Fortune telling by hand children. Find out how many children there will be along the lines along the arm. Line of adultery

People have always been interested in the future. This is especially true of relationships with the opposite sex. Along the lines of the hand, palmistry will tell you how love relationships will develop. You can also find out, using fortune-telling by hand, how many marriages and children there will be. It is not necessary to be a professional palmist to master the prediction technique.

Marriage line on hand

The line of marriage (love, relationships, affection, marriage) begins on the edge of the palm under the little finger. Further passes along the hill of Mercury. These are horizontal stripes, limited from above by the base of the finger of Mercury, from below - by the line of the Heart.

Furrows define love unions in a person's life. Stripes characterize attachments that have not reached real relationships. Each such line describes the relationship with a particular partner.

On the female left hand, dashes show how many connections are destined. On the right - the number of connections in fact. For men, it's the opposite.

Relationship signs are also studied on the hill of Venus, between the tubercle of the Moon and the line of Fate. These are signs of influence that confirm the information of the main symbols of relationships.

Attachment lines are changeable throughout life, so professional palmists look at them in dynamics.

Fortune telling along the line of Marriage

In palmistry, the number of marriages or serious relationships corresponds to the number of clear parallel stripes. Such furrows can be seen with the naked eye. They are clearly visible without clenching the palm into a fist. The grooves are palpable with a finger.

It happens that the line is not just obvious, but straight, long. It is called the ideal line of love and does not affect other branches and signs. She predicts a long happy life with her beloved. If this strip is torn, then a divorce, separation awaits a person. And after the break - reunion.

When the streak of marriage begins with a fork, a person will experience the destruction of relationships at the beginning. The fork at the end predicts separation due to incompatibility, termination of relations at the initiative of the owner. The final blurry part is the gradual fading of feelings.

Curved lines of marriages mean the hardships of family life, illness, struggle. They may also have marks on them. They predict the nature and characteristics of relationships.

Palmistry interprets them as follows:

  • cross - serious obstacles in love;
  • the presence of an island - the enmity of the spouses;
  • star - selfish love, the owner is exploited;
  • triangle - difficult family life with troubles, quarrels;
  • rectangle - physical, psychological abuse by a partner;
  • point - widowhood due to an accident.

Divination predicts the time of marriage. The distance from the base of the little finger to the line of the Heart is divided into three equal parts of 25 years. In which of them the band falls, approximately at that age the owner will have a close relationship.

A fuzzy, blurry, barely noticeable stripe on the arm speaks of a short-lived love. It has no special significance in fate.

A double line indicates the presence of two links at the same time. The length, depth, straightness of the strips will help determine which one is stronger.

Line of children on hand

Children's signs - vertical small dashes. They originate from the marriage line and go up. Also, children are shown signs:

  • strokes on the hill of Venus at the base of the thumb;
  • horizontal lines on the hill of Mars;
  • Christmas trees at the beginning of the heart line;
  • sticks on the line of life.

Most often, the signs are on the female hand. In men, they mean a strong love for children or a desire to become a father.

On the right hand, along the lines, you can learn about children in the present and future, taking into account life circumstances. The left hand shows potential. But it is not always used.

Divination for children

By the number of stripes, you can determine the number of children. If they are on the edge of the palm, then their owner will soon become a parent. The distance between dashes shows the difference in age between the offspring.

If the lines are poorly distinguishable, they predict miscarriages, abortions. Unborn children can be identified by faintly visible lines.

Fortune telling along the lines will help you find out the sex of the child and determine the possibility of giving birth to twins:

  • a long, noticeable stripe - a boy;
  • short, thin stroke - girl;
  • V-shaped sign above the line of marriage - the appearance of twins.

According to another interpretation of the heir, oblique furrows are predicted. Direct - the heiress.

The cross on the children's strip predicts an accident: injuries, accidents, operations. The conflicts of parents with the child are predicted by the intersection of the line of the child with a stroke. Multiple strikethroughs indicate health problems or a complex character. Wavy baby sign - health problems from birth.

There are people without signs of love. The absence of lines means that the owner will not have close, spiritual relationships. Connections will be prudent, selfish. Such a person is more interested in work than in family life.

The presence of multiple children's signs does not imply the obligatory birth of all heirs. These are opportunities that may not be used during a lifetime.

The absence of any indications of children does not always indicate infertility. This is an indicator of unwillingness to have a child.

In exact science with the name palmistry the line of marriage is of great importance. A line in the palm of your hand can tell not only about the number of trips to the registry office, but also about the problems that are expected in family life.

In the article:

Where is the marriage line in the palm of your hand

To find the sign of marriage on the hand, you should find and pay attention to the area under the little finger. Between it and the ring around this finger (if any) is the line of the wedding.

Schools of palmistry, for example, indian, says that marriage lines with a similar meaning are located under the thumb. Some practitioners consider this trait name to be incorrect.

Palmistry - how many marriages will there be

Palmistry will answer the number of marriages in a few minutes. Divorces were a rarity in the old days, but they got married or got married several times - widowers remained desirable candidates for spouses.

To determine the number of marriages by hand, you need to count the signs that indicate marriage. Pronounced - a stable union, will last a long time. Almost imperceptible lines show temporary connections and relatively serious relationships that will not lead down the aisle.

If there are no marriage lines, it is necessary to study the sign that compares the signs on the palms and damage - the crown of celibacy. If relations with the opposite sex are not going well, you need to get rid of the negative, which can be a family legacy. The absence of dashes under the little finger indicates a union of convenience, without feelings.

In palmistry, the number of marriages is counted from the line of the heart. Important: if you wish, you need to pay attention to the lines of marriage, as they are interconnected.

Forks and islands - guessing at relationships

During divination, the line tells about the number of serious connections. You can learn about problems in the family, and about the details of your personal life.

A fork is a bifurcation of a dash located on the palm. The end of the line is directed towards the index finger, located further from the edge of the palm. Forks speak of disagreements and discrepancies in characters, everyday habits, and outlook on life.

When a marriage ends with a fork, to divorce. The wider the ramification, the greater the disagreement expected between the spouses. The initiator will be a person with a sign on his hand. The family will constantly quarrel because of different views on every controversial moment.

Pronounced islands on the line, speaking of marital status, to divorce. This sign is heavier. In the first case, there is a chance of adequate behavior of partners, in the second, with an island, it is pointless to hope for a positive. This predicts litigation, scandals, enmity.

There is a specific mark of divorce that has appeared on the hands of people whose happiness is threatened. This is in palmistry, and it is not easy to interpret the mark.

Fortune telling by hand - a marriage line about the secrets of personal life

The great significance of the marriage line is that the trait reveals the secrets of a person. For example, a straight line says that the family will not differ from the average: problems of a different nature are foreseen in married life, but the couple does not hide serious secrets and secrets.

When the line ends with an island and bends towards the line of the heart, this is a sign of incest - a connection between relatives, for example, a brother or sister. You can check the information by looking at the hill of Venus - there is a confirmation or refutation of the relationship.

If the line gets to the sign of the Sun, crosses it - the husband will be a noble person. The man is rich, with a reputation for being solid and influential. Marriage will be important for both, but there is also a calculation.

Features on the hands that can tell about family happiness may interest a person. With the correct decoding of the signs, you can find out in advance about the troubles and try to prevent them.

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I wonder how to find out how many children will be on hand? Learn a range of practices used in palmistry. They allow you to clarify the sex of the baby, the number of probable pregnancies, the difference in the age of the children. Fortune telling shows a woman's potential for childbearing, without specifying how many the lady will raise.

In order to determine the number of children for free, you need to act like this:

  1. You should look at the main hand (for right-handers it is right, for left-handers it is left).
  2. You need to consider the area below the little finger.
  3. The hand needs to be bent in a fist, count the number of strips that appear on the fold. They will show the number of children.

There is a second way of divination, a difficult one. Use it extra. You need to look at the area under the little finger. Above the line of the heart are several horizontal stripes indicating the number of marriages. Above them you will find vertical stripes. Count their number, and you can find out how many babies can appear in a family.

Deciphering the line of children on the hand

To understand how to interpret the results of divination, you should study the photo with the decoding of the line of children on the hand. On it you can see which lines should be taken into account.

Please note: for women, the line of children shows how many she can give birth or adopt. As for men, their line shows how many a father will sincerely attach to. For this reason, the number of lines of children for spouses who are married and have no children from other relationships may differ.

Gender of the child

The line of children allows you to determine the gender of the child:

  • Short - a girl will appear in the family.
  • Long - wait for the boy.

Particular attention should be paid to lines of unusual shape, marked with some symbols. So, a forked line shows that a woman will have twins. The line of children crossed out, marked with a circle, a triangle on the arm indicates a high probability of miscarriage. If you want to keep the pregnancy, lie down to save.

Other ways of divination for children

There are alternative ways to guess the number of children. Divination by the ring is considered effective. To get a prediction, you need a smooth ring and thread. Divination is carried out as follows:

  1. You should take a ring and a thread with a length of 30 centimeters.
  2. The thread must be threaded into the ring. Next, take the edge of the thread in your right hand and hang the ring over your left palm.
  3. The suspended ring will move. Watch him carefully, the ring will show future children. If it describes a circle, a girl will be born, if it sways from side to side, a boy will be born. Fortune telling will show the children in the order in which they are born. If you have a child, it will definitely show it.

You should work with the ring for 2-3 minutes so that fortune-telling shows all future children. You can also use rare Eastern predictive practices that allow you to find out how many children you will have along the lines, islands on your hand.

Along the line of the heart

You should find the line of the heart on the dominant hand. It is a thick long line under the little finger, from which small lines extend like a herringbone. Count them - they will show how many children will be born in the family.

Eastern divination

This predictive technique allows you to determine the number of children on the little finger. You need to straighten your fingers, look at the middle phalanx of the little finger and count the number of large clear lines on it. If counting them is difficult, look at the middle finger. It also allows you to determine the exact number of children.


If the line of children on the hand is not clearly visible, you can use another fortune-telling practice - Indian. Proceed like this:

  1. Look at your dominant hand. Pay attention to the large ring at the base of the thumb. This is the family ring.
  2. Count the number of islands located in the ring. Large clear islands should be taken into account. Small, uneven islets of children do not indicate.

The number of islets is equal to the number of successful conceptions. Adopted babies cannot be identified in this way.

Hill of Venus

In order to determine the number of children, pay attention to the large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm located under the thumb. This is the hill of Venus. Count the number of horizontal lines crossing it. Pay attention to clear lines. Their number is equal to the number of babies.

Hill Mars-Pluto

In the course of such fortune-telling, you should find the middle of the palm and move from it towards the little finger, as in the picture. In this area, the number of lines should be counted, it will indicate the number of children.

Determine the number of marriages

Question: How many children will I have? - not the only one that excites a woman. She may be interested in how many marriages there will be in her life.

You can determine their number in various ways:

  • Having studied the family history of his own kind and that of his husband. If almost everyone has had strong long marriages, you will be married once in a lifetime.
  • Reviewing the biography of the chosen one. If he was married and divorced several times, then your marriage will be short-lived.
  • By examining the horizontal lines in the area under the little finger, located above the line of the heart. According to palmistry, these lines show how many close long-term relationships there will be in life. This is not necessarily a registered family union - this can be used to denote cohabitation.

Having received the results of fortune-telling, always remember: it is not so important how many times Mendelssohn's march will sound in your life, and how many children will be born in such a union. The main thing is that all family members, born of a woman or adopted, live a long and happy life.

Professional palmists can see key events in life on the hand and predict them with great accuracy. For example, a specialist can easily determine the date of death or the next difficult period. In addition to personal practice, palmists rely on basic knowledge that is available for everyone to study. Having carefully studied his palm, even an ordinary person will be able to "read" the fateful signs. According to practitioners, information about the number of children and possible marriages is hidden in the patterns and lines.

How to define family life along the line of marriage

It is customary to guess by the leading hand (right-handers look at the right hand, left-handers look at the left). The marriage line is very easy to find. It is located on the edge of the palm directly above the line of the heart.

One trait portends a happy family life. A person with such a sign on his hand is focused on strong stable relationships. There can be several strokes, they can be of different lengths and depths. A lot of weakly expressed dashes means frequent attachments that do not end in anything serious. Pronounced lines speak of long-term relationships that lead to official marriage. It is on them that the attention of practice is focused:

Sometimes you really want to look into the future and find out when a woman will know the happiness of motherhood.

Extrasensory sciences will come to the rescue: palmistry and numerology. To lift the veil of secrecy, read how to find out by hand how many children there will be.

In order to look into the future of the family, you do not need to turn to a fortuneteller. Try to solve the mysterious lines on your hand yourself.

The opinions of palmists about the location of the lines of children in the palm of the hand differ:

  • First option: pointers on the palm about the number of future offspring are located on the thumb at the base.

    This version is shared by Indian psychics. The position on the thumb indicates that children are the basis of the family.

  • Second option. The pointer is located near the little finger on the edge of the palm, where the heart line is drawn.

Consider carefully the line that crosses the thumb. According to Indian fortune-telling, how many small dashes will cross the base, so many children will have a person.

If the trait does not reach the base, then there may be losses or miscarriages in family life.

Important! According to both versions of palmists, it is necessary to guess on the left hand.

The second version is considered more popular and it is much more difficult to understand the meaning. To find out the number of potential offspring, it is worth knowing the location of two more lines.

Look for designations on the left hand:

  1. Heart line. Bend your hand into a fist and examine the sidewall from the side of the little finger.

    Two main ones stand out from the rest of the small ones: the ring that wraps around the little finger and the second recess, which is located on the palm - this is the recess of the heart.

  2. Marriage line. It is located in the middle between the ring of the little finger and the heart index.

    Bend your left hand into a fist: how many bends between the two recesses, so many times a person will cross the doors of the marriage hall.

Having found all the necessary pointers, consider the small dashes that cross the marriage lines.

These pointers tell about the number of children that a person will have. The longer the intersection, the stronger the health of the child.

Numerology: how many children will be with explanations

Numerological divination is considered mathematically accurate. Girls and women often resort to the help of extrasensory science to find out about their fate. The number of children is also open to numerology.

To find out, you can independently calculate the mysterious amount using the Pythagorean method. Difficulties should not arise, only the information that you have is needed: last name, first name, patronymic.

Each letter corresponds to a numerical value in the table:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kommersant S b E YU I

You need to find the sum of all letters. The result can be a two-digit or three-digit number. For example, you ended up with the number 276.

To bring it to a single value, you need to add the sum of the numbers: 2+7+6=15=6. Numerology is ready to answer questions about children.

The resulting number has its own meaning and tells about the secrets of childbearing:

  1. To come to motherhood or fatherhood, you must learn to cope with losses.

    Throughout family life, induced abortions and accidental miscarriages can occur. But in the end, more than three strong kids will appear in marriage.

  2. The firstborn will not keep you waiting, and the likelihood of a second child is very small. If the attempts are successful, then the youngest heir will be strongly attached to his mother.
  3. The main problem is to find a partner who will be in solidarity with you in the children's issue. The family will have as many children as you can think of.
  4. The family will be happy: an even number of children of different genders will appear. But the difference in the age of brothers and sisters will be high.
  5. Children can be from different marriages and different genders. If genetically incorporated, then the family will be rewarded with twins or twins.
  6. A large number that speaks of the windiness of a person's character. Many weddings will be played and each will leave a gift in the form of an heir.
  7. The feeling of motherhood is not inherent in your nature. If you decide to take a desperate step, then the likelihood that the baby will spend more time with his grandmother or mother is very high.
  8. number of infertility. Modern medicine can help resolve this issue. There is a way out even in case of failure - you can adopt a foster baby.
  9. The friendship of peoples lies behind the figure. Mixing of blood often happens in a family, two charming and beautiful children will appear. The quantity is not limited and depends only on you.

Important! Numerology tests can reveal the date and gender when the firstborn is born. All results can be refuted. To find the truth, take several tests at once.

Date of birth test: how many children will there be

The date of birth speaks of the character, fate and patronizing planet. It is only necessary to find out a personal number that will reveal the secret of the number of heirs.

You just need to do a few calculations:

  • Date of birth + month of birth + year of birth = ?
  • For example: the sum turned out to be 2022.
  • Bring the resulting value to a single value: 2+0+2+2=6.

Now look at the table with the resulting value:

Number Meaning
1 Multiple number. But for the appearance of the first-born, it is necessary to pass tests, the loss of a child is possible.
2 There will be many attempts to have offspring. The long-awaited baby will appear at the most unexpected moment
3 There may or may not be children. The decision is up to you
4 Collect a whole collection: a boy and a girl who will be very friendly with each other
5 Number of twins or twins
6 Large number, but many half-siblings
7 Absence of children may be due to infertility or a voluntary decision not to have offspring
8 Refusal to give birth or physical inability to give birth will help decide on adoption
9 The more money, the more children. The decision depends only on you and the financial well-being of the family.

Do not be sad if your attempts are not successful. Anyone can be a mother and father. Modern medicine or the adoption process will come to the rescue.

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