Do women want after 50 years. Male and female menopause. So, by this point in our lives, we realize that

Not a disaster, but a failure. “It would be very useful to answer the questions of people who have specific problems in their sex life after 50 years, and they are embarrassed to go to specialists. When a man for the first time, as they say, “didn’t work out,” it’s a disaster for him. What to do when a 50-year-old (or even younger) man starts to experience malfunctions with potency? "

Vladimir, (51)

I received such a letter recently. I will try to comment on this problem.

Age and sex life after 50.

Everyone knows that potency depends on age. At twenty, young people are ready to have sex all day long. By thirty, regularity appears in their intimate life. Forty-year-old men have enough strength and experience in store. After fifty, according to the laws of nature, the body begins to gradually undergo age-related changes: cells are not renewed so quickly, the production of sex hormones decreases. Sexual desire is still high, but it takes more effort to realize it and, in addition, various failures are possible. Men after 50 years of age expect the onset of this age period with hidden apprehension. Both those and others are concerned about the question: how to maintain sexual activity at the same level? After all, it is well known that a full sex life is a source of energy, improves mood and improves well-being, serves as a powerful driving factor for all spheres of life.

The myth that a real man "can always and everywhere" is far from the truth and concerns only young men, who have hormones at full capacity. The older a man is, the more important role psychology plays in maintaining his sexual performance.

Sexual intercourse between two people can express a whole range of sensations - love, passion, affection, trust, safety. Sex life is unlikely to be productive if partners are not used to telling each other what they like in bed. It is best if the partners invent their own erotic language, understandable only for two. They can express any desires, for when they make love - there are no obscene desires. As experts remind: “in love there are no prohibitions, in love everything that pleases two is allowed”.

"It's not about size, it's about skill."

Most men consider their genitals to be almost the most important part of the body. This is the reason why men do not want to watch erotic films with their wives, in which they see the stunning size of the "tool" of the hero - the lover. Experts assure the representatives of the stronger sex that "it's not about size, but about skill." However, this does not convince everyone.

Until now, many believe that for a full-fledged sex life, only a man should make efforts, and a woman does not need to do this. Meanwhile, it has been proven that the sexual capabilities of a man after 50 years depend not only on his physiology and hormonal levels, but also to a large extent on his partner. It is she who will carefully and unobtrusively help him cope with the problem that has arisen. If she is tactful and wise, she will find the right words, intonations and actions that will help her partner not get hung up on failure, but overcome it.

Failure. Failures ...

Failures and failures in bed depend on many factors: physiological, psychological, as well as purely technical (meaning time and place). Experts have long established that smoking and a sedentary lifestyle negatively affect the quality of erection. Here are the main reasons leading a 50-year-old man to a bed fiasco:

  • - accumulated fatigue, troubles at work or constant discomfort at home (frequent quarrels, discontent of the wife, etc.)
  • - severe stress or, on the contrary, depression suppresses both the desire and the capabilities of the man. A misfire during intercourse also happens when a man has not been doing it for a long time
  • - the man's excessive desire to make a favorable impression on his partner drowns out his potential opportunities;
  • - the first sexual contact, which always becomes an event not only for a girl, but also for a boy. He feels like he is on an exam and is afraid to fail. If such contact occurs with an experienced woman, then the partner fears that she will be disappointed by his inability;
  • - Excessive alcohol consumption before intimate contact. As the French proverb says: "Alcohol stirs up desire, but extinguishes opportunities";
  • - various hidden complexes, excessive haste during intercourse, fear that someone will suddenly enter, etc. For these reasons, failures can also occur.

Don't wait for the weather by the sea ...

Weakening of an erection at a young age does not always mean that the help of a specialist is immediately needed. However, with frequent failures or no erection at all in 50-year-old men, they need professional examination and serious treatment. Instead, many of them try to heal themselves, use folk remedies, and consult with friends. It is possible that the reasons may be in such deep and chronic stress that only a psychologist or a psychotherapist can cope with it. Some experts are concerned that men who come for a consultation do not adequately perceive the reasons for failures in intimacy, they are not ready to change their psychological attitudes. Often, men do not think about their failures at all, especially if his partner is undemanding and puts up with the lack of an erection. If a woman expresses dissatisfaction or has complaints about a partner, she must act very delicately. After all, this problem does not disappear by itself.

The medical journal (Optima, Israel) writes that it is usually said about grumpy or aggressive women that they lack intimacy. Is sexual intercourse able to eliminate negative manifestations in female behavior? It turns out, yes. Moreover, its lack is reflected not only in behavior, but also in health. So, what signs can indicate that a woman after 50 urgently needs sexual intercourse and dating for bed?

Sex life allows you to eliminate insomnia, all kinds of pain, slow down the aging process and simply improve your mood.

The fact is that during intercourse in the human body, the hormone endorphin is released. This hormone has a beneficial effect on a person's mood and, in general, on his perception of the world. Therefore, if a woman is more likely to be in a bad mood, most likely, she lacks sexual intercourse. In this, men should be aware of and promptly seek advice from a specialist.

Therefore, if a woman is more likely to be in a bad mood, she most likely lacks intimacy.

First of all, you need to focus on changing your diet. A woman should make adjustments to her partner's diet gradually and non-intrusively.

To enhance erection for 50-year-old men (and older), doctors recommend including in the menu:

  • -nuts and seeds - they contain a lot of vitamin E, which improves male potency;
  • - black currant berries, which sometimes prove to be a very effective long-acting remedy. During the season, black currants should be consumed three to four times a week.
  • - cereal mixtures enriched with vitamins. They supply the body with energy, maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system, increase sexual arousal and pleasure from intercourse.
  • Nutritionists recommend finishing your meal with a few cubes of dark chocolate, which contains a plant-like hormone that is identical to the male hormone responsible for sexual arousal. Plus, chocolate is a great mood enhancer.
  • It is useful to drink a cup of cocoa without sugar once a day. Cocoa contains substances that increase the sensitivity of the whole body, including the skin, at the lightest touch. Finally, bananas stimulate the production of the "happiness hormone" - serotonin.
  • Indulge in the pleasure of eating a good, sexually stimulating beef steak. Zinc in beef enhances libido. In addition, the value of beef also lies in the fact that it increases the content of the testosterone hormone in the blood and thereby enhances potency.

It often happens that after 20 or more years of being married, the spouses' mutual attraction decreases. It's important to take a fresh look at each other from time to time instead of taking each other for granted. To do this, sometimes it is enough just to change the environment for a short time or to add variety to your sex life: to change places for love games, so as to get more thrill. You can try to do this not in the bedroom, but in other parts of the apartment. Newness, even for those in their 50s, creates interest and excitement at any age, if both of you put in the effort. Take a contrast shower, it has a good effect on blood circulation, after which an erection may increase.

Sexual arousal in some people is caused by pleasant smells: you can create an intimate atmosphere using scented special candles, sticks or aromatic oils. You need to be very careful with perfume, you need to know the preferences of your partner.

A woman can give her beloved a relaxing massage, gradually moving to a sensual one. Again, you need to behave delicately, and not pedal on your desire to cause an erection in a man. Better to say that you just want to please him. When caressing each other, use a feather instead of your fingers.

If a woman wants to be an ally of a man in maintaining his pride and male pride, she should try to play along with him as much as possible. Even if, in her opinion, he doesn't deserve it. Even if he is almost incapable. Confirm that he is "the best". And God forbid you to accuse him of weakness: "Unfortunate impotent." With this phrase you will pass judgment not only on his manhood, but also on yourself: with you he will never be a full-fledged man. It must be remembered that even one careless word of reproach will complicate your intimate life for a long time.

Anna Tsipris

Photo © ©

A woman over 50 ... What is she like?

If wisdom has not yet touched your depths, then age will become a problem for you. But after going through a series of partings and disappointments, pain and worries, you internally become stronger and wiser, and therefore freer.

Let's talk today about women of the Balzac age. What is wonderful about this period of life, and what problems can lie in wait for a woman who is over 50 years old?

This age can give both pleasure and enjoyment, as well as anxiety and sadness.

Taking care of your appearance

Let's start with the look. We all care about how we look. And if by the age of 50 you have not matured internally, have not learned to humbly accept yourself, then you will suffer at the sight of changes in your figure, skin and face. Each kilogram "sticking" to you, each new wrinkle will not only upset you, but plunge you into a constant exhausting struggle with nature and age-related changes. You will exhaust yourself with diets that are of no benefit in middle age. You will subject yourself to the torture of new technologies, cut off problem areas, mock your body and endure not weak pain. And then you won't be able to appear in public for a few more days due to swelling and bruising. And all because you cannot accept natural age-related changes in any way. However, this ability is an integral part of female wisdom.

If wisdom has not yet touched your depths, then age will become a problem for you that will have to be addressed constantly. But if by your 50 years you were able to truly love yourself, accept and forgive, then you will take care of yourself comprehensively: you will not want to eat anything that is not good for your body at all (or you will use it in very moderate quantities). A healthy diet is the foundation of a healthy and beautiful appearance. If you eat well, it will not be difficult to maintain the outer beauty.

A little exercise, a walk in the fresh air, and some basic personal grooming and your eyes and skin will radiate light.

Try to keep track of your diet and get used to constant exercise after 40

There is a huge plus in age-related changes. Many women, faced with the fact that after forty they begin to gain weight due to a decrease in metabolic rate, for the first time in their entire life, finally pay attention to themselves. Indeed, in youth, everything is perceived somehow easier, for example, you can eat a lot and still not gain weight. Youth in itself, as it were, compensates for all the care that would need to be shown in relation to oneself.

From the experience of women over 50

I never went in for sports, did not like physical activity and was quite lazy to do at least some exercise. And then I realized that if I continue to continue in the same spirit, then the wardrobe will have to be changed completely. Having started going to personal training, I discovered completely new bodily sensations. For the first time I began to feel my body. It was so nice to feel how all the muscles of the body that had been dormant since youth were awakening. At 48, I am much more flexible than I was at 20.

In my youth, I was so actively building my career that there was absolutely no time to take care of myself. And there was no particular need. And closer to the age of 45, the pace of work slowed down significantly. A certain structure has already been built. I have the necessary knowledge and experience, and the questions that I used to solve in a few days now take several hours. With the advent of free time, I began to think more about myself. She took up yoga and spiritual practices. And now I began to treat myself differently. I devote more time and attention to myself, even as if I love myself in a different way.

Having started caring for my body, I became much more discriminating in my relationships with men. I am wary of being touched by other people's hands - I have become more careful and respectful of myself. And my personal life has changed. Men now, at my 53 years old, take care of me as they never did in my youth, although I was then slimmer, younger and more beautiful. But I did not value myself, I did not present myself with dignity.

The free time allowed me to look at myself in a new way. I really love my age. A real golden time. I enjoy life so much.

All my life I raised my son alone. And we have developed very good friendly and respectful relations. When he grew up, and it was time to decide on his admission to the university, to my great chagrin, he chose an institute in another city. He wanted to be independent. I can say I spent a whole year in depression. Endless trips to his son, messages on the phone and calls. My life has become a constant expectation of meetings. And then he met a girl, and I realized that he didn't need me. No, he loved me, but he already shared all his problems with the girl, and not with me. Communication has become rare. And I felt a huge emptiness. For a while, my life lost its meaning. I didn't know how to live on.

That's when I signed up for the 6-month Road Home program. During these classes, I was able to let my son go and for the first time in the last 5-6 years I thought about my personal life.

I went to a dating site, but I realized that men pay attention to young, slender and beautiful. At first I spat on this venture. And then it began to hurt me: I met with different men, but when they all told me after the meeting, they say, I'm sorry, I love women who are slimmer, I realized that if I don't take on myself, then I have nothing in my personal life. it will work out. A man still first pays attention to his appearance.

And I began to transform my appearance. She dyed her hair, cut her hair, lost weight, began to play sports, for the first time in her life began to really take care of herself. The most surprising thing was that my attitude towards myself changed. I began to look with pleasure at my figure in the mirror. For the first time I touched my skin, and realized how velvety it was, noticed a sparkle in my eyes. After visiting the beautician, my skin really changed. I even stopped painting for a while, because I didn't want to clog the natural beautiful complexion with creams and powder. The masseur also worked wonders: my body, which had lost 12 kilograms, did not sag, but became fit.

And my life began to improve. Men appeared who began to look after me. And I realized all the delights of my age. For the first time in my life I began to live for myself. And it turns out to be so nice!

Life wisdom for 50

You now understand that in your youth you were always running somewhere, chasing something. Work, children, a lot of obligations, friends ... I didn't have enough time for myself. Youth did not require special care for your body, and because of this, you had no time to really see yourself in the mirror. And what can we say about the soul - in this race you do not even think about many things.

By the age of 40-50, all unnecessary goes away, vanity leaves you. Free time appears, which means that you finally pay attention to yourself. During this period, the first bells appear about shaky health, excess weight, wrinkles ... Children have grown up, declare disappointment in love ... Experiencing all these natural processes, you truly gain freedom. The freedom that was not and could not be in my youth. I'm talking about inner freedom. Only after going through a series of partings and disappointments, pains and worries, you internally become stronger and wiser, and therefore freer. You no longer pay attention to what others think of you, you stop trying to be good, you don’t look into your boss’s mouth and you learn to say “no” to your family and friends, who periodically try to sit on their heads.

For the first time, you begin to understand the meaning of the concepts "personal", "personal space", "personal life" ... You think about your boundaries and how comfortable you feel in them.

In the process of caring for your appearance, you begin to treat yourself differently. Attachment and love arise from caring: the more we care about someone, the more we become attached. And now, at the age of 50, we begin to take care of ourselves. And we open our new facets.

A failed marriage, disappointments in love make you pay attention to the soul. You start to think about things that you never thought about. Someone begins to meditate, someone comes to church, someone chooses a new path - they are engaged in spiritual development. A woman at this age, perhaps for the first time in her life, pays attention to her femininity, begins to think about truly feminine qualities.

By this age, a woman becomes free. She looks at many things much easier. Not worried about what she was worried about before. Wisdom and experience allow her to avoid conflicts, or, conversely, not being afraid or embarrassed to express her opinion. A sense of one's personal boundaries is born. Now you know exactly who is violating them and when. There is strength and confidence in defending them. You are more concerned with how you feel and think than what others think of you.

If life has not yet been successful ...

All of the above applies to those who have already taken place in work and career, who have experience in relationships behind them, who have found themselves. But if you are and you consider your life only in a black light, then, of course, you will see only disadvantages at your age. Inner freedom can turn into a prison for you, and excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle will cause depression and apathy, and you will remember the past with longing, not being able to enjoy the day today.

It is at this age that a woman can either be sadly depressed, irritated at the world and at herself, blaming everyone and everything for her failures, or, having gone through all the sorrows, become calm, contented, balanced and cheerful.

Both options for the development of events are equivalent. But it has already been scientifically proven that women of Balzac's age begin to live more carefree and free, which gives them the opportunity to truly enjoy life. Optimism appears, and therefore new ideas and plans have every chance of being realized. A second wind opens up on the path of life - a second youth.

Well, as for personal life ... Here, too, two sides of the coin are manifested. If you come to this age with a mature soul, you will also discover new facets of sexual life - sex becomes more sensual and deep. You will be able to know the depth of sexual sensations. Your real sensuality will be revealed. Love will bring you new and unknown experiences. The soul will open like a bud, and you can enjoy mental and physical intimacy.

If you could not assimilate your life experience and it into wisdom, then, on the contrary, you can become promiscuous in your connections. Loneliness scares you so much that you are happy with any man who comes into your life. And what's more, you do your best to please him. You do everything possible and impossible to look younger and attract attention. But the more you strive to get to know a man, the more disappointment comes into your life. And then you will begin to love and value yourself even less. After all, for you, your value is associated with male attention. And if you don't get it, your self-esteem suffers a lot.

Any age can become a source of joy or a source of problems - it all depends on you, on what you come to this or that stage of life with. But remember, it's never too late to change your life.

In my practice, there have been cases when women after 50 received a second education and after 60 got married. It's never too late to be happy. It all depends on your choice. If you choose to be happy, then you will be happy!

If your age added to your problems, come to my Course is really amazing, and most importantly - universal. It is suitable for women under 50 and over 50.

With love,

Irina Gavrilova Dempsey

Why single women "over 50" do not dare to look for a life partner, what obstacles can stand in their way and how to overcome them?

It is unlikely that women think about what they may be at that age.single, divorced and ready to go out on a date again. But when this happens, you should not give up.

Yes, after the divorce, you were not given a guide on how to set up your personal life. You probably feel empty and not ready to rebuild the relationship. You can even give up on the eternal feminine dream of a man who will always love you, and you will always love him. But this should not be so - after all, people are created for love and friendship. No one has canceled dating for fifty, and you have every chance of meeting an unusual, reliable and interesting man.

There are three misconceptions faced by women in their 50s:


How does this actually happen?
It is unlikely that this is the case in real life. While you want to believe it, it usually only happens in books or movies! However, the characters are not in the habit of leaving the pages of books or movie theaters. Nevertheless, you have every chance of meeting the man of your dreams. To do this, you just need to develop a system of acquaintance, modeling situations in which you will meet him, and he will meet you.

If you are looking for a chosen one on sites and in social networks, choose attractive candidates and ask mutual friends to become your fairy godmother online (i.e., recommend or introduce you to the person you like). If you prefer to act in real life, then you need to assess the situation and understand where men over 50 usually gather and how to properly draw their attention to your person.

The most proven method: if you notice an interesting man and decide to tempt fate, catch his eye and smile a little. Go back to what you were doing before, then look again and smile again. This will show him your clear interest!


Remember what you felt in your youth when you were a girl with shining eyes and it was about guys? Remember that chatting with guys was just fun? You did not feel the challenge facing you today to find one single man and at the same time not be mistaken in your choice. You spent time together at school or at work, just socializing and playing games such as billiards, bowling or darts. You laughed when you wanted to. Together you did what you both enjoyed in life. You didn’t need to know for sure whether it’s time to decide: whether this is the guy or not, whether he will suit you and whether you want to live with him until the end of your life.

Things are completely different today. You will go for a cup of coffee and even before you finish drinking it, you will already know if the man sitting opposite is right for you or not. You are not planning on having fun or spending time with men as friends as you did in your youth. However, when you make the immediate decision not to continue the relationship, you don’t think about the fact that you can lose the opportunity to simply find new and interesting friends with whom it will be interesting to spend time, and perhaps even give one of them a chance to become a boyfriend.

Do as you did in your youth - why not? The next time you meet an interesting man, just play a game and have fun - time will tell how good you can be together. Being in a man's company, even in a simple, friendly atmosphere, is still more enjoyable than spending the weekend alone.


Many women, after going on five unsuccessful dates, give up and stop trying to improve their personal lives. The main reason is disappointment in the man when meeting. When you read a man's post about himself, you create a fictional image based on the subjective perception of the words and photos that he posted on the social network. Creating the image of a man even before meeting him is a sure way to disappointment, since often men turn out to be completely different from what they described themselves in the questionnaire and how you managed to imagine them.

And so you return home with a sense of frustration, hopelessness and emptiness. And now you begin to convince yourself that there are simply no real and worthy men around. What to suggest in a similar situation? Go on a date with one thought: Today I will meet an interesting new person. This attitude towards dating will set you up not to search for the ideal, but to simple entertainment and pleasant pastime. In addition, this attitude will save you from the influence of hasty judgments about a man you have never met.

When it comes to finding a life partner, the name of the game sounds like "perseverance and perseverance." If you quickly get tired of the intense communication process, do yourself a favor and take a break from your quest. And when your strength is restored and your soul is revived, pack up and go on a new date - because your man is still waiting to meet you somewhere out there.

A woman of any age wants to be loved and desired, to have a family and a loved one with whom she can share her life. A lonely lady of fifty is just as in need of a relationship with a man as a young twenty-year-old lady. However, there is a significant difference between meeting an adult woman and a young girl. To understand the peculiarities of dating a woman of considerable age, one should study the peculiarity of the psychology of this period of life.

Where to meet?

  1. Dating websites. Dating sites remain popular places to find a partner today. Do not be cunning, indicate your data in the questionnaire honestly and truthfully, write a little about yourself, your hobbies, mention who you would like to find. Be sure to use your own photo that will show your face well. It is better not to use photographs with sunglasses. Such photos seem suspicious. After a short conversation, if the manner of writing and the general atmosphere of the conversation suits you, invite the woman to meet, you should not test the lady with endless correspondence.
  2. Social networks. Use the same principle on social media. You can contact dating groups or look for your destiny in publics by interests. This is especially convenient because before turning to personal correspondence, you will be able to assess how a woman communicates with other people, what manner of speech she has. Go to her page and study the information, flip through the wall and photos. So you will better understand what kind of person is in front of you and what kind of life he leads.
  3. Marriage agencies. An effective way of dating, assuming serious intentions, would be to contact the services of a marriage agency. Such organizations have a staff that will save you from the exhausting sorting of questionable profiles of dating sites.

The marriage agency guarantees the safety of both parties to a possible union - before the provision of the service, an agreement is drawn up, which spells out the rules and procedure for interaction. The questionnaires are selected in accordance with your social and financial status, and the accuracy of data on age, marital status, criminal record and other important aspects is checked by the agency separately.

  1. In the circle of friends and acquaintances. In addition to searching the Internet, seek help from so-called word of mouth. Spread the word to your friends and colleagues that you are looking for a life partner. People love to share other people's affairs of the heart, play on this, who knows - maybe your future chosen one is not as far away as you think.
  2. Outside. If you are brave and resourceful enough, do not miss the chance to approach the woman you like on the street. Before you say the first phrase, make sure that there is no wedding ring on her hand!

50-year crisis

Between 45 and 55 years of age, a crisis period begins when a person begins to take stock of his activities. The woman managed to realize herself in the professional sphere, the children achieved independence, the home was created and everything flows as usual.

But why doesn't visible well-being bring joy? It seems as if everything that motivated her all these years has been resolved, disappeared, and that source of energy and inspiration is no longer there. Fear of approaching old age exacerbates mental anxiety and leads to despair. The children grew up and left the nest.

Often during such a period there is a thirst for change, a desire to re-feel the power over their destiny. If the relationship with her husband is disgusted and does not bring the proper comfort, many of these women decide to divorce. An unmarried fifty-year-old person can go in search of a new life partner, but now, when meeting, she behaves differently than in her youth.

What does a woman want

A woman after fifty has already gained significant experience, changed her life priorities. Instead of frivolous adventures, unreasonable passion and naive romance, she values ​​peace and stability in relationships. By this age, she had already crossed the menopause, which changed her hormonal background - the body no longer produces the amount of estrogen that manifested itself in youth in the form of sexual activity.

It is not necessary to say how much the libido level of each particular woman is fading, because the depth of menopause is influenced by the characteristics of a woman's health, the properties of her temperament and many other factors. However, for all representatives of the fair sex of this period of life, it is characteristic that the closeness of interests with a man, their psycho-emotional connection with him, warmth and care for each other acquire the main value in relationships.

A mature woman treats a man with more understanding and awe than a young rebel. Quiet family happiness is exactly what you should offer her as a result of your acquaintance.

How to behave during an adult acquaintance?

When meeting a woman of fifty years old, a man should behave naturally, without unnecessary self-confidence and impudence. Be sincere, but don't overwhelm the other person with unnecessary details. Conduct the dialogue openly, but carefully.

Maintain your dignity, do not exalt the lady above yourself - mature women need a strong and independent man, not a servile servant. Give gifts, but do not pursue their high cost if your financial situation does not allow it.

At the age of 50, sincerity is appreciated by women, therefore, simple, associated with some places or events, memorable gifts will be very useful. Invite your new acquaintance not to a fancy restaurant, but to an interesting atmospheric place that you yourself love.

Pay attention to the woman's mood. Do not bother a person if there is a shadow of concern or irritation on their face. If you have not been refused, but you feel alertness in the behavior of your interlocutor, say some light joke, this will defuse the atmosphere.

Risk to ask for her phone number, try not to detain the person for a long time, behave unobtrusively and calmly.

"Love will come unwittingly" ... And it does not matter at all how old you or your chosen one are at the time of your first meeting. Open up to new acquaintances, don't be afraid to be yourself and just allow yourself to be happy!

Many people think that age is a sentence. But in fact, if you constantly monitor yourself and what you eat, at 50 you can look exactly the same as at 25 or 30! Or even better! There are striking examples of this, worthy of admiration.

Don't believe me? Read it yourself!

1. "Grandmother of the Planet-2014" Lyudmila Akimova, 52 years old, Odessa.

This woman lives in Odessa and has even won the Grandma Universe-2014 beauty contest for grandmothers in Bulgaria.

Lyudmila weighs 58 kg and is 163 cm tall.Here is how she describes her beauty recipe:

“There is no diet, and after six I eat, because our work does not work any other way. The main thing is movement and sports: you can't run, go to training, just walk down the street. What can I advise all women: even if you are on your feet all day at work, find the strength to go to the gym, the main thing is to get there, after 5 minutes, fatigue will be removed as if by hand, a second wind will appear. Everyone who at first says, oh I can't, I'm so tired, but they go to the gym, then they say how good I went, no one regrets.

I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, but I really love sweets, after that I have to puff in the gym, every cake, every pie needs to be worked out.

It is necessary to set a goal in life and go to it. I had a goal - to raise children, to make decent people out of them, to give them an education, now there are grandchildren - I want them to achieve something in life, and I want to see my great-grandchildren. Life after 50 is just beginning - it really is! "

2. Yasina Rossi, model, 59 years old, USA.

She is super successful and continues to make tons of money despite her age. Leading international brands collaborate with her: Marks & Spencer, Hermes and Macy’s. Rossi was born in France, on the island of Corsica, in 1955.

“There are no big secrets,” says Yasmina. - It's just that I ate organic food all my life, long before it became fashionable. I moisturize my skin with olive oil and strengthen my hair with rapeseed oil. Once a week, I scrub with olive oil and sugar. I eat one avocado every day, a serving of organic meat and fish. "

3. Carmen Dell'Orefiche, model with the longest career in the world. Now she is 84 years old!

French and American Vogue, Marie Claire, Harper's Bazaar, Vanity Fair, Elle - with which magazines Carmen has not collaborated. And designers engaged in their shows, whose names have long been legendary: John Galliano, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Donna Karan, Thierry Mugler. Carmen has already broken two age records: firstly, she is included in the Guinness Book of Records as a podium model from long career.

Carmen believes that in order to look good, you need to be able to enjoy life.

In an interview with one of the publications, she admitted that she still has a sex life and she even has a boyfriend. " Would you still ask if I breathe", - she dismissed the tactless journalists.

And one more thing: a lot of sleep and quality food.

“What I need to eat, you don’t need to eat. Learning to think is a necessity of life. Not doing what the other person is doing is mindless. There are many tips, good advice, but you need to think if this is right for you. We are all producers for ourselves: we are directors, we are writers, we are dressers of our lives. In life, it is important to become “out of time” as early as possible, ”says the star.

4. Ornella Muti, actress, 61 years old, Italy.

This woman was a sex symbol for your mom!

Ornella Muti was the sex symbol of European cinema in the second half of the 80s of the last century. She was not afraid to show her sexuality and attractiveness, often starred naked, refusing understudies, did not hesitate to show the public her numerous novels.

In the post-Soviet space, she is known for the films with Adriano Celentano "The Taming of the Shrew", "Madly in Love" and the main role in the series "The Count of Monte Cristo".

Here are her beauty secrets:

  • I like to play sports - it's a passion.
  • I don't drink alcohol at all. I don't like being drunk and have never been drunk in my life.
  • Movement is the best way to be in good shape.
  • Charm is a matter of luck, but I'm sure every woman has it to one degree or another.
  • You can do plastic surgery and be satisfied, or you can be satisfied without doing plastic surgery.
  • You can't hide your age from yourself. The main thing is how you look.
  • What kind of plastic? For example, I have beautiful breasts only thanks to nature and my 3 children, whom I breastfed for a long time.
  • I always look for defects and shortcomings in myself and constantly strive for perfection.
  • My face is not getting better. But if I see elements of withering in myself, then I try to take it philosophically.

5. Rita Rusic, 55 years old, Croatia.

The owner of the model figure is Rita Rusic, a native of Croatia, who has made a career in show business in Italy.

At first she sang light-hearted pop songs, then acted in films ... Well, then she stood on the other side of the camera and turned into a successful producer. But she could still play the roles of young seductresses on the big screen!

6. Ellen Ector, fitness trainer, 62 years old, USA.

Ellen Ector, 63, from Atlanta, Georgia, became an Instagram star after retraining as a fitness trainer and recording her own video courses. More than 95 thousand users have subscribed to her social network account.

In publications on Instagram, a woman who has five children urges "not to make a dump out of your body" and eat right.

“Do not make your body a dump, eat right,” - this is almost the only thing that she advises, besides regular exercise.

These women are admirable, don't you agree? If yes, please like it)