Forms of work with parents individual forms of work with parents. “Parents' meetings as one of the forms of interaction with parents

The forms of work of preschool institutions with parents are diverse: a living word, demonstration of educational work, organization of exhibitions, pedagogical libraries, attraction of parents to active participation in the life of a kindergarten, etc. This work is carried out in two directions: individually and with a team of parents.

The organizer and coordinator of cooperation between the preschool institution and the parents of the pupils is the head. It promotes the establishment of a unified system of upbringing children in the family and in kindergarten, rallying the teaching staff and parents to solve this problem.

Positive results in the upbringing of children are achieved with a skillful combination of various forms of cooperation, with the active involvement of all members of the preschool staff and family members of the pupils in this work.

As we have already said, the tasks of the kindergarten are: the establishment of unity in the upbringing of children, the pedagogical education of parents, the study and dissemination of the best experience of family education, familiarization of parents with the life and work of a preschool institution. Consequently, the forms of work of a kindergarten with parents of children in preschool age will be:

1. Traditional forms of work;

2. Non-traditional forms of work.

Traditional forms are those forms that are time-tested and standard for all preschool institutions, not only in the city, but also in the country. Let's consider them. Kindergarten presentation. A child's admission to kindergarten is a very important moment for every family. The presentation of the kindergarten is a celebration of the acquaintance of new children and their parents with the kindergarten, the team, the premises, the programs according to which the kindergarten operates. The main task is to cause joy in the child from the first minutes of communication, to form a positive image of the kindergarten in the minds of the parents, to demonstrate the mood for interaction and interpenetration into each other's problems. This event requires a lot of preparation, but it brings a huge return, facilitates the process of adaptation of the child to kindergarten, reduces the level of parental anxieties and fears about the child's stay in kindergarten.

Parents' meetings. One of the most traditional forms of parenting. Their goal is to increase the level of educational skills, pedagogical culture of parents.

Parent's meeting rules:

The parents' meeting should be thoroughly prepared. Two weeks before the meeting, post a notice in the lobby of the group indicating the topic, date and time of the meeting, prepare brochures for parents with a summary of the meeting. Think over all the organizational issues: from the arrangement of furniture to possible questions from the parents. You cannot put parents on a highchair, and teachers and the administration - on ordinary ones. Communication should take place at the same level.

Invite parents to prepare a speech on a specific topic. Organize the presence of the head, senior educator, teachers working with children at the meeting in order to make the event meaningful; to establish emotional contact with parents, to demonstrate the concerned attitude of the administration to the problems of upbringing and teaching children.

Communication should be informal, friendly. Parents in the meeting are active participants and partners in the discussion of the problem. Dialogue is encouraged, and not a teacher's monologue with voicing the rules necessary for parents to follow.

Group educators should be respectful of the parents, take into account the authority of the family and the experience of family education.

It is imperative to have feedback, discuss the results of the meeting with the parents, agree on measures to overcome difficulties and implement plans for the development of the child.

Seminars and consultations for parents. The purpose of the seminar and consultation is to increase the pedagogical literacy of parents on the issues of raising and educating a child, solving problematic issues, and activating the pedagogical skills of parents. Their topics can be determined by analyzing parental needs and interests, for example, by means of questionnaires. Consultation and seminars can be conducted frontally for a group of parents who are interested in a particular issue, or individually. Their goal is to help parents in resolving difficult pedagogical situations, to inform about the child's successes and achievements.

Visual material. The most important aspect of outreach work with parents is the presentation of visual materials for parents. These can be information stands, booklets, leaflets, memos, an internal newspaper of a kindergarten, a wall newspaper.

Information stand for parents "Kindergarten business card" in the lobby, which presents the following information:

1. License to carry out educational activities;

2. Surname, name, patronymic of the manager, parent's appointment hours;

3. Name and telephone number of the parent organization;

4. Areas of activity of the kindergarten: a brief description of groups, programs, a list of additional services;

5. Information about personnel;

6. Diplomas and certificates of kindergarten.

Information stands in groups are designed to exchange information on the issues of upbringing and teaching children, familiarize parents with work plans for the near future, and disseminate pedagogical knowledge.

The stand can display: surnames, names and patronymics of all teachers who work with children of this group, the time when they can talk with a parent about the child; daily regime; Timetable of classes; plan of events for the month; ads; menu for the day, etc.

All materials offered for acquaintance to parents must be: - aesthetically designed;

The design is carried out in such a way as to attract the attention of parents;

Booklets, leaflets, memos

The advantage of information booklets, leaflets and memos is their targeting, that is, each parent receives information personally, can get acquainted with it at a convenient time. The booklets can provide information about a kindergarten, a group, a specific direction of the kindergarten, for example, art and aesthetic education, additional services, etc. You can use photographs of children and teachers, poems about kindergarten.

Flyers are short information about a specific event, an invitation to an open class, etc. It is desirable that the information leaflet be drawn up on colored paper to attract the attention of parents.

The memos will acquaint parents with a set of certain rules in order to implement a unified educational approach of the family and kindergarten, for example, in matters of adapting a child to kindergarten.

The kindergarten's internal newspaper is dedicated to a specific topic, such as children's health, play activities, literacy, creativity, etc.

The newspaper has constant headings:

1. Adults about children;

2. Consultation with a specialist;

3. Children's news;

4. Kids speak;

5. Our achievements (about the successes of the kindergarten).

The release of the newspaper requires serious work of a creative team of kindergarten teachers, certain material and technical costs. The newspaper should be published regularly.

Pedagogical conversations with parents. This is the most accessible form of establishing a connection between a teacher and a family; it can be used both independently and in combination with other forms: a conversation when visiting families, at a parent meeting, consultation.

Purpose: to provide parents with timely assistance on a particular issue of education, to promote the achievement of a common point of view on these issues.

The leading role here is assigned to the educator, he plans in advance the topic and structure of the conversation.

Family visit. The educator of his group should visit the families of his pupils. The purpose of visiting a child's family may be to support the child's success, develop contacts with the family, learn from family parenting experiences, or discuss together those that are significant for the family and kindergarten serve as material for designing subsequent interactions with parents and other family members.

Open house days are a form of interaction with parents that opens the door to the world of kindergarten. On this day, the kindergarten team presents its achievements to the families of the pupils. Parents (and other family members) get acquainted with the services of a preschool educational institution; the program of its development and the educational program, in accordance with which the educational process is carried out; observe specially organized classes with children, and are also included (with the support of educators) in a variety of joint activities with children. On this day, it is important to acquaint families with the parent education and education system that has developed in the kindergarten (goals, content, forms, methods of work) and invite them to interact in various educational areas: health and fitness, artistic and aesthetic, environmental and local history, etc.

The "Open Day" is relevant at the beginning of the cycle of interaction between the kindergarten and the family. As the kindergarten, together with the family, strives to develop interactions, to move from one to another qualitative level, the “Open Day” is transformed into a permanent open relationship between children, parents and teachers.

Correspondence between teachers and parents. Very often, parents rush to work, rush home in the evening, and therefore the teacher's conversation with the parents does not work out as such. In addition, many professionals (psychologist, speech therapist, nurse) finish their working day before some parents can pick up their child from kindergarten. In such conditions, the only opportunity to communicate with specialists is a written form of dialogue - a note, a personal notebook (notebook), a letter, a letter of thanks, a postcard. A written appeal is not just a sheet of paper covered with writing, but a guide to action for parents that is always at hand. A written request guarantees the confidentiality of information about family problems. At the same time, the teacher's answer is more precise and specific, addressed to a specific family.

A note is a written appeal expressed in a short, concise form. A request note indicates the need for business communication to address various issues. A weekly note, addressed directly to the child's parents, informs the family about the child's health, mood, behavior in kindergarten, hobbies, peer relationships and other important information.

A personal notebook (notebook) is a written form of weekly exchange of information between the kindergarten and the family. Such notebooks (notebooks) can run every day between the kindergarten and the family. In them, parents can inform educators about the child's success in various fields of activity, special family events (trips, birthday parties, theater visits), etc.

A letter of thanks is an appeal with gratitude for help in organizing and conducting any events in kindergarten (excursions, holidays, promotions, contests, master classes), as well as for cooperation in the upbringing and education of children.

A postcard is a form of written congratulations on the child's achievements, as well as on holidays (including family holidays) and professional successes of the pupils' parents.

Such a variety of forms of written communication between educating adults provides both parties (family and kindergarten) with the opportunity to touch upon various aspects of a child's life in kindergarten and at home. The provider's written message can be read at home in a family setting. All family members living with the child take part in its discussion; this will effectively influence the establishment of uniform requirements for a preschooler at home, as well as harmonize them with the requirements of public education.

Questioning. One of the active forms of obtaining and exchanging information on various issues of kindergarten work. The questionnaire helps the teaching staff to obtain the most complete information on certain issues, analyze it and correctly plan further work in this direction. On the other hand, the questionnaire helps parents think more seriously about a particular topic, assess their pedagogical capabilities, style of relationship with a child, etc.

Questioning has long and firmly entered the work of the kindergarten, this form of interaction with parents has advantages:

1. Quick receipt of information on any problem;

2. Reliability of information;

3. Ability to reach all parents.

Analyzing the answers of parents, teachers receive information about the family, the needs and expectations of parents in relation to kindergarten, about the characteristics of the child, about the willingness of parents to interact with teachers on certain issues of upbringing, the quality of nutrition, etc.

The questionnaire must contain:

1. Polite address to parents;

2. A short introduction indicating the purpose of the survey;

3. Questions, if necessary, options for answering them;

4. Thanks for the interaction at the end of the questionnaire.

The issues of interaction between parents, children and teachers are relevant at all times and their solution requires from the teacher not only practical skills in working with children, but also theoretical knowledge in organizing work with parents of students: the main directions, forms and methods of interaction with the family.



Department of Education Administration

Samara city district

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children

Children's and Youth Center "Pilgrim" Samara



Minutes No. ___ dated _____________2015.

Editorial team:

Porshin A.S. - Director of MBOU DOD DYUTS "Pilgrim" Samara,

Bozhenko A.S. - Methodist MBOU DOD DYUTS "Pilgrim" Samara,

Dmitrieva A.V. - Methodist MBOU DOD DYUTS "Pilgrim" Samara,

Boyarkina A.A. PDO MBOU DOD DYUTS "Pilgrim" Samara.

These guidelines consider the forms and methods of working with parents. The following issues are highlighted: the main directions of the activities of teachers and parents, the functioning of activities and the main stages of work, methods of studying the family, forms of interaction between teachers and parents, parent meeting - as one of the main forms of work with parents.

This publication is addressed to: deputy directors for educational work, educational organizers, teachers of additional education, methodologists, class teachers, educators and counselors of camps with a day stay for children.


  1. Alaeva M.A. Handbook of the modern class teacher. Rostov - on - Don: Phoenix, 2006 .-- 352s.
  2. Gutkina L.D. Planning and organization of educational work at school. M. Center "Pedagogical search", 2006. -267 p.
  3. Derekleeva N.I. Handbook of the class teacher, M: VAKO, 2005. - 270s.
  4. L.V. Kuznetsova Educational work at school. M. "School press", 2007. -323s.
  5. Kulnevich S.V. Educational work at school. Rostov-on-Don: TC “Teacher”, 2005. -290s.
  6. Lizinsky V.M. “Practical education at school”, Moscow, Center “Pedagogical search”, 2007. -214p.
  7. Maksimenko N.A. Companion of the class teacher, Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.-308s.
  8. Rozhkov M.I., Bayborodova L.V. Organization of the educational process at school. Textbook. manual. M., 2007.- 380s.
  9. Selevko G.K. Educational technologies, M, Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005.- 249s.
  10. Shchurkova N.E. Classroom Guide: Working Diagnostics. M. 2006.-310s.
  • Average level - 3 points
  • Below average - 2 points
  • Low level - 1 point

Introduction ………………………………………. ……………… .4

  1. The main activities of teachers and parents ……………………… .. ……………………… .. 5
  2. Functioning of the activity and the main stages of work …………………………………………… ...…. 7
  3. Family study methods ……………………………… .... 9
  4. Forms of interaction between teachers and parents .... ... ... 10
  5. Parents' meeting - as one of the main forms of work with parents ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Conclusion ……………………… ... ………………………… .. 15

Application……………………………...……………………. 17

Literature ……………………… ... ………………………… .. .19


Purpose of work: to study the forms and methods of organizing work with parents.

Relevance This topic is that it is necessary to pay due attention to the improvement of the educational process, aimed at the interaction of parents and teachers, the development of a creative and free personality of the child.

With the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the preconditions arose for equal, creative, interested interaction between the family and the Center. This is expressed in the orientation towards the state and public management of education, the right to existence of all forms of education, including family education, in the renewal of the content of education and upbringing.

Today, in conditions when most families are preoccupied with solving problems of economic, and sometimes even physical survival, the social tendency of many parents to withdraw themselves from solving issues of upbringing and personal development of a child has intensified. Parents, not having sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child's development, sometimes carry out blind and intuitive upbringing. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results. In such families, there are no strong interpersonal ties between parents and children and, as a result, the external, often negative environment becomes an "authority", which leads to the "exit" of the child from the influence of the family.

This situation contributes to the growth of children


The effectiveness of work with parents can be assessed by diagnostic techniques.

Diagnostics of the effectiveness of the teacher in working with parents.

1. Are you satisfied with the job of working with parents?


2. Do you use new, non-traditional forms of work with parents? (indicate which)


3. What direction in cooperation with parents is most effective?

Educational and cognitive …………………

Sports and fitness …… ....….…

military-patriotic …… .. ………….…

Environmental protection …… ... …………. …… ..

Labor ………………………. …………

Leisure ……… .. ……………. …………







4. What is the educational potential of the parents in the group?


5. What is the atmosphere of the microclimate, relationships in the families of students?


Your suggestions:

  • High level - 5 points
  • Above average - 4 points

be aware of the possibility and necessity of their

internal growth from which parenting begins.

Only purposeful, systematic and joint activities of teachers with parents will help to effectively influence children, raising a comprehensively developed, creative and free personality.

neglect, crime, drug addiction and other negative phenomena in children, adolescents and youth.

It is known that the most effective development of a child's abilities, the disclosure of his creative potential is carried out in conditions of various activities, and where, if not in a family, it is possible to include a child in the most diverse types of activities.

The main activities of teachers and parents

Additional education was, is and will remain one of the most important social institutions that ensure the educational process and real interaction of the child, parents and society.

The main activities of teachers and parents include:

Cognitive sphere of life (work with teachers of additional education),

Supporting the physical health of students,

Additional education of children and the development of the creative potential of children,

Support for gifted children,

Social support and prevention of neglect.

The activities of parents and educators in the interests of the child can only be successful if they become allies. This will allow them to get to know the child better, see him in different situations and thus help adults in understanding the individual characteristics of children,

the development of their abilities, the formation of value,

life guidelines, overcoming negative actions and manifestations in behavior. It is important for teachers to establish partnerships with the family of each pupil, to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and common interests. It is the family from early childhood that is called upon to lay in the child moral values, guidelines for building a reasonable way of life.

But practice shows that parents have difficulties in establishing contacts with children. In the creation of a union of parents and teachers, the most important role belongs to teachers. Under their direct leadership, a purposeful search for ways to solve this problem, excluding authoritarianism and moralism, is being conducted.

Recently, society has experienced a growing need for counseling and guidance work with parents.

In order to be imbued with a positive impulse in the upbringing of children, parents must themselves realize the possibility and necessity of their inner growth, which is where the real upbringing of parents begins.

“Upbringing of parents” is an international term that means helping parents in fulfilling the function of educators of their own children, parenting functions.

1. Increasing the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents.

2. Involvement of parents in the educational process.


The issues of interaction between parents, children and teachers are relevant at all times and their solution requires from the teacher not only practical skills in working with children, but also theoretical knowledge in organizing work with parents of students: the main directions, forms and methods of interaction with the family.

Thus, the choice of forms and methods of work with parents is determined, as a rule, by the teacher himself, taking into account the characteristics of his personality, experience, the specifics of the existing relations in the families of students, the knowledge and experience of parents, their mistakes and difficulties in raising children.

Since the parent meeting is one of the forms of work with parents, and here two parties involved in the educational process - teachers and parents - meet in order to listen to each other and discuss the main problems of the third, most important side - children. This circumstance imposes a great responsibility on the teacher at all stages of preparation, conduct and reflection on the results of the parent meeting.

A significant part of the educational process must be organized jointly with students and parents, and the problems and tasks that have arisen must be solved together in order to come to an agreement, without infringing on interests and uniting efforts to achieve better results.

From this it follows that the activities of parents and teachers in the interests of the child can only be successful if they become allies. Parents must themselves

Rule six. The parents' meeting should be pedagogically useful and well prepared.

Many educational institutions, taking into account modern requirements, have significantly diversified the very form of the parent meeting. It can take the form of a "round table", a thematic discussion and conference, a parent lecture, an evening of questions and answers, etc.

These forms contribute to an increase in the pedagogical culture of parents, their psychological and pedagogical competence in family education, the development of unified approaches of the family and the Center to raising children. Parents are involved in determining the theme of the events.

An important form of parenting work is the activities of the parent committee. The parental asset is the support of teachers, and with skillful interaction, they successfully solve common problems. The Parents' Committee seeks to involve parents and children in organizing affairs, solving problems in the life of the collective.

The parent club is held in the form of meetings and requires special training from the organizers. The goal of the club is to involve parents in parenting discussions. The main condition for the success of such meetings and discussions is voluntariness and mutual interest.

Parents can help in design, preparation of incentive prizes, evaluation of results, directly participate in events, creating their own or mixed teams. These can be contests: "Family-erudite", "Family hobby"; reader's conferences, etc.

3. Participation of parents in the management of the Center.

The functioning of the activity and the main stages of work.

The main functions of interaction between the Center and parents include:

  • Educational and developmental
  • Formative
  • Security and recreation
  • Controlling
  • Household

Working with parents is carried out in 4 stages:

Stage 1 - annually at the beginning of the school year, a survey of the parental contingent is carried out and its composition is analyzed. The social passport of the group is drawn up.

Stage 2 - identification of families in a socially dangerous situation and children with certain psychological problems.

Stage 3 - analysis of the data obtained and compilation of a database for drawing up a plan of interaction between teachers and parents for the current year.

Daily communication with the parents of children attending the Center is carried out by teachers of additional education. This communication is aimed at ensuring that parents are systematically informed about the child's life in the Center and maintaining contact in the family.

Every week, each parent gets the opportunity to talk with the teacher about the individual development of their child. All specialists meet with the parents of problem children according to the compiled correctional

program. The topics and goals of the conversations are reflected in the plans of the conversations and are based on the material of observations, diagnostics, program material.

Monthly forms of communication with parents are:

  • holidays,
  • parenting meetings,
  • sporting events,
  • hiking.

These classic forms of work with parents are known to everyone and have a definite result in establishing a benevolent, trusting atmosphere, a good emotional mood and an atmosphere of joint parenting. Teachers also use such a traditional form of work as consultations, they are in demand by parents, the question is only in determining the most relevant topics for consultations and inviting specialists from consulting centers, doctors, and social workers.

The efforts of adults, teachers and parents are aimed at “forming” a child “comfortable” and obedient. However, this contradicts the child's nature and, as a result of such “cooperation” of adults, the child finds himself between two fires, on the one hand the family, on the other - the Center. In this tandem, it is very easy to destroy the individuality, personality of the child. Hence, he has a lack of understanding, lack of confidence in himself and his own strengths, rejection of the world around him, there is a separation from the family and, ultimately, no matter how sad it may sound, “leaving” it. There is nothing worse for a person at any age than to lose the support of loved ones, because disappointment comes in oneself, the Center, low self-esteem appears, opportunities are not realized, and sometimes not

parental collectives. The teacher of additional education guides the activities of parents in the process of his preparation. Meetings should not be limited to a teacher's monologue. This is a mutual exchange of views, ideas, a joint search. The topics of the meetings can be varied: “We are one family”; “On kindness and mercy”; “Learning to communicate”, etc.

Of particular concern for teachers is interaction with fathers of children: how to involve fathers in educational activities in a group, to increase their role in raising a child. For this purpose, the teacher organizes special meetings with the fathers of children, holds reflection conferences, a meeting “The role of the father in raising children”, etc.

Parent meetings can be:


Current or thematic;


General and group.

Group parent preparation rules meetings.

Rule one. The topic of the parent meeting should be relevant to parents.

The second rule. The parent meeting should be held at a convenient time for the parents.

Rule three. The parents' meeting plan must be known to the parents.

Rule four.Communication between the teacher and parents should be tactful and consistent.

The fifth rule. Parents' meeting should not

hang labels.

Action "Mercy"

Dad can do anything.

Action "Book", "Toy"

Our house is a theater, a museum, a greenhouse….

Labor landing

Songs (fairy tales) of my grandmother.

Saturday clean-up

Mom's most affectionate word.

Creative concert

My favorite dish.


I am proud of my grandfather!


Competition for the most interesting mother's notations and moral teachings.

Parents' meeting is one of the main forms of work with parents

One of the main steps in the cooperation of parents with the Center is a group parent meeting. The group parent meeting is held 4 - 5 times a school year. At the meeting, the tasks of the educational process in the group are discussed, the construction of the educational process is planned and discussed, the strategic lines of cooperation between the parents and the Center are determined, the results of the work for the year are summed up. Discussion of student progress should not be central to organizing and conducting a parent-teacher conference.

It discusses the problems of the life of a group and

fate is taking shape. ...

Before solving the problem of a child, it is necessary to solve the problem of an adult, and it consists in the fact that parents, at times, are not competent in matters of upbringing and psychology, do not know the age characteristics of children and adolescents, or do not take seriously everything that happens to them. children. This prevents them from choosing the only correct line of behavior.

Today, there are approximately three groups of parents:

First group: parents - assistants in educational work with children. They are conscientious, active, ready to help at any moment.

Second group: parents are potential helpers in raising children. They will help if they know what to do and how to do it.

Third group: parents do not understand or do not want to understand the requirements of the Center in teaching and educational work. They have a negative attitude towards the Center, towards the teaching staff, showing it less often - openly, more often - hidden.

It is not easy to be successful in working with parents, especially with parents of the third group. Attempts to involve parents in collective affairs do not immediately yield positive results.

Family study methods

Every teacher dreams of seeing a like-minded person in the child's parent. Only a competent, sensitive, educated parent will be able to react in time to the changes taking place with the child.

A competent parent is a changing parent, which means a changing life of a child and society in general and in

the better side.

The most common methods of working with parents are:






Testing and questioning,

Writing as a method of studying the family,

Method of generalization of independent characteristics,

Pedagogical living room.

For the formation of cooperation between adults and children in a general education institution, it is important to represent the team as a whole. The teachers at the Center most often have to put up with the student's family microclimate, help him solve personal problems on the basis of pedagogical support, involve the child in common activities, and assist in the realization of his creative interests.

Forms of interaction between teachers and parents

There are individual and collective forms of work with parents, as well as traditional and non-traditional.

The forms of interaction between teachers and parents are the diversity of the organization of their joint activities and communication.

Traditional forms

Unconventional forms


Individual: Creative affairs.

Parent-teacher meeting

Family traditions.

General conference

The story of my family.

Parent lecture hall

Family mascot. Family horoscope.

Evening for parents

Family book of records.

Parent readings

A geographic map of my ancestry.


Family long-liver (book, toy, other).


Birthday in the family.


Family holidays.

"Round table"

Family hobbies.

"Pedagogical living room"

“Four Ways to Make Mom Happy”.

"Oral Journal"

Grandma's pies (expressions, horror stories, games).


My family album.

Sport competitions

Famous people of the family.

Svetlana Egorova
Modern forms of work with parents in a preschool institution

Author's position: In my opinion, one of the main tasks of kindergarten, teachers and psychologists is to establish positive relationships between educators and parents, development of new forms of work with parents to promote pedagogical knowledge, to attract attention parents to the child and coverage of the consequences of negative relationships in the family.

Own pedagogical idea: using innovative forms of work with parents in preschool.

Based on the main tasks of our preschool, I am formulated goals of their pedagogical idea So:

1. Creation of conditions for a favorable climate of interaction with parents.

2. Establishing trust and partnerships with parents.

3. Involving family and preschool educational institutions into a single informational space for collaboration.

Relevance: Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and mass practice shows that the problem of interaction between kindergarten and family has been relevant for many years. In conditions when the majority of families are preoccupied with solving the problems of economic, and sometimes physical survival, the tendency of self-elimination of many parents from solving issues of upbringing and personal development of the child. Parents, not having sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the development of the child, sometimes they carry out education blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results.

Family and kindergarten are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, patience to hear and understand each other.

The misunderstanding between the family and the kindergarten falls heavily on the child. It's no secret that many parents are only interested in the nutrition of the child, they believe that kindergarten is a place where they only look after children, while parents at work... And we, teachers, very often experience great difficulties in communicating with parents for this reason.

How can this situation be changed? How to interest parents working together?

The innovative focus of pedagogical ideas: Currently, due to the restructuring of the system preschool education, preschool teachers are looking for new, non-traditional forms of work with parents based on the cooperation and interaction of teachers and parents... I will give examples of some of them from my practices:

1) "Family Academy"... V I use this form for working with parents, how "Family Academy", where work different departments according to needs parents:

"Department modern mom»

"Department of a young family"

"Department of family traditions"

"Department of special child"

This work I organize on an individual-family level. I lead "Department of the special child", where I provide various pedagogical assistance to the family of a disabled child.

2) Considering employment parents I use the Internet as an unconventional form of communication with family... I run the site of our preschool, there I opened « Parent mail» ... Any family member has the opportunity in a short message to express doubts about the methods of raising their child, to ask for help from a specific specialist, etc. on the forum of the website of our children's institutions.

"Videoconferencing" this connection is carried out in a new information form - Skype, she helps to parents find out any problems that are significant to them. Together with parents we choose a topic of interest for them, determine the time and date that is convenient for them and then organize a video conference.

"Advisory point "Crane"", Which provides advice on the problems of upbringing, education and development of children. Unfortunately, not all parents, to the best of their employment, they manage to read the consultations displayed on the stands in the kindergarten itself, so it was decided to post consultations on the preschool educational institution's website.

3) "Family visit"... The main purpose of the visit is to get to know the child and his loved ones in a familiar environment. In playing with a child, in a conversation with his loved ones, you can learn a lot of necessary information about the baby, his preferences and interests, etc. The visit is beneficial to parents: they get an idea of ​​how the teacher interacts with the child and allows the teacher to get acquainted with the conditions in which the child lives, with the general atmosphere in the house.

4) Family festivals. They are held at the group level and on a variety of topics (the experience of large families, the experience of family education, numbers of sports and creative topics). Our participants are children, parents, teachers. Such form of work brings together all participants in the educational process and helps to strengthen the family, the formation of family values, traditions and customs.

Manufacturability: Using a variety of forms of work gave certain results: parents from"Spectators" and "Observers" became active participants in meetings and my assistants, an atmosphere of mutual respect was created, which means that this pedagogical idea is effective, it works! It can be adopted and used in work by other educators, on the basis of it, you can look for new ways of cooperation with parents... Family and kindergarten only in combination with each other create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world.

On the effectiveness carried out in preschool work with parents testify:

manifestation at parents interest in the content of the educational process with children;

the emergence of discussions, disputes on their initiative;

answers on questions parents themselves; bringing examples from personal experience;

an increase in the number of questions to the teacher regarding the personality of the child, his inner world;

the desire of adults for individual contacts with the teacher;

contemplation parents on the correctness of the use of certain methods of education;

increasing their activity in the analysis of pedagogical situations, solving problems and discussing controversial issues.

participation in general gardening, district and city contests and competitions.

Related publications:

"The program" Modern approaches to the health improvement of children in a preschool educational institution ". part 3"The program" Modern approaches to the health improvement of children in a preschool educational institution. " part 3. Muscle relaxation before bedtime.

The program "Modern approaches to the health improvement of children in a preschool educational institution" (part 4)"The program" Modern approaches to the health improvement of children in a preschool educational institution. " part 4. Prevention of flat feet. Exercises.

The program "Modern approaches to the health improvement of children in a preschool educational institution" (part 7)"The program" Modern approaches to the health improvement of children in a preschool educational institution. " part 7 At the heart of mental arbitrariness.

"The program" Modern approaches to the health improvement of children in a preschool educational institution. " part 8"The program" Modern approaches to the health improvement of children in a preschool educational institution. "Part 8. The main signs of physical illness :.

Generalization of work experience "The use of health-saving technologies in a preschool educational institution" (1 part) CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION…. 3 CHAPTER I. Scientific and theoretical foundations of the research problem….… .6 1.1. Health-saving.

Generalization of work experience "The use of health-saving technologies in a preschool educational institution" (part 3) 3. Technologies of musical influence - music therapy. Used 2 - 4 times a month. Music therapy is the creation of such a musical accompaniment.

Consultation for parents "Modern forms of work with parents in musical education" Our children will have to enter into independent life. It is difficult to predict who they will become, but what they should be is the concern of today.

Consultation for educators "Modern forms of work with parents in a preschool educational institution"“It brings up everything: people, things, phenomena, but, first of all and for the longest time, people. Of these, in the first place are parents and teachers ”A. S. Makarenko.

Working with parents

The main educators of their children are parents.

The younger generation will be what the family will be like. But, as A.S. Makarenko "families are good and families are bad. We cannot guarantee that the family brings up properly, we cannot say that the family can educate as it wants, we cannot. We must organize" family education. "

And today, modern parents need help, because the lack of knowledge in psychology and pedagogy leads to mistakes, misunderstanding, and therefore to ineffective upbringing. Therefore, the main efforts of the pedagogical staff of the kindergarten should be aimed at increasing the level of the pedagogical culture of parents. One of the main forms of work on pedagogical education of the family is the parent meeting.

What should it be like today? Unconventional! This means that at parent-teacher meetings such methods and techniques are used that activate the attention of tired parents, contribute to an easier memorization of the essence of conversations, create a special mood for a friendly, frank and businesslike conversation. For more than five years, kindergartens have been using an unconventional method of parenting meetings, which has increased the interest of parents in parenting issues, significantly increased the turnout (many families began to attend meetings), and motivated parents to address parenting problems.

1. Forms and methods of work with parents.

Currently, all kinds of methods and forms of pedagogical education of parents are used, both already established in this area and innovative, non-traditional. Used by:

Visual propaganda,

Visiting families,

Parents' meetings,

Conversations and consultations,

Parent conferences,

Oral Journals,


Doors open days

Round tables,

Organization of clubs,

Organization of business games.

It is worth touching on some forms and methods in more detail.

Visiting families

Pedagogical assistance to parents should be based on a thorough and comprehensive study of each family, each child. Work with parents will have a specific, effective character, promote mutual understanding and mutual interest of parents and educators, if the following tasks are realized in unity in it:

1) Familiarization with the material living conditions of the family, its psychological climate, the characteristics of the child's behavior in the family.

2) Determination of the level of pedagogical culture of parents.

3) Identification of difficulties experienced by parents.

4) Study of the positive experience of family education in order to disseminate it.

5) Implementation of collective, differentiated and individual pedagogical influence on parents based on a thorough analysis of the data obtained about each family.

These tasks can be accomplished using various methods of working with parents, but the most effective form for this is visiting families.

From the very first visit to the family, a professional social educator will see what kind of relationships prevail between its members, what is the psychological climate in which the child develops. At each subsequent visit to the family, the educator or social educator must determine in advance the specific goals and objectives related to the peculiarities of the development and upbringing of the child, with the type of family. For example, when visiting a family of a young child at home, the following goals and topics of conversation are put forward: "Conditions for the development of the child's substantive activity", "Compliance with the daily routine of an early age child", "Pedagogical conditions for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills and independence of the child", etc. For example, visiting a low-income family, you can find out what specific difficulties they are experiencing; think over how the preschool educational institution can help the family (free admission to kindergarten, buying toys, etc.). A clearly defined purpose of the visit ensures the teacher's readiness to meet with the parents, its purposefulness.

For home visiting to be effective, it is necessary to inform parents not only of the time of the visit, but also of its main purpose. Practice shows that in this case, the conversation and observation are more effective. It should also be noted that at home, a conversation with parents is more frank, there is an opportunity to get acquainted with the opinions and views on the upbringing of all family members, which daily affect the development of the child. Based on conversations with all family members, observations, the educator can clearly define further tasks for education.

Visual propaganda.

When carrying out pedagogical propaganda, you can use a combination of different types of visualization. This allows not only to acquaint parents with the issues of upbringing through the materials of stands, thematic exhibitions, etc., but also directly show them the upbringing and educational process, advanced methods of work, and provide parents with the necessary pedagogical information in an accessible and convincing manner. You can constantly arrange group stands of the "For you, parents" type containing information on two sections: the daily life of the group - various kinds of announcements, mode, menus, etc., and the current work on raising children in kindergarten and family.

At the beginning of the year, as a rule, the teachers' council discusses the annual work plan. Then the teachers inform about the tasks of upbringing for a specific section for the quarter, inform the program content of the classes, give advice to parents on how the work carried out in the kindergarten can be continued in the family. Under the general heading, for example, "What did your children do today", there are extracts from the calendar plans, brief extracts about the implementation of the program.

With great pleasure, parents look at the works of children, exhibited at a special stand: drawings, modeling, applications, etc.

When acquainting parents with physical education in a family at the exhibition, you can use photographs, text material about the benefits of physical exercise, a list of basic movements that preschoolers should master.

Parents show great interest in how their children live in kindergarten, what they do. It is best to introduce parents to this by conducting open days . It is necessary to make great efforts to carry them out by methodologists, social educators, and psychologists. Preparation for this day should start long before the scheduled date: prepare a colorful announcement, think over the content of educational work with children, organizational issues. Before you start watching the classes, you need to tell the parents what activity they will watch, their purpose, the need for it.

Open views give parents a lot: they get the opportunity to observe their children in a situation different from the family one, to compare his behavior and skills with the behavior and skills of other children, to adopt the teaching methods and educational influences from the teacher.

Along with open days, there are duty of parents and members parent committee... Ample opportunities for observation are provided to parents during walks of children on the site, on holidays, evenings of entertainment. This form of pedagogical propaganda is very effective and helps the teaching staff to overcome the superficial opinion still encountered among parents about the role of kindergarten in the life and upbringing of children.

When working with parents, you can use such a dynamic form of pedagogical propaganda, such as folders-moving. They also help with an individual approach to family work. In the annual plan, it is necessary to foresee the themes of the folders in advance so that teachers can pick up illustrations and prepare text material. The topics of the folders can be varied: from material related to labor education in a family, material on aesthetic education to material on raising children in an incomplete family.

For single-parent families, you can arrange a folder on the topic "Raise a full-fledged child":

2) consultation for parents;

3) articles on the topic;

4) where to find support in a crisis situation (recommendations of a social teacher).

For example, what materials can be placed in a folder on the topic "Children's play as a means of education":

1) the statements of the classics of pedagogy about the purpose of the game for the development and education of preschool children;

2) what toys are needed for a child of a particular age, a list of toys and photographs;

3) how to organize a play area at home;

4) a brief description of the types of play activities at different ages, its role in moral education, examples of role-playing games;

In the folder-moving on the topic "Joint work of a kindergarten and a family in physical education", you can choose the following:

1) text material on the importance of physical education for preschool children;

2) consultation for parents on a specific topic;

4) plans-synopses of physical culture lessons;

6) photographic material reflecting physical exercises in kindergarten;

7) newspaper and magazine articles.

Moving folders should be mentioned at parent meetings, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the folders, give them for review at home. When parents return folders, educators or social educators, it is advisable to have a conversation about what they have read, to listen to questions and suggestions.

Parents' meetings.

Usually parent-teacher meetings are held traditionally - a teacher's report on a topic and a discussion of organizational issues. Parents are usually inactive in this type of meeting. And passivity is an indicator of either disinterest, or the fact that the very form of the meeting does not dispose to statements from the parents. This suggests that there is an urgent need to revise the forms of parenting meetings.

Still, many educational institutions use innovative forms of conduct.

To improve the conduct of the event, it is necessary to organize workshops, at which it is worth considering the preparation and conduct of parenting meetings, ways to increase the activity of parents. You can also discuss the recommendations that are given on these issues in the manuals, determine the general requirements for the preparation and conduct of the meeting.

Some parent-teacher conferences can be kept open so that other teachers can attend. Together with the methodologist and social teacher, a plan of measures for preparing for the meeting is discussed, a questionnaire for parents, a memo is drawn up. The meeting should be announced in advance — one to two weeks before the meeting.

Questionnaires can be of different designs, approximately the following content:

Dear mums and dads!

We ask you to take an active part in preparing for the group parent meeting on the topic "........" (specify the topic of the parent meeting).

We suggest you think about the following questions:

1. . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . .

3. . . . . . . . . . .

etc. (questions are drawn up taking into account the theme of the event, taking into account the social, pedagogical, psychological aspects of education).

It is also found out in advance who can speak at the meeting.

The methodologist and social educator places material on the information board about the following headings:

1. "Our successes": the implementation of the program for any type of education (depending on the topic of the meeting), the level of knowledge of children.

2. "Our tasks": tasks to be solved together with parents.

3. "Consultation": a summary of the topic of the meeting, its importance in raising children.

4. "Literature on the topic of the event": a list of references with short annotations.

5. "Children's fiction": a list of literature with annotations and recommendations for its use in one or another aspect of educational activities (labor, aesthetic, physical, etc.).

6. "Our problems" (depending on the subject of the meeting).

In addition to such an information board, you can arrange a folding screen, an exhibition of literature for parents.

An active meeting of parents involves showing conversation classes, then discussing what they saw, distributing reminders on the topic of the meeting.

By organizing parent meetings according to this scheme, you can achieve results in a short time: parents become more interested in the life of the kindergarten, more active in its work. This form makes it possible for parents, as it were, to get to know their child again, observing him in a kindergarten, when pedagogical problems are discussed in a free conversation, contributes to an increase in the sense of responsibility for raising children, unites the team of parents, and has a positive effect on the relationship between the kindergarten and the family.

Parent ring

Parental rings are one of the controversial forms of uniting parents and forming a parenting group. Holding parenting rings at school is a must. Many parents already in elementary school show categorical judgments on many issues of raising children, absolutely not taking into account the capabilities and abilities of their child, the level of his real educational potential. Some of the parents believe that their parenting methods are true and cannot be questioned or corrected by the teacher. The parenting ring is held with the aim that many parents can assert themselves in the correctness of their upbringing methods or revise their pedagogical arsenal, think about what they are doing right in raising their child and what is not quite so.

Business games.

A business game is a space for creativity. It brings the participants of the game as close as possible to the real situation, forms the skills of quick adoption of pedagogically correct decisions, the ability to see and correct mistakes in time.

There is no specific narrowly targeted scheme for conducting business games. It all depends on the competence, abilities and imagination of the leaders.

The approximate structure of the game is as follows:

1. The preparatory stage, which includes the definition of the goal, objectives of the game, organizational rules governing the course of the game, the choice of the actor (s) in accordance with the roles, preparation of the necessary visual material and equipment

2. The course of the game, which consists in the fulfillment of the necessary rules and actions by all participants in the game.

3. The outcome of the game, expressed in the analysis of its results.

The purpose of business games is to develop and consolidate certain skills, the ability to prevent conflict situations. Roles in business games can be assigned in different ways. Educators, managers, social educators, parents, members of the parent committee, etc. can participate in it. The referent (there may be several of them) also takes part in the business game, who monitors his object using a special observation card.

Roundtable or Parents' Night Meetings.

Roundtable meetings broaden the educational horizons not only of parents, but also of the teachers themselves.

The decoration of the event is of great importance. The assembly hall should be especially decorated, furniture should be specially arranged, attention should be paid to the musical arrangement, which should be conducive to reflection and frankness.

The topics of the meeting can be different. The conversation should be started by parent activists, then a psychologist, doctor, defectologist, educators, social educator, and other parents should join it. It is possible to suggest for discussion various situations from family life, problems arising in raising children in various types of families, which further activates the participants in the meetings. In this form of work, it is noteworthy that practically not a single parent is left on the sidelines, almost everyone takes an active part, sharing interesting observations, expressing practical advice. A psychologist or social educator can summarize and end the meeting.

Forms and methods of work of a teacher with parents


The importance of the relationship between the school and the family is emphasized in all documents and methodological publications intended for the school (in general programs, in the law of education, etc.), as well as in the works of famous teachers. S. Shalkauskis wrote: “In educational terms, the school should be none other than the keeper of the family hearth. Thus, the teacher must be a trusted and reliable person who must coordinate his educational activities with the family education that parents give their children. "

Therefore, school and family must be interconnected. “In the primary grades, the connection between the school and the family (parents) is carried out by the teacher. The joint work of a teacher-educator and parents begins in the first year of schooling for children. For a child who has crossed the threshold of school for the first time, the friendship of a teacher and parents is one of the most important conditions for his holistic development, because the personality of a student cannot be formed only at school and only in a family. He is brought up at the same time in school and in the family. "

The teacher is the link between the school and the family, this especially applies to the primary school teacher, where he alone performs not only teaching, but also educational functions. Communication of the teacher with the parents of the students affects the process of forming the child's personality, the learning process. However, it should be noted that this communication has a number of features at each stage of education. They depend on many factors. This work is devoted to the study of these factors influencing the characteristics of the teacher's work with parents.

Chapter 1. The role of teacher-parent interaction in the formation of the child's personality

.1 Help of teachers and parents to adapt children to school

Psychologists understand psychological readiness for schooling as “a necessary and sufficient level of mental development of a child for mastering the school curriculum in conditions of learning in a group of peers. The child's psychological readiness for schooling is one of the most important results of mental development during preschool childhood ”(31, 61).

Psychologist R.S. Nemov notes: “In terms of cognition, a child, before entering school, already reaches a very high level of development, which ensures the free assimilation of the school curriculum. However, psychological readiness for school is not limited to this. In addition to developed cognitive processes: perception, attention, imagination, memory, thinking and speech, it includes formed personality traits, including interests, motives, abilities, character traits of the child, as well as qualities associated with the performance of various activities. By the time of admission to school, the child should have sufficiently developed self-control, work skills and abilities, the ability to communicate with people, role behavior. In order for a child to be practically ready for learning and assimilation of knowledge, it is necessary that each of these characteristics be sufficiently developed for him ”(28, 117).

Another psychologist A. Guchas wrote that “children who come to school from the very first days find themselves in unfavorable conditions for their mental development: the programs are the same for everyone, the pace of learning is very fast, and the physical and psychological abilities are not the same for everyone. Therefore, some children begin to lag behind, which causes negative experiences and complicates relationships with peers and adults. The joint activity of a teacher and parents can help a child ”(8, 166 -167).

Irina Khankhasaeva writes in her advice for parents: “School - first grade - is a huge event in a child's life ... He does not experience the same serious excitement for many years later. While it's a joyous excitement, prepare yourself for stress anyway. The kid will be extremely tired and not like the first days or weeks: there are too many new impressions, a sharp turn in life. Be softer and not very hard on him during this period. He will forget, lose, confuse a lot - know how not to make a tragedy out of this! Such confusion is a kind of reaction to the experienced excitement ”(34, 161).

Similar thoughts on this issue are expressed by the authors M. Peretz, B. Minzel, H. Wimery in their book What Parents Should Know:

“This event (the beginning of school) requires a large amount of physical and spiritual strength from the child, since the order established at home is changing. At school, the child finds himself in a completely new environment and feels the opposition between the demand and the environment. In this situation, the child must adapt. We must help the child in various ways to enter a new, completely alien social environment, where everything is so strictly regulated ”(18, 107-108).

Hygienist Professor E. Grinene states: “A student, starting attending school, must get used to long-term sitting at a school desk, to the school routine, to new activities - learning, to get used to the teacher, the class team and other new things ... A long-term physiological adaptation takes place in the child's body ... It can be easy or difficult, from 5 to 6 weeks or last a whole year, which has a great impact on the development and growth and even on the health of the child ”(7, 131)

And yet, the experiments of Professor E. Grinene showed that “at the beginning of the school year, about 26.2% of children are not ready for school, after two months of training - 7.8%, and at the end of the school year - 4.1% ... (These data are especially typical for children of six years of age) ”(7, 73).

The solution to this issue is offered by the Lithuanian teacher K. Mishkinis: “In a family, pedagogical and hygienic requirements must be observed. To do this, parents must:

Create a condition for the child to study in a calm, permanent place.

Establish a rational daily routine.

Create conditions for sufficient mobility of the child.

Create conditions for the child to sleep well and eat on time.

Systematically develop the attention of children.

Fight mental laziness.

Develop self-confidence.

Regulate TV viewing.

Do not demand more of his capabilities from the child.

Do not overload the student with written assignments.

Encourage a positive outlook on learning.

Try to maintain good relationships with the child's parents and other family members.

Learn to save and value time ”(16, 101-106).

Similar thoughts are expressed by Russian teachers K.V.Bardin and V.A.Geiko (22, 160; 24, 60).

1.2 The role of the teacher with the family in primary school

“The main directions of the reform of the general education school orient teachers towards strengthening assistance to the family and raising its responsibility for the upbringing of the younger generation, towards the widespread involvement of parents in educational work with students” (17, 57).

“Without a doubt, all schools want to maintain open and close ties with families. They know that teaching is a collaborative effort between teachers and parents. They also understand that parenting is imperative if they want to develop the abilities of every student in and out of school. Educators who understand this will strive to achieve meaningful dialogue with parents and maintain a warm classroom climate: stress-free, friendly, and supportive.

The modern school knows that the connection between school and family should not have only one direction, as in the old days, when the initiative was indicated by the school, giving orders to parents and students. Now teachers cannot do without the help of parents, without various cooperation at various levels, ”- this is what the Danish teacher Eigil Kjaergard and the Lithuanian teacher Rima Martinene say on this issue (13, 97).

The Russian teacher I. P. Podlasy continues this theme: “Modern schools are moving towards a close integration of school and family education, complexes“ school - family ”are being created. The main requirement of the charter of such complexes is to ensure parental control over all areas of school activities.

Parents got access to the consideration of those issues where they were traditionally not allowed - the choice of subjects for study, determining the scope of their study, drawing up curricula, changing the timing and duration of academic trimesters and vacations, choosing a school profile, developing intra-school charters, developing measures to ensure discipline, labor, rest, nutrition, medical care for schoolchildren, a system of rewards and punishments, etc. In a word, with well-organized joint activities, the school and the family become real partners in the upbringing of children, where everyone has quite specific tasks and performs his part of the work. " (29, 236).

S. Dapkene states: “The form and content of cooperation between the school and the family depend on the goals set by the teacher.

The teacher, establishing relations with parents and the public, solves such problems as:

Knowledge of the student's family.

Systematic study of the influence of the social environment on the personality of the student.

Organization of joint pedagogical activities of schools and families in the teaching and upbringing of children.

Helping parents in raising their children at home.

Organization of pedagogical education of parents.

Neutralization of the negative influence of the family ”(5, 4).

However, American educator Richard Arends notes: “Teachers want the norms that govern their relationship with parents to encompass both childcare and support their curriculum. At the same time, most teachers do not want parents to interfere with their classroom work. In general, teachers tend to maintain a distance between themselves and their parents. The rules for how to work with parents depend on the specific circumstances ”(1, 427).

Russian teacher T. Volikova writes: “The forms of work of a teacher with parents are varied:

Individual: visiting students' families at home, talking with parents at school, parent consultation days at school;

Group: (Parents can unite in groups on education, pedagogical culture, behavior and performance indicators of their children.) Here are distinguished: mutual work of the teacher and parents in the classroom, when parents help the teacher to lead the lesson; and work with the asset.

Collective: class meetings, school-wide parenting meetings, parenting conferences for sharing parenting experiences, consultations, evenings of questions and answers, joint extracurricular activities, etc.

IV Grebenshchikov writes: “Parents should have a pedagogical culture. Pedagogical culture is understood as such a level of pedagogical preparedness of parents, which reflects the degree of their maturity as educators and manifests itself in the process of family and social education of children. An important component of the pedagogical culture of parents is their purely pedagogical preparedness: a certain amount of psychological, pedagogical, physiological, hygienic and legal knowledge, as well as skills for raising children developed in the process of practice.

The main role in raising pedagogical culture belongs to purposeful scientific and pedagogical education, which is dealt with by the same class teacher or teacher ”(25, 12, 15).

S. Dapkene highlights the following content of the general pedagogical education of parents:

Goals, objectives and methods of education and upbringing of the young generation.

Psychological, physiological and pedagogical foundations of raising children in a family, especially children at different ages.

Responsibilities of family members, content, forms, methods, difficulties, shortcomings and mistakes of family education.

The relationship between children and parents, ways of regulating the relationship between school and family.

Problems of free time and employment of children, promotion of health and a healthy lifestyle.

The following forms of pedagogical education are distinguished:


Parent meetings

Evenings of questions and answers

Doors open days


Business games

Regulated discussions (5, 22 - 32).

When asked on what basis the relationship between a teacher and a family should be formed in order to be successful in upbringing, V. A. Sukhomlinsky answers. “As few calls as possible to the school of mothers and fathers for moral advice to children, and as much as possible spiritual communication between children and parents, which brings joy to mothers and fathers ...” (33, 38).

The same thought is continued by Vilma Sikorskite-Voisnienė: “When working with parents, it is important to achieve mutual revelation, knowledge and understanding, to create conditions for parents to get acquainted not only with the teacher, but also among themselves, with the school and school administration, submit as much information as possible about the school, about education, upbringing and other issues of interest to parents. It is imperative to let the parents speak up ”(20, 45).

E. Martishauskienė expresses the following opinion on this issue in her article: “The work of a class teacher with parents is very difficult. Their influence is of great importance for the child, but in most cases this influence is spontaneous. Often, parents 'assessment of their children's behavior does not coincide with the assessment of the participants' teachers, as well as with the assessment of the students themselves. Therefore, the teacher must look for a way to the heart of the parents in order to give them a positive direction. Relationships with parents are strengthened when:

the teacher tries to give parents what is required of them (listens to their problems, expresses understanding and benevolence towards their children);

the teacher does not forget that parents should look at the school through the eyes of children (first establishes contact with children, and then with their parents);

the teacher seeks to reveal the abilities of parents in certain areas of raising children;

the teacher remembers not to tell parents, let alone scold their children;

the teacher hopes for the victory of good in the soul of the child;

the teacher shares the accumulated pedagogical experience, etc. " (14, 173).

S. Dapkene emphasizes that for successful educational work, a teacher must have pedagogical skills:

It is good to know and love your pupil and your job.

Consciously strive to achieve the set educational goals and objectives.

Effectively apply educational forms, methods and methods.

Be able to communicate and interact with the pupil's family.

Transfer scientific (pedagogical, psychological, legal, etc.) knowledge and pedagogical experience to parents.

Develop your abilities and pedagogical skills (5, 17).

All subsequent work will largely depend on those connections and relationships that arise in the first grade, in the initial period.

According to V. N. Ibragimova, the content of the teacher's work with the parents of first-graders is determined by “three main tasks:

Familiarization with the experience of family education of children in order to study the level of preparedness of first graders for school; observance of continuity between preschool family and school education and finding an individual approach to each child.

Management of the upbringing of schoolchildren in the family, assistance to parents in the correct organization of educational and creative activities of the first grader and his rest.

Involvement of parents in the organization of educational work at school, in the classroom ”(26, 57).

Lithuanian teacher S. Dapkene offers teachers the following methods of family cognition:



Composing method

Opinion of others ”(5, 13 - 16).

This topic is continued by IV Grebenshchikov: “It is especially necessary for a first-grade teacher to study students in a short time, to get to know their parents.

It is recommended to hold discussions for parents on questions of interest to them. For example: "On the organization of the first grader's studies"; "Educational work of first graders and the tasks of parents"; "Younger student: age and its characteristics"; “How to help a first grader with homework?”; "The upbringing of conscious discipline in children in the family" and others "(25, 44). teacher parent child personality

V. Sikorskite-Voishnienė writes: “In the first - second grade it is important to encourage parents to get to know each other, exchange addresses and phone numbers. The teacher should discuss cases where parents are unhappy with children's friendships. Work is best done when it is based on one-to-one conversations. More joint celebrations, matinees and other events should be organized. It is very important to listen to the parents, to allow them to speak, to express their complaints to the school, teacher, school leaders.

Usually parents who come to school are divided into two groups:

Those who know that their child is assessed positively in school, they expect to be praised.

Those who know about the difficulties of children, but are afraid to talk about it, avoid the teacher, and do not know how to help the child. Such parents prefer not to go to school at all, confine themselves to phone calls, or come to school only when the teacher calls. Often they are frightened by possible reproaches from other parents. The teacher should pay special attention to this group of parents ”(20, 49).

Toma Gedreitene offers advice on solving problems of the relationship between parents, teacher and students: “The accurate word of the teacher, smart and tactful argumentation, good advice often solve protracted, painful conflicts” (6, 5).

“Parents of students of the first and second grades are characterized by a higher level of educational activity and the need to interact with the school. They often come to school and are interested in their children. And the teacher must satisfy these interests and give parents more information than they are interested in ”(26, 60).

Vilma Sikorskite - Voisnienė highlights the following “important aspects of communication between a teacher and parents in grades 1–2:

To start a conversation not with children's problems, but with general pleasant questions, do not rush to solve problems;

Show attention to parents, be interested in their work, home;

Discuss emotions arising from school, teachers, children;

Listen carefully and accept what parents say, not criticize their opinion, but try to understand what allows them to think so;

Agree on common goals and at parent-teacher meetings talk about what is important to everyone;

Take as much time as it takes;

Motivate arguments by the fact that what you are talking about is important to everyone and most of you support;

Inform parents personally, through letters or individual conversations. Information intended for parents must not be transmitted through children or other persons ”(20, 45 - 46).

A group of teachers from Zheymal secondary school shares their experience of working with parents. They drew up a parenting program that included so-called parenting training. Courses and lectures were given for parents. The program provided for the education of only the parents of first graders, one of the parents wanted to continue their education further. In this school, parents' poetry evenings, exhibitions were held, parents wrote wishes to their children (12, 54).

“Teachers in many schools are looking for solutions to problems, understanding and realizing that the relationship between teachers, parents and students is a closed triangle.

And if the sides of the triangle coincide, then this is the strongest figure, and discrepancies and disagreements lead to a deterioration in the interaction and mutual understanding of all parties ... Therefore, if the school blames the parents, then it itself makes mistakes and vice versa ”(12, 54).

A kind of "school for parents" was created in a small school by the teacher A. Vaiciulene. The teacher noticed that the parents of first-graders do not prepare their children for school, so the teacher began enlightenment with the parents of five or six-year-old children. In addition, the teacher began to publish books for parents and children (19, 32).

Therefore: “The school needs parents and the family needs it today. The teacher is the link between the school and the families of the students. The teacher needs to communicate with the parents of his students, since without this he is deprived of very important information. Educators and families have common goals. Without their interaction, the child's life becomes poorer ”(32, 20).

“School gives the child scientific knowledge and fosters a conscious attitude towards reality. The family provides practical life experience, fosters the ability to empathize with another person, to feel his condition. For the harmonious development of a personality, both are necessary ”(30, 165).

1.3 Creation of conditions for the personal development of children in the interaction of teachers, children and parents in an educational institution

In the pedagogical literature and journalism, a lot has been said recently about the formation of a single educational space as a condition for the full-fledged personal development of students. Most often, the content of this concept is associated with measures to create interrelated, agreed conditions, methods and means of teaching and education.

In traditional pedagogy, this concept was previously referred to as upbringing education and upbringing.

Personal development is based on taking into account the individual characteristics of students, but not in the traditional sense. The essence of this type of activity is the development and substantiation of an integrated and systemic technology with an orientation towards the internal mechanisms of the development and functioning of the individual - personalization, reflection, stereotyping. An essential aspect of organizing personal development is taking into account the psychology of children, which determines the specifics of the work of a particular technology. In other words, certain conditions are created for the development of the personality, taking into account the preferences and interests of the pupil, allowing him to express himself and self-actualize. And in this case, the role of the system of additional education is important here, since it is valuable in itself, it has a special content, technology, educational methodology, it is practice-oriented, the process of cognition is different from that in school. It is built not verbally, but from action - to knowledge, to creativity.

The purpose of the teacher's pedagogical activity in the system of additional education is to convey to the child, with his individual abilities and capabilities, the socio-cultural content of education, experience, to create for him a holistic environment for the formation and development of a personality. The educational activities of preschool teachers are focused on children of different levels of development and different backgrounds. Creating conditions for the personal development of children, teachers use the principles of personality-oriented learning, control of the effectiveness of the knowledge gained passes both through the ideology of criterion-oriented testing, and through the involvement of children in active creative activity. The principles themselves require knowledge and study of the individual characteristics of temperament, character, views and tastes, and the habits of the pupils. In this they are assisted by the social and psychological service of the school, joint activities with class teachers and parents of students. Using the diagnostics of Eysenck, Rokich, Klimov and Pryazhnikov questionnaires, the results of the school test of mental development, questioning and interviewing parents and students allows us to study the formation of thinking, interests, attitudes, personality orientation, attitude to life, work, values, plans, develop independence, initiative, to direct the activities leading to success. The personal approach has much in common with the individual approach, but pursues the main goal - the development of the individual, the acceptance of her self, the creation of conditions for the manifestation and development of the personal functions of the subjects of the educational process. The comprehensive implementation of these requirements eliminates the simplification of age-related and individual approaches, obliges the teacher to take into account the deep development of processes, rely on the patterns of cause-and-effect relationships in the personal development of children. With this approach, the development of not a separate personality of the child and the personality of the teacher takes place, but a single subject of the educational process.

The indicators in the development of the subject are the system of personal meanings in the mind of the child, life meanings and semantic structures of the teacher. The principles of personal development of children used in the system of additional education in our school can be traced to the example of the work of children's creative associations.

So, when recruiting children into groups, the individual characteristics of adolescents are studied, the motivation for engaging in creative activities, interviews are conducted with children to identify the skills and interests of schoolchildren, group training sessions to rally groups of the first year of study using the methods of R.V. Ovcharova, L.I. Dubrovina ("Reference book of the school psychologist" M., Vlados, 2002). Joint activities with social educators and psychologists allow finding an individual approach to children, revealing their abilities, and developing opportunities for their creative growth.

In this work, an important role is assigned to joint activities with the parents of the pupils. School is one of the most important social institutions that ensure the educational process and real interaction of the child, parents and society. The main activities of teachers and parents include:

cognitive sphere of life (work with subject teachers);

supporting the physical health of children;

additional education and development of the creative potential of children;

support for gifted children;

social and psychological support and prevention of neglect.

The key to success in the implementation of this idea is the unification of efforts of the parent and pedagogical community at all levels.

An important condition for the success of cooperation between the family and the school is education "by the whole world", the creation of a single educational space of the microdistrict and the city. When analyzing the comfort of the interaction between the family and the school in creating favorable conditions for the development of the child's personality, all subjects of education show proportional tension. Each side of the educational process has its own expressed claims

From the side of children it is:

there is not enough time for DL ​​classes, the schedule of classes is not always drawn up at the request of each student;

the teacher often imposes his own program, his activities;

limited space (remoteness of the microdistrict) does not satisfy the needs of all children for a variety of choices with additional activities.

On the part of teachers, the claims are as follows:

parents devote little time to the extracurricular activities of their children;

in children, the motivation to study in the DL system decreases with increasing demands on the part of the teacher;

the responsibility has not been formed in children.

On the part of the parents:

studying at school is more important than studying in the DL system;

teachers give a lot of homework and there is no time left for additional classes;

the work schedule of a preschool teacher is not always satisfactory.

In order to reduce mutual claims, the school creates conditions for the full development of the individual. The timetable for preschool education is adjusted during the school year, enrollment in groups also goes on throughout the school year, when planning the work of children's associations, the opinion of children is taken into account, even the small successes of each child in the preschool system are brought to the attention of both teachers and parents. When parents are involved in the educational process, there is not only an increase in their educational and educational level, but also mutual understanding in matters of upbringing and development of children.

In order to expand the information space of parents, the school traditionally holds open days, when each parent has the opportunity to attend additional education classes, play the role of a student, and observe the success of their child in the preschool education system. The annual creative reports of the supplementary education system in all areas of activity have become a long-standing tradition. Parents, class teachers, subject teachers are involved in such creative meetings, who act as spectators, participants, and allies.

Experience shows that creative cooperation with the family actively promotes the positive experience of family communication, attracts the family to a conscious and active participation in the education of the student, creates optimal conditions and allows to achieve positive results in the development and self-development, education and self-education, training and self-education of the individual. There is a joining of efforts in striving to achieve optimal results, which makes the school attractive for parents and children, stimulates the teacher's creative activity. In difficult situations, positive communication experience allows the teacher to solve emerging problems calmly, benevolently, with confidence. The teacher finds not only like-minded people, but also allies, assistants.

The forms of interaction between the family and the school are the diversity of the organization of their joint activities and communication.

A list of some of the traditional and non-traditional forms of work carried out with participants in the educational process:

Traditional forms Non-traditional forms Parent meetings General school conference Parents' lecture hall Leisure evenings for children and parents Parent readings Seminars Workshops Sessions "round table" "pedagogical lounge" Training "oral journal" Action "Mercy", "Gift to a soldier", etc. creativity vernissage Creative evenings, meetings Disputes, evenings Tournaments of experts Meetings with the school administration Mom, dad, I am a sports family Thematic conversations, discussion of articles on education Joint creative affairs Parent raids Family traditions Family hobby clubHoroscope of my family The geography of my family Birthday in the family Family holidays, traditions Creation of the collection "The experience of raising a family" Mother's and father's holiday Famous people of my family Grandmother's gatherings Competition "I'm proud of my grandfather!" A celebration of a family meal My grandmother's songs (fairy tales) The world of my family's hobbies My family album Club "Daddy's upbringing"Scientific conference Saturday "parent-child" line Fair of family crafts Creation of a "cultural family card"

It is gratifying to note that informing parents through the media, remote counseling also brings its effective results - there are more appeals on the issues of raising and educating children in the social and psychological service, parents' interest in spending their child's leisure time has increased, and the role of parental responsibility is growing.

Of course, not all parents take a direct and active part in school educational work, cooperate with the system of additional education. But in every association, in every class, there are parents who are happy to cooperate with teachers. And the task of us, as teachers, is to involve them in active participation in school life, to make it clear that upbringing is a single, joint process, mistakes and shortcomings of which will negatively affect the development of the child's personality.

“Parental demand for yourself and your child, parental respect for yourself and your family, parental understanding of your actions and actions - this is the main method of upbringing,” according to Anton Semenovich Makarenko.

Chapter 2. Forms and methods of work of a teacher with parents

1 Forms of interaction between an elementary school teacher and parents in the upbringing of a physically and socially healthy primary school student

The main task of the class teacher (shared with the parents) is to create conditions for the free development of the physical and spiritual strength of students, guided by the interests of children and their age-related needs, to protect against all unfavorable factors that interfere with this. Therefore, in the first place in my work, I take the problems of the physical and mental health of students, since it is on the quality of the child's health that academic success and the level of his general development depend. To ensure normal physical health of primary schoolchildren, together with their parents, we work in the following areas:

Educating children under the program "Good Habits". The goal of this program is to proactively teach primary schoolchildren to use tobacco and alcohol, develop skills for responsible behavior and develop healthy attitudes. I always involve my parents in this activity. And for this, the health lesson plans include materials for parents, which contain brief information on the prevention of the use of tobacco, alcohol and other psychoactive substances by parents. They complement and develop the knowledge and skills formed by the teacher in health lessons, allow you to establish an atmosphere of genuine dialogue, mutual understanding between adults and children.

Parental mini-associations are organized in the class: parent editorial board, game, organizational, cultural, sports groups, which, together with the class teacher, are engaged in the preparation and conduct of class, school-wide activities aimed at understanding the intrinsic value of health by younger students.

Interesting lectures, conversations, quizzes, sports competitions "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family", "Happy starts", "We have a rest with the whole family", school-wide Health Days, KVNs, class hours, communication hours with the participation of children, their parents, a psychologist , the class teacher contribute to the upbringing of children's needs for a healthy lifestyle, the formation of skills for making independent decisions in relation to maintaining and strengthening their health.

Organization and joint spending of free time for children, parents, class teacher.

Weekend hiking trips have become an integral part in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for our pupils. Communication "teacher - student - parent", mutual assistance, the development of the best human qualities, touching the wonderful world of the Ural nature, romance, adventure - all these are steps in the ascent to a physically and spiritually healthy person. Lake Shartash, Kalinovsky Forest Park, "Devil's Settlement", Ganina Yama, Lake Talkov Kamen, reserved forests "Deer Streams", Kungurskaya Cave - these are the places that we visited together with the children and parents of our class.

Informing parents about the specifics of the physical development of students, addressing issues of maintaining physical health, psychological and pedagogical education of parents through the system of parent meetings, conferences, trainings, parent readings, evenings, individual and thematic consultations. A good discussion form of parenting education is the parenting ring. Holding parenting rings in elementary school is a must. Many parents already in elementary school show categorical judgments on many issues of raising children, absolutely not taking into account the capabilities and abilities of their child, the level of real educational potential, and the state of his health. The parenting ring is held with the aim that many parents can assert themselves in the correctness of their upbringing methods or revise their pedagogical arsenal, think about what they are doing right in raising their child and what is not quite so.

The themes of parenting rings can be very diverse, for example, the following:

Bad habits - heredity or social influence?

How to teach a child to take care of his health always and everywhere?

Temptations and ways to overcome them.

The joys and sorrows of 4 years of training.

Health and hygiene.

Everyone knows that plants help a person to be healthy. There is a society of flower lovers in the class - these are 6 children and 2 mothers who are interested in growing and caring for plants. We have greened the office and the number of plants now reaches 55. The aesthetic design of the office is an important direction in shaping the need for beauty, which means health. The parents of the students helped to create a cozy and warm atmosphere of the room, and the children try to maintain the purity and safety of this beauty.

A well-proven form of work with parents is the design of stands and corners for parents. Such corners are created to help the teacher in the implementation of pedagogical universal education of parents, to improve their pedagogical culture. The content of the materials in the corners coincides with the topic that parents are currently being introduced to. This allows you to expand, deepen your knowledge, once again return to what was said, repeat, emphasize the necessary.

Well-established and organized interaction between the family and the school makes it possible for parents to realize the need to acquire new knowledge for the formation and development of a healthy and full-fledged personality, and also creates a need for the family in direct communication with teachers and other school specialists who help to raise a physically and socially healthy younger student ...

2.2 Forms and methods of work of the class teacher with the student's family

The effectiveness of raising a child is highly dependent on how closely the school and family interact. Class teachers play a leading role in organizing cooperation between the school and the family. It is their work that determines the extent to which families understand the policy pursued by the school in relation to the upbringing and education of children, and participate in its implementation. At the same time, the family should be considered as the main customer and ally in the upbringing of children, and the joining of efforts of the parents and the teacher will create favorable conditions for the development of the child.

The principles of mutual trust and respect, support and help, patience and tolerance towards each other should be at the heart of the cooperative interaction between the family and the class teacher.

A significant place in the system of work of the class teacher with the parents of students is given to psychological and pedagogical education. The accumulation of psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents should be closely related to the development of their pedagogical thinking, practical skills in the field of education. It is necessary that the information be of a warning nature, be based on practical feasibility, demonstrate experience, concrete facts. This determines the selection of the content, as well as the forms of organization of pedagogical education.

Forms of work:

Family visits are an effective form of teacher-to-parent individual work. When visiting a family, an acquaintance with the student's living conditions occurs. The teacher talks with parents about his character, interests and inclinations, about his attitude towards parents, towards school, informs parents about the success of their child, gives advice on organizing homework, etc.

Correspondence with parents is a written form of informing parents about the success of their children. It is allowed to notify parents about upcoming joint activities at school, congratulations on the holidays, advice and wishes in raising children. The main condition for correspondence is a benevolent tone, the joy of communication.

The parent meeting is a form of analysis, reflection on the experience of education based on the data of pedagogical science.

Types of parenting meetings: organizational, meetings according to the plan of psychological and pedagogical education, thematic meetings, debates, final (quarter), etc. The topic of parenting meetings is usually determined by teachers and can be discussed at the parent committee.

School-wide (or parallel) parenting meetings are held, as a rule, twice a year. Here parents are introduced to the documents about the school, with the main directions, tasks and results of its work.

Classroom parenting meetings are held four to five times a year. They discuss the tasks of teaching and educational work in the class, planning educational work in the class, outline the ways of the closest cooperation between the family and the school, and summarize the results of the work. Classroom parenting meetings are effective only when they not only summarize progress, but also consider pressing pedagogical problems. At such meetings, the discussion of student progress is not an end in itself, but a bridge to the solution of a particular pedagogical problem.

The system of work of a teacher with parents also provides for their involvement in school government. Parents of students are legally not included in the school collective and generally do not form a collective, but they are no less interested in the successful work of the school than teachers or their children. They are a kind of social customers of the school, so they should be able to influence its activities and participate in school life. By forming an association, parents have the right to create their own self-governing bodies and resolve some issues of school life on their own. These purposes can be served by school parents' meetings, conferences, the parent committee and its commissions, sections and other working bodies. In addition, parents can be equal members of the school council, if the school government provides for the creation of this body. One of the forms of cooperation between the class teacher and a group of the most experienced, proactive parents is the class parent committee. The parent committee works on the basis of the regulation on the parent committee of the school. Together with the class teacher and under his guidance, he plans, prepares and conducts all joint work on teacher education, establishing contacts with parents, helping in the upbringing of children in the class, analyzes, evaluates and summarizes the results of cooperation between the school and the family.

Representatives of parents, permanent teachers' assistants are included in the school-wide parental council. This is the coordinating headquarters for various work with all parents, uniting the efforts of the school and family to solve educational problems.

Organization of joint leisure activities

In many schools, parents are frequent guests at extracurricular activities. These are sports competitions "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family" and "Lights" dedicated to the International Women's Day on March 8, and evenings "Meeting the Profession", and amateur concerts. All this allows parents to get to know their children better, to discover yet unknown aspects of their interests, hobbies, and talent. Leisure activities: joint holidays, preparation of concerts, performances: viewing, discussion of films and performances; competitions, contests, KVN; weekend home clubs; circles organized by parents. In addition, not even systematic, but isolated collective class affairs, carried out jointly with parents, have a huge educational effect. Perhaps, for example, holding an evening-meeting "The world of our family's hobbies", which demonstrates handicrafts, souvenirs - everything that the family is fond of in their free time.

The work of a teacher with parents is impossible without cooperation, active involvement of parents in the educational process, which implies the organization of various circles, sports sections, participation in club meetings. Unfortunately, many parents are so overburdened with their main work that they are unable to pay sufficient attention not only to their child's school and classmates, but also to their own child. Nevertheless, one or two enthusiasts are always found. Most often these are athletes, coaches who organize various sports sections or hold competitions together with school physical education teachers.

The circles can work outside the school as well. And if some mother has the opportunity to gather girls at home, she can lead a home circle or club, for example, "Hostess", and this will be of great help in raising expectant mothers and housewives.

The help of parents is invaluable in strengthening the material and technical base of the school, in organizing parental patrols during discos and evenings.

The University of Pedagogical Knowledge is a form of psychological and pedagogical education of parents. It equips them with the necessary knowledge, the foundations of pedagogical culture, introduces them to topical issues of upbringing, taking into account the age and needs of parents, contributes to the establishment of contacts between parents and the public, families with schools, as well as the interaction of parents and teachers in educational work. The university program is drawn up by the teacher, taking into account the contingent of students in the class and their parents. The forms of organization of classes at the university of pedagogical knowledge are quite diverse: lectures, conversations, workshops, conferences for parents, etc.

A lecture is a form of psychological and pedagogical education that reveals the essence of a particular problem of education. The best lecturer is the teacher-educator himself, who knows the interests of children, is able to analyze educational phenomena and situations. Therefore, the lecture should reveal the causes of the phenomena, the conditions for their course, the mechanism of the child's behavior, the patterns of development of his psyche, the rules of family education.

When preparing a lecture, you should take into account its structure, logic, you can draw up a plan indicating the main ideas, thoughts, facts and figures. One of the prerequisites for lectures is reliance on the experience of family education. The method of communication during a lecture is a casual conversation, an intimate conversation, a dialogue of interested like-minded people.

The topics of the lectures should be varied, interesting and relevant for parents, for example: "Age characteristics of younger adolescents", "Schoolchildren's daily routine", "What is self-education?" nature "," Art in the life of children "," Sex education of children in the family ", etc.

A conference is a form of pedagogical education that provides for the expansion, deepening and consolidation of knowledge about the upbringing of children. Conferences can be scientific and practical, theoretical, reading, exchange of experience, conferences of mothers, fathers. The conferences are held once a year, they require careful preparation and involve the active participation of parents. Exhibitions of students' works, books for parents, concerts of amateur performances are usually prepared for them.

The topics of the conferences should be specific, for example: "Playing in the life of a child", "Moral education of adolescents in the family", etc. In order to collect material and attract the attention of parents, it is sometimes suggested to fill out a short questionnaire at the university of pedagogical knowledge preceding the conference.

The conference usually opens with an opening address by the school principal (if it is a school-wide conference) or the class teacher (if it is a classroom conference). Parents give short, pre-prepared reports about their family parenting experience. There can be three or four such messages. Then the floor is given to all comers. The results are summed up by the host of the conference.

The workshop is a form of developing parenting skills in raising children, effectively solving emerging pedagogical situations, a kind of training in the pedagogical thinking of parent-educators.

In the course of the pedagogical workshop, the teacher offers to find a way out of any conflict situation that may arise in the relationship between parents and children, parents and the school, etc., to explain his position in a given or actually arisen situation.

Open lessons are usually organized to familiarize parents with new subject programs, teaching methods, teacher requirements. Most often, open lessons are practiced in primary school. It is necessary to give parents the opportunity to attend an open lesson at least once or twice every six months. This will allow avoiding many conflicts caused by ignorance and misunderstanding by parents of all the complexity and specifics of educational activities in today's school.

Open Lessons Day is held at a convenient time for parents, most often on Saturday. On this day, teachers conduct lessons in an unconventional form, trying to show their skills, to reveal the abilities of children. The day ends with a collective analysis: achievements, the most interesting forms of the lesson, the results of cognitive activity are noted, problems are posed, prospects are outlined.

Pedagogical discussion (dispute) is one of the most interesting forms of improving pedagogical culture. A distinctive feature of the dispute is that it allows everyone to be involved in the discussion of the problems posed, contributes to the development of the ability to comprehensively analyze facts and phenomena, based on the acquired skills and accumulated experience. The success of a dispute largely depends on its preparation. In about a month, the participants should get acquainted with the topic of the future dispute, the main issues, and literature. The most critical part of a dispute is dispute handling. Much determines the behavior of the leader here (he may be a teacher or one of the parents). It is necessary to set the rules in advance, listen to all speeches, propose, argue your position, sum up the results at the end of the dispute, draw conclusions. The main principle of the dispute is respect for the position and opinion of any participant.

The topic of the dispute can be any controversial issue of family and school education, for example: "Private school - for and against", "Choosing a profession - whose business is it?"

Role-playing games are a form of collective creative activity to study the level of formation of the participants' pedagogical skills. Approximate themes of role-playing games with parents can be the following: "Morning in your house", "The child came from school", "Family council", etc. The methodology of role-playing games provides for the definition of the topic, the composition of the participants, the distribution of roles between them, a preliminary discussion of possible positions and options for the behavior of the participants in the game. At the same time, it is important to play several variants (positive and negative) of the behavior of the participants in the game and, through joint discussion, choose the best course of action for this situation.

Individual thematic consultations Often in solving a complex problem, the teacher can get help directly from the parents of the students, and this should not be neglected. Consulting with parents is beneficial both for themselves and for the teacher. Parents get a real idea of ​​school affairs and the child's behavior, while the teacher - the information he needs for a deeper understanding of the problems of each student.

By exchanging information, both parties may come to a mutual agreement on specific forms of parental assistance. In communicating with parents, the teacher must show maximum tact. It is unacceptable to shame parents, to hint at their failure to fulfill their duty in relation to their son or daughter. The teacher's approach should be: “We have a common problem. What can we do to solve it? " Tactfulness is especially important with those parents who are confident that their children are not capable of bad deeds. Not finding the right approach to them, the teacher will face their indignation and refusal from further cooperation. The principles of successful counseling are trusting relationships, mutual respect, interest, competence.

2.3 Methodology for conducting a parent-teacher conference

Carrying out pedagogical guidance of family education, the teacher uses such traditional collective forms of work with parents as general club and circle parent meetings.

The parent meeting is not just a form of communication between the family and the institution of additional education, it is a university of important pedagogical information. This is a common concern of all employees of the institution. They can answer parents' questions, give individual advice and recommendations. The parent meeting requires careful preparation from the teacher, his "script", his program, so that it takes place in an atmosphere of interest, with the active participation of parents and at the same time was close to children's attitudes, recommendations and advice.

Preparing for the meeting, the teacher can give parents special questionnaires in advance, recommend reading books. You can resort to children's home writing.

There are no "trifles" in preparation for the meeting everything is important. Think over the design of the circle room, this also creates a certain mood of the parents (arrange an exhibition, issue a special newspaper, a pedagogical bulletin, a "folding bed", you can prepare fragments from a video). It is also necessary to solve such particular questions: where the parents will undress, and who will help them in this; who and how will meet the parents at the Center.

Of particular importance is the form of inviting parents to a meeting with an indication of the issues that will be considered there. You need to think over who and for what purpose to invite. An important detail: how the teacher will be dressed, because the parent meeting is a special event.

Parent-teacher meeting

"Interaction and mutual understanding of continuing education and family".

It is carried out with the aim of:

search for contact between the teacher and parents and students;

determination of uniform requirements of the family and additional education for the pupil;

to awaken parents to initiative and creativity in raising children.

Preparatory stage:

Pupils of the group write an essay: Why do I love my association, section, Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth?

Develop fantastic projects Center for the development of creativity of children and youth of my dreams in drawings.

They make out the folding book "One month in the life of a creative association or "How We Live".

Preparing invitations for parents. Visual and technical means.

Posters. Write the topic of the meeting and an epigraph on the chalkboard.

Exhibition of fantastic projects Center for the development of creativity of children and youth of my dreams. "

The main stage:

The form of the meeting is a dispute.

Analysis of essays, fantastic projects based on positive aspects.

Games "Augean Stables".

Parents questionnaire Center for the development of creativity of children and youth through the eyes of parents. "

Determination of the requirements of the family and additional education for the pupil and assistance in their implementation.

Elaboration of the regulation of the competition on the culture of self-education of the child under the motto "Become better today than yesterday, tomorrow is better than today."

Discussion of the organization of children's leisure activities. Regular joint holidays, contests, festivals "We are one family".

Memo for parents.

Parents questionnaire

Are you satisfied that your child is studying at the Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth?

In what mood does your child go to class?

Are you familiar with the problems of the circle?

Where is your child appreciated and understood more (emphasize) at school, in a circle, in a sports section, in a club, among friends?

What positive lessons did your child learn from the association classes?

Do you want your child to continue their education next year?

What would you like to suggest for changing the work of the circle?

If required, are you ready to purchase materials for your child for the activities in the circle?

Date ________________ Signature _____________

Respect the personality of the child.

Spend your leisure time with your children more often.

Chat with your children's friends.

Take part in the affairs of creative association.

Keep up to date with your child's affairs.

Parents' meeting "The child learns what he sees at home."

Show that upbringing is a single, inseparable process, interaction between the family and the Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth.

Consider the importance of understanding, tact, and patience in the family.

Preparatory stage.

Parents invitation.

Parents' questioning.

Does your family have rapport with children?

Do you know your children's friends?

Do the children participate with you in household chores in preparation for family holidays?

Do you check how they teach the lessons?

Do you discuss the books you read, the films you watched with your children?

Do you take part in walks, hikes together? Are you on vacation with your family?

Is your child willing to go to the Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth?

Does your child have household chores?

Drawing competition on the theme "Dad, Mom, I am a close-knit family."


Posters "If children see us and hear us, we are responsible for our deeds"; "Happy is he who is happy at home"; "What is the treasure, if the family is okay."

Exhibition of children's drawings.

Album "Family Holidays".

Book exhibition on the theme: "The wisdom of education".

Musical arrangement.

The main stage:

Forms of conduct: confidential conversation at the "round table".

Meeting progress

The song "Parents' House" is played.

Introductory speech of the teacher