Emerald is a stone with magical properties. Emerald is a green gemstone. Care and cleaning of emerald jewelry

The well-known emerald is a rather rare stone that has great value and popularity. Its amazing appearance and unusual properties attract the attention of many mineralogists and collectors.

Physical properties and features of emerald

This transparent crystal belongs to varieties, and it owes its green color to chromium and vanadium. The hue and saturation of a color are influenced by angle and temperature.

Cracks and small splits can often be found on it. This is considered a normal defect due to the fragility of the emerald. It is also very sensitive to pressure and high temperatures, and has good resistance to acids and various reagents.

Emerald in history

Many ancient manuscripts and legends describe the splendor of the mineral and its magical features. Emeralds have always been the subject of wealth and respect. Now a large number of stones can be seen in museums and personal collections. These include the emerald cup in the New York Museum, the tiara of the ruler Farah in the Iranian Treasury Treasury, and the treasury vase in Vienna.

Many peoples highly appreciated the properties of the emerald and even adored it. The stone is mentioned in the Bible as a decoration worn by Jewish priests, as well as in the description of the rainbow that surrounded the throne of God.

Mining locations

One of the famous emerald mining sites is Egypt. The crystals found there are light in color and of low quality. In contrast, high quality minerals are mined in South America. Also, their deposits have been found in Colombia, Australia, India, Pakistan. In Russia, emeralds are mined in the east of the Urals, where they were found in the middle of the nineteenth century. Near Yekaterinburg there are large crystal mines. Also known is the Malyshevskoe emerald deposit. It is located in the Sverdlovsk Region.

Extraordinary properties of emerald

Many cultures consider this gem a symbol of chastity and purity. The emerald stone can become an indispensable helper and a strong protection against grief, sadness and despondency. It encourages its owner to do good deeds, not to succumb to evil thoughts, helps to increase wealth and find a way out of confusing situations.

The symbolism of the emerald

Often, jewelry with it is presented to young mothers, thereby providing support, strength and protection. Sometimes it is placed in the cradle of a small child as a talisman. The emerald will be a good talisman for travelers. It will provide peace of mind and peace of mind away from home. A gem with a silver setting is used as an amulet against sorcerers and evil spirits. A gift in the form of an emerald is considered a wish of success and is presented as a sign of the giver's sincere feelings.

The stone will help young people fight vices and depraved desires. Creative individuals will be able to feel the rise of mental strength and endless inspiration.

Emerald symbolizes love and romance. If you give it to a dear person, he will not be able to change, deceive or betray. Otherwise, the stone will crack. This wonderful crystal will help lovers come to a consensus in different situations, and will also protect their relationship from evil intentions.

The value of the emerald for culture

In ancient Russia, this gem, along with the ruby, was considered a symbol of wisdom and hope. Sometimes they made wedding rings with him. For clairvoyants, emerald helps to conduct magical rituals, see the past and look into the future, communicate with the other world and read minds.

Emerald is suitable for spiritual and noble people. Then he will fully manifest his magical powers and beneficial effects. If the owner is an insincere person, the stone can take revenge on him. The legend says: "Whoever owns an emerald will gain glory."

Healing emerald

Lithotherapists have long known the beneficial properties of this precious mineral. With his help:

Emerald helps with gynecological and urological problems, stops vomiting and relieves skin diseases. It kills bacteria and is able to purify water. It is advised to acquire it for those who have diabetes or hypertension, as well as those who have nightmares.

The green gem will calm your nerves and help your eyes relax. Its powerful energy removes any negative influences, promoting longevity and good health. For greater effect, emerald rings are worn on the little finger.

The influence of the emerald on the zodiac sign

If you know who the emerald is suitable for, you can easily use its magical powers and wonderful properties. Those people whose horoscope sign is Gemini, Cancer or Taurus have the greatest connection with him. The stone must be real. If it is artificial, no zodiac sign will be affected.

The influence of the stone on Cancers

A bright green emerald will help Cancers become less emotional. The stone will relieve them of loneliness and complexes. Girls are recommended to wear silver earrings with him. This will give them charm. For males, rings or other jewelry can be purchased.

The effect of the mineral on Gemini

A pendant or pendant with a dark green mineral is suitable for Gemini. This zodiac sign will be able to adequately get out of difficult situations, become cooler and wiser. Lonely Gemini will be able to find a partner and arrange their personal life.

Emerald for Taurus

Taurus will become wiser, more insightful and calmer, they will be able to cope with life's obstacles. The stone sharpens the character traits that are inherent in this zodiac sign. This does not prevent Taurus from gaining new values \u200b\u200band personal happiness.

The effect of the stone on Sagittarius

Sagittarius will be able to get rid of anxiety and anxiety, relieve irritability. The stone will teach them to subtly feel beauty and help them decide on what they love in life.

Virgo's reaction to a mineral

For those whose zodiac sign is Virgo, the emerald will become a faithful friend and helper. He will give optimism, teach you to enjoy every day and control your desires.

Aquarius and emerald

Aquarius is a calm and cheerful sign. Emerald is suitable for such people. It can be used by them as a talisman, thereby protecting against stress and fatigue. Creative Aquarians will be inspired by new ideas, start thinking and fantasizing differently. The stone will instill confidence in them and bring good luck in love affairs.

The influence of the crystal on Aries

The crystal will teach Aries to feel people subtly and understand them. The extraordinary properties of the stone will only enhance their cheerfulness and optimism.

How does a stone affect Leo

Leo is a sign of a leader who sometimes lacks the strength to reach the intended goal. If these are good goals, then the emerald will help you focus on them and achieve the desired result. The mineral is able to improve the financial situation, as well as help in solving difficult cases.

Libra Stone

Those people whose zodiac sign is Libra will also be able to experience the beneficial properties of the crystal. It will help you to be liberated, to become bolder and more emotional. This is sometimes very lacking in closed Libra.

Capricorn and the influence of the emerald on him

For Capricorn women, the emerald will be a real find. It will add beauty, softness, romance to the female representatives. The stone will help this zodiac sign improve and develop their love relationships.

Scorpion and emerald

Scorpios will be able to refrain from rash actions and discover new talents in themselves. However, this sign should use the stone with extreme caution, because its energy can become destructive for Scorpio.

Influence on Pisces

Those people whose Zodiac Sign is Pisces can count on the establishment of peace of mind and balance. The stone will help to find stability in love and material terms.


Luxurious and exquisite emerald has won the hearts of many people. Being a rare and expensive stone, it continues to delight the eye with its incomparable radiance.

A green pebble with gray hair, of course, is very beautiful in appearance. Sometimes it is called romantically - green ice. The Greeks, in ancient times, compared the stone with shine, but today there is a great demand for it. Emerald is as popular as ruby \u200b\u200bor sapphire.

They talked about the magical properties of the stone in ancient times. Emerald to this day attracts the eyes of many jewelers and collectors, and earlier it was the favorite stone of Cleopatra and the pharaohs in the tomb, simply strewn with emeralds.

Emerald - what is it

Emerald is considered a precious green stone, while it does not lose its brightness and color under artificial light. At a price much more expensive than a pure diamond. The power of the stone has long been known and legends have been made.

Although this is a rather difficult test for wearers when wearing it. Not every zodiac sign is suitable for a stone. Exceptionally strong-willed people, in particular twins to strengthen the spirit, courage, betrayal of strength in men, and to women as the keeper of the family hearth from evil eyes and targeting damage.

Emerald perfectly heals its owner, relieves fatigue, eliminates insomnia, headache, discharges emotions and soothes.

What is the meaning of the stone

Emerald has a close connection with religion. It is written about him even in the Bible, when the lost pebble from the crown of Satan was turned into a cup and then presented to Solomon by the Queen of Sheba herself. It was from this cup that Jesus Christ drank at the evening.

That is why many priests prefer this stone, symbolize it with vitality, harmony, spring purity. The stone means hope and faith in generosity, support of the spirit and mental balance, harmony of the soul with the body.

But liveliness, hypocrisy, infidelity of spouses and scams and even addictions are stopped immediately. Emerald is able to overcome all the bad qualities of its owner, direct human energy in the right direction.

This is the patron saint of the family hearth, comfort in the house, a talisman for mutual feelings between loving people. Also for fishermen who constantly take the emerald with them to the sea to pacify strong hurricanes and sea elements.

Deposits of stone

Even in ancient times, large deposits were found in Egypt. Today Colombia, Norway, Africa, Australia, Pakistan, Russia have high-quality mining of emeralds.

Who is emerald suitable for?

Among female names, a pebble is suitable for Julia, Anastasia, Eugenia, Zinaida. From male names - Gennady, Yuri, Semyon, Peter.

As a profession, the emerald is an excellent helper and patron of seafarers and travelers, as well as an amulet for women to protect the family hearth, or for young girls and guys, so that they do not show dishonor towards each other and do not allow debauchery.

The stone is suitable for creative people for the embodiment of their ideas and inspiration or for business people for luck. But the hypocrites, bigots will only get themselves diseases.

A precious stone in the form of a gift will bring a person luck, bright thoughts and goodness. Helps children and spouses to achieve family well-being.

Emerald properties

  1. Physical. Emerald is hydrothermal. It was formed at an early stage from granite. Along with ruby \u200b\u200band sapphire, it is closely associated with granite pegmatites and quartz apogranite, phlogopite, biotite greisens.
  2. The magical properties of the emerald are able to charge the owner with powerful positive energy, promises to come true for all prophetic dreams. This is one of the favorite stones of magicians, capable of positively affecting the fourth heart chakra when a stone is dipped into a vessel for a short time with red wine in order to enhance magical properties for vision of the future, fortune-telling and divination. For yogis, stone is an excellent biostimulant.
  3. The healing properties of the stone have long been described by sages. Emerald is in demand in the treatment of eye diseases, diseases of the heart and skin, pain and colic in the heart, as well as diabetes, burns, lowering blood pressure. The stone helps to relax and calm, eliminate insomnia and eye problems. The emerald must be applied to the eyes every day and kept for 20 minutes. So, the owner will be protected from contagious infectious diseases, fears and insomnia.

Which zodiac signs are suitable

Emerald - amulet or jewelry for protection, self-preservation, also among travelers the attraction of wealth, success, strength in the family and loyalty of spouses.

According to the horoscope, a pebble is suitable for scales, lions, aquarius. Cancers, Taurus, Sagittarius, Gemini and Virgo can wear esoterically. This is an excellent talisman against the impact of bad and negative habits, bringing thinking and optimism to its owner, joy in life, finding meaning for all your victories and failures.

The Gemini carriers of such a stone begin to better navigate the most confusing and difficult situations in life, and solve their problems much easier.

Sagittarius carry a stone for self-affirmation, protection from anxiety, anxiety and temporary setbacks.

Taurus women the stone will bring brightness, luck, emotionality to life.

Cancer, Taurus and Sagittarius - calmness and serenity due to their excessive vulnerability, inability to often control their emotions.

Aquarius is an emerald:

  • teach you to be restrained;
  • value well-being in the family;
  • will bring peace, love, support to the house;
  • drive away all bad people and enemies;
  • help to avoid stress and temper tantrums.

For carriers of pregnant women, women in labor and children, the emerald will become a talisman against the evil eye, protection of family relations, a talisman of loyalty and love in the family. In addition, it is just an excellent beautiful decoration, if you still pick up a stone for a person, taking into account his zodiac sign, individual qualities.

The value of the stone for the owner will increase significantly and it will certainly bring invaluable benefits and support, eliminate anxiety, nervousness and irritability, and strengthen memory.

Many Gemini are not talkative, do not like to communicate with people, and because of their taciturnity, they often do not have friends. They are shown to wear this stone.

But emotional and sensitive cancers, constantly hiding their feelings and emotions, should wear a stone for calming, the ability to keep control over themselves. Wearing an emerald for crayfish is the best medicine and bringing fun, joy, positiveness into life, in particular, getting rid of melancholy.

What signs of the zodiac are not suitable

The only sign of the zodiac is Scorpio, wearing an emerald which is categorically contraindicated.

Types and colors of stone

Emerald is not widespread on earth. This is a unique in composition and quite rare stone. It is found in Colombia, Brazil and Egypt in limited quantities.

It is mined in the USA, France and India. On the shelves in our country, quality copies are rarely found. Finding a good stone takes a lot of time and effort.

Many types of such a stone are known in color, shape, texture, depending on the country being mined. For example, Colombia is considered rich in emeralds, where high quality emeralds are mined, with a stunning rich color, with deviations and deformations in the cut, which speaks of its naturalness.

Today, the Ural Gems company in our country is engaged in the production of emeralds as an analogue of the real one with a thick rich green color, which indicates the content of chromium and iron in the composition. This color scheme once again emphasizes the uniqueness of the stone when mined in our Russian deposits.

The Ural Semantic Company subjects the minerals to primary processing on high-tech equipment, then delivers them to the markets in pure form without any additional processing, which preserves all the inherent natural beauty and high characteristics of the stone. If you need to buy such a stone, it is recommended to contact the Ural semi-precious company.

Amulets and talismans with emerald

If a person with a pure soul and thoughts, then a stone in the form of an amulet or talisman will bring good luck and luck in business.

If a person is constantly drawn to change in some way, for example, a spouse, then the stone will quickly suppress such a fact.

The emerald is able to withstand heavy blows of fate, absorbs the manifestation of aggression towards its owner, eliminates negativity and psychological problems, helps to become more balanced and get rid of stress. Negative energy passes, the biofield is purified and charged with positive energy.

The stone affects the family hearth, the birth of children. Talismans are suitable for people endowed with intuition and superpowers when communicating with other worlds.

Due to their sensitivity, many magicians choose to use the stone in their work. For ordinary people, the emerald will help eliminate existing vices, calm the nerves, reveal conspiracies and deceptions when worn for more than 3 months.

What are the prices for stone

Emerald is difficult to acquire, because it is not easy to find. To become an owner, you must first look for such a gem, since the cost depends on many factors.

Appraisers are advised to pay attention to the color scheme of the emerald, because when buying, customers want to get a rich bright green pebble, they also pay attention to transparency and purity. The value with such parameters will be much higher.

The heavier the emerald, the more expensive it is. The degree and quality of processing affects the price. An untreated stone after initial cleaning is several times cheaper, but a deeply processed stone will not be cheap. So, the price on the market for 2.73 carats in rubles will cost an average of 25,000.


Emerald is a rather rare natural stone and, of course, today the production of synthetic limiting emeralds is widely developed in our country through hydrothermal treatment.

This is done by many manufacturers with ruby \u200b\u200band sapphire to make artificial gems with a high content of iron oxide, brown tubular components, from which rings and coupons of domestic production are made as budget options that imitate more expensive models.

The presence of microcracks and other minor internal defects on the stone speaks of its purity, transparency, deep green color. Although when buying a stone, it should not have overly visible flaws. It is best to consult the experts first.

Emerald is durable, but still inferior to diamond and ruby, occupies an intermediate position between artificial and natural education and is not of particular value as a piece of jewelry.

But after hydrothermal treatment by building up a layer of emerald, the stone becomes more natural and confusion occurs, since it becomes similar in color to natural minerals.

Even in ancient times, there were many legends around this stone containing crystals. and outwardly similar to chrysolite, which is called the evening emerald. Chrysolite turns yellow in daylight, and becomes deep greenish under artificial light.

Emerald is also similar to chrysoberyl, tsavorite, verdelite, chrome diopside, so it is rather difficult for an uninformed person to distinguish it from fakes and other imitating stones.

How to distinguish an original from a fake

Emerald counterfeits are not uncommon. Today, the stone is of great value to humans, so there are many who want to forge. The emerald in the photo is similar to dyed beryl, which does not represent any jewelry value at all.

You need to buy such a talisman only in proven salons, where everything is in order with the documentation provided for by law, otherwise you can only throw money down the drain, and a lot of it.

Special care of the stone is not required. It is enough to wipe the dust off with a dry cloth from time to time. A real stone should not darken even when immersed in water, exposure to the sun for a long period.

This green stone is constantly accompanied by risks and difficulties in buying. Ideally, the distribution of saturated colors along the edges should be uniform. If there are minor inclusions and splinters, then they are unique, due to the presence of various chemicals in the composition of the emerald: chromium, iron, sodium, on which the color palette of this mineral directly depends.

In fact, it is more valuable than a diamond. Cracks in the stone are acceptable, which indicates its fragility.

Today, nanotechnology has made it possible to obtain synthetic emeralds, which are difficult to distinguish from natural stones and can only be done by professionals, experts and esotericists.

Emerald is a type of green beryl. This gem has been known to mankind since the time of the Sumerian civilization. The ancient Greeks gave it the name "Stone of Radiance". Already in those days, people paid attention to the unusual properties of such a stone as an emerald.

One of the main characteristics of an emerald gem is its color, which is distinguished by its uniqueness due to its wide spectrum. However, few people know what color and shade the emerald is considered the most valuable, which is explained by some differences in the color scheme. In general, green is the primary color. There are also specimens with a bluish tint or blue veins.

Emerald gem characteristics: color and clarity of the gem

There are many varieties of pure green emeralds, among which those with a dark green tint are more appreciated than others. Sometimes they are even more expensive than diamonds. The photo shows what color and type of emerald is considered the highest quality and recommended for purchase:

Jewelers, however, distribute three main characteristics of color for this gem - lightness, saturation and tone. More expensive than the rest, more saturated copies are estimated.

It is known that stones of natural origin rarely have a uniform shape. They can have many defects, such as a network of veins, an uneven defective surface. Therefore, in order to achieve the gem-quality characteristics of an emerald, it is treated with special substances. Due to these material defects, this gem is rather fragile. In order to increase the stability of the material, jewelers mainly cabochon or use a specific emerald cut.

Emerald Specifications

Chemical composition:




Fe2O3, V2O3, Cr2O3

Daylight color:

Green, yellowish green

Color under artificial light:

Dark green

Glass luster.

Hardness index:

Feature color:

Transparency level:

Transparent, translucent

Density indicator:

2.69-2.78 g / cm³

Refractive index:



History and deposits of emeralds

The name of the stone in English refers to one of the types of beryl "aquamarine", which is aquamarine. In translation, the name of such a precious stone as emerald means "green gem".

Other names from Latin have forms such as smaragdus, esmeraude, emeraude, and esmeralde.

There is evidence that these stones were traded in Babylon as early as 4000 BC. Since that time, natural stones such as emeralds have been highly prized by the largest cultures. It is known from history that the Indian sultan Shah Jahan wore a talisman with this stone, on which ancient texts were carved. There are suggestions that it was because of this that the emerald began to be considered a symbol of holiness and love. There was also found a lot of evidence that Queen Cleopatra was very fond of these jewelry, and even emerald mines with tools made in 1300 BC were found. The ancient Egyptians decorated mummies and tombs with emerald crystals.

It is known that the Greeks considered the emerald one of the best stones and treasured it very much. According to Herodotus, it is known that such an ancient Greek figure as Polykart wore this nugget in his ring.

The first finds date back to 1925, when Colombian explorers conducted an expedition to Indian reservations, where a small number of stones were found. The only currently known South American emeralds are found near Bogotá. The most famous mines are located in Muzo. Emeralds are found in thin veins of black bituminous limestones containing early Cretaceous ammonites.

Later, references to such finds appeared in Peru. After that, emeralds became popular in Europe, where, until the 1930s, they were very rare and almost never found.

The word "emerald" came to the Russian language through the Persian "zumurrud" and the Turkish "zumrut".

MI Pylyaev in his book "Precious Stones" refers to an article published in the "Bulletin of the Geographical Society" in 1860, which says that the first emerald of Russian origin was found in 1669.

However, if you follow the official version, the first emerald in Russia was found no earlier than the 19th century, namely in 1839. For the first time, this gem was discovered by a peasant from the Beloyarsk volost, Maxim Kozhevnikov. The find took place in the Yekaterinburg district, on the banks of the Tokovaya river.

Currently, the only Russian emerald deposit is Malyshevskoye, which is located near Yekaterinburg.

In addition, large deposits of emeralds are located in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Colombia and Brazil. In small quantities, this gem is found in Austria, Australia, Bulgaria, Germany, Egypt, India, Spain, Italy, China, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Mozambique, Madagascar, Namibia, Nigeria, Norway, Somalia, USA, Tanzania, France, Switzerland and Ethiopia.

One of the largest emeralds known to mankind is the Emerald Buddha. This 3600-carat nugget was found in Madagascar, after which a Buddha figurine was carved from it.

Due to the high cost of the emerald, attempts have been made to remove it synthetically. These efforts were crowned with success between 1934 and 1937, when the Germans filed a patent for its synthesis. Artificial emeralds are now being mass-produced in the United States.

Distinguish between ordinary and artificial emeralds using filtered ultraviolet radiation (360 nm), to which a real emerald does not normally react, while synthetic emeralds exhibit chestnut brown luminescence. However, this rule is not always confirmed. Many natural emeralds can also react to filtered ultraviolet light.

Price emerald: much is 1 carat stone

The influence of shades and the smallest nuances of color on the price of an emerald is very significant. Among the characteristics of an emerald, color is considered the most important, as well as purity, although it happens that the latter is neglected in favor of a more saturated shade. There are many types of emerald gemstone, which are distributed by color and transparency, which determines the quality and price of the stone. The normal range of colors is from yellow-green to blue-green. However, the most valuable material is considered to have a pronounced dark green color. In addition, the highest quality of the product is determined by the transparency of the material. Any deviation in shade converts this gem into a cheaper variety - green beryl.

There is no definite answer to the question of how much 1 carat of a gem such as an emerald costs, because the price characteristics of each piece depend on many factors. For example, the cost per carat will rise with the size of the solid stone. That is, the smaller the size of the whole stone, the lower the cost of one carat, and vice versa.

But it is not only the color and size that determines the price of a particular nugget. For example, a high-quality, and, naturally, more expensive, is an emerald, in which noticeable veins and opacities are not visible to the naked eye.

top quality emeralds are found on sale infrequently. Price ranges for stones of the highest quality category:

  • from 0.01 to 0.99 carats from $ 700 to $ 3500 per carat;
  • from 1.00 to 2.99 carats from $ 4000 to $ 7000 per carat;
  • from 3.00 to 5.99 carats from $ 6000 to $ 9500 per carat;
  • from 6.00 to 15.00 ct. from $ 8000 to $ 13000 per carat.

Many also wonder how much an artificial emerald costs and whether it can be purchased at a lower price than a natural one. Yes, it is known that artificial gems have a slightly lower price than natural ones, which is due to the inferior quality of the material. One of the indicators of a non-natural stone is a lower density of the material, as well as a very characteristic bluish-green color.

As a rule, emeralds are worn in rings, rings, women - even in earrings and necklaces. If possible, it is better to have a set of jewelry with emeralds - firstly, it will look stylish, and secondly, this way you will give stones more opportunities to beneficially influence your destiny. Emerald does not need color support. There is no need to match him with a green dress or make up in swamp colors. The bright green of the stone should be the solo.

You can see from the photo that emerald stones look best on women with a dark complexion, or vice versa - nobly pale. In both the first and second cases, the jewelry will harmoniously emphasize the natural feminine beauty. Earrings interspersed with this material are ideal for women with green eyes. However, those with eyes of any other color should not immediately abandon such graceful jewelry. It is just important to choose earrings with emeralds of the same saturation as the owner's eyes. For example, for those representatives of the fair sex who have light eyes, more transparent shades of a gem are well suited, and vice versa.

It is believed that rings and rings with this gem should be worn on the little finger or ring finger.

Don't be afraid to combine emerald with other precious stones. Best suited for this purpose are aquamarine, amethyst, and pink rhodochrosite.

Gemstones - not just the prerogative of women. The male part of humanity can safely pick up rings and seals with emeralds that can emphasize any strict image.

The magical and astrological properties of an emerald: who is suitable for a stone according to the sign of the zodiac

The Jewelery Industry Council of America and the British National Jewelers Association have designated the emerald as the birthstone for the month of May.

In Vedic astrology, there is a section on how the planets affect human life. This includes the item on wearing precious stones. The fact is that, for example, an emerald is a stone of the planet Mercury, and those who wear it on their bodies as a decoration or talisman are under the influence of this celestial body. Mercury is responsible for such aspects of human life as knowledge, trade, work success, science and invention. That is why a person wearing this kind of talismans has special intellectual abilities, a desire to learn about the practical and spiritual spheres of human life. Also, a nugget helps to acquire new useful contacts.

Such part of the Vedas as Ayurveda tells in detail about the meaning of emerald stones and the treatment with this material. The fact is that it harmonizes all three doshas of the human body, such as vata, pitta and kapha. Thus, the stone has a beneficial effect on the digestion, respiratory and nervous system. It can be used to treat throat ailments and colds. The nugget has a positive effect on people with speech impairments such as, for example, stuttering, neurological disorders and even deafness. It also relieves heart problems, all kinds of infectious diseases and fever.

The positive effect of the material is also noted in the general well-being of the one who uses it. A person's ability to concentrate and learn improves, the tendency to meaningless acts, gambling and kleptomania disappears. Therefore, among all who are suitable for the properties of the magic stone of emerald, those who have any disorders will note the greatest beneficial effect.

There is a lot of information that with the help of emeralds and emerald powder, any eye diseases are treated. It is believed that green color relaxes the eyes, helps them to relax, and helps a person become more focused.

It is widely believed that emerald has a positive effect on vision. One of the medieval recipes says: "To strengthen the light of the eyes (vision), rub the emerald well on the porphyry and, after mixing it with saffron, apply it to the eyes."

Men have long used the stone of Mercury to treat impotence. Women note a beneficial effect on skin condition. The stone rejuvenates their face and helps in the fight against aging of the whole body.

It is possible to treat this or that disorder of the body or human psyche directly by wearing an emerald on the body, as well as tinctures and powders from this stone.

There is a theory that a beneficial effect occurs through the addition of the color of the stone to the color scale of the person himself. Esotericists suggest that the human body has 7 colors, and disorders of the body occur due to the lack of any of them in the energy sphere.

The effect of these crystals on one of the human chakras, namely on the Anahata located in the chest, is noted. This chakra is responsible for loving people, showing compassion.

Another patronizing celestial body of the emerald is the Moon, as well as Venus, which adds positive qualities to it.

Astrologers give a lot of information about who, according to the zodiac sign, is most suitable for such a stone as an emerald, and whether it is worth wearing it for everyone indiscriminately. Emerald is a talisman for people born under the sign of Taurus. It is also advised to wear a talisman with an emerald for those who were born under the auspices of the Cancer sign. In this case, the emerald can show its best qualities. But those who were born in the month of Capricorn should pick up another patronizing gem.

The influence on this or that sign of the zodiac is due to the astrological properties of the emerald stone, among which there is the ability to give its owner magical abilities.

Since ancient times, there is a fad that this stone bestows the loyalty of a loved one to its owner. There is also an opinion that green beryl helps its owner to see the future, sharpens intuition. As an amulet, an emerald should only be worn in a gold setting. In this case, the stone can become a powerful talisman against evil spells, from negative influences. As a talisman, emerald is one of the most powerful stones, stimulating all the best in a person.

Astrologers who have studied the emerald note the magical properties of the stone as one of the most beneficial effects on the state of a person wearing a stone as a talisman. They believe that such an amulet has not only healing magic, but also protective and even love magic.

Those who are going to go on a sea voyage are advised to take an emerald with them, as it protects from unwanted accidents on the water. Also, the stone protects from the bite of poisonous snakes and vipers, as it is able to hypnotize such animals.

Also, the amulet from this nugget neutralizes other people's spells, thus being a powerful defense mechanism. He not only will not allow you to fall under a negative magical effect, but will also help get rid of its consequences if it suddenly happened.

If you give an emerald to the newlyweds during the wedding, their marriage will be distinguished by special endurance and harmony in the relationship of the married couple. Also, the stone will be able to balance and make the sex life of a married couple more intense, to get rid of problems on an intimate basis.

Among other things, the stone will be able to impart magical qualities to its owner. It not only sharpens intuition, but also helps during fortune-telling. The characteristics of such a gem as an emerald also include the ability to help a person see the other world. Georgians call this gem "snake", which, if translated, will mean the word "mirror". This means that a person under his patronage can see the future and the past.

Astrologers also note that specimens that have been passed down from generation to generation have a special power, thereby receiving powerful energy. But there are also mentions that you need to be extremely careful when working with such stones, as you can get yourself in big trouble instead of getting good results. Heirloom emeralds should only be used by those who are completely sure of how and what to do.

An interesting ability is acquired by nuggets that lie in the rain a full 9 times. It is believed that with their help a person gets the opportunity to control the heavenly elements. In ancient magical traditions, people thus caused rain, or vice versa, they dispersed storm and bad weather.

One of the most beautiful gems is considered to be the emerald stone - a precious variety of beryl, which has a bright and deep green color. Jewelers use it for the most expensive and elite jewelry. And esotericists claim that the green emerald helps to find harmony, protection, health and well-being.


Emerald is a green stone. Shades of color can be yellow-green or bluish-green. This appearance is created due to the impurity of chromium, and in some cases - the impurity of vanadium. Crystals are elongated and often have cracks or veins. In addition, crystals usually contain point inclusions of other minerals.

Emerald stone is a type of beryl. Its physical properties are characterized by glassy luster and high hardness (from 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale). However, this mineral is fragile - it should be protected from impacts and chips. Density - 2.8 g / cm³

Place of Birth

The largest volume of emerald mining in the world is in Colombia. The second place is occupied by Zambia - here, as in Brazil, high quality stones are mined. In addition, significant deposits of the mineral are located in Egypt, Austria, Norway.

In Russia, large stones mined in the Urals. There are deposits of the mineral in the USA, Canada, Australia, India, China and other countries of the world. In Europe, precious beryls are mined by France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and Kazakhstan.


The following varieties are considered the most famous:

  • Colombian are minerals of good quality and bright color, similar to the color of young grass;
  • Trapiche is a type of Colombian emerald, whose characteristics are complemented by the feature - six rays radiate from the center of the crystal;
  • from Zimbabwe - a yellow-green emerald of good quality, highly valued by jewelers for its brightness and purity;
  • Zambian - pure and rich minerals of high quality, usually with a bluish-green hue;
  • Brazilian - known for their high quality, transparency, purity and yellowish tint;
  • Ural - are distinguished by a dark shade with a bluish tint;
  • Yakut or Siberian - are called "emerald", but in fact they are not. This diopsides doped with chromium - Cr-diopside.

Fake diamond

Artificial is obtained by synthesis or crystallization, using natural raw materials to seed from natural beryl or emerald. In Russia, emerald brushes are grown by deposition on beryl - large aggregates grow from small crystals. In some countries, such a brush is called emeraldonite.

Artificial emerald can be called hydrothermal, synthesized or synthetic. In terms of chemical composition and physical properties, it differs little from natural, but it is much cheaper (in nature, gem-quality stones are rare, and therefore are highly valued). An artificial stone synthesized in a laboratory is not a fake, but it must be indicated in the description or characteristics of the jewelry.

How to identify a fake

Only a specialist can determine a skillful counterfeit in appearance, especially when it comes to the difference between natural stone and artificially grown. The latter looks good in jewelry, but it should cost much less than a natural specimen.

Natural samples often have small defects in the form of cracks and veins, and synthetic ones - in the form of bubbles or tubular inclusions.

Natural emeralds have a slightly cloudy color (evenly colored specimens are extremely rare in nature and are extremely expensive).

Sometimes pressed quartz powder, colored beryls or other natural stones of lesser value are given out for natural emeralds. To distinguish such fakes, you need to know their gemological characteristics. In addition to chrome diopside, tourmalines, fluorites, tsavorites, jadeite, actinolite (its second name is "emerald spar") and other natural minerals of green shades can be given as emeralds. Green cubic zirconias and ordinary glass are an obvious fake - they can be distinguished by their appearance, light weight and even by touch.

The cost

The price of an emerald stone depends on its characteristics (color brightness, clarity, size, absence of defects), origin and the presence of a cut.

The main indicators are brightness and color saturation, as well as weight, with an increase in which the cost of a copy is growing rapidly.

Natural origin without any refinement also guarantees a higher price, especially if it is confirmed by an expert assessment and a certificate. A specimen, untreated by cutters, is much cheaper than a masterly cut.

According to the quality classification, the average cost in rubles is:

  • for copies of low commercial quality - from 18 to 25 thousand rubles. per carat;
  • for copies of good quality - from 35 to 200 thousand rubles. per carat;
  • excellent quality copies on - from 150 to 500 thousand. rub. per carat and above.


The amazing beauty of the emerald inspires master jewelers to create real masterpieces. High quality natural stones are usually framed in precious metal, synthesized or pale colored - in semi-precious. Thanks to this differentiation, a person with any budget finds suitable options for himself.

Jewelers have come up with a special type of cut - emerald. Samples with low transparency are also cut into cabochons.

This stone most often appears solo or is adjacent to white transparent inserts - diamonds, rock crystal, cubic zirconia. As a decoration, emerald is suitable for women of all types, consistently highlighting the brightness of the eyes and visually refreshing the complexion. He looks noble and respectable, cheerful and expressive, but discreet. This universally beautiful stone is equally well suited for evening, business, romantic and youth styles.

Healing properties

\\ Information about the healing properties of the emerald stone came from the depths of history - in ancient times it was used to treat epilepsy, fever, eye diseases. It was believed that a precious stone is able to disinfect water, and framed in gold, it drives away serious diseases from the owner.

Modern lithotherapists consider emerald an indispensable mineral for harmonizing the nervous system, getting rid of anxiety, healing insomnia, and successfully combating chronic fatigue. The life-affirming properties of emerald give strength to recover from illness, give vigor and charge with positive energy.

Emerald - a true mascot for the pregnant woman. It harmonizes the energy of the mother and child, promotes the correct development of the fetus, improves mood and well-being. In addition, the mineral has a healing effect on the diseased human organ, if worn in close proximity.

Emerald helps to cope with diseases of the heart, bladder, digestive organs, as well as hypertension, diabetes, psoriasis, infections and inflammations.

Magical properties

The magical properties of the emerald stone are associated with the heart chakra of the human energy body (Anahata). Strengthening the energy in this area, the talisman grants its owner a positive outlook, spiritual harmony, prosperity, sincere love and loyalty. Strengthening the general energy protection, the mineral serves as a keeper from troubles, misfortunes and dark forces. It is recommended to be worn by those who want to find harmony in the family and have offspring. The magic of the mineral helps its owner to enhance the best qualities of character and get rid of bad inclinations, if any.

It has long been attributed to the stone mystical ability to get in touch with the other world - to establish contact with the souls of the dead, to receive news, advice and support from them. In addition, the magic of the mineral bestows the highest wisdom and the ability to read signs, to see the picture of the Universe in many interconnections.

Also, the magical properties of emerald can protect a person from lies, scams and various intrigues.

For protection

Mineral has the meaning of a talisman against dark forces - a figurine or crystal in the house will protect from adversity. When going on a sea voyage, take it with you - it serves as protection against sea disasters and seasickness. Having presented such a talisman to your loved one, you will protect him from negative influences from the outside, love spells and other types of witchcraft.

For meditation

When experiencing fatigue or stress, think about the green stone and its unique properties. The easiest way is to look at the mineral for 10-15 minutes. Such meditation refreshes the mind, freeing it from obsessive thoughts, relieves tension, helps to find a harmonious state, prepares the ground for the birth of new ideas.

Influence on the signs of the zodiac

Emerald is suitable for the zodiac signs of the elements of Air: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The talisman will help them find deep peace and tranquility, calm tossing, doubts and anxiety. According to the horoscope of Aries and Sagittarius, the mineral will help to cope with excessive impulsivity and irascibility, balance emotions and establish harmonious relationships with others.

The emerald will give the zodiac sign Taurus active energy, help to realize plans faster, and make life brighter and more joyful. For the zodiac signs Cancer and Pisces, the emerald will become a real talisman of confidence, a positive outlook, the ability to quickly make objective and wise decisions. Also, this stone is suitable for the sign of Leo - it protects from outside envy and internal vanity, helps to direct efforts and talents to achieve worthy goals.

Emerald in a dream

A dream in which an emerald appears is a real harbinger of good luck. If you dream about this stone - expect changes and good news. For more details, take a look at the dream book or use your own associations. Write down everything that you remember from your dream on paper and put it aside for a while. In a couple of hours, take a look at the notes - your intuition and the magic of the stone will help you read the true meaning of the dream.

The green variety of beryl is called emerald, which is currently the most respected gemstone. The stone, even under artificial lighting, does not lose its color depth and light brightness. For its beautiful color, it is more valuable than a diamond of the same size and the same clarity.

The main deposits of Emerald: Columbia (deposit in Muzo), East Africa, Transvaal, India, Pakistan, Zimbabwe (Sandwana).

What zodiac sign is the emerald suitable for?

Emerald is very often used as jewelry. It is a very good talisman against all misfortunes. Magical properties, usually preserving, protective and preserving.

These stones protect travelers in all their explorations during travel and sailing. Also their distinguishing feature are - attracting wealth and success, help in maintaining a strong family and loyalty to your beloved business.

The three signs of the zodiac find their emerald stone.

  1. Taurus.
  2. Twins.

Taurus is inherently close to nature and to the earth, and therefore the rich greenery of this stone fascinates them with its beauty. Emerald makes Taurus' life brighter and more cheerful if it becomes dull and slow. Success for such a sign is very important, and therefore it can go to it systematically for years.

Useful magical properties of emerald only contribute to the implementation of plans Taurus, give him insight, wisdom, concentration and give hope for a well-deserved reward at the end of the path.

To sign a horoscope Gemini emerald a source of wisdom and composure, which this sign lacks to make the right decision. The stone can soothe and relieve all the nervousness, irritability, restlessness that is typical of Gemini.

Parallel strengthens their memory, which is very important when they are chatty and useful when communicating with a large number of people. So that the owners of this sign according to the horoscope do not suffer from emotional distress and lack everyone with their whining - this stone will help get rid of all this.

Wearing jewelry with emerald is useful for those Gemini who suffer from loneliness, and they themselves hide it under the guise of sociability and confidence. Also, jewelry with such a stone must be worn by Gemini, who have a very narrow social circle (they suffer greatly from this).

Cancer by horoscope is the very sign of the zodiac that most of all needs the help and assistance of this stone. People born under this sign are emotional, sensitive and vulnerable and therefore they carefully hide all their feelings and emotions.

They can also suffer greatly if there is no close and understanding person nearby. Calmness, the ability to keep control over oneself - all this brings crayfish an emerald. For Cancers, the best medicine is fun and joy. And this stone just attracts such qualities and heals melancholyimproving the life and well-being of Cancer.

Emerald - magical properties

This is a gem of unprecedented beauty from the beryl variety. Its other name is green ice. It differs from other minerals of this color in its transparency. Rarely, but an emerald with a blue tint comes across.

Many scientists suggest that the development of this gem is not yet complete and in the future it will acquire additional qualities.

Even in Ancient Russia, if someone wore this stone, then he was never tormented by nightmares and he did not suffer from insomnia, but got rid of such ailment forever. Also emerald used as an antidote and believed that this stone somehow affects the conscience of a person.

If a person has bad inclinations, for example, adultery, deceit or resourcefulness, the stone immediately draws its "attention" to this. To a godly man a gem brings good luck and prosperity... In the worst cases, its owner will be exposed to different blows of fate.

The main criteria for its quality:

  • colour;
  • transparency.

If you wear jewelry with such a stone for a long time, then a person's character changes for the better. And people with mental disorders and undergoing various stresses in contact with the emerald become more balanced. This is a stone energy absorber of aggression and despondency.

Features of emerald

Many legends and superstitions were formed around the emerald, and an amulet with such a stone was considered the most powerful protection against the evil eye. Even ancient people believed that he protects its owner from all contagious diseases.

The owner of a stone framed with gold can count on a sound and healthy sleep. The stone has power spare its owner from night blindness, kidney and stomach diseases, as well as from epilepsy.

If you put an emerald in the water, then it will be drinkable without any additional boiling. He also has antibacterial properties.

The old manuscripts say that snakes go blind when they see an emerald, and at the same time, this gem helps a person with a speedy recovery from a snakebite (such a paradox).

Emerald is a fairly durable mineral, but its hardness is inferior to ruby \u200b\u200band diamond. It does not need to be kept in the same box with other jewelry, otherwise it may lose its luster and beauty.