Earn a pension without working officially. How to get the missing pension experience without working, but according to the law

The Russian state, by law, pays pensions even to those citizens who have never worked. Let us consider in more detail what grounds there are for this, and in what amount the pension is provided in this case.

Will there be a pension in the absence of work experience?

Answering the question - what will be the pension if a person did not work, one should reveal in more detail the essence of the phrase "did not work". The following interpretations are possible here:

The person "did not work" in principle - was idle

Oddly enough, a citizen who has never had work experience, for reasons dependent or beyond his control, has the right to ask a difficult question - is there a pension if he has not worked, and in some cases to expect that his pension will be no less than that of a citizen who had experience.

The person did not work officially

That is, he received a salary “in an envelope”, and pension contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or to the NPF were not deducted from it. He also has the right to a pension - but absolutely on a par with a person who allowed himself not to work in principle.

At the time of retirement age, a person does not have sufficient experience and the required number of points to assign a pension

And here the principle of assigning a pension is similar. In fact, a pension without seniority and points collected in the required amount is equated to a pension of a person who, in principle, did not work, or did not work officially.

The person was not employed, but was engaged in entrepreneurial activities

Here it is necessary to distinguish:

  • activities in which contributions were deducted to the PFR (fixed individual entrepreneur contributions) - in this case, there is no question of a pension without service (unless, of course, the service is in the required amount, as well as pension points calculated on the basis of contributions);
  • activities in which contributions were not deducted (for example, if a citizen simply owned a share in an LLC and received dividends).

In the second case, one can already wonder whether there will be a pension if he has never worked. From the point of view of pension legislation, an entrepreneur who receives income from which contributions are not paid is a non-working citizen. This also includes income from trading in currencies and securities.

One way or another, in all these cases, the answer to the question - is there a pension if you have never worked (in fact or from the point of view of pension legislation) will be positive. True, the appointment of a pension in this case has special conditions.

What are the conditions for receiving a pension without work experience?

The right to a regular old-age labor pension - which is assigned with sufficient length of service, arises in 2018 for a person upon reaching the age of 60 years (men) or 55 years (women). Old-age pension without seniority is assigned 5 years later. This pension is called “social old-age pension”. The legislation does not provide for other conditions for its receipt. There are no requirements for minimum seniority (pension points). And the fact that there is experience, but a little short of what is required for a regular pension, also does not matter.

Of course, the amount of a regular old-age labor pension and a pension without a seniority in Russia can be incomparable (especially if there is a long real length of service and a good salary). But in many cases this is not entirely true, which is explained by the specifics of calculating a pension for a non-working person.

How is the pension calculated without work experience?

So, we have refuted the widespread thesis - if you do not officially work, then there will be no pension. It will be, but, firstly, as we already know, much later than the usual pension, and secondly, in a different, usually smaller, amount.

The amount of the pension for a citizen who did not work (who did not pay contributions from his income) is determined according to the following rules:

What the pension will be if there is no work experience depends on the amount of the minimum (social) pension established by law

Now its value is 5240.65 rubles. It is the same regardless of the category of the recipient.

Social pension in the amount indicated above is annually indexed by the state

Thus, what the pension will be if there is no work experience also depends on the level of inflation (it is he who is taken into account when indexing).

Social pension, taking into account indexation, can be increased at the expense of the district coefficient - if a person, for example, lives in the Far North or in a territory equated to it

Thus, how much the pension will be if there is no work experience may also depend on the region where the citizen lives.

If the social pension calculated according to paragraphs 1-3 does not reach the level of the subsistence minimum established by the region, then the state pays the citizen the amount that is needed to bring the pension to the appropriate level

Thus, the ultimate guideline for the retirement income of a person who thinks about whether there will be a pension if he has not worked all his life is the subsistence minimum established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which he lives. Note that the living wage for a pensioner, as a rule, is noticeably lower than that established for an ordinary citizen.

Q&A Summary

Now let's summarize the above.

If a person does not work, will he receive a pension?

Yes, but 5 years later and in an amount that does not exceed the subsistence level in the region. But the pension cannot be less than this value according to the law. With inflation, the minimum pension is indexed by the state and retains its purchasing power.

Will there be a pension if I do not work officially?

The rule is the same here. The absence of official earnings under pension legislation is equated to non-performance of labor activity. The main criterion here is the availability of contributions from the citizen's salary. There are contributions - the pension experience is on.

Will there be a pension if there is no work experience?

And the same rule applies here. The fact is that if a person does not have enough experience (and pension points supplementing it) to apply for a regular labor pension, then he has the right to rely only on social.

If a person has not worked all his life, will he receive a pension lower than with any length of service?

No, in both cases the pension income will be the same. It is calculated on the basis of a social pension, which is periodically indexed, increased by district coefficients and, if necessary, brought up to the subsistence minimum established by the region.

Legislation changes every 10 years. Even ordinary pensioners who have worked all their lives worry that they will not live to see their retirement: this is how legislators often think about raising the retirement age. What can we say about those who did not work under an employment contract: self-employed, housewives? Will they receive old-age provision from the state? Are housewives entitled to a pension?

About the Russian pension system

In our country, people are entitled to several types of pensions. But you can get only one of them, the most profitable. And in order to understand what kind of pension housewives have, let's deal with the main elements of the pension system in Russia, without touching on special types, for example, survivors.

insurance pension

In 2015, a new system was developed, according to which a labor pension will be calculated - based on the contribution of a particular person to the Pension Fund, i.e. the more a person worked, the more contributions the Fund received from his employer, the greater the old-age insurance pension he will receive. Do housewives receive a pension? There is no such.

The insurance pension is assigned:

● women over 55 years old, men - 60 years old,

● insurance experience (i.e. the period during which the transfers from the salary to the Pension Fund were made) which are at least 7 years,

● individual pension coefficient (IPC) - at least 9 points (figure for 2016).

The concept of IPC was developed for the fair receipt of a pension by a person: the more a person earned, the more deductions the employer made for him to the budget.

Points are awarded for a certain amount of money transferred, so in 2016 1 IPC point is awarded for 1722 rubles of contributions. The maximum for this year you can "score" in the FIU 7.83 points (13483 rubles of deductions).

Let's look at the numbers:

● 9 points - about 15.5 thousand rubles in contributions,

● Contribution to the insurance pension - 26%

● Accordingly, in order to be eligible for a social pension in 2016, you must officially earn 71,000 rubles and have an insurance record of 7 years.

It is worth noting that both the IPC and the experience will increase annually. By 2024, pensions will be received by people with an insurance record of 15 years and a coefficient of 10. With these measures, the Government proposes to fight "gray" salaries and unemployed citizens.

Social pension

The social old-age pension is received by those who do not have the right to insurance, that is, they have not scored an IPC and insurance experience. In the Russian Federation, those who do not work can still qualify for social benefits from the state. This is incl. and pension for housewives in Russia.

That is, a person could never work, but would receive state benefits in old age. The state guarantees a minimum monthly provision for all disabled men and women:

● who have reached the age of 65 and 60, respectively;

● and living in Russia for at least 15 years.

To receive this payment, you must contact the territorial FIU with a package of documents confirming the identity, age and prescription of residence in the Russian Federation.

Housewife retirement status

The concept of "housewife" is absent in pension legislation, as well as in labor legislation. One can argue for a long time whether housework is the basis for receiving a pension. In fact, all that a housewife can count on is a social pension upon reaching the age of 60.

What is the pension for a non-working housewife? The amount of payment in 2016 is 3771.77 rubles. (Article 16 of the Federal Law No. 166 “On Pension Provision”, taking into account the annual multiplying coefficient equal to 1.04 this year). The indexation of the payment is made by the Government to match the social pension with the subsistence minimum and the annual inflation rate.

Can you live with that kind of money? Not! But this is exactly the pension for housewives in old age, if they did not work and do not fall under other categories for receiving additional payments from the state. What kind of pension do housewives get? They never worked!

But still, a woman who has spent her whole life at home, because her husband provided for her or she received other non-labor earnings, can count on an insurance pension. To do this, she must voluntarily register as an insurer with the FIU and make deductions in the amount of 26% of the minimum wage.

The condition about the insurance experience is unchanged, for 2016 - 7 years. Chapter 3 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions" contains a list of periods that are also included in the length of service for calculating pensions. Applicable to women is:

● parental leave,

● the time of receipt of unemployment benefits,

● the period of unjustified detention,

● the time she spent with her husband - a military man at the place of deployment of his work,

● period of care for disabled relatives.

Each period must be documented. A housewife can apply for the appointment and receipt of an insurance pension to the Pension Fund at the place of residence.

What pension can a housewife expect in 2016 in this case?

The pension consists of a payment fixed by the Government (in 2016 - 4558.93 rubles) and the product of points and their value (in 2016 - 74.27). The IPC of a non-working housewife directly depends on the minimum wage, the value of which in the Russian Federation in 2016 is 6204 rubles, which is 0.94 coefficients.

In total, the minimum insurance pension for a housewife = 0.94x74.27 + 4558.93 = 4628.74 rubles.

Currently, citizens who, for reasons beyond their control, have not been able to earn a pension record that allows them to be eligible for an old-age pension are approaching retirement. Many of them were dismissed from redundancy enterprises during the treacherous destruction of the Soviet Union against the will of our people, and were forced to work without proper formalization of labor relations only for the sake of their survival. Some of them today, for various reasons, cannot continue to work and are not even on the labor exchange.

Now, when the retirement age has begun to rapidly approach them, and they understand that due to the increase in the minimum insurance period established after January 1, 2015, their official length of service will not be enough to assign a pension, they began to think about how to receive the missing pension experience.
Today it is possible to get the missing pension experience without working at the enterprise, and at the same time without violating the law.

If you are of working age (you are over 16 years old), you do not have an officially registered job, you are not registered with the labor exchange, and you do not receive any payments or benefits from the state, then you can actually legally get the missing pension experience .
To do this, you need to find an elderly citizen over the age of 80 with a satisfactory state of health and then register with the pension fund to care for him.
However, do not be alarmed, you will not actually look after him, our old people, who have lived to this age, are still taking care of you themselves. Next, I'll show you how to do it all.

The opportunity to care for a citizen who has reached the age of 80, and at the same time accumulate insurance experience, appeared with the publication of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin No. 1455 “On compensation payments to persons caring for disabled citizens”. To implement this decree, the government has developed and approved the Rules, according to which compensation is paid to persons caring for disabled citizens, including elderly citizens over 80 years old. And in the pension legislation, it was established that the period of caring for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child and an elderly person who has reached the age of 80 years is counted in the insurance period on a par with other periods of work (clause 6, part 1, article 11 of the Federal Law No. 173 and clause 6, part 1, article 12 of the Federal Law No. 400), provided that it was preceded or followed by periods of work for which insurance premiums were paid to the FIU.
A person caring for an elderly citizen over 80 years of age will be credited 1.8 retirement points for each calendar year of care.

Care is allowed not only to relatives of a disabled ward, but also to any other person.
If an elderly citizen has a person who will take care of him, then the state will charge the pensioner a subsidy in the amount of 1,200 rubles per month, which is given to him along with his pension. The legislator implies that with this money an elderly person will pay for the work of a person caring for him. But, as a rule, none of the persons who have taken care of elderly citizens apply for them, they only need experience. And this small amount remains for the elderly for their daily needs.

What steps do you need to take to arrange care for a senior citizen over 80?

First, fundamental step- find a candidate for a grant. After you have found a person over the age of 80, and he agrees that he will receive a monthly subsidy of 1200 rubles and he does not need anything else from you, we take the second step - we collect documents.

Here is a list of documents that you need to collect for submission to the pension fund branch:
certificate of non-receipt of unemployment benefits from the Employment Center (valid for a month);
insurance certificates (yours and a pensioner);
copies of the passport (yours and the pensioner);
copies of the work book (1 page and the last), yours and the pensioner;
a copy of the marriage certificate (for women caring for a pensioner), if their surname has changed;
certificate of the pension fund on non-receipt of a pension (if the caregiver has a nonresident residence permit).

Your application to start caring for an elderly citizen, and a pensioner's application for consent to care for him, indicating your person in it, will need to be filled out at the PF department on special forms.

Third step. To assign compensation payments, it is necessary to arrive with the pensioner at the local branch of the pension fund to submit your applications (application forms will be given in the Pension Fund) and the collected documents. In some cases, the absence of a pensioner is allowed when making compensation payments to him, but then he will need to take a “Power of Attorney for processing documents for assigning compensation for caring for a disabled person”, executed in simple written form, without involving a notary, sample power of attorney.

All of the above copies are provided along with the original documents. Your applications can be considered no more than 10 working days from the date of their receipt, during this time the employees of the pension fund department are obliged to assign compensation payments to the pensioner or refuse to satisfy your applications in writing, indicating the reasons.

Compensation for caring for a pensioner is paid as an addition to his monthly pension of a cash subsidy of 1,200 rubles. This payment is terminated from the first day of the month following the event described below:
death of an elderly person or caregiver;
submission by a pensioner of an application to the PF (or an act of inspection of the PF body) on the termination of care for him by the caregiver. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately agree with the pensioner that if the PFR commission examines the conditions for caring for him, he should not make claims about the quality of care on the part of the caregiver, otherwise the pensioner's subsidy will be taken away;
placement of an elderly citizen in a stationary social service organization (for example, a nursing home);
appointment of a caregiver to a pension, unemployment benefits;
employment of a caregiver.

A caregiver must notify the local pension fund office within five days if he or she enters paid employment, registers with the labor exchange, or begins receiving any type of pension. These circumstances entail the termination of the payment of the subsidy established for the elderly citizen.

It is important not to forget that the period of caring for an elderly citizen will be counted in the insurance period only if this period was preceded or followed by a period of work for which insurance premiums were paid to the FIU. That is, after the completion of care for a pensioner, you need to work for some time at any formal job. Otherwise, the period of care will not be included in the length of service for the appointment of a pension.

Starting from January 1, 2015, citizens received the right to pay insurance premiums to the Pension Fund both for themselves and for other citizens who do not have a paid job, and therefore insurance premiums are not paid for them into the mandatory pension insurance system.

For information on how to accumulate insurance experience without working or increase the amount of a pension, for yourself or for another person, read the article.


  • About the percentage increase in salary in the presence of a period ...

October 29, 2015

Greetings! To be honest, I don't see the state pension as a serious source of income in adulthood at all. And today we will talk about how to save for retirement, and why it is so difficult to do this in Russia. I apologize in advance for the harshness - boiled.

Firstly, all Russian legislation (including pension legislation) is radically revised almost every year. What was the first thing you thought about? That's right, about extending the freeze on pension savings for 2016.

And the pension reform itself, with its scores and coefficients, does not impress me personally. Moreover, the obvious result is hidden behind the confusion of calculations - there is no direct relationship between the amount of income now and the size of the pension in the future.

Even 30 years in a good job with a high official salary guarantees only a small bonus from the state in the form of a pension. But this “bonus” cannot be called a full-fledged source of income! Indeed, it is very difficult to live on 15-17 thousand rubles in Russia (especially in adulthood).

Secondly, all these games with NPFs also do not inspire much confidence. The idea, in fact, is not bad - to force the population to invest part of the salary in. But in practice in Russia it is more alarming than inspiring.

The main question is: will this or that NPF survive until the day of my retirement? I am also not satisfied with the limited (I would even say minimal) choice of instruments for investment, and low profitability, and the lack of capital protection mechanisms.

And in general, the fact that the state considers the NPF as a children's "piggy bank" is slightly annoying, from which parents can borrow money at any time. For a while or forever.

From point No. 1 and point No. 2, I draw an unpleasant, but unequivocal conclusion for myself: I (like millions of other Russians) will have to form my future pension myself (on my own).

Why is it so difficult to do in Russia?

How does our conditional pension fund differ from ordinary savings for large purchases? Well, of course, with its frightening longevity! By Russian standards, investments for a period of 20 or 30 years are something from the category of fantasy.

Taking into account the long-term factor, I do not consider investments in Russia as a way to form a pension at all. Yes, that's how categorical I am.

Are you already thinking about retirement savings or do you still think that these are things of the distant future? Subscribe to updates and don't forget to share the best posts with your friends on social networks!

P.S. And if the pension is not the highest priority for you and you are still trying in vain to save at least for your own housing, be sure to look in which I told you how this can be done as quickly as possible. Good luck!


- I'm 51 years old, - writes "KP" reader Tatyana from Saratov. - In her youth, she worked in production, then she went on maternity leave, then another one and never left it. I haven't worked for most of my life. In a few years I will retire, but I am afraid that no money will be paid to me. This is true?


It is not clear from your question what specific experience you have. Depending on this, you can count on one of two types of pensions: insurance or social. The first is formed by the payment of insurance premiums by the employer for his employees in the FIU. Cash is converted into retirement points. The old-age insurance pension is received upon reaching the retirement age: 55 years for women and 60 years for men. But you need to have a minimum work experience. In 2017, it is 8 years old. However, every year there is an increase in requirements - in 2021 it will be 12 years. The third condition is that you must have a minimum number of pension points. In 2017 - 11.4 points. This threshold also increases by 2.4 points each year. That is, when you are 55 years old, you will need to have 21 points.

If you officially worked even in Soviet times, this experience will be credited to you. In addition, the length of service includes the period of caring for children (for each child 1.5 years, but not more than 3 years in total). And to calculate pension points, you can contact the Pension Fund branch or view your balance in your personal account on the official PFR website (https://es.pfrf.ru/inquiry/szi6/). For online verification, you need to have an account on the public services portal. In your personal account, you can not only check how many points you have accrued, but also use the calculator.

If you do not have enough points or length of service to calculate a labor pension, there are two possible scenarios. First, you can postpone your retirement. Then you will receive both the necessary points and increasing coefficients (more on this on the PFR website in the “For Future Pensioners” section). Secondly, you can count on a social pension. But it is established five years later than the labor one: for women - at 60 years old, for men - at 65 years old. The size of the social pension is much lower than the insurance one. In 2017, the amount was 5034 rubles. However, if it is below the retirement income level in your area, you are eligible for a federal pension supplement. According to the PFR, in 2017 the average annual social pension is 8,742 rubles.

Receiving an insurance pension is significantly more profitable than a social one. So, before starting to deal with the registration of a social pension, it is recommended to evaluate all your chances. Or maybe take steps to still deserve the "labor". For example, get a job or transfer contributions to the Pension Fund on your own.

For the latter, you need to apply to the FIU and register as a voluntary insurer. With you - a passport and SNILS. Points and experience for each year are awarded based on the amount of insurance premiums. In 2017, the minimum amount of insurance premiums is calculated based on their 2 minimum wages - 7900 rubles. x 2 x 26% x 12 (months) = 49,296 rubles.

This is the name of the periods in life when the employer did not transfer contributions to the Pension Fund for you. But you weren't just lounging on the couch. During this time you were engaged in socially significant activities.

So for this socially significant activity, pension points can be awarded. I must say right away that in any case, documents are needed. Because The pension fund works only according to documents.

By the way, new rules came into force in 2018, so even for those who have already taken into account non-insurance periods when calculating pensions, it would be useful to get acquainted. Therefore, I advise you to read the article to the end.

That's what retirement points are for.

1. Caring for an elderly person over 80 years of age. In this case, 1.8 points are awarded for each year of care.

2. Care for a disabled person of the first group. For each year - also 1.8 points. But here points are awarded only if you are able-bodied, but not employed.

3. Caring for your 1st child - 1.8 points. per year. Usually it is for young mothers.

4. Caring for your 2nd child - 3.6 points per year. This is also for new mothers. As you can see here, the state even stimulates the birth of more children. Then the pension will be more. 3.6 points - by the way, in addition to the pension - almost 300 rubles. Not bad. And in 3 years it will turn out to be almost a thousand.

5. Care for the 3rd and 4th child - 5.4 points per year. Well, it's generally great. You can calculate how much it will be. Very good.

6. Wives of military and diplomats who lived in places where there was no work. For example, I know a case when a husband was sent as a diplomat to one of the islands in the Pacific Ocean. He left with his wife. She had nowhere to work. So for each year 1.8 points will be awarded. But not more than 5 years.

7. Service in the army. Here, too, 1.8 points are awarded. But there is a condition that either before or after there must be work in civilian life. In other words, a pensioner should also have a civil pension. If a person served only in the army, then he is not entitled to a civil pension.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of socially significant activities for which pension points are assigned.

These rules are in effect in 2018. Look closely to see if you have options to increase your pension.

How to Earn Retirement Points Without Working

Reports that, under the new pension reform, pensions will be calculated in points, and not in rubles, trembled half of the country. It is argued that in this way we will earn a pension that does not depend on inflation. Years of work will be converted into virtual points, and the cost of a point will be determined annually in rubles.

This means that the more years of service you have earned, the more retirement points or multipliers you receive, and therefore the greater your pension will be.

The pension reform, according to the Secretary of State - Deputy Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation A. Pudov, is designed to guarantee an acceptable level of pension provision for citizens, as well as create the necessary conditions for a balanced pension system, strengthen the role of work experience, increase the desire of citizens to work with legal earnings and stimulate later retirement.

Thus, if earlier 5 years of work experience were enough to calculate a pension upon reaching retirement age, then soon it will be 15 years.

“15 years is a reasonable length of service, which allows people with at least minimal pension rights to be allowed into the system,” Andrey Pudov said.

We don't work and earn points

It turns out that if you temporarily do not work, then you lose these very points or coefficients. What to do? Is there a way to earn Retirement Points without working?

Yes, I have. You can not work and you will earn pension points for all this time. It's incredible, but it's true nonetheless.

I know of five ways to earn seniority for retirement, that is, retirement points without working. I will tell you four ways. One method is suitable only for women, the second - for men, and the third and fourth methods are available to everyone - both women and men.

1st way to earn Retirement Points without working

So, the first way to earn pension factors without working, which is only suitable for women, is to have a baby. For those one and a half years that a woman will sit at home with a child and not work, she will be awarded pension points.

2nd way to get points for retirement without work

The second way to get points for retirement without work, which is suitable for men, is to join the army. For the year that the young man will defend our Motherland, he will be awarded pension points.

3rd way to earn pension coefficients without working

There is also a third way to earn retirement factors, and right now it's retirement time without working. The Pension Fund will not tell you about this method, it is unprofitable for officials. You will not find information about this method on the Internet. I offer you step-by-step instructions with all the explanations of how you can get a pension experience without working. This instruction is suitable for both men and women from 18 years of age and older, but who have not reached retirement age.

Read more about this method and the conditions for obtaining pension points and seniority without working on the page How to earn insurance experience for a pension without working.

The above page details who can earn retirement points and seniority while not working, as well as how to get step-by-step instructions. Please note that according to this instruction, only citizens of the Russian Federation can receive experience and points.

4th way - buy experience and points without working

Finally, you can simply buy the missing number of points and seniority by paying insurance premiums for yourself or for another individual. This method is described in detail by me in the article.

How much seniority do you need for retirement?

According to the new pension reform, the minimum length of service for granting an old-age pension and the minimum number of points (pension coefficients) in Russia is, depending on the year of retirement:

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2014 - 5 years; —

2015 - 6 years; 6.6 points

2016 - 7 years; 9 points

2017 - 8 years; 11.4 points

2018 - 9 years; 13.8 points

2019 - 10 years; 16.2 points

2020 - 11 years; 18.6 points

2021 - 12 years; 21 points

2022 - 13 years; 23.4 points

2023 - 14 years; 25.8 points

2024 - 15 years; 28.2 points

2025 - 15 years; 30 points

That is, for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension need work experience. The minimum length of service for granting an old-age pension is the same for women and men. If you don't know how to calculate seniority, download a free seniority calculator.

Pension if no work experience

Will there be retirement pension? If you work unofficially, without formalizing an employment relationship or do not work at all, then you simply lose your insurance experience and pension points at this time. What will be the pension if there is no work experience?

Those who, upon reaching retirement age (55 years for women and 60 for men), will not have the minimum length of service for assigning an old-age insurance pension, a social pension awaits. But for the appointment of a social old-age pension, you will have to wait another 5 years, women receive it at 60, and men at 65. The size of the social old-age pension is very small.

Seniority for pension in informal work

Unemployed citizens do not know that it is possible to legally receive seniority for the appointment of a pension without working or with informal employment. Informal employment means that you are working but your employer does not contribute to the Pension Fund for you. This is tantamount to the fact that you do not work, since you cannot confirm the experience during this time.

You can not work at all, be a housewife, a student, a schoolboy or work unofficially, without a work book, earn money on the Internet, be a freelancer, and during this time you will legally accrue insurance experience for a pension. This is especially true for small cities and towns, where it is very difficult to find a job and officially find a job. In such a situation, many residents do not work and lose their seniority and the right to an old-age labor pension and can only rely on a social pension.

And everything could be different, and during this time you could gain experience without working or informal work.

How to legally get seniority for a pension without a job

I suggest step by step instructions for legally obtaining seniority for calculating a pension without work or with informal employment. All actions according to my method absolutely legal. The appendix to the instructions contains all the necessary references to the laws and regulations in force.

It does not matter where you live - in Moscow, St. Petersburg, in a small town or in a remote village, my instructions will help you in the future to receive a labor pension without working or working without official registration. But for this you need to draw up the necessary documents right now! The sooner you apply to the Pension Fund, the sooner you start getting unemployed and the higher your future old-age insurance pension will be.

Conditions for registration of experience without official work

Only if all the conditions below are met, I guarantee that you can legally apply for seniority for calculating a pension without work or with informal work.

  1. have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation,
  2. age from 14 years, but less than 55 years for women and 60 years for men,
  3. do not have a formal job, that is, you either do not work at all or work informally, and your employer does not pay insurance premiums to the Pension Fund for you,
  4. not be officially unemployed (not registered with an employment center),
  5. not be a recipient of any pension (for old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner),
  6. not be an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur).

Questions and Answer

1. Do you negotiate with someone in the Pension Fund to apply for the period of unemployment?

You don’t need to negotiate with anyone, the instructions describe a completely legal way to get an internship without official employment. You yourself go to your Pension Fund Department and demand that you complete the accrual of seniority in the wording as described in my methodology. What matters most is the wording of what you require from the Pension Fund. It is these "magic words" that are indicated in my instructions.

2. How much seniority can be earned according to your instructions?

As long as you want, but as long as you meet the conditions specified above in the section "Conditions for obtaining an internship without official work." You can start at the age of 14 and get seniority without working at least until retirement legally.

3. I do not live in Moscow, can I get an internship according to your instructions?

The instruction is valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. Regardless of the place of residence, the actions according to my instructions will be exactly the same for both a resident of a large city and a resident of the smallest village. My instruction is of particular importance precisely for residents of small towns and villages, where the problem of employment is acute, and it is often simply impossible to find an official job, where the majority of able-bodied citizens work unofficially or do not work at all. Actions according to my instructions are completely legal, nothing illegal, no "gray" schemes.

4. Has someone already completed the pension experience without work according to your instructions?

5. Is it possible to receive an internship according to your instructions in 2015 and beyond?

The procedure for obtaining an internship without official work has not changed in 2015. In addition to seniority since 2015, you are also awarded pension points. In the appendix to the instructions, I give links to articles of laws adopted in connection with the new pension reform.

6. How can I confirm my seniority for a pension if I work unofficially, without a work book?

You won't be able to in the past. You need to complete the documents as soon as possible as described in my methodology, and only after that you will be credited with the length of service for a pension, even with informal employment. Otherwise, you may lose your right to an old-age pension.

7. The issue of pensions for those who work unofficially: there is no official work in our village, I can’t leave, how can I get experience in the village?

If the retirement age has not yet come up, you can apply for my instructions in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to receive an experience for a pension without official work. Then, when you reach retirement age, you will have a length of service, and you will be able to receive an old-age labor pension.

8. After the institute, she worked for 1 year, got married. My husband doesn't want me to work. But where to get work experience in order to receive a labor pension, and not a social pension?

Too bad you didn't think about it sooner. After all, you could have been earning experience without working for a long time. But not everything is lost yet, you can start getting seniority for a pension according to my method right from this month.

9. I am 15 years old, I study at school, I have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Can I earn experience with your method?

Sure you can! And you could start from the age of 14, as soon as you received a passport. If all the other points of the conditions for obtaining work experience without work, described above in the section “Conditions for obtaining work experience without official work”, are met, you can continue to study at school and at the institute and at the same time receive work experience for your future pension. By the time you graduate from high school and officially find a job, you will already have a solid reserve of seniority for retirement and accumulated retirement points.

10. Why buy your unemployed seniority method when you can just buy seniority? Do you mean to buy a work book with experience or a certificate of experience? There are enough offers on the Internet, veiledly called the restoration or correction of entries in the work book, and such services cost from 4,500 rubles. You must understand that in this case you are breaking the law. In addition, such a purchase does not make sense. From January 1, 2002, the length of service is taken into account in the system of personal (personalized) accounting in the Pension Fund only if there are contributions to the Pension Fund. No deductions - no experience. It turns out that with such a fictitious employment, it is necessary that the company deduct insurance premiums to the Pension Fund every month for you, and, of course, no one will do this.

I offer you legal way to get experience for the calculation of the old-age insurance pension without work. This is a special case of legal internship, you just need to know how it is formalized. Your experience immediately after the paperwork will be taken into account on your personal account in the Pension Fund.