How to clean silver at home. Correct care of blackened silver. Cleaning silver items with aluminum foil

In ancient times, silver was more valuable than gold. Our ancestors believed that it was silver that possesses magical and unearthly powers that protect against evil spirits and other evil spirits. Nowadays, with the help of silver jewelry, you can learn about health problems. It is believed that if a person wears silver jewelry on his body, and it darkens quickly, this is considered an indicator of poor health, and our grandfathers put a silver spoon in tea to cool it down as soon as possible.

There are silver items in almost every home, it can be like cutlery, jewelry or interior items that emphasize taste, add aristocracy. Nevertheless, silver tends to darken, become covered with a coating, which makes it dull and not beautiful. Therefore, the question arises how to return the original shine to silver. Of course, you can take the product to a jewelry workshop for cleaning, but there is not always enough time, so we will tell you how you can clean silver at home without cost.

Silver is a noble metal that is sufficiently resistant to the effects of organic acids and alkaline solutions, but it is completely defenseless against the influence of hydrogen sulfide. Sulfur is found in some medicines and cosmetics, so keeping silver near these products is not recommended.

Everyone knows that in a person with poor health, silver darkens much faster. Scientists have shown that the hue of the precious metal changes depending on the person's sweat. If the human body contains a large amount of nitrogen, silver darkens less often, and in people who have a high sulfur content in sweat, silver darkens much faster.

The reason for the darkening of silver is often high humidity in the room, improper storage, poor quality of silver and other factors that negatively affect the state of this noble metal.

Methods for cleaning silver

Before cleaning a silver piece, you need to know that silver is a soft metal and use of coarse brushes or hard fabrics is strictly prohibited, how you can scratch your favorite thing. You also need to carefully approach the choice of cleaning agent and silver care after cleaning. Let's take a look at several effective ways to clean silver at home, all of them are completely safe and quite effective.

One of the most effective, old and simple methods for cleaning silver is soda, which dissolves plaque well and removes dirt from silver. If you need to clean the jewelry, then it is better to make a gruel of soda and warm water, apply it to the jewelry, hold it for 10 minutes and wipe it with a soft cloth.

To clean the silver table set, you need to place silver dishes in a bowl of water, cover with soda, pour warm water and leave for 30 - 40 minutes. Then you need to rinse each item with clean water and wipe with a dry cloth.

Method 1: To prepare the solution, you will need 10% ammonia, in which you need to soak the silver-plated product and wait from 30 to 3 hours. The solution with silver must be placed on a balcony or street, so as not to inhale ammonia. Then you need to rinse with clean water and wipe with a dry soft cloth.

Method 2: You will need: 5 tablespoons of water, 2 tablespoons of ammonia, 1 tablespoon of tooth powder. In the prepared solution, you need to moisten a clean cloth and process silver things, wait 10 - 15 minutes and rinse with running water, then wipe with a dry towel.

Toothpaste is an excellent cleaner for silver jewelry. During the cleaning process, you can use a soft tissue or soft toothbrush. The toothpaste must be white, free from various impurities, which can damage the silver. The toothpaste should be applied to the silver, and with gentle movements, using a toothbrush, brush. The soft bristles of the toothbrush will clean fine silver parts well. After cleaning, the product must be rinsed with water and wiped with a dry cloth. It is convenient to clean openwork chains or rings with a toothbrush.

It is good to clean silver from darkening with the help of salt, which dissolves grease and dirt. Makes silver sowing and pure. For cleaning, you need 25 g of salt, 10 g of tartar and 0.5 liters of water. Dissolve salt and tartar in hot water, put silver there, and leave for 10 - 20 minutes. Then rinse the silver under running water and wipe well with a clean cloth.

One of the new and effective methods of cleaning silver is using carbonated water. The familiar Coca-Cola or 7-Up is more often used, they contain a lot of acid, which perfectly corrodes dirt and removes blackening. The silver item should be placed in a drink and boiled over low heat for 5 - 7 minutes, then rinsed with running water and wiped with a napkin.

We clean silver with detergents

You can clean silver with ordinary laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent or window detergent.

Method 1: A small amount of powder should be poured into a metal bowl, filled with hot water and a silver piece should be placed. Then put on the stove and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Rinse with clean water and wipe with a clean cloth.

Method 2: Dissolve the detergent in a small container, put in the silver and leave for 10 minutes. Then take a soft toothbrush and lightly brush the silver piece.

Method 3: During the cleaning process, a window cleaner is used, which must be sprayed onto the silver and wiped with a soft cloth.

In addition to the above methods of cleaning silver at home, there are others that are equally effective. We recommend watching a video in which silver is cleaned with laundry soap.

Professional silver cleaning

In modern jewelry stores, a large number of special means for cleaning silver are provided: napkins, sprays, solutions. All of them guarantee to clean off any dirt or darkening without damaging your favorite product. Johnson's Silver Quick is especially popular. We recommend watching the video.

With professional silver cleaners, you can clean jewelry with precious stones and be sure that after cleaning the silver will regain its original and shining appearance.

How to store silver properly

  • To prevent dark stains from contact with damp skin on silver jewelry, wipe it with a dry and soft cloth each time you remove it. Do not bathe in silverware or leave or store them in the bathroom.
  • When bathing or taking a shower, you need to remove the silver, especially when you use a cosmetic product based on sulfur and mercury salts. Don't forget silver in the bathroom.
  • Store jewelry in a dry place in a case.
  • Gilded silver should be cleaned only with special professional products.
  • In the process of cleaning silver, you should use only soft tissues and soft toothbrushes.
  • It is better to entrust expensive silver items with stones to professionals in a jewelry workshop.
  • After each cleaning, the silver should dry well.
  • Do not store silver near medications or in a damp room.

Simple rules will help reduce the appearance of dirt and keep your favorite silver piece in perfect condition.

Useful Tips

Silver objects can be found in almost every home, be it dishes or jewelry. Sooner or later the time will come when they will need cleaning. The question comes to mind how effective and without harm to health or for the object itself you can clean silver at home.

It is worth noting that cleaning silver is not a very difficult process, and everyone is able to choose a suitable method for themselves. It is natural that for cleaning silver antiques it is worth contacting a specialist, but in other cases, you can do it yourself, using the means at hand.

Despite the fact that every family knows their "best way" for cleaning silver, there is several generic methods that can be used even by those who have never cleaned such products before.

Let's take a look at some of the well-known universal methods that you can use to clean silver at home.

How can you clean silver from blackness?

Blackness is perhaps the only drawback of silver. Over time, silver items become covered with an unpleasant black coating.

It should be noted that before cleaning the silver you need to determine the degree of contamination of the object and its sample... It's because low-grade products include impurities of other metals, which means that when cleaning them, it is advisable to use special products.

It happens that the alloy from which the product is made includes copper... You can find out about this by contamination - product does not turn black, but turns green... For cleaning, you need a solution of Trilon B (10%). It will dissolve the green layer, after which you can adopt one of the following methods.

1. Special liquid for cleaning silver

You can buy it in the store in the household chemicals department. Nevertheless, this liquid can not be found in every store. Try looking for it in a specialty store that sells household chemicals.

Follow the instructions when using this liquid, although we can say that this method is very simple - you need to wipe silver items with a regular cloth soaked in this special liquid.

If you visit a jewelry store, they will be able to offer you a set in which there is a special liquid and several soft rags. Some liquids not only allow cleaning silver, but also protect it from re-contamination by covering the product with a protective layer.

2. How to clean silver with ammonia

At home, ammonia will help a lot to cleanse your silver. You can buy it at every pharmacy.

Just make a solution of ammonia and water (1:10), apply it to a cloth and start rubbing the silver until the browning disappears.

3. How to clean silver with lemon juice or citric acid

If you have no time to go to a store or pharmacy for a special liquid or for ammonia, lemon juice or citric acid will come to your rescue. This method will help you clean your silver very quickly at home.

Immerse the silverware in a strong citric acid solution. Wait a few minutes and the blackness will disappear by itself. It is important to use enough citric acid so that the silver can be completely immersed in it.

4. How to clean silver with baking soda

Put some baking soda in a saucer and moisten a little with water. Soak a cloth in the solution and start rubbing the silver. It is important to do this carefully so as not to scratch the silver objects. It should be noted that this method is more suitable for items without complex patterns.

5. Alcohol and hydrogen peroxide

Dip a silver object into this solution and wait 20 minutes. Next, wipe the silver with a thick cloth.

6. Tooth powder or toothpaste

This is also effective if the item has been exposed to high oxidation stress.

Make a mixture of toothpaste, baking soda, and ammonia. Cover the silver items evenly using the gruel. Do everything carefully so as not to scratch the object. It is better to rub with a soft brush and without applying force.

Do not use this method when cleaning patterned items, as the paste can get stuck between them and spoil the silver.

7. Boiling water with soda

Suitable for silverware. Boil silverware in this solution, and they will regain their former shine.

8. Curdled milk

Suitable for removing stains from silverware. Place the silver items in the curdled milk for a few minutes. Next, wash them in warm water and wipe with a dry cloth.

9. Soap solution with ammonia

Silver dishes can be washed in soapy water once a week by adding a few drops of ammonia. Thus, you will ensure the shine of the dishes for a long time.

10. Decoction of potatoes

Have you boiled potatoes? Do not empty the water. Let it cool slightly, and then put the silverware in the solution. You can also add a piece of foil there. After 5 minutes, you can take out your brand new silver.

How to clean silver with stones?

Silver jewelry containing stones should be handled with care, as cleaning with some cleaning agents can damage the stones. Be especially careful with amber and pearls.

The best option would be to have the jewelry handed over to a specialist who knows how to clean it.

You can also use a special jewelry liquid found in jewelry stores.

Useful Tips

If you do not want the cleaned product to no longer undergo oxidation, and further darkening, you need to monitor the humidity in the room. It is also necessary to prevent the contact of silver with medicines and preparations, which include sulfur.

While these tips do not guarantee that silver will not turn black over time, they will still increase its lifespan and make cleaning much easier in the future.

Knowing how to clean blackened silver from plaque and stains, you restore the product without scratching or damaging its surface. Use baking soda, salt, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide. Prepare special cleansing pastes or solutions following a specific pattern. Finally, be sure to rinse under running water and polish to a shine

Silver belongs to the noble metals with disinfecting properties, therefore, wearing silver items and using cutlery has a good effect on a person's well-being (provided that they do not have a black coating). Knowing how to clean silver at home will restore the appeal of your favorite jewelry, spoons and improve their healing properties with a minimum of effort.

Reasons for darkening silver

Before cleaning silver, it is important to understand why it tends to darken.

"Magical" reasons for darkening silver

Previously, it was thought that the reason for this was magical rituals, but scientists have proven that silver and cupronickel (a metal similar to silver) react to various elements (oxidizes).

The blackness on the surface of silver-plated jewelry appears due to:

  • contact with wet skin;
  • being in conditions of excessive humidity;
  • improper storage;
  • interactions with household chemicals, cosmetics and some products;
  • reactions to sweating. If there is nitrogen in the sweat, then the silver will remain the same, and the sulfur impurities lead to rapid blackening. Sulfuric substance appears in the body as a result of the progression of pathology or the use of medications.

If the product is of low grade, then it will oxidize, regardless of whether the sweat contains impurities or not.

It is better to avoid wearing such jewelry, because they do not have even a minimal beneficial effect on the body and are not restored.

Choosing a cleaning method

The principle of cleaning silver bracelets, crosses, rings and cutlery from black plaque depends on several factors:

  • product samples;
  • are there alloys in the composition;
  • the size of the decoration;
  • the presence of decorative elements such as expensive stones, gilding;
  • intensity of blackening.

Simple products that do not contain impurities, stones, gilding do not need special care, therefore, the use of aggressive products is permissible. As for expensive items with decorations, it is better to clean with professional cleaners (pastes / aerosols) or contact a jewelry salon.

Basic Rules

You need to clean silver at home, adhering to certain rules:

  1. Clean jewelry regularly, even if there is little plaque. Otherwise, the dirt will eat into the ornament, and it will be more difficult to clean it. This is especially true for white earrings or light gray chains.
  2. Do not use harsh abrasives such as a metal scraper. For simple decorations, use a toothbrush with soft bristles, for expensive ones containing stones, use a brush with natural fibers.
  3. Treat high-quality products with professional cleaners.
  4. Silver-plated accessories cannot be damaged by chemicals, but they can easily be scratched with hard materials. If you do not have the necessary brush on hand, use a soft cloth to clean the silver.
  5. Be sure to rinse the rings with purified water if metal dishes / foil have been used during processing. Otherwise, the surface will oxidize and form an unattractive sodium sulfate hymen.
  6. Sprinkle boiling water or lemon juice on the jewelry to give it a shine, like in a shop window.
  7. After processing, dry the silver-plated jewelry with a hairdryer, polish with a suede cloth.
  8. Do not use cutlery and do not wear rings or chains for several days after processing.

To wash jewelry with decorative stones at home, use folk cleaning methods and these rules.

We clean silver with folk remedies

Folk remedies - substances regularly used in everyday life:

  • lemon acid;
  • vinegar;
  • Colgate toothpaste;
  • ammonia;
  • vodka;
  • or food.
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • glycerol;
  • salt;
  • Coca Cola.

These products are gentle, therefore they are recommended by leading jewelers for cleaning from dirt of initial and medium difficulty. Before wiping off the blackness, remove the remains of cosmetics, dust and grease. Prepare a solution by mixing dishwashing liquid, laundry detergent, or soap with water. Rub the inside / outside thoroughly with a toothbrush. Rinse and dry with a soft paper towel.

We wash off the darkening with tooth powder / paste

A toothpaste or whitening powder for teeth washes away blackness on silver-plated accessories, but belongs to rough methods that are not recommended for cleaning expensive jewelry with inclusions of gold and precious stones (topaz, amber).

This method works well for cleaning coins. Dilute the powder with water until a paste is obtained, or apply the prepared product to a soft fabric. Rub the product in a straight line. Do not press or damage the ornament.

Note ! After treatment with any cleaning agent, rinse the jewelry and dry to avoid oxidation.

Did you know that toothpaste is used for and.


An easily available and highly effective cleaning agent for contaminated silver is soda. For regular utensils, prepare gruel by mixing baking soda and water. Lubricate the soiled area with the mixture and after 10-15 minutes rub with a soft cloth, wash.

If the jewelry contains impurities of precious metals or stones, use a different recipe:

  1. Boil 1 tbsp. water.
  2. Dissolve 20 g of baking soda in it.
  3. Place food foil on the bottom of the pot.
  4. Place the decoration for 15 minutes.
  5. Wipe with a cloth.

Note ! We put the processed silver in hot, not boiling water!

How to easily remove blackness from a silver chain and restore shine, watch the video:

Citric acid

With the help of acids, silver is washed from dirt, rust, yellowness, brown deposits.

At the end of processing, the silver ring will shine:

  1. Combine the ingredients in the indicated proportions: 2 tbsp. water and 100 g of citric acid.
  2. Place the solution in a water bath and place a piece of wire (copper) inside.
  3. Darken the decoration for about 15 minutes.

A small and unpretentious product can be easily cleaned with a vinegar solution. Apply a small amount of the product to the rag and wipe clean. Also use pharmacy sulfuric or formic acid. Add a little product to boiling water, place the product there and boil for 1-2 minutes.

Note ! Do not use pots with even minimal carbon deposits. They will further aggravate the condition of silver..


To clean silver with ammonia at home until it shines, just soak a cloth in a pharmacy solution and wipe the product.

If that's not enough, pour ammonia over the jewelry and let sit for about 10 minutes.

Clean heavily soiled products with ammonia mixed with hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Mix ingredients 1: 1.
  2. Place a ring or chain in the liquid.
  3. Let sit for about 15 minutes.
  4. Rub with a brush or cloth.
  5. Dry and buff.

Real gemstones will not deteriorate in contact with these components, but colored rhinestones can lighten or discolor.

Attention! If your ring or earrings have pearls or colored decorative inserts, be careful, because peroxide can discolor such materials!


A bath of salt will help to add shine to the product and remove minor yellow deposits.

To enhance the effect, it is combined with tartar:

  1. Dissolve in ½ l. 10 g of stone and 25 g of salt.
  2. Soak the jewelry in the solution for no more than 20 minutes.

If there is no tartar on hand, pour half a liter of water into an aluminum pan, add dish detergent and 10 g of baking soda / salt each. Simmer over low heat for half an hour, dry and rub the restored product.

Olive oil

Regular olive oil will help remove minor deposits. Apply the product to a cloth, rub the ring and rinse with cold water. Regular processing with olive oil does not harm, but will not allow the garment to darken, so treat it 1-2 times a month.

Unusual methods

Unusual remedies include cigarette ash, powder, yogurt, copper wire, foil, and raw potatoes.

We clean with foil and copper wire

These materials enhance the effectiveness of the main components and remove minor plaque:

  1. Wrap the jewelry in foil along with 1 tsp. soda and salt.
  2. Pour water into a metal container.
  3. Place the foil pouch in a saucepan. If you are using wire, put it in water along with the silver piece.
  4. Boil for 15 minutes.

Note ! An aluminum saucepan is a good substitute for foil, so you shouldn't put the bag in such a dish..

Potato peeling technique

Peel a few potatoes and cover with water. Put a silver piece there and leave for 2-3 hours. After this period, intense blackness will be less noticeable, and insignificant ones will disappear completely.

Cigarette ash

Pour some water into a saucepan and add cigarette ash.

Boil the solution and place the jewelry inside. Simmer for 5-15 minutes over low heat and polish the product. To enhance the effect, add a little citric acid along with the ash.


Sour milk contains acid, only in a lower concentration than lemon, so the method is suitable for cleaning products containing inserts of gold and precious stones. Pour the curdled milk into a glass, place the processed silver inside and finish processing after 12 hours.

With the help of yogurt or sour milk, you can and.

Cosmetic powder

If you notice a slight darkening, rub the silver with regular cosmetic powder. It absolutely does not harm products of any quality, since it is a gentle, polishing abrasive.

Features of cleaning products with stones, gilding

Expensive jewelry, complete with stones, requires special care, because with careless movement you risk tearing off and losing topaz, amber or malachite.

For light pollution:

  1. Soak a cotton swab in cologne or alcohol.
  2. Wipe all grooves gently.

To remove stains and stubborn blackness:

  1. Dissolve shavings of laundry soap in water and add a little ammonia, citric acid, vinegar.
  2. Soak the jewelry in the resulting solution for 10–20 minutes, depending on the intensity of the dirt, and rinse it under running water.

For jewelry with complex patterns and stones, it is better not to use a toothbrush. Finally, rub the product with a soft cloth.

How to clean blackened silver

Blackened jewelry itself has a dark tint, so attempts to bleach them will be unsuccessful.

A combination of the following ingredients works well for blackened products:

  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • soap shavings (10g);
  • 1 tsp soda.

The solution does not need to be heated or boiled. Place the product inside and let sit for 20 minutes, then polish it.

How to clean matte silver

Matte products can be easily cleaned with raw potatoes or a foil bag with baking soda. After the procedure, wipe the product dry with a dry cloth.

How to store silver properly

The frequency of washing silver jewelry and their service life depend on the correct storage.

  1. Each piece of jewelry should have its own case - purchase it with the product.
  2. Store silver away from household chemicals, medicine, food and medicine (especially iodine).
  3. Remove jewelry before showering / bathing and applying makeup. The less the product comes into contact with cosmetics and water, the longer it retains its shine.
  4. Wipe wet rings and earrings immediately with a soft cloth.

It is not difficult to put silver items in order, but it is imperative to follow the processing sequence and prepare cleaning solutions, ointments, starting from these recipes.

Larisa, June 30, 2018.

If a silver object or jewelry has lost its shine over time, darkened, then you need to find out how to clean the product at home using improvised means or using a special solution, and boldly get down to business. There are a lot of recipes to return the shine to silver, but are they all really effective?

How to clean silver at home

Most silver items turn black after a while, become dull. Superstitious people say that the reason for this is damage to the owner or illness. According to scientists, the composition of human sweat affects silver items: if there is an excess of sulfur in the body, then the metal is more likely to darken, and if there is a lot of nitrogen, then silver will not darken. However, it happens that the products just lie in the box - for example, cutlery, dishes, figurines - and still get coated. This comes from interaction with air containing hydrogen sulfide.

To know how to clean silver jewelry correctly at home, one must take into account the alloy of silver, impurities, and the presence of stones. Silver alloy is:

  • matte;
  • monetary;
  • blackened;
  • filigree;
  • sterling (925 standard).

So how do you clean your silver at home? Before you start cleaning silver jewelry, dishes, degrease the product using any detergent. Depressions, curls, rub with a soft toothbrush. Let the item sit in soapy water for a few minutes, then rinse the jewelry and proceed with drastic measures. There are many ways to clean silver, including cleansing with:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • baking soda;
  • salt;
  • ammonia (ammonia);
  • foil;
  • citric acid;
  • coca cola;
  • toothpaste or powder;
  • special products (liquids, pastes, napkins);
  • mechanical method of cleaning with an eraser.

Hydrogen peroxide

The use of hydrogen peroxide to clean silver objects is highly controversial. Cleaning silver with hydrogen peroxide can either remove blackening from a precious metal or reverse the process. Hydrogen peroxide donates oxygen atoms to reduce or oxidize a substance, depending on its composition, so the reaction to silver can be unpredictable if the silver alloy contains foreign metals. In this case, there is a risk that the surface of the decoration will become mottled or completely black.

It will be difficult to remove such contamination at home. You will have to contact a jeweler, and his work will result in a solid pretty penny. There are recipes on how to clean silver at home using combined solutions based on hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. However, before putting the whole piece of jewelry in the composition, make a test - check the reaction on the chain clasp or the inside of the ring. If the place of contact has brightened, then feel free to apply the solution to the entire surface of the decoration using a cotton pad.


Housewives have long known the power of soda in the fight against pollution. Perhaps she will be able to wash silver objects, but it is necessary to act without fanaticism, so as not to scratch the shiny surface. The method is suitable for small items, as scratches on plates and spoons will be too conspicuous. How to clean silver with baking soda:

  1. Mix baking soda and a drop of water until a slurry is formed.
  2. Use your fingers or a soft cloth to apply the gruel to the surface of the product, rub it lightly until it shines.
  3. It is best to brush hard areas with a toothbrush.
  4. Rinse the jewelry with water.
  5. Wipe dry.


Another quick, easy way is to brush the silver with salt. You will need regular salt, coarse or fine, which is available, it does not matter. In a small bowl or mug, the bottom of which is lined with foil, pour, without sparing, salt, baking soda, pour liquid for dishes. Jewelry should be placed in this substance and boiled for 10 minutes. Then rinse the products under the tap and dry. This method is suitable for small items such as rings, crosses, earrings, chains, coins. Plates, spoons, candlesticks, and other kitchen utensils must be cleaned using other methods.


There are several ways to clean silver with ammonia. You can use both pure alcohol and its combination with other substances. Two methods using exclusively ammonia:

  1. Take one part ammonia and 10 parts water and prepare a solution. Immerse the product in it to soak. If the silver is of medium contamination, then the processing lasts from half an hour to an hour. Do not keep silver in ammonia for too long, you need to monitor the bleaching process. Slightly cloudy products can simply be wiped with a cotton pad moistened with ammonia.
  2. For silver items that are too black, you will need pure ammonia. Processing time 15 minutes. Then the silver is rinsed and dried.


Citric acid

To lighten antique items and jewelry, cleaning silver with citric acid or vinegar will help:

  • It is necessary to dilute 100 grams of acid in 0.5 liters and put the solution to heat in a water bath.
  • Dip a small piece of copper or wire and silver into the container. Boil time 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Then rinse and dry the item as usual.

Coca cola

The cleaning properties of Coca-Cola are already legendary. What just does not clean this drink: tiles, plumbing, dishes! For home life, this is an expensive and irrational way, but cleaning silver with Coca-Cola is quite affordable and will not hit your pocket. It is necessary to pour a small amount of Coca-Cola into a glass and put the silver products there. The process is lengthy, it will take about 12 hours, but silver will shine like new.


For slightly dull jewelry, cleaning silver with toothpaste works well. Smooth items can be wiped clean with a napkin filled with toothpaste, while jewelry with many embossed details can be cleaned with a toothbrush. Choose a paste without additives and dyes so that impurities do not lead to an undesirable reaction with the metal. After cleaning the product, rinse thoroughly to avoid the formation of white deposits, polish with a soft cloth.

Silver cleaners

In any jewelry store, you can find special cleaning products for silver jewelry. Voice the problem to the consultant, or better bring the jewelry with you - he will recommend a suitable cleaner: napkins, liquid or paste. Check if this or that cleaning agent can be used for products with stones: some do not tolerate aggressive cleaning, they are easily damaged.

Cleaning liquid

A special solution for cleaning silver consists of organic solvents, phosphates, surfactants, fragrances, water. This is a strong cleaning agent, so it is not recommended to use it for lightening silver jewelry with pearls, amber, corals. For example, the Aladdin liquid is a convenient container with a special basket and a brush: a product is placed in the basket, then it must be immersed directly into the jar and held for 30 seconds. Then rinse the silver with water and polish with a napkin. The effect is visible the first time, but there is a drawback - an unpleasant smell.

Specialty liquids can be sold as a spray, such as the Chinese Sunlight product. Comes with a small brush for cleaning hard-to-reach areas. As declared on the package, Sunlight spray is safe for all types of precious metals and stones. The product is transparent, without a pungent odor, easy to use. You just need to sprinkle with silver, stand for a few minutes, and then rinse with water.


It is recommended to use silver cleaning wipes to clean slightly darkened items or items that have lost their luster. There are napkins made of microfiber and not containing chemicals so as not to harm metal and stones. In addition, in stores you can buy disposable wipes with special impregnation for jewelry polishing, separately with impregnation for polishing jewelry with pearls or other organic stones. One such napkin is enough to rub a small table set to a shine.

Cleaning paste

A thick silver cleaning cream or paste effectively cleans old black plaque on jewelry, cutlery, and antiques. The paste has a delicate structure and does not leave scratches on the product. Before cleaning, degrease the silver by rinsing it in warm water and soap or detergent. Then put a little paste on a napkin, rub the product and leave for a while, then polish the surface with a dry napkin.

How to remove blackness from silver

Cleaning silver at home is troublesome, you can scratch the product or spoil the stones. Most of the known ways to clean silver at home have been discussed above. It remains to figure out which of the considered methods is best used for jewelry, products with stones, and which for dishes, cutlery, antiques and other items:

  • Silver dishes that will show baking soda scratches are best cleaned with toothpaste. It is just right for items that have not suffered much from blackening. However, you do not need to use the paste too often, it can provoke the formation of microcracks on the metal. Spoons, forks, knives are cleaned with soda, salt and foil. With this method, you do not need to rub objects, the dirt leaves during boiling.
  • Small jewelry or coins can be easily handled with an eraser, but you have to work hard. Some people advise using lipstick instead of an eraser, rubbing a little on a soft cloth and rubbing the silver. Lipstick will not leave scratches and can be easily washed off with soapy water. For small jewelry, a gruel of chalk and ammonia is also suitable, which is applied to the product and then washed off with water.
  • Blackened silver should not be cleaned to a shine at all, trying to wash off the noble patina, depriving the jewelry of charm and sophistication.

Silver chain

Many people think that the hardest part is cleaning the silver chain, because there are small links or a spiral. However, by applying the knowledge gained about silver purification methods, this problem can be easily dealt with. It takes vinegar and 3 hours of time:

  • Soak the chain in acid, without diluting it with water, and hold for the specified time.
  • Perhaps the process will go faster if the silver is not too running.
  • Vinegar does a great job on very severe browning.

Silver with stones

If it is scary to spoil silver jewelry with stones with household chemicals, it is better to clean it with special liquids for professional cleaning. You can buy them at a jewelry store. They will not only gently clean the silver, but also cover the surface with a protective film. It is important to know the features of the stones in your jewelry:

  • Turquoise does not tolerate moisture, it is absolutely impossible to dip it into water.
  • Pearls do not tolerate ammonia and hydrogen peroxide; they are washed in a soapy water solution.
  • Amethyst and topaz easily tolerate the effects of alkalis and acids of weak concentration, but will not survive high temperatures - they will tarnish.
  • Cubic zirconia, quartz are not capricious, they can be washed in soapy water.


If silver has turned black, how can you clean it? Silver is one of the precious materials. This raw material is used in various fields:

  • industrial;
  • pharmaceutical;

They make of silver, and. It is used for making dinner services. Usually, for the baptism of children in the church, they buy a chain.

Before the invention of filters, water was purified with white silver kitchen utensils. Spoons and crosses were dipped into a jar of water and left for several hours. Silver ions removed heavy metals from the liquid.

Items made of noble metal darken from contact with sulfur and its compounds. This substance is also found in human sweat. Thus, it is possible to track the state of the body.

Often, jewelry owners ask themselves this question: when does a ring or chain darken? What kind of product is suitable for cleaning silver? Cleaning jewelry at home is as easy as shelling pears. You can purchase ready-made solutions or prepare them yourself. The cost of a store-bought silver cleaner will be several times higher than that of a homemade one.

Silver cleaning fluid is a product used for dipping items. The jewelry is dipped in a cleaning solution for 15-30 seconds. It should be held strongly for a minute and then rinsed with running water.

When there is no time, but urgently needs to clean the jewelry, use napkins for cleaning silver. The product must be wiped with a napkin from a bag under No. 1, then rinsed under running water. Dry and polish the product with a napkin under No. 2. These cleaners are not recommended for earrings, rings with stones, patterns on semi-precious metals, engravings, or artificially grown stones.

it is possible without buying expensive goods (using simple and affordable ingredients).

Ammonia is well suited for precious metal products. For cleaning, you need to dilute a solution consisting of 2 tablespoons of alcohol and 1 liter of water. To enhance the effect, you can add a little hydrogen peroxide or liquid soap.

The decoration should be immersed in the prepared mixture for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse and dry with a lint-free cloth.

How to clean silver at home

Dissolve baking soda (1-2 tablespoons) in 500 ml of water. Then put the mixture on fire. When the liquid comes to a boil, put the products in boiling water with a piece of food foil. After 15 minutes, the jewelry will shine like new. Can be left in solution without boiling for several hours. Baking soda is sometimes replaced with salt, and jewelry should be boiled for 15-20 minutes or left for 2 hours.

To purify silver with citric acid, you need to dilute 100 g of acid in 500 ml of water, put in a water bath. Dip products with a piece of copper wire into the solution. It is heated for 15-30 minutes, then rinse with running water and wipe dry.

You can also clean silver at home with vinegar. If the products were stored in unfavorable conditions, mold or plaque appeared on them, then it is easy to get rid of them with the help of food acid. It is recommended to warm up a 6% vinegar solution and wipe the jewelry with a damp cloth.

Radical cleaning of silverware

There is no better cleaner than Coca-Cola. It can easily and without problems clean silver - its composition will remove plaque. In a carbonated purifier, it is necessary to boil silver items for 5 minutes, rinse under running water and wipe dry.

For radical purification of silver, you will need a paste of water, tooth powder and ammonia in a ratio of 5: 2: 2. The toothbrush should be dipped in the solution, treated with jewelry and be sure to rinse thoroughly with water. Then wipe the items with a dry cloth. This cleaning scratches the surface of the precious metal and should be done very rarely.

You can also use lipstick instead of toothpaste, or polish the item with a regular eraser. This method works well for large pieces of jewelry, but is not suitable for cleaning chains.

Quickly, easily and without any solutions, you can clean silver with toothpaste. Products do not need to be wetted before cleaning. A little paste should be applied to the toothbrush and the jewelry should be carefully processed. After these manipulations, the silver must be rinsed in running water. Even chains are cleaned in this way, not just earrings and rings.

Cigarette ash is also used as a silver cleaner. Even the remnants of addiction can remove blackness from jewelry. The solution should be prepared first. To do this, add ash to boiling water. Then place the jewelry in the container.

If the ash is mixed with lemon juice, then the resulting mixture can be processed using a piece of cloth. It is a great homemade jewelry cleaner.

Use of food

Sour milk cleans well silver items. Jewelry should be dipped into it and left for a few minutes. Then rinse with warm water. In no case should you wash off curdled milk with soap.

Raw potatoes will peel silver without spending time and effort. Put the decorations in a container with water, put peeled potatoes, cut into slices, there. The starch coming out of the potato undoubtedly copes with the dark bloom.

Many are interested in. Such manipulations can be done quickly and easily without damaging the jewelry. The decoration should be treated with tooth powder using a soft brush or brush. The stone is not damaged during such cleaning, and the plaque disappears in an instant.