How to write to a woman for dating. How to start a chat with a girl? Basic rules for online communication and examples of original phrases for dating

The first phrase is the key to a pleasant acquaintance!

If you want to make a pleasant impression on the person you like, then you should know that first phrases are always the most decisive. For example, you see the one you like girl or boyfriend and write a banal "hello", but believe me, this word in itself is uninteresting and banal. You need to write in such a way that the person is "hooked" and led to the idea that you are a cool guy or girl. Words affect a person like a magnet. And do not neglect such a special "weapon" that will help you find happiness in love. Open up your true feelings to another person with tempting statements, and you will get exactly what you expect!

Simple and understandable words are the key to the durability of dating!

Good day! I have been looking for you (ala) on the Internet for so long, and you are here ...

I always dreamed (ala) to meet such a wonderful person like you.

You are unique!

Good afternoon. I would like (ala) to get to know you better, watch a movie or have a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe. What do you think about that?

Hi, is it just me or did you actually star in some movie?

It's a beautiful day, isn't it?

You know, when I saw you (la) I immediately wanted to live happily ever after!

Hey! I dreamed of you today (dreamed) ...

Hi. Today is such a wonderful day. As soon as I saw you, I could not resist not to write!

I wish you a wonderful and enjoyable day!

Do you want me to give you happiness! ..

Hi. I (name) and really want to meet you! To be honest, I have never met such (s) before. I really liked your profile and your photo is so cute. How do you like my suggestion to go somewhere and just chat?

Greetings. Can you tell me how to get to the library? A joke of course)) You are just so nice that I was confused and did not know what to say. Let's be friends?

Hi Hello). You have such beautiful eyes (legs, hair, dress, suit, biceps, mustache, beard, handbag)!

Good afternoon. How is your mood?

I knew that the most beautiful girls (guys) are here!

Hi. You have such a pensive look (mysterious, enchanting, striking, captivating, striking outright, sweet, gentle, wonderful, maddening, unsurpassed, unpredictable, insanely beautiful, surprised, attractive, sunny, fabulous, in love with life).

Hi, I liked you very much, let's get acquainted, I (name), are you looking for your destiny?

Good day! If you are tired of the same type of days, then I suggest spending a wonderful day in a cafe, cinema or wherever you wish! How do you see it, and when will it be convenient for you to meet?

Greetings! Can I entertain you on this site or even in reality?

Greetings to you. Please advise me how to please a girl (guy)?

Hello, do you need a funny and witty husband (wife)?

Good afternoon, what are you doing tonight?

Hi, do you think I'm cute?

Hey! I was looking for you (ala) for many years, days, hours, minutes, seconds! And then I found (found)! Let's meet right tonight?

Folded letters in the correct phrase - they will knock down anyone at once!

If you are between 18 and 70 years old and you often do not know what and how to write to a person, then welcome to our Garden of Eden with such simple and understandable phrases for the first communication on the Internet using the site.
Never be discouraged if your first letter on the Internet has not been answered. This is not a person who does not want to communicate with you, but you wrote to him. You can always try to re-write, something that will open his eyes to your attention. This is a pattern that all the most serious arises from the frivolous.

Rather, even the first silly joke can make another person fall in love with you. If you really want love and a lot of attention, look at the person's profile and, guided by it, write those dating phrases with a girl or boyfriend that we offer just for you. All people are different, but one thing unites everyone, and also the desire to be happy.

Read the phrases and look for those among them that, in your opinion, will win the heart of your sympathy. It's so easy and simple. In fact, everything in our life is easy and simple. You just need to understand this and find those methods of communication that will attract only those you need to you. And we assure you, it will work with you, and after a while you will no longer do anything, and people will write and write to you. And already you will think to answer them with a mutual answer or not.

Talking to a girl who likes the Internet is easier than in life. In a couple of clicks, you can find out everything about her: where she works or study, what she enjoys, what films she watches and what kind of music she listens to. But what to write to her in the first message in the contact so that the girl would pay attention and want to continue the conversation? In our article we will talk about what must be in the first message, and what should not be there, and at the end of the article you will find several examples of successful online dating ...

Preparing for an acquaintance: a few important rules

Before starting a correspondence, you need to:

  1. Tidy up your page. Choosing a good avatar, filling out the About Me section, posting beautiful photos, etc.
  2. Choose a girl. We choose a girl from our city, we filter out fake accounts, find common interests, possible topics for conversation.

How to properly prepare your social media page networks to meet and choose the right girl, we told in detail in. Be sure to read this article before you start writing your first post.

What should be the first message to a girl: 3 main questions

The first message should be short, but should directly or indirectly respond to 3 main questions, which will surely appear in the head of any girl after she reads your "Hello".

These questions are:

  1. Who you are: what is your name, how did you find it on the net;
  2. Purpose of acquaintance: chat, have fun, go on a date;
  3. The reason why you chose it: what do you have in common, what did you like about it.

The order of these theses can vary depending on the situation.

The main task the first message - to interest the girl, make her pay attention to you. You don't have to write an entire sheet of text or come up with complex greetings to do this. Enough 1-2 well-chosen simple sentences.

Don't forget to say hello and introduce myself the name your friends call you. Avoid too familiar forms ("Sanyok", etc.). Yes, the page already has your name, but presentation is a simple form of etiquette when meeting someone.

Don't know what excuse to come up with for communication? Desire to communicate- this is already a great excuse for the first message. Do not intimidate the girl by talking about the desire to start a family and have children, even if you are really looking for a future spouse.

Look carefully at her page - pay attention to books, music, films and publics. How is a girl different from others? What is she proud of? What unites you?

Write what you saw on her page a photo from a recent concert of your favorite band or that you noticed a selection of Nolan's works in her videos. Show her that she is not just another girl you copy-paste the prepared text to, but that she is special. She will at least be interested in what kind of person you are, if you point out the community of interests, and she wants to continue communication.

Examples of good phrases for dating

Here are 3 original examples from the life of starting a conversation on VK, which can be used as a template.

Example 1. A beautiful compliment - an original start to a conversation

Hi, Olya! My name is Vadim. I accidentally came across your page and wanted to meet you. The smile on the avatar is painfully charming :)

Well, hello, Vadim! Thanks for the compliment…

Maybe we will meet and continue communication outside the Internet?

I'm sorry, but I don't go on dates with the first person I meet.

You can go to my page - there is quite a lot about me. You won't learn so much about a stranger from the street if someone comes to meet you :) By the way, I also have a Rottweiler. Maybe we will meet and take a walk with the dogs? How about tomorrow night?

Good. Here is my number + 79212345xxx

Example 2. A common passion - travel

Hello Sveta! I was looking in the news for entries on the hashtag Baikal, and accidentally got on your page. I saw that we are both from the same city, and that you went there this summer. It won't take long if I ask a couple of questions about the trip? By the way, I forgot to introduce myself - my name is Grisha)

Hey! Nice to meet you :) Few people get to Baikal from our city - it is closer and cheaper to fly abroad now than to such a distance. Ask what you want. I will try to answer)

Maybe we will meet somewhere for a cup of coffee? I think it will be more convenient this way. In general, I really love to travel around Russia. I can give you some more interesting routes)

And why not?)) Today I am busy, but it is possible tomorrow after work. I finish at 8 at Amethyst. Comfortable?

Yes, it's convenient. Leave your number, please. In case I lose you there)

79213345ххх see you)

What you can't start correspondence with: the most common mistakes

The most common mistakes are as follows:

  • Platitudes The first message must be original. You cannot start a conversation with cliches or hackneyed phrases, for example: “Hello! How are you?". If you write something like that - in 9 cases out of 10 she will simply ignore the message;
  • Sexual hints. And this includes not only messages of the type: "I would like to look at you up close!"
  • Use of slang expressions and obscene words. It seems that this is understandable, but many of the first messages from men are still replete with various "Che". And if the girl decided to ignore you or immediately dismissed you (albeit in a rude form), in no case should you call her names. Even if you never cross again, keep face and do not stoop to this;
  • The presence of grammatical errors. Check what you write. Pay special attention to the commas. No one will find fault if minor punctuation errors slip through the message, but the complete lack of understanding of the grammar of the Russian language will definitely scare an adult girl away;
  • Deception. Using a "fake" page or one where there are no personal photos. Put yourself in the girl's shoes: in her place would you meet a person who has no friends on the page, and has a Hollywood actor or the latest Lamborghini model as a profile photo?

The girl replied to the message: what's next?

So, you managed to interest the woman and she replied to your message. What to do next? The best solution is to go directly to your goal.

If you want a close relationship, immediately invite her on a date and take a phone number. You need to use the moment while her attention is fully focused on you. The longer you wait, the more likely she will refuse to meet live.

Remember! Aimless messaging is a waste of precious time.

If the girl agreed to go on a date, you need to immediately appoint a place. Here's a selection of where to go on your first date.

A great way to make a good impression on a date is to surprise the girl, surprise her. Here are some ways to do it.

If the girl did not agree to a date, this is not a reason to give up. There is no need to remove it from your contacts and send it to the black list. You can continue to communicate with her. Don't forget, the more you interact with girls, the better it will be. In addition, if you are interested in her correspondence, then she will definitely give a second chance. Several, which can be used for correspondence here.

In any case, if you want to be successful with women, then you need to develop.

Brief conclusions

In a word, for a successful first message, you need to briefly and succinctly describe the purpose of the address. Sometimes you can speak directly about the desire to get to know each other, but it is more effective to use any pretext. Don't forget to tidy up the page, double-check the grammar, and get ready to deal with objections.

Do not pressure the girl, keep a positive attitude and remember that the purpose of your first message is to meet. Communication just for the sake of communication in this case does not make sense. And if at first the young lady refused to meet with you, but continued the correspondence, then you just have to wait. Give the girl a couple of days to get to know you better.

In the era of scientific and technological progress, Internet dating is the most popular. Each user has computers with access to the worldwide network. This is not only a source of information, but also an opportunity to communicate, find new friends. The Internet has long replaced post and telegraph services. The answer can be received instantly, no need to wait.

If you can't find a soul mate in real life, you can try in a virtual one. The social network "VKontakte" is a popular place for acquaintances of modern youth. It's easy and safe to meet here, so most of the guys are looking for a soul mate here. It is not customary to post vulgar photos here, so the site is quite suitable for communication.

Online dating has several benefits. In the profile, you can immediately see if a girl has a boyfriend, what she is interested in, what films and music she is interested in. You don't have to spend money on flowers and sweets, dinner at a cafe to find out what it is. There is always an opportunity to choose the best candidate for a date using the correspondence.

Girl's choice

Often young people are embarrassed to approach a girl on the street to get to know each other. If you find it difficult to find eye contact, or are intimidated by dating in public places, try using the internet. Apply smartness, persistence, sense of humor, choosing beautiful phrases for acquaintance. You are guaranteed success, you will forget about loneliness. After all, it is very important for a person to have a soul mate.

If you don't have a girlfriend in mind, then check out the profiles of several beauties. To do this, you should use the search. Choose a friend who lives in your city. Then it will be easier to meet. Of course, love knows no boundaries. But distance can be a serious barrier to your relationship. You should like the girl outwardly or have common interests with you.

When studying the questionnaires, pay attention to the user's page. To find a real girl, you need to make sure you're not on a fake page. If there are enough photos in the profile, they show the same person, then this increases the chance of finding a normal and adequate woman. On the VKontakte wall you can determine what a person is. Check out the groups the girl is in. It will be easier for you to find common interests, choose a topic for conversation.

Perhaps you have mutual friends. Then you can ask your comrades with whom you are going to communicate. You need to look at your marital status. If a girl is engaged, married, dating, or in love, then there is no need to destroy her personal life. It is worth "in active search" - you are on the right track. If the box is not filled in, there is a chance that the beautiful lady is free.

Your profile should also be filled out accordingly. Curious people will definitely look at your page, get acquainted with your notes, hobbies and occupation. Decorate it accordingly. Post statuses, pictures that reflect your principles of life. Add music and videos to your profile. It's easier to draw attention to yourself this way. There should be no vulgarity or vulgarity on your wall to make a good impression on you. The girl will definitely look at your friends list. If there are a lot of women in it, they will not want to communicate with you. The woman will not miss the opportunity to test your literacy. Watch your speech. Illiterate people are not of particular interest. Viewing your profile is essential to make sure you are not a womanizer and a person with only booze and cigarettes on your mind.

Action plan for decorating your page

1. Open access to your profile to all users. This will enable the girl to explore your personality by looking at your profile information.

2. Remove incriminating photos and files that characterize you from the worst side.

3. Check the profile for grammatical errors.

4. Remove all obscene language and nude photos.

5. Add interesting movies, beautiful music.

6. Fill in the field with hobbies. Do not write that you are fond of computer and gambling.

Procedure when meeting a girl

1. Carefully review and study the profile.

2. Find hobbies by browsing hobbies, worksheet with music and movies. Check out the groups she joined.

3. View albums with photos. Like, comment on the pictures you like.

4. Change your profile by adding her favorite songs, movies and games to your page.

5. Throw a friend request.

6. Write a personal message.

How do I start a conversation?

When starting a conversation, it is better to contact the interlocutor on you. By doing this, you show your respect for her. In the process of correspondence, you will be transferred to "you". You need to represent with your real name.

The same laws apply on the Internet as in life. If you delay acquaintance for a long time, then in your place will be someone else, more courageous and decisive. Don't be afraid to start a conversation. Trying is not torture. You will not lose anything if you write something to a girl, and she will refuse you.

Suppose you have found the object of your desires. Now we need to act. The first phrase is the key to a successful acquaintance. If you choose it correctly, it will facilitate your further actions.

Many guys try to find template phrases for dating on the Internet. It would be so simple, everyone lived happily, there would be no problems. To attract a girl, you need to try. Even if you are not a charming handsome man, you have a chance to find a soul mate. Witty phrases can help in this matter. But remember that every young lady is different. What one likes will upset or hurt the other. It is not always appropriate to use templates. The dating process needs to be creative.

Forbidden phrases and techniques

1. A banal winking emoticon will not interest the girl. She will immediately understand that you are not distinguished by originality and imagination. She will not want to communicate with such an interlocutor.

2. A direct request to get to know each other will not bring success. The interlocutor will think that in front of her is a frivolous person, and he sent such messages to all the girls, just to attract someone.

3. If you ask for a date in the first message, the act will be judged frivolous. She will interpret this as an offer to sleep.

4. Asking to switch phone numbers may lead to speculation that you are a psycho or a maniac. Normal people don't give their phone number to strangers. The black list is provided for you.

5. Don't ask if she has a boyfriend or husband. It's not beautiful. An acquaintance should not start like that.

It seems that there is nothing so terrible in these phrases. But if you apply them immediately, then you will be referred to the representatives of the gray mass, they will understand that they are a bore. All beautiful ladies are waiting for the one and only person.

How to get acquainted?

Carefully study the photos that the girl posted on her profile. Find the ones that interest you.

1. The girl is photographed at sea. Ask her where she rested, whether she liked it. Ask for advice on where to rest.

2. Your muse is holding a pet. Compliment the animal. Ask if this animal lives in her house. Ask if it is difficult to care, if she is happy with her choice.

3. There is a snapshot with a familiar place. Say that you were here too, you like it here. Find out if the place likes it.

4. Just a nice photo. You can express your admiration, say that she looks gorgeous.

5. I liked the dress, handbag, shoes. Ask for help in choosing a gift for your sister, and you rely on her amazing taste.

Your words should inspire action. Write what will not leave the girl unattended. She herself should be willing to continue communicating and respond. Believe me, beauties can talk for hours about what interests them.

If the girl speaks languages, ask for help translating a sentence or phrase. Working out in the gym or pool - learn about their advantages and disadvantages.

Short phrases for the first message

If you just say hello, you will not interest the person. You should not select banal and uninteresting phrases. You need to write in such a way as to intrigue and the girl drew herself an image of a cool and witty guy. A tempting phrase can attract a lady. You will find your happiness, so take what you write seriously. Pickup experts advise using sentences that contain flattery, a compliment. You can try writing a message to hurt the girl's self-esteem.

You can use phrases like these to find your favorite. But remember that the path to a friend's heart is different for everyone.

Hey! I was looking for you for a long time, and you find yourself here!

I have long wanted to meet such a girl.

Your beauty cannot be compared to anything. You are unique!

Good evening. I would like to get to know you better. You do not mind, do you?

Do I have a chance to meet such a beautiful girl? If so, let me know.

Oh, and I, in my opinion, saw you in some movie!

Today is a wonderful day! Do you think so too?

Aren't you royalty? Look like a princess!

I had a desire to find happiness after seeing your profile.

Girl, do you have a dream? And I dream to meet you.

Hello. And I saw you in a dream today. Help me make it a reality.

Girl, do you know what it takes to get to know you?

I read in your profile that you do not smoke. I always dreamed of meeting a girl who leads a healthy lifestyle.

Congratulations on finding you. Let's celebrate.

Do you remember me? We met in a dream. But I sat on a white horse.

Didn't it hurt you to fall from heaven?

Is it your natural beauty or have you found a professional photographer?

Are you looking for the perfect man by any chance?

I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to meet you. But I'm the best.

Let me make you happy.

Today is such a wonderful day. How not to write to such a lovely girl?

Hey! You are very beautiful. You look gorgeous.

I am very lucky today. I found the most charming and cutest girl. May I meet you?

Girl, what are you planning to do for the rest of your life? Is it possible to include me in the list of your life plans?

You know you hit me with your gaze? You are insanely beautiful!

You've probably put a lot of effort and energy into looking that good. I fell for your bait.

You spend a lot of time on VKontakte. Maybe we will knead the bones and take a walk somewhere?

Are you looking for your destiny by any chance? I invite you to meet!

Doesn't your mother need a son-in-law?

Hey! Maybe we can talk here or in reality?

Do you like me?

It is not worth to overwhelm the girl with messages. In the process of correspondence, she must make a choice on her own. Don't put pressure on her. Give yourself the freedom to make your decisions. It takes at least a day to get the desired answer. Remember, a girl will be interested in a decent guy who doesn't drink or smoke. She will definitely visit your page, but she will not leave any traces.

It is not necessary to communicate for a long time virtually. Otherwise, you will only correspond on the social network. Find out the girl's number, make an appointment. Do not call right away, the pause may be in your favor. You don't need to give your number first, because no self-respecting woman will call first. On a date, you need to be yourself. Here you will not be able to use the template beautiful phrases from the Internet. Be friendly and you will succeed.

Make sure you're not being used and your new girlfriend doesn't have a boyfriend. Unfortunately, life is such that girls can use women to realize their desires.

No amount of advice will help if the girl does not consider you the hero of her novel. Perhaps you are not her type or she has a loved one. Don't be discouraged and try to meet other women.

Everything is in your hands and depends only on you. The first impression plays an important role in meeting people. Try to immediately show what you are capable of.

Virtual love article pages

Too original sms to a girl in which you praise her beauty have not worked for a long time. The reason is that by showing your heightened interest, you make yourself less desirable in her eyes. In addition, she will feel if you use a template SMS.

At the same time, there are also such texts that will make you a really interesting guy in her eyes. I present to your attention a selection of original sms for a girl. After reading the article you will find at least 5 pieces that you can immediately use with your girlfriend.

Cheeky and fun style

Girls know that if a guy writes something slightly rude or "sharp", then he has increased confidence. At the same time, completely serious SMS with rudeness can offend her.

But if you combine audacity and humor, then she will wonder if you are telling the truth or joking.

Examples of such SMS:

« Do me a little favor ... text me back. Just hello or something)". And when she answers, continue: “ You see, my friends don't believe that blondes can write SMS. But we will show them, friend))) ».

« What are you doing? Well, besides that, and are you drawing a heart on a piece of paper? "- this SMS will cause her a surge of emotions, because she could not think about you at all. And even more so, do not draw hearts on paper. This will show her that you are a little cocky and cocky.

« The news reported that a girl who looked like you was taken to a psychiatric hospital. She wore only thongs and rode rides. I'll come for you, but just promise that this won't happen again ».

« Oh check it out cool guy vk. com / your_ id ».

« These innocent eyes, juicy lips, snow-white smile ... everything is so tasty) But what are we all about me - how are you doing? ».

Ideally, any jokes should be combined with warmth. This creates a special effect: on the one hand, you are cocky, on the other hand, you are caring. For this à

Use nicknames!

It is advisable to give her some interesting nickname when meeting or in the process of communication. It has long been accepted that nicknames are given only by relatives or very close people. This means that by calling her something special in SMS, you will immediately stand out against the background of most of her boring fans.

For example, if she has long eyelashes or pronounced eyes, then call her "eyelash".

More options for nicknames: Curly, Baby, Freckle, Princess, Snow White, Goldilocks.

Feel free to use any interesting nickname, even if she is too "seriously" surprised that you call her that.

Role reversal

Another interesting kind of original is the role reversal.

« Just don't take it personally if at a meeting with you I whine and demand a lot of attention. ».

« Madaaam, when will you invite me to dinner by candlelight? ».

« Listen, let's go this weekend at ...<известный ТЦ>, will you buy me something? ».

« I just thought, maybe you and I will put off all this ... And sometimes you make me feel like some kind of meat ».

« Hey, stop thinking about me! I feel it all well ... little pervert ».

« Stop thinking about me so much »

« Already miss? »(It is better to write to the one with whom you had a good date or sex).

Let him fight!

There is another type of original sms for a girl. These are the sms that show that you are moving away from her now or did not let her close to you until now.

Such SMS makes the girl understand that she needs to fight for you, and if she does not do this, she may lose you.

« Yeah, I thought too much of you "- write this to her if she wrote you something bad.

« Of all the Katya I know ... I think I like you the most ».

« I was just thinking about you, how nice it would be if you were there and cook me a delicious dinner. Well, and the dishes, so be it, I would wash it myself ».

Role-playing games

« Something boring. Let's fly to Las Vegas and marry you to the fattest Elvis Presley lookalike? ».

With such original SMS, you immerse the girl in an alternative reality. And, most likely, she will gladly reciprocate you.

« I figured out where we will eat today. Let's find some decent strip club and have dinner. At the same time we will earn a lot of money thanks to you ».

« Listen, and we flew to Las Vegas, get married there, then we will argue about what to call our third child, divorce and grow old in depression and loneliness ...? ».

When you want to surprise and amaze a young lady right away, the first phrase for dating a girl should not be formulaic. "Hello how are you?" or "May I meet you?" do not fit at all. by the art of a pickup, he often understands likes, beautiful music on the wall in social networks, or banal messages asking a girl about her mood, plans, where she will walk and whether it can be done together. Sheer banal ...

Briefly about the main

Everyone has long forgotten about the medieval courtly knights, who could not only make a compliment or compose a poem, but were ready to go through fire, water, and copper pipes to protect the honor of a completely unfamiliar lady.

All this seems to be ridiculous today, but the fact remains: guys often not only make phrases for dating girls unbearably of the same type and do not cling to either the living or the dead, but they often start a conversation with rudeness or vulgarity, which is completely already looks not only indecent, but also meaningless. What normal girl wants to communicate with a young man who spews foul language at the very first moment of meeting? No guys, that's not cool at all ...

Dating on the street

It just so happened that the telephone and the Internet did not appear since the dawn of mankind, so initially everyone met in the clean air or at someone's home. The second option was and is quite popular and reliable, because there is no need to fantasize and think about what to say to a young lady: a conversation is started with the help of mutual acquaintances on interesting topics at once.

It's another matter when you like a girl walking towards you on the street, and you just cannot miss such beauty by yourself. What should I say to a girl? The first rule of such an acquaintance is not to hesitate! In no case! The moment when the subject of your attention will be nearby is short-lived, so feel free to come up, run up and fire from all the machine guns, so much so that it is original and cute. Questions "Can you tell me what time it is?" or "How to get to the library?" are trivial.

"Correct" phrases for live dating

The main advantage here is your appearance, which, from a purely psychological point of view, pushes or, conversely, removes the girl. However, what you say is just as important. Be confident and focused. Here are some good dating phrases for you:

  • Girl, I can't live without you!
  • How much is a minute of your time worth? I probably won't earn that much in my entire life ...
  • You shine brighter than the sun and outshine the whole world ...
  • Does it seem to me, or just from your gaze, all the flowers around have bloomed?
  • If ever I meet you again, I promise we'll get married!
  • Girl, can you tell me how I can make you happy?
  • Your beauty is not worshiped by one of the ancient tribes of the Indians?

World Wide Web: an outlet for the shy and an additional front for the outgoing. Types of dating

Recently, the so-called internet dating is gaining special popularity. They can even be classified according to the platforms on which they occur:

  1. Special sites where users are purposefully looking for couples (Mamba, Badoo and many others).
  2. Social networks where you can view photos and write a private message to any person (VKontakte, Facebook).
  3. All kinds of messengers (for example, Skype or ICQ), where there is no access to visual data, but you can conduct a dialogue online if you have a girl's login in advance. “Blind” acquaintances on such resources are very interesting, when you do not know what the interlocutor looks like in person.

Of course, it is easier for people, without leaving home and sipping a cup of tea, tapping their fingers on the keyboard and looking for new interesting people, whom they may meet later, or may not. The first phrases for dating a girl on the Internet play a key role for subsequent communication: she is interested in you or something has caused her bewilderment and negative reaction.

What you can't write about and what you need to pay special attention to when communicating

Since there are a lot of options for this acquaintance and they are diverse (from colorful compliments to an unknown lady to offers to fly together in a hot air balloon), let's go from the opposite and name phrases for dating a girl on the Internet that are highly discouraged to use:

  • Hello how are you?
  • How's your weather?
  • What are you doing?
  • How are you?
  • Let's go for a walk?
  • Give me your number - I'll call you now.

To all these questions, the girl will either answer a lie (which is already suggested by their very wording), or negatively. Who would trust their thoughts and problems to an outsider?

And here for dessert some tips for meeting you:

  1. If you have previously read her profile on a dating site, then immediately ask a question about her interests.
  2. Try a provocative statement about the girl that would make her express her opinion.
  3. Compliment her talents and say that you can't do that, but would like to learn.
  4. Take this fortress with high-quality smart humor, sometimes even banter, just do not overdo it: smart girls may not accept this option of communication.

Suitable phrases for dating a girl "Vkontakte"

This social network is the most widespread among young people, so one cannot but mention it separately. Of course, here quite often there are attempts to start a conversation with an unfamiliar girl, to which the design of the site itself has, where all her photos, hobbies, areas of activity, friends with whom she walks are immediately visible, and you can even see if she is now in relationship. This is very convenient for putting together a complete picture of a person.

However, unfortunately, the first phrases for dating a girl "VKontakte" are not particularly original and rarely go beyond the template sentences like "Can I meet you" or "You are so beautiful." Guys, turn on your imagination, brains and even sometimes sexuality and interest the girls with unusual offers!

Here's a small example:

  • "Let's get into business: you will distract men with your beauty, and I will steal their wallets."
  • "Let's fly together in dreams."
  • "I want you to be my queen, and I will help you to rule the nations."

Dating girls from the phone: is the game worth the candle?

This way of starting a conversation and asking for a date or just chatting, involves two options: via SMS and directly talking on a mobile connection. Usually everything starts with messages, and if they are successful (the young lady actively answers them and has a fascinating conversation), then the second stage will be the calls directly. Let's consider all the subtleties of this process.

SMS attacks

Imagine that you have a girl's number, you hold a phone in your hand and do not know where to start. Experienced guys are advised to initially start communication with the help of messages (although it all depends on the specific situation). Here a completely natural question immediately arises: what to write to a girl when you meet?

Let's start with what not to do:

  • Write boilerplate phrases like "Hello, how are you?" and others like them.
  • Asking too many questions, and even personal ones, is better to ask when you meet.
  • Frankly send it off at the first stage of acquaintance.

But to hook her, the following phrases for dating girls are suitable:

  • "Hello, you are a very unusual girl ..."

Then she will become interested in what exactly you consider unusual in her, and she will ask you to explain. Well, here it is already a matter of your imagination.

  • "I can make you happy! .."

Or a little eroticism after you have known each other for several days or even met:

  • "I want to be with you under the blanket for hugs."
  • “I am good at massage. I offer my modest services. "

All of this will turn the girl on and make your relationship more trusting.

Of course, you should not overdo it with SMS, because always live communication and the voice of another person are much more effective. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to call, be sure to dial her number, and go!

Calls and their secrets

What to say to a girl on the phone when you first talk? First, let's talk about the main mistakes that young people make when they decide to conquer a lady with a call:

  • Uncertainty in the voice: the girl should never feel that you doubt or are afraid of rejection, because this will immediately put you in a bad light.
  • Quiet or very often guys think that this way they seem romantic and mysterious, but in fact it looks like you are whispering and swallowing endings, as a result of which, if the girl does not hear something, misunderstandings may arise.
  • Very fast speech: many, when they want to make an impression, start jabbering in such a way that they already crackle in their ears - this is very tiring and introduces the listener into tension.
  • Interrogative form: men often sin on phrases like:
    - Let's take a walk around the city tomorrow night or go to the cinema?
  • You need to express yourself correctly without begging:
    - Let's go to the cinema tomorrow night, or you can take a walk around the city.

And the secret here is very simple: the girl will feel confidence and decisiveness in the guy, and she will have no choice but to agree. Therefore, do not ask stupid and even smart questions - immediately invite her in an affirmative form.

Blitz Krieg Workshop

Here's a plan to make 95 out of 100 phone dating attempts end up with a live date:

  1. Greet her.
  2. Ask if she recognized the interlocutor.
  3. Give the reason why you are calling her right now (for example, you saw her number in the phone book and decided to dial).
  4. You pretend to remember where you met after all, but this, of course, is ineffectual. But in the process you will learn a lot of necessary information about the person.
  5. You argue that a girl like her, of course, could not give a number to just anyone, and invite her to a meeting.
  6. Be sure to set the exact time and place of the date.
  7. Say goodbye.

So, here are a lot of tips that reveal the secret of how to get to know a girl correctly. So do not throw up banal phrases for dating girls in the hope of an answer that you are unlikely to receive, and if it does, it will most likely be negative. Imagine and surprise the weaker sex!