested exclusively externally. Then, as inside...

What does a lover want from you? womanizer

The classic womanizer is the human soul. There is one strong quality in his deck of aces: he knows how to present himself with a unique gift, even if there are only three rubles in his purse.
The calm confidence that he can conquer anyone gives him an attractive equanimity. Why try to impress if your teaching is already a foregone conclusion? He can turn on his "delusion generator", talking about anything, just not about what he wants from you. And he always wants the same thing: a lot of sex and no obligations.

Or you can carelessly ridicule some trait of his character or act (but only after he notices your long admiring glances) And of course the classic womanizer trick: disappear silently from time to time!

What to take from womanizer

Pretenders for swan fidelity should not fall into the illusion that he can be made a good husband with his worthy example. Communicating with idealists, he will only be convinced that all women are weak and stupid.

It's great if you perceive your relationship as a pleasant adventure, a means to achieve some life benefits, a romantic experience or a sexual experiment.