How to understand if a guy fell in love with you. The main signs of a man's true love. How to understand that a man is in love: external changes

Falling in love or even feeling a little sympathy, girls are usually afraid to admit their feelings. I want confidence and reciprocity at first sight, this is what pushes many young girls and mature women to come up with various workarounds that made it possible to understand that the guy is in love, but hides his feelings.

Everything is greatly simplified if a guy openly expresses his sympathy on a verbal level, says that he is in love or showered with numerous compliments. Statements may relate to the ideality of the girl or her exclusivity - here only a very notorious person will find excuses why this is not evidence that the guy is in love with her.

But often it is not necessary to count on verbal confessions during the period of uncertainty in the relationship, since men are more accustomed to talking about everything with their behavior and gestures, constant attitude. In addition, various romantic confessions cause some stupor in guys, because the emotional sphere is not their main advantage, and where a girl is able to spend hours figuring out the details of a relationship and interaction, guys can limit themselves to just one word. Therefore, in attempts to find out his true attitude, one should be guided by action.

Guy behavior

When the question arises of how to understand that a guy is in love, but hides his feelings, the opportunity to analyze his behavior, the peculiarities of constructing a conversation, as well as facial expressions and gestures comes to the rescue. Many guys tend to hide their experiences, especially those associated with tender feelings of love and affection. In adolescents, this is considered a weakness, and the guy is afraid of peer ridicule, fear of rejection or humiliation. The ability to openly manifest the entire spectrum of one's emotional experiences is acquired along with personal maturity, the onset of which does not directly depend on biological age.

Sympathy breaks through with unconscious behavior. The first thing that a girl can notice is the guy's desire to always be somewhere nearby, not the fact that this is purposeful surveillance, it's just that the psyche strives for something that causes pleasant emotions. Track unconscious gestures when the distance between you is closing. When there is a desire to please, a person begins to unconsciously smarten up, make himself more presentable - straighten his clothes, smooth his hair, warm or rub his hands.

Glances play a lot in interpersonal interaction. There are two types of sympathy that can be expressed: peeping (from behind the phone or in a conversation with others), open and inviting observation (a direct, often uninterrupted glance at a girl confuses many or catches up with fear). In the first case, the guy tests reality, collects information, perhaps also tries to understand how attractive he is to the girl, in the second he actively provokes her to contact, and the ambiguity of his relationship is excluded.

Whether a guy is in love with you can be understood if, when you appear, a young man is embarrassed and becomes excessively quiet, or, on the contrary, behaves too defiantly against the background of excitement. In any case, the behavior will be aimed at obtaining tactile contact - to convey some thing, support on the stairs, hug when greeting, accidentally touch your elbows and other options.

Pay attention to the amount of help offered - this is the main point of how guys show their interest. It can go so far as to get ridiculous when a fan is forced to bring you a loaf of bread or help you cross the street. The desire to be needed and useful is the main feature of a guy in love.

Signs of sympathy

There is no one correct word or signal that makes it clear that a guy is in love with you, but there is a specific checklist to help you notice things that previously escaped the gaze. By the way, one of the first moments that betray a person's attitude are the eyes, but you can not only observe the views of others, you can provoke and set up your own experiments. So, try to gaze intently at the person whose feelings you want to understand, do not look away, and try to keep his gaze. Try to talk like this, silently without words, with your eyes alone - the longer this contact lasts and the more feelings it evokes, the more the guy is in love with the girl.

Mimicry does not lend itself to complete correction of consciousness, and the true attitude will manifest itself in the micromovements of the facial muscles. The appearance of an object of sympathy always arouses heightened interest, which can look like a somewhat surprised facial expression. A high level of interest makes a person wonder at any manifestation of another. A barely noticeable smile, which is present all the time of communication, can freeze on the guy's face - observe that this is not a simple politeness, because it is impossible to keep a tight smile for a long time, solely from internal motives.

Signs of sympathy are also present at the vegetative level - the color of the skin changes (redness or pallor), the pulse quickens, the pupils dilate. Guys especially change the timbre and volume of the voice, it becomes lower and velvety. All these moments cannot be controlled, since they are evolutionarily created to find out more information about the object of attention, but also to attract interest.

Relaxed, open gestures signal readiness for interaction and disposition to communicate. But keep in mind that if the level of internal feelings is quite high, then the guy can be pinched in the presence of the girl and behave like an extremely antisocial type. The general orientation of the partner's body will help to understand such reactions. Even the one who responds rudely or sits in a closed position will be turned to the object of his sympathy, so that if not interact, then observe the girl.

Even if you see all the signs of sympathy for your person, take a closer look to see if this is the only one addressed to you. For those who collect attention or just like to maintain friendships, the same behavioral manifestation is characteristic, with one difference - it is applicable to all acquaintances.

Guy chat

When a guy initiates communication himself, and then also seeks to extend its duration, then there are not many options about his true attitude. The girl may notice that it is this young man who, enthusiastically and without interrupting, listens to her stories, while in his comments there are no devaluating remarks and attempts to move on to another topic. Rather, the development of the topic and asking additional questions are characteristic, and the questions will also be of a specific nature - concerning the girl's personal preferences, her attitude to a specific situation.

A sympathetic guy can find out desires and areas of interest, which is like collecting a dossier in order to please his chosen one later.

Inquiries about personal life, attitudes towards family, marriage, children testifies not only to the presence of interest, but also to sufficiently serious intentions and far-reaching joint plans. Variants of sympathy in communication with a more progressive increase in feelings can manifest itself in humorous remarks, banter, translating simple formal communication into cheerful flirting.

Please note that guys only joke with those girls who are attractive to them, but if you have only friendly or business relationships, then the amount of humor will be minimal.

The appearance of increased politeness in the treatment is possible. To consider politeness as a sign of sympathy is possible only from the perspective of those individuals who usually do not possess it and who do not particularly care about the opinions of others. In such situations, if the rude and boor becomes courteous, and an ordinary harsh guy begins to resemble a young man from the nineteenth century, you can definitely talk about falling in love with the one to whom high-pitched speeches are intended.

Communication in social networks and messengers is indicative. When a guy answers as quickly as possible, and his answers are detailed and meaningful, this clearly makes it clear that the guy is in love. The Internet makes it possible to continue communication after parting in reality. Not every guy can afford to get bored with constant messages, so he will use other methods - likes and posts on the wall, sending gifts and videos, tagging the girl in the publication.

Signs of falling in love

Signs of sympathy can lead a girl down the wrong path. Indeed, there are non-verbal manifestations and the nature of communication, indicating a person's interest, but there is no guarantee that this interest is of a romantic nature.

You can understand that a guy is in love if he always notes the girl's merits, appreciates her appearance, or simply notices her good mood. His own admiration makes it pretty easy for him to generate compliments. He can be active to the extent that the girl already considers this an obsession, the person is less able to navigate the interpersonal distance and not violate it too rudely. Lovers strive to practically merge with the object of their passion, hence the desire for frequent touching and being in close proximity.

A guy in love has a tendency to sacrifice his own interests or property for no apparent reason. Anyone who is simply interested in communication will give you his favorite game, only in pursuit of selfish goals or in exchange for something. A guy in love can easily part with a jacket, lunch, money, the latest phone model and his own time in deadline mode. motivates and inspires, so if you notice that someone who was quite fearful stands up for you in front of hooligans or a gang of gangsters, then the reason lies in the fact that the guy is in love. There may be more destructive manifestations of suddenly formed courage - the guy himself begins to provoke others in order to look cool in the eyes of the chosen one.

A jealous attitude towards a girl, accompanied by complete trust in her (for example, inviting her to his home, providing a personal computer for use, and so on) show the instability of the emotional state of the lover. A guy can win attention without words, enveloping the girl with care, constantly learning about the state of her affairs and the proposal to solve even those problems where it is easy to cope on their own.

Constant presentations and attempts to guess the girl's desires occur against the will of the young man - this is a way to show your attitude. If you like, this is a biological program and the production of the same mammoth, which has now been transformed into teddy bears and sweets.

Who among us has never dreamed of feeling like Dr. Lightman from the popular TV series "The Theory of Lies" at least once in his life? Learn to instantly read emotions, unravel the secrets of others and determine what they think about by looking. What passions are hidden behind a mask of indifference or a polite smile on duty? What are your friends and acquaintances discussing behind your back? How do you know if a guy loves you?

So many questions and only one answer. Everything is possible. If you wish, you can learn to understand motives and aspirations, read people's emotions as well as psychologists. This requires attentiveness, dedication, knowledge of the secrets of human psychology and, of course, constant practice.

How do you know if a guy loves you? There are several levels of verification. The first way is to observe the young man, to study oddities, unusual moments in behavior. What should you pay attention to?

For superficial diagnostics, the express method is suitable - try to talk to the "suspect". Let it be a friendly conversation on neutral topics. Don't ask directly.

Listen to compliments. If a young man talks about your beauty, praises you for your quick-wittedness and a wonderful sense of humor, the gentleman is interested in you and wants to please. The signal that a guy is in love is hints of your importance to him.

Compliments made by an enthusiastic young man are especially sensual and sweet. At the same time, if the boy is modest, it will be difficult for him to hide the excitement and small tremors from the attentive girlish gaze.

In one-on-one communication, the young man will feel awkward, afraid to seem stupid or offend the chosen one with an imprudent statement. Sometimes boys are ashamed of their feelings and try to hide their excitement behind demonstrative indifference.

How do you know if a guy loves you? True feelings will be revealed by the “mirror of the soul”. Pay special attention to the gaze of the interlocutor. If you like the girl very much, the eyes of the young man will shine in a special way, giving out all the thoughts and dreams.

If a girl is tactful and well-mannered, she will show delicacy and respect, which will help the young man to open up.

How to check a guy without truth serum if he loves me? The second way is to study non-verbal signs. But we'll talk about this a little later.

Top 10 main signs of falling in love

10 signs that a guy has fallen in love with a girl:

  1. He follows you with his gaze, looks as if hypnotized, but turns away sharply if you notice it.
  2. Shows concern, supports and tries to protect, behaves differently with you than in everyday conversations with other people. Perhaps the boy is really just a good friend, but, most likely, when you are next to him, his heart pounds faster.
  3. You can talk for hours, completely forgetting about the time. The young man asks a lot of questions, talks about himself, shares pleasant memories and tries to cheer you up.
  4. Shows attention to detail. Worries that the chosen one does not freeze, convincing her to wear a hat and a warm scarf. Share the tastiest piece of cake. She will give up her place in the theater and give her jacket in the rain so that the girl does not get wet.
  5. Smiles often. If a boy fell in love with you, you don't have to worry about your shortcomings or words spoken out of place. Even the most stupid actions will seem to him cute oddities. The secret is simple: a person in love tends to idealize the chosen one. This is the magic of love.
  6. I am ready to open up, to trust, to show my real self, without lies and pretense. An ordinary person who has flaws and weaknesses. If a young man does not hide his real feelings from you, although in the company of other girls he always behaves with restraint, caution and extremely polite, this means that you are a very important person for him.
  7. Respects personal space, does not impose his interests, does not try to limit your freedom. He does not suit scenes of jealousy, because he knows how important it is to trust your partner and appreciates your relationship.
  8. He tries to take care of himself. Sometimes a young man is even ready to change his image and give up bad habits in order to become more attractive to the girl he likes. A guy in love behaves like a true gentleman: from the offer to carry a heavy backpack or help with a physics test, to the readiness to always help out in difficult times in the broadest sense of the word. Thus, the young man demonstrates that he is a worthy candidate for a relationship and tries to attract the attention of a potential girl.
  9. Constantly looking for meetings. Adjusts the life schedule and routes so as to see the lady of the heart more often. If at a party with mutual friends, on public transport, during evening walks in the park, you meet the same young man who does not take his eyes off you, it is unlikely that this is just a coincidence. Perhaps the gentleman is too modest and does not dare to approach. In this case, it is worth taking the first step, getting to know him better. What if it turns out that he's been in love with you for a long time? I even asked a classmate or best friend about what flowers and sweets you like.
  10. I am ready to indulge the whims and perform unusual, sometimes even crazy actions, to realize any desire, just to attract your attention. But do not abuse your power over the gentleman, otherwise he will be disappointed as soon as he feels that he is being used for personal purposes. You can't play with people's feelings.

Feelings at a glance or secrets of psychology

Now you know what explains the strange behavior of the guy at school. This feature is especially pronounced in adolescents. He, of course, does not pull the pigtails he likes, does not scatter her pencils and throw a tiny mouse into his backpack, as younger guys do.

But, for the sake of his beloved, a young man sometimes also performs very non-trivial acts. From serenades under the windows, cute everyday surprises painted with confessions from the walls of a neighbor's house and fireworks for the birthday of a beautiful girl to a huge heart of rose petals and a personalized basket of sweets.

Gifts are another signal of sympathy. The lover, as a rule, tries to make the chosen one happy in all possible ways.

How to understand if a guy really feels for a girl? Stop worrying, harass yourself. Pay attention to the psychological clue - non-verbal signs of falling in love in adolescents.

Learning body language

Find out the whole truth about the feelings of a young man will tell the body language - facial expressions and gestures. How to determine whether he loves you? Just remember the typical movements that indicate that you have a secret admirer.

If a boy next to you or during a conversation pulls at his clothes, straightens his hair, actively gesticulates, does not know what to do with his hands, brushes invisible dust from his jacket, hesitates to look into the eyes for a long time, then he is not indifferent to you.

Confused and nervous speech, long pauses, which is not typical for this young man, also serve as a bright signal of sympathy.

In communicating with other people, including the fair sex, he behaves differently, but in the company of such a charming young lady he stumbles, cannot find the right words, is afraid to seem impolite, stupid.

The whole truth about feelings can be learned from a rapid heart rate and dilated pupils. Light, as if "accidental" your touch causes a tremor of excitement. The boyfriend gets lost, gets confused in words, tries with the last bit of strength to maintain an indifferent expression on his face, without betraying excitement.

If the interlocutor is sweating, he is embarrassed and blushes or turns pale, this also indicates that the gentleman is in love. It is not for nothing that the people say that the admirer always “breathes unevenly” towards his passion.

Pay attention to the socks of your shoes. Are they pointing in your direction? This is a very good sign. And if the gentleman does not take his eyes off his lips during a conversation, then he does not mind kissing his interlocutor.

When communicating, the boyfriend will try to be closer, he does not want to leave the zone of trust. He can lightly touch his hand during a conversation, put his hand on the back of the chair on which the object of adoration sits.

Will try to copy your movements, becomes a kind of "mirror". Repeats the tilt of the body, characteristic postures. Even breathing, timbre and speech rate become identical.

Be patient, benevolent, sympathetic to the boy's attempts to attract attention, and he will definitely appreciate it. Is your "prince charming" hiding behind awkward movements, uncertain speech and ridiculously tousled hair?

How to understand that a man is in love? How is falling in love different from purely sexual attraction? How do you recognize a real feeling? When two people love, there is no need to look for answers to such questions, everything is clear anyway, without high words, unnecessary gestures and complex conclusions. The feeling is either there or not, and everything else, as they say, is from the evil one. When a woman is loved, she feels it with every cell of the body, every fiber of the soul, she blooms like a flower, shines brighter than the sun, the soul rejoices, the heart sings ... and others notice this, and the world rejoices, sings and rejoices with her.

However, women who are often flattered by male attention, and especially young inexperienced girls who are greedy for affection, compliments and a strong shoulder, take wishful thinking.

Subconscious signs of falling in love

Blinded by their own feelings, they dissolve in their beloved to the last drop, look at him through rose-colored glasses, or even completely close their eyes to any alarming signals. This self-deception does not end with anything good. Sooner or later, illusions collapse, rose-colored glasses turn into a microscope, the pink fog dissipates and becomes painful ... very painful, it's time to lick your wounds. But who is to blame? After all, if you analyze the behavior and attitude of the "loved one" towards you, it will become clear whether he really loved you or whether you just came up with a certain image that you yourself fell in love with. Moreover, most often it is not about deceiving or manipulating a woman's feelings, but about misunderstandings and women's notions.

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Is the man in love or just infatuated?

Sexual attraction is an integral part of love. This is a chemistry that arises between two people, the nature of which scientists are trying to figure out, but they still cannot figure it out to the end, so that they can give out a ready-made formula. If you feel and notice that a man is attracted to you, it is very good, because this purely physical feeling has every chance of developing into something more. Attraction is a great signal, because a man cannot love a woman he does not want, but wanting does not mean love yet. Do not flatter yourself especially. Passion for you can have a purely sporting interest for a man, and when the trophy is in the hands of the winner, all interest can come to naught. If a man to whom you are not indifferent wants intimacy with you - this is certainly a reason for joy. If you are desirable, you are a happy woman, but if you are looking for true love, and not entertainment for a couple of nights, do not rush to rush into the flames of passions.

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How to recognize attraction

All of these gestures indicate sexual attraction. The main thing is that they should be directed specifically at you, and not at your girlfriends. If you really like a man, this is already a reason for joy.

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Analysis of behavior and attitudes

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He wants to be with her

When a man is in love, he not only wants, but wants as much and more often just to be close to his beloved woman, seeks contact with her, tries to catch her eye more often. For a loving man, it is important not only bodily, but also spiritual rapprochement with a woman. He already feels good from the fact that She is near, that She is in this world at all. He is ready to listen and talk for hours. He is interested in her opinion and in general everything that concerns her.

A man in love wants to know as much as possible about his beloved: how she lives, how she breathes, what she loves. If a man is looking for a woman's company not only for the sake of her body and physical intimacy, the likelihood is high that this is indeed love.

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A man in love is generous and caring

This is not only about material generosity, although this, of course, should also be present, since we still live in the material world, occasionally rising into pink clouds. If a man is in love, and even more so if he loves, he spares no affection, no kisses, no warm words, no time, no attention for his beloved.

Only very mercantile and empty persons who are interested neither in the man himself, nor in the thickness of his wallet can satisfy with only expensive gifts and material benefits. No matter how busy and busy his work schedule is, a man in love will certainly carve out a minute for his beloved, because there is no one dearer and dearer to him in the world. To please your woman, please her, give her pleasure, guess her desires for a man in love is an internal need, and not a sign of weakness or henpecked.

If a woman reciprocates with a man, then everything that he gives to her will return to him a hundredfold with reciprocal caresses, kisses, warmth, care, admiration, respect and other small and big joys of life together. If a man is ready to adjust to your mood, if he is sincerely happy when he manages to calm, surprise, comfort, delight or protect you, you can be calm and confident that you are loved.

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A lover lets a woman into his life

Representatives of the stronger sex value their independence very much, they are great individualists and react extremely painfully to any restrictions and attempts to invade their personal space. But if a man is really in love, he will easily let you into his life, you will not have to take anything by storm, all doors will open before you by themselves. If a man is ready to share his personal space with you, if he allows you to run his house and even encourages it, if he is not annoyed by the tampons stored next to his shaving cream, this says a lot.

However, do not rush to flatter yourself, because if you were allowed to wash dirty linen, clean the apartment, iron shirts, cook breakfasts, lunches and dinners, maybe he is just too lazy to run the house himself, and you arrange him as a housekeeper, and even with a couple spicy bonuses 😉 A man in love is ready to let his beloved woman into his life much deeper than just letting her run a joint household: he introduces her to his parents and friends, he shares and makes plans with her, begins to think about creating a family and children. If all of this is present in your relationship, this is a clear sign of the seriousness of the man's intentions.

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A loving man is ready to make sacrifices

Serious relationships and living together require certain sacrifices and concessions on both sides. The willingness to make concessions and sacrifice something for the sake of another person speaks of love. However, the sacrifices must be reasonable. Requiring a professional dancer to quit dancing and become a housewife or professional boxer to do something less traumatic indicates a lack of love and a simple desire for a toy.

When you love, you love a person as he is, with all his "baggage", not for, not for, not in spite of, but simply love, sometimes without even realizing why. If a person begins to radically change his beloved or beloved, in fact he loves his own notion, which he is trying to mold from the material at hand. When a person truly loves, he gives and gives, without setting any conditions, without expecting praise and approval, and without demanding anything in return.

The main thing is that the loved one is good, that he be happy. These are wonderful feelings, testifying to the truth and sincerity of love, but they will bring joy and happiness only if they meet a similar response from the object of love. Otherwise, you will simply be used, and the relationship will acquire a certain sadomasochistic character.

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Will never hurt a loved one

A man in love values ​​his beloved and will never deliberately hurt her. Of course, everything happens in life and we are all different people, sometimes tactlessness, lack of delicacy or simple misunderstanding can hurt painfully, but in this case we are talking about pathological rudeness, deliberate cruelty, psychological pressure, constant humiliation and even the use of force. It is high time to root out the attitude “beats - it means loves”. If a man loves, he in every possible way seeks to protect and protect his beloved, and certainly not to hurt her in any way. Violence and love are incompatible. If a man raised his hand at least once, you can be sure that sooner or later he will definitely do it again, therefore, turning a blind eye to such antics, you untie his hands even more. Yes, undoubtedly, he is not indifferent to you, maybe he even loves you, but only with his special pathological love. It suits you?

An indicator of not just falling in love, but seriousness of intentions is a man's willingness to take responsibility for his beloved, the desire that this woman would become his wife, give birth to children and be with him in joy and sorrow.

In general, if a relationship has to be examined under a microscope and constantly analyzed something, it means that something is wrong there. If a man is in love, and even more so if he really loves you, and at the same time you are not indifferent to him, you will understand and feel everything without other people's prompts.

Hello dear readers of the site site. One of the most important questions that a woman asks herself is: what does the person with whom she is in love feel? Does he like her as much as she likes him, or maybe even more? Or is he just playing with her, without serious intentions? How to understand that a man is in love with a woman? And this is only a small part of the thoughts that swarm in a woman's head when she sees him, the very same prince.

Signs of a man in love

Of course, there is no 100% way to find out what the feelings of the person next to you are. And men often do not dare to speak about it directly. Because they usually do not talk about their feelings, but also because they are afraid of rejection, defeat. If you can't make up your mind to ask him directly, but have already managed to hopelessly fall in love, here are 10 proven ways to find out how he feels about you:

1. Gestures of a man in love

Study his body language. Gestures, facial expressions, hands say a lot, about the character and intentions of a person. If he behaves more tensely when he is near you, a little agitated, does not know where to put his hands, constantly fiddling with something - these are sure signs that he has some feelings for you. And even if this is not love yet, but it is already the first step towards it, isn't it?

2. The look of a man in love

Eye contact. It is not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. At a glance, they can always give out the feelings that we feel for each other. If he often looks into your eyes, as if looking for support and understanding of his words, or, on the contrary, is afraid to look into them, diligently averts his eyes, and when you turn away, he begins to study you, this is a sign that he is not indifferent to you. In this case, you need to provide him with support, make it clear that he can safely continue to flirt with you.

3. Behavior of a man in love in relation to other women

One of the easiest ways to find out how he is feeling is to compare his behavior with you and with other women. Natural, relaxed behavior with other women, and slightly agitated in your company, clearly shows how he has feelings for you and them.

4. A man in love notices details

Things that you like or, on the contrary, don't like. A sure sign of the origin of feelings when he notices such details. If he remembered your favorite films, music, books, things that you accidentally mentioned in a joint conversation, this, of course, is a sign of his not indifference to you.

5. Compliments from a man in love

Beautiful words, spoken with or without reason, always give out emotions in men. It's much easier to guess the person's feelings when they've complimented you. Most men are straightforward and, if he did not like you, of course, they would not give an unnecessary compliment. But the important thing here is to tag everything - both what he tells you and how he does it. If a man feels in love, then at the moment of pronouncing pleasant words, he will try to take your hand, look into your eyes, waiting for your reaction.

6. Prepositions to be by your side

If a man likes you and he has amorous plans for you, then he will look for various excuses, even sometimes the most awkward ones, in order to meet with you as often as possible or be alone.

7. Flirting

Courageous men with sufficient experience do not hesitate to flirt openly. This is one of the most important games that we adults often love to play. And this is an undeniable sign that he likes you. But even a shy person can show some signs of flirting if he likes you. Yes, he will not openly do it, but take a closer look - how does he behave with you? Perhaps he is trying to lightly pry you with some kind of joke? Reading romantic poetry?

8. Remember what he says when you are near him

Men are often laconic. But still, even by the vocabulary minimum, you can understand whether you like you. Confusion in speech, awkward pauses, a slight blush on his cheekbones indicate that he really likes you.

9. Tenderness and gallantry towards you

There is hardly a more pleasant thing in human behavior than the ability to show respect and gallantry. Unfortunately, busy with their daily activities, girls often do not notice the small gestures of attention that a man makes. Does he open the door in front of you, take your coat, let you in first, push back a chair in a restaurant, or does he just respect you? Yes! The man is trying to bewitch you and fall in love with you. This means that he is already tightly addicted to your charm.

10. The chemistry of love

She is the most reliable way to know that this person is for you only. It can manifest itself in different ways: for someone it is just an animal passion that embraces every time you see him. For some, this is some kind of invisible attraction, the reason for which is unrealistic. Or is the tension in the air sometimes felt so strong that there is simply no strength to withstand it? Congratulations! Love has arisen in your relationship, and now its existence and development depends only on you and your man.

Relationship: "How a woman can understand that a man is in love"

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Constantly. Not that he was hiring you as a regular clown, but any pedantic cracker and bore starts to sparkle with sparkling humor as soon as he falls in love. Because the easiest way to make a girl happy right now is to make her laugh. This is a completely natural mechanism that men do not even track. So if he makes you laugh all the time, he definitely fell in love. And if you're always funny, then it looks like you fell in love.

And laughs at all your jokes

It is regrettable, but true: for some reason men are sure that women have absolutely no sense of humor. Allegedly, we joke too carefully, and therefore insipid. Of course, this is just a dense stereotype, but he is so tenacious that even the most wonderful guys sometimes believe in him. But men in love instantly forget about it. Moreover, they laugh heartily even at those jokes of yours that are really not very funny (everyone has it, yes, yes). And even over those that are categorically incomprehensible to them. So keep in mind: a confession in the spirit of "How much fun with you!" tantamount to the unspoken "I love you!"

He's acting strange

Strange doesn't mean wrong, although some of the changes in his behavior may not be to your liking. "Strange" - it means in a way that is usually unusual for him. The soul of the company can instantly lose all its eloquence, and an imperceptible quiet one suddenly begins to diligently attract the attention of others - why would that be? From the fact that in your presence he feels embarrassed and cannot collect his thoughts. Well, because he only thinks about you. And how not to look like an idiot in your eyes. And this is exactly how he looks at this moment. Sweetheart, sweetheart.

He wants to talk all the time

Enjoy the moment! If you reciprocate and the relationship begins to develop, this wonderful period will end sooner or later: he will start to “cheer”, instead of fully maintaining the conversation, and answer with the word “normal” 50% of the questions that you will ask him (and the remaining 50% is "uh-huh" and "no-ah" in half). But for now, first of all, he wants to know everything about you. He's really fucking interested in talking or texting you for hours. And secondly, even if you talk about things that do not bother him at all, he still enjoys: after all, you can look at you all this time and listen to your voice.


He, as a pioneer, is always ready

No, not to what you thought, but in general to everything. Anything you offer or ask for. He will come to you to fix the taps and to inject the cat, because you yourself are afraid; he will go with you to all parties and to all films - just suggest; he is always ready to fly to St. Petersburg for the weekend or drive him by train to your grandmother's dacha. He is ready for anything at all, and with joy. Just call me.

He copies your gestures and facial expressions

This is the surest sign, because only his man is unable to control. He can stifle all other signs in himself by an effort of will, but this one cannot. And by the way, if he, thoughtfully, scratches his ear, and you never do that, pay attention to yourself and check if you are not twirling a strand of hair in thought. Well, he does not have this strand. Maybe he is generally bald and copies the gesture as best he can.

He introduces you to everyone who is dear to him

And with everything that is dear to him. The solemn acquaintance with the parents will take place later, but while you are waiting for exciting excursions to the places of his military glory (“Look, dear, in this yard I found a dead crow 25 years ago and built a crypt for her myself. Royal!”), His favorite books or music as gifts ("Be sure to listen to Letov, he is great!") and the obligatory acquaintance with people whom he considers close friends. And if the cat Vaska or the dog Sharik or the Madagascar cockroach Eduard live in his house, you will get to know them first. First, in absentia - he will talk about the pet for hours, proudly, like a new mother, and then personally. Yes, even if the thought of Edward's prominent mustache makes you nervous.