Breastfeeding guv. How to organize breastfeeding: recommendations of consultants and tips of nursing mothers. Beginning of breastfeeding

For a long time and successfully breastfeeding really!

The recent decades in our society there was an opinion that the child's cheer's focus is a difficult task that is not allowed everyone. There is an opinion that there are dairy mothers, and some moms have enough milk for only 3-4 months, and even less.

Hurry to inform you that this is not so! Most often it is explained by the fact that young mothers simply do not speak the necessary information about breastfeeding, but specifically, unfortunately, rarely be trained. Therefore, women as they can and feed, sometimes not knowing the main points that are crucial for successful lactation. In this article we will list them.

1. It is important for the successful start of breastfeeding early attachment of a child to the chest for 1 hour after birth. It is precisely it is important for further breastfeeding. Since in the early contact of the mother and the child, an invisible connection is formed, which they carry through their entire lives. In addition, the first drops of poles contain a large amount of substances that protect the child from infections, so the child is "vaccinated", and the intestine is settled by mother's microflora, and not the Romanovskaya. Moseline is sterile, and the sterility of the preparation of the mixture and the cleanliness of the nobody can not guarantee.

2. Before the child is attached for the first time to the mother's chest, it should not receive anything from the bottle or in any other way. Since it is important that these nutrients that are intended to the child's body are caught in nature, thus, they do not violate the natural development of the digestive system of the children's body. In addition, receiving the first time the chest, the child captures these moments and then, he will take breasts without problems, relying on the first experience of sucking. If, instead of the mother's breast, the child was given a bottle with a nipple, he captures that he would be fed from the rubber "chest" and the transition to the mother breast may not be simple.

If the newborn baby was taken away from the mother, and for the first time instead of mother breast, he will receive a nipple, then for a child it is dangerous for the following reasons:

  • the child does not receive a colosure (which plays an important role in the formation of immunity, is the main point of stimulation and setting lactation);
  • he may have a confusion of nipples with a nipple and he can refuse to take the mother's breasts.

For a young mother, this is dangerous for the following reasons:

  • due to the confusion of the nipples of the mother - nipples of the bottle, the baby reluctantly takes the chest, which can lead to the wrong seizure of the chest, cracks and stagnation of milk.
  • it takes more time to come milk, because the child does not stimulate the chest enough.
  • The likelihood of hypoglactics, reduction and cessation of breastfeeding increases.

Thanks to WHO studies, it has been established that even one or two pretenuation feedings from the nipple is enough for breastfeeding to be taken.

3. After the birth of a child, mom and baby should be in a joint ward. It is important that mom and child begun to adapt to each other from the first hours. Mom will learn to understand the signals of his child and respond to them on time. The baby will be able to freely get the chest when it will be necessary.

4. In the first days of the child's life, he should receive exclusively colosure and later - breast milk. The crocha does not need water and other roundabouts, for the child it is dangerous food by substitutes of breast milk.

Very often, you can hear the question from future mothers: "What to do, while there is no milk?!" The first 2 days (sometimes 1-7 days) there are really no milk. So far, there are only colostrums - a very calorie and easily-friendly, saturated with a huge amount of immunoglobulins and a useful flora that contributes to the output of the sector (original feces), the formation of the intestinal environment and the purification of the body from bilirubin.

Mosomil is not enough. Very little. And it is right!

Imagine the internal bodies of the baby - just a few months have passed, as they have formed. The intrauterine they already worked, digesting light suspended particles in the oily water. But this is an idle work, training. Now they have to earn full. After all, eating from mom directly in blood will not be. You need to produce absolutely all nutrients from milk. In order for the transition to a fundamentally different supply method, it has occurred smoothly and successfully, nature has provided an intermediate stage - a brosy period.

It is a small amount of colostr that allows the digestive tract and the kidney of the crumbs to try himself in a new role, stretch, get used to new loads and gradually move to full work. Even a large amount of milk milk (what to say about the mixture!) During this period, it creates an unbearable and unnecessary load on adapting human systems.

Will he be hungry? Not. The fact is that in the first days of life, very serious and important processes occur - adaptation to sharply and radically changed conditions of existence. The body of the child is entirely busy with this adaptation and does not want to spend the power of digestion.

In addition, in the body of a newborn, the bore of brown fats occurs, due to which almost the entire daily need for energy is ensured. Yes, plus the high energy value of every drop of colostrum. The kid receives everything he needs.

These few simple rules will help you make the first days without milk comfortable:

1. Remember that now the baby needs only colostrum and precisely in such a quantity so that it is healthy. And he does not need anything else.

2. Be calm, because the baby very much feels my mother's mamina and begins to cry, if the mother is alarmed or becomes started.

3. Do not wait for a scream to give your chest and try not to take it from the kid for yourself.

4. Be all the time together. A minor percentage of problematic giving births involves losing mom and child.

5. Make feeding comfortable. In the maternity hospital, there are no household domestic duties, there is only you and the baby. Cake his lying and at the same time rest.

6. Get the right applying. Capturing the breast deeply, the baby will be able to suck it more efficiently and less tired.

7. Suggest it the second breast, if he, for a long time sucking one, shows discontent. This will help the right formation of lactation, will help to avoid excessive arrival of milk, and the baby will receive its priceless drops of colosure from both breasts. Then you can again offer him the first.

5. In the maternity hospital, mom should learn how to keep the child's child. From this depends on the right attachment of the baby to the mother's chest. It would be nice to feed the child in different poses, it will facilitate the removal of milk from different shares and will not provoke stagnation. There are three main poses: "cradle" - the traditional, the well-known posture, "from the armpit" and feeding lying, but you can come up with our own, the main thing to follow good applying. Watch that in all these poses you feel comfortable, and the body of the baby was located in the same plane and did not bend. The newborn must lie on the side and the mouth to be located at the nipple level. In the post "Cradle", the child pressed against the mother's belly with legs and tummy.

6. Mom must learn the right attachment of the child to the chest. This mother can help breastfeeding consultants, or medical sisters in the maternity hospital. With proper applied all the range or most of it, plus the nipples are in the mouth of the child. Thus, the whole mouth mouth is filled with breasts and during sucking the air almost does not come there, therefore, the child almost does not swallow air. With sucking, no foreign sounds (clicks and smoking). Chin baby, often and spout rest in the chest, the lower lip is turned out. Mom feeds not hurt!

7. The child must receive breasts on demand. This means that the mother reacts to the cry of the baby, applying it to the chest. In addition, the requirement of the crumbs is considered to be his behavior in which Mom sees that he wants to get breasts (searching behavior). For example, a child in a dream began to swing and open the mouth. The babe is not crying yet, but makes movement with the language, as if looking for the chest.

The newborn baby has many reasons for wanting to make a breast, since in addition to satisfying nutritious, needs, the child satisfies the need for psycho-emotional comfort. Baby became scary - he needs to apply to his chest, she wanted on the handles uncomfortable under new clothes, he wondered the heel, wanted to pee - on everything, for this, he can react to cry, and his mother saves it to what he gives him to make her chest. We should not worry that the baby reestoring is practically not possible on solely breastfeeding, because its body is genetically tuned to very frequent feeding. For the baby of the first month, it is normal to apply every 1 - 1.5 hours. Fear not to give a breast once again than to overgrow. If the crumb eats the supernormum, he swirls superfluous, thus, its self-regulating system will debug everything.

8. The time that the child is near the chest regulates the child itself. Do not hurry, he must take a smooth so much milk as he needs, unfortunately, we can not know that, so we will focus on the baby. Mom can take the breast only if the child incorrectly captured it and it hurts you. To do this, we use the finger, we spawn the ledge, and take it out of the chest. Apply it again, but we take into account the correctness of the seizure of the chest.

9. Do not follow the child to the second breast earlier than he sucked the first. Do not forget that a frequent breast change can lead to the fact that the child will not have time to suite the rear, more fatty milk, so the child can have problems with digestion, and as a result, lactase lactase insufficiency and a foamy chair may occur. It is better to act like this: let's give one breast into one feeding. If the kid very quickly falls asleep under the breast (5-10 minutes), then you can give the same chest the second time it wakes up.

10. It is very important that the child has free access to the chest and at night. It will be very good if you organize a joint night sleep. It is known that it is at night that a hormone prolactin is produced, which is responsible for the formation of milk the next day. In addition, it is a good opportunity for mother to sleep at night, as she does not have to get up all the time to calm the baby and give him the chest. The child, feeling near the smell of the mother, also sleeps better and longer.

11. Break, which is on breastfeeding, categorically should not receive nor nipples, no pawners, as well as bottle feeding. It is known that when sucking the nipples, the child will use other muscles than he uses with a chest sucking. Thus, he can learn to incorrect sucking and damage the nipples of the mother. Some children are enough to have one feeding from the bottle and the baby is already beginning to refuse to take the mother's chest or worry under the breast. If a child needs an additional discount, it should be made from a cup or spoon.

Paves and nipples are needed by the children of artificials, so that they can satisfy their sucking need, they are not needed for children to babies, they are not even useless. They have a mother and breasts to which they are applied on demand.

12. Children on solely breastfeeding do not need additional water and early introducing dust for up to 6 months. First, the milk contains up to 90% of the water, they satisfy their need for fluid through milk even in the summer. Secondly, the doctors and additional vitamins he is also not needed, since in milk there are all the necessary vitamins, and they are absorbed by the children's body completely without a residue, in contrast to vitamins synthesized artificially. It should be remembered that the early introduction of feeding may have negative consequences. It is known that, receiving additional food up to 6 months, the baby begins to absorb the vitamins and trace elements from the maternal milk. And, unfortunately, from new food, he still can not be absorbed.

13. It must be remembered that mom should not be carried away by washing breasts with soap before each feeding and after, as well as in any way to process it. Montgomery glands are located around the nipple, which produce a protective fat lubricant, which protects the nipples from cutting and injury. In addition, this lubricant has a similar smell on amniotic fluid, so the child calms down in his chest, feeling familiar smell. This smell helps the baby to determine where the chest is located to which it is necessary to attach. On this smell, the child recognizes his mother. If the breast is washed very often, the protective layer is washed off, and the nipple can be easily injured. Enough, if you take a shower once every 1-2 days.

14. Mom should not additionally grind milk after each feeding. The task of the young mother to establish breast feeding so that milk is exactly as much as a child is required. Additional complains are set up the breast on the production of extra milk, unfortunately, take away a lot of time and effort. Some moms that are frozen after feeding are complaining: "If not constant push, I would feed with pleasure! And so I am very tired. " Chargeing can only be needed in certain cases.

15. Do not weigh the baby before and after each feeding. These procedures do not give accurate results about the number of eaten milk. In addition, they are nervous as a child and mom, which begins to worry about how much the child ate for one feeding. It will be more correct to weigh the kid once a week at the same time, in the same clothes. Weighted weight gain should be about 125 g. And for greater calm, spend the wet diaper test. If the child has good weight gains and per day 12 and more wet diapers, it is in a good arms of the Spirit, it means that he has enough milk and the child is eaten.

16. If the mother has witnessed, it is not necessary to overcome the child from the chest for the time of illness. On the contrary, the child is very important to apply to the chest at this time. Since during the disease in Mother's milk, antibodies of the disease she is sick. Croch, getting it milk, vaccinated and, thus, does not get ill. If he still fell ill, then the disease is not so difficult and the child quickly recover. If there is a need to take medicines, you can call consultants "Affectionate Mom", we will refer to reference books, how compatible is this medicine with breastfeeding.

17. Young, nursing mothers It is important to find communication with those moms who had a positive, long-term (1-2 years) experience of breastfeeding their children. It is such communication will contribute to successful and long-term feeding, because they will be able to receive support and practical advice, which, in turn, will help to establish breastfeeding.

18. Do not strive to overcome the child from the chest after the fulfillment of the 1st year. It is physiologically feeding children for up to 2-3 years, when the child completely matures (both mentally, and physically) in order to part with the breast.

All about breastfeeding

Throughout the existence of humanity, the process of breastfeeding newborns is common to all peoples regardless of racial and cultural affiliation, as it provides a child to survival and normal physical and neuropsychic development.

The main advantages of breastfeeding

Breast milk is the best, adapted nature of nutrition for a child, as it provides its body with all the nutrients that the first six months (26 weeks) of life are needed. In addition to nutrients in breast milk contain substances that satisfy the unique needs of the baby are an indispensable polyunsaturated fatty acids, some proteins, an easily dismantled iron. However, the main difference between breast milk from artificial blends lies in the fact that it contains immunoglobulins and biologically active substances that protect the child from a variety of infections and contributing to the adequate adaptation of the bowl of the newborn. It has been reliably proved that the composition of breast milk changes during the day, as well as in the lactation process and corresponds to the age of the child.

How breast milk is produced

Lactation is determined by prolactin - the main hormone providing the secretion of milk in nursing women. The hormone is generated by adenogipid, its synthesis occurs around the clock. The level of prolac-tina in the blood reaches the greatest value for the 3-4th day of the postpartum period. The process of milk-studies is set to 3rd and stabilizes to the 7th day of the postpartum period. By this time, the formation of the capacitive function of the breast is completed. The level of prolactin depends on the activity of the sucking of the child. If its level is high, but the milk is not removed from the chest, then the lactation decreases. Prolactin has a sedative effect. The selection or reflex of the expulsion of milk is determined by the level of oxytocin. Oxytocin causes a reduction in myoepithelial cells and other structures of the alveolar department and contributes to the release of milk into large ducts and the breast tank. The degree of activation of cells producing oxytocin is depending on the intensity of sucking. Research of recent years indicate the participation of oxytocin in the hypothalamic regulation of prolctin secretion. Increasing the level of oxytocin in the blood is preceded by an increase in the level of prolactin induced by breastfeeding. If the chest does not empty, the secretion of milk stops. The concentration of prolactin and oxytocin in the blood in the pledges significantly depends on the adequate mechanical irritation (compression, stretching, vacuum) of the breast with the mouth of the child during feeding. With such complex irritation in the afferent fibers, forming a nipple receptors and the rackene gland (mechanoreceptors), there is a characteristic pulse pattern, which in the conductive spinal cord paths come to the hypothalamus, further into the rear share of the pituitary gland, where they cause the release of these hormones, lactogenesis and liberation milk.


In the first days after the birth of a child, the lactains of the femoirs produce colosure - thick yellowish or transparent milk. The colostrum contains more protein, antibodies and other protection factors than in ripe milk. The colostrum has a soft relaxing effect and contributes to the timely cleansing of the bowl of the newborn from the megonia (original feces), which reduces the duration of the physiological and prevents the development of pathological jaundice in the baby. The colostrum also contributes to the development and normalization of the intestinal function of the child after his birth, warns the development of allergies and intolerance to other foods. According to its vitamin one, the colosure differs from mature milk, especially a lot of vitamin A. Given the speculative composition of the colostrum, it is very important that the child gets it from the first hours of life. It contains all the necessary components and fully ensures the needs of the child in nutrients before the appearance of mature milk at the mother.

Mature milk

Mature milk is milk that appears a few days after the birth of a child in much larger quantities than colostrum. There are "front" and "rear" milk.

The "front" milk is milk that receives a child at the beginning of feeding, it has a bluish color. The "front" milk is produced in large quantities and contains a lot of sugar (lactose), protein. Sometimes the mother believes that her milk is defective, "skinny."

The "rear" milk goes to the child at the end of feeding, the milk has a rich white color. In the "rear" milk contains more fat than in the "front", it gives the "rear" milk saturated white, sometimes yellowish color. A large amount of fat makes the "rear" milk with high-energy, so you can not tear a child from the chest prematurely, it is necessary to allow him to suck all the "rear" milk, otherwise it will be hungry.

Many young parents, grandmothers and other relatives of the newborn believe that the feeding of the baby breasts can be successfully replaced by feeding from a bottle of cow's milk. Below, we give convincing evidence of the inadmissibility of these actions. The troubles between the female and cow milk breast milk contains anti-infective protection factors and growth factors that are not in the milk of animal origin or children's milk mixtures. Recall that the immunity of the child of the first months of life is provided solely by antibodies and non-specific factors of the protection contained in Mother's milk. In the cow's milk, the protein is mainly represented by casein, which is designed in a dense, poorly digesting clock. Chest milk proteins contain all the necessary amino acids, including indispensable cystin and taurine. Fats breast milk contain a large number of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids. In addition, breast milk contains an enzyme lipase. In cow's milk and in mixtures there are no enzymes that are contained in breast milk. On the content of iron cow and breast milk do not differ from each other. However, according to the biological availability of iron breast milk is undoubtedly more accessible than iron cow's milk. So, from breast milk, the child assimilates the 50% iron contained in it, whereas from the cow's only - 10%. Breast milk contains the optimal amount of minerals. In the milk of animal origin, too large amounts of calcium and sodium are contained.

Breast milk contains a sufficient amount of vitamins, unless the mother suffers to their deficiency. Milk animals may not contain the required number of vitamins A and C.

Today, once again confirmed the advantage of breastfeeding for children under the age of one year. It has been proven that children who are solely on breastfeeding: a significant decrease in cases of sudden death syndrome are noted; There is a decrease in the incidence of children by enterocolite, sepsis, medium otitis, diarrhea, atopic dermatitis, food allergies, bronchial asthma, diabetes, cancer; There are no pathological reactions when carrying out preventive vaccinations; The best parameters of psychomotor and emotional development of children and their big sociability are noted; There is a decrease in the frequency of dental problems in early childhood - reducing the frequency of caries.

In addition to the benefit of breastfeeding for a child, there are certain advantages of breastfeeding and for the mother.

Oxytocin, which stands out in a woman when feeding a baby breastfeeding, helps to reduce the uterus and timely stopping bleeding, thereby predetermining breastfeeding as an affordable and effective means of preventing bleeding in women in the postpartum period. Therefore, it is important immediately after birth to attach a child to the chest and feed it as often as possible. Women, nursing breasts, have a certain reserve of energy, they produce milk even with limited calorie consumption. It has been proven that women, nursing baby breasts, are less likely to be sick of ovarian cancer and breast. Breastfeeding prevents ovulation and menstruation and is a physiological method of pregnancy protection (method of lactation amenorrhea). The effectiveness of the method is high, to use the child feeds exclusively by milk at its demand and day and night, at least 8-10 times or more for 24 hours with an interval of no more than 5 hours between feeding. However, the risk of new pregnancy is preserved and is about 2%. It should be emphasized that the cost of a lactating woman's dilapidation than the cost of an artificial nutrition of the DM child, and much more useful for the mother itself.

Breastfeeding has an important psychological advantage for both the mother and the child. It contributes to the formation between the mother and child of close, gentle relationships, attachment, from which both get deep emotional satisfaction and which remains for life.

Breastfeeding contributes: the close emotional interrelation of the mother and the child; emotional satisfaction of the mother; a more affectionate attitude of the mother to her child and reduces the likelihood of refusal if the pregnancy was unwanted; Children on breastfeeding are calmer, they cry less, have greater security.

Preparing for breastfeeding and basic feeding rules are conveniently located, relax. Take a comfortable position, lying or sitting to be able to hold the baby close to the chest for a relatively long time. There are many ways of feeding: sitting, lying, squatting. The most important thing is that in the process of feeding the mother was relaxed, and the child is conveniently located. Keep the baby in such a position so that he should not pull out the head. This means that the child should turn to his chest, that is, turn it with the tummy to your belly. Check if your child is convenient. Attach the child close to the chest so that he should have to make efforts and reach the chest during feeding. Your nipple may be damaged if the child will attach maximum effort to hold the nipple in the mouth. Stick your child's back, do not hold his head. If the child's head is tightly clamped, he can instinctively try to turn away, "fight" in the chest. The nose of the child during feeding should be on the same level with the nipple. This means that the child will have to turn a little head to get a nipple, help him, supporting the lower part of the back. Do not fingers your hand adjust the distance between the naist of the child and the breast. Pumping your fingers, you break the shape of the chest, thereby making it difficult to the child gripping the nipple. With the right place, the child breathes through the edges of the nasal strokes. Do not hold and do not move your breasts like a bottle. Your movements will prevent the child to grab the chest. The child must completely capture the chest to get the place of milk clusters. If there is a need for breast support, maintain from the bottom, preferably the whole palm of the hand, the edge pressed against the chest wall. Fingers keep at a distance of approximately 10 cm from the nipple. If the child is sleepy or dried, attract attention to feeding with gentle touchs to the cheek or to the mouth or touch them with a nipple. Sull the droplet of milk to the surface of the nipple, it will stimulate the further appetite of the child. Children usually open the mouth in this position and make the "milking" movements. When you see that the child's mouth is wide open, the tongue is deeply at the bottom of the mouth, you need to bring the child to yourself and give it a chance to "grasp." The experience of several feedings will be required to learn, not everything is given immediately from the first attempt. In the case when the child is unhappy, hungry is very hungry or crying at the time of applying to the chest, it raises the language, making feeding impossible. Try to reassure the child to feeding. Some children have periods of protest before each feeding. Use anyone the opportunity to feed the child when it appears. You can help him take the chest at this moment, and he will not even notice it. If the child prefers one breast, let me exactly.

Remember that the child needs to attract to the chest, and not you reach it with breasts.

How to appreciate whether the child gets milk enough - individuality, in nature there is no second, exactly the same. The needs of children in food are also individual. Just as the composition of milk changes during the day and months, the needs of the child are changing. Fortunately, most children can regulate the amount of breast milk consumed in accordance with their needs.

It is recommended to apply a child to the chest as soon as it shows signs of hunger or anxiety, in the afternoon and at night, starting from the first day, it is necessary to adhere to such a routine until the end of the feeding period. Sometimes you have to feed 10-12 times a day, sometimes 6-8 times. You should not wait until the child declares will require feeding.

If the child gives a nipple or tightly shy it, it is very difficult to recognize the signs that children usually show when they are hungry. Hungry children move their heads, handles, bring them to the mouth, they appear saliva, they are combined with the tongue, making sucking movements of mouth and tongue. Children have many ways to show their hunger. Creek and crying is the last, the most desperate method. Breast milk is easily and quickly digested compared to artificial children's nutrition, therefore, feed the child follows more often than with artificial feeding. Most children need feeding at night. For convenience, put the baby bed next to your or arrange it near yourself so that it is easy to feed at night. It does not represent danger, the maternal instinct will help you feed the child in a radiant state, just do not be a tune of him, from this he will not be calmer. Feeding relaxes, so you are relaxing yourself, even if you cannot fall asleep. Allow your child to find an opportunity. Do not pay attention to hours during feeding. Sometimes children eat quickly, sometimes slowly. The child may require feeding with urabs, resting in the intervals between feeding, sometimes it requires more permanent feeding. You will learn to understand the sounds, whether the child continues to suck or he just sleep in his chest. If the child is comfortable, feeding does not hurt your nipples, even with frequent and long feeding. If the child spontaneously throws the breast, take a break (pause). Then try to offer him the same breast to make sure that the child received the "rear" milk rich in fat. If he refuses, offer the second breast, if it refuses the second chest, it means that the child is fed. With each feeding, offer that breast that "rested" with the previous feeding. If a child is noticeable to the tendency to the "beloved" breast, this is not a problem. Almost the milk of one breast is enough to saturate the child. Do not forget that there are women who were successfully fed only by breasts of twins and even triples.

Milk fully satisfies the needs of the child in food and water in the first six months of life. Even with hot weather or if the child is temperature, there is no need to give it additionally water or tea, just need to feed the child often and at wishes. With six months one breast milk can no longer satisfy the fully needs of the child in nutrients, vitamins, trace elements. It is necessary to introduce lures, but it is necessary to focus from a cup with a spoon, but not from the bottle.

In the first months of development, a normal weight gain varies from 500 to 800 g monthly. If the weight gain is less than the specified one, should not immediately resort to artificial baby nutrition. Try to feed the baby more often. For advice to the pediatrician, the children's medical sister who will be tested correctly, you attach a child when feeding, is breastfeeding effectively. Children grow unevenly, the child may unexpectedly demand more frequent feeding within a few days, which, accordingly, will cause an increase in the amount of milk. Children are perfectly regulate their needs, thereby adjusting the amount of milk produced by maternal breasts.

Before feeding there is no need to wash breasts and nipples, since breast milk has disinfectant properties. Soap, disinfectants or alcohol remove natural fat skin lubricants and increase the risk of cracks. There is enough one daily hygienic procedure (for example, the morning warm shower). However, before each feeding of the child, his mother should carefully wash his hands with soap.

Nuting a nursing mother

It is proved that the weight of the mother does not affect successful lactation. Requirements for nutritional mothers diet vary in a rather wide range. The need for women during this period in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals is increased, but if these needs in additional energy and nutrients are not satisfied, then the synthesis of breast milk will occur at the expense of the mother's own resources. Normally Falling Woman The necessary reserves of nutrients, which are used to compensate for increased needs in the first months of lactation. Below are the approximate diet of a nursing woman.

A common view that for normal lactation requires a significant increase in fluid consumption, not confirmed by scientific research. When the mother lacks the liquid, the urine becomes concentrated, the woman is thirsty. Therefore, usually a woman herself regulates fluid flow in order not to feel thirst.

The shape and size of the chest do not affect the amount of milk in it and the possibility of breastfeeding. Often the reason for the unsuccessful attachment of the child to the chest is explained by the shape of the nipples. Small, flat or depressed nipples are often the cause of mothers's concern - whether the child can take the chest correctly, it is not difficult for him to suck. In most cases, flat nipples are not an obstacle to breastfeeding, most often the reason for unsuccessful breastfeeding should be sought in violation of the technique of attachment of the child to the chest. It is necessary to help the mother correctly attach the child to the chest as early as possible, best of all on the first day after delivery, before "milk will arrive" and the chest will become complete. If for some reason the child can not suck the breast, then the mother should be advised to push the milk and feed it from the cup. Do not feed the baby from the bottle, as it makes it difficult to apply the baby to the chest in the future.

Absolute contraindications to breastfeeding are:

First. From the side of the child - the inability to suck the chest (the heavy overall condition of the child, the low weight of the child at birth). Second. From the mother - a difficult state, the reception of some medicines, HIV infection.

Difficulties in breastfeeding may be due to the following reasons.

The anatomical features of the structure of the breast and the body of a woman as a whole, as a rule, are very rarely the immediate cause of insufficient milk generation. Another thing is psychological factors.

Psychological factors more often than others are an objective reason for having difficulties in breastfeeding. Stress, family conflicts, lack of mutual understanding between his wife and husband, significant loads experienced by a woman after childbirth, especially if there are several children in the family, the lack of caring and help from her husband and other close people - these are the visible reasons that may encounter Any young family, and which ultimately can lead to insufficient milk generation from the mother.

In order to activate the reflex oxytocin, it is necessary to help mother and psychologically and practically - eliminate any sources of pain or anxiety, cause only pleasant thoughts towards your child, and when changing milk, a mother can keep a child on his knees or just look at him.

Another most common cause of lack of milk in mothers is rare baby feeding with breasts or its feeding strictly by the clock. The lack of feeding a child at night can also lead to a decrease in the amount of milk, especially if the mother stops the night feedings before the child shows signs of saturation. Browning breastfeeding leads to the fact that the child does not receive a sufficient number of fat "rear milk", and therefore, and sufficient calorie, poor breast devastation most often leads to a decrease in milk generation.

Incorrect applying to the chest leads to the fact that the child sucks inefficiently, which will further entail the malfunctioning of milk.

A child who feeds from a bottle, sucks a pacifier, may have difficulty sucking, as it will be incorrect to capture the chest. The introduction of a detector earlier than 4-6 months leads to the fact that the child sucks the chest less, as a result of which milk production is also reduced. How correctly store the writing breast milk if you make milk, then you need to warm your chest, take a warm shower. Prepare sterile stacked tank. Immediately before plugging, thoroughly wash your hands with soap. Breast milk, enclosed in sterile capacity, can be stored at room temperature 6-8 hours, at a temperature of + 4 ° C (under refrigerator conditions) is allowed for 24-48 hours without pasteurization. If longer storage of milk is needed, it must be freezed, and certain rules should be followed. It is recommended to grind milk only in sterile container, glass or special plastic, as milk fats can be absorbed on the walls. It is impossible to fill the container completely, it is necessary to leave about 2.5 cm of free space, since when freezing the milk is expanding and the glass container can burst. Freeze milk is needed by portions (designed for one feeding), as defrosting and re-freezing is unacceptable. The container with each milk portion must be signed, denoting the junction time (number, month, year and time). Freeze the milk is needed immediately after complaining.

Enclosed breast milk at -20 ° C can be stored for three months.

Cracks of nipples, brewing of the mammary glands, uninfected mastitis of the problems of the mammary glands during breastfeeding, are usually associated with the incorrect attachment of the child to the breast, which entails the loading of the mammary glands, the blockage of dairy ducts and the attachment of inflammation with the possible development of abscesses. Filling breast milk is on the second or fifth day after delivery. Inflammation and cracks of the nipples are most often found in the first days when the skills of proper applying to the chest and the feed rate are not yet worked out. Incorrect attachment of the child to the chest causes pain, causes the development of cracks, which, in turn, limits breastfeeding, and may cause the loading of the mammary glands. Too frequent washing of nipples (more often than once a day) removes the protective film and provokes the appearance of cracks.

Breastfeeding restriction, improper attachment of the child to the chest and other factors can cause the blockage of dairy ducts to lead to the appearance of solid, painful education, redness of the skin with a possible increase in body temperature and chills. Such a condition is sometimes called non-epi-called mastitis. The state of a woman with an uninfected mastitis can be improved by more frequent attachment of the child to the chest and its full emptying. In all cases, if you have doubts or suspicions of mastitis, you must consult with your family doctor (pediatrician, obstetrician-gynecologist) regarding the adoption of the right decision on the feasibility of continuing breastfeeding.

If there is a deterioration in the state, then probably your doctor will appoint you antibacterial drugs. Treatment with antibacterial drugs is not a contraindication to continue breastfeeding. Breastfeeding must continue, as breast milk helps to restore the normal intestinal flora of the child.

Mechanisms of transmission of infection from mother child with breastfeeding

Despite the fact that breast milk contains immunoglobulins and nonspecific protection factors, it is precisely with breast milk to transmit an infectious agent to a child. The pathogens can flow into the milk in the infectious disease in the mother, as well as milk can be seized when complaining. Infection can occur with direct contact with damaged chest skin, nipple, and also in contact with the breast pump and the container. A virochanging milk can occur with a normal motherboard or pathogenic. Localized infection - mastitis or inflammation of the nipple - can also be a source of receipt of pathogens into milk.

When transferring HIV from mother to the fetus, it is always difficult to determine whether it happened after childbirth through breast milk or the fruit was infected with intrauterine. The risk of HIV transmission is higher in the primary infection of the mother during pregnancy or in breastfeeding, as well as when progressing the disease, when there is a high level of viremia (increase the number of viruses in the blood). Many studies have shown the possibility of infecting newborns when feeding in cases where it was proved that the infection of the mother took place after delivery (parenterally). During this period, specific antibodies in breast milk appear, but their role in protection against HIV transmission is limited. In the presence of HIV infection, the mother breastfeeding is excluded!

Enchant breast milk can be infected with various pathogenic bacteria when plugging milk and its storage. Often, the enclosed milk is immunified by the mother's fluorescence, for example, coagulaso-negative staphylococcus. With a minor disgrace of milk, these organisms do not pose a hazard for a newborn. However, with a large number of them, and in the case of deeply immature and premature or weakened children, these microorganisms may provide serious danger to the health of the child. The seeding of the milk of milk in non-compliance with the anti-epidemic regime leads to the development of severe infectious inflammatory diseases in children. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene when plugging milk, its storage and subsequent use. In all cases of the disease, breastfeeding issues solves a doctor who is watching your child.

Termination of breastfeeding

There is no need to stop breastfeeding if the child does not want it. Most children independently refuse the chest on the second year of life. Breast milk continues to remain for a child to protect against infectious diseases.

If for some reason it is necessary to overcome the child from the chest, then you need to do the following:

Increase the duration of the gaps between feeding, so that their amount decreased on one feed per day every week or two, for two to three months; stop feeding the child in the morning; stop night feedings (it is necessary to do it last);

At the same time, strengthen the attention, love and care for the child.

Feeding newborn breast milk, the advantages of breastfeeding

In 2003, the World Health Organization and UNICEF issued the most important audience of recommendations for humanity. For the first time in the document called "Global Strategy for Feeding Children of Breast and Early Rate", the basic principles of feeding newborn babies were clearly defined.

The only priority food for each infant, regardless of the region appearance, social opportunities of parents and other factors elected breast milk. The publication was preceded by perennial studies of scientists around the world, which by the beginning of the XXI century were able to almost completely identify the composition of the breast milk and the features of its influence on the child's body.

Main advantages

It was revealed that women's breast milk had nothing to do with milk cow or goat, and in composition it is closer to the blood. It turned out that this liquid is not static, but varies depending on the current needs of the child. Moreover, the diet of the mother practically does not affect the ratio of "ingredients". It turned out that it was impossible to change the fat content of milk, and its rapid "bravery" during a woman's illness - no more than a myth.

Breastfeeding began to be perceived as a perfect, perfect physiological process, which allows you to provide a child not only food. It forms a sustainable psychological connection of the baby with his mother, gives a powerful launch of the child immunity, protects against allergic reactions and even oncological diseases. That is why the world began to appear absolutely impossible as 20 years ago: adherents of feeding with breast milk after two years and women practicing the feeding of adoptive children. Incredibly? But all this has real scientific substantiations.

On the recommendation of the World Health Organization until a six-month-old child must receive an exclusively breast milk. It provides 100% of its needs. It is not recommended to offer the infant water and "breast substitutes": bottles, pacifiers.

To implement this, the baby should be attached to the chest immediately after birth. In the maternity hospital, a joint stay of the mother and the child is necessary within 24 hours. It is indicated by the importance of tactile contact "Leather to the skin" for the correct formation of lactation and feeding exclusively "on demand".

The advantages of breastfeeding are not only in elementary convenience for women - do not need mixtures, useful and valuable food for crumbs always "at hand". This is only a small tolik of what is in reality brings breast milk.

WHO experts determine the following benefits of breastfeeding, directly affecting the quality of life of a small little man in the present and future.

  • Protection against gastrointestinal infections. This problem is not the most relevant for developed countries as Russia, but extremely sharp for developing. Children's mortality from diarrhea and other intestinal infections in Africa and Asian countries are high. Breastfeeding is recognized as breastfeeding and its early start - for an hour after birth. It eliminates the risk of infections and their heavy trends, including the death of a baby.
  • Ensuring energy and nutrients. At the age of half a year, breast milk ensures all the needs of the children's body. However, its value does not decrease in the future. It serves as a source of essential substances for the baby, covering half of energy needs under the age of 12 months and one third - to 24 months. Especially great nutritional value of breast milk during the child's disease. It is extremely easily absorbed by a children's organism and contributes to a decrease in mortality among kids who receive insufficient nutrition.
  • Protection against obesity. It has been proven that breast feeding of the newborn repeatedly reduces the risk of obesity in the future and associated diseases: diabetes mellitus, hypertension.
  • High intellectual development. According to the observations of specialists, the kids on natural feeding are more successful in intellectual development than crumbs-artificials. They are easier than new skills, they are more successful in learning and career growth.
  • Stable psyche. Breasts grow more calm, balanced and confident in themselves than artificial children. This determines the quality of their lives in the future.

Understanding the importance of breastfeeding allows a woman to properly arrange priorities, give him preference before artificial, to work on becoming lactation and maintaining it in difficult situations.

Breastfeeding consultants are recommended to maintain lactation during the disease period of a woman, including in the event of the development of infectious mastitis. This will allow after recovery to return to natural feeding, an identical alternative to which no one, even the highest quality and expensive mixture, cannot serve.

The basic advantages of breastfeeding breast milk are complemented by practical benefits. A woman does not need to worry about the quality of their "product", since milk itself adapts to the needs of the child. There is no need to additionally purchase vitamins or nutritional supplements, shove in crumb water. Its nutrition will be so diverse and balanced as it is necessary for him at a particular point in time. After all, the valuable fluid in the mammary glands contains more than 500 different substances, while in any artificial mixture, the amount of ingredients does not exceed fifty.

The practical benefits of breast milk lies in other aspects.

  • Helps crumbling. It is at the time of sucking the kids fall asleep and calmly dorms until the next feeding. This reflex is especially pronounced in newborns.
  • Helps not wake up. Use this advantage conveniently at night. If the baby is crying, it is enough to give him the chest, and the whole family will sleep peacefully until the morning.
  • Helps to liberate the intestines. During feeding, the child is painless and comfortably empties the intestines and bladder. It saves him from concern about the soreness of the tummy.
  • Always digested and everywhere. Breast milk is the only food that is digested by the organism of the crumbs without the slightest effort. It is absorbed not in the stomach, but in the intestine, so you can feed them as much as he wants! It does not create a load on the digestive system, does not form the risk of extinguishing weight. It is equally quickly absorbed during sleep and wakefulness, swimming and games. You can continue to feed them after the transition to the "adult diet" without controlling the volume of eaten. And it is especially important to maintain feeding during a child's illness, since it is from him that the crumb will receive not only energy in easily accessible form and nutrients, but also antibodies to disease and natural antimicrobial compounds, in particular, the natural antibiotic lysozyme.
  • Helps not sick. Breast milk forms a complete child's immunity to two months. In the future, immune defense is reduced, since the system begins to form independently. However, it has been proven that long-term breastfeeding supports immunity at a higher level than feeding up to year.
  • Protects colic and dysbacteriosis. The most common problem among infants - colic. They form gases, stretching the intestines and causing painful sensations. Immunoglobulins that are part of the milk milk cover the intestine "film", eliminating the aggressive impact of gases and protecting dangerous microorganisms from the digestive tract against penetration into the blood. Bifidus factor is another active ingredient from the mammary glands. It oppresses the reproduction of the pathogenic intestinal microflora, populates it with useful bacteria.
  • Eliminates stress. The kid regularly experiences discomfort and pain. He hurts during birth, swaddling and other "strange" procedures. He is scared of loud sounds, bright light. He is cold, unusual. All these sensations cause crying. Mom's milk helps to eliminate them. Kroch not only feels warm from contact with maternal leather. He gets anti-stress factors from his food, painful hormones, sedatives, - a whole range of useful elements that help him adapt to the new world.

Breastfeeding allows a woman to discard stereotypes about the insoluction of the mother of the newborn, about sleepless nights of the baby cot, about the incessant crying to three months of age. If you are breastfeeding, all these stories are not about you. Your child will be healthy and calm.

5 popular questions about the benefits of breastfeeding

How often and how long do you need to feed? How to replace breast milk at night? Why is it standing out of little or, on the contrary, a lot? In relation to breastfeeding, incredible many questions arise. Reply to the most common of them.

  1. Why no milk after childbirth? During childbirth, the placenta is separated, which launches the mechanism for the production of a prolactin hormone. He, in turn, stimulates the work of the alveoli in the dairy glands, which begin to produce the nutrient fluid. In the first days after the appearance of crumbs on the light, they produce a colostrum - a coaxial substance in which there is practically no water, but the incredible amount of protein and immune factors is a real infant health vaccination. Milk comes on April 3-5, which is noted by the "sawing" of the chest, often soreness. At this point it is extremely important to learn how to properly apply crumbling to milk glands in order not to get damage to the nipples. "Close" your chest hands do not need! This is an absolutely useless and very painful procedure. To make milk it becomes enough, you should often apply a child to the chest correctly, feed it for so long as he wants.
  2. How often feed? It is not permissible to use feeding techniques for the "regime". First, the child of the first month of life simply will simply be able to observe this mode without prejudice to health. Its stomach is extremely small to accommodate a large amount of food. In addition, breast milk is digested very quickly. Natural and correct from a physiological point of view is the feeding "often and gradually". This is how the feeding "on demand" looks like. Apply the crumb to the chest as much as possible. So you will not only provide it with the correct power mode, but also allow lactation to be installed at the required level. It is proved that the nutrition "according to regime" oppresses the lactation in the first six months of the life of the baby.
  3. How to replace milk at night? The prolactin hormone, which is responsible for the amount of milk in breast glands, reaches the peak of activity between the three and eighth in the morning. If you plan to maintain lactation, talking about the replacement of milk something at night is unacceptable.
  4. How much do breast milk feed? There is a single recommendation of the World Health Organization for the feeding of children. Up to six months, breastfeeding is vital. Up to 12 months do it is extremely important. Up to 18 months preferably preferably. Up to 24 months can be continued to feed at the request of Mom. According to Consultants on GW, the question is how much baby breastfeed, deeper. So the breastfeeding consultant Natalia Razakhatsky argues that the child of more than two years is the natural period for the completion of lactation. In addition, its readiness should be formed from a psychological and physiological point of view to abandon her mother's chest. It is unacceptable to carry out excuses when the baby is sick. Or if the intervals between feedings are less than 12 hours.
  5. How to replace breast milk after a year? . There are no artificial mixtures with a similar content of valuables. If you are planning the babes' excuse, its diet should be exclusively "adult" food or an adapted mixture (up to six months).

Research recent years revealed advantages of long-term feeding of children after two years. At this age, milk is adapted to the new needs of the child and is saturated with protective factors: antimicrobial, anti-allergenic. It increases the content of vitamins A and K, important for the development of the eyes, the state of the skin, the level of iron is growing, eliminating the emergence of anemia. Finally, the sucking of the breast stimulates the development of the toddler's speech apparatus.

Breastfeeding newborns has a huge benefit. It creates the basis for the correct, harmonious human development, lays its health base. But no less important is the close emotional connection between the child with the mother, which is formed at the moments of applying crumbs to the chest, creates conditions for close trusting communication in the future and is supported throughout life.


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Proper breastfeeding of newborns by month from birth to ottomania with the first pricing. Useful tips for breastfeeding mothers and solving problems with which a woman will face after childbirth.

Breastfeeding from A to Z

GW is a gift that the nature took place every woman. In order to prepare for breastfeeding, special training courses are not necessary, so there is no reason to worry.

But still there are some things that you should think about the appearance of the baby. If a newborn baby does not take her mother's breast, there is no advice, except next - it needs to be survived. Usually, women continue to feed a year or two, and at the end of this process comes the feeling of great victory: they became a hero in the eyes of the baby, they gave him some of the soul, hearts and a bit of breast milk.

Beginning of breastfeeding

There are not many ways to prepare for the beginning of the GW. The most important thing is to prepare ourselves emotionally. The women are preparing for the feeding of the kid still during pregnancy. Little little, step by step, hormonal and physiological changes ensure the supply of milk in the chest. At this time, the forms of the bust probably will begin to change. The same production of milk begins in the third trimester, so you can notice small discharge from the nipples ...

How to breastfeed

After studying the issue of feeding, young mothers are still confused, disappointed, and sometimes it comes to depression. Do our best to think clear. By this time, you know about breastfeeding all that is really necessary. A woman is born with an internal understanding and intuition, as being a mother and will soon become a specialist. Consider the issue with a sober point of view ...

Necessary things for full breastfeeding

First of all, the correct thinking will help make the desired choice towards you and your child. Here is a couple of things, making you really save a lot of strength and nerves. The body of the woman changes greatly during the hatching and after the birth of a child, so sometimes chronic health problems are exacerbated. While new sores appear, which imposes all the troubles alone and this all sucks all the energy, and it is not so much ...

GW for beginner moms

If you just started breastfeeding, rest confident - this is the right path. But if feeding is not a natural way, do not worry, the woman can independently stimulate the production of milk. Yes, for the child there is no better option than the novice mother will begin to feed the breast. This is the best way to feed the baby, and give all the necessary elements for full growth. In breast milk there are all the necessary foods ...

Causes of translation for artificial feeding and basic rules

The right ventilator will give the baby all the necessary for the full growth and development of a children's body. Modern mixtures are better than donor breast milk - at a minimum, for considerations of sterility and hygiene. Yes, and more convenient - they are well stored, and their composition is stable, which cannot be said about female milk.

Important vitamins and minerals during breastfeeding

Continue to take the same vitamins as during pregnancy at least in the first month of the GW. After that, it should be switched to multivitamins and mineral additives, or not to change anything, it all depends on individual needs (discuss it with a doctor, on the first postpartum visit). A balanced diet can also help the infirmity to develop correctly, especially if we decide to eat useful dishes consciously. You can also add a complex of vitamins ...

Nutrition nursing mom with breastfeeding

In the everyday menu of a nursing mother should be mostly useful and nutritious food. You can eat not allergenic fruits and vegetables. In the diet you need white meat, eggs, porridge. Also, at least once a week, there is dietary fish, including the record holder in the composition of useful fatty amino acids - red fish.

What eggs can eat with breastfeeding

Boiled or fried chicken eggs can not be eaten in the first month due to the high risk of allergies in the newborn. And the raw eggs carry a threat to Salmonella infection. But each nursing mother should know that the composition of eggs (chicken, quail) contains invaluable vitamins and minerals. Let's look at all the advantages and minus of eggs to the diet.

Watermelon with breastfeeding

Watermelon can be eaten with breastfeeding in the event that a nursing mother is confident where and how he was grown. Watermelon with GW should be caution due to nitrates, which he absorbs like a sponge. Mother, if possible, need to ask the Pediatrician Council. During breastfeeding, a woman lacks sweets, and the watermelon is a good room.

What can not eat when breastfeeding

Products prohibited during breastfeeding directly affects the health of newborn children. Before you begin to GW, you need to arm the basic knowledge about the process of nutrition and the features of prohibited products. It will be necessary to study the history of disease in the family dynasty, pay attention to the sensitivity of the body to certain food products ...

Breastfeeding tea

If a woman drinks a lot of tea during the GW, it is necessary to remember that most types of drink contains caffeine. Caffeine is not recommended in large quantities, we also advise you to drink no more than two or three cups per day. It is better to drink after the feeding procedure so that the substance does not fall into breast milk. Excess caffeine will cause newborn fussiness and problems with sleep ...

How to overcome the child from breastfeeding

Relief from GW should not be painful for infants. Find out how to choose the right time, and what you can do in turn to translate the child to a bottle without unnecessary nerves. Complete breastfeeding need gradually. A sharp ending will provoke lactostasis or mastitis. A nursing mother should be ready for a slow toddler overpower.

Lactostasis - stagnation when breastfeeding

During breastfeeding, mothers often face such a problem as lactostasis. The main signs of the glories are when the chest increases in size, it becomes dense, the chills appears, redness on the surface of the chest and the venous grid is expanding ...

Mastitis during breastfeeding

Mastitis is inflammation of the mammary gland with breastfeeding in women and girls (rarely in men), usually caused by breast infection, but not always. With mastitis, any mother, although the most common disease during the first 6 months after childbirth. The main thing is not to succumb to a panic, and with a cold head to come to the treatment of mastitis.

Start feeding for a child

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Public Health Association (APHA), maternal milk is the only food in which newborns need in the first 6 months of life ... The babble should be administered with vegetables or children's porridge.

Monthly breastfeeding

Headache in Nursing Mom

From this article you will learn: what reasons are headaches, as well as related female hormones related to pain. What kind of medicines can be taken, and we will stop in more detail on the medical preparations: citrane and analogue, can it be taken during breastfeeding. We describe the effective ways to get rid of headaches ...

Paracetamol with breastfeeding

Some medicines should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Certain drugs are safe for health. In cases where the need for reception exceeds the risk for the future child. Always inform the doctor if you are pregnant or planning a birth ...

Is it possible to paint hair when feeding

We decided to paint your hair or leave a natural color during pregnancy. Review the decision as a child is born. Although the chemical paint is not recommended for breastfeeding. The direct influence of staining for development has not been proven. Most nursing mothers still worry about whether it is possible and how do you have the habits affect children?

Breast milk

Storing breast milk at room temperature (no more than 25 degrees c), for six hours,

in the cool window, with ice packages, for a period of up to 24 hours ...

Than feed baby after year

Everything is very simple: breast milk is much better quality. Many are mistaken that special baby food can be compared with chest ...

Sore throat in a nursing mother

Caring for the throat with a pain in it, with the help of natural resources, at home often gives good results, without unwanted side effects when feeding with breasts ...

What to do during constipation during breastfeeding in mom and newborn

Problems with constipation during HB can arise right now. Give yourself a few days after the birth of a child before you start worrying. For a long time without food, during childbirth, live a day or two without a defecation, because it simply has nothing in the stomach ....

The benefits of goat milk

Goat milk is the best nutrition for the child. It is compared in a chemical balance with mother's milk. Nature has built maternal milk so to cherish, raise, not harm ...

Oatmeal properties during breastfeeding

Regular use of oatmeal during breastfeeding stimulates the appearance of milk. Although there are no scientific evidence of communication between oatmeal and breast milk, but some have already managed to feel the effect. Most working mothers have noticed that when they eat flakes, the amount of milk their milk increases, and in days when they eat each other food - decreases. In some countries, she has long been recognized as oatmeal for its miracle properties, so many doctors often recommend patients to carefully look at this product ...

When mom smokes during breastfeeding

First of all, the mother that can not quit smoking should be breastfeed. Breastfeeding provides many advantages over artificial feeding, helping the child to deal with diseases ...

Can there be bananas?

But what if the child constantly stretches to the fruit basket for bananas and eat them untreated!? When my baby began to talk and first called the name of the grandmother, I immediately decided to inform her about it, and he even repeated her her feat, which my mother was very glad ...

Caesarean Sing Feeding

Almost every third newborn appears by the cesarean section. Many of these cesarean sections are unexpected, so the future mother should be informed about this procedure before her child will be born ...

Cracks of nipples and other problems

In the first few days of feeding, Mom's most often experienced discomfort in the chest, but you should not tolerate acute pain and discomfort. Breastfeeding should bring pleasant emotions as you and the newborn. If this is not so you should make changes, and for this it is worth talking to a specialist ...

Risks of depression during breastfeeding

"Women should breastfeed their kids," researchers do not get tired. Moreover, it is women who show breastfeeding desire will be less prone to melancholy ...

Cool with breastfeeding

How safe is the mediation from a cold with breastfeeding. Yes, there are anti-port drugs that are safe for mom when breastfeeding ...

Poured chest during breastfeeding

During the first week after the child gave birth, the chest was poured and can be swollen, gentle, hot, pulsating with lumps. Tummy breast can spread to armpits. The temperature is not excluded ...

How to lose weight during gv

What are the most effective ways of weight loss during breastfeeding? All pregnant women are usually recommended to maintain a healthy proportional weight for the correct development of the newborn. At the same time, pregnant women are not recommended to gain extra weight. Nevertheless, soon after the birth, almost all women want to get rid of more weight than the pregnancy as a result of the pregnancy ...

Questions about breastfeeding: 10 facts that you need to know the young mother

Breastfeeding strengthens the emotional relationship between mother and baby, provides newborns with the necessary substances, forms immunity. Therefore, many women are configured to feed their baby breasts as long as possible. But often, in the establishment of lactation, young mothers arises a lot of questions:

1. Will I get baby breastfeeding? The answer is unequivocal: it turns out! Each healthy woman can naturally fiery the baby, regardless of the size of the chest, the physique, age. For this you need the desire of the mother itself. If you doubt your abilities, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of breastfeeding, applying appliances to the chest, and the formation of lactation will be successful.

2. If milk does not come in the first days, do you need to register with a mixture? I do not need to remember the newborn. In the first days, the mother stands out by colosure, it has a high nutritional value. Therefore, even a few of his droplets, a newborn enough for saturation. In addition, the recovery decreases the amount of applying to the chest, which delays the coming of milk from the mother. Apply baby to the chest and as often as possible on the first requirement and milk will soon arrive.

3. The baby loses weight in weight - it means that it does not eat? When discharge from the hospital, all kids weigh less than at birth. It does not depend on the amount of milk that consumes a newborn. Weight loss are associated with the following reasons:

  • Separation of fluid through the skin;
  • Emission of urine;
  • The destruction of the original feces (MECONONI);
  • Stress of a newborn: From a warm cozy tummy, he got into a huge unknown world.

It is considered normal to reduce weight up to 10% of body weight at birth, usually after returning home the baby quickly drops lost.

4. How often to give the chest newborn? Cut the baby on demand: offer breasts when it is anxious. In the first days, Kroch may need her chest every 30 minutes. When milk comes, the gaps between feedings become longer, but they will not immediately regularly, or equal to 3 o'clock (as some believe). Feeding on demand will develop the amount of milk needed for a child.

5. Do I need to grind milk between feeding? When feeding on demand, additional plumbing is not required. At first, milk may be more than a child, but over time it is normal. It is necessary to grind milk in cases:

  • When the crumb does not take the chest, or by the state of health is separately with the mother;
  • When milk is too much and the lactification of the mammary glands, lactostasis begins or mastitis;
  • When there are deep painful cracks on the nipples;
  • When the mother takes medicines, contraindicated with breastfeeding.

6. How long should the child suck the chest? The child will suck the breast as much as he needs. Sucking time can be from 5 minutes to 2 hours. In one case, the baby wants to eat, in the other - to drink, in the third it is simply necessary my mother's warmth.

7. Do I need to wash breasts before feeding? Do not do this. It is enough to take daily shower with ordinary baby soap. Do not use deodorized and antibacterial agents: they often cause allergies in kids and neutralize beneficial bacteria. In the case of sweating or excessive "leakage" of milk, you can simply rinse the breast with warm water immediately before feeding.

8. Do you need to give a baby to a baby? No, it should not be done. Satisfying a sucking reflex with a nipple, the baby will be less likely to take the chest. Accordingly, the mother will decrease the amount of breast milk. The use of dummy can also lead to improper seizure and even breast failure. We also read: how to wean a child from a pacifier

9. Do I need to dope with a newborn water? No, the newborn does not need water, because breast milk consists of 90% of it. Even colostrum can fully satisfy the thirst for the baby. Water does not have calories, therefore, it can cause an additional weight loss or a lack of body weight.

10. Does the baby have enough milk? You can learn about this in two easy ways:

  1. Number of urination. There must be 12 or more of them in a breast child. Watering is colorless or pale yellow, odorless. This criterion is faithful if the child does not disappear with water and do not give drugs.
  2. Weight set. A healthy baby adds in weight at least 120 g per week (excluding the time of stay in the hospital), the monthly increase can vary from 0.5 to 2 kg (we also read the normal weight gain).

Maternal breast is not only a means of saturation of the baby, but also a way to communicate with the world, satisfying the need for love, caress and tenderness. Feed your crumbling breast, and get pleasure from it!

We also read the fundamental advice of a nursing mother about GW

Breast-feeding - the most natural and preferred form of a newborn baby. The composition of maternal milk is unique - it is aimed at the best satisfaction of the nutritional needs of the infant, ensuring its survival and development, the formation of the function of immune protection, as well as regulation of growth.

In addition to these advantages, breastfeeding is an important part of the relationship between mother and child, forming a deep emotional connection between them.

Breastfeeding mechanism

How it works?

The basis of lactation, as a hormonal process of what is happening in the body has just gave birth to a woman, lying 2 hormones - prolactin and oxytocin. Prolactin is responsible for the process of producing milk in the chest. Oxytocin for ensuring that the breasts highlights this formed milk. Both hormones are interdependent and equally important in establishing normal lactation.

How to maintain the required level of hormone prolactin

1. Night feedings

It is believed that from 3 to 7 am the biological peak of the work of the hormone prolactin, therefore it is especially important to apply kid to the chest at night.

2. Regular emptying of the chest

Frequent attachments of the baby to the chest contribute to the reinforced hormone production and as a result, the amount of breast milk.

3. Follow the right seizure of the chest

It is very important that the baby has the right chest seizure during feeding, otherwise the milk yield from the breast may be difficult, as a result of which the baby will get less nutrition, it can lose interest in the process and slow down the production of milk.

How to maintain the required level of hormone oxitocin

1. Avoid stress during lactation

Stress causes a cortisol hormone emission, which neutralizes oxytocin action.

2 . As possible to iron your baby, think about him with tenderness and love

No wonder oxitocin is called a hormone of love and affection. Each mother is familiar to the feeling when with one thought about the baby in the period of the GW, the chest itself begins to allocate milk. It's all he, oxytocin.

3. Looking for relaxation methods

Milk without problems comes out of the breast only when the brain of a nursing mother is relaxed.

4. Fuck out

This is also an important point in the establishment of oxytocin, sometimes a simple lack of sleep can block the normal work of this hormone.

5. Be moderate in the matter of sports load on the body

Sports load should not cause stress at a nursing mother.

6. Use massage

Use a common massage and breast massage as a relaxing factor that stimulates the production of hormone.

7. Take warm baths along with the baby

Mom's joint baths with the baby contribute to the maximum relaxation of all participants and focus their mother on gentle feelings for their child.

Breastfeeding - by regime or on demand?

Today, the century of breastfeeding consultants, we increasingly come to the fact that each child may have their own individual interval between feeding. Age, time of day, mood and other factors can affect the time of this interval differently.

The body of the infant is a very accurate system that does not give failures (after all, it is about survival) and it is for his needs that it is important to navigate my mother. In addition, the daily production of milk in mom directly depends on the appetite of the baby.

In the first 2 months of life, the vast majority of babies are applied to the chest very often and chaotic. This should not disturb the new mom, because it is in this way a healthy lactation setting.

You should not expect from an infant to 2 months no stability in the question of meals, as well as try to limit the duration or number of attachments of the baby to the chest.

Illegance in the food behavior of the baby will begin to come down on "no", and applying to the breast will find a completely formed rhythm, about 2-3 months of life. From this time, the lactation is considered to be established.

The need for an early nutritional mode is relevant only when mom, due to certain causes and circumstances, chooses artificial feeding.

There is already a question about the time of digestion of the mixture, which is absorbed not as fast as in the case of breast milk and requires a certain interval between feeding. The same can be said about the docking of the baby with water - the need arises only if we are dealing with a mixture.

At the moment, feeding on demand is recommended by specialists of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and WHO.

Menu nursing mom

A nursing mother diet is the topic that does not lose popularity for many years. There are many different versions and views that make moms feel confused about this.

  • Food is not too fat or acute;
  • Better, if the food is cooked for a pair or in the oven;
  • Avoid excessive abuses in food, incl. Sweet.

What can be:

1. Porridge (except manna), soups.

2. Garnish: buckwheat, rice, pasta.

3. Vegetables: spinach, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, asparagus, potatoes, onions, garlic.

4. Fruits: bananas, pears, apples better to start eating after a month.

5. Milk and fermented: cheese (without mold), cottage cheese, ryazhenka, kefir, prokubvash, home cooking yogurts.

6. Meat, Bird: Chicken, Turkey, Rabbit, Beef.

7. Bread: Break-free bread, Armenian subtle pita.

What is undesirable:

  • yeast in any products;
  • products with a bustle;
  • cabbage;
  • peas and any legumes;
  • milk;
  • grapes;
  • citrus;
  • nuts;
  • canned;
  • juices (including freshly squeezed);
  • sausages;
  • long-term storage products and / or preservatives containing;
  • purchased yogurts;
  • refined sugar;
  • beet (risk of increasing the tone of the uterus);
  • chocolate;
  • margarine.

With caution, in moderate quantities:

  • chocolate and any sweet;
  • tomatoes;
  • red fish;
  • seafood;
  • pork, lamb;
  • eggplants.

What is impossible:

  • alcohol;
  • energy;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fast Food;
  • ready sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup), containing a large number of thickeners and preservatives;
  • raw seafood and sushi;
  • nonpasteurized milk;
  • raw eggs;
  • purchased chips and crackers;
  • forest mushrooms;
  • cheese from unpasteurized milk (soft cheeses, cheeses with mold).


It is important to remember that maternal milk initially contains all the necessary substances in its composition.

All that you need a baby for full growth and development, it will automatically receive from the resources of the parent organism, nature took care of this.

The full nutrition of the mother during breastfeeding period is, first of all, contribution to maintaining its body. According to the majority of doctors, full nutrition is always preferable to receive multivitamine preparations. However, if the mother believes that it still has such a need, today the market provides a large selection of vitamins for mothers.

Vitamins for pregnant women include all substances that need any adult woman and an additional increased volume of substances that ensure the correct development of pregnancy, such as calcium, folic acid, vitamin B9, Vitamin E.

Here is some of them:

1. Elevut Pronatal;

2. Vitruum prenatal Forte;

3. Multitabs perinal;

4. Alphabet Mamino Health;

5. Combates the trimester;

6. Ratiopharm Prognavit;

7. Loneopan for pregnant women;

8. Solgar Prenatabs;

9. Natalball Supra;

10. FEMIBion.

Herbs affecting lactation


1. Nuts - improves the quality of milk, helps the recovery of the uterus.

2. Fennel - In addition to stimulating lactation, it has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract and reduces gas formation, so it is recommended to use it in combination with a fenugger to minimize the side effects of the latter.

3. Leaves of raspberries - differ in high content of niacin and other vitamins, help to restore the uterus after transferring births.

4. The cucumber (ramp) - normalizes the work of the adrenal glands, due to which lactation increases.

5. Lucerne field (Alpha Alpha) - another useful for nursing mothers grass, is characterized by a high content of vitamin K, so stops bleeding.

6. Fenugreek (Fenugrech or Helb) is one of the most powerful lactogenic tools, for example, it is even used to produce milk in women who feed adoptive children.

7. Thistle (pharmaceutical science) - an additional bonus: treatment of light forms of postpartum depression, a beneficial effect on the health of the liver and the digestive system.

8. Drug Tsoyatnik (galley or root goat) - This grass is capable of increasing the production of milk by 50%.

9. Chamomile Pharmacy - rarely causes allergies, has a slight sedative effect.

10. Hops - soothes, reducing the risk of milk disappearance for psychological reasons.


  • kava Cava
  • hunther
  • comfrey
  • aloe Vera Extract
  • ginseng
  • sagebrush
  • rhubarb
  • buckthorn
  • mother and stepmother.

How to finish breastfeeding?

According to the observations of specialists, it can be noted that, as a rule, a child still needs breastfeeding per year. And it is connected not only to the maintenance of immunity, the role is also played by the psychological factor of proximity to the mother, which is still very important in such a format.

Nevertheless, despite all the conditional standards, each individual case is individual and ultimately the time of feeding is chosen by the mother and baby themselves, based on all the factors present in their lives.

But on what kind of age stage of the child was not decided to finish breastfeeding, the child is not always ready for this change.

How to most harmoniously solve this issue? Ideal if you can contact at this moment to a specialist who will help create an individual plan for the soft end of feeding. If there is no such possibility, the following are the basic tips from breastfeeding consultants.

1) do not rush events

It is not necessary to resort to the methods of completion of lactation, contrary to the physiology of the body - thugging breast or drugs. It is better to continue to join, but gradually increasing the intervals and reducing the amount of milk stacked.

2) Do not leave the house from the child during the post

Any specialist, quite well understanding the mechanisms of a children's psyche conscious that this method is too cut and is not suitable for a child of age for 2 years.

On the contrary, at this point our task is to give the baby as much attention and support. For a child, overcame from the chest is primarily the restructuring of his relationship with Mom. Do not be afraid to spend a few months to build a new relationship, in your power to make the moment of oscillation more comfortable, give your baby you need confidence and calm in this period.

3) Replace

Ideally, if your child has already abandoned the applies during the day, not related to the Waste. If this has not happened, think about what kind of child is trying to get from applying.

Often, children 2 years old are either looking for the usual calm of the mother's chest (relieve stress, get rid of frustration), or suck from boredom.

If you think your first option is to start offering a warm children's kefir instead of the chest when the baby has a need for you. Squeeze on your knees, I'm smoothing, hug, so much time as it takes. But do not go to the tears and whims. Mamino solution should be finite, and tears are flapped in love.

4) distract

If you assume that the child is applied from boredom - it is important to fill the day of the child with fascinating events, interesting activities, delicious

This period needs to be made saturated so that time and desire to return to old habits was as small as possible.

Incorrectly organized breastfeeding can lead to health problems with the most nursing mom and to a decrease, and in the worst case to stop lactation, which, in turn, will negatively affect the health of the kid. Let's deal with what mistakes are most often found.

The first error. Feeding on schedule

Physics of pediatricians and breastfeeding specialists recommend adhere to the free mode of the day, in which the child itself establishes the optimal schedule for itself, based on its needs. Breast milk is fully adapted to the gastrointestinal tract of the baby and quickly absorbed, so it is possible to apply a crumb to the chest as often as he wants it. This is the so-called feeding at a request, in which the intervals between feeding and the duration of sucking establishes the child itself. The toddler stomach has a small volume and is designed for milk with small portions. If the intervals between feedings increase to 3 hours, the child for saturation requires a portion of milk much more than it can assimilate, which leads to the interpretation of the walls of the stomach and jerking.

In addition, sucking breasts for a newborn baby heavy work. It can just get tired and not sufficient for one feeding enough milk. That is, in one feeding, the child can suck quite a bit milk, but after 20-30 minutes again ask the chest to achieve.

It is important to remember that the more often the mother applies the baby to the chest, the more it will be produced in the following days. So, to maintain a full lactation at first, at least 10-12 applying per day is necessary. With rare feedings of the baby, there is insufficient breast stimulation and, as a result, reducing the amount of milk.

It is recommended to withstand a three-hour interval between feedings only to children on artificial feeding, as milk mixtures differ from breast milk and for digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is required.

Error Second. Cancel of night feedings

In times, when our moms and grandmothers raised children, it was believed that the kid should not disturb mom and dad at night. All possible methods (pointing in hand or in a crib, dopping with water, sucking pacifier) \u200b\u200bParents tried to ensure that the child sleeps all night without waking up. Night feedings were also "under the ban" because it was believed that at night a children's stomach should relax from food.

Currently, there is a completely different point of view - children can be fed at night. Moreover, put the crumb to the chest follows so many times overnight as he wants. The child's body is designed so that his stomach can digest breast milk without interruptions. In addition, after continuous intrauterine nutrition, the baby is not able to withstand large breaks between meals, and it is natural to wake up and eat at night.

Night feedings contribute to the development of sufficient amounts of milk and establishing good lactation. The maximum amount of prolactin (hormone, on which the lactation volume depends) is formed at night: from 3 o'clock at night to 7 am. If the kid at night does not apply to the chest, then prolactin is produced in small quantities and, therefore, the production of milk is reduced.

Third error. Feeding limit 10-15 minutes

Properly organized breastfeeding implies that the child's duration sets the child itself. One of the rules of successful lactation sounds like this: the baby must be kept from the breast as much as he needs, i.e. Feeding must be finished when he himself lets the chest.

Each child has a breastfeeding process at different times: someone needs 5 minutes, and someone is 30 minutes. Some kids suck quickly and themselves come off from the chest, others fall asleep at the same time, the third suck for a long time and with pleasure. To a large extent, it depends on the child's temperament, the processes of adaptation, the state of its nervous system and age. As a rule, the kids suck for a long time in the first weeks of life, when falling asleep, when they are sick, in the presence of psychological discomfort. Short feedings are most often associated with the need to quench your thirst or calm down at my mother's chest with a stressful situation, fright, pain.

Restricting the time of sucking by a breast child can lead to unpleasant consequences. If moms ahead of time interrupts feeding, the baby does not receive the "rear" portion of milk rich in nutrients and enzymes. Unsecured substances (lactose) from the "front" portion of milk fall into a thick intestine, where disorders of digestion in the form of fermentation, increased gas formation, stool disorders, colic in the abdomen. All this, in turn, leads to poor weight gain in the baby, anxiety, sleep disorders.

In addition, poor breast emptying with a not enough sucking leads to a decrease in the production of a new portion of milk, and can also contribute to the development of salinity of milk (lactostasis).

The fourth error. Swimming mixture

Many nursing mothers think that if the baby is often applied to the chest, it means that it does not eat and he needs to feed the mixture. In fact, it is not.

For the kids of the first months of life, it is often applied to the chest - this is a normal and natural process. The fact is that under the age of 3 months the breast is required not only for food. With the help of sucking, he satisfies his numerous needs: in physical and emotional contact with mom, warm, safety, in unceasing care and love. Testing any discomfort, kid calls mom. Do not forget that young children have a well-developed sucking reflex and baby needs to be satisfied with their need for sucking.

Especially frequent applying to the chest are characteristic of the first month of life. The newborn child can ask the chest to 12-16 times a day. But from about 2 months, he begins to do it less often, and for 3 months, the crumbs are formed its feeding schedule with interruptions of 2-3 hours.

Fifth error. Baby doping with water.

The question of the need to disappear the baby with water is one of the most frequently asked to those skilled in the art. The thing is that in Soviet times it was taken between feeding to give the baby water. Today, one of the rules of successful breastfeeding set forth by the World Health Organization, it sounds like this: "The absence of a disappearance and introduction of other foreign liquids and products up to 6 months." Thus, the child who is in breastfeeding is not necessary to give any additional fluids to 6 months.

This rule is a simple explanation. In breast milk contains enough water, approximately 85-90%, and it is able to fully satisfy the needs of the baby in the liquid. In addition, dopping with water adversely affects lactation. Even a small amount of water fills the stomach of the child and creates a feeling of false saturation. He is less likely to make a desire to apply to the chest, and the amount of milk produced is reduced.

Error sixth. Sistering

If mom feeds a child on demand, then there is no need for regular grinding breast. In this case, there is sufficient stimulation of the mammary glands and the woman's body "counts" how many milk produce. Nursing mom, which applies the baby to the chest on demand and grows the chest after each feeding, provokes an increase in milk generation. Thus, the chest gets "false" information about how much milk was spent. To the next feeding milk will arrive in quantity: a plus released by the baby plus. The kid cannot eat the resulting large amount of milk, it is stood in the chest and, as a result, the likelihood of lactation and mastitis (inflammation of the mammary glands) increases in the chest.

Breast stirring is necessary with such a problem as breast loading, in the treatment of lactostasis, mastitis, cracks, with a lack of milk to increase its production, in the case of forced separation of mom and kid.

Error seventh. Consumption of a large amount of liquid

The most common mistake that nursing mothers make is the use of a large amount of fluid. Many believe that the more the woman drinks fluids, the more milk is produced. In fact, the process of milk generation is not regulated by the non-liquid entering the mother's body, and the hormones of pituitary gland (prolactin and oxytocyne).

In addition, breastfeeding specialists argue that excessive fluid not only does not stimulate lactation, but can reduce it. The excess of fluid flow often leads to the formation of more than it is necessary to kid, the amount of milk, which, in turn, often causes lactostasis. For a stable lactation of a nursing mother, you must drink 1.5-2 liters per day.

Eight error. Compliance with strict diet

In many women, breastfeeding is associated with a strict, which, recently, doctors recommended to comply with mom during natural feeding. The meaning of the diet was the exclusion from the menu of a nursing woman of all products that can cause allergic reactions or digestive disorders at the kid. A competent approach to the nutrition of a nursing mother is currently monitoring the reaction of the baby to a particular product eaten by the mother, and not a refusal of them. That is, products that cause violations from the baby are excluded in fact, not in advance.

In addition, the nursing mother should not have two times more than usual. This is no more than the myth. The volume of eaten products on the quantity and quality of milk produced does not affect any. Daily nursing mom should receive full and balanced nutrition. Its calorieness should be 400-600 kcal per day more than usual, since approximately so many calories spent a day to produce breast milk.

To avoid mistakes when establishing lactation, in the event of various issues and difficulties, a nursing mother can seek help from a pediatrician or breastfeeding specialist.

Neonatologists consider breastfeeding newborns to be an important stage, because at birth with a small man changing the type and source of power, as well as its mode. Breastfeeding newborns is an important aspect of adaptation to life outside the maternal womb. This process causes many questions in young mothers. We will try to give answers to them in this article.

Equipment feeding

Many future mothers, still hatching the child, decide for themselves that they will certainly be breastfeeding. And this is the right decision, because breast maternal milk is the perfect first food for the baby. Breastfeeding newborns is a natural process that sometimes causing some difficulties. To establish a favorable feeding, a young mother should know the technique of proper breastfeeding.


1. Capture a nipple by a child.
The newborn for the first time reflexively finds the nipple, captures it with her mouth, sucks the chest and produces swallowing. The newborn cannot independently hold the breast and correct the nipples, so he needs help mother.
Proper applying to the chest, when the kid absorbs the mouth of the nipple and the area around it, holding the face close to the chest.
With the right position of the body, the kid will be completely able to satisfy, completely empty the parent's breast.

2. Breast selection.
What kind of breasts offer to the baby? Is it possible to give crumbs the same chest? These questions are often interested in new mammies.
Breast milk is divided into front and rear, having differences in thickness and fullness of useful nutrients. The front milk is more liquid, it falls the child in the mouth from the moment of the start of sucking. The rear milk begins to produce a little later, it is more saturated with nutrients and fats.
The kid should receive both types of milk, in connection with this, the chest should be alternating. However, it should be remembered that the composition of breast milk changes every three hours. If you give at the request of the kid every time a new breast, it will only be a front milk.

3. Position on the hands of the mother.
Favorable breastfeeding of newborns depends on how convenient the baby is located on the mother's hands.

The position of the child is considered correct if such rules are followed:

  • His taurus tummy turned to mom,
  • Lictery is located close to the chest,
  • Rotik is revealed and "aimed" on the nipple.
If the body of the baby is incorrect, due to the inconvenience of the posture, he will begin to be capricious and will not be able to focus on food.

4. Feeding frequency.
Many young mothers heard that feeding mode is of great importance. This statement is true, but not for newborns, but for kids older than six months.

The newborn gives the chest for its first demand. Each child is characterized by its individuality, therefore, he will have his own feeding. And frequent applying to the chest in this period will help to establish full-fledged lactation.

Difficulties of breastfeeding

During the breastfeeding process, a young mother can meet many problems on his way, ranging from the refusal of the baby from the chest, the formation of cracks on the nipples and ending with lactostasis.

Consider these problems in more detail.

Sometimes the baby refuses to take the chest. One of the reasons may be the wrong grip of a nipple. Mom's task is to help the child, more conveniently placing it on the handles, having taken a warm shower and drinking a lactation tea to expand the dairy ducts. Thus, you facilitate the kid process of sucking, and it will cease to be capricious.

Children 2-4 months can sometimes refuse the breast due to the difficulties of sucking. The kid applies great efforts to start flowing milk. In this regard, the baby begins to be angry, crying and can refuse his chest. If at such a moment the mother will show the slack and give him a bottle, then it risks because of this to finish the lactation at all. The solution to the problem will be the attachment of the child to the chest as often as possible.

Sometimes the rejection of the chest can be in poor kid well-being. A young mother will not always be able to immediately understand what torments tormented, because the symptoms may not be explicitly: gases, stomatitis, a light cold lead to the difficulties of sucking. If breast failure, it is better to visit the pediatrician to establish the cause with it.

Cracks on nipples are quite painful and complicate the feeding process. The solution to the problem will be the lubrication of the nipples of the ointment, which will heal the crack, will remove inflammation and pain.

A rather frequent phenomenon in nursing mothers can be lactostasis - blockage of dairy duct. Breast pain appears, seals, body temperature rises along with common poor well-being. These symptoms should be communicated to the doctor who will advise how to get rid of this problem.

  1. In the first hours of the child's life to apply it to the mother breast,
  2. Until half a year to give the child only the chest, without using lures and water,
  3. Feed baby for first-demand
  4. Starting from 6-8 months, try to give lures, without limiting access to the chest.
The breast milk is a unique product that contains the most adapted nutrients and antibodies necessary for him in the first days and months of life to assimilate children.

Milk contains vitamins, trace elements and other valuables. Therefore, it is recommended to continue feeding up to two years and more.

There are both contraindications for breast feeding:

  1. Onco-scabing, accompanied by the reception of heavy preparations that can penetrate into breast milk,
  2. Infectious diseases
  3. Open-form tuberculosis
  4. HIV-positive status of the mother,
  5. Mental diseases requiring in the process of treating the admission of harmful drugs, there is also a chance of causing the mother's damage to the child.
  6. Complications in the course of labor associated with strong blood loss.
Contraindications for breastfeeding can be from the side of the child:
  • If the baby has serious genetic pathology identified,
  • Lack of low weight, respiratory failure.
Performing the rules and carefully watching the needs of the baby, you can establish successful breastfeeding of newborns and grow a healthy and strong kid.


Breastfeeding is a natural process, during which not onlyfood child But also a close relationship with the mother is laid.

However, along with knowledge of breastfeeding, there are a number of delusions that are among the mummies.

Let's consider the most common.

Beginning of breastpadsvanyai

Myth 1. breastfeeding it always hurts

In the first few days after childbirth, a woman can feel some soreness, especially if the kid is the firstborn. This comes from the fact that the child was misunderstood to the chest. It is enough to correct the applying and pain will go. During the applied to the chest, the hormone oxytocin is stimulated, it is this hormone that continues to work to preserve breastfeeding, maintaining the mental state of the mother.

Myth 2. Breastfeeding spoils the shape of the chest

In fact, the dairy glands undergo changes during pregnancy. Properly organized breastfeeding does not cause breast omission. What really spoils the shape of the chest is frequent plugging, feeding in the regime, and a sharp cessation of feeding.

Myth 3. Chest before feeding should be washed

With normal graphics of hygienic procedures (2 times a day), no microbes have a child dangerous. On the halo of the chest immediately after delivery, special microorganisms are settled, which help the baby to create a healthy microflora in the intestines. These same microorganisms are antiseptics.

Myth 4. In some women, the body does not produce enough milk

The real problem is hypogalactium - there is only 3-5% of women. This is preceded by serious diseases. Breast size also does not affect the amount of milk. Milk in the chest begins to be produced in response to sucking her child. The more often the child sucks the breasts - the more milk.


Myth 5. Child Need an extra liquid

Breast milk is not only food, but also the perfect drink for an infant. In addition to nutrients, it contains 87% water and at the same time has important properties that help the digestion of the baby, which there is no ordinary water. At the age of 6-8 months, the baby can offer water from the cup.

Breastfeeding treatment

Myth 6. If my mother takes medicine, she should stop breastfeeding

In fact, there are very few drugs that a nursing mother cannot take without fears. The amount of medication that falls into maternal milk cannot harm the baby.

Myth 7. When diarrhea, a child needs to stop breastfeeding

In no case. In female milk contains substances that contribute to the rapid restoration of the intestinal mucosa and lactose, which is well tolerated by children.