Pregnancy at lactation is possible. The method of "lactation amenorrhea": is it always relevant? If there are no menstruation

Many women, feeling for the first time the joy of motherhood, shortly after delivery, we ask whether it is possible to conceive the second child with breastfeeding (lactation). Specialists argue that pregnancy is possible, how to get pregnant and when it is better to do, read on.

How to conceive a child when feeding

Today, many experts advise young mothers to withstand the term between pregnancies for at least 2 years. However, if a woman wants to get pregnant before, of course, nobody can ban it. Planning a new pregnancy during breastfeeding, mommy must understand that it takes a double load, after all, she will have to feed the older baby and at the same time enter the younger, which is not much at the same time.

However, experts strongly recommend not to think about the occurrence of a new pregnancy at least within 6 months after delivery. This recommendation is due to the fact that, firstly, a woman needs to fully recover after the birth of the first child, secondly, the child in the first six months of life is necessary for a full nutrition of the breast. Breastfeed is necessary on demand, and such a feeding schedule contributes to the development of certain hormones in the body of the mother, which block the offensive of a new pregnancy.

Later, when the child is strengthened and will not require breasts so often, if you wish to think about the second baby.

Features of the contraceptive effect of feeding

Many women declare that they fed the baby with breasts and suddenly pregnantly become pregnant. Such statements are not at all uncommon, because in order for protection against fertilization to be reliable after childbirth, it is necessary to know the features of lactation and its contraceptive properties.

Lactation or breastfeeding is a powerful means of protection against pregnancy invented by nature itself. The woman's body is designed in such a way that children get the most valuable and useful in the process of breastfeeding. At the same time, nature takes care in advance that the woman can focus the baby to a certain age and not become pregnant during the GW.

It is believed that in breastfeeding it is impossible to become pregnant. However, it is not. The probability of pregnancy during lactation in the absence of menstruation at least a small one, but there is.

There is such a term - lactation amenoria. It denotes the suppression of ovulation without the occurrence of menstruation. This is a natural contraceptive that protects against unwanted pregnancy. This method is considered reliable, because it gives a guarantee of 98-99%. But it can only be effective when performing specific conditions, with a non-compliance with which a nursing woman can easily become pregnant.

Let's consider in more detail if it is possible to get pregnant with breastfeeding and how to protect nursing mom.

Method of lactation amenorrhea

The lactation amenorrhea is the state of the female organism after delivery, in which ovulation is suppressed and there is no menstruation. An effective natural way to prevent pregnancy is based on the physiological properties of the lactation process. The probability of becoming pregnant at this time is reduced to 1-2%!

Note that the method is valid in the first six months after the birth of the baby. At this time, the child is in full or almost complete breastfeeding. At the same time, the baby is often applied to the chest, milk generation is actively, and no additional power sources (discomfort and dopping) is absent. These principles increase the efficiency of the method and remove the period of resumption of menstruation.

Thus, for reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy during lactation, a nursing woman needs to perform a number of conditions:

  • Frequent attachment of baby to chest. Cake a child at least once every two hours, at least four times at night;
  • Feed baby on demand, and not by regime;
  • Do not limit the attachment time. It is important that the infants will go. The full kid himself lets the chest;
  • Avoid long interruption of lactation;
  • Do not disappear baby. In the first half a year, the infants can be water only in rare cases. With breastfeeding, there is quite enough milk mom, since it consists of 90% of water. Dopping leads to weight loss, worsening appetite and child well-being!;
  • Less quiet child or give up the deign at all. Nutritionists and pediatricians advise to introduce the first baffling babies in 6-8 months;
  • Keep the baby more often on your hands, sleep together.

The listed conditions not only improve the effectiveness of lactation amenoria, but also stimulate the production of milk. These principles help to establish proper breastfeeding and support the necessary lactation level.

The method of lactation amenorrhea is suitable only for the first six months after childbirth and, provided that the child is completely on breastfeeding.

In other cases, the likelihood of becoming pregnant during lactation increases sharply. Therefore, gynecologists strongly recommend using other ways of contraception. In addition, be prepared for the rapid restoration of the menstrual cycle.


If breastfeeding is organized correctly, then the menstrual cycle is restored in a period of 1-1.5 years after the birth of the kid. Often monthly may not come until the end of lactation.

The resumption of the menstrual cycle after childbirth occurs individually for each woman. There is nothing terrible if the monthly came in the first year of breast feeding. In some lactating mothers, menstrual discharge begin on the second or third month after the birth of the baby. The reasons for such early renewal of the cycle are several:

  • Introduction False and Dopping;
  • Rare babies applying to the chest;
  • Violation of prolactin production. This hormone contributes to the production of breast milk and increases the secretion of the mammary glands;
  • Lack of night feedings;
  • Reception of medicines, especially hormonal funds.

In 80% of women, monthly occurs after the end of lactation. At the same time, note that allocations do not begin immediately the day after you stopped breastfeeding. Menstruation occurs after one or two months after the completion of lactation and is settled for two or three cycles.

But if two months after the end of breastfeeding, the cycle did not improve or the monthly did not begin at all, consult a doctor!

Contraceptives for nursing mothers

  • Oral contraceptives (pills)

When lactation, choose non-combined drugs, and tablets with a content of only one hormone of progestin. Such a tool is also called mini-drank. It does not affect the composition and amount of breast milk, safe for mom and newborn. However, this drug cannot be taken without consulting the Doctor!

The reception is beginning two months after childbirth. If you take mini drank correctly and regularly, the effectiveness is 98%. It is important to comply with the instructions and take tablets on time!

Combined drugs with breast feeding can be drunk in six months after the birth of the baby. They are more suitable for a female organism, but slightly reduce the production of milk. Therefore, the combined pills are not prescribed in the first half a year of lactation. The effectiveness of such a drug increases to 99-100%.

  • Condoms

Easy and accessible way that does not affect lactation and health. However, the quality of the product plays a major role, as it affects the effectiveness of the method, which is 86-97%. In addition, with improper use, the condom can break or slip.

  • Spermicides (candles)

Safe remedy for lactation with efficiency over 90% with proper use. In addition to candles there are also tablets, creams and ointments of local use. The substances in the composition of this drug destroy the cell membrane of spermatozoa, which disrupts the mobility or leads to death.

Use spermicides, as well as condoms, you can immediately after delivery. The effect is achieved instantly after reception and continues up to six hours depending on the type of means.

  • Spiral

The spiral is entered only by a doctor. With normal childbirth, the use of this tool is possible after six weeks. The action lasts 5-7 years depending on the type. At the same time, the doctor can remove the spiral at any time.

The reliability of the drug is 98-100%. Combined with breastfeeding, however, has contraindications.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnancy during breastfeeding is a possible phenomenon. In this case, nursing mothers are interested, whether it is necessary to stop feeding if a new pregnancy has come.

With the normal flow of pregnancy in lactation, violations are not clear. A hormone, which is produced during feeding, does not affect the functioning of the uterus and does not cause premature contractions. Therefore, you can safely continue to feed the baby with breast milk, especially if the baby was not fulfilled.

However, after a year, doctors recommend finish breastfeeding with a new pregnancy. How to complete the lactation and wean a child from the chest per year, read here. If the baby is not yet a year, then stop feeding is necessary two months before delivery.

But know all your vitamins and trace elements get a kid who eats milk, and not which is in the womb. Therefore, it is better to consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist.

How to determine pregnancy during lactation:

  • Change in the composition and quality of breast milk, which is noticeable by the behavior of the baby;
  • Reduction of milk generation without visible reasons;
  • Pain in the chest. However, be careful, since pain may mean lactostasis or the initial stage of mastitis! Carefully fake the dairy glands. Seals and lumps in the chest indicate a stag of milk;
  • Cycle delay;
  • Manifestation of toxicosis.

If you find that you are pregnant, consult a doctor. It will make a suitable action plan, which will help combine breast feeding and pregnancy. However, remember that such combination is difficult and will require a lot of strength. Therefore, with the second child it is better to postpone. Experts advise to take a break between birth at least one or two years, but it is best to 4 years. During this time, the mother's body is restored.

The medical term "lactation amenorrhea" means the natural delay of the menstrual cycle during the lactation period, this process is called "replacement".

What is lactation amenorrhea

When a woman feeds the baby with breasts, the body intensively produces a hormone prolactin, which prevents the production of follicular-imaging hormones. Consequently, follicles do not ripen and ovulation does not occur.

It's important to know! If for any reason the baby is fed solely with mixtures, the first menstruation must come no later than 8 weeks. Delay for longer than three months - the reason to contact the female consultation.

Looking at the question whether it is possible to get pregnant during lactation, women often face the most various assumptions of girlfriends and relatives. The period of lactation amenorrhea may be different: from 2 to 14 months.

Changes in the body can be caused by the influence of various factors, avoiding the sudden restoration of the menstrual cycle will help compliance with the rules for the effectiveness of lactation amenorrhea.

Efficiency Rules for lactation amenorrhea

There are a number of rules to increase the efficiency of lactation amenorrhea. A clear understanding of biological processes in the body will allow a woman to better control them.

Extend the replacement during lactation and maximize the likelihood of pregnant It is possible when complying with simple rules, but each mother itself decides whether to respect them:

  • feeding newborn baby for each of his requirement, and not according to the standard hourly schedule;
  • reduce intervals between feeding to the minimum, the night break should not exceed 5 - 6 hours;
  • refuse From the input to the diet of a child of any downtime, it is also desirable to abandon the nipple-pacifier. Even the baby's drink is excluded.

Is it possible to get pregnant during lactation

Is it possible to become pregnant during lactation, or this is exceptional and rare cases, experts of women's consultation know no excellence. This question is enveloped by a mass of myths, for a complete understanding it is necessary to refer to scientific and medical details.

Is it possible to get pregnant during lactation - young mothers are often interested in this issue

During the lactation amenorrhea, the fertilization of the egg is impossible, therefore it is a delusion that during feeding the newborn can not be pregnant. This fact cannot be denyed, but there is no absolute guarantee.

The essence of the phenomenon is pretty simple: when a woman begins to enter the lore or does not comply with other rules of efficiency at lactation amenorrhea, the production of prolactin is reduced.

The menstrual cycle begins to recover and ovulation occurs. These changes are almost impossible to feel physically, but the body is already fully ready for the following conception.

As you know, ovulation is preceded by the first menstruation for a small period of time. Determine whether the replacement has ceased during lactation or not, it is quite difficult, and during this period you can get pregnant.

After that, other processes begin to occur in the body, the menstrual cycle is again suspended at the time of tooling the fetus, which is perceived by error as a continuation of lactation amenorrhea.

Whether lactation is compatible with monthly

The arrival of menstruation during the lactation period is the usual and natural phenomenon. As already mentioned, an increase in interruptions between the feeding of a child or the introduction of the feeding leads to the development of ovarian hormones, which ends with ovulation and arrival of the first menstruation.

The recovery of the cycle, as a rule, falls on 6 to 7 months of lactation. Usually, by this time, various dry mixtures are introduced into the kid's diet. But this is a suspended period, each woman has a process individually, which is more affected by the level of efficiency of lactation amenorrhea.

It's important to know! Contrary to contradictory opinions, the arrival of menstruation does not affect the taste and nutritional properties of milk. According to scientists and doctors, monthly - no reason to stop breastfeeding.

Often the first menstruation is confused with postpartum discharges. There is nothing terrible in this, the uterus is cleaned and restored for two months after delivery. The usual phenomenon when bleeding is stopped by 7 weeks, but renewed to an end 8 - so the uterus completes cleansing.

It is such such processes that women are often confused with menstruation, waiting for their re-appearance in a month. The lack of understanding of the nature of the discharge can lead to misunderstanding or fright about the state of health.

Symptoms of coming pregnancy during lactation

Taking note that the first ovulation after childbirth comes almost unnoticed, it is useful to know the first signs of pregnancy during lactation. It happens that many women learn about the child in the middle of the term when the baby begins to move.

Pregnant during lactation in the order of things, it is possible to learn about it on certain symptoms, a medical practice will answer. Specialists have identified a number of common symptoms.Conventional pregnancy symptoms that are observed in women may be present.
Changing the consistency and taste of milk if the child began refuses feeding without visible reasonsNausea or morning vomiting
Reducing milk generation also suggests that the body saves its resources due to pregnancyFrequent urge to the toilet
If the cuts of the uterus become more intense and frequentLoss of appetite, changing taste needs
Punching on the chest, painful sensations (if there are no injuries).Pain in the lower back
Menstruation delay

If a woman decided on an ambulance, feeding the first child should be stopped in 1.5 - 2 months before the following birth.

Pregnancy immediately after childbirth - for or against?

Is it possible to get pregnant during lactation, as far as safe for the future mother - these are key questions that the woman should ask after childbirth. If a few previously thought about it, now everything has changed, and young parents have become more serious about the birth of children.

Pregnancy after childbirth, more precisely, after the normalization of the menstrual cycle is a difficult question requiring analysis. One side specialists are recommended to pause and give the body to fully restore their strength. In addition, the newborn baby first months need care, attention and timely care.

On the other hand, parents can go to such a step really, in view of age or other factors. Nature in this plan also does not put certain restrictions: it is enough to enter the babies kid and the hormonal background of the woman will begin to change, and the menstrual cycle is restored.

In addition to the colossal load on all organism systems, pregnancy after childbirth often becomes a serious stress for the mother - it is necessary to take note.

In this difficult issue, more "against" than "for", but the decisive word should be for the doctors of the female consultation. If you can still fight with nervous loads and overcome them, then the lack of physical health is able to lead to adverse consequences.

There is another myth who often frighten women: lactation providing premature birth. This opinion has a pretty good confirmation - at this time in the body produces a hormone oxytocin that affects the production of milk. But according to medical practice, Not a single case of miscarriage due to lactation.

Secure Protection Methods during lactation

If an ambulance is not included in parental plans, you need to refer to the permitted means of contraception. Lactation period Although safe in this regard, but does not give a complete guarantee, therefore, lactation amenorrhea cannot be used as a reliable prevention method.

A lot of safe contraceptions are available to lactating women:

  • oral contraceptives, which does not include estrogen hormone, for example, charokette;
  • condoms - Standard and simplest prevention method for undesirable pregnancy;
  • intrauterine device;
  • various spermicides: Creams, candles or tablets.

Usually, before sex life after childbirth, a young mother should visit the female consultation And consult with your doctor. He conducts an inspection, determines whether the genital bodies have been restored and will necessarily recommend suitable precautions. If a specialist does not give certain advice, they should be clarified on their own initiative, because this moment is very serious.

You can sum up a small result: pregnancy during lactation in the order of things This is proven from a scientific point of view. A young mother can partly control this process, but you can not lose vigilance, if another child is not included in the plans of young parents. It is worth noting that ambulance after childbirth does not always entail serious health problems.

Video about the probability of pregnancy during lactation

Pregnancy during lactation - features in this video:

About whether you can get pregnant during lactation, see this video:

Is it possible to get pregnant during breastfeeding, see the answer from the professional here:

Conception: How is it going?

As you know, conception is the result of the combination of two sex cells - female (egg) and a male (spermatozoa). Pre-female sex cells must mature.

This process occurs in the ovaries. Immature sex cell is called follicle. It has small sizes - 2-3 mm. Under the action of the follicularity immuling hormone (FSH), which is produced in the most important regulating center (pituitary), the follicle begins to grow to the middle of the cycle (12-14 day) reaches 18-20 mm in diameter. It is synthesized by female sex hormones estrogens.

Next, under the influence of peak concentrations of pituitary hormones (luteinizing and follicularity), the ovarian tissue is ruined, and the mature egg goes into the abdominal cavity (ovulation), picked up with frAMities (vulnkami) of the uterine pipes and is sent to meet its "prince" - spermatozoa. It can be fertilized for three days. If this does not happen, the egg dealers dies.

The merger of the sperm and egg fell marked by the formation of the zygota - a new organism carrying maternal and fatherly chromosomes. Immediately after fertilization, the process of cell division begins. First, two cells are formed, then in ten hours there are already four of them, and so every ten hours.

At the same time, the embryo is gradually moving along the pipe to the uterus. The cilia of the uterine tube helps him move. After 4 days, the embryo reaches the uterus, after 7-9 days it is implanted into the mucous membrane of the uterus. So the pregnancy occurs

Natural contraceptive prolactin

Prolactin plays an important role in regulating the hormonal status and work of ovaries. It is produced in the front of the pituitary gland throughout life.

But the main function of prolactin is to participate in breast milk products. During pregnancy, the high level of prolactin contributes to the ripening and an increase in the mammary glands. But the lactation does not occur, since this process is hampered by the hormone by progesterone, a synthesized pocent.

After the birth of the child and the placenta, the level of progesterone drops, and the lactation becomes possible. On the 3-4th day of the postpartum period, the concentration of prolactin in the blood reaches the greatest value. It provides milk formation (lactogenesis): increases the secretion of colostrum; contributes to the conversion of colosure into mature milk; Stimulates the growth and development of the mammary glands, an increase in the number of poles and ducts in them.

Prolactin emissions are noted under stressful situations and emotional loads. Its role in such moments - to mitigate stress and reduce its negative impact on the body. This is especially important for a nursing mommy: it should be calm so that adrenaline does not fall into the milk, which causes the lactation stop.

Prolactin stands out in our body in order to reduce excitability. It slows down the action of dopamine, which is responsible for sexual excitement. It is prolactin that provides a period of relaxation and rest after orgasm. Therefore, during lactation, sexual attraction in women is often absent.

Thus, prolactin not only activates lactation processes, but also protects it: reduces the impact of destructive stress; Reduces libido so that the interests of mommies are concentrated only on the infant; Prevents conception to avoid "distracting" from breastfeeding pregnancy.

Prolactin is a natural contraceptive. It blocks the synthesis of genital hormones responsible for ovulation. Its exposure explains the possible absence of menstruation and the reduction in the likelihood becomes pregnant against the backdrop of breastfeeding. So nature protects the nursing mom from the next pregnancy.

However, the contraceptive effect of prolactin does not differ 100% reliability. Against the background of breastfeeding, ovulation can still "slip", as a result - unplanned conception.

Contraception and breastfeeding

Since the high level of prolactin and the absence of menstruation during feeding period is not a guarantee that you will not get pregnant again, I would recommend to all nursing mommies to be protected.

Oral contraceptives containing estrogens cannot be used during lactation. If you like hormonal contraception, it is necessary to prefer clean gestages: in tablets (charokette, pini-saw), injections (depot-wire) or sewable capsules (NORPLANT).

Pure gestagens have high contraceptive efficacy comparable to those in combined oral contraceptives. These drugs have a rather mild effect on the female organism, without affecting the composition and taste of maternal milk.

Pure gestagens do not suppress ovulation, their contraceptive effect is based on the following mechanisms:

Changing the quality of the mucus of the cervix - an increase in the thickness that prevents the penetration of spermatozoa through the cervix;
reduction of finistaltics of uterine pipes, preventing the movement of a fertilized egg to the uterine cavity;
implantation implantation due to influence on the mucous membrane of the uterus.

The intrauterine spiral in the next six months after childbirth is not appropriate due to the high risk of infection. The uterus after childbirth must recover.

Relevant for the lactation period are barrier methods of contraception, for example, a condom. It will protect both unwanted pregnancy, and will prevent the development of endometritis, the likelihood of which is great in the process of postpartum involution (reduction) of the uterus.

We restore intimate life after delivery

If you have restored after childbirth, stocked by reliable means of contraception and ready to establish an intimate life, then important points should be taken into account when renewing sexual relations:

1. To engage in vaginal sex it is better to start a few weeks after delivery, when the uterus and the vagina will return to its original state.

2. Immediately after childbirth, alternative forms of intimate relationships are allowed: caress, oral sex, sexual intercourse without complete penetration into the vagina, between the woven thighs either between the mammary glands.

3. If the genera was accompanied by episiotomy (cut cut) or were operational (cesarean section), on the issue of renewal periods and the form of intimate relations, it is better to consult with the doctor.

Love yourself! Appreciate your health!

Always with you,

Many young mothers are interested in the question of the need for contraception during lactation. Therefore, we will try to figure out whether it is possible to get pregnant during breastfeeding and how to prevent it.

The essence of the method of lactation amenorrhea

It has been proven that breastfeeding with maternal milk prevents pregnancy. This feature was widespread as a natural contraception method or. And all due to the fact that the restoration of the body of a woman after childbirth is not immediately. It is known that in nursing mothers the recovery period lasts longer than that of adherents of artificial feeding. In addition, during lactation, thanks to the intensive development of some hormones, the ability to conceive is suppressed. One of these hormones is prolactin. Actually, therefore there is no menstruation. However, the risk of becoming pregnant during breastfeeding still remains.

Effective Conservation Rules

During feeding, it is possible to get pregnant, but only in case of non-compliance with the following recommendations:

  1. The child should be fed for each of its requirement. Hourly meal in this case is inappropriate. This is usually at least 8 times a day.
  2. Do not enter the diet of the child. It is also not recommended to teach the child to the nipples-deserts.
  3. The intervals between meals must be small. Allowed the greatest break during night sleep. But even its duration should not exceed 5 hours.
  4. This method is effective if the menstrual cycle has not stabilized.

These rules guarantee a contraceptive effect. Therefore, the occurrence of pregnancy is possible only if the listed conditions are not followed. Immediately it is worth noting that the more time passed after the birth of the baby, the higher the risk of re-conception. Therefore, it is believed that the use of such a method of contraception is justified on time to three months after delivery.

Subsequent when breastfeeding can be pregnant, since sometimes ovulation occurs in the absence of menstrual bleeding, that is, precedes the restoration of the menstrual cycle. Due to the fact that the reliability of such protection becomes doubtful, it is recommended to use additional means of contraception. And after six months there is no point in applying this method, because in such circumstances can be pregnant when feeding the baby is greater likely. This is explained by the fact that in children at such age already there is a need for the introduction of feeding and, accordingly, the need for maternal milk decreases.