What to do if there is no baking paper. What can replace parchment paper for baking? Is foil suitable? Video: How to make parchment paper at home

Parchment paper is used to protect the product from sticking. Consider how it can be replaced, even if the use implies a recipe.

Silicone mat or paper

High-quality heat-resistant silicone mats can be purchased at Ozone.

Such rugs are much better than paper, since products do not stick to it at all, do not tear, can be used repeatedly, etc. They are made of special heat-resistant silicone, which, as a rule, can withstand temperatures from -40 ° C to +230 ° C.

You can also purchase special silicone-coated paper, which is superior in performance to parchment, but is inferior to a silicone mat due to its fragility.

Cookware with non-stick or silicone coating

If the baking is tender and you are afraid for its safety, then grease the surface with butter or margarine. Silicone dishes do not need to be lubricated, since even the most delicate product will not stick to it.

In order for the product to move away from the surface better, you need to wait until it has completely cooled down.

Plain plain paper

Paper containing ink such as newspapers, notebooks, etc. will not work. It may stain the product.

Soak it very thoroughly with oil, margarine, bacon or other fats before use, otherwise the product will stick to the paper. The grease must not be hot, or the paper may be damaged.

You can use flour, butter / margarine paper wrappers, baking bags, etc. from the clean side. Typically, this is parchment paper.

In order not to spoil the dish, the paper must be placed in a preheated oven for a few minutes and see if it is intact.

Sewing tracing paper (drawing tracing paper) and packaging paper are as close as possible in properties to parchment paper, but we do not recommend using them, since they can be saturated with harmful impurities and can deform when heated above 200 ° C.


You can completely replace the paper, only you need to control the readiness time of the product or set it for a shorter time so that it does not burn, since the foil heats up.

Foil can fit almost any, for example, from a package of chocolate.

Before use, be sure to grease the foil with butter or margarine. Its shiny side should be directed towards the product so that it does not stick.

Roasting sleeve

It can completely replace parchment paper, especially if the dish is microwave-cooked.

Oil, flour or semolina - use if none of the above is present

This option is suitable for baking ordinary cakes, pies, casseroles, etc. Not suitable for cooking delicate dishes such as meringues.

The surface (baking sheet, frying pan, etc.) must be very thoroughly greased with oil, and then sprinkled with flour or semolina.

To prevent scorching and sticking, place a container of water below the baking dish.

Properly made shortcrust pastry will not stick to any surface.

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Every housewife may have such a situation - it is urgently necessary to bake a delicious cake for the arrival of guests, but there was no suitable means to protect the baking sheet from sticking the dough at hand. And we urgently need to figure out how to replace the parchment for baking.

What can you choose instead of baking paper?

1. Use tracing paper - such translucent paper. As a rule, it is used by seamstresses for precise cutting out of wardrobe details.

2. Someone is being adapted for this purpose standard parchment , which is intended for packaging households. goods. However, this option is somewhat dangerous for the cake - very dangerous components can be present in this type of parchment. It is recommended, if this option has already been chosen, additionally coat the parchment with a layer of fat.

3. If there is absolutely no time to go to the store, and there is nothing else at hand, you can soak sunflower oil a sheet of ordinary office paper ... Then place on a baking sheet to replace the parchment when baking.

4. On sale at the moment there is culinary waxed paper , it is specially designed for baking. And there is no need to lubricate with an additional layer of fat.

5. Some housewives prefer to do without any interlayer "helpers" at all - they are good rub baking sheet oil or margarine ... In some cases, the already oiled baking sheet surface sprinkle with breadcrumbs or semolina - if this is acceptable with a pie recipe.

What can replace baking parchment paper when baking various culinary dishes in the oven? Can you replace baking paper with silicone bakeware?

What can replace baking paper

Experienced hostesses always have baking parchment paper at hand and are bought immediately as the old roll is running out. New from what to do, if you have never used baking paper before, but then an oven appeared and a desire to bake some kind of tasty treat, and the recipe clearly states that you need parchment paper for baking so that the dough does not stick to the mold during cooking in the oven or a baking sheet? You can, of course, try replacing the parchment paper with other similar kitchen utensils.

What can replace baking paper when baking:

  • Oven roasting sleeve ideal as a substitute for baking paper.
  • Personally, I have not used it, but on the Internet they write that you can use clean fax paper or tracing paper for these purposes, the sheets of which should be well oiled before spreading the dough on them - greased with oil.
  • You can use a special silicone non stick baking mat in the oven.
  • Instead of baking paper, you can use regular silicone molds and molds, thanks to which the dough does not stick when cooking in the oven.
  • Plain baking sheet you can grease it well with butter, and then sprinkle it on top with semolina, flour or even the most common bread crumbs, which can also be prepared at home on your own by twisting the oven-dried bread through a meat grinder. Nothing will stick to a baking sheet greased and sprinkled with such ingredients - tested by our family for three generations over the years.
  • Baking foil... Somehow I ran out of parchment paper for baking, and the cookie dough was already ready, I had to use regular baking foil. The cookie worked, but it stuck to the foil. Later, information was found on the Internet that when replacing parchment with foil, the latter should be thoroughly oiled (greased with oil).

What can replace parchment paper? Every self-respecting housewife loves to bake culinary masterpieces in the oven.

She pampers her family with goodies from the miracle oven. The dishes cooked in the oven are tasty and healthy - they retain the maximum useful taste.

It is not always possible to cook a truly masterpiece dish in the oven. You need to know a couple of secrets that are used in the process. One of these is parchment paper. This is an indispensable attribute of a modern housewife.

It will not be difficult to purchase such paper in a store and use it for its intended purpose. Only sometimes it happens that the aid was not in the stash. What to do in this case?

What can replace parchment paper when baking? Parchment paper has a specific purpose - to keep the baked goods from burning, scorching, and sticking to the baking sheet.... This is such a protective barrier.

In addition, it keeps the baking sheet clean and does not require careful personal care. In the culinary industry, parchment paper is not so long ago. Prior to that, they resorted to using various improvised means.

Now let's talk about the various options for replacing parchment paper. We will also name the false methods that will only spoil the baked goods.

1) Option number one is not to use any intermediate attribute. It is not necessary to cover the baking sheet with something.

His can be lubricated or margarine... This option is not suitable for all baked goods.

Pies, cakes, cookies, casseroles with such an oily layer on a baking sheet will acquire a rich taste. In addition to butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs or semolina on top.

In very extreme cases, plain flour can be used. Only she has the ability to burn.

This option (butter + crackers / semolina) is undesirable for meringues, cakes and macaroons. The specified items will stick to the baking sheet.

2) Instead of parchment paper sewing tracing paper can be used... This is a special thin paper for sketching. It fully justifies its use. Only it is imperative to take a high-quality one, since there are many fakes.

A fake version will not only ruin a culinary masterpiece, but it can also be harmful to health. A small drawback of tracing paper is its subtlety. Baking that is too wet can corrode the paper.

3) A good substitute for parchment paper is flour bag... It is made from food grade parchment paper, which is great for baking. Have concerns about using such an attribute?

Brush it with butter the first time. It will not be superfluous to play it safe. Pouches and bags for store baked goods are made of similar paper. Therefore, their use is justified.

4) There is special absorbent paper... It is able to absorb all excess moisture, does not sour, does not burn, does not require any lubrication, and heats up quickly.

In addition to all this, it can be used up to five times and even store the finished dish in it and serve it on the table.

5) Many housewives, in exchange for parchment paper, take a regular A4 sheet of office format. Before use, it is thoroughly impregnated with vegetable oil or greased with butter.

The proposed option is considered erroneous. Since the baked goods are all evenly burnt. In addition, it also dries to the sheet.

If there is absolutely nothing to replace the parchment paper with, then you can resort to the specified method.

Only it is suitable for quick baking. The result is completely unpredictable. Be prepared for the entire contents of the baking sheet to go to the trash can.

6) In addition to homemade tools, there are also specialized baking attributes, as an alternative to parchment paper. The championship here is silicone mat... This option is to some extent even better than paper.

It is thin, elastic, heat resistant. In addition, the silicone mat is reusable. Wasted once, but use for a long time.

7) Today it is becoming more and more popular silicone coated paper... It is an order of magnitude better than parchment and can be used several times (no more than eight).

8) Foil will work as a substitute for parchment... In this case, it is necessary to control the baking process as much as possible. It is not uncommon for baked goods on foil to burn. Therefore, constant control - overturning, change of position - is necessary.

9) In a very extreme case, you can resort to using a baking bag. This option suits well, quite at worst.

Since the quality of the baked goods is not controlled in any way and the final result is not guaranteed. The only thing this attribute does is to keep the dish from burning.

What absolutely can not replace parchment paper

There are a number of alternatives to parchment paper that should never be used:

1) Newspaper. Our grandmothers also armed themselves with this attribute during baking. It was well smeared with oil and lined with the bottom of the container. Remember: using the newspaper is prohibited!

It is unhygienic and unhealthy. The newspaper lights up easily, and the letters are printed with ink made from hazardous substances.

2) A sheet of paper. In a clean, oil-free form, it will ignite and cause an accident.

3) Plastic bag. It melts when exposed to temperature, stinks and releases toxic substances. Its use is dangerous!

4) Pure vegetable oil. A greased baking sheet will burn. The dish will acquire an inedible aftertaste and burnt aroma.

There are plenty of variations on offer. It's up to you to choose. Remember the main thing: before using any of the attributes, try it out in the demo version. This will ensure the safety and suitability of the product.

Delicious culinary masterpieces for you!

Who doesn't love treating themselves to fresh baked goods for dinner? Light and airy meringue, soft raspberry puffs, pies, sweet and salty - everything your heart desires. Each housewife has her own culinary secret. One uses parchment paper for baking and baking, the other uses oiled paper or foil. The taste of the prepared dishes depends on what to cover the baking sheet with. Of course, parchment paper is the most convenient way. But if suddenly there is no such paper at hand, you can find a replacement for it.

What is baking parchment

Parchment paper, or, its other name, baking paper, is a unique material that has a lot of advantages. It is not subject to combustion, does not get wet and does not crumble, is grease-proof and resistant to high temperatures, and also retains the shape of the baked goods and its aroma, preventing the ingress of foreign odors. The parchment is impregnated with a solution of treated sulfuric acid (in the manufacturing process, after applying the solution, the parchment is immediately washed), and it is absolutely harmless for preparing confectionery and any other products on it, it can be used many times, maybe once, depending on the quality of the parchment sheets.

How baking paper is used

Such paper is placed on a baking sheet, covered with a baking dish and baking dish. It serves as a layer between a baking sheet, frying pan or special form and the dish that is cooked on them. So the product will not burn, stick, or damage the dishes, which is also a clear plus. It must be remembered that the parchment should not touch the walls or door of the oven, it should only come into contact with the baking sheet itself, the form and the dish. Also, parchment paper can be used in the preparation of cold confectionery products, such as cheesecakes, in this case its main function is to preserve the shape of the product.

Parchment and baking paper - is there a difference

There is a difference, but it is quite insignificant. Parchment is thicker and works well for baking oily items, while the grease will make the paper soak.

Parchment is intended both for baking products and for storing them. It usually contains very fatty foods or very moist foods such as butter, spread, margarine or curd products. Confectionery and bakery products are baked in parchment. If the parchment is additionally covered with a silicone film on top, its water and grease repellent properties increase, then it is used for baking oil products from batter.

Baking paper is usually suitable for baking and storing medium-fat foods - these include hard cheeses in addition to confectionery.

Important: Baking paper, parchment, is intended only for baking, and you should not bake meat, fish or vegetables in it. For such purposes, there is a baking sleeve that will not get wet, tear or spoil the appearance of the product.

Do I need to lubricate them with oil

Parchment paper for baking greasy items is not greased, and additional greasing is required for baking low-fat and non-greasy items. Paper is less grease-repellent than parchment and should be greased to avoid sticking to it.

What can replace parchment paper for baking

There are situations when you really want to bake something, but parchment paper was not at hand. How it can be replaced - consider in the table.

Table: the pros and cons of different options for replacing parchment paper.

You do not need to use an intermediate layer in the form of various papers, but simply grease the baking sheet with margarine, spread or butter. There is an option to stop at this, or cover the top with an oil layer with semolina, flour or bread crumbs. Be careful, the flour may burn.

The oiled baking sheet can be used to make pies, pies, casseroles. You cannot bake tender meringues or French macarons on such a baking sheet - they will definitely burn.

Prepare cake layers and bake cookies on an oiled baking sheet with sprinkles.

Also, one of the options for replacing the use of baking paper is baking on non-stick baking sheets, in which case they do not need to be oiled.

Some housewives use a non-stick mixture, grease it on baking dishes or baking sheets. Here is her recipe:

  1. Take half a glass of any flour of any kind, vegetable oil and culinary (confectionery) fat. As fat, you can use ghee and even lard, everything except margarine. The fat should be cold.
  2. Mix all the "ingredients", start whisking with a mixer at low speed, at low speed.
  3. Gradually increase the whipping speed, the mixture should turn white and increase in size.
  4. As soon as the non-stick mixture becomes silvery, we turn off the mixer and can use it.
  5. The mixture is applied to the bottom and sides of trays and baking dishes with a special silicone brush.

Such a mixture is prepared more than once, and it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one year and can be used not only for baking, but also for other culinary purposes - for example, baking meat, fish or vegetables.

Video: how to make a non-stick baking mixture

Using parchment paper, you can make meringues, eclairs and custard cakes, bake cakes - delicate and fragile sweets will not stick to the baking sheet, and their shape and structure will not be disturbed. Parchment also helps when baking from yeast dough with fillings - berry or fruit, which involve the release of sweet fruit juice, without parchment it can flow out and turn into fruit caramel right on the baking sheet, and it can be very difficult to wash it. Such capricious things as biscuit, which loves to stick very much, are also baked on parchment.

Parchment substitutes for baking: examples in the photo

Material features

The main purpose of parchment paper is to use it when baking. It is not able to pass grease and water, moreover, it is very durable. The finished product does not lose its taste and does not absorb foreign odors. The baked goods do not dry or burn. When baking, food parchment is used, there are no dangerous impurities in it. But if it is not there, you need to know how to replace parchment paper when baking.

Parchment rules

Parchment is convenient for preparing various dishes. The paper is placed on baking trays, baking dishes, and other containers. She is the barrier between dishes and food. You can buy it in supermarkets, where it is sold in the household departments. The material is available in supermarkets and grocery stores. The terms of use are as follows:

  1. You need to line the container with parchment. The paper is placed on baking trays, in molds for different types of products, baking dishes. The material serves as protection against scorching, but does not prevent leakage.
  2. You need to cut off the required piece of paper. So that the finished products do not have wrinkles and folds, the parchment must be distributed carefully.
  3. Parchment can be used unconventionally. It is needed for the pastry wrapper. The paper is placed in gift boxes. The material is used for frying meat on a baking sheet.

Some housewives grease the paper with butter, like a baking sheet. This protects it from shifting while spreading the dough. But this is not necessary. To keep the parchment in place, you need to grease the corners of the baking sheet a little, and do not touch the surface.

Parchment should not be confused with waxed paper. These are different materials. Wax paper cannot be used at high temperatures. Parchment should be used if required by a prescription. It is not needed for silicone cookware.

The paper can be composted, it can be recycled, and this is necessary for the environment. At the same time, there are several analogues that can perfectly replace parchment. They make the same great baked goods.

Writing paper

This is one of the answers to the question of how to replace parchment paper when baking biscuits. For meringues, it is advisable to use thick paper. It is important that there are no images on it, as the ink will remain on the dough and spoil the taste.

Before spreading the dough on the paper, grease it liberally. It is advisable to use butter or margarine. To speed up the process, the oil is pre-ground to a creamy state. Do not melt it, as the paper will fall apart.

Tracing paper

How to replace parchment paper when baking so that the products do not burn? Tracing paper is a good option. It is used in the sewing industry to produce clothing patterns. It is similar in appearance and properties to parchment. Before use, it is necessary to check the purity of the material.


The difference is that the tracing paper was not greased in advance. This must be done as with writing paper. Replacing baking paper with tracing paper will also be required if the dough does not take a long time to bake. Calca is not as strong as its culinary competitor.

Silicone molds and mats

How else to replace parchment paper when baking? For this, silicone molds are sold, which are used in the preparation of muffins, cookies. There are even silicone mats for bulky pastries. They can be used multiple times. The material is suitable for any baking.

If you are interested in how to replace parchment paper when baking cookies, then you should choose silicone molds or rugs. Before removing the cookies from the molds, let the finished product cool down a little, after which you can pry it off with the edge of a spatula, turn it over and knock on the bottom. Many housewives have appreciated the silicone coated paper. It is produced in sheets and rolls. Each sheet can be applied up to 8 times. This material needs minimal maintenance, and besides, it serves for a very long time.


If there is nothing to replace the parchment paper with when baking, then foil will do. This material is fragile, so you need to transfer the dough to it carefully. The foil heats up, so you need to monitor the temperature in the oven so that the products do not burn.

But this material is more suitable for baking products that produce juice. Usually fish and vegetables are wrapped in it. Foil is able to retain the juice and aroma of products.

Using a baking bag and flour packaging

These options are also suitable if you are wondering how to replace parchment paper for baking. The bags have excellent resistance to high temperatures. You need to use them in rare cases, when there is nothing else. The product will not allow you to burn, which is the only advantage.

If there is no parchment for baking, how to replace it? Flour packaging is similar in properties. This is often regular baking paper. Pour the flour into a separate container, oil the packaging a little - and you can start baking. The dough should be laid out on the inside of the package so that there is no imprint on the cakes.

Without additional accessories

If the dough is not capricious, then you can bake it on a baking sheet without using any special means. You just need to grease the surface with butter or margarine. You should not use this technique for meringues or macarons, because they will burn without paper. But the method will be indispensable for pies, casseroles, biscuits.

Semolina will reduce the risk of sticking of confectionery products. You just need to sprinkle it on an oiled baking sheet. The groats can be replaced with bread crumbs. Wheat flour is also fine. You can grind dry bread or crackers. Baking is done in a non-stick pan. It does not need special coatings, you just need to grease the bottom and sides with butter. This technology allows you to get excellent results.

What not to use?

For the preparation of confectionery products, you should not use:

  1. Newspapers. This paper is fragile, while it is saturated with printing ink, which is not useful to humans.
  2. Dry writing paper. Before placing the dough and sending it to the oven, grease it with oil, otherwise the products will not separate from the paper.
  3. Vegetable oil for lubrication. The product will not get rid of sticking, no matter how high quality it is. And the taste and aroma will be spoiled.
  4. Polyethylene. Its composition differs from baking bags. The material melts when exposed to high temperatures. Not only the dish will be spoiled, but also the kitchen utensils and household appliances.

Before using the tools at hand, they must be tested. After all, they may not withstand high temperatures. Place a piece of material in a preheated oven for 15 minutes. If the product does not catch fire, curl or smoke, it is considered safe. Before cooking, check that all materials are intact and not dirty. Suitable parchment substitutes will help you bake tasty and flavorful baked goods.


Of course, not all will work. Office only or from a notebook. Be sure to keep the paper free of text or drawings. Otherwise, all these images will be printed on your baked goods. Not aesthetically pleasing and of little use.

An indispensable condition: the writing paper must be greased with oil on 2 sides! If this is not done, then it is quite possible that it will firmly adhere to the product. Removing it will be very problematic.

Pros. A sheet of a notebook can be found in every home.

Minuses. This method is not suitable for baking light products: meringue, macaroon, soufflé.

Tracing paper

Remember how thin transparent paper was used in drawing lessons at school? This is what she is, a worthy replacement for parchment when baking. Well, there is no need to explain to needlewomen. They know very well what it is.

It is also advisable to lubricate the tracing paper with oil, because it does not have a special coating. Otherwise, such a replacement is used as usual.

Pros. Tracing paper does not stick to products.

Minuses. Not every home has this kind of paper. Tracing paper is not suitable for baking heavy raw dough, because it has a much lower margin of safety than parchment.

Flour bag

Pay attention to which bags the flour is currently sold in. It is almost ready-made parchment for baking. But there are some nuances when using it:

  1. It still needs to be lubricated with oil.
  2. Put on a baking sheet with the picture down so that the paint does not print on the baked goods.
  3. Some manufacturers put a polyethylene liner inside the paper. This bag is not suitable for baking.

Pros. Always at hand. You can bake products from all types of dough.

Minuses. The paper area is too small. Some types are not suitable for baking.

Advice. In general, before using the alternative, try heating a small piece on a baking sheet in the oven. 15 minutes will be enough to determine if the material is suitable for baking or not. So you protect yourself from unpleasant surprises and unnecessary spoilage of food.

Roasting bag

Some housewives manage to use special baking bags, like parchment for baking. Why not? It can withstand high temperatures, does not smell. By the way, you don't need to lubricate it additionally.

Pros. Sold everywhere, in almost every home. Easily separates from baked goods. Has a large surface area.

Minuses. Requires supervision during cooking as it becomes brittle.

Silicone coated paper

A real miracle of technology. It looks like a regular baking parchment. But it has the thinnest silicone film on the surface. Such paper has been on sale for a long time, but has not yet become widespread. And in vain, because it has a lot of advantages and surpasses ordinary parchment in all respects. By the way, it is quite inexpensive.

Pros. Requires no lubrication or dusting before baking. One sheet can be used several times. Doesn't tear from wet dough. Separates very easily from baked goods.

Minuses. Not yet sold everywhere.


Some sources suggest using kitchen foil to bake the dough. Perhaps not a very good idea. This material is ideal for roasting meat, fish, vegetables. In a word, everything that contains its own juice. The dough does not have such a feature. Therefore, it adheres perfectly to the foil during baking. And tightly. Even if you use oil or powder.

Pros. Well, we didn't find a dough for baking.

Minuses. Adheres to the finished product.

Semolina, flour and others like them

Sometimes it happens that at hand there is nothing of what was listed above. And the dough is already on its way, it will not wait while you run to the store or to the neighbors. What to do?

Use the old way. It has been tested by more than one generation. You will need:

  • butter
  • semolina

By the way, semolina can be replaced with ordinary flour. All you need is to grease a baking sheet with oil, and then sprinkle it with semolina.

Cunning. To make the sprinkling even, put a good handful of cereals in the middle of the baking sheet. Then it is simply tilted slightly so that the semolina lies evenly on all sides. The excess cereal is poured back so as not to make the baked goods heavier.

Pros. Flour or semolina is in every home. You can sprinkle the form of any configuration.

Minuses. Damp dough that is heavy and may burn.

Advice. Do not use sunflower oil for lubrication. It makes the finished product heavier, can make it soggy. Plus, this oil burns and spoils baked goods. If you don't have butter on hand, margarine is fine. Just don't melt it, just warm it up to room temperature. Liquid margarine will heavily soak any paper, and it can tear during the baking process.

Silicone mat

Many housewives have a silicone mat on hand. It is usually marked with circles of various diameters for the convenience of rolling out the dough. But not many people know that you can bake immediately on a similar rug.

You just need to make sure that your kitchen assistant is made of silicone. Because some rugs are made of special foam or food grade plastic. They will definitely not survive baking and may even catch fire.

Pros. The material does not require any lubrication. Can be used an infinite number of times.

Minuses. Not every housewife has such a rug.

Advice. You can also use special silicone molds. Then instead of one large cupcake, you get several small ones. But this will not affect the taste of the baked goods.

Now you will not be caught off guard by unexpected kitchen surprises. After all, you know how to replace parchment paper when baking. And what to bake - just think of it.