Day of Russia at the summer camp. Scenario. Scenario of the festive event "There is no better native land" (June 12-Day of Russia) Download the scenario for June 12

To the song “I, you, he, she” (in Spanish for the children's vocal ensemble “Fidgets”), children enter the playground in front of the kindergarten, in front of the column, the child carries the flag of Russia. The flag is installed in the center of the site.


What does "my Motherland" mean? -
You ask, I will answer:
First, the path is the earth
Runs towards you.
Then the garden will beckon you
Each fragrant branch.
Then you will see a slender row
Multi-storey houses.
Then the wheat fields
Edge to edge
All this is your homeland,
Your native land.


Our favorite land is Russia,
Where there are clouds in the lakes
Where are the young birches
Dressed up in lace.
And we live in Russia,
Our forests are dense
We have white birches
And the guys are brave.

Today we are celebrating a national holiday - the Day of Russia. And it is customary to invite guests to the holiday.

Two buffoons run out to the cheerful music - Timoshka and Ermoshka.

Hello! Hello!

Greetings to all the girls and boys!

And quiet and playful!

It is forbidden to be bored today!

Timoshka and Ermoshka:

Our holiday begins!

There will be games, dancing
Yes, fun hour!

We are famous masters of various ideas, games, songs, dances!

Well, since you are such masters of entertainment, we invite the kids to have fun and surprise us with something!

Timoshka and Ermoshka:

Ermoshka, do you know what the holiday is in honor of?

Of course! In honor of the birthday of our country, which we will celebrate very soon - June 12! Children, what is the name of our country?

Children: Russia!

Russia is the biggest country in the world! Russia, Motherland. This is the land where we were born, where we live. This is our home, this is everything that surrounds us. Russia! What a beautiful word! Ermoshka, Timoshka, our children will tell poems about Russia.

Russia ... as a word from a song.
Birch young foliage,
Around forests, fields and mountains,
Expansion, Russian soul.

I love you, my Russia,
For the clear light of your eyes
For the mind, for the holy deeds,
For a clear voice, like a stream!

Russia is rich in talents,
Russia is strong with talents,
If the guys sing -
So she will live.

Dance "Inseparable friends".

Timoshka and Yermoshka praise the children.

Timoshka, Ermoshka, and our guys know not only which country they live in, but also which city. Children, what is the name of our hometown?

Children: Kandalaksha!

Kandalaksha is our small homeland!

Guys, what do you know about Kandalaksha, where is she?

(Children's answers: in the Murmansk region, on the Kola Peninsula)

Is the city of Kandalaksha located in the north or south of our country?

(Children's answers: in the north).

Like all countries in the world, Russia has its own anthem, flags, coat of arms. Today is a holiday of our state.

Today, friends, we must hear
The main music of our country.
It is called shortly - "Anthem",
We meet with him every morning.

The "Anthem of the Russian Federation" is played.

Russia also has its own national flag. The coat of arms of Russia is located in the center against the background of white, blue and red stripes. A special meaning is attached to the color of the flag. Guys, tell us what the colors of our flag mean.

White means peace and purity of conscience.
Blue is the sky, loyalty and truth.
Red is fire and courage.
White color - birch.
Blue is the color of the sky.
Red stripe -
Sunny sunrise.

The flag of the Russian Federation symbolizes the unity of the country, beauty and justice, the victory of good over evil. The national flag is raised during special events and holidays. Look, the flag today takes a solemn place on our site, and then it will be hoisted on the building of the kindergarten.

The globe of the earth, on it the country,
The city is in it, and in it there are houses,
House on one street
Inconspicuous, small ...
This house, country, land -
This is my homeland!

On the edge between the bumps
Flowers grew during the night.
Timidly raised the leaves
"Hello Sunshine!" -
To the clearing, to the edge
Come out, honest people!
Together with the first flowers
We will start a round dance.

During the host's poems, the children take flowers for the dance “Rossinochka - Russia”.

Dance with flowers "Rossinochka - Russia".

A man has one own mother, one for him and his Motherland. Loves her people deeply. He added a lot of proverbs and sayings about her. Listen, Ermoshka and Timoshka, what proverbs and sayings about the Motherland the guys know.

Beloved homeland, that dear mother

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

Motherland, know how to stand up for it

And I also know the saying: "For your Motherland, do not spare your strength or life!"

And I - the proverb: "A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song."

From time immemorial, the Russian people were famous for their strength, courage, and valiant dexterity. And there were always heroes in Russia - such strong men with a kind heart and a pure soul.

Guys, do you want to show how tough, strong, dexterous and daring children live in Russia? (Children answer).

What? I can not hear! Tell me more friendly! (Children answer).

The buffoons pick up wooden horses, Timoshka walks with high knees, Yermoshka gallops in a straight canter:

A horse walks along the shore
Black on the earth,
Shake his head
Tinkle with the golden bridle.

Gop-gop! Well, gallop!
Fly, horse, soon - soon,
Through the rivers, through the mountains,
Rot, rot! Don't trip my friend!

Timoshka: And in order to ride more fun and faster, they harnessed not one, but three horses at once!

Attraction "Ride on triplets".

How great you played!

And not at all tired? (Answers of children).

Let the clouds float
The sun gives us light
Birds are singing in the sky -
Summer sends hello to everyone!

Timoshka and Ermoshka:

And may the happiest in the world

All in chorus:

Musical-rhythmic composition with ribbons “What are children?”.

And now I invite everyone to play the old Russian game "Stream".

Russian folk game "Stream" (to the Russian folk melody).

Timoshka and Ermoshka:

There are many games in the world
Let's play some more children?


Round dance game "Zarya - zarynitsa".

Well, what Yermoshka and Timoshka, what wonderful guys saw in our garden?

Yes! They are the most fun!

The most singing and dancing!

Timoshka, let's check the strength of these guys!

Attraction "Tug of war".

This is how strong and fast your dads and mothers should be, even if you, their children, do so well with the most difficult tasks! Probably, the people in Russia are the strongest! Really guys?

Take care of Russia,
We cannot live without her.
Take care of her
To be forever!
With our truth and strength
With all our destiny
Take care of Russia -
There is no other Russia!

Dance "Big round dance".

Children, we want to present you a gift.


We brought you colored crayons to draw our Motherland.


Its nature, symbolism and how Russia lives.

The buffoons are handing out crayons to children. Children with music. the accompaniment is drawn with crayons on the asphalt on the theme: "My Motherland is Russia." Timoshka, Ermoshka, educators are looking at the drawings, praising the children.

Timoshka and Ermoshka:

Well done boys! Goodbye! Until next time!

Holiday progress

Ved. Hello dear guests! Tomorrow our country celebrates the Day of Russia!

In 1994, by the decree of the first President of Russia Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, June 12 was announced.Later it was called simply Independence day, although the people interpreted the holiday in different ways. In 1998 B. Yeltsin suggested celebrating June 12 as Russia Day... The holiday was officially named only on February 1, 2002. Now the Day of Russia is a symbol

Ved. We live in a country that has an amazingly beautiful name - Russia. Do you know why our country has such a name?

Ved. For clear dawns, washed with dew,

For the Russian field with tall ears,

Behind the rivers pouring in blue flames

You were named in Slavic - Russia.

Ved. There are many wonderful countries on Earth, people live everywhere, in one country they live richer, more satisfying. In the other - poorer, worse. There are all kinds of countries, but Russia is an extraordinary country, because it our homeland.

Ved. Every leaf, every stream

There is the main thing in the world - there is a homeland.

For weeping willow

There is no river more mile

For a little white birch

The edge has no relatives.

There is a branch at the leaf,

A ravine by the stream.

Everyone in the world has their own homeland.

The country where we were born

Where we live happily

We call our native lands Russia.

Ved. Motherland means native, like mother and father. Motherland is the place where we were born, the country in which we live, of which we are citizens. Love for Russia in each of us begins with love for the places where you were born and live.

Ved. If they say the word "Motherland"

Immediately rises in memory

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch - shy

And a chamomile bump.

And others will probably remember

His own Moscow courtyard.

Or the steppe, red from poppies,

Golden virgin land

Homeland is different

But everyone has one.

Ved. The Russian people have added many proverbs and sayings about the Motherland:

· There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland!

· Do not spare your strength or life for your Motherland.

· One mother is one and the Motherland!

· To live - to serve the Motherland!

· Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for it.

· Take care of the dear land, like a beloved mother.

· Native land is sweet in a handful.

· A man without a homeland is like a land without a seed.

Ved. All of them teach us goodness, love for the Motherland, the ability to defend it from enemies.

Ved. Our children are still very young, but we adults can teach them to take care of their Motherland, love it, and make it more beautiful. A child is not born evil or kind, moral or immoral. What moral qualities a child will develop depends, first of all, on us adults, parents, grandmothers and grandfathers. Is it so difficult not to litter on the street, not break bushes and trees, not trample down the lawns? And the most important thing is to love your loved ones, your family.

Ved. There are so many words in the world

Like snowflakes in winter.

But take, for example, these:

The word "I" and the word "We".

"I" is lonely in the world,

There is not much good in the "I".

One or one

It's hard to deal with adversity.

The word "We" is stronger than "I".

We are family and we are friends.

We are the people and we are one.

Together we are invincible.

Ved. Wonderful time Childhood. Childhood barefoot! In Childhood, everything is simple and elementary. In Childhood, everything is natural and everything is ahead: the discovery of new lands and flights to unknown stars. Childhood is our future affairs, future songs. This is the future of our Motherland.

Ved. What was your favorite season as a child?

Ved. Guess the season:

The weather is hot

the sun rises early

in the afternoon and warms and bakes,

The river beckons us with coolness

I need to go to the forest for berries. (Summer)

Ved. Summer is a childish time of the year. Summer is good for children, all day in the air. There are many things to do, there is no time to be bored. In winter they read fairy tales, and in summer they read fairy tales. Here the rose hips are blooming. Can't little Thumbelina sleep on the soft covers of its petals? And the ants? Aren't they enchanted people? Look what roads they built in the forest, how well they work, how they take care of each other? What about dragonflies? Butterflies? Aren't they good fairies? Many, many interesting things in the summer. Children love summer.

Song "Summer". Senior gr.

Ved. Each person strives for his homeland to become even more beautiful, even richer, because it is one. All the main things for a person are one. Life is one, heart is one. And the homeland is also one. Without a homeland, a person is like a tree without a root.

Ved. There is no edge in the world more beautiful

There is no Motherland, the world is brighter!

Russia, Russia, Russia -

What could be dearer to your heart?

And if we were suddenly asked:

"Why is the country dear to you?"

Yes, the fact that Russia is for all of us.

Like a dear mother - one!

Ved. Our pupils are only at the beginning of their journey. But already now they want to study well, become competent specialists, work for the good of the Motherland and glorify it with good deeds.

Ved. Our Russia is great and our people are talented.

wood and clay were turned into a fairy tale.

young people were taught their art.

They taught us to sing songs and drive merry dances.

Ved. A long time ago, in ancient times, in ancient times, there were Russians on earth, skilled craftsmen and craftswomen, hardworking farmers, brave, strong noble warriors. They lived honestly and gloriously, erected temples and mansions, raised children and composed songs for the glory of the Fatherland.

Ved. Russia is like a word from a song.

Birch young foliage.

Around forests, fields and rivers,

Expansion, Russian soul.

I love you, my Russia,
for the clear light of your eyes,

I love, I understand with all my heart

The steppes are mysterious sadness.

I love everything that is called

In one broad word - Russia!

Ved. How great is my land

How wide are the expanses!

Lakes, rivers and fields

forests and steppe and mountains!

My country is spread out

North to South:

When spring is in one corner,

Suddenly - snow and a blizzard.

Ved. And a train across my country

To the border from the border

Not less than ten days

And then it barely rushes.

And in cities and among the seas,

And among the collective farm arable lands -

Everywhere you meet people

Relatives, our Russian.

Ved. We live in a joyful land

And we must know him -

My beloved country,

Your beloved land of light.

Ved. Our country is big and very beautiful. Every corner of it is unique. In one city there are many factories, high houses and wide avenues, the other is famous for its ancient monuments. One village stands on the banks of a large river, while the other is lost in the dense taiga, widespread in the steppe or on the seashore. And of course, in every corner of our country, children sing about the Motherland, about Russia.

Ved. You are in everyone's heart, Motherland, Russia!

White birches, a spike of spilled.

You are not more free, you are not more beautiful,

There is no other homeland in the world!

Ved. Dear friends! Our holiday ends. We wish you peace, goodness and prosperity. Once again, happy holiday - Day of Russia!




holiday dedicated

Day of Russia:

"There is no Motherland more beautiful than Russia"

Art. educator

Merentsova E.O.


2013 g.

The scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Day of Russia (June 12) is intended for a joint concert with parents, residents of the microdistrict, other educational institutions and organizations. Pupils, kindergarten graduates, kindergarten employees can participate in the holiday.

Purpose: To promote the formation of moral and patriotic feelings among preschoolers through love for the Motherland, native land, respect for the older generation.

Holiday progress

Ved. Hello dear guests! Tomorrow our country celebrates the Day of Russia!

In 1994, by the decree of the first President of Russia Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, June 12 was declaredDay of the adoption of the declaration of state sovereignty of Russia.Later they began to call him simplyIndependence day,although the people interpreted the holiday in different ways. In 1998 B. Yeltsin suggested celebrating June 12 as Russia Day ... The holiday was officially named only on February 1, 2002. Now the Day of Russia is a symbolnational unity and common responsibility for the present and future of the Motherland.

Ved. We live in a country that has an amazingly beautiful name - Russia. Do you know why our country has such a name?

Ved. For clear dawns, washed with dew,

For the Russian field with tall ears,

Behind the rivers pouring in blue flames

You were named in Slavic - Russia.

Ved. There are many wonderful countries on Earth, people live everywhere, in one country they live richer, more satisfying. In the other - poorer, worse. There are all kinds of countries, but Russia is an extraordinary country, because it our homeland.

Ved. Every leaf, every stream

There is the main thing in the world - there is a homeland.

For weeping willow

There is no river more mile

For a little white birch

The edge has no relatives.

There is a branch at the leaf,

A ravine by the stream.

Everyone in the world has their own homeland.

The country where we were born

Where we live happily

We call our native lands Russia.

Ved. Motherland means native, like mother and father. Motherland is the place where we were born, the country in which we live, of which we are citizens. Love for Russia in each of us begins with love for the places where you were born and live.

Ved. If they say the word "Motherland"

Immediately rises in memory

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch - shy

And a chamomile bump.

And others will probably remember

His own Moscow courtyard.

Or the steppe, red from poppies,

Golden virgin land

Homeland is different

But everyone has one.

Ved. The Russian people have added many proverbs and sayings about the Motherland:

  • There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland!
  • Do not spare your life or strength for your Motherland.
  • A person has one mother - one motherland!
  • To live - to serve the Motherland!
  • Homeland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.
  • Take care of the dear land, like a beloved mother.
  • Native land is sweet in a handful.
  • A man without a homeland is like a land without a seed.

Ved. All of them teach us goodness, love for the Motherland, the ability to defend it from enemies.

Theatricalization of the fairy tale "Teremok" in English. lang. Preparatory gr.

Ved. Our children are still very young, but we adults can teach them to take care of the Motherland, to love it,

make it more beautiful. A child is not born evil or kind, moral or immoral. What moral qualities a child will develop depends, first of all, on us adults, parents, grandmothers and grandfathers. Is it so difficult not to litter on the street, not break bushes and trees, not trample down the lawns? And the most important thing is to love your loved ones, your family.

Ved. There are so many words in the world

Like snowflakes in winter.

But take, for example, these:

The word "I" and the word "We".

"I" is lonely in the world,

There is not much good in the "I".

One or one

It's hard to deal with adversity.

The word "We" is stronger than "I".

We are family and we are friends.

We are the people and we are one.

Together we are invincible.

The song "What is a family?" Senior gr.

Ved. Wonderful time Childhood. Childhood barefoot! In Childhood, everything is simple and elementary. In Childhood, everything is natural and everything is ahead: the discovery of new lands and flights to unknown stars. Childhood is our future affairs, future songs. This is the future of our Motherland.

Song "Giants". Kindergarten graduates are prepared. gr.

Ved. What was your favorite season as a child?

Ved. Guess the season:

The weather is hot

the sun rises early

in the afternoon and warms and bakes,

The river beckons us with coolness

I need to go to the forest for berries. (Summer)

Ved. Summer is a childish time of the year. Summer is good for children, all day in the air. There are many things to do, there is no time to be bored. In winter they read fairy tales, and in summer they read fairy tales. Here the rose hips are blooming. Can't little Thumbelina sleep on the soft covers of its petals? And the ants? Aren't they enchanted people? Look what roads they built in the forest, how well they work, how they take care of each other? What about dragonflies? Butterflies? Aren't they good fairies? Many, many interesting things in the summer. Children love summer.

Song "Summer". Senior gr.

Ved. Each person strives for his homeland to become even more beautiful, even richer, because it is one. All the main things for a person are one. Life is one, heart is one. And the homeland is also one. Without a homeland, a person is like a tree without a root.

Ved. There is no edge in the world more beautiful

There is no Motherland, the world is brighter!

Russia, Russia, Russia -

What could be dearer to your heart?

And if we were suddenly asked:

"Why is the country dear to you?"

Yes, the fact that Russia is for all of us.

Like a dear mother - one!

Ved. Our pupils are only at the beginning of their journey. But already now they want to study well, become competent specialists, work for the good of the Motherland and glorify it with good deeds.

Ved. Our Russia is great and our people are talented.

Russia became famous for the miracle - the masters,
wood and clay were turned into a fairy tale.

They created beauty with paints and a brush,
young people were taught their art.

They taught us to sing songs and drive merry dances.

Dance "One palm, two palms." Senior gr.

Ved. A long time ago, in ancient times, in ancient times, there were Russians on earth, skilled craftsmen and craftswomen, hardworking farmers, brave, strong noble warriors. They lived honestly and gloriously, erected temples and mansions, raised children and composed songs for the glory of the Fatherland.

Ved. Russia is like a word from a song.

Birch young foliage.

Around forests, fields and rivers,

Expansion, Russian soul.

I love you, my Russia,
for the clear light of your eyes,

For the mind, for the holy deeds,

I love, I understand with all my heart

The steppes are mysterious sadness.

I love everything that is called

In one broad word - Russia!

The song "Oh yes, Russia". Music director

Ved. How great is my land

How wide are the expanses!

Lakes, rivers and fields

forests and steppe and mountains!

My country is spread out

North to South:

When spring is in one corner,

Suddenly - snow and a blizzard.

Ved. And a train across my country

To the border from the border

Not less than ten days

And then it barely rushes.

And in cities and among the seas,

And among the collective farm arable lands -

Everywhere you meet people

Relatives, our Russian.

Ved. We live in a joyful land

And we must know him -

My beloved country,

Your beloved land of light.

Ved. Our country is big and very beautiful. Every corner of it is unique. In one city there are many factories, high houses and wide avenues, the other is famous for its ancient monuments. One village stands on the banks of a large river, while the other is lost in the dense taiga, widespread in the steppe or on the seashore. And of course, in every corner of our country, children sing about the Motherland, about Russia.

Song "About the Motherland". Graduates of gr.

Ved. You are in everyone's heart, Motherland, Russia!

White birches, a spike of spilled.

You are not more free, you are not more beautiful,

There is no other homeland in the world!

Ved. Dear friends! Our holiday ends. We wish you peace, goodness and prosperity. Once again, happy holiday - Day of Russia!

All Russian people are walking:
They have a holiday today.
Drinks together for the Day of Russia
Both the janitor and the diamond worker.

Day of the country is big and friendly,
Day of Russia, strong, necessary!
Our Fatherland, our eternal shelter,
Where they believe, hope, love and wait.

May the native country prosper
She gave us so many great lives.
Bright sun and peaceful sky
Remember Russia, wherever you are!

Happy Russia Day! The greatness and power of our country evokes awe and respect. Let there be a place in the soul of every citizen for love for their homeland. May the strength of the spirit of the ancestors bring development and prosperity, give strength for great achievements and faith in a wonderful future. May the generosity of the Russian land bring prosperity and comfort, peace and harmony to every home! I wish you happiness and prosperity!

In the days of June gold -
The sun and flowers are full,
New holiday - the day of Russia -
Celebrated by the whole country.

Over forests and fields
Towns and villages
The holiday will spread with a song
And it will penetrate into every home.

Ah, Russia, dear land,
Blue-eyed power
You live and prosper
For everyone's joy and glory.

Today the invincible people celebrate
Day of his great, strong homeland.
Today is the day of the mighty and beloved
Our homeland is Mother Russia.

I congratulate and wish you happiness
On the day of our native state.
Don't get tired of believing, living, falling in love.
And remember that the Motherland is beautiful!

I wish you joy, prosperity
And true loyal friends.
In business - good luck, luck, order.
Do not forget about your homeland.

Russia is growing every day,
Sometimes it gets richer
He looks at Europe crookedly,
Like, you don’t meddle here.

We will figure it out ourselves
Where do we have here that how much,
But don't wait, don't get drunk!
Happy Russia Day, Russian Day!

Happy Day of Russia, the country of boundless,
I congratulate you now.
Let everything be fine in life.
I did not get scanty so that the stock was lucky.

Let the country be like a kind mother
It will keep you from all the problems.
For joy to come to the Russians,
Endless world of light, love.

May our beloved Russia
Good God protects from all troubles.
So that she is invincible.
To wait for her forever honor.

Today is a holiday for the country
Her name is Russia.
Love a beauty must
All residents are simple.

Let Fate be bright
For every house
To become the first country
We were proud to have kids.

I congratulate you on the day of Russia,
Let the country flourish
On a holiday, I wish you to appreciate
You have a two-headed eagle.

May you live happily
In a strong and great power,
I wish you to live in abundance
In the country, beloved and dear.

How the birch grove rustles,
Flowing emerald greens!
It's much easier to say about love
Under the intoxicating trills of a nightingale.

Drowning in a bed of daisies
I won't get enough of the sky above you ...
You are not more spacious and more beautiful!
Russia, I love you! I'm proud of you!

Let the wind scratch under the peaceful sun
The curls of the white-barreled queens
Every day will be bright for citizens
A joyful melody flows in souls,

And the children laugh as they grow up
In your blue open spaces.
So live, Russia, prosperous!
And be happier than other countries!

Tricolors flutter the wind
Reflecting in the sky
All the colors of the native flag
Let the whole country rejoice.

We deserve freedom
Life, dignity and honor,
Our will is made of iron
And we have countless riches.

Happy Russia Day,
All our great people,
And I wish not to give up
And in life - just forward!

Holiday script

Musical director:

Akhmedova R.N.

Kogalym 2015

Purpose of the holiday: foster love and pride for their country of Russia, and respect for the traditions and symbols of their people.

1. To acquaint children with the concepts:

State flag of the Russian Federation;

State emblem of the Russian Federation;

State Anthem of the Russian Federation.

2. To develop interest in the symbols of Russia.

3. To foster patriotic feelings and love for the homeland.

4. To learn to emotionally convey musical and artistic images, to expand the creative abilities of children.

Preliminary work:

Conversations of educators with children of senior preschool age on the topics: "Our flag", "Our coat of arms", "Our anthem". Memorizing poems and songs about Russia, the anthem of the Russian Federation. Examination of illustrations with the image of the Russian flag, coat of arms. Exhibition of children's drawings in the group "Magic Colors" on the topic: "My native land."

Holiday progress:

MODERATOR: Dear children! Again we were gathered by a beautiful, music hall. Means, something interesting is near.

We continue to rejoice in the summer, which has brought us a warm sun, birdsong, bright colors and the fragrance of flowers Let's sing a song about it!


Children! What holiday did we celebrate on the first day of summer?


That's right, a funny, magical holiday of childhood: Children's Day. You have shown that you have fun and joyful life, that you love to sing, play, draw!

Leading : Guys, if you agree with me, say "YES"!
- what is the mood, in?
- is everyone of that opinion?
- all without exception?
- have we grown up?
- did we manage everything?
- Did we make it everywhere?
- one for all?
- and all for one?
- is your health ok?
- Do you have fun?

Do you like to play?

And celebrate your birthday?

Children, today we have gathered on the eve of a big holiday - the country's birthday. And this holiday is a holiday for each of us, it is a common celebration, because the birthday is for our common Motherland, our Russia.

We were born and live in this country.

A child reads:

1.Russia Day is coming

All congratulate each other!

Flags, balls, flowers!

You and I will celebrate the holiday!

2.If long, long, long

Fly us on the plane

If long, long, long

We should look at Russia,

3.What we will see then

And forests and cities,

Ocean expanses

Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains ...

4.We will see a distance without an edge,

Tundra where spring rings

And then we will understand what

Our homeland is big

An immense country!


MODERATOR: And now the guys will read beautiful words in their homeland.

1.Different people live in Russia

Peoples for a long time.

One likes the taiga,

Others - the steppe expanse.

2. Each nation has its own language and dress.

One wears a Circassian coat,

Another put on a robe.

3.One fisherman since birth,

The other is a reindeer herder.

One cooks kumis,

Another prepares honey.

4.One lovelier autumn,

To others - spring is more pleasant.

Homeland Russia

We all have one.

MODERATOR: (well done guys, thanks for the beautiful poems) Every country has state symbols. This distinguishes and distinguishes one country from another.

And Russia has state symbols. Let's remember them. This is the COAT OF ARMS, FLAG AND ANTHEM.

MODERATOR: A child reads:

We are also citizens of the country,

We are faithful to our Motherland!

We are proud of the flag and coat of arms

The anthem will sound - we all get up!


ANTHEM is a solemn song that glorifies our country. The anthem is played at important state events, holidays, parades, and sports competitions. The anthem is listened to while standing. This is how we express our respect for our country.(CHILDREN LISTEN TO THE ANTHEM OF RUSSIA).

A child reads:

I will remember the symbols

Anthem, flag, coat of arms - my friends!

Russia will be recognized by them,

And the children sing a song to her!



Not a single holiday, especially a birthday, is complete without games.


Guys, as at any holiday, of course, we want to have fun,

Children do you agree with me?

Children: Yes!

MODERATOR: Do you want to play?

Children: YES!

Now I propose to hold the game - the baton

"Who will deliver the State Flag of the Russian Federation as soon as possible."

/ a relay game is held: 4 children, at the request of the children, are invited from each group; a team captain is appointed; the captains of the teams are given a flag. The participants in the relay must run around the obstacle (pins) and pass the flag to the next participant. The one who completes the task faster is the winner. The game is played 2 times /.


And now I offer you a game for attentiveness and speed - "Make up the Russian flag"

/ invite one child from each group to play: magnetic boards, 3 magnets, rectangles: white, blue, red. Assignment: who will make the flag faster and correctly, the game is played 2 - 3 times /


Children read:

Let our Motherland bloom!

Let Russia live in peace!

Children grow up under the sun

And they sing loudly songs

Glory to the Motherland! Country!

Glory to the world on earth!

Glory to the grandfathers and fathers!

Preschoolers, it means us!

Now let's dance a fun dance (children stand in loose)


Host: Dear children! Once again, I congratulate you on a wonderful day - June 12 - the day of Russia's independence! I wish Russia prosperity, so that

the sun always shone over her and gave grace and happiness to all of us, Russians!

Victoria Volgina

Scenario of the musical and sports festival "Day of Russia"


Formation of children's knowledge about Russia, its symbols.


Consolidate children's knowledge about Russia, the official symbols of our Motherland.

Raise patriotic feelings in children, feelings of pride in their country, respect for its history.

Contribute to the creation of positive emotions.

Preliminary work:

Conversations between educators and children

Memorizing poems and songs about Russia,

Acquaintance with the "Anthem" of the Russian Federation.

Examination of illustrations with the image of the Russian flag, coat of arms.


flag and coat of arms of the Russian Federation, phonogram with the record of the Anthem of the Russian Federation muses. A. Alexandrova, 2 flags, ribbons of blue, white and red, handkerchiefs (by the number of girls, musical instruments.

Holiday progress:

Song of V. Basner to the words of M. Matusovsky sounds

"Where does the Motherland begin?"

June 12 - the holiday of the Day of Independence of Russia. On this day we are honoring our Motherland. Day of Russia is a holiday of freedom, peace, and goodness.

Russia! Russia! Your holiday is today;

Both adults and children are a national holiday!

Here it is Russia, our country,

She is very, very big,

Russia is the Motherland, our home,

Where we live with you!

Our country is very large and beautiful. It is home to 100 nations and nationalities. There are many minerals on the territory of Russia. The nature is very diverse: there are mountains and steppes, many rivers, seas, forests and lakes. There are many old and new cities, villages and towns in Russia.

This holiday symbolizes the unity of our entire multinational people, reminds us that everyone is responsible for the present and future of our Motherland.

What do we call the Motherland?

The house where you and I live

And birches along which,

We walk next to my mother.

What do we call the Motherland?

A field with a thin spikelet

Our holidays and songs

Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call the Motherland?

All that we cherish in our hearts

And under the blue-blue sky

Russian flag over the Kremlin.

Each country has state symbols, its own distinctive signs.

Guys, what symbols do you know? (children's answers - Flag, coat of arms, anthem)

Like all countries in the world, Russia has its own coat of arms, flag and anthem - these are state symbols. We always respectfully, respectfully treat the symbols of our country, thereby showing love for Russia and pride in the fact that we are citizens of Russia!

The hymn is a special solemn song, it is performed in solemn moments. The music of the anthem is unhurried and dignified. It sings about love for the Motherland - Russia, about respect for its history, about the beauty of its nature, about hope for a wonderful future. When a hymn is sung, it is sung and listened to while standing, with respect.

Today, friends, we must hear

The main music of our country.

It is called shortly - "Anthem",

We meet with him every morning!

The phonogram of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation sounds

(music by A. Alexandrov, lyrics by S. Mikhalkov

Our country has a beautiful coat of arms, it depicts a two-headed eagle, whose heads look in different directions.

(show the children the State Emblem of the Russian Federation)

Russia has a stately

There is a double-headed eagle on the coat of arms,

To the west and east

He could have looked at once.

Strong, wise and proud.

He is a free spirit of Russia.

The third symbol of our country is the State Flag of the Russian Federation. (Show the flag of the Russian Federation)

Three colors on the flag of Russia:

Red, white and blue.

White color - birch,

Blue is the color of the sky

Red stripe -

Sunny sunrise.

The national flag of the Russian Federation is raised on special occasions. Flags are hung out during the holidays, which are celebrated by the whole country.

Guys, as at any holiday, we certainly want to have fun. And why not, let's play, now I propose to hold a game - the relay race "Who will deliver the flag faster."

Game "Collect the flag"

Children are given blue, red and white ribbons. While the music is playing, the children are dancing, as soon as the music stops, the children must unite in three teams - with blue, red and white ribbons.

Option 2. Children gather in threes and lay out the flag of Russia from ribbons, observing the rules of the sequence of colors.

Many wonderful proverbs and sayings have been put down by the people about our country, about the Motherland.

Read by children from different groups:

The native side is the mother, the stranger is the stepmother.

Needed where was born.

There is no more beautiful Motherland in the world.

The homeland is more beautiful than the sun, more precious than gold.

A beloved homeland is like a dear mother.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland!

Do not spare your life or strength for your Motherland.

A person has one mother - one motherland!

To live - to serve the Motherland!

Homeland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

Take care of the dear land, like a beloved mother.

Native land is sweet in a handful.

A man without a homeland is like a land without a seed.

Ved. All of them teach us goodness, love for the Motherland, the ability to defend it from enemies.

"The fastest".

It will be necessary to take the ball in hand at the signal of the whistle, run with a snake to the landmark and return to the team.

Ready! Reade set Go. (music)

Relay "Overcome the Obstacles".

2 teams participate. At the signal of the whistle, you need to run to the hoop, climb into it, jump over the cube, run to the landmark, run back to the team and pass the baton to the next participant.

Noise Orchestra.

Our Russian heritage is rich: gzhel, khokhloma, samovars and tues, wooden souvenirs and muses. tools and more. Our country has long been famous for its

craftsmen, because a talented and hardworking people live in Russia. In the old days, any product could be bought at the fair. And peddlers sold it.


In Russia peddlers have always been held in high esteem.

Ribbons, spoons, and handkerchiefs were sold at the bazaar.

We will not sell these spoons to you today,

We will return the spoons, we will entertain you all with the orchestra!

Russia has its own folk songs, games, dances. I propose to play Russian folk games: "Wattle", "Shoemaker"

In Russia, they danced in round dances,

Let not those years already today,

But, the people are still in love,

A Russian round dance, dear to my heart.

(4 - 6 participants in Russian folk costumes, start a round dance with the audience. They use a "move in a circle", "snake", "trickle" and others. You can do all this in the form of a game.)

General garden dance to the song “I, you, he, she - together a friendly family”, the group “Fidgets”.

The anthem of Russia sounds, a solemn moment - raising the flag of Russia

And what a holiday without fireworks. Firecrackers are thundering from the balcony!

Solemn triple "Hurray!"