Double entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus. Umbilical cord entanglement is a terrible diagnosis or a harmless nuance of pregnancy

Double cord entanglement is a fairly common complication of pregnancy. Its essence lies in the fact that the umbilical cord twice braids any part of the fetus's body. Modern clinical technologies make it possible to carry out childbirth with this pathology in most cases without consequences for the mother or fetus. Depending on the type of entanglement and possible threats to the fetus, the method of delivery is selected.

What are the risks for a child whose intrauterine development occurs with a double entanglement? Is it possible to prevent the occurrence of such a defect?


An umbilical cord entanglement may occur if the following factors are present:

  • Fetal hypoxia. If the fetus is regularly deficient in oxygen for one reason or another, then his body can react to this with increased motor activity, which is why the baby can get entangled in the loops of its own umbilical cord and its further intrauterine development will proceed in this position.

  • Increased concentration of adrenaline in the mother's blood. This factor also affects the frequency of active fetal movements.
  • Too long umbilical cord(more than 0.6 m).
  • Polyhydramnios. Too much free space around the baby often causes the appearance of repeated entanglement with the umbilical cord.

Usually, a double entanglement with the umbilical cord is diagnosed up to 28-32 weeks, since after this period the fetus becomes large enough, which prevents its active movement in the womb.

Indicate the first day of your last period

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The main danger posed by compression of the baby's neck with the umbilical cord is hypoxia. Also, a similar complication of pregnancy can lead to injuries during childbirth. Children with double entanglement may further suffer from recurrent migraine attacks, hypertension (persistent increase in blood pressure) or hypotension (persistent decrease in blood pressure), as well as reduced working capacity.

Persistent fetal hypoxia can cause the death of the baby or lead to the development of severe neurological disorders due to the death of brain cells. This happens quite rarely, and in such situations, doctors generally prescribe delivery by caesarean section.

The consequences for the body from oxygen starvation are not always manifested by obvious structural or physiological defects. In addition, the severity of the resulting brain damage during hypoxia may differ in different children: for some, double cord entanglement is just an entry in the medical record, and for others, it is the reason for constantly sitting at the doctors' offices.

However, one should not think that if during childbirth the child experienced hypoxia and received damage in the form of any violations, then such a baby is guaranteed disability. With all medical recommendations, careful care and attention, such a child has every chance to grow up healthy and be no different from his peers.


It is possible to identify the presence of double entanglement with the umbilical cord using cardiotocography. The essence of this diagnostic study is to continuously record the fetal heart rate and the degree of uterine tone. According to the indicators taken from CTG, the specialist can determine whether there is oxygen starvation of the fetus.

To confirm the diagnosis, an ultrasound scan is performed, thanks to which it is possible to visualize the fetus and identify the entanglement of the umbilical cord. Thanks to the data obtained, the doctor will be able to accurately name the number of loops entwining the baby's body, and assess the nature of the entanglement - very tight, strong or not.




As a preventive measure, in order to avoid the occurrence of entanglement of the fetus, the expectant mother should follow a number of recommendations:

  • normalize (as far as possible) your emotional background;
  • walk more often and be in stuffy, unventilated rooms as rarely as possible;
  • observe the basic principles of good nutrition;
  • visit a doctor in a timely manner, pass all the examinations prescribed by him on time;
  • systematically engage in gymnastics for pregnant women, having previously agreed on the list of exercises with your obstetrician.

Often, with repeated entanglement and tight compression of the baby's neck with the umbilical cord, the expectant mother is placed under observation in a hospital.

If the situation becomes threatening, the obstetrician supervising the pregnancy may recommend early delivery.

Obstetric care

In world clinical practice, in most cases, natural childbirth with entanglement ends successfully. If in this case neither the fetus nor the mother has concomitant pathologies, then they are discharged from the hospital on a general basis after a few days. However, childbirth in a woman who has been diagnosed with fetal entanglement should proceed with increased medical supervision, which includes monitoring the fetal heart rate in the first and second stages of labor. For this, the methods of instrumental diagnostics are used: ultrasound, Doppler ultrasound and cardiotocography.

Doppler ultrasonography

When the baby's head is born, the doctor removes the umbilical cord loops from his neck and labor continues as usual. Only with tight or multiple entanglement is the question of operative delivery raised. In some situations, this may be the only way to avoid birth complications.


Despite the advancing progress by leaps and bounds, in our society, judging by the numerous reviews, superstitions associated with various signs are still quite popular. During pregnancy, even the most sane woman tends to give in to prejudice. This is largely due to fear for the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, pregnant women often do not dare to do needlework, explaining this by the fact that such actions allegedly can provoke the appearance of umbilical cord loops in the future baby's neck.

This is due to the fact that in the old days women were engaged in knitting and sewing in poorly lit huts, which were heated by a wood-burning stove, which made the air in the house rather stuffy. Because of this, the fetus for a considerable time was in a state that was not very useful for a woman, because the mother sat for a long time in a motionless position, slouched over. As a result, the baby experienced a lack of oxygen and, as a result, began to actively move, which often became the reason for throwing the umbilical cord loops around the neck. Noticing such a pattern, the people made up signs, which in our time continue to intimidate some overly impressionable pregnant women.

Today, most women have the opportunity to provide themselves with comfortable conditions for needlework. Therefore, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of spending time doing what you love because of superstition.

There is also a belief that the umbilical cord entanglement is formed when the arms are raised frequently. In fact, there is nothing dangerous in raising hands, just in the old days women of the peasant class did hard work, raising their hands, for example, hanging wet clothes. Actions of this nature could provoke excessive activity of the fetus, which, in turn, could cause the appearance of entanglement.

Our contemporaries have the ability to limit physical activity to acceptable limits, so if a woman in a “position” raises her hand to get a book from the shelf, her child will not be harmed by this, especially in the early weeks of gestation.

If hand lifts are performed as part of health-improving gymnastics, then such movements will benefit both the expectant mother and the baby.

Nowadays, when perinatal diagnostics has reached unprecedented heights, cord entanglement is not an extremely threatening condition for the fetus. It is possible to avoid the development of serious pathologies due to hypoxia, provided that a specialist is visited in a timely manner and all his appointments are accurately fulfilled. It is also important to actively engage in the prevention of the development of such a complication.

For more information on double cord entanglement, see the next video.

The expectant mother often hears stories about the umbilical cord entwining the baby. What it is? Is the entanglement of the umbilical cord dangerous? Can you avoid it?

When entwined, the free length of the umbilical cord decreases, too short an umbilical cord in the laboring period of labor makes the fetus "spring" in the birth canal - the umbilical cord attached to the placenta can prevent the baby from coming out. In such cases, the doctor will usually perform an episiotomy (incision of the perineum) in order to facilitate the birth of the baby. If the fetus is already suffering from hypoxia, vacuum extraction of the fetus or forceps may be used to speed up the extraction of the baby.
Immediately after the birth of the head, the obstetrician frees the neck from the loops of the umbilical cord, thereby preventing its strong tension and impaired blood flow through it. At this moment, a woman should not push, which the obstetrician will surely say. In childbirth with an umbilical cord entanglement, it is very important to strictly follow the instructions of doctors: this will reduce the risk of injury to the mother and child.

Four-fold entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck by ultrasound:

With new modern methods of research and control over the condition of a pregnant woman, a woman in labor and a child, the cord entanglement is no longer as dangerous as it used to be, and allows you to give birth to a healthy baby.

The umbilical cord is the link between mother and fetus. This cord provides the baby with everything necessary for growth and normal development, and he, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, can become a serious obstacle to the successful birth of a child. One of the complications of pregnancy, which is found mainly shortly before childbirth, is the entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord. About the causes of the pathology and ways to solve the problem further in the article.

The umbilical cord begins to form 2 weeks after conception. The standard length of the umbilical cord varies from 40 to 60 cm. Connective tissue, the umbilical vein and two arteries are isolated in the structure of the life-supporting organ. The blood vessels are coiled inside the umbilical cord. Through the vein, along with arterial blood to the embryo, and a little later to the fetus, oxygen and nutrients are supplied from the mother's body. Venous blood and waste products of metabolism travel from the heart of the fetus to the mother through the arteries. The fetus needs the umbilical cord only for the period of its intrauterine development. After childbirth, doctors cut the umbilical cord, and the baby's independent life begins.

The umbilical cord, the length of which exceeds 70 cm, is considered by doctors as a potential source of complications. Such a non-standard umbilical cord can be tied in a knot or twisted around the child. Umbilical cord entanglement during pregnancy is a very common phenomenon in recent years. Meanwhile, sometimes it is enough to have at least a general idea of ​​the reasons that cause such a problem in order to exclude them during pregnancy.

Causes of the umbilical cord entanglement

In modern society, there are still many superstitions, with the help of which previous generations tried to find an explanation for this pathological phenomenon. The mom-to-be must have a fair amount of skepticism in order to separate the true facts from the pure water of fiction. For example, you should not take on faith fictions that pregnant women should not knit or weave, raise their hands up, and generally do exercises in the later stages of an "interesting" position. If the complex of physical exercises is selected taking into account medical recommendations, then it will go to the mother and the baby exclusively for the benefit.

But the risk factors, which we list below, should be taken seriously by a pregnant woman, since all of them, to one degree or another, provoke the entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord:

  • the fetus is in a state of hypoxia;
  • the presence in the diet of a pregnant woman of foods and drinks that excite the central nervous system. Expectant mothers should not get carried away with dark chocolate, dishes with the addition of fresh garlic, black coffee, tea and cocoa;
  • frequent stresses and situations that cause excessive excitement and an increase in adrenaline in the blood in a pregnant woman;
  • polyhydramnios.

These factors force the fetus in the womb to move more actively, and if the umbilical cord is too long, the child runs the risk of simply getting tangled in it, and then the mother will hear a disappointing diagnosis - the umbilical cord entwined around the baby's neck or body. To draw up a plan for further action, the violation must be diagnosed promptly and in a timely manner.

Symptoms of the cord entanglement and diagnosis of pathology

The clear and only external sign of complication is the child's excessive mobility. If the baby does not have enough oxygen, he literally falls into a panic, as evidenced by his too active and chaotic movements: every now and then he pushes and turns over.

Achievements of modern medicine make the diagnosis of cord entanglement available from the 17th week of pregnancy. If the diagnosis is confirmed at such an early date, the expectant mother should by no means despair, since doctors regard this condition not as a pathology, but as a factor of increased risk.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, when the space around the fetus still allows it to move actively, the umbilical cord, in addition to entanglement, can become tangled in a knot. Experts classify such nodes into true and false:

  • a true node is a serious complication in which the blood vessels are greatly overtightened, as a result of which the access of vital oxygen to the fetus can be blocked;
  • false knot means twisting of the umbilical cord or the development of varicose veins in one of its sections. Although this phenomenon cannot be called natural, it does not pose any danger for the blood supply of the child.

Finding out exactly how the umbilical cord is located is possible only with the help of laboratory research. The diagnostic program is as follows:

  1. First, a cardiotocographic study (CTG) is performed, which will help to find out how the baby is feeling. During the procedure, not only the fetal heart rate is recorded, but also its reaction to its own movements (if CTG is performed during pregnancy) and to an increase in uterine tone (if CTG is performed during childbirth). According to the results of the examination, it is possible to judge the presence of intrauterine hypoxia in the fetus due to the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck. A sign of such a pathology is the absence or decrease in the baby's heartbeats.
  2. After CTG, ultrasound is performed. This procedure allows you to accurately establish or assume the presence of pathology. Sometimes problems arise with the diagnosis of an umbilical cord entanglement on an ultrasound scan: it is not always possible to see the picture on the monitor well and understand how the umbilical cord is located - around or near the fetus's neck. The ultrasound examination procedure does not allow viewing the fetus from all sides.
  3. If the question of entanglement of the fetus with the umbilical cord after ultrasound remains open, dopplerometry is prescribed. This diagnostic method allows you to reliably establish whether a pathology really exists and how dangerous it is for a child. During the procedure, the doctor can see the movement of blood flow in a color image, as well as establish the strength and speed of blood flow in different parts of the uterus and placenta.

If the diagnostic results are satisfactory, that is, the doctors did not find a threat to the baby's life, the pregnant woman should not have cause for concern. The entanglement is often removed spontaneously. By actively moving the arms and legs, the child unravels in the same way as he gets entangled. Indications for emergency intervention are:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • the umbilical cord entanglement of the child's neck against the background of other indications for childbirth through a cesarean section.

Consequences of the umbilical cord entanglement

How this pathology will affect the child's condition depends on the degree of complexity of the entanglement:

  1. Single and multiple (two or three loops) entanglement is determined by how many times the umbilical cord is wrapped around the child or part of his body.
  2. Loose and tight umbilical cord entanglement.
  3. Isolated (a loop is formed only around one part of the fetus's body) and combined (the umbilical cord entangled different parts of the fetus's body).

Most often, doctors are faced with a non-tight, isolated, single cord entanglement. In this state of affairs, oxygen deficiency in a child occurs in isolated cases, that is, it is impossible to categorically assert that this condition is dangerous for the fetus. Spontaneous childbirth with a single entanglement of the umbilical cord, as a rule, is completed successfully. The doctor strictly controls the development of labor, all the time monitors the state of the child's heart rate in order to timely detect the onset of hypoxia. If it becomes necessary to stimulate labor that is protracted for some reason, the woman is given a special injection. As soon as the baby's head appears, the umbilical cord entangled in it is immediately unraveled.

If you have to deal with a tight, combined, double entanglement of the umbilical cord or only one of these complications, coupled with a breech presentation of the fetus, doctors will warn the expectant mother about the possible dangers:

  • oxygen deficiency, which develops when the umbilical cord pulls and squeezes the vessels of the baby's body, limbs or neck too much. This almost always happens when the child moves along the birth canal;
  • narrowing of the gaps between the vessels of the umbilical cord itself due to their excessive tension;
  • a sharp deterioration in the blood supply and, accordingly, the nutrition of the child's body;
  • suffocation;
  • reflex cessation of fetal cardiac activity;
  • placental abruption, followed by premature birth.

The combination of these consequences and each complication in particular pose a huge danger to the well-being of the baby. Therefore, it is advisable to play it safe, which is what doctors do when making a planned cesarean section for a woman after 37 weeks of pregnancy. An emergency operation is performed immediately after the situation, for one reason or another, gets out of control. At 38 weeks, the baby is already fully developed, formed and ready for independent life. In this situation, expectant mothers should not worry about the fact that they could not carry their baby for the prescribed 40 weeks - this is the payment for his right to life. If you abandon the caesarean section in favor of natural childbirth, if there is a complex entanglement, the baby may simply suffocate during the birth process.

Prevention of cord entanglement

Measures to prevent the development of pathology consist in the correct lifestyle and responsible compliance with the recommendations of the gynecologist. Here's what the expectant mother should do in order not to face the problem of the umbilical cord entanglement of the fetus:

  • stay calm and in good spirits, no matter what happens;
  • spend a lot of time outdoors;
  • buy a subscription to the pool - swimming soothes the mind and relaxes the body;
  • remember everything that the doctor says and advises, never neglect a planned visit to the antenatal clinic. With a slight circulatory disorder in the fetus, the expectant mother can be prescribed vitamins and nutrients - drugs that will support the baby's vitality against the background of a decrease in natural nutrition. In some cases, drugs that stimulate the movement of blood flow cannot be dispensed with;
  • master breathing exercises, having previously agreed on a set of exercises with a doctor;
  • attend yoga classes for pregnant women.

These measures will help prevent the development of hypoxia and, as a result, the baby will be calm and less mobile.

Umbilical cord entanglement: psychological aspect

Some time ago, psychologists began to consider the problem of the umbilical cord entanglement of the fetus from the point of view of psychosomatics. It turns out that this pathology can affect the physical and psychological health of the baby in the future. Negative consequences, as a rule, do not appear immediately, but only after a few years, when the child can already be considered as a conscious person. A sign of such a disorder may be the categorical refusal of the son or daughter to wear turtlenecks with a tight collar and tie scarves around the neck. The problem is so serious that all my mother's persuasions lead to tears and serious tantrums. In addition, in children whose intrauterine development was accompanied by entanglement with the umbilical cord, asphyxiation attacks are observed in stressful situations.

For parents whose babies have such problems, there are special recommendations:

  1. Get a consultation with a psychologist as early as possible.
  2. Do not put on the baby things that can cause him a panic attack (knee-highs, scarves).
  3. Try not to raise your voice to the child in case of disobedience, so as not to make him worry.

Note that the consequences of this nature arise when entwining the umbilical cord quite rarely, however, parents should know that this is possible.

A woman should discuss all her questions during pregnancy exclusively with doctors. It is the specialist who must decide what to do when the umbilical cord is entwined with the fetus in his patient. Responsibility and common sense will be required from the future mother: no acrobatic exercise will make the loops of the umbilical cord unravel. The same applies to dubious recipes of traditional medicine. In this situation, only a competent doctor will help.

Umbilical cord entanglement during pregnancy. Video

Any expectant mother always worries about the pregnancy going without complications, and the child developing normally, according to all indicators. Therefore, it is not surprising that a pregnant woman is frightened when she learns that her baby is entwined with an umbilical cord. The situation is aggravated by the numerous stories of gossips about how undesirable and dangerous an entanglement is for a child.

Yes, in reality, the cord is entwined - complication of pregnancy , but with a competent approach to resolving the issue, with the right tactics, entanglement turns out to be not as frightening as it might initially seem.

Modern medicine works wonders: with entanglement, doctors ensure optimal management of pregnancy and - without prejudice to the mother herself and the health of her baby - complete the delivery process.

Besides the placenta, the umbilical cord is the main link between the baby and the mother. It is through it that the fetus receives oxygen, important nutrients, trace elements and vitamins.

The umbilical cord is fully formed by about the fourteenth week of pregnancy and is normally approximately 40-60 centimeters long. In this case, the length of the umbilical cord is already determined genetically.

Interestingly, the umbilical cord entanglement is most typical just in a situation when its length is higher than normal and reaches more than seventy centimeters. Also, the risk increases with polyhydramnios and increased physical activity of the child.

The umbilical cord entanglement can be detected starting from the seventeenth weeks of pregnancy ... But if, nevertheless, the fact of presence was established, this does not mean at all that the entanglement will remain until the end of pregnancy: the child is both confused and has every chance of unraveling on its own.

Umbilical cord entanglement occurs most often around the baby's body, limbs, neck. For the fetus, even in the latter case, it is not dangerous - in the womb, the child does not breathe with the help of the lungs, but oxygen is supplied to it precisely through the umbilical cord. That is, if the vessels are not pinched in it, then the fetus will receive all the necessary nutrients in full.

The situation can be aggravated only when, during the entanglement with the umbilical cord, the blood vessels are clamped, as a result of which the blood flow is disturbed. Tracking fetal hypoxia will be a key aspect here.

The issue of tension is also important: from strong tension, premature placental abruption can occur, which is very undesirable. Therefore, careful control over the condition of the baby during pregnancy .

Umbilical cord entanglement shows ultrasound. A combined (around the neck and arms, legs of the baby) or isolated entanglement, tight or not tight, single or multiple, can be identified. If there is a suspicion of entanglement with the umbilical cord, the pregnant woman is prescribed a series of examinations to determine the presence or absence of danger to the child - first of all, the development of hypoxia.

So, the woman will be assigned doppleometry- a special procedure, with the help of which the necessary information about the state of blood flow in the placenta will be obtained.

Cardiotocography (CTG)- another examination, which makes it possible to track the movements and heartbeat of the baby, with the help of it you can establish the absence or presence of fetal hypoxia.

Doppler mapping will allow you to track how blood moves through the vessels of the umbilical cord. As a rule, it is customary to carry out such examinations several times during the entire pregnancy.

If the baby has not unraveled by the end of pregnancy, the doctor will determine the optimal delivery option closer to the due date. One- or two-fold not tight entanglement in most cases does not pose a danger, which means that childbirth can take place naturally. After the baby is born, the obstetrician will immediately release him from the umbilical cord loops, preventing its strong tension.

And here tight and repeated entanglement can cause asphyxia or hypoxia in a child, and in such a situation, doctors often resort to surgical methods of delivery. So, for a period of 37 weeks, a cesarean section can be prescribed if a deterioration in the condition of the fetus is recorded.

When the baby moves in the womb, the umbilical cord can twine around his neck, forming a loop. Why this is happening and what is dangerous - we will find out further.

Definition of pathology

The umbilical cord is also called the umbilical cord and is a formation that resembles a spirally twisted cord. It has the following characteristics:

  • gray-blue color;
  • matte surface;
  • 55-60 cm in length (during normal pregnancy);
  • about 2.5 cm thick.

When the umbilical cord loops around the fetus, this phenomenon is called entanglement. According to the classification of this pathology, entanglement occurs only around one part of the fetus's body - the neck, but at the same time, depending on the number of turns, entanglement can be one-, two- or multiple.

Single entanglement of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck

Almost 20% of pregnant women are faced with the problem of the umbilical cord entanglement. Most often, a single entanglement occurs, which does not tighten tightly on the neck. There are several reasons and they include:

  • Exceeding the length of the umbilical cord. It has a diameter of about 2 cm, and the length varies from 40 to 60 cm. These numbers are considered normal, but it can be about 70-80 cm long, in such cases women are at risk, since their baby can be entwined with an umbilical cord. These sizes are transmitted genetically and very often coincide with the parental ones.
  • Frequent experiences and nervousness, adrenaline rush.
  • An increase in the amount of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios).

These reasons are not accidental, because a long umbilical cord and polyhydramnios enable the child to move more freely, therefore entanglement occurs.

It is often rumored among pregnant women that if the child moves too actively, then he suffers from hypoxia. In fact, active perturbations do not mean anything like that.

When the fetus turns 28 weeks old, then he will have a daily regimen of the day. You can tell when your baby is asleep or awake. When moving, you need to pay attention to its activity. If the baby began to move less, then we can conclude that he is not well (there should be at least 10 fetal movements per day). Therefore, if the baby is inactive, then it is necessary to visit the gynecologist and consult with him.

With a single entanglement, natural childbirth is allowed. Many mothers give birth on their own, and as soon as the baby's head is shown, the midwife carefully removes the noose.

Twice the umbilical cord around the neck

There is also a double entanglement. If at the time of the ultrasound the child has reached 37 weeks, then he will not be able to unravel, since he no longer has enough room for maneuvers in his mother's tummy. But if a double entanglement was observed by ultrasound earlier than this period, then there is still a possibility that he will again be able to unravel on his own.

Double entanglement somewhat complicates childbirth in a natural way, so the obstetrician must be notified in advance so that the birth goes well.

Much depends on how the umbilical cord is wrapped. While the baby is in the womb, while the entanglement is not tight, there is no danger, since oxygen continues to flow through the umbilical cord, and not through the trachea. The main thing is that the umbilical cord is not pinched (the baby can press it himself), therefore, women with an umbilical cord entanglement of the fetus are recommended to periodically carry out Doppler measurements.

The woman in labor is allowed to give birth on her own, but they still prepare everything for the operation. At the slightest deviation in the health of the fetus, a cesarean section is performed.

Twisting the umbilical cord around the fetus's neck three times

There may also be a three-fold entanglement of the umbilical cord around the child's neck. This phenomenon is not particularly dangerous if it is not tight. The child receives oxygen through the umbilical artery, and if the entanglement is not tight, asphyxia does not occur. If there is a threefold tight entanglement, then oxygen starvation can be observed. Gynecologists determine this by Doppler and CTG. With such a violation, even with the help of a stethoscope, it is possible to determine the arrhythmia in a child.

At a long time, they begin to stimulate childbirth. In case of insufficient dilatation of the cervix of the uterus, the child is removed with the help of a cesarean. But the operation should be based on additional reasons:

  • the fetus is heavy;
  • the child is across;
  • a narrow pelvis in a woman in labor;
  • hypertension is detected.

What threatens the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck of the fetus?

Children with double or triple entanglement are at some risk. If there is a tight entanglement or squeezing of the umbilical cord, the child experiences a lack of oxygen and nutrients entering the child through the blood. His health immediately deteriorates, which can be registered on CTG.

The state of health of the fetus also depends on the duration of its oxygen deprivation. Rarely, but still it was observed that if the umbilical cord was tied tightly, and its length was significantly reduced, then the fetus had placental detachment. Therefore, if you do not consult a doctor in time when bleeding occurs, you can lose your child.

The entanglement of the umbilical cord also threatens the fact that the baby can injure the cervical vertebrae during childbirth. Therefore, the obstetrician giving birth must act according to the instructions.

All children are different and situations with entanglement are also different. So, for example, some children do not have any consequences, while others develop vegetative-vascular disorders.

Preventive measures

It is worth noting that the entanglement is formed due to the fact that the child is actively moving inside the fetal bladder, twisting the umbilical cord and falling into the loop. But at the same time, the parent can minimize the risk of entanglement if she observes some of the rules:

  • Take daily walks in the fresh air.
  • Sleep for at least 7 hours, and while sleeping, provide fresh air to the room.
  • Constantly be under the supervision of a gynecologist and follow all his recommendations.
  • In the third trimester of pregnancy, undergo CTG - a procedure that allows you to identify the nature of the heartbeat and the activity of the child. Based on its results, the doctor gives his recommendations.

If you find an entanglement, do not be nervous. The doctor may prescribe medications that support blood circulation in the fetal-placental region.

Video: Umbilical cord entanglement during childbirth

In the next video, the expert will tell you in detail what pregnant women should know about the umbilical cord entanglement around the fetus's neck:

Most often, the child is wrapped around once, and not tightly. Very rarely, repeatedly, in combination, that is, when the neck and leg are fixed. A single entanglement is not dangerous. Complicated are considered to be double and triple entanglement. Sometimes, when they are found, a planned cesarean section is performed. Prevention is the observance by the woman in labor of the daily regimen and complete peace of mind.