Formation of a healthy lifestyle. "Upbringing a healthy lifestyle for the younger generation

Tatiana Kublo
Education of a healthy lifestyle from an early age.


The basis for the full physical development of a young child is his introduction to healthy lifestyle. Early age is one of the most crucial periods in human life, in the formation of his personality. It is known that 40 percent of psychological and physical illnesses in adults are established in childhood. Currently taking care of your health, fostering a culture of a healthy lifestyle become very relevant. Poor ecology, poor-quality food - have an effect on health human negative impact. Therefore with early childhood, you need to teach children to lead healthy lifestyle... Parents are the best role models for their children and from their habits, the child's health depends a lot on the way of life.


Large role in shaping healthy lifestyle plays a balanced diet. It is based on regularity, diversity and the pleasure of eating. The food should be like healthy, and tasty, to provide all the needs of the body. Children need to be explained that they are not healthy food is not healthy... Chips, soda, purchased crackers and many other foods that children love, but are far from healthy, do harm health... They should be consumed in minimal quantities.

Proper nutrition is one of the main conditions for the normal growth and development of a child.


Important and necessary. Correctly planned daily regimen, taking into account age characteristics and condition child health, is the basis for preserving health.


Younger preschool age is a period when a child's need for physical activity is especially pronounced. Sedentary Lifestyle is the cause of many diseases. Frequent colds, obesity, poor posture and many other diseases.

A child who receives enough physical activity is strong and enduring, his body develops harmoniously. Parents need to make time for daily walks with their children, give preference to outdoor games, and go out into nature with the whole family.


Helps to increase the body's resistance to disease

and unfavorable influences of the external environment. Seasoned children are less likely to get sick and their immune systems work harder.

When hardening, there are rules that should not be broken. This is the regularity of hardening procedures, the correct selection and dosage of procedures, positive emotions. If you break these rules, you will lose all positive effect.

The state of many internal organs depends on what posture the child develops. Scoliosis - lateral curvature of the spine - leads to serious disorders of the general condition of the body. V early childhood posture easily lends itself to various influences of the external environment,

both positive and negative. Swimming is one of the most effective preventive measures in the state of the spinal column.


In introducing young children to healthy lifestyle.

WITH early age, children should be taught to wash before going to bed, wash their hands after returning from the street and before eating, do not drink raw water, sit at the table correctly, use individual personal hygiene items. Children should wear comfortable underwear, clothing and footwear that does not restrict their movement.

Our health depends on lifestyle that we are driving.

Instilling skills healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition is one of the most important components of the further harmonious development and future growing up of your child.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or physical defects.

A healthy lifestyle includes the following basic elements: fruitful work, a rational regime of work and rest, the eradication of bad habits, an optimal motor regime, personal hygiene, hardening, rational nutrition, etc.

Any general educational institution should become a "school for a healthy lifestyle" for students, where any of their activities (educational, sports, leisure, as well as food intake and physical activity, etc.) and needs for a healthy lifestyle, the formation of skills for making independent decisions in relation to maintaining and strengthening their health.

Health-improving and pedagogical classes should be systematic and complex, evoke positive emotional reactions in the child, and, if possible, contain elements of didactic games and motor exercises. In addition, the materials of such classes should be reflected in all the regime moments of the educational process of the school (training sessions, daily routine, physical culture lessons, exercise therapy, rhythmics, educational activities, extracurricular and extracurricular activities). In order to preserve the child's health, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all adults around him (parents, teachers, educators, doctors, etc.) in order to create an atmosphere around him filled with the needs, traditions and habits of a healthy lifestyle. Thus, from an early age, a certain culture of behavior and an appropriate lifestyle are formed.



Department of Education of the Mariinsky District

Municipal educational institution

"Primary comprehensive school number 4"

Mariinsk, st. Rabochaya, 12, tel. 5-28-66

Educating a healthy lifestyle

Zarutskaya Tatiana Petrovna,

primary school teacher,

Deputy Director for SD

city ​​of Mariinsk st. Kotovsky 10-13




Introduction ……………………………………………………………………3


1.1. The concept of health, the main factors of a healthy lifestyle ... ..5

1.1. Formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle ………………………………………………………………………… 9


2.1. The concept of educational work of a healthy lifestyle ………… 15

2.2. ………….17

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………......21


Application ……………………………………………………………….24


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or physical defects. There are different approaches to defining a "healthy lifestyle". V.V. Markov considers healthy lifestyles as human behavior, which reflects a certain life position aimed at maintaining and strengthening health, and based on the fulfillment of the norms, rules and requirements of personal and public hygiene (1, p. 10).

Taking this into account, the definition of health as a “degree of approximation” to full health, which allows a person to successfully perform social functions, is more adequate to modern conditions. The definition was given in relation to the health of schoolchildren, for whom the main social function is educational activity.

In this and other definitions of health, it is considered important to treat it as a dynamic process, which allows the possibility of purposefully managing it.

The main means of implementing this task is the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle (HLS).

Lifestyle refers to socio-biological factors, the components of which are a triad of indicators: level, quality and lifestyle.

Life style is formed on the basis of psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of personality behavior. It follows from the foregoing that the health-improving and pedagogical influence on the lifestyle of schoolchildren remains a universal mechanism for the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, since the level and quality of life of each child is determined by the material capabilities of his family.

That is why any general educational institution should become a "school for a healthy lifestyle" of students, where any of their activities (educational, sports, leisure, as well as food intake and physical activity, etc.) will have a health-improving and pedagogical orientation and contribute to the education of children's habits, and then the needs for a healthy lifestyle, the formation of skills for making independent decisions in relation to maintaining and strengthening their health.

Health-improving and pedagogical classes should be systematic and complex, evoke positive emotional reactions in the child, and, if possible, contain elements of didactic games and motor exercises. In addition, the materials of such classes should be reflected in all the regime moments of the educational process of the school (training sessions, daily routine, physical culture lessons, exercise therapy, rhythmics, educational activities, extracurricular and extracurricular activities). In order to preserve the child's health, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all adults around him (parents, teachers, educators, doctors, etc.) in order to create an atmosphere around him filled with the needs, traditions and habits of a healthy lifestyle. Thus, from an early age, a certain culture of behavior and an appropriate lifestyle are formed.

Object of study: the process of forming a culture and traditions of a healthy lifestyle among students.

Subject of study: extracurricular activities to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Purpose of the study: Explore extracurricular activities on healthy lifestyles.

2. To study the psychological - pedagogical literature on the topic.

3. Reveal the motivation for a healthy lifestyle.


  1. The concept of health, the main factors of a healthy lifestyle

According to the definition of the World Health Organization, "Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being."

Based on this definition, the following health components are distinguished:

· Mental health is a person's ability to adequately respond to external and internal stimuli, the ability to balance oneself with the environment;

· Social health - a measure of social activity, active attitude of the human individual to the world;

· Physical health is a state in which a person has perfect self-regulation of body functions, harmony of physiological processes and maximum adaptation to various environmental factors.

Human health cannot be reduced only to a statement of the absence of diseases, malaise, discomfort, it is a condition that allows a person to lead a life unrestrained in his freedom, to fully fulfill his inherent functions, to lead a healthy lifestyle, i.e. experience mental, physical, and social well-being.

A healthy lifestyle includes the following basic elements: fruitful work, a rational regime of work and rest, the eradication of bad habits, an optimal motor regime, personal hygiene, hardening, rational nutrition, etc.

Productive work is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Human health is influenced by biological and social factors, the main of which is work.

A rational mode of work and rest is a necessary element of a healthy lifestyle. With the correct and strictly observed regime, a clear and necessary rhythm of the body's functioning is developed, which creates optimal conditions for work and rest and thereby contributes to health improvement, improved efficiency and increased labor productivity.

The next link in a healthy lifestyle is the eradication of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs). These health impairments are the cause of many diseases, dramatically reduce life expectancy, reduce working capacity, and adversely affect the health of the younger generation and the health of future children.

The next component of a healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet. When talking about it, you should remember about two basic laws, violation of which is dangerous to health.

The first law is the balance of received and consumed energy. If the body receives more energy than it consumes, that is, if we receive more food than is necessary for the normal development of a person, for work and well-being, we gain weight. Now more than a third of our country, including children, is overweight. And there is only one reason - excess nutrition, which ultimately leads to atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and a number of other ailments.

The second law is the correspondence of the chemical composition of the diet to the physiological needs of the body for nutrients. The diet should be varied and provide the needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber. Many of these substances are irreplaceable, since they are not formed in the body, but only come with food. The absence of at least one of them, for example, vitamin C, leads to illness and even death. We obtain B vitamins mainly from wholemeal bread, and the sources of vitamin A and other fat-soluble vitamins are dairy products, fish oil, and liver.

After all, any deviation from the laws of rational nutrition leads to health problems. The human body consumes energy not only during physical activity (during work, playing sports, etc.), but also in a state of relative rest (during sleep, lying down), when energy is used to maintain the physiological functions of the body - maintaining a constant body temperature ... It was found that a healthy middle-aged person with a normal body weight consumes 7 kilocalories per hour for each kilogram of body weight.

The first rule in any natural food system should be: - Eating only when you feel hungry.

It is very important to have free time to digest food. The idea that exercise after meals helps digestion is a blunder.

The meal should consist of mixed foods that are sources of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Rational nutrition ensures the correct growth and formation of the body, contributes to the maintenance of health, high efficiency and prolongation of life.

It is known that the state of human health depends on lifestyle (up to 70%), heredity (15%), environment (8-10%), medicine (8-10%).

A number of researchers identify the determinants of health - many factors that determine human health. They can be classified into the following groups.

1. Biological factors (in particular genetic).

2. Physical environment (environmental factors).

3. Social environment (environment in which children grow up, living conditions from an early age, health education).

4. Individual lifestyle (exclusion of negative influences, for example, smoking and drinking alcohol, adequate nutrition, personal hygiene, physical culture, work and rest, etc.)

5. Health service.

There are a number of factors that affect health.

1. Individual potential of human health (immunity, nutritional status, awareness of one's “I”, positive attitude to one's health, adequate knowledge, ability to withstand stress, emotional stability, physical fitness, ability to self-defense).

2. Behavior (study or work and recreation, habits, food, drink, mobility, attitude to society, stress, stimulants).

3. Sociocultural system (family, neighbors, place of study or work, leisure environment, media, health services).

4. Socio-economic and political conditions (material resources, income, social security, education).

5. Physico-biological environment (nature, climate, dwelling, workplace, communications, transport, water, waste, food, goods).

Thus, the health of each person is more dependent on his environment and personal behavior in relation to his health, i.e. from lifestyle.

  1. Formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle in children

A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is typical and essential for a given socio-economic formation types, types, ways of human life, strengthening the adaptive capabilities of his body, contributing to his full performance of social functions and fairly active longevity.

There are several concepts of healthy lifestyle. N.A. Abaskalova believes that the ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle depends on:

1.gender, age and health status

2. habitat conditions (climate, dwelling)

3. economic conditions (food, clothing, work, rest).

4.have good habits (hygiene, hardening)

5. absence of bad habits (smoking, drunkenness, sedentary lifestyle, etc.).

Thus, we can conclude that the health of a person who does not suffer from congenital or acquired diseases must first of all be protected and strengthened. The health of a person with ailments needs to be corrected.

There are many healthy lifestyle programs that include various components, the main ones are:

1. Rational nutrition.

Food should cover the energy consumption of the body, be complete in terms of chemical composition and contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates (1-1-4), vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements, be chemically harmless and safe from the point of view of bacterial composition.

2. Optimal physical activity for the body.

The role of physical activity in determining human health has been known for a long time. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato considered the movement "a healing part of medicine." The great Russian writer LN Tolstoy wrote, "You must certainly shake yourself up physically in order to be morally healthy."

3. Compliance with the daily routine (taking into account individual biorhythms).

The mode is based on the "dynamic stereotype", i.e. regularly repeated activity, but not inert, monotonous, but dynamic, changing depending on the influence of the environment. This contributes to the development of the child's good adaptation to changing conditions. It is imperative to follow only the main components of the daily routine (waking up and falling asleep, eating, walking). The rest of the activities of children can be changed in terms of time and duration of performance. And if, moreover, the regime is based on the peculiarities of the individual “biorhythmological portrait” of the child, then the systems of his body will be in the best conditions of functioning.

4. Prevention of bad habits (or rejection of them) and the formation of good habits.

Good habits and hygiene skills are best reinforced when they are conscious. As for bad habits, will is the basis of their acquisition and getting rid of them.

5. Increase of psycho-emotional stability.

It is not active emotions that are especially dangerous for health, but passive ones - despair, anxiety, fearfulness, depression. In humans, these emotions often acquire a social connotation of guilt, regret, and remorse.

The physical setting of our body, as well as the mental attitude towards the world around us, is entirely a matter of upbringing, the result of the examples that a child sees and hears from adults. "

That is why positive thinking is considered one of the components of health. Positive thinking is not an innate property, it is achieved through hard training. It is important to teach a child to rejoice even in his small victory, and even more in someone else's luck.

6. "Meaningful life" (meaning of life).

It has the most direct relation to health. Everything else - food, movement, and hygiene - makes sense only when a person has something to get out of bed for every morning, if there is a task that no one else can accomplish except him or better, there is an interest in the world, there is love even for anything.

Recently, as part of the general culture of a person, valeological culture has been distinguished - the socio-psychological activity of an individual, aimed at strengthening and maintaining health, mastering the norms, principles, traditions of healthy lifestyle, turning them into the inner wealth of the individual.

Based on this, it is necessary to change the attitude of people to healthy lifestyle based on the formation of traditions and value motivations.

The creation of healthy lifestyle traditions is what should underlie valeological work in educational institutions, and what should ultimately be strived for.

Around children, from early childhood, it is necessary to create such an educational and educational environment that would be saturated with attributes, symbols, terminology, knowledge, rituals and customs of a valeological nature. This will lead to the formation of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle, to the conscious protection of one's own health and the health of people around, to mastering the necessary practical skills and abilities.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle culture is the main lever of primary prevention in strengthening the health of the population through changing the style and way of life, its improvement with the use of hygienic knowledge in the fight against bad habits, physical inactivity and overcoming the unfavorable sides associated with life situations.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that a person's lifestyle does not develop by itself depending on the circumstances, but is formed purposefully and constantly throughout life.

You can't force anyone to be healthy. LN Tolstoy wrote "The demands of people who smoke, drink, overeat, who do not work turn night into day are ridiculous, that the doctor would make them healthy, despite their unhealthy lifestyle."

The main obstacle to the spread of healthy lifestyles is the psyche of people, which resists restrictions and loads until there is a real need. He says: “A mode of restriction and stress is what I call a healthy lifestyle. Loads are needed so that reserves do not fade away from detraining. We need to streamline the image of our rapidly flowing life, otherwise the regulatory systems (nervous and endocrine) will not cope with ever-increasing loads. "

The motivation behind the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

1. SELF-PRESERVATION. When a person knows that this or that action directly threatens life, he does not perform this action.

Motivation statement "I do not perform certain actions, as they threaten my health and life."

2. SUBMISSION TO ETHNOCULTURAL REQUIREMENTS. A person lives in a society that for a long time has been selecting useful habits and skills, and has developed a system of protection against unfavorable environmental factors.

Motivation statement “I will submit to ethno-cultural requirements because I want to be an equal member of the society in which I live. The health and well-being of others depends on my healthy lifestyle. "


Motivation statement "Feeling healthy brings me joy, so I do my best to experience this feeling."


Motivation statement "If I am healthy, I will be able to rise to a higher rung of the social ladder."


Motivation statement "I am healthy, I am not worried about physical and mental discomfort."

Children under the age of eleven are very gullible and susceptible to suggestion. If a child is constantly frightened by illness and misfortune, then we will not develop his desire to be healthy, but will cause a constant fear of illness. The child must grow up with the knowledge that the accumulation of health depends on his skills in the field of hygiene and sanitation. Children are owners, and in this situation, this not the best human character trait should be turned for good. The child can develop protective stereotypes, reinforced through the receipt of pleasure. “I know where and how to cross the street, I do it consciously, on my own, and it gives me pleasure,” - this kind of reasoning speeds up learning and has benefits for mental and physical health.

As already noted, the possibility of forming a healthy lifestyle culture depends on the needs of the child. The hierarchy of needs is enormous. But what is very important for teachers and psychologists is that they do not exist, isolated from each other, change and improve depending on the growth of the child's general culture, his knowledge of reality and his attitude to it. Therefore, we can influence their formation and satisfaction, and therefore, the state and development of the student's health. But for this, optimal conditions must be created that contribute to ensuring the general comfort of the participants in the educational process, especially positive moods among students. Such conditions can be created if the main attention is paid to the satisfaction of one of the basic needs of the child in the individual emotional and value support of the development of his personality, including in the course of educational and educational activities.

One of the leading principles of the humanistic educational system is a healthy lifestyle. Despite the difficulties of today, the school can and should play an active role in strengthening children's health and promoting healthy lifestyles.

Thus, the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture is an incentive to include in the individual's daily life various forms of behavior that are beneficial to health, change, or even rejection of many unhealthy habits, mastery of knowledge, on the basis of which it is possible to competently, safely and with health benefits begin to maintain a healthy lifestyle, gradually ensuring that these daily forms of health promotion become habitual.

In addition to positive motivation for their health, the child should have basic knowledge about the body, health and possible ways to strengthen it. However, V.P. Petlenko admits that a child may have incomplete information about his actual and possible development, this is due to the prevention of iatrogenism and psychosomatic disorders. Further, V.P. Petlenko recommends, when forming a healthy lifestyle, to demonstrate to the child a known analogue (model). Ideally, for children, taking into account their constitutional characteristics, gender and age, such models could serve as the norms of behavior and health status of parents, teachers, famous scientists and artists. Unfortunately, very often a child with intellectual disability cannot find such models either in the family or in the media. That is why the school should become a “school of health” for such a child, where he can acquire knowledge, practical skills and abilities necessary to maintain and strengthen his health.

As already noted, the introduction of healthy lifestyles in the daily activities of people should be carried out on the basis of the formation of traditions.

Consequently, the main task in maintaining and strengthening the health of children is the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture in them. The lifestyle of a person can be considered healthy if this person actively exists in a favorable psychophysical space, without showing aggressiveness towards himself and the space in dangerous forms.

The main components of a healthy lifestyle can be distinguished (123, p. 10).

1. Rational nutrition.

2. Optimal physical activity for the body.

3. Compliance with the daily routine (taking into account individual biorhythms).

4. Prevention of bad habits and the formation of good habits.

5. Increasing psycho-emotional stability.

The ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle largely depends on the state of human health at a given time. The system of work implies the responsibility of the entire teaching staff for the level of physical development, health status and the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture in children and requires a scientific and methodological approach in the educational and pedagogical process.


  1. Educational work concept

The educational activity of a teacher is self-sufficient, since it is guided not by scientific, but by traditional, everyday and professional experience. Self-sufficiency, i.e. the absence of the need for doubts, criticality and rethinking of educational material, appropriate actions with it leads the teacher to the need for closed educational activity. It is closed because it represents ready-made samples of the educational content of events and ordered actions with them. They do not need to be pondered and supplemented with your own understanding.

Such upbringing does not require any scientific organization from the teacher. It is enough to take the scenario of the event and assign those responsible for its implementation. For this, the teacher does not have to possess any scientific knowledge - depending on the educational need, he uses one or another form of education - imposes it on the situation and expects the result. As a rule, this is a need to fix something, change something. There is a need to change the quality of discipline, depending on the behavior of an individual student or a group of students - purposeful educational work is carried out: individual (collective) conversation, meeting with parents, analysis of behavior at the classroom hour. All this is accompanied by the use of traditional methods of education: exhortation, shame, persuasion, threat, coercion, punishment.

The main problem of modern pedagogy is the teacher's understanding of the meaning of open education. Being the main indicator of humanistic education, its openness is understood by teachers as accessibility, admission to an ever-increasing volume of information. But the phenomenon of openness is much broader and deeper. This is due to the emergence of new social concepts, in particular - open society. Such a society has not yet been created, however, its models act as conditions closest to the humanistic ideal for the survival and successful existence of mankind in the 21st century. It cannot be argued that an operating model of upbringing that corresponds to the humanistic ideal has been created. At the same time, prototypes of such upbringing, which have its main synergistic features, already exist successfully in Russian schools.

The modern teacher needs to know the signs of both closed and open education, since the latter represent the main characteristics that unite all groups of concepts of humanistic pedagogy in action.

Thus, the meaning of not only all the concepts of pedagogy changes, but also the meaning of the educational activity of the teacher, who forms the personality of the student in the new conditions.

Upbringing (from ancient Russian. upbringing - sublime, spiritual nutrition of a person, associated with the ability to extract what is hidden) - activities to develop the spiritual world of a person, aimed at providing her with pedagogical support in the self-formation of her moral image. Upbringing can also be viewed as a process of self-organization of a person by means of his internal resources, requiring a certain external initiation.

Considering the above definition from the standpoint of traditional pedagogy, it could be attributed (with some degree of convention) to education in the narrow sense. As a rule, this understanding of upbringing is associated with the basic concepts of closed education: purposeful activity, influence, the formation of qualities and beliefs, the transfer of social experience. These concepts describe traditional pedagogical actions in which the student's personality acts as an object manipulated by the teacher.

Education is designed to contribute to the formation and manifestation of such personal functions that embody the creative qualities of a person. It will achieve its humane goal if conditions are created, an environment in which a creative personality could develop.

New upbringing, growing on traditional soil, but turning to man and human, presupposes the continuity and interconnection of personal and social creativity, responding to the general logic of conformity to nature and culture. It is important to help a person master the techniques of creation, creating favorable conditions for this, situations that require internal struggle and overcoming. First of all, the struggle with their own shortcomings, overcoming doubts about themselves and their capabilities.

  1. Healthy lifestyle program

Educational work on the formation of a healthy lifestylein extracurricular activities includes :

The program of continuous environmental education and upbringing aimed at shaping the value of health and a healthy lifestyle;

Lectures, talks, consultations on the problems of maintaining and strengthening health, prevention of bad habits;

Health days, contests, holidays.

Organization of educational work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle

The program of continuous environmental education and upbringing of students, aimed at changing the attitude of students to nature, the formation of environmental awareness, environmentally sound behavior in nature. The inclusion of students in the system of environmental education and upbringing, the optimal combination of theoretical knowledge and practical actions contributes to the formation of moral, physical, mental and somatic health. After all, nature is the objective environment in which the formation of man takes place.

Comprehensive greening of all types of activities of participants in the pedagogical process involves:

  1. active inclusion of environmental knowledge in educational work;
  2. diagnostics of the level of formation of the culture of health preservation of students;
  3. organization of various activities for a healthy lifestyle;
  4. raising the need for children in constant communication with nature, using its health-preserving potential.

Educational and preventive work to preserve and strengthen the health of students is aimed at shaping the students' worldview based on awareness of the values ​​and health of their own and those around them.

Among the main ones we solve the following tasks:

  1. fostering a culture of health among students;
  2. their awareness of the need to develop the available personal resources that contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle;
  3. prevention of bad habits, informing about the causes and forms of diseases associated with them; on the relationship between substance abuse and other forms of self-destructive behavior with personality traits, communication, social environment, stress and ways to overcome them.

The solution of these and other tasks in this direction is provided by the comprehensive target program "Health", aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle for all participants in the pedagogical process.

It is well known that most of the diseases of adults are rooted in childhood, and this determines the special role of the school in fostering a culture of students' health. The culture of health is, first of all, the ability to live without harming one's own health and the health of others. One of the components of a culture of health is a healthy lifestyle.

Fostering a culture of health in our institution presupposes not only the assimilation of useful knowledge, but also the development of students' motivational and value attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle, the formation of their own strategies and technologies that allow them to maintain and strengthen their health.

Educational work to protect the health of children is carried out in the following areas:

  1. The work of class teachers to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle
  2. We begin to develop skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle from the elementary grades.
  3. Much attention is paid to instilling a healthy lifestyle in schoolchildren in extracurricular activities.
  4. The class teachers work with the children using elements of the Step by Step technology. The main task of this direction is the interaction of the family and the school.

At the end of the school year, in the primary grades, a health holiday is needed, on which students will be celebrated in various nominations:

  1. never sick;
  2. performing the daily routine;
  3. has not violated the rules of safe behavior;
  4. having correct posture.

The goal of teaching students is to form their social and life skills that ensure physical and mental health, an active active life and longevity.

In the system of educational work of the school, in order to prevent harmful habits in schoolchildren, to inform about the causes and forms of diseases associated with them, parent meetings are held with the invitation of a narcologist A.F. on the topic "Bad habits - prevention at an early age", lessons for the sake of life "Let's join hands, friends."

Extracurricular work is defined by teachers as an activity that is performed outside of school hours and based on the interest and initiative of students. When determining the content of extracurricular work, it is necessary to proceed from such principles as connection with life, with the problems that the country, region, district solves; correspondence of the content of extracurricular work to the age of students, the peculiarities of their mental development and interests.

The role of extracurricular work is great in introducing students to independent work, which they can carry out in accordance with the speed of assimilation that is more characteristic of them, which makes the process of personality formation more productive.

Various activities of students are realized in all types of extracurricular activities: individual, group, mass.

Various types of extracurricular activities complement each other, enriching the process of teaching and upbringing of schoolchildren.

An example of an extracurricular activity to improve the level of a healthy lifestyle (Appendix).


Human health depends on lifestyle (up to 70%), heredity (15%), environment (8-10%), medicine (8-10%). Consequently, the main task in preserving and strengthening the health of children is the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture in them, which is in the competence of pedagogical workers.

The creation of an information environment "Health" around the child, which not only directly, but also indirectly affects the formation of his worldview, the mastery of knowledge, on the basis of which it is possible to interact with the outside world competently, safely and with benefit for the body, gradually lead to the fact that the existing ways to improve health become habitual and grow into a need. On the basis of the acquired knowledge and experience, children develop independent beliefs regarding the preservation of their health. All this leads to the formation of valeological culture, as part of the culture of the individual as a whole. This process will be more effective if it is based on the creation and accumulation of healthy lifestyle traditions.

It is known that the effectiveness of teaching children largely depends on the state of health of both teachers and schoolchildren, the presence of which allows a person to be creatively active, independent, and efficient. Among the various reasons that adversely affect the health of schoolchildren, it is necessary to highlight social vices that cripple the physical and mental health of people: drug addiction, alcoholism; ecological and genetic factors, as well as a sedentary lifestyle.

It is important to remember about the impact of the school on the health of students, about its opportunities to organize high-quality development, upbringing and education of children without prejudice to their health. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the educational process so that the formation of a culture of students' health, spirituality, and morality becomes a priority in it.


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10. Hygiene of children and adolescents / Edited by V. N. Kardashenko. M .: Medicine, 1980.440s.

11. Gregor O. Living without getting old (The art of leading a healthy lifestyle. Not getting old is an art.): Per. from Czech / Preface by N. B. Korostelev. M .: Physical culture and sport, 1991.271s.

12. Dmitriev AA, Venevtsev SI Problems of health promotion and psychophysical development of primary school students of special (correctional) schools of the 8th type // Diagnostics, correction, valeology in special (correctional) education. Krasnoyarsk: RIO KSPU, 1999. p. 30 - 44.

13. Dmitriev AA, Zhukovin I. Yu. Some conceptual provisions of valeological work in an auxiliary school // Moscow pedagogical readings. Actual problems of social pedagogy and

special psychology. 1999. p. 190 - 193.

14. Dmitriev A. A. Correction of motor disorders in students of auxiliary schools by means of physical education. Krasnoyarsk, 1987.151s.

15. Dmitriev A. A. Improvement of students by means of physical culture. Krasnoyarsk, 1990.81s.

16. Dmitriev AA Organization of motor activity of mentally retarded children. M .: Soviet sport, 1991.32s.

17. Dulnev GM Teaching and educational work in the auxiliary school. M .: Prsveshenie, 1981.165s.

18. If you want to be healthy: collection / compiler A. Isaev. M .: Physical culture and sport, 1988. 352s.

19. Zhukovin I. Yu. Valeology in the educational process of the auxiliary school // Diagnostics, correction, valeology in special (correctional) education. Krasnoyarsk: RIO KSPU, 1999. p. 54 - 59.

20. Zaitsev NK, Kolbanov VV Strategy for understanding a healthy lifestyle among teachers // Valeology: Diagnostics, means and practice of ensuring health. Issue 3. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 1996. p. 148-153.

21. Zaporozhchenko VG On the concept of "healthy lifestyle" // International scientific conference "Healthy lifestyle" (Leningrad, December 12 - 14, 1990): Abstracts. Part 1. Novgorod, 1990. p. 26.

22. Zaporozhchenko V. G. Lifestyle and bad habits. M .: Medicine, 1984.32s.

23. The health of the people is the wealth of the country. M.: Soviet Russia, 1989.128 p.

24. Zmanovskiy Yu. F. Raising healthy children. M .: Medicine, 1989.128 p.


Extracurricular work. Class hour "Health is the main wealth of a person"

Goals: creation and presentation of a project on the topic: "My health".


  1. formation of students' correct understanding of health, healthy lifestyle;
  2. learning to independently acquire knowledge using research techniques;
  3. developing the ability to present the results of one's own and joint activities;
  4. fostering a respectful attitude towards one's own health, the health of others.

Form of carrying out:presentation of projects.

Pedagogical technologies:

  1. cooperation technology;
  2. information and educational health-saving technology;
  3. method of projects.


  1. posters;
  2. illustrations;
  3. flower of health;
  4. drawings of children.

Preparatory work: students are divided into groups, select material on their topic, draw illustrations, work independently with literature, conduct research, create memos.

During the classes:

In the morning we’re vulnerable, someone strange looked into my window, appeared in the palm of my hand

Bright red spot. This sun peeped in, as if it had extended a hand, a thin ray of gold. And as the first best friend greeted me!

The sun greets each of us with warmth and a smile. Gives everyone a good mood. And I want to wish you that every day brings you only joy.

Guys, what does a person need to be always in a good mood, in good shape?

Health is the greatest wealth and must be protected. If there is no health, there is no happiness, no mood, but not everyone remembers this. As long as you are healthy, it seems that it will always be this way ...

Today, in the lesson, we will talk about how to behave in order to stay healthy.

The topic of the class hour: "Health is the main wealth of a person."

We all remember the tale of Valentin Kataev "Flower-seven-flower". It told how one day the Sorceress gave the girl Zhenya a flower with seven multi-colored petals.

It was necessary to tear off one petal, toss it up and say the magic words, as soon as any desire was fulfilled. Zhenya has spent as many as six petals. And so, when there was only one - a single petal, the girl wished her friend, Vitya, whose leg hurt, to recover. Vitya became healthy.

But the tale does not end there. Vitya not only recovered. He was sick for so long and he wanted so much to stay healthy and never get sick that he decided to grow his own flower, a flower of health, and give it to all children on the planet. Today in the lesson we will help the boy, create a model of a flower-health. Each petal is one direction that 7 groups worked on. The children studied a lot of literature, discovering new knowledge, conducted research, and parents, teachers, specialists helped them in this. We worked under the motto: "Go ahead and don't give up!"

First group worked on the topic:"Daily regime". Our flower begins to bloom, the first petal appears.

A lot depends on how you plan your day. The guys will talk about what the schoolchild's daily routine should be.

Apprentice: Daily routine - this is the daily routine (translated from French means the established routine of life, work, food, rest, sleep).

We offer our daily routine:

  1. Getting up: 6.30 am You need to get up early in order to have time to make the bed.
  2. Charger. Remember to do exercises only in a well-ventilated room. After charging, you need to wash at 7.00. First you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap, then your face, ears, brush your teeth. Don't forget to comb your hair.
  3. Breakfast: 7.20. For breakfast, you can eat cottage cheese or cheese, or yogurt. Bread with butter, jam. Tea or cocoa with milk. Fresh fruit (apple or banana).
  4. Leaving the house. The drive from home to school is a morning walk in the fresh air.
  5. We come to class 10-15 minutes before the call.
  6. At school we have breakfast and hot meals again. After classes at 13.10 we go home.
  7. Lunch at 13.30. Every day for lunch you need to eat vegetable dishes, meat or fish. After lunch - rest at 14.00. 1.5h-2h You can sleep, read a book. You can also take a walk in the fresh air.
  8. Then we start homework at 16.00.
  9. We have prepared reminders: “How to prepare lessons correctly”.
  1. Sleep at 21.00. Children 6-9 years old are recommended to sleep 10-11 hours.

To study well, do many important and interesting things, relax and grow healthy - observe the daily routine!

Teacher: One sage said: "A man is what he eats." This is really so, because his health depends on how and what a person eats. The second group worked on this topical topic. The guys will tell us what is related to proper nutrition. A second petal appears.

Group 2 performance.

Student: It is important to eat not only enough, but also right. Our body should receive a variety of foods rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Squirrels - the main building material. All the processes necessary for the body are built from them. Proteins are indispensable in nutrition.

If the body does not receive proteins, this can lead to many diseases.

Carbohydrates Is a fuel for energy production. Fats - for the formation of energy and heat. These beneficial nutrients are essential for our body to get enough energy to move, for better brain function ..

We need minerals for the growth of bones and teeth. They participate in the work of the whole organism, saturating the blood, nerve and muscle tissues.

2nd student: The following nutrients make up a whole group.

These are vitamins ... The word "vitamin" was coined by the American scientist Casimir Funk. He discovered that the substance "amine" contained in the shell of a rice grain is vital for people. By combining the Latin word Vita - "life" with "amine", the word "vitamin" was obtained. Berries, fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins.

Teacher: Maintaining health is not easy, but you can lose it right away. Sports will help save it! Exercise develops the body, strengthens the muscles, heart and other organs, makes you breathe deeper, absorb more oxygen, improves blood circulation, allows you to stay slim, and relieves us of many diseases.

Student: Health is beauty! People knew about this even in Ancient China and India, in Ancient Greece. It was there that gymnastics originated. And gymnastics makes the body healthy and beautiful.

Each person should take care of their health themselves. Therefore, we have prepared sets of exercises that will help you become strong, vigorous and healthy.

  1. sets of exercises for morning exercises;
  2. sets of exercises to correct posture;
  3. complexes of exercises for the eyes, visual gymnastics;
  4. physical minutes.

2nd student: Now we will show you and perform one of the morning exercises. (Show).

3rd student : Gymnastics for the eyes.

Exercise 1.

  1. Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds.
  2. Open your eyes for 3-5 seconds. (do 6-8 times).

Exercise 2.

Fast blinking 1 - 2 min.

Exercise 3.

  1. Look straight into the distance for 2-3 sec.
  2. Place your finger on the midline of the face at a distance of 25-30 cm, direct your gaze to the finger for 3-5 seconds.

To preserve eyesight, you need to do eye exercises, as well as follow the rules.

  1. Don't read lying down
  2. Don't lean close when reading
  3. Do not play with explosive objects
  4. Don't watch TV for a long time
  5. Do not play computer games for a long time.
  6. Do eye gymnastics.

Get your vision checked by a doctor every year. He can determine the earliest signs of the disease and start treatment on time. And if the doctor prescribed glasses for you, wear them, do not hesitate. Glasses correct vision.

These exercises and rules will help you become healthy and always beautiful.

Teacher: There are many people in our country whose age has exceeded one hundred years. Centenarians believe there are secrets to longevity. The first secret is a hardened body. The second secret is good character. The third secret is proper nutrition and daily routine. The fourth secret is daily physical labor. It is no coincidence that hardening is in the first place. The guys from the fourth group will tell us about this.

Student: There are two ways to harden the body: using air baths and water procedures. You need to start hardening by airing the room. At school, we regularly ventilate the office - this helps us to be cheerful, get less sick, and be tempered.

Everyone knows the following lines from the song: “If you want to be healthy, be tempered! ..“ But tempering can be successful only if certain rules are observed.

  1. The first rule is that hardening must be carried out systematically, that is, constantly.
  2. Another rule is gradualness. Getting up early, at the same time, opening the window, you need to do the exercises. After charging, proceed with the water treatment. You should start with a simple one - rubdown. To do this, you need to wet a towel or sponge and rub all parts of the body in 2 minutes. Then wipe dry. Reduce the temperature of the water gradually. After a month, you can move on to douche or shower. The initial water temperature is 30 - 35 degrees. Then it is gradually lowered.

A very strong hardening agent is a contrast shower, when the water temperature is constantly changing from hot to cold.

Start with the minimum temperature, gradually bringing it to the maximum.

2nd student : At the same time, it is necessary to gradually switch to lighter clothes, do not wrap up. Go in for sports, be outdoors more often.

Remember: the sun, air, and water are our most faithful friends!

Teacher: Everyone knows that cleanliness is a guarantee of health. Uncleanliness is disrespect not only for oneself, but also for the people around. Children from the fifth group prepared their story about the observance of cleanliness and the rules of personal hygiene.

Student: People have known since ancient times to keep their bodies clean. In ancient Rome, public baths were built - thermae. People came here to relax, tidy up their bodies, use the services of a hairdresser and massage therapist, play sports and even read, since there was a library here.

The Russian people also considered the bathhouse to be the best way to maintain cleanliness and treatment, but their baths were much different from the "Roman" ones. The hotter it was in the bath, the healthier it was considered. And when the steam was unbearable, they ran out into the street and immediately threw themselves into a pond or river. From such hardening, not a single disease could overcome a person. This tradition has survived to this day.

What personal hygiene rules are familiar to you?

Washing hands before eating, water and soap destroy germs;

take proper care of your teeth, brush your teeth twice a day, change your toothbrush every 3-4 months;

wash with hot water at least once a week;

take care of nails and hair, nails must be trimmed once a week with scissors, hair must be combed daily, at least once a week, hair should be washed with shampoo;

During and after water procedures, we use personal hygiene products. It is important to remember that these things should be different for everyone. Why do you think?

Because through these objects you can get infected.

And now this task:

Output: Observing the rules of personal hygiene, we will keep our health for many years.

Teacher: An ancient Chinese dictum says: "A wise person prevents diseases, not cures them." Therefore, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle, because adherence to the rules of a healthy lifestyle strengthens health, fosters the will and character of a person.

Character is made up of habits. Children from the sixth group prepared the material about what habits are, which of them strengthen health, and which, on the contrary, lead to the destruction of the body.

Student: Tell me, what do you do out of habit?

What habits did you name in one word?

Good habits.

Exercise, play sports, wash in the morning, brush your teeth, comb, use a clean handkerchief, take care of clothes, keep order in everything: every thing should have its own place, be thrifty in relation to school and household property - all of these are useful habits that help us stay healthy. But there are habits that can hardly be called bad; the name dangerous, bad habits is more suitable for them.

2nd student: Smoking is very unhealthy. Tobacco damages the heart, brain, lungs, kidneys and other organs of a person. Life becomes 15 minutes shorter after each smoked cigarette. But it is especially harmful for a growing organism that weakens and develops poorly!

There is another, no less dangerous habit - alcoholism. Many adults suffer from wine, beer, and other alcoholic beverages. A drinking person's memory deteriorates, coordination of movement is impaired, the liver, stomach and other organs of the human body gradually begin to fail. For children, this harm is triple. There are cases when children died of alcohol or were seriously ill.

But the worst disease of our century is addiction.

It develops from the use of intoxicating, poisonous substances - drugs. Having tasted cigarettes with drugs or special pills, weak or very curious people soon switch to stronger drugs. By doing this, they destroy their health. Being in a state of narcotic intoxication, these people inflict terrible wounds on themselves and commit crimes. Many of them do not live to be 30 years old. Getting rid of this addiction is very difficult, often impossible.

Therefore, never try any drugs.

Output: DO NOT get bad habits! Lead a healthy lifestyle! Know and follow good habits, they help us to improve our health.

Teacher: Man is part of nature. When nature is sick, man is also sick. Our health depends on favorable environmental conditions. Our guys tried to find out in what conditions the nature surrounding us is (presentation of the expert group). The seventh petal opens.

Student: We created a group of experts and, together with the parents, carried out an environmental and health-saving examination of the conditions of the area. You can read more about this expertise on the pages of our book, here are described the tasks for the expert group, the results of their research. And now we will hear the decision that the guys made based on the results of these studies.

After discussing the results, we decided that we should, together with high school students and teachers, actively participate in the greening of the school territory, as well as help adults to green up our yards and streets. Monitor the cleanliness of the school, school grounds, streets, courtyards, entrances, and your home.

Then it will be cleaner and more beautiful around us.

Bottom line. Teacher: Guys all together we have created a flower of health. Our flower would not be so wonderful if we only touched and listened to one petal. A flower is beautiful only when all the petals are alive and full of joy because the guys can tell you what in life will help us preserve our health and what will destroy it.

When we are cheerful, healthy, it is good and joyful for all those people who love us and see us every day.

I would like to thank everyone who participated in the work on the project. I think that all of you have learned a lot for yourself and will leave the lesson with a desire to discover as much as possible, study and draw the right conclusions about how to behave correctly with regard to your health.

Healthy lifestyle program.

Program name: "Travel to health»

for younger students 7-10 years old.

Target group: Junior schoolchildren 10 years old

Objectives of the program: Formation of a healthy life



1. Get an idea of ​​yourself, form an attitude towards your capabilities and shortcomings, your own value system.

2. Develop strategies and behaviors that lead to healthy lifestyles.

3. Develop the ability to communicate with others, empathize, accept and provide psychological and social support.

4. Identify children in need of individual counseling, family counseling.

Expected end result:

- improving the organization and improving the quality of psychological assistance to children and adults.

- the formation of a healthy lifestyle and highly active behavioral strategies and personal resources in younger students.

The research results show that the age of initiation of the use of psychoactive substances falls in the majority of cases during the school years. Younger schoolchildren are unwitting witnesses to smoking, alcohol consumption, psychoactive substances by high school students, adults, and parents. A similar model of behavior of adults is fixed in the child's mind and for many in the future it becomes their norm of behavior.

Scientists have shown that if children and adolescents use tobacco and alcohol, then the likelihood that they will try drugs in the future increases. Various deviations in the behavior of children and adolescents rarely occur in isolation. Usually, the use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs is accompanied by lies, petty theft and hooliganism, truancy and poor school performance.

Therefore, the primary prevention of alcohol abuse, toxic substances among schoolchildren should be started from a young age.

This program is aimed at preventing the abuse of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, to improve the organization of work to provide psychological assistance to children and adults, contributing to the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The specificity of the program lies in the direct active participation of children in the implementation of the process for the prevention of substance abuse.

This program allows the child to make his own choice, may be the first independent choice in life, to feel himself and know exactly what he is responsible for everything that happens to him.

The program consists of the following sections

1. Informational,

2. Game,

3. Practical.

The purpose of the information section:

Provide information in an accessible form for this age group about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drug use.

The purpose of the game section:

In the course of the game, form value positions in relation to their own health, skills. The purpose of the practical section:

To form skills and attitudes of safe behavior in situations associated with the risk of exposure to psychoactive substances.

Basic working methods:

a. Theatricalization

d. improvisation

with. Modeling and analysis of given situations

e. Training

e. Psycho-gymnastics

and. Illustrative

j. composition

Forms and methods of work:

1. "Live newspaper"

2. Visibility

3. Game

4. Group work

5. Dialogue

6. Story

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the program:

Development of communication skills in children,

Formation of skills, abilities and experience necessary for adequate behavior in society,

Participation in preventive measures.

A.M. Shcheglova

MCOU "Stanovskaya average

comprehensive school",


(Kursk region, Timsky district, village Stanovoe)



The main problem of the upbringing of the younger generation is the upbringing of a healthy person. Health is the physical, hygienic, mental, social culture of a person. Only a healthy child can play, run, laugh, fantasize. How healthy the child is - his personal and social development depends on it. This is regulated and ensured by a number of regulatory documents: the Laws of the Russian Federation "On Education", "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population", the Decree of the President of Russia "On Urgent Measures to Ensure the Health of the Population in the Russian Federation", "The Convention on the Rights of the Child", etc. etc.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child emphasizes the right of every young citizen to life. The state is responsible for creating conditions that ensure their survival and healthy development to the maximum extent. In this situation, health can be considered as the most important prerequisite for the formation of a child's personality.

Therefore, it is necessary to search for new approaches to health improvement, based on a multifactorial analysis of external influences, monitoring the state of health of each child, taking into account and using the characteristics of his body, individualizing preventive measures.

The concept of a healthy lifestyle is seen as a combination of activities that ensure optimal interaction with the environment. A healthy lifestyle, aimed at preventing the occurrence of any disease, ensures the full development and realization of the individual's capabilities, contributes to his socialization and is a necessary condition for the upbringing of a harmonious personality.

A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, laborious, tempering and, at the same time, protecting from the adverse effects of the environment, allowing you to maintain moral, mental and physical health until a ripe old age. Everyone has great opportunities to strengthen and maintain their health, to maintain their ability to work and physical activity.

Speaking about a healthy lifestyle in children, sufficient physical activity should be put in the first place. Scientists have determined that with physical inactivity, the ability of muscles to contract worsens, the chemical composition of proteins changes, calcium is washed out of the bone tissue, and the bones become loose. But the lack of movement is especially hard on the blood vessels, heart and nervous system. Metabolic processes suffer, body weight is rapidly increasing. Hygienists' studies show that up to 82 - 85% of the daytime, most students are in a static position (sitting). Unfortunately, modern schoolchildren, like adults, do not consider their health to be the most important value in life. It is important that both adults and children master the knowledge of factors, methods and means that strengthen health, have the habit of constantly taking measures aimed at its preservation, so that they have an active attitude towards their health and the health of the people around them - that is, to form a social need to live and be healthy.

It is necessary to convince teenagers that life can provide them with a lot of interesting things, that there are no insoluble problems and hopeless situations. Involving adolescents in social activities that will require them to develop positive qualities will help prevent deviant behavior. The task of teachers is to educate a socially caring personality from an enlightened teenager who can resist drug addiction in any situation.

The school is designed to give the younger generation a deep and solid knowledge of the foundations of science, develop the necessary skills and abilities, form a worldview, and ensure the comprehensive development of the individual. At the same time, the school should also play a health-improving role, since society becomes not indifferent to the cost of acquiring knowledge for the health of the younger generation. A healthy lifestyle does not yet occupy the first place in the hierarchy of human needs and values ​​in our society. But if we teach children from an early age to value, protect and strengthen their health, if we demonstrate a healthy lifestyle by personal example, then only in this case we can hope that the future generation will be healthier and developed not only personally, intellectually, spiritually but also physically. Today the topic is relevant, since the raised problem is caused by the need of psychologists, teachers, parents in improving methods of psychological and pedagogical influence on a healthy lifestyle in the formation of a schoolchild. A healthy lifestyle is a combination of all conditions that tune a person to active activity, allow to fully realize those highest spiritual qualities that have always been inherent in our people. A healthy lifestyle is a complex of recreational activities that ensure the harmonious development and strengthening of health, increase the efficiency of people, and prolong their creative longevity. The main elements of a healthy lifestyle are a fruitful work activity, optimal motor regime, personal hygiene, rational nutrition, rejection of bad habits and, of course, tempering. Every teacher wants to see his pupils healthy, cheerful, well physically developed. From the moment of birth, a normally developing child strives for movement. The formation of this need, which is important for life, largely depends on the characteristics of life and upbringing, on how adults surrounding the child create the necessary conditions conducive to the timely development of movements that are accessible by age. There is no one single unique health technology. Saving health can be one of the tasks some educational process. This can be an educational process of medical and hygienic orientation, physical culture and health, environmental, etc. Only thanks to an integrated approach to teaching schoolchildren can the problems of forming and strengthening the health of students be solved. Many modern researchers believe that health is the maximum productivity of organs that have fully preserved their functions, and assess it as a state of the body that ensures the full performance of all vital functions and forms of human activity.

Among the health-saving technologies used in the education system, there are several groups that use different approaches, methods and forms of work:

Medical and hygienic technologies (MHT);

Physical culture and health technologies (FOT);

Environmental health-saving technologies (EHT);

Life Safety Technologies (TOBZH);

Health-saving educational technologies (HST).

Pedagogical conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle are widely represented in the works of teachers Ya.A. Komensky, A.F. Kharlamova, Yu.K. Babansky, Sh.A. Amonashvili, B.P. Nikitin and dr. At present, education in the field of promoting a healthy lifestyle is conducted on the basis of teaching academic subjects (biology, chemistry, physics, physical education, etc.), extracurricular and extracurricular activities (electives, circles, etc.). The formation of a healthy lifestyle for a person begins from the moment of birth and continues throughout life, but its foundations are laid during childhood and adolescence. Changes, alterations of individual elements that developed during the period of maturation occur with great difficulty in adulthood. Therefore, it is very important in school years to bring up in a child such a way of life, such a type of human behavior in life situations, which would contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health at all periods of life. The goal of our society is to increase the awareness and knowledge of schoolchildren about harmful substances and the dangerous consequences of their use; strengthening the negative attitude of schoolchildren to the use of harmful substances; instilling and developing in schoolchildren the life skills necessary to maintain and maintain a healthy lifestyle, life without the use of harmful substances. A healthy lifestyle does not yet occupy the first place in the hierarchy of human needs and values ​​in our society. But if we do not teach children from an early age to value, protect and strengthen their health, if we demonstrate a healthy lifestyle by personal example, then only in this case we can hope that the future generation will be healthier and more developed not only personally, intellectually, spiritually but also physically. If earlier they said: “There is a healthy mind in a healthy body”, then he will not be mistaken who says that without the spiritual there can be no healthy.


1. Aizman R.I. Schoolchildren's health and psychological and pedagogical problems of its correction / R.I. Aizman - Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk. state ped. un-t, 2001.

2. Grombach S.M. Teacher and student health / S.M. Grombach // Education of a healthy student: Sat. / Comp. N.B. Korostelev. - M .: 1971.

3. Panfilova L.A. Formation of health in students as a social value / L.A. Panfilova, A.T. Tutatchikov // Vestn. Institute for the development of education and upbringing of the younger generation.

4. Smirnov N.K. Health-saving educational technologies in the work of teachers and schools. M .: ARKTI, 2003.

5. Rotenberg V.S., Bondarenko S.M. Brain. Education. Health. Moscow: 1989.

6. Aizman R.I. Schoolchildren's health and psychological and pedagogical problems of its correction / R.I. Aizman - Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk. state ped. un-t, 2001 .-- 15p.

7. Bezrukikh M.M. School risk factors and children's health / M.M. Armless // Master. - 1999. - No. 3.

8. Smetankin A.A. Health teacher / A.A. Smetankin - SPb .: Peter, 2003.

9. Popova A.I. Health-preserving environment at school / A.I. Popova // Education. - 2001. - No. 4.

Lydia Vikarenko
Education of healthy lifestyle skills in older preschool children

the main goal preschool education- child development while maintaining health. Health determines the degree of vitality, the resistance of the organism to the corresponding environment, the ability to realize its biological and social functions. That's why educating children of motivation for a healthy lifestyle it is necessary to form precisely from childhood, then taking care of your own health, as the main value, will become a natural form of behavior.

According to existing statistics 60% children of those entering school have functional impairments, and 45% are not ready to learn and master the school program. That is why, at the present time, there is a need,. Solution to this problem it is advisable to start with preschool age, when the foundations of the attitude towards the world around and its values ​​are laid. At this stage of development vital installations are not yet strong enough, and the nervous system is particularly flexible.

Formation problems healthy lifestyle a large number of different - aspect research:

There is an understanding healthy lifestyle as a special form life activity, determined by both biological and social factors, among which family and preschool educational institutions occupy a significant place;

The necessity of integrating various approaches to health and the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers, etc.... etc.

However, the system education of healthy lifestyle skills was not the subject of special research, but exactly:

In programs for preschool educational institutions, the implementation of educational function and the potential education reduced and limited methodically;

The ways of including the child in the process are not sufficiently disclosed education of healthy lifestyle skills;

Due way the potential of interaction between teachers and parents is not used, on which it largely depends education of healthy lifestyle skills in children.

Therefore, I consider it very important to educate children in healthy lifestyle skills.

Talking about health, we use the definition offered by the World Health Organization - "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease ...".

The importance of this problem lies in the fact that at present, numerous external and internal factors have a greater negative effect on the health of our children.

Before starting work, I studied the literature on physical and valeological preschool education; tasks, means, ways of solving the problem of strengthening health of preschool children... She also defined the goals and objectives of her further work in this direction:

Form the correct posture and develop all muscle groups, strengthen the respiratory muscles;

Promote the prevention of flat feet;

Create a psycho-emotional climate in the group;

- cultivate a healthy lifestyle habit through fiction, conversations and classes;

Develop cultural and hygienic skills;

Introduce parents to education of healthy lifestyle habits in children through various forms of work.

Work on education of healthy lifestyle skills, started by educating parents, since the family is the foundation of a child's development. I used these forms of work how: conversations, consultations, consultations - workshops, physical culture events, joint games children and parents, as well as made out folders - travel with useful information (see Attachment).

Developed a long-term plan of classes, conversations, consultations for parents, physical education activities for fostering healthy lifestyle skills in children and strengthening their health... Compiled complexes of morning exercises, gymnastics after sleep and hardening activities (see Attachment).

It was these forms of work that I decided to apply to achieve my goal and objectives.

The work I started was not without difficulties. Some children refused to do morning exercises. In such cases, I did not force them, but suggested that they see how other children were doing, how fun and interesting it was. If morning exercises were carried out on the street, then they attracted the parents to perform several exercises, after which the child began to study with them. Morning exercises were best done outdoors and in a well-ventilated group.

Artyom Samvelyan had the most difficulties in performing the exercises, due to the fact that he is a large boy and not a little agile. Kritari Dima, Privalov Vsevolod, Porozova Eva and Pashinskaya Nastya often refused to do the exercises saying that "I won't succeed, I won't be able to, I don't want to study ..."... I worked with these children individually. The next time, these children did all the exercises correctly and it became more interesting and fun for them to practice. They did all the exercises with pleasure. In these cases, an individual approach helped to achieve the results that suited me and pleased me. children.

Individual work tried to carry out in a playful way, with the use of physical training equipment and without it. I paid great attention to individual work during the walk. She gave great preference to outdoor games with small subgroups children... Such games in the air helped to train nasal breathing, improve different parts of the lungs, deepen exhalation and improve breathing in general. Used games for different physical activity children: high, medium and low mobility (see the appendix, as well as games that heal.

As a result of conducting therapeutic outdoor games, they not only strengthened children's health, but also contributed to the comprehensive, harmonious physical and mental development; formed the necessary skills, coordination of movement, physical qualities (agility, endurance, accuracy, etc.) (see Attachment)... Outdoor Games Temper the Body and Strengthen the Immune System children.

During the games, unexpected funny situations often arose. This caused genuine laughter from children... Relaxed fun atmosphere "Increased" joint communication children in joy, care and friendship.

When organizing physical training, she widely used general developmental exercises, which activated various muscle groups and improved blood supply to internal organs.

She gave a special role to exercises aimed at developing and strengthening the respiratory muscles and the musculoskeletal system. To train correct breathing, children were offered the most accessible natural movements - walking and running.

Respiratory gymnastics was carried out after sleep in combination with other exercises (see Attachment)... To perform such breathing exercises, the starting position was of great importance. hands: hands on the belt - contributed to the creation of favorable conditions for ventilation of the lungs; position or movement of the hands at the level of the head and above - helped to activate the respiratory function of the muscles of the lower chest and diaphragm.

Gymnastics after sleep included game exercises ( "bike", "Crocodile", "Boat", "Kitty - doggy" and etc.). Children really like to do gymnastics in a poetic form.

At the end of gymnastics after sleep, children walk along the paths health, in order to prevent flat feet in children... These tracks were made with the help of parents. (they sewed buttons on the tracks, brought caps, chestnuts, etc.).

An effective means of strengthening children's health, reducing the incidence, increasing the level of performance and education of healthy lifestyle skills- hardening appeared.

The sun, air and water are factors, which systematically increase the body's resistance to environmental influences. Hardening is not only rubbing or dousing, but also everyday routine procedures that do not require special organization and additional time: finding children indoors and outdoors in appropriate clothing, washing with cool water, sleeping with an open window, window (with the permission of parents, active physical education on the site.

A good means of strengthening children's health hardening with water. In the summer wellness During the period, the children enjoyed swimming in the pool. We were happy to play games with water. In a group, children soaked their feet in water with sea pebbles (after walking along the path - health) ... Every day on the site ran in panties, barefoot (hardened by sun and air)... From this period, the drinking regime was also observed.

She spoke about various types of hardening, methods and techniques, about the systematic and continuous use of them at the consultations for parents.

Of great importance in working with children education of healthy lifestyle skills had classes, conversations, didactic games, productive activities, reading fiction about the body, the rules of caring for it, about vitamins, health, proper nutrition.

The children studied their bodies and tried to do everything to be healthy and strong... But the main role in education of healthy lifestyle skills assigned to parents.

Also in upbringing the skills of a healthy lifestyle in children were brought up by encouraging parents to participate in a variety of sports and recreational activities that were carried out with children.

About Days health, sports events and entertainment, she informed parents in advance, informed not only about the date of the event, but also about its content, about how to prepare the child for this day.

By participating in such events, parents had the opportunity to observe their child in a group of peers, to compare his physical fitness, physical qualities with how other children are developed.

Cheerful healthy the atmosphere of these holidays was transmitted to adults, helped to awaken their interest in communicating with their children, to increase attention to child health.

During this experiment, it is clear from my observations that what:

- diversity forms of work with parents have a positive effect on the development of children healthy lifestyle skills;

All forms, methods, techniques of working with children made it possible to learn more about your health, ways to protect it from disease, strengthen and increase the level of physical activity;

Through games, exercise and physical education - wellness activities created a positive psycho - emotional climate in the group;

They contributed to the formation of correct posture, developed all muscle groups and correct respiratory activity.

I believe that this experiment on education of healthy lifestyle skills in children should be applied in working with children of all ages.








LN Tolstoy wrote: “The demands of people who smoke, drink, overeat, do not work and turn night into day are ridiculous that the doctor would make them healthy, despite their unhealthy lifestyle.” A hundred years later, this phrase has not lost its relevance.

It, like the need to form a healthy lifestyle of the population, is obvious and is confirmed by the regulatory documents of the Republic of Belarus, first of all, the National Strategy for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus for the period up to 2020, the State Program for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Republic of Belarus, the Constitution country.

The hypothesis is the thesis that the formation of a healthy lifestyle for the population is a complex task, the responsibility for the solution of which is borne in one form or another by all capable adult citizens. The solution to this problem is complicated by the skeptical attitude of a certain part of the population to the obvious advantages of the quality of life of those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

The purpose of the work is to describe the foundations of the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The tasks of the work are to define the way of life as a certain type of life of an individual, as well as to indicate its medico-biological meaning.

The practical significance of the work - it can be used as material for lectures, conversations, as well as serve as a specific guide to action for those who decide to improve the quality of life.


In the national strategy of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus for the period until 2020, it is determined that "the strategic goal in the field of improving health is the creation of a state mechanism to support a healthy lifestyle, the formation of a high demand for personal health, the creation of prerequisites for its satisfaction."

The life and health of our people should become priority values ​​in public consciousness, in the strategy and tactics of state socio - economic policy.

In his report at a permanent seminar of leading workers of republican and local government bodies on improving ideological work, back in 2005, the President of our country said - “The life and health of our people should become priority values ​​in public consciousness, in the strategy and tactics of the state socio-economic politicians".

“The main task of our state in this direction, he stressed, is to create a conscious need among its citizens to treat their health as a value. Health must be strengthened and maintained. "

However, practice shows that without the active and conscious participation of every citizen in this process, it is impossible to solve the national task of strengthening health and improving the quality of life. At present, the opinion that the improvement in the state of health of the population is mainly due not to medical interventions, but depends on the quality of life and is provided through the lifestyle that a particular individual leads, is recognized.

It has been established that more than 70% of the factors affecting the health of the population are controllable, i.e. depend on the state and behavior of the person himself.


Lifestyle - a certain type of human activity, which includes the totality different types activities, people's behavior in everyday life.

Living conditions are the conditions that determine the way of life. They can be material and non-material (labor, everyday life, family relations, education, food, etc.).

The standard of living (the level of well-being) characterizes the size and structure of needs. These are quantitative indicators of living conditions. The standard of living is determined by the size of the gross product, national income, real incomes of the population, provision of housing, medical care, and indicators of public health.

The way of life is the order, the rules of work, everyday life, social life, within the framework of which the vital activity of people takes place.

Lifestyle - individual characteristics of behavior in everyday life.

The quality of life is the quality of those conditions in which the daily life of people is carried out (the quality of living conditions, food, education, medical care).

In defining the concept of a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to take into account two starting factors - the genetic nature of a given person and its compliance with specific conditions of life.

The social worker's job is ultimately to help the client restore or improve the interaction between him and the community to improve the client's quality of life.

The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is caused by an increase and change in the nature of the load on the human body due to the complication of social life, an increase in the risks of a technogenic, environmental, psychological, political and military nature, provoking negative changes in the state of health.

Diseases of a person are mostly caused by his lifestyle and daily behavior. Currently, a healthy lifestyle is considered as the basis for the prevention of diseases and premature deaths, and for increasing life expectancy.

A healthy lifestyle must correspond to the genetic program inherent in a person. This is necessary both for the harmonious coexistence of man with nature, and for the maximum development of health potential. The genetic program of a person determines his constitution (morphofunctional type, prevailing types of nervous and mental reactions), the rate of biological reactions and, therefore, predetermines the presence or absence of various diseases.

In addition to genetic factors, the lifestyle is also influenced by age, gender, education, intelligence, profession, working conditions, upbringing, family traditions and foundations, material well-being, living conditions, personal motivations.

An active carrier of a healthy lifestyle is a specific person as a subject and object of his life and social status. In the implementation of a healthy lifestyle, a person acts in the unity of his biological and social principles. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is based on the personal-motivational attitude of a person to the embodiment of his social, physical, intellectual and mental capabilities and abilities.

Knowledge about a healthy lifestyle is designed to improve human life activity, maximize the best in the gene pool and smoothen the action of harmful genes, develop and build relationships with the outside world as harmoniously as possible.

It is important to understand that each person is able to change their living environment within their home, workplace, choosing the right places for recreation, thereby reducing the possible harmful effects of the environment. A healthy lifestyle gives you greater freedom and power over your own life, making it more fruitful, of high quality and longer. To achieve this, a person must first of all become the bearer of the idea of ​​health as the main life priority - this problem is the most important task of applying social technologies in this area.

The next stage should be the formation of a certain organization of human self-awareness, focused on understanding the role and place of various means, methods and forms of a healthy lifestyle, as well as on the ability to apply them in their life. In this process, the approaches of mass medicine, which are characterized by universal, uniform norms and recommendations, are unacceptable. The basis of valeological culture is the conscious and desired transfer of the value of health (one's own and public health) and care for the environment into a number of life priorities.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is carried out thanks to information coming from the outside, through the correction of the lifestyle, thanks to feedback, the analysis of one's own feelings, well-being and the dynamics of objective morphological and functional indicators, their correlation with the valeological knowledge he has. The formation of a healthy lifestyle is an extremely long-term process and can last a lifetime.

Feedback from the changes occurring in the body as a result of following a healthy lifestyle does not come immediately, sometimes it is expected for years. That is why people often "try" only the transition, but without getting a quick result, they return to their old way of life. This is not surprising, since a healthy lifestyle presupposes the rejection of many of the pleasant conditions of life that have become habitual (overeating, comfort, alcohol, smoking, etc.) and, on the contrary, constant and regular heavy loads for an unadapted person and strict regulation lifestyle. In the first period of transition to a healthy lifestyle, when a person is constantly experiencing a lack of knowledge, it is especially important to support a person in his desire to provide him with the necessary consultations, to point out positive changes in his state of health, in functional indicators, to correct mistakes, thereby maintaining motivation.

It is especially important to focus on a healthy lifestyle for children, which is a prerequisite for a healthy start for future families capable of giving birth, raising and raising subsequent generations of people with a more perfect gene pool and a stable system of healthy needs. It is clear that it is possible to form real motivations for a healthy lifestyle only from childhood. And the results will be better than in cases where the burden of diseases and pathological conditions has already been accumulated. Naturally, only professionals should be allowed to work with children and adolescents. Particular care should be taken in matters of sex education and the prevention of chemical addiction.

When using social technologies to form a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of the individual. For example, children and adolescents should first explain the need for positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent various deviations, while adults readily read literature and listen to lectures on health and rational behavior to preserve it, take information about hygiene and proper nutrition. And, conversely, those who are more passive and lead a sedentary lifestyle, much earlier than others, there is a gradual destruction of the body and depletion of physical and intellectual strength.

Components of a healthy lifestyle:

balanced diet;

optimal motor regime;

rational mode of life;

training immunity and hardening;

compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;

compliance with the norms and rules of psychohygiene;

sexual culture, rational family planning;

prevention of autoaggression;

control over your own health.

In order to form a healthy lifestyle, various social technologies are used, aimed at working both with various categories of clients and with employees of social protection institutions. In working with a team of specialists, it is also necessary to use the whole wide range of measures for the prevention of infectious diseases, stress and conflict situations, physical inactivity, the destructive effects of noise, vibration, aggressive environment and other unfavorable biological and social factors. Such measures include hardening, auto-training, recreational swimming, bio-informational correction (biofeedback training), health-improving physiotherapeutic procedures, herbal medicine, oxygen cocktail, exercise on simulators, elements of therapeutic physical culture and massage, acupuncture, respiratory gymnastics, the use of which stimulates the reserves of adaptation human, contributes to the optimal regulation of personal health resources.


To date, the most complete definition of health from a social standpoint is the one proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO): "Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical disabilities."

The medical and biological meaning of a healthy lifestyle lies in the adaptive capabilities of a person. In this understanding of a healthy lifestyle, the following concepts are most often invested:

education from early childhood healthy habits and skills;

a safe and healthy environment;

knowledge about the impact of surrounding objects on health;

quitting bad habits (smoking, drug use, alcohol abuse);

moderate, physiological nutrition

conscious choice of products;

a physically active life, including special exercises (for example, fitness);

compliance with the rules of personal and public hygiene;

first aid skills;


All components of a healthy lifestyle (HLS) are interconnected. The physiological state of a person is greatly influenced by his psycho-emotional state, which, in turn, depends on his mental attitudes. Therefore, the following block of components is distinguished separately in biomedical theories of a healthy lifestyle:

emotional well-being: mental hygiene, the ability to cope with one's own emotions;

intellectual well-being: a person's ability to recognize and use new information for optimal action in new circumstances;

spiritual well-being: the ability to set truly meaningful, constructive life goals and strive for them, optimism.

Some researchers add to this list social well-being - the ability to interact with other people. The formation of a healthy lifestyle, according to some authors, is carried out at three levels:

social: propaganda through the media, outreach;

infrastructural: specific conditions in the main spheres of life (availability of free time, material resources), preventive institutions, environmental control;

personal: the system of human value orientations, standardization of everyday life.

In the Republic of Belarus, the problems of the social level of healthy lifestyles are dealt with by such services for the formation of a healthy lifestyle as republican, regional, city and district health centers, medical and physical dispensaries, cosmetology clinics, and rooms for promoting a healthy lifestyle. Scientific and methodological support is provided by the All-Russian Research Center for Preventive Medicine.

Subjectively, a person leading a healthy lifestyle can feel changes in his condition, which will become a reward for his efforts: endurance can increase, work capacity can increase, colds occur less often, mood and well-being improve.

Each person's path to a healthy lifestyle is unique, but the end result is always important. The effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle can be assessed by a number of biosocial criteria:

) assessment of morphological and functional indicators of health (level of physical development, fitness and adaptability);

) assessment of the state of immunity (the number of colds and infectious diseases during a certain period; the number of exacerbations of chronic diseases);

) assessment of adaptation to socio-economic conditions of life, such as:

efficiency of professional activity;

activity in the performance of family and household duties;

the breadth and degree of manifestation of social and personal interests.

) Evaluation of the level of valeological indicators:

the degree of formation of the attitude towards healthy lifestyle;

the level of valeological knowledge;

the level of assimilation of practical knowledge and skills related to the maintenance and promotion of health;

the ability to independently build an individual health trajectory and a healthy lifestyle program.

It is possible to propose the following classification for evaluating the parameters for assessing healthy lifestyles:

optimality of the motor regime;

fitness and adaptability to physical activity;

thermoregulation system reserve;

protective reserve of immunity;

balance of the psychological state;

harmony of family and business relationships;

rationality of food;

sufficiency of personal hygiene;

lack of bad habits;

valeological self-education

the strength and stability of motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Adaptive physical culture is recognized as one of the popular social technologies, and several of its different types can be distinguished: healthy life biosocial

adaptive physical education in order to provide the basic foundations of physical education;

adaptive motor recreation, intended for the organization of healthy leisure, outdoor activities, games, communication;

adaptive sports aimed at improving and realizing physical, mental, emotional-volitional abilities;

adaptive motor rehabilitation, aimed at using natural means and methods that stimulate the fastest recovery of the body.

The main task is to form in the trainees a conscious attitude to their strengths, firm confidence in them, a conscious attitude to the performance of the necessary physical activity, as well as the need for systematic physical exercises and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

In addition, in the system of social protection of the population, technologies are used aimed at increasing the level of safety of the daily life of the elderly, the disabled and other vulnerable groups of the population and includes the main issues related to the life of people with limited mobility in modern society. Classes with clients are practice-oriented and are aimed at:

to study and master the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, ensuring a full-fledged safe existence and the realization of the abilities and needs of the individual in everyday life;

familiarization with the types of dangers that threaten a person in modern everyday life, actions in dangerous and emergency situations of a natural, social and man-made nature; study and development of methods and techniques of protection, allowing to minimize possible damage to the individual and society in dangerous and emergency situations, to reduce individual risks;

developing the ability to analyze situations and make safe decisions in everyday life;

the formation of an idea about the ecological, socio-cultural, economic characteristics of modern society as an environment of direct life and involvement in it in the process of self-affirmation and self-realization;

formation of the ability to choose moral and psychological attitudes in dangerous and emergency situations;

the formation of a respectful, responsible attitude to one's own safety and the safety of people around, interaction skills, cooperation necessary to resolve and prevent dangerous and emergency situations, awareness of the priority of safety in all spheres of human life.

Technologies such as "Walking with a Scandinavian step" and "Cycling paths of health" are becoming more and more popular in our country.

The technology "Walking with a Scandinavian step" is based on the popularization and introduction of Scandinavian walking with ski poles, this type of exercise can take place in the fresh air, does not require special physical training, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system and lungs, group and individual lessons at any time of the year.

Cycling along the road to health is a rehabilitation technique for which an adult tricycle is used. A person, despite his disability, is confident in the saddle, trains all muscle groups, saturates the blood with oxygen, exercising individually or in a group, he gains self-confidence, increases his emotional tone.

The formation of attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle is facilitated by playing sports games both in their classical embodiment and according to simplified rules. Mastering the elements of sports games contributes to the development of movement skills, their psychological impact facilitates the compensation of physical, mental and social personality changes, normalizing social significance, increasing psychological stability in a limited time - this is a wonderful means of expanding the communicative space and increasing human motor activity. Moreover, even passive participation in sports and recreational activities contributes to active leisure time, distracts from problems, withdrawal from illness, leads to recovery, and helps to normalize the psycho-emotional state.


A healthy lifestyle is the most effective means and method of ensuring health, primary prevention of disease and meeting the vital need for health.

The program and organization of a healthy lifestyle for a given person is determined by the following basic premises:

individual typological hereditary factors;

objective social conditions and socio-economic factors;

specific living conditions in which family, household and professional activities are carried out;

personal and motivational factors determined by the worldview and culture of a person, the degree of their orientation towards health and a healthy lifestyle.

Control over the state of health is carried out using some indicators that have a specific quantitative expression. For example, the main indicators of homeostasis, indicators of the body's reserves under directed loads.

A healthy lifestyle is the implementation of a set of actions in all the main spheres of human life: work, social, family and household, leisure.

It is beneficial for the state and society to promote a healthy lifestyle, since as a result:

the incidence rate is reduced and the costs of treatment and payments to people with disabilities are reduced;

the social activity of people and the ability to productive work increase and, consequently, the incomes of citizens, which are a source of taxes for the state, increase;

family relationships improve;

the prevalence of especially dangerous bad habits is decreasing;

the psychological climate in society is improving.

Summarizing the data on the effectiveness of the transition to a healthy lifestyle, we can assume that he:

positively and effectively reduces or eliminates the impact of risk factors, morbidity and, as a result, reduces the cost of treatment;

contributes to the fact that a person's life becomes healthier and more durable;

ensures good family relationships, health and happiness of children;

is the basis for realizing a person's need for self-actualization and self-realization, ensures high social activity and social success;

determines the high working capacity of the body, reduced fatigue at work, high labor productivity and on this basis - high material wealth;

allows you to give up bad habits, rationally organize and distribute the time budget with the obligatory use of means and methods of active recreation;

provides cheerfulness, good mood and optimism.


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Lukashenko A.G. The health of the nation is the highest value of the state // Speech by the President of the Republic of Belarus at the First Congress of Physicians.

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