What is to wear a child. Main principles when wearing a child in a sling. What to choose: Sling or Backpack Kangaroo

It's no secret that the children of the first months of life spend a lot of time on their hands from their parents, mainly at Mom. And there are also such children as it is customary to speak, with high needs, which the first two or three months from hand practically do not get. What to do in this case mom, who already left the hope of cooking lunches and clean, and who often does not even eat?

Such a mom has not only to solve the question of which you need toys for the development of the kid. But also find a device that will allow you to wear a baby with maximum amenities!

The best way out is the use of special holders, which are presented today in various species. Which of them give preference, and what to wear a child to be not only convenient for mom, but also safe for the baby?

Today, there are many species of special "kangaroo" and backpacks for carrying kids. They are comfortable, have an attractive look. But parents need to keep in mind that the use of such where the child is in a sitting position, and its back is located vertically, it is possible not earlier than at the age of 6 months and older.

This is due to the fact that such adaptations create an increased load on the lower department of the rapid child spine. The vertical position of the child's body, where the main burden falls on the crotch and the lower spine department, can lead to the displacement of the vertebrae - the so-called spondylolistis. This is a disease that can suffer to 5% of the adult population is even relatively studied. But scientists came to the conclusion that it can provoke it that is the use of incorrect holders.

Leading pediatricians, in particular, the famous Dr. Sirs, are recommended from the first months of the child's life to use a patchwork holder, or sling. It is presented in several versions, but the main requirements for its choice and use should be the following:

1. The holder must maintain the neck of the child until he himself learn to keep his head confidently.

2. For young children at the age of several weeks and months, the horizontal position of the body is optimal when the child lies in the sling just as if he was lying on his hands. At the same time, the sling fabric supports its back along the entire length of the spine.

Sling is convenient because the child can be in it literally throughout the day. At the same time, the kid can be in a sling and sleep, and fed. And for the convenience of mom, there are various positions of the child who will allow her not too load their own spine, and at the same time, leave free hands.

Many parents are interested, from what age do you have to use holders that allow you to wear a baby behind your back? The answer, as well as for the use of most vertical holders, one: apply them only after the child learn to sit, and will do it confident. The seat should be so that support is provided for the entire pelvic region, and not just for the perineum. Very good if there is also a special stop for the legs.

Choosing a holder and answer to the question, what to wear a child, you need to remember: the wrong choice can have an impact on the full life of the crumbs. If there are at least the slightest doubts that the holder is comfortable or safe for the baby, it is better to refuse it from using it.

Mom with a "applied" to my baby now you can see at least where: in the capital, and in a small town. Sometimes you can still find the opinion that such a way of wearing a child is a harmful modern trend. Disputes that better: stroller or sling, will not end, probably never. However, historically, the tradition of carrying a child in a special dangling appeared much earlier than roll in the wheelchair.

Contrary to all sorts of criticism, wearing the baby on itself is physiological and safe, therefore it is even suitable for newborn crumbs. True, not all postures and means for carrying are suitable for babies. Learn more about what kind of slings and what features carry for newborns, read below.

Why mom sling?

The question is reasonable, because the carriages are so thoroughly entered our life that the baby in his hands in mom is already perceived as something exotic and strange. Nevertheless, the advantages of the sling is not enough, and they all have enough weighty and for mom, and for the Baby himself.

  • Mom with a sling is much more mobile mother with a carriage. She is not terrible steps and lack of ramp, narrow doorways and heavy doors. Even the rides on public transport without accompaniment becomes available when you make a choice in favor of sling.
  • Sling frees mom hands: It seems to be a baby when mom, and mom is free both hands, it can easily settle on the shop in the store, lead the older child's handle, hold a bag.
  • Sling is convenient not only for a walk, but also at home. With a baby, for himself, many mothers successfully cope with all the domestic affairs: wash the dishes and the floor, prepare, hang behind the lingerie. The baby does not need to cry out in the crib, calling adults. In the hands of the mother, it is included in households and is always aware of what is happening around, and this is interesting for the baby and informative.
  • Children themselves, most of the time in bodily contact with mom, are calmer and balanced, It is better to sleep and deliver parents much less hassle, rather than kids separated from mother's bed or stroller, and experiencing a constant anxiety about this.
  • In the sling it is very convenient to feed crumbling breasts, And you can do it anywhere almost on the go.

Slings for newborns

There are plenty of all sorts of carrying for kids, but far from each of them can be called a sling, because this word itself means tissue digestion without fasteners. So, for example, "Kengurushki" and Ergo-backpacks are not slings, although in understanding the average mom's understanding of these carrying also relate to slings. It is not a sling and hipsite (carrying, which is attached on the birds in an adult and allows you to wear grown toddlers on the thigh in the "Sitting" position). It is slings that are 3 types of carrying for kids, and they are all suitable for wearing children from birth:

Each type of sling has its own characteristics: putting on, fixing, child position, load on mom - all this is very different. As a result, the same sling can be convenient for some purposes, and absolutely not convenient for others.


The tissue with a length of almost 2 meters, a width of 60-70 cm. From one end to the tissue strip, metal rings are fastened, the second end is free. The free end is made through the rings and is fixed by them, as a result of which the sling acquires the type of closed circle. Putting a sling with rings over the shoulder, forming a "hammock" in front of the baby.


  • Sling with rings is very primitive in use, it will love even a beginner sling-mother.
  • It is convenient for hot weather, because it does not imply a dense winding with several layers of fabric.
  • Easily adjustable, allowing you to change the position of the child.
  • Allows you to get and shifted the baby, it's not disturbing it: mom is enough to loosen rings and "nullify" from a sling.


In a sling with rings, the load on the shoulders and the back of the mother is unevenly distributed. Of course, the shoulders need to be alternate regularly, but even in this case, it is not recommended to walk in a sling with rings longer than 2 hours.

How to choose a sling with rings:

  • Rings are a very important element of sling. They must be metallic and large enough (about 10 cm in diameter). Only with this combination cloth slides well between them, allowing you to easily adjust the position and is securely fixed.
  • For a newborn baby, it is better to choose a sling out of 100% cotton. The fabric should not be too elastic, so as not to be pulled out under the weight of the baby and fixed the position of the infant. In addition, the fabric should not be too slippery. The best option for a newborn baby is a hawk or wafer tissue.
  • For newborn babies, it is better to use sling with foambone sides: they better support the head.

Where and when convenient:

Great for use at home and on the street, because it is very easy to remove-wear and adjust, but for a short wearing. The limitation is associated with uneven load distribution.

Video instructions for sling with rings:


Sling scarf is a web length from 3 to 6 meters and a width of 45-70 cm. There are many options for winding scarf, so that the child can be worn from birth to 2-3 years in different positions, including behind the back, on the hip . The newborn baby in the sling scarf can be worn both in the position of the cradle and vertically, in the embryo pose.


  • Sling-scarf winding technology is such that the mummage of the spin does not suffer from uneven load.
  • The scarf design allows you to use different winding options, and, accordingly, wearing a baby in different positions.
  • Sling scarf fixes the baby better and supports the rapid spine, so for the child himself, finding in the scarf is more useful and physiologically.


  • For safe use, the sling scarf requires certain skills. Video with examples of scarf winding can be found on the Internet, but the mother will have to spend some time and effort to master all the wisdom and be able to bandage the scarf even without mirrors and crib.
  • Due to the features of the design, the sling scarf is not so easy to bandage in "field" conditions. If you do it on the street - the ends of the scarf will touch the earth and get dirty.
  • In hot weather, the sling scarf is not very convenient due to the multi-layer winding.

How to choose a sling scarf:

  • Success in the development and use of sling scarf depends on its material. In particular, from weaving threads and elasticity. According to the composition of the best option for newborns will be 100% cotton. The fabric should reach in the transverse and diagonal direction. In this case, the sling scarf is well fitted by the baby's caller and correctly distributes the pressure on the mother's back.
  • Scarf width depends on its elasticity. The better the fabric stretches, the smaller the width is permissible. Thus, a sling scarf of elastic tissues can be 50-60 cm wide, and from non-ielastic - up to 70 cm.
  • If the manufacturer releases scarves of different sizes, it is better to use the dimensional card. The maximum scarf length is 6m, but on 42-44 sizes of this length a lot, the ends of the scarf will have to wake up onto the waist, creating extra layers.

Where and when convenient:

After the sling scarf is fully mastered, it is comfortable both at home and on the street. By the time, wearing the child in the sling scarf is not limited, there is no restrictions for mom, so the sling scarf is the most convenient variant of a sling for a newborn.

Video instructions for winding Sling Scarf:


May-sling in its design is similar to the ergo-backpack, but thanks to long straps and lack of a frame, it is more physiological. In fact, it is a square or a rectangle with long straps, departing in all 4 sides. The two lower straps are wound on the waist of the mother, and the upper pass over the shoulders, cross on the back, and they are fixed on the waist. The newborn baby is in the May-Sling with Passed Legs, in the pose of the embryo.


  • Easy and just puts on, mastering the May-sling is much faster than the sling scarf.
  • Aesthetically and gently looks, does not imply many layers.
  • In May-sling, the load on the mother's muscles falls uniformly.


  • The newborn baby can be in May-sling only in a vertical position. That posture in which Kroch is on his mother, in general is safe, but not always comfortable mom and child. Shoot the baby in the position of the cradle in the May-sling is impossible.
  • Compared with the sling scarf, the straps of May-sling are thinner and can cause the inconvenience, crashing into the shoulders.

How to choose May-sling:

Mama on a notic!

Girls Hi) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, and I will write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I write here: how did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my way will help you ...

  • Be sure to pay attention to the width of the straps. The wider straps, the more convenient the May-sling will be worn. It is better if the straps are laid by Sintepona. In any case, the width of the straps should be at least 14 cm. In addition, the thin straps can crash into the shoulders, they twisted and interfere with normal tying.
  • Requirements for May-Sling fabric is not so high. The fabric should be durable and not drawn. It is performed that the presence of synthetics in the composition, if the crumbs do not have allergies on it.

Where and when convenient:

For newborn kids, Majn Sling is convenient "on the output": a trip to visit, clinic, short walk. Basically, this type of sling is recommended to use for children of older 4 months.

Video instruction for May-sling:

Avoidal Sling Moms believe that ideally there is better to have slings for all occasions, because various carriers are convenient for different situations. Moreover, such mothers have slings of different colors under all their wardrobe. It turns out that the sling is not only a device for carrying a child on itself, but also an element of the image of a modern young mother.

Sling Ryubzak and fast sling

In addition to actually, there are other types of carrying for children: the so-called sling backpack and fast sling. As it was written earlier, these adaptations with slings are not at their essence, because the sling is just a tissue digestion, and both of these carriers have elements of the frame, fasteners, etc. However, modern mothers use the word "sling" in relation to any type of carrying.

What is in a sling-backpack that a child can be located only in a sitting position with divorced legs. That is why both carrying are not recommended for children under 4 months. The minimum requirement - the child must confidently hold the head and be able to raise her lying on the stomach, that is, the cervical muscles should be developed ( See the article about ). Better if the baby is not only holding the head, but he sits independently ( See the article about ). The fact is that the support of the back in both carriers is regulated by the tension of the sling and rarely some of the mothers can set the correct tension. You can tighten the slings too tight or, on the contrary, weakly. Incorrect tension Sling loads the spine kid inadequately its physical capabilities. All this dangerously affects the formation of vertebral bends and at an older age can manifest itself to the spinal curvature.

Ergo-Ryukaz, or Sling Backpack


Wide dense straps, which can be located on the back both parallel to each other and crosswise. Back with headrest, swelling, rollers. Wide compacted belt, clamping waist and hips Mom. Buttoned on plastic textures, it is possible to adjust the tension of the back.


  • Divides the load between the back and hips, so that mom does not have to bend under the weight of the baby.
  • Allows you to wear a child face to face, behind the back and on the hip.
  • It is easy to unbutton and fastens, so there will be no problems with sitting and removal of the child.
  • Suitable even for children for 2-3 years.


  • Sufficiently voluminous compared to carrying other types and structures.
  • Due to the presence of a frame and dense tissue in the summer in it can be hot.

How to choose:

When choosing a sling-backpack, mainly should be focused on the manufacturer's recommendations and the parameters of the child. All manufacturers indicate the recommended growth, mass, the age of the kid.

Where and when convenient:

Thanks to its design, the ergo-backpack is convenient for the long wear of the child, and it is perfect for graceful children.

Video instruction manual for ergorukkazaka:


It is very similar to May-sling, but it is fixed differently: May-sling has long straps and a belt, which are tied up on a regular knot for fixing, in fast sling short straps and belt, which are fastened.


  • It is very easy to use: easy-to-sling is easy to seize and remove the kid.
  • Easy and takes up little space, it is better ventilated, so in hot weather wearing a child in it more comfortable.


  • The possibilities of the method of wearing a child (only face to themselves) and regulation of the position of straps (only Cross-cross).
  • Due to the narrow belt, the entire load falls on the back, so long to wear a child in fast-sling is not recommended.

How to choose:

When choosing a fast sling, it is important to draw attention to the strength of all fixings. Stamps and the belt must be necessarily laid by Sinyprun. By the way, the fast sling can be sewn to order, and skillful craftswomen themselves are causing the manufacture.

Where and when convenient:

It is best to use for not too heavy kids. Great for summer. Constant wearing time is also better limited to not provoke problems with the back.

Video instructions for the use of fast sling:

  1. There is another type of carrying - these are carrying bags

You can also look into our heading online stores and search for slings, carrying and backpacks in other online stores -

How to choose a sling for a newborn?

The first weeks after the birth of a child always warrets with some special warmth, tenderness to a tiny creature lying on your hands ..

Sometimes my mother want to eat :)). Go to visit or in the store. And in the end how many circles around the house can be wounded?! :))

As many moms say, "Sling gives mom's wings!" And this is so - you become more mobile, you can go to the store, guests, cook lunch and engage in other affairs.

A little child is vital to close physical contact with mom, the feeling of her heat and smell, so when he is in his mother in his arms, he feels more calmly, relaxed, it takes more interest in the world around. In the hands of Mom, the child receives the basic sense of safety, heat and trust, which are so important for the formation of a healthy psyche of the child. However, if the mother needs free hands (for example, to cook lunch), then they need to somehow release, for example, with the help of a child's carrying device.

Remember that the child is not a reduced copy of an adult. Therefore, in order to competently choose a device to wear a newborn, you need to know the features of his physiology, characteristic of infant age and the first year of life.

Let's focus on this.


As we have already spoken, the child is not a reduced copy of an adult, nor from the point of view of his skeleton or in terms of its functioning. Ocanification and full formation of the spine ends to 25 years. Until the end of the second month of intrauterine life, the kid's skeleton consists only of cartilage. As it grows it, it will harden and turn into a bone. By the end of the pregnancy, some pieces of the skeleton are inflated (for example, femoral bone), and from birth, the second wave of ossification begins - at the ends of the long bones (bone heads).

Our spine is not perfect direct. If we look at the adult person on the side, we will see four small bends, thanks to which the spine resembles the Latin letter S. Thanks to these bends, we have flexibility, we can keep the balance and depreciation of the load during walking, running and jumping.

However, these bends of the spine are not congenital. They form gradually as the child's physical development as a result of adaptation to the strength of gravity.

The spine of the newborn baby bent and reminds a light arc or the letter "C". He has no bends and not enough forces to keep his head. When wearing the kid on the hands, this function is performed by Mom: it supports his back and head. If we want to wear a baby in any adaptation, it should allow the child's head on the same level with the body or allow the mother to maintain it with one hand. Approximately 6 weeks, the baby begins to raise his head from the position of lying and 2,5-3 months can confidently hold it already in vertical positions.

The newborn itself does not straighten, it is possible to straighten it only forcibly, for example, if you block the "soldier". If you put a baby on your back, he reflexively pull the fists to the chest, and he sleeps with widely dated legs in the "Frog Pose". The pose of the embryo is the most natural pose for babies, it calms and promotes adaptation to the new to the kid to the world.

The vertical and horizontal position of the baby's belly to the stomach in the embryo position is very comfortable for the baby. In this posture, children are better digesting food, thermoregulation is more efficient, because the zone of the stomach is closed. On the back, we have a subcutaneous fat layer thicker, and thermoregulation cells are stronger.

When the child takes on his hands, his legs remain instinctively bent and diluted. Together with a grabbing reflex, this posture helps the child cling to his mother. Thus, we provide him with a natural pose that his body instinctively takes to ensure comfort, heat and safety.

When choosing a device for carrying a child, it is important to choose what will allow to maintain the position of the spine in it naturally rounded form, while maintaining well and pressing the baby to the mother, keeping the "embryo" or "frog" pose.

It is impossible:

All sorts of kingpers and pseudosals on "boards" are not physiological devices for carrying children, because do not allow to keep the baby's back in its natural slightly bent state in either vertical or horizontal position.

Note that The arcuate position of the child's spine does not mean an arcuate position of the child entirely! The head of the baby must continue the line of the spine, without pressed with the chin to the chest. Such a position makes it difficult to breathe kid. This often contributes to the design of pseudosling: they do not have the opportunity to adequately adjust the tension of the tissue and have a type of bag. The lacing attached to such a bag only aggravates the case - it is even more pressed the chin of the baby to the chest and overlaps the influx of fresh air.

Such devices are dangerous for life and health of your baby !!

In vertical positions (wearing a babbit, a column) neither a kangaroo nor pseudosalgs can provide adequate attraction of the baby's back to mom. It is a mom to let go of his hands and start actively moving, like a child risks falling out of a miracle device or just hang on the crotch, hanging out like sausage.


The woven slings can be attributed to physiological devices: on rings, slings scarves, May-slings and physiological backpars. However, not all of them are the same good for newborns.

The most optimal appliances for carrying a baby and a newborn can be attributed to the sling scarf and sling with rings. And sling with rings and sling scarf allow you to wear a baby both in a horizontal position and vertical, while ensuring uniform support to the whole body of the baby.Uniform tension of the fabric and the possibility of literally jewelry adjustment of the tissue allows you to keep the child's spine in its natural position.

Tissues of double diagonal and jacquard weaving are considered the most optimal fabrics for slings. They are often called scarves, because preferably they sew slings scarves. Such fabrics are not sold in ordinary stores, they are made specifically for wearing children. They are completely natural: most often it is 100% cotton, sometimes with additives in the form of flax, silk, bamboo, wool and cashmere on cool weather and others. Like conventional fabrics, scarves do not pull either along nor across: it gives sustainable support Positions of the child. But they are slightly stretching diagonally: it provides a comfortable load distribution, special "hugs" - the fabric is slightly tightened precisely where it is necessary, gently and carefully makes it easiest the body of the mother and baby.

Slings with rings There are both scarf tissues and from ordinary: hazard and flax. The last less plastic than scarves, and require great efforts when adjusting. In slings with rings you can wear and vertically, and horizontally. In both cases, the sling allows you to maintain the natural arc of the kid spine and maintain the head. The position of the child after a small workout can be easily changed right on the go.

You can feed the baby as horizontally, and vertically, however, while the baby does not hold his head, in the position lying it easier. Attention! So that the child retains the correct grip of the chest, his neck during feeding must be supported on the bend of the elbow - it is relevant for any type of carrying!

A feature of a sling with rings is an asymmetrical distribution of load on the carrier (one shoulder and back), so the shoulders must be alternate regularly. This is important not only for mom, but also for the uniform development of the muscular corset of the child.

Sling Scarfperhaps the most versatile and optimal sling for wearing both a newborn and a grown child. It allows you to wear a kid in horizontal and vertical positions from the first days of life. The baby is in the sling in the same position as the mother in his arms. For wearing newborns, the use of diagonal weaving tissues is preferable: due to the characteristics of its weaving, it is these fabrics that provide the best fit, the most uniform attraction, the possibility of point adjustment, support for all the departments of the baby's spine, his head and neck.

In the vertical positions of the baby, you can wear both with legs inside in the embryo position, while congenital tone causes the baby to press the legs and the legs out. Foreign Sling Schools recommended to immediately wear a baby with legs out. For this purpose, one-layer winding ("kangaroo", "cross over a pocket" with unanimulated canvases) and lack of plastic scarves. Many mothers begin to remove the legs out as the congenital tone passing, usually happens at 1-1.5 months. You can also feed the kid and horizontally, and vertically.

Sometimes knitted scarves are used to wear newborns: they have the right to exist, but still, in our opinion, the woven scarf gives more adequate support for the baby's back and a significantly more comfortable distribution of the load on the mother. After reaching the child's weight in 6-7kg, knitted scarves are not recommended: they are delayed under the weight of the baby, creating excessive tension on the mother's back and do not provide proper support to the children's spine.


If the choice of the parent stops on May-sling, then for wearing newborns and non-self-independent children is better to buy scarves, or Major Sling Fabrics) or May-Sling of genuine soft tissue - they are more plastic, and therefore better adapt to the physiological features of the infant, This is especially important when vertical wearing.

May-sling is good to have in addition to any sling, for example, sling with rings. It is very convenient to wear vertically kid: first with legs inside, and as it grows - with legs outwards. Thanks to the soft plastic tissue, the scarry allows you to adjust the height and width of the back to your child, spreading the legs at a comfortable distance.

However, not all May slings allow you to provide uniform support of the back and the neck of the baby. Pay attention to the right photo: the top of the child's spine is completely not attracted due to the rigid non-volatile sling fabric. You can not wear a newborn and baby in May-sling, if it does not have the ability to uniformly support the child's body. All sorts of harnesses and knots on the back of the baby are also very undesirable, due to the fact that they create point pressure on the spine. Majki May-Sling should be expanded, crossed on the back of the child and are bred back, on the back of mom, where they can be tied.

The horizontal position in the May-sling is not very convenient due to the features of its design: there is a danger of a little skewly the baby along the spinal line. Surplus fabric remaining when placing a baby in a supine position in May-sling, creates a prerequisite for this. It can be reduced by dripping the straps (see photo), but the twist should not create a point pressure on the back of the kid. If you are sure that you are correctly stacked in the "cradle" in the child's Majang, you can use it.

Physiological backpack.

The physiological backpack is now many manufacturers recommend that wearing newborns or children from 2 months of age. How justified these recommendations and should they follow?

Most often, the backpack does not provide horizontal position, such a relevant for the baby. And backpacks with a mattress insert (for example, Ergo), although they give the opportunity to put the baby correctly, look very cumbersome. Due to the presence of a volumetric mattress and mom, and the child may be too hot, since in its thickness it is similar to a bike blanket.

The vertical wearing of babies in the backpacks is not recommended. Whatever the backpack, it does not have as wide range of adjustment (and therefore ensuring uniform support of the child), like woven sling. The backpack has only one possibility for adjustment - the slings embedded in the middle of the back. At the same time, the maximum dense attraction Slinge guarantees you only one thing: the middle of the toddler's back will be pressed tightly. But the lower and top of the spine can not have the necessary support, as it often happens even in backpacks, "positioning" from birth.

For then, to cut an excess backpack volume, and attract the baby tightly over the entire surface of the back, many manufacturers recommend putting a diaper: they say, it will reduce the volume. It really allows you to remove the extra volume and more tightly attract the baby, but !! It is important for us not just to shove the child to your mother, but to arrange it correctly, while maintaining the natural bend of the spine. Often, an excessive string string in the desire to achieve a tight attraction gives the effect of "caterpillars" - the explanatory department of the child's spine is being flexed as a child who can sit in independently. Of course, before the moment of self-seating "artificially" to form a lumbar deflection of a lumbroge, in no case cannot be. .

Another important feature of newborns -
unripe hip joint.

The hip joint (TBS) is one of the largest joints in humans. It is formed by a masterpiece of the pelvic bone and the head of the femoral bone. Along the edge of the godded, there is a cartilaginous fabric, which increases the area of \u200b\u200bthe joint. From all sides, the joint cover the muscles.

The dust of the TB TB of the Child's joint is flattened, it is located more vertically, in comparison with the "adult joint", and the joint bundles are excessively elastic. With violation of the development of the joint (dysplasia), excessively elastic ligaments and the articular capsule are not able to hold the head of the femur in the articular cavity, it shifts up and the dust. With certain movements, the hip head can go beyond the limits of the godded depression. Such a condition of the joint is called "Subways". With a severe form of the hip dysplasia, the head of the femur completely goes beyond the limits of the brandy depression, such a state is called "hip disloves".

It is very important an angle under which the head of the femoral bone is inserted into the godfather. If you hold a line through the edges of the masterpiece (AB) and line through the middle of the head and neck of the thigh (CF), then the CF line should pass through the middle (point O) of the AV line. The angle formed by these lines should approach the direct (90-maradus): This ensures uniform load on the head and the velvetable depression and the normal development of these structures.

As the Novosibirsk professor Yakov Leontievich Tsivyan notes, one of the first in Russia engaged in the problem of diseases of the hip joints, "when the hip head is administered, the hip head is centered in the gloomy depressure. Thanks to the early and permanent centers of the hip head in the underdeveloped godpadin, the latter under the influence of such a center begins to develop correctly , and ultimately the former underdevelopment of the depression is eliminated. Consequently, the conditions for the occurrence of dislocation disappear. And by the time when the child becomes on his legs, they can't dislocate - the conditions for its occurrence were eliminated. "

The direct connection of the increased morbidity and the tradition of the tight peeling of the straightened baby legs is noted. The peoples wearing children in carrying with straightened legs (Indians of Nazimari and Canada), there is an increased number of TBS dysplasia. But in those countries where newborns are not waiting, do not limit the freedom of their movement, they carry children vertically with divorced legs, the incidence is much lower. For example, in Japan, within the framework of the National Project in 1975, the national tradition of the tight peeling of the straightened legs of the babies was changed. Result: Reducing the innate hip dislocation from 1.1 - 3.5 to 0.2% (Yamamuro T, Ishida K. Recent Advances in The Prevention, Early Diagnosis, and Treatment of Congenital Dislocation of the Hip in Japan. J. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 1984 Apr; (184): 34-40).

For the treatment of dysplasia, various orthopedic agents are used, allowing the palp legs in the diluted state. All of them are designed to keep the child's legs in the position of breeding. In children of the first 2-3 months, with suspected TBS dysplasis, therapeutic and prophylactic measures are used - breeding legs using soft pads (wide swaddling, fary cushion, etc.), gymnastics with the use of discharge-circular movements in the joint, massage of the berical muscles.

Wearing in a sling with divorced legs allows you to lay a TB of the child joints in a physiological position. Newborn babies are often carried in a sling with legs inside, while the position when the knees are above the priests, it is also preserved. This position (embryo posture) can be used for the period when the congenital tone of the baby body acts.

Since the disappearance of the child's tone is better to wear out with legs to avoid unwanted pressure on the feet and legs.

Remember that the joints in babies cartilage and very flexible. If regular and long-lasting positions of the child's legs do not imply the correct entry of the femur, then the cartilage can develop badly.

What does it mean? This means that if you often and regularly wear a baby for example in the "kengurushka", where the baby's legs are just hanging and there is no speech about any physiological breeding of legs, then you create prerequisites for the emergence of problems with the formation of TB Sustav in a child. A child in a kangaroo hangs on the crotch, the legs hang out, on the lower departments of the immature spine there are very large load. Frequent wearing in a kenguushka can lead to a flattening of intervertebral spaces and problems with the spine in the future.

With a long and / or regular wearing of a child, it is necessary to provide him with the physiological arrangement of the legs so that the head of the femoral bone is inserted into the gloomy depression under a physiologically caused angle.

When wearing the baby in a sling in support of the child, the thigh is always involved. The main point of load falls on the poned region of the baby, thereby removing it from the pelvic region. TB joint is in a physiological position.

However, it is important not to rearrange. Sling or backpack should allow the child to breed a comfortable distance, not allowing excessive leg dilution. In the pose of "Frog", the legs of the child should not hug the waist of mom - there is a certain recommended knee drive angle. In newborns, it is 60-70 degrees.

When the tone passes, the corner of the thighs gradually increases to 90 degrees. In order to comply with this requirement, a sling or a backpack must comply with the physical parameters of the development of a particular child.

It is impossible to wear like that:

Backpack backpacks legs, as a result, we get the ending of the legs and the wrong angle of inserting the femoral bone. The legs of the child are almost melt in the "twine" - i.e. at 180Gradusov. With the right landing, the edge of the back should fall on the popliteal area, and the fabric on the pope and hips tightly make them easier so that there are no excess fabrics and folds. If the back is too wide, the calad's ass will not be able to suit the desired depth in pockets, and we will not get a classic landing in the sling - the M-positions. The same effect is found in vertical wearing in May-slings of hard fabric: if the baby is still small, and the fabric does not differ soft and plasticity, it will be badly visited and can overlook the legs to the baby.

With slings are all easier :). Sling with rings, sling scarf and May-sling (made of soft plastic fabric) allows you to adjust the width of the back to your child. If you want to wear a baby in a backpack, it is important that the length of his feet allows you to close the entire width of the backpack backpack, the ass had a certain amount and weight and allowed to fully fill the space inside the backpack, and for this you need to grow up.

Sling with rings and sling scarf allows you to regulate the breeding of the hips on a comfortable distance for the child, corresponding to its age, while the main principle of the right location is "knees above priests" - also complied.

Remember: the sling adjusts to the child, the backpack adjusts the child to himself. If the sling is plasticine, from which you can cut out anything, then the backpack is a rigid mold, where the child either fits or not.

Let's bring some outcome.

From the point of view of compliance with the age characteristics of the child, the best sling for a newborn and baby will be a sling scarf either sling with rings.

They give excellent support to the whole body of the child and in the vertical and horizontal position. The sling scarf will be more versatile and convenient - it comfortably distributes the load on the carrier, makes it possible to uniform adjustment and at any age of the child will provide a physiological position. For more grown kids, he will give more freedom for the movement of the hands - many kids love to sit in a sling with handles outside, grab the mother for the hair, the nose, well, the best of all the beads that Mom prudently put on the neck :). If the baby falls asleep, you can hide the kid's handles into the sling. Sling with rings also has these advantages, but loses to the comfort of mom: the load is distributed asymmetrically, shoulders need to be alternate regularly, respectively, wearing somewhat harder than the scarf.

Less desirable, but a possible option for wearing may be May-sling (from plastic tissue).Be sure to make sure that the May-sling you choose can provide uniform support of the entire spine and the neck of the baby, and is also easily adjusted by width.

Physiological (\u003d ergonomic) backpack (incl. Positioning as "backpacks from birth") are not recommended for wearing newborns and babies (at least 4-5 months). Due to the lack of broad regulation capabilities due to its design, it cannot provide the required support for the child in accordance with its age characteristics.

What should I pay attention to when choosing a child's carrying device?Answer yourself to the question in what situations do you plan to wear a child, how long, how much, how often?

If the sling you need for short-term wearing (at home, to the store, to the car), you can easily sling with rings. It is mobile, quickly removed and puts on, it is easy to change the position from the vertical on the horizontal, you can imperceptibly squeeze the sleeping baby. And remember that the asymmetrical distribution of the load on the mother's back does not contribute to long-term wearing.

If you have a very manual kid, you love to walk for a long time, you like to be mobile, ride the other end of the city to visit :))), and also if you have some problems with your back (scoliosis, for example) you better choose a sling scarf . It is a little longer to get outward, but it will pay for an excessive minute of your costs next comfort. This is the most perfect sling in terms of the load distribution: very comfortable falls on the shoulders and the back, and also allows you to remove part of the load on the waist and hips, often giving the accompanying weighty effect :).

May-sling is pretty simple in circulation, quickly puts on and comfortable in wearing, but as you remember, not any May-sling is suitable for a newborn. May-sling also symmetrically distributes the load: two shoulders and back.

The backpack is one of the most mobile options, symmetrically distributes the load, but the baby must necessarily grow to it. Read more about backpacks.

Well, now you have knowledge, relying on which you can choose what is suitable for you! :) After all, mom, bearing his baby in his arms - this is what meets the innate expectations of the kid. It radiates care and calm, warmth, reliability and unshakable of this world - what is so necessary for a small little man!

When writing the article, the following text and photo sources were used.

The kid, which appeared to the light, needs care, caress, love and warm. He needs physical contact with his mother. The child, being in her arms, feels more comfortable, calmly. However, Mom cannot constantly engage only by the baby. She needs to go to the store, and getting ready for the family. To perform these tasks, it is not necessary to part with the child - you can buy a sling for a newborn, which is a special device designed to wear a baby on yourself.

Modern manufacturers of children's products produce slings on rings, sling scarves, sling backpacks. Parents who have decided to buy this convenient and simple fixture, want to find the best model for their baby.

However, each variety of this product has certain advantages and disadvantages. They should be learn about them until the selection and purchase of sling.

Convenience and safety carrying

Special adapts for carrying infants - very useful things. Mama is comfortable to wear their little babies in slings. These goods have the following advantages:

  1. Sling reduces the physical burden on the back of a woman. When wearing a child in his arms, the mother is quickly tired, feels pain in the back area, and when using a special device, the load on the spine is not so strong.
  2. Sling gives a woman mobility. Mother's hands when using this product remain free, a woman can perform any home affairs, go for a walk and enjoy public transport.

Sling is safe for the child, but only provided that the mother knows about the rules of carrying children in these devices and adheres to them. If the baby is laid in the correct pose, then no threat to his life and health can be speech. Wearing crumbs in the appropriate age is not hazardous for hip joints and spine.

In our country, the sling is not too common children's commodity. Many women use ordinary strollers despite the fact that these adaptations are considered less convenient and mobile. The rarity of the use of slings is not connected with the existence of medical contraindications, but with the cultural characteristics and habits of the inhabitants of our country.

Suitable slings for infants

There are various types of slings, but not each of them suits the newborn. The most popular device intended for carrying children is considered. It is a long strip of fabric, at one end of which are special rings. The child from birth can be worn in such a sling.

Another popular view is. It is made in the form of a long strip of fabric, which in a certain way is tied on the body of the mother. In a sling scarf, a child can be worn in vertical, semi-propical and horizontal positions. Pose is selected depending on the age of the baby. Newborn needs to be placed in a sling scarf in a horizontal position.


Most young mothers ideas about the care of the baby are folded into the picture: a pinkish kid pretty lying in a crib with toys, eats and falls asleep. And during the day goes to walk in the wheelchair and happily sucks in it.

After the birth of his own Chad, the world changes completely. Often, newborn are protesting against riding in a stroller, do not want to fall asleep and sleep in the crots. The only place where the newborn is happy - these are mother's handles.

The advice will roll from different sides - do not take order to hand, ignite in the stroller, let me cry. Many mothers are trying to follow these tips, fastening the heart, listening to a dumping crying of their child.

However, in recent decades there has been quite a lot of research that the child under the year should be on his hands as much as possible. This ensures psychological comfort and harmonious development.
One of these studies was carried out by scientists from the Japanese Institute of the Brain Riken. The output of the study is: human children relax deeply, automatically when they are worn.

Wearing children in your hands!

But mom is not strong in the arena, and the weight of the child grows. This is no longer that lump of happiness brought from the maternity hospital, but quite a disturbed bun!
Well, no one has canceled housekeeping and classes with older children.

Here comes to the aid of the mother known in many cultures of the world, the adaptation is transit to wearing children or sling. Sling for children up to year is convenient and physiological carrying.

First of all, the sling facilitates the mother wearing a child in his arms. Removes the load from the spine, and also leaves free hands, which allows you to make various things, holding a child "on your hands."
Mom's mobile sling becomes mobile - urban transport, various institutions, hiking and travel becomes much easier.

Mom in Sling

For a child, Sling is what allows you to always be near mom. Listen to breathing, heartbeat and be warm and safe. Do not be afraid to "teach" the child to the hands. It is laid by nature, as well as primates - the child should be on his mother.

Research over the past decades has shown that wearing children contribute to the development of many hormones, in particular oxytocin - reinforcing maternal feelings - and other anti-stress hormones.

Slings are different types:

1. The most versatile, perhaps, is woven sling Scarf . It can wear a child from birth and as long as there is a desire.

Sling scarfallows you to make various types of vertical and horizontal windings.
Slings scarves have a different composition. There are cotton, with the addition of wool, flax, silk or bamboo. Universal more often can be called cotton scarves.
Each mother may choose a scarf in size, preferences for fabric, coloring. Now there are many manufacturers on the market, which will allow mom to choose Sling Scarf in any price category.
Among European manufacturers, one of the first scarf producers can be distinguished - Didymos. Also high-quality scarves produce European brands Ellevill, Amazonas, Girasol.
Among domestic manufacturers are also many options: Vilen, together, Yaro Slings, Mum's Era, Volga.

2. Another kind of sling is a sling with rings.It is also recommended for wearing from birth. In this sling, the load goes on one shoulder, which may not always be comfortable. However, this option is very convenient and this is a good sling for children after a year, when the kids become actively running and often want to get drunk, then back on the handles. Sling with rings will make it easy to slide the ecto from the hands and plant it back.

Most scarf producers also produce slings with rings.

3. This is carrying in the form of a rectangle, in the top of which long straps are sewn.

Easy to learn and allows you to wear a child from birth with proper design and good winding. However, general recommendations on wearing in May-Sling still from 4 months. Often, May Sling sews from a scarf teem with wide straps. Such slings are called scarves.

4. Pretty common and most simple in learn, most likely, you can call ergo-Ryukzak or sling-Ryukzak .

This is a physiological carrying that does not require winding. Fixation occurs at the expense of fastex locks. However, there is a chance of buying an incorrect design - a kangaroo backpack that is not physiological carrying and can harm the baby. Carefully check the design of the ERGO-backpack for compliance with the requirements of orthopedic and sling specialists.
Manufacturers of sling backpacks are now enough to select on the market: Manduca, Ergo Baby, Ilovemum, Aloeslings.

5. Sling Pocket is a ring of fabric with a falling under the child.

Sling pocket is not regulated and sewn under the dimensions of the mother. It is not necessary to acquire a dimensionless sling pocket, it is difficult to control the correct location of the child, especially the newborn.

There are also ethnic slings that are not widespread in the urban environment: Kangang, Onbukhimo, Manta, Sisonier and others.

Main principles when wearing a child in a sling:

- The child is in the m position (legs diluted at a comfortable corner, the ass settled, knees above the priests);
- The baby's pelvis is farther from the mother than the shoulders (the child should be tightly pressed to his mother, so that there would be no load on the spine);
- in the vertical position of the pelvis and thighs of the child must be arranged symmetrically;
- If the child does not hold his head yet, the support should be carried out at the expense of the head restraint.

Choose the option and sling will take you a lot of positive emotions!