Conspiracies and slander of ancient Russia. Old Believers and worshipers of the new gods. Conspiracy for the well-being of the family

The strong Slavic prayers used by the ancestors will be able to strengthen the family hearth and bring good luck. The power of ancient conspiracies has been tested for centuries, and will bring peace and tranquility if the rituals are carried out correctly.

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What is the power of Slavic prayers and conspiracies?

In Russia, conspiracies were written gradually and all the little things were noticed. More than one year was spent on this and more than one generation worked on magic spells. With any unsuccessful rite, the text changed completely.

The power of ancient rituals was achieved through the following rules:

  1. Achievement in unity with nature. All spells were chanted. Speech should flow like a stream, like a song. The rhythm should coincide with the fluctuations of natural energy. With the singing of birds, the sound of waves, the rustle of leaves.
  2. The witch must be clean. Do not abuse alcohol and tobacco.
  3. Three days before the ceremony, the Old Believer kept a fast and did not indulge in carnal pleasures. I just read prayers and meditated.

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Ancient Slavic amulets helped in business and increased the power of conspiracies.

Solar Cross Rozhanitsa Newborn Ryzhik Amulet of Mokosh

Ancient Slavic prayers to attract prosperity

In order for the house to be a full bowl and finances not to be a problem, you need to use the Old Slavonic conspiracies.

You should pray:

  • Veles;
  • Mokoshe;
  • Dazhdbog;
  • Yarile.

Prayer and ritual Veles

You will need a towel and a banknote (with a large denomination).

Action plan:

  1. Before the holiday - Veles Day (December 6), you should put a bill under the towel.
  2. Say the prayer three times.
  3. In a week to spend money to a penny.

God is rich, wealth is in God, as many stars are in the sky, as many fish are in the water, so much wealth is in me. Veles-Father, come to the family, walk around, and give me, Granddaughter of Dazhdbozhya / Grandson of Dazhdbozhya, give wealth. Glory to Veles! Glory to the Almighty!

Prayer Mokoshe

You can ask for prosperity from Makosh. The goddess will bestow blessings if the prayer was sincere.

Makosha, in Great Glory you come to us from Iriy, creating prosperity for your children. Your hands bow to us with fruitful branches, and we see your smile in the warmth of autumn. You give us rich harvests and we honor and bow to the Holy Land - Makosh - our nurse. With love we glorify You as Your faithful children

The video contains Mokoshe's prayer for happiness. Filmed by universo 989.

Prayer to Dazhdbog

It is best to perform the ritual in a forest or field, if there is no way to leave, then on a balcony or in a room by an open window.

For a conspiracy you will need:

  • a handful of green tea or two candles;
  • a glass of beer (kvass);
  • white canvas fabric.

Action algorithm:

  1. Spread a rag in the place where the ceremony will be performed.
  2. While outside, you should set fire to tea. If at home, then light candles.
  3. The plot is read loudly, three times.
  4. The burning of tea or candles is extinguished with a glass of beer.

God, our Light One! You keep our Earth in the abyss, creating great life and beauty, giving warmth and food to your children. Your love rushes to us with the holiness and wisdom of our Faith. Heeding your caress, we create Your glory, from the earth to Iriy. Let it fly like a clear bird, informing all the Ancestors that we honor and worship the Supreme Sun, the Blood Father - our Dazhbog. Glory to Dazhbog!

Prayer to Yarila

Ritual attraction of wealth will help to attract wealth.

It will require:

  • coin;
  • two red candles;
  • candlestick.

You need to act as follows:

  1. Candles are intertwined with each other and placed in a candlestick.
  2. The coin is placed nearby and the plot is read.
  3. After saying the spell seven times, the coin is removed into the purse. To a branch where no money is kept. Now it is a coin-bait for money.

At the auction of a rich merchant, a good fellow does not count gold and silver,
With a generous hand he dumps him for what he wants,
Yarilo the merchant does not pass by me, he starts dealing with me,
He generously bestows his strength on me and pours his hands full of good luck.
How are you, God Ardent, well done daring, with your power you awaken all living things,
You release from a frozen sleep, you revive you to life, you push you into growth,
So my money channel fills with that rage, it accepts it,
It absorbs into itself and turns it into a profitable business for me,
He does not give back and does not distribute to strangers without asking.
In reality, it pleases me with gifts and the acquisition of what I want.
Day by day my income grows, my profit multiplies,
Money lies in chests and a purse, to the top, to the brim, to excess.
To count money for me - do not count, they come to me like a spring stream:
What was empty - went into growth and gave income,
Profitable was that which did not give money,
Luck and luck go hand in hand with me from now on,
they won't let you turn off the right path.
What I want - I get, what I want - is fulfilled.

Prayers for love and family well-being

Gods associated with love and life can help strengthen relationships in the family.

Conspiracies to the deities about the family:

  • prayer to Dazhdbog;
  • her husband's prayers to Lele for his wife and for the well-being of the family;
  • prayers to Rod for family and wife for her husband;
  • Prayer to Lada husband for his wife.

Prayer to Dazhdbog

Dazhdbog was one of the most revered gods in the pagan pantheon of the Slavs. He provided begging people with various benefits.

The Red Sun rises, Our God, The world is illuminated with light, filled with joy! My soul wants grace, for there is I Vnu (chka) to Dazhbozh (s) y. I look at the sky and my heart trembles with unspeakable joy, because our Dido himself enters my dwelling. Greetings, Sunshine! Bless my Spirit, Soul and body so that I may be in health and grace. Without You, there is no breathing, there is no movement of any on Earth - Mokosh! Bless me, O God, on a clear day, so that all my good undertakings may come true, and Krivda may sink into the Pit! Glory to Dazhbog!

Lele's prayers

Lelya is the deity of spring and love. In family matters, asking for well-being is worth it.

Let the glory be distributed to the Goddess Lele, She is the great joy of our hearts! We see the face of the Heavenly Virgin in Svarga Blue, Her love for the Grandchildren of Dazhbozhy rushes, Filling our souls with life! For we know from time immemorial that there is no life without Love, that it is the source of eternal happiness and inspiration in our exploits. We call thee to the Goddess Lele, so that the souls of the Slavs shine with your gift - Great love! May every soul find its mate with happiness arrives all the days! We will praise you all the days, as you are the All-Bright Rozhanitsa of the Slavic clan! Glory to Lele!

Dear mother Lelya, the red and beautiful Slavic Goddess, You have protected our hearts and eternal comfort for our souls. Wrap your heart in my dear fret (my dear fret) (name), so that we rejoice in the treasure of heaven all the days. In every way, in every bright deed, strengthen her (his) spirit, fill it with the power of love. Let the clear dawns and the red sun bring peace to my soul and firmness of spirit to my fret (my fret), for our love will shine forever. Honor to you, mother Lelya, we are filled with your tenderness, we give happiness to each other. Glory to Lele!

Prayers to Rod

The ancestor of life on earth will not leave his family unattended. A prayer for a husband will protect a partner from the evil eye and give strength.

Rode the Most High, Father of Heaven and Earth! Come to my family and fill it with your grace, as the rivers fill the sea with water, bless it with spiritual and bodily prosperity, as the earth blesses the fields with the harvest. Every day the sun rises, the world illuminates with light and the family (surname) affirms in happiness and strength. Glory to the Almighty!

Rod Omnigod! You are the Originator of the Universe, the Source of the Kind of Heaven and the Kind of the earth. I praise you and ask you to give my husband strong health, like an indestructible rock, pure and bright mind, like a mountain source, great strength, courageous disposition, so that he stands firmly in life, shores our family, loved his children, respected me, glorified the Gods . Glory to the Mother Gods!

Husband's prayer to Lada for his wife

Lada - Goddess of beauty and love. A husband can ask for the wisdom of his wife, for her beauty.

Mother Lada, we praise Your all-embracing love. You create harmony in the Universe, in the Families of Heaven and Earth, fill our women with kindness and motherhood. I beg you, give my wife good health, a long life, a gentle disposition, a kind heart. To fill our family with love, raise children, love me faithfully, respect my mother and father, take care of our household. Let only consent rule in her soul, and words from her lips only flow like a song, and in beautiful eyes, eternal love rules. Glory to Mother Lada and all Native Goddesses!

Prayers for good luck in business

Strong pagan conspiracies among the Slavs are addressed to Svarog and Stribog. If you need luck in your endeavors, you should ask for help from these patrons. Svarog - the supreme god of the Eastern Slavs loves luck and bestows it on others. Stribog commands the winds, but brings luck in business.

Svarozhe, Dido of the Heavenly Kind, You are the creator of the Explicit World - the sun, stars and Mother Earth. In You, the power of creation is great, which is manifested in the masters of our kind, You are the beginning of all good deeds that are born in the hearts, ripen in the mind and bring their fruits in Reveal. How can I start without Your blessing? I pray to the Heavenly Father, let him bless my right cause, let him inspire with his Light, so that I create for the good and joy of the White Light, the Orthodox family, and my relatives. Glory to Svarog!

Omnipresent Our Father Stribog! I began to fulfill my plan, the cause of light, in order to increase my family in strength, endow me with your Great Power, so that I could clear the path to victory, so that the expanses of my native land would submit to me, to sweep away dashing and enemy obstacles. Let my strength strike enemies like Your arrows, and I will know only victory. Glory to Thee, God of Midnight, Noon, East and West! Glory to your sons - the winds - Stribozhichs! Glory to Your Yari that fills our Universe! Arrive, God, with me in heaven and on earth, in a foreign land and their native land, because I am with You in the fulfillment of the testaments of the Most High! Glory to Stribog!

Prayers for conception and for pregnant women

Goddesses can help in procreation.

Women's conspiracies:

  • Mokoshe's prayers for conception and for a pregnant woman;
  • prayer Live.

Mokoshe prayers

Mokosha is the mother of all living things. She is associated with women in labor and mothers. The goddess patronizes women in position and gives protection.

My Light Mother, Makosh-Mother! Pray for the life-giving power, the holy and bright power, the one that makes the wives of the earthly Mother of God, brings the souls of the Ancestors of our relatives to our world. Bless me, Nanny, and great fertility in the fall, so that I bring my husband's clan Ancestors to Reality, bright and righteous souls, which are in Navi. You are our loving and friendly parent, glorious and triglorious, stay in the earthly family! Give me good health, so that my children are born easily and in joy, so that my heaviness is born as an offspring, to the glory of the Orthodox people. Let the grace of God, bright thoughts and Your wisdom settle in my soul. I should live according to Truth and Honor, with my husband in great love. Glory to Mokosh!

My mother, Mother of God, our Makosha! Bless the fetus in my womb, so that my birth is easy, so that my child grows healthy and strong in me, and is born in joy. All the days, Mother, stay near me, as a protector and champion of women in childbirth of the Orthodox family. I will do prayers and glory to you, as if you are an all-loving and all-good guardian of the wives of the earthly race. Glory to Makosha!

Prayer Live

If you can’t get pregnant, perform this powerful rite.

The actions are:

  1. Pour water into a clay bowl.
  2. Step on the threshold of the house with your right knee and pronounce a conspiracy.

Mother Goddess Live! Fly off yourself, and bless my bosom and send messengers to it: a son, like a falcon, and a daughter, like a swallow.

Then follows

  1. Drink water.
  2. Wash the bosom with the rest.

Other strong ancient Slavic prayers

The most powerful prayers of the ancestors, taken from the book of spells of the ancient Slavs.

Effective protective Slavic prayers:

  • prayer to Rod for protection and inspiration;
  • prayer to Yarila;
  • prayer to Perun;
  • prayer for healing.

Prayers to Rod

Rod will not refuse help if you ask sincerely.

My father, Rod! You are the God of Gods. Take me under your wing. Let no one prevent me from living and working in your name. You are Perfect, and I am perfecting my Love for You, for I know that Love and justice are the most powerful defense against all evil. I thank You, my Father, for taking care of me and my family.

Rod Omnigod! You are Holiness more sacred than all holiness! The Highest Parent and the Eternal Spirit of Light, by the movement of your thought in Diva you give birth to many worlds, therefore You are in everything and everything is in You, You fill souls with Boundless Light, You bless with the Holy Armor for eternal life, happy are those who know Your highest wisdom ! They hold on to the Heavenly Parents, Native Gods and Light Ancestors, Claiming the Holiness of Rule on Earth, Going to the Most Pure Svarga! Filled with your powers, protected by your holiness, we live for you, faithfully fulfilling our destiny. Because You are the highest joy and boundless happiness! Your love flows to us, with spiritual and bodily gifts, and with all grace, for we abide in the unity of the Generic Fire, we sanctify our souls with pure deeds, we create a World of Goodness and Love! Glory to the Almighty Family!

Prayer to Yarila

Yarilo is the god of fertility and love. Basically, they pray to him for fertility and life.

God Yarilo, our clear sun, you ride through the sky on a white horse, you bring spring to the land of the Orthodox family. There is no enlightenment either in the sky or in my soul without your life-giving ray. Java has its face in the Blue Sky, and let your spirit tremble in my soul. You are more, our God, the Father of the brave and victorious, you are a mighty knight, who creates a man from a young man. I beg you, Father, drive the Bashurs away from my family, light up the house and bless the relatives! May I be in unity, Yarile, with the Ancestors and Gods, inspired by you on my way, step boldly and victoriously! Glory to Yarila!

Prayer to Perun

Perun is the main God of the pagans. They pray to him asking for protection and strength.

Great Father Perun! I address you as Your son, Your manifestation on earth. I ask You, manifest through me, O Great Perun, I dedicate myself completely to You. Let Your eyes be my eyes, Your body my body, Your Spirit my Spirit. Your hands, my hands, my goals - Your goals. May all Your qualities become inherent in me. May your Power become my Power and be manifested through me as Your highest manifestation on our Earth. Lead me, create me, manifest through me. So be it, for so it is and will be! Glory to Thee, Great Perun!

Prayer for Healing

Goddess Zhiva (Zhivana, Siva) is the Goddess who gives life. You can ask her for recovery.

Merciful Mother is Alive, you are the Light of the Supreme Family itself, which heals all kinds of diseases. Take a look at the Grandson of Dazhdbozhy, who arrives in ailment. Let me know the cause of my illness, let me hear the voice of the Gods, that they speak through the illness and direct them to the path of the Rule. Goddess see that I comprehend the truth, and from this health and vigor return to me, longevity in the body is affirmed, and diseases recede! So be it! Glory Live!

The most powerful ancient Slavic conspiracies-amulets

Only the strongest prayers of the pagans have survived to this day. All non-working conspiracies were eliminated over time. Spells can be read both in Latin and in Russian.

Ancestral prayers:

  • conspiracies-amulets from the evil eye and damage;
  • effective sleep spells.

Conspiracies for health

To perform a ritual for health, you will need a spring and a jug.

Action algorithm:

  1. You need to go in the morning to the spring, with a jug in your right hand.
  2. Scoop up water from the bottom and speak it.

Sorrows and ailments, go to someone else's hut from where you were sent. Who sent the disease, he himself returned it. Fly beyond the deep seas, wide lakes, I don't know you and don't want to know. Stay with the owner, don't touch me. I don’t wait for you, I don’t call you, I don’t welcome you, I don’t notice you.

It should be given a glass of water three times a day. The water won't heal right away. Every day the patient should drink liquid until he is completely healed.

Witchcraft will not work if a person drinks water in public.

Conspiracies-amulets from the evil eye and damage

Magic will help protect against the evil eye. The Old Russian rite from spoilage is carried out in summer or autumn.

Would need:

  • four handfuls of wheat;
  • red wine;
  • loaf of bread.

Description of actions:

  1. In the morning, until it blooms, you need to be at a crossroads.
  2. As soon as the sun appears, you should turn around in a circle clockwise.
  3. Then bow on four sides and say a conspiracy.
  4. Repeat the ritual three more times.
  5. Throw a handful of wheat on each side, leave bread and wine at the ritual site.

I will rise, (my name), early dawn, wash myself with honey dew, dry myself in the heat of the sun,
I will bow on four sides, I will pray to the Bereginy-Mothers. Oh you, Beregini-Mothers!
As you accept a child into this world, and swaddle in swaddling clothes, so do I, (your name),
close and protect with silk shrouds, silk belts,
with his blessing, from the evil one from the sorcerer, from the sorceress, and from every evil evil of man,
from evil blood, from an evil thought, and from an evil thought, so that I, (owl's name),
do not spoil, do not conjure, neither the sorcerer nor the sorceress. nor an evil and dashing person,
no evil blood, no evil thought, no thought, either opposite or opposite,
not for drink and for a hedgehog in a feast, in conversation, and in all kinds of fun. You put, Beregini-Mothers,
iron tyn around me, (name), from earth to heaven, from age to age,
not to spoil me, (name), not to conjure, not to look, and not to see,
and not to hear, at a feast, at a conversation, in every fun, and forever and ever, from now on and forever,
my word is strong!

Effective sleep spells

There are several whispers you can use to help you sleep peacefully. You should choose a couple of sentences and pronounce while lying in bed. Immediately all conspiracies will help if insomnia torments and nightmares are present.

The tradition of praying before going to bed still exists today. She inherited from the ancestors of the Slavs.

Ancient amulets from bad dreams:

  1. "Svarozhe-beautiful, give good to my dream."
  2. "God bless every corner, the threshold, all the frames and the pipe and the mouse hole."
  3. “I lie down to rest, I put up a fence from heaven to bottom. On the doors, latches, porch.
  4. “There is a yar in the sky, a yar on the hem, I am yar with a yar, I go to bed with a yar. Strong word, protect my dream and reality, from dashing people, from evil misfortunes.
  5. “I go to bed under the hand of God, Svarog is my help, Lada is my mother. Grandfathers whisper to me overhead. Perun guards, closes enemies. Go, demons, from my bed, I am stronger than you.
  6. “Ancestors in the windows, animals in the corners. Holy water in a bowl. The house is in a holy, unshakable circle. In each corner there is a scurry, Svarog sits at the very door. On the roof itself, a fire is burning, an iron tyn is standing. No one should go to my house."
  7. “Holy Gods, save the lives of the century, I will hide from death, I will close from enemies. Devils of the forest, run away, I have the power of Svarog, Veles help. I’ll lie down, lie down, I’m not afraid of evil, I’ll deny the dashing. Solid walls, quiet corners. All the worlds are asleep and I went to bed."
  8. “All around our yard, there is a high wall, an iron rear, copper gates. From all sides of the world, from any slander.
  9. "The borders of the courtyard are sealed, black evil spirits will not pass."
  10. “God of Slavyanychiy, protect the door and the outskirts for a quiet night.”
  11. “Protect, Svarozhe, for a clean night, drive away all evil spirits, save me. My home, my children."
  12. “Veles, father, give me a clean and calm sleep on a dark night.”

Conspiracies came to us from our Ancestors. In the dark, they were preserved in many Slavic clans. Many conspiracies that are now being printed by popular publishing houses were taken from the Slavs and redone two thousand years ago with the replacement of many words. It was possible to find out the conspiracies in the old form, studying ethnography and clarifying them in the genera of some Old Believers and Rodnovers.

Conspiracy for health

Perun! Listen to those who call you! Glorious and Trislaven wake up! Health, bread and Family, my children (names ...) give, bring thunder! Rule over everyone! More from Rodno! Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Conspiracies from diseases

* Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Fireman! They slept in sickness, cleanse the womb, in the child of a person (name), in every creature, in old and young, You are God's Delight! Purifying by fire, opening the power of souls, save the child of God, may the twigs perish. We glorify you, we call to you. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

* Father you, Semargl-Firebog, you are God to all Gods, you are fire to all fires! As you burn and burn in the field of grass-ants, thickets and slums, the raw oak has underground roots, seventy-seven roots, seventy-seven branches, and slept with (the name is spoken) sorrow and illness. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

* Zarya-Zaryanitsa, the red maiden, the mother herself and the queen. The moon is bright, the stars are clear - take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, midnight. Dawn-Zarenitsa, in the middle of the night, come to me even as a red maiden, even as a queen mother, and lay down from me (the name is spoken) and take away the accursed power from me, all the ailments of adversity. Now and forever, and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

* I will become blessed, I will go to the blue sea, on the blue sea there is a white-combustible stone Alatyr, on the stone Alatyr the Goddess Jiva sits, holds a white swan in her white hands, plucks the white wing of the swan. As the white wing bounced back, so bounce, jump, recoil from (name) native flames, fevers and fevers - Khripush, Lomey, Decrepit, Dormant. Vetreya. Trouble, Zyabuha, Shaking, Fire, Puffy, Yellow, Nemea, Deaf, Karkusha, Looking, Khrapush. From a violent little head with clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white calf, from a zealous heart, From the wind came, go into the wind, from the water came - go to the water, from the forest came - go to the forest.
From century to century.

* The mermaid walked along a forest path, scratched a tender leg, and from that wound, yes, not blood-ore, but from that wound, yes, pure water. Yes, the water is pure, that flowed like a stream, and that water passed all over the earth. Yes, on that island and on that Buyan, on that Buyan, yes, a mound is high. On the mound that stone-alatyr lies in full breadth. Do not lift it, do not roll it up while the human race lives on earth. Like water flowed under that stone, and behind it the disease forever. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Healing ritual to get rid of ailments

Since ancient times, the Mother Goddess Cheese Earth was considered the best helper to man, the best healer. Salting (clockwise) a protective circle with a diameter of 1.5 m was laid out of the pebbles; a small Altar was installed inside it, the performer of the ritual entered the protective circle and greeted the Goddess with his hands raised up. Two candles and incense were installed on the altar and set on fire with the help of fire obtained by friction (you can use matches), near the altar, on the left and right, two bowls with spring water were placed. And they began a conversation with the Goddess about their health. Then the bowl on the left was taken, brought to the forehead, and the performer of the ritual asked Mother Earth Cheese to bless her. Then the same thing was repeated with the right bowl. Then it was necessary to thank the Goddess, and at the end of the ritual, pour the water charged with the energy of the earth into other containers and drink it when you feel unwell. Also, water can be rubbed with eczema, burns and pain in the joints.

Healing ritual with marvelous stones

Mothers collect a ladle of water from a stream, river or lake, pour it over a stone. And then collect the water in a separate container. This water is revered as holy, then they pour it over - they sanctify the Vedic ancient knowledge of babies. After that, the kids are dressed in new clothes, and the old ones are left by the stone. During the ritual, the following conspiracy is pronounced:

I will become, (name), blessed, I will go to the blue river. On the blue river, on a steep mountain lies the white-combustible stone Alatyr. As the icy water rolled down from the body of the white, so recoil, jump away from (the name is spoken), birthmarks, fevers and fevers - Khripusha, Lomey, Decrepit, Dormant, Windy, Confused, Zyabukha, Shaking, Fire, Plump, Yellow, Nemey, Deaf , Karkusha, Looking, Khrapusha. From a violent little head with clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white calf, from a zealous heart. I came from the wind, go to the wind, I came from the water, go to the water, I came from the forest - go to the forest. From now to the century.

The wound is covered with a hand and read conspiracy to stop bleeding:

On the sea on Okiyana, on the island of Buyan, there is a white flammable alatyr stone. On that stone-alatyr sits a beautiful girl, a seamstress - a craftswoman, holds a damask needle, yellow ore, sews up bloody wounds. I speak (name) from a cut. Bulat, leave me alone, and you, blood, stop flowing. Now and forever, and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Appeal to call for the help of the Guardian Leg:

The Wanderer Lies down, my Light Guardian, given to me by the Patron-Kin for protection, I ask you diligently: You enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to a good deed and direct me to the righteous path, may all my deeds be for the Glory of Svarog and Kind of Heavenly. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Conspiracy for warriors:

In the name of Light, in the name of Rod, in the name of his strength! Perun sends goodness to those who called her. Strength and glory, firmness and rage, give us Perun in battle. Thunder manifested, be inspired, reveal your will. In the name of God Grey-haired Svarog, give strength to the warrior. Son and brother, friend and howl, reveal your will. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Conspiracy before collecting medicinal herbs:

Goy you are the damp earth, mother to us dear! Thou hast given birth to all, brought up, brought up, and endowed with land. For the sake of us, you gave birth to your children Potion. Polgoy drive away the demon and in illnesses break. They took from themselves to snatch various supplies, for the sake of land, hollow on the stomach. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

For health:

Empress, Makosh Mother, mother of heaven, Mother of God. You, mother Rozhanitsa, sister of Svarog! Grant us good luck, without aunts and cry! Give health to children (names) great and small. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

For healthy offspring:

Mother Rozhanitsa, Sort sister, hear our verbs, accept our bloodless, necessary gifts, grant healthy offspring to all our clans. So that our eternal family thread will never be interrupted. We sing great glory for you and call you to our mansions. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Conspiracy for happiness:

Oh, mother Lada, mother Swa (heavenly) pure! Do not leave us without love and happiness! Send your grace on us, as if we honor and glorify you Now and forever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be! Until the end of time, while the Yarilo sun shines on us.

Conspiracy for a good life:

Veles God-patron! Svargm the guardian of the yard! And we glorify you all kindly, for you are our intercessor and support. And do not leave us unattended and protect our fat flocks from the pestilence, and fill our granaries with good, that we may be one with you. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Ritual for getting rid of resentment and sorrow:

E If your life is filled with sorrows and resentments, then step into the deep forest, find a lonely place there in the thicket. Dig a hole in the ground (30 cm in diameter), bend over it and shout out all your grievances, fears, despairs into it, shout about them until tears come out of your eyes and you feel empty, drained. Then dig a hole, and immediately leave without looking back home. Remember, you should never, under any circumstances, come back here.

It is also useful to slander all your sorrows and pains on the water. Only it should be running water: a river, a stream, even from a tap - open the water and slander.

Ritual for a good life:

In a previously plowed furrow in the ground, they put grain and poured beer, saying, facing east: “Mother Cheese Earth! Get rid of all the unclean vermin from love spells, turnover and dashing deeds.

Turning to the west: “Mother Cheese Earth! Swallow up the impure force into the abyss seething into flammable tar.

Turning to the south: "Mother Cheese Earth Satisfy the midday winds with bad weather, calm the loose sands with a blizzard"

To the north they turned like this: “Mother Earth cheese! Calm down the midnight winds with clouds, hold back the frosts with blizzards.

After each appeal, beer was poured into the furrow. Then the sorcerer covered the earth with his hands and whispered: “Mother Cheese earth, tell me, tell the whole truth, show it to (name)” and predicted the future of man. Saying goodbye to the Goddess of the earth, they collected it in a bag and kept her small handful as a talisman.

Conspiracies for water and fire to remove damage, the evil eye from a child or adult

Prayer conspiracies are very old, preserved in the clans of the Old Believers and have come down to us in the form in which I place them.

1. Take water from a spring, scoop it down the river and return back from the spring without talking to anyone. Then at home read on the water. Drink half a glass, pour the rest on your head.

On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a tower yard,

In this tower stands the Mother of God,

She reads a dove book, she herself says:

From the sorcerer from the sorceress, from the godwife, from the godwife,

From the envious, from the hater, from the envious, from the hater,

From a bad hour, from a bad eye, from a girl’s, from a youth, from a night, midnight, from a day, noon, from an hour, half an hour, from a gray eye, from a yellow eye, from a black eye, which this person sh at tit and s at shield

He didn’t flatter you dashingly, didn’t do evil, take out all the ailments from the whole white body and from the violent head.

And if you don’t stop joking and drying this person, I’ll go pray to the family, I’ll bow to the Sun, I’ll bow to God, I’ll turn to Perun, I’ll turn to the Roof, they will send terrible clouds on you, they will beat you with thunders, they will burn you with lightning, they will pierce the earth through the ashes through Mother Cheese .

Oh, Mother of the Blessed Virgin, could you save God, help us from every unclean spirit, from a dashing eye, from a bad hour to dissuade.

2. Conditions for water are the same as in paragraph 1.

Mother water is clean, your keys are fast, in the name of the Father, the Son and the holy Mother, you are the dawn-Zaryanitsa, the dawn is the Red Maiden, the dawn of Maremyan, from the gray eye, from the white eye, from the hazel eye, from the black eye, from the peasant sorcerer, from grandmothers are witches, from a simple-haired girl, from an unclean spirit, from a strong whirlwind, from a bathhouse, from a water, from a forest. GOY!

3. Also on water. Drink a sip of the charmed water, then the hair is wetted 3 times and sprinkled on the chest and back of the person being charmed.

I will become (the name of the one who speaks water), having blessed, having prayed to the family, I will leave the hut through the doors, out of the gate into the open field, into the green oak forest. In the green oak forest there is a white birch with 12 roots, you don’t keep any lessons, or prizes, or sorrows, illnesses, or fears, commotion, or wind fractures on me, from a kindred relative, from fair-haired, from blond, from black, black , from two-toothed, from three-toothed, from two-toothed, from three-toothed. Be my words strong and sculpting, stronger and more mellow than sturgeon glue. GOY! GLORY!

4. Purification by fire.

Father, you are the king of fire. You are the king of all kings. Be merciful, as you are hot and ardent, as you burn and burn in the open field of grass, ants, thickets and oak forests near the raw oak roots, so do I pray, I repent those ka.

Father tsar, burn the fire, all kinds of sorrows and ailments, fears and turmoil fell from the grandson of God, fell around, cleansed and sickness! GOY!

Conspiracy-amulet from damage:

If there is damage, then first we remove it, and then we read the amulet.

1 variant of the amulet. You can’t bypass the ocean-sea, you can’t turn off the white Alatyr-stone, child of God, (name), don’t condemn, don’t dishonor either the sorcerer or the sorceress.

Option 2.You can also read it every morning so that there is protection for the whole day. You can read the same conspiracy on your protective belt, ochelie.

It's a clear morning.The red sun is coming down

Illuminates the light golden wheel

Clear morning, red sun

Happiness for a long time, light up, protect and save


Pure sister

In the miraculous lake she washed with a beating key she locked

She ordered to live healthy, forget the illness of the disease

Water young lady, cold sister

Illuminate with good health, protect and save

Wind daring brother well done

By will Illuminate the soul protect and save

Fire light king

you burn, take away what you find in the past,

Evil, black bad,

Opali around, do not let the disease

Everything is bad, yes unkind

Fire father, fire light king

From a crooked look, from fierce anger,

Protect and save from black envy. dense forest,

ber forest,

give me peace,

Open your memory, open your heart

Let the great power enter, the immeasurable power,

Protect and preserve, become a guiding star.

Conspiracy for women in labor:

Trisvetla Rozhana mother! Do not let our Family become impoverished, sanctify the womb of all our wives and brides, with your grace-filled power. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

For insomnia:

You need to put a treat on your brownie in the master's corner (right opposite from the door), cookies, sweets and say: "Knock-knock, chok-chok, brownie, brownie, turn to another barrel" - in a couple of minutes the body will relax and you will sleep a good sleep .

If there is no thing in the house:

Put a treat on the brownie and say "Brownie, play and give it back." If after three times they did not find it, then this thing is not in the house.

To protect the house:

“Hey grandfather, don’t fall asleep, deal with the thief in your own way, walk around the yard on patrol, keep everything properly.” And put a treat on the brownie. You can safely go about your business.

Treatment of a pediatric hernia:

Stroke the sore spot in a clockwise circular motion and say “The hernia gnaws (name), you are one - I am two, you are two - I am three, you are 3 - I am 4, you are 4 - I am 5, you are 5 - I am 6, you are 6 - I'm 7, you're 7, and I'll eat you completely. And so three times. Spend 5 days on the full moon. Two days before and two days after the full moon.

To open or clear a path:

“Buoy - Tour Ariy, I think about the hara, I lament about the hara. Dun on that path press Zhinev "

Hex for water:

The pain of the twig from someone else's box, where it came from, went there. The one who sent you misses you. I conjure you, I send you back, over the blue rivers, over the high mountains, where conspiracies will not find you. Return to the sender, who did not know grief. Stay with him and don't come back." The charmed water is drunk 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Take living water, not boiled and not stagnant.

Meningitis Treatment (even at the last stage): An oak barrel is taken, a sennik (hay) is steamed there and the patient is bathed in this steam.

Gangrene treatment: They take fresh pork liver and put it on a sore spot, gangrene is gone.

Live Aid Belt it is done like this: on a white cloth they write the words of the conspiracy “Where he came from - he left there” Or"Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Ognebozhich! Sleep the pain-sickness, cleanse the womb, the child of the people (name), every creature, old and young, You are God's Delight! Cleansing fire, opening the power of souls, save the child of God, may it perish We glorify you, we call you to us, now and forever and from circle to circle! "The written is applied to the naked body and worn. After 28-29 days, they tear and remove (do not cut). The belt is better from linen.

Conspiracy for food for health and strength

The conspiracy is intended to ensure that the food is tasty, useful and filled with health and strength. Read in the morning while cooking so that no one hears:

Father Svarog and Mother Lada created heaven and earth and the whole universe: water, dry land, mountains, wilderness, grain, and bread. Dear Gods, let me create, feed your grandchildren. Give them health, strength, so that they eat and drink, glorify the Gods. Give me, Father, and me to be glorified by a righteous deed. Glory to the Gods and Ancestors!

Conspiracy from fear

Velese, help, Mother Lada, Native Guardian Gods will protect, To help me and my child drive out the evil spirit, give joy to me and my child, keep the whole world, all the light, joy and glory! Come out fright! Get out the fright! Come out, come out, evil spirit! Whether they pour or slander - do not allow it, Svarozhe. Svarozhichi, whip, chop, drive away from the world, from Dazhgod's grandson (name), from granddaughters, from great-granddaughters, from my child, from my herd, from the whole world in the wide world! I drive out evil: from the head, from under the head. There is no rage in the head, no deafness, dumbness, blindness, no hearing, no knowing. I expel from the womb, from the heart, from under the heart, from the lungs, from under the lungs, from the livers, from under the livers, from the stomach, from under the stomach, from the intestines, from under the intestines, from the spleen, from under spleen, from the kidneys, from under the kidneys, from times, from under times, from any disease I expel trash: from hands, from shoulders, from under shoulders, from elbows, from under elbows, from palm, from under palm , from the fingers, from under the fingers, from the nails, from under the nails. Do not know paralysis, get bread and salt with your own hands. From the sides, from under the sides, from the knees, from under the knees, from the thighs, from under the thighs, from the stretches, from under the stretches, from the bones, from the bones, from the heels, from under the heels, from the soles , from under the soles, from the neck, from under the neck, from the lower back, from under the lower back to drive away tetanus, not to know seventy-seven diseases, not to hear twenty-four winds with deadly lapels, to have glory and health, a clean bed, like God's Svarog, mother Lada to have. To lie - not to lie, not to know the disease!

Universal conspiracy for all diseases

Come out, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases from a person: from bones, from veins, from joints, from blood, from the neck. Go where the wind does not blow, where the sun does not warm, where the voice of God does not set, where the temples of the Family do not stand, where the fires of Svarog do not burn. There you keep your will, pour sand, wave reeds, Do not occupy the world, twist stumps, break, sprinkle leaves, become hollows, pull out roots, and the World will not have and know grief. Disappear, perish, move away from the World, and take my conspiracy to Holy Rule! A week with Monday, Tuesday with Wednesday, Thursday with Friday, and Saturday itself - evil spirits and disease perish. In a week, the Sun rises - evil spirits and all diseases recede! Holy Ancestors, God's Warriors, Perun's children, help me, evil spirits, all sorts of illnesses, pour dashing alien beliefs into wax (fire)! Come out, evil eye, fright, whirlwind, whirlwind, draft, draft, wind, wind, wind, lunatic, paralysis. From scrap, from shchem, from gloom. Come down, dark spirits and all sorts of illnesses, all illnesses into the wax (into the fire) enter. From fire, from the sword, from the invasion of the Holy Fiery Spirit. Come down, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases. From the head, from the ears, from the piercing of the ears. From the spine, from the neck, from the brain, from the blood, from the uterus, from the bladder! Come out, dark spirits, dashing foreign faith and all sorts of diseases. Come out: conceived, enchanted, sleepy, done, sent. From hunting, from work, come out cat, dog, bullock, chicken, sheep, girlish, valiant. Come down, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases. All dark spirits and all sorts of diseases enter the wax (fire). And stay there forever! Glory to Svarog!

Hundreds of years ago, conspiracies were practiced by our Slavic ancestors. Even then, the strength and power of the word was known, and the ancient Slavic conspiracies and spells were constant companions of man. Many years have passed, but the prayers and spells of our ancestors are still popular today. More to say, they are considered very strong and effective. After all, centuries of experience and magical knowledge helped to improve the rituals as much as possible.

The ancient Slavs quite often turned to magical rites for help. And this applies to both women and men. Various ancient Slavic conspiracies and spells were aimed at success in battle, attracting good luck, mutual love, a good harvest, successful trade, good health and other areas of life.

However, the performance of any rite involves following the basic rules:

before performing the ritual, you need to observe a strict fast for several days.
Before conducting a magical rite, a complete rejection of alcohol, tobacco and meat dishes was supposed;

Old Slavic spells are read in a whisper.
This is done so that no one can hear the text of the rite, since this can negatively affect the effectiveness of the ritual;

ancient rites could only be performed by an absolutely healthy person.
It is believed that if a person with a cold performs a ritual, then his condition may worsen. Naturally, one can forget about the effectiveness of the spell;

The Slavs paid great attention to the condition of the sorcerer's teeth.
A person with bad teeth, in particular, if the front two teeth are missing, cannot make very strong spells and conspiracies;

if a ceremony is performed for someone, then in no case should a monetary reward be taken from this person.
As a rule, the Slavs used food as a gratitude, which were given from a pure heart and after the ritual worked;

Slavic conspiracies of a positive orientation should be read on Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday.
These days are considered easy;
prayers and conspiracies of a negative message are read on Fridays and Mondays;
a person who does ancient Slavic rites must unconditionally believe in the effectiveness of magical influence and in his own strength.

The Slavic peoples believed in the power of magic and resorted to witchcraft in a variety of situations.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies and spells for the Slavs were an effective method of influencing their own lives, other people and to achieve the desired result.

Ritual for health

This magical conspiracy is a very effective remedy for various diseases and poor health in general. For the ancient Slavs, this prayer was used as a means of combating many ailments. The words of the prayer are read in a whisper:

“In the far side, on an island beyond the sea lies a white stone.
Near the fuel stone stands a man, a father to three sons, a sovereign to all.
He takes out his sharp knife, cuts with it all diseases and ailments, aches and dryness.
So let (person's name) cut off all ailments and ailments,
Put it under a stone and lock it with a key.
He will throw the key into the sea, for all eternity he will close all ailments.
My words are strong, only he can overcome them,
Who gnaws a stone with his teeth.
May it be so!"

Slavic prayers for health are read for seven days. You can't miss a single day. As a rule, a person becomes better after a few magical sessions.

Prayer for happiness

Happiness and well-being should accompany every person. However, if the black streak of life dragged on, the ancient Slavs had spells to improve the situation.

This prayer is considered very effective if its words are pronounced at dawn:

“Oh you, oh you, Mother Lada, Mother of the Most Pure!
Do not leave, do not leave us without happiness and love!
Send your grace to us, as if we honor and glorify you!
So be it, wake it up, be like that, while Yarilo the sun shines on us!

The prayer is read seven times in a row. If troubles and misfortunes do not recede, then the ritual can be repeated after fourteen days.

Ritual for a healthy baby

The process of the birth of a new person, both among the ancient Slavs and modern people, is considered almost a magical process. Therefore, for a successful birth and the birth of a healthy baby, a prayer service is read for a woman in labor before childbirth:

“Mother Rozhanitsa, sister sister, hear our words, our prayers.
Accept bloodless gifts and grant healthy offspring to the woman in labor (the name of the woman).
So that our family thread will never be interrupted.
We sing glory to you, but we invite you to the mansions.
From circle to circle, now and forever!
Be so!”

It is necessary to repeat the prayer three times. This ritual will help a woman give birth to a healthy baby and make childbirth quick.

Prayer for insomnia

Among the ancient Slavs, sleep problems were considered a serious disease, and therefore this disease was treated with the help of magic. At midnight on a person who suffers from insomnia, you need to read the plot, putting your hand on his head:

“Knock knock, sleep will come, and diseases will go away.
Sleep soundly - see dreams.
Go away thoughts, pass by!
Sweet to sleep - to be healthy!
Sleep (person's name)!"

You need to repeat the words of the spell three times, after which the person will be able to fall asleep.

Slavic conspiracies and spells to amulet at home

Even among the ancient Slavs, the protection of their homes was considered the main occupation. And even then there were many different conspiracies and prayers to protect the house. However, the most effective were appeals to Domovoy. It was believed that if he was appeased, then the protection of the home would be in good hands. The plot is read in the evening:

“Grandfather, Brownie, do not sleep, watch the house,
So that evil people bypassed, thieves ran far away!
Watch out, keep everything!”

Repeat the words of the appeal three times, after which be sure to leave a treat for the Brownie to appease him.

ritual for love

Even in ancient times, girls did certain rituals to attract love and happiness into their lives. In order for everything to work out in your personal life and finally meet your loved one, you need to read at dawn, holding on to a birch, the following prayer:

“Oh birch, beauty!
Help me, help me!
Send love and happiness to me!
Like birds nest in pairs,
So I want to meet my sweetheart!”

Build the words of the prayer seven times, after which you should thank the birch for help and go home. Within a few months, the girl will have to meet her soul mate.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies and spells were considered very effective. Our ancestors paid a lot of attention to protection from negative influences and solved many problems using witchcraft. That is why the conspiracies that have come down to us are considered very effective.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies, prayers and spells are a unique storehouse of wisdom that we inherited from our ancestors. Using such special spells, you can put yourself in reliable protection, increase energy strength, attract well-being and grace to the house.

Slavic conspiracies to protect the house

Since ancient times, a lot has come down to us that can help a modern person in various areas of life. For example, a variety of prayers and conspiracies that can create strong protection around a person and his home are popular.

As you know, quite often black magicians attack with the help of witchcraft and negative programs not the individual himself, but his house. Thus, although a person constantly removes all this negativity, the program remains at home until the victim cleans the home, otherwise he will not be able to get rid of the negative impact.

To ensure that not a single sorcerer is able to impose damage or some other negative program on your home, use this ancient Slavic rite.

You will need to take a white wax candle, beeswax, a piece of light-colored cloth, a metal mug and a container of water. Candle and water should not be consecrated in the church. The candle is lit, after which it is necessary to say:

Veles, Father, teaching silver bowls in heaven. Open your gates to us, protect your owl children. Restore the dashing barriers, warm the earth in the cold, open the well of knowledge. We praise you, prophetic God! Praise thee, heaven! We praise you, as it were! Be glorious forever! Glory!

The next step is to take the wax, put it in the prepared metal mug. Melt the product well and start slowly pouring it into a container of water. It is necessary to say the following words:

Goy! Glory, Veles! Protect our house from adversity, black eyes, dashing words. Goy! Glory, Veles! Goy! Ve! Glory!

The words are repeated until the mixture is completely frozen. After that, you need to collect all the wax that ended up in the bowl, wrap it in a cloth and bury it in your yard. As long as the wax is on the territory of your site, no trouble will touch you.

Do you know that ? With the help of these ancient mysterious symbols, you can make special amulets, make special formulas that help get rid of troubles, and success.

So, with the help of runes in ancient times, our ancestors could protect themselves from any negativity. It was believed that such a talisman would protect against black magic and any other troubles. You will need to take a wax candle, a ritual knife, and matches. In addition, you will need an item on which the rune will be directly depicted.

You can purchase a ready-made amulet on which the rune of Veles will be depicted. But it's better if you do everything yourself. If the symbol is applied to birch bark or paper, then this is done with a knife. If you opted for a leather product, then after you apply the symbol, you will need to burn it out.

Next, set fire to a few matches and let them burn out to the end. You will need the ashes themselves. It rubs into the symbol. Take the future amulet in your left hand, and a candle in your right hand. Stand so that you are facing east.

Imagine that power, energy fills you and your future talisman, this power is able to protect you from any troubles associated with any area of ​​life. When you feel that you are already full of this creative energy, then say these words:

Here you and your rune
Here I am and my rune.
Here is your strength and my strength.
Take the rune as a gift
Leave power in her as a gift.

After the text has been spoken 5 times, place the candle and the blank on the work surface. Leave the attributes until the candle is completely burnt out. When this happens, you can pick up the amulet and use it for its intended purpose.

It is desirable that the talisman is always directly with you. The effect of such a ritual lasts for 3 months. After this time, the ceremony will need to be repeated (possibly with the same talisman).

Do you know what rituals are capable of in your home? In order for fortune to always smile and not leave him, you can use ancient Slavic spells.

To carry out such a ritual, it is necessary to prepare a glass of water, several small bags in which juniper, yarrow, incense and 1 coin will lie. You need to take as many bags of herbs as there are rooms in your house. In addition, you will need a candle.

Take all the bags, put them on the work surface, then light the candle; Sprinkling the bags with water, say these words:

Frankincense, so that there is harmony and peace. Juniper, so that there was good luck, diseases were bypassed, but adversity was not terrible. Yarrow, so that there is enough courage, spiritual strength, protection was from evil witchcraft, and evil spirits. Coins, so that there was prosperity, but money flowed like a river.

These words are repeated exactly as many times as the bags you have prepared. After that, place one bag in each room. Put the used candle in any room and let it burn out, then bury the rest of the wax in the area. Pour the rest of the water outside.

Be sure that as long as the charmed items are near your home, well-being will not leave you. However, this ritual must be repeated every year.

There are a large number of various spells and prayers that allow you to attract cash flows. We are known to increase income. However, one of the most powerful rites to increase wealth is this one.

You need to prepare seven green candles, a small container, small coins, any aromatic oil. But before taking on the ritual, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning. Everything old, decrepit, that could attract negative energy, should be thrown away. The house must be clean, ready to receive cash flows.

The ceremony is held on Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). Set the time so that no one can interfere. There should be no people or animals in the room during the ritual. After you clean up, be sure to take a shower or bath, wash off all the energy that has been accumulated over time.

Wait until midnight, arrange all the candles in a circle and rub a few drops of aromatic oil into each of them. Light the candles. In the center, between them, place the pot. Now take all the coins you have prepared and say:

Veles, the Great Patron God, I glorify you, for you are my support. Don't leave me, hear my prayer. Protect from failures, put on good, fill my bins. As she said, so be it.

Now, dropping each coin into the pot, repeat these words. Wait until all the candles go out on their own, bury the rest of the wax in your yard, and place the pot of coins in the corridor. Throw any little things in there when you get home.

Important: only those coins that did not take part in the ritual can be taken out of the pot. Therefore, somehow mark for yourself those that are forbidden to get. It is believed that such a ritual is really capable of attracting prosperity and well-being to a person's life.

If you need to be cured of any disease, then you can resort to ancient Slavic prayers and conspiracies. Many effective rituals for treatment have come down to our time.

To carry out such a ritual, it will be necessary to prepare a container with clean spring water, which should be collected at dawn. Never take water from the tap. Place three wax candles around the container with water, and then read the following text above them exactly 5 times:

God Svarozhe, and you, Mother Lada, and you, Glorious Gods, stand to help me! Lay the Holy Alatyr on your head, put it on your chest and shoulders, so that it does not harm the Sun, Water, Earth, Sword, doors, walls, tables and all Orthodox. God Svarozhe, help me, drive away every disease and evil spirit!

When this is done, part of the water must be drunk, and the other half must be washed on one's face. This ritual is performed every day. It is believed that within a few days the disease will recede, and your health will improve.

Slavic magic is very strong, and using it, you can achieve what you want. Do not neglect such strong conspiracies and use this knowledge wisely.

Ancient Slavic spells and conspiracies.

Conspiracies and amulets are ancient spells. It is necessary to use conspiracies subject to certain conditions, they are given below: All conspiracies are read in a whisper or silently to oneself - so that no one knows about it, does not know. The conspirator must certainly have intact teeth, otherwise the power of the conspiracy is lost. You can’t throw out more than one word from the conspiracy, and you can’t add words according to your own foresight.

The person pronouncing conspiracies must be non-drinker, non-smoker, with a strong will. Use the conspiracy only for its intended purpose, otherwise the conspirator loses its power. You can’t take money from someone to whom you speak something, all the more so to sell conspiracies. Positive conspiracies are read on easy days (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday), negative ones are read on black days (Monday, Friday). Accessories used in treatment: oven clay, coal, salt, grains, etc. And the most important rule: a word has power only because it contains a thought. The effect of the conspiracy depends on the ability to make this thought alive.

Saying: "Go" - high, higher (head, mountain); "thief" - to penetrate (gate). Literally penetrate into the higher (head, worlds). With the help of conspiracies, slander, sentences, there is an impact on other people or on the world around them - in order to achieve a certain state or, on the contrary, get rid of it.
A conspiracy is what follows a conversation. After all, the speech is accompanied by Thought-images, and certain Actions addressed to a single Goal. A slander is something that is superimposed on a dialect (it is used both in sciences and with any objects - water, amulets, etc.).

In Russia, different actions were clearly distinguished before: to speak, to say,
to say, rekti, bait - this is not the same thing. In speech, for example, unlike speech and silence, rhythm is important. After all, it is with the help of it that penetration occurs (the gates open). Conspiracies are also divided into whispering (words are spoken softly) and incantations (words are calling, shouting), and the choice of method depends on the task at hand.

Based on all of the above, we can say that one reading of the plot, without the use of other elements (rhythm, penetration, action, mental images, etc.) is not enough for practical purposes. But even just rhythmic speaking can help practitioners acquire harmony and harmony.

Health Conspiracy:

At sea on Okiyane, on the island of Buyan
The white-flammable stone Alatyr lies.
Near that stone of Alatyr
There is an old mater man, a father to three sons.
As the old mater takes out his damask knife,
He cuts and flogs them all ailments and diseases,
All the aches and dryness of the grandson of Dazhdbozhy [name],
Puts them under the white-combustible stone Alatyr,
Locked with three golden keys
Throws those keys into the blue Ocean Ocean.
Who will gnaw away the white-flammable stone Alatyr,
He will overcome my words!
My words are full of slander, like the Ocean-sea.
My words are strong and firm, like Alatyr-stone! Goy!

Veles conspiracy-amulet:

Tie up, Velese,
The sorcerer and the sorceress
Witch and witch
Blackberry and blueberry
Ghoul and Ghoul
On the grandson of Dazhdbozhy [name]
Do not think evil!
From the red girl
From the black widow.
From fair-haired and black-haired,
From red and oblique,
From the one-eyed and the odd-eyed
And from any undead! Goy!


Mother Cheese-Earth!
From you I was born / a, from you the body is complex / a,
You carry me
You feed me
You will soon take me to death.
Mother Cheese-Earth!
Protect me, your child,
Direct the path of Lada!
May my deeds be for Your glory!
I bow down to You! Goy Ma!
(earth bow)


In the name of Svarog, Perun and Veles!
The blood of the ancestors is pure,
Power of Heaven!
Protect, save
Grandson of Dazhdbozhy [name]
From every eye, from a bad hour,
From the female, from the male
From a child, from another,
From joyful, from hateful,
From colloquial, from negotiation!
May it be so! Goy!


You, Chur Heavenly,
You, Chur Earth,
You, Chur Water!
Forgive and correct me
What is not good!
(earth bow)
You are the red sun
You, the clear moon,
You frequent stars
Forgive and correct me
What is not good!
(earth bow)
You, Gods Family,
You holy ancestors
You, Mother Earth,
Forgive and correct me
What is not good!
(earth bow)


Divi spirits, navi spirits,
We are conjured by the word of the Prophet!
You fly, gather,
Colo salting go!
Pure spirits of the earth!
Pure water spirits!
Pure spirits of fire!
Pure air perfume!
Gather to the place on the red
Protect us, help us!
And others, dissolute spirits, go away -
Where the sun doesn't shine
Where Mother Earth will not give birth,
Where the glory of the Gods is not sung,
Where the right words are not spoken!
Get out of our stake
Lost like hell!
Let it be according to this word! Goy!


In the name of Svarog the Father, the Heavenly Blacksmith,
In the name of Dazhdbog, Trisvetlogo Sun,
In the name of Perun the Thunderer!
You, Svarog, harrow the Truth from Krivda,
You, Dazhdbog, harrow the day from the night,
You, Perun, harrow Yav from Navi!
By the power of Heavenly Fire,
By the power of Fire between Heaven and Earth,
By the power of the Earthly Fire, I conjure!
Let the dark spells burn
Let the sacrilegious nauzes burn,
Let the droughts of Navia burn -
In the Black Fire Hell!
Heaven is the key, Earth is the lock!
May it be as it is said! Goy!

Slavic conspiracies for sleep

1. "God-Svarozhe, bless for a dark night."

2. “Bless, Svarozhe, every hole, crack, all doors and chimneys and underground holes. Goy."

3. “I go to bed, I put the forest from earth to heaven. Through the windows, through the doors, through the vents, through the pipes. Goy."

4. “There is a yar in the sky, a yar on the hem, I am yar with a yar, I go to bed with a yar. Strong amulet, save my age, from winds, from whirlwinds, from vain deaths. Goy."

5. “I go to bed on God's mountains, Svarog himself is in my head, Lada-Mati is at my feet. Grandfathers overhead talking to me. Perun overshadows, drives away enemies. Go, enemies, from windows, from doors, from my bed. Goy."

6. “Ancestors in the windows, fools in the corners. Holy dew on the roof. The circle of my house is iron. Fire is hot from earth to heaven. In each corner there is a scurry, Svarog sits at the very door. On the roof itself, a fire is burning, an iron tyn is standing. No one is available to my house. Goy! (3 times)"

7. “Holy amulet, save my age, save my heart, my body, my blood. Go away, demons of the forest, I have Svarog to help, Velesov's key. I'll lie down, lock myself up, I'm not afraid of anyone. Quiet walls, quiet corners. The corners are sleeping and I (name) went to bed. Goy."

8. “Around our yard, there is a stone mountain, an iron tyn, copper gates. From east to west it is locked by Svarog. Goy! (3 times) "Or:" Around our yard, there is a stone mountain, sealed by Veles from east to west. Goy!

9. "Bless, Svarozhe, the door and the gate on God's holy night."

10. “Bless, Svarozhe, on God’s holy night, all sorts of things, window windows, brevet holes, slits, doors, gates.”

11. "Holy Veles, lower me sleep on a feather on God's holy night"