What does turquoise mean. Turquoise and the signs of the zodiac. How to distinguish an original from a fake

Turquoise is a very beautiful natural stone and, thanks to this property, has been very popular in many countries of the world for over four thousand years. The pharaohs of Egypt, the noble Aztecs of Mexico, the lamas of Tibet valued turquoise and considered it to have strong magical properties. Since the formation of trade routes between the East and Europe, this semi-precious stone has penetrated from Turkey to European countries.

Iranian turquoise

Since that time, turquoise has been called the stone of the East. And not in vain, because the richest deposit of this mineral was found in Iran. In general, it is mined in many countries - the USA, Australia, Mexico, China, Russia, Israel, Uzbekistan. However, the Iranian deposit gives the most beautiful and high-quality stones.

Features and properties of turquoise

The color range of turquoise has a fairly wide range. The mineral can have many shades ranging from white to bright blue or dark green to olive. White turquoise is a “young” stone, in which the pigmentation period is just beginning.

Turquoise blue is the most popular

The most attractive, and therefore the most demanded on the market, turquoise of pale blue shades. Green turquoise retains all the properties of blue, but its popularity is lower.

Natural stone has a waxy luster, in some cases it may have a non-uniform surface color or the presence of dark color veins.

The composition of the mineral has a property inherent in living organisms. It can be in a state of youth, maturity and old age, that is, the stone “grows” throughout its existence.

The mineral is sensitive to humidity, reacts to sudden changes in temperature and direct sunlight. It is believed that the gem darkens before bad weather and loses its brightness when a sick person picks it up.

The healing and magical properties of turquoise

This mineral can be called a real healer. He copes with the following ailments:

  • normalizes sleep and relieves nightmares;
  • stops bleeding, normalizes the thyroid gland;
  • has a healing effect on the gastric mucosa and skin lesions;
  • relieves headaches and has a positive effect on brain function.

Turquoise has long helped people in the fulfillment of desires.

The magical properties of turquoise have been known to people since ancient times. Natural stone is worn in the hope of attracting happiness into one's life, gaining love and fidelity, achieving material prosperity and spiritual growth. It can be said that she gathered strength in herself to realize the most desired human dreams:

  1. Turquoise has always been presented as a gift to announce their love with such a gift. This stone, symbolizing purity and virginity, was part of the decoration of the bride's wedding dress. Women sewed a small stone into their husband's clothes to strengthen his feelings and fidelity.
  2. The mineral willingly helps in business and financial support to people who are honest in doing business and do not wish harm to others.
  3. The stone patronizes and protects warriors, hunters and people of dangerous professions. The magic of this mineral will ensure the victory of those whose actions are just and directed for the good.

The magical properties of turquoise stone for the signs of the zodiac

Turquoise stone has positive properties for all signs of the zodiac, except for the sign.

Turquoise is the best stone for Sagittarius

It is most harmonious with those born under the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius. It makes Sagittarians more focused, pushing them to achieve their goals. Sagittarius with excessive adventurism will calm the stone, inclining them to a more realistic view of things. Turquoise enhances the intellectual abilities, which Sagittarians already have quite developed, thereby allowing the representatives of the sign to set higher goals and achieve their realization. For Sagittarius women, the mineral gives sensuality.

Scorpios are the next sign of the zodiac, for which the turquoise stone reveals all its positive properties. The stone increases the life energy of Scorpios, while calming spontaneously arising anger and removing aggressiveness. It is to Scorpions that the mineral will most clearly inform by changing its color about the approaching ill health.

For turquoise, too, can bring many benefits. She will bring complete harmony into marital relations, eliminate the consequences of conflicts and quarrels, and give Aquarius peace and peace of mind.

Virgos should be attentive to turquoise, in all its manifestations.

For Virgos, the energy of turquoise may be too strong; they are not recommended to wear this stone all the time. The mineral on Dev can have a somewhat depressing effect. But on any trips, Virgos need to take it with them for sure!

With the help of turquoise, twins will be able to find harmony in their natural spiritual duality, forget old grievances that have hurt their souls for a long time. This stone will help in love and family relationships.

Aries who have this mineral will experience an unprecedented energy boost. In addition, they will receive a good protector from any external evil.

The mineral will give the sign of the zodiac Taurus health, clear thinking, and the effectiveness of the planned plans. For Taurus, astrologers recommend dark green turquoise, it is this kind of mineral that will give them optimism and eliminate negative thoughts.

Representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer will be freed from resentment and grief that spoil their lives. The magical properties of turquoise will be especially strong if it is inherited, especially on the maternal side.

Libra turquoise will add self-confidence

Libra will finally gain balance, peace of mind and confidence in their own actions. It is better for representatives of the Libra zodiac sign to wear a stone of sky-blue shades. In Libra, under the influence of this mineral, previously hidden esoteric abilities may appear.

With the help of this mineral, fish will learn to distinguish the main from the secondary, become balanced, relieve the load of petty insults and squabbles. If the energy of turquoise does not coincide with the energy of the representative of the Pisces zodiac sign, then the stone will “leave” itself, for example, it will be lost.

How to distinguish imitation turquoise?

Imitation of turquoise in the production of jewelry is very popular.

Currently, turquoise is mined less and less - the deposits are depleting their reserves. As a result, it becomes more expensive and, in addition, in proportion to the decrease in natural stones, the number of counterfeit ones increases. In general, they tried to make fakes in antiquity. To do this, faience, glass, various fossils were combined and dyes were added. Sometimes such fakes were obtained that were almost impossible to distinguish from natural stone. Imitations of this mineral have even been found in the tombs of the pharaohs in Egypt. Now there are the following types of turquoise:

  1. Reinforced turquoise. These are particles of natural stone, held together by a special composition. It is considered the highest quality option.
  2. Refined turquoise. These are low-quality minerals, colored with special means to obtain a pigmentation effect. They differ from high-quality natural stone in brightness of color and too smooth surface.
  3. Restored turquoise. For the manufacture of such a “stone”, small pieces of rock from turquoise deposits are used, crushed to a powder state, dyes are added and impregnated with an adhesive. These “minerals” are of no value, they can be compared with an outright fake.

I must say that imitations are so close to the original that even laboratory studies cannot give an unambiguous answer about the naturalness of the stone. However, the entrepreneurial spirit of the dealers reaches the point that even plastic is used in the manufacture of fakes. According to some reports, up to 90% of the turquoise offered for sale is a fake. But the situation is what it is, and you need to know about it.

How to distinguish fake turquoise?

Turquoise is very easy to fake

  1. Faience or glass can be distinguished with a magnifying glass. Upon close examination, the surface of such a fake will contain characteristic bubble inclusions that a natural mineral does not have. If you scratch faience with a sharp needle, the needle will become dull.
  2. A plastic fake is even easier to identify. You need to draw a needle over the surface, and it will leave a thin groove and some chips. In the groove, layers that have not been touched by the dye will be visible. If the needle is preheated, then the plastic imitation under the action of the heated needle will melt slightly and release the corresponding “chemical” smell. Plastic fakes also have a perfectly smooth surface, uniform color and, in addition, very light weight. Natural stones do not have these features.
  3. Imitations under the names "Neolithic" and "Viennese turquoise" are revealed using hydrochloric acid. Both the first and the second options will have yellow spots in the place where you dropped the acid. A natural mineral will not react to a drop of acid.
  4. Thermal exposure will also help to identify a number of fakes. When heated, the fake will turn black, but if you heat a natural mineral, it may crack along the veins. Of course, this is the most undesirable option for testing a stone, since the natural mineral can be damaged in this case. In general, any check should be carried out on the reverse side of the product, so as not to damage its appearance in case the stone is genuine.

It is better to buy turquoise in well-known stores, which, upon your request, can provide information about where the stone came from.

And most importantly - a natural mineral is expensive. If you were attracted by the low cost of the product, then most likely you have an imitation in front of you.

Ornamental semi-precious stone turquoise is still one of the most popular gems. It has predominantly green, blue, turquoise shades. How to properly wear jewelry with this gem, how synthetic turquoise differs from real, is described in detail below.

The stone has pleasant turquoise, blue, green shades. Mostly in nature, round-shaped gems are found, of different sizes (of the order of several centimeters). Stone is mined everywhere, and many deposits have been known for several millennia, so they are significantly depleted.

The chemical formula of the mineral CuAl 6 4 (OH) 8 5H 2 O. That is, from the point of view of chemistry, it is a mixed phosphate (aluminum and copper) combined with water and an OH group. In percentage terms, the content of various components is as follows:

  • aluminum oxide Al 2 O 3 37%;
  • copper oxide CuO 10%;
  • water H 2 O 20%;
  • impurities 33%.


It is clear that the word "turquoise" has one root with the name of the color shade. And etymologically, in translation from Persian, it means "stone of happiness", as well as "one who won the victory."

Where is the mineral mined in Russia

Not many mineral deposits are known in our country. For a long time, when Central Asia was part of the Russian Empire, and then the USSR, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan could be attributed to such places.

At the moment, mining in some regions of the Urals has been preserved on the territory of the country. The deposits are mainly associated with copper deposits.(it is obtained in the form of salts or oxide).

Turquoise stone properties (video)

Colors, shades and varieties of turquoise

Varieties of the mineral are distinguished on the basis of different criteria. First of all, the age of the gem matters, since its color and even how much the product costs depends on it.

Color classification

The most obvious classification related to the appearance of a stone is based on color. It is by color that the description and give a description of the varieties of gem:

  1. White, sky-blue color indicates that the gem has not yet "ripened". These are the youngest and most inexpensive varieties.
  2. Saturated blue is a mature mineral, which is also the most expensive modification.
  3. Green gems belong to the older forms, as the stone may turn green with age.


naturalvarieties have just such colors. They are represented by light blue, rich blue and green tones. All other colors (red, yellow) refer to natural or artificial imitations of the original mineral.

natural varieties

Natural types of stone are usually divided into 4 categories depending on their appearance and properties:

  1. natural variety- a hard stone with a non-porous (dense, pressed) structure. The word "natural" means "created by nature", i.e. this is the raw form. Such a mineral was mined directly in the deposits.
  2. stabilized(also called cemented or reinforced) variety. This stone has a softer, porous structure with lime impurities. After mining, they are immediately impregnated with organic cementing materials - resins, waxes, fats, etc. Thanks to this, it is possible to maintain the original color, as well as improve the structure of the stone body.
  3. ennobled view a stone is called that has undergone the processing described above, but has also been tinted, “enhanced with color”. Such a mineral looks especially beautiful.
  4. Restored form(it is also reconstructed) - similar to the real one, but still with differences. It is made on the basis of small grains of gems, which are found in poor deposits (or taken after the production of more expensive items). Then these particles are glued under pressure, resulting in a kind of pressed stone.

artificial imitations

Artificial stone imitations are hard objects that closely resemble the original in color and texture. However, they have a fundamentally different chemical composition and origin. They are generally called synthetic analogues or simply imitation. Actually these varieties are different materials:

  • enamel;
  • polymers;
  • "Neolithic";
  • "Viennese turquoise"
  • porcelain;
  • ceramics;
  • glass;
  • synthetic turquoise.


Natural imitation should be distinguished from artificial imitation. In the first case, we are talking about materials created by man. The second refers to natural minerals that are very similar in appearance to the original (see the corresponding section).

Classification by region of origin

Of great importance is the classification depending on the origin of the gem, since the mineral deposit affects its quality and color range. The most famous varieties are:

  1. Iranian (Persian) is one of the most luxurious forms. Today, it is mined in extremely small quantities, since it has been mined in Persia (present-day Iran) for several thousand years.
  2. Tibetan is mined in China, and 8 out of 10 stones in the world come to the world market from here (inexpensive stone imitations, of course, do not count).
  3. The Afghan one is extremely rare - the deposits are depleted. In addition, it is difficult to extract the mineral due to the unstable military-political situation in the region.
  4. The African variety today comes predominantly from Egypt. Until recently, stones were found on the territory of the Dominican Republic, but today the income from there is insignificant.
  5. Since the countries of the Middle East, as well as Africa, no longer supply so many stones, the Arizona deposits began to develop. This is one of the most expensive modifications of the gem, it has high quality and pleasant classic shades. The price per gram is about 1500-2000 rubles.
  6. Kazakhstani does not have the same quality, but is more affordable.
  7. The Indian variety has been mined in this country for a long time. Indian yogis treat this gem with special reverence, believing that this stone is of great benefit to the vocal cords, throat and thyroid gland.

Gallery: turquoise (44 photos)


In many European languages, the Persian word for "turquoise" has a similar pronunciation. For example, the French "Turquoise", the English "Turkoise", the German "Turkis".

Description of the properties of the stone

The healing properties of the gem have been known for more than one millennium. It is especially widely used in Indian folk medicine. Description of properties in terms of physics and lithotherapy is given below.


The physical properties of the stone include the following:

  1. Shades of color are predominantly blue and green, often interspersed with brown.
  2. Line color is white. This refers to the color of the strip that a stone leaves if it scratches a ceramic tablet.
  3. Luster is waxy.
  4. The mineral is completely opaque.
  5. Hardness is about 5-6 on the Mohs scale. There are only 10 marks in this scale: 1 corresponds to talc and 10 to diamond.
  6. Density is about 2.7 g/cm 3 .
  7. The structure of the crystal lattice is triclinic. That is, such a lattice is based on three vectors of different lengths; they intersect at different or equal angles that are not perpendicular.
  8. The refractive index is about 1.62-1.64.


In lithotherapy, the mineral is used for a variety of purposes:

  • for the treatment of a diseased liver;
  • for recovery after inflammation and purulent formations on the skin;
  • with reduced immunity;
  • with disorders of the nervous system, insomnia;
  • for the treatment of stomach ulcers;
  • for eye problems.

Interesting, that this decoration is considered a reliable diagnostician. If the stone began to lose its luster or darken, its owner should pay attention to their health. It is possible that some kind of illness has begun - it is better to get examined by a doctor as soon as possible.


Recently, artificial nanocrystals have been produced, on the basis of which synthetic analogues of stones, including turquoise, are obtained. These gems are no different from natural ones in appearance, but as amulets they are of no value.

Legends and stone magic

Since the stone has been mined for several millennia in a row, a large number of legends and beliefs are associated with it. Here examples of the most interesting of them:

  1. The Navajo Indians, who live in Arizona, consider this stone to be heavenly tears that shed on earth after the creation of the world. With the help of a gem, Indian shamans treated disorders of the nervous system of their relatives. If during the ceremony the stone cracked, they believed that the evil spirits left the person and said "The stone took him" (ie evil).
  2. Muslims believe that the first copy of the Koran was written just on the "pages" of this mineral.
  3. The ancient inhabitants of Tibet tried to take a surname for themselves, which is related to the word "turquoise". They were sure that this would bring happiness and prosperity to the whole family.
  4. Before the next birthday of his wife Maria Louise, her husband Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was thinking how to please his beloved. Of course, the choice fell on a tiara adorned with emeralds and diamonds. But at one point, the unpredictable Napoleon changed his mind and ordered to replace all the precious stones with turquoise.

Scope of the mineral

If in ancient times (and sometimes today) the mineral was used mainly as a medicine and an amulet, then at the moment the use of the gem is based on its aesthetic qualities. The gem is used to make a variety of jewelry:

  • finger rings;
  • earrings;
  • pendants;
  • beads;
  • bracelets and others.


It is believed that if there is turquoise in the frame of the ring, it will bring the owner spiritual happiness and prosperity to his house.

Determining the authenticity of turquoise at home

It is quite difficult to determine at home whether a real stone is in front of you or not. This can only be done in some cases, when the fake material is very different from the classic stones, for example:

  1. If the imitation is made of gypsum, you can touch any place on the gem with a hot needle. This area will discolor or the stone will begin to melt, which will never happen with the original jewelry.
  2. If you wipe the product with a damp cloth, and the paint remains on it, then it is a fake.
  3. If we are talking about beads, you can see what the inner surface looks like (near the hole). If it is very different in color, then this is again an imitation.
  4. Natural stone will crack when heated (quartz will not). Therefore, do not try to check in this way.


If the need to detect a fake is of great importance, a special examination is carried out. You can check the authenticity of the stone for $500-600.

To whom turquoise brings happiness (video)

The difficulties of determining a true gem and a fake are also associated with the fact that in appearance and texture quite a lot of minerals look like a gem:

  • howlite (howlite, kaulite);
  • aquamarine (most often it is transparent, it is more difficult to confuse);
  • variscite;
  • chrysacolla;
  • lazulite;
  • colored quartz (the most difficult option, which is difficult to distinguish from the original stone);
  • wardite;
  • stellarite;
  • faustite;
  • odontolith.

Thus, the purchase of a product can only be made in a trusted store, and there must be appropriate documents for the mineral and the specific product. Otherwise, there is a big risk of getting an ordinary imitation or even a fake instead of a gem.

The ancient Egyptians knew turquoise, and many peoples considered jewelry with a blue stone to be happy - bringing happiness. Even the name of the gem comes from the Persian “firuza”, which translates as a stone of happiness.

A beautiful and plausible version of the origin of the name of the mineral from the Persian “piruz”, the meaning of which is successful, happy, victorious.

Turquoise is also known as a heavenly, royal stone. The beneficial effect of the mineral can be judged by the saying that came through the centuries: “ The hand where the turquoise lies will not be impoverished”.

Description, chemical composition and physical properties

The mineral is found in blue, sky blue, yellowish green and green, has a noble waxy sheen. Its color is so bright and pure that doubt creeps in whether it is a natural stone. The gem is considered rare, but its deposits are found in China, Tibet, Mexico, Iran, and in the US state of Arizona. Varieties of the mineral, depending on the place of extraction and the characteristics of the composition, are found with the names of callaite, Aztec or heavenly stone, azure spar, Egyptian turquoise, calchihuitl, raschleite.

The gem belongs to the class of phosphates and has a porous structure. A rather soft mineral with a hardness of 5-6 Mohs cracks during processing. When turquoise is impregnated, its color becomes more saturated, and the structure becomes more uniform due to the filling of voids. Moisture affects the color of nuggets, which became the reason to call the stone alive. Its age is associated with the color of the mineral - blue turquoise untouched by weathering is called young. It can be seen in the photo.

About one third of the composition of the mineral is occupied by trivalent aluminum oxide, the second third by pentavalent phosphate oxide. The composition contains water (17.7%), divalent copper oxide (slightly less than 10%) and impurities of zinc, vanadium, silicon, and calcium that affect the inclusions and shade of the gem.

Iron gives the mineral a greenish tint, pure blueness is given by copper impurities. There is turquoise with thin veins of iron, manganese oxide, black inclusions of carbonaceous shales.

By decorative properties, gems are distinguished:

  • blue-blue;
  • all shades of blue;
  • green and blue with an admixture of green;
  • mesh;
  • matrix and, as their variety, lace.

The variety of decorative properties of the mineral can be judged from the photo. The composition determined the properties of the stone - the lack of resistance to high temperatures and intolerance to heat treatment, solubility in an acidic environment. The tribes of South America revered the mineral as sacred and used it for protection; in ancient Egypt, the gem was considered a stone of wisdom.

With turquoise, magical ceremonies were held to exorcise evil spirits, to make rain. The heavenly stone was used and is used in prayers and meditations. A strong connection is established between the gem and the owner, and when its owner is sick or dies, the stone fades.

Healing and magical properties, stone and zodiac signs

Wearing products made of heavenly stone has a therapeutic effect in diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, asthma, soothes cough caused by irritation of the larynx, reduces pain in case of sore throat, and relieves headaches.

It normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, restores vision, and has a beneficial effect on the vocal cords. Medicinal properties promote skin regeneration, and the mineral is used to heal burns, with eczema, neurodermatitis. With anti-spasmodic properties, turquoise reduces menstrual pain during pregnancy as well.

The gem is also used as an indicator of health - when the owner is ill, its color fades. The stone also affects the psyche - it promotes confidence, self-control. Among those whom he helps are restless people suffering from insomnia. Silver enhances its healing properties.

Silver bracelets with a gem insert, rings, pendants made of precious metal with a royal stone restore health and promote prosperity. The gem belongs to the blue stones and affects the 5th and 6th chakras.

The magical properties of the mineral contribute to recovery, the stone helps to realize the danger of communication and protects against negative impacts. Turquoise helps to complete the conversation on time, with the preservation of strength and dignity, without bringing communication to exhaustion. The stone protects from dangers, protects from accidents and troubles.

The mineral helps to fulfill the owner's aspirations for power, spiritual self-improvement. But he helps only those who are characterized by purity of thoughts. The stone is also used in matters of the heart - a piece of gem, sewn by the wife into her husband's clothes, helps to maintain fidelity, love, tenderness between spouses.

The mineral is suitable for people whose zodiac sign is associated with the elements of water and earth. Astrologers advise Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio to wear a gem, a stone is especially favorable for people whose zodiac sign is Aquarius, Pisces. It helps them avoid quarrels, worries and misunderstandings. For a person born on February 11, turquoise is a stone of good luck.

Those whose sign is Scorpio can boldly give preference to turquoise. The gem will bring good luck to the Scorpio woman, will become a talisman that enhances personal volitional qualities. The beneficial magical properties of the mineral will favor people whose zodiac sign is Cancer. Having a turquoise amulet, it will be easier for them to forgive insults, and their life will become calmer.

Of the fiery signs of the Zodiac, the mineral is suitable only for Aries. Complete incompatibility with turquoise is experienced by the zodiac sign Leo. Moreover, both sides are subject to destruction, as in a confrontation and a real war: a stone dies, human health is destroyed.

Interestingly, turquoise, which is called a heavenly stone, is not suitable for representatives of the air element, whose zodiac sign is Libra, Gemini.

When choosing a stone for a talisman or amulet, both the sign of the Zodiac and the sensations associated with the gem are important. If a connection has been established with the mineral, it has become cozier, more comfortable, a feeling of security has appeared, definitely the stone is suitable. It will help to be a happy, healthy, successful person.

Rules for wearing and caring for a gem

Blue minerals affect the throat and neck area, respiratory tract, shoulders and chest. They help those who need to release the tension that makes their shoulders turn to stone and their teeth clench to gnashing. Beads and necklaces with turquoise, pendant, earrings will help to cope with emotional experiences. They will save you from physical and moral overload, will promote spirituality and generosity of jewelry on your hands - rings, bracelets.

Not only jewelry, but also turquoise products will provide heavenly help and healing. Even before our era, scarab beetles carved from heavenly stone were used as objects of worship and amulets. In order, according to legend, to fill the day with good luck, for contemplation, you can put a piece of turquoise in a prominent place in the bedroom. To protect against dangers, put an uncut stone or a talisman product in a bag, put on a piece of jewelry.

Even a mineral gets tired of daily loads. Premature aging of the gem, loss of its colorful appearance and waxy sheen can be prevented with proper care. To replenish energy, do not leave turquoise in the sun.

It is necessary to protect the mineral from contact with acidic and soapy solutions and remember that it is sensitive to temperatures.

Fashion is changeable, including jewelry. Turquoise at all times has remained and remains a stone of happiness, health, good luck, a gem through which the help of heavenly forces comes.

Products with a stone, the color of which is associated with the sky and the sea, can be found on the counter of any jewelry store or fair. It was he who began to be included in the first jewelry and inlays that people began to make, but even in our time, at the peak of technology development, he enjoys the same popularity. Among the many varieties of this mineral, there are no ugly ones. It's about turquoise.

Specifications of turquoise

The mineral consists of copper and aluminum phosphates, sometimes with iron impurities. The composition determines how the stone looks: turquoise is colored in shades ranging from creamy white to blue and green. In nature, it is formed during weathering, when copper-bearing surface solutions act on rocks containing alumina and phosphorus. It has a waxy sheen and often has a dark reticulate pattern on the surface associated with cobwebs: it is formed by veins of manganese, slate and iron oxides. The origin and structure of turquoise affect the properties of the stone: it is very fragile and soft, has a conchoidal fracture (the name comes from the similarity with the shell of a mollusk), when ignited, it begins to turn brown and become covered with cracks. By these signs, you can distinguish natural turquoise from a fake stone.

Technical properties of turquoise

Chemical composition:

CuAl6(OH)2 4H2O



Color in daylight:

light blue, blue, blue-green, green, with dark patches

Color under artificial light:

does not change


Hardness index:

Dash color:

Transparency level:

opaque, translucent

Density indicator:

2.6-2.8 g/cm³

Refraction value:



conchoidal, uneven

In the parent rock, the mineral is found in the form of a dense mass, veinlets, crusts, small round inclusions or tuberculate cluster-like formations. There are quite a few deposits of turquoise. The highest quality, "Persian" or "Iranian", is mined in modern Iran, the Nishapur region near Mashhad, the capital of Khorasan province.

One of the largest modern producers of natural turquoise is the USA. The states of Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada are especially rich in this gem. Minor volumes are mined in Australia, Argentina, Afghanistan, northern India, China, Saxony, Silesia, Tanzania, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and northern Chile. In addition, it is mined as a by-product of the development of copper mines. Stones of different origins differ from each other: for example, the Persian sample is 0.15 denser than the American one. American or Mexican turquoise is most often a pale blue with hints of green. Egyptian - from greenish-blue to yellowish-green.

History of turquoise

We can say that turquoise accompanies people throughout the history of human existence. The earliest civilizations - Egyptian, Sumerian, Chinese, Persian and Indian - were well acquainted with this stone and had processing skills that made it possible to make jewelry from it. He was an attribute of the goddess of love and beauty Hathor. In Central Asia, it was considered an amulet for horses and, therefore, riders: it was argued that with such a talisman, the rider would never fall out of the saddle, and his steed would be obedient and tireless. The ancient Aztecs believed that the tears of the heavenly goddess turn into blue stones, and the Navajo Indians worshiped the goddess Ahsonnutli, whose name translates as "turquoise woman."

Turquoise is very popular among the followers of Islam. According to old customs, the bride and groom exchanged precisely rings carved from turquoise, since religion forbids Muslim men to wear gold jewelry. There is a belief that it is found at the bones of those who truly loved, and therefore such a wedding ring will be a good amulet for a couple of newlyweds.

It is known from the history of the stone that the name “turquoise” first appeared in the 13th century and, most likely, goes back to the Persian “firuza”, which means “stone of happiness”, or “pi-ruz” - “bringing good luck in business, winning” , which is a reference to the Eastern belief, according to which, it is able to bestow victory in a fight: that is why it is often found on the hilts of melee weapons.

In the era of antiquity, the mineral was called "callais", and in Europe the name "turquoise" took root, which comes from the French "Turkish stone". However, it was imported not from Turkey, but from Khorasan, the historical province of Iran, where deposits are being developed to this day. From there, the stone arrived in Europe along the Great Silk Road, along with other rarities: spices and expensive fabrics.

Types of turquoise: what do white, blue and green stones look like

Turquoise is divided into varieties, focusing on certain features. For a connoisseur of jewelry art, the origin and color palette of the material matter. Depending on the color of the stone, turquoise is divided into young, mature and old, or dead.

The color of the young is slightly saturated, varies from the creamy shade of the stone (the so-called white turquoise) to pale blue. In mature turquoise, the stone is a bright blue, sometimes this deep, rich shade is called "royal blue". However, it should be remembered that bright blue callais does not exist in nature: if you come across a product with an insert of this color, it is either a fake or artificial coloring. Dead turquoise is a green stone, it acquires such a shade due to the long-term interaction of the copper salts contained in it with the environment. This process can also occur in an already processed stone, which is why its color may change over time.

The origin of turquoise also affects the characteristics of the stone. The term "natural" means that the specimen has not been subjected to any processing other than polishing and cutting. Of course, in order for the jeweler to use it in its original form, the stone must be of the highest quality. The porous structure makes it light, and therefore the frame can be made elegant and thin without fear. This is one of the rarest and most expensive types of turquoise. Only precious turquoise, a blue translucent stone, is valued higher. It is used in jewelry in its natural form, in the form of plates or crumbs. No more than 10% of specimens from the total mass are recognized as precious. Fortified is also considered natural, but much cheaper than natural. Due to its greater porosity, it is softer and more brittle, which is why it cannot be cut without the risk of damaging and spoiling the specimen. Masters carry out additional strengthening of the stone, treating it with special colorless compounds of natural (oil, wax) or artificial (paraffin, epoxy) origin. They fill the pores, the material becomes heavier, stronger and harder, but the color remains unchanged - moreover, it will not fade over time, which can happen with an untreated stone, which requires careful wear. An improved version of reinforced turquoise is called ennobled. Such an instance is not only cemented, but also tinted, the initially faded shade deepens and appears brighter. This procedure also has a beneficial effect on the characteristics of turquoise, strengthening and smoothing the surface of the mineral.

How much does natural turquoise cost: the price of a stone in the jewelry market

The most inexpensive jewelry, as a rule, is created from pressed material. It is not a fake or synthetic - after all, it is natural chips that are used, for example, left over from the processing of samples of the highest quality or from low-grade stones rubbed into powder. Raw materials are mixed with adhesive mixtures, after which they are put under pressure. The result obtained is distinguished by a bright, but relatively uniform color and high strength. It is most often counterfeited by painting molten glass, enamel, or even plastic in the appropriate color. An odontolite, the fossilized remains of animals, is also used as a simulator. The latter can be distinguished by microscopic examination of the cut, it shows the organic origin of the mineral.

Thus, the price of turquoise is influenced by the color, origin and quality of the stone. Despite the fact that buyers in most cases prefer a rich "heavenly" - "Iranian" color, turquoise can be found in the jewelry market in different shades, and an Australian apple-green or chalk-like specimen can be more expensive than a bright blue cabochon. And you can also understand whether the seller has real turquoise by how much the stone costs: a natural specimen of a rare color cannot be cheap.

Turquoise prices have been stable for a long time. In 2013, a top quality turquoise cabochon measuring approximately 20mm by 15mm could be purchased in Iran for the equivalent of US$650-$850. Commercial quality stones of the same size are substantially cheaper, ranging from $1 to $20 dollars apiece.

How unique, thanks to the color and shape of the stone, is turquoise, a selection of photos will illustrate in the best possible way:

Turquoise in jewelry

Stereotypes say that semi-precious stones are only suitable for gray-haired ladies, but fashion trends say otherwise. Turquoise jewelry never leaves the peak of glory for long. So, after a boom in the 1970s, they returned to the love of fashion houses at the beginning of the third millennium. The first sign of their return to the catwalks was the show of the jewelry house De Grisogono, which was picked up by Cartier, Webster Pasquale Bruni, Stephen. Van Cleef & Arpels blue mineral is used along with to create exclusive jewelry.

Hollywood actresses keep up with the trends of the times: Iranian stone accessories are worn by Cameron Diaz, Megan Fox, Winona Ryder, Scarlett Johansson, Heidi Klum and other famous beauties.

Who is suitable for this bright and original stone - turquoise? A young rebel or a business woman? Wear jewelry with her for special occasions or with everyday dressing?

There is no single answer to this question, except for one: it all depends on the chosen image and mood design. Experiment! Feel free to combine turquoise with your everyday wardrobe. This stone is not considered an evening stone, although some jewelry that includes turquoise can be worn with evening dresses. If Napoleon Bonaparte himself ordered to replace the emeralds in her tiara, which was made as a gift to his future wife Marie Louise, then why not feel like an empress?

The ancient Arabs believed that "firuze" refreshes and sets off the color of a delicate female face - you should use oriental wisdom. Carnations will be a suitable decoration for every day, and original long earrings, complemented by a necklace and bracelets, will create a captivating and mysterious look for an evening or cocktail dress. Turquoise is versatile and can both emphasize the originality of the boho style and revive a strict business suit.

Of course, you should wear jewelry set in metal of the same shade, and select them in accordance with the color scheme of the ensemble. They can harmonize or contrast with it, complement both discreet and discreet, for example, gray, and bright, warm terracotta. A catchy blue detail will bring a fresh touch and lightness to the gloomy shades of black.

The magical and astrological properties of turquoise: who suits the stone according to the zodiac sign

The magical properties of the stone have been known since ancient times: turquoise was inlaid with ritual objects, amulets were made from it, and products made from it were put on before important events - for example, weddings. The Persian poet Saadi wrote that the stone worn by lovers fades when their feelings wither. According to legend, the Buddha was able to defeat the demonic monster using the magical properties of turquoise, and therefore the one who wears it will be protected from evil.

What does turquoise symbolize, and what is the meaning of the stone? The legends of different countries and times are so in solidarity on this issue that one can draw a general conclusion: this is a sign of purity of soul, sincerity, devotion, true love and victory over evil. Therefore, people who are dishonest do not wear it: the product quickly fades and attracts misfortune to them.

The main property of turquoise is to protect its owner from injuries and falls, as well as to ensure good luck in bold undertakings, whether it be a battle on the battlefield or a risky trade transaction. This property of the stone suggests who suits turquoise: purposeful people with a strong character, decisive and strong-willed. In this regard, wearing a turquoise stone is favorable for the signs of the zodiac, whose element is fire. Astrologers believe that turquoise is the stone of Sagittarius. She protects them most actively. According to the recommendation of the Jewelery Industry Council of America and the British National Jewelers Association, turquoise is the birthstone of the month of December.

Of course, not only Sagittarius, but also representatives of other signs of the zodiac can wear turquoise: the magical properties of the stone, for example, will help stubborn Taurus keep their emotions in balance. Aries, as a native of the fire element, callais will lead to victory in any of their struggles. Sensitive Pisces and restrained Virgo will help to establish harmony in their difficult relationships with other people, and the ardent and aggressive Scorpio will find that his anger has significantly decreased.

However, the properties of turquoise are not limited to protection: the stone is of great importance for the state of health, for well-being in the love sphere of a person. The ancients believed that looking at it in the morning improves mood for the whole day, and wearing it in earrings or a pendant will strengthen the heart and heal fatigue. She helped women in childbirth, liver disease, stopped bleeding and expelled poison from the blood, healed wounds and ulcers. Lithotherapists advise using turquoise to treat stomach diseases and reconcile quarreling spouses. Set in silver, it will help with insomnia, and a gold setting for turquoise gives the stone the ability to increase immunity and normalize metabolism; in addition, gold as an esoteric symbol has an extremely positive meaning, which gives a powerful energy boost. However, you should not combine turquoise with chrysolite, aventurine,. A favorable ensemble is a mineral with garnet, carnelian, aquamarine,. Only blue stones have a pronounced energy, and therefore green ones are suitable only for people who, by wearing them, symbolize the successful achievement of all life goals.

Whatever your zodiac sign, there will always be one of the many magical properties of a heavenly stone that suits you: turquoise will become a friend, guardian and helper. The heavenly talisman will serve with the devotion it symbolizes, protecting your health, bringing good luck in business, maintaining peace and harmony between you and those you love.

Turquoise (from the Persian "firuze" - "stone of happiness", or the Persian "pyruz" - "victorious") is a mineral, hydrated phosphate of aluminum and copper. Chemical formula CuAl 6 4 (OH) 8 × 5H 2 O.

Turquoise has been known to people since ancient times. In Iran, the turquoise deposit was developed as early as the 3rd millennium BC. Talismans and jewelry from it are found during excavations of archaeological sites in Egypt, Central America and Central Asia. In some Indian tribes, pieces of turquoise served as money and were an obligatory attribute of the leader.

Turquoise deposits exist in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. They find it in the Caucasus, in Iran, in the United States (states of Nevada, Colorado, California and New Mexico), Chile, Ethiopia, Australia and China.

Turquoise very rarely comes across in the form of large solid pieces, most often in the form of crusts, dense masses of dark color, veins in another rock, small inclusions. Very rare and transparent prismatic crystals of turquoise of bright blue color. Such samples are highly valued.

How long the use of turquoise lasts, so many fakes from it existed. It is a rare and beautiful stone enough to be relatively expensive. A feature of the stone is the ease of making imitations according to its model. Unfortunately, turquoise is almost unverifiable, as it is often flawless and opaque, so its intrinsic properties remain hidden. In addition, it is usually cut cabochon, which makes it impossible to check with a refractometer, creating a real problem for gemologists. All this makes already processed turquoise difficult to recognize even for professionals.

In 1546, Agricola wrote: "No other stone can imitate so indistinguishably as turquoise ...".

Nowadays, the production of synthetic and fake turquoise has been put on stream. Finding a real stone on store shelves is almost impossible.

Natural turquoise has three types with slightly different characteristics.

Blue turquoise is denser than all other types, has a more marketable appearance and is valued higher. Color: sky blue, blue-blue, pale blue, bright blue, slightly greenish blue. Pure blue and deep blue turquoise does not exist.

Green turquoise is not the "old" blue (although it can indeed turn green), but a separate species. It costs an order of magnitude less than blue. Color: shades of blue-green, apple green, gray-green. Pure green and dark green turquoise is not found. There is no poisonous bright green in the yellowness of turquoise.

White turquoise (actually rather yellowish) is a porous, loose and extremely unstable stone. It is rarely found in jewelry, not because of the price, but because of the difficulties with storage. A few weeks of storage in an improper form, and the stone is destroyed. More interesting for collectors than jewelry lovers.

Porous varieties of turquoise, as well as turquoise with yellow-green hues, are of lower quality and are valued much less than sky blue. Varieties of reticulated turquoise with thin black and brown veins of carbonaceous material or iron oxides with a blue tone are especially highly valued.

Pure black, purple and other varieties of this stone do not exist in nature. Sometimes the color can really change to black, but this is already a dead turquoise, of no value.

All types of turquoise have common properties.

Turquoise is a phosphate of aluminum and copper. When heated in the temperature range of 290 - 350 ° C, turquoise loses the maximum amount of water and gradually changes color from blue through bluish-gray, green, grayish-green, dark gray to chocolate brown. At temperatures above 740 ° C, the crystal structure of turquoise is destroyed and new compounds are formed. The color of the powder is white, so turquoise is not suitable for the production of natural dyes. Soluble in HCl.

Luster: waxy, matt, greasy on well-polished specimens. Loose samples may not shine at all. Glass shine never happens.

View. Opaque, with very rare exceptions. Translucent turquoise is worthy of the price of tanzanite and colored diamonds. If you are not a billionaire and do not have an exclusive supplier, then exclude this immediately. You will not find it on the counter of an ordinary store. In general, if a suspicious sample shows at least a little transparency or shines through, if it is not a natural thin crust, then this is definitely not turquoise.

Hardness. About 5. White may have less. It is worth paying attention to the presence of small scratches (carry a magnifying glass with you) and scuffs. With such hardness, they are inevitable.

Sound when tapped. Deaf, hard of hearing. Never ringing.

Most likely, there will be streaks: black, brownish.

The structure of natural, not yet worn turquoise is homogeneous and almost monophonic, without sharp transitions, with micropores. There may be dark spots, blotches of a different breed. Turquoise has been observed to appear paler and greener in daylight than in sunlight or incandescent light.

Since large turquoise samples are rare, be extremely skeptical of beads in which the diameter of the ball exceeds a centimeter and rings with massive inserts.

There is the following classification of turquoise fakes according to the degree of difference from turquoise itself.

1) Completely different physical and chemical properties, only the color is similar. You can distinguish by touch without special knowledge. These include: plastic, coated and uncoated colored glass, dyed chalcedony or agate, fired plaster or alabaster, ceramics and porcelain.

Plastic belongs to the type of the cheapest imitation. Very light, not cold to the touch, easily scratched. Monochromatic, rarely with painted black veins. Beads, even of very well processed plastic, large in size, should not exceed the price of two hundred rubles. When heated, it melts and smells disgusting.

Colored glass with a dusting. More stable than plastic, heavier, but otherwise the same. Ringing when tapped.

Dyed chalcedony or agate. Heavy, sometimes hard. Much harder than turquoise. Cold, warms up after some time if held in hand. The surface shines like glass. Unlike turquoise, even massive specimens are translucent. It does not have natural veins, and it is difficult to imitate them on agate (they blur). It is easy to distinguish by tapping with a fingernail or something else - it rings distinctly. Attention: the inside is not necessarily white, the coloring can be deep. It is difficult to break them, and is it necessary? Colored chalcedony or agate are good on their own, as a separate piece of jewelry. In nature, such purity and color are rare, therefore they are valued quite expensively.

Fired plaster and alabaster are ancient imitations. Currently, they are not used on an industrial scale, except in hand-made jewelry. They are very soft. Smooth. Easily scratched even with a straightened paper clip.

Ceramics and porcelain. Somewhat more firm. Fragile, easily chipped and broken, which is completely uncharacteristic of natural turquoise. White inside. Voiced. Smooth. Characteristic of imitations of past centuries. Currently not on the shelves.

You should not give out things from this group for natural turquoise, even among friends. The differences are too obvious for those who have seen and held natural turquoise at least once in their lives. I also do not recommend using them as decorations for serious events.

2) Somewhat more difficult to distinguish, requires knowledge. These include: dyed bone (odontolite), Viennese turquoise (pressed, heat-treated, dyed mixture of malachite, aluminum hydroxide and phosphoric acid), neolithic (copper phosphate and aluminum hydroxide), neoturquoise - (gibbsite Al(OH)3 and copper phosphate) , turquoise with gold, howlite, cacholong, chrysocolla.

Dyed bone burns easily, coloring is superficial. Quite soft, the brilliance is close to the brilliance of natural turquoise. White inside. It has a characteristic cellular color. Not found in company stores.

Viennese turquoise. Differs in bright blue-blue color, has the expressed accurate black streaks. It was often used in the form of inserts in products of the early 20th century. Today it is practically not found, although it looks better than the Neolithic. Waxy gloss, hardness like natural turquoise.

Neolithic (blue turquoise Riese). Came to replace the Viennese turquoise. Massive, in the form of uneven rounded blocks. Wax gloss. The hardness is similar to that of turquoise. The veins are vague. There are rings entirely from it. Carefully faceted round specimens are rare. Often used to imitate red coral, etc. Very popular in the price sector of beads up to a thousand rubles, can be found everywhere.

Other (?) name unknown. Perhaps neoturquoise. Imitates mesh turquoise. The color is light green-blue, with numerous yellowish-brown or black streaks. It has a bright glassy sheen. Lung. Entered the market relatively recently (several years ago).

Viennese turquoise and Neolithic are distinguished by a uniform bright blue-blue color (green samples are poisonous green). When heated, they blacken and fuse (turquoise cracks). Fakes of this kind last longer than natural turquoise and sometimes wear for years like it, because they do not peel off and do not change their presentation. You can distinguish them by indirect signs. Neolithic and others like it occupy the lower price niche, they should cost no more than five hundred - six hundred rubles. Fakes do not absorb water and other substances (and turquoise becomes brighter when immersed in water).

Turquoise with gold. Rare and expensive imitation. It can be distinguished by bright gold streaks and spots. The meaning of making something like this is not entirely clear, since turquoise with gold does not last long (chemical reactions are inevitable), but it is expensive. Whether turquoise is included there is on the conscience of the manufacturer.

Howlite. Natural fairly affordable stone. Massive, heavy. Well painted. Polished, shines like glass. Much softer than turquoise. In principle, successfully colored howlite can be worn just like howlite (natural howlite is white, grayish - inconspicuous). This is a good buy. Nothing will happen to him in time. The price for it can be kept within a thousand rubles for well-crafted specimens, but more often - 600-700 rubles.

Cacholong. Natural stone. The natural structure is porous, easy to color. Brother of noble opal. Easily absorbs water. Fragile, the paint is washed out over time. It is not recommended to take. It is better to take a natural undyed cahalong (white, yellowish, grayish).

Chrysocolla. A natural stone that easily "mimics" others due to its rich chemical composition. Some samples of chrysocolla are close both in chemical composition to turquoise and in appearance. It differs in its reaction to water - turquoise must have it. Chrysocolla has a glassy, ​​silky luster. Chrysocolla is motley, it does not have the same veins as turquoise.

Varascite (trade names: Australian turquoise and Nevada turquoise). Another natural stone, close in composition and physical properties to turquoise. Glass luster. The veins are not expressed. The price should not differ much from natural turquoise, so it is often passed off as it out of ignorance, and not intentionally.

There is information about the use of low-grade lapis lazuli (expensive), lazulite (translucent, inconclusive), sodalite (inconclusive), as well as faustite (emerald turquoise), prosopite, stellarite, wardite, alumochalcosiderite, raschleichate (raschleite), chalcosiderite, etc. to imitate. The list is very impressive, so I do not advise you to identify turquoise by elimination at home, without knowing at least a few of its distinguishing features from them and without seeing natural stones at least several times. It's easier to go to an expert once, since natural turquoise should cost several times more than checking it.

3) The complexity is close to professional-expert. This includes synthetic, refined and pressed turquoise.

Synthetic turquoise of Russian production is of high quality. Some of its samples are identical in all natural turquoise. Naturally, the local expert center may make a mistake.

Gilson's synthetic turquoise is a frequent guest on the shelves. Cheap and cheerful. Also found in gold. It can be distinguished by some indirect signs - by veins and internal microstructure, but this requires a microscope. Sharp eyesight won't help here.

Refined turquoise is natural turquoise that has been influenced to enhance its marketability. There are many ways. I will add that ALL modern turquoise is impregnated with colorless resins for greater stability, so the old method with a candle is not suitable (and the stone will deteriorate). Even if drops of impregnation come out, it is not a fact that this is restored turquoise.

Pressed turquoise. It can even be sold under the guise of "lumps of natural origin." It is a compressed and processed waste from natural turquoise. You can distinguish it only by the veins: they are, as it were, torn, well, sometimes by their massiveness. They like to slip pressed turquoise in the form of "veins", "geode", etc. to visiting foreign tourists, ripping off 200-300 euros (and this is not the limit) per copy.

For this group there is no 100% way of identification even in a professional environment. Strange as it may seem, those who work with turquoise with their hands, such as jewelers and miners, understand this best. For the reader, I can only recommend one way if they do not have such friends. Turquoise should be considered "live", and not just in pictures. Keep in hand. It is natural, better in the form of beads. If you have seen her, then you are much less likely to make a mistake.

Laboratory at home.

So, the stone is in your hands. What can be done without resorting to professional methods to determine its authenticity?

First, the stone must be washed with soap and water, then dried and rubbed thoroughly. Sometimes the crust of dust and dirt is thick, like on a hundred-year-old book. In addition, it is not known who took it before you. Now he is ready.

Immerse the stone in clean water and leave for several hours. Only natural turquoise will slightly change color and absorb water. Cacholong just absorbs. All other stones will remain as is. If there are fragile dyes, they will get into the water.

Such a simple method is reliable enough to identify turquoise-like natural stones from the category of low and medium complexity. Unless cahalong and varascite with faustite absorb water. Blue dyed cahalong, faustite is rare on the market. Valuable in itself, it is ill-suited as an imitation.

Method two. Heat the tip of the paperclip over the fire and attach it to the stone. Turquoise can at most slightly discolor at the site of cauterization. Cacholong will crack (it is fragile). If there is a smell and smoke - it's definitely not turquoise. Plastic or imitation.

Method three. Spread turquoise with ordinary butter in a thin layer and leave for a day. Natural stone absorbs it quite strongly. You can not use vegetable oil and margarine: you can destroy the stone.

Method four. Lightly scrape the stone in an inconspicuous part. If the crumb is blue or blue, it is not turquoise.

Method five. Tap the stone with a spoon. Be careful, don't overdo it. Turquoise makes a dull sound.

Method six. Look at the veins in the stone and its structure. If the veins are broken, it is not clear how they end and they begin in the same way - most likely, you have pressed turquoise in front of you. Synthetic biyurza is characterized by bright black ring-shaped formations, not streaks.

That's all. You can also add that if turquoise noticeably changes its shade over time, this is an indicator of naturalness. However, synthetics and pressing also tend to change color.

I do not advise you to heat turquoise or cool it very much, especially if it is an insert in a ring. Especially to try on a candle. So you can destroy the stone, and not only turquoise. Why do you need to know about the naturalness of a damaged stone? The same applies to splitting.

If you have serious suspicions about the naturalness of the available turquoise, it is best to conduct an examination. Or take it to a friend - a geologist.

What and how to buy.

Pay attention to the price range of the proposed purchase and the thickness of your wallet. Turquoise is a natural stone whose price can reach very decent sizes, up to thousands of euros for beads and more. Given its increasing rarity and poor wearability among gems (it deteriorates over time), the price will only increase with time.

If you already have proven natural turquoise, then it is a serious financial investment for the future and a demonstration of purchasing power. Either you are very lucky, or you have a fat wallet and a guaranteed honest supplier. Take care of her.

If you want to buy natural turquoise yourself for any reason, then remember that in Russia you are practically deprived of rights as a buyer of precious stones. In other countries, the situation is not much better, in addition, to deceive a visiting tourist is just that. Be as vigilant and trained as possible, and even better - take the stone directly from the place of extraction. From the mine. With my own hands. In this case, authenticity is guaranteed. In my opinion, this is the best option, which will be more expensive than just shopping, but it's worth it. If you are not ready - then everything is up to chance and the good faith of the seller.

If you can't afford to pay for the item and the walk into the mines, there are two options. First: accept and forget. Second: to wait for a good opportunity, which sometimes appears. Perhaps a long wait: several years. Sometimes individual specimens of turquoise find their way onto the market. Third: take natural stones similar to turquoise, but much cheaper. Counterfeits (not synthetics) are not worth it, as they are deliberately designed to deceive.

I will especially note synthetics. Synthetic turquoise of modern production is very high quality, but cheap. As I already wrote, it is difficult to distinguish it from natural, and for a non-professional it is almost impossible. If you are not worried about the intimidation of lithotherapists, psychics and other pseudo-scientific comrades due to the fact that man-made is dead and harmful, it draws energy (yeah, and synthetic pillow filler is harmful at the karmic level), and you yourself are not professionally engaged in these areas, then you can safely use synthetics and pressed turquoise. In composition, it is identical to natural turquoise. Synthetics should be good, that is, differences should not be evident. Choose which one you like and wear it.

There are different types of precious natural stones that are valuable in their own right. Chrysocolla, for example, varascite. Naturally blue agate (and not from a dye) is quite beautiful in itself. Beauty can
enjoy and for less money.

Happy shopping.