Quotes about friendship and help. The best quotes about true friendship with meaning between men, man and woman, boyfriend and girlfriend, women, girlfriends, friends, nursery: a list for statuses. Beautiful, short, clever words and phrases, sayings of great people

Those who are looking for friends are worthy to find them; who has no friends, he never looked for them.

How many different benefits friendship brings together! Wherever you turn, she is at your service; it is ubiquitous; it never bothers, it never comes out of place, it gives a new splendor to well-being, and the failures that it shares lose their sharpness to a greater extent.

Many are a treat to friends, not friendship.


Drinking poison from a golden cup and taking an insidious advice from a friend are the same thing.


As much as someone appreciates himself, so do his friends.

He who despises everyone is worthy of contempt. A cruel man is worthy of torment. God will give good people to be friends, And whoever is bad with others is worthy of revenge.
Babur 3.

He who is a good friend himself has good friends.
Machiavelli N.

Only in one case we have nothing to be afraid of offending a friend - this is when it comes to telling him the truth and thus proving our loyalty to him.


Enjoying communication is the main sign of friendship.


No kindness is better than a friend.

He who is so deaf that he does not even want to hear the truth from a friend is hopeless.

Anyone who is afraid of making enemies will never make true friends.
Hazlitt W.

Oh my friends! There are no friends in the world!

Praise your friend, praise yourself.

If you went to visit a friend, then the sight of his children even before you entered the house will tell you whether you are honored as a friend. If the children meet you joyfully, you can be sure that your friend loves you and you are dear to him. But if his children did not come out to meet you, then your friend does not want to see you. Then - turn around and return home without hesitation.

A good friend should appear for fun when called, and when a friend is in distress, he should come without a call.

Without friendship, no communication between people has value.

Do not avoid a friend in distress.

One should be ashamed of oneself as much as of other people, and equally not to do wrong, whether it remains unknown to anyone or everyone knows about it. But most should be ashamed of oneself.


Friendship should be a solid thing, capable of surviving all changes in temperature and all the shocks of that bumpy road along which sensible and decent people make their journey of life.

A. I. Herzen

Without true friendship, life is nothing.

And with a friend and with an enemy, you must be good!
Who is good by nature, in that you will not find malice.
If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy,
If you hug your enemy, you will find a friend.

Omar Khayyam

Affection can do without reciprocity, but friendship never.

Rousseau J.

There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; excluding friendship from life is like depriving the world of sunshine.

One should know the measure in everything, everywhere. It is necessary to know the measure in friendship and enmity.

Happiness has never put a person to such a height that he does not need a friend.

We do not use water or fire as often as we do friendship.

Your true friend, who will point out all the Obstacles along the way and help you pass. Beware of the flatterers among your friends. He is your true friend who is honest and straightforward.


To have common desires and common aversions is precisely what a lasting friendship consists of.

A true friend is everywhere
Faithful in happiness and trouble;
Your sadness worries him, you are not sleeping - he cannot sleep,
And in everything, without further words,

He is ready to help you.
Yes, they are dissimilar in actions
Faithful friend and unfit flatterer.

Shakespeare W.

They are looking for a friend for a long time, they find it with difficulty and it is difficult to keep him.


In face-to-face conversations between close friends, the wisest people very often express very weak judgments, because talking with a friend is the same as thinking out loud.

Addison D.

We love friends for their flaws.
Friends are known in need.


There is no more joy than seeing friends
There is no grief worse than separation from friends.


Make friends with smart ones, for a friend is a fool Sometimes it is more dangerous than a smart enemy.


If my friend is friends with my enemy, then I should not get along with the friend. Beware of sugar mixed with poison, beware of a fly that perched on a dead snake.
Ibn Sina

Not the point of whom you were born, but who you hang out with.

There is no more joy in this world,
Than contemplation of relatives and friends.
There is no torment on earth,
Than to be with friends glorious in separation.


Where things are shaken, there are friends at the door.
Misunderstanding turns friends into enemies.

Feuchtwanger L.

The friendship that ended never really started.


Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses.

Shakespeare W.

Do not be loose with your friends, otherwise your friends will be nothing but nonentities.
Hong Zicheng

Better to give up a sharp word than a friend.


Everyone in the world has enemies,
But save us from friends, God!

Pushkin A.S.

He is your true friend who is honest and straightforward.

Only the hand of a friend can rip the thorns out of the heart.
Helvetius K.

In trouble you get to know a friend.

Everything will pass - and the grain will not sprout hope,
Everything that you have saved up will be lost for a penny.
If you don't share with a friend in time -
All your property will go to the enemy.

Omar Khayyam

With whom you lead, from that you will gain.

There can be no friendship between master and slave.

Remember, friend: it is more difficult to find a Friend than a girlfriend.
Lope de Vega

One enemy is many, a thousand friends are few.

Who is everyone's friend, I do not consider that friend.

Only in the twilight of life does the luminary of friendship shine brightly; the brilliance of happiness darkens its light.
Bacon F.

Service and friendship are two parallel lines: they don't converge.
A. V. Suvorov

The friend should take on some of the friend's grief.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

Be sincere with your friends, moderate in your needs and selfless in your actions.
A. V. Suvorov

A faithful friend will help a friend, he is not afraid of trouble. He will give heart for heart, and love - a star on the way.

Rustaveli Sh.

How few friends would remain friends if they could fully know each other's thoughts.

Lichtenberg G.

Never enter into friendship with a person whom you cannot respect.

Darwin C.

The choice of friends is followed by the choice of society. Do your best to communicate with those who are above you. This will lift you, while communication with people of a lower level will force you to descend, for what is the society in which you are, so is you.
Chesterfield F.

There is nothing more precious than friends; therefore do not waste the opportunity to acquire them whenever you can.

Guicciardini F.

Friendship is not such a pitiful flame to go out in separation.

Schiller F.

There are three kinds of friends: friends who love you, friends who don't care for you, and friends who hate you.

Since solitude and a life without friends are full of intrigue and fear, the mind itself advises to acquire friendship.


A friend must not be afraid of trials for the sake of a friend,
To respond with heart to heart and pave the way with love.

Rustaveli Sh.

Alien superiority view
We are annoyed and angry,
And friendship is only then lovely,
When comparing to a friend is flattering.
Swift D.

When the paths are not the same, do not make plans together.

Time will reveal a friend, like gold - fire.

While it is commendable to do good to friends, there is no shame in accepting help from friends.

Friendship is the harbor to which a person strives, it brings joy and peace of mind, it is a rest in this life and the beginning of heavenly life.
Tasso T.

Friendship, which is given for money, and is not acquired by the greatness and nobility of the soul, can be bought, but cannot be kept.
Machiavelli N.

Abuse of friendship is discord with wisdom.
Rustaveli Sh.

When the state has fallen into decay, then friends begin to scatter.

In general, friendship can be judged only in relation to people of mature age and mature soul.

Friendship ends where mistrust begins.

If you want to live serenely, stormlessly,
Not knowing the sorrows of life until late old age, -
Do not look for a friend for yourself and do not call yourself a friend:
You will taste less joy, less sorrow.

Enemies always tell the truth, friends never.

It is better for a man to be without a brother than without friends.
Kay Cavus

Friendship is a calm and quiet attachment, guided and reinforced by habit arising from long association and mutual commitment.
Hume D.

Friendship can only be lasting with maturity of mind and age.


To drag out my days without a friend is the worst of troubles.
The soul is worthy of pity, which has no friend.


Fulfilling the duties of friendship is somewhat more difficult than admiring it.

Friendship penetrates into the life of all people, but in order to preserve it, sometimes you have to endure grievances.
It would be nice for a person to examine himself, how much he costs for friends, and to try to be as expensive as possible.


Sincere friendship is based on closeness of minds and secret laws, not on visible signs.

In order to gain the favor of friends and acquaintances in everyday intercourse with them, one should evaluate their merits rendered to us higher than they themselves do; on the contrary, our favors to friends should be considered less than our friends and acquaintances believe.


Fake people are more dangerous to have friends than enemies.

Rousseau J.

I do not need a friend who, agreeing with me in everything, changes his views with me, nodding his head, for the shadow does the same better.


There is no excuse for wrongdoing, even if you do it for a friend.

Strong friendship is our strength, Friendship is glory and praise.

Burns R.

If you want to be faithful, have faithful friends.


True friendship matures slowly and flourishes where people have actually proven it to each other.
Chesterfield F.

There are no debtors or benefactors in friendship.
Rolland R.

The person with whom true friends do not stay long has a difficult disposition.

True friendship is truthful and courageous.
Byron D.

How much we do for our friends that we would never do for ourselves.


Having learned a secret from a friend, do not betray it by becoming an enemy: you will strike not an enemy, but friendship.

Friendship is love without wings.
Byron D.

Many who seem to be friends are not really friends, and conversely, some who do not seem to be friends are actually friends.


How much charm our happiness would have lost if no one rejoiced in it with us! How difficult it would be to endure our misfortunes without a friend who experiences them even stronger than us!


Success brings few friends.


Have you become clean air, bread and medicine for your friend? Some are unable to free themselves from their own chains, but saves their friend.

Nietzsche F.

We do not so much need the help of friends as in the confidence that we will receive it.

The basis of friendship lies in complete agreement of will, tastes and opinions.


A true friend is known in adversity.


We all have disadvantages - some have more, some less. That is why friendship, help, and communication would be impossible if there was no mutual tolerance between us.

Guicciardini F.

In happiness it is easy to find a friend, in unhappiness it is extremely difficult.


Where there is no complete frankness, full trust, where there is even a little hiding, there is not and cannot be friendship.

Belinsky V.G.

Try the temper of your friends in different ways, especially look at who is in anger.

Friends have everything in common, and friendship is equality.


It is not family ties that create friends, but a community of interests.


At the height of greatness, do not forget that your friend is in trouble.
Schiller F.

Rush to your friends in misfortune than in happiness.

Choose your friend; you cannot be happy alone: ​​happiness is a matter of two.

A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother.
Franklin B.

The friendship of one reasonable person is dearer than the friendship of all unreasonable ones.

He who has friends does not have a friend.

Of all that wisdom brings you for the happiness of your whole life, the most important thing is the possession of friendship.

Friends exist to help each other.
Rolland R.

A friend of all is no one's friend.

... To be left without friends is the worst misfortune after poverty.
Defoe D

Friends' misunderstandings are never serious until there is a third person between them.
Rolland R.

A friend is one soul living in two bodies.

If you make new friends, don't forget about old ones.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

Friendship is content with the possible, without demanding what is due.

Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although often neither of them admits it to himself.
Lermontov M. Yu.

Friendship must be immortal, and enmity mortal.

Friendship is not only invaluable but wonderful; we praise someone who loves their friends, and having many friends seems like a wonderful thing, and some people think that being a good person and a friend is the same thing.

Blessed is the one who is lucky with a faithful friend.

People are born to help each other, like the hand helps the hand, the leg helps the leg and the upper jaw helps the lower one.
Marcus Aurelius

If you are a slave, you cannot be a friend. If you are a tyrant, you cannot have friends.
Nietzsche F.

Friendship is the most necessary for life, since no one will wish for himself a life without friends, even if he had all the other blessings.

Like-mindedness creates friendship.

Friends and foes alike must be judged equally.

Everyone loves himself not in order to receive any reward for his love, but because everyone is dear to himself. If we do not apply the same to friendship, then we will never find a true friend; after all, a friend for everyone is the second himself.

It is better to have one friend of great value than many of little value.

Friendship doubles joys and halves sorrows.
Bacon F.

Choose a friend slowly, even less hurry to change him.
Franklin B.

Do not learn to go to a friend, so that, fed up with you, he does not hate you.

Pretense and flattery should be excluded both in friendship and in government activities.

My friend is the one to whom I can speak everything.
Belinsky V.G.

To friends and in misfortune, be unchanged.
Lermontov M. Yu.

In enmity, a friend is no different from an enemy.

A true friend always speaks frankly, advises correctly, helps willingly and patiently takes everything along with you.
Penn William

He is your friend who, in misfortune, helps with deeds when there is a need for it.

On the road and in prison, friendship is always born and a person's abilities are manifested brighter.
Lope de Vega

Friendship, like love, is a rose with a luxurious color, an intoxicating scent, but also with thorny thorns.
Belinsky V.G.

Sincere friendship is inherent in giving advice and listening to it.

If you want to have friends, don't be vindictive.
Kay Cavus

Friends are thieves of time.
Bacon F.

A person has few faithful friends among many friends.

Sincerity of relationship, truth in communication - that's friendship.
A. V. Suvorov

Be everyone to everyone such a support,
so that, relieving a friend of the burden,
to go to one dream with one will.


In old age, the number of friends does not increase: then all losses are irrecoverable.

There cannot be too many friends.
Dumas A. father

True friendship is extremely rare in this world, especially between equals; and yet she was most glorified. If such a high friendship exists, then only between the highest and the lowest, because the welfare of one depends on the other.
Bacon F.

One of the first duties of friendship is to anticipate requests from friends. AND

Acquire friends slowly, but do not reject acquired ones.

Friends should be remembered not only in their presence, but also in their absence.

Friendship is not a service, no thanks are given for it.
Derzhavin G.R.

True friendship must be frank and free from pretense and connivance.

There are many friends; friendship is only rare.

A person is judged by his friends.
Gracian y Morales

Friends must live in full harmony. Violence can stifle friendship.
Chaucer J.

Friendship is like an immortelle: although it is a pale flower, it never withers.
Senkevich G.

If your friend becomes your enemy, then love him, so that the tree of friendship, love and trust will bloom again, withered due to the fact that he was not watered with the water of friendship and did not look after him.

Don't judge a person only by their friends. Remember that Judas's friends were impeccable.
Hemingway E.

The name "friend" sounds everyday, but friendly loyalty is rare.

No happiness pleases without a comrade.

The eyes of friendship are rarely wrong.

Do not have friends who would be inferior to you morally.

The friendship of two saints is more evil than the open enmity of ten villains.
Balzac O.

There is no more bleak desert than life without friends; friendship multiplies blessings and alleviates troubles; joy of the soul - it is the only cure for a hostile fate.
Gracian y Morales

Better an open enemy than a cunning friend.
Senkevich G.

All the honors of this world are not worth one good friend.

Useful friends are a straightforward friend, a sincere friend, and a friend who has heard a lot. Harmful friends are a hypocritical friend, an insincere friend, and a chatty friend.

If you don't know what to talk about on your first date with a man, don't panic. It is not surprising that people, feeling anxious when they meet, become lost and uncomfortable with the pauses that occur.

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Among human feelings there are some that we value above all else. They are much more important than money and material well-being. You can give a lot for them, the main thing is to understand that it is these feelings that rule our minds and souls at one time or another. And how to figure it out. Wise thoughts from good works will help us. For example, friendship. Is it easy to understand how strongly we are attached to the person who walks next to us along the path of life, perhaps from childhood? How strong is his friendship? It's good that there are quotes about friendship, which, sometimes allegorically, and sometimes - directly allow us to understand whether this is a strong feeling, for the sake of which you can give up a lot.

In fact, quotes about friendship can be gleaned from many works. This feeling leaves neither writers, nor poets, nor journalists, nor directors in peace. Whatever we do, friendship quotes let us know where to expect help from. Or - they allow us to express our feelings for those who have become a true friend to us. Or - allegorically, but it is quite understandable to say to those who did not live up to our expectations that our life paths with them have diverged since then. After all, quotes about friendship are whole treasures of real life wisdom.

In our modern fast-paced age, it is sometimes very difficult for us to express our emotions in words. But without saying what is in our souls, we risk being misunderstood. And lose friends. To prevent this from happening, you just need to use other people's words to define your feelings - quotes about friendship are what we need. A couple of phrases are enough for a person, our sincere friend, to feel necessary and happy for us. Afraid to look funny, high-flown words that have long gone out of use? Just subtly apply friendship quotes in your intimate conversation. They will understand you.

Or - insert quotes about friendship in your holiday toast or congratulations to your friends. Tell them what they are waiting for, may your friendship be strong and last a lifetime. This is how it should be, if it is real.

Misunderstanding turns friends into enemies.

Where things are shaken, there are friends at the door.

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses.

The friendship that ended never really started.

Better to give up a sharp word than a friend.

Do not be loose with your friends, otherwise your friends will be nothing but nonentities.

Only the hand of a friend can rip the thorns out of the heart.

He is your true friend who is honest and straightforward.

A friend hears the song of my soul and hums it to me when my memory fails ...

In trouble you get to know a friend.

When a friend asks how you are doing, he really expects an answer ...

Friendship is the cement that holds the world together ..

A friend is someone who believes in you and is ready to rely on you ...

It's easier to make friends by showing interest in other people than trying to get them interested in yourself ...

Friend, this is the one who takes your hand and touches your heart ...

Friendship is a thread that binds hearts ...

One of the virtues of old friends is that you can afford to be stupid with them ...

Do not save warm words about your friends until their death ...

No amount of vocabulary will help you express what a friendly hug will say ...

Home decoration - friends who visit it ...

True friendship? one of those things that, like giant sea snakes, are unknown, whether they are fictional or exist somewhere.
A. Schopenhauer

The friendship that ended never actually began ...

There is nothing more tender than the correspondence of friends who do not want to meet again.
M. Proust

First love is so fragrant because it forgets the difference between the sexes, because it is a passionate friendship.
A.I. Herzen

Love your friend, but remember that he can become your enemy.

Unfortunately, the indulgent obstinacy with which we try not to notice our friend's vices is overwhelmed by the persistence with which our friend indulges in these vices - either because he himself is blinded, or because he considers others blind.
M. Proust

God will give us relatives; friends, thank God, we choose ourselves.
E. Mumford

Whose ears are closed to the truth and who are unable to listen to it from the lips of a friend, nothing can save him.

Where friendship weakens, ceremonial politeness intensifies.
W. Shakespeare

A faithful friend is known in a wrong deed.
K. Annius

When a friendship develops between a dog and a cat, it is nothing but an alliance against the chef (Stefan Zweig)

A friend is one soul living in two bodies.

Friendship between people is true when it is good for them to be silent together.
D.T. Gentry

Selfless friendship is only possible between people with the same income (Paul Getty)

A. Oxensherna

Friendship between a man and a woman weakens very much at nightfall.

False friends, like a shadow, follow us on our heels as we walk in the sun, and immediately leave us as soon as we step into the shadow.
Carolina-Anna Bovey

How much we do for our friends that we never did for ourselves!
M.T. Cicero

The basis of friendship is the benefits that friends expect to receive from each other. To deprive them of these benefits - and friendship will cease to exist.
P.A. Holbach

Low in soul is he who is ashamed of his friendship with people whose shortcomings have become known to everyone.
L. Vovenargue

There are people whose indifference and contempt do more honor than their friendship.
A. Oxensherna

Tell me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are.
I.V. Goethe

The most difficult thing in friendship is to be on a par with someone who is below you. If you are able to render any service to another, consider first whether it is up to him.
M.T. Cicero

Only in one case we have nothing to be afraid of offending a friend, this is when it comes to telling him the truth and thus proving our loyalty to him.
M.T. Cicero

The bonds of friendship are immeasurably stronger than the bonds of kinship and property, for we choose friends ourselves, and fate sends us relatives.
D. Boccacho

A lonely person only half exists.
P. Bouast

Friendship makes it inseparable and its charm doubles the feeling that love lacks: confidence
O. Balzac

Friendship Poems sincere and kind. And if they exist, then there is a real, strong friendship, such as it should be ideally. Who can be called a true friend? Most likely a person with whom you can go anywhere, a person whom you trust and whom you respect, value, in the end you love as a brother, sister ...

It is not for nothing that they say that friendship is love without wings. Probably, this is so, because a real friend is sometimes closer than a brother or sister. You and him (her) not only have common interests, views on life, you also have common secrets. Someone believes in female friendship, and someone is sure that it does not exist in nature. Everyone has their own opinion, their own life experience and their own right.

But nobody doubts that there are amazing ones. So, I offer a wonderful selection of poems -

Friendship Poems

A friend is known in luck ...

A friend is known in luck
As at times, as in trouble.
If he doesn't hide his soul
Feelings are not kept in check.
A friend is known in luck.
If luck is yours
A friend is not happy, which means
Your friend is as crafty as a snake.
Or bitter envy
Reason overshadowed him,
And, for your success, shame on,
He will not forgive anything.
He will not forgive ...
But otherwise
Tell you about it.
A friend is known in luck
More at times than in trouble.

Andrey Dementyev

It's time, my friend, it's time! ..

It's time, my friend, it's time! asks for peace of mind -
Days fly by, and every hour takes away
A piece of being, and you and I together
We assume to live, and lo and behold - just - we will die.
There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and will.
For a long time my enviable share has been dreaming -
Long ago, a tired slave, I planned an escape
To the abode of distant labors and pure neg.

Alexander Pushkin

Friendship Poems

And you will find a true friend
And the way through a bumpy life
You can walk shoulder to shoulder with him.
Fate for two is like a song.
It has been given to you forever.
Love, hope and faith
It was given as a reward to the living.

Friendship Poems

In life, everyone has their own path.
Cross the line of selfishness
And open your heart for friendship
Infect with a spark of optimism.
Let the fire of this friendship burn
The darkness around you burns
And like the strongest magnet
A bright world, beautiful will attract.

Friendship Poems

We don't need to explain to you,
After all, we have known for a long time
What is true friendship
And how we are destined to be friends!
We are for each other, if necessary
Into fire and water without fear!
And it will be the true reward
Walking with each other having fun!
And all the obstacles are not a burden to us,
And life together is easy to go through!
We will share the joy for two
And all the bad weather is on the way!

Alexander Ryazantsev


I'm just a child
Height meter sixty,
A clumsy giraffe.
Come to the Zoo.

And I am friends with uncle Borey,
He is my father and mother,
Bottle feed
And put him in the hay to sleep.

I kiss him back
Let me hug myself
A tender big hand
I'll start licking my tongue!

It's not easy to live here without a mom
But I will say without embellishment:
Uncle Borya is the best!
Friendship is tender with us.

Galina Klyuchnikova

Friendship Poems

Any adversity in spite of
You always cherish your friendship.
Move the world around you
Faithful friends will help.
Better not joke with deception
After all, they will disperse to the sides of the path.
And if you endure pain in this world,
Friends will stay forever and ever with you.

In kindergarten kids ...

In kindergarten, kids -
All such rascals!
The children went out for a walk.
Once! - Petya rushes down the hill.
Two! - Vanyusha flies after him.
Three! - on the carousel Ksyusha.
And four! - in Kolya's house.
Five! - Olya stands with a bucket.
Six! - Mitya is playing with the ball.
Seven! - Vitya gets off the horse.
Eight! - with a doll Natasha.
Nine! - Masha gallops nearby.
Ten! - along the path Fedya
Riding a bike.

And now vice versa:
Ten! - by bike
Fedya is driving along the path!
Nine! - Masha jumps briskly.
Eight! - with a doll Natasha.
Seven! - Vitya gets off the horse.
Six! - Mitya throws the ball.
Five! - Olya is waving with a bucket.
And four! - in Kolya's house.
Three! - on the carousel Ksyusha.
Two! - Vanyusha flies from the mountain.
Once! - Petya laughs below.
There are no more friendly guys in the world!

Sergei Volkov


How do I start eating candy
I have countless friends.
And the candy has run out
And there are no friends in sight.
For a candy, every friend,
So he tears her out of his hands.
Why do I need this friendship?
I like candy myself.

Elena Stekvashova

Friendship Poems

Friendship is a warm wind
Friendship is a bright world
Friendship is the sun at dawn
A fun feast for the soul.

Friendship is only happiness
Friendship - people have one.
With friendship
not afraid of bad weather,
With friendship -
life is full in spring.

A friend will share pain and joy
A friend will support and save.
With a friend - even an evil weakness
In a moment it will melt and go away.

Believe, keep, value the friendship,
This is the highest ideal.
She will serve you.
After all, friendship is a valuable gift!

I have a lot of friends

I have a lot of friends:
Lena, Tanechka, Sergey.
We sing songs with Lena,
We'll go for a walk with Tanya,
And Seryozha all day
It's not too lazy to tease us!

We live together at school:
We learn together, we grow
We learn about everything in the world
About other children of the same kind
How do they live and what
Doing it is not too lazy.

Everyone needs to be friends -
Anya, Vite, Nastya, Dima,
We are all best friends
We cannot live without each other.
We're getting smarter and growing
We have fun at school.

Let the teacher believe -
We won't let her down!

Valentina Berezhnaya


We had a fight with a girlfriend
And sat down in the corners.
It's very boring to have a friend without a friend!
We need to make peace.
I did not offend her -
I only held the bear
Only with a bear ran away
And she said: "I won't give it up!"
I'll go and make up
I'll give her a bear, I'm sorry
Give her a ball, give her a tram
And I will say: "Let's play!"

A. Kuznetsova


The breeze is friends with the sun,
And the dew is with the grass.
A flower is friends with a butterfly,
We are friends with you.
Everything with friends in half
We are happy to share!
Friends only quarrel

Yuri Entin

Friendship verse

We took a walk today ...
It was hot ... We swam ...
After - to the park, on the carousel,
To the zoo, where they were brutal,
And then let's go again
My friends and I take a walk.
So they rode all day
We had a great time
Well, tomorrow for business
Straight all together! Right in the morning!
Why are we not bored?
It's just handy for us together!
We all help each other,
We call this friendship!


We are friends - two Yashki,
They called us "twos".
"What are different!" -
Passers-by speak.
And I have to explain
That we are not brothers at all
We are friends - two Jacob,
Our names are the same.

Agniya Barto

Friendship Poems

Everybody in the world talked about friendship
But only I myself suddenly understand
That only for you is responsible now,
After all, you are my real, faithful friend!
And so that in our life it does not happen
You can be sure - I will always come!
I want to get only equally
We have joy, happiness, sorrow and misfortune!

I now have a Friend
Loyal and loyal.
Without him, I’m like no hands,
We walk in the yard
We play fun
Soon to school in September
Let's walk together.
Any secret to my friend
I will tell you without fear.
I bring him cutlets
Hiding under a shirt.
Eat my little friend
What else are you up to?
You are still a puppy
And you know how to be friends.

I paint on the pavement
Multi-colored crayons
In a snow-white delicate dress
Mom with blue flowers
I'll write below "Mom"
Even if it is uneven, even crooked,
For her, for herself,
The sweetest and most beautiful.

Tatiana Agibalova


Maybe you have a neighbor
Tore my pants
Broke your stool
And tore two books?
Maybe he's not happy himself,
What happened? -
So many pranks in a row
It happened to him.
You will cry, you will scream
Knock your feet
And of course you will run
Complaining to mom ...
Let's forgive him
We won't tell anyone
We won't even be sad
We will not show the species.
You should live next door
Means, it is necessary to be friends!


A friend, like love, arises spontaneously,
Like cold in July, like thunder in January.
And more often he appears, oddly enough,
Not in our youth, but in a wise time.

Yesterday he was still an unfamiliar passer-by,
Not "hello" at the meeting, nor after - "goodbye".
And suddenly, you seemed to be nothing alike,
Merged together like a river in the bed!

When everything is wrong and the soul is languishing,
And a sunny day is like a dark night
A friend sincerely sympathizes with our misfortune,
In word and deed, he strives to help.

Like a rainbow light from an evening lightning
Your friend, no matter how far from you,
Will throw everything to the cries of despair, rush
And you, elated, will breathe easily.

Anatoly Dyrda


Friends! Thank you for being!
That you are next to me!
You are alien, I know, envy, flattery,
Words that hurt.

We are always ready to listen
Give advice, guidance.
And if suddenly trouble comes -
Support, consolation.

Your smiles are like flowers
They give me joy, lightness.
You are full of love of life.
How good it is for me to be with you!

Thank you for your kindness,
Responsiveness, participation.
My friends! I love you!
I wish you all happiness!

Yulia Gromova


Never change your friends.
They cannot be exchanged like a coin.
You will understand this later -
There is no closer friend in the world.

Never lose your friends
There is nothing to measure that loss.
An old friend won't come back to you
You cannot replace him with a new friend.

And you shouldn't offend your friends -
Resentment will become a wound in the heart,
Even though friends know how to forgive
The door to their soul will be closed.

Friendship must always be protected.
This feeling is longer than a century.
The best friend will never betray
There is simply no more loyal person!


But do you need to call a friend,
When it's dark on the way
When the roads are unrecognizable
And don't have the strength to go?

When trouble is on all sides
When the sun is at night
But won't he see
Won't rush to help?

After all, he will not be able to eat and sleep,
When this suddenly!
But ... if a friend needs to be called -
It's hardly a friend ...
Valentina Kosheleva


If a friend happened to be
And not a friend, and not an enemy, but - so,
If you can't tell right away,
Good or bad, -
Pull the guy to the mountains - take a chance!
Don't leave him alone
Let him be in tandem in one with you -
There you will understand who he is.

If a guy is in the mountains - not ah,
If you immediately become limp and down,
A step stepped on a glacier and - wilted,
He stumbled - and in a cry, -
So, next to you is a stranger,
Don't scold him - chase him:
Such people are not taken up, and here
They don't sing about such people.

If he didn't whine, didn't whine,
Even though he was gloomy and angry, but he walked,
And when you fell off the rocks
He moaned, but - he held,
If he followed you, as if into battle,
At the top I stood drunk, -
So, as on yourself,
Trust him.

Vysotsky Vladimir


Come to me, friend;
In bad weather and rains,
On a hot day, in frost and blizzard
Come no doubt.

I will wait, I will not get bored
The meeting is very hot.
I'll put you some tea
Or something else.

I'll feed you lunch
And at the festive table
I'll start a conversation with you
As always, about this, about this.

Let's take our soul as a woman
In order not to rage in the future.
If you tell a secret, I won't break it,
I will be able to keep everything.

We need someone else's ears
So that a fire does not grow in the soul.
And your ability to listen -
A rare gift in our time.

Calmed down in flight
Let us soar like birds.
Your simplicity and lightness -
Light beam in the stream of darkness.

About cherished, about girlish
We'll talk all day
And longing in a bad guise
Disperse like smoke in an instant.

Natalia Sedova-Shmeleva

I won't tell you what friendship means
I will give you both time and warmth -
All that, perhaps, you need more,
Than the endlessness of everyday words.
I will give you strength and diligence,
I will respond and come to you when
Suddenly loneliness and a miracle waiting
Will lower the mood to the bottom.
I will help when it suddenly becomes difficult
I will try to understand your unusual world
And the light in my window will always come on
Against the background of the rest, you are someone else's apartments.
I won't tell you what friendship means ...
It seems to me that words are superfluous here,
Just ask me what you need
And I will come when others do not come.

There is no gift in the world more dear
Than the attention of loved ones, friends.
The stars smile at me brightly
And my soul became brighter.
The night opens its arms
The day is not burdensome with problems.
I dress happiness like a dress
So it doesn't hurt inside me.
We get so often so lonely
We are looking for a dear heart like light.
And hopefully we look at the windows
Where love is, it finds its answer.
Don't lose friends, don't lose
May your memory protect them,
Just do not forget the good
Only with good go ahead!

I know how love is born ...
You don't need to tell about that either ...
But I struggle with the question again and again -
Where does friendship come from?
When you are a stranger
Yesterday, who did not even know the name,
Becomes family forever -
From this moment, from now on ...
When, risking their own destiny,
Peace, nerves, and maybe life,
Your friend will not leave, will stay with you
And he will go into battle as a "warrior for the Fatherland" ...
And you understand - this is the only way!
More important is the friendship of the pleasures of the flesh,
When friends face a common enemy ...
And ... that Vysotsky didn’t lie tornly ...

At the hour of the night, when you can't sleep at all
And when I can't close my eyes
I want friends to see faces
And look into their kind eyes.
How I would like to be with them now
Just have a heart-to-heart talk.
With cute, good, family -
You can't live without friends!
And let them be scattered around the world
And let them live in another country.
Only we protect this friendship
To be more reliable and stronger.
If your friend is faithful and devoted to you,
Then he will understand everything without unnecessary phrases.
You can tell him everything -
The best friend will understand and will not betray.
You will tell him everything that happened

What to do! After all, everyone tried
Poison your own home
All the walls are soaked in poison
And nowhere to lay the head!

What to do! Believing in happiness,
Laughing we go crazy
And, drunk, we look from the street,
How our houses are crumbling!

Traitors in life and friendship
Waste words of empty words
What to do! We are clearing the way
For our distant sons!

When under the fence in the nettles
Unhappy bones will rot
Some late historian
Will write an impressive work ...

It will only torture you, damned one,
Innocent guys
By the years of birth and death
And a bunch of nasty quotes ...

The sad lot is so hard
It's so hard and festive to live
And become the property of an associate professor,
And to breed new critics ...

To bury myself in fresh weeds,
Would forget to sleep forever!
Shut up, damned books!
I have never written you!

The article contains a selection of quotes and sayings about friendship.

Friendship is a great human value, about which many poems have been composed, pictures have been written and words have been said. Friendship quotes allow everyone to think about the important things in life, allow you to reevaluate relationships with each other and just become wiser. In this article, you are invited to study a selection of the best sayings about friendship that were left by outstanding personalities of all times and peoples.

The words:

Quotes and phrases about friendship at a distance for statuses: list

Friendships at a distance can gain value and grow stronger. It is especially important to understand and appreciate this. If you still do not realize how valuable friendship at a distance is, you should re-read this selection of the most interesting and wisest quotes.

The words:

Beautiful, strong words, wise quotes and phrases with a meaning about real, true friendship for statuses: a list

True "real" friendship is a treasure that not every person can boast of. It's never too late to make a friendship, but you can only learn to appreciate it with time and having a devoted person who can not be afraid to express personal thoughts, feelings, fears and dreams.

IMPORTANT: You can understand how much you value friendship and whether you have a "real" friend by rereading the selection of quotes and statements on this topic.

The words:

Words that make you understand what "real" friendship is # 1

Words that make you understand what "real" friendship is # 2

Words That Make You Understand What "Real" Friendship Is No. 3

Beautiful words, quotes and phrases with meaning about male friendship, male friends for statuses: a list

Male friendship is a relationship that has been tried and tested by many experiences, with patience and support. Male "brotherly" friendship has always been appreciated and is of great importance today. Quotes about male friendship exist in many works, so it is important to know them, study them, take them to heart and understand.

The words:

Beautiful words, quotes and phrases about female friendship for statuses: a list

For many centuries, mankind has argued and still doubts whether female friendship exists at all. Outstanding personalities also tried to understand this: poets, writers, philosophers, public figures. It was they who left behind themselves and in their works a lot of reasoning on this topic. The best quotes and words about "female friendship" are selected in this article.

The words:

Smart quotes and phrases with a meaning about strong, eternal friendship and loyalty for statuses: a list

Statuses are those statements that a person can leave on their main page in social networks. It is the status that allows you to perceive a person the way he would like it, to set the mood and leave impressions.

Matching friendship statuses:

Beautiful words, quotes and phrases about friendship between a man and a woman, a guy and a girl for statuses: a list

Humanity has been arguing about whether there is friendship between a man and a woman for more than one century in a row. Some are sure that it takes place in the world, others believe that this is a real myth. Each person needs to understand this separately and only statements and quotes of famous people who have lived and experienced similar situations can help him.

The words:

Beautiful words, quotes and phrases about friendship between girlfriends for statuses: a list

Women's friendship and relationships between girlfriends deserve to be filled with quotes that will touch everyone and deserve respect.

A selection of words and quotes:

Quotes and phrases about friendship and betrayal, betrayal in friendship: a list

Where friendship exists, betrayal and betrayal take place. The best outstanding personalities talked about such situations, wrote and, of course, their words were parsed into quotes.

The words:

The best quotes about friendship with the meaning of Omar Khayyam for statuses: a list

Omar Khayyam is an outstanding philosopher and master of a sensitive, penetrating word that can touch the soul of everyone. Here you will find a selection of his very best quotes on friendship and relationships.

The words:

O. Khayam about friendship (rubai)

O. Khayam about friendship (rubai)

O. Khayam about friendship (rubai)

The best quotes, sayings about Yesenin's friendship for statuses: a list

Another master of the word of Russian literature is Sergei Yesenin, who could convey in a few lines all the salt of relations between people, feelings and their experiences. His quotes about friendship deserve attention and respect. Quotes and statements on the topic of friendship number 2

The best quotes about friendship from songs for statuses: list

Just like movies, songs (old or modern) can reveal the meaning of friendship and express thoughts and feelings about it.

The words:

The best quotes, expressions about friendship and enmity from the works: a list

Enmity is the completely opposite side of friendship, and you can also find a lot of statements and quotes from famous personalities about it, which make you think about important things in life.

Words about friendship to children

Boyfriend quotes about friendship: list

These are statements about real "brotherly" male friendship, loyal and unsold.

The words:

Video: "Quotes about friendship"