What is the difference between precious and semi-precious stones? What is the difference between precious stones and semi-precious stones? How to distinguish natural semi-precious and precious stones from imitations - fakes

The idea that some of the precious stones are precious , while others are just semi-precious , is familiar to every buyer of colored stones. Gemstones are, and traditionally command a higher price in the market due to their exceptional color or luster, and extreme rarity.

Although gemstones are deservedly famous, the traditional division between precious and semi-precious stones is surrounded by myths and misunderstandings. Let's try to separate some myths from reality.

Our common misconception is that the distinction between precious and semi-precious stones is traditional and comes from centuries ago. In fact, this is a recent innovation, dating back only to the nineteenth century. The first use of the term semi-precious in the sense of "having less commercial value than a gemstone" can only be traced back to 1858.

Another misconception is that the list of four gemstones has a long history. In reality, the traditional list of gemstones is somewhat longer and includes some unexpected members. , although not strictly speaking a precious stone, was considered precious. The same applies to . However, one of the most traditional gemstones with a history dating back to the times of Ancient Greece was the . Amethyst was reclassified as semi-precious after large deposits were found in Brazil and Uruguay in the first half of the nineteenth century. The introduction of the term semi-precious into the English lexicon coincides with the discovery of new deposits of amethyst.

Of all the precious stones, it is the most subject to myths. But the interesting thing is that these myths have modern rather than ancient roots. Historically, colored gemstones, such as and , were more valuable than diamonds, mainly because diamonds were not particularly rare. But the twentieth century brought about a major change. The first is that the discovery of very large deposits in South Africa has resulted in an increased supply of gem quality diamonds. At the same time, the value of diamonds has risen to the point where it can honestly be said that the diamond is at the top of the gemstone list in the minds of the buying public. What happened? Are gemstones valued primarily because of their rarity?

In the 19th century, world diamond production was only a few pounds per year. After the discovery of huge diamond mines in South Africa in 1870, diamonds were mined from the ground in literally tons. There was such an oversupply and so little demand that British financiers risked losing their investments. Their solution was to create the powerful De Beers cartel, which to this day controls diamond production around the world. In fact, there is a general shortage of quality diamonds. De Beers controls the amount of supplies to the market, which helps keep prices high.

In addition, the De Beers consortium also launched a decades-long concert advertising campaign to associate diamonds with love, courtship and marriage under the now famous slogan “Diamonds are Forever.” Once unknown in most parts of the world (including Europe), the diamond engagement ring is now considered an important part of the marriage ritual. It is hard not to conclude that diamonds' special position as a precious stone is largely due to monopoly economics and social engineering.

Swede Lena Paalsson once lost her wedding ring while preparing dinner. The loss was found 16 years later, when a woman was harvesting and pulled a ring out of the ground along with a carrot... To find the perfect piece of jewelry, sometimes you really need a miracle... or advice from a professional! Leading jewelry stores in Novosibirsk give recommendations on choosing rings, earrings and necklaces for different occasions.

What is the difference between precious stones and semi-precious stones?

Specialists in various fields classify jewelry stones according to various characteristics: chemical composition, parameters of the crystal lattice structure, size, and others. Therefore, any classification reflects a subjective view, and the very division of stones into precious and semi-precious is very arbitrary.

One of the first scientifically based classifications was proposed by the German scientist K. Kluge in 1860. He divided jewelry into two groups and five classes: truly precious and semi-precious stones.

The first group included:
diamond, corundum, chrysoberyl, spinel;
zircon, beryl, topaz, tourmaline, garnet, precious opal;
cordierite, vesuvian, chrysolite, axinite, kpanite, staurolite, andalusite, chastolite, epidote, turquoise.

To the second:
quartz, chalcedony, feldspars, obsidian, lapis lazuli, diopside, fluorite, amber;
jadeite, jade, serpentine, agalmatolite, satin spar, marble, selenite, alabaster, malachite, pyrite, rhodochrosite, hematite.

Today, precious stones include: diamond, ruby, emerald, sapphire, alexandrite, opal, jadeite, spinel, topaz, aquamarine, tourmaline and amethyst.

Gemstones are generally rare and have properties such as transparency, brilliance, color, refraction and dispersion. Their market value depends not only on the merits of the stone itself, but also on fashion trends.

A distinctive feature of ornamental stones is their decorative coloring. These include translucent and opaque minerals, often with colored inclusions. Their value is determined by their rarity and individual properties.

Fashion and stones: what jewelry is in trend today?

It is customary to roughly divide jewelry stones into precious and semi-precious. But any natural stone is an extraordinary creation of nature. It takes millions of years before a crystal is formed that can be used as jewelry. The artist-jeweler can only choose a worthy frame that does not distract attention from the natural beauty of the gem. This decoration is unique because there is not a single identical stone in the world.

Each natural stone has its own history of origin, because minerals can be formed in different ways. For example, colored varieties of quartz - amethysts, citrines, prasiolites, smoky quartz - are formed from hydrothermal solutions. Chrysolite and colorless quartz are born from fire-liquid melts in the bowels of the earth. But most natural stones are metamorphic minerals. They are formed in the deep layers of the earth's crust during the recrystallization of other minerals under the influence of high pressures and high temperatures. In the process of growth, they are subject to pressure and cracking, changes in chemical composition, become saturated with color and grow - a millimeter per century, retaining within themselves all the features of geological life.

Only a few gemstones are completely pure. You can often find pure rock crystal, topaz, and citrine in nature. Much less common are red garnets and amethysts. And pure emeralds and pink tourmalines are almost never found. Inclusions are frozen milestones in the history of the formation of a mineral and identifying features of the stone. According to gemologists, intensive mining of natural stones in the past reduces their number in the world every year, thereby making them more valuable and rare.

The main task of the specialists of the Russian Jeweler company is to create exclusive collections that are different from all others. The choice was made in favor of original, unique jewelry models that are worthy of true connoisseurs of beauty and individuality.

The Russian Jeweler salon, located at 4 Gogol Street, has the most widely available limited collections of jewelry made from natural stones of all colors. Contrary to general opinion, such works of jewelry can be purchased at a fairly affordable price and you can choose the unique stone that is right for you.

Sales consultants at Russian Jeweler salons will provide you with complete information about all jewelry and help you create a harmonious image taking into account your wishes.

Gift for boss, colleague or friend: is jewelry appropriate? Yes!

Not a single celebration, be it a professional holiday or the birthday of a loved one, is complete without the most pleasant part - gifts.

Choosing a gift for your boss or business partner is not an easy task. After all, you want to pleasantly surprise the recipient of the gift, and at the same time it is important to follow the rules of etiquette. On the eve of Boss's Day (October 16) and Accountant's Day (November 21), the Shining jewelry salon presents a collection of desirable and appropriate gifts made by the Altmaster creative workshop.

Worthy gifts from the Empire collection: document covers, wallets, business card holders. Business accessories made of leather and decorated with national symbols in silver will emphasize the status of the owner.

It is appropriate to present a luxury diary to a business partner as a token of gratitude for their cooperation. This is a true work of art, where every nuance is taken into account - from the luxurious paper, gilded along the edges, to the exquisite leather binding, decorated with the silver coat of arms of Russia.

If you are looking for an amazing gift for the person who has everything, choose a gift from an unusual collection of damasks, framed in leather cases with silver plaques. The set includes shot glasses.

From the series of VIP gifts, handmade knives made from Damascus steel by Zlatoust craftsmen deserve special attention. A unique design is manually applied to the product by etching, nickel plating, gilding or blackening. The handles of collectible knives are made of natural wood of valuable species and can be complemented with leather. Each knife has a certificate.

A semi-precious ornamental stone is a mineral that is used in the jewelry industry. All representatives of the fair half of humanity love jewelry, but when choosing them, some are attracted by the faceless pathos of expensive precious crystals, while others are fascinated by the warm breath of an ornamental mineral.

What is a valuable ornamental stone?

Natural minerals are divided into precious and ornamental stones. What is the difference between precious stones and semi-precious stones and minerals? Precious stones are used only in jewelry, and semi-precious stones are used for making jewelry and souvenirs:

  • caskets,
  • ashtrays

In the mysterious veins and inclusions of the ornamental mineral you can see the iridescence of the rainbow and fabulous patterns. The icy glow of a transparent diamond differs from the shimmer of opal, the warm light of amber, and the spring greenery of malachite.

The names of jewelry and ornamental minerals make up a large list. One of the most beautiful ornamental crystals is considered to be honey tears of resin - solar amber. Jewelry made from it is universal, because the color of amber ranges from milky white to the color of dragon’s blood, and choosing the right shade for any woman’s color type is not difficult. But amber is capricious. It cannot be set in silver. Gold or copper is used as a frame, then the magical properties of this valuable ornamental mineral will be fully revealed.

Popular ornamental stones

Among the semi-precious minerals, an equally valuable ornamental stone is malachite, known to everyone since childhood from the tales of P. Bazhov about the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. Unusual patterns, reminiscent of tangled green ribbons of different shades or the dense crown of a birch tree, can be seen on the cut of this wonderful crystal. Jewelry designers skillfully play with its natural pattern to create unique jewelry.

The ornamental mineral malachite is considered a wish-granter stone, so the magic of this gem will help in making your cherished desires come true no worse than a goldfish.

The valuable ornamental stone jasper has been used for making talismans since ancient times. At the base of Jerusalem lie 12 gems, one of which is jasper. There are many types of jasper, they differ in color and texture, but if there is an object made of any type of jasper in the house, then peace and tranquility will always reign in it. Jasper jewelry will bring the owner peace of mind and good luck in love affairs. A.S. Pushkin wore a bracelet made of green jasper.

A valuable ornamental stone, turquoise has a unique bluish-green color. In nature, this color is inherent only in turquoise; it is not found anywhere else. Now turquoise is a name for shades similar to natural turquoise. This gem is very unique: it is one of the few minerals that changes energy and color during its life. If turquoise becomes pale and dull, it means that the mineral has fulfilled all its wonderful functions and can no longer help its owner. A bright and joyful gem fully lives up to its name as a stone of happiness: it can restore peace in the family and even extinguish the boss’s anger!

The valuable ornamental stone agate is easily recognized by its striped color, similar to the eye of a bird of prey. Any variety of agate, regardless of color, will help strengthen self-confidence, protect you on the road and strengthen your financial situation. Jewelry and ornamental agate stones used in jewelry are very diverse, all of them are popular in the manufacture of jewelry. The main medicinal property of agate is expressed in the form of assistance in case of poisoning. Agate powder was used in the Middle Ages as an antidote for the bites of poisonous insects and snakes.

The valuable ornamental stone opal is considered an ornamental mineral, but some of its varieties are classified as precious. Only opal is characterized by shimmering rainbow tints in the depths of the crystal - opalescence, by which this mineral can be easily distinguished.

This beautiful natural gem will support its owner in everything - both in good and bad endeavors, but it will try to keep some from mistakes and whims, while others will be pushed towards forbidden pleasures and gambling. The mysterious opal is changeable, as is the flame contained in its depths. This is probably why it is called the stone of disappointed hopes.

And rose quartz is rightfully considered the most popular ornamental mineral. In fact, quartz is the base for many varieties of ornamental gems. Natural quartz has a milky white color, and due to various impurities it turns into:

  • yellow citrine,
  • transparent rock crystal,
  • magical purple amethyst.

Magical properties of ornamental minerals

The valuable ornamental stone citrine has shades from lemon to amber. This shining transparent mineral will save its owner from depression and blues by sharing its solar energy with him, will bring good luck in business and attract material well-being.

Rose quartz has a delicate color and equally delicate texture. This gem will highlight the romantic nature of its owner. Rose quartz is very popular with young girls and very little girls. This mineral increases the likelihood of a happy marriage and brings good luck in love.

Lithotherapists believe that gems have a special energy field and, if its vibrations coincide with the vibration of the human body, then the mineral can have a positive effect on health. Since ancient times, astrologers have argued that each gem must correspond to a certain zodiac sign, then its energy will protect a person and increase his capabilities. Both are right.

A pretentious diamond has no soul; it will adorn any woman who wants to emphasize her status in society. A semi-precious gem is chosen by the owner, and if the choice is correct, it will unobtrusively emphasize the natural beauty of a woman, protect her from troubles, and help her in love. The list of advantages of this stone goes on and on. And maybe someday he will tell his owner how many centuries ago the birds sang and the sun shone. As it was when he was not yet a stone.

Jewelry with stones is now at the peak of popularity. Gemstones are rare minerals that have a beautiful appearance. They decorate jewelry, collect them, and use them as talismans. Natural stones are a symbol of hardness, success, strength, beauty and wealth.

What is the difference between precious stones and semi-precious stones?

Everyone knows that there are precious and semi-precious stones, but few know how they differ from each other. The division into precious and semi-precious is very fluid and arbitrary. The very name “precious” sounds something special. And “semi-precious” seems to mean something less.
Minerologists divide all stones according to their chemical composition or physical properties. Jewelers are guided by the aesthetics and value of the stone. In addition, a stone of the same type, but of different quality, will differ significantly in cost.
There were cases when a gem suddenly lost its “preciousness”. Amethyst is close in its play of light, transparency and purity to rubies, emeralds and sapphires, from which it differs almost only in color. Amethyst was considered a precious stone until huge deposits of quality amethyst were discovered in Brazil. This discovery sharply reduced the value of the stone and moved it into the “ranks” of semi-precious stones.

Jewelry with precious stones
Precious stones include: diamond, alexandrite, aquamarine, ruby, sapphire, emerald, garnet, amethyst, peridot.

Jewelry with semi-precious stones
Semi-precious stones include: quartz, carnelian, agate, jasper, aventurine, opal, jade, malachite, turquoise, onyx, topaz.

Jewelry with stones of organic origin.
Such stones include: pearls, coral, amber, mother-of-pearl.

What does the color of the stones symbolize?

Very often, women are guided by the color of the stone when choosing jewelry.

Jewelry with white stones emphasizes the perfection of its owner. Such stones develop hard work and a sense of freedom in a person;
Stones of red shades symbolize energy, passion, movement. Such stones activate people’s energy and love of life;
Orange-colored stones symbolize beauty, grace, and artistry. Jewelry made from these stones develops a sense of beauty in a person;
Green stones symbolize the integrity of the individual. Owners of such stones are reasonable and patient;
Blue stones are symbols of logical thinking. These stones contribute to the development in a person of such qualities as intuition and practicality;
Purple stones are a symbol of mystery, magic, mysticism;
Purple stones are a symbol of will, thought;
Stones of brownish shades symbolize peace, reliability, stability;
Black stones symbolize the beginning and the end.

Symbolism of precious stones

Agate - longevity and health, strength, energy, success, protects against the evil eye and poisons.

Aquamarine - courage, bravery, prosperity, stone of lovers; protects marital happiness and promotes well-being.

Diamond - innocence, hardness, courage, pride, loyalty, love, material success, brings happiness.

Amethyst - sincerity, piety, protects against drunkenness, restrains passions, true love, widow's stone as a symbol of devotion to the deceased spouse.

Turquoise - courage, prosperity, luck, stone of happiness; according to some sources, it symbolizes whim, and a change in color threatens adultery.

Rock crystal - happiness in love, fidelity, protects from bad dreams.

Pomegranate - strength, loyalty, cheers the heart.

Pearls are tears of melancholy, protect against the torment of unrequited love, purity, prosperity, longevity.

Emerald - success, love, brings happiness and joy, wisdom, composure.

Coral - protects from the evil eye, protects from lightning.

Lapis lazuli - luck, success, love, courage, prosperity, healing stone, promotes healing

Moonstone - inspiration, hope, longevity, helps overcome love obstacles, wealth, brings good luck to players.

Malachite - increases spiritual strength, fulfillment of desires.

Opal - friendship, tender love, hope, pure thoughts, friendship.

Onyx is the stone of leaders.

Ruby - ardent love, reciprocity in feelings, invulnerability, devotion, fidelity, longevity, strength, dignity, beauty.

Sapphire - fidelity, chastity and modesty, clarity of thought, divine favor, brings happiness in love, protects a woman from slander, peace, happiness, justice.

Topaz - strength, wisdom, pacifies anger, promotes friendship, devotion, firmness of faith.

Tourmaline - friendship, amorousness, desire, hope, brings recognition, strengthens creative powers, pink tourmaline is a symbol of tender love.

Chrysolite - wins the sympathy of others.

Amber - happiness, health, the bearer of victory, protects against evil spells and the evil eye.

The most important thing in choosing products with stones is harmony. There is no need to chase the fashion and status of the stone. It is important that the stone is liked by its owner, matches the wardrobe and completes the look. Stones that truly suit a person are believed to bring good luck and happiness.

Why are some precious stones valued more and others less, despite the fact that both semi-precious stones and real precious stones are, in general, the same minerals, processed and mined in the same way, and in their natural form they look exactly the same?

In fact, it will be very easy for a specialist in mineralogy to distinguish a real gemstone from an ornamental or semi-precious one; it is enough to know about the three key properties of precious stones.

Gem Density

From the physics course we remember that density determined as the ratio of the mass of a substance to the mass of the same volume of water. Therefore, a stone with a density of 2.6 is the same number of times heavier than an equal amount of water. At the same time, precious stones with a density of less than 2 are light stones, with a density of 2-4 - normal weight, and above 5 - heavy.

However, precious stones with a density from 1 to 7 are known, and this is far from the most important indicator of the degree of their value. For example:

  • , density 1.1 (light stone)
  • , density 2.65 (normal)
  • Cassiterite, density 7 (heavy).

Cassiterite has an extremely high density. Even in appearance.

Hardness and durability precious stones

The hardness of gemstones is the resistance that the surface of a mineral exhibits when someone tries to scratch it with another mineral or other object, as well as the hardness when grinding. To determine it they use Mohs scale of relative mineral hardness, by name Friedrich Mohs, a 19th-century German mineralogist.

Minerals with a scratch hardness of 8 to 10 on the hardness scale have “gem hardness.” Hardness is very important when identifying gemstones. For example:

  • Plaster (hardness 2) – easily scratched even with a fingernail.
  • Glass (hardness 5.5-6) ​​– scratched by quartz
  • Quartz (hardness 7) – scratched by topaz
  • (hardness 8) – scratched by corundum
  • Corundum (hardness 9) – can be scratched by diamond
  • (hardness 10) – not scratched by anything

At the same time, the hardness of precious stones in itself is not a defining characteristic - moreover, it is not the same for different faces and directions of grinding (how did you think diamonds are processed differently? :)). Therefore, “according to science” they determine not just hardness, but absolute hardness, where a gemstone is polished in water and the amount of material removed from the surface of the specimen is measured.

Diamond or corundum tips are the "technical" versions of jewelry gemstones

The hardness of a gemstone can be determined quite accurately by its color, and in the old days, when there was no precise equipment yet, this method was the only one.

For example, red and blue stones are equivalent and very expensive ( and ), and from the point of view of mineralogy they actually have the same hardness of 9 and are varieties of corundum (“yakhont”, as it was commonly called).

Hardness allows us to answer the question:

Why do gemstones become cloudy?

If you contact Mohs mineral hardness scale, and look for quartz in it, then you will find that this modest stone has a fairly high hardness - 7. Quartz is interesting because it can crumble into tiny particles that constantly surround us - like in the form of sand (have you noticed how its quartz particles shine ?) and in the form of dust.

Over time, “soft stones” (and glass), having a hardness below 7, under the influence of dust and careless care, undergo a process of “reverse polishing” - dust, or rather the quartz contained in it, acts on their edges like sandpaper.

Of course, the effect of this insidious mineral does not apply to rubies, sapphires and diamonds.

Cleavage precious stones

Topaz has a hardness of 8 - in fact, there are few minerals on our planet that can compare with it in this indicator - except for corundum (sapphires, rubies) and diamonds that can scratch its edges. However, if you even lightly hit the topaz on a hard surface, you risk splitting this stone - a network of miniature cracks will immediately appear inside it.

This happens because topazes have a very high cleavage rate. Cleavage- This is the ability of minerals to crack or split along smooth, flat surfaces. It depends on the structure of the crystal lattice of the mineral.

In other words, the higher the cleavage of a mineral, the more fragile it is. Moreover, not only impacts, but even an increase in temperature (for example, from soldering damaged jewelry) can lead to splitting or destruction of the stone.

The cleavage of precious stones is:

  • Very perfect (example: euclase)
  • Perfect (topaz)
  • Imperfect (garnet)

However, some stones (like quartz) do not have it at all, due to the special structure of the crystal lattice.

The type of fragments into which a mineral breaks up upon impact is called break. It can be conchoidal, uneven, splintered, fibrous, stepped, smooth, earthy, etc. Fracture specialists can determine the type of mineral.

In jewelry, the cleavage and features of stones are used for accurate sawing, and previously they were also used for splitting or chipping defects.