What to take for pregnant women with a cough. Severe cough during pregnancy

Cough during pregnancy: what to do at different stages of pregnancy

Every third woman during pregnancy suffers a respiratory illness, one of the symptoms of which is coughing.
What to do if a pregnant woman has a cough? It depends on the etymology of the disease and the duration of pregnancy.

Cough: the reason

It is useless to treat a cough - you need to eliminate its cause, that is, the disease of which it is a symptom. Since the treatment of cough during pregnancy should be started from the very first days, it is prudent to see a doctor right away.

It is quite difficult to cure a cough even with conservative treatment. In an environment where most drugs are banned, curing a cough becomes much more difficult.

In cases where cough is a symptom of a sore throat, SARS or flu, professional treatment should be started as soon as possible. Intoxication of the body can become very dangerous for the fetus, cause pathology in the development of internal organs or weaken the baby's immunity. In many cases, bed rest is necessary - the doctor must decide this issue.

The main cause of cough is respiratory diseases: colds, flu, ARVI. Rare cases are allergic reactions, gastrointestinal reflux (gastric juice rises up the throat and irritates it), heart disease, etc.

Cough during pregnancy: danger

Why is a cough dangerous?
Major hazards 3.

1. In case of respiratory diseases, cough begins with inflammatory processes in the larynx. If you do not take any measures to treat the throat, the inflammatory process goes deeper, affecting the bronchi and even the lungs. Treatment of tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis or pneumonia requires the use of strong medications that are dangerous for the development and health of the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to treat a cough during pregnancy from the very first day in order to prevent complications.

2. The cough causes tension in the abdominal muscles. A short cough with normal muscle tone in the uterus is safe.

In cases where the cough manifests itself in long, painful attacks, there is a risk of bleeding due to an increase in the tone of the muscles of the uterus.

Who is at risk?

  • Women at risk of termination of pregnancy.
  • Pregnant women diagnosed with cervical insufficiency.
  • In cases of placenta previa.
  • Women with multiple pregnancies.

3. The cough poses an immediate threat to the fetus. Due to overstrain of the abdominal muscles, there is a deterioration in the blood supply to the placenta and, consequently, to the baby. The child receives less oxygen, which significantly harms his development and reduces his own immunity.

In pregnant women, the gag reflex is significantly increased, so a strong paroxysmal cough can cause vomiting. In this case, the body loses fluid and nutrients that the fetus needs. As a result, the baby loses weight, and the formation of internal organs and tissues occurs in unfavorable conditions.

Cough during pregnancy: what to do

The only correct answer to this question is to see a doctor, observe bed rest and strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations. It is not difficult to cure a cough on your own in cases where it is caused only by hypothermia and there are no complications.

In real conditions, a pregnant woman cannot always afford to stay at home or even consult a doctor; most women self-medicate.

Some cough suppressants during pregnancy are strictly prohibited.

  • mustard plasters, banks;
  • general and foot hot baths;
  • UHF and physiotherapy;
  • taking high doses of vitamin C.

What can pregnant women get from a cough so as not to harm the child?

Cough treatment: 1 trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is most vulnerable, and there is a high risk of spontaneous abortion. Added to this is reduced immunity and a ban on the use of most medications.

What is the danger of a cough in the 1st trimester of pregnancy:

  • fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen due to overstrain of the muscles of the uterus);
  • detachment of the placenta;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • miscarriage.

If you have a cough during pregnancy, how to treat it in the first trimester? Since there is an active formation of fetal organs, most drugs are prohibited. You can use folk remedies, to enhance the effect of treatment - rest more and eat well.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the following cough syrups can be used: Sinekod, Bronchikum, Stodal.

Cough treatment: 2 trimester

In the second trimester, the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced, but coughing can lead to a deterioration in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus, which causes the baby to be wasted.

At the 14th week, the disease strikes the endocrine system, at 16 and 17 weeks - on the bone tissue of the fetus.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a fully formed placenta effectively protects the baby from viruses and toxins. The range of drugs allowed for use is expanding.

What can you do for coughing pregnant women in the second semester? Basically, traditional methods of treatment.

Which cough syrup during pregnancy is allowed in the 2nd trimester? With a dry cough, Stoptussin, Libeksin, Coldrex Knight, Falimint are taken in lozenges.

Cough treatment: 3 trimester

In the last third of pregnancy, diseases carried by the mother are less dangerous than at the beginning of pregnancy.

At the same time, in the last weeks of pregnancy, the placenta ages and becomes permeable to viruses, toxins and drugs. Viral diseases cause accelerated aging of the placenta, which leads to the fact that the child does not receive enough nutrients - this can lead to the depletion of the fetus. Viruses also cross the placenta into amniotic fluids, which are directly consumed by the fetus. As a result, the baby's immune system suffers.

Coughing affects milk production, which is also undesirable in late pregnancy.

A severe paroxysmal cough can lead to detachment of the placenta, drainage of amniotic fluid, and premature birth.

Diseases suffered in the last stages of pregnancy deplete the body of a woman who needs to gain strength for the upcoming birth and subsequent round-the-clock care of the newborn.

What remedy for cough during pregnancy is acceptable in the last trimester? The list of medicines is the same as in the second trimester.

Cough in pregnant women: home treatment

Diseases, one of the symptoms of which is coughing, should be treated under the supervision of a qualified physician. Even herbal preparations can be dangerous to the fetus, as they increase the tone of the uterus.

It is extremely dangerous to use home treatment for more than 3 days. If after 3 days of home treatment there is no improvement, the cough is just as intense, the state of health has not improved - you need to visit a doctor without delay.

If a cough occurs during pregnancy, only a specialist should decide how to treat it. It is advisable to discuss with your doctor what therapies are at home, especially if herbal teas are used for the treatment. You can use home treatment methods in parallel with conservative treatment, which will be prescribed by a doctor, then the cough will go away faster.

What are some home remedies for coughing?


Gargling is great for treating a sore throat, when unpleasant perspiration, pain, discomfort when swallowing are felt in the throat. In cases where the cough is caused by laryngitis, bronchitis (chest cough), rinsing is useless.

Gargling will help you to quickly get rid of viral pathogens that harden on the mucous membrane of the throat, produce toxins and cause inflammation. With weakened immunity, characteristic of pregnant women, inflammation in the throat can lead to sore throat, which will require antibiotics to treat. Therefore, it is imperative to gargle with colds, flu and SARS.

For rinsing, you can use herbal decoctions of chamomile, sage, plantain, coltsfoot.

Alcohol tinctures of calendula or eucalyptus are used: 10-15 drops per glass of water.

You can prepare a sea salt solution - 1 teaspoon per glass of water.

A solution of salt and soda will help - a teaspoon per glass of solution.

The solution must be warm. A hot solution injures the inflamed mucous membranes of the throat, and a cold solution will lead to an increase in the inflammatory process.

Rinse frequency, ideally every 2 hours. But at least 3-4 times a day.


How to treat a cough during pregnancy with inhalation?

Inhalation warms up the throat and delivers drugs to the inflammation site. Inhalation causes a violent cough, which promotes the discharge of phlegm and for a while the cough stops. It is good to inhale before bed so that you can sleep and rest without interruption.

Do not inhale at elevated temperatures!

A nebulizer is best suited for inhalation - it delivers drugs directly to the bronchi in the form of many microscopic drops.

In the absence of a nebulizer, steam can be used - it will carry the medicine to the diseased organ.

How to do inhalation?

A bowl of boiling water. Medicines are added to boiling water and they breathe for 10 minutes over the steam. To enhance the effect, you can cover yourself with a sheet - if this does not cause lightheadedness!

Kettle. A paper tube is put on the spout of a teapot with boiling water and the end of the tube is placed in the mouth, inhaling the steam.

Hot potatoes. Cook a few potatoes in their uniforms, knead them and breathe over the steam.

Herbs for inhalation (1-2 tablespoons). For dry cough: chamomile, sage, marshmallow, thyme, lime blossom, plantain. With a wet cough: wild rosemary, eucalyptus, lingonberry, coltsfoot, string, yarrow.

Essential oils (5-6 drops): eucalyptus, pine, tea tree.

Garlic gruel - You can simply breathe over a saucer of crushed garlic.

Coniferous extract - added to water.

Validol tablet. 1 tablet is crushed and added to water for inhalation.

Aroma oils

Aromatic oils have a healing effect and improve the condition. You can put a few drops of oil on a napkin and inhale it, or use a special aroma pendant that will protect against viruses by purifying the inhaled air. Eucalyptus or lemon oil will do.

Compresses on the chest

Helps with chest cough. They make warm (!) Compresses at night, wrapping their breasts warmly. What can be used for compresses? The cabbage leaf is kneaded, smeared with a thin layer of honey and placed on the chest.

Herbal decoctions

How to cure a cough during pregnancy using traditional medicine recipes?

  1. For a painful dry cough, use the juice of a fresh black radish. The top of the radish is cut off, the pulp is selected and 1-2 tablespoons of honey are placed in the depression. The radish is placed in a glass of water so that the "tail" is in the water. This radish can be used for 2 days, adding honey as needed.
    Radish juice with honey is drunk in a tablespoon before meals 3 times a day.
  2. Decoction of figs. In a glass of milk, boil 1-2 fig berries until the milk darkens. Drink half a glass three times a day.
  3. With a strong cough, they drink sage broth in milk at night. A spoon of sage is boiled over low heat in a glass of milk. The infusion is defended in a warm place for at least 3 hours and drunk before bedtime.
  4. Warm milk, freshly squeezed carrot juice and a spoonful of honey are mixed equally. Drink at night.
  5. A spoonful of oregano and 2 tablespoons of coltsfoot and marshmallow root are poured with 2 cups of boiling water, insisted for half an hour and drunk half a glass during the day.

Herbal preparations: danger

When a cough occurs in pregnant women, how can it not be treated?

Some herbal preparations are dangerous for a pregnant woman.

Chest fee 1... Contains oregano, which can cause uterine bleeding and allergic reactions.
Chest fee 2 and 4... As part of the fees - licorice root, which is not recommended for a pregnant woman.
Breast fee 3... Contains anise, contraindicated during pregnancy.

For a pregnant woman and a fetus, coughing poses a significant danger, especially in the pathology of pregnancy. It is better to carry out treatment under the supervision of a doctor and in bed rest.

Cough is an annoying and unpleasant symptom of a number of diseases. A debilitating dry or lingering wet cough in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy can greatly disturb a woman and even a child.

Important! Treatment of cough during pregnancy must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Self-medication can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous for a growing baby. Only the doctor knows what can and cannot be taken for coughs during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. The list of antitussive drugs for the expectant mother is limited.

Pregnancy is a special condition when the forces of the female body are aimed at supporting the growth and development of the fetus. The immune system also works in an "enhanced" mode, but in close contact with viral patients, a young mother can still become infected. A decrease in the body's defenses occurs precisely in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

The main measures are aimed at treating the disease that caused the cough. When the disease recedes, the symptoms will soon go away on their own. It is worth thinking about taking cough medications during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester only in cases where the cough is prolonged, debilitating.

Why is a cough in the 3rd trimester dangerous?

The main danger is often not the cough, but its cause. By itself, a cough is not a disease, it is the body's defense reaction to an infectious disease.

During a productive cough, the upper and lower respiratory tract is cleared, the waste products of bacteria and viruses are released with sputum. A wet cough is relieved by drinking plenty of fluids, and it goes away quickly enough.

A dry cough is more troubling, accompanied by soreness and chest pain. This is a reflex reaction to irritation of the ENT organs. It does not bring relief, interferes with sleep and tires the pregnant woman. A dry cough can be dangerous for a baby too.

If the cough is caused by a virus or bacterial infection, then the risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus is not excluded. For a fragile child's body, an infection in the third trimester is more dangerous than for a mother.

The unpleasant consequences of a dry lingering cough during pregnancy 3 trimesters are:

  1. Fetal hypoxia. A strong, tearing cough increases the tone of the uterus. An unpleasant consequence of increased tone is fetal hypoxia, lack of oxygen in the child's blood.
  2. Premature birth. A constant and significant increase in tone provokes contractions, premature birth can occur. By the middle of the third trimester, the baby is already well developed and can be born completely healthy, but it is better to carry the baby until the end of the term.
  3. Bleeding. When there is a placenta supply, coughing, as a serious exercise, can cause dangerous bleeding. It is in the 3rd trimester that the risk of such bleeding increases, since the walls of the uterus are already strongly stretched. A similar danger is posed by coughing with low placentation.

The task of the gynecologist is to explain to the patient in time what the danger of a cough in the 3rd trimester is, and to refer to a therapist to determine the cause and undergo treatment.

Cough reasons

The most common cause of cough is diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract of various etiologies. Correct diagnosis will help determine the cause of cough during 3 trimester pregnancy, how to treat it and what to avoid.

A mild form of SARS and colds pass without consequences for the fetus. An increase in the mother's body temperature does not harm the baby, as does a runny nose and cough. It is important for a pregnant woman to stay in bed and drink, and consult a doctor to control the course of the disease.

If you hope that the cold will go away "on your feet", do not follow the treatment of cough during pregnancy according to the prescriptions of health workers, complications may arise. Inflammation of the pharynx and trachea (laryngitis and tracheitis) lasts up to three weeks, is more difficult to treat and causes bouts of severe coughing, including at night.

Some viral diseases in which a cough occurs can be extremely harmful to the baby. Among the seasonal illnesses, the most dangerous is the flu. It is accompanied by severe fever, high fever, and headaches.

Important! If the disease develops rapidly, is accompanied by a rise in body temperature above 38 ° C and a severe headache, it may be the flu! It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Diseases of a bacterial nature also cause coughing. Bronchitis and pneumonia are common and dangerous complications of the common cold. Treatment of such diseases is not complete without the use of antibiotics. In serious cases, inpatient treatment is recommended to ensure round-the-clock monitoring of the condition of the mother and child.

Important! Infections are not always severe for the mother, but the activity of bacteria is dangerous for the baby! See a doctor.

If there are no other respiratory symptoms and the cough persists, the therapist will suspect an allergic reaction. It is caused by household allergens (animal dander, dust, feathers, mold), chemicals (washing powder, cosmetics) or food. In this case, after the complete limitation of contact with the allergen, the cough quickly passes.

Cough and condition of a pregnant woman

Fighting the disease is a serious burden for the body. In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother has already spent a lot of energy, and the constantly growing tummy makes her more and more tired by the end of the day. In this state, even a mild illness is not easy to tolerate and very tiring.

Excessive experiences can negatively affect the development of the child, so it is better to start treatment on time.

Treatment in the 3rd trimester

Many patients do not agree to take even drugs for coughs that are allowed during pregnancy so that chemicals do not enter the child's body. A young mother is more willing to agree to treatment of cough during pregnancy with folk remedies, not suspecting that herbal medicine can be dangerous to the baby or cause premature birth.

Do not underestimate the danger of taking "children's" dosage forms. If the drug is allowed for babies up to three years old and even for infants, then the baby inside the mother's womb may still be prohibited.

Some pregnant women mistakenly rely on "harmless" homeopathy and take it without a doctor's prescription. However, only a specialist can decide what is possible for a cough and choose the right homeopathic remedy. The composition of such drugs is complex and some components are prohibited during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester.

Important! Any self-medication, including herbal preparations and herbs, as well as "children's" preparations and homeopathy, can be dangerous!

Medical therapy

During pregnancy, a woman should consult a doctor for any, even minor, discomfort. You can visit the therapist at the antenatal clinic or call the doctor at home from the clinic.

The therapist will conduct an examination, in difficult cases, prescribe additional tests and examinations. Only a qualified specialist will correctly determine the cause of the cough and prescribe an effective treatment for cough during pregnancy.

Important! During the visit to the doctor, inform him about the features of the course of pregnancy, and also describe in detail the symptoms that appeared along with the cough.

In the case of viral infections, the doctor will recommend:

  • Bed rest. In the absence of temperature, short walks in the fresh air are allowed in good weather.
  • Plentiful warm drink (tea, fruit drinks, compotes, juices, mineral water). In the 3rd trimester, many pregnant women face the problem of edema, and their fluid intake is limited. In this case, the doctor will try to find the optimal drinking regimen.
  • Rinsing the nasal passages with sea water, means based on it
  • Frequent gargling with warm decoctions of poisons (chamomile, sage)
  • Steam inhalation of herbs (chest collection) and some essential oils
  • Inhalation with saline or alkaline mineral water using a nebulizer
  • Taking medications inside.

For pregnant women, mustard plasters and banks, hot foot baths and any warming up, exposure to radiation are prohibited.

When prescribing drugs, therapists take into account the risks to the fetus and prescribe the safest drugs that have passed the appropriate tests.

Often, to relieve cough and improve sputum discharge, the following are prescribed:

Herbal preparations in the form of syrup.

  • Herbion (based on plantain or primrose)
  • Gedelix, Prospan (ivy-based syrups)
  • Marshmallow syrup (marshmallow root)
  • Stodal (homeopathic syrup with natural composition)
  • Doctor IOM (includes herbal complex)
  • Bronchicum (thyme-based syrup).

Herbal lozenges.

  • Bronchipret
  • Mucaltin
  • Dr. IOM (lozenges).

In difficult cases, synthetic drugs are prescribed:

  • Stopussin
  • Ambrobene
  • Lazolvan
  • Sinecode.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies should not take place without the supervision of a doctor. There are natural and plant substances that negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

When choosing folk recipes, it is better to give preference to those that the woman has already applied in practice. Knowing the individual reactions to the components will help avoid drug allergies and unpleasant consequences for the stomach.

Relatively safe remedies for the treatment of cough in pregnant women are:

1. Natural honey.

Honey has a local anti-inflammatory effect, softens the throat. With a dry cough, it relieves attacks, and with a wet cough, it improves sputum discharge.

It can be sucked in a little during the day, added to warm drinks.

You should not put honey in too hot tea, as at temperatures above 60 ° C, the beneficial properties of honey are reduced.

Warm honey compresses are applied to the chest area for 15-20 minutes. For a better warming effect, you can wrap yourself in a heated towel or blanket.

You should not abuse honey, as it is a strong allergen. Discontinue use if redness, itching or other reactions occur.

2. Warmed milk.

Any warm drink can help soothe a sore throat and reduce the viscosity of phlegm. Milk also has a pronounced softening and enveloping properties.

It does not need to be boiled, it is enough to heat it over low heat. You can dissolve a teaspoon of butter and a spoonful of honey in hot milk. After taking the warming drink, it is best to go to bed and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. It is best to drink a glass of milk before bed, then the night will be much calmer.

3. Burnt sugar.

A quick and affordable dry cough reliever can be made with regular sugar. It is melted in a spoon or in a frying pan until a thick brown mass is obtained.

Then a small amount of water or milk is added. The frozen mixture is split into pieces and dissolve during the day.

Such homemade lollipops can always be kept at hand, and their reception for a pregnant woman is absolutely safe. Patients with diabetes mellitus are an exception.

Prevention measures

To prevent coughing and other unpleasant symptoms of respiratory diseases from spoiling the last months, a pregnant woman should take care of prevention in advance:

  • Avoid frequent visits to crowded areas, especially during seasonal influenza outbreaks
  • Use a gauze bandage when visiting healthcare facilities
  • Wash hands thoroughly upon arrival home, in public places, before eating
  • At home, use only personal hygiene products, eat and drink from your own dishes
  • Limit contact with sick people as much as possible, do not visit sick relatives and friends
  • Use seawater-based nasal rinses
  • Take leisurely walks in the fresh air every day
  • Ventilate the apartment well, carry out regular wet cleaning.

It is important to start the treatment of cough during pregnancy on time, so a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. Modern safe methods and medicines, natural folk recipes will not harm the unborn baby, but will significantly alleviate the condition of the young mother. If the last months of pregnancy are calm and happy, the birth will be easier, and the mother will have enough strength to recover quickly.

Cough during pregnancy can be a real problem if you do not take timely measures to prevent and treat it. How to treat a cough during pregnancy, what consequences may arise, you will learn from our article.

What is a cough?

A cough is an exhalation accompanied by sound. It can be both voluntary and involuntary. Also, cough occurs as a separate disease of the respiratory tract or is a symptom, a consequence of other diseases.
In any case, a cough is a disease that brings inconvenience to a person and negatively affects the body as a whole.

With the help of a cough, our body tries to clear the airways of excess mucus. The production of mucus by the bronchi occurs constantly, but during illness, mucus is produced in large quantities or changes its concentration, irritating the respiratory tract. One cannot ignore the fact that excessive accumulation of mucus is a favorable environment for the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria, exacerbating the situation.

What is a cough?

There are two types of coughs: dry and wet. The first is also called unproductive due to the small amount of sputum secreted. It is paroxysmal, lasts several minutes, can make breathing difficult, and is often worse at night, making it difficult for the person to sleep. In rare cases, a dry cough causes gagging and chest pain due to the sharp contractions of the bronchi and corresponding muscle groups. An unproductive cough in practice appears at the onset of the disease and then flows into a productive form.

A productive type of cough is also called wet or wet. It has an expectorant effect, due to which excess mucus is removed from the respiratory tract. Also, with a wet cough, there is no pain in the chest and it is shorter than a dry one. With a wet cough, wheezing and shortness of breath may be present in the chest. Due to significant differences, even a person without medical education will be able to distinguish a dry cough from a wet one.

Causes of cough during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother is subjected to tremendous stress, which leads to a weakening of the functions of the immune system. Thus, a pregnant woman is most prone to viral and infectious diseases, the consequence of which is often a cough; there are also a number of other reasons for its occurrence:

  • laryngitis is an inflammatory process in the larynx;
  • tracheitis is an inflammatory process in the trachea;
  • bronchitis is an inflammatory process in the bronchi;
  • asthma is a chronic bronchial disease that makes it difficult for a person to breathe, which manifests itself in attacks of suffocation and shortness of breath;
  • ARVI - acute respiratory viral infection;
  • whooping cough is an infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract (more common in children);
  • pharyngitis is an inflammatory process in the pharynx;
  • heart failure - disruption of the heart, expressed in the lack of the ability to supply blood to all organs and tissues of the body;
  • an allergy is the body's response to a specific irritant.

If a pregnant woman starts to cough, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The causes of cough in pregnant women include not only diseases, but also factors, for example, irritation of the respiratory tract mucosa with the help of chemistry (i.e. inhalation of chemicals). The situation can occur in the workplace if the work activity is associated with chemicals or in a domestic environment when disinfecting plumbing fixtures. Chemical exposure can also include being in the same room as a smoking person.

Another factor is the thermal effect on the mucous membrane in the respiratory tract. For example, with a sharp inhalation of cold or, on the contrary, hot air. There is also mechanical irritation of the respiratory tract: ingress of a foreign body or inhalation of dust.

The expectant mother should understand that whatever the cause of the cough, it must be eliminated and get rid of this debilitating ailment.
Consequences of coughing during pregnancy

The appearance of a cough during pregnancy always alarms the expectant mother because of the perceived discomfort. Indeed, during a cough, the muscles of the abdominal wall contract, which in turn leads to a contraction of the muscles of the uterus. If the cough is prolonged and aggravated by a paroxysmal nature, then soon it will lead to the tone of the uterus. The tone of the uterus will cause discomfort for the baby and will prevent the flow of necessary substances to the fetus, including oxygen. A restriction in the supply of oxygen to the fetus can lead to hypoxia.

The increased tone of the uterus in the early stages is especially dangerous, because endangers the bearing of the baby and, in neglected forms, contributes to the termination of pregnancy. In the later stages, a debilitating paroxysmal cough, toning the uterus, can cause premature labor, which is also undesirable and entails a number of its negative consequences.

Coughing During Pregnancy Can Have Negative Effects

Dry cough, which has a frequent nature, negatively affects not only the development of the fetus, but also the development of the placenta - the main source of nutrition for the baby. The result of an ignored cough is detachment of the placenta. Coughing attacks are especially dangerous when placenta previa or its low location.

Another negative consequence of a cough in a pregnant woman is an increase in blood pressure or its spasmodic nature. In turn, high blood pressure narrows the vessels of the expectant mother, which often leads to abnormalities in the development of the fetus and disruptions in the work of various organs of the woman herself.

How to treat a cough during pregnancy?

Treatment of cough during pregnancy, like any other disease, must begin with finding out the cause of its occurrence, and only then proceed to get rid of the disease itself.

The use of any treatment methods during pregnancy should be discussed with the observing obstetrician-gynecologist.
In cases where the cough was caused by a mechanical, chemical or thermal method, it is necessary to immediately eliminate the irritant. For example, ventilate the room or go outside. If there is a foreign body in the respiratory tract, you cannot remove it yourself! It is necessary to consult a specialist, in this case an otolaryngologist, in extreme cases, a therapist.

A cough can be caused by various factors, it is not always a cold.

The situation is more difficult for pregnant women, whose work activity is associated with chemicals. After all, the impact of any chemistry on the body of the expectant mother can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Then she needs to contact her supervisor and, having received appropriate recommendations from the antenatal clinic, switch to light work (Article 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

A cough caused by allergies can also bring significant inconvenience to a mother-to-be. an allergic cough is often dry and paroxysmal. To improve the condition of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to immediately exclude the allergen, i.e. stimulus. At the planning stage of pregnancy, any woman already knows about the presence of an allergy to a particular substance, therefore, the absence of an irritant must be taken care of in advance. In practice, situations are noted of the occurrence of negative reactions of the body to new substances. In this case, it is necessary to consult an allergist and identify the allergen by appropriate methods.

Having passed tests for allergens, it is possible to exclude the occurrence of cough due to allergies.

The expectant mother does not need to postpone these procedures, because the irritant can be present in everyday life and exhaust it on a daily basis. With prolonged exposure, an allergic cough can have a number of negative consequences and weaken an already exhausted body.

In fact, elimination of the allergen is the most optimal procedure during pregnancy, because taking a number of medications during this period is prohibited, yes, and if you can refrain from them, then this opportunity should not be missed.

Heart failure is also reflected in the onset of coughing during pregnancy. In the presence of such a disease during the period of bearing a child, it is necessary to be observed and consult a therapist or cardiologist. The specialist will select the necessary medications, prescribe the procedure and give recommendations. Diseases of the heart system are often a contraindication to pregnancy, and if it does occur, then the woman is under the close supervision of a doctor.

Such a chronic disease as asthma occurs in various forms. With frequent attacks of suffocation and an acute condition, it will be difficult for a woman to maintain a pregnancy already in the early stages. First of all, this is due to the load on the anterior wall of the abdominal wall and uterus during an attack, as well as the intake of drugs that maintain the normal state of the body. In the case when asthma is mild or is in "sleep mode", full bearing of a child is possible. A pregnant woman will need to exclude contact with irritants and, if possible, avoid exposure to negative factors that cause coughing attacks.

The most common cause of a cough in a pregnant woman is infectious and viral diseases: ARVI, laryngitis, tracheitis, etc. Their treatment should be under the supervision of a physician. Although the use of drugs is not at all necessary. Folk remedies - milk with honey or butter, decoctions of herbs, badger fat - will quite cope with the initial stage of the disease.

Folk recipes are one of the safest ways to get rid of a cough during pregnancy.

If this does not help, the doctor may prescribe homeopathic cough syrups such as Gedelix or Stodal. In addition, there is an excellent way to combat cough - inhalation with a compression or ultrasonic inhaler. Inhalation can be done both with medicines and with ordinary saline solution or mineral water such as "Borjomi".

Compression inhaler

Ultrasonic inhaler

By the way, the inhaler will be an excellent purchase not only for a pregnant woman, but also for a future baby - this is one of the safest and most effective remedies for treating cough in babies.

Summing up a small summary, I want to say - before starting treatment, find the cause of the cough, even if it seems obvious, consult your doctor and strictly follow the recommendations. Pregnancy is not the time to experiment with your own health.

A pregnant woman can often experience a decrease in the immune system. This reaction is normal because it does not allow the body to reject the fetus like a foreign body. The negative side is vulnerability to all kinds of infectious diseases.

The greatest danger during pregnancy is represented by colds, which are especially activated in the off-season. The most common symptom of a cold is sore throat and runny nose. The expectant mother needs to know how to treat a cough during pregnancy.

Pregnancy cough can develop in any trimester (1,2 or 3). It is caused by an acute or chronic infection of the respiratory tract (both upper and lower). In a number of diseases (rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.), mucus from the nasopharynx reaches the back of the throat, which irritates it and provokes a cough with phlegm.

If the infectious process began in the pharynx, larynx or trachea (with laryngitis), then the onset of a cough (most often dry) indicates the first reaction to inflammation of the mucous membrane. A pregnant woman may develop an inflammatory process in the lungs and bronchi (bronchitis), and in this case, the cause of a cough with phlegm may be the accumulation of a large volume of it in the lower respiratory tract and their lumens.

A common cause of dry cough during pregnancy (and in any trimester, both in the early stages and in the third) are allergic diseases.

In rare cases, an ailment can provoke problems with the thyroid gland or heart and blood vessels.

Danger of coughing

Treatment of cough during pregnancy should be done without fail and as soon as possible. It is dangerous for the health of the expectant mother, especially in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimesters.

It must be remembered that the unpleasant consequences of a cough may not be felt right away. However, later this has the following effect:

  • during a cough (both dry and with sputum), the abdominal wall is strained, which adversely affects the uterus;
  • if a woman coughs heavily and often, then this raises the general tone of the body, which is fraught with the likelihood of miscarriage (in the early stages) or too early onset of labor (in the third trimester);
  • if the cough is dry, it can provoke an unexpected detachment of the placenta and an increase in blood pressure.

Cough (regardless of whether dry or with phlegm) reduces blood flow to the fetus with a simultaneous increase in the tone of the uterus, which over time threatens intrauterine hypoxia. Most often, it is accompanied by a runny nose, indicating a certain disease. This conceals the main danger: any infection is harmful not only to mommy, but also dangerous to the unborn baby.

That is why timely and effective treatment of cough in pregnant women is so important.

How to cure: folk options

Dry cough treatment

To get rid of a severe cough during pregnancy, you can try using folk remedies.

They are good because they are suitable for both the 1st and 2nd trimesters, and 3. In addition, folk recipes are safe for the body of a pregnant woman. You just need to make sure that the expectant mother is not allergic to any of the components.

A dry cough during pregnancy can be treated with juice that has just been squeezed out of a radish. It is combined with honey and then taken 2 tablespoons up to 6 times a day.

You can brew a healing drink from milk and figs (it will also help well if a woman has a runny nose). The drink is consumed 3 times a day, 100 ml each, also in combination with honey.

Moist cough

If mommy is coughing heavily with phlegm, then ingestion of a honey-onion mixture and rubbing her breasts will help her.

With a wet cough, you can resort to various herbal infusions and medicinal plants.

Sage, horseradish juice, coltsfoot flowers are recognized as good folk remedies.

Inhalation and the use of cabbage are considered effective folk remedies: a cabbage leaf is smeared with honey and applied with the resulting sweet layer to the chest, then wrapped in a warm scarf at night until morning.

All types of cough

Gargling is great for treating coughs at all stages of pregnancy, not just the first and second trimester.

You need to rinse after meals or in between meals, the frequency of procedures can be up to eight times a day. For the solution, herbs are suitable, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, or water with the addition of salt or baking soda.

Inhalation can be used to cure a cough during pregnancy. Alternatively, you can purchase a special inhaler at the pharmacy. However, many continue to use folk remedies (breathe with the spout of a teapot, a paper bag, over a saucepan). If you are not worried about the fever, but only a cough and a runny nose, then they cover themselves with a blanket for the duration of inhalation.

When a pregnant woman has a dry cough, herbs such as chamomile, St. John's wort, thyme are suitable for "breathing".

Treatment of cough with phlegm is better to take wild rosemary, eucalyptus, string, lingonberry.

During pregnancy, you can practice inhalation not only with herbs, but also with various aromatic oils. With their help, the treatment of dry cough during pregnancy becomes much more successful, since they soothe the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, reduce inflammatory activity.

Medical treatments for cough

Despite the safety of treating wet and dry coughs with folk remedies, such methods are not always effective. In this case, they resort to a medical method.

During pregnancy, cough can be treated with various medications. Now medicines have been developed that are not scary to take both in the early stages (1st, 2nd trimester) and during the 3rd trimester.

There are syrups that can be used to treat sore throat and runny nose:

  • during the 1st trimester of pregnancy - Bronchicum;
  • during the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy - Coldrex Knight, Libexin and Sinekod.

Treatment of cough with phlegm throughout pregnancy is carried out with the help of licorice root syrup, as well as medicinal compositions such as Mukaltin and its analogues (you can consult with your doctor or at the pharmacy). Many of the medications also help if you have a sore throat or runny nose.

There are remedies that in no case should be used to treat pregnant women for coughing (regardless of which trimester is 1, 2 or 3). These include:

  • Linkas;
  • Prospan.

Treatment of a cough while carrying a child should begin with a consultation with a doctor. You cannot rely on the advice of friends and acquaintances.

During pregnancy, do not try to cure a runny nose and get rid of a cough with the help of mustard plasters and cans, physiotherapy, taking hot water procedures and steaming feet.

Correct treatment is a series of procedures that will be prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. Only after all the tests, you can competently and without harm cure a runny nose, wet or dry cough during pregnancy.