Factors for the appearance of black spots on the skin. Brown spots on the body: photo, causes, treatment

A large percentage of people sooner or later face such a problem as the appearance of pigmentation on the body. Particular concern cause brown spots on the skin that can look like a small dot, a small speck, or a mass of growths all over the body.

For the appearance of such skin defects, a special hormone is responsible - melanin, which is responsible for the color of living tissues in the body of every person. Often it is the excess of this natural dye that leads to the development of pigmentation on the skin. Moreover, the color of the eyes, hair and skin of a person directly depends on the amount of this hormone. Therefore, if melanin begins to be produced most actively in certain areas of the skin, this leads to the appearance of dark or brown spots.

In most cases pigmentation is not dangerous for health - it does not give a person any physical discomfort, is painless and completely imperceptible. The only thing that such a melanin malfunction in the body can affect is the aesthetic appearance. Otherwise, brown rashes are completely harmless.

However, there are a number of deviations in the work of the human body that can lead to the development of strong pigmentation. Moreover, a particularly dangerous condition is in which age spots begin to grow rapidly and change their structure. Such changes cannot be ignored, since they can lead to the development of complications or the formation of malignant tumors.

Causes of dark spots on the skin

Often, the appearance of brown skin rashes does not depend on the person himself. However, there are a number of key factors that can lead to the development of pigmentation:

Often, brown growths on the body do not pose any threat to human health and life. You need to sound the alarm only if the spots begin to quickly transform and change their shape.

Varieties of age spots

There are several types of age spots that appear on the body. They can differ from each other not only in shade, shape, but also in size and location. Therefore, before deciding to get rid of stains, you should find out what they are. Existing varieties of brown spots:

Dermatological diseases

The appearance of dark spots on the skin can be a sign of skin conditions:

In order to understand the cause of severe rashes and to establish what kind of brown formations appeared on the skin, you should undergo a diagnosis. Only after research can an accurate diagnosis be made regarding the advisability of treating pigmentation.

Diagnostic measures

If the neoplasms on the skin begin to progress, grow rapidly, peel off, crust over and change shade, you should visit a dermatologist and undergo a diagnosis as soon as possible. Often, to establish the cause of the appearance of rashes and the appointment of adequate therapy, it is required to undergo several specialists: an immunologist, a neurologist, an allergist, an endocrinologist.

Diagnosis of brown spots consists in the following activities:

If, when examining a patient, a specialist discovers side symptoms of diseases that provoked the appearance of spots on the body, he will be sent for consultation to other specialists for further diagnosis of pathology.

Pigmentation treatment depends on the reasons that provoked it. However, first, the factor that led to the appearance of brown spots on the skin is eliminated, after which a decision is made to remove the neoplasms themselves.

Preventive measures

Having an idea of ​​what factors and causes contribute to the appearance of such skin imperfections on the skin, you can resort to preventive measures that reduce the risks of developing pigmentation. Staining can be prevented by following these guidelines:

If you follow these simple rules throughout your life, then the likelihood of pigmentation on the skin will be minimized.

One of the important indicators of a person's health is the appearance of his skin. Dark spots on the skin can form in a variety of situations, including being a symptom of serious medical conditions. The cause of the pathology should be identified, examined and treated.

Main reasons

Areas of hyperpigmentation different in area and color intensity can form due to the following reasons:

Women are more prone to the formation of various spots. This is because they are more likely to experience hormonal changes in the body (adolescence, pregnancy, menopause).

Sometimes spots are caused by several factors. They must be taken into account when prescribing treatment.

A number of chronic pathologies lead to an increase in the production of melanin.... Most often, this symptom is accompanied by:

  • impaired liver function (hepatic type of melanosis);
  • tuberculosis (cachectic);
  • renal failure (uremic);
  • diseases of the organs of internal secretion (diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism).

Hyperpigmentation also accompanies poisoning with tar, arsenous compounds, oil or resins. For the same reason, this phenomenon is observed in people who have a great addiction to tobacco.

Varieties of stains

Doctors distinguish several types of age spots.

Becker's nevus (melanosis)

It occurs in young men during puberty - from 10 to 15 years. Much less often, this formation occurs in adult men or women. With it, a dark brown spot appears, irregular in shape and without clearly defined boundaries, up to 20 cm in diameter.

Favorite localization - on the legs, arms or chest. Increased hair growth is noted in the affected area. The disease is transmitted genetically, often there are familial cases of Becker's melanosis.

Melanosis Dubreya

With this deviation, a small speck is observed, which slightly rises above the surface. It is prone to rapid growth, darkening and degeneration into a malignant tumor. It is often found in people of the white race after reaching the age of 50 (Dubreus' melanosis is more often described in the fairer sex).

The probability of malignancy reaches from 40 to 75%, after 10-15 years. The tendency to this is especially high among persons who refuse timely treatment. The process of rebirth is accompanied by the appearance of scarlet papillomas, nodules and freckles around the formation in the affected area. It becomes completely dark, thickens and flakes.

Acanthosis black

This disease is rare and may be malignant or benign.... The spots are usually located in the folds of the skin: in the groin, under the knee, mammary gland, in the armpit, between the buttocks. If the course is malignant, then the changes are much more pronounced.

In a child or adolescent, the disease occurs as a result of a hereditary predisposition or due to disruption of the endocrine organs.

In older people, the appearance of acanthosis black is a bad sign that indicates the presence of a malignant process.


Appears in a person of any age in places that are accessible to sunlight. Localization of small brown spots in this case is on the arms, shoulders, upper back. The disease often affects the face.

Mastocytosis (urticaria pigmentosa)

Quite often, urticaria pigmentosa occurs in childhood. First, reddish spotty eruptions form on the body, which turn into bubbles with a sacred content. At this time, they bother the baby, as they begin to itch a lot. After opening, traces of a brown color remain on the skin, sometimes the rash passes without a trace.

In an adult, the disease is difficult. Systemic damage leads to disability or even death of the patient.

Coffee stain

This type of pigmentation can be detected after birth or over time. One or more spots appear, which have clearly defined borders and a uniform dark color. They can grow in size over time. Hair growth never occurs in these areas. The reasons for the appearance of coffee stains are not fully understood. There is an assumption about a genetic predisposition to their formation.

Leopard syndrome

This pathological condition is typical for young people. With it, the color of the skin changes like multiple lentigo. The disease is difficult, as it is not limited exclusively to skin manifestations... Almost all organs and systems are affected.

The child's growth and development are delayed, pulmonary artery stenosis is diagnosed, arrhythmias occur due to conduction disturbances. Pathological abnormalities on the part of the genital organs are manifested. The cause of this condition is a gene mutation.

Diagnostic methods

If there are dark spots on the body and face, then you should consult a dermatologist. After the examination, an experienced specialist will refer you to the necessary research, and, if necessary, will recommend other doctors. This can be an endocrinologist, gynecologist, an expert in genetics, or a therapist.

Consultation is especially necessary in such cases:

  • when a spot or mole grows in size or rises above the surface of the skin;
  • if hyperpigmentation begins to change color (it becomes darker, lighter, turns red);
  • there are unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​education (itching, soreness, hypersensitivity);
  • there is blood or fluid coming out of the mole.

It is very important to determine the cause of the appearance of spots and not to miss the moment of their possible malignancy..

Additional research methods in this case will be:

  • examination of the formation using optical magnification, or dermatoscopy;
  • scraping followed by examination of the biomaterial under a microscope (especially often such diagnostics are used during the development of mycosis);
  • bacterial examination of a smear taken in the affected area.

If the doctor believes that the dark spot looks like melanoma, then a biopsy is additionally required, a blood test for the presence of tumor markers and an ultrasound of the lymph nodes.

Principles of therapy

In order to get rid of dark spots permanently, you need to understand the reason for their appearance. Normal areas of hyperpigmentation can be lightened at home using acids (acetic, citric), hydrogen peroxide solution. The use of cosmetic ointments or creams (Melanativ, Skinoren, Retinoic ointment) helps to lighten dark spots on the face (freckles or lentigo) or spots on the body after pregnancy.

It is best to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist for this purpose. In their arsenal, there are more effective means - chemical peeling and other techniques.

If the lesions are small, you can get rid of them with a laser. This procedure is considered the most modern, takes place quickly and without complications.

To remove a nevus that begins to grow or shows other signs of degeneration, an operation is necessary. The excised area of ​​the damaged skin must be examined by a histological method..


Freckles, moles, or other brown spots can be prevented. Especially during pregnancy, in old age and in the presence of white skin prone to hyperpigmentation. To do this, you should follow certain recommendations:

  1. Protect your skin from sunlight, use special creams and cover your face with a panama hat.
  2. Do not go to the solarium.
  3. Sunbathe only early in the morning and in the evening.
  4. If a spot appears and grows, seek help in a timely manner.

If hyperpigmentation occurs in response to malfunctioning of internal organs, then proper treatment under the guidance of specialists will help get rid of the problem.

Pigmented spots on the body are a fairly common aesthetic defect that many women and men are trying to cope with. But you need to understand that you can get rid of such spots only by identifying and eliminating the cause of their appearance.

In some cases, the appearance of pigmented spots on the body can be a symptom of a serious medical condition, such as skin cancer. Therefore, the treatment of pathological pigmentation should be dealt with by a specialist - a dermatologist, since the use of folk remedies is not always crowned with success, and sometimes has a negative effect on health.

A dermatologist will conduct a comprehensive examination of the body and, if necessary, refer you to related specialists. Only after the cause of the pigmentation on the body is known, the doctor will give medical recommendations or prescribe cosmetic procedures that will help to lighten problem areas on the skin.

The most common causes of age spots on the body are:

  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diseases of the skin of an inflammatory nature;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • side effects of some medications;
  • aging of the skin.

Let's consider each reason in more detail.

Pigmented spots are an accumulation of melanin pigment in skin cells, which is synthesized in the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the long stay in direct sunlight leads to excessive formation of melanin, mainly in open areas of the body. As a result, pigmented spots appear on the skin.

Pregnancy- This is a period characterized by colossal hormonal changes in the body. Hormones are involved in the regulation of all processes in the human body, including the synthesis of melanin. Therefore, many women, while carrying a child, develop age spots on their body, especially in the face area and along the midline of the abdomen.

Also, age spots act as residual effects after acne, trauma or cuts, since these defects are most sensitive to ultraviolet rays.

Some ingredients cosmetically For example, retinoic acid, bergamot, fragrances or lime essential oil can increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays, resulting in pigmented spots on the body.

In addition, there are medications, side effects of which are manifested in the form of pigmentation on the body. These drugs include oral hormonal contraceptives (progestins, estrogens), antimicrobial drugs (Levofloxacin), cytostatics, and others.

According to the classification, there are five types of age spots, namely:

  • chloasma;
  • lentigo;
  • post-acne;
  • freckles;
  • nevi.

Chloasma is dark or yellow, predominantly irregularly shaped spots that have a smooth surface and clear contours. Such defects are most often observed during pregnancy due to changes in the hormonal background of a woman. Typical places of localization of chloasma are the face, torso, abdomen, and thighs.

After childbirth, the hormonal background of a woman is normalized, so chloasma in most cases disappears without a trace. But in some women, such defects can remain for life, and you can get rid of them with the help of medications or salon cosmetology procedures.

Lentigo it is customary to call dark brown or brown raised above the skin spots of a round or oval shape, which can be of various sizes - from a dot to a five-kopeck coin. In turn, such age spots are divided into juvenile and senile.

Juvenile lentigo appear on the skin of adolescents during a surge in sex hormones, when puberty of the body occurs.

Senile, or as they are also called senile, age spots, appear in the elderly due to aging of skin cells.

Lentigo can also be removed with beauty products or treatments.

Post-acne- these are age spots that remain at the site of acne, acne and other inflammatory skin processes. This type of pigmentation is more common in young people who suffer from acne. Post-acne can go away over time without any intervention, if this does not happen, cosmetic products can easily cope with such a skin problem.

Freckles look like small specks of yellow, copper or brown color. The favorite spot for freckles is the face, as this is the most exposed part of the body. But also often pigmentation can be present on the skin of the neck, neck area of ​​the chest, shoulders, back and the back of the palms.

In the cold season, freckles brighten, and with the onset of the spring-summer season, their color becomes brighter. Such pigmentation does not bring any subjective sensations. Some of the owners of freckles are ashamed of their appearance because of them, and the other part considers themselves special, turning such cosmetic defects into their dignity.

Nevi, which are popularly dubbed moles, are the same pigment spots that have different color intensity, shape and size. Moles can have a convex or flat surface. Despite the fact that nevi do not bring any discomfort, you need to carefully monitor any changes that may occur to them. This is because they can transform into a malignant neoplasm - melanoma.

Signs n transition of a nevus to melanoma there may be a change in shape, the presence of inflammation, ulcers on its surface, pain, discoloration. If at least one of the listed signs is detected, you should seek the advice of a dermatologist. Early diagnosis of melanoma significantly increases the chances of recovery.

How and how to treat age spots on the skin?

Unfortunately, not all age spots are treatable, but with the help of modern means and methods, you can make them less noticeable. Freckles and lentigines are the hardest to get rid of.

Also, some stains can disappear on their own without any impact on them. This is often observed in the case of chloasma, which disappear without a trace after childbirth.

It is also important to determine the cause of the appearance of age spots, since its elimination will lighten the pigmentation or completely remove it.

In the fight against age spots, you can use the following methods:

  • drug therapy;
  • salon cosmetology procedures;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • traditional medicine.

Let's consider in more detail each method of treating pigmentation on the body.

Since age spots are accumulations of melanin, which is formed in the skin in excess, drugs that inhibit its production are used to treat pigmentation.

Folic, ascorbic, azelaic and kojenic acids reduce the production of melanin, so you need to select a drug that contains at least one of the listed components.

Quite affordable and effective in the fight against age spots on the body are the following drugs:

  • cream Melanativ;
  • Achromin cream;
  • Clotrimazole ointment;
  • synthomycin emulsion;
  • salicylic alcohol.

To achieve the desired result, you must regularly apply the listed funds for 4-8 weeks.

Treating age spots with salon treatments

Modern hardware cosmetology is the most effective method of getting rid of pigmentation on the body. But, unfortunately, due to the high cost of the procedures, not everyone can afford them. It is also important to entrust your skin only to an experienced cosmetologist who has a higher medical education.

Pigmented spots on the skin can be remove using the following salon procedures:

  • laser removal;
  • removal with liquid nitrogen;
  • phototherapy;
  • chemical peeling.

Let's talk separately about each method.

Removing pigmentation with a laser has a number of advantages, including painlessness, minimal trauma, localization of exposure and high efficiency.

During the laser therapy procedure, a laser is directed at the age spot, which destroys the melanin, due to which the problem area becomes lighter. After the first procedure, the age spot turns red and begins to peel off, when the surface of the defect is cleared, the skin becomes normal in color.

Removal of pigmentation with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy) It is also a highly effective method that removes old epidermal cells and activates skin regeneration. The disadvantage of cryotherapy is that red spots remain at the site of pigmentation, which disappear only after a few weeks.

Phototherapy Is the destruction of melanin in skin cells using infrared flashes. This procedure is also painless and atraumatic, and the recovery period lasts several days.

Chemical peeling involves the application of chemical compounds to problem areas that lighten the skin and eliminate pigmentation. The most popular and effective are peels with salicylic or triacetic acids. In addition, this procedure normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores, prevents the appearance of age spots and acne, and smoothes wrinkles.

Cosmetics in the fight against pigmentation on the body

In the fight against pigmentation, cosmetic products from various manufacturers have proven themselves today, namely:

  • Bodyaga and Bodyaga forte;
  • Boro plus cream;
  • Clivrin cream;
  • Serum Idealia Pro from Vichy;
  • Vitex mask;
  • whitening cream Biocon and many others.

The listed cosmetics received a lot of positive feedback from both those who used them and from specialists.

Folk remedies can also lighten age spots on the skin and even completely eliminate them. For the preparation of masks, compresses or lotions, natural ingredients are used that are rich in ascorbic and other acids that have a whitening effect.

Top effective and simple folk remedies for age spots on the body:

  • daily rubbing of problem areas on the body with juice of parsley, cabbage, lemon, raspberry or viburnum;
  • rubbing the skin affected by pigmentation with kefir or yogurt;
  • mask with cucumber and kefir;
  • white clay and chamomile. 100 ml of chamomile broth is mixed with two tablespoons of white cosmetic clay and applied to the skin for 30 minutes, then washed off with warm water without soap;
  • extract of bearberry, yarrow or licorice, which is added to cream or body lotion;
  • compresses and lotions with 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

How to prevent the appearance of age spots on the body?

Preventing such defects is much easier than getting rid of them. The following guidelines will help you with this:

  • avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • use sunscreens with a high degree of protection in the summer;
  • wear hats when going out into the sun;
  • minimize visits to the solarium, because tan, of course, is beautiful, but age spots are not very good;
  • use only high-quality cosmetics for the skin;
  • eat a sufficient amount of foods rich in vitamins (fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries).

Pigmented spots on the skin are not a global problem today, since they can be eliminated with the help of modern technologies, supplemented by folk methods.

Nobody has perfect skin. And now the conversation is not about acne and wrinkles - we mean age spots.

Freckles on the face (and sometimes on the body) can be seen in a third of the world's population. And almost all people are endowed with moles (with the exception of albinos, perhaps).

And these manifestations are nothing but pigmentation on the skin. Dark spots can have different saturation of shades, various shapes and sizes, as well as the reasons influencing such formations.

Moles are the most natural, harmless, dark spots on the body. They are so named because many of them are passed on with genetic memory from generation to generation.

Birthmarks are slightly different from moles , and they appear during birth or in the first weeks of life. Over time, the color of such a spot fades, and by old age it can disappear altogether. Moles, which appear in the process of life, can change color, shape, and sometimes volume.

Slightly protruding above the skin spots under the influence of various reasons suddenly begin to grow, acquiring volumetric shapes ... In such cases straightaway is required see a dermatologist - each mole is a neoplasm (though benign). When a person begins to feel its presence, there is a possibility that this spot will turn into a different form - malignant.

The fault of the formation of moles is melanoblasts, from which these spots grow. That's why pronounced moles should be protected from the effects of annoying ultraviolet radiation .

Color pigment

Freckles are one of the manifestations of skin pigmentation

Pigmentation on the skin, and dark spots are a consequence of exposure to dye cells responsible for the color characteristics of human skin... And they are called melanocytes ... The more actively these cells function, the darker the skin and the more it is protected from the sun's rays. A deficiency of melanocytes becomes the culprit for the birth of albinos.

The melanin (dye) synthesized in cells in people with fair skin can be produced in greater quantities under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. This is what we call sunburn. But when not the whole body is exposed to the sun, the pigmentation on the skin manifests itself in a different way - dark spots appear fragmentarily.

In people with a "ginger nature" this is manifested by freckles. When hormonal synthesis and melanin are combined, spots of a different type appear. And not all of them are a sign of some serious illness.

Types of age spots and their features

At times, adolescents (and sometimes mature people) develop atypical moles. They arise either on clean areas of the skin, or surround existing natural nevi. Such formations can be provoked by changes in existing moles or radiation. This disease is malignant and is called cutaneous melanoma.

It is rare and should be treated exclusively by an oncologist. More often, another skin pigmentation appears, the dark spots of which are more of a cosmetic defect:

  • Brown-brown spots with a smooth surface and sharply defined borders are called chloasma... Influences their appearance deficiency in the body of folic acid... Most often, such manifestations of pigmentation can be seen in pregnant women, and after childbirth, they disappear. But sometimes men have similar spots.

Chloasma can be caused by gynecological diseases, and liver problems, contraception, and sunbathing... The usual place of localization is the face, but sometimes you can contemplate such spots on the stomach and thighs.

Melanoma is a malignant disease that requires an appointment with an oncologist
  • Rounded, sometimes elongated dark spots with skin pigmentation are called lentigo... They can be found in single copies, but more often located in bulk where some spots even reach the size of a lentil. Lentigo manifests itself in different parts of the body and expressed by 2 age types:
  1. Spots of adolescence have a genetic basis ... At first glance, they are similar to moles, and are localized in small blotches on the skin rather heap.
  2. In old people, lentigo is more pronounced due to large size ... Spots appear on open areas of the body, which are constantly exposed to sunlight.

With the normalization of melanin in the body, this defect can be eliminated.

  • Photosensitization Is a rare occurrence that is allergic reaction... Most skin care products contain alcohols, essential oils, and other such ingredients, the particles of which can act as a lens that focuses the sun's rays. And the result is peculiar burns, similar to age spots.

Factors affecting pigmentation

Ultraviolet , which was mentioned above, is an external factor influencing the formation of age spots. But many of the reasons that cause a surge in melanin lie in the human body itself:

  • It can be the consequences of the transferred diseases ... Especially if they are reflected in the hormonal background.
  • Clogging of the body poor quality food, strong coffee, nicotine, alcohol can lead to skin pigmentation.
  • Will cause the formation of skin spots not only improperly selected cosmetics , but also some procedures in beauty salons - mechanical and laser resurfacing , and deep peels ... So you should not use cheap procedures in questionable establishments.

Elimination of general pigmentation and individual dark spots


Any formations on the body should be shown to a dermatologist to pinpoint their "status". Only in this way can a malignant form be detected in time. But even if the stain is harmless, it is still worth treating the problem, because there is already a deviation in the work of the body (in particular, in the production of melanin).

The more noticeable the stain, the more cosmetic inconvenience arises. Especially if the pigmentation is pronounced on the face, neck, décolleté and open arms. It is not recommended to eliminate defects on your own. - only a doctor will be able to correctly diagnose and determine the causes.

And it is only on the basis of this knowledge that treatment should be carried out. The first step will be to eliminate the factor that led to the development of skin pigmentation, manifested by dark spots:

  • If it's all about cosmetics- from them either you should refuse, or choose more harmless.
  • Necessary loosen up infatuation ultraviolet- sunbathe less, reduce visits to tanning salons.
  • If by the nature of the activity you have to often be in the fresh air, then least of all need to be worn open clothes those who are prone to pigmentation. Hats from the sun, panamas are an attribute that should not be parted with all summer.
  • Perhaps the reason was incorrectly selected medicines. Only the attending physician can change them.
  • Oral contraceptives either excluded from use, or other, less allergenic ones are selected.


For any reason for the appearance of pigmented spots, we can talk about disorders in metabolic processes. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to go through course of mineral and vitamin therapy ... But it is also not necessary to select dietary supplements without consulting a doctor.

Also worth reconsider your lifestyle by getting rid of bad habits and establishing a balanced diet. Without this, normal body metabolism is not possible.

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Dear friends, hello. Recently, a friend of mine came to me with a problem. She has a strange dark spot on her skin. I sent her to the clinic for tests, because sometimes dark pigmentation can indicate problems with internal organs.

Are you worried about this problem too? What could it be? Then read the article and find out what pathologies in your body can cause the formation of dark spots on the body and how you can get rid of them quickly. Go.

Any non-standard shades of your skin indicate a pigmentation disorder.

So they can talk about: excessive deposition of melanin in the epidermis, which causes melanosis (melasma); disruptions in pigmentation, which are associated with metabolic disorders, as well as with a large number of melanocytes in the skin.

Why can a person develop melanosis and what are its symptoms?

People are often seriously ill. Moreover, if the disease is chronic, then it can lead to excessive deposition of melanin in the tissues of the epidermis.

This, in turn, can manifest itself in the following pathologies:

  1. If a person has impaired liver function caused by cirrhosis, as well as other ailments, then these problems can manifest themselves in the form of hepatic melanosis.
  2. Often, the formation of spots of a non-standard shade is influenced by pathologies associated with the work of the endocrine system. The diseases presented below can lead to an unpleasant skin defect: diabetes mellitus, disruption of the sweat glands, problems with the synthesis of melanophore hormone by the pituitary gland, and others.
  3. In patients with tuberculosis, in particular with a severe form, cachectic melanosis occurs.
  4. Problems with the color of the epidermal cover are also caused by problems with the kidneys (uremic melanosis).

I have described the main factors leading to the formation of dark spots on the skin. However, these are far from the last reasons for this defect. If you do not have any problems with the kidneys, liver, endocrine system, then perhaps the reason is completely different.

Toxic reticular melanosis

This problem can occur for those who have frequent, long-term contact with a variety of lubricants such as tar, oil, tar, coal, and even engine oil.

As a result, poisoning (and chronic) of the whole body occurs, which can cause dark specks to form. In addition to a skin defect, doctors note a general deterioration in well-being.

Becker's nevus

It looks like a dark or yellowish-brown speck with irregular outlines. It can often be seen on the body of male adolescents between the ages of 10 and 15. However, there are cases of female skin lesions.

The location of the spot can be different, but it often protrudes on the legs, chest and back. At first, it is just a small speck, which subsequently grows and can reach a diameter of 20 cm or even more.

In fact, the reasons for the formation of such a problem with the color of the epidermis are still not clear. But due to the fact that more often spots are formed on the body of males, doctors say that their appearance is due to changes in the male hormonal background.

Arsenic melanosis

If you are taking drugs such as Novareslon, Miarsenol, Osarol and other drugs with arsenic, then you may also develop dark age spots on your skin.

There is also an increased risk of a problem in people working in industries that negatively affect your health, as well as in agriculture, as a result of which there is frequent contact with arsenic.

Melanosis Dubreya

Doctors attribute this problem to a pre-oncological condition. These are dark flat spots of irregular shape that rise slightly above the upper layer of the epidermis.

At first, these spots are small (2-5 cm), but soon they begin to grow and can reach 10 cm in diameter.

Their color may be different, and the outlines are more like a geographic map.

Over time, knotty, papular elements can form on the surface of such spots. This place is getting darker, denser. The spots may be rough and itchy from time to time.

Around the problem area, foci of keratosis, small freckles, and redness are often observed. If you already have such changes, then you urgently need to run to the oncologist, as this is a clear sign of the transformation of the spot into melanoma.

Acanthosis black

This is a fairly rare disease that occurs in a malignant as well as benign form. It is characterized by the formation of dark brown and even black spots.

Most often they can be seen in natural folds on the body (between the neck and the back of the head, under the chest, between the buttocks, under the knees, in the armpits, in the groin area).

If such spots progress quickly, then this indicates a malignant course of the disease. Often the disease becomes a harbinger of oncology. The reasons for this phenomenon can be:

  • hormonal drugs;
  • thyroid problems;
  • neoplasms, mainly malignant;
  • due to genetics;
  • long-term use of a certain group of medicines.

Pigmented urticaria

This problem leads to mastocytosis and is most common in children who develop itchy, dark red or reddish-pink spots on their bodies.

They soon begin to transform into bubbles with a clear liquid (sometimes with blood).

After these bubbles break open, brown spots remain on the body. They usually go away on their own during puberty.

If suddenly urticaria pigmentosa manifests itself in an adult, then, alas, it will proceed unfavorably in almost 100% of cases. The disease can lead to disability and even death of the patient. The child may also experience such complications.

Why this type of mastocytosis appears is still unknown. Doctors suggest that the disease can be caused by:

  • frequent stressful situations;
  • immune problems;
  • change of climatic conditions;
  • processes of an inflammatory nature that are caused by various infections;
  • insolation and others.


This is a benign excessive pigmentation that looks like the formation of dark brown or yellowish specks, reaching a couple of cm in diameter.

Sometimes they look like moles. Usually, such lesions are observed on the surface of the face, legs, on the skin of the hands, neck, on the surface of the back.

The disease progresses very slowly, rarely degenerates into melanoma (the risk is increased in those who often injure spots). People of any age are at risk.

The reasons for lentigo are as follows:

  • immune disorders;
  • frequent and long-term exposure to artificial sources of radiation;
  • gene mutations;
  • the presence of papillomavirus in the body;
  • AIDS;
  • childhood sunburns;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • excessive sensitivity to sunlight;
  • long exposure to the sun.

Coffee stain

This is excessive pigmentation, which is characterized by the appearance of a single or a couple of spots with clear outlines and uniform color. They can be observed anywhere on the body. Can be observed in a person from birth or appear during life.

As a person grows, the spots also increase, and their sizes can be different. Sometimes on the surface of the formations there may be black or dark points in shade. Hair growth in problem areas is never observed.

It is assumed that coffee stains are due to a personality predisposition.

Leopard Syndrome

This is a fairly rare pathology, as a result of which a lot of lentigo appears on the body. It affects the face, limbs, back, trunk.

Always together with this disease, such problems appear: hypospadias, growth retardation, valvular stenosis of the pulmonary artery, late onset of menstruation, mild mental retardation, heart problems, and others.

This syndrome always occurs due to gene mutations: RAF, PTPN11.


They are small, dark specks that can form all over the body. They usually occur in children. In the summer months in the sun, they become more noticeable, and with age, as a rule, most of them disappear on their own.

Scientists have proven that a hereditary predisposition affects the appearance of freckles.


These are single or multiple dark spots that are observed on the body of women. They can be of different sizes, colors (from yellow-brown to darker).

They can be located all over the body: genitals, the area between the legs, nipples, face, along the line of the abdomen. Hyperpigmentation tends to fade in the colder months.

All the fault is hormonal imbalance: menopause, pregnancy, ovarian dysfunction.


This ailment is manifested by the appearance of edema and redness on the body, which subsequently degenerate into atrophy, depigmentation, and hyperpigmentation. Patients become very sensitive to sunlight.

If congenital pathology is observed, then patients (usually women) also have other problems: anomalies of bones, nails, teeth, hair, cataracts, underdevelopment of the genitals.

Recklinghausen's disease

In another way, the problem is called type 1 neurofibromatosis. This is the formation of dark spots on the body in the form of a "bundle" of freckles (and in non-standard places).

In color, such formations can be different (sometimes even blue) and they often appear in childhood. In 3-15% of cases, such formations degenerate into malignant tumors.

If a person has such a pathology, then there is a risk of the following deviations:

  • gynecomastia;
  • early puberty;
  • Lisha's nodules;
  • formation of cysts in the lungs;
  • the appearance of cavities in the spinal cord;
  • growth problems;
  • renal and pulmonary artery stenosis.

Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome

With this syndrome, small spots of different shades are formed on the mucous membranes and skin. On the red border of the lips, mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, mouth, they can be blue-brown.

On the face, such formations are more often observed around the nostrils and other parts of the face; on the body - on the palms, stomach and so on.

Causes of the appearance of gray-blue formations

Sometimes a bruise-like spot may appear on the body. But here's the problem ... you definitely didn't hit anywhere. These can be the following pathologies:

  • Ota's nevus, which looks like a single speck of black and blue. As a rule, it is located in the area of ​​the cheeks, upper jaw, on the eyelids. Sometimes they can degenerate into melanoma. The reasons for the formation of such a problem are still unknown to doctors.
  • Nevus Ita resembles symptoms with Ota's nevus, only it is located under the collarbone, in the area of ​​the scapula and adjacent areas.
  • The Mongolian spot is an area with pigmented gray-blue skin of a round or irregular shape of various diameters. It can be located anywhere on the body. With the passage of age, the spot turns pale, it can disappear on its own by 4-5 years or by 7-13 years (in rare cases). The reason for this skin defect lies in the incomplete transition of melanocytes into the epidermis from its deep layers, however, this is not confirmed information.

External factors affecting the formation of dark spots on the skin

This can be heat exposure after using heated bedding, which manifests itself as scaling, erythema, burning, and blue-gray patches.

Also, pigmentation problems can result from taking medications such as barbiturate, tetracyclines, salicylates. On the body, reddish and brownish spots will always be located in the same place.

Problems with the color of the skin may appear due to the accumulation of heavy metals in the body, such as gold, mercury, silver and others.

How are dark spots on the skin treated?

Many spots do not require any treatment, but only supervision by specialists. This is especially true for those skin pathologies that have a risk of further development into malignant tumors.

To eliminate the appearance of hyperpigmentation, treat all chronic and acute diseases in time, monitor your health and lead a healthy lifestyle.