2 samples on one jewelry. Samples and alloys

Stamp on gold is exactly what you should get acquainted with the purchase of jewelry, the design and price of which you liked. Since due to its physical properties, pure noble metals for the manufacture of jewelry are not used, then the test sign is a kind of stamp confirming the presence of a certain amount of gold in the product.

The first information about the mark belongs to the 6th century BC. Already then, the state of Lydia defended his coins from fakes, putting curious prints on them. As for European countries, the penetration of gold in France has existed since 1275, in Britain - from 1300 years. The stigma designated the city in which the purity of the metal was checked. From 1544, the outline of the head of the head of the leopard became the official brand of the chapter chamber of London. In the XVII century Based the centers of the brand in Chester, Exeter and Newcastle.

In Russia, the mark is practiced from the 17th century. Initially, it was conducted in Moscow, in a silver row - a place where the sale of products from precious metals was permitted by law. The first stamps with dates refer to 1651-1652, and the content of the precious metal in the alloy began to be reflected since 1700. Today, the quality of metal of all gold products manufactured and sold in Russia must comply with one of the legislatively adopted samples and confirmed by the corresponding brand. Depending on the content of gold in the alloy, the following samples allocate in Russia:

  • 999th - pure gold;
  • 750th - 75.5%, platinum, copper, nickel and palladium;
  • 585th - 58.5% gold in a mixture with silver, copper, palladium and nickel;
  • 500 - 50.5% gold in a mixture with silver and copper;
  • 375th - 38% gold in a mixture with silver and copper.

The gold of the 999th sample goes to bank bars, the 500th, 585th and 750 sample - is used in jewelry production, 375th - in dentistry. The stamp confirming the sample, including on items imported from other countries, have the right to put only employees of the assurance of the assumption. Sometimes there are personal branding masters on products, so-called nameplates, but they are not confirmed by quality.

Where is located and what looks like

The location of the sample depends on the type of decoration. On the rings, it is usually made from the inside or outside the tanks - covering the finger of the rim, on the earrings - on the pin or Schwenza, on the suspension decorations - on the rings for hanging, and on the bracelet - on the link, between the product and the castle. But any master is trying to make a stigma miniature and inconspicuous, so it is better to study it with the help of a lenses.

The stamp of the state inspection is the contour of two rectangles, called the "shovel", within which there are: looking at the right profile of a girl in Kokoshnik, the cipher of the state inspection of the test tube supervision and figures indicating the content of pure gold in the alloy.
The contour form varies depending on the metal from which the product is made. For silver items, an oval cut from two sides, from platinum - horizontally oriented elongated octagon. So far, the items made in the USSR are distributed, which in the outline of the standard stamps of Russian gold products are placed. In this case, the shapes of the sample contours for different metals have not changed.

Another mandatory stamp is usually set next to the breakdown, the so-called born. It contains four Russian letters, which encrypted information about the manufacturer. Decipher the name is easy. The first letter shows the year of manufacture, for example, "a" - 2001, etc. The second is the body of the state test inspection, which carried out control. The remaining two letters is the manufacturer code that is not repeated within the service area of \u200b\u200bone inspection. About the restoration of the product is evidenced by the letter "P" (restoration). Organizations and individual entrepreneurs producing products from precious metals are obliged to register their nameplaces in the territorial institutions of the test tube supervision and leave their prints on their products. Thus, the test tubes and the names are talking about the form and sample of the metal, the manufacturer, the production time and the body of the test supervision that has stitched stamp.

How is it is supplied

As the forms of products and development of jewelry production technologies are complicated, the most old, mechanical branding was added electroerosive and laser methods. The mechanical method remaining the most massive is to apply the impression by manually, the hammer blow on the branding tool or to do the similar manipulation on the machine. Stamps come out clear and durable, but there is some probability of deformation of the product. From the end of the sixties of the twentieth century, an electroerosive method is used in the branding of hollow and fragile products, which is the burning of the ottiska spark. Such stamps are also well visible and durable, but their application requires careful preparation of the metal surface.

The most modern, universal and productive mixing method is a laser, carried out using a laser installation. This method also requires good preparation of the product surface and eliminates its subsequent polishing. The quality of the branding is high, it is possible to arrange an outturope on the surface of any relief, but there is a significant drawback - the inconvenience in places of contact with the skin, which reduces the life of the stamps under 5 years of age.

Pursing systems

In addition to the convenient and most accurate metric system, gold can be marked with a carat breakdown. This method of indicating the cleanliness of the alloy is characteristic of America, Western Europe and some Eastern European countries. Karat is equal to 1/24 of the whole mass, that is, this is a substance without impurities, and, for example, 18 karats means content in alloy of 18 parts of gold from 24. Frequently found samples: 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 22 and 23 Karat, the minimum allowable carat sample is 8 carats. The ratio of carat and metric samples is:

  • 999 sample \u003d 24 carats;
  • 958 sample \u003d 23 karants;
  • 916 sample \u003d 22 carats;
  • 750 sample \u003d 18 karants;
  • 625 sample \u003d 15 karants;
  • 585 sample \u003d 14 karants;
  • 500 sample \u003d 12 karants;
  • 416 sample \u003d 10 karants;
  • 375 sample \u003d 9 carats;
  • 333 sample \u003d 8 karants.

On the products made abroad are found, for example, such designations of carats: 18k, 10kt, 22ct, 12c. That is, there is one of the possible designations of the carat next to the sample digit.

How not to be mistaken

When choosing a product from precious metal, it is important not to acquire a fake. In addition to frustration, such an acquisition in case of its high cost may entail significant material losses. Since in Russia, the sale of products from precious metals that do not correspond to the established samples is not permitted, the most reliable confirmation of the authenticity of the decorations is the presence of two different stamps on it: the impression of the state inspection and the manufacturer's bodies.

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the location of the impression. It must be parallel to the decoration element on which it is delivered. After that, it is worth looking at the quality of the content of the impression. If the numbers are uneven, then it always means fake. However, both requirements do not apply to the name, whose prints, different depending on the manufacturer, may correspond to the form and size very conditionally. At the same time, the presence of simultaneously samples and the name is mandatory. The presence of only samples may mean that the metal is fake or the amount of gold does not correspond to the declared content in the alloy.

For manufacturers of many countries, the quality control of products from precious metals is not legally installed and, for example, in a Turkish store, you can not only buy decoration without labeling, but also put on it to print any sample.

Fakes are found, in which the color of the alloy copies the gold of the 585th sample, and even a qualified jeweler can always determine the authenticity of the metal without reagents. The only thing that gives such a fake is the test tube. It is impossible to adversely without high-tech equipment to fake without high-tech equipment, and the use of such a device deprives the fake of economic meaning. Reliable guarantee from fake is laser stamp.

In Russia, buying in the jewelry store of fake decoration is unlikely. By law on all the goods sold, including those imported from other countries, should stand state stamp, but not to be mistaken or not be deceived, you need to have a minimal idea of \u200b\u200bwhich gold marking can be.

Very rarely gold is used in pure form. Typically, the product, referred to by the gold, consists of the most precious metal and the so-called ligature, that is, impurities of other metals. Supplements are included in gold to improve endurance and density indicators, because gold in its pure form is very soft. Pure metal is quickly thinned, and products from it are very easy to scratch or break. Quality products have stigma on gold, which will be talked further.

Back in ancient times, it was calculated that silver and copper are the best impurities for gold. Well, to designate gold content in the alloy, samples began to apply.

The sample is the main indicator of impurities in the product, but stimples are also a mark - signs that are put in control institutions and guarantee the presence of precious metal in the alloy. In France, the first stigma was put in 1275, but in Russia the first stamp appeared on the product in Moscow in 1651-1652. It looked like a double-headed eagle with the date written by Slavic letters, and his appointment was a demonstration of silver sample. Samples in a modern understanding were introduced by Peter Great in his decree of February 13, 1700, which established 4 samples for gold and silver.

Golden Samples Systems

In the world there is a metric, carat and spinning system of golden samples. The most popular are carat and metric, of which the second is often used. According to the British carat system, which is used in the United States, Switzerland and a number of other countries, Karat equals 1/24 masses of the whole alloy. Thus, gold in 24 carats is a clean substance without additives, but 18 carats means 18 parts of gold in a total fraction of a mixture of metals. In the jewelry sphere, you can most often meet the samples: 9, 10, 14, 18 and 24.

In Russia, since 1711, a shift system of samples worked, working for silver alloys, and in 1733 it was introduced for gold. This measure was invented on the basis of a Russian pound, which contains 96 spools, and the sample itself was expressed by the weight of gold in the 96 units of the alloy. Pure gold had the 96th trial, and at the end of the 19th - in the beginning of the 20th century were in the course of the 56th, 72nd, 82nd, 92nd and 94th samples.

In 1927, the USSR switched to a metric calculus system, all manufactured products that had previously spool marking were changed to metric. The new system was identical to German, and the number of samples had a number from 0 to 1000 and demonstrated the presence of gold in the alloy.

To date, many countries use metric quality standards (the most accurate system). In them, the highest breakdown is the 1000th, but in fact it does not occur, and the mark on gold can be a digit to 999.9.

Due to the problem of the calculus error in the glory of gold, establish the so-called remamp, in other words, deviation from the norm. In compounds of silver and gold, gold and copper and all three components, a remamp of 3 units is usually installed together. For example, the alloy of the 583rd sample must have a remamp 3 units, therefore, the gold content will be approximately 580-586 GG / 1kg alloy. Gold alloys with an admixture of nickel have a remamp of 5 units.

In Russia, jewelry for sale may have samples from 375th to 958th. In the Union, there was also gold 583 samples, but in Europe there were 14 karat sample, which had the indicators above the Soviet. To avoid a lower price for our gold in Europe, the standard has been changed to the 585th.

In the modern system of Russia, 23-carat gold correlates with the 958th breakdown, 18 carats - from the 750th and so on. To translate from a metric calculus system to a carat, you must multiply the sample by 0.024.

Popular Gold Samples

Our country has five levels of quality gold products.

The 375th sample is an alloy with a content of 38 percent of the metal (impurities - silver and copper), having a color scatter from yellow to reddish, over time, such a mixture fuses.

500 - Alloy with 50.5 percent of gold (impurities - silver and copper).

585th - a mixture of 58.5 percent of gold with silver, copper, palladium and nickel. Such a combination makes a product with a solid, durable, resistant to the effect of air, which is often used in production.

750th - alloy with 75.5 percentage of precious metallol, mixed with silver, platinum, copper, nickel and palladium. May have a color from green and yellow to pink and reddish. Pretty durable, but is well processed and polished. Very popular for the manufacture of jewelry, used for high-precision work.

958th - alloy with a share of gold at 95.38 percent, which is quite rarely used due to softness and inexpressive color.

Alloys above the 750th samples are not permanent when interacting with air, and the 999th sample is not used due to bad reliability indicators. For works of art, the 958th test is best suited, 900th is used for chasing, well, for jewelry purposes, 585th sample applies.

Stamps on gold

In all countries, the metal content in alloys is controlled by state bodies, and if the decorations are issued by a jewelry corporation, checking is carried out by their internal forces. For example, in Holland and the production of silver products and gold of any quality is allowed.

In the Russian Federation, the share of gold in alloy is determined by the state and is indicated in the ruling "on the procedure for opposite and branding products from precious metals." Products from such metals should have a stamp state and compliance with the standards of Russia.

The procedure of opposity and branding is carried out by the Russian State Tube Chamber, which is under the Ministry of Finance. And for compliance with gold samples and their correspondence to reality, specialists of the federal test tube supervision are followed.

In Turkey, Egypt, Greece and the United States, gold and silver products are not controlled. In this regard, Russian jewelers say that 90% of Turkish gold does not correspond to the stated quality: often, with the specified 585th sample, it really happened to the 500th. But recently, confidence in Turkish samples has disappeared, the fact is that in any store of this country, you can choose an uncrharked gold product, after which the seller will put on it using a special machine desired digit.

Usually in the image, the stamps combines some drawing and digital designation of the sample, and the sample itself, as mentioned earlier, put public services.

Types of stigma

For acclaiming products in different countries, various drawings and forms are used, so what stamp are shown in different countries on gold? For example, the bison is installed in Belarus.

Until 1896 in Russia, "Tees" - a stamp, on which the number of samples, coat of arms were connected to one pattern, the first letters of the name of the inspection and year of staging. And if until 1897, the signs themselves had a convex form, then after this year they acquired the added appearance.

Already in 1899, one stamp was introduced in Russia - a "certificate sign", which looked like a female head in Kokoshnik, depicted in the profile on the left.

From 1908 to 1927, other stamps worked with the same head in Kokoshnik, but turned into the other side, besides, accompanied by the Greek letter, changing depending on the district of Russia.

In 1927, a new stamp appeared in Russia - the head head with a hammer, and the calculus itself was transferred to the metric. From July 1, 1958, stigma in the form of a five-pointed star was used for products from all precious metals, inside which sickle and hammer were located.

Now Russian jewelry is also branded with a female head in Kokoshnik. Stamp can be both combined and located separately. On the glue of the combined type in the frame is the head in Kokoshnik looking to the right and the numbers indicating the sample, and to the left of the head there is a small letter, denoting the State Inspectorate, which also put the stigma.

For a stamp on separate or easily separated things, a piece of separate type is used, the head is placed on one, and the figures of the sample are on the other part of the product.

On the decorations of Russian production there should be an impression of the State Inspectorate and the stamp of the manufacturer with the encrypted year of the mark and the encrypted name of the enterprise.

Fake golden test

Fake gold sample will decide not every passage, as it is difficult and conjugate with huge risks. Typically, fraud is to affect the high sample on the poor-quality product, which still contains gold. Such products can be bought in small stores around the world, but the will of the case they can be on sale and decent jewelry shops. A well-made sample fake is practically not to define an eye, which is why it is necessary to check the alloy itself.

This can help the portable device - the determinant of gold, which can be worn with you during shopping. It is worth remembering that the device can have its limitations and errors, so it's not necessary to trust fully.

Methods of recognition of fake decorations

First you need to consider the jewelry. It should have a special marking, which is responsible for the authenticity of gold. There must be a sample or weight in carats. To facilitate inspection, it is desirable to take advantage of the magnifying glass. On antique metal it is not always possible to distinguish the stamp. In the modern world, they learned the sample to put on false gold, so this method is not always successful.

Over time, the golden spray is erased. It is necessary to look at the edges of the product. If another metal is not fully noticeable, the product is not completely from gold.

Check product on bite

Previously, films often showed where gold coins were checked for "tooth". And not in vain. After all, it is possible to check not only coins, but also gold jewelry. For example, a ring or an earring. The product must be painted with teeth. Now look at him. On the present gold will remain a track from the teeth. The deeper the bite, the higher the sample. However, it is impossible to forget that the lead is very soft, so traces will also remain on it.

Ceramic check

Fake gold with this method is easy to detect. This test must be carried out very carefully, as it is easy to scratch it. To do this, you will need a unplanned ceramic plate, that is, nothing covered. Spend on it gold, with a light pressure. What can be seen? Golden strip - product natural, black - decoration fake.

Magnetic check

First you need to purchase a magnet. The one is hanging on the refrigerator, is very soft and for the test it is not suitable. The magnet should be real, heavy, which interacts with the metal. Gold never attracts. Therefore, boldly brings the jewel to the magnet. If she attracted, then you keep the real fake. There are cases when the magnetwasive component is added to the product. Then you can confuse gold with fake. How to distinguish gold in such cases? Try the following way.

Application of nitric acid

Nitric acid will help determine the fake gold from the present. To do this, it is necessary to put the product into the metal dishes without spots. Next you need from pipettes to drop nitric acid on the product. If gold changed the color and became greenish, then you will spend experience with ordinary metal. Milk shade acquires a gold-plated product. If gold is present, then no reaction will occur.

Sound test

If you take and throw a gold product on the surface of the table, then the real metal will sound a ringing like a crystal. For such a experience, rings, earrings, but short-lived decorations (chains, bracelets) are suitable.

Acetic check

Pour a little vinegar into the container and place the decoration there. With the real gold, nothing bad will happen, but the fake will take it in two minutes.

Iodine test

Iodine is a very good check on the authenticity of the decoration. To do this, you must apply only one drop on the inner side of the product. Gold will remain unchanged. Fake decoration will darken. It can be both light gray and black.

Any chemical check is possible only on the surface of the decoration. The inside is checked when a person is ready to destroy the product.

How to distinguish gold from the fake can also be asked for experts that will help faster and with the help of several ways to determine whether the jewel is true. Gilding is almost a real metal.

Determine gildo

Many consumers are interested in: "How to distinguish gold from gilding?". With the slightest knowledge this is easy. Usually, the sample does not put the sample. Golden alloy will not be able to lie on top of the metal. There is only a real noble metal exclusively. If you saw the product with samples: 585, 750, 350, 500 is gold with adding impurities. On a pure precious metal, only one - 999 can be a sample. If a gold foil was used, then they can put another sample, except for those that put on the present metal.

Important! The test does not always guarantee the accuracy of the product. Sometimes you can see small scratches. It often means that the product is not completely gold, but only the lock on the product or near it. Everything else can be gilded.

To independently check the decoration, you can slightly reduce the product on the invisible site. Gilding slightly lagging down, and gold will be unchanged.

A flavored pencil is suitable for checking. It is sold in any pharmacy. The scraping place must be mixed with water and spend on it with a pencil. Any metal other than gold will darken.

You can carry out simple experience for checking gold. Turn on the burner and greatly warm up the product (300-400 degrees). Then quickly throw it into cold water. Gold will not change, but on a different metal there will be divorces.

Never acquire gold in dubious establishments and shops. These must be specialized jewelry departments, where there are quality certificates and specialists work. After all, some unscrupulous sellers refer to the fact that the breakdown is not put. Believe it is impossible. Any import of gold jewelry is not allowed without stamp and relevant documents.

Sometimes there are products on which there is a 583rd sample. Many people do not know about it. These decorations are made in Soviet times and fake such products are extremely rare. Therefore, if you get 583 sample, do not be afraid.

Recognize copper

The famous scientist Aristotle believed that it was best to distinguish copper from real gold, to try both the other taste. If you drink water from the metal cup, which contains copper, then the taste will be metallic. Golden Cup does not give any taste.

Copper has an oxidic property when interacting with oxygen, that is, in air. Therefore, in contrast to gold with time will darken.

Imitation of gold

For fake gold jewelry, a variety of alloys are used.

Aluminum bronze, which resembles the color of gold. This alloy consists of 90% of copper and 10% of aluminum.

Aluminum bronze coin.

Belgic - The alloy is similar to platinum. It includes iron about 74%, approximately 16% chromium, and nickel is almost 9%.

Mosaic gold, which includes almost 70% of copper and 30% zinc. Gives a shade of native gold.

Tompaka product.

Tompak - this alloy is very similar to real gold. He is often brought to tourists from Turkey, with Israel or China. If you do not know how to distinguish gold, do not buy it in these countries.

Such alloys have a huge amount. Thanks to such materials and learned to imitate real gold. Most often it is transported by smuggling. The fake of gold is a very common phenomenon. Try not to get into the "trap".

How to avoid fraud?

In order not to buy a fake, you must adhere to simple rules.

Do not buy gold jewelry from traders in the markets, in doubtful stalls where there are no relevant documents. Sellers very often offer fakes.

Do not trust your intuition, because it can bring at the most inopportune moment. Do not see that the product is too cheap - this does not mean that it is high-quality. Gold must be with a breakdown necessarily, even if placed on request.

Do not buy jewelry, which includes a titanium alloy with gold. In appearance, they resemble gold 585 samples, but most likely there are no precious metal in them.

If the product is a test or hanging the tag - this does not guarantee the content of yellow metal. The poorly disassembly consumer will not always be able to distinguish the fake even with the help of numerous experiments.

If the buyer knows the real price of the product and suddenly saw the same, but cheaper - it does not always mean that the fake met. It is necessary to pay not only for external data, but also on the size, weight and manufacturer. It is from these data prices and vary. You can also get on a high-quality fake, which is extremely difficult to distinguish from the real precious metal.

Each jewelry professional has special equipment with which you can determine the quality and price of metal. Of course, the easiest way to find out how to distinguish gold, for example, copper is a board with a professional. Let the service be paid, but the person will be confident in the authenticity of jewels.

The stamp on gold is the main information on which attention should be paid during the acquisition of any jewelry. The sample is a stamp that is affixed by jewelers to confirm a specific amount of gold in the decoration or other of the product, since the precious metals are not used in pure form.

The quality of the metal from which gold products sold or manufactured on the territory of the Russian Federation must comply with one of the adopted trial and certify stimples. If you want to buy a product produced in another country on the territory of Russia, it may already be alone, but two. Depending on the percentage of gold in the alloy, there are such samples in the Russian Federation:

  1. 999 is pure gold, without adding any concomitant metals.
  2. 750 - 75.5% gold mixed with nickel, platinum and silver. This alloy can have a color from yellow to reddish. Since it is easy to handle, is used to produce jewelry and more accurate work.
  3. 585 - alloy with 58.5% of metals. This combination makes it ideal for production, as it becomes durable, dense.
  4. 500 - 50.5% gold mixed with silver and copper.
  5. 375 - alloy containing 38% impurities of other metals. Color fluctuates from almost white to red. This alloy sweeps dull.

From what sample is on the product, the method of its application depends. Gold 999 samples are used when casting ingots, 375 is used in dentistry, the rest - for the manufacture of jewelry. Alloys The breakdown above 750 is not susceptible to sweat when contact with air. For works of art, 958 samples are most suitable for chasing - 900, and 585 is actively used for jewelry.

Only assurance workers can put a stigma, which confirms the product trial, including made and imported from other countries. Government territorial services are branded not only gold, but also the remaining metals that are manufactured at jewelry plants or workshops.

Thus, the sample on gold is the percentage designation of its impurities in the product. It looks like this: the sample shows a girl in Kokoshnik, which looks to the right, then the cipher of the test tube supervision and at the end of the product test, respectively.

The shape of the stamp shows that it is for metal. For example, stigma on platinum products is an elongated octagon. Gold products have a stamp in the form of 2 blades. This new form is used since 1994 and to today.

Gold jewelry made during the USSR, have a stack of stack.

What is a name

Consider what a name is. Sometimes on jewelry, you can meet the stamp of the wizard, which is also called the name, but it is not proving quality.

The name refers more to a personal signature of some kind of jeweler and the company, which produced a product from precious metal. If you perform decryption, it must contain additional information about it.

For an inexperienced buyer, information entered in the name is little about what will speak. Only specialists or other jewelers will be able to tell you who, where and in which year I made a decoration. Since 1986, all manufacturers of jewelry are required to affix them.

After about the year, the old name must be destroyed. Its re-registration is produced annually and differs from the previous coipher of the year of manufacture. Many workshops can at the request of the Customer to apply any inscription on the Golden Decoration. It can be both an important word for him and the date of birth or wedding. This is especially true for people who are going to marry.

How is gold marking

In the world there is a shower, carat and metric system of golden samples. More often used carat and metric, of which the second most popular. In the legislation of different countries, the adhesive and pursing procedure is controlled in different ways, and there are both countries where the manufacture of gold of any quality is allowed. Now the jewelry of the East Asian manufacturer, produced in Turkey, Egypt, are very cheap. Due to the fact that the quality of jewelry is not controlled by the state, especially cunning entrepreneurs can put a stamp of 585 samples on the alloy, which barely pulls into 500 sample.

Jewelry brass in different ways, which are selected specifically for each subject, based on many factors.

The most rude is the mechanical method. The sample is put with jackhammers, the product is firmly fixed in the vice. It is the most ancient and durable, with it, the decoration does not deteriorate, because of this it is used in 80% of cases. Currently, this process is fully automated and is conveyor.

In cases where there is a chance of damage and scratches, more gentle methods are used, for example, electric square. When this method is selected, it is applied with sparks. It is placed only on a flat surface and refers to the young methods of branding, it was invented only in 1967.

The most expensive and complex is the marking with a laser, it exits durable. With its help on gold products, convex stigma can be delivered. But it is not placed in those places that are tightly in contact with the skin, otherwise it can be stealing earlier than in 5 years.

Thus, what method to apply stigma is solved in each case individually, given all the pros and cons. This is especially true of products with elegant patterns and precious stones, because an important condition is not to spoil the appearance so that the decorations do not lose their value and individuality.

If there is no brand in gold, then the product that has made from it is exactly a fake. Calling his jewelry, the seller violates the order established by the state for the sale of products and precious metals, as they are forbidden to sell and lay. Therefore, if you want to please yourself with a precious gift, then you need to ask the seller's documents for him and carefully discerning the sample, as instead of the sample there can be just someone's name. There is also a special markings of gold, which serves to ensure that man, buying gold overseas production, has not bought a chance of metal with a gold spraying.

Not everyone will fake, because it is due to huge risks.

The main method of fraud is a high sample fake on a lower quality product. Such decorations are sold most often in small shops around the world, but also large jewelry stores are not insured from it.

Since 1971, gold and silver medals of various competitions that do not have the status of state awards, including the medals of the Olympic Games, are subject to branding and testing.

In Russia, penetration indicating the amount of gold in the alloy began to produce in 1700 during the rule of Peter the first. The sample had an eagle form. Coins then consisted of 98% of gold and 2-3% copper.

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Banner in Jewelry Russia

The name is called the manufacturer's symbol, which is raised by a legal entity or IP on the products produced by them (or after the restoration work).

It is hidden information about when and whom the decoration was produced, as well as information about the State Affection, in which the manufacturer was recorded.

Since 2001, the first symbol in each name is the capital Russian letter. Then it was the letter "A", in 2002, respectively, "b" and so on.

The first letter symbolizes the date of production, the following is the symbol of the inspection, then go letters as a sign of the wizard.

In 1918, one ball is affixed to all silver products, namely [platinum device].

From 1923, over three years, the name of the name was applied to all jewelry.

1936 was marked by the beginning of the use of its own names.

Since 1986, absolutely all manufacturers of decorations (institutions and IP) must apply their personal nameplaces on the products they produce. Signs are registered and approved by the Ministry of Finance of our country (Table Chamber). Each year, all decoration manufacturers are fixed in the list of Russian manufacturers.

All names of the name must be within the same contour. The appearance of the contour (one for all manufacturers) and the letter establishes the state information. His prints and samples, as a rule, are inside the rings, on the clips, brooch and chains, on the ear of pendants.

1953 was marked by adding to the names of all sorts of signs (numbers, letters, points in different sections), thanks to which you can correctly set the date of production of Russian jewelry. For example, 1985 is referred to as: and 2000 so :.

Professionals are just alone only look at the name to understand who decorate was made. The specialist will always easily determine that there is a fake. The product may be a fake if there is no stamp on it. And its quality in this case is likely to be low.

Registration nameman

The State Inspectorate has the authority to register and re-register the nameplaces of factories, having their specific addresses and tied to this inspection, because There is a territorial distinction.

However, the FCU "Table Chamber of Russia" may allow the State Inspectorate to provide the necessary documents of the manufacturer, which does not affect its influence.

In order to register a name for the first time or secondary, the manufacturer must bring in the State Inspection of Cooking Certificate, maps of registration, where such types of works, as making decorations, repair hours and decorations, the manufacture of parts for hours and their mechanisms and the hours themselves are prescribed.

For registration and regular re-registration of stigma, the state tax must be paid.

Re-registration of the name is the official confirmation of any one of the elements. It is carried out every year, and the date is encrypted.

To go through this procedure, the manufacturer of Russian jewelry must provide the prints of its drawing made on a polished surface. Each reflection of the name is placed if it is applied in different ways (laser, electric square, as well as mechanical).

If the name will be in poor condition (inaudible font, poor surface, blurry, mismatch with a sketch, etc.), the State Inspectorate may refuse to conduct a registration procedure.

When the name becomes irrelevant, it needs to get rid of it.

If information about a legal entity or IP will change and this will be reflected in a special card, the cipher will continue to be at the disposal of the manufacturer, but in some cases it can be canceled and not used until January of the next year.

On the completion of work related to production (restoration / repair) jewelry, manufacturers must inform the state information as soon as possible.

Who sets standards for stamps?

This task is entrusted to FCU "Tabletry Chamber of Russia". It can resolve the production of government samples combined with stamps in order to apply them with a mask way.

The name is contained in the state test tube. In addition, there is a symbol of CIFRA IPN, samples, certificates. They can be applied and together in a single circuit, and separately.

From the story of stamps

In the winter of 1899, a new law regulating brand was introduced, and in Russian cities began to use stigma, on which the face of the girl in Kokoshnik was depicted on the side from the left side. Not far from this image, the first letters of the name and surname of the controlling territory were set, and in some cases - the number of spool sample.

In 1908, some changes were made in the stigma. For all the inspirations of the girl continued to use the same features, but now Greek letters have been added here: different for all assignments. Sample remained spool.

In 1927, the girl's face was replaced by a drawing of an employee with a hammer. When a metric system was used in Russian cities, a new method appeared, where the number of thousands of precious metal shares in the alloy was encrypted: the cipher of the tubing organization (Greek letter) is recorded in the brand. This system is used and today.

In the summer of 1958, stamps were used, which are a surround sickle and hammer or a star with five ends. For the first time, they begin to apply a Russian letter instead of Greek.

In 1994, new stamps entered into force in Russian cities, which are used to today. They drawn the face of a girl in Kokoshnik on the side of the right side. The cipher is affixed by the Russian letter. There are about 20 test inspections, and each of them has its own letter.

To date, all Russian decorations should be an imprint of the manufacturer's bodies, fixed in the Russian tube ward and stamp, is suspended as it is written in the rules of branding jewelry. In the imprint of the manufacturer's bodies, there should be a maximum of 4 characters.

In the documents accompanying the product, the site is usually indicated and the application method.

The manufacture of gold and silver products are affixed in accordance with the requirements of the product branding rules. The print mark should be broken, clear, so that you can easily consider all its details, like the contour of the frame.

For marriage do not include:

  • displacement of stamping prints relative to the manufacturer's nameplate
  • small surface damage on the stamp print area.

In some Russian products there are inserts from expensive stones on which stamps can also be. Plants of diamonds brand stones.

As registered in the "Rules for the sale of individual types of goods", all sold jewelry (this concerns spoons)

Typographic font is used to fill the label. You can do it with a blue or black handle. Thus, on each decoration there should be a stamp, the imprint of the producer of the manufacturer and the label. All be equipped with a label containing details. Fills his manufacturer's plant or a trading institution, focusing on the Russian industry standard.

Modern standards

Bullers and stamps on silver products

For silver products, a spool, metric and lotter sample are provided. If the decoration is made at the end of the last and last century, the stamp will be spool. If it was done until the end of the beginning of the century, Roman numbers were applied to him, in other words, the lot sample.

Names and stamps on money and awards

In 1997, it was decided to brand all the money (not participating in the monetary circulation) and rewards (non-governmental) in the inspection test.

Bermers and stamps on subjects brought from the CIS countries

All items made from expensive raw materials brought to our country from the CIS countries, produced by the winter of 1992 with fingerprints of old stamps, is not allowed to brand again. They can be sold in original form. In the event that the decorations are made later either on them the national stamps are affixed, they need to be branded again.

If the decoration is easy or expensive, then a document is issued where the type of raw material, test, weight and other parts are prescribed.

Bermers and stamps on foreign products

As for jewelry and spoons, which brought into our country from abroad, then they must be added to the stamps again. To implement this procedure, certain accompanying papers are required.

If "Gold-Feld" has been affected on products, you can not doubt that they are made of alloy and is covered with gold. The manufacturer prescribes the precious metal sample and the thickness of its layer. In the event that the product covered with gold is manufactured in the German factory, then it is written on the word "Goldmult", which can be translated as "drawn with gold".

Methods for the station of the names and stamp

  • Mechanical: sticking sticks are affixed on products using hits (for this it uses a hammer or special equipment for branding). Prints are put in and outside. In addition, supports are applied, coinciding in shape with decoration;

This is the most popular method.

Pros: Interests are broken, high-quality, made by century.

Cons: When stigma, the decoration may suffer (after hitting the hammer on it, its form will change a little).

  • Electro-spark: stick prints are affixed on decorations with copper electrodes with a special installation. The imprint is obtained using a spark. All this is done in water, under the current;

In this way, more than 300 decorations per working day are branded.

Pluses: Incomputer prints, high-quality, will serve for a long time. The stamp in this way can be installed on the decorations of unusual forms, as well as on hollow products.

Cons: The only drawback is that it is necessary to prepare for the procedure longer. If there are even small pores, irregularities or disadvantages on the product, then this method is already unacceptable.

  • Laser: produced on a laser installation. Masks are used. At the edges of the brand dotted line. The decoration must be properly prepared for the procedure.

Less than a quarter of jewelry sticks with this method (more than 500 decorations per working day).

Pluses: Incomes are folding. You can brand different surfaces (curved, concave, flat).

Soon a new method will appear based on the application of a writing laser.