Where to meet a serious man: "fishy" places and tips for a good acquaintance. Dating over a cup of coffee. It turns out that you can get really cool in love.

All women, no matter what they say, want to see a handsome, intelligent and strong man next to them. And if he is also well-to-do, then this is generally excellent. But today, not only is it quite difficult to build a normal relationship, even finding an adequate guy is almost impossible. In this article, I would like to reveal several options for where to meet a man for a serious relationship.

Dating website

Modern people are used to communicating through various computer devices. After all, it’s much easier to make an acquaintance. Therefore, one of the places where you can meet a guy for a serious relationship is the Internet, namely, special dating sites. And even though there are a huge number of stories that only strange elements and people with various deviations are registered there, this is not so. Of course, there is a percentage of eccentrics, but there are also enough normal men there. You just need to competently approach the choice of an applicant for an acquaintance: evaluate a photo, a story about yourself, a profile. Much can already be learned from the correspondence and conclusions can be drawn. So do not be afraid of this method of dating, because today it is very relevant and gives excellent results.

Internet: social media

Another option, for a serious relationship, is on social networks. Today, only a lazy person or one who has nothing to tell about himself and has no one to communicate with is not registered there. So why not look for a life partner there? Moreover, from information about yourself and photos, you can again learn a lot: what kind of life a man prefers, what kind of comrades he has, and so on. You can get acquainted there in specialized communities (there are also such ones). And one more simple way to get acquainted with "VKontakte" or "Odnoklassniki": just write a message to the male representative you like. The text can be as simple as “hello, let's get acquainted”. Alternatively, it's a good idea to compliment the avatar or point out the guy's special hobbies or hobbies (seen in the photo).

Internet: forums, chats, various communities

The Internet is a great place to meet, because there you can find a person with the same outlook on life or hobbies as you do at home. To do this, it is enough to run around various forums and stumble upon a guy with sound reasoning, you can get acquainted in chats, where everyone is used to discussing various problems. It is also good to register in a community of like-minded people and look for a life partner there. This is generally a great place to meet a normal man, because this way you can spend a lot of time together at your favorite pastime.

Special theme nights

There are also interesting options where to meet a man for a serious relationship. So, it can be organized meeting evenings like American quick dates. There, in a short time, a woman communicates with about 20-30 representatives of the stronger sex for about 2-3 minutes, asking them the questions that interest her. After that, all people get up and continue to communicate in a free conversation. This is how pleasant acquaintances are often created, which develop into strong friendship and, moreover, a serious relationship. However, it should be noted that you can only get to such events in big cities. They are especially often held on the territories of various universities among students who are more open to everything new.


A good old version of where to meet a man for a serious relationship: on the street. To do this, you do not need to specifically go hunting and look closely at all the stronger sex. This can even be done spontaneously by accidentally bumping into a guy. Often an apology develops into a sweet conversation, followed by an invitation to a date and a strong relationship. If a lady sees a man she likes in front of her, you can provoke a small situation in which a girl can drop packages or just twist her leg. A real man will always help a lady, and if he passes by, it means that a woman simply does not need such a guy. You can also meet in the bread line or at the checkout in the supermarket, what is not a great way to kill two birds with one stone: while away the time and make an acquaintance, even if it does not entail anything serious?


There is an opinion that decent girls do not meet in public transport. But this is absolutely not the case. On the way to work on the bus, you can sit next to a nice guy, why not have a light, casual conversation? Who knows what it might turn into later? It is especially good to get to know each other on long trips. So, it can be various bus tours around the country or even abroad, when people, although not for long, are in the same situations, see each other every minute and are in the same places. Every now and then you start to greet everyone in the morning, no one has canceled the rules of decency. And if the girl likes someone, you should not hesitate to develop the relationship further, little by little getting to know the man and starting just friendship with him at first. If destined, it will grow into something more serious and beautiful.

Places of testosterone accumulation

If a woman has an obsessive thought “I want to get to know a man,” why shouldn't she visit places where representatives of the stronger sex congregate? What could it be? First of all, gyms. And although men do not go there for acquaintances, they will never miss at least a glance a girl who also came to correct her figure. However, there is one nuance: the lady, in principle, should be all right. She must be well-groomed, with normal forms, otherwise men simply will not notice such a gray mouse. Alternatively, you can get a job as a trainer in the men's gym (if you have special qualifications). Where else can you go hunting guys? A great place is pubs or sports bars, where mostly men go to cheer on the players of their favorite team. During the game, it is still better not to meddle with men, but after it, especially if your favorite team won, you can try to decorate the evening of the man you like. However, guys often go there in groups, so it's better to take your girlfriends with you so as not to look at least strange.

Various events

Another option where to meet a normal man is to attend all kinds of events that can be organized in the city. So, these are various holidays, promotions, fairs and exhibitions. It is also good to get to know each other during the intermission in the theater, before the movie in the cinema, and so on. So you can start a pleasant conversation on a specific topic and then see how events may develop.


A lady can also come with the problem “I want to meet a man” to specialists, i.e. matchmaker. Such women are called upon to find a match for any person who asks for help in this. More often than not, they just have small "cases" for everyone who wants to meet, and they bring people together according to certain criteria. This is something like a real, not a virtual dating club. If the first option did not suit the woman, the matchmaker is ready to offer her a few more. And so on until the girl finds something suitable for herself.

Relatives and friends

You can also get to know each other in a circle of close people. So, you can go to a friend's wedding and make acquaintance with a distant relative of the groom or his friend. Alternatively, you can ask your mother or sister to find someone suitable among your friends.

The main rule

But all the same I want to say that it is better to know “how” and not “where” it is better to get to know a man. After all, it is not so easy to start a casual conversation with a complete stranger. And there are, in fact, a huge amount of places, you just want to and you can meet a good man in a fairly short time.

Very often single women broadcast their loss, fear, and most importantly, the state of the victim. They are not ready for a serious relationship. And if such a woman needs a man, it is only as a way to solve her internal problems.

And no matter how good a woman looks, the state of the victim is repulsive. There is no confidence in your feminine strength, which means that men will not see a woman in you. You are invisible.

Therefore, you can wait a long time.

Let's move on to action: get to know yourself, give a lift, entice, lure.

Firstly, when we begin to act ourselves, deep down in our hearts we also don’t believe in ourselves and in our feminine power, we want to control the process, and we don’t trust. We are trying to push through this situation.

And how can a woman push through? Only the lower centers. Sex. A man needs to be conquered and seduced ...

And thus confuse yourself and him. Through seduction and sex, you want to get a serious relationship, but the man is seduced without continuing.

Secondly, a man is by nature persistent, he needs a result, and if something does not work out for him on the first try, he will achieve his goal in any case. A woman's refusal will rather spur him on to new decisive actions. Refusal does not hurt a man, the man is ready for refusal.

And for female dignity, the refusal of a man is very painful. Women's dignity invariably suffers when a woman asks for herself, and even receives a refusal.

A man will definitely understand this. A woman without dignity is not interested in a man. Can use but dislike.

I always ask myself the question: What kind of punchy qualities do you need to achieve a man? How much should you turn off your feelings in order to endure rejection? After all, you need to become an impenetrable woman. And then what to do with these disruptive qualities in a relationship?

Well, okay, let's say you yourself met and made a man. But this moment will determine your relationship. This will be the foundation.

He will always be passive in relation to you, and you will have to be active, you will have to adjust and you will have to make every effort to maintain this relationship.

You can often find such advice that a man is shy and he only needs help. I think that if nature made a man shy, the human race would die out.

Remember, if a man, even the most shy one, liked you, he will get you out of the ground. If you refuse, he will still strive.

And if, as it seems to you, he is shy, then he simply did not make a decision to approach you. It is a gross female mistake to explain male passivity by indecision and shyness.

If a man likes a woman, he is not embarrassed, his instinct turns on.

And thirdly, you deprive yourself of the pleasure of experiencing the state when a man takes his first steps and manifests himself. Believe me, you will always feel this, this understatement and unfinished business. You will always be left out as a woman.

And yet, if you do everything yourself, you will wait for reciprocal steps from the man, but they will not be. Because if a man didn't make a decision, he won't do anything.

Forgive me for the physiological comparisons, after all, the sperm reaches the egg, and not vice versa, and at all times it has been and will be that way.

The egg does not act on its own, does not try to keep up, its task is to prepare and go to the right place. And wait for the meeting.

The power of a woman is not to come up and conquer herself. The strength of a woman lies in something else. Be ready for a meeting and contribute to the fact that the man himself begins to act and achieve.

What is readiness?

It is an internal DECISION that you are ready for a serious relationship. That childhood is over, and you are ready for a new stage in your life, with all the pros and cons.

Willingness also means that you are ready for contact, you can easily be approached (you do not have a protective mask of an unapproachable person or victim), you are ready to communicate, to carry on a conversation. You are open and natural. You know how to accept help, support from a man (by the way, this can be a great excuse to get to know each other).

Willingness is always an internal DECISION, which develops into an impulse and you become noticeable for a man.

And of course, you feel your feminine power. For me, female power is expressed in simple words: Love yourself and respect a man. Behind these simple words lies a difficult path that any woman must go through if she wants to become happy.

And it was these simple words with a complex meaning that formed the basis of the updated course. And I invite you to it :))

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Tatiana Dzutseva

In contact with

Every woman wants to find that man who would be her support and faithful companion for life. But today it often happens that the representatives of the stronger sex are in no hurry or are afraid to get acquainted with the ladies. In this case, you should not be afraid to take the initiative into your own hands. The purpose of this article is to tell you how to meet men, what you need to do for this and what basic mistakes you need to avoid.


First of all, a woman who wants to meet a worthy man must make some preparations for this. What is important to take care of?

  1. Appearance. It's no secret that men love with their eyes. This must be remembered. First, you need to go to a beauty salon and completely tidy yourself up: hair, face, arms, legs. Only a well-groomed lady attracts the attention of the opposite sex.
  2. Manners. A woman should also be able to keep herself in society. Impressive gait, "dirty" speech - all this repels guys. Good manners, the ability to maintain a conversation - this is what every self-respecting lady should be able to do.
  3. About future. What else is very important to remember for every woman during the preparation stage? A man in a lady must see his future wife. It is no secret that for each individual person it is something different. Well, here you just need to hit the bull's eye and guess what the guy needs first of all from family relations: freedom, a delicious dinner or the intimate side of life.

A place

First of all, you need to decide on a place where to meet men. What can I say here? If you look over the statistics overseas, the most common places to meet are various bars, where mostly single people gather, as well as churches. In our country, the culture of visiting religious places is not yet so widespread, but drinking and entertainment establishments are in maximum quantity. This is where you can make acquaintances. Although at the same time it should be remembered that in such a place it is unlikely that it will be possible to get acquainted with a stay-at-home. So it will still be very good to take a closer look at such a person before presenting him in his eyes and dreams as a husband. Where else can you conduct your searches?

  1. Job. A great place to find yourself a life partner. Moreover, rather close daily communication for a long time makes it possible to understand at least in general terms what a given person is.
  2. Shop. Where else can you meet men without breaking the rules of etiquette? These are all kinds of shops and supermarkets. You can accidentally stumble upon the cart of the guy you like and thus unobtrusively start a conversation.
  3. Public transport. Also a great place to find yourself a life partner. Quite a few people today commute to work in this manner. And no longer because of poverty, but because of the speed of such movement on crowded streets. Metro, trams and trolleybuses are a great place to meet your future husband.
  4. Waiting rooms at train stations or airports. Often new acquaintances are made there, the purpose of which is to pass the time. However, such fleeting meetings often end in strong marriages.
  5. Resorts. Where to meet men? An excellent place is recreation centers or sanatoriums. Very often, resort romances develop not only into strong friendships, but also into more serious relationships.
  6. Places of study. Where is the best place to meet men? Why not do this at the place of study: at the university or on courses? People who want to learn are interesting in themselves. And if there are also common interests - generally excellent.
  7. Promotions and events. A great place to meet a guy is to go to a general event or social event. City Day, New Year's celebration on the square, an action in support of stray dogs - places where people with common interests gather. Why not find your soul mate here?
  8. Culture places. Well, it's also good to meet men in museums, theaters, exhibitions and art galleries.

It is worth saying that this is not a complete list of those places where you can find your happiness. It is possible and necessary to expand the circle of places for acquaintances at your discretion.


How to meet men? One should not be afraid to take the initiative. However, it should be remembered that guys are often wary of such ladies, even with apprehension. Therefore, in order not to frighten off a man, it is better to do everything as if by chance. It turns out ugly when a girl approaches a man with the words "Let's get to know each other" or something like that. You need to act wiser and just push the guy to act on his own. Alternatively, ask for help (hold a plate of snacks, light a cigarette - depending on the situation).


How to meet men so that everything looks unobtrusive? It's simple - the lady just needs to be herself. That is, there is no need to invent a different, desired image for yourself. You also do not need to be ashamed of yourself, your education or position in society. Everything must be presented as virtues. After all, as a lady treats herself, so others will treat her, including men.

You can not "reverse"

Very often women decide to take the first step - to approach a man, but they quickly retreat and leave. Doing this is not worth it, any action must be completed. It should also be said that you do not need to be afraid to give your phone number or contacts on social networks. Even if nothing serious comes out of this acquaintance, it's nice to just have a friend who (who knows!) May help you someday.

Simple phrases

What else can you advise girls who want to understand how to meet men? So, I want, again, to repeat: the guy needs to be given the opportunity to feel like a leader, not a follower. Therefore, it is good to start the conversation with a simple phrase, for example: "What time is it?" If it happens in a queue, you can try to just talk, thereby reducing the waiting time. Very often, these simple conversations end up in a strong relationship.


In order for a woman to choose an algorithm of actions for herself, she needs to understand how men get to know girls. And act on the same principle. What does it mean? You just need to give a little attention to the selected object. A couple of times to glance in the direction of the guy, as they say, "shoot eyes", thus attract attention. If a guy is ready for the subsequent development of relations, he himself will seize the initiative and come up to meet. If a man is not interested in a girl, he will simply ignore all signs of attention sent to him.


How do women meet men? You can remember your school years and do the same. If it happens in practice, you can, as it were, accidentally throw the ball at the guy. There are often situations when girls accidentally bump into guys, thinking about something. Apologies, sweet smile - and half the job is done. The rest is up to the guy. In the event of a collision, you can also refer to, for example, a pain in the leg and ask the guy to lead him to the nearest shop. If a man is a real gentleman, he will never leave a lady in trouble. Otherwise, the girl simply does not need such a guy.

Why don't guys meet?

Very often, girls may be interested in a rather logical question: why don't men meet first? What happened to society? The thing is that guys, as well as women, are generally disappointed in communicating with the opposite sex. The processes of emancipation and gender aspects are also not playing into the hands of the representatives of the stronger sex. Women today are full-fledged independent personalities, often stronger and more stable in moral terms than guys. There may be several reasons on the male side:

  • fear of not being liked by the chosen woman;
  • a flimsy financial position and a rather low social status (and as a result - low self-esteem);
  • negative previous experience of acquaintances (answers with the following content: “I don’t want to meet men, because they are all unworthy of me,” etc.).

And this is not a complete list of all those reasons that are the main ones in the answer to a simple question: why did the guys stop meeting ladies.

Major mistakes

When meeting men, women often make some mistakes as well. What is still better to avoid when dealing with the opposite sex?

  1. Unrest. In normal quantities, this is acceptable. However, if a lady constantly fiddles with her hair, picking a pimple or itching, this will definitely scare off any guy.
  2. Storms of emotions. There shouldn't be too many women.
  3. Show-off. A girl, however, like a guy, during an acquaintance should not expose herself, as they say, for show. You don't need to list all your strengths right away. This will definitely scare off the young man.
  4. Bad manners. A girl in the eyes of most men is a weak creature that requires protection. If a lady swears in society, drinks beer and sits lounging, she can only arouse disgust in the representatives of the opposite sex. And not sympathy.

Women who think that getting to know a man is extremely difficult are wrong. There are no difficulties neither in finding a man, nor in getting to know him. But, can each acquaintance continue with a serious relationship? Of course no. Therefore, a free woman should know where to find a worthy ally in creating family happiness, and how to carry out the process of acquaintance.

When will I meet my man?

Do not think that there are certain age ranges in which you need to urgently look for a soul mate. It all depends only on your perception of the situation.

If your loneliness in love does not cause you much inconvenience, but acquaintances claim that at your age you need to urgently solve this problem, don't fall for provocation... It will be better if you enjoy your freedom and mentally prepare your relationship.

In the case when you are really tired of being alone, and you are over thirty years old, you should look for dating options. Do not forget to set yourself up to find the right candidate. Despite the fact that it is a little more difficult to get acquainted with the opposite sex at thirty or more years old, the chances are very high, and you do not need to desperately rush to any available option.

How to get acquainted for a serious relationship?

Before indulging in a desperate search, decide on a suitable location.

Nowadays, the popular places for dating are restaurants, clubs and bars. In fact, the question of whether to get acquainted there for a serious relationship or not is controversial. Especially when it comes to a nightclub. Most men believe that mostly easily accessible ladies meet in clubs. Therefore, even if you behave unusually with dignity and modesty, a man can still regard you as an easy prey, because the stereotype about club dating is strong.

As for the rest of the places, that is, cafes and restaurants, the chances of serious acquaintances here increase, but only if the object of your attention is not drunk. If his body and mind are oversaturated with alcohol, the chances of an effective acquaintance are reduced to zero.

You can meet successfully with the help of friends and acquaintances... Surely, there are unmarried men in their environment. And, if your friends are very sympathetic to you, perhaps they communicate with similar men who will be sympathetic to you. Meet with your friends more often and ask them for help if you see someone you love in their environment.

Online dating do not lose their relevance. But, you need to be very careful when looking for a match for yourself on such sites. They are visited not only by decent people, but also by those who can harm you in any way. Try to meet those who have a lot of profile photos and an attached real personal page on social networks. And, do not forget to warn your acquaintances if you are going to meet a person from a dating site, especially if the meeting takes place in the evening.

Dating at work are not always successful, because the workflow often makes people annoyed and not too friendly. Therefore, if you really like a colleague, approach him only when he is in a very good mood.

How to start a conversation with a man

Let's say you saw a person you like. Your task is to start a conversation with him. The best way to start it is to come up with a request for help or with any question. For example, you can rearrange the numbers indicating the time on the phone and ask the man for the exact time. Or you can ask about the location of an object and ask to escort you to it.

If the man turned out to be quite friendly and gladly helped you, you can continue the conversation without hesitation.

If the situation is the opposite, nothing should be done. Remember to smile naturally and look the person in the eye. But don't overdo it. Do not intrude or interrupt, do not start flirting and flirting right away, be polite.

Behavior at first

And so, the acquaintance took place and turned out to be quite successful. One has to continue to act, and the actions must be very competent. There are several taboos in behavior during the first days of acquaintance. Pay attention to the fact what not to do so as not to ruin the prospect of a serious relationship:

  • openly hint at consent to enter into an intimate relationship;
  • tell very personal details about yourself;
  • start talking about a wedding, about a relationship;
  • try to introduce a man to his parents;
  • try on new, unusual images for you (it concerns clothes and behavior);
  • to devote a man to their personal affairs.

Useful information:

And here are the behaviors that are maximum acceptable:

  • Become friendly but not intrusive
  • listen more and talk less;
  • be not too accessible in all respects to make you seem like a woman of mystery;
  • behave naturally;
  • maintain a positive attitude.

Stories of girls who took the initiative when meeting

I met Vadim in a cafe located in the cinema building. There was a premiere of the film, all the tables were occupied. Of course, I had the option of getting hooked on single girls, but I wanted a romantic adventure. Vadim turned out to be very sociable and even invited me to walk along an alley in a nearby park. We have been meeting with him for almost a year, and I have not regretted at all that I myself have started an acquaintance. Tatyana, 34 years old.

A friend helped me to meet her future husband. At that time, I was at odds with her. And somehow I saw her in the company of her husband and a nice guy. I really liked him, and I realized that I would have to make peace with her in order to get the man of my dreams. As a result, I made up with her and asked to tell about the person who walked with her. It turned out to be her husband's business partner. She arranged a meeting in a cafe, where he and I realized that fate had brought us together for a reason. A few months later we got married. Natalya, 28 years old

I was sitting in a cafe with my friends and noticed a handsome lonely man at the next table. When the waiter brought him an order on a tray, he stumbled and emptied all the contents of the plates onto him. Honestly, I felt sorry for both, and I ran to them to offer my help. I gave this handsome man wet wipes and helped save his documents on the table from the spilled soup. He appreciated my help and still appreciates my help, because we have been meeting for a long time! Alexandra, 30 years old

How to meet on the street - video

Sep 22, 2015 I myself

Some women complain that there are no decent men around. They say that the representatives of the stronger sex only need sex, but they avoid serious relationships. Maybe these women just met the chosen ones in the wrong places?

Of course, there are men who want to build a family and raise children. And there are many of them. We know at least seven places where to meet a man for a serious relationship. And by the way, not only women are interested.

Where to meet a guy for a serious relationship

Master classes, lectures and seminars

Such events are attended by men with a focus on success. They are engaged in self-development, continue to study, but they probably will not mind dating a girl with similar hobbies.

Various courses and trainings are created for aspiring men. These are unlikely to be sprayed on fleeting intrigues. When you come, for example, to business development courses, make sure that the man you like doesn't have a ring on that very finger. And then you can take the initiative. And if your main dream is “I want to meet a man for a serious relationship,” then this is the ideal place.

Dating websites

The dating site has a large number of men looking for women for serious relationships. Choose sites where candidates are thoroughly screened and do not pose any threat. These should be sites that aim to create strong couples, not help find sex partners. For example, Kismia, where it is quite easy to meet a guy for a serious relationship.

This is one of the most convenient ways to meet people. In correspondence, you have more time to formulate your own thoughts, you can choose a man from a photo and communicate at any time of the day. So, if you are looking for where to meet a guy on the Internet, then immediately go to the dating site.

Usually, on dating sites, men indicate information about themselves. And already by these characteristics you can determine whether you like it or not. Perhaps now this is the most common way to meet a man for a serious relationship. You can communicate with several applicants at once. And if, for example, communication with one of them did not work, then you can continue your search at any time.

You can specify your goal directly: “Meet a guy for a serious relationship,” which will allow you to immediately attract the right candidates.

Automotive exhibitions

It's not for nothing that little boys play with cars, and adults prefer expensive cars. Many men gather at such exhibitions, who either choose a car for themselves, or are simply interested in the latest novelties.

In such an environment, it is very easy to strike up an acquaintance with a man for a serious relationship. Just ask which car has a better engine and which warms up faster. Men love when they are useful to women. So keep the conversation going and maybe later it will spill over into a long-term relationship. And you no longer have to look for a place to meet men for a serious relationship.

At a football match

If you want to meet a guy, then you are unlikely to meet more men anywhere than at a sports game. Whether it's football, basketball or hockey.

But remember one rule: during the game, do not try to get the man to talk. Suddenly he misses as a player from his team scores a goal. There is a threat that your communication will end there.

But don't forget that there are half-time breaks. This is where you will find something to talk about. And if you are a fan of his favorite team, then he will definitely like you.

In the fitness room

The gym is not just the perfect place to meet a guy for a serious relationship, but also a place to spend time with benefit. This is your opportunity to both tighten your figure and find a man.

On the first day of visiting the gym, look around and spot your potential boyfriend. Next time, work out on the simulators next to him and ask for help. This is a very advantageous situation for a man. He will show strength and help you. And then talk to him about sports and smoothly move on to the question of whether he has a girlfriend.

In the bar

Many single men head to the bar after a day's work. Probably, his beloved girl is not waiting for him at home, and the guy goes to relieve tension with friends. And if a man comes to a bar alone, sit down next to him and just ask how his day was. Of course, if your relaxedness allows you.

Well, if you don't see a potential partner yet, then just spend some time at the bar. Usually this is the place in the establishment that attracts the attention of the public the most. So you will definitely not go unnoticed. And don't forget that bars are a great place to meet a guy.

Jogging in the park

Jogging is a good way to meet a man. Firstly, you already have a common habit, and secondly, men who are worried about their health prefer to run in the morning.

If you and your potential partner run in the same park, then in a few days you will definitely notice each other. Get to know him, ask about his running technique, whether he adheres to a healthy lifestyle. And maybe your run will end with a glass of smoothies in some cafe.

You should never stop looking. Just as women want to find their chosen one, so men are looking for where to meet a girl for a serious relationship. And it is likely that soon you may cross.