Business plan: how to open your own mini-factory. Organization of production is the basis of financial prosperity

A manufacturing business is a profitable business idea. A beginner who does not have large amounts of investment can also do it.

Though manufacturing business often requires large investments, this is not only a profitable business, but also allows profitable implementation.

And this is often much more important for many entrepreneurs than the amount of revenue.

After all, the trading business is based on the final stage of someone's production.

That is, no matter how skillfully you trade, your name is unlikely to go down in business history.

But at the same time, it is necessary to build on the demand of buyers, first of all, by selecting ideas for the manufacture of goods and products for sale.

Demand will affect the set cost, the volume of production and, in fact, the very fact: is the chosen business idea worth the implementation?

Although this business really usually requires solid investments, 300-500 thousand rubles (sometimes even less) are enough to organize a mini-production.

Below we will look at a few examples from each "price niche".

Mini business ideas for production with investments up to 300 thousand

Mini manufacturing is a great idea for a budding entrepreneur who has the zeal, time, ideas, but no funds for a more serious startup.

If you fit that description, the nose is higher.

Do not think that with a capital of less than 300,000 you will only be able to weave bracelets from beads or make homemade soap.

With such a contribution, you can also become the owner of a normal, serious manufacturing business.

What kind of production can be opened for 300 thousand rubles: making keys

Capital investments: from 60,000 rubles.

Great manufacturing business idea for a budding entrepreneur.

Indeed, with all the simplicity of implementation, it has significant advantages:

  • in the field of practical zero risks;
  • the amount of investment in the business is small;
  • it is profitable to conduct such a business production - the level of profitability reaches 500%;
  • the cost of finished keys is high, and the cost of blanks is low.

To work in this area, certain specific skills are still needed.

But not as difficult to understand for the layman as many think.

An aspiring entrepreneur can master them himself without too many problems.

A step-by-step instruction for the process of organizing a key production business itself looks like this:

  1. Draw up the necessary documents: individual entrepreneur, current account, FTS.
  2. Find a small retail outlet for rent (2-4 m2 is enough).
    It is important that it is located in crowded places.
  3. Buy equipment and consumables for key production business.

What will 60 thousand rubles of capital investment be spent on?

Business expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:From 60,000 rubles.
Registration of documents, permits2 000
Lease of a retail space, repair and decor15 000
Minimum set of equipment15 000
Set of hooks (from 50 pieces)1 000
Stock of blanks for future keys10 000
Unexpected expenses12 000
Tax payments5 000

Business ideas in the production of freshly squeezed juice

Capital investments: 60,000 rubles.

Business payback: from 3 months

Juice is a product that is now available on the shelves of any store, in any flavor variation.

But buyers are no longer satisfied with the fact that only the name remains of the juice in the drinks sold.

The popularization of a healthy lifestyle has led to an increase in demand for fresh, completely natural juices.

Therefore, the idea of ​​a business for its production is relevant, profitable and at the same time requires little investment.

If for your mini business for the production of freshly squeezed juice you find a good rental point (a shopping center or a recreation park), it will be very profitable to produce fresh juice.

With an average sales level of 10-20 liters / day, the proceeds will be at least 30 thousand rubles.

And this is only from one point!

What kind of production can you open with 500 thousand rubles or more?

“By itself, money is only a means of exchange, their existence is impossible outside the production of goods and people who know how to produce. Money gives weight and shape to the basic principle: people who want to do business with each other must communicate through exchange, giving in return for one value another.
In the hands of idlers and beggars, begging for the fruits of your labor with tears, or bandits who take them away from you by force, money loses its meaning, ceases to be a medium of exchange.
Money is made possible by people who know how to produce. "
Ayn Rand. Atlas Shrugged

As you can see, even with up to 300 thousand, you can open your own mini-business production, which will profitably function and develop.

Of course, if you have a lot of capital - from 500,000 - the number of business ideas increases.

How to start your own production of breakfast cereals?

Capital investments: 700,000 rubles.

Business payback: from 9 months

Once upon a time, breakfast cereals were concerned exclusively with the attribute of prosperous foreign countries.

But already from the 90s they began to enter into the everyday life of Russians and at the moment they have firmly taken their place.

At the same time, if we compare the volumes of consumption with Western ones, it becomes obvious that this niche will still develop.

While the average Russian consumes 300-500 g of cereal per year, for a European the volume increases to 4 kg.

Also, the fact that the implementation of this idea is profitable is indicated by an increase of 25-30% annually.

And this is a serious indicator!

There are two reasons for the growing popularity of the muesli and cereal business:

  1. The popularity of a healthy lifestyle is growing (and breakfast cereals are classified as healthy and decent nutrition).
  2. The average income of the population is gradually increasing.

At the same time, the level of competition is currently at a moderate level.

And to enter this niche, investments of up to 1,000,000 rubles are needed.

Business expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:RUB 700,000
Lease of territory for production
(for mini production, 150 m2 is enough,
and for placing a universal line - from 300 m2)
280 000
(mix tank, vibrating sieve,
dryer, conveyor, rolling equipment,
extruder, separator, etc.)
250 000
Loading transporter75 000
(electricity, water)
50 000
Employee pay
(manager, technologist,
4 production workers)
80 000
Purchase of containers for packaging the product
(boxes, packages)
35 000
Advertising campaign30 000

Of course, you cannot immediately compete with eminent manufacturers at the national level.

But it is not necessary to do this either, because at the regional level you can get ahead of them due to a better price or active internal advertising.

With a well-designed business plan and running a business, the idea will pay off in no more than 9 months.

How to open a production facility with investments of 1 million rubles or more?

Business production ideas for entrepreneurs with such large investments are almost limitless.

In this case, we can already talk not only about a mini-factory, but also a full-fledged complex for the manufacture of products.

An entrepreneur may not sell it to third-party distributors, but sell it himself, which will be even more profitable.

Candle making business

Capital investments: 1,000,000 rubles.

Business payback: 12-14 months

The business of manufacturing candles is an idea that is always relevant and in demand.

Even during the time of general electrification, people are buying and will continue to buy both ordinary table candles and decorative ones, including mini gift sets.

At the same time, starting such a business is quite simple.

Indicative cost items are shown in the table:

Business expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:From 1,000,000 rubles.
Forms for filling
(if you open manual production)
Depends on the type.
For example, to make candles in the shape of eggs, you need a mold worth 35,000.
Foundry machine
(with various shapes)
The machine itself will cost 355,000 rubles.
And the cost of the forms varies depending on the material used:
plastic - from 1600,
aluminum - 16,000-30,000 (with and without cooling),
with radiators - from 22,000.
In general, you will need to purchase forms in the amount of 120,000.
Candle mixture kindling tankFrom 34,000
Wick weaving machineFrom 160,000
Installing and configuring equipment20 000
Purchase of raw materials for the production of candles490 000
Unaccounted expenses10 000

Opening a business for the production of various candles will not be difficult even for a novice entrepreneur.

At the same time, the average monthly revenue of the plant with 22 work shifts / 8 hours will be at least 290,000.

So if a businessman buys high-quality raw materials and equipment that he can use 100%, the investment will pay off in full in 12-14 months.

How to start your own neon sign production?

Capital investments: 1,500,000 rubles.

Business payback: up to 12 months

Neon signs appeared on the Russian advertising market relatively recently, but they already have high popularity and demand.

World experience shows that the level of demand will continue to grow.

All this makes it a good idea to open a business of producing neon signs.

Customers buy neon-lit signs not only to attract customers, but also to emphasize the solid or, on the contrary, the entertainment status of the establishment.

After all, everyone is well aware that the cost of ordering such advertising is much higher than on ordinary paper media.

And at the same time, the Russian people have a strong emotional association with the lights of Las Vegas or New York.

The list of potential clients of neon advertising manufacturers is large:

For implementation, you can contact potential customers directly, which takes time, but allows you to increase revenue.

And you can use the services of intermediaries.

Opening a sign factory will require a substantial capital investment.

The mini configuration will cost you 300-500 thousand. A complete set of equipment - no less than 800,000.

But in addition to buying equipment, an entrepreneur must also invest in renting a suitable territory, purchasing consumables for production, and remunerating employees.

Therefore, if the capital is less than 1,500,000, it is better to choose another business idea for implementation.

The production and sale of neon signs is a profitable business that, on average, pays for itself in less than a year of operation.

For those who are interested in this business idea,

how is the process of making neon signs:

In fact, now factories are not only colossus built in Soviet times and European colossus - industry leaders. There are also mini-factories that are quite capable of making good competition in the hands of even a small business. And this specific type has its own indisputable advantages, which can and should be used.

Advantages of small production facilities

Mobility. Naturally, the main advantages come from the main difference between such factories - their size. Mini-factories usually do not cause difficulties in assembly. And there is no need to look for an area of ​​several hectares; accordingly, it is possible to significantly save on rent. And if necessary, arrange a move to your plant rather quickly.

Profitability. Savings are evident in everything. Starting from the prices of production equipment and ending with the amount of labor costs. After all, a much smaller amount of human resources will be involved in the mini-complex. However, remember that often repair and maintenance work does not differ in such economy.

Efficiency. In such mini-factories, technologies that differ from standard enterprises are used. This is a new branch of production development, so the use of other resources, coupled with technologies, allows you to develop faster and more efficiently.

Environmental friendliness. Nowadays, especially if you follow the path of European standards, and it is almost impossible not to do this on the world market, environmental friendliness for your company will not remain in last place. Waste recycling processes, recycling - all this not only provides the required level of "cleanliness" of the plant and the environment, but is also a powerful marketing tool in the right hands.

Exclusivity. The ability to create non-standard, use individual solutions and stand out from competitors in every possible way is gaining more and more popularity. And the price for such things differs from the market price for standard things in a big way.

State support. Now in different countries, including Russia, many programs have been created to support the development of small business ideas. If you plan to use socially significant areas, you have every chance of receiving subsidies from government agencies. Environmental friendliness of production, by the way, refers precisely to the subsidized direction. And not necessarily only businessmen starting a business in the capital can count on this. Small towns are also eligible, and starting a business there is often easier. (By the way, many start out with garage production altogether).

Variety of species

At this stage of development of this area of ​​business, there are several main directions, based on the industries that include mini-factories.

Building sector. These are enterprises producing various types of building materials, concrete, bricks, mortar mixes, various types of tiles - from paving slabs to ceramic, building materials for interior and exterior decoration.

Food industry. This includes food processing (such as meat or milk), canning, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and bakery products. And complexes intended for catering establishments.

Processing industry. There are complexes for processing waste, garbage and recyclable materials.

Packaging industry. Container production, production of packaging.

Light industry. Manufacturing of cosmetics, perfumery products, household goods, textiles.

It should be noted that this is only a small part of a possible list of those industries that are now most popular with entrepreneurs. It is they who have good rates of return and the ratio of payback and invested resources. But in no way should you limit yourself to this when choosing a direction. So, for example, you can opt for the woodworking industry, or a complex for the production of hardware products, since in the market for such services, the choice is not limited by anything. And all that you have to do before making a choice is to assess the best value for money for you, focusing on your desires and capabilities.

As for the choice of a manufacturer for your future equipment, the choice here is also not limited, including by countries. So, if earlier entrepreneurs of our country stopped at offers mainly from Western manufacturers, now an increasing number of businessmen choose China. Their quality is constantly growing, bringing to the world market brands that are no longer inferior to other European brands, and the prices differ favorably. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with all the available offers, as well as with the reviews of those who have already used this or that product. Fortunately, global access to the information network allows you to do this with maximum coverage.

Offers from Chinese equipment manufacturers

Brick production. The raw materials for this industry are clay or waste from metallurgical and mining industries, as well as cement and water. For coloring, pigment-containing substances are used. For the production of hollow bricks - sawdust.

Milk production and processing. With the help of the complexes of this industry, milk is bottled in containers. As well as the production of dairy and sour milk products. Such as kefirs of various fat content, yoghurts, butter and cheeses, koumiss. The capacity of the mini-plant is sufficient to achieve processing rates of up to 20,000 liters of milk of various types - cow, camel, mare, goat.

Production of foam blocks. To set up production, you do not need to master complex high technologies, and the process itself allows you to get by with small financial investments. But it is ideal for those entrepreneurs who want to develop their business in the construction industry. An excellent quality of such a mini-production and at the same time a competitive advantage will be the fact that such a production does not require space, it can be organized right at the construction site, thereby reducing a significant part of the costs of the logistics component. Also, an entrepreneur, in addition to saving, gets the opportunity to control the quality of his products, which directly affects demand. The payback of a plant for the production of foam blocks in comparison with other types of production is extremely fast.

Waste recycling. A distinctive feature of this type of production complex is that you will need to obtain licenses from the relevant services. Sanitary fire and proper waste recycling license. However, as mentioned earlier, it is the environmental focus of business that will allow you to become a participant in entrepreneurship support programs and receive a grant to develop your business.

Compound feed production. If you are planning to develop your business in the agricultural sector, or you are a farmer yourself, wanting to reduce the cost of purchasing and delivering compound feed for your farm, then this area is for you. The production complex makes it possible to focus on the production of complete feed for animals and birds, feed concentrates and balancing feed additives.

Release of toilet paper. Waste paper is used as a raw material in such production. Again, this increases the social role of your enterprise, and you can count on various kinds of benefits and subsidized support from the state. Well, the demand for such products will never weaken, which means that with the right planning and strategy of your business, you can achieve good results.

Production complex price

The cost of a mini-plant varies based on the cost of the equipment, the necessary costs for the delivery of the complex to the buyer, customs costs for paperwork and taxes. Prices on the market also differ from the completeness of such plants, as well as the capacity of the equipment and its performance. Therefore, as mentioned earlier, it is better to spend more time analyzing all the offers on the market and reduce possible costs already at the very first steps of your business.

So, for example, a complex allowing the production of porous bricks, made in China, with a capacity of 10,000 pieces per eight-hour shift, will cost around $ 25,000. But the same mini-plant, capable of producing 10 times more in one shift, as well as producing paving slabs, will cost $ 130,000. Therefore, you need to choose knowing exactly what volumes you need and already having an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe implementation of your own product.

Production complexes for the manufacture of foam blocks at prices start from 100,000, but may well go up to two million rubles. Again, perhaps you will find yourself an advantageous offer from a Russian supplier. Then the cost of delivery and customs clearance will be reduced.

For one million rubles, you can find complexes from the food processing industry that will allow you to produce mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces, canned fish, juices and nectars, mashed potatoes, marinades, chips, vegetable oil, but perhaps you have a goal for one specific product and then there will be an opportunity to pick up something cheaper. There are many options.

But the production lines for the processing of milk and meat are initially more expensive. Prices start at two million and sometimes go up to 20-30. But a canning mini-factory can cost only 500,000.

As for the recycling of waste, here the price varies based on what types of waste you will recycle. If these are tires, from which rubber crumb will be obtained at the output, then it will turn out to find a price tag of one and a half million, but the processing of PET and PVC is much more expensive - about 10 million.

How to choose?

If the choice fell on foreign technologies, keep in mind that it will be more convenient to make a purchase through an intermediary company, which will take on all the little things. There are enough specialized offices on the market. They will not only take over the paperwork, but in some cases deliver the goods and carry out the necessary installation. Of course, their services are not free, however, as a result, you will save both on time and on nerves, and the cost of specialists can be paid off by a quick start and the absence of unexpected situations during the first tests of the equipment.

Remember that you should already know in advance the sales corridor for your future products. You must be aware of both your competitors and how demand is behaving. All this should be reflected in the business plan. This is the only way to achieve a high-quality strategy for the development of your business and not lose money and time.

If all the costs, both mandatory and probable, are taken into account, if all steps are outlined not only for organizing production, but also for its immediate development, then you can get the first real profit very soon. And the difficulties that in any case arise at different stages of the organization of any entrepreneurial business will not make you lose heart.

Another 1000 best business models, you can find in the sections: or

Chelyabinsk entrepreneur Denis Vidyakov - that now the time has come when small firms can declare themselves

Not everyone can be engaged in production - in the current economic situation, many start-up entrepreneurs do not risk investing in such a complex business. However, the crisis gives not only difficulties, but also new opportunities - it all depends on the angle from which to look at it. Entrepreneur Denis Vidyakov from Chelyabinsk, who opened a business for the production of metal structures, showed by his own example that when there is a goal, all obstacles are surmountable. This story told leading Chelyabinsk portal

Denis Vidyakov | Photo: Oleg Kargapolov

I started working on metal structures last year. My father is a welder, and at some point he had difficulties at work. I did not waste time in vain - I registered an LLC, rented a room, bought some equipment and started working. I already had experience in business - before that I opened a paintball club, which is still successfully operating today. But metal structures are a completely new direction for me, I had to study the subject already in the course of work.

Room 80 sq. m was filmed together with a partner in the Leninsky district of Chelyabinsk. At the very beginning, the equipment consisted of grinders from the garage, drills from home, jigsaws from work. All advertising took place exclusively through free sites, the first orders slowly appeared. We opened at the beginning of last summer, and it was very difficult because the season has already been missed. They grabbed literally everything that was associated with metal structures: awnings, change houses, horizontal bars, benches, trash cans. From the first order, we bought a pipe bender, a compressor, and welders.

Honestly, at first it was enough only for rent and salary. This was the case until mid-autumn, and then orders stopped arriving altogether. They pulled out something on trifles, mostly to their friends - to make a stove for someone, a fence or a table for someone. Once they worked in the negative - I miscalculated the change house. But an agreement is an agreement - I had to make and give it up.

In the fall, real money problems began, because the rent had to be paid every month. The debt accumulated until December and amounted to 70 thousand rubles at the beginning of this year. As a result, I had to move out of the rented workshop, write a receipt on my own behalf that I would personally give the money.

"The competition in this business is fierce, it is difficult to survive. But on the other hand, now all large companies in this area have slowed down due to the economic instability in the country, and the time has come when small firms can declare themselves."

We found a new workshop with good conditions, a minimum rental amount. There was one condition - we must educate the students of this institution. The students did not appear, as a result, the rent was increased for us, but, fortunately, at that moment we already had orders. First from free sites, and later I began to slowly invest in advertising. Calls started and enthusiasm began to rise as well. Plus, in two months I made a website with ads, and word of mouth works great. An acquaintance helped to make the site, so here we saved. In a certain business, everything always revolves in one circle - everyone knows each other, and people begin to give our contacts.

It should be noted that the competition in this business is fierce, it is difficult to survive. But on the other hand, now all large companies in this area have slowed down due to the economic instability in the country, and the time has come when small firms can declare themselves. I realized this in practice - if you do everything right, you can rise even better in a crisis. You have to compete with price, quality and your own experience.

For some time in the winter we tried to make wood-burning stoves, fireplace scoops, a poker for stoves - it didn't work. Then I realized that I needed to concentrate on one thing, and not be sprayed in different directions. This year I was approached by a company that deals with children's playgrounds. She has been in the market for a long time, but now her suppliers have ceased to meet deadlines. They came to me, we worked together, and I wedged myself into small forms - these are swings, merry-go-rounds, benches, horizontal bars and so on. That is, I am now engaged in the improvement of children's play areas.

Another type of activity that I have chosen is the entrance groups for the project - flights of stairs and railings. My partner went out of business because he did not have enough time, now I am developing on my own. Orders also came from other companies: I had to sit on the call to establish the necessary connections. In general, people do not refuse, there is excitement, despite the fact that this year the construction season is generally wrong. It began at the beginning of summer, and now it is only gaining momentum, although it usually picks up momentum earlier.

Initially, I did not think about big money at all, I needed to keep my father busy, hence the idea was born. I made some mistakes, not without it. For example, initially I was not very well versed in details, because I did not thoroughly study the subject, I learned everything in practice. Now I can say with confidence that I know my business.

There is enough work. On the staff, besides me, there are five employees: a manager, three welders and an assistant. Found paint partners. The volumes of metal have also increased, and we are already getting discounts.

I order metal from Chelyabinsk resellers. Earned a good discount from one supplier, delivers delivery, all inclusive. The volumes do not yet allow us to order from factories, and my metal is all assorted. I mostly take consumables from advertisements, since there is no point in buying them in a store - it comes out too expensive. And it's easier to negotiate with individuals.

The equipment has paid off completely today, new machines have already been purchased. Some we do ourselves - we order spare parts, engines for turners. Today everything is automated with us, the workshop is ready to produce certain volumes of products. Now a catalog is being prepared, in the future I also want to create an online store. We will also undergo certification, since this is required by all schools and kindergartens with which we plan to work.

"In fact, you can make money on anything if you have a goal and a clear understanding of what you are doing."

Of course, good equipment is expensive. I want to buy laser cutting, so that there is a full range of metalworking services, but so far, unfortunately, there is no such opportunity, it costs about five million. But the main thing is that we are on the right track. They gained momentum, all employees receive their salaries on time. Now we have reached a stable working schedule, all processes are streamlined and automated. The shop used to be 80 sq. m, and now 150 sq. m. But this is no longer enough. When an order comes in for 30-40 shops, the room simply does not turn around.

I was recently contacted by the leaders of a philanthropic movement. They offered to ennoble the yards: to put sandboxes for children, swings, horizontal bars. The first courtyard has already been chosen, I think we will continue to work in a similar format.

What can I advise aspiring entrepreneurs to believe in their business and not be afraid of the crisis. In fact, you can make money on anything if you have a goal and a clear understanding of what you are doing.

Business start-up costs (RUB):

  • registration of LLC - 4000;
  • rent - 16,500;
  • electricity - 2500;
  • salary - 25,000;
  • accountant services - 2000;
  • authorized capital - 10,000;
  • consumables - 7000.
One-time expenses (rub.):
  • equipment - about 160,000;
  • website development - 5000.
  • hosting - 3000.
Monthly costs (rub.):
  • salary for employees - 140,000;
  • hosting - 3000;
  • accounting services - 4000;
  • rent - 15,000;
  • electricity - 4000;
  • consumables - 10,000;
  • site advertising - 5000.
roll up

It will take a lot of effort to start from scratch. This is a time consuming and costly process. It is recommended to calculate in advance the important details of the business project.

Search for an activity

An approximate list of types of profitable business:

  • Production of building materials from scratch. You can open a small factory for the production of bricks, concrete, steel, plastic, metal-plastic. You can create sculptures from a variety of materials.
  • Food production. Available, a mill, a wine-vodka or meat factory, a factory for the creation of semi-finished products, a farm, to make cottage cheese or dumplings.
  • Creation of household items. Realistically open the production of plastic windows, doors, bars, furniture, various accessories, dishes.
  • Service industry: taxi, dry cleaning, workshops, hairdressing salons. Business in the field of activity from scratch is relevant for those who do not have enough finance for the initial investment. It is worth starting a production in a familiar field of activity.

Business preparation

To form your own business from scratch, you need to go through certain stages that involve solving the following organizational issues:

  • Idea formation. Dream alone is not enough, an entrepreneur must have special skills in the chosen industry.... It is not always worth being original and creating something new, the business may not take root. It is wiser to borrow a certain promoted idea, adding it to a little personal or completely copying the idea.
  • Thinking and creating a business plan is a fundamental moment, with the study of technical and financial details of production from scratch.
  • Choice of premises. To open a business, depending on the type of production, you will have to take into account the observance of sanitary standards and GOST. If necessary, it is worth deciding on the area of ​​the premises and warehouses.
  • Registration of the necessary documents from scratch. It is worth knowing in advance about the documentation for your own business, various licenses and certificates. A ready-made package of documents will speed up the creation of production. The entrepreneur should study the laws related to the business in advance. We must not forget about the timely payment of taxes, in order to avoid problems with the tax office, which will make it easy to open a business.
  • Search for qualified employees. To start a profitable business, you need to have good staff. In certain types of businesses, workers will need health records.
  • Selection of suppliers. You need to advertise your company, have quality products to get an impeccable customer base for the sale of goods.
  • Business advertising and customer search from scratch. Without understanding advertising techniques, you should contact specialists, in particular, people involved in SMM services. Professionals will help with communication tools and production promotion on social networks. The best tactic in working with clients and building your own base is to give more than expected, then the clients will become permanent.

Is it worth starting your own business?

Before starting a profitable business from scratch, a prospective entrepreneur needs to ask himself questions that give a general idea of ​​his own abilities. Not every beginner is mentally prepared to implement a business idea. Below are the inner beliefs of a successful businessman:

  • Awareness of the possible unprofitableness of a business idea from scratch and the probable lack of profit.
  • In the absence of entrepreneurial acumen and money, you cannot start a profitable business.
  • A case cannot be studied in a month.
  • Starting a business with a friend isn't always a good idea.

The main examples of thoughts of "would-be businessmen":

  • Business is easy. We must immediately go headlong into production and defend the original positions.
  • Reputation is acquired and there is no point in worrying.
  • Tired of stupid bosses - I want to start my own business and show my personal worth.

The main indicator of production efficiency

When creating your own production from scratch, it is recommended to think over a business plan, especially the financial component. The following key concepts should be considered:

  • The cost of the client is a certain amount of finance for PR for the company.
  • Average check is the approximate amount of one purchase. It is calculated in a simple way: the revenue is divided by the average cost.
  • Cost is the minimum cost required to start a production. Knowing the cost price, the entrepreneur will not go into negative territory.
  • Revenue is the total amount of income in a given period.
  • Profit is an indicator of the profitability of an enterprise. Expenses are subtracted from the proceeds, there remains net income, withdrawn by the entrepreneur and used for his own needs.
  • Conversion - the total number of actions taken to the planned ones.
  • A businessman should focus on increasing profits and reducing costs for one client.

Writing a business plan

A business plan will help an entrepreneur understand his own level of readiness, an idea of ​​the final goal and the sequence of steps from scratch. There are several steps to creating a quality plan:

  1. Analysis of the current situation and collection of all information. A popular type of analysis is SWOT. This abbreviation stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of production. This analysis allows for a more objective picture of business planning from scratch.
  2. Formulation and description of sections, including resume, range of services, marketing tactics, financial and organizational plans, goals for the future, achievements.
  3. The embodiment of the idea.

Opening an enterprise is a costly process in financial and moral terms.

However, with the ability and patience, any production from scratch will be successful.

Total in the category: 24 types, investment sizes: from 129 320 to 1 123 100 rubles. Catalog of ideas for creating a mini-production in Russia, choose an actual idea for opening your own small manufacturing business.

The section presents various options for creating a small manufacturing business with minimal investment (no more than 1 million rubles).

Format of the information provided:

  • Business ideas with economic calculations;
  • Examples of business plans for small businesses;
  • Interview with real entrepreneurs.




The relevance of a small manufacturing business

It is generally accepted that small business based on the production of products is a complex costly and unprofitable investment. Let's try to refute these statements and understand the question - what is mini-production for small businesses.

World practice shows that the ideas, the implementation of which began in small private industries, turned out to be the most viable, promising and progressive. Think of the birth of the legendary Harley-Davidson motorcycle or the assembly of the first batch of computers by Steve Jobs in the garage. Many leading corporations are classic examples of the transformation of small-scale production into diversified giants that generate huge profits, which means that small production is a sure platform for the implementation of bold ideas or a source of stable earnings on time-tested schemes. Let us consider which production facilities are the most profitable and quick to pay off today, and also define the set of mandatory conditions in the organization of any production, on which the potential and subsequently real success of the enterprise depends.

Where to begin?

The three pillars that determine the sustainability of a manufacturing enterprise are:

  • interesting business idea;
  • knowledge of production technology;
  • start-up capital in the required amount.

As for any kind of activity, for small production the idea is the most important criterion. Entrepreneurs start a new business for various reasons: someone is realizing an old dream, and someone is trying to make money, but everyone is trying to fulfill the plan that is close and understandable to him. In addition, the ownership of future production areas, a private courtyard or land plots will help the entrepreneur significantly reduce costs. This will sweep away the additional rental costs and serve as an additional reason for choosing an idea in which to use this property. The analysis of the regional market, the location of the future enterprise, as well as the degree of demand for the product is also important.

In addition, a businessman must have knowledge of the peculiarities and subtleties of the business that is to be done. It is impossible to make a profit without understanding the production. Such a business project will either not survive or will require constant financial investments to hire competent personnel, but this is another topic, and our article is devoted to small-scale industries, where business starts with minimal financial investments.

The availability of capital is a very important prerequisite for starting. Realizing that the issue of money is very acute, let us dwell on a review of production facilities with relatively low investment costs of up to 1 million rubles, but with promising opportunities.

Advantages and disadvantages of small industries

Since the production is small and its owner usually combines the functions of a manager and an ordinary employee, he knows firsthand about the needs of the enterprise and this allows him to:

  • actively respond to market changes;
  • quickly reorient production;
  • create promising directions;
  • change the location of the business if necessary.

At the same time, the businessman does not need to coordinate all the decisions and changes made with anyone, and this significantly saves time and reserves, and contributes to an increase in the profitability of the enterprise, since in small industries there is no huge layer of bureaucratic obstacles that invariably accompany large companies.

Along with the advantages of mini-production, they also have disadvantages, expressed mainly in the risks of ruin. But this is the prose of life, and entrepreneurs, seriously carried away by small business, competently managing the economy and predicting the prospects for its development, achieve excellent results.

Successfully implemented business ideas

Real, efficiently working business ideas with minimal investment in production in 2015 exist in every direction - in the creation of food and non-food products. As a rule, lines for the production of products, for example, pasta, semi-finished meat products, etc., are quite expensive equipment, of course, the costs of operating such a line will be considerable. The smallest investments require narrow-profile production, which does not use expensive equipment. For example, making cakes to order, the main expense for which is the purchase of food, baking dishes and utility bills. Or you can try yourself in the production of traditional Russian fast food in a small cafe - pie, the approximate amount of investment in the opening of which will be about 600 thousand rubles. The average payback period for such a point is 1.5-2 years.

Among the low-cost agricultural production, the most economical is the cultivation of vegetables in small areas. In our example, the costs of starting a business for processing 1 hectare of land and planting vegetables were no more than 50 thousand rubles. In this business, knowledge of plant cultivation, the timing and rates of fertilization, and the timing of various agrotechnical measures are required.

Farms for raising animals (breeding and for meat), poultry, and the production of chicken eggs have become widespread. The business of breeding rabbits, as well as raising laying hens, involves the purchase or construction of premises for animals, their timely vaccination and a whole range of other necessary measures. With the costs invested in the production of eggs and raising hens within the limits of 245 thousand rubles. (subject to own premises) the annual yield is more than 200 thousand rubles. and the payback period of the project is 14-16 months. For all the seeming simplicity of these types of production, there are many nuances that must be fulfilled, since violations in the technology of breeding animals are fraught with the loss of livestock. A business plan for breeding geese on a personal backyard gives a detailed picture of investment. With investments of about 300 thousand rubles. the project pays off in 2 years.

Small tailor-made ateliers that are relevant today are a very popular type of production that requires small investments (about 100 thousand rubles), the bulk of which goes to the purchase of sewing equipment.

Ideas for the development of sewing production can be very diverse: such exotic proposals as sewing slings for young mothers, ethnic clothes, clothes for dolls and animals increase the profitability of the enterprise. It is also necessary to develop services for the repair of clothes.

A significant part in the segment of small industries is occupied by entrepreneurship in the production of building and facing materials, for example, in the production of corrugated board, metal tiles, doors, windows, etc. A workshop for the production of paving slabs or a profitable business for the production of cinder blocks at relatively low costs give excellent results. With an investment of 100 - 200 thousand rubles. (depending on the cost of equipment) recoupment of the project is 12-18 months.

In conclusion, we recall that all of the listed business ideas became profitable enterprises under another important condition - high efficiency of businessmen and a large contribution of their strength, knowledge and ability to achieve goals.