Clean and well-groomed skin with moisturizing cream chutafil dermontrol. Sketafil foam for fatty and problem skin

- Excellent treatments for problem skin

Advantages: well moisturizes and feeds the skin, quickly eliminates inflammation

Disadvantages: High price

Angry rash and acne can spoil the mood to anyone. Basically, the skin problems begin to occur in a transition. This is due to the fact that the level of hormones begins to jump and on the skin these ill-fated red spots and black dots appear.

Basically, such pathologies arise and people with sensitive skin type arise and if during non-picking appropriate means for the treatment of this disease, then soon a person can turn into a terrible picture.

Basically, acne themselves without auxiliary treatment take place for a very long time, and sometimes after deep pimples on the skin, scars and logs can form. And from them will be difficult and practically it is not possible to get rid of them.

In pharmacies you can find tablets, capsules, creams, lotions and other means that will help solve this problem. Many manufacturers produce therapeutic products that are aimed at combating acne.

But with great regret, not all means give a good and positive result. However ruler remedy for brand Setaphyl proven itself from a positive side. Many people have already managed to try these funds and have been satisfied with them. Of course, among buyers were found and those who did not quite like the result. But this is not completely strange, as how many people, so much there are opinions.

In this article you will find out in detail about the means Setaphyl, that they represent and how to use them. But the focus will be paid to the cream from this manufacturer, as many of the buyer prefer from all other funds.

Sketafil line.

All line of funds Sketail can be divided into two large groups, namely, the means for daily care and special care.

The first group includes basic care. It consists of three funds:

Cleansing lotion;

Cleansing gel;

Moisturizing protective cream.

If you want to achieve a quick positive result and bring the skin in order for the short time, it is desirable to use three or at least two tools immediately from this line. In this case, you quickly restore the desired balance and new red spots will no longer appear on the skin, and old inflammations will start quickly.

The second group has already four tools:

Foam for washing with a matting effect;

Moisturizing cream;

Shower cream gel;

Moisturizing lotion.

If your problems exist on only not the skin of the face, but neither on the whole body, then in this case it is advisable to use a shower cream gel. It has a soothing effect. The remedy is well removed inflammation, carefully cleans the skin and does not give to appear new foci. This tool does not cause allergies and can be used for sensitive skin.

All means can be bought at the pharmacy. The line is designed specifically for sensitive skin. She passed many clinical trials and proved its effectiveness. If your skin needs additional care, she lacks moisturizing and nutrition, then these funds are perfect for you.

The company has developed all the necessary funds that need during daily skin care. They can be combined with each other or combine with other means from different manufacturers.

If you do not know what means to start, then it is best to try to buy cream Sketail. It is produced in two different versions. About each of them will be written further in this article in detail.

Moisturizing protective cream Setaphyl.

This tool refers to basic skin care. The cream is for sale in a convenient cardboard packaging on which all basic information is written regarding this means. Inside the box, you will find a tube with a tool.

The volume of the cream is 50 ml. With daily use it is enough of course not for a long time. However, the funds are spent economically. A small pea is enough to apply funds on face and neck.

Consistency at the cream is light. The remedy is well absorbed and evenly distributed over the skin. This composition does not include harmful dyes or fragrances. The cream has a lightweight, barely slight smell. It is not felt on his face. The tool is well suited for daily use. Convenience of moisturizing cream Setaphyl is that it can be used for cosmetics.

For this you only need to wait when the cream is completely absorbed. But the whole process takes only a couple of minutes. The cream does not leave a fatty film on the skin, he does not tighten it and does not create discomfort. However, the means does not have the matting effect. If you want to visually remove the bold glitter on the skin, then this cream will not cope with this task.

The tool still has the degree of protection from the sun. Therefore, cream can be used in summer. The means is hypoallergenic and therefore it can be used by the owners of sensitive and prone to allergies.

In ruler Setaphyl is another variant of a cream that has sebligulating effect. This tool is used if you have active progresses the spread of acne on the skin. The cream needs to start using when the first signs of acne appears, in this case the tool will not give inflammation to spread and the focus will quickly begin to fluff.

The remedy is sold in a convenient bubble with the dispenser. Thanks to the dispenser, you can squeeze the required amount of cream. The texture of the means is very light and it is more like a cream, but on the emulsion. The volume of the bottle is 118 ml. The consumption of the means is small. As part of the funds there are no dyes and other components that could cause irritation or allergies on the skin.

The remedy is perfect for sensitive skin, which is prone to peeling and acne appearance. The cream has white color and it is not transparent. The remedy is very quickly absorbed into the skin and well moisturizes it.

To achieve greater efficiency, the cream is best used in a complex with a foam for washing. The equipment includes ceramic that hold moisture in the skin and do not give her to leave. The cream includes a zinc, he struggles well with a greasy shine and does not eliminate redness and inflammation on the skin.

The remedy is great for daily use. Apply the cream is needed on a clean face in the morning. It follows only once a day. Use the tool can be under makeup.

Dermatological company from France produced a means based on the emulsion complex. "Galderma" called the line of cleansing means "Setaphyl". The entire cosmetic row is called upon with visual problems. This includes a lot of difficulties of a dermatological nature, but the cleansing lotion has become popular in Russia. Its value is that not disturbing the natural protective shell, the substance penetrates the inside and produces deep cleaning.

Composition of Sketail Lotion

Cleansing agent in two hundred milliliters contains:

  • lauril sulfate sodium;
  • butylparaben;
  • emulsifier - stearyl alcohol. With it, the necessary consistency of the lotion is achieved. It affects not so much on the skin as all ingredients are funds. Because with its introduction, the cleansing effect becomes
  • significantly softer;
  • filtered water;
  • propylene glycol suits the tool with protective properties. It creates an imperceptible reservoir on the skin, capable of keeping nutrients inside problem areas. Its pluses include mitigation and freezing effect;
  • cetecile light alcohol almost instantly affects too extended pores. In other words, prevents wrinkles in any manifestations.

Indications for use

This drug can be applied only on the skin with disadvantages. To the too fat or sensitive epidermis, apply the tool is preferably, and it is better not worth it for normal skin. Problem areas in Sketail need, but he can harm healthy skin. Moreover, the drug is designed for a regular basis, so it is necessary to use every day, then the effect will manifest itself quickly.

Cleansing lotion is necessary if:

  1. The skin is fast and abundantly fat;
  2. Heavy dry, irritable or sensitive skin;
  3. Dermatological problems, like eczema;
  4. The weather actively affects the epidermis (wind, frost, scorching sun).

Instructions for use of lotion for washing

Especially favorable impact will be only if it is used to use a lotion every morning and evening. When applied, it should be slightly massaged the skin, so the nutrients will faster penetrated into the skin. But it is better not to wash off the tool. Through a small segment of time (each lady will feel its offensive), you just need to get into the water absorbing remnants. Here will be appropriate cotton swabs in order not to annoy the epidermis more coarse material.

In combination with other cosmetics, Setaphyl does not exhibit aggression. It also diligently performs its functions, while reinforcing the appointment of auxiliary drug. In particularly launched cases, the drug is not used in the singular. On the contrary, it is strongly supported by therapeutic ointments and means.

Sketafil Funds Review

Sketail Restoraderm is a means for wetting the entire body. The water balance is normalized, the integrity of the skin is supported. The tolerability of the drug is ideal in fact for any type of skin, even such a problematic, like an epidermis with atopic dermatitis;

Sketafil washing gel is a perfect form of makeup. The reason lies in the fact that the pores, thanks to him, do not block and continue to breathe even under the impressive layer of decorative cosmetics;

Sketafil moisture cream is famous for protecting any skin from sun rays SPF 30. Moisturizing occurs at the level, which leads to the normal water balance. In addition to the main impacts, the cream is noticeably reduced by inflammatory processes.

Sketafil Body Lotion Restoraderm (Restoraderm)

A versatile agent that is tantamountly cares for all the skin of a person. If the structure of the epidermis was broken and suffered significant losses, then this means can revive all lost substances. The lotion action allows you to reanimate the most significant skin problems.

The protective barrier will be restored, but there is a slight convention: the tool is always applied to a couple with other preparations that provide identical effect. Setaphyl is not the main drug, but fixing the basis for other nutrients.

Dermacontrol Moisturizer (Dermontrol)

Most women tell him thanks for only because this drug provides all-time assistance in hot time. In the summer, when the body is not able to independently support the level of moisture, the means comes to the aid. The evaporation of moisture (in other words, sweat and its consequences) a dermontrol warns.

Another significant advantage is the presence of filters from the Sun. Ultraviolet influence will be minimal after several regular application. It is for this reason that the drug is appreciated high and worthy.

This article allows you to familiarize yourself with the instructions for the use of the drug. Sketail. The reviews of the site visitors - consumers of this medicine are presented, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Setaphyl in their practice. A big request to more actively add your reviews about the preparation: helped or did not help the medicine to get rid of the disease, which complications were observed and side effects, possibly not stated by the manufacturer in annotations. Analogs of sewage in the presence of available structural analogues. Use for treating acne or acne, cleansing and moisturizing the skin in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition of the drug.

Sketail - restores the barrier function of the skin by replenishing the lost components. With daily use in complex therapy, patients makes skin smooth, softens it and has a protective effect.

Penka Sketafil Dermacontrol is one of the most effective preparations for home care fat, irritated and problem skin. The remedy gently cleanses the cover from pollution, normalizes the production of the skin, eliminating its excess, and does not damage the pH of the skin, and also does not overheat it, as other means for this type of skin do.

It has sebliting effect. It is used for the skin of two types - problematic and sensitive. Performs physiological cleaning. Eliminates any dirt from irritated and sensitive skin areas. Excellent copes with the remnants of makeup, dead cells, mud or excess skin lard. The instant effect is to reduce the amount of leather residues by three quarters.

Keeps the integrity of the skin barrier. Makes texture and skin color more pleasant.

Seboregulating effect is achieved due to zinc, which is one of the main components. Foam formula for washing from the SETAFIL series Dermacreditis is not aggressive, it contributes to moisturizing, reducing irritation.

Agent weightless and easy. It is easy to apply, apply, flush. After use, every time the feeling of comfort remains, freshness.

Moisturizing cream Sketafil Restoraderm is a special preparation designed for sensitive skin areas, providing comprehensive care and moisturizing.

It has the following useful properties:

  • Required moisturizing of the skin layers throughout the day.
  • Restoring the integrity of the skin barrier, getting rid of peeling, preservation of moisture in the layers of the epidermis, the regeneration of cracked areas due to the Keramid-5 component.
  • Matting and getting rid of the residues of the saline and normalization of its development. It is achieved at the expense of the zinc complex, polymethyl methacrylate and silicon of twooxide, which has sebluble effect.
  • Reducing inflammation at specific sites. Prevention of acne.
  • Playing the skin from the effect of ultraviolet.
  • Modern oleosomal technology performs the function of supplying active substances deep into the skin layers. Instant effects - long-term moisturizing, elimination of peeling and dryness.


Butylparaben + sodium lauryl sulfate + auxiliary substances (Cleansing Sketail Lotion).

Zinc sulfate (fine) + Dicalia Glycyrrizat + zinc gluconate + excipients (foam for washing seafil).

Keramids 5 + Panthenol + Pentylene Glyol + glycerin + silicon dioxide + auxiliary substances (sketafil moisturizer).


  • reducing the effects of therapy against acne (elimination of dryness, peeling or redness);
  • cleaning, without disturbing the holistic skin barrier;
  • protective function from the destructive effect of ultraviolet radiation of type A and B.
  • with oily skin;
  • with sensitive skin, including associated with drug treatment, dried or irritating skin;
  • during problematic skin (the presence of atopic dermatitis, acne, eczema);
  • in cases of intolerance of conventional hygienic agents (cleansing milk, soap, washing gel, dermatological clay);
  • in the case when the skin is especially sensitive to climatic influences (sun, wind);
  • for delicate skin of newborns and breast-age.

Forms of release

Matting foam for washing sketafil Dermacontrol (dermontrol).

SPF30 SETAFILER DERMAcontrol (dermontrol) moisturizer.

Setafil Restoraderm (restaurant) Cream gel for the shower.

SETAFIL RESTORADERM (restaurant) Lotion moisturizing for the body.

Sketafil Lotion cleansing.

Seborgulating moisturizing cream Setaphyl.

Instructions for use and method of use

Penka for washing

Moisten the skin of the face. Apply a little foam to the entire area, avoiding the eyes. Easy massaging, beat the foam, thoroughly rub all the plots. Rudely rush with plenty of water. Apply daily, immediately before you are going to apply a moisturizer for the face.

If earlier you strongly overcame the skin by other means. Replace the morning wash foam on skin rubbing Sketafil lotion.


The lotion is applied to the skin with a cotton disk twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Absorbed into a cotton disk tool is bad, so the whole lotion is on the skin. It is not necessary to flush it, you can simply remove the remnants of the lotion with a cotton disk or a napkin. If the tool does not cause discomfort (and it, as a rule, does not cause it), then you can leave a lotion on the skin until completely absorbing.

To remove decorative cosmetics, the means is not recommended: SETAFIL Lotion cannot fully dissolve cosmetics. But with the cleansing of the skin from its natural selection, the means copes perfectly. It is advisable to first remove the tonal cream, shadow, powder, mascara and lipstick with milk to remove cosmetics or micellar water, and then apply a lotion for humidification and skin restoration.


After you took advantage of the foam for washing, apply a moisturizer on the face. Issue on the disk or fingers a little means and evenly wipe the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe face. It is also recommended to take advantage of the drug after long solar baths.

Side effect

  • allergic reactions.


  • individual intolerance to the components.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Not noted.

Application in children

Not indicated.

special instructions

Store means for cleansing, moistening and skin care of the set of sewage is necessary in a dry, protected from light.

Medicinal interaction

Absorption and admission to the bloodstream components of the sewage line minimally, so interaction with other drugs is insignificant.

Analogs of the Drug Sketail

Structural analogs on the active substance The products of the cosmetic line of sewage do not have. Preparations contain unique combinations of existing substances.

Analogs on the healing effect (means for treating acne or acne):

  • Aquasan;
  • Acnecano;
  • Androkur;
  • ArtRomax;
  • Basiron AU;
  • Basado;
  • Belluna 35;
  • Betapane Depot;
  • Betula Sharm;
  • Betusil;
  • Biseptol;
  • Bonade;
  • Vilplerafen;
  • Deekk acne gel from acne;
  • Dex Acne Lotion Cleansing;
  • Desquam;
  • Jess;
  • Jess Plus;
  • Diana 35;
  • Dimphosbon;
  • Doxal;
  • Doxycycline;
  • Dr. Tais Acne Cream of acne;
  • Dr. Tais Acne Lotion from acne;
  • Yeast beer;
  • Seven;
  • Mirror;
  • Zinyritis;
  • Zitrolide Forte;
  • Klenzit;
  • Kurizin;
  • Lying Puree;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Microfollins;
  • Monoclin;
  • Piolynisin;
  • Produm;
  • Retinic ointment;
  • Roaccutane;
  • Rosamet;
  • Roxitromycin;
  • Silica;
  • Skinorn;
  • Streptonitol;
  • Shipmork;
  • Chloride;
  • Zincter;
  • Cyteal;
  • Eplan;
  • Erica 35;
  • Unidox Solutab;
  • Yarina Plus.

In the absence of analogues of drugs on the active substance, you can follow the links below on the disease, which helps the appropriate drug, and see the analogues on therapeutic effects.

Instructions for use

Cetaphil Phiological Cleansing Lotion 200ml Instructions for Application


Aqua, Cetyl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol, ButylParaben, Methylparaben, PropylParaben, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Stearyl Alcohol.


Your sensitive skin is especially susceptible to stimulus contained in conventional cosmetics. At the same time, it needs deep purification that does not damurgate the skin barrier and does not cross it.

Cetaphil Cleansing lotion carefully, but effectively removes with sensitive and / or irritated skin of pollution (excess skin, makeup, particles of dead cells, external contamination, etc.), without damaging the skin barrier.

95% of consumers described the cleansing ability of the product "magnificent" 1.

The soft formula of lotion with a pleasant gel texture softens and moisturizes the skin, leaving the feeling of comfort after use. Does not overheat and does not irritate the skin.

Special conditions


Dermatologically tested.

Lotion is designed for sensitive and very sensitive skin. The high portability of the lotion is proved clinically on sensitive / very sensitive and damaged skin1. The product is shown to use including in the case of intolerance to classical hygiene products (soap cleansing milk, etc.), as well as if the skin is hyperreactive to climatic conditions (wind, frost, sun, etc.).

It is proved clinically: the tool does not damage the skin barrier2.

Does not contain acids, fragrances, soap and lipids.

Hypoallergenically. Unclean.

Mode of application

Women with sensitive skin accounts for a particularly careful picking tools. After all, many products cause irritation, hyperemia and rash. To prevent such problems, Sketail Lotion has been created. It not only carefully cleans the skin surface, but also moisturizes it with each use.

Many means for cleansing the skin are especially aggressive. When they combat fatty, pollution and ebony can greatly dry the covers. As a result, the cells die off that provokes the activation of the sebaceous glands. When mixing the removal layer with skin fat, the pores are blocked, which makes the process of eliminating acne cyclic.

Sketafil is a series developed by Galderma. Funds included in the ruler will suit for women having a problem skin. It includes:

  • lotion;
  • foam for washing;
  • daily cream;
  • body lotion.

They have non-encased properties, therefore can be used even if there are extended pores, prone to closure.

The products of the series are suitable for problem and sensitive skin. They not only purify her surface, but also prevent problems that often become a consequence of acne treatment.

Lotion is suitable for fatty and problem skin

Composition of lotion

SETAFIL Cleansing lotion is available on sale in 200-militol bots. It contains various active ingredients that have a positive effect on the skin of the face.

Among them are distinguished:

  • lauril sulfate sodium;
  • methyl and butyl parabens;
  • propylene glycol;
  • stearlic and cetharyl alcohols.

Cleansing Sketafil Lotion is designed for women who have:

  • fatty;
  • sensitive;
  • problem skin.

It promotes cleansing, eliminating pollution and dead cells while maintaining natural protection and normal pH level. In addition, the remedy soothes, softens and moisturizes the skin.

The drug does not contain in ethyl alcohol, lipids and soaps. Therefore, after applying it, it is not necessary to wash off.

Indications for use

Before applying sewage, the instruction should be carefully studied. It marks basic indications for use. Among them are distinguished:

  • fatness;
  • increased sensitivity in drug treatment, causing dryness and irritation;
  • eczema;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • acne rash;
  • negative impact of wind, sun;
  • allergic reaction to conventional leaving facilities.

Moisturizing Sketafil Lotion can be used even at the breast. It does not have a negative impact on the skin, therefore is a safe tool.

Beneficial features

The moisturizer gently affects the skin of the face. It has a light texture, so it is easy to apply it. After use, you can feel freshness and comfort.

Tools of restoaders have several unique properties that distinguish them from other products.

  • After applying, the skin remains moistened for a long time.
  • The face surface is changed under the influence of the means. The skin stops peeling, keeps moisture. The cracked fabric is regenerated.
  • With long-term use, the production of sebum is normalized. As a result, coverings cease to glisten and purchased a matte tint.
  • In the case of rashes, the inflammatory process is reduced. Also, the tool helps prevent acne appearance.
  • When applying a lotion, protection against ultraviolet rays is created.
  • Thanks to special production technologies, the remedy penetrates deep into the tissue. Therefore, it becomes easier to moisturize the skin, and peeling and dryness are not returned.

When using lotion, the person becomes moistened

Features of the means

Lotion is made without adding ethyl alcohol. It is a liquid without a color having a light shade of pearl.

You can use the product in the morning and evening. It helps to quickly clean the skin without leaving the feelings of stickiness or fatty. This is due to its lightweight consistency.

Most often, cosmetologists recommend a means for greasy and problem skin. It will especially effectively be used when cutting the cover as a result of the normalization of the sebaceous glands. This problem has a large amount of funds.

Suitable lotion and licenses of sensitive skin. Often women cannot choose care cosmetics, as it causes irritation. Setaphyl eliminates the likelihood of an allergic reaction and helps soothe the skin in irritation.

Mode of application

Apply the tool is necessary on the skin using a cotton disk. Cleansing is carried out twice a day in the morning and evening.

Due to the poor absorption of the lotion in Wat, the lotion completely falls on the surface of the face. Excess means can not be flush, but remove with a disk or napkin. If a woman does not feel discomfort at the same time, it is allowed to leave the composition until complete absorption.

The tool is applied to the skin with a cotton disk

It is not necessary to remove decorative cosmetics with lotion. The substance is not able to deal with cosmetic pollution to the end. And skin cleansing occurs deeply.

Before using the lotion, it is necessary to carry out procedures for removing makeup from eyes, lips and face. Any milk or micellar water is allowed. After cleansing, a lotion is applied, which moisturizes and restores the skin.

The tool practically does not have contraindications. Sometimes an allergic reaction appears in women who have the intolerance to one of the components. But the creators note that such cases are extremely rare.

Other rules ruler

Sketail products are presented in the form of other moisturizing and cleansing agents for the skin.

  • Setafil to restaurants is used to moisturize the skin of the body. It normalizes the water balance, while maintaining the integrity of the skin. The tool is suitable for any type.
  • Sketafil washing gel perfectly cleanses the pores, opening them and saturately saturated with oxygen. It can be used before applying cosmetics.
  • Sketafil cream protects covers from the negative effects of sunlight. Thanks to him, the water balance is preserved and inflammatory processes are prevented.

Women with problem and sensitive skin should pay attention to the lotion and other means of Setaphyl. He helped to cope with skin problems without harmful effects.

After the use of the fund, many noted the elimination of acne