Where to celebrate the girl's 12th birthday. How to celebrate a teenager's birthday. AnderSon Family Cafes

The ideas for this collection are borrowed from acquaintances and friends, read on the forums of parents, taken from the numerous letters from the organizers of the holidays that come to my mail.

If I forgot something, please add it in the comments, let the children of the whole country be satisfied and happy :-).

1. Sports birthday

For such a case, a group of children with adults is supposed to leave for a special club.


After the 2014 Olympics, there was another surge of interest in this sport. Children will pick up shoes, instruct, tell the rules of the game. If you have 2 teams of 4 people, go ahead! There are many clubs, but it is better to rent tracks in advance at a convenient time.


A great option for a child's birthday when there are many children with a big age difference among the invitees. Bowling is perfect for a mixed company of adults and children.


Oh ... There will be a lot of impressions. It's really scary, although it's just bright paint flying at you, not a bullet. There are special programs for children's holidays in the clubs, it will not be boring. By the way, girls are also happy to participate in such a war.

As a rule, in all institutions you will be offered a cafe or a separate room to deliciously “complete” your birthday.

3. Holiday with hosts or animators

This is how it happens for us:

  • You choose the theme of the holiday (we have a much wider choice of standard pirates and princesses). We have a lot of funny characters in high-quality costumes, only professional actors.
  • Choose the number of actors. Of course, one can do it, but if you invite two, in addition to competitions, you can count on a mini-performance, as the characters will exchange remarks. Everything happens much more interesting, without pauses and hitches (one animator will need to disappear from time to time and prepare another prop).
  • Animators arrive 30 minutes before the start of the holiday, call up the parents. it is better to change clothes with the neighbors, but if this is not possible, the actor should be quietly let into the apartment, given the opportunity to prepare. In a few minutes, he will already ring loudly at the door in the form of Spider-Man.

Of course, it is always good when there is enough free space in the room for the holiday. Competitions will be more diverse, children will be more active, parents will be calmer :-). If this is not the case, there are special scenarios for small apartments, in which, in addition to comic contests, there will be a creative master class and interesting board games.

4. Game center (all at once)

This is a whole play town under one roof, in which different entertainment areas are combined into a single space, but at the same time, each group of adults and children can enjoy their own holiday.

These are quests, hide and seek in the dark, laser tag, a climbing wall, virtual attractions, pools with balls for kids, creative zones, photons and tables for tea drinking. Certainly convenient. How many games you book and for how long is up to you. Comfortable and really festive.

13. Cafe with an animator

In this case, the emphasis is on the feast, which is diluted with games and contests with the actor. It is convenient if the cafe has a games room. Usually we book a table next to such a room to watch the children.

Minus: there are a lot of strangers in the cafe. It happens that other people's children participate in competitions and ask for prizes :-). So what to do? Don't drive them away? All visitors to the cafe have the right to use the game room.

For children 9-11 years old, you can organize a culinary master class right in the cafe. My daughter and her friends made pizza, brought boxes to their parents as a gift.

5. Exit quest (host with props comes to you)

Field quests can be organized at home, in a cafe, in the courtyard of a house or school, in a children's club, in a nearby park, in nature, in special decorations.

A detective, historical or fantastic plot is twisted, in which each participant has his own role and his own task. The game involves professional actors who appear at the most unexpected moment and throw new clues, ideas and "artifacts" to the children.

8. Everyone cares (literally)

This is a musical rhythm game. A team-building program, during which you need to enter into a single rhythm of your team, master many small noise instruments (percussion), learn your part on the darbuka drum and, in the final, unite into a single orchestra.

9. Creating a cartoon and other master classes

Great idea! I often hear rave reviews, with pleasure I recommend for a children's birthday to all parents.

Where to hold the master class:

  • master class can be held at home (you need a free large table)
  • in the cafe
  • at the kids club
  • in a special room equipped for creative master classes (outdoor event)

What else happens?

There is a painting of gingerbread, the preparation of chocolates, modeling from sugar mastic. In total - 30 options, you will find to your liking.

Among I will highlight creative master classes painting glass, stones, ceramics and wooden toys, painting T-shirts, soap making and making gel candles, painting with sand in a bottle and decorating Venetian masks, pottery, lampwork, marzipan figurines, making jewelry. Everything is very interesting, souvenirs remain as a keepsake.

10. Birthday at the culinary studio

A wonderful and emotional holiday, during which the children prepare treats for themselves under the guidance of a great chef. It's fun, delicious and very photogenic.

11. For "little Einsteins"

Thanks to the organizers of the holidays for the opportunity to “touch” science with your hands. In every major city in Russia there are museums that offer children an interactive study of objects and phenomena.

“Museum Adventures” is arranged by estate museums, art galleries, historical, geological, zoological and paleontological museums, theaters, planetariums, oceanariums.

This is not an easy tour! This is a performance with the participation of actors and guests, in which you need to look for and hide copies of the exhibits, solve mysteries, conduct experiments and make discoveries.

If you invited 5-6 children to a child’s birthday, this is ideal, since large groups in this format of the holiday are not welcome.

By the way, you can choose a whole tour with games and contests. Something like this...

13. Rope course

Large parks have ready-made obstacle courses where you can arrange individual and team competitions. Of course, this is only suitable for the spring-summer season. Very fun and reckless, at the end of the holiday - pleasant fatigue and a lot of impressions.

In Panda Park, for example, there are programs with animators in costumes who organize an interesting competitive program on rope structures.

15. Interactive science show

It's not just impressive and spectacular! These are real physical and chemical experiments that clearly demonstrate the properties of objects and the essence of phenomena!

Children will control lightning, experiment with nitrogen, dry ice and carbon dioxide. Everything is absolutely safe and insanely interesting! I have no doubt that adults will also discover a lot of new things.

17. Fitness club

There is one subtlety. You will only be allowed to hold a children's sports party in a fitness club if one of the parents has an annual subscription. The animator will be in sportswear, and the competitions are all "Olympic". Often part of the holiday takes place in the children's pool, which all children are madly in love with. The program is not just fun, but also health-improving. Great!

18. Water park

All children love water attractions, so a birthday in the water park is a real holiday. The program with animators, as a rule, does not take much time (15-30 minutes), it is paid separately from entrance tickets.

I think that most of all the water park is suitable for a small company of children and adults. Better, let everyone be with their mothers, otherwise you yourself will have to dry the long hair of each girlfriend with a hairdryer :-).

You can feed guests only in the “wet” cafe of the water park, but there is something in this, you see.

19. Go to the kids club

It makes no sense to describe any one children's club now, since in every district of the city there are excellent establishments equipped for holidays. The animators in the clubs are full-time, so collect reviews from moms from neighboring yards to know who to choose.

Additionally, you can order a show of giant soap bubbles (always very impressive), chemical experiments or a magician.

The kids club gives a lot of advantages:

  • large room
  • holiday decorations will be cheaper
  • there is a wardrobe
  • comfortable seats "in the auditorium" for parents
  • sound and lighting equipment
  • often there is a "dry pool", a soft designer, children's tents and trampolines
  • cleaning after the holiday is not your concern

Minus: as a treat, you can only offer your own sandwiches with juice or a sweet table. It is impossible to arrange a full-fledged festive dinner in such a club.

For 12 years, birthdays have been eagerly awaited by both the birthday people themselves and their parents. The transition to adolescence is the most important stage in life. This is the time of the formation of the personality, the time of affirmation of the teenager in society, in the circle of peers, parents. How to celebrate a child's birthday at 12? How to make this holiday memorable and bright.

How to celebrate a 12 year old girl's birthday

How and where to celebrate a girl's birthday at 12 years old. Your pet is almost an adult now. This is no longer the same small child, which means that the holiday should be different from the previous ones. Among the options for celebrating a girl's birthday at 12, you can choose several:

  1. Gatherings at home. Most importantly, do not mix adults and children. Teenagers at this age are very shy, they will feel constrained and uncomfortable. In addition, your daughter may want to invite a boy she likes to visit. And the presence of grandparents will obviously confuse the youth.
  2. Entertainment Center. This is one of the best options for holding a celebration. Laser Land is a place where you can celebrate a girl's birthday at the age of 12 and make the holiday unforgettable. Organize a fun bowling event for your daughter. She can arrange team competitions with her friends.

How to celebrate the birthday of a 12 year old boy

Long before the significant date, parents begin to worry about the question of how to properly celebrate a birthday at 12 years old. If mom and dad have inner artistry, then you can try to cope with the organization yourself. But, most likely, this kind of holidays will please the kids of preschool age. Teenagers are waiting for more serious and interesting entertainment. You can invite an animator to your house, but not all houses allow you to organize a grandiose holiday. Give your son an unforgettable birthday. In the company with the entertainment center Laser Land, any event will turn into a grand event.

Give your son the opportunity on his birthday to become a member of large-scale space warriors. How to celebrate a boy's birthday at 12 is better than in a spaceship in the fight against aliens. Not a single computer game can give those emotions that a birthday boy and his guests will experience in our laser maze. If you still have doubts about where to celebrate your 12th birthday, then you are welcome to us!

from 29 800

Weekend prices and conditions apply on public holidays.
Friday prices apply on holiday days.

Services for banquets
Table rental in the banquet hall
Man, 2 hours
Weekdays, Friday until 17:00 250
Friday from 17:00, weekend 500
VIP-hall rental, 3 hours
Weekdays, Friday until 17:00 12 000
Friday from 17:00, weekend 22 000
Extra hour 6 000
Weekdays, Friday until 17:00 3 000
Banquet hall rental, 2 hours
Friday from 17:00, weekend 30 000
Friday from 17:00, weekend 60 000
*The cost of renting any hall includes multimedia equipment (musical arrangement, projector, microphone, karaoke) and table setting.
Microphone, 10 min 500
Made to order cake, kg 2 400
Serving and cutting guest cake, 5 kg 1 500
- additional kg 500
Corkage fee, bottle up to a liter
- alcohol, strength up to 20º 300
- alcohol, strength over 20º 700
Candles 100
Chocolate fountain, hour
- small (10 people) 6 000
- large (30 people) 15 000
Cotton candy, hour 6 000
hall decoration
helium balloons
- 1 PC. 120
- 30 pcs. 3 000
- 50 pcs. 5 000
Balloon arch, pcs 6 000
Column of balls, pcs 3 500
Numbers from balls, pcs 3 500
Big ball 90cm, piece 900
Clapperboard, piece 500
Brandwall 300x300cm, piece 9000

Let the child himself organize a solemn event in his honor, but again, for the time being, under your strict guidance. Together make a list of necessary purchases, sign invitation cards together, visit a store together, where the hero of the occasion can choose and order a cake for his birthday. Let him prepare simple snacks and sandwiches on his own, stroke the tablecloth and lay out the cutlery.

If your child's birthday will take place within the walls of the house, you can resort to one little trick to make the holiday more relaxed than the birthday person suggests: ask him to send invitation cards to his friends, which will indicate that the dress code for his birthday should be exclusively evening: cocktail dresses for girls, suits for boys.

You will see that both girls and boys will be afraid of spoiling the outfits they have bought for this occasion, and will be much more careful at the holiday. So you will save your house from quite a possible mess. As for the organization of a festive feast, we advise you to again give preference to the buffet, but do not impose festive treats in portions, let the guys take care of each other on their own.

As for the question - where to celebrate the birthday of a child -12 years old, then, of course, there is no definite answer here. You should ask the birthday man himself where he would like to spend his holiday. At the age of twelve, children still often prefer home holidays.

Ideas for celebrating a 12 year old's birthday

An excellent option for holding a holiday is to divide your child's birthday into two parts: official and informal. Adults (parents of the child and other invitees) can and should take part in the official part, and the second part should be given to the children “to be torn to pieces”.

For example, if your daughter invited two or four of her closest friends to her birthday, you can turn the informal part into a pajama party, the organization of which falls entirely on the shoulders of the hero of the occasion. In case of difficulties, give your daughter a couple of ideas on how to make the “pajama party” interesting and exciting: together with friends, draw a wall newspaper in honor of the birthday girl, make a surprise candy, arrange a quiz with riddles or play favorite games that are pleasant for children. You can complete such a great party by inviting your daughter's guests to stay with you for the night (of course, by prior arrangement with their parents).

For a birthday boy, an interesting idea for a twelfth birthday is to stylize the holiday like fantasy works, such as The Lord of the Rings. Clothing, home decoration, the menu of the festive table should correspond to the theme of the solemn event. Several competitions on the theme of the work will come in handy. Guests of the holiday can be accepted into the brotherhood of the ring, the head of which will be the birthday boy, compose some kind of comic oath for acceptance into the brotherhood, and the like.

Any creative tasks are perceived by children of twelve years of age with enthusiasm and great enthusiasm. Arrange for your daughter and her friends a master class in beading, soap making or making sushi. Give your son a board game "Monopoly" or "Mafia", playing which with his comrades, he can have fun on his birthday. A photo session with friends and shooting a music video starring the birthday boy will complement the solemn event. This contest is a variation of the Crocodile game. The players are divided into two teams. A member of the first group says some very long and complex word or phrase in his ear, for example, "deoxyribonucleic acid", "identification" or "exaltation". The task of the participant is to explain to his team with gestures the meaning of this word, so that they guess it. One child sits on a chair facing a light, uncluttered wall, on which a light source is directed, for example, a table lamp. The rest of the contestants in turn, slowly moving, pass behind him. The task of the person sitting on the chair is to guess by the outlines of the shadows who exactly passed him. All children who wish to take part in the competition must sit on the chair. The participant with the most correct answers wins. The facilitator shows the children a picture that is covered with a sheet, commensurate in area with it, and with a small round hole in the center, periodically shifting it in different directions. The task of the contest participants is to guess what is drawn in the picture, comparing the seen parts of it into a complete image. The winner is the one who gives the correct answer the fastest. Accordingly, there should be several such pictures. Children stand in a circle. The host asks them to connect the fingers of their hands, touching only one little finger. Then he asks to bend one leg. Next, each of the guys should say their name in turn, and then say the phrase: “I don’t know how to play this game.” So each of the children says his name and reports ignorance of the game. After that, the host puts his hands on his hips and in a serious tone says: “If you all don’t know how to play this game, then why are you all standing here?”

The original end of the holiday

This day full of events, smiles and impressions is coming to an end. You can complete it by presenting a gift to both the birthday man and all his friends. Your child will be pleased with the attention that you will give not only to him, but also to his comrades. Toward the end of the holiday, you can hold a pleasant and in every sense a fun contest.

Put the birthday man on a chair, at this time stand behind him with a bag in which gifts will lie, feel like a kind of Santa Claus. You take out a gift and ask the hero of the occasion the question: “To whom?” The birthday boy calls the name of any person present at the holiday, to whom the present is given.

Give the very hero of the occasion a bunch of keys from the chest you have saved up, in which there will be a gift that is rightfully due to your beloved child. To applause and loud cries: "Congratulations!" the birthday boy opens the chest, inside of which, of course, is exactly what he has been dreaming of for so long.

What to give a child for his birthday at 12 years old: gifts for boys and girls

When choosing a gift for a twelve-year-old birthday, parents often get lost. On the one hand, their child is still addicted to some toys. On the other hand, he already has quite adult hobbies, he begins to be interested in the relationship of the sexes, social life and think about his appearance. In order to pick up a gift that will bring joy to its owner, you need to understand how twelve-year-old children live today.

The first group of interests includes the attributes of childhood. Twelve-year-old girls are still very fond of various soft toys, and girly rooms are often lined with huge numbers of large teddy bears and pink bunnies. Boys of this age are passionate about computer games and films about robots and superheroes.

The second group of interests of twelve-year-old children is connected with the world of technology. Modern children can no longer imagine their lives without computers, tablets, cell phones, e-books and other devices with which they communicate on social networks, learn useful information and play online games.

The third group of interests is awareness of one's own image. Adolescence is the second and final period in the formation of self-consciousness. Now children are interested in how they look, so all those items that allow you to emphasize the dignity of their appearance are suitable as gifts: clothes and accessories. Notebooks, personal diaries, CDs with music, sports paraphernalia: a skateboard, a snowboard, a cool bike, roller skates - all this will bring joy and happiness to your child.

A sheet is put on the most daring of the participants, while the guests stand around the “cast”. The participant in the sheet catches the guests in turn and tries to guess who exactly he caught. It will be fun for both the cast and the rest of the guests.

last spoon

Participants are given a plate of any porridge, each in turn eats a spoonful. It becomes interesting when the last spoon remains. After all, the condition of this competition is the rule: whoever eats the last spoon, he lost and must fulfill the wish of the birthday man. It will be interesting to watch how each of the participants will share the last spoon and try to eat in small grains, so as not to be the last.

my fantasy tree

This competition will allow to reveal all the limits of the imagination of children. Each of the participants is given a blank sheet of paper and multi-colored felt-tip pens. Each of the guests must draw a tree of their imagination with leaves and fruits. Then each of the guests in turn goes to the center and presents his tree, tells a little about it. By applause, or rather, by their volume, the presenter chooses the most wonderful tree, for which the participant receives a prize.

cat and fox

Participants stand in a row, the first is a cat who is blindfolded. A short distance from the others is the fox, which must take turns stealing the participants from the cat and transfer them to his side, and the cat, in turn, must try to catch the fox. If the cat caught the fox, other participants are selected for the roles. The competition will turn out not only fun, but also exciting, with elements of, so to speak, danger.

Puzzles from notes

At this age, all children already know the notes, so they can be asked to turn on their ingenuity and solve puzzles with notes. The host takes turns showing cards with a certain rebus, for example, the note “fa” and “salt” are drawn on the stave. It turns out beans. Or a syllable is written - in-, then on the stave the note "to" and the letter "p". get a tomato. Whoever guessed first what is encrypted in the musical rebus raises his hand and answers. Whoever has the most answers gets the best prize.

Cheerful orchestra

Guests are divided into several teams, each team is given fun tools, for example, spoons, a bowl, a pipe, which can serve as a pipe made of paper, and so on. Each of the teams draws a phantom with the name of the song that they are to play, for example, “Antoshka, Antoshka” or “Two funny geese lived with granny”. The team, which, according to the jury, will play their song best of all, receives a prize.

My friend is a clown

Participants are divided into several teams of 2-3 people. One of the participants in each team is left in the role of a clown, from the provided paints and improvised means from the room, each of the teams tries to make the most fun, colorful, fun and interesting clown. Whose team, according to the rest of the guests, has the best clown, that team wins. And so that no one is offended, everyone can be awarded, for example, a medal for the most artistic clown or for a funny clown, and so on.

Blow up the balloon

Each participant is given one balloon. The task of each of the guests is to inflate the balloon more than the other participants, but without bursting it. The participant with the largest ball will receive a prize.