Floral etiquette: A set of rules known not to all

Flowers are one of the best and most universal gifts that can be presented to relatives and friends, friends and business partners. Flowers will perfectly complement the main gift.
As a rule, flowers give about any celebration. But sometimes they are presented and just like that, because they always make an eye and always by the way. The feature of the colors is that it is possible to give them anytime, because it is not necessary to express their feelings. Flowers will tell everything themselves, it is necessary only to carefully treat the selection of a bouquet, to take into account who and for what occasion it will be presented, in general, know the elementary rules of flower etiquette.

What flowers to choose?

Depending on the one who is meant the bouquet, pick up a certain type of colors and even packaging. Decisive factors when choosing a bouquet are: gender, age, social status, as well as the character of a person who is presented by a bouquet.

When drawing up a bouquet, keep in mind that:
- Men give flowers of one variety. Classic option: White and red roses with mandatory greens;
- women preferably give bright, openwork compositions;
- for children good air bouquets of different colors and coloring;
- On March 8, it is customary to give mimosu, tulips, hyacinths and daffodils;
- On the Victory Day and the Day of Defender of the Fatherland - Red and White Carnations;
- For official meetings, bright, freely collected bouquets from flowers of red and orange shades are suitable, which symbolize friendship, warmth and glad. For example, a bouquet of 5-7 tulips or carnations;
- bouquets (or baskets) for anniversaries should be especially solemn, large sizes collected from expensive colors;
- if a person is retired, then a bouquet for it is combined from the colors of red tones, symbolizing life;
- inviting the girl to the restaurant, it is appropriate to present it to some exotic flower (for example, orchid);
- The bridal bouquet depends on its growth, set, wedding toilet. For example, an elegant bouquet is suitable for low and fragile girls. Well, if the bride is high and large, then prefer the bouquet more (but do not choose the flowers longer than 30-35 cm and more than 5-9 pieces). By the way, if earlier dear-pink or white flowers were considered traditional for the bride, today a bouquet can be the most unexpected, but necessarily combined with the color and long wedding dress. And do not forget to supplement the bouquet with the greens of fern or asparagus and give it a rounded shape, and at the bottom it is born with a bow with long ends;
- When girls appearing on the light, a pink or red bouquet is brought as a gift, and a boy is blue, blue or purple;
- If you are invited to a housewarming, the bedroom flower in the pot will be the most relevant gift, just try to know in advance which flower would like to have new seals;
- Visit the patient is better with delicate flowers of elegant shape and without a sharp smell.
In addition, when drawing up a bouquet, try to adhere to the following rules:
- Do not seek to give a very large bouquet. Remember that it should not be too scarce, nor too big and dense, like a broom;
- in Russian tradition, it is customary to give an odd number of colors (even the number of colors serves as a sign of the grief and last farewell);
- colors heads in different planes;
- spines, spikes, other sharp parts of plants are not placed outside;
- Large rounded inflorescences should not be addressed to each other or down;
- A bouquet designed for a gift must necessarily be in a special packaging.

When buying a bouquet, think about a person he is intended. Well, if you know what kind of flowers loves the one to whom you want to present them. If not, then simply imagine that you can please the dear person to you, and then do not make a mistake with the choice. Remember that sometimes a small snowdrop bouquet can transmit more tenderness and warmth than magnificent meaningful roses.

How to give flowers?

Before you present flowers, they must be unpaved. By the way, if your bouquet is artistically decorated with colored ribbons and foil (modern wrapping paper looks quite effectively and aesthetically), then it can be given, without unfolding. Well, if the flowers are wrapped in simple paper or newspaper, it is removed.
- Handing a bouquet, keep it in your left hand. The right hand should be free to greet. After congratulations or greetings, the bouquet can be transferred to the right hand and give the perpetrator of the celebration.
"If a woman who goes on his birthday or another celebration is accompanied by a man, the flowers must give him exactly. But carry a bouquet or a basket with flowers on the street should be lady. Flowers go to him only on the stairs or in the lobby of the house.
- If you accompany the girl, then the bouquet must be transferred to the hostess at home only after the ladies greet each other.
- When visiting friends, relatives and acquaintances, the flowers are presented with the hostess at home.
- If you brought a bouquet for a man-jubilee, then the flowers still need to give the hostess.
- By passing a bouquet, you need not just to stick his hostess in your hands, but to accompany several kind words and a slight bow.
- If you send flowers from the store with delivery, do not forget to put in a bouquet or a basket with a notebook with wishes or a business card.
- If the flowers give on a large official celebration, the business card with the last name of the guest who gave this bouquet to each bouquet should be attached to each bouquet.

How to take flowers?

If you presented flowers, do not forget to thank the donant.
- After greetings and gratitude, the flowers should be deployed and put in a water vase. In no case delay the flowers to the side and all the more worse, do not forget about them.
- A presented bouquet should stay in the room where guests are coming. It is configulously to postpone it to the side or to carry onto the balcony "so that the flowers are better preserved." A small bouquet can be put directly on the table, but so that it does not block the face of people.
- If you are given a few bouquets, then each of them must be put in a separate vase.

It was possible to conduct entire dialogues - quarrel, confess to love, forgive and even threaten. In the modern world, only the most common outlines remained from this "ABC of Passion". So, behind alumi, lush roses firmly fixed the title of the passion symbol, and for dishonled white - innocence. The brighter coloring of flowers than they are more magnificent, the more weighty should be a reason for their prevention. The exceptions are the wedding and the birth of a child - for these holidays it is customary to bring flowers of gentle shades, with a delicate aroma and at a low stem.

Male flowers are high, with large sinks, such as roses, calla, lilies, orchids, gladiolus and irises. Priorices and wildflowers are intimate, for their own, as well as a completely low bouquet of pansies, daisies, violets, Astr. Flowers in pots also select for friends and close relatives. If you want a bouquet to be further pleased with whom you give it to and at the same time demanded minimal care - give, in which the flowers are placed in a special moss.

Choosing flowers for a date, consider where you are going to go with your beloved. If you are going to spend time at home, the big bouquet will be appropriate, but walking around the city, sit in the theater, dinner in the restaurant with such a gift is extremely uncomfortable. In such cases, small, compact sockets are more appropriate.

How many colors should be in a bouquet

The most famous rule that the bouquet should be an even number of colors - a surprise - the rule is not. The wish to give three, five, seven and so on the flowers in a bouquet more quickly with a superstition, common only in European countries, the superstition dictates the number thirteen, although it is odd.

On etiquette, stick to the odd number of colors is only if there are less than twelve, dozens. True and reverse, you can send a bouquet or from an even number of colors, or anyone if there are more dozen colors. Etiquette dictates to give one flower only the closest and intimate acquaintances, no matter how exotic and luxury this gift was.

Draw flowers to a man

Why makes it an opinion that to give men if they are not, the flowers are not accepted. This is not true. Etiquette just more rigidly regulates the reasons for which you can give a bouquet of a strong sex. On the anniversary, in honor of any weighty personal achievement, such as receiving a premium, awards, publishing books, a film or a performance, a public speech will appropriate to hand a bouquet and a man.

These should be colors of saturated, noble shades, at high legs. Recently, it became fashionable to give men or yellow chrysanthemums. These flowers meet all the requirements of etiquette, and in addition, they are inherent in color, which is now associated not with treason and gap, but with well-being, good luck, wealth.

How to give flowers

The fact that the flowers are presented without packaging is considered well-known. Only this etiquette rule was introduced long before various bright and comfortable packaging materials decorated with ribbons, bows, bright prints were invented. If the bouquet is packed with a florist, you should leave all the "decorations", if you simply put it in a convenient package, albeit with a bright border or mirror effect, such polyethylene should be removed.

If you give flowers to a public or creative figure - bouquets are presented after speaking, meetings. Throw flowers on the stage is a bad tone. The innovation is firmly entered into modern, "floral" requests that should be observed. So, the bride and groom, inviting to the wedding, can make a quiet about the "color" of the wedding. It is customary not only to select toilets, following the specified range, but also bring bouquets weathered in the same colors.

Inappropriate flowers in the maternity hospital and, oddly enough. It is better to send flowers to the house, and some relatives of the late sometimes asking instead of colors to list money into certain charitable funds.

"Yellow tulips, messengers separation ..." - Soon Natasha Koroleva, she sang the whole country - so many people learned about the existence of floral etiquette. Previously, the shelves of flower shops were not forced by such an assortment of products, and many considered the flower etiquette with the remnant of the past, simply buying those bouquets that stood on the shelves.

Flower etiquette is a specific set of rules telling what each flower means which flowers to give, and what value is the color of the bud. Properly chosen bouquet can be eloquentful words, he will tell you about feelings and us eringing man who gave a bouquet.

When choosing a bouquet It is necessary to take into account not only the floor, but also the age of a person who you are going to present a gift, the value of the social status, and the degree of intimacy or related relationships. The number of plants in a bouquet is also important, one flower is a modest gift, 3 - 5 flowers - a traditional number for a standard bouquet, but the colors are given or the anniversaries (by the number of years, withstanding the odd number of colors) or beloved.

Women accepted to give roses. Red roses - express love, affection, passion, you can give them a sweetheart, mother, but a grandmother to give a bouquet of red roses to the Moveton. People of the older generation are more suitable cloves, chrysanthemums, you can give flowering plants in pots. Young women give flowers with unscrewd buds, and older women - opened color buds tov.

Yellow color symbolizes separation, sadness, give a bouquet of yellow colors of his beloved - openly hinting about the desire to part. The exception is probably only mimos, which are given on March 8.

Pink or white flowers symbolize purity, tenderness, they usually give them to young girls.

Orange color - the color of life, bright orange color is usually gerberas, roses, gladiolus, they can be given to everyone - both men and women. This can be said, a universal gift in which a lot depends on the design. It is the decor of the bouquet that one or another semantic value (for men there is a strict bouquet, for women more diverse, with decorations).

It is not customary to give flowers of cold shades - blue, blue, purple. Blue flowers can be given a newborn, if it is a boy if a girl, then flowers usually p ozo.

The man is made to present bouquets of modest strict colors: carnations, gladiolus, roses, tulips, chrysanthemums, peonies are allowed. It should be modestly decorated, without coupling details and decor.

Particularly stipulated in flower decoil seasonality and binding to certain holidays. For example, in the spring, it is more accepted to give primroses, tulips, mimosa, hyacinths, daffodils, lilac. Traditionally, a bouquet of the defenders of the Fatherland (it is presented on February 23) consists of carnations, white or red. On the day of Victory, lilac bouquets, tulips, carnations.

Wedding bouquet - a separate section of floral etiquette. A bouquet for the bride is made up of gentle light colors: roses , lilies, you can make a bouquet of orchids.

The ability to present colors is an important part of the etiquette (rules of behavior in society). It should be remembered that the presented flowers not only characterize your taste, but also emphasize the attitude towards who you are presented. So let's learn more what flower etiquette is.

Before giving a bouquet, it is useful to remember the rules of floral etiquette, combining a bouquet and a person, a bouquet and a reason. Flowers need to choose carefully depending on age, gender, the state of whom you want to give them. When selecting flowers, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the bouquet, since not all plants correspond to any occasion. A gift in the form of flowers will deliver much greater joy, if we take into account the addiction is believed to certain plants.

Boys and girls give small and gentle flowers, multicolored, warm joyful tones, composed in small rounded bouquets. They will be a good addition to toy or candy box.

Adults give more often bouquets on long stems. Women are better to give noble flowers - roses, freesia, lilies, gerberas, orchids. Young women and girls give flowers less intense colors. If you stick to the flower etiquette for older women, it should not be given white flowers (calla, chrysanthemums). Many consider them flowers to mourning and sadness, although in combination with light roses or chrysanthemums, another coloring is possible such a bouquet.

Men are favorable to bright gladiolus, georgins, cloves and red roses. Preferred flowers with one bright color on long stems.

For sick people, there is also your floral etiquette, you should not choose large bouquets and flowers with a strong smell (freesia, lilies, valley). Flowers for the patient should be the most fresh, the most beautiful and, most importantly, the loved one.

Flowers that are presented as a gift must be packed in paper, cellophane or box. Before you give, they need to unpack. Handing flowers together with packaging is permissible only during severe frosts when they are very supercourse. Precooled flowers should stand in water with packaging until the temperature comes with room temperature.

When you give a bouquet, you need to keep the colors up, and the stems down (on the street it is better to carry the bouquet with flowers down, as it prevents them from fading and allows you to save freshness).

When you prevent flowers, it is better to keep them in your left hand, so that the right is free to greet. The presentation of colors accompany the appropriate words. Applying a visit to a friend, the flowers are handing the hostess at home; In the case of a birthday or birthday, the perpetrator of the celebration. If a man is accompanied by a woman, he presents flowers to the hostess after women are exchanged greetings.

A young man appearing in the house with the first visit should not forget about the colors for both the hostess at home and for her daughter. Bouquets at the same time it is better to choose different.

If you presented flowers, you need to show your joy, note their beauty or taste of the doning. Put the resulting flowers in water (each bouquet - in a separate vase or vessel!) In place, noticeable for everyone, so that they can admire your guests and relatives.

Times are changing, and with them and the customs of the flower etiquette. Previously, it was impossible to think about handing one flower. Now a gift in the form of a sole expensive flower (roses, orchids, shooting, anthurium) in the elegant packaging is quite popular.

Receive as a gift and a single pot with a beautiful-flowing room plant. Slowly, but still retreats the custom of the compilation of bouquets from an odd number of colors. However, by making a bouquet of many plants, the arranger rarely thinks about the numbers, rather about the color scheme, form and texture of flowers. And yet there is such a language of numbers in floral etiquette: 1 flower - a mark of attention, 3 - sign of respect, 5 - recognition, 7 - love ...

Symbols of colors and plants originated several centuries ago in the east. It is believed that the flower etiquette was invented by hammers to communicate with the outside world. A bouquet, like a letter, brought news, expressed feelings. Some of these symbols became common to many nations: Laurel is a success, triumph; Palm sheet - victory; Rose - love, health; White lily - integrity, purity; Narcissus - pride, narcissism; Kiparis - sadness, grief, sorrow; Oak leaf - power; Carnation - courage, resistance; Lily Shel - Hidden Love; Mac - youth, beauty; forget-me-not - memory, friendship; Aspen - sighs, moans; Peony - longevity; Chamomile - peace and love; violet - meekness, shyness; Vasilek - simplicity.

What do we know about how to give flowers? The bigger, the better. Flowers give only girls and women, while a man congratulates flowers inappropriate. The bouquet must necessarily be an odd number of colors ...

Do you know that most of these statements are deep misconception? Alas, few people know about the rules of floral etiquette, but it's never too late to fill this gap. Today we will talk about how much, to whom and in what cases is appropriate.

Flowers for men

Many are confident that flowers to give representatives of a strong sex is not Comilfo, but is it really so? Men to give flowers is quite appropriate if you comply with several rules, here are the main of them:

Occasion. The first and most important thing is what you should pay attention is how it would be how to choose a reason for which it would be appropriate to prevent a man bouquet of flowers. You can safely give a man's flowers if it is a birthday room, especially if he marks a round date. It is also recommended to present a man as a gift of bouquets on the occasion of any achievements and success. For example, you can give flowers to the pop artist during or after a concert speech, a scientific employee after the successful protection of scientific work, an athlete, if he won the competition or put a new record, the winner of any contest, etc. Do not forget about the "Men's Holidays", for example, a familiar or loved one on the day of the Defender of the Fatherland A bouquet of colors will be quite appropriate. Very often, women doubt whether to give flowers to their boss. If your manager celebrates an anniversary or notes such a holiday as a day of the boss, or today the anniversary of the founding of his company - then you can give a bouquet.

Color. Color colors, granny men, also plays an important role. Flowers of gentle pastel shades is better to give women, for men choose flowers of dark saturated colors: purple, purple, dark blue. If you doubt, prefer the classic: Give white or red flowers.

Flowers and. Many women and in the head did not occur that men are quite appropriate to give other types of colors than cloves and roses. This is not a complete list of colors that, according to the rules of etiquette, can be given to representatives of strong sex. Callas, orchids, gladiolus, chrysanthemums, anthurium, dahlias, dolphiniums, anthuriences, dahlias, dolphiniums, and an original bamboo, and even more tender flowers, such as lilies, tulips are considered. The design of the bouquet should be concise, without unnecessary tinsel, bows, ribbons and other decorations. If women are more suitable for women, the shape of which resembles a ball or very creative and unusual bouquets, then a man more appropriate to prevent a strict bouquet having a clear geometry, say, linear design. It is better if the bouquet will include only one type of colors. Site and laconicity - that's how you should be guided by choosing a bouquet designed for a gift for a man. It is quite acceptable to give a strong floor representatives one flower, such as calla or a large rose.

Floral etiquette for all

Now that we know what flowers to give men, let's talk about universal for all the rules of their donation.

1. First of all, I would like to dispel the biggest error that to give an even number of colors is unacceptable. Yes, indeed, in our country, if in a bouquet of 10 or less colors, then such a gift will be incorrectly interpreted, since such bouquets bring to mourning ceremonies. But if you are going to present a large bouquet, then even there will be their quantity or not, it does not matter. Note that in some countries this rule does not work and there is quite normal to give a person 2 of the flower.

2. If you are invited to any event of a couple, then the flowers must present a man.

3. If you are late for a celebration or for some reason you could not come to him, you can smooth out the awkwardness by sending a bouquet a bouquet with courier. But! It is important to comply with the following rule: a bouquet must be delivered to the addressee to the next day.

4. In the event that you are planning to visit the house of a young girl and present her a bouquet, do not forget to give flowers and her mother. And here we pay attention to the choice of colors for bouquets: the girl is appropriate to give a small bunch with the flowers of gentle pastel shades, for her mother it is better to choose colors of saturated color, for example, burgundy roses.

5. And, of course, the main rule - never give flowers to a person suffering from allergies or asthma.

Flowers are a great gift or addition to it for people of any sex and age, and observing the flower etiquette, you will definitely not find yourself in an awkward situation.

You can prevent you with the most magnificent bouquet that will amaze, please, will conquer at first sight .... But it is very easy to all this and reset when you are not familiar with the basics of floral etiquette.

Consequently, the flowers are better presenting without a transparent wrapper. Is that an exception is a meeting at the airport, at the station. In this case, the packaging will be needed to protect the living and gentle plants from dust and dirt.

In case the bouquet is packed in a wrap in the form of a grid or something in this spirit, it is not necessary to shoot.
What hand?

Flowers are presented with left hand. It happened for a long time. Explain that when we give your left hand, we do it from the heart. At the same time, the guy can hug a loved one, while kissing it.

Luxuriously and effectively looks a big rose on a very long leg. And remember forever - it is absolutely accurately handed over to hand without packaging!
Which flowers?

When you have the first date with the girl most complement the meeting of the gentle flowers, for example, the valley, snowdrops, daisies. After some time, you can give her exotic compositions from flowers, somehow a basket of bright red roses or a bouquet of lilies. And now - no hint of passion, no pompousness. Only feelings
What colour?

By the way, there is something to say about red roses! Young girls needed to browse the flowers of softer colors (white, pink, peach tone). The exception is the situation when the young man decided to "declare" about passionate love in all. In these cases, he, for example, making an offer, recognizing the romantic feelings, presents fire-red roses.
It is important to be presented!

Guys! Just look at yourself from the side! How do you keep tortured flowers, while you expect your favorite? After all, it is just incredible: gentle buds, lowered down, as if a broom swinging on the whole street! When you behave this way, you, firstly, spoil the decorative look of the composition, and perhaps and lose respect for the ladies. And in principle, the flowers are not correct to carry, lowering them with buds down.

If you have to go to visit, think about the colors. They will definitely be a pleasant hostess at home. And of course, if you are going to get acquainted with the relatives of the girl, choose a bouquet for the female half of the family - this gesture will certainly be appreciated. This act you are easily obsessed with a favorable attitude towards you loved ones.
Where to buy?

Look at one of the numerous flower salons. Experienced florists will gladly help you decide on the center of all the motley variety! If you are a busy person optimal for you, the online store of colors.

When you present the flowers to men, you will have to take into account some details. First, it is believed that it is not necessary to present a male representatives alone alone flower (even in the case of luxurious roses). It is better to give a moderate (or very chic) \u200b\u200bbouquet. Give preference for "male" flowers: peonies, carnations, chrysanthemums, hyacinths. You can also give tulips or roses.

Dear our readers!Allow me to congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year - happy Knowledge Day, from September 1!Thousands of boys and girls went to school today, in kindergartens and traditionally presented to teachers and educators bouquets of flowers. Autumn is rich for holidays: the day of the teacher awaits us ahead, the teacher's day. Therefore, today we want you to tell you about floral etiquette. Let the choice and compilation of a bouquet become an exciting occupation for you, and the school year will be easy and productive!

Flower story.
The floral etiquette was born in ancient times, in the east. And invented his women. It was then that they assigned every flower symbolic meaning. It was also important to his color and how he was presented. In Europe, knowledge about flower etiquette came in the 16th century. At that time, there was a real "The Secret Language of Flowers." With the help of it, they exchanged not only by courtesies, but also by news. In the 19th century, floral dictionaries are published, telling about the meaning of a plant or another plant. The most popular book about the meaning of the colors "villages or flower language" in our country was published in 1830. Her author is the poet Dmitry Petrovich Oznobishin. In Soviet times, it was greatly popular.

After a century, the floral etiquette has undergone some changes. But, in general, the rules for the presentation of flowers and the preparation of bouquets remained almost the same.

"What do you give, my dear man?"
The main rule compiling a bouquet - "Elderly to dozen."That is, the number of plants in the bouquet is important when their 3,5,7,9,11. After 12, the number of colors in the bouquet of the role does not play. Therefore, anniversaries or beloved can be safe to present a rose oha from 20, 30, 40 And so on the pieces.

Single flower - a special gift.On etiquette, he is admissible only in the case of romantic proximity between a man and a woman. Moreover, the expression of such intimate feelings can only be rare and noble plants:royal rose on a long stem or exotic orchid. Although, for lovers of romantics and one chamomile can tell about many things.

Young girlsit is customary to give the gentle bouquets of pastel tones. A bouquet should be small, in a small boutonniere. Flowers in a bouquet for young lady may not be the most expensive. Tenderness and freshness of youth perfectly emphasized in chamomile, daisies, tulips. And if you still chose roses, then the buds must be unconcerned. The decor of the bouquet can be the most diverse: butterflies, crossed on a piece of leaf, sequins, curls from the tape. In my youth, everything is allowed!

Held adult womanthe bouquet should be selected from more expensive and noble colors: roses, chrysanthemums, lilies. Roses in a bouquet must be discontinued, and the color of the bouquet is more saturated and bright. The design of the bouquet is supposed to be elegant and concise.

Men. It is customary to present large flowers with long stems decorated in a vertical bouquet of rapid lines. A small bunch in male hands will look ridiculous. Gladiolus, dark roses, large solitary chrysanthemums look good in the bouquet for a man. The design of the male bouquet should be modest, without coupling decor and curls.

Children's bouquet- Unlimited field for designer fantasy. Dear kid flowers are unlikely to appreciate, but plush bears, candy and toys - all this will deliver joy to the child. Little bouquets made of gentle daisies and small chrysanthemums, assembled into the boutonniere or in a basket - what is needed.

Color palette.
White flowers - The symbol of innocence, purity and the beginning of a new life. They are well suited for wedding bouquets, for a gift to young girls. And perfectly combined in a bouquet with all other colors. Red flowers - Symbol of passion, life and love. Scarlet roses for beloved is a classic genre. In the bouquet of bright flowers of all shades of red perfectly suitable for an adult woman. Yellow- Sliding symbol, although bright golden flowers are also associated with the sun and joy. Yellow flowers are better to give in a composite bouquet with the colors of another color. Blue flowerssymbolize loyalty Blue- divinity, purple - greatness and respect.

A special place in the flower etiquette is occupied by buying such a gift need to be taken into account in advance if the plant is gifted to care? Will it take him unnecessary trouble? Such a gift is usually quite appropriate to give the flower in the pot to the school teacher or tutor. Even if he does not take him home, the plant will decorate the class or group of kindergarten. And to care for him will be fun with pupils! In this case, the main thing

AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: Choosing a bouquet, follow, first of all, with your taste and mood. Do not chase luxury. After all, even the most modest bouquet, assembled and presented from the pure heart, will deliver much greater pleasure than "Million Scarlet Roses"!



How to give and get flowers

on the subject of ethics

Performed student: Berezneva E.A.

Group: ZEGU-61

Checked: Maslova N.N.


In the modern world, you can only wonder the diversity and abundance of colors. Their appearance, unique flavor, unusual shape and diverse color attract floral lovers. Estimation of centuries Flowers enjoyed great respect. Of them were an attractive view of the colorful compositions, adorned residential premises and gardens, made dry bouquets. At the same time, each flower has its origin and a breathtaking story, which is accompanied by a multitude of curious legends and myths.

How to give and get flowers, always nice. This is not only a sign of respect, but also a guarantee of a good mood. With the help of colors you have the opportunity to transfer your feelings and express your attitude towards a person. But not to make a mistake with the choice of a gift you need to know the rules of etiquette.

In the control work, various reasons will be considered to provide colors. Flowers are associated with joy, with a holiday, give strength and make you vigor.

How to choose flowers

Perhaps there is no greater pleasure than to give gifts ... At the same time, you should not forget that the absence of reason is often the best reason to make a gift! And how nice to receive gifts in general without reason! After all, such a gift is at least a special mark of attention. And women love flowers ...

Studies of sociologists have shown that only 45% of men are constantly given by their favorite flowers, and get a bouquet, in turn, would like 95% of women. After all, every woman wants to be the only one, special, for whom a man is ready for feats.

A bouquet of flowers is an equally responsible gift than any other, say, perfume. To make the right clock choices, you need to clearly represent the tastes of a person and the situation to which a bouquet is timed. In addition, you should know exactly what sense is your flower message. In this case, your bouquet will be different from all others, thereby emphasizing your personality and feature of your personality.

The biggest mistake when choosing a bouquet is the desire to give your favorite flowers. First of all, the presented flowers must like to whom they are intended. Therefore, the choice of a bouquet of flowers that like a person is the most win-win. It is known that more than 50% of women still prefer roses. Your individuality can be emphasized in the style of the bouquet, from the details of the composition to the general idea. The choice of the colors and color gamut bouquet predetermines the taste of the person who you give them. It should also be remembered that the stylish does not have to be larger and expensive. The impression of sophistication can produce one rose designed by an experimental florist. In this case, only one bud can turn into an original bouquet.

Presentation of flowers, it is necessary to follow the basic laws of floral etiquette. Even a wonderful composition may lose their charm if you give flowers carelessly. The choice of a bouquet directly depends on age, gender and character being believed. A bouquet should be harmonized with a person for which it is intended. It is impossible to prevent the same composition and a man, a woman, a child, and a business partner, and an older person.

Your bouquet must match the setting. If you are going to a solemn event, stop your attention on a chic bouquet of unusual colors. If this is a bouquet of "for every day", then even simple, modest flowers will be made due to the impression.

For a holiday, it is recommended to purchase compositions from the same colors that speak of sophistication. This applies to flowers such as orchids, lilies, gerberas and anthurim. For a relaxed situation, bouquets will be quite appropriate, including several types of colors.

In the eastern countries in the old days, the color of the colors was popular. Each plant concluded a value familiar to many. However, different countries are permissible. This was affected by the fact that every flower in a certain people has its own history, and therefore causes different associations. Symbols of only the most popular colors are presented in Appendix 1.

Real gentlemen, able to receive pleasure from the impression that produces a presented bouquet on a woman, it is often necessary to solve several difficult tasks at once. After all, their attention, in addition to loved ones, becomes colleagues at work, employees of partner organizations, hostesses of companies and many other decent women. Yes, and a list of close, in which mom, grandmother, sisters,, a few aunt and, finally, a wife or friend, requires special attention (and in one of the March days it is necessary to prevent flowers to everyone almost at the same time). How should a bouquet look like for each of these women so not similar to each other?

Let's try to present some of the bouquets "with the value".

Flowers for wife and sweetheart

Perhaps this is not the hardest task. Almost every man has its own, let's hope for a positive experience of her decision. Most men around the world, including our compatriots, are known that the symbol of love is a red rose. More precisely, roses of red shades. A bouquet of such roses is perceived equally practically in all European countries. The same one who has not mastered the basics of flower etiquette, it is necessary to take this circumstance to be accidentally not to present a colleague, a woman - a business partner or a spouse of a business partner Bouquet, meaning "love." Of course, you need to be careful and in relation to men (if it comes, for example, about the colors on the anniversary), if we want to be correctly understood.

With a certain part of the convention, it can be said that the darker and rushing the tone of red roses, the stronger the feeling, they are pronounced. The roses of the color of Bordeaux and the Dark Bordeaux in the color of the colors are considered a symbol of passion. Ignorance of this sometimes leads to very ambiguous situations. So, for example, a graduate school gave his beloved teacher three dark burgundy roses. She laughed in response and said: "I agree." The student, of course, did not understand what exactly I laughed at the teacher and what she actually agrees, but the teacher had fun from the soul.

In business and official setting, ignorance of the basic rules of flower etiquette can lead to much more awkward situations. Imagine how the presentation of the bouquet of burgundy roses is an official, for example, a statesman, a member of the government or a deputy!

True, here immediately need to make a reservation. The fact is that red, burgundy and even dark-burgundy roses can be used both in flower arrangements designed to decorate the premises and in bouquets for official ceremonies - in other words, in bouquets from a different type of colors - but only if they are there Do not dominate.

Unfortunately, romantic bouquets are still found in the business and official setting. This is partly due to the fact that in the perception of a significant number of people of the older generation, especially men, roses and carnations were and remain the mainstream in life. It is they who are most often choosing bouquets from one type of colors now. As a rule, these are roses with a long stem, red carnations and gladiolus.

But back to the bouquet for the lady of the heart. At the request of a man, the florist will be able to compile such a bouquet, which will take into account the color of the eyes and hair of the beloved woman, and its preferences relating to flowers, and even growth and age. Of course, such a bouquet will require significant financial costs, but what kind of effect it can make it! Any woman is able to assess the beauty and uniqueness of the bouquet made up with love. Bouquets of his wife or sweetheart can be very different. By the day of all lovers, February 14, the flowers of red are more suitable. In the spring, by March 8, winter varieties, including the popular variety of Roses Grand Prix, no longer produce a strong impression. At this time, it is best to give spring flowers. For example, lilac, levko, daffodils, hyacinths, anemones, ranunculuses and the like seasonal varieties. Ideal for such a bouquet, of course, you can consider tulips of all shades. Tulip - Classic Spring Flower.

A bouquet of his beloved woman can be big, and even very big, or, on the contrary, very small. But the formula of a classic bouquet looks like this: a round, small bouquet of a bouquet to a forty centimeters in fashionable shades.

When choosing a similar bouquet, all means: and personal taste of a man, and his feeling of harmony and beauty, and the nature of the relationship, and the knowledge of the individual features of the person's beloved, and the seriousness and depth of feelings to her.

Flowers for relatives Bouquet grandmother, aunt, sister, cousin is designed to express other emotions. This is, above all, respect, affection and feeling of related love.

Differences in bouquets intended for loved ones are largely due to floral traditions associated with the age of a woman. It is not accepted to break them.

For a girl, a teenage and young girl's sister, a small bouquet of violets, small pink carnations and spray roses, tied with flowers, can become a floral gift. It should be noted that white-colored flowers, gentle and motley shades are considered the most preferred: Pink or white and white-cream roses with non-screensy buds, white lilies, valley, mimosa, forget-me-not, daisies ... Not accepted young girls for quite understandable reasons Give bright red or burgundy flowers. In the XIX century, the lats's books paid special attention to the colors for the ladies, as the wrong bouquet or unsuccessfully chosen to decorate a toilet or a hairstyle flower could cause a scandal and compromise the young person. A bouquet of flowers for married women, presented to the girl, was considered a gross hint and insult. She was assumed to be strictly defined flowers, the symbolic meaning of which corresponded to the devotional virtues. So, for example, cornflowers were called upon to symbolize trust and undemanding, bells - Milosity; White lilies, daisies, violets, valley - purity and innocence, a needle - hearty kindness, forget-me-not - memories ...

Unlike girls, young women are suitable bouquets made up of flowers with revealed buds. Most often these are flowers of pink, bright and motley shades. Such bouquets have one more dignity - they are considered universal, they can be given to everyone. Bouquets for young women can be of different shapes and sizes and are drawn up both in classical and in avant-garde style. Flowers intended for women of mature and elderly, also have their own specifics. They are not accepted to give small maiden bouquets - for example, from the valley, violets and especially from white flowers - white lilies, chrysanthemums, Call, lilac. Elderly people often belong to white colors with prejudice. However, if certain wishes were made, then nothing can be an obstacle to the presentation of this bouquet.

If we are preferences are unknown, we are guided by the general rules. For women of old age, not white, but bright and motley flowers are more appropriate. For example, they will suit red-orange lilies, red tulips, gladiolus or roses of brightly motley shades with open buds. In addition, women aged who have many indoor flowers, there is a kindergarten, terrace or loggia, often prefer the plants in pots in the pots. Cut flowers can even disappear. It happens, they dream of some Narcissus, Crocus or Hyacinte in a pot. Unfortunately, not many of our climate are able to delight us in the spring beautiful, dishonled flowers, so you can give the spring flower even in a bulb, so that our rigs and grandmothers can live with him the whole process of birth and flourish. Sometimes love and touching care of our elderly relatives make it possible to extend the lives of such colors until the summer, up to the summer season.

Indoor plants are generally a good and very common gift. Beautifully packaged flower pot looks very effectively. Especially such a gift pleases those who breed flowers and love to care for them. And these are not only women, but also men, including bachelors and young employees of companies that are fond of office flower growing.

Flowers in pots are given by prior arrangement. It is not customary to present them to unfamiliar people, since neither tastes, nor the situation at home unknown to us and a gift can become burdensome for them.

Flowers for mom

Mom can be forty-two, and eighty two years. Therefore, a bouquet for mom is compiled strictly individually. The main requirement for it - he must certainly comply with the idea of \u200b\u200byour mom about the perfect bouquet. Often they are associated with childhood memories, youth and family traditions. Therefore, a bouquet for mom is compiled only from her favorite colors. It may be an ordinary lilac, and pansies, and purple irises, and something exotic, like a shooting. If there are red, burgundy or yellow roses, white flowers or small maiden bouquets in the list of attachments of the mother, boldly give them. In this case, the Bouquet "with the value" will be composed of plants that are classified as "favorite".

Flowers for a famous personality

A bouquet of theatrical actress, a pop artist, the singer can have the most incredible form and make up both from rare and expensive colors and from the most modest and simple. Not bad if the bouquet takes into account the role of the actress or the genre in which it stands. So, the operatic singer will be more suitable for rare exotic flowers, such as orchids, or a classic bouquet of one type of colors like pink roses. The performer of folk songs, on the contrary, it is better to present a composition of wildflowers. This role, especially in the spring bouquet, is successfully performed by modest, similar to the field flowers of Alstromeria, anemones and reminding daisies of matricaria. In bouquets, seasonality is generally important. At the end of winter and in the spring you want no rose, namely spring colors.

Flowers for Women - Official

A bouquet intended for the official person, a public figure, a deputy, requires mandatory compliance with the protocol norms. For such a case, neutral, inhabitant, most often bright shades and medium-sized bouquets, which are gentle-motley compositions of white, pink, light yellow, pale-lilac, light green and cream colors. As a rule, it is mixed, round-shaped with a bouquet with small flowers without smell. Gamma - Red-Orange with greens in the spirit of fashion trends. Pretty bright, but not contrasting. In a bouquet for an official person, the Protocol does not recommend using some types of colors. It does not rely, for example, to give irises, dahlias, peonies, asters and wildflowers, even if the bouquet looks very attractive. Chamber bouquets made of small colors like daisies, hyacinths, bush roses and carnations are also not accepted in the official setting. For solemn cases, blue and lilac flowers are not suitable, unless they are part of the art composition from different colors. It is necessary to pay the most serious attention to the packaging. She can't look cheap, be too bright and must meet the rules of safe comfort.

Flowers for business woman

The service atmosphere will not work too much or very bright bouquet, with the exception of particularly solemn events. The perfect bouquet for a business woman must have medium sizes, differ by restraint and laconicism. Such women are most suitable for elegant bouquets of round and irregular shapes, which emphasize plants lines and balance colors. This is rather dense composition composition in expensive, high-quality packaging. It should be noted that the business style does not correspond to the lace, ruins, swans, bright ribbons, foil and tinsel. This does not mean that bows and ribbons can not be present in the business female bouquet. May, but their quality is noticeably different from those that are used in bouquets for weddings or anniversaries of relatives. For a business woman, the best color of Gerbera, Alstromeria, Dolphinium, Malyzhella, Eustoma (reminds of bells), carnations of various shades, lilac, bush roses, matricaries (similar to chamomile), the entire tulip palette, as well as flowers that are usually recommended For men's bouquets, - shooting and anthurium. Flowers of light gentle shades are most successful, as well as compositions of white, blue-blue and yellow colors.

Sometimes in order to turn the usual bouquet, for example, made of pink roses and tulips of bright shades into an exclusive bouquet for a business woman, it is enough to add several orchids. A similar change completely transforms a bouquet, turning it into something unpacable and exquisite, elegant-parade and spectacular.

Another mandatory requirement. A bouquet designed by a business woman should be safe - nothing in it should dump, paint, scratch, cling to clothes.

Flowers for a man

A bouquet of flowers can give a man who loving his girl in recognition in his feelings, in gratitude for something, in honor of the overall holiday, for example, the anniversary of the wedding, the first date or other events important for two in love. In addition, a bouquet of a man can prevent his business partners, or friends who come to the anniversary. The main thing is that the composition is compiled by a professional florist, tastefully and taking into account the specifics of male bouquets.

Many laws that are guided by the formulation of florists intended for a man, came first to Europe, and then to us from Japan. In the country of the rising sun, for many hundreds of years, the tradition of presenting men, whether it was a warrior or a state official, specially compiled bouquets of flowers, symbolizing courage, honor, dignity and other highly honored men's qualities.

It so happened that the most typical for the male bouquet is the form stretched vertically. Usually, plants are used in such compositions with maximum stems as possible, with which the original, multi-tiered compositions can be made. In memory involuntarily pop up those typical bouquets of gladiols or carnations, which were made to present men in official events. These times went into the past, and today, along with classic roses and gladiolus in men's bouquets, the most diverse, sometimes even exotic flowers are actively used.

If the donor suddenly seems that the bouquet of a round shape would look at the most harmonious situation in the current situation, it is not necessary to go on the established norms. At the very beginning of the article, we have already called for not afraid to break stereotypes, let's say about it again. It is often useful to tell Florist about the person for whom a bouquet is meant, about his character or preferences. The composition of an elongated or round shape, simple, made in the stylistry of minimalism or complex, consisting of several levels, is no matter, the main thing is that the bouquet like the only person. By the way, men love to receive flowers as a gift, no less girls rejoicing their freshness, beauty and naturalness.

As for the color scheme, the florists are recommended to refuse gentle pastel tones in favor of bright and deep. Saturated blue, bright red, burgundy, purple, even black, - a bouquet of such colors immediately attracts attention and impressed by a truly male.

Patient flowers

For a sick bouquet of flowers - a big joy that can brighten up stay outside the house, return hope and good mood. However, it should be remembered that the flowers with a strong or sharp smell (lilac, carnation, valves, fragrant peas), as well as too large bouquets and dark flowers in such an environment will be inappropriate.

White colors should be avoided, which merge with the hospital interior, and bright red, dark burgundy - they can irritate and too contrast with the surrounding atmosphere. The best bouquet of bright and motley colors or a small bouquet is best suited.

Upon returning home, you should not take with you even the most beautiful bouquet that you brought to the hospital. Let's leave his neighbors around the ward or medical staff, thank and say goodbye.

Flowers on the occasion of mourning

Mourning bouquets are usually made from dark colors of saturated tones - dark red roses, gladiolus, dahlia or white chrysanthemums and carnations. But in them, as in all mourning compositions, there must be white color (flowers, ribbon, decorative additions) \\, as this is the symbol of the soul. You should also remember that all one-sided, non-snout bouquets are mourning bouquets, as they are designed to lie on the famous plane, and not stand in a vase.

Times are changing, and take off the custom. Another decade ago, a bouquet made of 5-10 and more species of flower plants, in Europe, many were considered a sign of a bad taste. He is now eagerly used as a gift for different reasons.

And the custom of belonging to the odd quantities slowly changes. Old arrangers in the West argue that the custom took the beginning from the saying "the trouble is not one" ("misfortunes go in pairs"). Today, few people remember about old, sometime strictly observed rules. Previously, it was impossible to think about the present of one flower to someone. Now the only flower has become not a symbol, but just a mark of attention with free friendly relations. Empathy becomes like a gift single pots with beautiful-circuit houseplants.

In our country, lately, the opinion is firmly rooted that the even number of colors in the bouquet is acceptable only for the funeral, although there is no such logical explanation.

National Features of Flower Etiquette

Of course, it is necessary to be extremely careful in choosing a colors as a gift to a foreigner, especially business partner: ignorance of floral etiquette may question your business relationships and even destroy them. For example, chrysanthemums, carnations and white asters, presented by Europeans, can embarrass and even shock it, as they are perceived as flowers of mourning. Bright red, dark red and burgundy roses, recall, almost everywhere are considered a symbol of passionate love. This tradition is especially widespread in Germany and Great Britain. A bouquet of roses, presented by the guest hostess at home in the UK, will be not quite a decent gift. Citizens of the British kingdom do not differ too rapid temperament, if, of course, do not take into account football fans, therefore even roses donated with his beloved bride are considered a sign of incontainting feelings. The British like modest but graceful bouquets. They soul crocuses, hyacinths and other similar flowers.

If the bouquet is designed to business partners from China or Turkey, then it is necessary to remember that the combination of blue and white there is not very loved. Bouquets made up of colors of various shades of red with decorative greens prefer in these countries. In Mexico and some other countries in Latin America, on the contrary, it is best to give white flowers.

Traditions and the rules of floral etiquette, of course, are not exhausted by these recommendations. However, even the first acquaintance with them allows you to avoid many mistakes and makes it possible not only to take a look at the flowers as an endless source of beauty and perfection, but also to see certain symbols and signs in them that can transmit feelings and even entire messages. "

How to prevent and take a bouquet

Elegant, tastefully composed bouquet is very important not only to accurately pack, but also competently, beautifully present. The rules are very simple. A bouquet is recommended to keep in the left hand, so that the right is free to greet and handshake. Flowers are given after congratulations. Bouquets of large size, which are usually awarded on anniversaries and other similar celebrations, are presented, supporting them with both hands.

The one who receives flowers as a gift takes them with gratitude. If a bouquet is donated by the occasion of a celebration, then put it goes where it will pass, so that he would have been visible did not create noise (did not cover the faces of the guests). If the bouquet did not like it, no matter where it is impossible to show it. It is necessary to thank the one who presented it. After all, he wanted to delight his gift. It often happens that the donator, inspired by the beauty of the bouquet of the most unusual shape with unprecedented exotic flowers and elements of the decor, gladly acquires it, hoping to impress it. But it turns out that the bouquet is inconvenient to carry, it is impossible to put or lean to something, without packaging, it clings to clothes and loses the view. Therefore, paying attention to the beauty of the bouquet and its shape, you must certainly take into account all the attractive circumstances.

If a bouquet brings a couple - a man and a woman who are invited to a home celebration, then a man is handing the hostess at home, even if the guests came to the host's birthday. He, of course, also does not go without attention and gets a beautifully decorated gift with relevant congratulations. However, the bouquet is always presented with the hostess, the wife of a birthday or jubilee. Flowers are awarded after women exchange greetings and congratulations. Not earlier.

A few more practical advice. If the invited couple is a man and a woman, then the flowers carry a woman (although there is a man's hands). She puts them on an elegantly bent in the elbow hand in the opposite side of his satellite, and the other hand holds them for the stems. A woman gives a bouquet to a man before serving, but, of course, not at the last moment.

According to the existing rules, the flowers indoors are customary to hand out without packaging, it is usually removed immediately before calling the door. True, it is necessary to give some explanations. If we are talking about a special packaging, which is part of the art composition, then such a bouquet, of course, do not unfold. The hostess puts a bouquet in a vase along with the packaging, not disturbing the general appearance of the flower masterpiece. It is previously taken to remove only a large cellophane packaging, which is designed to protect and save a bouquet during transportation.

Bouquet through delivery service

If the flowers are sent with delivery from the store, then the bouquet usually put a postcard or a business card indicating the purpose of the offer. In this case, the etiquette obliges to thank and reply to the donor with a short letter (including email) or a phone call. In business relationship, it is supposed to answer the business card with the inscription in the lower left corner of "PR" (the reduction of French "to thank"). The inscription can be made in Russian. In this case, you should write a pencil in the lower left corner the word "thanks". Mandatory in the third face of the only number (and not "thank you", as sometimes erroneously indicated). If the bouquet is delivered to the messenger, then the package has not taken to remove. The delivery service of bouquets usually complies with this rule.

Flowers are allowed to send anonymously. Unlike all other things and items, the floral bouquet is the only gift that can be handed over.

List of used literature

1.Golubeva G.A. Ethics: Textbook / G.A. Golubeva. - M.: Exam, 2007. - 320 p.

2.Goreshin A.P.T. Business relationship: Tutorial / A.P. Egorshin, V.P. Rippov, N.V. Shashkov. - M.: Nimb, 2005. - 416 p.

3.Ladatko L.V. Ethics and Culture Management: Textbook / L.V. Ladatko. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006. - 320 p.

4.Smirnov G.N. Ethics of business relations: textbook / Nov. Smirnov. - M.: TK Velby, Prospekt, 2008. - 192 p.

Attachment 1

Azalea is a symbol of femininity, fragility, meekness, restraint, devotion, passion and sadness.

Amarillis - Pride

Pineapple - Perfection

Anemone - sincerity, hope

Anthurium - courage, passion

Arality - Proximity, Intimacy

Asparagus - e-colors are simple

Begonia - "Beware!"

Verbena - Sensitivity

Vicar - "Dance with me?"

Bindweed - Beauty

Gardenia - Mystery Love, you are beautiful

Gahatteria - Harmony

Carnation is a symbol of marriage and loyalty, charm, women's love, passion, honor and freedom.

Carnation (White) - "Sweet and Favorite", Innocence, Pure and Gentle Love, Good luck

Carnation (yellow) - "You avoid me", refusal

Carnation (red) - admiration, deep love

Carnation (striped) - "No !!!", refusal, "I will not be with you"

Carnation (pink) - "I will never forget you", a symbol of maternal love

Georgine - Caprice, impermanence

Geranium - nonsense, recklessness

Gerbera - Mystery, Smile, Flirt

Hyacinth (White) - Charm, Charm

Hyacinth (Blue) - consistency, integrity

Hyacinth (Yellow) - Jealousy

Hyacinth (Red or Pink) - game

Gypsophila - caution

Wisteria - "Welcome!"

Gloxinia - Love at first sight

Hydrangea is coldness, indifference.

Dolphinium - modesty, non-profitable

Jasmine - sensuality, femininity, elegance and attractiveness.

Iris - trust, wisdom, faith, hope, fearlessness. Located at the top of the bouquet - the work below is the kingdom.

Cactus - perseverance

Calendula (marigold) - "I'm submissive"; Jealousy, anxiety

Calla - "You are great"

Camellia - admiration, perfection, gratitude

Lily (white) - a symbol of purity and impurity, "This is divine - to be with you !!!"

Lily (yellow) - gratitude, brightness, but also frivolism, lie

Palm tree leaves - victory and success

Daisy - Clean, innocence, faithful love, "I will never say"

Mimosa - flowers sensitivity, shame, shyness, "I hide my feelings"

Mirt - Love, Fun, Joy

Monster - purposefulness

Forget-me-not - memories, true love, sincerity, consistency, loyalty

Mistletoe - "Kiss me", affection, overcoming difficulties, sacred plant of india, magic flower of druids

Orange flowers - innocence, eternal love, wedding

Orchid - love, refinement, beauty, chinese childhood symbol

Fern - charm, magic, grace, trust and patronage

Sunflower - pride, but also - worship

Primula - "I can't live without you"

Rose (Alaya) - Bulletin of Love

Rose (white) - cleanliness and innocence, "I am worthy of you", "You're angel", mystery

Rose (bud) - innocent heart

Rose (red) - Love, "I love you", passion

Rose (pink) - in the language of colors is the highest happiness, "Believe me"

Rose (tea) - "I remember. Always!"

Chamomile - youth, innocence, infractiveness, romanticism

Lilac - Beauty, Love, the first unrest of love

Strelization - victory, courage, originality, purposefulness

Tulip - in the color language symbol of pure love, big happiness; glory, pride; Excellent lover

Tulip (yellow) - "Your smile, like sunlight"

Tulip (Red) - Explanation in Love, "Believe me"

Violet - dignity, modesty; Innocence, secret love

Freesia - trust

Fuchsia - benevolence

Chrysanthemum (White) - True

Chrysanthemum (Yellow) - Fragile Love

Chrysanthemum (Red) - Good luck, best wishes

Chrysanthemum (ordinary) - in the language of the colors "You are a wonderful friend", joy, openness, fun and relaxation.

Appendix 2.

How to choose flowers mom?

Why is it taken in case of mourning to give an even number of colors?

How to do if a presented bouquet didn't like?

How to choose a bouquet man?

Why keep a bouquet need in your left hand and present right?

What does the red rose symbolize? And who is not recommended for them to give them?

When carrying out delivery, you were handed flowers in paper. Was the courier of the etiquette rules?

How should I do if donated flowers started to dry, and the guests did not dissolve yet?

Who should hand out flowers if a couple is invited to the celebration?

What needs to be considered by choosing colleague flowers?


The birthplace of flower etiquette is considered the East. These rituals were invented by women. Historically, there were men in war, hunting or gathering, and a woman sat at home and waited for her spouse. Correcting long evenings alone, women were able to transfer all the shades of feelings, experiences and emotions on flowers. It was very often happening that the associations that had arisen turned into persistent symbols and had already been fixed in the memory of people for a long time. A peculiar language of colors developed, on which people sent messages and recognition in love each other. For example, in Eastern tradition, it is very important who the flowers were prenered, as the doning holds a bouquet: inflorescences down or inflorescences up. It was also very important that what hand the donant holds a bouquet: right or left. Decorated with a bouquet with leaves or not, loose spikes at roses. In addition, a loving young man watched, where the flower rises a girl: if closer to the heart means, he likes, if on the hairstyle, then this meant a warning for him.

Traditions: One flower or basket of flowers?

According to the established tradition, the number of colors in a bouquet should be odd to dozen, that is, how many colors will be important (three, five, seven, nine, eleven). An even number of colors accepted to give a sign of mourning ceremonies. If the bouquet is twelve and more colors, then they do not carry any semantic load. If you give one flower, then the etiquette is a sign of proximity between these people, whether it is a rose on a long stem, or a royal orchid.

Flowers in baskets are a special point. They are made to give them in the case of official corporate celebrations, retirement wires, wedding brides and artists after speaking. Baskets will be the perfect option in the case when you can not prevent flowers personally. In this case, a card must be invested in the basket with your name with words to justify your absence or greeting card.

How to present?

Little to choose a bouquet - it is important to give it correctly. Completely unacceptably give flowers in the transport wrapper. Protection must be removed before entering the room. Modern flower etiquette rules say that the flowers need to be presented in a special packaging: transparent film, rice paper or grid. You can transfer flowers in any position, only on the threshold of the house turn them over with stems down.

If a man is invited to a married couple to the celebration, then after all greetings and various congratulations, he must present a bouquet of the hostess at home. He owes it and, in the fact that the festival is devoted to the spouse, and the flowers are designed to him.

If the guests also arrived a pair, the flowers must be given a man. A woman who is invited to the holiday alone, chooses whoever to give her a bouquet - the owner of the house or hostess.

If a young man goes to an official acquaintance with the family of his beloved girl, two different bouquets are strictly required on etiquette: gentle pastel colors for chosen and brighter gamma - for her mother. Before and during greetings, the bouquet should be kept in the left hand, and directly hand it right. Get rid of the wrapper from the bouquet, if any, it is necessary to be imperceptible and independently when a suitable case is present.

Associations in colors

The color of buds also matters in floral etiquette: red - means - the color of life, love, passion, which is why the rose is a symbol of love, and the carnation is a passion flower. Sometimes this color is associated with anger and revenge. Therefore, in different situations, these flowers carry different semantic loads. White color - symbol of purity and innocence, black - symbol of sadness and mourning, yellow - a symbol of disgust, hatred, except golden - symbol of the sun and joy, green - symbol of hope, blue - the color of the gods, blue - a symbol of loyalty, purple - a symbol of magnitude.

What can you give and what can not?

According to etiquette, a man can not give small elegant bouquets. If you still decided to please your doctor, teacher bouquet, then select flowers on long stems: it can be roses, chrysanthemums, carnations. For the anniversary dates, chrysanthemums, lilac, lilies, gladiolus, roses and cloves are usually accepted. Some give flowers to patients. Therefore, it is worth considering the patients not to be allergic to these flowers. It is better not to give flowers of two shades: white and red, so that they are not too merged and not too contrasted with the surrounding environment. A person who takes flowers should express words of gratitude and then put on a prominent place. It is configulously to carry them out, hide in any place to be preserved better.

Flowers and Feng Shui

If we consider flowers in the context of Feng Shui, there are a lot of options here: Jasmine is a friendship plant, it is customary to be given when going to visit. Peonies are often considered to be male energy amplifiers, personifying love and loyalty. Lush peonies with a large number of leaves are considered an omen of good luck. Chrysanthemums bring laughter and joy into the house. Narcissus is called the Water Fairy. If you are a married couple and are going to have a child, it is better to abandon the colors and put the basket with fruit instead. Fruits, and especially pomegranate, are considered a symbol of fertility. White lilies, orchids should be in the most crowded and active places of the house. They contribute to the restoration of harmony and the world. But for places where many electronics and equipment are located, a lot of green plants are best suitable with large leaves or flowers with large petals. From green plants, these can be cacti or just green plants. The prickly plants are better not to breed at home, they should be as if to protect the territory of the house and, accordingly, to be outside. They should not be planted near the entrance door and be a live fence. Ideal for such a case will be citrus: lemons and oranges. It is believed that they bring good luck and fun, so they are customary to be treated at the entrance to the house.

Thus, the flower etiquette can say much. It not only helps people to properly interpret the meanings of the messages enclosed in flowers, but also helps in choosing colors for people of different sexes, age, religion. May tell about how you feel about a person.