Ideas how to arrange romance for a loved one. A new perspective on romance in relationships

For some women, a romantic is not a very confident person who blushes when he looks into a girl's eyes. He is often afraid to show his feelings, but not without the fact that there are spontaneous, very gentle, unpredictable actions.

He gives gifts, and in return enjoys admiration of the beloved... Invents and embodies in crazy ideas... So that she has no doubts that he is the best worldwide. Everything romantic coming from him will always be only sincere.

Romantics are geniuses of thought and dream. All their actions are a unique manifestation of their personality. Everything comes from their heart and soul.

Romance is not just a special kind, a special type of temperament, or a view of life. Romantic people have completely different life priorities, in contrast to ordinary people. His understanding of life is always special, you can still trace the uniqueness in him. These people take care of themselves, as well as of those close to them. They know how to speak in such a way that they can dizzy with a flow of colorful speeches. This person is capable love sincerely, no falsity. For him, there is no social framework, he enjoys every minute of intimacy with his beloved. And she will do everything possible to make her feel happy.

You can identify romance by behavior.

The romantic is always a little kid who relies on someone to respond to his feelings and experiences. He will do whatever you ask. And he can even sacrifice himself.

This is a person who knows how to find advantages in the difficulties that he overcomes.

Even a primitive situation turns into a unique one, night - into the poetry of feelings, and a bunch of flowers - into a memorable gift of love.

He is also a passionate hero who mentally acts in imaginary situations, imbued with the idealization of reality, and one who can sing serenades, lay hearts out of candles or write "I love you" under the window. Arranges romantic candlelit dinners, creates a cozy and intimate atmosphere at home, well, just courtship. Romantics love walking in the moonlight or watching a beautiful sunset together, they love youthful holding of hands while walking. Walking in the park with your beloved, they can give an armful of flowers for no reason.

Romance ... What do women imagine when they hear this word? Of course, these are gorgeous bouquets of flowers, dinner by candlelight, beautiful declarations of love and other pleasant trifles and surprises. This makes it possible for a woman to feel loved and desired, to feel her exclusiveness. Only now, finding such a man is often quite problematic, because it is believed that a real man should not be gentle and overly sensitive, so even if a man is by nature romantic, he will try to hide this quality. So it remains for women to sigh sadly, dreaming of a romantic man. And surely from the environment of an unhappy woman who craves romance, there will be such a friend or acquaintance who has more than enough of this romance, and here the woman begins to think, am I really so bad that my man does not want to be romantic with me?

But think about whether all these attributes of a romantic life are so important? The romanticism of a man does not mean that he has the brightest and most sincere feelings for you, just as it does not mean that if romanticism does not manifest itself in any way, then he is indifferent to you. At the same time, a woman often does not understand such a simple truth and judges a man precisely by his romantic mood, this is partly correct, because a man is judged by his actions, but actions are not necessarily expressed in serenades under the window and dinner by candlelight. The ability to make money for yourself and your family, while not spending it on various trinkets and daily gatherings in restaurants, is also, by the way, an act. You take into account all the gifts and flowers that a man buys for you, but at the same time you forget that he himself bought a house, a car for you, and he also paid for a vacation to Turkey. For some reason, this is taken for granted by women, and for romantic actions a woman turns a blind eye to the many shortcomings of her chosen one.

As soon as such a romantic comes home with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, they are ready to forgive him everything, and the other man is greeted with a sad look, even if he was not guilty of anything. It even happens that a woman can forgive a man for treason, assault, saying to everyone with a smile on her face: “Oh, well, he's such a romantic!”. And moreover, many may not notice unhealthy relationships in a couple, and only see the external effect of their relationship - flowers and ardent declarations of love. So, what is really important for happiness in a couple - the opinion of others or how a man treats you in reality?

A different perspective on romance

If you really understand, then for romantic men it is important not to make the beloved woman pleasant, but he is captured by the very process of courtship. At the same time, his self-esteem increases quite strongly at your expense, he makes you romantic surprises, and you look at him in response with loving eyes full of admiration.

Relationships become a game for him, and when one peak is conquered, he will immediately want to master new ones, which is why such men are often fickle and switch from one woman to another. It is easy to fall in love with beautiful gestures and this is what men achieve, but this imaginary romance often lacks sincerity. Of course, this does not mean all men and it is not necessary, if a man does a romantic act, then some cunning subtext is hidden behind this, perhaps he just wants to do something pleasant, it is about the fact that if a man does not commit romantic surprises, this does not mean at all that he does not love you and is not suitable for a relationship, you need to think deeper, and not in stereotypes.

You can oppose a romantic man to a more serious-minded man, they are also called the offensive word "cracker" and are cited as a negative example of a man. You can often hear various unpleasant stories about them: “I was expecting at least a flower from him for our date, but he came empty-handed ...”, “I do so much for him, but he doesn't appreciate it at all, I don't have any surprises suits you "," And mine for the whole day will not call even once, will not hug one more time, will not say that he loves ... ".

Such men will not call you again, they will not give flowers for no reason, he is more determined and serious, perhaps with him you will not get as many emotions as you need, but with him you will feel confident and reliable. Often such a man just needs time to open up and begin to speak freely about his feelings for you, but if he really does say something, then he will not say it for a catchphrase, but will say it sincerely and with all his heart, and so it will be valuable such a confession.

Therefore, the advice is this: if you come across an unromantic man, you should not be sad about this, he can be more sensitive and loving than the most true romantic, only he will do this when he lets you into his life, and this takes time and patience ...

Perhaps every woman of the fair sex dreams of meeting a romantic. Yes, and men want a romantic, sensitive and tender girl next to them. But what does the word "romantic" mean and what people are usually called romantic natures? Let's try to figure it out.

Explanatory dictionaries

First, let's dive into the book world. How does the explanatory dictionary explain the word "romantic"? For example, Efremova's dictionary says that a romantic is an adherent of the direction - Vasmer translates from French: a romantic is a person who idealizes the world and the people around him.

A large Russian explanatory dictionary was published under the editorship of Kuznetsov. The word "romantic" in it has several meanings. The first is a representative of romanticism, a trend popular with poets and writers of the past centuries. The second is a person for whom the whole world is ideal, all people are beautiful. Thirdly, a romantic here is a person who is very emotional about something. People of various professions fall into this category: sailors, geologists, musicians, travelers, etc.

The main symptoms

As historians say, romantic people have lived for a long time. Romantic - who is this? In their opinion, this is a person who does not notice some of life's inconveniences and does not participate in the turbulent world ups and downs. Belief in the best and excessive daydreaming are considered to be the main symptoms of romanticism.

But if there were no such romantic dreamers in the world, then where would the most wonderful works of world art come from: paintings, poetic lines, touching to tears, "Scarlet Sails" by Green? Many works, especially poems and poems, to the question: "Romantic - who is this?" - will unequivocally answer that this is a person who believes in love, no matter what. It is romance and love that go hand in hand, as philosophers, poets and composers have long believed. It was these two concepts that “rolled up” the years and divided people happy.

From the point of view of psychology

If you ask a similar question to psychologists, then they also have a detailed concept of the word "romantic". Who is this? This is a person who "lives in himself" most of the time. He seeks to comprehend himself, to evaluate his feelings and attitude towards the world around him. Romantics strive to unravel the secrets of the universe, human behavior and build their own fantastic, beautiful world.

If you thought that most romantics are closed in themselves and in their fantasy ideal world, then you are wrong. Many psychologists will unequivocally say that he is an ardent rebel who always adheres to his own worldview and does not want to deviate from his own vision of life under any circumstances.

Romantics are literally annoyed by the same type of thinking, they cannot understand how they can put on the same clothes every day to work or, coming from them, lie down on the sofa watching the TV. Indeed, in the world there are a lot of beautiful and yet unexplored things by each individual person.

A romantic nature is always ready to take on all the responsibilities, say, preparing an evening with a loved one or a trip out of town. Moreover, such a person will do this with an extraordinary thought, looking for new entertainment, new activities and interesting places. Such a nature will do everything so that the people around them plunge into the ideal world at least for a moment and understand that it can be created in reality.


All romantics, perhaps, can be divided into two large groups. The first includes temporary romantics who idealize either a specific person or a certain situation (their work, family, etc.). If, after building certain flawless images and colliding with reality, their ideal world collapses, then they return to ordinary life, devoid of their former romance.


Such people are romantic not only in relationships. Romanticism, in their case, penetrates into all spheres of life. They can make plans, paint pictures of the world, not pay attention to difficulties both at work and in relationships. Romantics simply have no time to do this, they are very busy looking at the unusual shape of snowflakes flying in the palm of your hand, or listening to birds singing in the morning in a nearby park.

Romantic man

Most often, the word "romantic" is associated with men. The romantic girl, with a ribbon in her hair and a languid gaze, remained somewhere at the turn of the century. It was replaced by modern business ladies who simply have no time to feel the sense of beauty and build pink castles. But despite the emancipation of modern ladies, almost all of them want a romantic man next to them. Paradox? No, a fact confirmed by tests and surveys.

A romantic man - who is this? How to find it among the millions of business suits rushing to their offices every day? What qualities are contained in a man whom women boldly call romantic?

First, it is intelligence and good education. An uneducated ignoramus cannot turn an ordinary walk in the park into an exciting journey. A person without a developed intellect cannot describe the bright colors of his invented ideal world.

Secondly, conquering a stubborn female heart is simply impossible without the manifestation of imagination. Write a fiery message for your beloved on the asphalt with chalk or go down the rope ladder from the roof to hand a bouquet of daisies through the window. All of these romantic manifestations require a rich imagination to surprise and shock.

Thirdly, a romantic man is always positive emotions, with which he feeds his beloved in negative moments. This is a huge dose of positiveness and joy that a man shares with his soul mate.

Many women think that a romantic man is a temporary phenomenon that quickly gets boring. In fact, flowers and romantic declarations of love never get bored. And the wise, educated, gentle, emotionally positive, with firm convictions in life, the man's shoulder has never harmed anyone.

Now we will talk about romantic men, for good or bad. Who is a real man? And who is a real romantic? Why is it good to be materialistic and cynical? Why is romance bad?

Stereotypes about romantic men

In fact, for many modern women, the romantic man appears to be weak. They think that a romantic can only give chamomile and offer paradise in a hut. And this, of course, is not good at all. So the ladies think that romance is bad.

But the prevailing stereotype is erroneous. In fact, a rude, completely unromantic person can be spineless and hopeless. Then who is he, a real romantic?

For starters, let's not confuse romance with a typical squishy and unrecognized genius. It is these guys who spoil the image of a romantic. Because many women take their tearful outpourings in poetry and prose as romance. In fact, such men do everything to feel sorry for them. They even create just for this. They never work for women. And in words they only express how painful and bad they are, because they are not loved.

And when women give them a chance to prove something in practice, instead of working on themselves, such men simply begin to rant about the meaning of being and the difficulties in life. They do not go further than words. As a result, women get tired of wiping their snot and they begin to declare that it is better to live without poetry and sweets, but with a man who is capable of doing at least something real, and not just tearing chamomile from flower beds.

What is he like, a real man?

A real romantic man is not like that at all. He, of course, also knows how to see beauty in ordinary clouds or give a girl a bouquet of wildflowers. But at this time the lady of the heart will sit in his car. True romantics put love in the corner of everything. They do not waste their time on trifles, therefore, when they find "their" woman, they immediately tune in to a serious relationship. And if a person wants something serious, accordingly, he understands that he must be responsible not only for himself.

A true romantic always does everything to be able to please his beloved woman with a pleasant surprise. Of course, a young man cannot give fur coats and diamonds. But, he is trying to do everything so that such an opportunity appears in the very near future. However, he will not try to buy a woman for money. Such people generally do not choose those girls who are only interested in wealth and material values. At the same time, romantics do not deny that material goods are a necessity. And they will try to do everything so that the beloved woman does not need anything. But, only if they will see that the girl gives her love and tries to support and help in everything.

It is romantics who are well-mannered young people who know how to behave gallantly with their girlfriend. Even if this was not noticed behind them earlier, it is embedded in them and manifests itself as on litmus paper, when the only and most beloved one appears next to them.

Real romantics always try to do something pleasant for a woman. But this does not mean that they always buy the most expensive. No, we are talking about something completely different. It's just that such a man always listens carefully to his woman and notices all her tastes and wishes. It is he who will give her her favorite red roses for her birthday, and not chamomile, like the others, since it is summer outside. It is he who will always buy only banana juice, because she loves bananas, will find her favorite type of cheese and order a cake with bananas for the holiday.

Romantic men always respect the wishes of their beloved woman. Sex for them is not an opportunity to satisfy themselves. This is an opportunity to really give pleasure to your dearest person. Therefore, they never insist and do not force, seeing in this, first of all, a manifestation of feelings, and only then - a physical attraction. And when it comes to sex with romantics, they are not trying to prove something and show that they are macho. Such young people just want their loved one to be happy.

Romantics always respect their woman. Whatever happens, they will never allow themselves to discuss their beloved with friends, say bad things about her, lie something in order to appear better and cooler in a male company.

They always protect their loved ones. We are talking here not only about the beloved woman, but about her, of course, in the first place. It is with such a romantic man that it is never scary to walk the streets. Because he will do everything to protect his beloved. He may hate to fight, but for the sake of her to climb into battle, not to want to engage in various martial arts, but to study them, so that it would not be scary to walk along dark alleys with him.

What does a real romantic look like?

A romantic can look completely different. There is no single image to fit this category of men. Real romantics do not always wear long hair, white shirts, behave calmly and thoughtfully. Although there are just such young people. But, be that as it may, and no matter how such a man looks, his nature can be seen in his behavior and attitude towards a woman. Romantics always respect ladies and try never to offend them, even deservedly. And even more so not to raise your hand.

Therefore, before talking about the fact that being a romantic is bad, you need to learn to distinguish real romantics from those who try to seem like them, but in fact behave like real nonentities who need to be loved, patronized, protected and saved. These are not romantics. These are just guys who proudly bear the title of "men", but in fact turn out to be unfortunate muslin young ladies.

Today we will talk about how men see romance with their own eyes, because women often blame their men for the end of the candy-bouquet period and romance has gone somewhere with it.

The man stopped giving not only flowers and sweets, but, in general, saying pleasant and affectionate words to his woman. Doesn't try to have a good time together and arrange something like a date. Let's look at the situation, how it looks through the eyes of a man.

Is the game worth the candle?

Romance means, no matter how trite it sounds, a man's spending of certain money. Here, the more he spends, the more expensive the gift is, the more the woman will be happy. A man in fact, having spent a tidy sum, may begin to experience financial difficulties. Does he need it? Of course, if you are dating a millionaire, it will be a little different, but your man is not. Do you agree?

Romance is a lot of words.

For a man, it's hard work. An eloquence test, if you like. For him, the less chatter the better. In fact, men love romance too.

The main thing is to skillfully combine male and female desire for something romantic. The man believes that romance is a combination of two such components as enjoying beauty and relaxing the mind. Both as much as possible.

Consider a few classic options where partners can become romantically involved with each other. You can also look at ideas for how to romantically spend time with a guy.

Choosing this method, you need to take into account some of the nuances. Firstly, a person will receive the most thrill from such a walk if he is alone or if he has not shared love. Such a walk will give a person pleasure. Second, romance only exists on the first few dates. Then you can be quiet somewhere. On subsequent dates, the interlocutors have to talk, and for a man, as we found out, this is hard work. This means that partners who have known each other for a long time will not get romance in this way.

Romantic dinner

It looks like a walk in the city. You won't be able to just sit and look at each other. After a few meetings, this is clearly not enough. You will need to talk. In addition, the restaurant requires a lot of money. He will pay attention to it. You can try to cook dinner at home, but in this case someone will work on preparing dishes and generally organizing such an evening.


Not a very good option in terms of the fact that the views on such a vacation are somewhat different. She can swim for about 15 minutes, no more. He sit for 1-2 hours in water. She will sit in the sun and sunbathe for a long time and will carry with her a bunch of creams, ointments, a rug, a chaise longue, etc. This will seem superfluous to him. He wants to go to the disco in the evening, sit in the steam room and be silent. She will moan for a long time about a failed tan or burnt skin.

These are the inconsistencies. In general, this advice can be given. When choosing a place and time for a romantic meeting, think about how romantic it is and remember what men love and prefer in terms of relaxation. We emphasize once again that it should be something that pleases the eye, that is, beautiful and relaxing for the brain. So think for yourself, decide for yourself. you can read about the psychology of love and relationships.

Is romance so romantic?

Bottom line: the man stopped giving flowers and making compliments - does this mean that the bouquet-candy period has passed or does he just consider it a waste of money? For a man, indeed, taking a woman to a restaurant every day is costly and they don't like to talk a lot.

The least winning options to arrange a romantic date are a walk around the city, an evening at a restaurant, and a trip to the sea.

Goodbye to everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.